Model Citizen Magazine Issue 34

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Christine Rochlitz Profession: Vegan and Sustainable Luxury Designer Handbags Brand - Since 2012 @luckynelly_berlin Email address: Berlin, Germany About: The Berlin fashion label LUCKYNELLY offers stylish and luxurious handbags and other accessories that are 100% vegan. LUCKYNELLY dœs not support the use of animals for fashion and shows through innovative alternatives to leather that animal-friendly or vegan accessories can also be very exquisite and exclusive. "We would like to encourage more people to oppose fashion made from animals, as these are usually kept in terrible conditions, bred and killed. These include fur, leather, silk and even wool." The production is handmade; Manufacturing is based in Berlin/ Germany and Milan/ Italy. We work with the best specialists in this segment under highest quality. The Materials are from the best producers in the world, under specifications of vegan material and fairest conditions to workers. Your Story My name is Christine Rochlitz, and I am the founder and head designer of the vegan and sustainable luxury fashion designer handbags brand LUCKYNELLY – BERLIN. I had always been very interested in fashion, design, interior, painting, colours, new trends and creating unique and exclusive things, so I studied fashion design at the University of applied science and arts in Bielefeld, Germany with successful graduating. After a few years working as a fashion designer for a kids clothes company I established my brand in Berlin in 2012. The brand name was created by my beloved bearded collie dog „NELLY“ and my cute little rabbit "LUCKY" who were the muses for it and for the decision to use only cruelty-free and vegan materials and to renounce of any animal skin, fur, silk and wool. "With my fashion accessories, I want to show that vegan fashion is very luxurious, unique and the lasting trend for our future." When I started in 2012 a lot of people were laughing about my brand idea and concept. VEGAN and Sustainable Luxury Handbags... named after my dog and my rabbit... NOW, there are so many vegan (luxury) handbags brands, seeing the profit, because NOW it´s a trend. As a TRENDSETTER I love to be the first even it is much more difficult, and I am very proud of it. My idea was to provide as a fashion designer, luxury handbags as an alternative to expensive bags made from genuine luxury exotic leather of the big fashion houses. (To name only one is Hérmes – they have a handbag in their collection that dœs cost 26.600 €, made of genuine crocodile leather). Our prices are between 199 € and 15.000 € for unique and exclusive handbags made with gold or platinum details. Or, if our customer wants, even with diamonds for a much more higher price. I started using cork for my collections because it looks and feels like real leather and can be embossed to have the snake or crocodile print. And there are so much more innovative ecological vegan materials to find, as genuine sewable wood or slate stone. As a real crazy „material stalker“ I found the most innovative end ecological materials as the wood and slate stone, Piñatex (made from bananas fibers), Muskin (made from mushrooms), silver colored washable paper, foldable ceramic that can be cut by scissor for making jewelry and apple skin (made from apples waste) to name a few that are used now for fashion. I already found these materials years ago. In 2014 I won the PETA Vegan Fashion Award with a ladies belt made of genuine sewn Zebrawood. Since then, LUCKYNELLY has cooperated very closely with the PETA, and therefore 5 euros of every product is spent on animal welfare. After two years of tough work, the British Vogue contacted me and wanted to present my brand and me as one of the new talented designers. The unique style also attracted attention and recognition at the British ELLE, Harper's Bazaar and Cosmopolitan, which published in printed issues. Our campaign model, Teresa Peitz from Berlin, lives vegan and is also an animal rights activist. She had been published a few times in Welt Vegan Magazin, wearing LUCKYNELLY accessories. My inspirations for new handbags and collections I get from nature, from animals, these beautiful creatures, with an iridescent look as the rose chafer and iridescent snakes. And there are so many more beautiful things you can find in nature – wood structures, fields, flowers, anywhere even in the city. So I do always take my canon cam with me to capture my visions and impressions. I am pleased to see that there are more and more vegan fashion brands but also shocked by the fashion industry, fashion weeks, influencers, bloggers and all the fashion enthusiasts who don´t look BEHIND a brand. It is not more about being a graduated fashion designer to establish a fashion brand. All you need is a name, a product, a website and some money. Anyone can say „I am a „designer“ creating my fashion line.“ But this will destroy „true“ fashion because they can only copy or steal ideas from other brands or artists who have spent years of time and money in their carrier. What I would like to say as a fashion designer to the world: Choose your clothes and accessories wisely, think about where your clothes do come from, who made it and who „must pay“ the price for. Look behind a brand! Choose vegan to not harm nature and our planet. As Vivienne Westwood put it: 'Buy less, choose well, make it last.' Thank you, Christine Photo Credits: Photography: Anja Scholta, Model: Teresa Peitz, MUA: Isabell Behrendt, Handbags, Accessories, Jewelry: LUCKYNELLY - BERLIN, Location: Blumencafe Berlin - Schönhauser Allee


Rick van der Vlies @origithingphotography.cr2 Country Netherlands State / Region Rotterdam Photographer


I think I'm unique cause I started out building my career relatively young. There are a lot of people nowadays who start photography at a young age, but how many of those are determined to make a career out of that straight away — being able to deliver professional quality instead of being lucky on Instagram.

