Model Citizen Magazine Issue 36

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ODEL Citizen

36 #fashioninclusion






Louise Marcaud @louisemarcaud Country France State / Region Paris Designer


I am passionate about fashion; that's why I wanted to learn all the different professions of fashion, I know how to create and design collections. I know how to make sewing patterns, I know how to sew, and I also have knowledge in fashion marketing which allows me to work on different projects.

Louise, what are your passion and aspiration in life? How did you start as a Designer? I love to travel, to learn about different cultures. This is how I find my inspiration. I aspire to become a successful fashion designer.
 First of all, I started studying architecture and then the virtual aspect of the business bothered me. Later on, I discovered fashion, and it fulfilled my need for diversity. What I like is to be able to create something in its entirety. Who is your inspiration in life Louise? How do you stay inspired as a Designer? There are fashion icons that inspire me like Iris Apfel, Frida Kalho or Veruschka. I see them like fashion pioneers. I like their state of mind; that's what inspires me. I believe it is important to stay inspired; I think it is necessary always to be interested in new things to make our way of thinking evolve; one idea drives another. We all make mistakes Louise; we wish we could take back. What was the mistake you made in the past that you wish you can take back? I try never to have regrets. I hate to be upset by something, so I always tell myself that if things went that way they were supposed to happen like that. I also believe that most lessons are learnt from overcoming adversity.

Louise, How do you describe yourself in terms of working with clients? I am very attentive to my clients. I know how to adapt to their demands. I like working with my clients because it's mind opening and it allows me to see life differently.

Please tell us, Louise, how do you prioritise work, social life, friends, and family? It's quite difficult when I work on a project I'm very invested and think only about it.

Louise, please give us an example of a time when you were able to persuade someone to see things your way at work successfully. I worked for a fashion designer and for her new collection she wanted me to buy some new clothes. I then persuaded her to use some clothes that she already had and that could be transformed in order to obtain the same result. I also explained that this would give an ecological aspect to the collection and it could be a good marketing method to have more clients. She thought it was a great idea. Louise, please tell us about your proudest professional accomplishment as a Designer. This year when I won the international fashion contest. I was really happy that famous fashion designers appreciated my work. Louise, please give us an example of a time you were able to be creative with your work. What was exciting or difficult about it? One of my most significant experience as a fashion designer was when I had to create a whole collection. It was exciting because I could fully express myself and create what I wanted. During the process, it was hard to find the perfect materials and also the best place for the photo shoot because I had to find a desert like a place. Then, once the pictures were published, it was nerve-racking to wait for the feedback. What advice would you give to the people who want to be successful as a Designer? The important thing is to persevere. Photo Credits: photographer: Justine Choquer @juchoquer
 MUA: Eolia Van Der Hoeven @weochan
 Designer: Louise Marcaud @louisemarcaud

I am passionate about fashion; that's why I wanted to learn all the different professions of fashion, I know how to create and design collections. I know how to make sewing patterns, I know how to sew, and I also have knowledge in fashion marketing which allows me to work on different projects.


I am very attentive to my clients. I know how to adapt to their demands. I like working with my clients because it's mind opening and it allows me to see life dierently.


One of my most significant experience as a fashion designer was when I had to create a whole collection. It was exciting because I could fully express myself and create what I wanted. During the process, it was hard to find the perfect materials and also the best place for the photo shoot because I had to find a desert like a place. Then, once the pictures were published, it was nerveracking to wait for the feedback.


I worked for a fashion designer and for her new collection she wanted me to buy some new clothes. I then persuaded her to use some clothes that she already had and that could be transformed in order to obtain the same result.


Sarkie Ampim Profession: Model Instagram Account: @sark_a Website or social media link: About: Originally from Ghana, I'm more than just a model. I am an entrepreneur and currently developing hotels in NYC. My passion is in creativity and expressing myself all within the means of helping people. In this life, my goal is to be authentic, stay true to myself and be an inspiration, especially to the youth because they are the future of our world. Your Story My upbringing is a unique story. I was born in NYC and shortly after relocated to Accra, Ghana where I spent the first 8 years of my life. I then moved to London, England and attended boarding school. At such a young age being separated from my parents was hard and diďŹƒcult especially in another culture. I had to learn and adjust quickly. Sports was my way of fitting in everywhere I moved to. After 4 1/2 years in England, I moved to the US and attended another boarding school. Funny enough, the switch from England to the US was much harder for me than from Ghana to England, and many wouldn't think so. Either way, I was able to find my niche, graduated from Penn State University and got straight into real estate soon after. I just recently decided to get into modelling because I figured standing at 6'6 nobody else in the industry has a similar build like me and I have the vision to inspire other unconventionally tall & athletic people to look into this industry and be given an opportunity. It has been challenging because surprisingly a lot of agencies don't see the vision, but with much persistence, I'm sure there will be someone who will take a chance on me. Photo Credits: Photo 1, 2, 8, 9 by Joseph Keller


My passion is in creativity and expressing myself all within the means of helping people. In this life, my goal is to be authentic, stay true to myself and be an inspiration, especially to the youth because they are the future of our world.

