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Art on the wall By Kimberly Sullivan Staff Reporter Shouting above the thumpa-thumpathumpa of wild rock music in the background, Greg Storer directs student artists at Sycamore Junior High much like a maestro conducts a symphony. "Hey scaffolding- move in," he shouts, waving his paint-splattered left hand at the young group of teen-agers. "There's no one working on the city area- we've got to get moving!" And move they do - because Storer is one teacher who commands respect. A 1970s football star for Moeller High School and Ohio State University, Storer is what he calls a "football guy" who successfully became an "art guy." Since his glory days blocking for Heisman trophy great Archie Griffin at OSU, Storer has turned his athletic prowess into a successful art career showing his work at Closson's Gallery downtown since 1988. "I've been painting since I was 3," he said. "But because I was big, sports was a natural. Somehow, they came together."
Phys ed art Last week, Storer, now 39, served as an artist-in-residence at Sycamore Junior High, designing a mural for the school's climbing wall. Art teacher Carole Ritchie had taken her class to see Storer's work at Closson's last year. When the physical education department asked for a little artistic intervention for the climbing wall, Ritchie thought Storer would be the perfect designer. "We had taken the eighth-grade football team to see his work and they really loved it," she said. " ... So we thought he would be perfect - combining art with physical education. It was kind of a perfect match." Storer at first balked at the idea, noting that "he wasn't a mural artist." But he worked with the students on a concept - a rock climbing picture -
way." "We like the idea because it's multidisciplinary," Ritchie said. " ... We always like to be a little experimental." The finished image was placed into a black and white grid, then color values were added. Storer used a "paint
by numbers" technique, assigning art students to specific colors and sections to the 80-foot-by-1 0-foot wall. "I wanted to give the kids a problem to solve," he said. " ... It's just a big
Art Continued on A1,7
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CleveLmd St. Ignatius ;,J2ch Chuc!• b'y!e has things "rolling like a juggernaut."
rT~': ~"-J '.'·ll--.~ I
DL5patch Spoft)- &porter LEVI<:IAND- The mistake wasn·~ of great consequence ~just an innocent little interception -but the o:'"fensive lin err en fr:Jm Saint lgn;;,tius High Sehoul treated it Lke a faulty gas line, s~ u-ching evcty last i~ch ofrcal c~t~ •c until th<! leak wa~ foL nd. Rewind ... r~ay ... rLv"ind ... play. The VCR whirred for five m nutcs, showing Ign.~.tius quartert>ack Geoff P.antcck dropping to pass and gettinJ popped a~ ~e released the bzll. the hit resulting in a rare pickoff. The linemen argued over vtho missed the decisiv.: block unti: the guilty party finally kssed up. "My mist.1ke," ':bm Petro,"i:: said, quietly. Fast forward to ~he next goof-up. Whir. Rewind ... play ... This film f,ession la~t week~ featuring the Wildcat~' regular-sedson mate 1up with Youngstown Board!'lan- wa~ not forced ta:'IOr. Expected. yes. Mandatory, !10. This was rrore atout making sure Boardman :F.dn't come closer in a state playoff !'arne than it had come in a narrow l0-6lcss to St. Ignatius in the regular
The 10rrewor1' obviously paid off. La~t Saturda!, fke day~ after watching the filrlli, Ignatius dr.nbed Boardman 41-6 in a Di~~~:on I state semifinal. In a r:utstlell, this is how the bL-st high ~:hoot program in Ohio o:x:rates: Find what few .'lav.'S exist c:mc.ng lhe hcst athletes in C1evc!and, fix them .md w:r . Spit and polish football. "T'leir kids are coaches on the field, as ~ar as having wi~dom of tl·e game," said Weste~iie South -:oach Rocky Pcntcllo, who, like man:,. others, muv.: s at tt:e team that shoot~ for !ts fifth consCLutiw anti scw:tth overall big-school title Sa::urday !light ,. gainst Brunhwick in Mao.;silbn. Pentello \\atched first-hand as Ignatius picked up chanpion•hip No.6 against his tean last year with a 20-3 \ictory.
So 'L r,· v.as Pu:telk that Ignatius would return :o tl1c title ~am(: this s.::ason ---- and just a~ mi\W!::.vllv certain th.lt Sou h would be there, too · -!'.:.: •pi:nt the enth.: wirtcr. ~ummer and fall plarrir g a strategy against the team ranked second u: t1e co~m:ry hy USA foday. 'Tv;,; \:ck~d or thcrr for '"hout a year. We knew the!'d b..: the-e, tb:t\ ag:vcn. I fed had we didn't up:10Jd ocr cnC: of th· bargain," said Pentcllo, wlo~c shct at revcng; ended with a 7-3 loss to &nrJman ir the regiond final two weeks ago. Aftl!r sruJymg fer 12 nonth,<,, Pcntcllo is convinced it t~kcs narc thar. a wee!; to d"vise a game plan e<.poble ct humbling ·gnatius. "You htvc tn ha~ played th:m at least once bdore," F~mdl!o said. "1 h.:ir !-.t lff and kids arc so talented at adjusti 1g tru t ynu :1aw to know what their <d Jstmcnts are. and wu can't do that withou~ i·Ia:mg them l dori'a ~ec a team talting six or s.:vcn dao'S uf pn.:pa -.ltion and beating them." Even a yea~ cf pre_1arari:m pr.:t!ably isn't enough. Ignatn;s won its fin t title in 19118, the first year it rca::h~d th! play.1tli;, a."ld ~incc then ha~ becometh~ '<J\•s vnsion ofCir.cinnati Moeller. which c;;pturi:d sev;;n championships from 1975-85. Just don't c;;ll !gnafu~ a dynasty, at least not with coach Chuc!t Kyle within can.hot. "Dynasty i;; ~uch a stupid ...-ord, :1ecauw we have different kid~ cvcrv yc~;r," <;aid Kyle, a 45year-old lgn;;:tiih graduate. ''It's not like we're
High School Football: Where the tradition remains for
By Todd Jones Post staff reporter
ate in a hectic football game last season, a Moeler High School running ¡back crashed into the La Salle sideline and knocked Bruce Louder to the turf. Louder, the father of La Salle coach Jim Louder, needed immediate help. Trainers frantically worked on him as officials delayed the game. Suddenly, La Salle players gathered in a circle around their coach's fallen father. They held hands and began praying out loud in unison. Bruce Louder was all right after a few minutes of medical attention, but the sight of those La Salle players praying remains powerful to this day. It was a moment exemplifying how prayer and high school football often intertwine. "It seems to be traditional " said Purcell Marian football ' coach Herb Woeste. Purcell Marian, like many Christian high school football teams in the Cincinnati area incorporates prayer in its gam~ day rituals. The Cavaliers celebrate M:ass before each game. After the game, win or lose, the team gathers to kneel and pray at a statue of Mary on school grounds. "It's just to explain to the kids that there is more to life than this football game," Woeste said. But prayer isn't unique to football teams at Christian schools. Many public schools, where public prayer in the classBARBARA LIVINGSTON I The ClACinnati Post
room is banned by federal law, also have team prayers in preparation for a game. Before their home game tonight against Hughes, Woodward's football players will congregate in a pregame ritual at the quadrangle outside their public school building. The seniors will form a circle. The rest of the players and the coaching staff will encircle them. And the Lord's Prayer will be said. "The prayer is not the binding factor," said Woodward coach Ed Jackson. "The fact that we're going out there with the seniors is the big thing. It's not a prayer service, per se. It's just a little tradition." Jackson said no players are told to join in on the prayer. Everyone has a choice .to participate or not. No one is punished if they don't pray along with their teammates. "I'm sure some kids don't pray," Jackson said. Having the choice to pray became an issue in college football this year when the NCAA issued a rule prohibiting players from praying on the field after a touchdown. Liberty University founder Jerry Falwell threatened to sue the NCAA before the rule was clarified to allow "players to pray or cross themselves without drawing attention to themselves." "You don't have that problem in high school," said Gerry Faust. If there's one man who will be forever linked with prayer and high school football in the CinPiease see PRAYER, 4C
Tuck has reason to smile at Moeller reunion It was easy to detect which ormer Moeller football player was he proudest and happiest at the 993 team reunion this week in :incinnati. It was Troy ~uck, a 6-foot, :25-pound nebacker who nchored a efense that arried the. :rusaders to he Division I tate hampionship
:arne. If this Troy Tuck eunion had been held last year, ~uck probably would have skipped he event. But times are different now and ~uck is on a high after accepting a ootball grant-in-aid last week from
Division I Youngstown State. Tuck was more than happy to recount his success story. "I didn't pass either the SAT or ACT (college entrance test) my senior year," Tuck said. "It was disappointing because I love football and I had offers from several Division I schools." Mter failing the test the final time in May 1993, an emotionally distraught Tuck faced a crucial choice concerning the future. The easiest decision would have been to give up on football and a college education to enter the job market. Mter days of soul searching, Tuck - continually encouraged by his parents, Carl and Linda- came up with an alternative. "Miami assistant coach Terry Hoeppner advised me to take a look at junior college football,"
DAVE SCHUTTE HIGH SCHOOLS Tuck said. "He told me abOut coach Jim Fenwick at Los Angelas Valley Community College." Although Tuck wasn't excited about playing at a junior college, a strong desire to perform at the Division I level proved to be the driving force. Tuck recently reaped the rewards from all the hard on-field and off-field (classroom) work during the past two seasons in Los Angeles.
He was named a junior college All-American and played on the 1994 national junior college championship and 1995 runner-up teams while earning the grant-in-aid from Youngstown State. "I needed 60 credits to receive an AA degree, which is needed to qualify for a Division I school," Tuck said. "I got out early because I earned the credits in a little over a year." Tuck, who turned 20 on Christmas, formally signed with Youngstown on Tuesday, fulfilling a seven-year dream that appeared impossible two years ago. "If I had to do it over again, I would hit the books every night while in high &chool," Tuck said. "In college, I learned to be a student athlete rather than athlete student."
Tuck had this to say to high school football players: "Never give up on that dream because there's a way to live it out. Don't accept failure."
Wyckofrs kicks are blocks Lakota junior Brooke Wyckoff gets enjoyment out of playing defense, especially blocking shots. As a sophomore, the 6-footer set a single-season school record with 102 blocks in 22 games. She's ahead of that pace. Mter knocking away seven Mason shots Friday at the MUM Holiday Tournament, Wyckoff has 38 in seven games, an average of 5.4 a game.
Cincinnati's Shoemaker Center. The 6:45 p.m. opening game matches New Richmond against Amelia with Oak Hills and Mount Healthy clashing at 8:30 p.m. Other dates are Jan. 14 and 19 and Feb. 10.
Coaching buddies
LaRosa's Shootouts on tap
It may seem like an unlikely dtio but Bob Velten and Dan Ragland are back in the coaching profession, taking over as co-coaches of the undefeated Moeller freshman team. A former boys basketball coach at Reading and Sycamore, Velten spent more than 20 years at the varsity level. Ragland stepped down as Moeller's head coach five years ago.
The first of four LaRosa's Shoemaker Shootouts will be Saturday at the University of
Dave Sr:hutte covers high schools for The Enquirer.
All-Stars: Players of the year lead winning squads (CONTINUED FROM PAGE Dl) the ball on the option, where maybe he was able to last year. And our schedule was much tougher this year." Still, Murphy steered the Cardinals to their first state title game. He ran for 1,000 yards (8.3 avg.) and 21 touchdowns. He finished 251 as a starter, but never got his championship chance when Colerain was disqualified from the playoffs because of an ineligible · player. "A couple of guys were saying if someone had told them in the ninth grade I'd be a Division I prospect and all-city quarterback, they'd laugh," Murphy said. "I'm real happy with my progress." "He's the catalyst," Coombs said." And I've never coached anybody that fast. If he gets out into the grass, you're not going to catch
h.Im. "
Ross coach Dick Ballard says the same of Wilson: "You don't catch him from behind." Wilson's area-record 2,267 regular-season rushing yards should speak to that. Wilson willed the Rams to their first unbeaten season (prior best was 8-2) and a playoff berth, making him an easy pick for Division IIVI Offensive Player of the Year. His yardage and 28 TDs don't show the overall effect Wilson made playing both ways. 'We have our players tap their helmets if they're tired," Ballard said. 'When Nick tapped his, I made sure I didn't see him. He learned pretty quick he wasn't coming out." Wilson is just a junior, and makes for a reluctant star. "I didn't expect this," he said. "There's been some great running backs around here, and it's hard for me to think I beat everybody's records." But it's not hard for Ballard to believe. "I remember watching him against Wilmington in eighth grade," Ballard said. "He must have had 600 or 700 yards. He's a natural." Wilson was the state's Division III Co-Offensive Player of the Year, and Wilschevick the Division V Defensive Player of the Year, necessitating The Enquirer to split its Division II-VI award in two. Wilschevick, whose state award was his second straight, captained Mariemont's defense at linebacker. But he also rushed for 1,000 yards
All about the All-Stars . DIVISION I QUARTERBACK
Passing Rushing Player, school ........... Ht Wt Yr Yds TO Yds TD David Murphy, Colerain ... 6-3 180 Sr. 725 6 936 19 John Lammers, Elder ..... 6-0 185 Sr. 1669 23 300 RUNNING BACK Player, school ........... Ht Wt Yr Yds TD Kevin Wilson, Lakota ..... 5-9 170 Sr. 1448 12 Ronnie Alexander, Colerain 5-6 200 Sr. 1496 22 TIGHT ENDS Player, school ........... Ht Wt Yr Rec Yds TO Ted Fitz, Moeller ......... 6-8 190 Sr. 40 657 8 Mike Gurr, Hamilton ...... 6-7 255 Sr. 18 270 4 WIDE RECEIVERS Rec Yds TO Player, school ........... Ht Wt Yr Beau Parton, Elder ...... 5-10 185 Sr. 34 657 12 LaMont Ellis, Princeton .... 6-0 160 Sr. 25 739 11 OFFENSIVE LINEMEN Enquirer file photo Player, school ........... Ht. Wt. Yr. David Murphy of Colerain runs away from Lakota defender Brandon Jefferson Kelley, Colerain .. 6-6 306 Sr. Hoehn during the Division I playoffs this season. Murphy ran for 936 Bill Roark, Hamilton ....... 6-6 325 Sr. yards and 19 touchdowns. Mike Staubach, LaSalle ... 6-3 271 Sr. Dan Kelley, Lakota ....... 6-0 255 Sr. DEFENSIVE LINEMEN Player, School .......... Ht. Wt. Yr. Tack lnt Sk Brian Burr, Colerain ....... 6-0 205 Sr. x-121 2 14 .. Jay Roden, Colerain ...... 6-2 180 Sr. x-134 5 9 p:~;}f:) Jim Brogan, Elder ....... 5-10 250 Sr. 52 3 LINEBACKERS Player, School ........... Ht Wt Yr Tack lnt Sk Luke Chappell, W. Hills .... 6-5 215 Sr. 70 2 9 Brent Botts, LaSalle ...... 6-4 230 Sr. 91 7 \ I. 101 Shane Pearson, Lakota ... 6-2 210 Sr. 3 Butch Printup, Hamilton ... 6-2 205 Sr. 138 5 DEFENSIVE BACKS Player, school ........... Ht Wt Yr Tack lnt Sk Troy Evans, Lakota ....... 6-3 203 Sr. x-101 10 . Nick Kostoff, Colerain .... 5-11 180 Sr. 61 6 5 Richie Jackson, Colerain .. 6-0 155 Sr. x-55 9 x-71 Fred Smith, Princeton ..... 6-0 180 Sr. 6
x-tackles+assists PUNTER Player, school ........... Ht Wt Brandon Rodgers, Withrow 6-3 202 KICKER Player, school ........... Ht Wt Kevin Kerr, St. Xavier .... 5-10 140
Enquirer file photo
Greg Bailie led Lakota to a 10-2 record and its first Greater Miami Conference title, which earned him Enquirer Division I coach of the year honors. and 23 TDs at fullback. Having played his first two years at Lockland before transfering to Mariemont, Wilschevick went 40-0 in his regular-season career, and 4-
4 in playoff games. "Lee's the most decorated player I've had," Crosby said. "To win (the state's) defensive player award twice is a real honor, and he's very
") Q c... <""" I. 2 -t..,-t..J
Yr Jr.
P Avg 28 45.4
Yr Fr.
FG PATPis 6 33 51
deserving." But Wilschevick admits he can't shake the sting of the double-overtime state championship loss to Lisbon David Anderson. "I'm dwelling on it, debating what we could have done to come back with a win," he said. "But it was a successful season." It was Crosby's second straight undefeated regular season. He earns Division II-VI Coach ofthe
Passing Rushing Player, school ........... Ht Wt Yr Yds TO Yds TO Brad Shestina, Turpin ..... 6-0 185 Sr. 1405 13 7 RUNNING BACK Player, school ........... Ht Wt Yr Yds TO Nick Wilson, Ross ........ 6-0 189 Jr. 2267 28 Glynn Johnson, Wlnt Rills .5-10 190 Sr. 1407 15 TIGHT END Player, school ........... Ht Wt Yr Rec Yds TO MikeGregovich, W'msburg 5-8 140 Sr. 50 899 12 Brad Buerger, Mariemont .. 6-1 170 Sr. 34 1n 14 WIDE RECEIVER Player, school ........... Ht Wt Yr Rec Yds TO Brandon Guttman, CCD ... 5-9 160 Sr. 481047 16 Mike Long, Fenwick ...... 6-1 181 Sr. 60 844 9 OFFENSIVE LINEMEN Player, school ........... Ht Wt Yr Dan Philpot, Ross ....... 5-11 231 Sr. Kevin Uhl, Roger Bacon ... 6-3 235 Sr. Matt Montgomery, Pur-Mar 6-0 215 Sr. Mason Stemann, Mason .. 6-2 285 Sr. DEFENSIVE LINEMEN Player, school ........... Ht Wt Yr Tack lnt Sk 2 6 Brent Fox, Wyoming ...... 6-1 200 Jr. 95 1 4 Ryan Fink, Mariemont. .... 6-3 205 Sr. 76 Marc Stratton, Mariemont. . 6-2 170 Sr. 4 67 Ernest Walker, CCD ...... 6-2 222 Sr. 80 6 LINEBACKERS Player, School .......... ; Ht Wt Yr Tack lnt Sk Lee Wilschevick, Mar' mont 6-2 210 Sr. 101 1 8 Brian Herking, Turpin ..... 6-0 225 Sr. 148 5 6 Nick Monk, Franklin ....... 6-1 215 Sr. 4 6 90 DEFENSIVE BACKS Player, school ........... Ht Wt Yr Tack lnt Sk Jeff Rook, Badin ......... 6-4 215 Sr. 76 5 Jaymar Hines, Walnut Hills 5·9 190 Sr. 6 56 Josh Cooper, Indian Hill ... 6-0 155 So. 40 10 Greg Huster, Deer Park .. 5-10 170 90 5 PUNTER Player, school ........... Ht Wt Yr PAvg Brad Weisman, Finn'town . 6-0 167 Jr. 48.3 KICKER FG PATPis Player, school ........... Ht Wt Yr Reed Werner, CCD ....... 6-3 185 Jr. 2 26 32
Regular-season statistics; provided by area coaches.
Year honors for the valiant playoff run, matching his team's 1980 finish as its best ever. 'With one exception, it was a great year for us," Crosby said. 'We finished up ranked No.1 in the AP (state) poll. We just felt this was going to happen with the group of seniors we had." Bailie had led Lakota to &4 records his first two seasons, and took the T-Birds to their first play-
offs this fall to earn Division I Coach of the Year honors. Lakota finished 10-2, with both losses to Colerain. Since Colerain must forfeit all its wins, Lakota's record becomes 12-0.
"I still see us as 10-2," Bailie said. "But it was a year where our kids did a good job winning close games and handling adversity."
LETTERS Madeira PTA offering junior high canteen Dear Editor: The Madeira Junior/Senior High School PTA is offering a Junior High Canteen for students in seventh- and eighth-grades. Our goal is to offer an ageappropriate social and recreational outlet for our young teens. The St. Gertrude School PTO is cosponsoring this project. The Madeira PTA plans to use the Sellman Middle school facility for this program. The cafeteria will be set up for students to play cards or board games provided by the PTA. We will sell pizza drinks and candy at our co~t for the refreshments. ' The music provided will vary depending on our funds from a good CD player to a disc jockey occasi.onally. The gym will be open for games including pmg pong tables loaned from the city of Madeira. The admission cost will be $2 which will defray cost and fund reinvestment in games and music. ~he canteen will have str路ict guidelines for participatiOn. The canteen will be open from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. on the following dates unless otherwise posted: Nov. 10, Dec. 8, Jan. 26, March 1 and March 29. Students will be checked in at the entrance to the school if they have an emergency form and parental consent form on file or in hand. The students will not be permitted to leave the canteen at any time without a parent or guardian until 9:30 p.m., closing time. We will take responsibility for the students who check in but cannot be responsible for students whose parents do not make sure that their children enter the building. Parents are expected to make ~ure their children have transportation home at closmg. We cannot be responsible for your children after 9:30 p.m. The PTA and PTO want to provide a safe atmosphere for our children to have a great time. In order to accomplish that we have strict guidelines that have to be followed. We must have a parent or guardian to contact during the canteen hours in case of emergency or lack of cooperation that would require early dismissal. The PTA and PTO would be delighted to have more volunteers. We need chaperons, games and donations. Sincerely, Sue Schweppe Madeira Junior/Senior High School PTA
Jail and Bail chairs thank county residents Dear Editor: On behalf of the March of Dimes Jail and Bail fund-raising event held in October, we wish to thank the generous people of Hamilton County for their continued support. Because of the support of Hamilton County, we were able to pledge over $20,000 for the March of D!mes B!rth Defects Campaign. The money raised 路 w1ll contmue the March of Dimes research, medical care, community services and local education for schools, businesses and hospitals. . The M~rch of Dimes is dedicated to the preventwn of birth defects, which will affect nearly 250,000 babies this and every year. We would especially like to recognize the volunteer participation of the Cincinnati Police Blue Ash Police, Springdale Police, Forest Park Police and Hamilton County Sheriffs. Thank Hamilton County for joining the campaign for healthier babies. Sincerely, . Guy Guckenberger Chatr, Downtown Cincinnati Jail and Bail site Catherine Barrett Chair, Forest Park Jail and Bail site Ronald Pitman Co-chair, Forest Park Jail and Bail site Walter Reuszer Chair, Blue Ash Jail and Bail site
vened that we were finally able to get it done. Bob Schuler is always there for Sycamore Township and we appreciate it. Oct. 21, a young man by the name of Dan Buckley was brutally murdered in St. Louis. I had gotten to know Dan's parents, Bruce and Pat Buckley, through the NEKARA Neighborhood Association. As one would suspect, they are very involved in maintaining the vitality of their residential area. I decided I wanted to attend Dan's funeral Mas.s at Moeller even though I didn't know him. As I sat in the bleachers with the gym overflowing with people, I realized that over 2,000 were there. That's right, over 2,000 had stopped on a Wednesday at noon to come to a memorial Mass for a young man, 22 years old. . He had to have had quite an impact on many lives. I felt privileged to be there. I began to thank about our slogan, "There's More in Sycamore." We tend to only think about our great shopping areas, our first class fire and EMS service the best police protection, a first class health care facility in Jewish Hospital, but we seldom focus on our churches and schools. Sycamore Township has many fine schools and churches of many faiths, but today the spotlight was on Moeller High School. Since 1960, Moeller has been turning out fine young men the likes of Bruce and his son Dan included. These men are 路highly educated but have the added special gifts of a commitment to God ' one ' s country and f amily values. You could easily see that at Dan's Mass, it was present everywhere, in all the people crowded into that gym for his service. What a jewel Sycamore Township residents have in Moeller High School. Our slogan, "There's More in Sycamore" has taken on a new meaning for me. Moeller not only educates young men, but instills the values this country needs so desperately- faith in God dedica. ' twn to country and a strong commitment to family values. Dan's funeral Mass will be something I'll never forget. With so much hate in this world it was !nspiring to see so many township residents jammed mto a gym where love of God and fellow man was the theme. We enjoy a high quality of life in Sycamore Township. Moeller High School and all it gives is a big part of the picture. Sincerely, Richard C. Kent President Sycamore Township Trustees
Union electrician supports prevailing wage laws
Dear Editor: I am writing in response to the article written by Matt Cooper in the Oct. 25 edition of Suburban Life. I feel as though the article unfairly blames our prevailing wage laws, Davis-Bacon, for the inefficiencies of our government. It amazes me how many times it is stated that to save money we have to cut the wages of the average worker. How much does Mr. McDaniel think a construction worker should make? . I am a union electrician employed Mayers Electnc and a member of I.B.E.W. Local 212. I do not feel as ~hough I ~m over paid in any way. A journeyman wireman will make less than $36,000 if her or she ~orks fif~y weeks in a year. We get no paid vacatJO~, ne SICk days and the only holiday pay we receive IS 3 2 hours on Christmas Eve. How far would these wages have to be cut to. achieve a 30 percent savings on the entire cost of a project? Please keep in mind that wages account for less than 25 percent of the total cost of a construction project. David-Bacon was enacted many years ago to protect the taxpayer from crooked contractors and dish~nest politicians. It does not ensure that a project w1ll be awarded to a union contractor. It does not even guarantee that the workers will receive the pay I 1--Es-Ci S due to them. The op.en shop employee is hesitant to speak up when he 1s shorted for fear of losing his job. The politicians could watch after the taxpayers money more effectively by enforcing the laws we have. Dear Editor: I want to close by saying that I was puzzled by I want to say a special thanks to State Rep. Bob Schuler (36th District) for his intervention in getting the ~uthor's position that he would not mind paying the unsightly dead weeds removed from the concrete a higher pnce for a reputable company with a median strip along I-71 in Sycamore Township. 路 proven track record yet he wants to cut the wages of , For several months we had barraged ODOT with the workers drastically. Those two ideas do not go well together because requests to dean it up, but it wasn't until Bob inter-
Trustee proud ol Buckley family, Moeller High School
-., -i
- •·
'Prince;on's Tim Riggins sacks Moeller quarterback Pat Mclaughlin but the Crusaders recovered for a 31-21 victory to avoid their first losing season in school history.
Moeller avoids losing season with victory over Princeton Post staff report
Moeller avoided the first losing football season in school history with a 31-21 victory at Princeton Friday night. Moeller quarterback Pat McLaughlin had 306 yards pass-ing to give him a school-record l ,955 yards for the 5eason. La SALLE 22, WESTERN HILLS 21 - La Salle, behind Nate Sexton, erased an 11-point deficit with two touchdowns in the second quarter en route to it-s sixth VIctory of the season. Sexton completed an eightyard pass to Matt Holthaus and followed with an 11-ya.rd run to put the Lancers ahead by a point. Senior quarterba·::k Mark Schorsch led the Mustangs with 151 yards on 18 carries. LaSALlE II WESTERHttiW
11 14
D--22 D--21
WH-5chorscl11 roo {Belperio kicl<) L--FG Obert 38 WH~ 30 fll1 (BeiDerio kicl<) L-r.lelscn 13 nr (Otart kicl<) WH-Schorsc1 71 rur. (Belpario kicl<) L-k!Oithaus e pus from Sexton (run bl:.odJ L-sexlon 11 run (paos fai2d) RECDRDS: La Salle 6-4, WIIS18m HJs 6-4..
ELDER 28, OAK HI 1LLS 0 Quarterback John Lammers threw for four touchdowns, including three in the third quarter, as the Panthers, ranked No. 3 in the Post's Division I poll, overcame the Highlanders' firsthalf defensive effort. Lammers. a senior, completed . 14 of 20 passes for 253 yards. Lammers finished the regular season with 1,670 passing yards anci 23 touchdowns while completing 67 percent of his passes. ELDE~
0 7 21 D--21
o o-o
E-Par10n 7 paa from bmners (DeFr.a"'O kicl<) E-P8110<1 67 pcos l:'om Lammers (DeFralCO ki:l<) E--5owers 6 pass tom Lammers (DeFretlCII kid<)
l'rFranco kid<)
~~:, ~ ~ 6::~
TURPtN 35, McNIC~HOLAS 9 - Junior Matt Noggle ran for a season-high 204 yards on 16 carries for the Spartans, who led 7-3 at halftime_ Senior qua::terback Brad Shestina completed six of 10 passes for 115 yards anci two touch-
downs. Shestina also ran for a touchdown. McNlCiiOLAS 0 3 0 &- t =II..:;TIIAPIN:::.:::___ _ _ _ _ __:0:__7:......:,7_2:.:1--=-35
7-BrOW'l 17 pass t-om SheSlina (Shestina kicl<) M-FG 21Jrnehly 21 T-Noggle 4! run (S'lesftna kicl<) T-Shestna 1 fll1 (kick te:led) lo'-TOOie 65 pass from Glenn (kic~ failed) T-Page JO pass fr0'1I snestina (Santer pass from Shestir•) T-NoQ!lll! 52 roo (Cohen kick) PECOAOS: McNiclool9s 1~. Turpin 9-1.
AMELIA 21, LOVELAND 13 - Senior tailback Jason Vance saved his best performance for his final high school game. Vance rushed for 217 yards on 15 carries, unofficially giving him 1,001 rushing yards. The win kept Amelia's slim Division I playoff hopes alive. The Barons entered the game ranked eighth in the Harbin ratings. The top five teams go to the postseason. LOVELAND II AMELIA
0 0 I 7-13 7 7 0 7-21
A-Vance 54 run (Scnaefer kick) A--C2ugher1y 2 run (Schaefer kicl<) L-Pri:e 50 nn (kick failed) A-Vance 2 nn (Schae~er 100<) L-SlanQ 5 run (Price kicl<) RECOROS: f.ooteland 4-5, Amelia 11-2.
MILFORD 40, GLEN ESTE 0 - The Milford defense forced five Glen Este turnovers and allowed just 54 total yards. MILFORD IIGLENESTE
7 7 14 12-41
o o o o-a
M--Anilrose 21 run (IIOOon kicl<) M-Merlo 8 o.on (Saaman kicl<) M--Merlo lS roo (Burbn kicl<) M-{lordon 1 lurnbla r.acovery (Saaman kicl<) M-Ambrose 2 1\11 (kick failed) M--BeOOec «< marceotl:ln return (kick failed) RECORDS: M:lford 2-8. Glen Este 3-7_
WOOD-Cross 14 roo (pass failed)
0 I 12 I
~L-- 25 roo (Garcia kicl<)
AECORDS:'W~ U, Withrow 3-7.
WALNUT HILLS 28, TAFT 26 - Senior quarterback Ceran Lipscomb's one-man scoring attack put Taft ahead, 18-0 at the half, but it was not enough to keep Walnut Hills from pulling out the win. Walnut Hills senior running back Glynn Johnson finished the game with 26 carries for 170 yards and four touchdowns. TAFT
21 7--34 12 D--30
• 12 0 1-21 0 0 15 13--21
T-l.ipscomb 63 roo (run fa.'2d) T--tipc:omb 15 pass from Gains (run fa!ed) l...;,ipl:omb 1 roo (run failed) WH -Johnson 50 run (Keegan pass from Mack) WH -Goode 24 pass from Mack (Moerlei" kicl<) WH-Mack 10 roo (kick fai:ed) T-l.ipscomb 75 yard kickoff return (Bailey run) WH-Jc'lnson 8 roo (Moerte:n kicl<) RECORDS: Walnut HJs 6-4, Taft 1·9.
HAMIL TON 52, MT. HEALTHY 0 - Senior Ben Moore rushed 10 times for 95 ya:d.; and three touchdowns. Hamilton senior Jason Ware tallied 126 total yards and threw a touchdown pass. M1. HEAl.lilY IIIWIIL"l'ON
WITHROW 34, WOODWARD 30 - Junior quarterback Brandon Rodgers spearheaded each of Withrow's scores as the Tigers posted 21 unanswered points in just a little more than a quarter. Three Withrow touchdowns and a two-point conversion came on Rodgers passes, including a 55-yard bomb to classmate Antwoine Anderson with :19 left in the third quarter. Rodgers threw for 24 7 yards. Woodward junior tailback Rico Murphy ran for 102 yards on 20 carries. WfTliROW II WOODWARD
~~651 ~~:'~~=
WITH-RodQers 1 run (run fat'ed) WITH-G. Clar1< 3 pass from Rodgers kicl<) ViOOO--L Jad<son 36 pass from Phi:::ps (pass fa:led) WOOD-A. Wi::iams 1opass from Phi::;ps (kick fa:led) WiTI<--G. Clat1t 11 pass from RodQen. (pass fa~ WITh-Anderson 55 pass from AOii;jefs (Hams pass frail
a o o o-o
13 13 13--52
H-l.f:xn 1 roo (WI:.'S kicl<) H-G"" 32 pass from W1111 (run failed) H--Crultior 8 run (roo failed) H-Sutior. 87 p!Jll r.atoo1 (W'':ls kicl<) H- Moon! 17 "" (Wt:ls kicl<) H-Moora 25 roo (l<icl< ta:led) H--mes 25 pass from Morris (l<ld< failed) H--Aooer.l 5 roo (Wt:ls kicl<) RECOI!DS Harn!.'lcn 7-3, MI. HHlthy U .
FAIRFIELD 43, WINTON WOODS 21 -Fairfield's Curtis Knight scored five touchdowns, including the first three of the game. Knight finished the game with 338 all-purpose yards, including 18 carries for 246 yards. FAIRFIELD II WJN11)N W000S
14 10 13--43 7 0 14--21
F-K.,igrt 32 roo (kick failed) F-K.'l!ght S:i yard punt return (kick failed) F-Kii!irt 33 vard on18rteption (Watl<ins roo) ww-fdten 1~ roo (Horine kicl<) F-FGNI<ers32 F-WII11m 22 pass from Shskfn (AikeB kici<J WW-AI!i<ftw 4 roo (pass f&!!ed) F-I<Naht 3e 1\11 (kick fa:led) WW--hl<ttW 35 roo (Fr.anld'n pass from Wi::l&lns) F-Knigtt 4 run (AikeB kicl<) RECO!l"CS: Fmie!d 2-8, Winton Woods 5-5.
route Local grads laud junior colleges By Richard Skinner Post staff reporter
"2-/.;.. ..,- v.