Rick, what are your passion and aspiration in life? How did you start as Photographer? I started it in the BMX&skateboard world. I wasn't interested in just the sport, but in the whole lifestyle that comes with it. That made me watch a lot of photography and inspired me to create that myself. Who is your inspiration in life Rick? How do you stay inspired as a Photographer? Because I keep my mind fresh, I love fighting sports and photography. When I think about photography too long, I start to think about fighting so I won't get bored. When I think about fighting too long, I miss photography. I make myself stay hungry. We all make mistakes Rick; we wish we could take back. What was the mistake you made in the past that you wish you can take back? So many, but I don't want to dwell in the past. I am who I am today, and that's what I focus on. Rick, How do you describe yourself in terms of working with clients? I want to work with each other. Not for each other. Create something amazing together.

Please tell us, Rick, how do you prioritise work, social life, friends, and family? I don't. Love, sports, photography are all equal to me. They all motivate each other.

Rick, please give us an example of a time when you were able to persuade someone to see things your way at work successfully. That's confidential. Sometimes I persuade the client. But sometimes they persuade me to look at it from a new perspective. Just because they're not imaging makers, dœsn't mean they can't inspire me Rick, please tell us about your proudest professional accomplishment as a Photographer. Don't have one yet. Better said I don't want to have had one yet. I want to stay hungry and become better! Motivate me to evolve. Rick, please give us an example of a time you were able to be creative with your work. What was exciting or difficult about it? Everything I do has to be a form of creativity. Just because I have limits during a commercial shoot, dœsn't mean that I can't be creative. It dœsn't mean my work is less than when I'm completely free; it's just a different challenge. What advice would you give to the people who want to be successful as a Photographer? Stay hungry and keep on believing. Photo Credits: Photographer: Rick van der Vlies @origithingphotography.cr2
 Photography assistance: Celso de Sanders @celsodesanders
 Models: Solace Uyi-Olaye @solacedwayne, Serge Nitza, King Cherif @king.cherif
 Styling: Jerney Druppers @jerney.from.the.block
 Styling assistance: Ruby de Meijer @rubydemeijer
 Location: Student Experience @studentexperience
 (Please do include the location as well, thank you)


Sky Keiler @Hawaii808_._ Country Germany State / Region Nuremberg Model ABOUT I am currently living in Germany studying international languages and business; however, on the side, I am passionately pursuing my acting and modelling career. I have been raised in Hawaii living for seven years, and the other years, I have lived in Asia due to my father's job. I love dancing, and I've played a variety of sports for my whole life, in school and sports clubs. I am a very people person, outgoing, friendly and open to almost everything. I have a high interest in fashion and the entertainment industry. It just excites me. Our readers would love to get to know you more Sky. Tell us about yourself, what is unique about you, your brand or the services you offer? What is unique about me is that I'm originally Burmese adopted by an Amerian Japanese mother who's raised in Hawaii and a German father as a Hotel director. Because of his job we moved a lot, therefore, being exposed to the world growing up has made me an open-minded, international individual, who can accept everyone. What I can offer is a Hand to build and create amazing projects in the future. Sky, what are your passion and aspiration in life? How did you start as a Model? I used to have a passion of bringing people to God, bringing them to Church but now, as I want to focus on myself, I have the desire to pursuing modelling and acting as I have come to love doing. The people who inspire me to do what I like are my fans around me, on social media and the friends because of their support, which helps me move forward, giving me hope to achieve my zeal. How I started modelling was quite funny, I was working out at a park in Hawaii and a random guy asked me if I wanted to act in his little film, and there, I was able to meet new people in the acting industry who also were models too, and some have suggested trying modelling, and there, with a little light and advice, my modelling pursuit opened.

Who is your inspiration in life Sky? How do you stay inspired as Model? My inspiration comes from my friends and the followers on social media, they encourage me to continue , giving me hope, and I use that as a motivation to stay and to pursue modeling. We all make mistakes Sky, we wish we could take back. What was the mistake you made in the past that you wish you can take back? One of the biggest mistakes I've made was being sucked into sports gambling; I was introduced into that world and been sucked into the lie of winning by luck, which in the end led me into depression and hopelessness. Sky ,How do you describe yourself in terms of working with clients? I have worked with quite a few photogrpahers, and other so-called clients, the feedback they have given me were that I was comfortable and enjoyable to work with. I do my best to be as easy and flexible to work with, as I try to be humble and professional as much as possible. Please tell us Sky, how do you prioritise work, social life, friends, and family? I'd say those who supported me from day one, who helped me when I was a nobody would be my parents. And I'd prioritise them first, then my work and lastly my social life, through social life are also significant too. Sky, please give us an example of a time when you were able to persuade someone to see things your way at work successfully. There were many times at school, where someone couldn't grasp the concept of the school work. Therefore I explained in my way, broke it down and used different examples to help them understand, in my point of view. Sky, please tell us about your proudest professional accomplishment as a Model. As a model, I have sadly not been able to catch a professional modelling gig yet, though I am keeping on getting one, one day. However, I am proud of every modelling gigs I set up so far and plan to do more till the break comes. Sky, please give us an example of a time you were able to be creative with your work. What was exciting or challenging about it? There was a shoot, that was planned for only headshots, but as we took a break, I thought of throwing in drinks for fun, something different. And it turned out amazing, so I'd consider that something creative. There was nothing that I found confusing. What advice would you give to the people who want to be successful as a Model?* * Coming from someone who is insecure and short, I'd say, there are different types of modelling, no matter how big or small, nothing what race or colour, there is a modelling almost anyone can do, you need to find where you fit. And I wish you abundant success,! Now for the best part Sky! Please upload 5-10 photos so we can get to see your work. Photo Credits: @r_yutaka_photography and Jason Jacob


