Model Citizen Magazine Issue 12

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Life is only as good as your mind set!



Tell us about yourself: Why do you want to work as a model? Why are you interested in modelling as a career?

Modeling is my passion. It has drawn me since I was a child. When I was in my junior years at a private school in London, I liked to have a glimpse of the big designers and their creations on the fashion channels and shows in Milan and London while I was on lunch break. My classmates were shooting hoops. Now, I'm in my 3rd year of BA in Marketing at The Gulf University of Technology. Although busy with uni assignments, I dedicate my entire free time to professional photo shoots and my clients. I love what I do, and whatever I commit to, I give my 110% to it. I'm a hard worker. Of course when it’s time out, it’s time out. I try to pace myself. I enjoy spending time by the beach. I love to feel the sun and the ocean, hear it's sound... I get energized and full of new ideas. It's an inspiration. I grew up in a diverse family and I always looked on the world as one big opportunity. To be different is a gift from God.

How important is modelling education: Have you attended modelling courses? What related courses or studies have you taken? Education in general is very important. One should stay awake for it and absorb the knowledge presented to him. Modelling education is part of my profession. If you want to be successful, you should seek professional development and courses in your area (modeling for me) and keep on improving. I strive for knowledge!

What do you know about advertising psychology and photography?

I call it photo psychology. Both are very closely related. The photographer creates this images that play with people's psychology. If a photo is not good enough, it would never grab your attention. While an amazing shot could be remembered for a lifetime. Photography is memories. Memories is the mind ability to store and remember information including those of the created images by the photographer.

Do you have any limitations? How do you define your boundaries when choosing to accept a modelling request?

I do not limit myself and don't believe in boundaries. I like to challenge life! I have a say: The world is so much bigger than your brain, stop living inside your head.

What do you think makes someone “fit� to be a model? One may be fit for model when he/she has the passion for it! It's not only the looks and the body but the charisma of it... It's this vibe that you give to the audience and inspire them to wear the clothes that you are presenting.

What are your goals as a model? How do you see yourself progressing in this field? I would love to reach out my potential and work with famous and talented designers. I work hard and advertise. I'm open to the fashion world and seek agents who can help me achieve my goals. Thank you for noticing me and I hope to work with you in the future.

How do you communicate with people? Are you patient? Are you friendly? How open are you to clients’ requirements? Communication is an important tool in our dailies. I personally use all kind of apps, starting with Instagram, Facebook, emails, Tumblr, whats app and everything that helps me out have the communication flowing. I believe in efficiency and to reach out for this you need to communicate with people. Nothing compares to a beautiful conversation with a beautiful mind... People around find me extremely friendly and a person with good vibes. Someone they could rely on. Someone who can inspire them and help them out in difficult situations. I always smile at strangers :) Modeling is business and as a model I'm flexible with my clients requirements. In the end of the day this is a high end show where one should do his best!

Do you eat nutritiously? How often do you exercise or go to the gym? Oh yes! I'm so very careful what I eat. I pick organic products and drink Evian and Volvic. Both do magics to your body and mind. I can't live without going to the gym. It's a routine! I spend one to one and a half hours in the gym during the week. I jog on week-ends by the beach. Eat healthy, sleep well, breathe deeply and enjoy life!

What is your dream role as a model? Literally presenting for D&G. I love everything about them! I like their products and broadcasts. I always wanted to work with someone like them. They are such an inspiration to me.

State your availability: Would you travel? Work full-time, part time? Any hours? Travelling for me is an adventure, when combined with working opportunities I feel complete pleasure. I'd like to give to the world my best! I'm available to work fulltime and part time upon clients requests.

BOOKING INFO Instagram: @a_mrb Facebook: abdulrahman.albader.75 Twitter: @amralbader Email:,

PHOTO CREDITS Photographer: @jakub_koz & @lensaction Model: @a_mrb Makeup Artist Stylist: @kris.idaki









Federico Fernandez Calleros photographer

Tell us something about yourself. What you do, passion and aspiration in life? I'm a 20 year old Fashion photographer. Also I am a student of photography, to one year of. I hope in a future than this will be my full time job, where i can travel to others countries to create new productions or maybe work for a magazine. I know it's hard to live from art but even if it takes me 2 or 10 years to make it real, i'll still will be working on this. I think than people need to live of what they love the most, and try to make a little space on their life to do what they like. Who is your inspiration in life? How do you keep inspired? My mom and my brother are two persons who inspire me to continuing with what I like. I come from a family where it is necessary to work hard to obtain what one wants. The music is something that always inspires me to do new photos or the personality of the persons. I see people who have this unique personality and they give me desire of portraying them with their personal style, which is at what i'm employed in my new portfolio call "Genéricas". What is your aspiration in life? To live from Photography and share my work with the World haha. What i really want is to know more of the fashion world and also meet people from other places, know about they culture, they life experiences and share fashion together.