Low grades cost Moeller High School's Troy Tuck a Division I college football scholarship coming out of high school in 1994. It left him with few choices for his future: go to a smaller school and play football; sit out his first year at a Division I school and pay his own way; or go to work. "I wanted to play Division I football," Tuck said.
Moeller head coach Steve Klonne suggested to Tuck, a standout linebacker on Moeller's 1993 Division I state runner-up team, that he take a look at junior colleges, something that few area prep players consider. "I didn't know anything about junior colleges because there just aren't any close to here that have football teams," Tuck said. "Coach Klonne gave me a book of them and I ... started making some calls." Tuck wound up going to Los Angeles Valley Community College, made good grades, earned an associate's degree and on Wednesday will sign a national letter of intent to play his final two collegiate seasons at Division I-AA Youngstown State. Andre Collins, a defensive back on Moeller's 1993 team who also went to a junior college DuPage in Glen Ellyn, Ill. - is expected to sign with Georgia on Wednesday, the first day high school and junior college players can sign letters of intent. Fullback Derrick Edwards, a 1995 Moeller graduate, also plays for DuPage. Tuck, who chose Youngstown State over Arizona and Kentucky, said he wants to spread the word to area high school players that junior college can be a viable option. "Everyone thinks of them as an option for basketball, and Division I schools are always taking guys from there," Tuck said. "I just think there's a misconception in the Midwest and nobody thinks about them for football." There are 140 junior colleges in the nation that have football teams, 77 of which are in California. The vast majority of the others are in Kansas, Texas, Mississippi and Oklahoma with a handful in New York, West Virginia and Illinois. Los Angeles Valley coach Jim Fenwick, who was an assistant coach at Miami University under - _ Tim Rose in 1988 and 1989, said - -he rarely gets players at his school from the Midwest. "I think a lot of kids in Cincinnati and that area have just Please see TRANSFER, 20
"'ELVIN GfiiE R!The Post
Moeller grad Troy Tuck will sign with Youngstown State after spending two years at a junior college.
Transfer From Page 10
been unaware of what's available for them," Fenwick said. "With the NCAA guidelines (for D:.vision I acadewlc eligibility) becoming toughe:", more and more are starting to see it. This is a chance to get an education, get scouted by Divi¡ sion I schools and have a chance tc matriculate to those schools." Said Klonne: "Because of the academic ste.n¡ dards I think m::>re and more playe:-s will be funneled to junior colleges. There haven't been very many from arot:.nd here who have c'one it yet, but I think yo~.1'll see more and more go that rout:e."
The Cincinnati Post,
Saturday, October 21, 1995
La Salle, Elder tie for first in GCL South Lancers beat Bacon; Elder drops Purcell Post staff report
La Salle and Elder finished tied for the Greater Catholic League South Division high school football championship after each posted victories Friday night. La Salle romped past Roger Bacon, 28-0; and Elder dropped Purcell Marian, 27-0. For La Salle it was the first time it has won or shared the GCL championship in the 31 years of football at the school. Here's a look at GCL games Friday night: La SALLE 28, ROGER BACON 0 La Salle dominated on offense, defense and special teams and recorded its first shutout of the season. The Lancers racked up 428 yards of total offense, their second straight week over 400 yards, and held Roger Bacon to 161 yards.
Sophomore Joe Nelson broke the school record for the longest punt return when he scored from 78 yards. He also set the school record for most punt return yards in a game, gaining 108 yards, 34 more than the old mark. Sophomore tailback 'Wiz' White had seven carries for 102 yards and two touchdowns. ROGER BACON La SALLE
12 14
o- 0
L-White 52 run (pass failed) L-Nelson 78 punt return (kick failed) L-White 5 run (Schreck kick) L-Saxton 9 run (Schreck kick) L-Safety, quarterback downed ball in endzone RECORDS: La Salle 5·3, 3-1 GCLS; Roger Bacon 2·6, 2·3 GCLN.
ELDER 27, PURCELL MARIAN 0 Elder's Brandon Sowers romped 69 yards on Elder's first play from scrimmage, setting up his one-yard touchdown run that put the Panthers on top 6-0, and they proceeded to roll to a 27-0 halftime lead. Sowers went on to score two more rushing touchdowns and finished the game with 19 carries for 164 yards. 0 0 0 o- 0 PURCELL MARIAN ELDER
E-Sowers 1 run (run failed) E-Ryan 6 run (Parton pass from Lammers)
E-Sowers 1 run (kick failed) E-Sowers 8 run (OeFranco kick) RECORDS: Elder 7-1,3-1 GCLS; Purcell Marian 4-4, 2-3 GCLN.
ST. XAVIER 42, CHAMINADE-JULIENNE 13- Bombers quarterback Joe Sprengard accounted for four touchdowns in helping break a two-game losing streak. Sprengard completed 8 of 13 passes for 180 yards to go along with three rushing touchdowns. St. Xavier outgained Chaminade-Julienne, 352-165. CHAMINADE.JULIENNE at ST. XAVIER
7 0 0 7 14 21
6-13 0-42
CJ-Baldwin 19 run (Schlerloh kick) SX-Sprengard 5 run (Kerr kick) SX-Sprengard 12 run (Kerr kick) SX-Hayes 5 run (Kerr kick) SX-Sprengard 13 run (Kerr kick) SX-Dorn 67 pass from Sprengard (Kerr kick) SX-Arling 15 run (Kerr kick) CJ-Monaghan 17 pass from Beeghly (run failed) RECORDS: St. Xavier 5-3, 2·2 GCLS; Chaminade.Julienne 3·5, 1-4.
MOELLER 23, KETTERING ALTER 12 - Junior Mike Kamphake took the opening kickoff of the second half 84 yards for a touchdown to give Moeller an insurmountable 20-0 lead. Kamphake had 179 all-purpose yards in helping the Crusaders even their record at 4-4 and hand Kettering Alter,
leader of the Greater Catholic League North coming into the game, only its second loss of the season. Senior quarterback Pat McLaughlin was 11 of 14 for 177 yards passing and two touchdowns, including a 36-yarder to Kamphake. That touchdown gave Moeller an early 7-0 lead. MOELLER at KETTERING ALTER
7766-23 0 0 6 6-12
M-Kamphake 36 pass from Mclaughlin (SicUiano) M-Logan 5 pass McLaughlin (Siciliano kick) M-Kamphake 84 kickoff return (kick failed) KA-Rose 25 pass from Mahle (kick blocked) M-FG Pucke 22 KA-Rose 1 run (pass failed) RECORDS: Moeller 4-4, 2·2 GCLS; Kettering Alter 6-2, 4·1 GCLN.
QCC-Metro AIKEN 28, WITHROW 20 - Turnovers proved costly for Withrow as Aiken rallied from a 20-7 deficit. Trailing 21-20 with four minutes remaining, Withrow junior quarterback Brandon Rodgers had a pass intercepted and returned 42 yards for a score. Then trailling, 28-20, Rodgers drove his team the length of the field only to see his final pass of the rught picked off in the end zone with less than a minute to play.
Sophomore Chad Cannon helped Withrow to its early lead thanks to a 67-yard touchdown run in the first quarter. Cannon finished with 114 yards rushing. AIKEN at WITHROW
14-28 D-20
W-Cannon 67 run (Garcia kick) W-Harris 26 pass from Rodgers (Garcia kick) A-Stuntz 9 pass from Early (Broadnax kick) W-Sams 45 pass from Rodgers (kick failed) A-Broadnax 53 pass from Early (Broadnax kick) A-Early 1 run (Broadnax kick) A-Wright 42 interception return (Broadnax kick) RECORDS: Aiken 4-3, 1·2 QCCM; Withrow 2-6, 0-4.
Non-league MIAMI TRACE 35, OAK HILLS 7 Oak Hills was held to only 235 yards of total offense. Ben Barnhorst had 72 yards on 13 carries, 38 of those yards coming on the Highlanders' only touchdown. OAK HILLS at MIAMI TRACE MT-Burns 2 run (Stuart kick) OH-Barnhorst 38 run (Hertenberg kick) MT-Wysong 1 run (Stuart kick) MT-Burns 2 run (Stuart kick) MT-Burns 1 run (Stuart kick) MT-Stuart 2 run (Jones kick) RECORDS: Oak Hills 2-6, Miami Trace 7-1.
0 14
o- 7 14-35
Upsets jumble GCL-South race·;. '.
La Salle, Moeller back in contention I 0/1/ '/ S
Post staff report
and Badin took advantag~· of four Spartans turnovers. ROGER BACON 0 0 0 o- o.
0 14 14
'o-28 .
B-Broerrnan 1 run (Pogozalski kick) B-Rook 11 pass from Brady (Pogozalski kick) B-lr'Mn 1 run (Pogozalski kick) B-Brady 16 run (Pogozalski kickJ ~-~CORDS: Roger Bacon 1-5, 1- GCLN; Hammon Badin 5-1,
St. Xavier and Elder were expected to decide the Greater CHAMINADE-JULIENNE 17, Catholic League South Division McNICHOLAS 0 - Tight end football championship next Charlie Szabo caught two firstweekend, but thanks to two up- half touchdown passes from sets Friday night, all four GCL- quarterback Jason Schierloh. South schools have a chance at CHAMINADE-JULIENNE 7 7 3 D-17 the league title. at McNICHOLAS o o o o-o St. Xavier, which beat Moel- CJ-Szabo pass 4 from J. Schie~oh (M. Schie~oh kick) l•:lr, 35-17, last week, lost to g::=~Ga~ ~~~~rrs' J. Schierioh (M. Schie~ kick) La S.alle, 27-21, in four overtimes, RECORDS: Chaminade-Julienne 3-3, 2-1 GCLN; McNicholas 'while Elder, which beat La Salle, 1-5,1).3. 46-28 last week, was upended by QCC-American Moeller, 27-21, on Friday. TURPIN 28, TAFT 6- QuarAll four teams are now 1-1 in terback Brad Shestina had 148 the' league. Here are Friday night's yards passing and a touchdown to help keep Turpin undefeated. games: · La SALLE 27, ST. XAVIER 21 Running back Jeff Gruber added yards rushing and two touch( 4 OT) - Leon "Wiz" White .95 scored the winning touchdown downs for the Spartans, who outgained Taft, 308-150 yards. in the fourth overtime. 14 7 0 • 7-28 TURPIN After giving up 46 points last at TAFT 0 6 0 Q-6 week to Elder, the Lancers de- TUR-Gruber 1 run (Shestina kick) 2 run (Shestina kick) fense held tough against St. Xa- TUR-Grover TAFT-Upscomb 46 run (kick !ailed) vier, forcing four turnovers and TUR-Shestina 7 run (Shestina kick) TUR-8tomp pass from Shestina (Cohen kick) holding the Bombers in the first, RECORDS: Turpin 6-0, 2-0 QCCA; Taft 1-5, 1).2. second and fourth overtimes. ANDERSON 21, WQOD· The Lancers did not commit a WARD 0 - Anderson pourided turnover. out 316' yards on the ground~ led La Salle quarterback Nate by junior Ryan Josefovsky who Sexton ran for one touchdown gained 150 yards on 19 ctl.qies. and threw for another while Junior P.J. Schiano gained--133 Matt Holthaus caught two yards on 22 carries and scored touchdown passes for the Lane- two touchdowns . . ers, who got a boost when sec- WOODWARD 0 0 ••O:••o- 0 14 0 '0. ,, 7-21 ond-string quarterback Paul at ANDERSON Kramer came off the bench to A-Schiano 3 run (Hollrah kick) "' 14 pass from Collar (Hollrah kick) toss a tying TD in the third over- A-Wazyniak A-Schiano 1 run (Hollrah kick) r. RECORDS: Anderson 4-2, 2-0 QCCA; Woodward 3-3, 1o1. time. AMELIA 17, GLEN ESTE .6St. Xavier quarterback Joe Sprengard was the offensive star Senior running back MikE_! f.~ou for the Bombers, running for a gherty rushed for two touchtouchdown and throwing for two downs to lead the Barons. more. Amelia held Glen Este to just D-21 ST. XAVIER 1 0 0 7 0 0 57 yards of total offense far the 6-27 at La SALLE 0 6 0 8 0 0 night and didn't allow a first . X-Mussman 6 pass from Sprengard (Kerr kick) down after the Barons' first 'posL-Holthaus 38 pass lrom Sexton jkick blocked) L-Sexton 58 run (Robinson pass rom Sexton) session. X-Wilson 59 pass lrom Sprengard (Kerr kick) L-Holthaus 16 pass from Kramer (Schreck kick) X-Sprengard 20 run (Kerr kick) L-White 6 run (kick failed) RECORDS: St. Xavier 4-2, 1-1 GCLN; La Salle 3-3, 1-1.
0 10 6 o
A-Dougherty 11 run (Schaeffer kick) GE-Krimer 85 blocked FG return (pass failed) A-FG Schaeffer 21 A-Dougherty 9 run (Schaeffer kick) RECORDS: Amelia 4-2, 1-1 QCCA; Glen Este 2-4, 1).2.•
MOELLER 27, ELDER 21 Trailing 14-10 after the first quarter, Moeller rolled off 17 unanswered points to edge the QCC-National Panthers, ranked No. 3 in the MT. HEALTHY 31, WINTON Associated Press Division I state WOODS 22 - The Owls used poll. Offensively the game was a three big plays to help even their passing battle battle between record after a 1-2 start. Moeller's Pat McLaughlin and The first was an 83-yard kickElder's John Lammers. off return by senior Derrick DavMcLaughlin completed 18 of ison to start the second half, 24 for 232 yards and a touch- which gave Mt. Healthy a 17-14 down, and Lammers connected lead. After Winton Woods took a on 14 of 18 passes for 261 yards 20-17 lead, senior Derrick Betts -scored twice in the fourth quarand two touchdowns. Elder trimmed the Crusaders' ter, returning a punt 84 yards lead to 27-21 with less than four and an interception 47 yards. remaining minutes in the game Davison racked up 115 yard~ when Lammers connected with on 16 carries, including a 55-yare Brandon Sowers from 35 yards. touchdown run. Sowers finished with six catches MT. HEALTHY 7 3 7 14- 3 at WINTON WOODS 2- 2 7 7 6 for 131 yards and a touchdown. 7 run (Horine kick) Elder's defense forced the WW-Askew MH-Davison 55 run (Hoskins kick) Crusaders to punt and the WW-AIIen 34 run (Horine kick) FG Hoskins Panthers were poised for one MH-22 MH-Davison 83 kick return (Hoskins kick) last drive with just less than two WW-Davenport 5 run (kick blocked) MH-Betts 84 punt return (Hoskins kick) minutes left. Lammers maneu- WW-Safety, ball snapped out ol end zone • 47 Interception return (Hoskins kick) ~ • • vered the Panthers to near mid- MH-Betts RECORDS: MI. Healthy 3-3, 2-0 QCCN; Winton W~'2. Ifield but was sacked twice and WALNUT HILLS 27, NO.RTH was intercepted on fourth down. Moeller's Mike Kamphake WEST 3 - Eagles senior: tai: rushed for 139 yards on 23 car- back Glynn Johnson, t~ .)99 ries, including a 62-yard touch- area rushing leader, finishe• down jaunt to give Moeller a 10-7 with ~69 yards rushing on 1"l ca1 ries. lead in the first quarter. - Johnson had 250 all-p_u:ryos Elder was held to just seven yards and scored three to.ucl yards rushing. downs. ' • 10 14 0 3-27 MOELLER 14 0 0 7-21 at ELDER 3~ oNORTHWEST M-FG Siciliano 25 E-Parton 36 pass from Lammers (DeFranco kick) M-Kamphake 62 run (Siciliano kick) E-Sowers 1 run (DeFranco kick) M-Mclaughlin 1 run (Siciliano kick) M-Frtz 5 pass from McLaughlin (Siciliano kick) M-FG Siciliano 35 E-Sowers 35 pass lrom Lammers (DeFranco kick) RECORDS: Elder 5-1, 1-1 GCLS; Moeller 3-3, 1-1.
GCL-North Division BADIN 28, ROGER BACON 0 - Junior quarterback Bln Brady completed 80 percent of his passes in his first varsity start while accounting for two touchdowns,
WH-Hines 23 run (Moe~ein kick) NW-FG Schur 24 WH-Johnson 1 run (Moe~ein kick) WH- Johnson 4 pass lrom Mack (run failed) WH-Johnson 80 run (Moe~ein kick) RECORDS: Walnut Hills 3-3. 1-1 OCCN; Northwest l-5,1).2,
HARRISON 28, HUGHES 6 Leading 6-0 at halftime, Harriso (5-1 overall, 2-0 QCCN), b;rol the game open with a 22-poiJ third quarter in which seni< running back Brian SlavE scored two of his three touc downs .
The Cincinnati Post, Saturday, September 30, 1995
Bombers bounce back, beat Moeller Sprengard leads St. Xavier to win ~ost
staff report
Senior quarterback Joe Sprengard tossed three touchdown passes and sophomore running back Jayson Arling had a pair of two-yard scoring runs to lead St. Xavier to a 35-17 romp over Moeller. The Bombers, ranked third in The Post's Division I coaches poll after losing to top-ranked Colerain last week, returned to winning form in their GCL opener. Moeller scored first, finishing a 13-play drive with a Jim Siciliano 34-yard field goal on its initial drive. The Bombers responded with a 10-play drive of their own, capping it off with Arling's first touchdown run of the night.
Following another Arling score which put St. Xavier ahead 14-3, Moeller moved the ball to midfield before quarterback Pat McLaughlin was intercepted by Tim Barnes, who returned it .to the Crusader's 9-yard line. Sprengard connected with Paul Mussman on the next play with 17 seconds left in the half to put the Bombers ahead 21·3 at the half. Sprengard finished the night connecting on 8 of 16 passes for 133 yards and three touchdowns to lead the St. Xavier offensive attack. For Moeller, McLaughlin was 16-of-30 for 199 yards. He also had a one-yard touchdown run. ST. XAVIER at MOELLER
7 14 14 3 0 7
' M-FG Siciliano 34 SX-Arling 2 run (Kerr kick) SX-Arling 2 run (Kerr kick) SX-Mussman 9 pass from Sprengard (Kerr kick) SX-Wilson 44 pass from Sprengard (Kerr kick) M-Hamllton 3 run (Siciliano kick) SX-Mussman 15 pass from Sprengard (Kerr kick) M-McLaughlin 1 run (Pucke kick) RECORDS: St. Xavier 4·1, 1.() GCLS; Moeller 2-3, 0·1.
CHAMINADE-JULIENNE 28 Matt Singer scored touchdowns on offense and defense and Ah· mad Harris broke a 28-28 tie with a 99-yard kickoff return. 1 Singer had 11 solo tackles to' go with a fumble recovery, an interception (which he returned for a touchdown) and a 76-yard· TD reception from quarterback Tony Allen. CHAMINADE·JULIENNE at PURCELL MARIAN
7 13 14 6
0 8-28 0 14-34
P-D'Neal 75 pass from Allen (kick failed) P-Singer 76 pass from Allen (Sarles run) C-Baldwln 7 run (M. Scherloh kick) C-Baldwin 5 run (M. Scherloh kick) P-Singer 19 interception return (kick failed) C-Baldwin 7 run (kick failed) P-Harris 23 pass from Allan (Singer pass from Allen) C-Baldwin 2 run (J. Scherloh run) P-Harris 99 kickoff return (run failed) RECORDS: Purce114·1, 2·0 GCLN; Chaminade·Julienne 2-3, H.
·ROGER BACON 15, McNICHOLAS 0 - Roger Bacon assistant coach Dan Starkey promised to get his head shaved if his team shut out the Rocketsl Although it may have seemed & far-fetched goal for the winless Spartans, they came through. So did Starkey, who lost his hair at
the 50-yard line at game's end. McNICHOLAS at ROGER BACON
0 6
0-0 7-15
A-Ayers 12 run (run failed) R-McNicholas player tackled in end zone for safety R-Ayres 49 run (Stegman kick). RECORDS: Roger Bacon 1·4, H GCLN; McNicholas 1·4, 0·2.
KETTERING ALTER 14, HAMILTON BADIN 7 - Alter stopped Badin on a fourth-down run at its 1-yard line with 31 seconds left to hand Badin its first loss of the season. HAMILTON BADIN at KmERING ALTER
A-Rose 78 fumble return (Kiimaski kick) B-Rook 7 pass from Malone (Pogozalski kick) A-Rose 2 run (Kiimaskl kick) RECORDS: Badin 4·1, 1·1 GCLN; Alter 4·1, 2.0.
FAVC GOSHEN 30, LITTLE MIAMI 23 - Fullback Marshall Porterfield's third touchdown run of the game provided the winning margin as Goshen held off previ· ously undefeated Little Miami. Porterfield, who finished with 100 yards on 19 carries, scored the game's final touchdown with 7:26 left to play.
Goshen stopped the ensuing Little Miami drive with four minutes left when defensive end Andy Geisler deflected a pass in the backfield that defensive back Jeremy Lukemire caught for an interception. Goshen was forced to punt but was able to run valuable time off the clock.
W-Brown 1 run (Steinmetz kick) RECORDS: Springboro 3·2, 0·2 FAVC; Wilmington 1·4, 1·1.
N-Fiannery 3 run (Flannery run) K-Cummins 9 run (pass failed) K-Hurchanik 47 pass from Schroeder (Verveca pass from Schroeder) N-Fiannery 1 run (Turner run) N-Fiannery 2 run (kick failed) RECORDS: Norwood 3·2, 1-1 FAVC; Kings 2·3, 0.2 FAVC.
L-Arnold 28 run (Bryant kick) G-Long 1 run (Jones kick) G-Porterfleld 6 run (Jones kick) L-Craig 3 run (Thompson pass from Arnold) G-Porterfield 2 run (Porterfield run) L-Thompson 10 pass from Arnold (Thompson pass from Arnold) G-Porterfleld 9 run (Jones kick) RECORDS: Little Miami 4·1. 1·1 FAVC; Goshen 2·3. H.
WILMINGTON 28, SPRINGBORO 7 - Senior Nick Brown came off a 267-yard rushing performance last week to gain 129 yards on 24 carries for three touchdowns, leading Wilmington to its first win of the year. SPRINGBORO at WILMINGTON
7 0 7 14
W-Brown 17 run (Steinmetz kick) S-Pollock 49 run (Evans kick) W-Brown 1 run (kick failed) W-Cole 49 pass from Zeigler (Zeigler run)
0 0
0-7 7-28
NORWOOD 22, KINGS 14 -· Tony Flannery had 20 of Nor-• wood's 22 points on three touch-' downs and a two-point: conversion. 8 8
6-22 0-14
ROSS 28, MASON 21 - Nick Wilson was a one-man gang for Ross, running for 241 yards and scoring four touchdowns. The Rams improved to 5-0, the best start in head coach Dick Ballard's 10 years. ROSS at MASON
0 21
A-Wilson 3 run (kick failed) A-Wilson 65 run (Fisher pass from Durbin) M-Morel 1 run (Migut kick) M-Bennett 79 pass from Langdon (kick failed) M-Strait 1 run (Bennett pass from Strait) A-Wilson 43 run (Wilson run) A-Wilson 4 run (run failed) RECORDS: Ross 5·0, 2·0 FAVC; Mason 3·2, 1·1.
14-28 0-21
Players of the week
JOSH COHEN Madeira .Football The freshman ran 32 times for 176 yards, four TDs and a 2-point conversion in a 35-13 win over Dayton Jefferson.
STEVE FLETCHER Reading Football The sophomore quarterback ran for two touchdowns in Friday's 23-18 win over Cincinnati Country Day.
JAY KARPINSKY Princeton Water polo The junior scored 10 goals and had 14 assists in three statetournament games.
CERAN LIPSCOMB Taft Football The senior had four touchdowns in Friday's 28-26 loss to Walnut Hills, including a 63-yard run and an 84-yard kickoff return.
PAT McLAUGHLIN Moeller Football The senior was 16-for23 passing for 316 yards and a touchdown in Friday's 31-21 win over Princeton.
FOOTBALL STATISTICS ..,. Scoring Player, SChool Wilson, Ross.................... Monk, Franklin.·---·Ford, HiRsboro.............. .. Wilschevid<, Mar........ . Gossett, Wyoming......... Sowers, Elder .... ,__ _ Alexander, Colerain..••. Swackhamer, Hiisbor _ Murphy, Colerain_ .•.•. Mundy, NCH................. Highfm, Mason.·--·--· Guttman, ceo...............
Slaven, Harrison. ....·-···-
Bratton, Uma................ . Dick, Reading ....! ............ Schaffer, Deer Park.... . J. Boyd, sco.................... Schiano, Anderson. ... _, Johnson, Walnut Hill....... Fulton, Wyoming......- .. . Upscomb, TaiL ......... . Buerger, Mariemont.. ... Price, Loveland _____ _ Schorsch, West Hils...... Jones. ceo __ ,___, Josefovsky, Anderson.. Salyers, Edgewood...._ Holbert, Harrison........ .. Parton. Bder...---·-·Gregovlch, Wiliannsb.... Wilson, Lakota.-.........
Rowers, Northwest...... Ramsey, New Rich....... Shestina, Turpin............. Gruber, Turpin .....- ...... Moore, HamRton......... Orr, Mariemont·--·--·Ellis, Princeton._·--·-· BaRey, Wiliarnsburg. .... Brookins, Princeton__ _ Kamphake, Moeler--· While, La Salle........... . Daniel, SCO·--··-··---· Myers, Edgewood........ Sickles, Princeton.......... Poling, Bethel·Tate .•_ .. Long, Fenwick ................
G Pos. TD.PAFG Tot 10 RB 28 10 0 188 10 RB 24 2 0 146 10 HB 23 2 0 140 10 TB 21 0 0 126 10 RB 21 0 0 126 10 RB 20 2 0 122 10 RB 19 4 0 118 10 FB 15 22 0 112 10 Q6 17 4 0 106 10 RB 17 0 0 102 10 RB 17 0 0 102 10 WR 16 2 0 98 10 RB 16 0 0 96 10 RB 16 0 0 96 10 RB 16 0 0 96 10 WB 11 2 2 94 10 WB 14 9 0 93 10 RB 15 0 0 90 10 RB 15 0 0 90 10 RB 14 0 0 84 10 RB 14 0 0 84 10 WR 14 0 0 84 10 Q6 9 15 3 78 10 Q6 13 0 0 78 9 RB 13 0 0 78 10 RB 13 0 0 78 10 RB 12 2 0 76 10 RB 9 21 0 75 10 WR 12 2 0 74 10 TE 12 2 0 74 10 RB 12 2 0 74 10 RB 12 0 0 72 9 HB 12 0 0 72 10 Q6 8 18 1 69 10 TB 11 2 0 68 10 RB 11 2 0 68 10 FB 11 2 0 68 10 RB 11 0 0 66 10 FB 11 0 0 66 10 RB 10 2 0 62 10 RB 10 0 0 60 10 RB 10 0 0 60 10 FB 10 0 0 60 10 RB 10 0 0 60 10 RB 10 0 0 60 10 WR 10 0 0 60 10 WR 9 6 0 60
..,. Rushing Player, School Att. Yards Wilson, Ross ..................................251 2267 Monk, Franklin .......................... 191 1449 Wilson, Lakota ............................... 264 1448 Johnson, Warnrt Hills ..---·--·-·-180 1487 Mundy, NCH .................................. 161 1314 Schiano, Anderson .....- .......... 142 1234 Ford, HiHsboro ...- ........................ 109 1184 Alexander,Coleraln -·-----172 1178 Dick, Reading ...............................226 1173 Bratton, Lima .....- .................- ...163 1146 Lozier, Midd. Madison --·---·.144 1136 Salyers, Edgewood ....................... 148 1124 Gossett, Wyoming ....................... 126 1123 Davison, MI. Healthy _ ...............221 1115 Holbert, Harrison .......................... 186 1100 Jones, ceo ................................... 132 1076 Orr, Mariemont .......................... 143 1060 Fulton, Wyoming ........................... 141 1001 Murph, Woodward ..................... 154 981 Sowers, Elder ............................ 189 975 Highfill, Mason .............- ............ 179 972 Vance, Amelia .......................... 132 970 Josefovsky, Anderson ................. 133 954 Flowers, Northwest __..........- ... W 938 Brookins, Princeton ................... 137 908 Cummins, Kings ...........- .............. 164 907 Wilschevick, Mariemont .......... 115 895 Kamphake, Moeler .................... 161 864 Schorsch, Western Hils .._ ......_112 858 Slaven, Harrison ......- ................ 128 849 Ramsey, New Richmond ............. 139 846 O'Brien, Summit CO .................. 103 831 Gruber, Turpin .............................. 152 811 EHiot, Hughes ................................ 117 800 Balser, Sycamore ......................... 120 786 Ambrose, Milford ........................ 166 782 Price, Loveland .........- ............... 100 775 Moore, Hamilton .......................... 138 766 Murphy, Colerain ....................... 96 756 Askew, Winton Woods .............. 130 755 Fucito, McNicholas ....................... 175 750 Lipscomb, Taft 750 Johnson, Fenwld< ........................ 159 750
Avg. 9.0 6.7 5.5 7.8 8.2 8.7 10.9 6.8 5.2 7.0 7.8 7.6 8.9 5.0 5.9 8.2 7.4 7.1 6.4 5.2 5.4 7:J 7.2 6.6 6.6 5.2 7.8 5.4 7.7 6.6 .6.01 8.1 5.3 6.8 6.5 4.7 7.7 5.6 7.8 5.9 4:J 6.7 4.7
..,. Passing Player, SChool Att Comp McLaughlin, Moeller ...................219 136 Werner, CCO ...............- ............. 180 89 Lammers, Bder ....- .................... 153 102 Brewer, Wilflamsburg .................. 174 88 Bruns, SUmmit CO ........................ 133 83 South, Fenwick ............................. 190 95 Sprengard, St. Xavier .................. 194 89 Barton, Hillsboro ........................... 124 76 Arnold, Little Miami .................... 175 97 Oaks, Edgewood ...........- ........ 126 63 Brown. Princeton -·-·---·-........ 138 61 Shestina, TIKPin .......................... 114 66 Milner, Mariemont --·--·-....... 120 60 sexton. La Salle .......................... 164 82 Hollatz, Deer Park ....... - ........ 156 65 Bray, Oak Hils ..............................201 92 Bishop, Batavia ........................... 136 61 Rodgers, Witlrow ·----........ 166 76 Turner, Norwood .......................... 163 86 Mender, Madeira ---·-.............. 197 83 Westfal, Sycamore .................... 159 72 Elrod, Harrison ............................. 146 70 Schroeder, Kings .......................... 148 62 Strait, Mason ................................. 137 72 Johnson. Lakota ............................ 150 71 Justin MOrris, Lockland ............. 143 71 Allen, Purcel Marian .................. 162 63 Abner, New Richnnond ................. 139 55 Malone, Badin ............................... 118 69 Durbin. Ross ..................... _ ........ 115 52
Yds 1965 1785 1669 1628 1438 141• 1348 1309 1279 1236 1174 1153 1117 1096 1094 1093 1047 1036 1022 1020 1015 1009 920 896 957 948 915 888 883 859
Playoff tickets Pregame sales at participating schools (Tickets are $5): Badin When: Today-Thursday 8 a.m.-3 p.m.; Thursday 6:30-9 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Where: Main office
When: Today-Friday noon-3:30 p.m. Where: Athletic office. Colerain When: Today-Friday 8 a.m.-4 p.m.; today and Wednesday 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Where: Main office. Elder When: Today-Friday 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Where: Fieldhouse ticket office. Hillsboro When: Today 7 p.m.-9 p.m.; Wednesday-Thursday 8 a.m.-8 Bailey, Hughes ........................... 137 Ware, Hamilton ...............- •.-.132 Ayers, Roger Bacon ......... - ....... 164 Philips, Woodward ................... 126 Fletcher, Reading .............___.. 120
49 46 61 52 66
800 796
Yds 844 706 899 1047 578
Avg. 14.0 13.8 18.0 21.9 13.4 12.7 13.2 22.9 19:J 16.3 21.1 18.1 16.0 14.5 10.7 18.5 17.4 13.2 14.1 12.2 17.9 16.7 11.7 9.5 29.6 16.0 17.7 28.8 17.8 18.7 17.5 15.5 13.3 17.6 15.7 13.8 10.9 20.8 17.8 16.4 15.1 7.4 21.8 28.4 13.8 11.4
793 767 762
..,. Receiving Player, SChool No. Long, Mldd. Fenwld< ----·-·60 Thor'1)son, Utile Miami ........_ .. .51 Gregovlch, Wiliamsburg - - 5 0 Guttman, ceo ..................._.. 48 Carlin, Madeira --·--·-·----·43 Atz, Moeler ...................____ 40 Voegele, Lockland ................._:JS Buerger, Mariemont ......................3 Parton, Elder ................................ 34 Rook, Badin ...........- ......_ _ , 3 3 J. Boyd, SOOimlt co ...................:32 Brown, Sycamore -·--·-·--- 32 Slas, McN'ocholas ........................ 32 Fox, Oak Hils .................-·-·--...32 Maldlow, Madeira ...................... .30 Hurchanlk, Kinngs .......·-···----·29 Wilson, St. Xavier --·-·------·-·29 Henry, Utile Miami ....- ............29 Anderson, Wittrow ..- ....... ...28 Hamilton, Moeler .......................... 28 Evans, Lakota ........................ - ..... 26 Holthaus, La Sale · - · - - - - 26 Alen, WN1ton Woods ..................... 26 Brlnck, Badin ..............---·-26 Ells, Princeton ·--·--···-·-·-- 25 Highfll, Mason ................................ 25 Sowers, Elder .. --·-----·-- 24 Schaffer, Deer Park ·--·-....23 T. Merchant, Lebanon ..................23 captain, Hillsboro ..................-23 Turner, Hilsboro ..........---·---23 Hutchinson, Ross ........................... 23 Buck, Flnneytown .......................... 23 'l!;apprel, Anderson ......................... 22 Welng. Harrison ........................ -.22 Niesen, Roger Bacon -·-·--···- 22 Robinson, La Sale ..-·-·-······- 22 Sc!U>ert, Batavia ....................-.21 Goocllarl, Moeler .............- ...-- 21 Winters, Fairfield ·--·-·----- 21 Singer, Purcel Marian ------ 21 Alvarez, Norwood .......---·--- 21 Holins, Wiliamsburg - - - - - 20 Osborne, Middletown .................. 20 MCM~taln. Western Brown -·-20 Craig, Ultle Miarnl .......................20
506 463
537 678 579 511 46(
320 536 504 384 396 342 465 433 305 247 739 402 425 663 409 431 402 357 305 387 346 303 240 436 373 344 311 155 436 487 275 228
..,. All-purpose yardage Player, School Wilson. Ross.................... Boyd, SOOimlt co........... MIJldy, NCH............ -.. Johnson. Walnut Hils__ Lipscomb, TaiL........... Gossett, Wyoming......... Sowers, Elder............... Ramsey, New Rich_,_
G Rsh Rec Ret Total 10 2267 21 315 2609 10 652 TO 1314 10 1487 10 750 10 1123 10 975 9 846
678 450 119 311 26 307 280 616 218 209 425 1011 60 597
1780 1744 1748 1646 1550 15011 1503
..,. Kickoff returns Player, School No. Kunke~ Badin ................... - ........4 Boyd, SOOimlt co ...................... _.. ,9 Solman, St. Xavier ·-·-·--·--·--·13 Yordy, Badin ................-------.6 Leininger, Indian Hil ...................... 22 Vandever, Oak Hils ............ --.--9 Harris, Pure.. Marian ----·-··- 7 Slaven. Harrison ........................... 11 Kamphake, Moeler ..............___ 7 Eliott, Hughes .............._ ..,____ 10 Abner, Bethe~Tate ............_, ____ 3 FIIIAkner,NewMiaml,..____ 3 Gossett, Wyoming ............. _ .......... .5 Taley, Loveland ..................__ 9 Ramsey, New Rlchnnond ·---.22 Valerio, Edgewood ....................... 11 Day, NCH ...................---·-·--·--.4 Buller, Roger Bacon ·-·--·--·- 4 Nelson, La Sale .............................. 11 Balser, Sycamore ........................ 3 Nigh. Lima ............................___ 11 Upscomb, Taft .........·--·----19 Johnson, Walnut Hils .......................9 Banks, Colerain ...........................- ...6 Selers, Uma ........................____ 5 Evans, Lakota ..................--·--- 4
Yds 183 378 478 193 684 279 218 336 211 300 90 87 139 244 597 304 107 106 288 78 285 486 230 123 124 99
Avg. 45.8 42.0 36.8 32.2 31.1 31.0 31.1 30.5 30.1 30.0 30.0 29.0 27.8 27.1 27.0 27.0 26.8 26.5 26.2 26.0 25.9 25.6 25.6 25.3 24.8 24.7
5. Perldns, Mariemont; Cohen, SCO; Huster Deer Park; Scudder, NCH; By, lnclan Hll; Doocan New Rlchnnond; Roberts, ~s; Sutton, Hamil ton; Conroy, Elder.
p.m.; Friday 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Where: Athletic office Lakota When: Today noon-4 p.m., Wednesday-Friday 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Where: Athletic office. Mariemont When: Today noon-3 p.m., Wednesday-Thursday 8 a.m.-3 p.m., Friday 8 a.m.-noon. Where: Main office Ross When: Wednesday-Friday 7:30 a.m.-noon; Wednesday-Thursday 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Where: Main office. Turpin When: Today-Friday 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Where: Cafeteria.
