ine and restore our legends, our buildings and our culture. Forget the metaverse and the ChatGPT that basically scans the world and steals someone else’s ideas. We can use our own real history and create our real future. Focus, be real, create, invent and try to do things different. We love Modesto and we can make it better.
Love is a many splendored thing. Love is why we love our families, our friends, our experiences and have the passion to do crazy good things, just like you would for your kid and grandkids. That’s why thousands of people gather each April to Love Modesto and make it better. That’s why we keep ourselves healthy by remembering to practice heart health at the American Heart Go Red Lunch on May 5. I survived my heart issues, and I need live to be better, to be stronger, and I am looking forward to my time with grandkids and I need to be there. Heart health, city health, family health, neighborhood health and so much more. We can do this. Get organized, focus and let’s make it happen.
It’s been windy, blustery, crazy, wet and we have all been through a lot and here we are, on the doorstep of spring, waiting for the next challenge.
You know what they say, April showers bring May flowers, but we had amazing amount of March rain that’s bringing the April flowers. We had a beautiful almond blossom season and the snow is higher than it’s ever been and we could be skiing into summer. Think about this, people from all over came to town for almond blossoms, they came to town for the Modesto Marathon. People are coming to the Graffiti USA Museum and it’s not even officially open yet. People coming to town for our locally owned restaurants and are starting to discover that Modesto is a place to visit, to enjoy, to spend the night and to see a show, and hang out for a bit, maybe even stay. Are we ready?
Last month, we had the 48 Hour film festival and the George Lucas may have been in the State Theatre. Creativity is our key and it’s what makes us different. We are the home of George Lucas so how to we create the next one? We are the home of Royal Robbins, Dan Costa and Ernest & Julio Gallo, so how do we create the next one and the list goes on. We are the home of Jeremy Renner, Lindsay Pearce, and Tim Olyphant and who are the next
ones. Creative cities win. It’s all about getting the new companies and the owners of those companies here in Modesto. Arts, entertainment, food, culture and more. It is all about the attitude, and we need to think big, think bold, and learn from our history how to make our future better.
So how do we do this? Success for Modesto isn’t that we have a Cheesecake Factory, PF Chang’s or other chain restaurant. It is the success of our own local businesses that will make us healthy. City of Modesto and County of Stanislaus; please make it easy to create great local businesses.
We the people of Modesto need to elevate our local people and our local businesses, just like ModestoView does each and every day. If we celebrate our people, history and future, and we have the support and teamwork of our local government, we can do amazing things. Make it easy, make it fast, make it obvious how to create a new business, downtown housing, event or future.
The Stanislaus 2030 blueprint is a good start, now we have to DO IT.
It’s Earth Day this month and speaking of history, Modesto was the origin of curbside pick up in the 70s and look where the world is. It’s not just our Star Wars and American Graffiti culture, it is our way of life and our common sense that we build the future on. We need to recycle, reimag-
I love our ModestoView readers. I love the people that follow us on Instagram and Facebook. I love ideas from all kinds of people. We need our local people, we need to listen, we need to learn and we need to kick butt and be a city that is based on respect, equality and opportunity.
Thank you for reading, thank you for caring about our local life. Please support our local culture and and build on it, not fight it. Our interesting history is our future strength. You can go ahead and invent a new story or brand, and it won’t worth any more than the ChatGPT that spit it out. Be real, be healthy, and be visionary.
With gratitude,
We celebrate Earth Day this month. We are so excited as Earth Day in the Park is back at Graceada Park. We are teamed up with the City of Modesto to get people excited about Earth Day on April 22. Thanks MJ Mangano for this fun photo illustration. Thanks to Pete Grimaldi who always makes Modesto View look great.
Chris Murphy chrism@modestoview.com
Managing Editor
Middagh Goodwin
PGrimaldi, Creative
Art Director / Designer
Peter Grimaldi pete@pgrimaldicreative.com
Photo Director
Michael J. Mangano
Production Manager
Abigail Power
Madison Leupp – Adobe Specialist
Russ Allsup - Correspondent
Brandon Brush - Correspondent
Jim Christiansen
Aaron Rowan
Abigail Power
Eric Benson
Middagh Goodwin
Harrison Power
Efren Martinez
Patty Castillo Davis
Grace McNamara
Salvatore Salerno
Mary Layton
Monica Barber
Brandilyn Mitchell
Tasha Wilson
Carly Russell
Steve Perry
Efren Martinez
Diane Moody
Michael J Mangano
Philip Johnson
We all know that Modesto is an amazing community of friends and family, but one of our most dynamic and unique attributes is our incredible network of independently owned and local businesses. We are proud to be able to learn more from our friends in the business sector here in town and we are excited to share their stories and what drives them to do business in our city. We would like to introduce you to Ron and Colleen Winter of Direct Appliance. Direct Appliance Flooring & Home brings complete floor-to-ceiling rooms to life enough so you can fully live the kitchen and bath experience and does it with Central Valley hospitality that makes customers life-long patrons. Let’s hear from longtime supporters of our community and ModestoView, Ron and Colleen Winter!
What inspired you or brought you to your line of work?
My father and older brother were appliance technicians and I was an aspiring musician. They came to watch me perform at the Nutcracker one year and suggested that I have a back-up plan. I learned appliances in my 20’s and that was the beginning of the winding road I took to today.
LoveModesto on April 29th
Of all places to share your talents and passions, why did you choose Modesto to do business?
I grew up way out West Main in Turlock and I always ended up back here. I had many contacts in the appliance industry, and one of my closest friends opened Direct Maytag on McHenry and called me to join him. After 5 years, a partner and I took over the store, and have continued to grow the business. I like the still small-town feel of Modesto, the proximity to just about every part of the state in a few hours, the weather, and most importantly, the people. There is a sense of belonging when you find yourself working with clients who are second (and even-third!) generation customers.
What are your hopes and goals for Modesto, and our community in the coming years?
As Modesto continues to grow, I am hoping it continues to retain a small-town feel as best a bigger city can. I see evidence of my friends’ children and grandchildren staying in the area, which is nice that the younger generations don’t feel the pull to move to larger cities…As far as growth, I look
It’s that time Modesto when we all gather together to lend a hand to Modesto and show our Love. On April 29, at 8 am join thousands of your best friends at 11th and J St to meet up for one of the many projects around town that needs your help. There are so many different projects for kids, families, couples, grandparents and more. There is truly something for everyone. Love Modesto’s Jeff Pishney, will kick of this amazing day of service and there will be a Pancake Breakfast from the Modesto Kiwanis clubs and there will be dozens of info kiosks and ways for you to get involved at the rally. Please learn more and sign up for on of the 80+ projects at www.lovemodesto.com
Porchfest is coming May 21.
This is Modesto’s largest party of the year! Nearly 50 porches across the College and La Loma and the Bodem/Morris Area neighborhoods will be making a huge party. Grab your bicycle and go from house to house, porch to porch and hear most of Modesto’s favorite musicians. This is a fun day to hang out with friends and find new bands. Remember, the homeowners and the bands are donating their porches and their performance so PLEASE tip these folks during the day from noon- 5 pm. Bring water and lawn chairs and enjoy the day. Final maps and band listings will be posted later this month at www.modestoporchfest.com
forward to more of the cultural activities and venues that have been increasing over the years. Downtown always has something going on now, and it’s amazing to see what is offered in the arts, recreation, and education. I am hopeful that as a community, we continue to support and encourage local, independently owned businesses such as our own…Having unique, local stores sets a community apart from others and fosters pride in community as well. Also, I am hopeful that our city can address the issue of homelessness and mental health services in a way that larger cities may not be able to. Part of the benefit of being smaller, like being a smaller business, is that you are often able to pivot and change and implement programs that may take much longer for larger institutions to put into effect. Having local people involved with common-sense approaches is a way I feel is helpful. Ron Winter is also in the band Remedy! Make sure to check them out when they play live to support local music and business alike! @remedyoakdale.
Favorite local night out in Modesto?
We eat out frequently at our local restaurants, and we often find ourselves heading downtown to enjoy everything from a nice evening at Camp 4 Wine followed by a show at the Gallo Arts Center, or drinks and food at Ralston or Fuzio while watching local bands in the downtown scene. We love the 10th Street Plaza concerts during the summer and Christmas months.
Stanislaus Artist Open Studio is April 15 and 16, with over 50 local artists participating. Maps are available online or pickup at Mistlin Gallery and, the Chartreuse Muse in Modesto, Carnegie Arts Center in Turlock. This is an excellent opportunity to meet the local artists in the settings where they work, a more splendid view of the body of work and media they work with, and other interests beyond the one to five works you might see in a gallery group show. At some locations, there will be demonstrations, snacks, and refreshments, and in most studios, art for sale: Saturday and Sunday hours, 11 AM to 5 PM. Pick up an Open Studio map in advance and plan your trip for the art and artists that interest you, as the full roster of artists is likely impossible to see in total over the 2-day event. Stanislaus Artist Open Studio is a FREE. Look for the location and street signs and pay attention to what areas the artists have open to view and which are restricted. My home studio is more relaxed this year but still on the alley, so again, look for the signs and join us for a weekend of art. To download a map, see www.stanislausaos.com
Downtown at the galleries, The Chartreuse Muse features a collaboration with the San Joaquin Potters Guild featuring ceramic and works in clay in the Throw Down show. I noticed some new Jonathan Troxler paintings in the windows and the Artfully Yours collections available at the counter.
At Mistlin Gallery, the Young at Art show in March concluded with over 300 entries. April will feature a member artist show with the theme Love Modesto. Not to be confused with the official Love Modesto volunteer event, the artists bring their images of how they see Modesto.