We all make mistakes we wish we could take back. Tell me about a time you wish you’d handled a situation differently with a colleague. The truth is that I never had a bad experience with some colleague for the present moment. I worked with models who had a bad attitude, but there's no more than it. When you’re working with a large number of customers, it’s tricky to deliver excellent service to them all. How do you go about prioritizing your customers’ needs? Always i work with 3 clients per week, this way I have days to be able to deliver them the published material. If it is necessary I do 4 per week but already it is a lot of work. If they are more I give other dates of work. Tell me about a time you had to be very strategic in order to meet all your top priorities. Luckily I always knew how to do my time and be punctual with the necessary things. I never had problems prioritizing one thing before the other. Give me an example of a time when you were able to successfully persuade someone to see things your way at work. Every time I work with clothing brands and they ask me for advice on the style or type of lighting they saw and want to do it, I try to create what's in their head and combine it with what's in my head. In that way the clothes brand end satisfied with the production, because they allow to me to give an opinion on their brand and work in something more artistic. When they end happy it gives to me the feeling that the shooting came out good and is a successful job. Tell me about your proudest professional accomplishment. I have two productions that I liked a lot. One of them was in a tapeworm court for a brand of shirts, it was fashionable but at the same time more bohemian and simple, but the idea, the model and the styling was very well done. The other was in a studio for a brand of women too, but it was 100% Fashion and some photos were left as for editorial and that was what i liked most about that job. It was just a job for catalog but the photos gave for something more than catalog. Give me an example of a time you were able to be creative with your work. What was exciting or difficult about it? Every time I have to make productions for my own try to be as creative as possible. But one of the works that I liked the most was last year for my photography institute. I had to find a reference photographer and reverse his style with something of mine own. I chose Guy Bourdin for his handling of color more than anything. It was a hard job because I had to respect Guy's particularity by being creative and showing something personal. The work was good so I ended up happy with the final result. What was your most challenging encounter? How did you deal with it? All my institute jobs are quite difficult because they make you work creativity all the time. One of the hardest was this year, I had to do fashion portrait using only a light, which is hard, punctual, with lots of contrast and paramount. It was a work of 3 moths looking for references and find something that pleases me with a single lighting, all this job just for one photo. But it was a nice work for the mind and try to exploit creativity to do something new. What advice could you give to the people who are reading this? We live in a world where money and fame is the most important thing. And we look for careers that leave us a good salary to live, many leave aside dreams because they see impossible or are very realistic. I know it sounds cliché but if one sets a target and works to fulfill it, it arrives. As I said before no matter if there are people who take 1 year and you 5 more, the important thing is that you are going to arrive. I still work to make photography my full time job and I dream about being able to travel and meet people from other countries to work with them. Life can be cruel if you're a dreamer, but that doesn't mean that you will never make it. I tell you to dream big and dare to leave the comfort zone to live what you like most.

Email Federico

follow Federico

Luckily I always knew how to do my time and be punctual with the necessary things. I never had problems prioritizing one thing before the other.

The truth is that I never had a bad experience with some colleague for the present moment. I worked with models who had a bad attitude, but there's no more than it.

Caleb Caveny model

Tell us about yourself: Why do you want to work as a model? Why are you interested in modelling as a career? 
 I love modelling because it gives me the opportunity to travel and see the world while I am working and that's all I need in life. How important is modelling education: Have you attended modelling courses? What related courses or studies have you taken? 
 To me, modelling education isn't that important. I have never taken a modelling course. If you can convey an emotion and the camera can capture that, you're all set! What do you think makes someone “fit” to be a model? Anyone can be a model. There are no requirements to be a model, just to model with most agencies. If you have the passion for it, then you are fit for it.

What are your goals as a model? How do you see yourself progressing in this field?
 One of my biggest goals as a model is to do a Calvin Klein ad or campaign. As time goes on, I would love to transition into acting because I just love this industry. What do you know about the advertisement industry, advertising psychology and photography?
 Advertisements, in general, are what run the m o d e l l i n g i n d u s t r y. W i t h o u t advertisements, there's no modelling. Along with that, when we model for products, we are representing that product and in turn become part of the product as well. We model the product in hopes of making it more appealing to the target market that the company is going for. 
 How do you communicate with people? Are you patient? Are you friendly? How open are you to clients’ requirements?
 I'm a very patient and friendly person :) At least I'd like to think so. If a client needs something done, I will make it happen as long as I am comfortable with the shot and what they want from me. They are paying me to do a job, and I don't want the client to feel like they didn't get their money worth. Do you eat nutritiously? How o$en do you exercise or go to the gym?
 Yes, I'm actually on a pretty strict diet of chicken breast and brown rice. I go to the gym five days a week as of now, and I've never felt better.

What is your dream role as a model?
 My dream role as a model would have to be being the main role in a movie. I've seen a few models pull it off and I have to give props to them because that's a hard gig to land. Do you have any limitations? How do you define your boundaries when choosing to accept a modelling request?
 I will do anything that I am comfortable with, so it's hard to explain that line to the point, but I have never had a problem with a modelling request. I just won't do nude work. My line is drawn before that :) State your availability: Would you travel? Work full-time, part-time? Any hours?
 I'm available whenever I'm not working. I would work 24/7 if it were physically possible. I would love to t ra v e l a n y w h e r e t h a t t h e r e ' s opportunity for me. I'm actually in my first international market right now in Bangkok, Thailand and I'm loving every second of it. As for hours, I've shot a commercial from 6 pm to 6 am before so hours are not a thing when it comes to work. 
 One of my most memorable experiences so far so getting that phone call in Dallas from my agent asking if I wanted to model in Bangkok. I was so ecstatic, and that feeling can never be replicated. Amazing.

in s ta g r a m .c o m /c a le b ca v en y/

m o c . il a m @g 2 1 x a l bp



fajer fadhel makeup artist

Tell us about yourself, and why you are a good fit as a makeup artist. There are a lot of good makeup artists and great ones. A great makeup artist is the one who not only has the skills, techniques, creativity, but also should have a great personality and know how to communicate and deal with everyone. What makes me fit for this position is my skills, techniques, creativity, and my passion for arts, my endless love for learning and most importantly my personality that keeps me getting forward in this industry. Why did you choose this profession? I chose to be a professional makeup artist simply because I have an artist myself since I was seven years old. I love to blend and play with colours and textures. Not only that, it makes me feel great to help other ladies feel confident and happy about their appearance, and this is the main reason why I wanted to study makeup. I believe Makeup is not a mask rather than a tool to enhance the person's beauty that already exists. What are the biggest challenges makeup artists have to face? The biggest challenge I faced as a makeup artist is a competition. Knowing there are a lot of great makeup artists out there makes me want to push my limits and boundaries even more. To be able to face these challenges you have to be creative, creative, and creative to have yourself and works recognised.

