What are the best ideas for eCommerce Conversion optimization?

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What are the best ideas for eCommerce Conversion optimization? The ideas for eCommerce Conversion optimization are varied according to the types of environment where the store is functioning. However, there are some basic steps and ideas that are required by every eCommerce store owner for a standard way of eCommerce Conversion optimization. Here I am discussing some crucial ideas that can make your eCommerce website a converting one. 1) Pay special care to the efficiency of Search Bar on your home pageSearching is very important on any eCommerce website. Most of the customers who visit your site, already know what they want to buy, and they directly search their desired product in the search bar. Now if your search bar is not competent enough to present the products smartly to the visitors, then you might experience a significant number of bounce backs just because of this reason alone. If a customer makes a search on your website and he/she doesn't find anything in return, he/she will certainly abandon your site and move to somewhere else to find the same. So, it is very important that the searching on your eCommerce store is competent enough to return the precise products in response to the queries. Not just the efficiency, you also need to take special care of the size of the search bar. It should be big enough to get noticed easily on your page. Most of the bounce backs on eCommerce site occur when people don't find a searching option on your home page. If your search bar is very small then it doesn't get noticed easily and if it is very big then it becomes a design issue.

2) Optimize the load time of your websiteLong waiting or loading time by an eCommerce site can act as a suicide pill for the site owners. In today’s era eCommerce sites face a significant competition from their rival sites. The slow loading time of your site will help your rival sites to attain a competitive advantage against you. A faster loading website is always found to have much better conversion rates than the slower ones. If fact, slow loading websites loose most of their conversions just because the customers decided to leave those site after a maximum waiting time of 8 seconds. If a site takes more than 8 seconds to load a page then, there is a certain chance that a customer will not buy it. So working on your loading time is the best idea to attract your customers from the cover of your book, as most of the customers are certainly going to appreciate your book's (site's) cover (high loading speed) too. 3) Test the elements of your site using an A/B testing toolA/B testing is a method of creating the versions of your site elements and then testing them against each other to find out which version gives you the most of the conversions. The tools like Mocking Fish analyze the conversion rates of the two versions using the statistical tools and decide the winner version from the two tested versions. The winning version is finally implemented on the site. Doing an A/B testing on your site will allow your to get an insight of the performance of your site elements and will also help you decide the kind of modification required by your site. 4) Allow a heat map tracking to know the usability of your site elementsA heat map tool tracks the pattern of your visitors browsing behavior and gives a result that shows you, in a graphical interface, that which element on your site gets the maximum attention by the visitors and which does not. If you know your visitors behavior on your site, you can plan better to do those modifications which will increase the conversion rate of your site. For example, a click heat map tool will tell you where your visitors click on the pages of your site, and a scroll heat map will tell you how far your visitors scroll down your pages. Thus, doing a heat map tracking on your site is a decent idea to increase your conversion rates. There are several other ways that you can adopt for eCommerce conversion optimization of your store. Some of them are:

A. Use discounts and offers above the fold to attract the customers. B. Eliminate the distractions or abandoned areas from your site. C. Offer a live chat on your site and always be available to attain it. D. Perform a CTA button optimization. E. Use Product videos on product pages to educate the customers better. F. Do not use an Auto Play feature on your videos. G. Use a responsive site design to attract the cross-platform customers.

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