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THE EFFECT OF THE GLOBALIZATION TO GLOBAL EDUCATION Tashkent State Technical University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

scientific journal of the modern education & research institute • The Kingdom of Belgium

the effect of the GloBaliZation to GloBal education


Kurbanova dildora abdurakhmonovna (@gmail.com)

tashkent State technical university, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


The paper considers the origin of the Globalization, the impact of Globalization on the process of the Education takes the outlook to the concept of Global Education, identifies main advantage of global education and the negative side of it, analyses the number of students, who are online studying, and who is still out of getting an education, because of COVID 19 pandemic. At last, it shares information about the new transformation of global education.

Keywords: Global education, globalization, education share, GDP, virtual education, COVID 19 pandemic

«If a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.»

Ben Franklin

Despite the fact that the world has become globalized relatively recently; it opened many opportunities up for the people of the world. The collapse of the Soviet Union in 90 years, the integration of China into the World trade Organization, and an announcement of democracy in South korea in 1987, the development of the World Wide Web, and the allocation of free economic trades made globalization processes highly accelerated. [1] One of the major advantages of globalization to let people from all over the world be in touch with each other and get aware of all the news that happen. Because of globalization, people with low income and fewer opportunities, but with high intellectual abilities could have the chance to get an education in Japan, Germany, Singapore, and other developed countries. In order to give people this chance from developing countries get good education

Although the world economy stepped to new level, there still are several global problems that keep people be alarmed. One of these challenges is the access to global education. Since English, French, and Spanish are usually required for fully paid foreign scholarships, mainstream students from poor countries, where there are usually very few foreign language teachers, simply fail because of non-compliance. the concept of Global Education was appeared in the 70s in the United States as an «educational response» to global challenges and the need to live in an interconnected world. In 1970, the American Forum for Global Education was created, which is a non-governmental organization that guides the process of global education in the United States and beyond. On the initiative of this forum in 1995 in new york, UNESCO held an international conference «Bridges into the future», which determined the main directions of the development of global education in the XXI century, and the purpose forum was to prepare a person for life in a dangerous, dynamic and interconnected world and ready 26

to deal with aggravated global problems. [2] According to the Maastricht Global Education Declaration (2002), Global Education is a type of education that makes to be informed about the realities of the globalized world and lets people to bring more happiness, justice, equity and Human Rights for everybody. [3]

In today’s life, it becomes obvious that only highly qualified education can save nations and governments. Recent researches showed that high education and economic development have direct connection. [4]. Despite the majority of countries are paying huge attention to improve the educational system, many young people still cannot afford themselves just primary education. Figure 1 shows information about education spending as a share of GDP was spent by some developed countries of the world in 2017.

Figure 1. education spending as a share of GdP in selected countries in 2017 (in percent)

Source: https://www.statista.com/chart/15434/the-countries-spending-the-most-on-education/ Last accessed 10.10.2020

It could be seen that the most education share in GDP was allocated in Norway in 2017. Sequentially, New Zealand and United Kingdom were the next countries with 6.3 percentage of GDP directed into education, while OECD education average share of GDP was 4,9 per cent for that period. Among other leading countries like Spain, Germany, Japan, Italy and Russia, the final one was the last in the list with a 3,5 percent of GDP share.

Along with the dissemination of Covid 19 pandemic huge number of young people face to rough problems, because of school closures in accordance with pandemic, 11 million female students from the all over the world lost their chances to continue their education. [5]. More than 1,2 billion children along the world were out of their classrooms. While countries are at different points in their cOvID-19 infection rates, worldwide there are currently more than 1.2 billion children in 186 countries affected by school closures due to the pandemic. In Denmark, children up to the age of 11 are returning to nurseries and schools after initially closing on 12 March, but in South Korea students are responding to roll calls from their teachers online. [6]

Despite of negative effect of pandemic, which is expected the next stream of it, people are looking for the new ways of getting education via internet, television or just talking on the phone with their teachers. The pandemic has proven once more again the value of the education, the magic power of it in saving lives, teaching the ways of survival in desperate situations.

Globally, education fits into the planetary process, and, on the other, this the latter turns out to be the very phenomenon that «forms» a person, adapting the «humanitarian part of the planet» to its natural, more fundamental foundation and origin.

The movement towards this already perceived goal of the evolution of civilization will be effectively deployed only in the event of a cardinal change in value orientations and the formation of a new form

of global consciousness in the form of virtual intelligence. The priority mechanism of such transformations will be the formation of the virtual education system as a new model of global education of the third millennium, fulfilling not only social the function of transferring knowledge, experience, and culture from past and present generations to future ones, but also its new and main function. This function already belongs to the competence of advanced education and is associated with the formation of future generations of civilization through a radical change in the consciousness of the present generations.




3. 4.


6. vivien Stewart. A World-class Education: Learning from International models of Excellence and Innovation (2012) A.D.Ursul . Towards global education. (На пути глобального образования) Journal of «Nauka I obrazovanie» Otkritoe obrazovanie #1/2010 Available at: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/na-putik-globalnomu-obrazovaniyu/viewer Last accessed: 10/10/2020. Maastricht Global Education Declaration (2002) yizhe Li «The effect of Globalization on Educational Attainment». A Thesis. may, 2018. Available at https://creativematter.skidmore.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1090&context=econ_ studt_schol Last accessed: 10.10.2020 UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report. A new generation: 25 years of efforts for gender equality in education Gender Report 2020. 6th page The World Economic Forum. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/04/coronavirus-education-global-covid19-online-digitallearning/ Last accessed 10.10.2020

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