Christine Rochlitz Profession: Vegan and Sustainable Luxury Designer Handbags Brand - Since 2012 @luckynelly_berlin Email address: Berlin, Germany About: The Berlin fashion label LUCKYNELLY offers stylish and luxurious handbags and other accessories that are 100% vegan. LUCKYNELLY dœs not support the use of animals for fashion and shows through innovative alternatives to leather that animal-friendly or vegan accessories can also be very exquisite and exclusive. "We would like to encourage more people to oppose fashion made from animals, as these are usually kept in terrible conditions, bred and killed. These include fur, leather, silk and even wool." The production is handmade; Manufacturing is based in Berlin/ Germany and Milan/ Italy. We work with the best specialists in this segment under highest quality. The Materials are from the best producers in the world, under specifications of vegan material and fairest conditions to workers. Your Story My name is Christine Rochlitz, and I am the founder and head designer of the vegan and sustainable luxury fashion designer handbags brand LUCKYNELLY – BERLIN. I had always been very interested in fashion, design, interior, painting, colours, new trends and creating unique and exclusive things, so I studied fashion design at the University of applied science and arts in Bielefeld, Germany with successful graduating. After a few years working as a fashion designer for a kids clothes company I established my brand in Berlin in 2012. The brand name was created by my beloved bearded collie dog „NELLY“ and my cute little rabbit "LUCKY" who were the muses for it and for the decision to use only cruelty-free and vegan materials and to renounce of any animal skin, fur, silk and wool. "With my fashion accessories, I want to show that vegan fashion is very luxurious, unique and the lasting trend for our future." When I started in 2012 a lot of people were laughing about my brand idea and concept. VEGAN and Sustainable Luxury Handbags... named after my dog and my rabbit... NOW, there are so many vegan (luxury) handbags brands, seeing the profit, because NOW it´s a trend. As a TRENDSETTER I love to be the first even it is much more difficult, and I am very proud of it. My idea was to provide as a fashion designer, luxury handbags as an alternative to expensive bags made from genuine luxury exotic leather of the big fashion houses. (To name only one is Hérmes – they have a handbag in their collection that dœs cost 26.600 €, made of genuine crocodile leather). Our prices are between 199 € and 15.000 € for unique and exclusive handbags made with gold or platinum details. Or, if our customer wants, even with diamonds for a much more higher price. I started using cork for my collections because it looks and feels like real leather and can be embossed to have the snake or crocodile print. And there are so much more innovative ecological vegan materials to find, as genuine sewable wood or slate stone. As a real crazy „material stalker“ I found the most innovative end ecological materials as the wood and slate stone, Piñatex (made from bananas fibers), Muskin (made from mushrooms), silver colored washable paper, foldable ceramic that can be cut by scissor for making jewelry and apple skin (made from apples waste) to name a few that are used now for fashion. I already found these materials years ago. In 2014 I won the PETA Vegan Fashion Award with a ladies belt made of genuine sewn Zebrawood. Since then, LUCKYNELLY has cooperated very closely with the PETA, and therefore 5 euros of every product is spent on animal welfare. After two years of tough work, the British Vogue contacted me and wanted to present my brand and me as one of the new talented designers. The unique style also attracted attention and recognition at the British ELLE, Harper's Bazaar and Cosmopolitan, which published in printed issues. Our campaign model, Teresa Peitz from Berlin, lives vegan and is also an animal rights activist. She had been published a few times in Welt Vegan Magazin, wearing LUCKYNELLY accessories. My inspirations for new handbags and collections I get from nature, from animals, these beautiful creatures, with an iridescent look as the rose chafer and iridescent snakes. And there are so many more beautiful things you can find in nature – wood structures, fields, flowers, anywhere even in the city. So I do always take my canon cam with me to capture my visions and impressions. I am pleased to see that there are more and more vegan fashion brands but also shocked by the fashion industry, fashion weeks, influencers, bloggers and all the fashion enthusiasts who don´t look BEHIND a brand. It is not more about being a graduated fashion designer to establish a fashion brand. All you need is a name, a product, a website and some money. Anyone can say „I am a „designer“ creating my fashion line.“ But this will destroy „true“ fashion because they can only copy or steal ideas from other brands or artists who have spent years of time and money in their carrier. What I would like to say as a fashion designer to the world: Choose your clothes and accessories wisely, think about where your clothes do come from, who made it and who „must pay“ the price for. Look behind a brand! Choose vegan to not harm nature and our planet. As Vivienne Westwood put it: 'Buy less, choose well, make it last.' Thank you, Christine Photo Credits: Photography: Anja Scholta, Model: Teresa Peitz, MUA: Isabell Behrendt, Handbags, Accessories, Jewelry: LUCKYNELLY - BERLIN, Location: Blumencafe Berlin - Schönhauser Allee


Erika Abenia @erikaabenia Country Spain State / Region Barcelona Photographer

Photo Credits: Photographer: Erika Abenia @erikaabenia
 Model: Andrea Cristobal @andre_cristobal
 Makeup: Cristina Morales @colorme_cris


Julie Turck @julie_turck Country

Julie, How do you describe yourself in terms of working with clients? I tried to be the nicest and kindest person to everyone I am working with. The job is better when the working atmosphere is not bad and tense.

France State / Region Lyon Model

Please tell us, Julie, how do you prioritise work, social life, friends, and family? My friends and family are a priority for me. But work is a large part of my life as well.


My plentiful freckles make me unique. I am a beginner in modelling. Julie, what are your passion and aspiration in life? How did you start as Model? I love to travel and discover other people life, other cultures. Ever ything started when a photographer asks me to do a shooting; I said yes, and everything started from here. Who is your inspiration in life Julie? How do you stay inspired as a Model? I want to show the world that being dierent can be great. I want to show people who have insecurities that they are beautiful the way they are. Every human being on this planet should love themselves. We all make mistakes Julie; we wish we could take back. What was the mistake you made in the past that you wish you can take back?

Julie, please give us an example of a time when you were able to persuade someone to see things your way at work successfully. One day, during a shooting, I put a shirt on inside out, and the photographer thought it was a great idea. Julie, please tell us about your proudest professional accomplishment as a Model. I am more self-confident day after day. Julie, please give us an example of a time you were able to be creative with your work. What was exciting or diďŹƒcult about it? Being a model means always being creative, and I think that's great. Sometimes, some poses are not that easy, but it is okay. What advice would you give to the people who want to be successful as a Model? Believe in yourself and try it! Photo Credits:

When I was younger, I let other people telling me the way I had to be. That was my biggest mistake.



Luca Briglia Profession: Model Instagram Account: @luca_briglia About: Ciao, mi chiamo Luca Briglia, ho 33 anni, vivo nella cittĂ di La Spezia in Italia. Sono laureato in legge all'universitĂ di Pisa ed attualmente lavoro come proprietario-gestore di una casa vacanza per turisti. Le mie passioni sono la moda, il cinema, la recitazione e la palestra (gym). Sono una persona con tante ambizioni, ma sempre con grande umiltĂ sapendo che se hai un sogno bisogna sudare tanto per realizzarlo. Photo Credits: Luca Briglia


Elina Lypova @elina_ly_po_vaia_ elina_ly_po_vaia_/ Country Ukraine State / Region Kiev Model ABOUT

I'm a model, designer, anchor, singer. Everything in one person

Elina, what are your passion and aspiration in life? How did you start as Model? My passion is fashion!
 I started in 2012 as the youngest model on Ukrainian Fashion Week. Who is your inspiration in life Elina? How do you stay inspired as a Model? My inspiration in life is my mom. As a model, I inspired by Natalia Vodyanova We all make mistakes Elina; we wish we could take back. What was the mistake you made in the past that you wish you can take back?

I'm so young to make such mistakes;-) Elina, How do you describe yourself in terms of working with clients? I'm a very responsible and hardworking person. Try to do everything in time.

Please tell us Elina, how do you prioritise work, social life, friends, and family? First is my family, then my work, work, work ;-)

Elina, please give us an example of a time when you were able to persuade someone to see things your way at work successfully. I haven't such examples yet. Elina, please tell us about your proudest professional accomplishment as a Model. I'm a winner in Ukrainian best kids children Award-Bashka kids awards in nomination Fashion model Elina, please give us an example of a time you were able to be creative with your work. What was exciting or difficult about it? I had an underwater , and I persuade the photographer to make a shot with me as a tennis player. Now it's my best shot What advice would you give to the people who want to be successful as a Model? Work, work, work and try to educate yourself in different spheres of life. Photo Credits: Photographer: Mykola Zavaryka 
 Photographer: Alisa Postnikova 

Erika Abenia @erikaabenia Country Spain State / Region Barcelona Photographer

Photo Credits: Photographer: Erika Abenia @erikaabenia
 Model: Andrea Cristobal @andre_cristobal
 Makeup: Cristina Morales @colorme_cris


Henrique Silva @hsilvafoto Country Brazil State / Region Minas Gerais, BH Photographer