ArtWalk is on April 20. I started the
March Third Thursday path at the State Theatre, where artist Kristy Moore is doing Face Painting for visitors. Kristy is also doing Art classes at the Queen Bean on Tuesdays and be hosting the Paint and Sip evenings at the MoPride Center. Karen Bobot was the other artist, with her exciting mosaic works, and will be one of the artists opening at the new gallery in Knights Ferry. I stopped at Dragonfly Art for Life, where Patrick Barr and other studio/gallery members were creating.
Susan Rossman is the featured artist at Kruse-Lucas gallery on Tully. While in the MJC area, check the progress on the new student murals in the Art Department and MJC art gallery. Consider a class as a regular or adult education student. A highlight for March was the Latinx Comic Arts Festival at the Mary Stuart Rogers building on the West Campus, complete with a car show and an excellent roster of featured artists. I hope this event returns.
The KD Sigman media studios, the site of the Modesto Conservatory of Music, Art, and Theater held its public opening on March 18 and is available for artist’s application for the art exhibition and a full media array in art creation, promotion, and future events. In the Kansas Business Park and has an entrance for suite 1111 on Lone Palm Avenue. Check-in with Kaila Kindley if interested.
What a winter! Are you ready to dry off, stand in the sunshine and drink some refreshing beverages? We sure are. Let’s get this party started! There’s so many great drinks out there-we want to make sure you grab a pint of these before they are gone. Did we miss your favorite? Tell us by tagging your photos on social media with #modestoview (Also be sure to check out the various Facebook pages for food truck line-ups and special events this month! Who doesn’t love yoga & beer or line dancing & beer?!)
832 N. Yosemite Avenue, Oakdale Lick of Destiny Hazy IPA
If you took peach rings, pineapples and oranges and made a smoothie, then added it to a crisp cool IPA, that is exactly what this is. Yum! At 7.2%, this glass of peach rings is considered dangerously delicious.
5648 Pirrone Road, Salida
What fruit do you like, because they have it all! Prickly Pear, Stonefruit (peach apricot), Black Currant and Concert in the Park (cranberry apple). Or get one of each in a cider flight, like we do. Keep your grapes- er I mean eyes-peeled for the seasonal blueberry, huckleberry or mango which should be making their way in rotation soon!
911 J Street, Modesto
Jolly Watermelon Seltzer
1920 Foundry Ct Unit B1, Ceres
Watermelon Wheat Beer
Oh goodness, this has just a touch of sweetness, its smooth as silk, and don’t forget that Wednesdays are $5 pint nights! Have you had the Daily Grinder American IPA collab with the Ripon Brewins yet? It comes in cans too, make sure to grab a pack for your at-home sipping needs.
Clocking in at 5% ABV, this juicy better-than-ajolly-rancher beverage will have you dreaming about watermelons. The music scene here is getting hotcheck out the upcoming shows on their facebook page!
963 Shepherd Court, Oakdale
Strawberry Blonde Ale
With a name like “Buckle Bunny” the Strawberry Blonde Ale is the PERFECT Easter drink. This 5.2 ABV dreamboat is available in both growlers or cans-make this a part of your holiday celebrations on the 9th!
Hippity-hoppity this is hop-heaven in a pint!
By Brandilyn & Christopher MitchellA fan favorite and multiple Modesto
Award-winning event, Music in the Plaza returns to the 10th Street Plaza unofficially on Thursday, May the Fourth, on Star Wars Day with Horizon Point. Officially Music in the Plaza kicks off the second Friday of May with the incredible David Perez Band. We are always thrilled when David Perez and company agree to do an event with us; they will surely get you all dancing. If you have yet to see them live, this is your chance. We are happy to have Valley Heat coming out to the Plaza for the first time, playing blues, rock, and alternative favorites for you to sing along to and dance to. June kicks off with Graffiti Summer, and Third Party will play the hits of the 50s-80s
at the Legends of the Cruise Celebration and Car Show on June 7th. Celebrate this year’s Legends, and enjoy some fantastic music with a backdrop of classic cars in Downtown Modesto. On June 9th, it is a Graffiti Cruise tradition with Gary Gervase & the Kickstart Blues Band playing some good rockin’ blues and rock and roll hits. On the 16th, the Good Ones join the Summer lineup for the first time. This femalefronted powerhouse plays a mix of hits from the 90s and beyond. The powerhouse trio Triple D is a crowd favorite and is ready to return to the Plaza on June 23rd. Some other bands scheduled for Music in the Plaza this season are Wet Banditos, the Vibes, David Dow & Friends, Orquestra Dharma, and Autumn’s Garden. So reserve a spot on the patio at Ralston’s Goat, Fuzio, or T-Cups, or bring your lawn chairs and enjoy one of the best free, family-friendly events in the 209.
If you would like to be a sponsor, don’t hesitate to contact info@modestoview. com for more information on this and other community-sponsored events.
The white rabbit is calling to you. It is time to get those ears, the cotton tail, the bunny suit of your liking and get ready to hop hop hop around downtown Modesto in your bunny best. This is one of the more fun things to do all year long and you can hang out with your fave pub crawl friends as this group of bunnies makes the circuit. Bunny attire is must, and please make sure to tip your bartenders and be good bunnies as you make your visits. There is never a charge for the Modesto Pub Crawls @ModPubCrawl. These are the same folks that do SantaCon, Lucky Pub Crawl, Prom Crawl and Prom Crawl. We hope to see you there.
April 8 – Meet at the Fox Pub – 7 pm
This is the season to celebrate our cowboys and cowgirls in Oakdale. This is one of the longest running rodeos on the west coast live from the Cowboy Capitol of Oakdale. This is one of the most famous rodeos that even attracted the attention of the $6,000,000 man Lee Majors and Farrah Fawcett Majors back in the 70s. You never know who you may see. TV stars or not, Rodeo superstars will be all over this event to compete in the PRCA events. The civic festivities start early the week of April 4 and get crazier as it leads up to the weekend finals. One of the highlights of the whole week is Rodeo parade Saturday morning. Key rendezvous points are the H-B Bar where they make an amazing ViewCrew tested Bloody Mary. The weekend events at the rodeo grounds are great for the whole family as there is a lot of food, fun, thrills and spills. Plus you want walk through a lot of the corrals there and see some of the most amazing animals and check out the Cowboy and Cowgirl actions. There year there will be a special tribute to Betty Grohl, (pictured here) at the Cowgirl Luncheon.
So saddle up, get your spurs on and head to Oakdale for the rodeo Good times. Get tix and more information: www.oakdalerodeo.com
Oakdale Rodeo Schedule:
April 4 - Local Team Roping – 7 pm – Rodeo Grounds
April 5 - Cowgirl Luncheon – 11:30 - Sold Out @thecowboymuseum
April 6 - Oakdale Rodeo Queen Crowning – 6 pm – Cowboy Museum
April 7 - Time Event Slack - Rodeo Grounds 8 am
April 7 - Barrel Racing Slack – Rodeo Grounds 1 pm
April 8 - Oakdale Rodeo Parade – Downtown Oakdale – 9 am
April 8 - Timed Event Slack – Rodeo Grouds – 8 am
April 8 - PRCA 1st Rodeo Performance – Rodeo Grounds 1:30 pm
April 8 - Oakdale Rodeo Dance – Rodeo Clubhouse - 7 pm
April 9 – Rodeo Church - Rodeo Clubhouse – 10 am
April 14 - PRCA2nd Rodeo Performance & Finals Rodeo Grounds – 1:30 pm
On April 29th at 11 am-9 pm, head on down to Persuassion Brewing 500 7th Street, Modesto, for the Festival Obscura. A day of music, obscure art, vendors, craft beer, food and more. See The Algorythm, Irelevant Souls, Horizon Point, Brumby Road, Pretty Kitty, 1984, and many others performing live. This is a free event with something for just about everyone.
These are one of the most basic, delicious and amazing treats. We are so very lucky to live where we live for legit Mexican food. I travel a lot, and what is passed for Mexican food in many places is really embarrassing, just like some places that try to do BBQ that shouldn’t. There are some Hall of Fame Mexican restaurants in our area, as well as some unreal taco trucks. This month, Modesto is home to the Modesto Taco Fest on April 29 so we thought it would be good to round up some of our local favorite places, some that you may not even think would do tacos. From the fried Birria Tacos, the vegetarian tacos to the traditionals, and those from one of your fave taco trucks, we have something for everyone.
Mexican food has that same attachment as your favorite coffee shop and Modesto had some legendary Mexican places during the 60s & 70s. I still miss the food from El Faro on McHenry. Other than the one time each year that Luis Fregoso makes the El Faro favorites, you can find a very close coleslaw at the Food Fix. For those Carmen’s fans, those old recipes live on at Marsala’s which is featured in this article. Even though you have your favorites, and your dining habits, every once in a while it is good to try something different.
I am 100% sure that we may not have captured your own favorite place, but please feel free to post your faves on our Facebook, Instagram @modestoview or on this article on ModestoView.com and enjoy some of these if you haven’t experienced them. Let’s eat local and have fun trying new things.
Before Baja style cooking became popular, places like Carmen’s ruled the world. Those classic flavors live on in off shoots like, Marcella’s. Signature items like the shredded beef tacos, have deep rich flavor that only old school ways can produce. Very delicious tacos, serves in a classic place that takes you back to the restaurants of the 70s compete with cool booths and a great bar. Many of Marcella’s are from Carmen’s as it was founded by one of their lead cooks. This is as close to those original favorites in Modesto.