Kitty Soliel Bernes Profession: Stylist Instagram Account: @kittykittykittykittykitty Email address: Canada About: I’m a priestess if style. My dreams fuel my creative spirit to turn them into living projects. Now I want to play with the world and create MAGIC Your Story My early years were dark & I struggled. Through meditation, I now harness that energy s to create. Photo Credits: @kittykittykittykittykitty and @izabelarachwal


Wilson Eng @Wecf Country Singapore State / Region Singapore Make-up Artist

ABOUT Artist & I love creating pœtic pictures. In this industry for 23 years. Love beauty with a twist for fashion and love a classical timeless look for my bridal work. Always open for collaborations with artistes in same or different media...

Photo Credits: @aidanyeoh


Crystal Bascon @Crystallynn____ Country United States State / Region California/ San Diego Model ABOUT I am a twin, a fraternal twin at that, I truly believe I was born in this life to make a difference in positive ways, I love to know that I can do pretty much anything, I had mentioned I'm an artistic person and I'm pretty athletic, I did track all four years in high school, I enjoy hikes, but I also like to read and learn about the history from which we came from. I can pull off any look from streetwear to high fashion, and I enjoy high fashion so much. I want this modelling to kick off really, I'm going all the way. Crystal, what are your passion and aspiration in life? How did you start as a Model? My passion is the idea of expressing our selfs wit art, and I believe almost everything involves art. I have passion towards myself, I think it's so important to work for yourself, love yourself, do what you want to do and I want to model, I have so much fun, I love that my look can change to anything, I'm not a tall model and that alone inspires me, I want to be the NEW standard, actually I want to BREAK the standard of models. I started actually modeling about 2 years ago, and it's opened my doors from photo shoot to photo shoot, I started just shooting freelance stuff, my friends streetwear clothing, it got me to model for beauty schools such as Bellus Academy where I have been featured on Trend Vision for Wella products, and now I want to do things on a bigger scale. Who is your inspiration in life Crystal? How do you keep inspired? My twin is my inspiration, my friends and sisters are as well, I want to show that even an average girl like from a state with billions of people, can also make it in the modeling world that we only really see through our phones or televisions, every day I tell myself positive things, I wake up every day grateful to be given a chance to be that much better than yesterday, and most of all that life is Simple. We all make mistakes Crystal, we wish we could take back. Please tell us about a time being a Model, you wish you’d handled a situation differently with a colleague. Well I recently did a shoot for a street wear brand from San Diego whom I've seen grow better each year, however, I wasn't feeling the vibe, and I wasn't honest on fact more anxious than anything, I didn't like the shoot and disliked the photos, it's not my favorite shoot and I should have come in with a different mind set, I felt as if I disappointed the photographer, by hey we all have our days, so I won't be too harsh on myself, I find myself always improving with every shoot I get. Crystal, when you’re working with a large number of clients, it’s tricky to deliver excellent service to them all. As a Model, how do you go about prioritizing your clients’ needs? I first think about how much I can commit to and then evaluating how much I can handle without being overwhelmed; I try to take life easy and work hard then give myself a break to gather myself together again. Please tell us Crystal, about a time you had to be very strategic in order to meet all your top priorities as a Model? Well I always have a planner and it helps me organize my thoughts and my day, and I'm a vet organized person I have since as long as I can remember. Again I'm a very independent person. And I like things to be done in a proper manner, I also truly believe there is always a solution, just take a deep breath, keep yourself healthy in all ways, be honest, be kind and be humble. Crystal, please give us an example of a time when you were able to persuade someone to see things your way at work successfully. I don't like to use the word persuade, I believe it's about helping the person understand what you're trying to say, so we could be on the same page, your simply communicating. Crystal please tell us about your proudest professional accomplishment as a Model. There might be many, but there is always this proudest moment that you want to share with everyone. What is it and why? I recently did a shoot for Bellus Acadamy, and that shoot I wore a beautiful outfit and worked with amazing people, and to get to the point I pretty much amazed myself, and now I'm here trying to get myself out there because I want this. Crystal, please give us an example of a time you were able to be creative with your work. What was exciting or difficult about it? Difficult to do certain body movements, and that is exciting too. What advice would you give to the people who want to be successful as a Model? Just put yourself out there, get what you want. Are you looking for collaboration with fashion talents, brands and creatives? If yes, please state what type of collaboration you are looking for? Yes, let's collaborate with everyone. Photo Credits: Photographer: Natasha Photographer: fcdesignsPhotographer: Nadia / Virgo.visuals Photographer: Alberto Figueroa