Anderson, Amela ........................ 8 Lindsay, Lebanon .. Wilson. Ross --·--·-..................... 10 Scudder, NCH Smith, Lakota ____........ - .............. 9 Glover, Batavia .................................2 Fucito, McNicholas ....................... 18 Musselrnarl. Batavia ........................2 Stewart, Batavia .............................9 Curry, Mldcletown _ ..................... 5 Fulton, Wyoming ...............................6 McNabb, New Miami -·---·--·-·- 5
--·-·-·-·--·--8 ·-·--·---·--·-·--·-·-9
194 193 240 214 213 47 423 47 211 117 140
..,. Fumble recoveries 6: Dunning, Marlemonl; Singer, Purcel Marl an; Stubblefield, New Miami; 5: Fawley, Milord; Roden. Colerain; Chappel Western Hils.
..,. Touchdown passes 23. Lammers, Elder; 2t Werner, CCO; 19. Brewer, w.arnstu'g; 11. Oaks, Edgewood; 17. Miner, Mariemont; 15. Barton. Hlsboro; 13. South. Mldd. Fenwick; Bruns, SCO; Spre gard, St. Xavier; Shestina, Turpin; n Schroeder, Kings; Holatz, Deer Park; Ro gers, Withrow; Brown. Princeton; Sexton, La Sal Mclaughln, Moeler; 10. Davef11011, Winton Woods; Arnold, Lilt Miami; Malone, Hamilton Bacln; Justin Morri Lockland; Johnson. Lakota; Strait, Mason; Ale Purcel Marian. 24:J 24.1 24.0 23.8 23.7 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.4 23.4 23.3 23.0
..,. Kick scoring Player, School FG PAT Totll Kerr, St. Xavier 33 51 F'lf'lk, Mariemont ............................ I 45 48 Betperio, Western Hils 33 42 Pogozalsk~ Bacln ·--·-·-.................. 1 35 38 Blaylock, Princeton ................... 1 34 37 Robinson. Lebanon .......................... 3 26 35 Slclalano, Moeler ...... - ...- ...·-·-· 5 19 34 Drake, Wyoming ...._ ......................0 33 33 Holrah. Anderson .......................... 3 24 33 Werner, ceo ................................... 2 26 32 Defranco, Elder ............................... 2 26 32 Schaeffer, Amelia .......................... 4 20 32 Morwood, Kings ·---.................... 5 16 31 Scherz, Colerain ...............................0 30 30
---·-----..6 ---·--·---3
..,. Punting Player, School No. Ywds Weisman, Flnneytown - -..·--· 42 2020 Rodgers, Witlrow -·-..................28 1271 Gannon,Midd,Fenwld< _ .... - ..... 29 1191 Serre, 1nc1an HI · - · - -.....26 1065 Holns, w.arnstu'g .................. 31 1228 Thompson, Little Miami ...............23 899 Voegele, Lockland ....................29 1110 Shestlna, Turpin ....................... 32 1218 Schreoder,Kings ....................... 34 1282 Wilson. Ross _ ................................ 29 10115 Gebhardi,QakHIIs .......................:33 1232 Parton,Eider ................................. 23 853 Voflmer,CCO .............................. 18 666 Swackhamer, Hilsboro ............... 17 627 ~Sycamore ........................ 38 1386 Robinson. Lebanon ----............42 1541 Schaffer, Deer Park ....................:38 1388 SdU>ert, Batavia .....................48 1439 Higgins, Amelia ........................... 23 826 Green, St. Xavier .......................... 22 784 Sanders, Roger Bacon - · - - - 9 320 Dlxon, Winton Woods ..................... 18 640 Stratton. Western Brown ....... - .. 11 391
Avg. 48.2 45.4 41.0 40.9 39.6 39.1 38:J 38.0 37.7 37.4 37:J 37.1 37.0 36.9 36.8 36.7 36.5 36.0 35.9 35.6 35.6 35.5 35.5
..,. Punt returns Player, School No. Ywds T. Merchant, Lebanon ................... 2 65 Lipscomb, Taft ..................................5 130 Dave Wilson. Reading ....................9 210 Beln, Batavia - -............................... 7 155 Shestlna, Turpin ............................. 14 'J(JT Keehn, Sycamore ............................ 2 42 Perl<ins, Mariemont ............_, ___ 7 137 Washington. Princeton ................. 8 154 captain, Hilsboro ............................21 395 Wilson, Ross ................................... 4 75 Nelson. La Sale ----·----·--·-.. 15 279 Guttman, ceo ·----·---·--·-· 14 251 Sutton. Hamilton .......................... 12 212 Hat Wyoming ---·--·-·--·-·-..·-·-..8 139 llu'bln. Ross -·---·-·--·-·--·--· 4 66 MIJldy, NCH ................................. 10 162 Buerger, Mariemont ................ 20 3011 Tudor, SOOimll CO ...........................7 106 Harris, Pure.. Marian .................... & 114 Bach, Wiliannsburg .......................... 5 71 Banks, Colerain ................................ 11 143 Betts, MI. Healthy .......................9 116 Johnson, Walnut Hils .....- ............6 77 Dan Davis, Reading ........................ 5 61 Reidel, Amelia .......- ..................... 5 59 Scudder.NCH----·-·-..·-·-7 81 Kopp, oak Hils ..............................3 35
Avg. 32.5 26.0 23:J 22.1 21.9 21.0 19.5 19:J 18.8 18.7 18.6 17.9 17.7 17.4 16.5 16.2 15.4 15.1 14.2 14.2 13.0 12.9 12.8 12.2 11.8 11.6 11.6
..,. Interceptions 10. Cooper, lnclan HI; Evans, Lakota; 9. Jackson, Colerain; 7. Poling, Bethel-Tate; 6. Crutcher, Woodward; S. Kirby, Reading; Wiliams, Hilsboro; Gordon, Princeton; Dangelo, Turpin;
..,. Offensive average Hllsboro - - - - - - · - · - · - - ·.............. 392.
ceo ...............................-----·-------·---· m.
Edgewood·........... 376. Princeton ............. --·-·--·---·--·-·--·--·-·... -.. 373. Mariemont·---·-·- 371. Anderson·----·---·-...................... 364. Sunrnll co .............-... --·-----·-·--·-·--·-· 361. Winton Woods ·-·-------·--·---·361. Little Mlaml .................................................. 355.< Ross ...............................---·-·----·---·-:351.: Colerain·-·-·---·-·--·-··-·--·-·--·-................. 344.1 Elder ................................---·--·-·-·-............ 336.1 Mason ·-·--------·-----·--·-·-........... 329.( Moeler .................................................................... 319.1 Harrison---·----·------·--.......... 317.1 Wyoming ......- ..................................................... 311.0 Wolarnsburg ···------·----.................. 3011.4 La Sale -·-·-.............. 304.7 Batavia ................·--·-·--·-·--·-·--·-·--·-·-- 304.7 Turpin ..- - - - - - - - - - - -........... 302.8 Western Hils . --.......................... - ................... 301.4 North College . _________ ,___ 300.4
Franklin ............................................................. 300.0 Reading ..- - - - - - · - - - - - - - - - · - 297.4 St. Xavier ......- .................................................... 296:J Walnut Hils ....- ..............-------·--·---·--·295.2 Loveland--·-------------·---·--·-· 290.4 Lebanon ......·-··-········-·-·--........................ 281.6 Lakota ...................................................................... 273.0 Deer Park .....- ..................................................... 273.0 Kings .................................................................... 270.5 Hamilton Badin .................. - .......................... 267.4 Lima .......·----·---·----·---.................... 267:J Sycamore -·---·---............................................. 262.4 Witlrow ......-·---·--·-·---·-·--.................... 255.6 Bethel-Tate -·----------·---255.0 Flnneytown -·--·---·-·-...- ................................254.0 Amelia ............................. ---·--·-·--·-·--......... 251.1 lnclanHII.---------·-··-·--251.0 Norwood---·-----·---·-..·-·-· 245.0 Harnllon -·..- - - - - · - -................... 237.7 Woodward ...... ----·-- 237:J Lockland ..............................................................224.2 Oak Hills ..................... - ............. - ................... 222:J Pure Marian .... ---·--·-··-···---·--·-·-.. ·-·- 220.8 222.0 New .. Mlarnl .................. _ , ______ .................. New Rlchnnond .................................................... 219.0
..,. Defensive average Mariemont---------·--·-·--........ 111.0
ceo-·----·-----------·--·-................. 123.0 Colerain·--·---·--------·-·-·--.... 139.5
Amelia-------------·---·-.... 145.0 Harnllon Bacln ...........·--·-..- ..................... 153.8 Franklin... ·---·-·-- 156.0 Hilsboro · - - · - - - - - - - - -........._ 162.0 Turpin .................................................................... 170.9 North College 172.4 Wtaarnsburg ·-·--------------- 183.1 Purcel Marian ................................................. 191.0 SOOimlt co ...................................................... 205.2 Elder .. ·-·-·-·-----·--·-·--·--·---·-·--·-·-- 209.0 Lakota .................---·----·--·-··-·-·--·-·213.4 Anderson ................................................................ 214.0 Reading ........................................................... 215.4 Western Hils - - - · - - - - - - -.................... 217 .s New Mlaml .......................- .................................. 217.7 Sycamore ............................................................ 221.5 Ultle Miaml ..---·------·-·--................. 222.0 Deer Park -----·--· 225.0 Northwest -------·--·-· ............................... 227.1 St. Xavier ..............----·--·--·-·--...................... 231.5 McNicholas----235:J Mason__ ----·--·-· .... 237.0 Hamilton ................................................................ 237.7 Batavia--·-----------·--·-·- 241.1 MI. Healthy-·----------·-·-····· 245.5 Bethel-Tate ......- .............................................. 247 .0 Wyoming ·--·-----------·-·--·-.. 248.0 Loveland .............................................................. 249.6 La Sale ..-·--·-·--·-·--·--·--......... - .................. 250:J Indian Hil ................................- .............................. 253.0 Edgewood .............................................................. 254.0 Lima ··-·-----·-·--·--·-·--·-·-.. ·-·--·-·--............ 255.0 Norwood--·-----------·-·--·-·--·-· 255.0 Kings ...................................- .............................. 256.2 Lebanon ......... _, ___ ,__ ............. - .................. 258:J Woodward Middletown --·-·--·-·--·-· 262.7 Roger Bacon --·-··--·--·-·""""-'""'""'"'"'""266.8 Lockland ·-·--·--·-·-·---·-·--·-·--·--·-·--·-...-269.6 .... 271.8 Fairfield ·-Western Brown ·---------·----·-273.0 Harrison ......:............................................................ 279.5
:ooTBALL STANDINGS Cincinnati Hills League eam larlemont ........ lyoming........... eadlng.............. eerPark......... aylor ................. 1dlanHil............ lmeytown....... ladelra.............
League Overall W L W L 7 0 10 0 6 1 8 2 5 2 8 2 4 3 6 4 3 4 3 7 2 5 4 6 1 6 1 9 0 7 1 9
PF 413 301 256 210 147 214 87 130
PA 29 166 140 180 299 187 318 394
Greater Miami Conference ·eam akota ................ ycamore.......... lamillon ............ ~lnceton ........... lma5enlor ....... ~iddletown....... airfield............. Milord...............
League overall W L W L 7 0 9 1 5 2 7 3 5 2 7 3 4 3 6 4 3 4 6 4 2 5 3 7 1 6 2 8 0 7 2 8
PF 227 200 236 327 185 110 125 122
PA 126 148 111 212 188 234 206 210
Fort Ancient Valier Conf.
League overal W L W L 7 0 10 0 lorwood............ 5 2 6 4 ~.son. ............... 5 2 7 3
·earn ~oss....................
PF 313 148 186
PA 172 157 168
Little Miami...... Goshen............... Wilmington........ Kings ................... Springboro .........
4 4 2 1 0
3 3 5 6 7
7 5 2 3 2
3 5 8 7 9
225 228 137 188 51
175 174 231 180
Queen City National Team Harrison............. WalnuiHiHs....... Northwest......... Mount Heolthy. Winton Woods .. Hughes...............
League overall W L W L 4 1 8 2 3 2 6 4 3 2 4 6 3 2 4 6 2 3 5 5 0 5 1 9
PF 251 184 110 110 206 120
PA 164 174 216 242 230 218
Queen City American Team Turpin ................. Amelia................ Anderson........... Woodward........ GlenEste........... Taft.....................
League overall W L W L 4 1 9 1 4 1 8 2 4 1 6 4 2 3 4 6 1 4 3 7 0 5 1 9
PF 299 164 288 177 82 132
PA 70 65 138 208 2n 278
PF 267 285
GCL-South Team Elder ................... LaSalle ...............
League overall W L W L 3 1 8 1 3 1 6 4
51. Xavier.......... Moeller...............
2 2
2 2
6 5
4 5
261 216
178 233
PF 280 193 149 109 207 112
PA 83 107 172 190 233 213
GCL-North Team Badin................... Alter ................... Pur. Marian ...... Roger Bacon ..... c.-Julienne......... McNicholas .......
League overall W L W L 4 1 9 1 4 1 8 2 3 3 5 5 2 4 3 7 1 4 4 6 0 5 1 9
Miami Valley Conference Team Clnclmati C.D... SunYnll C.D ....... No. College HiM.. Lockland............ New Miami... .... Batavia. .............. L. Christian........
League overall W L W L 6 0 9 1 5 1 8 2 4 2 6 4 3 3 4 6 2 4 5 5 1 5 2 8 0 6 1 9
PF 296 305 193 181 132 134 90
PA 74 124 144 193 149 193 327
Southern Buckeye Conf
Team Hillsboro............. Wlilamsburg. ....
League overall W L W L 7 0 10 0 5 1 9 1
PF 458 259
PA 92 144
OermontNE .... N.Richmond....... , Loveland............ BetheHate....... W.Brown .......... Blanchester .......
4 4 3 3 1 0
2 3 2 4 6 7
7 3 4 6 4 5 4 6 1 9 0 10
292 157 188 172 80 99
182 280 184 238 304 430
Mid Miami League League overall W L W L 7 0 9 1 1 8 2 6 4 3 4 6 4 3 5 5 3 4 3 7 2 5 3 7 carroll................ 1 6 2 8 Fenwick......••... 1 6 2 8
Team Franklin. .....•.•... Mlamlsb<Kg...... Lebanon............. Edgewood..•..... LemMon........... Talawanda..•....
PF 229
133 207 197 266 182 301 262
179 322 112 134 132 141
Metro County Conference Team Colerain.............. West. Hils......... Oak HIUs............. Aiken............•.... Withrow.....•......
League Overall W L W L 4 0 10 0 3 1 6 4 2 2 3 7 1 3 5 4 0 4 3 7
PF 317 278 149 160 175
PA 83 138 338 199 242
FINAL AP OHIO FOOTBALL POLL COLUMBUS, Ohlo - How a state panel of .port's writers and broadcasters rates Ohio high .chool football teams in the eighth and final weekly 1995 regular-season pol for The Associated Press. >Y OHSAA divisions, with won-lost record and
otal points (first-place votes in parentheses): DIVISION I 1. Cleve. St. Ignatius (291 1().() ............................... 326 2. Westerville SOuth (31 1().() ................................. 287 3. Colerain (1) »-0 ·-·-·-·-·-·----·-·--·-·---- 251 4. Lakewood J().() .....................................................208 5. Lakota 9-1 -·-·-·-·--·--······---·---·-·--·-··131 6. Elder B.,I -----·--·--·----116 7. Brunswick 1().() .................................................... 104 8. Youngs.Boardman9·1 ....................................... 102 9. Kettering Fairmont 9-1 ........................................ 79 10. Tol. St. John's 8-2 ................................................... 47 Others receiving 12 or more points: 11, Weslervllle North 37. 12, Day. Dunbar 30. 13, MassHion Washington 28. 14, Troy 23. 15, canton McKinley 16. 16, Eudld 13. DIVISION II
~: ~:~~~~2111)'10:0':::::::::::~::::::::::::::::·.:::::::::~~
3. Amherst Steele (2) 1().() ....................... , ......... 206
4. Dublin Scioto ( 1I 9-1 .....................................:..... 180 5 Cuy. FaRs Welsh Jesuit (1I 9-1 .......................... 165 6. Chardon ( 119-1 .................................................... 155 7. Akron Buchtel9-1 ................................................ 135 8 Bellefontaine 9-1 ..................................................... 66 TIE Wintersville Indian Creek 9-1 ............................ 66 10, Jackson 8-2 ............................................................. SO Others receiving 12 or more points: 11 (tiel, BowHng Green, Cln. Turpin 29. 13, WCH Miami Trace 24. 14, Vincent Warren Local 22. 15, Tiffin Columbian 19. 16, Madison 15. 17 (tie), Cols, Watterson, Painesville Riverside 12. DIVISION Ill 1. Hillsboro (17) 10-0 ------------296 2. London (8) 1().() .................................................... 277 3. Hamilton Ross (21 1().() ...................................... 173 4. Oyde 9-1 ................................................................ 160 TIE Oak Harbor 9-1 .................................................. 160 6. Hamilton Badin '1-1 ............................................. 158 7. Poland Seminary (2) 9-1 .................................... ISO 8. AlllanceMarlington (2) '1-1 .............................. 115 9. Cortland Lakeview ( 1I 9-1 .................................. 97 10. Mentor Lake Calh. 8·2 ......................................... 64 Others receiving 12 or more points: 11, Chagrin Foils Kenston (1) 62. 12 (tiel, Phio, Gallipolis Gallia Acad. 21. 14, Avon Lake 20. 15, Bryan 18. 16,
Delaware Olentangy 17. DIVISION IV 1. OrrviRe (13) 1().() ................................................. 289 2. Germantown Valley View (91 1().() ................. 259 3. Versailes (2) 1().() ............................................... 249 4. Bellaire (51 10.() ................................................... 248 5. Youngs. Mooney ( 11 9-1 .................................... 171 6. Newark Licking Volley (2) 1().() ....................... 165 7. Ironton 8-2 .............................................................. 92 8. Youngs. Ursuline ( 1) 8·2 ...................................... 89 9. Akron Manchester 9-1 ......................................... 73 IO.Ironlon Rock HIM 9-1 ............................................ ..48 Others receiving 12 or more points: 11, castalia Margaretta 44. 12, Swanton 20. 13, Cols. Ready l l DIVISION V 1. Mariemont (19) 10-0 ·····-----·-----·····300 2. Amanda-Ciearcreek (6) 1().() ....................,...... 274 3. Usbon Anderson (4) 1().() .................................. 225 4. Marlon Pleasant ( 1I J().() ...................................210 5. Woodsfield MDN"oe Cen. (21 1().() .................... 180 6. Elmore Woodmore ( 1I J().() .............................. 116 7. Wellsville9-1 ........................................................... 89
8. Lorain Clearview '1-1 ............................................ 84 9. Steubenvle cath, Cent. 8-2 ...................................82 10, Columbiana Cres tv lew 9-1 .................................. 72 Others receiving 12 or more points: 11, Bainbridge Paint Valley 51. 12, New London 41. 13, Apple Creek Waynedale 17. 14, Coldwater 16. 15, carey 15. DIVISION VI 1. St. HeiV'y (22) 1().() .............................................. 315 2. Mogadore (51 1().() ...:.......................................... 273 3. Danvlle (2) J().() ................................................... 196 4, Portsmouth Notre Dame (2) 1().() ................... 193 5. LoweMie (2) J().() .............................................. 180 6. New Wash. Buckeye Cent. 1().() ....................... 114 7. Cln. Country Day 9-1 ---·-·---·-------101 8. N. Bollimore 1().() ................................................... 88 9. Dola Hardin Northern 1().() .................................. 80 10. DeGraff Riverside 1().() ........................................ SO Norwalk St. Paul9-1 ................................................... SO Others receiving 12 or more points: 12, lnde· pendence 44. 13, Cedarville 38. 14, Lancaster Fisher Calh, 35. 15, Bowerston Conotton Valley 13.
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Thursday, October 12, 1995 ~-
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Mclaughlin twins in tune with each other's success • A major reason Amelia held Glen Este to
57 total yards and without a first down after its first possession in a 17-6 football win Friday night was the performance 170-pound senior defensive tackle Bobby Elbrecht, who recorded eight tackles, one for a loss, and two quarter. back sacks. • Anderson's volleyball team is one of only two sports programs at the school not ranked in an area top 10 poll, but it is having an outstanding season with a 15-4 overall record and 8-0 mark in the Queen City East. • Country Day's football team is averaging 284.6 yards par game more than its opponents (411.6 to 127.0),.the biggest differential of any area team.
• Kings' Chris Darby is making a run at the local Ohio boys' soccer scoring title. He has 35 goals after Tuesday's games, three fewer than North College Hill's !levin Benedict. • Summit's Nick Konerman, a standout on the soccer team, booted a school-record 38yard field goal in Friday's 38-14 win over New Miami. In that same game quarterback Eric Bruns set the school record for career touchdown passes with 19. • Withrow graduate Tralance Bruno will be playing his college basketball at Division I Fairfield College in Fairfield, Conn. Bruno, a 6-foot-4 forward, averaged 10.1 points, 6.1 rebounds, 2.4 blocks and 3.1 steals per game in helping he Tigers to a 16-6 record in 1994-95.
By Bob Queenan Post staff reporter
raternal twins Jennifer and Patrick McLaughlin share intuitive powers as well as athletic skills. Next year, in fact, they want to share the same college. For now, however, they don't share the same high school. Jennifer ts senior Laptain of the Ursuline volleyball team. Pat is senior captain and quarterback of the Moeller football team. "I go to most of her matches, and when I'm sitting up in the stands, I know what she'll do before the play comes to her," said Pat. "I'll be thinking, ~This move is open,' and she'll do it." Said Jennifer: "Last year, before Moeller played Cleveland St. Ignatius when Pat was second string, he didn't think he'd get to play. He didn't say anything, but I knew it bothered him. For some reason I just felt that was
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DAVID DeNOMA/Ior The Cincinnati Post
Moeller High senior quarterback and captain Pat Mclaughlin gets support in his athletic endeavors from his sister Jennifer. the game he'd get to playa lot. "So I canceled plans I had and rode up to the game in Cleveland. He got in with two minutes left in the first half and scored a touchdown." The last time the McLaughlins played in organized competition to-
gether was in grade school when they ran track. "We tied in the races we ran against each other," Jennifer said. Said Pat: "She was the faster runner. She always ran the anchor leg." Today, when brother and sister get together with
their friends for a game of pool, the McLaughlins are not allowed to team up. "Most of our friends won't let us play on the same team," said Pat. Their coaches, Mike Seibert at Ursuline and Steve Klonne a.t Moeller, will be sad to see the McLaughlins graduate. "Pat is a really quiet kid who leads by example," said Klonne of his 6-foot-1 quarterback. "He has passed very well for us this season, has pretty good feet and the ability to escape." Said Seibert of his 5-8 volleyball hitter: "Jen is a hard worker, very unselfish and is very athletic." The McLaughlins are each other's biggest fan. "In the morning before one of our big games, I'll come down to breakfast and Pat will have left a note for me that says, 'Play like a champion,' " Jen said. Said Pat: "She'll cheer me up when I'm down and I know when she's there yelling for me."
DAVID DN>IOMA 'lor The Cincinnati Po
Ursuline captain Jennifer Mclaughlin receives notes of encouragement from Pat.
FOOTBALL STATISTICS ""Scoring Player, School WHson, Ross ................... . Mundy, North College .. . Sowers, Elder................. • Schiano, Anderson ........ . · Alexander, Colerain....... Monk, Franklin............... Wilschevick, Mariemo .. Conrad, Holmes............ .. Dick, Reading ................. . Sheffield, Lloyd.............. . Guttman, CCD.............. .. Johnson, Walnut Hill....... Sean Schaffer, Deer ...... Swockhamer, Hilsbor .. . Murphy, Colerain .......... . Ford, Hilsboro .............. .. Slaven, Harrison............. J. Boyd, SCD.................. .. Highfil, Mason.............. .. W~iams, Newport.. ...... . Lipscon'b, Taft.. ........... .. Price, Loveland..._., ....... Smith, Ryle...................... Fulton, Wyoming.......... .. Gosse!!, Wyoming........ . Krohmer, NCC. ............. ..
G Pos. TD.PAFG Tot 6 TB 17 5 0 112 6 RB 15 0 0 90 6 RB 14 2 0 86 6 TB 13 0 0 78 6 RB 13' 0 0 78 ·6 TB 12 2 0 74 6 RB 12 0 0 72 7 RB 11 2 0 68 6 RB 11 0 0 66 7 WR 11 0 0 66 6 WR 11 0 0 66 6RB110066 6WR 719 3 64 6FB99063 6 QB 10 2 0 62 6HB102062 6 RB 10 0 0 60 6WB89057 6TB90054 7TB90054 6 RB 9 0 O' 54 6 QB 6 10 2 '52 7RB 90054 6 RB 9 0 0 54 6RB 90054 7HB711053 6FB800.48 6TB80048 6 WR 8 0 0 48 6RB 80048 6 RB 8 0 '0 48 6RB 80048 6RB 72044 6HB72044 6RB 72044 7FB72044 6TB72044 6FB 70042 7WR 700 42 6WR 700 42 7RB 70042 6QB70042 6RB70042 6WR 70042 6RB 70042 6 QB 5 8 3 41 6 WR 6 5 0 41 6TE62038 7WR 62038 6FB 62038 6WR 62038 6 TB 6 0 0 36 6RB60036 6TE60036 6 RB 6 0 0 36 6RB 60036 6RB60036 6HB60036 5TB53036 6RB,60036
Huster, Deer Park ........ .
Josefovsky, Ander so.. ..
Buerger, Mariemont. ... . Sickles, Princeton.......... . Jones, ceo ...................... While, La Salle.............. .. Wilson, Reading .............. · Sandfoss, NCC................ . Salyers, Edgewood....... . Gregory, Lloyd.............. . O'Brien, SCD................... Daniel, SCD...................... Lee, Lloyd ...................... .. Parton, Elder.
Grdina, Boone Co ........... . Arnold, Lillie Miami .... .. Leininger, Indian HI........ Gregovich, Willamsb.. . Brookins, Princeton. .... .. Sheslina, Turpin ............ . Hg, Olnton-Massie ........ .. Singer, Purcel.................
Fausz. NCC...................... Cross, Woodword ........ .. T. Merchant, Lebanon.. Murph, Woodward ...... .. Cousino, Indian HiL ....... Rook, Badin .................... . Wison, Lakota .............. .. Brooks, Middletown...... Brallon, Lima ................ . Taley, Loveland ............ . Flannery, Norwood ...... . Arling, St. Xavier .......... ..
""Rushing Player, School All. Yards Avg. WHson, Ross ................................... 155 1310 8.4 Wilson, Lakota ............................... 176 986 5.6 Smith, Ry le ....~ ............................... 146 963 6.6 Schiano, Anderson ........................ 109 913 8A Mundy, North College Hill ............ 110 899 8.2 Johnson, Walnut His .................... 102 894 8B Grdina, Boone Co .......................... 155 870 5.6 W~ioms, Newport ........................ 118 780 6.6 Monk, Franklin .............................. 122 771 6.3 Steve Day, Talewanda ................ 141 724 5.1 Krohmer, NCC ................................. 78 703 9.0 Conrad, Holmes .. . . ... 94 701 7·.5 Alexander, Colerain ................. :..... 99 695 7.0 Dick, Reading ................................. 106 685 6.5 " ,Burdine, Ointon·Massie ................ 90 679 7.5 Jones, CCD ....................................... 87 664 7.6 Salyers, Edgewood ........................ 88 7.3 643 Sowers, Elder ................................ 122 629 5.2 Josefovsky, Anderson .................. n 627 8.1 Gossett, Wyoming ......................... 72 628 8.9, Holbert, Harrison .......................... 118 621 5.3 Davison, MI. Healthy ................... 126 617 4.9 599 "· Kamphake, Moe4er ...................... 101 5.6 590 6.5 587 6.6 Wilschevlck, Mariemoot ............. : 80 · 585 7.3 Taley, Loveland .............................. 89 575 6.5 Ford, Hillsboro ................................ 54 574 10.6 HighfilL Mason ............................... 102 5.4 552 531 Hines, Walnut Hils ...........,. ............ 77 7.0 Orr, Mariemont .............................. 91 513 5.6 Frauenkoecht. LitHe Miami ....... 101 503 4.9 Ambrose, MHford ......................... 103 486 .4.7 Abney, Lloyd ....................................67 7.2 483 RamsPy, New Richmond ........... _,J7 .. 416 . . ·6.2-' Scott Sdlaller, Deer Park ........... 74 475 6.4 466 5.5 ,, . 465 8.5 Hayes, st. Xt~vier ............................ 67 461 6.9 O'Brien, SCD .................................... 59 45D 7.6
~~~~~L~~~~~-~~ :::::::::::::::::~
Enquirer coaches polls Div. 111-IV-V-VI
Division 1-11
1. Colerain (10) ............................................ :100 2- Lakota ....................................................... 88 3. Elder.......................................................... 76 4. St. Xavier .................................................. 67 . 5. Moeller ...................................................... 50 6- Princeton ........................... ,................ ..... 45 7- Sycamore ................................................. 36 B. Western Hilts ............................................ 31 9. La Salle ...................................................... 30 10. Anderson ................................................... 10 Others: Turpin 9, Harrison 6. Coaches voting in the pol: Pat Mancuso, Princeton, Steve Rasso, St. X&vier; Kerry Coombs, Colerain; Torn Grippa, Elder;. Vince Surii!!.no, Anderson; Dick Nocks, Harrison; Lou Cynkar, Winton Woods; Greg Bailie, Lakota; Ed Youngs, Western Hills; Tim Lichtenberg, Ma~on; Steve Klonne, Moeller.