3507 Tully Rd.
Open Tuesday through Sunday @ 11 am
Fuzio is one of my go-to restaurants in town. I can always find something I like and am in the mood for. Plus, the Fuzio team of bartenders always cure our thirst. They have an very tasty Grilled Avocado Tacos. Wow, these are amazing. First, they are delicious and spicy. Second, they are vegetarian. Served up on a tray of three, they are both spicy and refreshing at the same time. Served in a flour tortilla with a habanero sour cream, topped with a quinoa pilaf with a bell pepper pesto, they are topped with fried avocado slices.
These are wonderful soft tacos that can be eaten traditionally, or even, dare I say it, with a fork and knife and washed down with a mojito or Fuziotini. If you are looking for the quick pick me up and happy hour, this is a perfect dinner for 1. Add a couple of appetizers for a sharable experience. Don’t miss these.
Fuzio Universal Bistro –1020 10th St. Modesto 209-557-9711
Consider me as becoming enlightened to the wonderfulness of the Birria Taco during the pandemic by my friend Chad Johnson. I was perplexed, how did I not know about addictive tacos? I grew up around here, I have eaten in local Mexican places all of my life, here Patterson, San Diego, Gilroy, Tijuana in the 80s etc, and I had never heard of Tacos Barria. Sandra, then at the 7th St Market, now at Chinn’s turned me on to them. I was hooked. BUT, she doesn’t make them everyday.
Eureka, I have found a go-to place that makes these wonderful taco treats EVERY DAY in the Grub Hub called El Mexicano. It is a very easy to find orange taco truck that is normally busy. These are so delicious. I should only order two, but I normally get three, with a side cup of birria consome. Opening the foil is like a present, dipping the tacos in the consome is delicious.
Birria de res started to appear in the in the 2010s after visitors to Tijuana discovered them and started serving them in So Cal taco trucks and taquerias, in particular Teddy’s Red Tacos. Birria is a stew made traditionally from Goat, but it also made with beef. It is sweet, spicy and orange from chiles and spices including cinnamon, originally to obscure the poor taste of a lower grade of meat. But these amazing chile and spice blends make magic and when this beef is cooked into a birria-dipped tortilla with cheese, and then pan-fried, it’s amazing. You’ll be back.
El Mexicano Taco Truck - Grub Hubs 621 9th St. Modesto Open Daily. Check @patrickchinn11 daily to see when they are serving at Chinn’s International.
Thai Taco from The Tap Room Pub & Grub. A Tap Room classic, the Thai Tacos is a deliciously spicy and sweet combination of grilled chicken and slaw in a crisp deep-fried won-ton shell. A unique take on a favorite dish. No wonder it is the most popular appetizer on their Menu.The Tap Room
3948 Sylvan Ave, Modesto, CA Opens 11 AM Phone: (209) 551-1085
Like the entire menu at The Farmacy, these tacos are vegan, and you wouldn’t know by looking at them-you hardly know it by eating them! Spicy seasoned quinoa and lentils with onions, garlic, pico de gallo, sliced cabbage, and cilantro, topped with avocado, cilantro, crema, and a squeeze of lime. These pack a crunch from the cabbage that is totally-taco dreamy. They are so flavorful you won’t even miss the ground beef. If your New Year’s Resolution was eating better and you’re starting to fail now that we’re in the second quarter-try these! Three tacos for just $11.99. They’ll remind you that clean, nutritious eating doesn’t have to be boring. Best part? You can order ahead online and beat the lunchtime crowd. from The Farmacy 907 10th
Mahi Mahi Tacos. If you’ve ever driven by the new restaurant, you see a beautiful new venue called Memo’s Cocina; their Mahi Mahi Taco is equally as beautiful - or more. Each person asked, be it a customer or staff member, recommended the Mahi Mahi Tacos over all else. Coming from a person that does not typically try or enjoy seafood, I decided to take a big chance...and I’m delighted I did. The small bits of Mahi Mahi were terrific and the grilled onions and jalapenos topped it off! The portion of Mahi was large, and as most tacos fall apart, there was enough for two. At $5 each it was worth it! Memo’s Cocina & Tequila Bar
1433 Sylan Ave, Modesto
The View Crew’s go-to for delicious Mexican food, but our favorite dish on the menu is their legendary Al Pastor Taco. With pork meat marinated in red sauce grilled with onion, cilantro, and fresh pineapple topped with tomatillo sauce and a side of pickled jalapeño, these tacos are sure to knock your socks off. They are tangy, sweet, and spicy and the restaurant service is some of the best in town. Try it with their Skinny Margarita and signature salsas for a vibrant tasting experience that you’ll be thinking about all week!
2625 Coffee Road Ste D Modesto, CA
by agriculture. It was a refreshing change of pace for me and one that I continue to enjoy.
MV: If you had an unlimited budget, what would you do for Modesto that would be a game-changer?
REB: I would build a University. Education is the great equalizer. It is one of the things that nurtures a talented and desired workforce. It is one of the attractions for economic growth and vitality. It affords a greater chance at opportunities to individuals that otherwise might be disenfranchised.
MV: What is one of your favorite Modesto community events?
If you have been following Modesto politics over the years, you may be aware that there have been some cantankerous times in our recent history. Fast forward to today, you will find a Modesto City Council that works really well together. One of the reasons this is happening is because there are some true professionals new to local government of which some have valuable experience that drive positive change contributing to making Modesto better.
Bringing experience to our local government has so many advantages, such as knowing how to navigate the various different functions of government, getting things implemented and running as well as being a resident so the needs of our community are known. Rosa Escutia-Braaton has such experience and she also has the passion and drive to advocate for Modesto’s families and community.
Rosa has a wide background of experience in leadership positions at a local, state and federal level, including serving as a Gubernatorial Appointee in the Davis and Schwarzenegger administrations. She has also managed strategic communications for several state agencies, including workforce development programs; and programs that focused on the prevention of sexual harassment and discrimination. Those experiences have informed her work on the Council, building the foundation for her focus on improving communication in the community and strengthening the City of Modesto’s economic outlook. The youngest child of an immigrant family from Mexico, Councilmember Escutia-Braaton earned a B.A. in Communications from California State University, Sacramento.
She currently serves as one of Modesto representatives to StanCOG to improve our transportation infrastructure. A big part of her campaign platform was to make our local government work for our citizens and work together well. She has kept her promise, in that we can all agree that this current
city council is one of the best functioning we have had in a long time. Rosa has been a champion for our local cultures and events and has been there to support Modesto’s Legends of the Cruise and so much more. Let’s get to know Rosa.
ModestoView:Whatmadeyouwanttoget intopublicserviceoriginally? RosaEscutia-Braaton: This came naturally for me given that I have always seen value and received gratification in serving others. However, being very familiar with the nuances of elected office having worked for and been around other elected officials, choosing to run for public office was not on my radar. But when an opportunity presented itself to represent my district in the City council I felt all my past professional experience and where I was at in my personal life came full circle in me being able to add value and be part of the solution to the challenges I saw facing Modesto.
MV:Itissogreatthatyousteppedupto servehereontheModestoCityCouncil. Whatdoyouthinkwecandotogetmore peopleengagedinourcommunitysolutions?
REB:Wanting to be part of community solutions resonates so much with me… It has motivated my being Chair for the City’s Appointments Committee. I would strongly encourage any and all who want to be part of the solution to consider applying to one of the many City advisory boards, commissions, and/or committees. There is something for all interests: housing, airport, culture, disabilities, equity, entertainment, golf, preservation, youth and more. Go to modestogov.com for more information on how to apply.
MV: Modestohassomuchtoofferandreallyhasacoolstory,howdowebetteruse thistoattractnewyoungtalentandnew companiestotown?
REB: Indeed Modesto has a lot to offer not only those that live in Modesto; but, those individuals and companies seeking to relocate here. One of the most important initiatives that will help drive interest in this area is Modesto’s General Plan Update. The General Plan Update will include our communities shared vision of what we want Modesto to be in the future. It will be informed by all those wanting to provide input into the process. This is particularly important for our younger population given that they are our second largest age demographic and growing.
MV: Having raised kids here in Modesto, what do you think we need to do better to support our local families?
REB: Its takes a village. And in my opinion families thrive when they are surrounded by a community that cares for each other and their neighbor. Families can overcome tremendous obstacles and adversities when they know they are not alone.
MV: You have an amazing special needs son, do you think that our community is designed and prepared to be inclusive to those that need assistance?
REB: Thank you for acknowledging Luke. And, yes…I do agree that he is amazing. I think every community, and Modesto is no different, can benefit from having improved and more inclusive amenities for this sector of our community. I am delighted that Modesto is home to the Miracle League and the future home for Awesome Spot! These are just two spaces that offer a fun alternative to a special sector of our community that don’t always have many options.
MV: How is working at the city level, different that what you did in Sacramento.
REB: I very quickly noticed the differences in the two cities employment cultures with Sacramento being so government sector driven vs. Modesto being heavily influenced
REB: I truly love all of Modesto’s cultural events! From the Cinco De Mayo events, to the MLK parade, to the Portuguese Festival, the middle eastern events, to the Indian Festival of Colors…what they all have in common is they celebrate the traditions, food, music, and beautiful diversity we have in Modesto.
MV: If you had to pick only one way you have positively impacted someone else”s life what would it be?
REB: If I had to pick only one thing I would say that it was when I volunteered to donate life-saving bone marrow to a six-year old that had life-threatening leukemia. 10 years later she is healthy, happy and we continue to enjoy a close relationship with each other. It is so simple! I would encourage others to consider signing up in the national bone marrow registry.
MV: You know that I am a huge Graffiti history fan, how important is our classic car culture to our future?
REB: Very important. One of the things that makes Modesto unique is its classic car culture…of course connecting it forever to our American Graffiti roots. Letting this past time die is in part closing a chapter to one of the things that makes Modesto unique to the world. It is important for us to continue to support what makes Modesto special and unique while balancing limited resources and other competing interests.