If a customer asks for a style that you are sure would not suit them, how do you convince the customer to go otherwise? Most of my clients know my style in makeup and trust my skills. However, there are times where a client asks for a particular look that for example doesn't fit the occasion or simply won't look good on here. I try not criticise her style, but be very polite and honest. How do you prepare dry and oily skin for foundation makeup application? To prepare a dry skin I use literacy gentle cream exfoliator "if approved by the client or she/he has a clear skin" to get rid of dead skin cells, followed by 15-20 mins hydrating mask from Avenue or Paula's choice, Bobbi Brown eye cream, and lip balm. I then use embryo issue lait creme concentrate as a primer and a moisturiser. Followed by a liquid moisturising foundation. For oily skin, I make sure to wash the face with gentle cleanser, followed by a toner, oil free moisturiser, face mist, and a mattifying primer. For the foundation, I make sure to use water-based water resistant foundations. Do you have any experience in cosmetic retails? I do have experience in marketing. Tell us about your experience as a makeup artist? It all started ten years ago where I took a lot of makeup courses worldwide and in the USA. Later on, I have worked in some parts of Europe, Southeast and currently the Middle East. Today, I work as a makeup professional and the official educator and brand Ambassador to element who airbrush cosmetics all across the Middle East. I believe a true makeup artist is the one who's passion and love for education is limitless. That being said, I have been chosen as one of the 200 makeup artists worldwide to join makeup professionals program "Mastered."

Do you apply makeup for special events? Name some you have covered? For the past five years, I joined Beauty World Middle East doing live makeup shows, tutorials and demonstrations. I also do voluntary make up for charities especially to women who are diagnosed with cancer and have lost their confidence and self-esteem. What is the difference between applying makeup for a TV shoot and applying makeup for a live appearance party? Makeup for TV shoots have some guidelines. For foundation, I prefer to use a demi-matte finish airbrush because it gives the most natural flawless finish. I also avoid glowing skin foundations and extreme highlighters. I go for the natural soft glam and use individual eyelashes. Unlike for live party appearance as I don't have any limitations with the makeup, colours, use of eyelashes. How often do you clean your makeup tools such as brushes and combs? How does it affect the wear and tear of your tools and how do you feel about the associated expense? Hygiene is very important. That's why I was and clean my brushes after each and every use. Depending on the brush type: I use 99% iso propyl alcohol, Kryolan brush cleanser, London brush shampoo and the brush pearl ultrasonic automatic machine to condition my brushes. How do you determine a client’s undertone before you decide what makeup technique to use? A good understanding for client's undertones is very important for a successful makeup application. To determine a client's undertone (cool, warm, neutral, olive) first, I follow the guidelines; I test the skin in a good light. Then examine the client's face colour, neck, dÊcolletage, hands and Consider the client's eye/hair colour. Then test different foundation shades on the jawline and select the one that blends in best. No matter how far you reach always stay humble. Be professional and never cancel your appointments. Be creative and always think outside the box. Don't be afraid to experiment and play with colours and textures. my Most memorable experience was working for Dubai's leading bridal and evening wear boutique and having the work published globally.

For the past five years, I joined Beauty World Middle East doing live makeup shows, tutorials and demonstrations. I also do voluntary make up for charities especially to women who are diagnosed with cancer and have lost their confidence and self-esteem.

Photo by:




Viktoria Georgina Biro makeup artist

Tell us about yourself, and why you are a good fit as a makeup artist. I always listen to my clients and give them what they would really like to see. I understand them and treat each and every client special. Makeup gives you a different mood, it's about feelings and it's a kind of communication to the world. I help my clients to communicate who they are on that specific day/occasion when I do their makeup. Why did you choose this profession? I realised how much I can help someone with a nice makeup and I love this creativity in my life. Different colours, different textures, many possibilities and you never have two same days. I'm in love with this job and couldn't imagine my life without beauty. What are the biggest challenges makeup artists have to face? There are many challenges nowadays but I think the social is one of the biggest to face. The clients are online all the time, there so many self thought "love to be a makeup artists" around and many unnatural pics which gives you a complete false idea about makeup. There is no flawless skin like on these particular photos it simply doesn't exists and to explain this to your thirty something customer that she is still going to see some wrinkles it's sometimes really hard. Trends like contouring and highlighting and these terrible eyebrows, too close to each other and too wide; it's just not for everyone and the clients are so influenced in a totally wrong way. In one hand social media is a blessing because you have more inspiration then before but on the other hand it's just too much. If a customer asks for a style that you are sure would not suit them, how do you convince the customer to go otherwise? I've often had this problem as I used to work for MAC, Nars and ARMANI so I choose not to discuss too long about it, I just did the half of the face as they wanted and the other half as I recommend it and 98% they wanted my suggestion. How do you prepare dry and oily skin for foundation makeup application? I love preparing the skin because without beautiful skin you can't do a nice makeup. For dry skin I use a lots of moisturiser, toner and sometimes even an enzyme peeling. I choose a liquid moisturising foundation. Oily skin needs moisture as well but here I take a less rich cream and go for a primer which mattify the skin, I use an oil free foundation. Do you have any experience in cosmetic retails? I've worked for MAC, ARMANI, NARS, NYX, YSL altogether 5 years in retails as a makeup artist and store manager.

Tell us about your experience as a makeup artist? I could write here long stories but my favourite experience is always the end of the makeup as my clients take a look in the mirror and with sparkling eyes saying thank you for making me beautiful. Seeing how happy they are and how gorgoeus they feel is my absolutely most fav experience. Do you apply makeup for special events? Name some you have covered? I do make up for all kind of occasions. I was head of makeup this year for the Elite Model Look of Switzerland and this I loved so much. I used to work for TV, did makeup for Miss Universe Hungary and had clients they attended the Zürich Filmfestival. I also did makeup for several clients for the Streetparade in Zürich. What is the difference between applying makeup for a TV shoot and applying makeup for a live appearance party? There are many things you have think about. For a live party you do the make up and after you leave so you have no chance for a touch up that's why it has to be very long lasting. For a TV shoot you should check the lighting and the colours and also the products what you use could be different. HD is always a great choice. How often do you clean your makeup tools such as brushes and combs? How does it affect the wear and tear of your tools and how do you feel about the associated expense? I clean them after each and every customer. The brushes are the extension of my finger, my tools I'm working with they are my business cards they have to be clean there is no compromise about this. I invest in good tools I also have my own branded brushes and quality is really important. How do you determine a client’s undertone before you decide what makeup technique to use? I make a colour match to find the right undertone and investigate what kind of skin type she has and what products she use everyday, after this it's easy to decide for the right makeup technique. Do you have any tips for our readers? Educate yourself and keep on going! There is always something to learn in this industry from everyone. Believe you can.