ABOUT Conceituar, e inclusive, Menos ’© mais... Henrique, what are your passion and aspiration in life? How did you start as Photographer? A 15 anos comecei na fotografia, apenas como entusiasta mesmo, mas a paix’£o cresceu e mesmo na dificuldade mantenho essa paix’£o que ’© um hobby e um oficio ao mesmo tempo.. Who is your inspiration in life Henrique? How do you stay inspired as a Photographer? Minha m’£e, e minha esposa We all make mistakes Henrique; we wish we could take back. What was the mistake you made in the past that you wish you can take back? varios, mas seguimos em frente. Henrique, How do you describe yourself in terms of working with clients? sou bastante flexivel, e gosto de opinar no projeto, principalmente se me agradar muito. Please tell us, Henrique, how do you prioritise work, social life, friends, and family? Familia
 vida social
 amigos Henrique, please give us an example of a time when you were able to persuade someone to see things your way at work successfully. N’£o me recordo bem, mas sempre consegui passar boas impress’µes para meus clientes de Moda, com isso entregar um bom resultado. Henrique please tell us about your proudest professional accomplishment as a Photographer. s’£o varias, a cada dia com uma nova atualiza’_’£o de vida..mas a maior delas foi fotografar o nascimento de meu filho apenas com um celular.. Henrique, please give us an example of a time you were able to be creative with your work. What was exciting or difficult about it? Tive sim bons momentos interessantes, mas o dificeis contam mais, inclusive quando tive meu material roubado , foi uma epoca complicada e dificil.. What advice would you give to the people who want to be successful as a Photographer? Sempre persistir , tente e fa’_a seu maximo, tera sempre quem te deixe la em baixo, mas continue, e acime de tudo, sempre se informe, fotografia ’© uma novidade a cada dia, abrimos e fechamos os olhos centenas de vezes em pequenos momentos de um dia, imagine quantas nuances num se pode perder numa piscada.. Photo Credits: Henrique Silva @hsilvafoto


Breona Wilson Profession: Model Instagram Account: @Therealbreonawilson Website or social media link: About: Coming in at just 5'4" (and a half), it's a miracle that all of that passion and energy can fit in her tiny little body. Meet Breona Wilson, the fiery petite who is taking the industry (and the world) by storm. Her love for fashion is a force to be reckoned with, and she has yet to face a challenge that could best her. Her passion for modelling is second only to her love for her family, consisting of her husband and three cats, and possibly to her love for food. In short, she's sweet, petite, always ready to eat and she's taking over the world, one photo at a time. Your Story Breona is a beautiful African American model based in Salt Lake City, UT. Standing at a staggering 5'4 (and a half)", she's showing the world that size isn't everything and that you can still be small and stand out in your beautiful way. Her experience ranges from commercials to runway shows, photo shoots to movies, and her smile lights up the room everywhere she goes. No one will stop this fireball of a girl as she changes the world one photo at a time! Many things have been said of Breona, but one of them certainly has never been "camera shy." By age 5, she was already dressing up in her mom's clothes and makeup, posing for photos, and filling the room with her contagious, fun personality. At age 7, Breona expressed a desire to become a Marine, but by age 13, she was discovered by an agency and has never looked back. She has since been involved in countless runway shows, modelling opportunities, and photo shoots. While the last seven years have been wonderful, Breona is now taking her career to a whole new level by going independent and launching her solo campaign! She is more motivated than ever. Photo Credits: Makeup: Makenzie Peacock Photographer: Charles Yost


Through modelling and a runway show, I had the luxury of attending a prestigious drama school in New York City that had taught me to follow my creative side and to trust and follow impulses: which made me a better creative individual.

Aleksander Kijak Profession: Model Instagram Account: @aleksander.kijak Website or social media link: About: I’m Aleksander! I’m a professional freelance model based out of Chicago, Illinois who has the privilege of travelling across the United States of America! Through modelling and a runway show, I had the luxury of attending a prestigious drama school in New York City that had taught me to follow my creative side and to trust and follow impulses: which made me a better creative individual. With all my life experience and travelling, I want to inspire others and continue to model as a career. I am hopefully getting representation through my journey! Photo Credits: @care_photos

Christine Rochlitz Profession: Vegan and Sustainable Luxury Designer Handbags Brand - Since 2012 @luckynelly_berlin Email address: Berlin, Germany About: The Berlin fashion label LUCKYNELLY offers stylish and luxurious handbags and other accessories that are 100% vegan. LUCKYNELLY dœs not support the use of animals for fashion and shows through innovative alternatives to leather that animal-friendly or vegan accessories can also be very exquisite and exclusive. "We would like to encourage more people to oppose fashion made from animals, as these are usually kept in terrible conditions, bred and killed. These include fur, leather, silk and even wool." The production is handmade; Manufacturing is based in Berlin/ Germany and Milan/ Italy. We work with the best specialists in this segment under highest quality. The Materials are from the best producers in the world, under specifications of vegan material and fairest conditions to workers. Your Story My name is Christine Rochlitz, and I am the founder and head designer of the vegan and sustainable luxury fashion designer handbags brand LUCKYNELLY – BERLIN. I had always been very interested in fashion, design, interior, painting, colours, new trends and creating unique and exclusive things, so I studied fashion design at the University of applied science and arts in Bielefeld, Germany with successful graduating. After a few years working as a fashion designer for a kids clothes company I established my brand in Berlin in 2012. The brand name was created by my beloved bearded collie dog „NELLY“ and my cute little rabbit "LUCKY" who were the muses for it and for the decision to use only cruelty-free and vegan materials and to renounce of any animal skin, fur, silk and wool. "With my fashion accessories, I want to show that vegan fashion is very luxurious, unique and the lasting trend for our future." When I started in 2012 a lot of people were laughing about my brand idea and concept. VEGAN and Sustainable Luxury Handbags... named after my dog and my rabbit... NOW, there are so many vegan (luxury) handbags brands, seeing the profit, because NOW it´s a trend. As a TRENDSETTER I love to be the first even it is much more difficult, and I am very proud of it. My idea was to provide as a fashion designer, luxury handbags as an alternative to expensive bags made from genuine luxury exotic leather of the big fashion houses. (To name only one is Hérmes – they have a handbag in their collection that dœs cost 26.600 €, made of genuine crocodile leather). Our prices are between 199 € and 15.000 € for unique and exclusive handbags made with gold or platinum details. Or, if our customer wants, even with diamonds for a much more higher price. I started using cork for my collections because it looks and feels like real leather and can be embossed to have the snake or crocodile print. And there are so much more innovative ecological vegan materials to find, as genuine sewable wood or slate stone. As a real crazy „material stalker“ I found the most innovative end ecological materials as the wood and slate stone, Piñatex (made from bananas fibers), Muskin (made from mushrooms), silver colored washable paper, foldable ceramic that can be cut by scissor for making jewelry and apple skin (made from apples waste) to name a few that are used now for fashion. I already found these materials years ago. In 2014 I won the PETA Vegan Fashion Award with a ladies belt made of genuine sewn Zebrawood. Since then, LUCKYNELLY has cooperated very closely with the PETA, and therefore 5 euros of every product is spent on animal welfare. After two years of tough work, the British Vogue contacted me and wanted to present my brand and me as one of the new talented designers. The unique style also attracted attention and recognition at the British ELLE, Harper's Bazaar and Cosmopolitan, which published in printed issues. Our campaign model, Teresa Peitz from Berlin, lives vegan and is also an animal rights activist. She had been published a few times in Welt Vegan Magazin, wearing LUCKYNELLY accessories. My inspirations for new handbags and collections I get from nature, from animals, these beautiful creatures, with an iridescent look as the rose chafer and iridescent snakes. And there are so many more beautiful things you can find in nature – wood structures, fields, flowers, anywhere even in the city. So I do always take my canon cam with me to capture my visions and impressions. I am pleased to see that there are more and more vegan fashion brands but also shocked by the fashion industry, fashion weeks, influencers, bloggers and all the fashion enthusiasts who don´t look BEHIND a brand. It is not more about being a graduated fashion designer to establish a fashion brand. All you need is a name, a product, a website and some money. Anyone can say „I am a „designer“ creating my fashion line.“ But this will destroy „true“ fashion because they can only copy or steal ideas from other brands or artists who have spent years of time and money in their carrier. What I would like to say as a fashion designer to the world: Choose your clothes and accessories wisely, think about where your clothes do come from, who made it and who „must pay“ the price for. Look behind a brand! Choose vegan to not harm nature and our planet. As Vivienne Westwood put it: 'Buy less, choose well, make it last.' Thank you, Christine Photo Credits: Photography: Anja Scholta, Model: Teresa Peitz, MUA: Isabell Behrendt, Handbags, Accessories, Jewelry: LUCKYNELLY - BERLIN, Location: Blumencafe Berlin - Schönhauser Allee

