Why does your website need a heat map tracking

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Why Does Your Website Need a Heat Map Tracking? Heat maps are the web analytic tools that are used to track the performance of your currents web elements that are being used on the site. You cannot change your past, and you cannot do anything to prevent the losses that have already occurred due to faulty design of your website, but can avoid the losses yet to come if you work to optimize the performance of your site elements now. Heat maps are the tools which can help you optimize the performance of your currents site elements and prevent the losses you can suffer from any of the faulty element on your site in future. These heat maps present a graphical representation of the browsing behavior of different visitors on your site in the form of color variations. These color variations are the results of the variations in browsing patterns of various website visitors with the different elements on your site. By using the tools like Mocking Fish Heat map tool, you can optimize the conversion rates of each and every element on your site( For example CTA buttons, Email templates, Site layout, Landing pages, etc.). Various heat maps present the graphical representation based on different types of browsing behaviors. Heat maps like, Click Heat maps, Scroll Heat maps, Insight Heat map, Envelope Heat maps, and List Heat maps add to the list of types of heat maps that can be generated easily using the Mocking Fish Heat map tool. Some improvements that you can make using a Heat map tracking on your siteAfter you analyze your heat map using any of the tools in the market, you can take some actions for the conversion rate optimization of your site and its elements: 1. You need to remove the elements that show very few clicks because these areas are not getting enough visitors. These areas can act as a stumbling block on your site as your visitors are not finding any information they seek on the site. Keeping these non-performing elements on your site may distract the visitors from your actually converting elements on the site. You need to remove these elements and replace them with some thing more useful for you and your visitors. Please note: You can replace old elements with those new elements which are already A/B tested. Using an A/B testing on your new site elements will confirm the confidence level for the success of this modification on your site. You can use Mocking Fish A/B testing tool for the same. 2. You need to prevent visitors from making false clicks. You can find the various elements on your site which do not have a clickable link. However, sometimes visitors get confused and make a click to some non-clickable space on your site. Clicking the non-clickable area may irritate the visitors as it leads them to nowhere. You can optimize these spaces to lead the visitors somewhere useful on your site.

3. Utilize the areas that are getting more attention for presenting something useful. Using these heat maps, you can find various elements on your site which get considerable attentions from the visitors. Now, you need to optimize the elements in these areas to engage the visitors to your fullest extent. It means, the performance level of already performing elements are needed to be kept optimized so that they keep engaging the visitors. You can also utilize these spaces to put something more relevant or informative from your side. These are some tips that you can use to plan your way after doing a heat map tracking on your site. Heat map tracking can help your way out of the depressing non-performing sites and can lead you to a more optimized site for your business. Utilizing this excellent tool will surely help you gain a better revenue from your business.

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