Photographer: @adambirophotography Model: @odorzsofi @annasmith_official Hair & Makeup: @viktoriageorgina Stylist: @viktoriageorgina

Arthur Von Tyrpa


rochambeau Two native New Yorkers, longtime friends and business partners, Laurence Chandler and Joshua Cooper, formed Rochambeau (which is French for the popular game “rock-paper-scissors”) back in 2007 to share their vision for men’s fashion with the world. These co-designers pride their brand’s authenticity and want to create things that are unique. The streetwear-influenced brand that has Nick Jonas and Justin Bieber spotted in their designs, made a splash (literally) at New York Fashion Week: Men with their Fall/Winter 2017 collection. At the presentation’s start, the performers emerged as inmates running the asylum, their faces covered with masks splashed in paint. This trend continued when the models appeared on the runway with bright splashes of colour on garments such as pants and sweaters, along with asymmetric wide and thin stripes on blazers and shirts, various embroidery and chains. Along with the strong presentation, the surrealist pop music created an intriguing atmosphere capturing a careful attention of all guests. Rochambeau has prized the consumer’s interaction with clothes above aesthetics with giving something special to each of the pieces they make and using only high-quality fabrics. This brand has been around for already a decade making an impact in the fashion world and it looks like they have no plans in slowing down.



write-ups by


todd snyder

Having worked in the industry for more than two decades, a three-time CFDA award nominee, Todd Snyder launched his first menswear collection in the Fall of 2011. Inspired by fine craftsmanship, military tailoring and a distinct New York feel, the brand has gained wide critical and commercial praise. No wonder that at this year's New York Fashion Week: Men Snyder’s Fall/Winter 2017 collection attracted a lot of attention and the first row was filled with some of the most stylish celebrities including Neil Patrick Harris and Liev Schreiber. The guests could not take their eyes off the runway trying to catch every detail of the garments displayed appreciating how the designer masterfully combined different fabrics and questioning how is it possible to make white socks with black shoes look good. Highlights included velvet suiting, turtleneck ski sweaters, flannel shirts, shearling overcoats, washed out jeans and combat pants. This collection is full of elegant pieces for a modern sophisticated man with a hint of the 90’s in the air. Todd Snyder once again has proven to be an all time classic… but always with a twist.

ZACHARY PRELL Zachary Prell, a contemporary sportswear brand for men that represents the fundamental principles of modern fit, clean silhouettes, quality craftsmanship, and style, displays a complete range of effortless, everyday luxurious essentials. The Fall/Winter 2017 collection presented at this year’s New York Fashion Week: Men is all about elevating and embracing every life journey, to help the modern man always be confident and prepared. For this reason, the designer brand used mostly monochromatic grey and blue shades, focusing more on the functionality and detail of the garments. Tweed bucket hats, charcoal cashmere knits, sweatpants, windbreakers, coats, fleece and cargo pants created a comfortable yet stylish look perfect for any adventure that lies ahead.

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What inspired you to start your fashion label? An absolute passion for both fashion and philanthropy. DUKE n co is partnered with the Tanzanian Children’s fund, a non-forprofit organization in the Karatu region of Tanzania. It’s an amazing charitable organization that provides a loving and permanent home for 95 marginalized children as well as access to high-quality education, free healthcare, and microfinance trainings and loans to the entire community. It’s an immense honour to be able to work with such an incredible organization and definitely the biggest motivator for the DUKE n co team. I’ve had a number of businesses in my life and they’ve all been linked to charities, because I truly believe in conscious capitalism. Our philanthropic agenda is our biggest motivator and the foundation of our business. Who is behind your fashion label? Myself, Georgina Akkou. I actually studied law at university but despite this I would find myself sketching designs during lectures. I did pursue a career in law for a short period of time, but I knew where my true passions lay and I’ve always been a big believer in following/chasing your dreams. How many team members do you have right now on board? It's just myself and 2 casual staff members who are simply divine! What is your vision for your fashion label? I hope that DUKE n co becomes a household name with a strong international presence. We plan on expanding our range to include kids wear, menswear and homewares, so some very exciting times ahead. What are your customers' most favourite collections? We only launched a few months ago, so we are still relatively new, with only one collection launched. But we are currently working on our next collection (due out in February) and planning our kids line which we hope to launch mid year. How did you discover a need for this type of product in the marketplace? I love the fashion industry and I love what every label brings to the table. I simply wanted to create classy clothing with a sophisticated touch yet playful sensibility. I want women to look and feel their very best.

What has been the most challenging aspect of getting your brand off the ground and how did you overcome that? Like every company, financial strains and working with limited resources were my biggest challenges. Unfortunately these are daily business challenges that can only be ove rc o m e w i t h p e r s eve r a n c e a n d constantly adapting to an every changing environment. What are two aspects of business in which you believe a new brand should invest resources? Production and marketing. There is nothing more important than the quality of your product, businesses should aim to exceed customer's expectations and that's precisely what we do. Marketing is also a necessity, your business may offer the best products in your industry, but none of your potential customers will know about it. Getting your name out there and maintaining long-lasting and ever-present relationships with your customers through marketing is crucial. Any pieces of advice for young entrepreneurs who want to o p e n s i m i l a r l a b e l s l i ke yours? Pursue your dreams! Don’t be afraid to push boundaries or to work for what you believe in. Don’t be discouraged by criticism or pessimism. Have faith in yourself, your talent, your product. Go out there and slay! How do our readers buy your products? Do you ship internationally? We h av e a n o n l i n e s t o r e and a number of stockists both nationally and internationally. We offer free express shipping worldwide! Do you collaborate with fashion bloggers? How do you collaborate with them? We have had a number of fashion bloggers wear our clothing, but don't have any collaborations at the current moment. Our dresses have been worn by Leyla Milani, Nada Adelle, Dami Im, Laura Csortan, Dannibelle, Jade Cara and Keira Maguire.

