22 Offshore safety
UK HSE offshore safety repor T
he Offshore Statistics & Regulatory Activity Report for 2018 from the
The Offshore Statistics & Regulatory Activity Report provides details of offshore
would usually make a negligible difference to the numbers.
UK Health & Safety Executive (HSE) has shown that most safety trends in offshore oil & gas and wind operations
injuries, dangerous occurrences and ill health reported to HSE under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous
The RIDDOR data includes incidents occurring on offshore installations, offshore
have continued to improve. 2018 was the second consecutive year without a fatality and the longer-term rolling reportable non-fatal injury rate continues to fall on the UK Continental Shelf.
Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR), and the HSE’s regulatory activity offshore during 2018. The data in this report is a frozen, validated snapshot of operational information from HSE systems, and is published as Official Statistics.
wells and activities in connection with them, offshore pipelines, pipeline works and certain activities in connection with pipeline works, and offshore diving operations.
One possible cause for concern is the rate of hydrocarbon releases (HCRs)
Wherever possible, data is based on a
The Offshore Statistics & Regulatory Activity Report does not include incidents arising from marine activities that are not directly
which stagnated in 2018, after having risen slightly in 2017. While industry continues to look for ways to curb HCRs, there is a possible risk that progress is now stalling after steady improvement year-on-year between
calendar year. Data for the most recent year is marked as provisional to allow for minor adjustments to be made when they are released as final in the subsequent annual report. This may be necessary if there are, for example, late reports or corrections. In
connected with offshore operations (e.g. vessels or rigs in transit). The Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) has primary responsibility for maritime safety. The report also excludes air transport activities (including transport to, from or between
practice, such changes are infrequent and
installations), except incidents involving