Bettina Deborah Butscher Profession: Make-up Artist and Hairstylist Instagram Account: @bbmakeart Website: Email address: Switzerland About: I love fashion and being creative with makeup! Making women more beautiful is my passion. If I had a wish, then I would like to be a makeup artist who works all over in the world for popular magazines, designers and photographers! Your Story Right now I'm working in a lab for 12 years, and it dœsn't make me happy anymore. I'm 31 years old, and I want more of life than just doing a job from 9 to 5. What I miss is creativity and working with people. Last year I started working as a makeup artist after I finished school at the facets academy. Since then I use every single moment in my free time for realising my dream. In summer I am going to reduce my pensum in the lab because I want to spend more time on my career. My biggest struggles are getting paid jobs and shootings for magazines. Photo Credits: Fashion-shooting with @schubertphoto and @micheledonatsch. Stylist @shkurteferati for @scotch_official


Frankie Dell Profession: Model Instagram Account: @fitfrank40 Email address: Los Angeles, CA About: Twenty-five years ago I set out on a journey to express myself through fashion, entertainment and performance. Today, I can proudly say I am still on that path having enjoyed successes in modelling, acting, and voiceovers. I feel so lucky even to be creating and evolving in these fields after so many years. Here's to another 25!!! Your Story Many years ago when I was first starting, I went to Milan with $500 in my pocket and NO agency representation!! I shlepped my two big suitcases around to agencies for three days without any success. Finally, one of the smaller agencies took me on, and I ended up staying in Europe for almost a year. Photo Credits: Photos 1 and 2) Photographer-David Hendleman, Stylist-Haley Webb, Hair-Joan Schœberle Pictures 3,4 and 5) Photographer David Hendleman, Stylist-Austin Beck, Hair-Joan Schœberle Photo 6) Photographer-Kenzo, Stylist-Kirk Brady, Hair-Kokiko Photo 7) Photographer-Octopus Atelier, Stylist-Kate Aldridge, Hair-Corey Smith Photo 8,9,10) Photographer-Kevin McDermott


Gyunsu Sim @simgyunsu Country Korea, South State / Region Seoul Photographer


Gyunsu, what are your passion and aspiration in life? How did you start as a Photographer? I always think of this saying " Nobody can do anything that nobody can do."
 Our job is to show more creative art to others. If people say you are a flake, this is the best compliment.
 My goal is to put my thoughts in one photograph, and I want to convey my thoughts to the people.
 I always check elements, all staffs in the field. Because the field is very active and dynamic, it is impossible to predict which changes will occur. Because, I always check the elements, all staffs, and all the equipment to minimise the change. Who is your inspiration in life Gyunsu? How do you keep inspired? I present reference to the other person to replace the concept I thought. I have a lot of talk with the other person for the concept. Talk and reference is a very important factor in creating creations that are mutually satisfying. We all make mistakes Gyunsu; we wish we could take back. Please tell us about time being a Photographer; you wish you’d handled a situation differently with a colleague.


Darling-Yshanthy Bonifacio @Dashanthy Country Curacao State / Region Willemstad Model


I'm always super excited about any project I get to do. I love to model but love doing photo shoots more. I show off my natural hair even though it might be a little bit messy sometimes. I'm pretty open and flexible to anything, and I love what I do.

Darling-Yshanthy, what are your passion and aspiration in life? How did you start as Model? I was modelling since I was a little girl. Holding the older models hands and going down the runway. I stopped after a while but continued after a few years. Shortly after I started again, I went to new york fashion week and then proceeded to do various fashion shows, and photo shoots in my homeland. So my passion is modelling and become the best model I can be and show girls that you can make it big if you try hard enough and want to. In the model industry, there's a lot of competition, and that's why you have to be strong and have a lot of confidence. You may not be the prettiest or ideal to some, but for another, you might be a diamond. So I aspire to show that everyone has a chance no matter where you came from or what you look like or what your struggles are. We all got potential and great things in us. Who is your inspiration in life Darling-Yshanthy? How do you stay inspired as a Model? My inspiration is my mom. She's always worked hard for her kids, and I would love to pay her back in any way I could whether it's just making her proud or treating her to everything she deserves. So I stay inspired by trying to picture my future and end goal. Seeing my mom happy and smiling not having to worry about a thing. And besides making my mom happy what keeps me inspired is seeing the day I could bring my land out on the maps for something good and positive. I live on a small island so every little effort towards something good matters and I wanna show that no matter how small the land or place you come from, you can achieve big things We all make mistakes Darling-Yshanthy, we wish we could take back. What was the mistake you made in the past that you wish you can take back? I do not see my inner worth and beauty. Letting people get to my head to the point of harming myself. And that's one of the things I wish I could take back. Darling-Yshanthy, How do you describe yourself in terms of working with clients? I'm pretty flexible. I know that I have to be happy doing what I'm doing, but the people I'm working with has to be satisfied too. So if I'm working with a photographer for a photo shoot and they tell me to sit or do a certain pose, I will do it to make their work easier. I'm not demanding or difficult to work with. I'm pretty easy going