MV: Describe your ideal day in Modesto. REB: Enjoying some type of outside activity with my family and hearing my boys laugh.
MV: Beatles or Stones?
REB: Impossible to answer :/ But if I must… I would say the Beatles. Undeniably both were talented; but, the Beatles were a little more tame with regard to their parting ways
We all can make a difference. Please speak up and voice your comments and ideas. You can contact Rosa Escutia-Braaton at rescutiabraaton@modestogov.com
Itseems like we are at an important moment in our time and maybe a global climate tipping point, but one thing is for sure, coming out of this recent winter has been crazy. We haven’t had weather like this in decades. Regardless if it is hot, cold, wet or dry, so many things are changing in our environment and we need to be on the look out to make it better. Like all things that change our society, it starts in school, where our kids teach the parents. We all remember the “recycle, reduce, reuse” and what it takes to get something to stick. Bottom line, conservation of our planet is key. It’s the only one we have. We can pretend that it isn’t changing, but that doesn’t help.
I hope you will join ModestoView, the City of Modesto and many of our great green-conscious organizations at Earth Day on April 20 at Graceada Park from 10 am to 4 pm There are tons of great ideas and even fun things for kids here. Enjoy and Go Green! It will be a great day where we can gather, learn, celebrate and find ways we can all make a difference. It’s can be as simple as recycling aluminum cans or breaking down the cardboard from home deliveries or it can be solar panels for your EV or home. Each one of us needs to do something to clean up our water and our air.
1. Avoid the car! Cars are an important part of modern life, but forgoing using the car can reduce emissions and improve air quality. On April 22nd, instead use a bike or take the bus to get around town. If you’re going to Earth Day in the Park, you can even ride for free on StanRTA buses.
2. Calculate your footprint! Using the EPA’s Carbon Footprint Calculator, you can calculate how your actions impact the environment and take small actions to shrink it.
3. Sort waste! Diverting waste from landfill is a great way to treat the Earth better. Organic material, like food and yard waste and all paper products, can go in your green organicscontainer- this material is converted to compost that brings important nutrients back to the soil. Recyclables, including bottles, cans, jars, and jugs, can go into your blue recycling container and are made into recycled content products. Only when an item cannot be recovered or composted should it go into the black garbage container, like animal waste, plastic bags, and Styrofoam products.
4. Avoid single-use and plastic packaging! Try buying produce or bulk food that you can put into your own re-usable containers at the grocery store. Bring a re-usable container to restaurants and coffee shops instead of using their take-away containers.
5. Borrow, trade, and buy used! Instead of buying a new tool, ask to borrow it from a friend or neighbor. Offer to trade them for something they need instead. Or visit one of Modesto’s many thrift stores to buy used items.
6. Or buy local! Shopping local supports the community and prevents pollution from shipping products all around the world.
7. Save water! Even California is no longer officially in a drought, water is always a precious resource worth saving. Cutting back on lawn watering, not keeping faucets running while brushing teeth or scrubbing dishes, and reusing water whenever possible are small changes that add up to gallons saved. Contact the City of Modesto Water Conservation Division for more tips and resources.
8. Go outside! Earth Day is in late April, one of the most beautiful times of year. On a walk you can take in the blooming flowers, see pollinators like bees and butterflies, and enjoy Spring in the Central Valley.
9. Volunteer! Earth Day is a great day to make a commitment to your community and the planet by volunteering. Sign up for a project with Love Modesto on April 29th and you can beautify Modesto’s public spaces and parks.
10. Visit Modesto’s Earth Day at Graceada Park on April 22nd from 10am to 4pm to enjoy the park and learn about sustainability in a fun, family-friendly environment!
O’BGreen will be at Modesto’s Earth Day in Graceada Park collecting items for reuse and recycling! The collection site will be on Stoddard Rd., between Sycamore and Park Ave., from 8am to 4pm and will accept for a $10 donation:
· Up to 5 boxes of paper and documents for on-site shredding
· CRV bottles and cans (plastic and metal beverage containers)
· E-Waste, including TVs, computers, printers, etc.
· Household donations, including kitchenware, furniture, home décor, clothes, and more (Collected by Community Hospice Hope Chest)
O’BGreen is run by local O’Brien’s Market to benefit the community. O’Brien’s matches all funds collected and donates to the City of Modesto’s “Adopt a Park” program to complete funding for the park and endowment for the Awesome Spot Playground. The Awesome Spot is an inclusive play park at Beyer Park designed so that children of all abilities can play together.
Compost is an organic soil conditioner created by the natural breakdown of organic material, including paper, food, and yard waste. By diverting organic material away from landfill and into your green organics container, you begin the composting process. Organic waste is cleaned of contamination and taken to the City of Modesto’s Compost Facility, where is ground and chipped, then laid out in rows to breakdown. Regularly turning and watering the row keeps the process moving until a dark, rich, earthy compost is finally ready. You can purchase compost at low rates from the City’s facility to use in home or commercial gardens, providing organic matter, microbes, and nutrients to soil which retains moisture, promotes root growth, and heightens plants’ resistance to stress. Want to make your own compost at home? The City also offers workshops on home composting through Modesto Junior College Community Lifelong Learning.
Knowing what goes into your three waste containers also means knowing what can’t! Some common household materials need special disposal and can’t be placed in any curbside waste containers. These are the most common household hazardous waste items:
· Batteries: tape the ends of your batteries if you’re going to store them together in a bag or box
· Electronic Waste: items in working order should be donated, but call first as some places do not take certain kinds of electronics
· Household Cleaners, Solvents, Motor Oil, Antifreeze, Liquid Chemicals: do not pour down the drain or in the gutter. Keep in a rigid, sealed container
· Fluorescent Bulbs and Tubes: contain mercury, which requires special disposal
All of these items and more household hazardous wastes can be taken to
Stanislaus County’s Household Hazardous Waste Facility, 209-525-6789, located at 1710 Morgan Rd and open Friday and Saturday 8am-noon (7:30-11:30am starting in June).
Modesto found itself at the forefront of recycling with the hard work of UC Berkeley student and activist Cliff Humphrey who discovered Modesto on the 1970 “Survival Walk”. As he passed through Modesto, he saw the potential for a local market of recycled newspapers, cans and glass. Later that year, he relocated his organization Ecology Action to Modesto, which soon became the first city in the country to offer collection of post-consumer recyclables. Read the whole story by Lee Davis at www.modestoview.com/designviewcurbside-recycling/
Did you know our natural history and environment is on display and you can lear about it. If you have not experienced the Great Valley Museum at MJC West, you need to do it now. Take your kids and friends and go learn about the plants and animals of our region as well as our planet and interplanetary neighbors. The dioramas are lifelike and there is so much to learn from the solar system to our own local streams. There is an amazing planetarium where you can experience the night sky. No Pink Floyd show yet, but we remain hopeful. https://gvmatmjc.square.site/
The rivers and creeks are running really strong this month and the storms are not over. As the snow starts to melt it will get stronger. Please watch out for dangerous currents and sudden drop offs. Stay away from the river edges as they are soft and may collapse. Be careful of cold temperatures, rocks and vegetation. Don’t take chances.
Watch kids in around water without being distracted
Teach kids how to swim in open water
Use a US Coast Guard lifejacket appropriate for the child’s weight Learn what to do in an emergency with out putting yourself at risk for drowning.
For more info www.safekids.com
Star Wars will be on everyone’s mind worldwide on May 4th. This is an extra special day here in Modesto, USA, where we are the home of the creator, George Lucas.
Yes, friends, this is our day, and we will celebrate and bring the action to 10th St Plaza. So bring the whole family and join the Northern California Star Wars community to celebrate May 4th in Downtown Modesto—a free, family-friendly event for the entire family. We have invited the 501st, Central Valley Cosplayers, Dark Empire, the Wolves of Mandalore, the Rebel Legion, and Astromech builders to join us at this event. Horizon Point will go full Jedi for their music in the plaza. There will be vendors, artists, and an extraordinary guest Alan Fernandes who was a Tusken Raider in A New Hope. You won’t want to miss the lightsaber battles as the sun goes down. Everyone is encouraged to cosplay as their favorite Star Wars characters.
The celebration begins at 5 pm, with the Horizon Point going live at 6. Chris Murphy will read the proclamation that made
May the Fourth Star Wars Day in Modesto.
The original Star Wars movie was released on May 25, 1977, a day that changed modern film forever. From the opening theme and the rolling script, the world had a new lexicon of interstellar, starships, and even speed measurements. In as little as a few parsecs, this film propelled Modesto native George Lucas into the Hyperspace of film fame. Rogue One and the original Star Wars Trilogy are being screened at the State Theatre April 28-30. Get your tickets now and watch or re-live these epic movies as they were meant to be seen on the big screen. www.thestate.org
Star Wars food and drink specials will be served at Fuzio, Ralston’s Goat, and T-Cups. Ensure you like the May the Fourth, Facebook page to stay up to speed.
#homeofstarwars #homeofGeorgeLucas
By Carly RussellWith the almonds in full bloom and the rain subsiding, we’ve seen an uptick in Classic Cars out, cruising our city streets, enjoying the sunshine on the outskirts of a very wet winter.
During March, our volunteers were out at the Modesto Certified Farmers Market in the Graffiti USA Classic Car Museum community outreach booth. After many months of construction efforts at the Museum, it was wonderful to reconnect with everyone, share our progress, and hand out coloring and activity pages.
Throughout the winter months, Graffiti USA has hosted many events, including fund-raisers for MoBand, Rotary, Kiwanis, and most recently, the Packet Pick-Up Expo for the Modesto Marathon.
The opportunities for Graffiti USA to collaborate or help promote efforts within our community are endless, whether for a private event, a community organization, or a car show - even while we remain a work in progress.