Bray, Oak Hils ............................... 124 Turner;Norwood ............................95 Brown, Princeton ........................... 67 Eirod, Harrison ................................92 Holatz, Deer Pork ......................... 71 Fletcher, Reading ........................... 75 West! aD, Sycornore ....................... 911 Justin Morris, Lockland ............... 97 Strait, Mason ................................... 71 AKen, Purcelt Marian ......................85 Oaks, Edgewood ........... 70 Sexton, La Salle .............................. } 5 Johnson, Lakota ............................. 84 Malone, Badin ................................. 64 Glaza, Boone Co ............................... 73 Cooper, Indian H~ .......................... 52 Bishop, Batavia ............................... 73 Davidson, Franklin .......................... 53 Collar, Anderson ............................. 50 Mtrphy, Colerain ........................... 31
56 47 31 40 32 45 42 43 38 34 29 33 37 41 37 24 27 28 29 16
626 622 601 593 592 573 548 532 522 520 507 495 489 485 477
470 466 457 452 451
""Receiving Player, School No. Thompson, Little Miami ................ 35 Guttman, CCD ................................. 32 Gregovich, Wiliamsburg .............. 25 carlin, Madeira ............................... 24 Fitz, Moeller .................................... 23 Buerger, Mi!!.riemont ..................... 22 Sias, McNicholas .............................22 Maldlow, Madeira ............... - ....... 21 Parton, Elder ................................... 20 Rook, Badin ................................ 20 Brown, Boone Co .............................20 EJJis, Princeton ................................ 19 Mg, Ointon-Massie .......................... 19 J. Boyd, sco ..................................... 19 sowers, Elder .................................. 19 Voegele, Lockland ......................... 19 Wilson, Milford ............................... 19 Brinck, Badin ..... ·-··········-·-·····-···-·· 19 Brown, Sycamore .......................... 18 Fox, Oak HiM$ .................................. 18 Luckey, Holmes .............................. 18 Sheffield, Lloyd ................................ 17 Evans, Lakota ................................ 17 · Hutchison, Ross ............................... 17 Buck, Finneytown ......~ ................... 17 Fausz, NCC ....................................... 16 Keltter,SI. Xavier .......................... 16 T. Merchant, Lebanon ................. 16 TIXner, Hillsboro ............................ 16 Allen, Winton Woods ...................... 16 Lee, Lloyd ......................................... 15 W..ng, Harrison ............................. 15 Betts, MI. Healthy ......................... 14 Kapprel, Anderson ......................... 14 Daniel, SCD ....................................... 14 Musselmarl, Fairfield .................... 14 Esber, Tal&wanda ........................... 14 Gregory, Lloyd ................................ 13
~a~~~:i~~~::..~-~-::~::~::: g
Highfll, Mason ................................. 13 Kirby, Reading ................................ 13 Goodhart, Moeller . ... 13 Singer, Purcell Marian ................... 13 Eagan, Elder .................................... 13 Bennett, Mason ................. _ .......... 13 Coffaro, St. Xavier .: ......_.:_: ......... 13 Osborne, Middletown ..............." ... 12 Humphrey, Holmes ..............._ ...... 12 Kaehler, Ross .................~ ... ..:,.. ,_.12
e~e:: l~tr~_~::~,==:~::~-===:U
Kornphake, Moeler ....................... 12 Garretson, Tellawanda ................... 17 Hamilton, Moeller .......................... 17 Burman, Oak HIHs .......................... 12 Alvarez, Norwood ........................... 12
""Passing Player, School All .comp_ • Yds Lee, Lloyd .................................... 87 53 1413 Werner, CCD .................................. 114 60 1208 Lanimers,Eider ............................ 106 73 1200 .._ McLoughlin, Moeller .................... 117 75 1098 Bruns, SCD .......... .. .. 87 56 969 Sprengard, St. Xavier .................. 134 61 899 " • Barton, Hllsboro ............................ 79 48 857 Brewer, Wlllamsburg ............ ,...... 95 42 788 •· Slusher,Holmes ............................. 121 51 762 Shestina, Turpin ............................. 64 39 748 Milner, Mariemont ........................ 75 39 745 Arnold, Liflle Miami ..................... 107 59 731 Durbl'l, Ross ..................................... 79 40 728 Evislon, NCC ....................................78 -33 682 Mender, Madeiro .......................... 124 50 660 Phipps, Clintoo-Massie .................. 92 38 660
Yds 421 704 464 337 283
487 399 254 445 332
Avg. 12.1 2~.0
18.6 14.0 12.3 22.1 18.1 't2.1 77.3
16.6 11.7 234 438 23.1 436 22.9. 436 27.9 307 16.2 10.9 208 174 9.2 166 8.7 302 16.8 239 13.2 149 8.5 479 75.2 300 17.7 17.7 301 15.0 255 379 25.3 19.1 306 287 17.9 252 15.8 190 11.8 420 28.0 276 18.4 20.0 280 271 19.4 196 14.0 187 13A 73 5.2 339 30.2 28.3 368 320 24.6 280 21.5 273 21.0 237 18.2 219 16B 194 \4.9 14.0 181 167· 12.9 320 26.7 188 24.0 274 22.8 261 . 2,1.1.. 222 19.3 210 17.5 196 16.3 155 12.9 137 11.4 97 8.1
All-purpose yardage
Player, School WHson, Ross .................. .. Mundy, No Col H~.......... Conrad, Holmes .............. Johnson, Walnut Hllfs... .. Smith, Ryle.................... .. Lipscomb; Taft............. .. SOwers, Elder................. Krohmer, Nee.............. .. J. Boyd, SCD .................... Grdina, Boone Co......... .. SChiano, Anderson. ...... .. Wilfiams, Newport........ . Guttman, CCD................ Sheffield, lloyd ............. .. Kamphaf<e, Moeller...... . Leininger, Indian Hill .... ..
G Rsh 6 1310 6 899 7 701 6 894 7 963 6 336 6 629 7 703 6 270 7 870 6 913 7 780 6 34 7 240 6 599 6 357
Roc \8 110 179 18 36 259 307 119 436 85 11 25 704 429 21Q 109
Ret 224 236 342 264 74 434 89 196 310 25 35 79 178 220 56 386
Total 1552 1245 1222 1176 1073 1029 1025 1018 1016 980 959 944 916 889 865 852
~: ~~::.~~~~/i'i':::::::::~:::::::~::::::::J.::::::~
3. 4.
Ross ........................................... :......,::......... 72 Badin .............................................. ,:............ 60 PurceU Marian .....................:......~.............. 58 Wyoming ................................................... .47
Deer Park ................................................... 36
Hammack, Glen Este ..................... 10 Buerger, Mariemont ..................... 11 Styles, Northwest ............................. 2
8. 9. 10.
Reading ........................................................ 29 Summit CD ................:................................ 18 Little Miami ................................................ 16 Others: North CoUege HiU 14, CNE 7, Wiliamsburg 4, Norwood 3, Indian Hil 1.
575 56 2\3 531 110 203 621 40 163 771 0 46
"" Interceptions
844 844 824 817
"" Kickoff. returns Player, School No. Steve Day, Tolawanda .................... 1 Harris, Purcel Marian ..................... A Richardson, NewPort .......................4 Boyd, SCD .......................................... } Ricketts, Little Mi8fl"li ...................... 2 Conrad, Homes .................................9 Sean Schaffer, Deer Park .............. 3 Sandfoss, NCC ................................... 3 Slaven, HMrison ................................ 8 Banks, Colerain ......................... ,....... 3 Lindsay, Lebanon ............................. 3 Luckey, Holmes ................................3 Kunkel, Badin .................................... 3 Nelson, La Salle .................................. 9 Kala. Roger Bacon ............... :........... 1 Sheffield, Lloyd ..................................6 Vandeber, Oak H~s ......................... 9 Taley, Loveland ................................ ) Eliot, Hughes .................................. 10 Leininger, Indian Hit ...................... 13 Faulkner, New Miami ...................... 3 Day, North College Hill .................... 1 Fucito, McNicholas ........................... 7 Gaines, Taft ....................................... 3 Johnson, Walnut Hils ....................... 8 Askew, Winton Woods ..................:.4 Dangelo, Ttrpin ............................... 7 Barnes, Frankin ................................ 1 Lipscomb, Taft ................................ 12 Wilson, Ross .......................................8
Yds 55 180 163 285 80 342 107 105 776 101 97
'97 '96 288 32 189 779 213
303 386 87 57
83 215 106
183 26 306 204
Avg. 55.0 45.0 40.7 40.7 40.0 38.0 35.6 35.0 34.5 33.7 32.3 32.3 32.0 32.0 32.0 31.5 31.0 30.4 30.3 29.7 29.0 28.5 28.4 27.7 26.8 26.7 26.1 26.0 25.5 25.5
Kick scoring
Player, SChool FG PAT Total Kerr, st. Xavier .................................4 22 34 Byrd, Ryle .. _ .................................... 5 19 34 Engel, Lloyd ............. .. ........... 1 29 32 Beip<;rlo, Western HIBs ................... 3 27 18 Sicilono, Moeler .............................. 4 25 13 Scherz, Colerairt .... -_ ....................... 0 24' 24 Robinson, Lebanon ........................... 3 14 73 Fink, Mariemont .............................. 0 23 23 SuWvan. Holmes ................................ 2 17 23 Hollran, Anderson ............................ 7 22 16 19 Pogozolski, Badin ............................. 1 22 Blaylock, Princeton ......................... 0 22 22 Sean Schaffer, Deer Park .............. 1 18 21 Werner, CCD ......................................0 20 20 17 20 DeFranco, Elder ................................ 1 Baltimore, Reading .......................... 0 19 19 Mler, Lakota ................................... 1 19 16 Drake, Wyoming .............................. o 19 . 19 18 Terry Day, Talawanda .................... '! 12 Benedict, North College Hill ............ 2 12 18 Bergman, Indian Hll ...... :............. :.... 1 15 18
""Punting Player, School No. Yards Weisman, Rnneytown .................. 23 1150 Gregory, Lloy~ ................................ 11 508 Gilhan, Sycamore ......................... 24 984 Hollns, Wllamsburg ..................... 24 984 Zurmehly, McNicholas ................... 18 738 Thompson, Lillie Miami ................ 15 607 Berre, Indian HI ............................. 16 631 Parton, Elder ................................... l1 472 Voegele, Lockland ........................ 19 730 Sheslina, Turpin ............................. 18 690 Swackhamer, H~Sboro ................... 8 302 W~son, Ross ..............................., ..... 17 643 Sean Schaffer, Deer Pork ........ 24 903 Abshire, Glen Esle .......................... 11 408 Terry Day, Talawanda .................. 26 960 Gel>hardt, Oak H~s ....................... 25 920 Robinson, Lebanon ......................... 24 873 Dixon, Winton Woods ..................... 12 436 Schubert, Batavia .......................... 27 975 Volmer, ceo .....;............................... 8 288 Niesen, Roger Bacon ......................21 740 Herron, Boone Co ............................ 21 739 Hoskins, MI. Healthy ..................... \9 665 Smith, Franklin ................................ 20 693 Higgins, Amelia ................................ 18 627
Avg. 50.0 46.7 41.0 41.0 41.0 40.A 39.4 39.3 38.4 38.3 37.8 37.8 37.4 37.0 36.9 36.8 36.4 36.3
36.0 35.2 35.2 35.0 35.0 35.0
"" Punt ret'urns Player, SChool No. Yards Lipscomb, Taft .................................. 4 128 Guttman, CCD ...................................7 160 Wilson, Reading ................................ 9 185 Mundy, North College Hill ............... 6 135 Perkins, Mariemont ........................ 4 83
19.8 19.7 17.5 17.4 16.9 16.5 16.0 15.2 15.0
'·Cooper, Indian Hli
Coaches voling In the pol: Herb Woeste, PurceU Marian; Tom Crosby, Mariemont; Tim Dunn, CCD; Bernie Barre, Wyomi1g; Garrick Robinson, Summit CD; Zac Taylor, BethelTate; Mike Morgan, Deer Park; Ben Hubbard, New Miami; Bruce Baarendse, North Colege HN; Dick Ballard. Ross; Ken Minor, Reading.
Taley, Loveland ............. Hines, Walnut Hi!s......... HcMbert, Harrison........... Monk, Franklin ...............
238 79 35 122 118 66 160 168 30
Avg. 32.0 22.9 20.6 22.5 20.7
6. Jockson, Colerain; 5. Evans, Lakota; El, Indian Hii; Huster, Deer Park; llg, Cliriton-Massie; _4. Kirby, Re~ Roberts, Hughes; Perkin~ Manemont; Lewrs, Ryle; Haynes, PurceH Marian; . 3. Gosse!!, Wyoming; Atkinson, Oak His; Ni~tt, Anderson; Hudson, Hllmi\ton; Strauss, M1d~town; Sutton, Hamilton; Giley, Edgewood; C_ous~no, lnd1an Hll; Dangelo, Turpin; Rogers, Turpin; Anderson, Woodwar~ Nelson, Lebanon; Wa<Jner, Boone Co; Stas, McNicholas; Jarman, Homes; Samawr, CCD; Ryan, Elder; Anderso, Amelia· O'Brien, Summit CD; Cohen, Summit CD; Fautkner, New Mi5mi; '
.._ Fumble recoveries 5. Singer, Puree! Maqan; Richardson, St. Xavier; 4: Fawley, Milford; Wiliams, FrMkNn; . 3: A. Cooper, HOJ9heS; Duming, Marieffiont; Pearson, Lakota; swanson, Lakota; Yordy; Badin; Fr&ochini, Badin; Schubert, Batavilt; Bein, B&taviai Bevan, Ointon-Massiei Swisshekn, HINsbor01 Gemmer, Boone Co; Morgan, Lloyd; Prewitt, CCD; Bailey, Taft; Cost, St. Xavier; Malinowski, St. Xavier; Staderman, Glen Esle; Slubblefiel(j, New Miami. ·
""Touchdown passes 15. Lammers. Elder 14. Werner, CCD; 11. Milner, Moriernont; Evlston, NCC; 10. Barton, Hilsboro; Brewer, Williamsburg; Sprengard, St. Xavier , 9. Sheffield, Lloyd; Bruns, Summit CD; 8. Alen, Pur eel Marian; 7. Phipps, Cliritoo-Massie; Slusher, Holmes; Lee, Lloyd; Durbin, Ross 6. Brown, Princeton; Oaks, Edgewood; M& lone, Bodin; McLavghin, Moeler; HoUatz, Deer Park; Shestina. Turpin; Glaza, Boone Co; Arnold, Lillie Miami; Davenport, Wmton Woods; Sexton, La Sale.
"" Offensive average Lloyd ......................................................................... 446.0 Anderson ................................................................. 410.0 Clncinnali CD .......................:........................... :....... 411.6 HIUsboro ...........:....................................................... 393.0 Princeton ................................................................. 391.3 Winton Woods ........................................................382.0 Ross ...........................................................................367.0 Coleiain .................................................................... 364.5 Summit CD .............................................................. 348.D Elder ........................................................................ 348.0 Reoding ......................................... :.......................... 338.0 Mariemont .............................................................. 337.0
~i~~~·::.~=:::~:-=-~-- . =---~~==-:c~:::::::::::~:::~;
Moeller ..................................................................... 332.6 Ryle ................................................................. :......... 327.0 Walnut Hils .......................... :................................... 324.0 Newport CC ............................................................. 323.9 North College Hil .................................................... 322.7. Edgewood ................................................................ 317 .D St. Xavier ................................................................ 316.8 Western Hils ..................................... - ................... 302.0 Loveland .................................................................. 299.0 Indian HN .................................................................. 293.5 Wyoming .................................................................. 291.0 t;r~nklln .................................................................... 291.0 Deer Park ................................................................ 288.6 Lebanon ................................................................... 285.7 Harrison ............. :-................................................... 284.3 Lakota .............................................................. :....... 2n.5
"" Defensive average Colerain .................................................................... 108.0 ceo ........................................................................... 121.0 Amelia .................................:.................................... 131.0 Mariemont ,_...............................- ....................... \33.0 North College Hll .................................................... 139.7 Turpin ....................................................................... 140.8 Badin ......................................................................... 146.2 Franklin .. .-................................................................. 179.0 New Miami .............................................................. 180.2 Hamilton ..........................:........................................ 180.3 Hilsboro ................................................................... 188.D Lakota ...................................................................... \89.5 Newport .............................................,..................... 196.5 Reading .................................................................... 200.0 Deer Pork ................................................................ 200.0
ft~~~"'..g_ .:·.::::::::·.:::::::~·.:::::::::::::·.:·.::::::·.:::::::::::::::~
McNichol., .............................................................. 209.7 Northwest ................................................................ 210.0 Little Miami ............................................................. 211.0 Newport CC ............................................................. 212.1 Boone County ,,........................................................ 214.0 Summit................................................... .. ... 216.0 Loveland .................................................................. 218.0 Middletown ............................................................. 223.7 Elder ......................................................................... 227.0 Ryle ........................ ,..............................................:... 229.0 Anderson ................................................................. 232.0 Roger Bacon ............................................................ 233.5 Lebanon .............................................................. :.... 235.3
FOOTBALL STANDINGS Cincinnati Hills League League Overall ream w L w L PF
Mariemont ........ Deer Park ......... Reading .............. Wyoming ........... . Indian Hil............ Taylor........ ,........ Finneytown.".... M!deira.............
4 3 3 3 2 1 0 0
0 1 1 1 2 3 4 4
6 5 5 4 3 1
0 0
1 1 2 3 5 6 6
199 172 191 164 158 60 38 72
PA 15 76 71 111
99 196 186 279
Greater Miami Conference League overall w L w L PF PA ream
Lakota................ Sycamore.......... Lima Senior ....... Princeton........... Ham~ton............ · · Middletown....... Fairfield ............. Milford ...............
4 3 2 2 2 2 1 0
0 1 2 2 2 2 3 4
6 4 4 4 3 2 1 1
0 2 1 2 3 4 5 5
125 95 114 22D 102 73 59 61
63 94 112 145 71 126 124 145
Fort Ancient Valley Conf. League Dveral w L w L PF PA
. , Team --Ross.................... Norwood ............ LillleMiomi ..... Mason................ Goshen............... Wilmington....... · ••· Springboro ...., .... Kings ...................
3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3
6 4 5 4 2 1 2 2
0 2 1 2 4 5 4 4
187 95 154 107 144 89 34 122
1D2 103 100 120 138 \55 67 117
Queen City National League Overall w L w L PF
Team Harrison ............. Mount Healthy. Winton Woods .. W<Hlul Hils....... Hughes ............... Northwest. ........
2 2 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 2 2
5 3 4 3 1 1
1 3 2 3 5 5
127 93 143 114 67 47
Queen City American League overall Team w L w L PF Turpin................. Anderson ........... AmeUa................ Woodward ........ Glen Este ........... Tall .....................
Team Elder................... St. J<avler.......... LaSalle ............... MoeHer ...............
Team Alter ................... Badin................... Pur.. Marian...... C.-Julienne......... Roger Bacon.....
7 2 1 1 0 0
D 0 1 1 2 2
6 4 4 3 2 1
0 2 2 3 4 5
GCL-South League Overall w L w L 1
' 1 1
1 1 1 1
5 4 3 3
1 2 3 3
GCL-North League overall w L w L 3 2 2 1 1
D 1 1 2 2
5 5 4
1 1 2 3 5
McNicholas....... PA 92 157 125 125 138 126
147 196 87 96 53 88
PA 77 76 39 99 133 158
PF 175 172 191 142
PA 68 97 129 146
PF 114 138 111 133 57
PA. 62 55 96 123 94
Miami Valley Conference League overall ,w L w L PF PA
Team Oncinnati C.D ...
No. College Hill..
Summit C. D....... New Miami....... L Christian........ Lockland............ Batavii!l...............:
3 3 2 1
o· D 0
0 0 1 1 2 2 3
6 5 4 4 1 1 0
0 1 2 2 5 5 6
196 157 198
36 >2 100 81
70 82 37
116 137
· Southern Buckeye Conf League Overall w L w L PF PA
Team Hillsboro............. OermontNE. .... Wiliamsburg..... Loveland ............ Bethel-Tate....... N.Richmond....... Blanchester ... W. Brown..........
3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3
6 5 5 3 2 1 0 0
0 1
3 4 5 6 6
246 157 118 118 89 54 43 32
Mid Miami Leapue League overat w L w L PF
Team Fra11ldin..... Miamisburg...... Lebanon............. Lem Mon. ..........
3 2 2 2
D 1 1 1
5 4 3 2
1 2 3 4
129 139 139 71
60 77 85 \23
137 246 202
PA 77 119 102 161
Tolawanda........ Edgewood ......... carroll.. .............. Fenwick .............
1 1 0 0
2 2 3 3
96 155 77 66
93 108 170 195
Metro County Conference League Overall w L w L PF PA
To am Colerah.............. West. Hils......... Aiken.................. Withrow ............. Oak Hills .............
2 2 0 D 0
0 0 1 1 2
6 4 3 2 1
0 2 2
227 147 90 100 92
A8 81
116 253
Kentucky Team Lloyd.................................................... Boone County .................................... Newport cc....................................... Beechwood ........................................ Ludow ................................................ Dayton .................. Highlands............................................ Belevue..........................:................... Newport .............................................. Holmes................................................ Ryle .................................................... Covington catholic............................ Dixie Heights..................................... Simon Kenton.................................... conner ....................................... carroll County ................................... scott. ................................................... campbe! County ...............................
w 7 6 6 4 5 5 5 3 4 5 4 3 3 7 1 1 0 0
L 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 3 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 7
HARBIN RATINGS COLUMBUS, Ohio - The third weekly football computer ratings a~ released by the Ohio High SChool Ath-letlc Association, by division and region, with average bHevel points per game (top four teams In each region advance to regional semifinals}: DIVISION I Region 1-1, Cle. St. Ignatius .. , · 29.9166. 2, Lakewood 24.9166. 3, Strongsville 18.7500. 4, Lakewood St. Edward 14.5833. 5, Euclid 14.2500. 6, '" Middleburg His. Midpork \2.4166. Region 2-1, Brunswick 22.1666. 2, Troy 21.0000. 3, Tol. St. John's 16.4166. , . 4, Piqua 15.1666. 5, Elyria 14.9166. 6, Mansfield 13.1666. Region 3-1, Westerville south 26.5000. 2, Youngstown Boardman 20.3331 3. U>POr Arlington 17.1666. 4, Grove City 16.1666. 5, canton McKinley 15.5833. 6, Massillon Washington 14.3333. Region 4-1, Lakota 24.7500. 2. Kettering Fairmont 23.4166. 3, Dayton Dunbar 23.0000. 4, COlerain 21.5833. 5, Elder 19.4166. 6, Dayton Meadowdale 17.1666. DIVISION ll r ·,
Region 5-1, Amherst Steele 19.7500. 2, Chardon 17.0833. 3, Painesville Riverside 16.0833. 4, Madison 15.0000. 5, N. Royalton 14.5833. 6, Solon 1\.5000. Region 6-1, Bowling Green 23.0000. 2, Cols. St. Francis 22.9166. 3, Fostoria 20.0000. 4, Dublin Scioto 16.6666. 5, Tiffin Columbian 15.1666. 6, Cots. Watterson 14.3333. Rtglon 7-1, Cuya. Falls Walsh Jesuit 18.8333. 2. Akron Springfield 18.5000. 3, Akron Buchtel \6.9\66. 4, N. Canton Hoover 15.2500. 5, Wintersville Indian Creek 14.8333. 6 (tie), Vincent Warren, Uniontown Lake 13.3333. Region 8-\, Turpin 19.9166. 2, BeUefontotne 19.0000. 3, Celina 14.2500. 4, New C..-Hsle Tecumseh 12.3333. 5 (tie), Mason, w ashinglon CH Miami Trace 11.9166. DIVISION Ill Region 9-1, Akron St Vincent-St. Mory 14.6666. 2, Chardon Notre Dam .. Cathedral Latin 13.5000. 3, Avon Lake 12.8333. 4, Chagrin Falls Kenston 12.6666. 5, Olmstlid Falls 11.6666. 6, Twinsburg Ohamber6n 11.5000. Region 10-1, CiYde 19.9166. 2,
Oak Harbor 15.6666. 3, Delaware Olentangy 14.4166. 4, Bryan 13.6666. 5, Rossford 12.5000. 6, Bucyrus 11.9166. Region 11-1, Alliance Marlington 18.3333. 2. Poland Seminory 17.4166. 3, Cortland Lakeview 15.8333. 4 (tie), e.. loit West Branch, Canfield 14.9166. 6, Pht1o 14.5000. Region 12-1, London 17.4166. 2, Kellering Aller 16.5000. 3, Hillsboro 16.2500. 4, Hamillon Ross 15.5833. 5, Purcell Marian 13.5000. 6, Morrow UtIle Miami 12.7500. DIVISION IV Region 13-1, Orrvile 21.6666. 2, Newark Licking Valey 16.9166. 3, Casatolia Margaretta 16.2500. 4, ae. Bene<ictine 15.0833. S. Akron Manchester 14.4166. 6, Perry 13.5000. Region 14-1, Versailes 19.6666. 2, Cots. Ready 18.4166. 3, Bellbrook 16.2500. 4, Swanton 12.8333. 5, Germantown Valley VIew 12.1666. 6, Tontogany Otsego 10.7500. Region 15-1, Youngstown Ursuline 21.5833. 2, Bellaire 18.7500. 3, Yo~ngstown Mooney 12.6666. 4, Gnad.
Indian VaMey 10.9166. 5, Looisvile Aquinas 10.1666. 6, Leavittsburg LaBrae 9.8333. Region 16-1, Ironton 17.0000. 2, Ironton Rock Hll13.9166. 3, Portsmouth west 13.8833. 4, Lancaster Fairfield Union 12.5833. 5 (tie), Wheelersburg, ProctorvAie Fairland 1D.A166. DIVISION V Region 17-1, New London 13.3333. 2, Apple Creek Waynedale 12.0000. 3, Rocky River Lutheran West 11.9166. 4, Avon 10.5000. 5, Lorain Ciear· view 9.3333. 6, New Middletown Spring-field 8.2500. Region 18-1, Marion Pleasant 19.4166. 2, Coldwater 13.9166. 3, Elmore Woodmore 11.0833. 4, Defiance Tinora 10.5833. 5, Liberty Center 10.0000. 6, Bucyrus Wynford 8.1666. Region 19-1, Lisbon David Anderson 16.1666. 2. Crooksville 13.2500. 3. New Matamoras Frontier 13.1666. 4, Woodsfield Monroe central 17.9166. 5, Ashland Mapleton 11.6666 .. 6, Welsvlle 11.5833. Region 20-1, Mariemont 21.5833.
2, Amand..ctearcreek 13.0000. 3, Canal Winchester 10.9166. 4, Cots.· Hartley 10.6666. s, Coal Grove Dawson-Bryant 10.2500. 6, Pittelon 8.7000. DIVISION VI Region 21-1, Norwalk St. Paul 14.0000. 2. Independence 12.9166. 3, Edgerton 12.7500. 4, Mogadore 12.6666. 5, N. Baltimore 11.5000. 6, Defiance Ay· ersvile 10.6666. Region 22-1, St. Henry 16.2500. 2, Columbus Grove 12.3333. 3, DeGrafl Riverside 11.9166. 4, New Bremen .10.0833. 5, Dola Hardin Northern 10.0000. 6, Sidney Lehman 9.9166. Region 23-,1 (lie), McDonald, LoweHvile 11.5000. 3, Bowerstown Conolton Valey 11.1666. 4, Newark Calh. 10.8333. 5 (tiel. New Washington Buck· eye Cent.,.Danvile 10.5000. Region 24-1, Lancaster Fisher cath. 13.7500. 2, COun!rY Day 13.0833. 3, North Lewisburg Triad 11.75000 4, Portsmouth Nol!:e Dame 10.5000. 5, Covington 9.5000. 6, Cedarvile 8.8333.
L1tkota jumps to No. 2 in city Circe Lhis date: Nov. 3. Witi Lakota moving up from fourth to second this week in The Enquirer's Division I-II foo,:ball coaches poll, the stage could be set fm another matchup of the Nos. 1 and 2 teams in the poll. Should Lakota and No. 1 Colerain remain unbeaten the next three weeks, they would meet Nov. 3 in the season finale at Lakota, with the poll title likely at stake. It would be the 13th No.1-No.2 showdown in the last decade. The 12th occurred in Week 4, when Colerain beat then-No. 2 St. Xavier at St. X, 26-7. Colerain has a tougher road. It faces
PREP SCENE Withrow, No.8 Western Hills and No.9 La Salle. The T-Birds have a road game¡ at 4-2 Lima sandwiched by ho~e dates with 1-5 teams, Fairfield and Lima. But the 6-0 Cardinals need the competition. In the weekly Harbin computer ratings released Tuesday, they fell from first to fourth in Division I, Region 4. Lakota leaped from fifth to first. The top four teams in each region Will make the playoffs. ¡
Blast from the past TIM KOEGEL, Moeller High School 20 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK March 5, 1976- Moeller's Tim Koegel, a high school football all-America at quarterback, worked his athletic magic on the basketball cour:t when he scored 28 points, including two free throws with seven seconds left, as the Crusaders upset third-seeded Anderson, 72-71, an<;l knocked Anderson out of the district tournament.¡ Not only did Koegel score the winning points, healso intercepted a desperation pass by Anderson, . sealing the victory. Koegel and Moeller lost to Elder, 64-48, in the district finals. TODAY: After playing football for Notre Dame, Koegel has become a successful businessman who lives in Cincinnati.
Tim Koegel All business
Prayer From Page 1C
cinnati area it's Faust, whose 174-17-2 record at Moeller from 1963-80 landed him collegiate coaching jobs at ,Notre Dame and Akron. Faust's players at Moeller attended benediction at the school's chapel before every game, prayed at a statue of Mary before and after games, and prayed in pregame huddles. "When the game got tight, I used to grab a rosary in my left pocket," said F~tfst, Akron's assistant vice president of research and develop-
ment. "I told the kids around me to say a Hail Mary." Faust and all the other coaches interviewed said when their team offers up prayers it's not in the name of victory. Instead, the general thrust of team prayers asks that no il\iuries are suffered by players on either team or by game officials. "You don't say, 'Hey, Lord, help us win this game,'" said Landmark Christian coach Mark Ellis. "That's what a lot of people don't understand." Religion is a central part of Landmark Christian's team. The Eagles
pray every day before and after practice, and they pray before and after games. ¡ "We play for ourselves, but No. 1 we play for God," Ellis said. Prayers are piped over the public address system, the same as the national anthem, before home games at Landmark Christian. Ellis said he's never encountered complaints. But sometimes, teams from Christian schools do run into objections of their beliefs. "We've been places where we've not been well received," said Covington Catholic (Ky.) coach Lynn Ray.
"There has been some name-calling, and they always refer to us as 'Catholic' and never refer to us as 'Covington Catholic.' "That's not so bad, but the overtones are there and you can feel it. We just tell (the players) to ignore that, we're here to play a football game and we believe in what we believe.'' For Covington Catholic, and many other high school football teams, that belief is enough to make prayers part of their Friday nights. "It's no different than combat," Jackson said. "You pray before you go into combat."
Press Community Newspapers â&#x20AC;˘ Suburban Life
September 20, 1995
Seems like old times for Cr.usaders Moeller wins first,
25-14 By Joe Minster Press Contributor
Fresh from their first victory of the current season, Moeller's Crusaders will face another formidable opponent this Saturday when they travel to Erie Prep for a 6 p.m. game. Moeller, after losing its first two games, finally reached the victory column by defeating a strong Covington Catholic team, 25-14, last Saturday at Park Hills, Ky. "We're definitely getting better," Crusader coach Steve Klonne said after his club took advantage of four CovCath mistakes while tailback Mike Kamphake sparked Moeller's offense with 210 yards gained, 122 on the ground and 8 8 more on receptions from quarterback Pat McLaughlin. Kamphake, a junior, scored on runs of 70 and 12 yards, while teammate Jim Higgins added a third touchdown on a seven-yard plunge and McLaughlin hit wide receiver Pat Horan on a 21-yard scoring aerial.
Kamphake agreed with his coach when he pointed out that "we're improving every week, especially on defense, where we're starting to block a lot more people." Defensive standouts were Ryan Murphy, Matt Edwards and Steve Fiamingo. Murphy and Edwards both came up with key fumble recoveries, while Fiamingo and Murphy both had pass interceptions that stalled Cov Cath's attack. "There's no doubt that this victory gave us a big lift after losing close games to Upper St. Clair, Pa., and Massillon Washington the first two weeks," Klonne emphasized. "It was a rainy day, which hurt our offense, but we ran the ball well, led by Kamphake and Higgins." McLaughlin completed eightof-14 passes for 164 yards, including that TD aerial to Horan. Erie Prep, which like Moeller plays a schedule of tough teams from Ohio, Pennsylvania and the Midwest, is led by tailback Justin Lustig and fullback Rausaan Powell. Erie also boasts a 1-2 record, having defeated St. Francis of Buffalo, 28-16, while losing to Youngstown Mooney, 17-6, and to Austintown Fitch, 28-16.