Please tell us Darling-Yshanthy, how do you prioritise work, social life, friends, and family? Above all family and school is my number one priority. Next are my modelling work, friends and social life. If I have to sacrifice a day out with friends I will do it because even though friends are important, you can't miss any opportunity you get because after all, you might never know, you can make it big, and after that, you can hang out and enjoy your friends all you want.

Darling-Yshanthy, please give us an example of a time when you were able to persuade someone to see things your way at work successfully. I've never had such issues at work, so I don't have an example of that Darling-Yshanthy, please tell us about your proudest professional accomplishment as a Model. My proudest accomplishment as a model was going to new york fashion week. I thought I would be nervous or mess it up, but I didn't, and I was pretty proud of that because before the show I thought that I didn't look good enough or that I would mess it up, but I didn't. So I'm happy and proud of that. Darling-Yshanthy, please give us an example of a time you were able to be creative with your work. What was exciting or difficult about it? There was nothing difficult in my work so far what was exciting though was doing a photo shoot with three photographers at the same time with a time limit for each photographer, so I had to be quick in changing poses and stuff like that. What advice would you give to the people who want to be successful as a Model? My advice is to be true to yourself and know your limits. Know that there will always be people who would want to bring you down but remember that there's a million more giving you a hand up. Also, remember to be flexible and that both you and the people you're working with has to be satisfied but keep in mind that you can always say no to anything you're not comfortable with and that new opportunities will come and new doors will always open. Be true to yourself and even though you might have some doubts about anything, there's always someone who's sure about you. Photo Credits: Annatasha photography 
 Photography in development 
 Supriana photography


Darling-Yshanthy Bonifacio @Dashanthy Country Curacao State / Region Willemstad Model


I'm always super excited about any project I get to do. I love to model but love doing photo shoots more. I show off my natural hair even though it might be a little bit messy sometimes. I'm pretty open and flexible to anything, and I love what I do.

Darling-Yshanthy, what are your passion and aspiration in life? How did you start as Model? I was modelling since I was a little girl. Holding the older models hands and going down the runway. I stopped after a while but continued after a few years. Shortly after I started again, I went to new york fashion week and then proceeded to do various fashion shows, and photo shoots in my homeland. So my passion is modelling and become the best model I can be and show girls that you can make it big if you try hard enough and want to. In the model industry, there's a lot of competition, and that's why you have to be strong and have a lot of confidence. You may not be the prettiest or ideal to some, but for another, you might be a diamond. So I aspire to show that everyone has a chance no matter where you came from or what you look like or what your struggles are. We all got potential and great things in us. Who is your inspiration in life Darling-Yshanthy? How do you stay inspired as a Model? My inspiration is my mom. She's always worked hard for her kids, and I would love to pay her back in any way I could whether it's just making her proud or treating her to everything she deserves. So I stay inspired by trying to picture my future and end goal. Seeing my mom happy and smiling not having to worry about a thing. And besides making my mom happy what keeps me inspired is seeing the day I could bring my land out on the maps for something good and positive. I live on a small island so every little effort towards something good matters and I wanna show that no matter how small the land or place you come from, you can achieve big things We all make mistakes Darling-Yshanthy, we wish we could take back. What was the mistake you made in the past that you wish you can take back? I do not see my inner worth and beauty. Letting people get to my head to the point of harming myself. And that's one of the things I wish I could take back. Darling-Yshanthy, How do you describe yourself in terms of working with clients? I'm pretty flexible. I know that I have to be happy doing what I'm doing, but the people I'm working with has to be satisfied too. So if I'm working with a photographer for a photo shoot and they tell me to sit or do a certain pose, I will do it to make their work easier. I'm not demanding or difficult to work with. I'm pretty easy going

Please tell us Darling-Yshanthy, how do you prioritise work, social life, friends, and family? Above all family and school is my number one priority. Next are my modelling work, friends and social life. If I have to sacrifice a day out with friends I will do it because even though friends are important, you can't miss any opportunity you get because after all, you might never know, you can make it big, and after that, you can hang out and enjoy your friends all you want.