With Graffiti Summer just around the corner, we look forward to publishing the go-to calendar of events via our Newsletter, Socials, and Information Booths.
Did you know Graffiti USA Classic Car Museum operates an information booth at most car shows, park n’ shines, and the annual Graffiti Legends of the Cruise event?
If you’re planning an event centered around Classic Cars this summer, we would like to encourage you to share your event information with us. Along with details about the Graffiti USA Museum, we distribute a Graffiti Summer Calendar of Events, area car show flyers, registration forms, and much more through our community outreach booths. Graffiti USA Museum also prominently displays area events on our information board, located in the front window of the Museum. Visitors to our Museum can pick up flyers for your event from our information table.
When Graffiti USA Classic Car Museum collaborated with the Modesto Marathon in March 2023, we opened our Classic Car Registration. After successfully registering over 60 cars to participate in decorating the Modesto Marathon Racecourse with their classic cars, we look forward to continuing to build our Classic Car Registry so we can match local area classic car owners to new and unique events around the central valley.
Graffiti USA also receives frequent requests to help organize Classic Car owners for various events, like our area’s US Postal Service’s Pony Car Event, television, media tours, and more. When joining our registry, car owners provide us with the make, model, year, color, and picture of their vehicle, allowing us to match them to a variety of opportunities, including local events and display opportunities in our Museum.
Guarantee you are the most up-to-date on what’s happening at our Museum, Graffiti Summer events, upcoming American Graffiti 50th Anniversary Celebrations, classic car events, and more. Subscribe to our Newsletter or join our Classic Car Registry using the QR code below.
There are so many things to do this spring now that it has sprung. As a grandparent with an almost 3-year old, I’m working on my list of things to do around town, and there are a lot! Most of these are free and the rest are really affordable. With spring and summer coming up, there should be time to do a lot of these. Thanks to Chelsea Foy from the Modesto Children’s Museum and Julie Shearer from Lakewood Neighborhood for the great contributions and ideas. Be careful along the rivers and creeks as there has been so much rain. Please share your other things to do with kids at info@modestoview.com so we can spread the word.
1. Tour downtown with a camera/ phone and film a scavenger hunt of subjects.
2.The Great Valley Museum at MJC West
3. Create pottery art at the Chartreuse Muse.
4. Take a picture under the Modesto Arch.
5. Observe the stars at the MJC Observatory.
6. Play a game at the newly created pickleball courts in Graceada Park
7. Take some books or coloring to a local coffee shop like Lucille’s or Culture Coffee
8. Spend a day browsing books at the one of the Stanislaus County Libraries.
9. See a matinee at the Brenden Theatre.
10. Check out the statues in Downtown. Paper Boy, Chief Estanislao, Lucas Plaza
11. Collect flowers and press them in a book to make a special card for mom for Mother’s Day
When I opened up my instagram the other day I was overjoyed to find a new project from one of my favorite local rap gawds, but is he just a local rapper ( Insert thinking emoji )? I caught up with NIKFUQ and got introduced to a whole new world.......... AGARTHA.
JZ: Agartha, WOW, great album, but what is Agartha?
12. Take a tour of the tree varieties in Graceada Park
13. Ride bikes or scooters (non-motorized) on the Virginia Corridor or the Mensinger Trail along Dry Creek
14. Check out the alpine rock walls in Ripon
15. Take a ride to Knights Ferry and walk on the covered bridge
16. Pick a family-friendly project at Love Modesto on April 29.
17. Order a Root Beer and Coney Dog at A & W on Friday night with Elvis (summer)
18. Enjoy Earth Day at Graceada Park on April 22
19. Visit the McHenry Museum
20. Walk the Modesto Historic Cruise Route tour.
21. Enjoy fresh local offerings at the Modesto Farmer’s Market
22. Take some chalk over to your neighborhood park/playground and beautify the sidewalks
23. Start planting a kids garden with their favorite things to eat (now is the time to start planting!)
24. Make a picnic and enjoy at a park or even your own front yard
25. Follow drum Love on social media for opportunities to participate in drum circles and learn music and rhythmgreat for all ages!
N: Thank you fam. Agartha is a city to a civilization with an advanced consciousness and technology located at the center of the Earth. Essentially, it’s “underground” which is how I prefer my music. I thought it would be the perfect metaphor for my latest album.
JZ: It listens like a documentary. What were some inspirations for the project?
N: There’s a documentary I found online with a plethora of info on Agartha. I pulled a lot of ideas and even samples from there for the album. Also, at a thrift store I found an 80’s book called Create Your Own Adventure
about the Agartha, I think is what sparked the whole idea for me.
JZ: You have some local rap vets on this project, but also some other emcees, and a couple heavy productions from Sadhugold, PA Dre, and Conductor Williams. How did these team ups come about?
N: Well, for sure I had to get the boys on there - local legendary spitters who happen to be the homies. I reached out to a few like minded out of towners too. For the production, I wanted to hand pick the beats so I reached out to some of the absolute best in the underground right now.
JZ: I see the project on streaming sites. Is this project going to be released on some sort of hard copy product?
N: Yes. I will have CD’s in a few days.
JZ: For those that don’t already know, where can we find you and the latest album?
N: It’s streaming on most platforms. I have my own bandcamp page. My awesomely animated music video is on YouTube.
Okay, folks, spring has sprung, and I got my vegetables in and planted. I have Arugula popping up on my lawn. I hope you all are doing well and returning to our venues in the downtown area, would love to see you at the Blue Monday Party.
Blue Monday continues to be twice a month, the second and fourth Mondays, and hope to do more soon. The House Band features: John Burt on sax, John Adey and Conrad Johnson on bass, Dave Hawkes and Cortez Flores on the drums and Eric Benson on keyboards, and Natalia Alexandra, vocalist, with special guests at each event. The jam is open, so come down!
On March 6th, the band will be hosting some come-down! We appreciate Chris Murphy and Gary Nelson, who helps sponsor Blue Monday. Café Urbano has a full bar and food in a friendly club environment from 7 to 10 PM. Urbano also has DJ dancing Tuesday through Sunday, featuring Latin-based music. The Creole Jazz Kings continue to play Café Urbano and will be back this month, so swing by!
A noteworthy new venue in Merced is
Vinhos Wine and Tapas bar; food, a great and expansive wine list with live music on the weekends. The music is Jazz, Blues, and popular music in an intimate environment. There are some great shows at Gallo Center, but also check these other great venues out of town: Yoshi’s Oakland’s best jazz shows, Khumbwa Music Center Santa Cruz and Piedmont Piano company, the Back Door, and the Sound Room located in Oakland. Please continue coming out, folks; we can’t do it without you!
We are fortunate here in Modesto to have fantastic repertoire groups like Opera Modesto, Central West Ballet, and the Gallo Center Repertory company. All three have events at the Gallo Center in late April and the first week of May that you will want to attend.
Join Opera Modesto and a star-studded cast of singers as we celebrate 40 years of opera in the Central Valley on April 30th at 4 pm at Gallo Center for the Arts. Erik “Buck” Townsend founded Townsend Opera Players in 1983, and here we are! Whether you’ve been a fan since the beginning or are brand new to Opera Modesto productions, you won’t want to miss this wonderful afternoon of famous opera hits, arias, duets, choruses, and instrumental interludes. And lots of great memories, too!
Peter Pan, the ultimate magical story ballet, is back! Based on the beloved book by James Barrie, the famous story of the boy who never grew up was first performed by Central West Ballet at the Gallo Center in 2009. It features a heartwarming score by composer Carmon Deleone, musical director of Cincinnati Ballet. Journey to Neverland with Peter, Wendy, John, Michael, and Tinker Bell as they encounter Peter’s arch-enemy, Captain James Hook! After you see it, you might feel like flying, too! May 5-7 at Gallo Center for the Arts.
Five stories from Edgar Allan Poe are brought to life through illustrated projections, shadow work, and macabre musical interludes. Like torn pages from the haunted mind of a man in love with melancholy, we present Poe’s tales and poems: The Tell Tale Heart, The Fall of The House of Usher, The Cask of Amontillado, The Imp of the Perverse, and The Black Cat. In one tale, we enter the mind of someone who has witnessed the death of their lover or has, perhaps, been responsible for it. In another, a man discovers a savage family curse and fears that his future brother-inlaw has entombed his bride-to-be prematurely. Journey with us through the twisted tales of love and death and the mind of Edgar Allan Poe as conceived, adapted, and co-directed by Jim Johnson, Wes Page, and Jewel Whitaker.
Gallo Center for the Arts May 5-7.
Prior to Home Grown, Michael Lingg and I knew each other from high school days. He played guitar with Eisage, and I was a member of the Ratz. After the demise of those groups, Michael and I worked together in a couple of other bands. Bruce Johnson was the lead vocalist with another set of musicians, including the group Countryside. In mid-1973 the three of us immediately began to harmonize, with Michael and I playing acoustic guitars. Each of us knew from that first evening together that we were onto something special.
At that time the Vintage Restaurant in downtown Modesto was the only venue that encouraged groups with acoustic instruments, or “wooden music” as it was called and we decided that we would rehearse so we could get booked at the Vintage “to play a little music for the summer.”
Patrick Durr. There is an intimacy and focus in music that relies on two acoustic guitars, hand percussion, and three voices in harmony.
In 1986 the Home Grown song You Can Fly was the soundtrack for the Grand Prize winning CityVideo competition sponsored by the Arts & Entertainment network and featured the three of us at various Modesto locations. We also completed a video of our original song, Oh Brother!. Our most recent release, Home Grown, Our Own, includes all-original songs from throughout our history.
