4 minute read

Photographer: Alex Annen

Can you tell us a little about you? I’m a family man, with a few hobbies.

How and when did you get into photography? I got into photography about 5 years ago, I had to suddenly stop practicing Martial Arts and I decided to dedicate a ll my spare time to photography, which I had been c urious about for a long time, and to sailing , which I alr eady practiced since I was a young boy.

What does photography mean to you? Express myself, create.

Please briefly describe your photography style for our readers. I’m just a student, learning the basics of photo-graphy, I have not yet identified a precise style, I am interested in various genres, mostly fashion and portrait .I tend to go to the ex treme: ver y contrasting black a nd white or ver y vivid colors.

Where do you get inspiration from? A long list, I really admire the Italian photograph er Francesco Francia who is also one of my teachers .

Do you think in advance what you want in the pictur e? Yes, for me it is ver y important to design the set in advan-ce together with my team : thinking about it in th e evening and in the morning ,in the previous days, is one of the things I like the most. As for travel it is not onl y important the goal but the path one takes to reac h it.

Studio, on location or both? Both

Would you consider yourself a hobbyist or a paid pr ofessional? Hobbist

Model: Silvia Rocha MUA : Alessandro Lauri (Smokey Make Up)

What has been your most memorable session and why? The session with flowers with the model Syria Tera mani (in the photo). We didn't know each other before, b ut right from the start we found ourselves in perfe ct agreement on the whole design of the set, to which she contri buted a lot. We went to choose the flowers together , we decided on the accessories, colors, etc ...all to gheter . In addittion the MUA , Antonella Venditti was able to grasp our intentions on the fly and helped us a lot, as w ell as in the make-up, also in the realization of t he set which was rather complicated.

Nikon or Canon? Favorite lens? I am not interested in this type of debate, I use Nikon with nikkor 70-200, 85, 50, 35, 24-70.

What is one piece of advice you would like to offer a new photographer looking to start their own busi ness? The same advice I would give to myself. Studying an d reading a lot, not only photography but also pain ting , sculpture, dance etc. Invest in training more than in equipment. Do not go hunting to much for "like s" on the social media, rather have the courage to experiment to learn from one's mistakes and to be able to st and out from the crowd. Do not underestimate post production, wh ich is not only a way to improve the photos already taken but it is also a way to understand how to better take the nex t photographs. Without prejudice to the fact that you have to be able to do the photograph well right fro m the shot and not think about relying on postprodu ction to solve the mistakes made during the shooting phase.

What do you think of our new magazine? I heard about it for the first time a while ago wh en a photographer proudly told me that some of his photos had been pu blished in your magazine. It is a good way to make yourself known and the publications are interesting.

Model: Nikol Szövérfi

Model: Syria Teramani Mua : Antonella Venditti

Model : Angela Soccol MUA : Loredana Fazi

Model Filippo Belletti : Attore

Model: Ginevra Morganti

Model : Veronica Gallo (Veronica Candy Candy)

Model : Gilia Corsini (Giulia Heartilly) MUA: Alessandro Lauri, Lucia di Leo (Smokey Make Up )

Model: Nika Monaco

Model : Andreea Lunca

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