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We are more than just a fashion label. We are proud to be part of a partially n o t - f o r - p r o fi t company. We work directly with the Tanzanian Children's Fund, a c h a r i t a b l e foundation in Ta n z a n i a . E a ch DUKE n co purchase equates to a medical or educational resource donated to a Ta n z a n i a n community in need. E ve r y ye a r o u r t e a m fl y t o Ta n z a n i a a n d personally donate t h es e re s o u rc es. T hese resources include: sporting equipment; first aid kits; vitamins; bandages & band aids; surgical gloves & scrubs; safety syringes; personal hygiene items; dictionaries / encyclopedias; t e x t b o o k s ; notebooks & paper; stationery; crayons & drawing pads; puzzles; and educational toys.




georgin a @ d u k e n c o . c o m


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Shelsea Doran

How did you get to where you are now in your career? When I think about how I got into photography I think about the people that I surround myself with. The people that surround me motivate me, help me, and push me to do better. That's one of the most important thing in any career for sure, making sure that you're inspired by those around you and that they're not toxic to your career. How did your education prepare you for the future? Modeling education is important for the models. I'm a photographer so I deal more with asking the models to create the movement or pose that I have in mind in a natural manner. I haven't attended any modeling courses. What person has been your inspiration in life? Who is your hero? Too many to count!! Do you feel like you’ve met your goals and are successful? I feel that I'm meeting the small goals I set for myself weekly, yet I want to keep learning and growing. You'll never learn your full potential if you feel that your work is perfect.

If you had to do it over again, what would you change? If I had to do it over again I would be less afraid of failure. When you're planning a shoot and making sure everyone is at the right place at the right time you want everything to go perfectly, as planned. Yet, in reality things go wrong all the time and you just need to deal with them the best you can. I would be less worried about taking risks. What advice would you give someone who is young and wants to have a position such as yours one day? Train yourself for the position you want. If you want to be a professional fashion photographer, find current photographers that inspire you and learn from them by viewing their work over and over again. That way you're training yourself to see what the professionals see, and you can eventually adapt that to your own style. How do you stay inspired? By seeing what's around me. I'll be walking past a wall, and I'll look at the texture of the wall and start thinking about how I use that for a shoot. It can be the most mundane thing sometimes. What photography related things do you recommend? Make sure you know what you're talking about in terms of technique and terminology. If I'm talking to a fellow photographer and they're telling me that a jpeg file and a raw file are basically the same thing I'm automatically going to trust their opinion less because I feel that they might not know as much as they pretend to. There's no shame in not knowing something, especially considering photography can be so technical, but you will be respected more if you say you don't know and learn. How can people reach you for a job? And how would they know your rate? I can be reached at or my e-mail The rate will be dependent on the job requirements. What's your favourite camera? The X100s Fujifilm. It's not what I shoot my fashion work with, but this camera in low light! Simply beautiful. stagr /shels mb

www.s helse adora

s m b .d o r a n @ g m a il.c o m

Taran W Photographer

How did you get to where you are now in your career? Well, I'm not too sure you could call it a career yet, as I am still in high school, but I attend a very artistic school, which inspired me to produce creative work alongside my peers. As a freshman, I searched for a medium that suited me by signing up for every art class I could. Having never tried anything before, I decided to try as much as possible - sculpting, drawing, digital design, painting, et cetera. I went for pretty much any kind of studio art I could get my hands on, and although I tried to register for photography the class had already filled. Because of the size of my school I had to wait a full year in order to take photography. At the time this was disappointing, even disheartening, but now I feel that the circumstance only percolated my interest in the subject. As a sophomore I got stuck on photography. Something clicked in my mind with this medium that didn’t with the others. I acquired a dusty Nikon D70, which eventually led to a Nikon D5500. Since that first intro class I have slowly been adding pieces of equipment to my bag and have continued to practice independently. What is your opinion on modeling education? Body language is one of the most basic and instinctual forms of communication, and I think that everyone should learn to “speak” it as best they can. One reason why I think portraiture has such a strong draw and relevance is its ability to not only express an emotion but to convey a story with details and characters. I think models are often resented for their physical beauty rather than celebrated for their unspoken communication. For many, models are more beautiful which therefore makes you less beautiful. For me, however, I see myself. I see that they are telling me what I posses through themselves. They are showing me who I am, who they are, and how we are the same. Without saying a word, I feel beautiful. I want everyone to learn how to express this beauty without speaking. What person has been your inspiration in life? Who is your hero? I have many inspirations that I would like to mention, but generally speaking I see them all as genuine people. I am inspired by authentic individuals. Do you feel like you've met your goals? My goals in life are constantly changing, but overall I want to create a family of intellectuals and producers. With them I want to support our lifestyle through our production. My path to achieving this goal is just beginning, but I hope to get into the business side of things by the time I graduate high school. And as far as the creatives go, I am already surrounded and will continue to gravitate towards like-minded individuals.