Darling-Yshanthy, please give us an example of a time when you were able to persuade someone to see things your way at work successfully. I've never had such issues at work, so I don't have an example of that Darling-Yshanthy, please tell us about your proudest professional accomplishment as a Model. My proudest accomplishment as a model was going to new york fashion week. I thought I would be nervous or mess it up, but I didn't, and I was pretty proud of that because before the show I thought that I didn't look good enough or that I would mess it up, but I didn't. So I'm happy and proud of that. Darling-Yshanthy, please give us an example of a time you were able to be creative with your work. What was exciting or difficult about it? There was nothing difficult in my work so far what was exciting though was doing a photo shoot with three photographers at the same time with a time limit for each photographer, so I had to be quick in changing poses and stuff like that. What advice would you give to the people who want to be successful as a Model? My advice is to be true to yourself and know your limits. Know that there will always be people who would want to bring you down but remember that there's a million more giving you a hand up. Also, remember to be flexible and that both you and the people you're working with has to be satisfied but keep in mind that you can always say no to anything you're not comfortable with and that new opportunities will come and new doors will always open. Be true to yourself and even though you might have some doubts about anything, there's always someone who's sure about you. Photo Credits: Annatasha photography 
 Photography in development 
 Supriana photography


Ruth Domineo Moreira de Ara̼jo @r.rfotografia Country Brazil State / Region DISTRITO FEDERAL Photographer


The editions of the images, spontaneous photos and the love for what I do!

Ruth Domineo, what are your passion and aspiration in life? How did you start as a Photographer? I grew up watching my father photograph all the good days of the family, and that was when my photography passion was born. In 2011 I discovered the blogging world and decided: "I'm going to be a photographer!". Who is your inspiration in life Ruth Domineo? How do you stay inspired as a Photographer? My inspiration is Jesus Christ. He taught me to love things and to all. We all make mistakes Ruth Domineo; we wish we could take back. What was the mistake you made in the past that you wish you can take back? I wish I had started much earlier in photography, but due to lack of resources, I was unable to. Ruth Domineo, How do you describe yourself in terms of working with clients? I have a very good relation of friendship and above all, respect for my clients. I do not do anything that they do not authorise.

Please tell us Ruth Domineo, how do you prioritise work, social life, friends, and family? I have availability for all these things during my day to day life. Thank God, I have plenty of time and controlling it well, I have time for everything.

Ruth Domineo, please give us an example of a time when you were able to persuade someone to see things your way at work successfully. My boyfriend did not know the world of photography. He never thought about working on it. But once I've shown this world to him, now we work together and are very happy with what we do. Ruth Domineo, please tell us about your proudest professional accomplishment as a Photographer. My accomplishment is when I can see the happiness in the faces of my clients when I look at my work delivered in their hands, and their gratitude. Ruth Domineo, please give us an example of a time you were able to be creative with your work. What was exciting or difficult about it? When I started posting photos with a more advanced edition, I was afraid of not having the approval of people, but in the end, it worked out well, and a lot of people started to follow me after I started posting the photos. What advice would you give to the people who want to be successful as a Photographer? The advice is that practice leads to perfection. Without practice = without experience. Photo Credits: FotÌ_grafo: Ruth Domineo


Tunika Mhlanga Profession: Photographer Instagram Account: @tunika.png Website or social media link: Email address: Canada About: I am a photographer and filmmaker, aspiring to share stories all over the world through my video and photo series. I am currently a student at OCAD U in Toronto, and I am working towards a degree in integrated media. I have always been passionate about storytelling and diversity as I came from Zimbabwe and went to international schools growing up. I am also a mental health advocate as I battled with my mental health and wanted to have more representation in media. Your Story The first place I knew growing up was the UK, as my parents moved there before I was one. I lived there for the first five years of my life before we moved back home to Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe was entirely different than what I was used to, but it was home. Unfortunately, I was never able to learn the language, leading to a constant feeling of disconnect from my culture. I went to academic schools throughout my childhood but always knew my heart was in the arts. I wanted to make movies. This led to a lot of self-induced stress and pressure when it came to my education. I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder at the age of 16, possibly brought on by stress or trauma. It's something I've dealt with daily since then, and I try to include it in my work where possible to help spread accurate representation of mental health rather than a more romanticised version. I moved to Canada at 16, soon after my diagnosis, and am currently studying in Toronto at an art school, pursuing my passions. Photo Credits: Eden Rafuse (@dederaf) Rightie (@rightie__) Freda (@frereda)


Lourdes Capall Profession: Singer, Actress and Model Instagram Account: @iamlourdescapall Website or social media link: Email address: Address: Calabasas, CA About: Singer and Actress. A young and talented singer. She was model of international brands. She composes her own music. She’s a fighter, with beauty and talent Lourdes Capall is a big dreamer with a unique work. Her first music album was released in 2015. She’s a important model and a recognized singer for her international hit “Extinction” Your Story Lourdes Capall was born in Mexico City on December 22th, 1994. Actress, Singer, Director and an incredible writer. She was an excellent student. She started to study Acting and Directing for film and Theater in Casa Azul, Argos Tv, and some intensive workshops with the great film director Luis Mandoki. Some months later, She directed her first music video 'The Game Is Over', and composed her music Album 'Extinction'. The same year, 2014, She published her science fiction book titled 'Reencarnación'. On September, 2014 She produced her second music video 'Extinction (Lyric Video)'. Now She's writing an incredible story for a saga, titled 'Crystalia'. Without doubt, Lourdes is a genius and a great lover of the Art. Photo Credits: Paullete Di Santi