The Cincinnati Post,
Thursday, August 31, lYY~
1 "'
Moeller stares at a first: losing Sub-.500 season appears possible By Richard Skinner Post staff reporter
Moeller has never had a losing season in its storied high school football history. But thanks to perhaps the most difficult schedule in the state and only two starters back from a 6-4 team, it faces that possibility this season. "Sooner or later (a losing season) is going to happen with the teams we're playing," said Moeller head coach Steve Klonne, who has a 127-27 record in 13 seasons. "If we had anybody else's schedule, then it wouldn't be a worry, but that is a worry. We just hope we can rise to the occasion." Moeller's schedule last season was difficult when it played state champions from three states Bloomington (Ind.) South, Covington (Ky.) Catholic and Cleveland St. Ignatius - but this year's schedule appears even tougher. The Crusaders have replaced Ft. Thomas (Ky.) Highlands - a team they beat, 54-15- with Upper St. Clair (Pa.), which returns 19 starters from a 10-3 team that lost in the Pennsylvania state playoff semifinals to eventual champion McKeesport. Bloomington South, which beat Moeller by a point, was replaced by perennial Ohio power Massillon Washington in the second game of the season. Those games are followed by: • Covington Catholic, which repeated as Kentucky Class AAA state champion. • Erie (Pa.) Cathedral Prep. ..., • Greater Catholic League
South Division rivals St. Xavier, Elder and La Salle, all of which are picked ahead of Moeller in the league coaches' poll. • Kettering Alter, which is picked to win the Greater Catholic League North Division. • Cleveland St. Ignatius, which has won five of the last siX Ohio Division I championships. ' ·• Princeton, which is expected to be among the top teams in the area this season after finishing 6-4last season. Part of the reason Moeller's Steve schedule is so Klonne difficult is that it has had a hard time finding area schools to play because of its successful past. "We're just trying to fill a schedule," Klonne said. "The problem is - in the city and other places - if you have a reputation, they don't want to play you, and teams that will talk to us have the good reputations or better reputations!' With the strength of schedule, Klonne said, the Crusaders could finish 6-4 and still be in the hunt for a playoff berth under the complex Harbin computer rating system, which awards points for victories and defeated opponents' victories. "We were 6-4last year, and we were sixth in the computer ratings," said Klonne. The top four teams make the playoffs. "We've never backed away from anybody, and we will continue not to do that," he said. "We definitely enjoy the challenge of playing the best."
Moeller over Elder, Il!SallE
of a winning score, Moeller defensive end Dan Piening intercepted svect at 2-3, and ranking just Lammers' desperation pass on etghth in The Enquirer's coaches fourth-and-23 to end it. J)oll, they strode into Elder's "The Moeller outgained Elder, 435 P.it" and tamed the No.2 Panthers, yards to 299. Moeller junior run27-21, Friday night. ning back Mike Kamphake ran for : "It helped going in as the under- 139 yards and a TD on 23 carries. dog," Moeller coach Steve Klonne Senior wide receiver Ted Fitz addsaid. "Nobody gave us a chance. ed 80 yards and a TD on seven But if you go out and control the receptions. ball, all of a sudden things change." . "Their offense just outexecuted _ Moeller senior quarterback Pat our defense," Elder coach Tom McLaughlin hit 18 of 24 passes for Grippa said. "I give Steve Klonne a 237 yards and a touchdown, and lot of credit. He'd get my vote for the Crusaders amassed 198 yards coach of the year." rushing. Moeller is 3-3, Elder 5-1. : Down after one quarter, 14-10, A Moeller loss would have tbey went on a 17-point run to equaled the most in any season ~ild a 27-14 lead. Dominating on since the school started playing the ground, Moeller limited Elder football in 1963 (its two 6-4 years to just six third-quarter plays and were 1991 and 1994). The Crusadoontrolled the ball until the final ers rebounded from a 35-17 whipping by St. Xavier last week. Jt.inutes. "Last week, we made a lot of : Elder senior QB John Lammers llft Brandon Sowers with a 35-yard mental mistakes," Klonne said, 'FD, then Moeller had to punt with "but this time we just went out and 3'!30 left. But with Elder in reach played like we knew we could." . The Moeller Crusaders were
qn, well, a crusade. Lacking re-
Scoreboard OHIO Friday's games Greater Catholic League • SOUth Moeller 27, Elder 21 La Salle 27, St. Xavier 21 (4 OT) Groater Catholic League·North Chaminade Julienne 17, McNicholas 0 Badin 28, Roger Bacon 0 . Cincinnati Hills League Mariemont 35, Wyoming 6 Taylor 14, Indian Hill 12 Reading 33, Finneytown 15 Deer Park 64, Madeira 16 Greater Miami Conference Princeton 28, Milford 12 Lakota 12, Sycamore 6 Middletown 26, Fairfield 7 Lima 14, Hamilton 13 Metro County Conference Colerain 69, Oak Hills 14 Western Hills 28, Withrow 8
Mid-Miami League Lebanon 35, Monroe 0 Franklin 27, Edgewood 26 Miamisburg 47, Fenwick 28 Talawanda 42, Dayton Carroll 21 SOuthern Buckeye Conference Hillsboro 47, Loveland 8 CNE 44, Western Brown 0 New Richmond 35, Blanchester 6 Williamsburg 21, Bethel-Tate 14 Fort Ancient Valley Conference Norwood 40, Wilmington 26 Mason 7, Springboro 0 Little Miami 28, Kings 27 OT Ross 38, Goshen 34 Miami Valley Conference Summit CD 38, New Miami 14 North College HiU 13, Batavia 6 CCD 46, Landmark 3 QCC-Natlonal MI. Healthy 31, Winton Woods 22 Walnut Hills 27, Northwest 3
Lammers hit 14 of 18 passes for 261 yards and two scores but was intercepted twice. Sowers, a running back, caught six passes for 131 yards, but ran for just 12 yards on six carries. The GCL-South race is now knotted, with all four teams 1-1. "That doesn't surprise me at all," Grippa said. "We're all pretty
Harrison 28, Hughes 6 QCC-American Turpin 28, Taft 6 Anderson 21, Woodward 0 Amelia 17, Glen Este 6 saturday, Od. 7 Greater Catholic League-North Purcen Marian at Aller, 7:30 p.m. KENTUCKY Bryan Station 38, Campbell County
6 Dixie 36, Conner 33 Holmes 25, Simon Kenton 22 Newport 26, Lewis County 0 Ryle 50, Scott 0 Lloyd 57, West Carter 8 Saturday, Od. 7 Highlands at CovCath, 2 p.m.
even in talent. From week to week, it's just the team that's really sharp that's going to win."
---·----·----·-·---·---·-·--·-----10 14 0
Moeller 3-27 Elder 14 0 0 7-21 M-Siclilano 25 FG E-Parton 36 pass from Lammers (DeFranco kick) M-Kamphake 62 run (Siciliano kick) E-SOwers 1 run (DeFranco kick) M-McLaughlln 1 run (Siciliano kick) M-Filz 5 pass from McLaughlin (Siciliano kick) M-Sicillano 35 FG E-SOwers 35 pass from Lammers (DeFranco kick) Records: Moeller 3-3 (1-1 GCLS),Eider 5-1 (1-1 GCLS).
• No. 10 La Salle 27, No.3
St. Xavier 21 (4 OT) at La Salle -- Wiz White scored on a 6-yard run in the fourth overtime as La Salle sprung the upset. The Lancer defense sacked Bomber quarterback Joe Sprengard on St. Xavier's final possession in the fourth overtime to preserve the win. . Paul Kramer came off the bench for La Salle in the second overtime after quarterback Nate Sexton was knocked out of the game to toss a 16-yard touchdown pass to Matt Holthaus. "You need a little bit of luck to go your way in a game like this," said La Salle coach Jim Louder. "These kids played their hearts out after losing to Prinecton in an overtime game earlier this year. This was a big, big win for us." Next up for the Lancers: Moeller this Friday.
St. Xavier 0 0 7 0 0 7 0-21 La Salle 0 6 0 8 0 0 7 6-27 SX-Mussman 6 pass Sprengard (Kerr kick) L -Holthaus 38 pass Sexton (kick blocked) L-Sexton 58 run (Sexton pass to Robinson) SX-Wilson 59 pass Sprengard (Kerr kick)
·r- 9 -CJs-
NumberS change football divisions T~e ~uct~ation
. in enrollment at : C·J · ··. ···.·.··...·. ·· ·· · ····.···· stx Cmcmnati area schools has ere- • \ ated minor changes in the align. ~· ,.j ment for the 1995 football playoffs. '· · · According to the breakdown of t~ ~/ divisions announced by the Ohio ( High School Athletic Association, , q• four schools will move up one divi- o•uE SCHUTTE sion while two others drop down. MY Aiken and Woodward got the biggest break. breath will be available," athletic Both schools will now compete director Barry Borman said. "It's in Division II rather than in Divimy understanding that if someone sion I against such powers as Cole- makes an offer, they will sell it." rain, St. Xavier, Princeton, MoelWhen the College Football Hall ler and Elder. of Fame decided to close the faciliHowever, Woodward coach Ed ty three years ago, Great AmeriJackson wasn't excited about the can Life Insurance purchased the change. complex, which included the "I've been coaching at Division 11,000 seat stadium. I schools for 25 years and like com"Galbreath is a great facility peting against the best," h~ sai~ .. and we'd Jove to stay there for "There's nothing wrong WJth DIVI- life " Borman said. But he said the sion II, but the change probably cost of playing at Galbreath has inwon't affect us one way or the oth- creased substantially. er." "They have a simple and fair Although Jackson was optimistic way of determining the cost to use due to the return of most starters, the facility," Borman said. he said the cutback of assistant "There's about 16 events a year. coaches from six to three will seThey estimate what it cost to verely hurt the chances of most maintain the facility and divide it Cincinnati Public School teams. by 16. It's not a profit-making The following enrollment figthing for them." ures were used to determine the 1995Jineup: Division I (507 or Kirch picks Thomas More more); II (350-506); III (261-349) Ike Kirch, co-captain of Elder's IV (183-260); V (130-182) and VI basketball team, will play college (129 or less). basketball for Thomas More. Other schools changing diviA 6-4, 190-pound forward, sions include: Hughes (Division II Kirch averaged 15 points and sevto I); Western Brown (III to. II); en rebounds. Finneytown (V to IV) and Little David Walker, Purcell-Marian's Miami (IV to III). all-star forward, will play for WitSeveral schools missed moving tenberg while guard Shawn ~a up a division by Jess than five stuhan will attend Hanover and Bnan dents, including Anderson (503), Williamsburg (129), Madeira (128) Harrison picked Anderson (Ind.) College. and Summit Country Day (127). Hamill wins titles Wyoming (184 students) reMatt Hamill, The Enquirer's Dimained a Division IV school, barely vision II Wrestler of the Year, has missing Division V status by two captured two individual state. . students. McNicholas also rechampionships since graduatiOn m mained Division IV with 258. the MU freestyle and Greco RoHarrison's Dick Nocks would man. He also was a member of the prefer playing in Division II but an enrollment of 512 was six too high. Ohio Junior team that won the state competition. The OHSM listed Lakota (1,226), Hamilton (1,1 ~1) and St. Thomas takes over at Taft Xavier (1,075) as the biggest Eric Thomas, an assistant basschools in Division I while Glen ketball coach at Western Hills and Este (524) and Harrison (512) are Aiken the past six years, has been the smallest competing in the bignamed head coach at Taft. school division. He replaces Dave Lumpkin, who The figures used to calculate moved to Winton Woods. the cutoffs are those of the freshWardwell, boys basketman, sophomore and junior classes ballTerry coach at Western Hills, refo~~e ~~·9S:schocl~ signed after eight years.
~oeller explores options ).
· h Moeller wi!!_EQ.n~ to play . . _3t Galbreath Field, officials have discussed alternate plans with Sycamore High school "We're not sure how long Gal-
Dave Schutte covers high school sports for The Enquirer.
PlaYoffs From Page 10
overlapped with the start of basketball season. "A number of years ago the principals h;ad a blue ribbon committee and they voted to have a little time for the athletes in betweeh seasons," said OHSA.I\. assistant commissioner Blair irvin. "Extending the football season would be encroaching on basketball. We didn't want that." Irvin said this year's proposal would be more appealing. "We don't have any objection (to expanding the playoffs) as long as it doesn't encroach on another season," he said. "If that's what the people out there want, then we wouldn't be against it." The proposal will be made at the OHSAA's Jan. 19 meeting. If approved, it would be voted on by the board of control in April and if the board approves the proposal it would take effect starting with the 1996 season. Kocica is cautiously optimistic the proposal will Past'â&#x20AC;˘
"After we make a couple of revisions in the next couple of weeks I think it has a chance," he said. "The most important thing is this is good for the kids. More get a chance to be in a playoff atmosphere and by adding four more teams we're still not watering it down. I think eight teams (per region) would take in every team that deserves to qualify." A story in the Dayton Daily News said 14 teams that finished 9-1 this season didn't make the playoffs, and 49 teams that were 8-2 didn't qualify. If the proposed format had been in place, only one 9-1 team (Elyria, which played only two teams with winning records) wouldn't have qualified and 11 8-2 teams wouldn't have qualified. "One of the things the Harbin doesn't take into account is how well a team is playing at the end of the year," said Kocica. "There are plenty of times where an 8-2 team is playing better at the end of the year than some of the teams that make the playoffs, but they don't qualify. I think expanding it four teams gets those teams in." â&#x20AC;˘
Colerain: The day after
Hurt worse, support 'unbelievable' BY NEIL SCHMIDT Enquirer contributor
If Kerry Coombs remembers Black Monday forever, he surely won't forget Tuesday's hangover of hurt. "Surprisingly, today is worse," Coombs, Colerain's football coach, said Tuesday. "Yesterday was just reaction, all day. But today I had to get out of bed, with the house quiet, and think about it." The day after Monday's stunner - the announcement Colerain would miss the state championship for using an ineligible player Coombs admitted he had to search for strength. "I'm a Christian, and I believe in God," he said. "I prayed hard for strength. I believe our kids will go the way the coaches go, so we need to be strong." Not that the players could all follow suit. "It was probably a little worse (Tuesday)," senior center Jon Fohl said. "It's sunk in a little bit now."
Touching moments of support came by letter, fax, phone and in person Tuesday. "The response has been unbelievable," Coombs said. "My phone hasn't stopped ringing. We got flowers delivered, food delivered. We've had 40 faxesand 60 letters (by noon). "Jeff Ruby called me. I don't know Jeff Ruby from the man in the moon, but he's calling to say, 'I feel awful for your team. I want you to come to my restaurant tonight.' " Ruby hosted the team at a dinner at The Precinct. The ineligible player, Ivan Pace, wasn't at school Tuesday but attended the dinner, where he was given a game ball and a standing ovation by his teammates. "I just cried (Monday)," Pace told WLWT. "I felt like I let the whole team down. I thought you could play until you were 19. I didn't know they had a four-year(-limit) rule." After the team absolved Pace of blame, the area did the same for the school. "The response has been 100-percent positive," Coombs said. "People feel for these kids.
"I've always been an emotional person, and there's been many times (Tuesday) reading these letters I've had to shut the door and cry." Many lauded Colerain's sportsmanship, how the school pointed out its own infraction. "I've had phone calls from all over the state of Ohio expressing admiration for our character," Colerain Principal Linda Schulte said. "To tell you the kind of players we have, (senior lineman) Jefferson Kelley came in today and was worried about how I was taking this." To help the healing, cheerleaders deluged the school with banners. One appeared to have signatures from the entire student body. "As the day went on (Tuesday), I felt a little better," senior lineman Jason Carson said. "We've got a lot of support from people, and that makes us feel good." Especially for the 29 seniors, the agony is in the uncertainty, never knowing if they would have beaten Cleveland St. Ignatius. "We know we could have won it all," Carson said.
Colerain: Notes
'96 team will miss key components BY NEIL SCHMIDT Enquirer contributor
Recovery plans from Colerain's shattered season won't wait. They began Monday. "In the middle of the worst day of their lives, my assistants sat down and started their 1996 goals and depth chart," coach Kerry Coombs said. "Without them, I wouldn't be able to hold it together." There's no secret Colerain will suffer from the loss of 29 seniors, a group which won 31 of its final 32 games. Among that group: Star quarterback David Murphy, All-America offensive lineman Jefferson Kelley and blistering tailback Ronnie Alexander. "We should still have a pretty good team," junior wideout Terry Chappell said. "I think we'll be shooting for the playoffs again." Chappell and sophomore fullback Nick Fen-
ner will be the lone returning offensive starters. One supporter of Colerain's cause is Gerry But four defensive starters return, including Faust. The former coach at Moeller High School, Notre Dame and Akron advocated Colethree defensive backs. The new QB? Sophomore Brett Hillman, who rain being allowed to play in the state fmals or playing St. Ignatius in an exhibition with proled the JV to an 8-1 mark. "Brett's gonna be good," Coombs said. "We ceeds going to inner-city programs. need to find some linemen and a running back. "We're trying to teach kids to be honest in We've got to make them in the weight room." life," Faust said. "But being honest shouldn't Said junior cornerback Ray Bonar: "I think . destroy you. I have trouble with that. I think we'll be real good. We've got to finish some they should have a slap on the wrist." unfinished business." SANCTIONS: Muscaro would not say IGNATIUS EXHIBITION?: Coombs heard whether Colerain faces probation or other penfrom several parties Tuesday about playing an alties as a result of its use of the ineligible exhibition against would-be state championship player. opponent Cleveland St. Ignatius next week. "I have no comment on that," he said. "I "We'd play," Coombs said. don't have a full report of what happened yet." But Ohio High School Athletic Association Commissioner Clair Muscaro said: "There's RALLY, RALLY: A booster rally will be held absolutely no chance. It can't happen." at 7 p.m. Thursday in Colerain's gym.
Russo: Colerain AD distraught over error CONTINUED FROM PAGE Cl
tution for a player ... "Athletic directors say checking eligibility is one of their most important jobs. You're daggone right it is, and I approach it that way. (In this case), I thought I had done everything I can do." Russo is in his fourth year as AD after serving one year as associate AD. Colerain's longtime system for checking eligibility requires: .,. Each student-athlete to fill out the "student participation and physical exam card," which includes date of birth and grade level, a parental consent form, and an emergency medical form. .,. Russo to transfer information to a yellow "sport participation card." .,. Russo to look up the athlete's student identification number on a master computer list and check age, grade level and academic standing. .,. Russo to check for information in student files, then compile a master checklist by accessing each athlete's profile in the school's computer system. The system, he said, is flawed in that it doesn't reflect the date each student enrolled,
or if that student repeats a grade. But other variables like an athlete being over the age of 18 have previously led Russo to sort out ineligible athletes. In Pace's case, an amazing sequence of events occurred that left Russo ignorant to his extra year. Pace had participated in only one prior athletic endeavor, the 1993 football season, when he was a member of the junior varsity. "If he had been anywhere near the varsity then, I would have remembered him and caught this error," Russo said. On the forms asking for his grade level, Pace just entered the number 12. His grade level read the same in the computers. The computers do not denote a student in an extra year. "It's a system error, and there just happened to be a breakdown at this time," Colerain Principal Linda Schulte said. "It's an oversight in our checks-and-balances system." Had Pace not been young for his previous grade - he's still 18 - he also could have been identified. "In doing eligibility, I try to make sure all
my I's are dotted and my T's crossed," Russo said. "That's why I'm taking this so personal)y. "
Russo offered all his files for perusal. He punched up Pace's name on the computer to show a lack of any fifth-year evidence. The only way Pace's fifth year was found Monday was by digging through separate archives of students' grades over a five-year period. Said Northwest Local School District Superintendent Ken Dirr: "He's tremendously dedicated to his job and to Colerain High School. This was just an exceptional case that didn't get caught by the normal procedures." Changes will be made. Past participation cards will be archived instead of thrown out. Changes to the computer system are planned. And each athlete's information will be triplechecked. None of that proved consolation for Russo Tuesday. "I hope no one ever has to feel whaâ&#x20AC;˘ feeling now," he said.
.Pace: TD leads to discovery CONTINUED FROM PAGE Cl
Pace's fifth-year status. Coombs felt the need to bring 1 ' the story to light, since rumors had spread suggesting a rival school had known Pace's status and intentionally waited until the week of the state finals to point it out. "It wasn't anything sinister," Coombs said. ( I'm Ironically, the son might not have learned Pace was playing if
not for Pace's breakthrough game Saturday. Pace intercepted a pass - his first career interception and returned it 20 yards for a touchdown in the first half. He was interviewed on television and The Enquirer wrote about his performance. If he hadn't picked off the pass, Pace's ineligibility might never have been discovered.
Russo pained over glitch Colerain AD's system missed ineligible player BY NEIL SCHMIDT Enquirer contributor
Ron Russo's desk is devoid of clutter, and even of crumbs. His tie is always straight, his hair combed perfectly in place. But Tuesday, his hands shook, and he pleaded with red, wet eyes. Besides coaching Colerain's cross country and track teams, Russo has been the school's athletic director since 1991. Since he handles eligibility forms for every Colerain athlete, he had to answer for the ineligibility of Ivan Pace, the oversight that cost Colerain its first football title-game appearance. Russo, the same man who annotates athletes' participation cards with warnings like "Physical expires soon" and "Allow to use inhaler when needed," never got a warning regarding Pace's fifth year. Russo was unavailable for comment Ron Russo Monday and his telephone at his home was disconnected. But he didn't duck school Tuesday, or the questions. "I want to explain this," said Russo, a 1979 Colerain grad. "I have nothing to hide. :be only thing more important to me than my job or my school is my family." With voice cracking, Russo painstakingly explained the procedure to check each athlete's eligibility that has been in place at Colerain for nearly 15 years. He also explained the glitch in the school's computer system that prevented his knowing Pace was in his fifth year. "I had literally no idea (about Pace)," he said. "Not a hint. Nothing. I would never jeopardize the integrity of this insti(Please see RUSSO, Page C6)
Anonymous caller was a classmate BY NEIL SCHMIDT Enquirer contributor
Colerain coach Kerry Coombs silenced rumors that Monday's anonymous call involved espionage or malicious intent. The caller was the son of a school secretary and a former classmate of Ivan Pace who recognized him after Pace made headlines in Colerain's 49-7 state semifinal win against Brunswick. "One of our clerical staff members got the call yesterday morning," Coomb said. "Her son had seen (Pace) on TV or in the paper - I don't remember which - and called to say, 'Hey, I went to eighth grade with him.' And he very innocently asked a question. Nobody expected anything like this.'' The caller, whom school officials wouldn't identify, had graduated from another high school in the spring and wondered how Pace could still be playing football this fall. The secretary asked a guidance counselor, who alerted Principal Linda Schulte and Coombs to the question. They dug through records and found (Please see PACE, Page C6)
Defense fails, NJ=c;t,JJer falters Moeller's first step in a long, tough journey this season was painful. The Crusaders, who face one of the toughest high school football schedules in the country, were beaten Friday night by Pennsylvania power Upper St. Clair, 35-28, at Galbreath Field. Upper St. Clair, which has 19 starters back this season from a team that reached the state semifinals, rushed for 392 yards in the victory, including 159 yards on 17 carries by senior Cullen Hawkins. "We gave up too many yards on the ground," Moeller head coach Steve Klonne said. "We're not going to win any games if we do that." But Moeller traded touchdowns with Upper St. Clair throughout the game and tied the score at 28-28 early in the fourth quarter, before Bob Bunn bulled in from a yard out with 5:23 left to win it. Upper St. Clair coach Jim Render saidhe thought his team might succumb to fatigue as the game progressed. 'We're one of the smaller big schools," Render said. 'We had a lot of players going both ways." After a first half in which both teams scored via the big play, Upper St. Clair's ball control eventually won the game. In a 21-21 first half, Moeller scored on plays of 37, 30 and 24 and Upper St. Clair scored from 21, 75 and 66 yards. The Panthers kept the ball for more than 6:30 at the start of the fourth quarter on the game-winning drive that spanned 75 yards. The big play of the drive was a fourth-and-one that the Panthers went for at the Moeller 36-yard line with 10 minutes to play. It was a call which took Render a while to decide on. Bunn rumbled seven yards up the middle for the first down. "You're doggone right I hesitated," Render said. "I thought about it a long time." Ten plays later, Bunri scored the game-winner. Moeller's Mike Kamphake rushed 19 times for 132 yards and two touchdowns, but 124 yards and both touchdowns came in the first half. "They had third-and-long a lot of times and seemed to pull a rabbit out of a hat every time," Klonne said. UPPER ST. CLAIR at MOELLER
7 14
14 7
7 7
M-Goodhart 37 pass from Mclaughlin ISiciliano kick) USC-Hawkins 21 pass from McCardle tHawkins kick) M-Kamphake 30 run (Siciliano kick) USC-Hawkins 75 run \Hawkins kick) USC-Phillips 66 pass rom McCardle (Hawkins kick) M-Kamphake 24 run (Siciliano kick) USC-Hawkins 2 run (Hawkins kick) M-Goodhart 50 pass from Mclaughlin (Siciliano kick) USC-Bunn 1 run (Hawkins kick) RECORDS: Upper St. Clair 1路0, Moeller 0.1.
-Tim Curtis
ELDER 40, MIDDLETOWN 0 - John Lammers completed 10 passes for 181 yards and Brandon Sowers ran for 91 yards and three touchdowns for the Panthers. The Panthers were also helped by a strong defensive game from junior outside linebacker Jason Ott, who had eight tackles. MIDDLETOWN at ELDER
0 0 0 0-0
7 12 7 14-40
E-Sowers 2 run (Dwyer kick) E-Sowers 1 run (kick failed) E-Ritter 4 pass from Lammers (conversion failed) E-Parton 24 pass from-Larnmers (DeFranco kip.) E-Parton 49 pass from Lammers (DeFranco kick) E-Sowers 2 run (DeFranco kick) RECORDS: Elder 1.0, Middletown ().1.
St. XAVIER 42, CENTERVILLE 8 - Quarterback Joe Sprengard threw for 170 yards and four touchdowns as the Bombers whipped the Elks for the second straight year. t
Jason Arling opened the scoring for St. Xavier with a 71-yard touchdown run in the second quarter as the Bombers scored three times in the period to take a 21-0 halftime lead. ST. XAVIER CENTERVILLE
0 21 14
S-Ming 71 run (Kerr kick). S-Coffaro 7 pass from Sprengard (Kerr kick). S-Hayes 4 run (Kerr kick). S-Kettler 56 pass from Sprengard (Kerr kick). S-Mussman 20 pass from Sprengard (Kerr kick). C-Taylor 15 pass from Lawhorn (Weber. pass from George). S-Wilson 20 pass Sprengard (Kerr kick). RECORDS: St. Xavier 1路0, Centerville 0.1.
HARRISON 13, EAST CENTRAL (Ind.) 12- Harrison's Doug Mangold stopped East Central's attempt at a two-point conversion late in t~e fourth quarter to help Harrison preserve a 13-12 win over Indiana's topranked Class SA team. Harrison's B.J. Holbert controlled the game rushing for 254 yards on 39 carries. Holbert's night included touchdown runs of one yard and 62 yards. HARRISON at EAST CENTRAL
0- 13 6- 12
H-Holbert 1 run (Holbert kick) EC-Gral 23 run (kick failed) H-Holbert 62 run (kick failed) EC-Meece 12 pass from Ketchem (run failed) RECORDS: Harrison 1-0, East Central1路1.
BEAVERCREEK 21, FAIRFIELD 7 - Senior Gabe Thomas, who rushed for 89 yards on 14 carries, scored on runs of 15 and 17 yards to lead Beavercreek. Fairfield avoided the shutout when Travis Blust hit Chris Musselman with a 34-yard touchdown pass to cap a 65-yard drive with 1:34 remaining. BEAVERCREEK at FAIRFIELD
7- 7
8-Team fumble recovery in end zone (kick good) 8-Gabe Thomas 17 run (kick good) 8-Thomas 15 run (kick good) F-Chris Musselman 34 pass from Travis Blust (Todd Apgar kick) RECORDS: Beavercreek 1路0, Fairfield 0.1.
MASON 34, LOVELAND 7 Junior running back Bobby Highfill scored four times to lead the Comets. Highfill rushed for 205 yards on 14 carries, which included runs of 30 and 67 yards. He also scored on a 10-yard pass. Sophomore Craig Adkins rushed for 55 yards and a touchdown for Mason, which roHed up 369 yards of offense compared to 194 for Loveland. LOVELAND at MASON
. 0 13
0 7
7 7
0- 7 7-34
M-Highfill 30 run (Migut kick) M-Highfill 10 pass from Stra~ (kick jailed) M-Highfill 8 run (Migut kick) M-Highfill 67 run (Migut kick) L-Price 1 run (Price kick)
~~~~n~: ~a:,(~~~o~~~nd 0.1. CINCINNATI COUNTRY DAY 35, WAYNESVILLE 13- Junior quarterback Reed Werner was 10 of 18 for 270 yards and three touchdowns passing, plus he kicked all five extra pOints in leading Country Day. The Indians were also led by split end Brandon Guttman, who caught eight passes for 200 yards and three touchdowns, and Brad Jones, who had 160 yards on 10 carries. WAYNESVILLE at CINCINNATI COUNTRY DAY
0 7
0 7
6 21
C-Guttrnan 65 pass from Werner (Werner kick) C-Jones 15 run (Werner kick) C-Guttman 15 pass from Werner (Werner kick) C-Vollmer 32 pass from Werner (Warmer kick) W-Rice 20 run (kick failed) C-Guttrnan 25 pass from Tumolo (Werner kick) W-Brown 10 pass from Foley (kick Phillips) RECORDS: Cincinnati Country Day 1-0, Waynesville 0.1.
LUDLOW (KY.) 17, MADEIRA 7 - Jason Ashcraft and Jason Houp each scored a touchdown while combining to rush for 181 yards for Ludlow. Ashcraft, a junior, rushed for 93 yards, while Houp, a senior, added 88. 0
0 10
L-Ashcraft 11 run (Waite kick) L-Houp 3 run (Wa~e kick) L-FG Waite 24 M-Ohr 12 pass from Mender (Evans kick) RECORDS: Madeira 0.1, Lud'pw 2-0.
7- 7 0-17
Dec. 20, 199e
Football winners (Front, from left) Nick Greiwe, Dan Debrunner, Mike Jurkowlu, Jimmy McCormick, Pat Borchelt, Kyle Novak, Mike Bruening, Robby O'•I>onnel; (Row 2) Pat Cullen, Mark Glttlnger, Tim Faessler, Greg Daly, Matt Whitlatch, Frank Strittmatter, Joe Bartoszek; (Row 3) Tom Doering, Chris Swaine, John McCormick, Chris Postler, Nick Dyer, Tom Perauo, Brian Ramstetter, Mike Hube; (Raw 4) Joe Albert, Dar.lel Baute, Richard Brown, Brian Welling, Lee Sklerklewlcz, Matt Lldciy, Chris Pennekamp; (Row 5) Aaron White, John Oscar, Bryaq Gulyas, Nick Graham, Josh Pike. Marty Gorton, Tony Brotherton, Aaron Patrh:k; (Row 6) coaches Pat White, Bob Perazzo, John Faessler, head coach Pau'l Ramstetter, Dave Luehrrnan, Kevin Graham, Don lakes, Mike Oscar and Bill High (not pict.Jred). The St. Columban/St. Gertrude seventh· and eilghth-grade football tearw ended Its undefeated season with a win OV·3r St. Saviour 28-14 In the C.Y.O. Tournament. The team compled a record of 7..Q-1.in the reguiar season and 3-0 In the playoHs. They were vlctor:'ous over: Little Rower, :146, I.H.M., 32·14, St. Veronica, 20-8, Guardian Angels, 16-6, St. Mary's, 16-0, Holy Trinity/St. Cecilia, 42-6, and All Saints, 20-6. The team tied St. John Deer Park, 8-8. In the playoffs they were victorious over All Saints, 12-0, St. John, 24-6 and St. Saviour, 28-14.