Christine Rochlitz Profession: Vegan and Sustainable Luxury Designer Handbags Brand - Since 2012 @luckynelly_berlin Email address: Berlin, Germany About: The Berlin fashion label LUCKYNELLY offers stylish and luxurious handbags and other accessories that are 100% vegan. LUCKYNELLY dœs not support the use of animals for fashion and shows through innovative alternatives to leather that animal-friendly or vegan accessories can also be very exquisite and exclusive. "We would like to encourage more people to oppose fashion made from animals, as these are usually kept in terrible conditions, bred and killed. These include fur, leather, silk and even wool." The production is handmade; Manufacturing is based in Berlin/ Germany and Milan/ Italy. We work with the best specialists in this segment under highest quality. The Materials are from the best producers in the world, under specifications of vegan material and fairest conditions to workers. Your Story My name is Christine Rochlitz, and I am the founder and head designer of the vegan and sustainable luxury fashion designer handbags brand LUCKYNELLY – BERLIN. I had always been very interested in fashion, design, interior, painting, colours, new trends and creating unique and exclusive things, so I studied fashion design at the University of applied science and arts in Bielefeld, Germany with successful graduating. After a few years working as a fashion designer for a kids clothes company I established my brand in Berlin in 2012. The brand name was created by my beloved bearded collie dog „NELLY“ and my cute little rabbit "LUCKY" who were the muses for it and for the decision to use only cruelty-free and vegan materials and to renounce of any animal skin, fur, silk and wool. "With my fashion accessories, I want to show that vegan fashion is very luxurious, unique and the lasting trend for our future." When I started in 2012 a lot of people were laughing about my brand idea and concept. VEGAN and Sustainable Luxury Handbags... named after my dog and my rabbit... NOW, there are so many vegan (luxury) handbags brands, seeing the profit, because NOW it´s a trend. As a TRENDSETTER I love to be the first even it is much more difficult, and I am very proud of it. My idea was to provide as a fashion designer, luxury handbags as an alternative to expensive bags made from genuine luxury exotic leather of the big fashion houses. (To name only one is Hérmes – they have a handbag in their collection that dœs cost 26.600 €, made of genuine crocodile leather). Our prices are between 199 € and 15.000 € for unique and exclusive handbags made with gold or platinum details. Or, if our customer wants, even with diamonds for a much more higher price. I started using cork for my collections because it looks and feels like real leather and can be embossed to have the snake or crocodile print. And there are so much more innovative ecological vegan materials to find, as genuine sewable wood or slate stone. As a real crazy „material stalker“ I found the most innovative end ecological materials as the wood and slate stone, Piñatex (made from bananas fibers), Muskin (made from mushrooms), silver colored washable paper, foldable ceramic that can be cut by scissor for making jewelry and apple skin (made from apples waste) to name a few that are used now for fashion. I already found these materials years ago. In 2014 I won the PETA Vegan Fashion Award with a ladies belt made of genuine sewn Zebrawood. Since then, LUCKYNELLY has cooperated very closely with the PETA, and therefore 5 euros of every product is spent on animal welfare. After two years of tough work, the British Vogue contacted me and wanted to present my brand and me as one of the new talented designers. The unique style also attracted attention and recognition at the British ELLE, Harper's Bazaar and Cosmopolitan, which published in printed issues. Our campaign model, Teresa Peitz from Berlin, lives vegan and is also an animal rights activist. She had been published a few times in Welt Vegan Magazin, wearing LUCKYNELLY accessories. My inspirations for new handbags and collections I get from nature, from animals, these beautiful creatures, with an iridescent look as the rose chafer and iridescent snakes. And there are so many more beautiful things you can find in nature – wood structures, fields, flowers, anywhere even in the city. So I do always take my canon cam with me to capture my visions and impressions. I am pleased to see that there are more and more vegan fashion brands but also shocked by the fashion industry, fashion weeks, influencers, bloggers and all the fashion enthusiasts who don´t look BEHIND a brand. It is not more about being a graduated fashion designer to establish a fashion brand. All you need is a name, a product, a website and some money. Anyone can say „I am a „designer“ creating my fashion line.“ But this will destroy „true“ fashion because they can only copy or steal ideas from other brands or artists who have spent years of time and money in their carrier. What I would like to say as a fashion designer to the world: Choose your clothes and accessories wisely, think about where your clothes do come from, who made it and who „must pay“ the price for. Look behind a brand! Choose vegan to not harm nature and our planet. As Vivienne Westwood put it: 'Buy less, choose well, make it last.' Thank you, Christine Photo Credits: Photography: Anja Scholta, Model: Teresa Peitz, MUA: Isabell Behrendt, Handbags, Accessories, Jewelry: LUCKYNELLY - BERLIN, Location: Blumencafe Berlin - Schönhauser Allee



Far from a novice and more studied than many of today’s producers, Lore had gone through a myriad of name and sound experimentation since diving into music production a decade ago.