If you had to do it over again, what would you change? My goals in life are constantly changing, but overall I want to create a family of intellectuals and producers. With them I want to support our lifestyle through our production. My path to achieving this goal is just beginning, but I hope to get into the business side of things by the time I graduate high school. And as far as the creatives go, I am already surrounded and will continue to gravitate towards like-minded individuals. Do you have any tips? Well, being young, and not quite sure what my “position” really is I can’t say that I have the most valuable advice out there. But I can say that whatever you do, you can’t stop. There were several months between my sophomore and junior year where I never even touched my camera, and the thought of that spiraling even further down is more than frightening to me. Overtime I’ve realized that if I don’t continue to produce content than I can’t even remain relevant to myself, let alone the rest of the world. How do you stay inspired? I guess it depends. Sometimes, I listen to music and think about what comes to mind. If a particular thought or emotion feels strong enough then I try to make an image from it. My inspirations can vary quite frequently, due to a certain combination of visual cues seen in media or life around me. Writing is another way that I might form the base of an image. Whether it be a creative writing piece or a sketch of a photo concept, I find a way to stay inspired. What photography related things do you recommend? When I first began photography I often looked at the rules rather than the image. This was a big distraction and limitation for me. Rather than seeing an image with alternative composition I saw a missing rule of thirds. Over time, I have learned not to set any rules for myself or my creations and have seen a different side of my work because of it. The point I’m making is that I have been limited by rules so much more than I have ever been by a failed concept, and listening to a “No Trespassing” sign has never produced an image for me. As well as this, I wish I knew that almost all of photography (in my experience) is just having a good understanding of light and composition as well as having an artistic eye, which comes naturally to some, but can be developed. What's your favourite camera? Right now, I would say my Nikon D5500, but I’ve just received a Yashica 44 that I am very excited to start working with. What is your most memorable moment so far? About 3 weeks ago I took a photo which involved wrapping my head in some fabric with another friend next to some hay bales. As soon as we started doing this a man walked out of his house and approached us. He asked us what we were doing and continued to lecture us on being in places we shouldn’t be without permission. He told us we appeared quite suspicious due to our walking and the fact that we were carrying a tripod, camera, and fabric with us. He then continued to accuse us of being on drugs and told us that we shouldn’t be there. Being determined to get at least a couple of shots, I tried to reason with him and asked if he owned the property or knew the owner. He told us that he neither owned or knew the owner of the land, so I asked him if it was alright if we used the space. He said, “Well, it’s not my property so it’s not really up to me. I just think you guys should be more careful.” To this I responded with a skewed, “Okay”. He finally left and we took our pictures. I just found it kind of strange that nothing had changed from the point of him walking to and from us. I guess I just thought it funny that he felt the need to fixate on something that had nothing to do with him.

Veronika GOLL photographer

How did you get to where you are now in your career? Hi, actually I am an interior architect! I like seeing nice things, nice proportions and great colors. In may 2016 I bought myself, out of a belly Feeling, a camera and have started to discover the world with her. I fall so deeply in love with all the magic I found in the photography world and I'm so glad to capture all these special moments. Quite quickly I started to put fashion and models in scene. It is an incredible feeling to see the results. I can implement so many creative ideas. I would never have expected. Meanwhile photography takes so much of my life and fulfils me completely. Many tell me that they love my pictures because they are full of emotions.

What photography related things do you recommend? Get yourself a good and light intensity camera and objective. I'm not a fan of further technology. If you have a good camera, which makes good pictures even in low light, you are motionless. Yo u c a n q u i c k l y c h a n g e y o u r perspective. It is always good to move freely. When you use flash and stative, you are stiff and firm. That hampers you in your creativity.

What person has been your inspiration in life? Who is your hero? As many probably say: my parents. They showed me that you can do all you want in life, if you just have the endurance. I have learned a lot from my children as well - to see the world on another, unaffected world. It does not have to be right or wrong. It just has to feel good

How did your education prepare you for the future? I haven't taken any photography courses. What's your favourite camera? I'm totally in love with my Canon EOS D6.

How do you stay inspired? I just go through the world with open eyes. I let myself be guided by colors, shapes, music, people, smells, haptics and more. If you're open, it's easy for you. The new people who i get to know always help me to see things differently and keep me inspired.

Do you feel like you’ve met your goals and are successful? I only started half a year ago with the photography and I can say that I am more than surprised by my current "success". I never had the intention to be famous. Now that more a n d m o re p e o p l e a re attracted to me and want to be in front of my ca m e ra : o f co u rs e, m y motivation has grown to expand more and more. My dream is to be able to live somewhere doing photography, so the hobby maybe will become a job.

What advice would you give someone who is young and wants to have a position such as yours one day?' Just go for it. It's hard work but it is worth it. In the end of the day, you should look in the mirror and you should be able to say: YES, I do what I love. The world is your playground. Go outside and conquer the world.

If you had to do it over again, what would you change? Nothing. I'm one of the people who do not regret anything. There are no wrong decisions for me. It is only important what you make of it.

g in x u c o /f m o .c k o o b e c a .f w ww

The term model is not as defined as it used to be. With the growth of social media, bloggers, media personalities & sports stars are now breaking into the modeling world like n e v e r before.


Tell us about yourself. Â It often appears that any form of success, whether it is growth in Social Media following, change in body, or working with well known brands that it happens over-night. It's brought down to 'luck' or 'destiny' which speaking candidly is nonsense. In 2012, when I was finishing high-school I was set on entering Medicine or Law. I had been signed to my mother modeling agency for a couple of years with little success. I decided, that while not in any commitment or financial hold that I would pursue my goal of becoming a model. It took 4 years of hustle, dieting, shooting pro bono (to develop a book), attending events and networking. Essentially making things happen, putting in the work. Investing time & effort into myself despite the criticism of some who thought I had fallen off the rails. I moved to TOPCO Model Managment's International Mainboard in 2016 & further landed a contract with TFM India an agency in Mumbai, India. Proceeded to work there for 5 months with some of the industries top brands. Â

How important is modeling education: Has he/she attended modeling courses? Â In the conventional sense of the word, education isn't. I have attended no courses or studied, not that these aren't of any value. My preference is to learn by being in the end-game situation. To elaborate, what I mean is that if I want to learn how to photograph well I would prefer to set up shoots with aspiring photographers & learn through actually shooting. Not learning the theory behind photography. In essence, "Modeling Education," from my point of view is best acquired through doing it. Being hands on.

What do you think makes someone “fit” to be a model? The term model is not as defined as it used to be. With the growth of social media, bloggers, media personalities & sports stars are now breaking into the modeling world like never before. This is an exciting time as it allows for previously hidden talent to have an opportunity to leverage what almost all of us have accessible (social media) to make a name for oneself. That being said, it’s important to remember that Height plays a big part, as a male one should be at least 6ft. It’s not only important from fitting sample sizes but a lot of female models are 5’9’’ or even taller. It's an exciting & unseen time right now & ahead of us. The industry is shifting to social media numbers, uniqueness & personal brand as opposed to the previous conception of what a model should be.