·.-\--. r;, t(
;·' • •
~ ...... ,
J.~·ALL-STARS The years top prep football players did more than pile up statistics. They helped their teams pile up victories. BY !'~ElL SCHMIDT Enquirer contributor Bt>fort' st>cond-gut>ssing The Enquirer's football Player of the Year st>lt>ctions, swallow tht>st' numbers: 2~1. 10-0 and 40-0. Those art' tht> win totals that go with David Murphy, ~ick Wilson and Lee Wilscht>vick, rt>spectively- this year's winners. An anonymous Murphy took Colerain's reins last fall and Wt'nt 25-1 in two yt>ars as quarterback. Wilson rushed for an area rushing record this fall to lt>ad Ross to its first unbt>att'n rt>gular season. And Mariemont's Wilschevick, a four-yt>ar starter playing both ways, capped his caret>r without a rt>gular-season Joss. Lakota's Greg Bailie and Mari,·mont'~ Tom Crosby earm·d coach nf the year h< nors, as Bailie Look Lakota to it~ lirst playoffs and Crosby had the Warriors within incht>s of tht>ir first statt' title. \-lurphy's mettle may get him top billing. Tht' st>nior quartt>rback won the Division I Playt>r oftht> Year award in both his varsity seasons. Tht> last two-time winner was Norwood's Marc Edwards, who won tht> Division 1-11 award in 1991 and tht> Division II-V award in 1992 and is now a star running back at Notre Dame. Murphy had bt>en more brittle than brilliant as the jV quarterback his sophomore year, but turnt>d Cincinnati on its t>ar as a junior, leading Colerain to its first 100 season, city titlt' and playoff bt>rth.'Tht>rt' was mort' prt>ssurt> this yt>ar becaust' of expectations,'' Colerain coach Kerry Coombs said. "David wasn't going to surprise anyone by keeping
(Please see ALLSTARS, Page D5)
Inside The Enquirer presents its 1995 high school football all-star squads. Page 04-5
Enqu.,er pho~ i'iUstrat:lYl Aonn:a J w•. :;
'1111 1• AIIOdllld " ' - Dlvlllan I IIIII Dlvlllan I AIIOIIIo lllgh IChoolloaiiiM 1111111, llleCIId on tile dlllonl alI llllt pillll al ~ IIIII ~: DMSION I FIIST TEAll OFFENSE: Endi---04w1 O'Leary (Cleveland St lglalius) S.lool-5, 230 pounds, senior; Mol long (Toledo Soolt) 6-4, 165, sr.; J - llllnk111llllp (Groft cny) 5-9, 160. sr. ~ 10e1n1eyer (W_.... South) 6-7, 245, sr.; Shaun Mason (Toledo StJohn's) U, 266. sr.; Todd ~ (Kellertng Fairmonl) 6-3. 230, sr.; Jeller1on Kelley (CinCilnati Colerain) U. 306. sr.; Chad Smith (Canton GlenOak) 6-5, 260. sr.; Dan Hama (Brunswid<) 6-5. 255, sr. ~Brian Bonelli (Kettering Fairmont) 6-0. 198. sr.; Darian Miskewycz (Brunswick). 5-tO, t70. sr. Running IIKU-~ Eclllrom (lllrnolcllllur) 6-2, 210. sr.; Dan Norris (Mansfield Madison) s. 3, 185, sr.; R)iiV1 Rustad (Lakewood) 5-tO, t80, sr.; Tony F'osher (Eucfid) H t65, sopll.; David George (Centerville). H 1!15, sr. Klc:Ur-Jeft DeiVerne (Toledo St. John's). 5-tt. t85, sr. FIRST TEAM DEFENSE: L'"-'t-Preston Tims (Youngstown Boardman) 6-0. 250, sr.; Chris Hovan (CM!and St. Ignatius) 6-4. 250. sr.; John Favret (CM!and St Ignatius) 6-4. 245. sr. Calvin Robinson (Dayton Meadowdale) 6-4. 278, sr.; Jar Roden (Cilcinnati Colerail) 6-2, t80. Sf. ~ KIIZIIIIIIOyer (WIIIIfYIIIe South) 6-4, 235, sr.; Jason Manson (Troy) 6-4. 205. sr.; Clvis Delta Vella (Cie'leland St. Ignatius) 6-2, 235. sr.; Brandon Wilier (Fremont Ross) 6-2, 2t5, sr.; Ben James (Massillon Perry) 5-tt. t90, sr.; Sam Arcieri (lakewood) 6-0. t85. sr. a.cu--fd Ziemke (Toledo St. John's). 6-0. t!Kl. sr.; Andre Jackson (Lima Seniof) 5-tt, 200. sr.; Fred Smith (Ci>cilnali Pmceton) 6-0. t80. sr.; Troy Evans '(West Chester Lakota) 6-0, t80, sr. Punter-Oarek Chelminiak (Toledo Central catholic) 6-4. t97. Sf. DlllniM !IIIYn al till ,...~ Edllrom (Riynoldlburg). Brian l!ooieli (Ketter'ng Fairmont) and Darian Miskewycz (BMswick).
........ ....,... al till ,_--Andy~ (W-... Soulll) and Chris Delta Vella (CM!and St. Ignatius). eo.cton a1 the r--nm Hinton (lllrlon Hllldlng), Greg Baiie (West Chesler Lakota) and KeYin Felt (Lakewood) SECOND TEAll OFFENSE: Endi-Lavaile Richardson (Warren Hardilg) 6-2, t70, sr.; Jell Haase (Eastlake North) 6-2. t80. sr.; Jerrnaile Sheffield (Strongsville) 6-5. t90. sr. ~ an Masorik (lakewood) H 255. sr.; IIIII a-t (~) s. 5, 295. sr.; Matt Dennis (Toledo St. John's) 6-2. 250, sr.; Josh Pierre (Troy) 6-2, 245, sr.; Edley Bates (Warren Harding) 6-2. 270. sr.; Scott Wolfe (Clevelancl St Ignatius) &-2. 235. sr.: Conor Ryan (Elyria) 6-3, 272, sr.; Marc Voiers (Lima Seniof) H 265, sr au.tlllllcU--Ma McKone (Toledo St. John's) 6-t, t65, sr.; Kenny Leonard (Strongsville) 6-2, t70. sr. Running blcka-Wepnd (WIIIIrYIIIe North) 5-9. t80. sr.; Tony Terry (W....,... Soulll) 5-8, t80. sr.: Jim Lee (Toledo St. John's) 5tO. t80. sr.: Kevin Trent (Fairborn) 5-8. t60. sr .. Jim Tracy (Youngstown Boardman) 6-t, 205, sr .. Shawn Wright (Shaker Heights) 6-3. 2t5. sr. Klc:Ur-Max Axler (Shaker Heights) 5-tO. t70, Sf. SECOND TEAll DEFENSE: I.Nmiii--Andy Aracri (Kettenng Fairmont) 6-2. 250, sr.: DeJuan Goulde (Euclid) 6-3, 200. sr .. Nathan Hudak (lakewood St. Edward) 6-0. 235. sr.: Zach Thompson (lakewood St. Edward) 5-9, 205, sr.: Mike Montgomery (Findlay) 6-3, 2t5, sr.: Dave Boctunore (Strongsville) 6-4. 226, sr. LiiiiiKIIIn-hl "*- (WIIIIInd) 6-0, 200, sr.: Darnell Cade (Dayton Dunbar) 6-0. 24t. sr.: Rick Noolt (Kettering Fairmort) 6-2. 225. sr.: Blach Pmtup (Hamilton) H 2t0, sr: Steve Rovnak (Y~ lloardrnM) 6-3, 240, sr.: Frank Mcleod (Canton McKinley) 5-tt, 205. sr.: Timothy Overton (Cievetand Glenville) &-2. 2t5. sr.111cQ-nm (W-· viii Soulll) 6-4. 1!15. sr.: Adam Hill (Cleveland St. Ignatius) 6-3. t85. sr.: Tobe Gentry (Springlield South) 5-tO, t65, sr. PunllrChed Cacctllo (\Jpp« Artlnglon) 6-0. t80. Sf. AREA SPECIAL 'IIENTION: Ty Buxton (Thomas Worthington): Seen Griltin (Hilliard); Joe l.ll1dslrom (Westerville Nort~.): Shawn Wheeler (Grove City): Lamar HarTis (Marion ~); Chris Merrick (Worthington Kilbourne): James Dsvis (Manon Harding): Mark Hunter (Mount Vernon): Josh Martin (West): Mel Spicer
(Newarl<); Jason Shields (Upper Ar1ing100); James Skaggs (Marion Hlvdilg): Ronnie Hedges (I.Nocaster): Mike Kern (Upper Arlington): Dave Svatora (Newarl<): Cedric Hall (Zanesville): Shane Hollils (Zanesville); Royce Workman (Zanesville): Brad Gearllart (Zanesvile); Eric Zbinovec (Zanesvilla).
DIVISION I FIRST TEAll OFFENSE: Endi-Darik Warnke (Cuyahoga Falls Walsh Jesuit). 6·2, t90. sr,; Jeremy Dusho (Amherst Steele) 6-t, t80, sr: Brian Knapl<e (Celina) 6-t, t87, sr.: llllvln ......, (Chillicothe) 5-8. t40. sr. ~ 111111 (WIInut Ridge) U. 280. sr.: Josh Miller (Calina) 6-3, 250, sr.; Randy Garver (North Canton Hoover) 6-5. 285, sr.: Karel Smrth (Akron Buchtel) 6-3. 240. sr.; Rob Corvoy (Charclon) 6-0. 255, sr.: Josh Sooy (Amherst Steele) H 275. sr.; Kurt Murphy (IIISIM) 6-4. 280, sr. ~ike Batti (Celina) 6-2. 2t0. sr.; Scot1 Neill (Chardon) 6-2. 2t0, sr: Ricky Sctmetder (Amherst Steele) 6-3, 205, sr Runnklg blcb--lllcll Clc*lga (DWIIn Scioto) 6-0. 2a!, sr.; Greg Minor ~ndian Creek) 6-2. 226. sr.; Devon Lyburtus (Bellefonta110) 5-9, t65. sr.; Kahieem Maxwell (Athens) 5-9, t75. sr.; Bud Rottinghaus (Walsh Jesu~) 6-t. 220. sr. Klctcer-Brllldon Rluh (DWIIn Scioto) 5-9. t75, jr. FIRST nAM DEFENSE: Llnllllen-David Brown (Indian Cleek) 6-5, 235, sr.: Jim Enochs (Miami Trace) 5-tO, t90, sr.: Matt Oorni1 (Pailesville Riverm!) 6-2, 205, sr. Joe O'Shqh-Y (WIIIer-) 6-3, 260. sr.: Brad Krupinski (Willoughby South) 6-2. 220. sr. ~ Rider (DISIIM) 6-0. t95. sr .. Brian Herking (Cincinnato Turpin) 6-0. 225. sr.: Brian Bozeman (Akron Buclrtel) 6-2, 1!15, sr.: lhd King (DWiin Scioto) 5-tt. 2t5, sr.: Scott Platz (Chardon) &-2. 1!15. sr. lllcbAaron Bonnell (Tiffin Columbian) 5-tO. t65, sr.: Mike Young (llllllln) 5-tO. t75, jr.; Rolllncl SIHII (DWIIIn Scioto) 5-tO. t!Kl. sr.; Richard Newsome (Fostoria) 6-0. t75. jr.: Emeka Niffa (Day· ton Stebbins) 5-tt, t55. ;..: David Walker (Akron Buclrtel) 6-0. t75. sr .. Kyle Burgan (Chardon) 5-t1. 115. sr. Punter-Andy McKelvy (Parma Heights Holy Name) 5-tt, t75. sr. OlltniiVI pl.,.- al till ,_--Nict< Clc*lga (DWIIIn Sclato~ llllw*VI pl.,.- a1 till ,_-Brian Bozeman (Akron Bucl>tel). COIChll el the ,_-,~o~~n Hlc:klll (. .~ Sam F~lio (Indian Creek). Jeff Riesen (Amherst Steele) and Greg Pensmeyer (BeflelontainaI. SECOND TEAll OFFENSE: ~ie Creamer (West Carrolhon) 6-0. t65, sr.: Chris Chambers (Bedford) 6-2, t70, jr .. Dave Cornish (Rayland Buckeye) 5-tO. t70. sr. lNmlll-8rock Knosley (New Philadelphoa) 6-2. 255, sr: Kevin Uhl (Cincinnati Roger Bacon) 6-3, 235. sr.; Jeff Krysiak (Parma Heights Holy Name) 6-3, 255. sr. Querterblcu-Wayne Streeter (Warren Howland) 5-tt. t60, sr.: Curllll Poole (lllllln) 6-4,200. sr, Chris Scisciani (Steubenville) 5-8. t65. sr. llunr*lg blcU--Bret Swaney (Celina) 5-9, t84. sr .. Richard IUns (Miamo Trace) 6-3. 240, sr.; John Hall (CieVIIand Collinwood) 5-tt, 200. sr: Scot1 Sigmund (Solon) 5-9, t75. sr. Klctler-Bud Miyahara (Dayton Carroll). 5-tt, t65, Sf SECOND TEAll DEFENSE: Linlrnln-SIIIwn Hlrper (FI'IIIIclin Hllghta) 6-3, 270, sr .• Steve Culpepper (Bowillg Green) 6-2. 200, sr.; Matt Light (Greenville) 6-5. 240, sr; Eric Girdler (Mad• son) S.t. 238. sr.; Bryan Robinson (Mayfield) 5-tt. t90, sr LN~ick Sacha (Parma Heights Holy Name) 5-tO, t75, sr.: John l..esl!ovan (Pailesville Riverside) 5-9. t55. sr.: Mike Radman (Amherst Steele) 5-tt. t70. sr.; Doug Dardzinski (Garfield Heights Trinily) 6-t, t65. sr. a.ct<e-Jaymar Hines (Cincinnali Waloot Hills) 5-9, t!Kl. sr.: Nate Chesler (North Canton Hoover) 6-4. t90. sr.: Josh Hendershot (Salem) &-3, 195, sr.: George V<'lite (North Royalton) &-2. t65, sr Punter~ Riel (WII· - 1 5-tO. t65, jr. AREA SPECIAL MENTION: Mark McAbee (Briggs): Jim Cha· fils (Marion-Franklin): Shane Farris (Frankin Heights); Mike Fick· el (OeSales): Brett Hunton (Wetterson); Knehemial> Bell (Brookhaven); Gary Berry (OeSales): Bob Stewart (Wall<ins Memorial); Jamie Millisor (Dalaware): Steve Orsak (Dublin Scioto): Brian Glenn (Marion-Franklin): Steve Powers (Marysvile); Jason Woggins (DaSales): Dorado Vasser (Northland): C.J. Benks (Chillicothe): Art Adams (Chilicothe); Nick Schmidt (Chillicothe).
·sT. IGNATIUS from 1E the San Francisco 49ers. To get it rolling like a juggernaut is. more accurate." While Moeller pounded people into submission, Ignatius relies more on precise execution and finesse. The Wildcats pass more than Moeller did, for example. . "I don't think we could win one championship without the passing game," said Kyle, who has a 136-20-1 record in 13 seasons. ''When we won our first four titles, we were behind at halftime each time. Our kids believe that with the passing game, ·they can always come back." . Domination of this kind, though, is achieved by more than tossing tight spirals. Quite simply, Ignatius has the best talent in northeast Ohio, ·and possibly the state. The private Catholic all-boys school, which calls itself a college-preparatory institution, attracts the area's best players from all over to its campuslike setting on Cleveland's dilapidated nearwest side. Panteck, for example, is from Hinckley, about 25 miles south of the school (and, ironically, about 5 miles fr.om Brunswick), and top linebacker ··Chris DellaVella lives in North ·Olmsted, some 15 miles to the southwest. Neither was recruited by Ignatius coaches. Both, however, were iecruited by the school's tradition. ; " "I was a quarterback in CYO and wanted to be a part of the Ignatius winning tradition," Panteck said. "It's been everything I thought it would be, and a little more."
. I Kyle bristles whenever it's suggested the Wildcats sacrifice scho-
lastics for success on the field, that the 85 varsity and 90 freshmen players are more brawny than brainy. "Naturally, the reaction is, 'They're winning, . so they must be bringing in anybody to play football,' " Kyle said.' "But. you have to take an SAT-type intelligence test to get in and you· better show A's and B's - maybe a few C's - once you're here." "It's not like you can walk right in the door, and if a kid doesn't want to come here, he shouldn't. I'm not going to talk him into it. If he thinks he can play two . or three hours of football, tllen go home and play Nintendo, well, there's noway." As for ,scholarships, they don't exist, at least not for football, Kyle said. . "I would compare our financial aid package, that of a small Division III college/' he said, explaining that 41 percent of the student body receives some fmancial assistance. "We have a huge alumni base and endowment fund. That's fair." As convincing a spokesman for the school's academics as Kyle is, he is even more of a Salesman on the sideline. "Ninety percent of the programs out there don't believe theY: can be state champions, that 'It's meant for someone else,'" he said. ''You've got to believe it's obtainable or else you'll never obtain it." That's not to say Kyle set out his first year .expecting to win it all.
"When I took over, the major goal was to try to take the team to the level of becoming a major power in the Cleveland area," he said. "It wasn't to win state. That would take care of itself." And it has. "We expect to win, but we don't take anything for granted," tight end Dan O'Leary .said. "The only thing we can do is win 14 games and the national rankings will take care of themselves." Added offensive lineman Chris Hovan, ''You don't play for a national championship, but you do play for a state title." Or in St. Ignatius' case, a bunch of them.
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Blast from the past 7 â&#x20AC;˘4/''1/?S,r;;.'c¡~
TED BACIGALUPO, Moeller High School I
15 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK Dec. 7, 1980- Ted Bacigalupo, defensive coordi-
nator, was named head football coach at Moeller High School, succeeding Gerry Faust, the only football coach the school had known. Bacigalupo, 35 at the time, coached for one year, posted a 12-1 record, losing only to Canton McKinley in the state championship game. He had been a member of Faust's staff for 14 years before getting the top spot. He retired after the 1981 season to pursue business interests and turned the job over to present coach Steve Klonne. TODAY:
Bacigalupo runs a successful recreation service business and lives in Reading. "I still go to the games and follow the team," he said.
Ted Bacigalupo
Led 12-1 Moeller in '81
The c·;ncinnati Post,
Thursday, August 31, 1995
!l \,
HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL I The Post's 1995 preview
II r t r fi.r t: I 51 IIIII
South Division rivals St. Xavier, Elder and La Salle, all of which are picked ahead of Moeller in the league coaches' poll. . IIIII Kettering Alter; which is By Richard Skinner picked to win the Greater Catho· Post staff reporter lie League North Division. II Cleveland St. Ignatius, Moeller has never had a loswhich has won five of the last six ing season in its storied high Ohio Division I championships .. school football history. But thanks to perhaps the most diffi· · 1111 Princeton, cult schedule in the state and on· which is expecly two starters back from a 6-4 ted to be among team, it faces that possibility the top teams in this season. ·the area this sea· son after finish"Sooner or later (a losing sea· ing 6-4last son~ is going to happen with the season. teams we're playing,'' said Moel· ler head coach Steve Klonne, Part of the who has a 127-27 record in 13 reason Moeller's • seasons. "If we had anybody schedule is so else's schedule, then it wouldn't Klonne difficult is that be a worry, but that is a worry. it has had a hard time finding We just hope we can rise to the area schools to play because of occasion." its successful past. Moeller's schedule last season "We're just trying to fill a was difficult when it played state schedul~," Klonne said. "The champions from three states problem is - in the city and oth.Bloomington (Ind.) South, Cover places if you have a reputa- . ington (Ky.) Catholic and Cleve· tion, they don't want to play you, land St. Ignatius - but this and teams that will talk to us year's schedule appears even have the good reputations or bet· tougher. ter reputations." The Crusaders have replaced With the strength of schedule,. Ft. Thomas (Ky.) Highlands- a Klonne said, the Crusaders team they beat, 54-15- with Up- could finish 6-4 and still be in per St. Clair (Pa.), which returns the hunt for a playoff berth un19 starters from a 10·3 team that der the complex Harbin comput- , lost in the Pennsylvania state er rating system, which awards playoff semifinals to eventual points for victories and defeated ·· champion McKeesport. Blooopponents' victories. .mington South, which beat "We were 6·4last year, .and we· Moeller by a point, was replaced were sixth in the computer ratby perennial Ohio power Massil· ings," said Klonne. lon.Washington in the second game of the season. The top four teams make 'the Those games are followt)d by: playoffs. Ill Covington Catholic, which "We've never l;lacked away repeated as Kentucky Class .trA.A from anybody, and we will con- ; state champion. tinue not to do that,'' he said. ·· II Erie (Pa.) Cathedral Prep. "We definitely enjoy the chal· 1111 Greater Catholic League lenge of playing the best."
Sub-.500 season. appears possible
BRUCE CRIPPEN/The Cincinnati Post
Tony Stites, left, and Fred Smith provide Princeton with a pair of speedy wide receivers. It will be up to quarterback Sean Brown to get them the ball.
11 Greater Miami Conference .
Sept. 1
Sept. 8
Sept. 15
Sept. 22
Sept. 29
Oct 6
Oct. 13
Uma Senior•
at Hamilton•
at Lakota'
at Western Hills
s. Dayton Belman at Welcome Sted.
at Milford' Middletown'
at Lima Senior*
at Sycamore·•
at Huber Heights Wayne
Mt. Healthy
at Princeton•
at Hamilton*
at Middletown•
Dayton Dunbar
at Fairfield'
at Princeton"
at Milford'
St. Fran. DeSales
Oct. 20
Oct 27
Nov. 3
Princeton• Milford•
at Sycamore* at Princeton*
at Winton Woods · Mt. Healthy
at Lima Senior•
at Middletown·
at Findlay
at Elder
at Hamilton*
at Milford'
at Fairfield'
at Princeton'
Lima Senior•
. Lancaster
at Talawanda
at Sycamore•
Lima Senior•
at Hamilton•
at Lakota*
at Glen Este
at La Salle
Huber Heights Wayne
at Sycamore"
Lima Senior•
at Milford"
at Fairfield"
at La Salle
at Lima Senior'
et Middletown•
iJl Purcell Marian
at Lakota• ·
Games are 7:30p.m. Friday unless noted. Games in bold are Saturday instead of Friday. • ~-Greater Mlaml Conference game.
a look at the Greater Miami Conference (teams are listed in order of The Post's preseason coaches poll):
11. Princeton
3. Lakota
Ill COACH: Pat Mancuso (39th season, 311-92-14). 1111994 RECORD: 6-4 overall, 5-2 GMC Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 4 offense, 4 defense. 1111 CLASSIFICATION: Division I. Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1993, lost in regional final. Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: WR/DB Tony Stites, WR/DB Fred Smith, QB Sean Brown.
111 COACH:· Greg Bailie (3rd season, . . 12-8). 1111994 RECORD: 6-4 overall, 5-2 GMC. 11 RETURNING STARTERS: 6 offense, 6 defense. 111 CLASSIFICATION: Division I. Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: Never qualified. . Ill PLAYERS 1:0 WATCH: WR Troy Evans, RB Kevin Wilson, OT Adam Lane, OG Dan Kelley, LB Shane Pearson, DL Scott Sweat, FS Brian Landis. ·
~!'•. !Hamilton
5. Middletown
4. Lima Se111ior
111 COACH: Chip Otten (1st season). R1994 RECORD: 2-8 overall, 1-6 GMC. , II RETURNING STARTERS: .3 offense, 6 defense. ·Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division I. II LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1990, lost in state semifinal. Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: QB Bryan Cuitis, ·RB Keith Brooks, RB Aaron Kinser, TE Jaremille Calhoun, WR Donnie Osborne, LB Carey Amos, OT/DT Jason Chapman, DE Chris Caldwell.
6. Fairfield
Sept. 8
Sept. 15
Sept 22
Sept. 29
Middletown Princeton
Boone Co. (Ky.)
Western Hills Mt. Healthy
at Withrow
at La Selle'
at Oek Hills
St. Xavier"
· at St. Xavier.. at Moeller'!
Upper St. Clair (Pa.)
Erie(Pa.) cathedral Prep (&p.m.)
St. Xavier"'
at Elder*
La Salle'
at Moeller•
at Massillon at Covington (KY-1 Wash. (7:30 p.m.l Catholic (2 p.m.)
at Centerville
&. llllliifcrrd
.P-ra!l:ler;;: (23rd s.eason,. · lll1994 RECORD: 2-8, 1-6 GMC. Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 6 offense, 7 defense. 111 CLASSIFICATION: Division I. 111 LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1986 lost in first round. ' 111 PLAYERS TO WATCH: QB Doug Rutter FB Bob Merlo RB Mike Amb'rose RB Jeremy Gordon, WR Tom Willson: OG Grant Slusher.
Sept. 1
Ill COACH: Jim Allison (2nd season, 1-9). 1111994 RECORD: 1-9 overall, 1-6 GMC. Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 3 offense, 4 defense. Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division I. Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: Never qualified. iii PLAYERS TO WATCH: RB Jay Balser, RB Cornell Pritchett, OL Pat Quay, DB Mark Elder, DL Kenny Kelley, LB Aaron St. Clair, LB Rami Abusway.
~ ~==,;;,;;;;,
""liii'Ct>ACH: -Ed-'"'llmg"nefY{TSth~season;c-· ,1 . . · . . · , · · .•.• ·· IIi COACH: Carty(4it,-~;~sb~; ii~~ 76-65). . 11 COACH: Leonard Rush (21st season, 1111994 RECORD: 8-3, 7-0 GMC. 109-92-4). . 1111994 RECORD: 4-6 overall, 3-4 GMC. Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 5 offense, 6 11111994 RECORD: 6-4 overall, 5-2 GMC, Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 5 offense, 4 defense. . Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 3 offense, 2 defense. fll CLASSIFICATION: Division I. defense. . Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division I. fll LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1994, 111 CLASSIFICATION: Division I. Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1986, lost in first round. 1111 LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1989, Division I state champion. ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: TE Mike Gurr, lost in state semifinals. II P'-!\YERS TO WATCH: OGiJ?T Sha~e OT Bill Roark, OT Nick Poe, LB/RB 111 PLAYERS TO WATCH: FS Andre JackMartmkov;c, OG Scott F1tzharns, Butch Printup, DE Marko Flowers, DE son, MLB David Thompson, QB Jimmy RB/WR/CB Curtis ~night, HB/CB Kris Morris, OG Mark Voiers. Jamie Peters, DT Phillip Bailey. . Musselman, LB Kev;n Hawk;ns.
n Greater Catholic League -
7. Sycamore
Oct 13
Oct. 27
Nov. 3
Open at Colerain
at Oak HillS at Western Hills
Roger Bacon•
at La Salle'
Purcell Marian"'
at Kettering Alter• ~~ Cleveland L Ignatius (2 p.m. at Nippert Stadium Chamlnade· Julienne•
McKinley (7:30)
at Princeton
at Columbus
St. Fran. DeSales
Games are 7:30p.m. Friday unless noted. Games In bold are S8turday Instead of Friday. •- Greater Catholic League South games.
Here's a look at the Greater Cincinnati League- South (teams are listed. in order of,The Post's preseason :coaches poll):
1. S.t. Xavier
3 •. La Salle
Ill COACH: Steve Rasso (27th season, 171-87-6). 1111994 RECORD: 9-2 overall, 4-0 GCL South. Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 8 offense, 4 defense. Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division I. llll LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1994, lost in regional final. Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: QB Joe Spren· gard, HB Dan Hayes, RB Andy Kettler, OL Mark Berninger, TE Paul Mussman, C Brandon Moss, OL Mike Kleinfelder, LB Chris Holtman.
11 COACH: Jim Louder (8th season, 11 COACH: Tom Grippa (9th season, 64-19). . 41-29). II 1994 RECORD: 6-4 overall, Q-4 GCL 111994 RECORD: 7-3 overall, 2-2 GCL South. South. . 11 RETURNING STARTERS: 6 offense, 7 111 RETURNING STARTERS: 3 offense, 4 defense. · defense. · . II' CLASSIFICATION: Division I. Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division I. Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1985, 111 LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1991, lost In first round. lost in first round. II PLAYERS TO WATCH: LB Brent Botts, Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: QB John LamDE Randy Hill, QB Nate Sexton, OL Mike mers, WR Beau Parton, DE Rob DelfenStaubach, RB Ryan Watson, DT Roman dahl, DT Brian Schmutte, DT Jim Brogan, Welter, WR Joe Nelson, RB Wiz White. DB Tom Goettke, DB Tim McDonald.
II Greater Catholic League Sept. 1
4. Moeller
Sept. 8
Sept. 22
SepL 29
Oct. 6
DaYton Belmont
Hamilton Badin•
at Purcell Marian•
vs. McNicholas• at Turpin
at Edgewood
at ChaminadeJulienne'"
vs. Kettering Alter• at Fairmont Stadium
Roger Bacon•
at Roger Bacon'*
Hamilton Badin"
Pufcell Marien* et Centerville Cham.-Julienne• at Turpin
at Clayton, Northmont
vs. Da~on Colonel hite at Welcome Stad.
at Kettering Fairmont
at Walnut Hills
at Dayton Carroll
at Anderson
Western Brown at Turpin
at Glen Este
Dayton Ca[ro!l .
Sept. 15
111 COACH: Steve Klonne (14th season, 127-27). 1111994 RECORD: 6·4 overall, 2-2 GCL South. Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 2 offense, 2 defense. 1111 CLASSIFICATION: Division I. II LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1993, lost in state championship game. II PLAYERS TO WATCH: WR Brian Goodhart, WR Ted F;tz, RB Michael Kamphake, RB Tony Hamilton, LB Marshall Hyzdu, DB Nick Hartman, DE Dan · Piening, QB Pat Mclaughlin.
at Purcell Marian• at Roger Bacon• ·
Roger·Bacon• . Purcell. Marian*
Oct. 20 at St. Xavier•
vs. McNicholas•
Oct. 27
Nov. 3
Grayson Co. (Ky.) vs. Kettering Alter• at Trotwood
at Anderson
Dayton Meadowdale
McNicholas'* at Fairmont
Dayton J9fferson
vs. Kettering Alter' at Fairmont
s. Hamilton Badin
Wyoming at Anderson
at Turpin
at Anderson
at Winton Woods
Dayton Dunbar
s. Kettering Alter at Hamllton Badin• at Centerville 1
at Elder•
at Roger Bacon'*
at Mt. Healthy
Glen Este
Walnut Hills
Kettering Alter•
at Ha'mllton Badin* at Cham.-Julienne•
at La Salle'
Purcell Marian•
New lebanon co~ach has resume of winner "I never really had to worry about both sides of the ball at CAPE, because we two-pla· aJQt,'' cB~f!USch.§.(!ig. ~"C chistory··Of"IOSiA~l·· · o,tooned ·"There were a lot of times when the defense would come off the By Richard Skinner field and I'd meet with them and Post staff reporter never even see the offense. Here Dave Brausch says he doesn't we have a lot of gliys going both see much of a difference beways so I can keep my hand in tween being an assistant footbail things the whole game.'' · coach and a head coach except Brausch's defenses have been for one main factor. characterized as attacking and "Your name now goes with aggressive. Senior outside linetheW's and L's," he said. backer Kevin Runyan, a threeBrausch year starter who is playing for takes over as his third head coach in three head coach at years, said he is looking forward Lebanon High to it. School this sea· "It suits us better,'' he said. "I son after spend· know it's a lot more fun, because, ing the last eight you're not sitting there reading seasons as a deand then reacting, you just go to fensive coord.ithe football.'' natorunder Runyan said the players are Steve Sheehan. Dave impressed with Brausch's past The first sevBrausch success and are more willing to en of those seasons were at listen and learn. CAPE (1987-93), where "He showed us the (state Brausch's defenses helped key championship) ring, so we know the Crusaders to the 1992 Divihe knows what it takes to win,'' sion IV state championship and Runyan said. "He promised if we 1991 Division III state champiwon the MML (Mid-Miami onship game. When CAPE League) we'd get one, too." closed last season he went \vith Sheehan to Withrow and helped Brausch's immediate goal turn around a program that had isn't a league championship wop. six games in the previous ·though, rather a winning season. three seasons combined to post Lebanon hasn't had a winning · a 7·3 record in 1994. season since 1989. "He's been working toward "This is~ challenge certainly, this for the past few years and I but I'm really enjoying it,'' think he will be successful anyBrausch said. "There's a whole where he is coaching,'' Sheehan lot more little things to worry said. "He's willing to work and about' as a head coach, but realput the time in. He's got a lot of ly, Steve let you coach and it energy and enthusiasm and he's helped prepare me for this. I was organized. I'm happy for him, also head baseball coach, too, so but I know we'll miss him a lot I know about the responsibilities on our staff." of being a head coach. Only this time instead of 15 or so kids you Brausch says he will still con· have to worry about it, it's three centrate on running the defense times as many.'' at Lebanon, but that for at least this season he will keep his hand And, of course, the wins and in every facet of the game. losses go by his name now, too.
Tearn tries to end
Games are 7:30p.m. Friday unless noted. Games in bold are Saturday instead of Friday. •- Greater Catholic League North game.
Here's a look at the Greater Catholic League - North division (teams are listed in order of The Post's. preseason coaches poll):
New faces at the helm
1. !Hamilton Badin
Lebanon's Dave Brausch is one of 10 new head coaches in the area this season. Here's a look at the new coaches and who they replaced:
lost in the first round. Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: QB Chip Knee, WR/RB. Dim Riazzi, WR/RB Dave GalIll COACH: Terry Malone (38th season, lagher, OT Scott Powell, TE/LB Jay Tant, '301-82·8). . Ill 1994 RECORD: 9-2 overall, 5-0 GCLN. · OT Jim Chambers, RB/LB Mike Rose, Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 5 offense, . DE John Bayer, DE Mike Borchers, LB Joe McCall. 11 defense. Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division Ill. 3. Roger Bacon Iii LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1994, lost in first round. . 1111 COACH: Gus Dooros (6th season, Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: SE/DB Jeff 23-27). Rook, QB Andy Malone, WR Ben Brinck, 111994 RECORD: 3-7 overall, 1-4 CHL. LB Matt Marcum, DT Tony Francini, K 111 RETURNING STARTERS: 7 offense, 6 Ryan Pogozalski. defense. 2. Kettering Alter II CLASSIFICATION: Division II. Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: Never 111 COACH: Chris Roash (6th season, qualified. 29-22). . Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: DB/WR Ben Niesen, OT/LB Kevin Uhl, DB/WR James 1111 1994 RECORD: 4-6 overall, 2-3 GCLN. Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 6 offense, B Ahrens, LB/RB Aaron Fitzgerald, DE/OT Doug Otto, G Matt Sunderman, DE Mark defense. Collins. · 11!1 CLASSIFICATION: Division Ill. Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1992,
·4. Purcell Marian Ill COACH: Herb Woeste (14th season, 75-57,1). 111994 RECORD: 4·6 overall, 1-4 CHL. II RETURNING STARTERS: 3 offense, 6 defense. II CLASSIFICATION: Division Ill. 111 f-AST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1986, state champion. 111 PLAYERS TO WATCH: RB Rob Brown, OT Jeff Lackmeyer, · C Nick Schuckman, QB Tony Allen, .DB Derrick Hayes, DT Steve Maddox, LB Matt Singer, LB Jon Topmiller, LB Jay Series.
5. Chaminade-Julienne 11 COACH: Jim Place (2.1 st season, 123-84). Ill 1994 RECORD: 8-2, overall, 4-1 GCLN. Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 4 offense, 6 defen~e.
II CLASSIFICATION: Division II. Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1992, lost in second round. Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: OT Jermaine Wilkinson, OT Matt Brakman, RB, JaMar Tqomer, RB Jason Baldwin, LB Ryan Sullivan, LB Israel Tilk, DB Jason Lambright, DL Vinnie Williams, DL Keenan Hutchins, DL Damien Hardy.
