Things that you can do with your split testing

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Things that you can do with your split testing

Testing is what you rely on when you want to judge the efficacy of something. Same goes true with your e-commerce website. When you want to check the conversion potential of your website, you rely upon various testing methods to examine the same. Split testing is one such tool which most of the website owners rely on to take a check at their conversion rates. Split testing refers to a type of testing where the visitors are presented with two different versions of the same website/web page, and their behavioral responses are tapped to analyze the lacunae in the conversion cycle. Generally, it includes two types of testing; A/B testing and Multivariate testing. The former allows you to make a single change at a time while the latter provides you the freedom to make multiple changes at a time. Here we will discuss those things that you can do as a part of your split testing experiment. Test your CTAs CTAs are often termed as the conversion driver on your website. Most of the test taker test them in a more generic way then specific. Testing for color and size of the CTA buttons is fine but what exactly matters is the placement. You should take a test by varying the position of the CTAs and analyze the result. This position test is crucial as it will help you to locate the areas on your web page that are favored by most of the visitors. A corresponding variation according to the test results will help the website owner to bring lost elements in the limelight of the audience. Test in segments Rather than putting all your visitor in a same single segment of testing by dividing them randomly, you can opt for segment wise distribution for your visitors. You can divide your customers into segments based on data like existing customer and first-time visitors, mobile visitors and PC visitors, window users or Mac users etc. This will help you to track segment specific preferences and choices which would eventually help in taking more informed choices in regards to your website rather than random ones. In this way you will be able to make right choices in accordance with the choices of the visitors from each segment. Test holistic

Rather than testing for similar type of elements like text, images or banners go for a combo. Take a test for quality of your text along with its relevant placement or a test for replacement of banner with some more above the fold content. This mixture of different elements will help you to penetrate deep in your analysis and will dig out gold for you. Following the result for combos will help you known how the combination of the variations affect the users’ behavior on your web pages. Test your policy You can always rely on good results if you are up front with your policies. Take a test with the description of your return, shipment, and payback policy and check the visitors response. You will have a surprise waiting there. You might find a hole in your policies that drain most of the conversions. Moreover, you might also discover something very positive about these policies which should remain intact and not to be changed as of now. The results will help you take an insight in both the positive and negative aspects of your website. Final say Split testing your website is always a recommended idea. The inclusion of above-mentioned points will make your testing experience a more informed and logical one. Try not to fall a prey of false positives by always performing tests for sufficient amount of time with sufficient amount of audience.

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