Tips For Collecting Customer Data For Your Web Analytics

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Tips For Collecting Customer Data For Your Web Analytics In this digital age where online thefts and frauds have become a common incident and the people are fighting a tough battle for maintaining their privacy due to the widespread surveillance program by agencies like NSA, collecting customer data responsibly is a gruesome task. Further, the recent attack on the privacy of the customers even at the backyard of the powerful technological giants like Google, Apple Inc. have made the people much concerned about revealing their personal information. In this crucial circumstances, getting information from customers seems to be a task next to the impossible. But, all these concerns can be effectively handled by adopting the following approaches during the process of customer data collection. 1. Scale down the level of your communication from complicated to understanding- Always, remember that it is one's genuine right to care and fight for their privacy. So, keep that in mind and include necessary disclaimer and information if your site is using the personal details of the customers. This will make customers more relaxed and loyal to your organization and will make them more comfortable to share their details with you. You can also use the services of any heat map based tools like Crazy Egg, Mocking Fish, Click Tale and such others to track your customers behavior and activity on your site. 2. Prompt your customers to share their details with your organization- It is a well known fact that people will feel more interested in revealing their personal details, interests and choices if they are well convinced that the data analysis is used only to improve the user specific services. Further, they should be informed that the collected data is treated with full caution without revealing the crucial information publicly. Once they are taken into full confidence, you can easily except the cooperation of your customers. Include games, surveys and behavioral tests in your site so as to analyze the nature and behavior of your targeted customers. 3. Create awareness about the benefits- Most of the customers are concerned about how will the whole exercise of data collection help them. Inform people about how the whole efforts are directed towards improving user experience, customer services, informing about latest company developments and the removal of bottlenecks in the goal of customer satisfaction. All this multiple parameters can be easily achieved by studying the heat map based analysis and employing their results in the improvement of the services. 4. Provide customer requisite control over the information sharing processSometimes, giving a little freedom can encourage customers to share their mind and thoughts with you. It provides them a sense of relief that they have a considerable say in the data collection process and can control the type and amount of the information that is being shared. Don't impose your policies over your customers but rather make them a part of your working so that they can be assured about the privacy, safety and security of their shared data.

Inculcate all these crucial points in your data collection efforts and you will be happy to achieve active cooperation from your customers. Remember, getting your customer approval and trust is the key in the whole process of data collection and will save your organization from facing any lawsuit filed by your customers alleging an attack on their privacy. So, do take note of these valuable tips for a happy information sharing by your customers.

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