Lore Bangerz Profession: Music Composer/Producer, Artist, Model Instagram Account: @lorebangerz Website or social media link: About: Lore Bangerz is an LA-based music composer, producer, artist and model. The DC-bred musician spent her childhood Cincinnati, Ohio where she began honing her talents at the age of 3. The self-taught keyboardist, violinist and classically trained flautist started composing at the age of 10; and eventually found herself behind the mixing board senior year of high school. Far from a novice and more studied than many of today’s producers, Lore had gone through a myriad of name and sound experimentation since diving into music production a decade ago. Taking after her heroes Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath, Kanye West, Alan Vega, Kid Cudi and Missy Elliot and Pharrell Williams manage to meld genres together into something refreshingly unfamiliar. Photo Credits: Photographer - BJ Johnson (@bjthephotographer) Hair - Jasmine Pierce (@jasminephair) Makeup - Bioanca Robinson (@bebemakeup) Styling/Concept - Lore Bangerz (@lorebangerz)

Christine Rochlitz Profession: Vegan and Sustainable Luxury Designer Handbags Brand - Since 2012 @luckynelly_berlin Email address: Berlin, Germany About: The Berlin fashion label LUCKYNELLY offers stylish and luxurious handbags and other accessories that are 100% vegan. LUCKYNELLY dœs not support the use of animals for fashion and shows through innovative alternatives to leather that animal-friendly or vegan accessories can also be very exquisite and exclusive. "We would like to encourage more people to oppose fashion made from animals, as these are usually kept in terrible conditions, bred and killed. These include fur, leather, silk and even wool." The production is handmade; Manufacturing is based in Berlin/ Germany and Milan/ Italy. We work with the best specialists in this segment under highest quality. The Materials are from the best producers in the world, under specifications of vegan material and fairest conditions to workers. Your Story My name is Christine Rochlitz, and I am the founder and head designer of the vegan and sustainable luxury fashion designer handbags brand LUCKYNELLY – BERLIN. I had always been very interested in fashion, design, interior, painting, colours, new trends and creating unique and exclusive things, so I studied fashion design at the University of applied science and arts in Bielefeld, Germany with successful graduating. After a few years working as a fashion designer for a kids clothes company I established my brand in Berlin in 2012. The brand name was created by my beloved bearded collie dog „NELLY“ and my cute little rabbit "LUCKY" who were the muses for it and for the decision to use only cruelty-free and vegan materials and to renounce of any animal skin, fur, silk and wool. "With my fashion accessories, I want to show that vegan fashion is very luxurious, unique and the lasting trend for our future." When I started in 2012 a lot of people were laughing about my brand idea and concept. VEGAN and Sustainable Luxury Handbags... named after my dog and my rabbit... NOW, there are so many vegan (luxury) handbags brands, seeing the profit, because NOW it´s a trend. As a TRENDSETTER I love to be the first even it is much more difficult, and I am very proud of it. My idea was to provide as a fashion designer, luxury handbags as an alternative to expensive bags made from genuine luxury exotic leather of the big fashion houses. (To name only one is Hérmes – they have a handbag in their collection that dœs cost 26.600 €, made of genuine crocodile leather). Our prices are between 199 € and 15.000 € for unique and exclusive handbags made with gold or platinum details. Or, if our customer wants, even with diamonds for a much more higher price. I started using cork for my collections because it looks and feels like real leather and can be embossed to have the snake or crocodile print. And there are so much more innovative ecological vegan materials to find, as genuine sewable wood or slate stone. As a real crazy „material stalker“ I found the most innovative end ecological materials as the wood and slate stone, Piñatex (made from bananas fibers), Muskin (made from mushrooms), silver colored washable paper, foldable ceramic that can be cut by scissor for making jewelry and apple skin (made from apples waste) to name a few that are used now for fashion. I already found these materials years ago. In 2014 I won the PETA Vegan Fashion Award with a ladies belt made of genuine sewn Zebrawood. Since then, LUCKYNELLY has cooperated very closely with the PETA, and therefore 5 euros of every product is spent on animal welfare. After two years of tough work, the British Vogue contacted me and wanted to present my brand and me as one of the new talented designers. The unique style also attracted attention and recognition at the British ELLE, Harper's Bazaar and Cosmopolitan, which published in printed issues. Our campaign model, Teresa Peitz from Berlin, lives vegan and is also an animal rights activist. She had been published a few times in Welt Vegan Magazin, wearing LUCKYNELLY accessories. My inspirations for new handbags and collections I get from nature, from animals, these beautiful creatures, with an iridescent look as the rose chafer and iridescent snakes. And there are so many more beautiful things you can find in nature – wood structures, fields, flowers, anywhere even in the city. So I do always take my canon cam with me to capture my visions and impressions. I am pleased to see that there are more and more vegan fashion brands but also shocked by the fashion industry, fashion weeks, influencers, bloggers and all the fashion enthusiasts who don´t look BEHIND a brand. It is not more about being a graduated fashion designer to establish a fashion brand. All you need is a name, a product, a website and some money. Anyone can say „I am a „designer“ creating my fashion line.“ But this will destroy „true“ fashion because they can only copy or steal ideas from other brands or artists who have spent years of time and money in their carrier. What I would like to say as a fashion designer to the world: Choose your clothes and accessories wisely, think about where your clothes do come from, who made it and who „must pay“ the price for. Look behind a brand! Choose vegan to not harm nature and our planet. As Vivienne Westwood put it: 'Buy less, choose well, make it last.' Thank you, Christine Photo Credits: Photography: Anja Scholta, Model: Teresa Peitz, MUA: Isabell Behrendt, Handbags, Accessories, Jewelry: LUCKYNELLY - BERLIN, Location: Blumencafe Berlin - Schönhauser Allee


Jamie Sukow Profession: Photographer Instagram Account: Website or social media link: About: I'm a photographer based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. My passion for photography started at a young age and has since developed over the years. I love creating bold imagery with uniquely bizarre fairytale-esque scenes. Photo Credits: Model Kyrie Ko$n, Photographer Jamie Sukow, Makeup Ava Bohar, Hair Orley Anderson


My passion for photography started at a young age and has since developed over the years. I love creating bold imagery with uniquely bizarre fairytale-esque scenes.




When I was young, I very love to read a magazine, and all those pictures in magazines very inspire me when I was young I been to think what would happen If I become a model and after that modelling is becoming one of my dreams after that.

Nick Anantabut Profession: Model Instagram Account: @NICKYPKW About:


Hi, my name is Nick. I am 19 years old, and I am sturdy at RMIT university Certificate iv Allied Health. When I was young, I very love to read a magazine, and all those pictures in magazines very inspire me when I was young I been to think what would happen If I become a model and after that modelling is becoming one of my dreams after that. Your Story

I came from Thailand when I was 17 years old. When I first arrived I was very scared to talk with people, but because I can go through that because of the nice people, they understand what my problem and teach me how to interact with other people but that not enough I have to push myself harder than why every day is my challenge for me. Photo Credits: The Photo Studio