The Century is hosting a murder mystery dinner party featuring the Mayhem Mystery Players! Welcome to glamorous Old Hollywood! You’ll enjoy a delicious dinner with your table while watching the Mayhem Mystery Players’ premiere production, “Murder on the Cutting Room Floor.” Can you solve the mystery and crack the case? The 3-course meal will include a house salad, an entrée, and dessert, so be sure to book your ticket today! Please be advised the age requirement is 16 and older! If you want a front-row seat of all the mayhem, mystery, and murder, you will want to get a VIP ticket to this event(which includes a drink voucher and swag bag.) April 13th14th, 7-10 pm and 16th, 5:30-8:30 pm, 927 10th Street, Modesto.
The ballet is about a girl named Coppelia who sits on her balcony all day reading and never speaking to anyone. A boy named Franz falls deeply in love with her even though he is already engaged to another. His fiance, Swanhilda, sees Franz throwing kisses to Coppelia. Swanhilda soon learns that Coppelia is a doll that belongs to Doctor Coppelius, the toy maker. She decides to impersonate the doll to win back the love of Franz. Chaos ensues, but all is soon forgiven. Swanhilda and Franz make up and get married. The marriage is celebrated with several festive dances. April 21-22 at Gallo Center for the Arts.
I remember the moment when Michael and I decided upon the name Home Grown to reflect our local roots and acoustic style. Initially, we knew only one set of songs for the Vintage, but as our repertoire progressed, we began to draw large audiences of “regulars,” that is, fans. Many of our fans became our close friends. Soon we were playing the “steak house circuit” in the Bay Area. Our job in those venues was to entertain people as they were waiting to be called for dinner and to get them to return for more music. This goal caused us to expand our repertoire even further, and we developed theme sets, such as The History of Rock & Roll and the songs of T.V. Westerns.
In 1976 we completed our first recording project, the vinyl record album Home Grown, that included audience favorites and original songs. We decided to take our music on the road and more musicians were included in the group. At various intervals, Home Grown has been a sixpiece band, a five-piece ensemble, and a quartet, but the core and essential sound of Home Grown has always been the original trio of Michael Lingg, Bruce Johnson, and
Our goal “to play a little music for the summer” has become fifty summers. On the journey we became brothers, sometimes disagreeing, but each filled with love and respect for the other two. We have intertwined our Home Grown families, and the three young men who got together for that one summer are now grandparents. Life is good.
This month, we will be performing at the State Theatre to celebrate with Uncle Lonny Presents as a benefit for Hope Haven West Wheelchair program. We hope to see you there.
Besides our countless gigs, here are some of the Homegrown Highlights:
1973 (Spring) – Michael Lingg and Patrick Durr met Bruce Johnson
1976 – Mt. Aire Concert for 12,000 people: opened for Seal & Crofts, Poco & Pure Prairie League
1976 - Released vinyl record album entitled “Home Grown”
1991 – Mancini Bowl (Graceada Park) (1st year with new dome) w/ bass, drums, horns and flute
2000 – 1st annual MAMA Awards: received Lifetime Achievement Award
2002 – Kurume, Japan (a Modesto Sister City): performed for a week of events
2009 – Released “A Home Grown Christmas” CD
2018 – Prospect Theater (Drew Durr’s “Migrant Mother” CD release)
2021 – Released “Our Own”: a CD with all original songs
March Madness was not only exciting but inspiring. Many had a renewed interest in grabbing and dusting off that basketball from the shelf. I noticed a great deal of our city park’s basketball courts full as I drove by. Basketball is excellent cardio fitness. It’s a great choice for those who look to get in some physical fitness while staying close to home. You can easily find a basketball court down the street at the park or even out your front door.
You can purchase a portable basketball hoop at a relatively low cost. You can set it up in your driveway and have a bas-
ketball court instant- ly. The cool thing about basketball is that you don’t always have to play the sport that requires you to have teams. You and the neighborhood kids of as many as two or three can play Horse, Around the world, or shoot baskets. No special gear is needed or even shoes. Heck! I’ve even seen my neighbors shooting hoops in Flip Flop shoes, although I wouldn’t recommend that. Still, something to consider when playing basketball, for obvious reasons, is to make sure you don’t have long fingernails, and a pair of good-fitting sneakers are recommended. This Spring, look to continue your March Madness basketball energy and get involved with your family and friends. Grab your kids and stay connected while shooting hoops. It’s a win, win for family togetherness. Physical fitness and fresh air, what a great combination.
den Club for all the great work they do around town, like the flower clock and other civic beautifications.
The Modesto Garden Club is one of our area’s treasures. From creating and maintaining Modesto’s Flower Clock to the Annual Spring Garden Tour, the Garden Club delivers beauty. Get your tix now for Spring Garden Tour coming up on April 22nd. This year there are 6 remarkable homes plus the Garden Club Office for touring as well. These gardens are always amazing and you can get great ideas for your own garden on this tour too. So grab your green thumb friends and make a day out of it. Also, please support this event so assist the Gar-
Tickets are $25 and can be purchased at Marcy’s Hallmark Shop, McHenry Mansion Visitor Center and Gift Store, Paper Habit, Suite 54, Westurf Nursery, P & L Concrete Products and Garden Center in Escalon, Park Greenhouse and Silverado Nursery & Building Materials in Ripon, Morris Nursery in Riverbank, and The Greenery Nursery & Garden Shop in Turlock. You can purchase tickets at Marcy’s Hallmark Shop, McHenry Village. McHenry Mansion Visitors Center 924 15th Street, Paper Habit Suite 54 McHenry Village. Westurf Nursery 1612 Claus Rd and Morris Nursery 1837 Patterson Rd.
For more info - Gerry Yockey
Modesto Garden Club, Inc. 209-521-5619
Take me out to the ball game, Take me out with the crowd, Buy me some peanuts and crackerjack, I don’t care if I never get back. Nothing beats the crack of the bat and the thrill of the crowd at a ball game. We are lucky to have our minorleague baseball team with the Modesto Nuts. Opening night is Tuesday, April 11th, against the San Jose Giants, with the first pitch starting at 7:05 pm. The first 500 fans will receive an Ichiro bobblehead. They will play the San Jose Giants through Sunday, April 16th. The Nuts will be at home again May 25th-30th, going up against the Stockton Ports. For more information https://www.milb.com/modesto
April is one of the friendliest months, with the flowers starting to bloom and the sun occasionally dropping in to say hello between the rain. The lovely welcome inspires people to be outside more and enjoy the change of season. While Ms. M finds herself hard at work in her garden on the sunnier days and always realizes that spring may be her favorite season! This year has given more rain than usual, but surprises make things enjoyable. Here are some chances to step out that won’t shock your wallet. Batter up, baseball fans, the opening day for the Modesto Nuts is April 11th at John Thurman Field! Our team will host the San Jose Giants, with the gates opening at 5:30 pm and the game at 7:05 pm. This will mark Ichiro’s last game and Ichiro Bobbleheads will be given to the first 500 fans. Baseball is for all ages. It’s time to play ball. Individual ticket prices range from $8 to $14, with season ticket options available. Info:http://www.milb.com/index. jsp?sid=t515
Art will be in the eye of the beholder when artists welcome visitors into their studios. The Stanislaus Artist Open Studio tour returns this year and continues to be a free self-guided tour for all to experience the area’s local art community in person. The tour
is held on Saturday, April 15th, and Sunday, 16th, from 11 am to 5 pm both days. The public is invited to explore artists’ art studios and spaces in Stanislaus County. Additional information and a free booklet are available online. http://www.stanislausaos.com/
Celebrating the earth and environment is a priority for everyone. After three years of cancellations and delays due to the pandemic, Earth Day in the Park returns to Graceda Park in Modesto on Saturday, April 22nd. This free event is a community favorite that celebrates recycling and sustainability in a family-fun way. Vendors and activities are onsite to engage everyone with learning opportunities about climate change, the environment, and green resources. For more info; (209) 577-5495 or http://www. modestogov.com/415/Earth-Day
This time of year can be transformative for gardens with freshly bloomed flowers and seasonal foliage. Modesto Garden Club hosts the Annual Spring Garden Tour that allows participants to enjoy six stunning homes and gardens in the Modesto area. The event welcomes all garden enthusiasts from 9 am to 4 pm on April 22nd. Tickets are $25 online or in person at the Modesto Garden Club. Info:https://www.modestogardenclub.org/
I’m very excited the weather is starting to clear up, and the sunny sky’s are upon us once again. The first thing I always think about when I hear the word spring is spring cleaning! I recommend looking through your clothes, and donating some to a local thrift store, the Modesto Gospel mission, or someone you know in need. It is wonderful to help out others who are in need. Earth Day is approaching, which is one of my favorite days! Our earth should be celebrated and taken care of everyday. One
By Grace McNameraway you can do this is by shopping second hand. When thrifting, you are using less resources, and less things are thrown away. When shopping second hand, you are providing an item with a new home, which originally could have been thrown in the trash. This will help create less landfill and reduce pollution! Another bonus is that you can buy awesome products or clothing pieces for super cheap! What are you waiting for? Go thrifting! Another way to help give our earth some love would be by recycling. Recycling is a very simple and easy task that goes a long way. It conserves natural resources, and reduces the demand for raw materials. If you are busy, but still want to help keep our earth healthy, I highly recommend trying out recycling. Earth Day in the park this year will be held on April 22nd at Graceada Park from 10am to 4pm. This is an amazing event to help our community gain more knowledge about our earth in a joyful way. Local businesses and vendors will be there to help provide information about our environment. This is a very important and educational event, and I hope to see you there. Have a lovely spring, Modesto!
One way people greet each other in China translates to something like : Have you eaten?
Which means something like our : How are you?