What are your goals? I don't focus on the things that I cannot control. Castings, callbacks, contracts, what the market is saying are all out of my control & so I don't base my goals around those. Naturally, I have the desire to book jobs, sign with reputable agencies & have the market demanding my look but I don't plan around it. My goals are always set for a 3 month period & are always based around 3 things: 1. The public: Attending events. Growing my audience & nursing an engaged environment. 2. Personal: Maintaining & looking after my relationships. Taking care of my body. There is no end point, it's an active, daily process. Never forget that. 3. Skill acquirement: This can be anything you would like it to be. Learning to cook, speak french etc. Important to keep one's mind & body stimulated.

What do you know about advertising and psychology? It's an interesting time that we are in. It is less about being sold to, more about telling a story. Transparency & truth as opposed to being pitched to. My knowledge of advertising, psychology, photography & my use of them are all based around that notion. People don't just want to see pretty pictures, they want to invest in your story, watch your growth & feel inspired to do the same. It is the reason Snapchat & Instagram have thrived. So while it's important to post high-quality content & keep your viewers in mind one needs to remember that the market is very saturated & everyone is looking for someone unique. That is what "sells" in this age.

How do you communicate with people? Are you patient? Are you friendly? How open are you to clients’ requirements? Number one rule in this industry is professionalism. It's o/en forgotten but absolutely vital. It's a tricky balance between being too kind & not pushing enough to get the ball rolling. Ambition, executed in the incorrect manner & come across as impatience/rudeness. Never feel bad for being ambitious you just have to learn how to think from the other person's point of view & then communicate with that in mind. P.S. Regarding social media: I maintain that if someone has taken the time to comment or share your content that engaging with that person, however small the post or comment in is vital. They are consuming your work/content & have taken time out of their finite life to engage. Don't take it for granted.

Do you eat nutritiously? Nutritiously is difficult to define. Nutritious for a pregnant woman is different to what could be define as nutritious for a body builder. It all depends on your circumstance or goal. I follow the SlowCarb Diet as developed & tested by Timothy Ferriss. Simply put (though it shouldn't be,) limiting carbohydrates, not calories (vital to remember it's where your calories) for 6 days per weak & then no restrictions for the final day. This maintains a low body-fat percentage & a high muscle mass, which is my goal. Currently I am training 7 days a week. Focusing on a targeting my full body. To not over-train, some days it's as simple as a 15 minute run & a 10 minute sauna session. I maintain a 1>0 policy. Do something rather than nothing. It will get the ball rolling in a positive direction.

What is your dream role as a model? Being the face for an iconic brand, an Armani or Dolce and Gabbana, however that is becoming increasingly difficult as the industry shi/s.

Does you have any limitations? How do you define her boundaries when choosing to accept a modeling request? Naturally. Everyone does. Ultimately it is situational & depends on the job. It all depends on professionalism & a sense of taste especially when it comes to nudes, couple shoots etc. If I feel comfortable & I know that the team is reputable then I will likely take on a more challenging role. It's difficult to define without a specific scenario but the bed-rock for anyone questioning themselves: Don't do want you are not comfortable with.

State your availability: Would you travel? Work fulltime, part-time? Any hours? 100% available. Absolutely have & would travel. Modeling full time. Any hours.

Tell us your most memorable experience in modeling so far? Working in India for 5 months of this year. Undoubtedly. So fast paced & really an underrated land of opportunity. So modern & yet one can feel like they have stepped back in time.

PHOTO CREDITS Instagram:@MattRossOfficial Facebook: @MattRossOfficial Photographer: @IAMSELLAH Photographer: @RIAANGIANI


Ais Fas ha hio n Ke Sty ys lis


learned its best to keep

open ears and

wow your

client by your creative


and eyecatching


Ia st m d yl A u ire ist, ish c sin cto vi a r nta Ke fa lot g so sh hin thr -fo ge ys m u io g ift r h d a m ar rce ns an ed ire ea nd a ke d w d v s le D ki p n ts, at ith ac inta e r a C N g c c t c l g o ia nd a h a e n rif ca on s e a liz a tiv in t a l a te so n in rt e , d g i m iv nd nd p ries d d in stic fas id c o e h u o int ra (m si wa /c io re n a n e ry ix g r l lo s rn n d a in i o gn at de g er rob tiv k) m io s v re i e . e n ign in sa ng t n a l f er ag le t sh le s e o a p s to

a is h a n ke y s@ g m a il.c o m

Why do you want this fashion stylist job?

I would like this fashion stylist job to display my attention to detail, originality and fashion forward whimsical aesthetic.

What have you learned f r o m m i s ta k e s o n t h e fashion stylist job? I've learned its best to keep open ears and wow your client by your creative skills and eye-catching imagery. And, to always have more than enough inventory and a kick butt fashion tool kit, whether you need it or not. Being prepared is the key!

What challenges are you looking for in this fashion stylist position? I'm looking to push myself to the the next level of agency representation in NYC or Europe.

Describe a typical work week for fashion stylist position?

Sourcing of clothing keeping inventory fresh. You want to be prepared for any last minute client requests. A must to read and staying current on trends via magazines, blogs and social media.

What is your biggest weakness?

My biggest weakness is being too personal and occasionally internalizing and over analyzing circumstances.

If clients are reading this interview, why should they hire you as fashion stylist position?

I should be hired because I teach clients how to dress from the inside out...meaning, throughly very intimate consultation, I get to know their assets. I play them up and their problematic areas I camouflage them. Making for a camera ready image from any angle.

What companies have you worked for in the past? Self-employed and freelancer.

Tell us your most recent project. I participated in indie500fashionweek cycle 4 styling competition. What's the dream? My dream is to wardrobe Erykah Badu.

What was your most challenging experience so far and how did you overcome that?

My most challenging experience is self doubt. I just push through and start becoming my alter ego AK-47. She's fearless.