Christine Rochlitz Profession: Vegan and Sustainable Luxury Designer Handbags Brand - Since 2012 @luckynelly_berlin Email address: Berlin, Germany About: The Berlin fashion label LUCKYNELLY offers stylish and luxurious handbags and other accessories that are 100% vegan. LUCKYNELLY dœs not support the use of animals for fashion and shows through innovative alternatives to leather that animal-friendly or vegan accessories can also be very exquisite and exclusive. "We would like to encourage more people to oppose fashion made from animals, as these are usually kept in terrible conditions, bred and killed. These include fur, leather, silk and even wool." The production is handmade; Manufacturing is based in Berlin/ Germany and Milan/ Italy. We work with the best specialists in this segment under highest quality. The Materials are from the best producers in the world, under specifications of vegan material and fairest conditions to workers. Your Story My name is Christine Rochlitz, and I am the founder and head designer of the vegan and sustainable luxury fashion designer handbags brand LUCKYNELLY – BERLIN. I had always been very interested in fashion, design, interior, painting, colours, new trends and creating unique and exclusive things, so I studied fashion design at the University of applied science and arts in Bielefeld, Germany with successful graduating. After a few years working as a fashion designer for a kids clothes company I established my brand in Berlin in 2012. The brand name was created by my beloved bearded collie dog „NELLY“ and my cute little rabbit "LUCKY" who were the muses for it and for the decision to use only cruelty-free and vegan materials and to renounce of any animal skin, fur, silk and wool. "With my fashion accessories, I want to show that vegan fashion is very luxurious, unique and the lasting trend for our future." When I started in 2012 a lot of people were laughing about my brand idea and concept. VEGAN and Sustainable Luxury Handbags... named after my dog and my rabbit... NOW, there are so many vegan (luxury) handbags brands, seeing the profit, because NOW it´s a trend. As a TRENDSETTER I love to be the first even it is much more difficult, and I am very proud of it. My idea was to provide as a fashion designer, luxury handbags as an alternative to expensive bags made from genuine luxury exotic leather of the big fashion houses. (To name only one is Hérmes – they have a handbag in their collection that dœs cost 26.600 €, made of genuine crocodile leather). Our prices are between 199 € and 15.000 € for unique and exclusive handbags made with gold or platinum details. Or, if our customer wants, even with diamonds for a much more higher price. I started using cork for my collections because it looks and feels like real leather and can be embossed to have the snake or crocodile print. And there are so much more innovative ecological vegan materials to find, as genuine sewable wood or slate stone. As a real crazy „material stalker“ I found the most innovative end ecological materials as the wood and slate stone, Piñatex (made from bananas fibers), Muskin (made from mushrooms), silver colored washable paper, foldable ceramic that can be cut by scissor for making jewelry and apple skin (made from apples waste) to name a few that are used now for fashion. I already found these materials years ago. In 2014 I won the PETA Vegan Fashion Award with a ladies belt made of genuine sewn Zebrawood. Since then, LUCKYNELLY has cooperated very closely with the PETA, and therefore 5 euros of every product is spent on animal welfare. After two years of tough work, the British Vogue contacted me and wanted to present my brand and me as one of the new talented designers. The unique style also attracted attention and recognition at the British ELLE, Harper's Bazaar and Cosmopolitan, which published in printed issues. Our campaign model, Teresa Peitz from Berlin, lives vegan and is also an animal rights activist. She had been published a few times in Welt Vegan Magazin, wearing LUCKYNELLY accessories. My inspirations for new handbags and collections I get from nature, from animals, these beautiful creatures, with an iridescent look as the rose chafer and iridescent snakes. And there are so many more beautiful things you can find in nature – wood structures, fields, flowers, anywhere even in the city. So I do always take my canon cam with me to capture my visions and impressions. I am pleased to see that there are more and more vegan fashion brands but also shocked by the fashion industry, fashion weeks, influencers, bloggers and all the fashion enthusiasts who don´t look BEHIND a brand. It is not more about being a graduated fashion designer to establish a fashion brand. All you need is a name, a product, a website and some money. Anyone can say „I am a „designer“ creating my fashion line.“ But this will destroy „true“ fashion because they can only copy or steal ideas from other brands or artists who have spent years of time and money in their carrier. What I would like to say as a fashion designer to the world: Choose your clothes and accessories wisely, think about where your clothes do come from, who made it and who „must pay“ the price for. Look behind a brand! Choose vegan to not harm nature and our planet. As Vivienne Westwood put it: 'Buy less, choose well, make it last.' Thank you, Christine Photo Credits: Photography: Anja Scholta, Model: Teresa Peitz, MUA: Isabell Behrendt, Handbags, Accessories, Jewelry: LUCKYNELLY - BERLIN, Location: Blumencafe Berlin - Schönhauser Allee

Christine Rochlitz Profession: Vegan and Sustainable Luxury Designer Handbags Brand - Since 2012 @luckynelly_berlin Email address: Berlin, Germany About: The Berlin fashion label LUCKYNELLY offers stylish and luxurious handbags and other accessories that are 100% vegan. LUCKYNELLY dœs not support the use of animals for fashion and shows through innovative alternatives to leather that animal-friendly or vegan accessories can also be very exquisite and exclusive. "We would like to encourage more people to oppose fashion made from animals, as these are usually kept in terrible conditions, bred and killed. These include fur, leather, silk and even wool." The production is handmade; Manufacturing is based in Berlin/ Germany and Milan/ Italy. We work with the best specialists in this segment under highest quality. The Materials are from the best producers in the world, under specifications of vegan material and fairest conditions to workers. Your Story My name is Christine Rochlitz, and I am the founder and head designer of the vegan and sustainable luxury fashion designer handbags brand LUCKYNELLY – BERLIN. I had always been very interested in fashion, design, interior, painting, colours, new trends and creating unique and exclusive things, so I studied fashion design at the University of applied science and arts in Bielefeld, Germany with successful graduating. After a few years working as a fashion designer for a kids clothes company I established my brand in Berlin in 2012. The brand name was created by my beloved bearded collie dog „NELLY“ and my cute little rabbit "LUCKY" who were the muses for it and for the decision to use only cruelty-free and vegan materials and to renounce of any animal skin, fur, silk and wool. "With my fashion accessories, I want to show that vegan fashion is very luxurious, unique and the lasting trend for our future." When I started in 2012 a lot of people were laughing about my brand idea and concept. VEGAN and Sustainable Luxury Handbags... named after my dog and my rabbit... NOW, there are so many vegan (luxury) handbags brands, seeing the profit, because NOW it´s a trend. As a TRENDSETTER I love to be the first even it is much more difficult, and I am very proud of it. My idea was to provide as a fashion designer, luxury handbags as an alternative to expensive bags made from genuine luxury exotic leather of the big fashion houses. (To name only one is Hérmes – they have a handbag in their collection that dœs cost 26.600 €, made of genuine crocodile leather). Our prices are between 199 € and 15.000 € for unique and exclusive handbags made with gold or platinum details. Or, if our customer wants, even with diamonds for a much more higher price. I started using cork for my collections because it looks and feels like real leather and can be embossed to have the snake or crocodile print. And there are so much more innovative ecological vegan materials to find, as genuine sewable wood or slate stone. As a real crazy „material stalker“ I found the most innovative end ecological materials as the wood and slate stone, Piñatex (made from bananas fibers), Muskin (made from mushrooms), silver colored washable paper, foldable ceramic that can be cut by scissor for making jewelry and apple skin (made from apples waste) to name a few that are used now for fashion. I already found these materials years ago. In 2014 I won the PETA Vegan Fashion Award with a ladies belt made of genuine sewn Zebrawood. Since then, LUCKYNELLY has cooperated very closely with the PETA, and therefore 5 euros of every product is spent on animal welfare. After two years of tough work, the British Vogue contacted me and wanted to present my brand and me as one of the new talented designers. The unique style also attracted attention and recognition at the British ELLE, Harper's Bazaar and Cosmopolitan, which published in printed issues. Our campaign model, Teresa Peitz from Berlin, lives vegan and is also an animal rights activist. She had been published a few times in Welt Vegan Magazin, wearing LUCKYNELLY accessories. My inspirations for new handbags and collections I get from nature, from animals, these beautiful creatures, with an iridescent look as the rose chafer and iridescent snakes. And there are so many more beautiful things you can find in nature – wood structures, fields, flowers, anywhere even in the city. So I do always take my canon cam with me to capture my visions and impressions. I am pleased to see that there are more and more vegan fashion brands but also shocked by the fashion industry, fashion weeks, influencers, bloggers and all the fashion enthusiasts who don´t look BEHIND a brand. It is not more about being a graduated fashion designer to establish a fashion brand. All you need is a name, a product, a website and some money. Anyone can say „I am a „designer“ creating my fashion line.“ But this will destroy „true“ fashion because they can only copy or steal ideas from other brands or artists who have spent years of time and money in their carrier. What I would like to say as a fashion designer to the world: Choose your clothes and accessories wisely, think about where your clothes do come from, who made it and who „must pay“ the price for. Look behind a brand! Choose vegan to not harm nature and our planet. As Vivienne Westwood put it: 'Buy less, choose well, make it last.' Thank you, Christine Photo Credits: Photography: Anja Scholta, Model: Teresa Peitz, MUA: Isabell Behrendt, Handbags, Accessories, Jewelry: LUCKYNELLY - BERLIN, Location: Blumencafe Berlin - Schönhauser Allee