Some days I would have to reply: I haven’t taken the time to eat yet, I’m feeling a little anxious, and tired! Seems like many people don’t find time to sit down for a meal anymore. Some of us eat in our cars or get a quick bite somewhere as we are rushing to our next appointment. Because of differing schedules or diets we may not be able to share a meal with others like in the old days.
We live in challenging times, with so many changes happening everywhere, all at once one feels unsettled and nervous. What’s going to happen next? How can we be ready? So much isn’t even anything that we have control over. Or do we? It seems to all come down to how we choose to live our lives. Maybe it’s time to question some
of the values and habits we have gotten so used to. For example: We think time is money and that eating and everything that goes with it, cooking and washing dishes, setting the table, etc. is a waste of time and money. I believe meal times, like breakfast, lunch and dinner can actually be great ways to feel a sense of nurturing and connection to ourselves, as well as to others. Preparing food is a creative experience. We get pleasure and comfort sharing life stories, tales and jokes with others during a meal.
Discussing difficult topics or arguing while eating I think should be avoided as that can upset your stomach. When one eats good food one doesn’t worry.
I have heard that Buddhist monks at meal times don’t talk at all, they just chew and eat. It’s probably very good for our health! When you eat, you just eat. Eating then becomes a meditation. It certainly beats eating while on the phone or working on the computer. Eating in this absent minded sort of way, one hardly notices the taste and smell of food which is the magic of it all. Maybe we all hunger for spiritual experiences these days without knowing it. Eating food can be a spiritual experience, bringing us into the present time.
For more info go to taichi4modesto.com or call(209)572-45
The State Theatre, Modesto
MJC East Campus
Dave & Buster’s Modesto
Rivets, Modesto
KCBP 95.5 FM
Modesto Certified Farmers’ Market
Prospect Theater Project, Modesto
KCBP 95.5 FM
Martin G. Petersen Center, Modesto
KCBP 95.5 FM
Gallo Center for the Arts
Modesto Public Library
Eagles Hall, Modesto
The State Theatre, Modesto Chartreuse Muse, Modesto
Queen Bean Coffee House, Modesto LaLoma Native Garden, Modesto Chartreuse Muse, Modesto
Ripon Community Center
The Fruit Yard, Modesto
Chartreuse Muse, Modesto
KCBP 95.5 FM
Dying Breed Brewing, Oakdale
The Fruit Yard, Modesto
Queen Bean Coffee, Modesto
KCBP 95.5 FM
MJC East Campus
KCBP 95.5 FM
Modesto Centre Plaza
The Rusty Nail, Ceres
Eagles Hall, Modesto
KCBP 95.5 FM
Prospect Theater Project, Modesto
West Side Theatre, Newman
KCBP 95.5 FM
Nino’s Place, Modesto
Frontier Club, Patterson Speakeasy Lounge, Modesto
P Wexford’s, Modesto Johansen HS, Modesto
Knockin Boots, Modesto
VFW Post 3199, Modesto
The Boardroom, Modesto
KCBP Radio 95.5 FM
Queen Bean Coffee, Modesto
KCBP 95.5 FM
Urbano California Bistro, Modesto
KCBP 95.5 FM
Nino’s Place, Modesto
The Smart Axe Modesto, Modesto
KCBP 95.5 FM
KCBP 95.5 FM
The KeyHive
April 4th
Clovis King Karaoke Freak Radio Karaoke Karaoke
Salsa & Bachata Lessons This is SKA
April 5th
Art of the San Joaquin California Audio Roots Project California Striped Bass Association Chris Botti Classic Rock Wednesday Clovis King Karaoke
CYBERSTALLION Fun Junkies Comedy I On Modesto Karaoke Karaoke
Karaoke Night Open Mic Open Mic
Riverbank Golden Ages
The KeyHive The Peril and the Promise
TRL with DJ Gemini Women of the Valley
April 6th
Artist Lab: Improv Drop-In
Clovis King Karaoke
Dave Dow Jazz Jam
Freak Radio
Gotcha Singing
Horatio Monroe Jazz
Michael Walker Modesto Farmers Market Open Mic Open Mic
Passover Seder Salsa Night Sandy Maule
Spring Break Party Women of the Valley
April 7th
Adam Carolla
Amelia Romano AREA 51/50
Clovis King Karaoke
DJ Ant Funk
DJ Gemini
First Fridays Friday Night Dinners
Funstrummers Practice
Gotcha Covered
Hand & Foot Card Games I On Modesto
Johnny Breton
Jose Ortiz
MAMA Radio
Marlon, Matt, & Carlos
Moonshine Bandits
Nef The Pharaoh & Kony
Paint Night Bob Ross Sandy Maule
Spring Break Party Valley Focus: 4 Perspective
Western Bound
April 8th
Autumn’s Garden
Black HeART Market
Blackout 27 Rayven Justice Blue Line
Modesto Senior Citizens Center
The Twisted Pig, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
The Udder Place, Turlock
Low Key Saloon, Modesto Urbano, Modesto
KCBP 95.5 FM
KCBP 95.5 FM
KCBP 95.5 FM
Eagles Hall, Modesto Gallo Center for the Arts
Urbano California Bistro, Modesto
Ten Pin Fun Center, Turlock
KCBP 95.5 FM
The Boardroom, Modesto
KCBP 95.5 FM
Splash Bar, Modesto Bookies, Modesto Bookies Bar, Modesto
Tap In Wine Down, Ceres
Ralston’s Goat, Modesto 3600Santa Fe St, Riverbank
KCBP 95.5 FM
KCBP 95.5 FM
Nino’s Place, Modesto
KCBP 95.5 FM
Prospect Theater Project, Modesto Mountain Mike Pizza, Ripon
Ralston’s Goat, Modesto
KCBP 95.5 FM
P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto Modesto Certified Farmers’ Market
Papapavlo’s Bistro & Bar, Modesto Main Street Inn, Ripon
The Udder Place, Turlock Rancho Fresco Cantina, Modesto Stanislaus Library, Modesto
Tap In Wine Down, Ceres
The Brave Bull, Modesto Congregation Beth Shalom, Modesto Crocodiles Nightclub, Modesto
The Fruit Yard, Modesto Crocodiles Nightclub, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
Turlock Community Theatre
Dragonfly Art for Life, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
Eagles Hall, Modesto
The Boardroom, Modesto
Knockin’ Boots, Modesto Downtown Modesto
VFW Post 3199, Modesto
Trinity Presbyterian Church, Modesto Nino’s Place, Modesto Modesto Senior Citizens Center
KCBP 95.5 FM Rivets Grill, Modesto
Low Key, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
P Wexford’s, Modesto Rancho Fresco Cantina, Modesto The Palladium Nightclub, Modesto The State Theatre, Modesto The Fruit Yard, Modesto Crocodiles Nightclub, Modesto Carnegie Art Center, Turlock The Udder Place, Turlock
Rivents, Modesto
Queen Bean Coffee, Modesto My Mimosas, Modesto Dying Breed, Oakdale
Bunny Bar Hop Comedy
Elk of the Year
Freak Radio
Fred McCarty
Home Grown I’ll Take You There
MAMA Radio
Matt Davis Trio
Modesto Certified Farmers Market
Old School with Dj Dtrix
Play with Clay
Pottery Date Night
PTP’s Radio Cavalcade: Sherlock Holmes
Ricky V & Friends
Sandy Maule
Spring Break Party
Take a Spin
The Peril & the Promise
This is SKA Radio
April 9th
Acoustic Jam
Audio Roots Project California Audio Roots Project I’ll Take You There Karaoke Karaoke Modesto Skate Nights Spring Break Party Sunday Breakfast
April 10th
80’s Night Dj Steve Dtrix
Art Class
Art of the San Joaquin Blue Monday Drum Circle I On Modesto
Karaoke with DJ Steve League Night MAMA Radio
The KeyHive
April 11th
Artist Lab: Authentic Leadership Workshop Azores Band of Escalon Bunco
Clovis King Karaoke Freak Radio
Karaoke Karaoke
Modesto Nuts v San Jose Giants
Salsa & Bachata Lessons
This is SKA
April 12th
Art of the San Joaquin California Audio Roots Project
Classic Rock Wednesday
Clovis King Karaoke Cole Hinkle
Fun Junkies Comedy
I On Modesto
Karaoke Night
Modesto Nuts v San Jose Giants
Open Mic Open Mic
Riverbank Golden Ages Stanislaus County Coin Club Story Time Tea Noelle
The KeyHive
The Peril and the Promise
TRL with DJ Gemini
We Own the Laughs
Women of the Valley
April 13th
Brad Brown
Clovis King Karaoke
Dave Dow Jazz Jam
Death on the Cutting Room Floor
Freak Radio
Gotcha Singing
Jesse Daniel
Modesto Certified Farmers Market
Modesto Nuts v San Jose Giants
Open Mic Open Mic
Salsa Night
Sandy Maule
Story Break
The Councselor
Women of the Valley
April 14th
AREA 51/50
Asparagus Festival
Death on the Cutting Room Floor
DJ Ant Funk
DJ Gemini
Friday Night Dinners
Funstrummers Practice
Gustavo Munguia, Jesus Roberto La Bala
Hand & Foot Card Games
I On Modesto