6. McNicholas 111 COACH: John Rodenberg (2nd season, 4-6). 111994 RECORD: 4-6 overall, 2-3 GCLN. Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 3 offense, 5 defense. Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division IV. Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1984, state runner-up. Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: RB Nick Fucito, WR Jason Barbee, QB Tom Burnett, OL Kyle Otting, LB John Munato, LB Neal Cropper, FS Chris Toole.
Blanchester Glen Este Lebanon Madeira Middletown Mt. Healthy Norwood S~ringboro
Wilmington Williamsburg
John1 Morgan Tim Odom Dave Brausch Hank Ohnmeis Chi~ Otten Jon Sheehan Steve Schnee Mark Kalugyer Kevin Gault Bob Guy
Ron Ogden Jeff Liebert Clarence Perry Rick Tanner Joe Tresey Bill Fridman Jim Barre Dave Stuckey Roger llg Ken psborne
The Cincinnati Post,
Thursday, August 31, 1995
HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL I The Post's 1995 preview 111 Queen City Conference -
American .
Oct 6
Sept 8
Sept 15
Sept 22
·sept 29
at Western Brown
at Northwest
Walnut Hills
at Turpin•
Norwood Oak Hills
at Glen Este'
at Turpiil"
at Roger Bacon
at Aiken
at Woodward"
at Taft'
Dayton Patterson
at TrotwoOd Mad.
vs. Hughes
at WoodWard*
at Amelia"
at Anderson*
Glen Este'
at Walnut Hills
at Goshen
at Northwest
at Taft'
at Glen Este"'
at Walnut Hills
at Aiken
at-Dayton Belmont
.at Anderson"'
Glen Este*
at Turpin*
at Glen
Oct. 20
at Woodward• .
· Turpin"
Loveland at St. Xavier
at Amelia"
at Withrow McNicholas .
Withrow 4:30p.m.
Games are 7:30p.m. Friday unless noted. •- Queen City Conference American game.
Here's a look at the Queen' City Conference- American division (teams are listed .in order of The Post's preseason coaches poll):
11. Anderson
111 COACH: Vince Suriano (12th season, 78-35). . . . 1111994 RECORD: 9-2 overall, 5-0 QCCA. Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 5 offense, 6 defense. Iii CLASSIFICATION: Division II. Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1994, Lost in first round. Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: WR Brian Kapprel, MLB Matt Ober, RB P.J. Schiano, RB Ryan Josefovsky, DL Luke Kosman, DL Adam Terp, DB Andy Barras, DB Jeff Mackay, LB Alex' Miller:
2. Twurpin . 111 COACH: Bob Berta (19th season, 87-90-2). 11111994 RECORD: 8-2 overall, 3-2 QCCA. Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 4 offense, 6 defense.
11 Queen
qualified. Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: MLB Brian Harking, DT Brian Bolger, SS Jim·Rogers, QB Brad Schestlna, TE Marc Brown, TE Bryan Page.
3. Amelia Ill COACH: Mike Hall (4th season, 12-18).
11111994 RECORD: 6-4 overall, 3-2 QCCA. 11!1 RETURNING STARTERS: 4 offense, 4 defense. Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division I. 1111 LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: Never qualified. Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: RB Jason Vance, RB Doug Anderson, OT Don Bea. gle, OG Steve Smith, LB Mike Dougherty, DB Todd Riedel, LB Don Evans, LB Thomas Higgins.
4. Woodward 111 COACH: Ed Jackson (4th
!II LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: Never qualified. !ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: OG Chris Humphreys, TB Doug Downs, RB Chris Redmond, OT Tony Kirchner, TE Jason Kreimer, LB Cihan Taktak, LB Steve West, DB T.A. Staderman.
16-23). 111994 RECORD: 1-9 overall, 0-5 QCCA. II RETURNING STARTERS: 9 offense, 9 defense. II CLASSIFICATION: Division II. II LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: Never qualified. Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: FUSS Tyson Carter, ILB/OG Chris Clark, SE/DB Reggie Mack, TE/OLB Larry Jackson, C/OLB Richard Sims, G/DT Jefferson Whitehead, DT/OT Mike Johnson, S/SE Rodrigo Williams. · ·
&.Taft Ill COACH: Troy Green (2nd season, 6-4). Ill 1994 RECORD: 6-4 overall, 3-2 QCCA. Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 4 offense, 4
defense. IIi CLASSIFICATION: Division II.
LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: Never qualified.
5. Glen Este
Allen, FB/MLB lan Bailey; QB/DB Deon Franklin, OUDE ·Dam ion Washington, WR/DB Hassan Wooten, RB/DB. Ceran Liscomb:
11 COACH: Tim Odom (1st season). 111994 RECORD: 2-8 overall, 1-4 QCCA. Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 6 offense, 4 defense.
City Conferenc,e I
Sept. 8
Sept. 15
Sept. 22
at Mariemont
at Taft
Glen Este
Sept 29 ~t
.Oct. 6
Oct. 20
Oct. 27
Oak Hills'
at Withrow'"
Western Hills·
Nov. 3 . vs. Hughes at Withrow at Lakota
at Fairfield
· at Centerville
at St. Xavier
at Oak Hills'"
at Western Hills•
La Salle
at Kings
at Harrison
at Anderson
La Salle
at Western Hills'"
at Miami Trace
at Indianapolis
at Elder
at Winton Woods
Oak Hills'
at WltJ:trow•
Co!. Eastmoor
at Aiken•
La Salle
Huber Heights Wayne
at Dayton Colonel White 8 p.m•
Western Hills"
at Colerain"
at Oak Hills'
at Woodward
Warren Central at St. Xavier
MELVIN GRIER/The Cincinnati Post
Games are 7:30p.m. Friday unless noted. Games In ~old are Saturday instead of Friday. •- Queen City Conference Metro game.
Middle linebacker Matt Ober is back to help Anderson defend its Post Divisions II-III poll championship. He made 51 solo tackles last year.
Divisions U-111 top 10 teams
Here's a look at the Queen City Conference-:-'- Metro division (teams are listed in order of The Post's preseason coaches poll):
"1. Colerain wCOACH:
Kerry Coombs (5th season,
29-14). 1111994 RECORD: 12-1 overall, 5-0 MCC. II RETURNING STARTERS: a offense, 6 defense. Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division I. llil LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1994, lost in state semifinal. 1\11 PLAYERS TO WATCH: OG Jefferson Kelley, QB David Murphy, RB Ronnie Alexander, OL Jason Carson, LB Mike . Freeman, LB Jason Pennington, DE Brian Burr, DB Nick Kostoff.
2. Western Hills 111 COACH:
Ed Youngs ·(6th season,
35-15). . 1111994 RECORD: 5-5 overall, 4-1 MCC. 111 RETURNING STARTERS: 8 offense, 7 defense. Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division I. Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: Never qualified. Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: QB Mark Schorsch, RB/LB Andra Ingram, TE/OLB L:uke Chappell, FB/DE Toney Sager, DB Marcus Johnson.
Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: Never qualified. Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: OG Laron Dickens, TE James Sams, DB John Knox, QB Brandon Rogers, LB Ross Estes, OL Matt Hoog, T Demond Howell, K Ramiro Garcia.
Simms, LG Chris Stoffran, C Joe Nelson, RG Mike Ackman, RT Steve Scherra, 08 Scott Bray, FS Steve Atkinson, ILB Patrick Becknell, OLB Matt Galbreath, DL Mike Stiens.
4. Oak Hills
Ill COACH: Larry Bellew (2nd season,
5. Aiken 4-6). ' 11!11994 RECORD: 4-6 overall, 1~4 MCC. Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 3 offense, 3 defense. · Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division II. Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON:.Never qualified. Ri1 PLAYERS TO WATCH: FB Antonio Thomas, QB/S Antonio Early, OLB Detriek Reed.
111 COACH: George Kontsis (2nd season,
3. Withrow
COACH: Steve Sheehan (2nd season, 7-3}. 111 1994 RECORD: 7-3 overall, 3-2 MCC. Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 4 offense, 6 defense. 111 CLASSIFICATION: Division I.
Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 9 offense, 5
1!111994 RECORD: 0-10 overall, 0-5 MCC.
defense. · II CLASSIFICATION: Division I. Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: Never · qualified. Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: LT Matt
Sept 8
SepL 15
East Central (Ind.) Oak Hills 8 p.m. at Withrow at Day. Jeffe~son
Roger Bacdn
at Woodward at La Salle
at Lakota .
at Glen Este
Sept 22
Sept. 29
at Anderson
Walnut Hills'
vs. Taft
at Mt. Healthy'
'Oct: 13
. Oct.20
Oct 27
Nov. 3
vs. Hughes• · at Woodward; vs. Harrison• at Woodward
Wil'\ton Woods•
at Northwest•
Mt. Healthy'
at Day. Patterson
at Walnut Hills'
at Winton Woods"
vs. Northwest• at Withrow
vs. Aiken
at Winton Woods'
Walnut Hills~
at Harrison•
at Hamilton
Winton Woods*
at Walnut HJIIs•
vs. Hughes·
~t Roger Bacon
at Withrow Columbus ·st. Fran. DeSales , · Turpin
·Oct. 6
MI. Healthy'
Kettering Alter
at Goshen
Purcell Marian \
at Roger Bacon
at Amelia
at Harrison•
at MI. Healthy'
Winton Woods•
Western Hills
at Northwest•
Mt. Healthy'
at Harrison•
at Walnut Hills•
at Welcome Stad. .
Games are 7:30 p.m. Friday unless noted. • - Queen City Conference Nal!onal game
Here's a look at the Queen City Conference -:-- National division (teams are listed in order of The Post's preseason coaches poll):
1. Winton Woods
111 LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1989, lost in first round. Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: RB/LB B.J. H,elbert, TEILB Chad Whitney, RB/DB Brian Slaven, LB Doug Mangold_, LB John Bevis:
111 COACH: Lou Cynkar (5th sea~on, 29-10-1). 1111994 RECORD: 9-1 overall, 5-0 QCCN. Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 6 offense, 5 · 3. l\l()rthwest defense. Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division II. Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: Never 1111 COACH: Tom Farmer (3rd season, qualified. 8-12). 1111 PLAYERS TO WATCH: FB Orville 1111.1994 RECORD: 5-5 overall, 3-1 QCCA. McDonald, LB Darnell Bankston, DE 111 RETURNING STARTERS: 6 offense, 7 Larry Hester, CB Steve McCullar. defense. 111 CLASSIFICATION: Division II. 2. Harrison 111 LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1988, lost in First round. 111 COACH: Dick Necks (3rd season, 111 PLAYERS TO WATCH: QB Shawn Es10-10). tes, FB/N Dave Orr, TB/FS Aredreli Hill, 1111994 RECORD: 4-6 overall, 2'2 QCCN. · DB Marion Styles, DL Adrian Brown, OG/DT Dan Lynn, FB/DE Jerome MagIll RETURNING STARTERS: 5 offense, 9 gard, TB/DB Tony Tubbs, TE/LB Josh defense. · Edmondson, K Andy Schur. Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division I.
4. Walnut Hills
Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division I. 1111 LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: Never· qualified. llll PLAYERS TO WATCH: QB Darius Porter, QB Quay Bailey, WR Alex Bannister, TB T.J. Elliot, C John Roberts, DB Ernest Johnson, DT Jason Voner, DL .Anwar Cooper, DB Paul Cooper.
Ill COACH: Tom Sharp (10th season, 36-44). 1111994 RECORD: 5-5 overall, 1-3 QCCN. II RETURNING STARTERS: 6 offense, defense. II CLASSIFICATION: Division II. II LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: Never 6. Mt. Healthy qualified. II PLAYERS' TO WATCH: RB Glynn . 1111 COACH: Jon Sheehan (first season) Johnson, RB/DB Jaymar Hines, QB Akil 1111 1994 RECORD: 2-8 overall, 2-3 MCC. Mack, FL Denny Keegan. OT/DT Chris 1111 RETURNING STARTERS: 6 offense, 7 Gampfer, OG/DT Dante. Payne, OT/DT defense. John Woods, SE/DB Elbert Goode. 1111 CLASSIFICATION: Division II. 5.Hughes Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: Never qualified. II COACH: AI West (5th season, 8-32). Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: TB Derreck Davison,. SE Darrick Betts, LB Kenyon 1111994 RECORD: 2-8 overall, 0-4 QCCN. 111. RETURNING STARTERS: 4 offense, 6 Commins, OT/DT Pete Ems, OG/DL Kris defense. ' Maffey, TE Derreck Bradshaw.
11 Fort Ancient VaUey.Conference Sept.1 GOSHEN KINGS LITTLE MIAMI MASON
Winton Woods Oak Hills
Lebanon Loveland ··
at Mason•
Uttle Miami• , Norwood'"
at Goshen•
at Kings•
8t Mason•
at Norwood•
at Springboro•
at Norwood"
Little Miami•
at Goshen•
at Wilmington•
at Kings•
at Ross•
·at Springboro•
Little Miami•
at Springboro'
at Uttle Miami•
at Kings•
at Little Miami'
at Kings•
at Waynesville
at Turpin
at Amelia
at turpin
at Loveland
at Indian Hill
at Franklin
at Lebanon
at U«<e Mlamr
at Wilmington•
Sprlnglleld Kenton Ridge
Miami Trace
at Washington Court House
at Ross•
, at Northwest
at Ross• Uttle Mlaini'
Mason' : at Norwood'
Oct. 13
Oct. 20
Kings' at Goshen• ·,
at Wilmington• Springboro•
Oct. 27·
Nov. a
Sept. 29
at Norwood•
Sept 15
Sept. 8
··oct 6
Sept. 22
at We stem Brown _Turpin at Loveland at New Richmond
Mason• . Wilmington•
at Springboro" at Ross•
Games are 7:30p.m. Fridily unless noted: • - Fort Ancient Valley Conference game
Here's a look at the Fort Ancient Valley Conference (teams are listed in order of The Post's preseason coaches poll):
1. Goshen
3. Kings
111 COACH: George Rise (21st season, 145-52-5) 1111994 RECORD: 7-3 overall, 6-1 FAVC. 1111 RETURNING STARTERS: 4 offense, 4 defense. Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division Ill.. 1111 LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1993, lost in regional semifinal Ill! PLAYERS TO WATCH: TE/DE Steve Wenker, OG/DT Brian Bailey, OG/DT Steve King, C Jason Taulbee, QB Nathan Long, LB Jason Jacob.
111 COACH: Randy Gebhardt (3rd season,
2. Ross Ill COACH: Dick Ballard (10th season, 49-41 ). · 1111.1994 RECORD: 4-6 overall, 2-5 FAVC. Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 7 offense, 5 defense. · Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division Ill. Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1993, lost in regional semifinal. Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: QB James Our- .• bin, LB Adam Fisher, OT Mark Hafner, OG Mark Herrmann, WR Eric Hutchin-son, WR/DB ,Jeremy Kaehler.
Dan Wortman, OG/DE Dennis Kettler.
5. Norwood
8-12). 1111994 RECORD: 1-9, 1-7 FAVC. 111 RETURNING STARTERS: 6 offense, 7 defen:Se. Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division Ill. ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: Never qualifiied. 111 PLAYERS TO WATCH: QB Andy Schweder, RB Sam Marwood, WR Eric Hurcl'nanik, C Eric Louallen, LB Jerry Randi. OG Ryan Burnes, DB Dan Mahan, LB ~matt Taulbee, OULB Jerry Rand, OULS Rob Mitchell.
Ill COACH: Steve Schnee (1st season). 111994 RECORD: 2-8 overall, 2-5 FAVC.. Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 7 offense, 8 defense. · 1111 CLASSIFICATION: Division II. Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1991, lost in regional final. Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: TB Tony Flannery, QB Chris Turner, OT Eric Johnson, LB Aaron Hancock, DT Keith West, DE Chad Vordemesche.
4. Mason
II COACH: Tim Martin (71h season, 27-35 record). · 1111994 RECORD: 5-5 overall, 4-3 FAVC. II RETURNING STARTERS: 2 offense, 3 defense. 1111 CLASSIFICATION: Division ill. II LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1992, lost in regional final. · II PLAYERS TO WATCI-l: WR/OLB Mickey Thompson, QB Adam Arnold, QB/DB Mike Craig, RB Danny Nolh, TE Mike Sams, MLB Kevin Miriisena.
111 COACH: Tim ·Lichtenberg (16th season, 86-62-2). 11111994 RECORD: 8-2 overall, 6-1 FAVC. II RETURNING STARTERS: 3 offense, 3 defense. Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division II. . Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: Never qualified. 1111 PLAYERS TO WATCH: OT/DT Mason Stemann, RB/DB Bobby Highfill, OG/LB
7. Wilmington
6. Little Miami
Iii COACH: Kevin Gault (1st season). 1!1 1994 RECORD: 4-6 overall, 3-4 FAVC. 1111 RETURNING STARTERS: Not available. · Ill CLASSIFICATION:·Division II. Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: Never qualified. Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: FB/OLB Nick Brown, QB. Doug Zeigler, HB/DB Andre Carr, OG/ILB Tommy Ford, OLB Jason Knapp.
8. Springboro . 111 COACH: Mark Kalugyer (1st season). 1111994 RECORD: 5-5 overall, 4-3 FAVC. Ell RETURNING STARTERS: 5 offense, 5 defense. Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division Ill. Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1985, lost in first round. · Ill PLAYERS. TO WATCH: RB/LB Jon Miller, RB Chad Worthington, OL Jeff Perchan, QB Matt Pollock, OL Jimmy Wright,· OUDE Ben Johnson, OULB Jeremy Gillis.
llil'l, ANDERSON (9·2): The Redskins return 11 starters from the team that finished atop The Post Divisions 11-111 poll but lost several key players. The biggest loss: Jake Andreadis, who had 2,056 all-purpose yards and scored 25 touchdowns. The top offensive returnee is wide receiver Brian Kapprel (first team P·ost Ali-Metro; 22 catches for 583 yards, nine touchdowns). There's also a recent tradition of great tailbacks at Anderson and juniors Ryan Josefovsky and P.J. Schiano will be counted on to fill the void. The defense should be strong with three of the four defensive linemen returning, led by Dave Crawford (28 solo tackles, 43 assists). Also returning are middle linebacker Matt Ober (51 solo tackles, 103 assists) and defensive backs Andy Barras (three interceptions) aild Jeff Mackay (two interceptions).
llil 2, HILLSBORO (9·2): The Indians have a good shot at qualifying for the Division II playoffs for the second straight season because eight . offensive starters and nine defensive starters return. The defense last year · allowed just 11.4 points and 238.6 yards per game. Junior linebacker T.J. Turner leads the defense. The secondary is led by senior C.J. Captain, a multi-sport start who Intercepted five passes last season. The offense will center around halfback Keith Ford (837 yards, 14 touchdowns) and qu-arterback Jason Barton (89 of 184 for 1,354 yards, nine touchdowns): Captain (25 catches) should be his favorite target. . 111 3. HAMILTOINI BADIN (9~2): The Rams have all starters back from a defensive unit that allowed 14.8 points and 240 yards per game. Top players are senior linebacker Matt Marcum (90 tackles), se_11ior]ln~111l'l.n Tony Francninr·anacsemor defensive:~ back Jeff', Rook- (Division -Ill secona-team llli-state). Head coach Terry Malone, who surpassed 300 wins last season, also has five starters back on offense, including his son, quarterback Andy Malone (57 of 102, 959 yards, eight touchdowns), and receivers Jeff Rook (24 receptions) and senior Ben Brinck, who are both 6 feet 4. 1!14. WINTON WOODS (9·1): Winton Woods just missed, out on the playoffs last season, but llnother run at the playoffs might be difficuit.beciluse just live offensive stilrter~ and four defensive starters return and the players counted on to fill the void 'are very young. The Warriors do have good size (25 players weigh more than 200 pounds) ,and as always have an abundance. of speed. The top players are expected to be fullback Orville McDonald (6-3, 265); senior defensive end Larry Hester (6-4, 230); senior tailback Steve McCullar (5-9, 160); senior guard Brian Leahr (6-0, 235) and senior defensive end Shea McClellen (6-1, 230).
1111 5. LEMON-MONROE ( 11·'1 ): The Hornets will rely primarily on their defense. Five starters are back from a unit that allowed just 51 points and 137.1 yards per game in the regular season. Defensive back Tyler Williams (nine Interceptions, first-team Division Ill ali-state) Is the top returnee. Also back are ends Justin Bowman and John Pearson and linebacker Jason CrCluch. Expected to carry the load on offense will be tailback Aaron Helvey (750 yards rushing, 350 y<'.rds receiving) and Williams, who started the last seven regular-season gam~s at quarterback, passing for 500yards and rushing for 300 yards. Senior running back Mike Maynard is returning from a knee injury. The biggest question mark is the Inexperienced offensive line. . 11116. FRANKLIN (8~2): The defense will.be the key with nine starters returning, led by inside linebackers Nick Monk and Daniel Watkins. Monk is listed among the top prep linebackers in the Midwest by Superprep and Bluechip Illustrated recruiting magazines. Last season the defense allowed 15.2 points per game. · Mpnk is also a top running back with 3,831 yards rushing and 66 touchdowns In his career. But only three other offensive starters return, including lineman Brian Sammons. Watkins also plays on the offensive line, and tight end Johnny Williams is another returnee. 1111 7. TURPIN (8·2): The Spartans made a tremendous turnaround last season from 1993 when they finished 4-6. Thanks to a stingy defense they just missed the playoffs. Five starters return from that defense, which allowed 11.3 points and 192.5 yards per game last season. Leading those players coming back is senior linebacker Brian Harking (114 tackles, BO solo). Senior defensive back Jim Rogers (63 tackles, two interceptions) and senior defensive tackle Brian Bolger (76 tackles, 11 for losses) also return. The offense lost two 1 ,000-yard rushers in Jim Davidson and Derek Gribier, so much of the load will fall on senior quarterback Brad Shestina (650 yards passing, 400 rushing). He'll look to tight ends Marc Brown and Bryari Page, who are both 6 feet 4, and wide receiver Scott Dangelo. The offensive line lost four starters. · 11118. ROGER BACON (3· 7): Three losses in the last minute kept the Spartans from posting a better ~ecord last year, and 13 _starters return seven on offense and six on defense. The defense allowed -a respectable 18.2 points per game in the tough Greater Catholic League North. Returnees include linebacker Kevin Uhl, ends Doug Otto and Mark Collins and defensive back James Ahrens. Uhl is a three-year starter. · The · offense is anchored by guard Matt Sunderman (6-2, 255). The Spartans must find a way to get the ball into the hands of senior wide receiver · Ben Niesen, who had 24 catches lor 408 yards and three touchdowns last season. 1111 9. PURCELL MARIANI (4·6): The Cavaliers started last season 1"6, but four of those losses were by a combined 24 points and another came in overtime. Purcell Marian, which closed the season with three consecutive victories, returns nine starters, six on defense. Those defense returnees include free safety Derrick Hayes, who was first team all-Greater Catholic League North. Also back on •the line is senior tackle Steve Maddox (5;10, 230), a three-year starter. Three of the four linebackers are back as. well: junior Jon Topmillec- (the team leader in tackles last season) and junior Matt Singer (second in Ul!Ckles, also intercepted three passes) on the inside, and junior Jay Stables Oin the outside. Fullback Rob Bt~t~wn (337 yards) is the top returning rusher. Quarterback Tony Allen started tlhree games las,t season and will be counted on heavily this season. Two stwrters return up front - tackle Jeff Lackmeyer (6-5, 205) and center Nick Sclinuckman (6-2, 215). iil1 0. GOSHIE;~ (7-3): The Warriors rebounded from a 1-3 start to win their final six games; and tie for the Ft. Ancient Valley Conference championship. A solid core of returnees will look to continue that run. Leading the way is senior tight end-defensive end Steve Wenker (6-4, 225), who was ·thrust into action early last season after several injuries. Also bac.k is. honorable mention All-Metro offensive line selection Steve King (5-9, 205), a guard who also plays defensive tackle, The entire starting backfield of Jeff Goehring (993 yards), Shawn File (959 yards) and Scott Jones (806 yards) were lost to graduation. Head coach George Rise is counting on senior·qua;:terback Nathan Long, who als~ plays defensive back, to pick up the load. In addition to King, two other linemen return in senior guard Brian Bail~y (6-1, 220) and senior center Jason Taulbee (6-1, 195). Bailey also plays tackle on defense: Division Ill first-team ali-state lineman David Knott will be missed.
Richard Skinner
: ' · ·
The Cincinnati Post,
HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL I The Post's 1995 preview
By Richard Skinner
of dwindling player turnout and because it was significantly smaller than some of the schools in the league, specifically Loveland, which was Division II at the time; and perennial power . CAPE, which has since closed. "Things are much more even now," Ohnmeis s~l.id. "We're still the. smallest school in the league, but Loveland was four or five times bigger (in ter;ms of enrollment):" Madeira is the only Division VI school in. the league, but none of the other seven schools is bigger than Division IV. Finneytown coach Rob Amodio said there are no negatives to getting back into the conference now. "It gives you the structure of shoot· ing for a league championship, it helps
Post staff reporter Four leagues will be changing for this coming season. The affected leagues are:
CINCINNATI HILLS LEAGUELoses Loveland, but adds former mem: bers Finneytown and Madeira, making it an eight-team league. Finneytown and Madeira have played as independents the last two seasons. ·
1 i
Madeira coach Hank Ohnmeis, who ~returns to coaching the Mustangs after
.a seven-year absence, said the timing is :right for the school's return to the CHL. . "The interest among the kids is up, ; the numbers (of players coming out) is
,' l,lp.'' Madeira went independent because
ira in, L build rivalries.and that, will help with attendance at ~he gate," Amodio said.
23, 1992 after CAPE had won 50 consecutive league games. CAPE was closed after the 1993-94 school year. Baumann said the new league presents new challenges. "We've got some extra work do to to find out the different coaching philosophies in this league and what they do best," he said, "but we're an unknown quantity to them, too."
"Our numbers (of players) are up this from to 45 from 33, and we feel like we we're ready for the league this season."
SOUTHERN BUCKEYE CONFERENCE- Adds former Cincinnati Hills League member Loveland; making it eight-team league.
el nd
Loveland coach Larry Baumann said he:n miss the rivalries his team acquired in the CHL, but he is looking forward to new rivalries in the SBC.
ro County Conference member Mt. Healthy, making it a six-team league. First-year Mt. Healthy coach Jon Sheehan said leaving a league that had five Division I schools (four this season with Aiken dropping to Division II) when it was the only Division II school made sense.
"It's taken us a long time to make some decisions to sw,itch leagues," he said. . Loveland was the first school to beat CAPE in the CHL. That came on Oct.
"We're going to have a chance once on a week-to-week basis to compete with schools our size," Sheehan said. Of the five other schools in the QCCN, only Harrison and Hughes are Division I, and Hughes is barely over the Division I enrollment lfmit, moving up from Division II this season. . . "Mt. Healthy ... just hasn't had the numbers to compete with the bigger Division I schools," Sheehan said. "Athlete-wise Mt. Healthy can match up with a lot Of schools, but it's been a numbers battle."
METRO COUNTY CONFERENCEThe five remaining schools after Mt. . Healthy's defection - Aiken, Colerain, Oak Hills, Western Hills and Withrow - form the new Queen City Conference Metro Division.
• Cincinnati Hills L~ague Sept 1
Sept. B
Sept. 15
Sept. 22
Sept 29
Oct 6
Oct. 13
Oct. 20
Oct. 27
Nov. 3
at Northeastern
at Taylor•
at Madeira•
Indian Hili•
at Wyomin'g•
at N. College Hill
New Miami
at Deer ·park*
at Indian Hill'
at Mariemont*
at Greenfield McClain Taylor"
at Bellevue (Ky.)
' Mariemont*
at Madeira•
at Taylor"
at Wyoming•
at Deer Park"
at Williamsburg
Ludlow (Ky.)
North College Hill
at Reading•
Indian Hill•
at Wyorrting•
Deer Park"'
at Flnneytown•
at Taylor•
Dayton Jefferson
.at Col. Hartley
at Indian Hill'
at Deer Park•
at Taylor•
at Maderia•
Chillicothe ! Huntington
at .Hamilton Badin
at Lockland
Mid'town Fenwick
at Mariemont•
at Finneytown•
at Deer Park"
at Indian Hilf•
Country Day
at New Miami
at Wyoming"
Deer Park"
at Reading•
Indian Hill'
at Finneytown"
Day. Colonel White
at Finneytown•
at Mariemont•
Indian Hill'
at Reading*
at McNicholas
Deer Park"
Delphos St. John's at Hamilton Badin
Games·are 7:30p.m. Frldayunless noted. Games in bold are Saturday instead of Friday. •- Clnclnnsti Hills League game.
Divisions IV-V-VI top 10 teams
Here's a look at the Cincinnati Hills League (teams are listed in order of The Post's preseason coaches poll):
.'f. Mariemont
3. Deer Park
5. Taylor
7. IFinneytown
)1 COACH: Tom Crosby (20th season, .133-63-1). i111994 RECORD: 11-1 overall, 6-0 CHL Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 6 qffense, 8 defense. Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division V. 1!1 LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1994, lost in regional final. Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: QB Jesse Milner, TE Alex Sulfsted, TB Tug Orr, FB/LB Lee Wilshevick, WR Brad Buerger, S Bobby Bodnar, DE Ryan Fink, DE Marc Stratton.
111 COACH: Mike Morgan (7th season, 25-35). 1111994 RECORD: 5-5 overall, 2-4 CHL. Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 8 offense, 5 defense. Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division IV. Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1981, lost in first round.·. Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: QB/WB/CB Greg Huster, TB Scott Schaffer, WB/DB Sean Shaffer, OT Ton1 Grassman, OG Kevin Clark, WB/DB Nil~ Huster.
111 COACH: Bob Goodridge (4th season, 9-20). . ill 1994 RECORD; 3·6.overall, 2-4 CHL. II RETURNING STARTERS: 6 offense, 6 defense. Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division IV. Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: Never qualified. Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: RB/LB Brad Clemens, OT/DT Anthony Isaacs, OG Sean Eldridge, CB Nick Voynovich, CB Matt Montgomery.
4. Indian Hill
6. Reading
111 COACH: Rob Amodio (2nd season, 3-7). 1111994 RECORD: 3-7. Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 9 offense, 7 defense. Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division IV. Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: Never qualified. Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: OG Chris West, OG Joey Kimmey, FB Reuben Gamboa, WR Adam Hartley, WR Matt Warner, QB Brad Weisman, OT Greg Boston, OT Jeremy Bragg, C Adam Coffey.
2. Wyoming 111 COACH: Bernie Barre (22nd season,
111 COACH: Kevin Siple (3rd season, 171-61 ). • 6c14). 1111994RECORD: 10-2overall, 5-1 CHL. Ill 1994 RECORD: 4-6 overall, 1-5 CHL.. Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 5 offense, 3 111 RETURNING STARTERS: 6 offense, 6 defense. defense. Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division IV. II CLASSIFICATION: Division IV. Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1994, Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1984, lost In regional final. lost in first round. Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: RB/DB Titus Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: QB/DB Josh Fulton, RB/DB DeJuan Gossett, QB Cooper, RB/DB Mike Leininger, FB/LB Chris Woodside, QB 'Pat Wilson, WR Corti Cousino, OT/DT Ryan Harris, Ryan Fleming, WR Raashun Cole, LB Justin Bartlett, DT Matt Barber. OG/DE Tyler Martin.
8. Madeira
11 COACH: Ken Minor (17th season,
80-79-1). . 1111994 RECORD: 5-5 overall, 2-4 CHL. Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 6 offense, 7. defense. Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division V. Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1973, lost In first round. Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: RB/LB Dave Wilson, TEILB Jeremiah Caudill, RBIDB Dan Davis, RB/DB Bill Stidham, T/DL Jason Wolf, C/DE Chris Whitt, RB/LB Jason Dick, FUDB Shaun Kirby.
Ill COACH: Hank Ohnmeis (5th season, 11-29), . ' Ill 1994 RECORD: 2-8. II RETURNING STARTERS: 5 offense, 6 defense. · Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division VI. Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: Never qualified. Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: QB Kyle· Mender, WR Steve Carlin,. OG/LB Jesse underwood, WR Andy Maidlow, OT Louis Hellebusch, DB Kyle Westrup, CB Josh Cohen.
11 Miami Valley Conference Sept. 1.....
Bethel~ Tate
_ .. Sept. 8. - .... _ at N'ortheastem
at Williilmsburg
CO\thtry Day•
Ocj~_13, Oct. 20.. l'mark Christian* S. Charleston Southeastern Lockland' jat l'mark Christian at N. College Hill" at Batavia* Country Day• Summit"
ai· New Mlamt•
N: College Hlif• .
East cnnton
at Bethel-Tate
at_ t3atavia•
Eminence (Ky.)
Hilicrest Thurs., 7:30p.m.
at Fort Recovery
at N.. tollege HJII•
Ludlow (Ky.)
Nov. 3 ".
at Summie 7 p.m. New. Mlaml"
at LockiaiiCi•
at New Miami"
at Reading
Williamsburg .
at Northeastern
at Summit*
N. College Hill"
Hillcrest Thursday, 7 p.m.
New Miami*
at Country Day•
t L'mark Christian
at Summit" 7p.m.
at Lockland'
N. College Hill"
at Country Day•
L'mark Christian•
at Madeira
New Richmond
at Taylor
Hen1 Co. (Ky.) p.m.
at Waynesvilie
at M'town Fenwick t'mar~ Christian• at Cedarville
at Lockland*
at Batavia"
Country Day•
at New Miami*
at Country Day•
New Miami• 7p.m.
fat l'mark Christian
East Clinton 7 p.m:
Northeastern ·•
Batavia* 7 p.m.
at N. College Hill"
Games are 7:30p.m. Friday unless noted. •- Miami Valley Conference gama.
