Mouse click heatmap, and what they say about your CTAs?

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Mouse click heatmap, and what they say about your CTAs?

The name call-to-action is enough to state that ‘they are important’. A website without call-to-action is just another investment that would return void for your business. So, CTAs are ‘so important’.

A proper place for CTA on your website is equally important as having a CTA at all. Any smart web design will have a special strategy for placing the CTAs at right places. If placed wrong, a CTA does not good for your business and revenue. Just imagine, you have thousands of visitors on your website and none of them know what to do after coming there.

The scariest thing is, you will loose conversions and then your business if your CTAs do not fulfill their purpose. Moreover, CTAs cannot fulfill their purpose until they are placed correctly.

That’s where Mouse click heatmap comes in the picture

A Mouse click heatmap is a graphical representation of the visitor’s click behavior that defines how much a particular element is being clicked by your visitors. Th intensity of the click on your CTA button as represented by the Mouse click heatmap will tell how interesting is the CTA for the visitors.

If the click intensity is satisfying-

The analysis done by a Mouse click heatmap tool defines the trait of the visitors. If a particular CTA is receiving the desired clicks, it means that it has been placed in a right place. For most of the time, you should avoid modifying such CTAs and their placement as it might hinder the performance.

In some case, even if the CTA is performing very well, you might also discover some disturbances created by other elements. It might be a case when you need to eliminate those disturbances so that the CTA would keep performing would not have any interruption from other disturbances on the page.

If the click intensity is not satisfying-

If your Mouse click heatmap tracking shows you that the CTA is not receiving the desired attention by the visitors, it’s a bad news. Now, it;s really for you to work out the ways to make the CTA perform well so that it gives you some conversions. Complexity is, there could be a number of reasons for why visitors do not click on a CTA.

Here, I am enlisting those reasons and would try to give you some tips to eliminate them.

1. Your visitors cannot find your CTA button- This is the most prevalent reason for why they do not click on your CTAs. If they cannot find it, they will obviously not click on it. Inspect the Mouse click heatmap of the page carefully and discover the areas where most visitors are clicking on. That area would be the correct place to shift your CTA button to make it visible easily by the users.

2. Your CTA is discoverable but the message is not clear-Your visitors might not be able to understand your message properly. It makes them reluctant to click on it. Nobody is going to click on a button about which they are not sure what it does. To tackle this, always make your CTAs clear and unambiguous. Do not just put any message on it. You can take a make a small survey among your acquaintances if they understand this CTA message correctly. You can also take the A/B test with some CTAs that you think might be best. It will clear your hypothesis.

3. You have more than one CTA button on the same page-Multiple call-to-actions are always confusing. They confuse the visitors, and those who do not get confused, click on either of them. The action from your CTA is divided among the different actions you want the visitors to perform. Thus, both the CTAs act as a distraction to one another. Always make sure that you use a clear CTA with a single call for action at a time. DO not use multiple CTA buttons on the same page.

These are some most prevalent reasons for why CTA buttons do not perform well. A

single Mouse click heatmap tracking can let you know have a load of information about your CTA buttons. It is up to you to utilize the information for improving the usability and empowering the CTAs to drive hassle-free conversions for your website and business.

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