It’s a Scavenger Hunt! Modesto
Jose Ortiz
MAMA Radio
Modesto Nuts v San Jose Giants
OMB Peezy
Sandy Maule
Tongue & Groove
Trax on Wax
April 15th
Artist Open Studio
Asparagus Festival
Dia de los Ninos
DJ Tease
Drum Love
Freak Radio
I’ll Take You There
Jacked Up Country Fest
Modesto Modesto Public Library Knockin Boots, Modesto Chartreuse Muse, Modesto Chartreuse Muse, Modesto Prospect Theater Project, Modesto Rivets Grill, Modesto The Fruit Yard, Modesto Crocodiles Nightclub, Modesto Chartreuse Muse, Modesto
Bar, Modesto Bookies, Modesto Bookies Bar, Modesto John Thurman Field, Modesto Ralston’s Goat, Modesto Tap In Wine Down, Ceres
3600Santa Fe St, Riverbank
Denny’s, 1525 McHenry Ave, Modesto MoRo Music Garden, Modesto Twisted Pig, Modesto
Nino’s Place, Modesto The State Theatre, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
Modesto Certified Farmers’ Market Mountain Mike Pizza, Ripon Ralston’s Goat, Modesto The Century, Modesto KCBP 95.5 FM
P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto Papapavlo’s Bistro & Bar, Modesto Dying Breed Brewing, Oakdale Main Street Inn, Ripon The Udder Place, Turlock Stanislaus Library, Modesto John Thurman Field, Modesto Tap In Wine Down, Ceres
The Brave Bull, Modesto Crocodiles Nightclub, Modesto
The Fruit Yard, Modesto Stanislaus County Library Facebook
The State Theatre, Modesto
KCBP 95.5 FM
KCBP 95.5 FM
San Joaquin County Fairgorunds
Eagles Hall, Modesto
The Century, Modesto
The Boardroom, Modesto
Knockin’ Boots, Modesto VFW Post 3199, Modesto Nino’s Place, Modesto Trinity Presbyterian Church, Modesto
The State Theatre, Modesto Modesto Senior Citizens Center
KCBP 95.5 FM
Vintage Faire Mall, Modesto
Low Key, Modesto
KCBP 95.5 FM
John Thurman Field, Modesto
The Palladium Nightclub, Modesto
The Fruit Yard, Modesto P Wexford’s, Modesto SpeakEasy Lounge, Modesto
San Joaquin County Fairgorunds
KCBP 95.5 FM
Stanislaus Library, Salida
The Boardroom, Modesto MoRo Music Garden, Modesto
KCBP 95.5 FM
KCBP 95.5 FM
Blaker Brewing - The Tarmac, Atwater Nino’s Place, Modesto
Modesto Chartreuse Muse, Modesto The Boardroom, Modesto
Queen Bean Coffee, Modesto
Key Saloon, Modesto Speakeasy Lounge, Modesto John Thurman Field, Modesto Johansen HS, Modesto The Fruit Yard, Modesto VFW Post 3199, Modesto
Queen Bean Coffee, Modesto
California Bistro, Modesto
Place, Modesto The Smart Axe Modesto, Modesto
Modesto Senior Citizens Center Stanislaus Library, Ceres The Twisted Pig, Modesto
April 1st - Pollinator Festival
April 29th- Love Modesto and Stanislaus
May 4th-May the Fourth Be With You/Graffiti Con 10th Street Plaza
May 7th-Lodi Comic Con at Grape Festival Grounds
May 12th-Sept 29th Music in the Plaza 2nd-Last Friday
May 20-21st-Oakdale Chocolate Festival
May 21st-PorchFest Modesto
May 27th Modesto Memorial Classic
June 7th-Legends of the Cruise Walk of Fame 10th Street Plaza
June 9th-American Graffiti
Smart Axe Modesto, Modesto
Thurman Field, Modesto
Arena Splash Bar, Modesto
Bookies, Modesto
Bookies Bar, Modesto
Round Table Pizza, McHenry, Modesto
John Thurman Field, Modesto
Tap In Wine Down, Ceres
Ralston’s Goat, Modesto 3600Santa Fe St, Riverbank Gallo Center for the Arts
Downtown Modesto
Mountain Mike Pizza, Ripon
Ralston’s Goat, Modesto KCBP 95.5
P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto
Papapavlo’s Bistro & Bar, Modesto
Main Street Inn, Ripon
The Udder Place, Turlock
Stanislaus Library, Modesto
John Thurman Field, Modesto
Tap In Wine Down, Ceres
The Brave Bull, Modesto
The State Theatre, Modesto
Modesto Certified Farmers’ Market
Gallo Center for the Arts
Crocodiles Nightclub, Modesto
The Fruit Yard, Modesto
Stanislaus County Library Facebook
KCBP 95.5 FM
KCBP 95.5 FM
Gallo Center for the Arts
The Boardroom, Modesto
Knockin’ Boots, Modesto
VFW Post 3199, Modesto
Persuasion Brewing, Modesto
Trinity Presbyterian Church, Modesto
Dying Breed Brewing, Oakdale
Modesto Senior Citizens Center
KCBP 95.5 FM
Nino’s Place, Modesto
Low Key, Modesto
The Post Restaurant, Modesto
KCBP 95.5 FM
John Thurman Field, Modesto
The Fruit Yard, Modesto
St Joseph Church, Modesto
P Wexford’s, Modesto
Rancho Fresco Cantina, Modesto
Modesto Certified Farmers’ Market
Gallo Center for the Arts
KCBP 95.5 FM
Stanislaus Library, Riverbank
Graceada Park, Modesto
Nino’s Place, Modesto
KCBP 95.5 FM
KCBP 95.5 FM
Low Key Saloon, Modesto
Frontier Club, Patterson
KCBP 95.5 FM
P Wexford’s, Modesto
Modesto Public Library
John Thurman Field, Modesto
Knockin Boots, Modesto Chartreuse Muse, Modesto
Stanislaus County Fairgrounds
Chartreuse Muse, Modesto
Mad Monk Vintage, Modesto
John Thurman Field, Modesto
Gallo Center for the Arts
The Fruit Yard, Modesto
Carnegie Art Center, Turlock
3600Santa Fe St, Riverbank Stanislaus Library, Modesto
Urbano California Bistro, Modesto Ten Pin Fun Center, Turlock KCBP 95.5
Splash Bar, Modesto
Bookies, Modesto
Bookies Bar, Modesto
Tap In Wine Down, Ceres
Ralston’s Goat, Modesto
Denny’s, 1525 McHenry Ave, Modesto
KCBP 95.5 FM
Nino’s Place, Modesto
Mountain Mike Pizza, Ripon
Ralston’s Goat, Modesto
KCBP 95.5 FM
P Wexford’s Pub, Modesto
Papapavlo’s Bistro & Bar, Modesto
Main Street Inn, Ripon
The Udder Place, Turlock
Stanislaus Library, Modesto Gallo Center for the Arts
Tap In Wine Down, Ceres
The Brave Bull, Modesto
Modesto Certified Farmers’ Market
Crocodiles Nightclub, Modesto
The Fruit Yard, Modesto
Stanislaus County Library Facebook
KCBP 95.5 FM
KCBP 95.5 FM
Eagles Hall, Modesto
P Wexford’s, Modesto
The Post Restaurant & Bar, Modesto
The Boardroom, Modesto
Knockin’ Boots, Modesto
The Fruit Yard, Modesto
VFW Post 3199, Modesto
Trinity Presbyterian Church, Modesto
Modesto Senior Citizens Center
KCBP 95.5 FM
Low Key, Modesto
KCBP 95.5 FM
Stanislaus County Fairgrounds
The State Theatre, Modesto
The Fruit Yard, Modesto
The State Theatre, Modesto
The State Theatre, Modesto
KCBP 95.5 FM
Stanislaus Library, Empire
Stanislaus Library, Salida
KCBP 95.5 FM
KCBP 95.5 FM
Low Key Saloon, Modesto Frontier Club, Patterson
Downtown Modesto
KCBP 95.5 FM
The Terrace by the Vault, Modesto
Modesto Public Library
Knockin Boots, Modesto
Chartreuse Muse, Modesto
Chartreuse Muse, Modesto
The Fruit Yard, Modesto
The State Theatre, Modesto
10th Street Plaza, Modesto
Downtown Modesto
Chartreuse Muse, Modesto
The State Theatre, Modesto
KCBP 95.5 FM
The State Theatre, Modesto
P Wexford’s, Modesto
KCBP Radio 95.5 FM
Modesto Certified Farmers’ Market
Nino’s Place, Modesto
Stanislaus River Park, Knights Ferry
Queen Bean Coffee, Modesto
KCBP 95.5 FM
KCBP 95.5 FM
Low Key Saloon, Modesto
Speakeasy Lounge, Modesto
Johansen HS, Modesto
Gallo Center for the Arts
Gallo Center for the Arts
The State Theatre, Modesto
The State Theatre, Modesto
VFW Post 3199, Modesto
The State Theatre, Modesto
June 10-11th-American Graffiti Car Festival
July 4th-4th of July Parade in Downtown Modesto
July 7-16th-Stanislaus County Fair
July 14th-Frida Friday in the 10th Street Plaza
July 8-9th StocktonCon Summer at the Stockton Arena
August 1st-National Night Out
August 6th ModStock at Graceada Park
September 22nd-Latino Heritage Festival in the 10th Street Plaza
September 30th Lodi Comic Con Fall at Grape Festival Grounds
October 1st-6th DoMo Walls in Downtown Modesto
October 14-15th-Riverbank
Wine and Cheese Festival
October 14th-Main Street Day Ripon
October 17th Modesto Area Music Awards at the State Theatre
October 21st-Dia De Los Muertos in the 10th Street Plaza
November 11th-Veterans Day Parade
November 25th-ModShop in Downtown Modesto
December 2nd-Celebration of Lights Parade Downtown Modesto
Dec 2nd-23rd-Rockin’ Holiday in 10th Street Plaza Thurs-Sat
December 9th-Spirit of Giving Run in Downtown Modesto
April-October DoMo First Friday in Downtown Modesto Third Thursday Art Walk in Downtown Modesto
Modesto Irrigation District has various programs that can help you unplug to conserve energy and plug-in to sustainability.
The power is in your hands. www.mid.org