Sofia -Isabella Crowther Profession: Model Instagram Account: @sofia.albi_ Email address: QLD, USA About: I play Tennis, have level 5 in Sport and Rytmgymnastic I know 2 languages: English/ Russian Love modelling and drama I would like to be a, and I have a professional sport target Your Story One of the most significant discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn`t do. Henry Ford I like words from H Ford, I happy and creative and love everything that I doing. Photo Credits: All photos of Sofia from different photography


Philippa Gugerel @pippacrash Country Germany State / Region Nrw Model


Photo Credits: Photographer: Axel Wascher @axelwascher_photographer



Nathaniel Pendle Profession: Model Instagram Account: @nathaniel_model ref=bookmarks Email address: UK About: My name is Nathaniel; I am a new freelance model. This came about due to increased self-confidence, mainly due to MMA training. MMA and sports are my passion, and I would love to give something back. I would have to say my ultimate goal would to be a sportswear model. I would like to work with Nike, Lonsdale and Underarmour as to model sportswear would be awesome for me. I am already enjoying meeting some fantastic people here. Your Story When I was at school, around the age of 16, an incredible lie was told about me. I won't go into the full details, but let's say it ruined my last two years of school. Being a shy, mysterious kid that nobody knew much about indeed didn't help. I was subject to some pretty severe bullying and exclusion during this time. I had no friends to speak of. The next two years were nothing short of horrible. It was then that I told myself I would make this life worth the struggle and worth the suffering. So I survived those two years and have attempted some ridiculous things to try to fulfil this! I tried to be a pœt, a police officer, a writer, a forex trader. I even knocked on doors trying to sell different charities! Now I believe I have found my niche. I am working at a bank and starting my modelling career. I can't wait to see where this takes me, and I believe I now finally have the self-confidence to succeed in such a job. Photo Credits: Lepel Studios, River Management


Arelys Pichardo Profession: Model USA About: I realise dreams are something we hold dear to our heart for many reasons. Coming to the US was dream number one. Having three children and being a single mom, may not have been a dream but having three good kids was! My career continues at 50, and my goal as a successful model carries on! Your Story In the final month of my third child’s pregnancy, the doctors discovered I had cancer. With two young children and a newborn, my journey to beat cancer was more than robust! I had to raise my children and beat the disease. I did and continued to grow my children and work. Thanks be to God! Photo Credits: L Beatrice

Hana Lily Caruso

Hana Lily Caruso Country New Zealand State / Region Canterbury Photographer ABOUT Born in Colorado, but raised in New Zealand, I've been lucky enough to travel to many places for someone of my age. As such, I've always have had a deeply ingrained interest in people and their stories. I think this is partly what inspired me to study Psychology at university. Even now, I still get excited at the notion and reality that each person is living a life as complex and intricate as my own - with their secrets, desires, sadness, loves and struggles. Every person I meet or pass on the street has a story, and I feel that photography is a way to share that without having to speak the same language. You can capture an entire lifetime in a single photo. I started taking pictures in my travels, trying to document emotions and moments - feelings of balmy evenings on white sand beaches, the smell of fresh pine trees on a hot summer day, the deafening silence of sunrise on an island lovers paradise. These senses are what inspired me to pick up a camera and learn to shoot. People's faces and stories are what motivates me to keep learning to be better. I am self-taught and have a knack for finding the perfect candid shot. Portraits are my thing as well and am currently working on a personal project that will be incorporating a range of images from those nearest and dearest - a photo essay if you like - a self-portrait. Our readers would love to get to know you more Hana Lily. Tell us about yourself, what is unique about you, your brand or the services you offer? The best part about looking at a portrait (especially a close up) is that you can see every wrinkle, freckle, tear, scar and smile. These photographs tell you everything and nothing all at the same time. It lets your imagination take over and build an entire life behind the face this is what drives me. Taking photos of people I do know, I try to capture what I know to be true. Taking pictures of those I don't, it's the same. Because you can never honestly see every part of someone's story, the only truth is that moment they look directly into the lens, and you capture the shot- the moment. That is what I aim to do. That is what Sonder Lily Photography is all about. Hana Lily, what are your passion and aspiration in life? How did you start as a Photographer? My passions in life - seeing beautiful places, capturing unique people and the moments that seem inane but mean everything when you look back on them. I would love to continue to work on projects to eventually be working as a photojournalist and travelling to capture portraits around the world. My love of travel is what started my interest in this area in the first place, seems fitting for it to be where I end up. Who is your inspiration in life Hana Lily? How do you stay inspired as Photographer? There are too many photographers to count and also none in particular that comes to mind. Even the most amateur of photographers can capture those sonder moments and feelings. Scrolling through inspirational blogs, Instagram and watching photography documentaries all keep me inspired - however, I find that my surroundings and people I love are what keeps me going. Amazing how you can take pictures of the same people and places but every photo tells a different story. We all make mistakes Hana Lily; we wish we could take back. What was the error you made in the past that you want to you can bring back? I am naturally a home-body, and there have been times during my travels where I want to stay in bed and watch Netflix. I regret the nights and days I did that - staying in rather than going out and watching the crazy nightlife in Bangkok or stargazing in Marlborough Sounds. Those are the moments that count.

