Unwrapping The Suspense Around The Heat Map Tools

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Unwrapping The Suspense Around The Heat Map Tools Analysis and understanding of any situation is very important so as to take effective decision. This is also the case with business organization where you can't shoot arrows in the dark without analyzing your current business scenario. In order to analyze and understand your business scenario and site visitors in a better way, it is important to avail the services of various heat map tools so as to take effective business decisions. Althout heat map tools have been used by numerous online business organizations of the world but there can be few people who may not be much familiar with this technical jargon and may ask obvious questions like What are heat map tools?, how are they useful in business organization? and other such relevant questions. So, for the answer of the first question, it needs to be understood that heat map tools are the web analytical tools that can help in tracking, analyzing and monitoring the behavior and onsite activity of your targeted customers on your website in terms of mouse clicks, mouse scroll movement, mouse click density and other such mouse based movements. In order to explain the answer of the second question, let us explain the use of Mocking Fish, a heat map tool for increasing the conversion rate and site traffic for your online business organization. Provide information about the mouse clicks of your site visitors- With the help of the click heat map feature of our Mocking Fish, business organizations can have a clear idea about where do their visitors click on their particular website. It will help them understand the most loved areas of their website by their targeted customers be it their text areas, sign up forms, call- to- action buttons, images, videos, banners, anchor links or other such elements of your site. Once, you know what is being clicked on your site and which areas of your site are mostly being clicked, you can easily take required corrective actions about your site elements regarding their position and placement on your website so as to get maximum clicks from your visitors. 1)

Helps in tracking the scrolling behavior of your customers- Placing your important site elements above or below the fold plays an important role in getting maximum attention from your visitors as visitors only scroll the website pages for a particular level only. Due to this, it is often seen that important announcements, events, site elements go unnoticed by the visitors which ultimately affects the conversion rates of a website. But, now this problem can be easily resolved by utilizing the scroll heat map services of our Mocking Fish tool that can provide a clear picture about the areas or level upto which your visitors scroll your website pages. By understanding the real estate area of your website in a better way, you can decide the effective placement of your call- to- action buttons on your site depending upon the scrolling behavior of your visitors so as to get maximum attention from them at the first instance only without the further requirement of scrolling down your web page. This will definitely help in improving your conversion rates and will boost the customer engagement on your site. 2)

Helps in improving the usability and attention seeking ability of your various site elements- It is certain that there may be elements on your site that may not be getting required amount of attention from your customers as is received by other elements of your site. This is surely a grave concern for your business organization as if you are not able to get the customer attention at the right areas and at the right site element, you can't expect to improve your conversion rates and product sales. If you are not sure about how to 3)

accomplish that, our attention heat map, one of the feature of our Mocking Fish tool can do it effortlessly for you. It will help you understand the areas of your website that have the maximum attention from your customers and which will be the most ideal place to put your call- to- action banners, advertisements, buttons or elements that needs to be noticed by your site visitors. It will further help you in improving the user experience and site engagement on those areas that are neglected by your customers and will help in getting the more attention from your targeted customers. Helps in locating all those areas on your website that are pointed by your mouse movements- With the help of the mouse move heat map feature of our Mocking Fish tool, it is now easy to point out all those areas that are covered by your mouse movement or mouse positioning. In a nutshell, this mouse move heat map feature provides a detailed eye tracking data to the site owners so as to provide them crucial information about which areas of your website are getting maximum customer attention and which are left unnoticed so as to be optimized by you. 4)

Provides important information about your site visitors- It is now easier to get the complete detailed information about your site visitors and all credit goes to this insight heat map, an important feature of this Mocking Fish heat map tool. Now, you can get all the required details about your site visitors like type of devices used by them, window size of your visitors, browser information, time of clicking and other such data that can help you in the effective segmentation of your visitors for their effective targeting and retargeting. 5)

Provides information about the click made on the individual element of your site- With the wonderful feature of the envelope heat map of the Mocking Fish tool, site owners can get detailed information about the clicks made on the each individual element of their site like call- to- action buttons, banners, images, headers, text links or other such site components. The envelope heat map provide click information in the form of color codes ranging from blue to green and orange to red. Further, you can also get a more clear information about these site elements in the form of percentage of clicks made on these elements to the total number of clicks made on that web page. Based on the click response of your visitors, you can make necessary optimization efforts in your site elements so as to improve your customer attention on those site elements. 6)

So, it is pretty clear now that heat map tools are an important part of any online business organization and can help you to improve your conversion rates and site traffic for your website. Adopt heat map tools into your business organization and take necessary steps to target your customers more effectively for improving your business fortunes.

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