Resolve these problems in your ecommerce store for higher conversions

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Resolve These Problems In Your Ecommerce Store For Higher Conversions

E-commerce business is started with the aim of providing quick product availability and delivery to people around the world. This business segment is quickly growing into an ocean of opportunity due to the widespread presence of broadband services and mobile devices among customers. Any eCommerce store which is unable to provide desired online shopping experience to its targeted customers is bound to suffer in terms of conversion rates and sales. Every other eCommerce store is established with the aim of grabbing maximum conversion rate optimization results and sales but there could be numerous factors that could be hampering the above scenario. Here is the list of various problems that could be affecting the conversions and sales of your eCommerce store and needs to be resolved at the earnest level. Include pricing display information on your eCommerce site- Online shoppers would love to make the purchase through an eCommerce store which can provide specific product pricing information to its customers. If your eCommerce store can’t provide you pricing related information, there are fewer chances of conversions and product sales among your rivals. By offering a clear picture about the pricing of your product, shoppers would have more freedom about whether to go for a product purchase or not. If you are having a PrestaShop store, you can deal with the above situation easily by installing the shopping cart extension which is packed with numerous features and functionalities. Apart from this, you can include any other eCommerce extension in your store that can provide effective product pricing information. Find out solution for empty search result pages-

Caption- Empty search results on a site affects the customer engagement and sales for an online store. Description- Make improvements in your site search results for higher conversion rates and product sales.

In any online store, it is common to face situations where the search box facility does not return any results for a particular search term or phrase. These situations occur due to the spelling mistakes committed by the customer while searching for a product on a store and can affect the conversion rate optimization practices to a great extent. You need to have an advanced search facility on your eCommerce store that can resolve spelling mistakes, semantic based errors, and grammatical issues in your search queries. For making significant improvements in your search engine facility, you need to try out any OpenCart extensions or PrestaShop modules for your eCommerce store to grab higher conversions. Eliminate the non-existent 404 page in your site-

Caption- Resolve 404 error pages on your site to improve search engine rankings and site indexing. Description- 404 error pages on a site can affect the customer engagement and chances of product sale. Online visitors are often facing this situation when they are unable to access a site page or a website due to any possible reasons. If there are any 404 error pages in your site, it is important to resolve such pages to avoid any future inconvenience. You need to provide an appropriate message in case of emergence of a 404 error message. These consistent error messages on a site need to be resolved quickly in order to improve website indexing for higher conversion rates. Moreover, these broken links on your website affect the online search engine rankings and visibility tremendously. Rectify the product categories with one or no products- An eCommerce store with unorganized product catalog is the biggest problem that can badly affect the chances of conversions and product sales. You need to be aware of the product categories in your store that comprises of less number of products or actually “no products� at all. Once, your product catalog is effectively organized, you can effortlessly have more conversion rate optimization results as well as product sales. In addition to this, you can take the help of A/B testing tool and heatmap tool that can provide you crucial information for implementing design changes in your product catalog. Unfulfilled contact form information- The contact form on a site is meant not only to grab user specific information but also for implementing customer acquisition techniques in a better way. Don’t be in a habit of beating around the bush without asking for the relevant information from your targeted customers. It will just create frustration among your site visitors which can, in turn, increase the shopping cart abandonments to a great extent. Include the feedback of your customers for optimizing the performance of contact form on

your eCommerce site. Final thoughts Ignoring the problems of your eCommerce site will not help you in any way and the only way out of it is to take the initiative the resolve these problems one by one. Once, you have been able to improve the performance of your eCommerce store, it will automatically increase the visitor count as well as chances of conversion rate optimization.

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