Tell us your most memorable experience as a fashion stylist?

One of my most memorable experiences was being featured in the Washingtonian as one of DC most stylish.

What advice could you give to the aspiring and amateur fashion stylist?

I would say stay true to your style never compromise and be descerning of your client list.

Photo credits Hunter Images

Dior Davis VOX PhotographyÂ



s s e r t c A Sudoku



How do you communicate with people? Are you patient? Are you friendly? How open are you to clients’ requirements? Communication is so important, it's good to have expectations of a shoot, lots of details and for creative shoots inspiration images. As Bella's Mum I am her booking agent and I think of that as my job, so asking questions and getting as much information about the shoot as possible. I need to be confident we are prepared on the day and being a Mum, I need to be assured the shoot is suitable and safe for a ten year old. Does she eat nutritiously? How do you balance her studies and modeling career? Bella is a busy ten year old so keeping her fuelled with energy for school, dance training, and the super busy weeks which include film and modelling projects is a challenge. Bella knows how important it is to keep hydrated, we always travel with a water bottle and a snack box of healthy options to sustain energy and focus. I never rely on catering at shoots for Bella, as sometimes the food is too gourmet and fancy for her tastebuds and beaks can be pushed back. What is her dream role as a model? What do you aspire for her? Bella's dream role is about working with the fashion brands she likes, being a little fashionista there are so many, the ultimate would probably be a Camilla shoot. Does she have any limitations? How do you define her boundaries when choosing to accept a modeling request? Bella has done some crazy, kooky themed shoots which have been lots of fun. Bella loves nice clothes and getting pretty make up, but gets really excited if there is sfx make up - she had horns made for her once which was amazing. I am open to creative ideas my boundaries are about ensuring Bella is safe on location and the images are age appropriate. State her availability: Would you travel? Work full-time, parttime? Any hours? Bella is Brisbane based and has travelled to Sydney and Melbourne for acting and modelling opportunities, she misses an occasional day of school but always puts in effort to take school work with her. It's amazing how much school work you can get done on a flight to Sydney! As a parent, what pieces of advice could you give to the parents reading this? Be patient. Jobs come up when they come up, and don't stress if your child doesn't get booked, the creative team have a vision and you fit it or you don't - after each submission, casting call or audition, we say if they want a Bella they will book a Bella, then move on. For the young model: Tell us your most memorable experience in modeling so far? I have had so much fun on lots of shoots, one of my first jobs was on a real farm with horses and cowgirl clothes with very big sparkly belts, I also did one for a lollie company and got to eat the props, Movieworld was fun we finished early and got to stay in the theme park for the rest of the day, but I have the most fun with Michael Murchie Photography because he is funny is like a coach who gives me training on how to pose and the photos are always pretty amazing.

Tell us about your daughter. How did she get her interest in modeling and as a parent, how did you talk to her? Bella is a dancer and she is an aspiring actress who also enjoys modelling. At age ten Bella is already listed on the International Movie Database as a credited actress, and auditions regularly for roles around the world. Something interesting about Bella - her favourite subject is Maths and she is a champion at Sudoku. How important is modeling education: Has she attended modeling courses? What related courses or studies has she taken? Bella hasn't done any modelling courses, I think there is more value in real on set experience. My approach with model training for Bella has been to book professional sessions with industry photographers who during a shoot provide direction and mentoring, it's a wonderful learning experience and we usually get some great images as well. The training that most seems to help Bella during a shoot is her dance training, she is very aware of her body, can move smoothly, hold positions, repeat moves with precision and she says posing is a bit like performing a contemporary dance routine. What do you think makes someone “fit” to be a model? I think being "fit" to be a model is about attitude and engaging in the photoshoot. You need to be on set to get a job done whilst enjoying the photoshoot experience. Being able to work as a team with the stylist, HMUA and photographer, trust the creative team's ideas, listen and follow direction. What do you know about the advertisement industry, advertising psychology, and photography? Bella is just starting out, so still learning about the industry, most of what we have learnt is from watching Australia's Next Top Model, and getting feedback from photographers who we have met along the journey so far. For me, other mums with kids in the industry have been a great source of advice, as are industry blogs and magazines like this one. Ultimately I hope Bella is signed by a modelling agent, who will guide her through the challenges and opportunities in the advertising industry.


PHOTO CREDITS Hair and Make Up Artist - Tyneale Hahn Photographer - Michael MurchiE

A Snapshot of Fashion Photographer Dennis Valdez By: Hari Mountford

At the recent Talented Art Fair in east London’s Truman Brewery, photographer Dennis Valdez brought an element of glamour to Brick Lane. With photographs evoking an air of extravagance, Valdez exhibited his fashion-forward images to an audience of creatives keen to see the latest in emerging talent.

Dennis Valdez is an emerging fashion photographer taking the art world by storm - although he started out looking at landscape photography, fashion and glamour is very much his focus now. At the Talented Art Fair, Valdez showcased the collection since developing his new unique style, all helped along on his photography journey by Mr. Peter Edwards. Think of designers such as Alexander McQueen, and you will get a sense of what Dennis Valdez is about.

Styling of the models ranged from dreamlike 1920’s-esque feathers and lace to sultrier red-lipped, and fiery-haired looks. A palate of blacks, whites, silvers and creams enabled striking designs to really stand out. Attention to detail, from the exquisite accessories and beautifully made garments, to the high definition quality of the image production, meant that the work was especially breathtaking. Valdez’s work brought to mind rather more adult fairy-tales: a particular snowqueen inspired photograph showcased a beautifully detailed crown paired with a stunning flowing ruffled dress. the smoky setting, the even smokier eyes, and the ethereal backdrop of Epping Forest, you suddenly realise that Dennis Valdez is much more than your standard fashion photographer.

Dennis Valdez has been helped on his photographic journey by Mr. Peter Edwards. Dennis also undertakes other photography styles such as portraits, beauty, family and kids’ portraits. He is always on the lookout for creatives to collaborate with such as models, make-up artists, stylists and designers for upcoming projects and exhibitions. Photos by David Meehan
















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