Christine Rochlitz Profession: Vegan and Sustainable Luxury Designer Handbags Brand - Since 2012 @luckynelly_berlin Email address: Berlin, Germany About: The Berlin fashion label LUCKYNELLY offers stylish and luxurious handbags and other accessories that are 100% vegan. LUCKYNELLY dœs not support the use of animals for fashion and shows through innovative alternatives to leather that animal-friendly or vegan accessories can also be very exquisite and exclusive. "We would like to encourage more people to oppose fashion made from animals, as these are usually kept in terrible conditions, bred and killed. These include fur, leather, silk and even wool." The production is handmade; Manufacturing is based in Berlin/ Germany and Milan/ Italy. We work with the best specialists in this segment under highest quality. The Materials are from the best producers in the world, under specifications of vegan material and fairest conditions to workers. Your Story My name is Christine Rochlitz, and I am the founder and head designer of the vegan and sustainable luxury fashion designer handbags brand LUCKYNELLY – BERLIN. I had always been very interested in fashion, design, interior, painting, colours, new trends and creating unique and exclusive things, so I studied fashion design at the University of applied science and arts in Bielefeld, Germany with successful graduating. After a few years working as a fashion designer for a kids clothes company I established my brand in Berlin in 2012. The brand name was created by my beloved bearded collie dog „NELLY“ and my cute little rabbit "LUCKY" who were the muses for it and for the decision to use only cruelty-free and vegan materials and to renounce of any animal skin, fur, silk and wool. "With my fashion accessories, I want to show that vegan fashion is very luxurious, unique and the lasting trend for our future." When I started in 2012 a lot of people were laughing about my brand idea and concept. VEGAN and Sustainable Luxury Handbags... named after my dog and my rabbit... NOW, there are so many vegan (luxury) handbags brands, seeing the profit, because NOW it´s a trend. As a TRENDSETTER I love to be the first even it is much more difficult, and I am very proud of it. My idea was to provide as a fashion designer, luxury handbags as an alternative to expensive bags made from genuine luxury exotic leather of the big fashion houses. (To name only one is Hérmes – they have a handbag in their collection that dœs cost 26.600 €, made of genuine crocodile leather). Our prices are between 199 € and 15.000 € for unique and exclusive handbags made with gold or platinum details. Or, if our customer wants, even with diamonds for a much more higher price. I started using cork for my collections because it looks and feels like real leather and can be embossed to have the snake or crocodile print. And there are so much more innovative ecological vegan materials to find, as genuine sewable wood or slate stone. As a real crazy „material stalker“ I found the most innovative end ecological materials as the wood and slate stone, Piñatex (made from bananas fibers), Muskin (made from mushrooms), silver colored washable paper, foldable ceramic that can be cut by scissor for making jewelry and apple skin (made from apples waste) to name a few that are used now for fashion. I already found these materials years ago. In 2014 I won the PETA Vegan Fashion Award with a ladies belt made of genuine sewn Zebrawood. Since then, LUCKYNELLY has cooperated very closely with the PETA, and therefore 5 euros of every product is spent on animal welfare. After two years of tough work, the British Vogue contacted me and wanted to present my brand and me as one of the new talented designers. The unique style also attracted attention and recognition at the British ELLE, Harper's Bazaar and Cosmopolitan, which published in printed issues. Our campaign model, Teresa Peitz from Berlin, lives vegan and is also an animal rights activist. She had been published a few times in Welt Vegan Magazin, wearing LUCKYNELLY accessories. My inspirations for new handbags and collections I get from nature, from animals, these beautiful creatures, with an iridescent look as the rose chafer and iridescent snakes. And there are so many more beautiful things you can find in nature – wood structures, fields, flowers, anywhere even in the city. So I do always take my canon cam with me to capture my visions and impressions. I am pleased to see that there are more and more vegan fashion brands but also shocked by the fashion industry, fashion weeks, influencers, bloggers and all the fashion enthusiasts who don´t look BEHIND a brand. It is not more about being a graduated fashion designer to establish a fashion brand. All you need is a name, a product, a website and some money. Anyone can say „I am a „designer“ creating my fashion line.“ But this will destroy „true“ fashion because they can only copy or steal ideas from other brands or artists who have spent years of time and money in their carrier.

ACHIRAWIN JIRAKAMOLCHAISIRI What I would like to say as a fashion designer to the world: Choose your clothes and accessories wisely, think about where your clothes do come from, who made it and who „must pay“ the price for. Look behind a brand! Choose vegan to not harm nature and our planet.


As Vivienne Westwood put it: 'Buy less, choose well, make it last.'


Thank you, Christine


Photo Credits:


Photography: Anja Scholta, Model: Teresa Peitz, MUA: Isabell Behrendt, Handbags, Accessories, Jewelry: LUCKYNELLY - BERLIN, Location: Blumencafe Berlin - Schönhauser Allee


ABOUT A cardiologist who can shoot the photo Achirawin, what are your passion and aspiration in life? How did you start as Photographer? Nothing can have an ability to stop the moment except photography. There are many precious moments in our life which we can beautifully capture them into our photo. Who is your inspiration in life Achirawin? How do you stay inspired as a Photographer? My fiance’Š and also my mom. To live and to share my life with them is my most precious gift. So I want to capture most of these precious memories. We all make mistakes Achirawin; we wish we could take back. What was the mistake you made in the past that you wish you can take back?