Hana Lily, How do you describe yourself regarding working with clients? I am an open and warm person - I am to make clients feel as comfortable as possible and think that building rapport with a client first is a great way of ensuring you're both on the same page regarding what they want. Please tell us, Hana Lily, how do you prioritise work, social life, friends, and family? We all have to work to live and at the moment photography, unfortunately, has to come second. I go to work each day - I do love my job - but on the weekends and evenings I'm lucky enough to spend it with my partner, our two cats and my camera. Hana Lily, please give us an example of a time when you were able to persuade someone to see things your way at work successfully. I work in a role where I have to persuade people to see things my way every day. I've found that the key to that, is first asking questions about their beliefs and situation - this is called -PREsuading. Once you know that, you can tailor your wording and tone to align with what they've said, but generally, they are more amenable to agreeing with you, except they think it's their idea! I work in education and am fortunate enough to hear many people's stories each day - every conversation is one in which my end goal is to help them move forward in their training. My training in psychology and genuine interest in their situation means that we can build rapport quickly, and as such, I generally can persuade them to commit to our provider over others. Hana Lily, please tell us about your proudest professional accomplishment as a Photographer. This happened recently actually - a boutique wedding blog that I follow here in New Zealand called Wild Hearts posted an article for a client I had. Every photo in there was one of mine! It's the biggest platform I have ever been published on which is inspiring. Hana Lily, please give us an example of a time you were able to be creative with your work. What was exciting or challenging about it? As an amateur photographer, I am always creative with my work. Once I started fully understanding Lightroom and Photoshop, my pictures completely changed quality. Most of the clients I have to give me complete control over the editing process, which can be good and bad. I love the way they look most of the time. However, it can be difficult to know if the client will also love it. What advice would you give to the people who want to be successful as a Photographer?* * Just go shoot. The first and only thing you can do is take photos! Of anything and everything. Practice makes perfect and the more confident you are in your photos, the more likely people are going to notice. Also, submit them anywhere and everywhere! Now for the best part Hana Lily! Please upload 5-10 photos so we can get to see your work. Photo Credits: Hana Lily Caruso

Marta Miller

Marta Miller Profession: Model Instagram Account: @martælizamiller Website or social media link: https://www.martæ Email address: Martæ CA, USA About: I’m an Ice Skater, Actor, Artist, Dancer, Model and Fashion Influencer. I am 11 years old. Here is my YouTube page. New website is coming soon. Your Story I love to ice skate, and I like to dance. I started ice skating when I was 7. At age 10, I was diagnosed with mild Scoliosis. I have worked super hard to increase my strength on the right side of my back so that I can enjoy both of my passions. I work office and train about 30 hours each week. I have short term and long term goals and work steadily to achieve them. I am young, and as long as I work hard, and have a fantastic future ahead. There is no stopping me. Photo Credits: Bob Young Photography Tracie Lee Photography Corrina Miller Io Bottoms


Afrieka Askew Profession: Entrepreneur Instagram Account: @kkchick_boutique Email address: FLorida, USA About: I’m a very ambitious young lady striving for greatness! I’m currently working on my Business Degree and my line of products. I am very excited to share my creative side with the rest of the world. I have a passion for GREATNESS, positivity, and productivity. Your Story I came from a single parent home & had two babies by the age of 19. I managed to graduate & take care of my two girls on my own. I begin working at a fast food restaurant at age 19. I decided that minimum wage job & ran with it. Over the years I continuously got promoted until I found myself working for the Corporate office. Now almost 20 years later I have raised my girls & sent them off to college. Managed to get my semi-dream home over 200k a brand new car off the showroom floor, travels to my desired locations & currently working towards a multi-million dollars empire. I have done ok for myself WITHOUT a college degree. Only a high school diploma and some wise decisions. I'm looking forward to making my ultimate dream come true. With God all things are possible! That was pretty much my life in a nutshell. Photo Credits: Photographer: Greg Moore Photography



David Cheeseboro Profession: Streetwear model Instagram Account: @that_cheese_guy Email address: CA, USA About: Hello Model Citizen, my name is David Cheeseboro, and I’m as streetwear model out of NY. I’m a huge fan of fashion, but I’m a diehard for streetwear fashion. I want to show the world there’s fashion everywhere not just what’s hot. In this world full of mental health issues, I'm trying to be that massive slice of clarity. Your Story Being raised by only women, and being a man it's only right we have a sense of style. My mom And sister raised me, but my sister had the bigger impact on my life. She sacrificed being a dress wearing nail wearing girl, to be a tomboy. She got me into sports and into the fashion world. She’s been a big inspiration on all the work that got to where I am today. She was the first girl hype beast I knew before hype beasts were even a thing. Photo Credits: I want to thank 2 photographers in my friends Jay, and Brandyn. They allowed me to build their portfolio while building mine.

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