Discipline, optimistic and humble. Please tell us Achirawin, how do you prioritise work, social life, friends, and family? Family always come first. Friend and work can be balanced, but when I need to choose, I always shoot family. Achirawin, please give us an example of a time when you were able to persuade someone to see things your way at work successfully. I have my blog and also IG which I post my travel and my fiance’©'s portraits. 
 These started from all of my co-worker and my friend request. They want to look at the story/place/ person I have been with through my picture. 
 That makes me feel the very thrill. My answer is no. Either good and bad, mistake or achievements those made me who I'm now. Achirawin, How do you describe yourself in terms of working with clients? Discipline, optimistic and humble.

Achirawin, please tell us about your proudest professional accomplishment as a Photographer. I have some invitations to shoot our local model/ stars. Achirawin, please give us an example of a time you were able to be creative with your work. What was exciting or difficult about it? After my regular work (cardiologist) the time I spent after that are to be creative and give my mind a rest from logically think world to boundless world of photography. What advice would you give to the people who want to be successful as a Photographer? Shoot, learn, repeat. Photo Credits:


Joanna Borov @joannaborov Country United States State / Region California Model ABOUT I was born in Poland, but I left my country to study at the University of the Arts London, where I completed a master degree in fashion management. During my studies, I started to work as a fashion model. In my career, I did a lot of catwalks including London Fashion Week, Paris Fashion Week, LA Fashion Week, Monaco Summer Fashion Show. Last year I won Miss Motors F1 Silverstone and World Beauty Queen Poland. I was a judge in a beauty pageant in Argentina (Miss Film Festival International). I attend many fashion events , and lately, I had the honour to host Babes in Toyland a charity gala benefiting Barks of Love. I am very friendly and reliable. I love what I do, and I always bring positive energy to the team. Our readers would love to get to know you more Joanna. Tell us about yourself, what is unique about you, your brand or the services you o%er? I'm very open-minded and positive. I'm genuinely passionate about fashion, and I have done a lot of di%erent things in the industry, I matched my modelling career with beauty pageants, social media influencing, writing about fashion and finally designing clothes. Joanna, what are your passion and aspiration in life? How did you start as a Model? I had a very spontaneous photo with a famous photographer in Poland, and I was only positively surprised by the results, but also I truly enjoyed doing it. Who is your inspiration in life Joanna? How do you stay inspired as Model? I was inspired by my parents because they are very hard working people. I also get inspired by people who want to bring a positive change to the world and devote their time to charity. We all make mistakes Joanna; we wish we could take back. What was the error you made in the past that you want to you can take back? I wish I had started my career earlier and focused more on the first years of my career. Joanna, How do you describe yourself in terms of working with clients? I'm always friendly, and I bring positive energy to the set, even when I am not in the best mood I try not to show it. I'm also reliable and punctual which means I respect their time and rules. Please tell us, Joanna, how do you prioritise work, social life, friends, and family? I try to separate my personal and professional life. I thank God every day for my loving family and amazing friends, but I also work hard on my career. Luckily, a lot of my friends are from the same industry so I can meet them even at the events. Joanna, please give us an example of a time when you were able to persuade someone to see things your way at work successfully. Once I had a photo session for a lingerie brand, I was not sure about the makeup that I saw in the mood board, I spoke with the team, and we made significant changes which turned out be great. We achieved beautiful but very classy and arty photos. Joanna, please tell us about your proudest professional accomplishment as a Model. I established a very close work relationship with a fantastic haute couture designer Iris Rodriguez; I worked at fashion shows and photo sessions for her brand. Joanna, please give us an example of a time you were able to be creative with your work. What was exciting or challenging about it? I had a chance to shoot with a very talented photographer who loves great projects. We matched our creative ideas and took some fantastic photos. What advice would you give to the people who want to be successful as a Model?* * You have to live a healthy life, look after your body and diet. Also, it is essential to practice posing and walking. Now for the best part Joanna! Please upload 5-10 photos so we can get to see your work. Photo Credits: Cover photo 1Photographer Remo Fioroni @remofioroni MUA Nichola Mottram @nicholajanemakeup Designer Will Franco @itswillfranco Cover photo 2: Designer Venera Tabakin Photographer Montu Photographer @montuph Photo 1: Photographer Yasmine Kateb @yasminekateb Photo 2: designer Iris Rodriguez Photographer Chima Luke Okafor Photo 3 backstage photo Pia Bolte's fashion show Photo 4 : MUA Karen Messam @Karenmessam Photographer Joanna Mitroi @joanna_mitroi Photo 5 backstage with Reyna Khalil @reynakhalil Photo 6: Designer Limerence LA @limerence_la Photographer Glisslife Photo 7: Designer RSR by Riti Shah Photographer Eva Juhasz @yeevaaszjuh Photo 8: Photographer Kevin Mendez @kevinmendezphoto Photo 9: Photographer Mick Ackland @mickackland Photo 10: Photographer Kitana Photography @kitana_photography



My name is Arhab Amin; I am a model/musician as it is my passion to be a great model in my life.

Arhab Amin Profession: Model

Instagram Account: @arhab.amin About:


My name is Arhab Amin; I am a model/musician as it is my passion to be a great model in my life. Photo Credits: All credits go to my photographer for the perfect clicks


Zakaria Alaoui Profession: Model and music producer Instagram Account: @Faylasuf_music Website or social media link: About: I'm Zak, alias Faylasuf which means philosopher in Arabic. I love to create. Would it be painting, composing music or performing magic? I would like to inspire people not to be afraid to dig into their real potential. Because everything is possible! Your Story Hi, I used to be a software engineer, quit to follow my passion: producing music. It wasn't easy when everyone thought I was crazy to give up a solid career. Also fighting cancer (parotid cancer), but keeping the faith. Releasing music and quality pictures. VoilĂ :) Photo Credits: Picture owned by me



I constantly try to push my creative limits by experimenting. In this way, I hope to become an increasingly better photographer or filmmaker.

Koen Dewitte Profession:


photographer (hobbyist) Instagram Account: @phovidbw

Website or social media link: and About:

As a teacher, I have two passionate hobbies: photography and short film/video. I constantly try to push my creative limits by experimenting. In this way, I hope to become an increasingly better photographer or filmmaker. Photo Credits: @phovidbw @da'eeee


Zakaria A!oui Profe"ion: Model and music producer Instagram Accou#: @Fay!suf_music Website or social media link: h$ps://!sufMusic Abo%: I'm Zak, alias Fay!suf which m&ns philosopher in Arabic. I love to cr&te. Would it be pai#ing, composing music or performing magic? I would like to inspire people not to be afraid to dig i#o their r&l pote#ial. Because everything is po"ible! Your Story Hi, I used to be a software engineer, quit to follow my pa"ion: producing music. It wasn't &sy when everyone thought I was crazy to give up a solid career. Also fighting cancer (parotid cancer), b% keeping the faith. Rel&sing music and quality pictures. VoilĂ :) Photo Credits: Picture owned by me


I'm Zak, alias Faylasuf which means philosopher in Arabic. I love to create. Would it be painting, composing music or performing magic? I would like to inspire people not to be afraid to dig into their real potential. Because everything is possible!

36 #fashioninclusion

ODEL Citizen





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