Here's a look at the Miami Valley Conference (teams are listed in order of The Post's preseason coaches poll):
1. Country Day
Ill COACH: Tim Dunn (8th season, 64-12). ill 1994 RECORD: 10-1 overall,? -0 MVC. . Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 5 offense, 7
defense. Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division VI. Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1994, lost In first round. Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: RB Brad Jones, E Brandon Gutlman, L Damon Anderson, L Lach Mclean, RB Rodney Marshall, L Ernest Walker, L Burke Byer, RB Jamie Jamieson, QB Scott Tumolo, E Runjan Dhar.
2. Summit Ill COACH: Garrick Robinson (7th season, 45-18). 1111994 RECORD: 7-3,5-1 MVC. Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 7 offense, 7 defense. ' Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division VI. Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1984, lost in first round.
1111994 RECORD: 3-7 overall, 2-4 MVC. Underhill, QB Eric Bruns, LB John O'Brl- · Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 9 offense. 8 en, FB Nick Daniel, DL Chris Jang, DE defense. Patrick Meyer, WRICB Mike Tudor, CB 1111 CLASSIFICATION: Division VI. John Lippert, C Brandon Byers. Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1993, lost in regional semifinaL 3. New .Miami IIIPLAYERS'TO WATCH: QB/DB Justin Morris, OTIDT Bobby French, TEl DE Erik 111 COACH: Ben Hubbard (32nd season, Voegele, RB Mike Ott. 167-107-6).. 111994 RECORD; 7-3 o~rall, 3-3 MVC. 5. North College Hill Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 5 offense, 3 defense. Ill COACH: Bruce Baarendse (1Oth seaII CLASSIFICATION: Division VI. son, 36-54). Ill LAST TIME IN POST·SEASON: Never ' Ill 1994 RECORD: 5-5 overall, 3-3 MVC. qualified. Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 7 offense, 7 defense. II PLAYERS TO WATCH: RBIDB Jason Faulkner, RB/DB B.J. Smith. FB/LB Ja- Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division V. !II LAST TIME.IN POST-SEASON: Never son McNabb, FBIDE Jesse Stubblefield, QB/DB Jason Chaney, TEl DE Marty qualified.. . Bridge, OG/DT Larry Jones. Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: TB/LB Andorian Mundy, WB/S Kory Scudder, . WR 4. !Lockland Chris Henderson, LB Clayton Duncan,. NG Brent Daniels, NG Damien Carpen111 COACH: Dave Wancata (6th season, ter, LB Matt Kerbci, LB Greg Courtland. 36-16).
6. Batavia 11 COACH: Jamie Corrill (3rd season,
8- 12). 1111994 RECORD: 2-8 overall, 1•5 MVC. Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 8 offense, 8 defense. · Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division V. II LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: Never qualified. Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: QB Nathan Bishop, RB Kevin Schubert, FB Tony Pastura, OUNT Carl Morrow. ·
7. !Landmark Christian Ill COACH: Mark Ellis (2nd season, 3-7). 1111994 RECORD: 3-7 overall, 0-6 MVC. Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 8 offense, 8 defense. Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division VI. Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: Never qualified. Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: TINT Randy Brown, RB/LB Jeremy Redmon, C Jeff Crosthwait, LB Jeremy Fryer.
·11 Southern Buckeye Conference
Oct. 27
Nov. 3
loveland" at Northeastern•
'New Richmond" Williamsburg•
Blanchester• at Bethel-Tate•
Sept. 8
Sept. 15
Sept. 22
Sept. 29
at Batavia at East Clinton
at Deer Park Cinton-MasSie
Country Day at Waynesville
at Western Brown• Lov-eland*
Northeastern• Hillsboro*
Paint Valley
at Blanchester*
at Mason
at Blanchester*
Western Brown"
at Hillsboro•
New Richmond'
at Bethel-Tate•
at Amelia
at summit
Mai'ion Rlv. Valley
at Northeastern•
at Wflliamsburg•
'at Loveland"
at Bethel-Tate•
Deer Park
· Lockland
New Richmond•
at Western Brown•
at N. College Hill
Western Brown• at.Hillsboro•
vs. McNichOlas at' Turpin
at· Loveland•
at Blanchester•
at Williamsburg•
at New Richm.ond*
'Bt Clinton-Massle
at Lockland
at Hi\lsboro•
New Richmond"
at Northeastern•
Western Brown•
at Blanchester"'
Indian Hill
at Bloom-Carrel! at Green. McClain
Oct. 6
Oct. 13
at Williamsburg• at Hillsboro• at New Richmond* ~stem Brown·
at New Richmond* at Western a·rown•
; Gamos are ~:30 p.m. Friday unless noted. •- Southam Buckeye Conference game.
Here'~ a look at the Southern Buckeye Conference (teams are listed in ~rder of The Post's prec;eason coaches poll):
,: : 1. Hillsboro
3. New Richmond
• ·: ill COACH: Jim Horne (13th season, ' ! : . 73-49). . ~
. · i111994 RECORD: 9-2 overall, 7-0 SBC.
i · ill RETURNING STARTERS: 8 oftense, 9 · defense.
lost in the first round. . ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: QB/DB Jason
Barton, FB Rusty Swackharnrner, RB Keith Ford, RB Brian Swisshelm, OG Andrew Evans, WRIDB C.J. Captain, WR/LB T.J. Tumer, OG/DT Jake SprLiel, LB Greg Abbott, LB Keith Ford.
2. !Loveland 111 COACH: Larry Bauman (16th season, 91 -61-2). . 1111994 RECORD: 6-4 overall, 3-3CHL. Ill RE"I;URNING STARTERS: 6 offense, 7 defense. · Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division Ill. Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1988, lost in first round. Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: QB Eric Price, TE/LB Matt Ward.
5. Betlhlel· Tate
111 COACH: ·Ron Bird (27th season, 111 COACH: Zak Taylor (5th season, 156-87-5). . 18-22). . . Ill 1994 RECORD: 8-2 overall., 5-1 SBC. Ill 1994 RECORD: 5c4 overall, 3-3 SBC. 111 RETURNING STARTERS: 0 offense, 2 ill RETURNING STARTERS: 7 offense, 4 defense. defense. · . TION·. Divi,.t'on· Ill. 1111 CLASSIFICATION: Division IV. Ill CLASSIFICA ~ Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: Never 111 LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: Never qualified. Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: RB Scott Burqualified. Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: DB George Duton, OG Travis Thompson, OG Dirk ty, LB Wilham Brown. .. Franz, OTILB Jeremy Coffey, OT Josh 4, Western Brown Williams, DB Ryan Poling, DT Eric Abner.
6. 11\!lortheastern Ill COACH: wayne Clark (13th season, 69-50). 1111994 RECORD: 1-9,1-5 SBC. Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 5 offense, 4 defense. CLASSIFICATION: Division II. m LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: Never qualified. . · Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: QB Brian Stratton, TE Jim Mountain, C Mlles Tarvin, OT Chris Hutson, DT Richard Wiliams, DB Eric Hamilton.
111 COACH: John Wasko (22nd season, 127-74-12). 1111994 RECORD: 3-7 overall, 2-4 SBC. Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 10 offense, 9 defense. · Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division Ill. Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: Never qualified. · Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: DB/RB Eric Schmidt, TE Mike Doan, WR Kevin Schmidt, RBIDE Jeremy Fishback .. DB Brad Martin, DB Garth earlier, DB Bruce
111 COACH: Bob Guy (1st season). 111 1994 RECORD: 3-7 overall, 0'6 SBC. Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 9 offense, 6 defense. Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division VI. Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON; 1986, lost in first round. ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: QB Bill Brewer, WR Mike Gregovich, LB Adam Bailey, DE Don Swinford, CB Ryan Bach, LB Nathan Louiso, LB Steve Pope.
8. Blanchester · Ill COACH: John Morgan (f'Jrst year) 11i1 1994 RECORD: 6-4 overall, 4-2 SBC Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 4 offense, 5 defense Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division IV Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: Never qualified. Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: RB Matt Malott, RB Tony Gyarrnati, QB Greg GOins, DL Kris Berry, WR Rusty Burns.
IIIII 1. MARIEMONT (11·1 ): This' should be another outstanding season for the Warriors, who rolled past area teams last season before losing in the Division V regional championship. There are 14 starters backsix on offense and eight on defense - from . last year's team, Which outscored opponents 396-66 in the regular season and posted five shutouts. In addition to having so many returnees, the Warriors also got Country Day · transfer Alex Sulfsted, a 6-foot-6, 250-pound tight end-defensive tackle. The top returnee is senior fullback-linebacker Lee Wilschevick, who was The Post's Divisions IV-V-VI All-Metro defensive player of the year last se!lson when he made 145 tackles, Intercepted five passes and.scored three touchdowns. He also rushed for over 500 yards and scored 21 touchdowns on offense. Also back on offense are quarterback Jessie Milner (69 of 125 fdr 1,188 yards and 11 touchdowns), ruhning bacl< Tug Orr (864 yards rushing, 13 touchdowns, 18 extra point kicl<s), wide receiver Brad Buerger (34 receptions for 600 yards). . Also back on defense are senior ends Marc Stratton and Ryan Fink, and defensive backs Bobby Bodnar and l<areem Swaringer.
111112. COUNTRY DAY (10-1): The Indians lost several key players, most notably Parade magazine aU-American running back Andre Barkley (1, 170 yards, 15 touchdowns). But the Indians have a great tradition and still return 12 starters - five on offense and seven on defense. · Brad Jones (almost 600 yards rushing last season) will get the bulk of the carries in place of Barkley, and quarterback Scott Tumolo returns. Up front, head coach Tim Dunn will count on Damon Anderson, Lach Mclean, Ernest Walker and Burke Byer. Another Division VI playoff appearance is expected. 111113. WYOMING (10·2): The biggest question for the Cowboys will be who can replace quarterback-defensive back Ahmed Plummer, who is now playing at OHio State: Last season Plummer rushed for 708 yards, passed for 1,064, intercepted six -passes and scored 18 touchdowns.· Junior Chris Woodside and senior Pat Wilson are competing for the vacant spot at quarterback, but the bulk of the offensive load will fall on senior running b~ck Titus Fulton. He rushed for almost 600 yards last seaso~ and scored mne touchdowns and will also anchor the secondary. Fulton IS one of only f;ve starters back on offense. ' ~'"""Ttte.cdefense·wasc"hi.t:ev.en,J:!ard.er. bye.g[adua.fiQn~~i~tlconly.,thr§~stiarlfll'cS -~.
back, one of whom is senior defensive tackle Matt Barber (6-0, 190), who was , an all-Cincinnati Hills League pick. last season. The Cowboys may be inexperienced and la,ck depth, but mey have a winning tradition and, as always, great team speed. 111114. SUMMIT (7-3): One of the hottest teams in the area the !ast h~f of· last season, the Silver Knights carry a five-game. w1nnrng streak 1nto th1s season and return seven offensive and seven defensive starter~. In t~o:>~ fwe games, they averaged 42.2 points. Tho three.losses came aga1nst D1V1s1on II power New Richmond and Division VI playoff teams Country Day and Cedarville. The top returnees for second-year coach Garrick _Robinson are· quarterback Eric Bruns (64 of 120 for 1,003 yards, eight touchdowns last season and MVP of the Hanover College Football Camp), linebacker-defensive end John Underhill (5-11, 220), who had 72 tackles last season, and sophomore running back Nick Daniel, who rushed tor 413 yards on 51 carries. The Silver Knights should also be helped by the a?di.tion of Lakota transfers Jay Boyd, a wingback-cornerback, and Eric 0 Bnen, a tailbacksafety. Summit's second-place Miami Valley Conferenc~.)flnish .last season was its best since 1985 and this season the Division VI Stiver Kn;ghts should contend for their first playoff berth sihce 1984. ·
·. 11111.5. DEER PARK (5·5): The Wildcat~ could b~ the surp~ise team In the area thanks to the return of eight offenstve and ltve defensive starters. The key may well .be the line, on both sides of the ball. They ar~ anchored by three-year starter Kevin Clark (6-0, 212), a sen;or guard-defenstve tackle, .and two-year starter Tom Grassman (6-2, 230), a tackle on both Sides of the ball. Greg Huster retu,rns in the secondary and also will play either quarterback or wingback. If he plays the latter, Dale Hollatz Will start at quarterback. Scott Schaffer will start for the second season at tailback. · IIIII 6. McNICHOLAS (4·6): ·As the smallest. school In the Greater catholic League North and against a brut;l.l non-conference schedule,· the Rockets will be hard-pressed to finish better than .500. Last season they made strides under first-year coach John Rodenberg, posting the most single-season wins this decade. Only eight starters return -three on offense arid five on defense. Senior running b!!Ck Nick Fucito took oyer for injured Dean Bo~nar in t.he fifth game of. last season and finished with JUSt over 500 yards rushing. Senror guard Kyle Otting (5-1 o, 230) is the only starting lineman bac~. The Rockets must also find a replacement for 1,000-yard passer Kevtn Seizer. The defense will be headed by senior linebackers John Munafo and Neal Cropper and senior free safety Chris Toole (three interceptions). 111117. INDIAN HILL (4·6J: A solid nucleus of six o~ensive and defensive starters return from .an lmprovlng·team in 1994.. ~en1or offensive lineman Ryan Harris (6-1, 235) is getting some looks from D1v1sion I college:;. Junior fullback-linebacker Corti Couisno has been a two-way starter s1nce hts freshman season. Speedy junior defensive back-.kick returner Mike Leininger intercepted four passes and averaged 43.2 yards on nine kickoff returns last season. Sophomore quarterback Josh Cooper led the Braves to three straight wins last season. Indian Hill's lack of size and depth are concerns for third-year coach Kevin· Siple, but he said he thinks they can make up for \1 with speed and intelligence. 111118. BETHEL-TATE (6-41: The Tigers' success will rely largely on how well senior running back Scott Burton (6-3, 220), wh_o rushed for over 1,000 yards last season, runs behind the veteran offensive line of guards Travis Thompson (5-10, 215) and Dirk franz (5-7, 205) and tackles_Jeremle Coffey (6-2, 21 O) and Josh Williams (6-4, 21 0), all of whom are senrors who started last season. The defense has just four starters back from a unit that allowed 13.8 points per game. The top returnees are senior free safety Ryan Poling (seven interceptions), defensive tackle Eric Abner (6-0, 200) and Coffey, who plays linebacker. · 111119. NEW MIAMI (7·3): The VIkings return eight starters- five on offense and three' on defense. Former Fairfield coach Ben Hubbard, who guided the Indians to the 1986 Division I state championship, starts his fourth season at New Miami with question marks on both lhe offensive ansJ defensive line, but plenty of speed in the offensive and defensive backfields . The top players are ~unning back-defensive .back. Jason McNabb; offensive guard-defensive tackle Larry Jones and defenstve end Jesse Stub~le field. Quarterback is also a question mark with the. graduation of Terry Wh1te. Jason Chaney is expected to start. . · 1111110. WiLLIAMSBURG (3·7}: First-year coach Bob Guy inheri~s qne of the state's best passing combinations- in senior quarterback ~111 Brewer (135 of 263 for city-best 2,046 yards and 19 touchdowns) and semor split end Mike Gregovich '(city-best 71 receptions for 973 yards and 14 touchdowns). Each was second-team All-Metro and honorable mention Division VI all-state. They are two of nine starters returning from an offense that averaged 20.2 points and 321 yards per game playmg against mostly Division II and Division! II teams in the Southern Buckeye Conference. The defense returns six starters from a unit that allowed 25.9 points per game . .The defense is led by senior linebacker Adam Bailey. . ·
Richard Skinner
--------'-----------~ --~-- ··1 iiG ciliCiiiiiUiil
Sept 1 . at Dayton
Sept. 8
Sept. 15
Sept 22
at Chaminade-
Kettering Alter
Julienne at Ross
Hamilton Badin
M'town Madison
- at
College Hill
Sept. 29
Oct 6 Talawanda•
at Lemon-Monroe• I
Oct. 13
Oct. 2D
Oct. 27
M'town Fenwick•
at Miamisburg·
Nov. 3 at Edgewood•
at Fenwick*
at Lemon-Monroe*
at Talawanda•
Dayton Carroll•
at Miamisburg•
at Dayton Carron•
Tala wanda*
at Lebanon•
at Eaton
at Reading
at Milford
Dayton Stebbins
t'M'town Fenwia±!'
at Edgewood*
at Dayton Carron•
at Talawanda*
at Little Miami
at Mason
at Dayton Carro\W
at Edgewood•
at Franklin*
M'town Fenwick•
Dayton Patterson
at Talawanda~-
Dayton Carroll*
at Lebanon•
at Franklin*
at Fenwick"'
at W. Cari-Onton
Kettering Fairmont
vandalia Butler
at Franklin*
M'town Fenwick*
at Talawanda*
at Lebanon*
Dayton Carroll"
at LemOn~Monroe•
Franklin Co. (Ind.) 8p.m.
at Harrison
at Leb'anon•
at Dayton carroll*
at M'town Fenwick
at Purcell Marian
Games are 7:30p.m. Frlday unless noted. Games in bold are Saturday instead off11day.'- Mid-Miami League gamut
Here's a look at the Mid-Miami League (teams are listed in order oi The Post's preseason coaches poll):
1. Lemon-Monroe II COACH: John Singleton {6th season, 33·29). 1!11994RECORD: 11·1 overall, 7·0 MML. llil RETURNING STARTERS: 4 offense, 5 defense. Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division Ill. 1!11 LAST TIME IN POST·SEASON: 1994, lost in regional final. II PLAYERS TO WATCH: QB/DB Tyler Williams, RB Mike Maynard, liB Aaron Helvey, DE Justin Bowman, DE John Pearson, LB Jason Crouch.
2. !Franklin 111 COACH: John Aregood {12th season,
. 88-23). llll1994 RECORD: 8-2 overall, 6-1 MML. 1!11 RETURNING STARTERS: 4 offense, 9 defense. Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division Ill. Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1993, lost in regional final. Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: TB·LB Nick Monk, OL Brian Sammons, TE Johnny Williams, G-LB Daniel Watkins, DB Stan· difer. ·
111 COACH: Jay Fry {3rd season, 1 H)). 1111994 RECORD: 4·6 overall, 3·4 MML. Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 7 offense, 7 defense. 1111 CLASSIFICATION: Division II: Ill LAST TIME IN .POST-SEASON: 1991, lost in regional final. Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: OT Scott Peterka, FB·LB Ryan Tohill, DT-OL Dustin Kuykendoll, DE·TE Randy Reese, DT Hooper Hurst.
4. Miamisburg
5. Edgewood
7. Dayton Carrroil
COACH: Steve Chan'nell {6th season, 17·33). 11111994 RECORD: 6·4 overall, 4-3 MML. Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 6 offense, 5 defense. Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division Ill Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: Never qualified. · . _ Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: RB Kelly Salyer, RB/DB Eddie Meyers, OL Eric Cox, OL Steve Beiser, OL Craig Moore, DB Jostj McKinney, DB, Ryan Gilley, LB Steve Maloney, DB Don Koontz.
111 COACH: Steve Bartlett {1st season). 1111994 RECORD: 3-7 overall, 3-4 MML. Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 5 offense, 4 defense. 111 CLASSIFICATION: Division II. 111 LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: Never qualified. 1111 PLAYERS tO WATCH: LB/FB Andy Braun, FB/LB Scott Harry, WR/DB Justin Rudd.
8. MiddBetown
llll COACH: Bob Schwab {who will miss &.Lebanon first month after suffering stroke; he will COACH: Tim Lewis {7th season, . be replaced on interim basis· by Bill 38-22). 111 COACH: Dave Brausch (1st season) . Schwab and David South). 11111994 RECORD: 2·8 overall, 2-5 MML. 1111994 RECORD: 4·6 overall, 2·5 MML. Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 9 offense, 8 11111994 RECORD: 2·8 overall, 1·6 MML. Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 2 offense, 6 . Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 5 offense, 5 defense. defense Iii CLASSIFICATION: Division II. defense. Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division II. 1111 LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: Never 11 CLASSIFICATION: Division VI. Ill LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1989, qualified. , 1111 LAST TIME IN POST-SEASON: 1991, lost in first round. 111 PLAYERS TO WATCH: OB Greg ZolIll PLAYERS TO· WATCH: OLB Kevin lost in regional final. man, RB Brad Sizemore, OT Jason Runyan, LB Justin Conger, OT/DE Jason Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: WR/S Mike Stern, WR Grant Risner, DB Andy Peaso, Stone, FL Toby Merchant, NT Dan Walk· Long, RB Jason Johnson, QB Chris LB Chris Hubbard, Andy Kelley, Aaron er, CB Jeremy Nelson, RB/LB Mike Rob-· South, OUDL Mat Becker, LB Scott Brown. inson, DE Josh Conner. Kraft, DE Ricky Schwab. 1111
11 Independents and others HILLCREST MIDDLETOWN MAD1SON
Sept 1 Open at Edgewood
Sept. 8
Sept 15
at L'mark Christian at Day. Jefferson Eaton at Bellbrook
Sept 22 Open New lebanon Dixie
Sept 29 Eminence (Ky.) Valley VIew
Oct 6 at Lockland at Brookville
Oct 2D Oct 13 Open Eminence (Ky.) Dayton Oakwood at Preble Shawnee
Nl Hillcrest games are Thursday unless noted. Middletown Madison games are at 7:30 p.m. Fnday.
Oct 27
Nov. 3
at Carlisle
Northridge -
Here's a look at Hillcrest and Middletown Madison:
Simonson's 3 goals lea Prince n girls Hilen scores twice in 6-4 soccer win Post staff report Sophomore Amy Simonson scored three times Wednesday to lead the Princeton High School girls' soccer team past host Mt. Healthy, 6-4. Katie Hil· en added two goals for the unde· feated Vikings. Amanda Klug · and Sarah Schneider had two goals and two assists each for Mt. Healthy. . HALFTIME: Princeton, 2-0. GOALS: ?-Simonson 3, Hllen
2, Huber. MH-Kiug 2, Schneider2. RECORDS; Mt. Healthy 0·1. tl-1.
WINTON WOODS 0, FINNEYTOWN 0 at Winton Woods - Win· ton Woods' freshman-midfielder Sarah Fieler had the best shot to break the tie, but her second-half free kick from 45 yards out de· fleeted off 'the crossbar. · HALFTIME: Winton Woods 0, Anneytown 0. SHUTOUT: Goll (WW) (seven saves), Goldsmith (F) (six saves). RECORDS: Finneytown
Winton Woods 0·0·1.
BADIN 5, EDGEWOOD 0 at Garfield Jr. High - Strong defense made Badin goalie Aimee Hurst make only two saves. Hurst also scored on a penalty kick. HALFTIME: Badin 3·D. GOALS: B-Kuhl 2, Hurst, Andriacco, Hinkle. SHUTOUT; Hurst (2 saves). RECORDS: B!id_in 2-0, Edgewood 1·1. JV: Badin 6·0.
TURPIN 4, OAK. HILLS 2 at Forest Hills Junior Trisha Burch scored once in each half to lead Turpin to an opening win. HALFTIME: Turpin, 2·0. GOALS: T-Burch 2, W)lger, T. Henderson. OH-Rheinshagen, Ant:abus. RECORDS: Turpin I.f), Oak Hills 0·1. RESERVE: Oak Hills, 3-0. SETON 2, NOTRE DAME 0 at Sayler Park - Stephanie Neu· mann scored the game's second goal with three minutes left and junior Christine Eby notched her first shutout. HALFTIME: Salon 1-0. GOALS: Crum, Neumann. SHUT· OUT: Eby (5 saves). RECORDS: Seton 1·0-1 Notre Dame 1-1.
Hillcrest Ill COACH: Eric Bush (2nd season, 1-6).
1111994 RECORD: 1·6. Ill RETU~NING STARTERS: 0 offense, 0 defense. Ill CLASSIFICATION: Division VI.
Ill LAST TIME IN POST·SEASON: Never qualified. . Ill PLAYERS TO WATCH: FB-LS Dane Wiley, RB Tim Mills, WR Chris Prosser, QB Joe Smith.
JV; Salon 4-1.
Middletown Madison
111 COACH: Dick Martin {3rd season, 7-13). 1111994 RECORD: 3·7 overall, 3-6 SWBL. Ill RETURNING STARTERS: 2 offense, 3 defense.
qualified. 1111 PLAYERS TO WATCH: C-LB Darren Murphy, FB-NT Larry Bartlett, TB·S Ryan Lozier, WR Tony Huff, OT·DT Blake Brown.
ROGER BACON 4, AMELIA 0 at Amelia Senior midfielder Lauren Clark scored the first goal of the game in the eighth minute and the Spartans outshot Amelia 27-10. HALFTIME: Roger Bacon, 2-0. GOALS: Clark. Sunderman, DeSalVo, Bruno. SHUTOUT: Weaver {six saves). RECORDS: Roger Bacon 1-0, Amel!a 0-1. ·
·COUNTRY DAY 2, CHCA 2 at Country Day - Sophomore striker Melanie Vierling scored both goals for Country Day, the sec· ond coming with five minutes re· maining to tie the score. HALFTIME: CHCA, 2·1. GOALS: Vierling, CHCA-Johnson, Martin. RECORDS: Country Day O·D·1, CHCA 0-0-1.
ST. URSULA 5, MILFORD 0 at Milford - Junior midfielder Lis· . ette Thiel scored twice to help St. Ursulato the wj.n~Three goal· teriders- cofuoinecCfor sniit=out. HALFTIME: St. Ursula, 3-0. GOALS; SU-Thiel2, Edwards, Mitts, Lyon. SHUTOUT: Heuvl, Rochlin, Devine (6 saves). AE· CORDS: St. Ursulas 1-D, Milford 0·1. RESERVE: St. Ursula 4'0.
·lne ·
Class of '95: Seniors to watch PLAYER Ronnie Alexander fan Bailey Tim Barnes. Bill Brewer Rob Brown Sean Brown Eric Bruns Scott Burton Chad Carlberg Laron Dickens Mark Elder Troy Evans Mike Freeman Nick Fucito Titus Fulton Reuben Gamboa Tom Goettke DeJaun Gossett Ryan Harris Brian Herking · Rand:i Hill Jayt'nar Hines Chris Hum~hreys Greg Huster Andra Ingram Brian Ka~~rel John Lammers Jeff Mackay Matt Marcum Pat McLaughlin Jesse Milner
Colerain Taft St. Xavier Williamsburg Purcell· Marian Princeton Summit Bethel-Tate Moeller Withrow Sycamore Lakota Colerain McNicholas W:ioming FinneY!own Elder Wyoming Indian Hill
5-6 6·1 6-2 6-0 6·0 6-2 6-1 6-3 6·2 5·11 6-0 6-3 6-0 6-0 6-1 6-3 6-1 5-11 6-0 6·0 6·4 5·9 6·4 5-10 6-0 6·3 6-0 6-0
200 175 180 170 210 195 175 220 258 260 170 203 217 190 185 207 215 180 235 225 232 190 260 170 204 185 180 190
LaSalle Walnut Hills Glen Este Deer Park Western Hills
Badin Moeller Mariemont N. College Hill
as QB RB
Shane Pearson Scott Peterka
' .
Brian Schmutte Andy .Schroeder Joe S~rengard Mike Staubach
Hamilton Moeller Hamilton Badin Withrow Elder Kings St. Xavier La Salle Mason
250 255 210 285 270 240 325 215 236 250 187 170 271 285 250 200 235 210 225 232· 190
-i ~
1995 Divisional alignment (If school has changed divisions, 1994 division Is In parentheses); . II DIVISION I(19)- Amelia; Colerain; Elde~ Fairfield; Glen Este; Hamilton; Haff!son; Hughes {Division II): Lakota;
Franklin; Goshen; Hillsboro; Kings: Liltle Miami {Division IV): Loveland; Lemon·Monroe: New Richmond; Northeast·.
Princeton; Sl Xavier; Sycamore; Western Hills; Withrow. II DIVISION II (16) - Aiken (DMslon 1): Anderson;
Madison; McNicholas; Taylor, Wyoming.
La Selle; Middletown; Milford; Moeller: Oak .Hills;
Lebanon: Mason {Division lilt, Mt. Healto/.: Northwest: Norwood; Roger Bacon; Taft; Talawanda; urpln; Walnut · Hills: Western Brown (Division Ill); W)lmington; W)nton Woods: Woodward (Division 1). · II DIVISION Ill (14) - Hemllto' Bodin; Edgewood;
em; Purcell Marian; Ross; Springboro.
11 DIVISION IV (9)- Bethel-Tate; Blancheste~ Deer Park; Anneytown (Division V); Indian Hill; Middletown 11 DIVISION V(4) ~ Balavla; Mariemont; North Collogo Hill; Reeding. B1 DIVISION VI (9) - CountJy Day; Hillcrest; M!Udl,:
town Fenwick; Landmark Christian; Loektand; MaQglra; New Miami; Summll; Willlamsburg.
Cincinnati Hills League
INDIAN HILL 1, TAYLOR 0 .:..Junior Lauren Harris recorded her first shutout of the: season for Indian Hill. HALFTIME: !J.D. GOAL: Cousino. SHUTOUT: Harris (8 saves). RECORDS: Indian Hiii2·D, 1·0 CHL.
WYOMING 5, MARIEMONT 2 at Wyoming - Three quick goals by Wyoming in the first half broke a 1-1 tie. HALFTIME: Wyoming 4·1. GOALS: W-Bec<, Worrnoth, Simmons, Packard, McCasland. M-Nawsinger 2. RECORDS:
Wyoming 1·1, 1·0 CHL; Mason 1·1, 0-1. JV; Wyoming 1·0.
. Cincinnati Hills League
MADEIRA 1, DEER PARK 0 at Deer Pari< .....-, Madeira sophomore midfielder Ted Folger scored off a deflection midway through the second half and junior goalie Eric Carlis made it stand up. HAL1iME; Madaira 0, Deer Park D. GOALS: M-Ted Folger. SHUTOUT; Eric Carlls (three saves). RECORDS; Maderla 1-0, 1-0 CHL: Deer Park 0·2, 0·2. BRUCE CRIP:>EN/The Cincinnati Post Walnut Hills' Glynn Johnson led the area in rushing last season with · 1,731 yards.· He and Jaymar Hines form a potent backfield.
Class of '95:Top seniors PLAYER Brent Botts
HG"i. 6-3
215 Being compared· to former Lancer Bart Conley.· who's now at UC. Luke Chappell Western Hills TE-LB 6-3 215 Has size, speed and athleticism to excel as college linebacker. M~ke Gurr · Hamilton TE 6-7 250 Good blocker and caught 15 passes for 280 yards. Could be OT in college. Chris Hoffman St. Xavier LB 6-3 ·220 Overshadowed by former Bomber LB Mike Marshall, but had 81 tackles. Glynn Johnson Walnut Hills RB 5·9 185 Returning Cincinnati area rushing champ avergaed 10.2 yards per carry. Nick Monk Franklin RB-LB 6-2 218 Most colleges want him as LB, but he has 3,831 yards rushing. . David Murphy Colerain QB 6-3 180 Listed among best in Midwest at QB 'by 8/uechip Illustrated. Lee Wilschevick Mariemont FB-LB 6-2 21 0 Post's Division IV-VI defensive player of the year; scored 21 TDs.
Jefferson From
Page 1C
player. He wanted to quit the game after his freshman season to devote more time to his studies and to his acting. But Cole' rain coach Kerry Coombs advised Kelley to take a couple of days to think it over. "Coach Coombs told me. I ' didn't have to change the type of person I am and I still could be a successful football player,'' Kelley said. "He told me I had a c lot of ability, and chances were good that I could one day earn a . scholarship. That interested me a lot, so I decided to give it an· other try.'~ He went from J:>eing a 335· pound freshman wpo could
39 on front nine at BeckeH Ridge Country Club.
RECORDS; Lakota 2·0, Cenlerville 1-3. CINCINNATI HILLS CHRISTIAN ACADEMY 174, FELICrTY 191: MEDALIST; Jeff Cleeter (CHCA), 4-over-par '39 on front nine Belwood Country Club. RECOROS: Felicity 2-7, CHCA 2-4. FINNmOWN 178, ROSS 179: MEDALISTS' Thad Davis IF), Joson lnderhes (A) and Jimmy Cornett {R), 5-over par on tront nine of the MilL RECORDS: F1nneytown 5~1. Ross 1..3.
NORTHWEST 168, HARRISON 187: MEDALIST; Aaron Strine, 3-over 39 at Circling Hills Golf Course. RECORDS;
Northwest 2-2, Harrison 0-4.
and Zack Sutphin, 4-over par 39 at Belwood Country Club.
RECORDS: Mason 1-2, Little Miami 0-3. GLENESTE 152, NORWOOD 191: MEDALISTS: Josh U~e.
Mark Daniel, Shaun Mcintyre, Robbie Mitchell, 3-over par 36 at
Little Miami. RECORDS; Glen Este 2-4, Norwood D-3. · KINGS 156, MONROE 161: MEDALISTS: Kent Scearce (K),
Boys' soccer (Gnmes at 7 p.m. unless noted)
Country Day at St.. Bernard Walnut Hills at Roger Bacon, 7:30. Northwest at Wyoming Purcell Marian at North College Hill, 5 p.m. 111 New Richmond at Loveland 1111 McNicholas at (31en .Este 111 Mason at Ross 1111 Mariemont at Batavia 111 Finneytown at Mt. Healthy 11 Fairmont at Lebanon 111 Harrison at Talawanda, 7:30 p.m. 111 Georgetown at Bla·nchester 111 Cinti. Hills at Seven Hills 11 Franklin at Carlisle Ill Summit at Amelia Ill! Monroe at Princeton 111 Beavercreek at Lakota 111 Anderson at Milford fill Turpin at Fairfield Ill Hamilton at Edgewood 111 Bluffton at Lima, 4:~0 p.m. , 111 Moeller at Sycamore . 111 iii 111 111
SEVEN HILLS 190, LOCKLAND 215: MEDALIST: Sieve Shaplro,(S) 6-over par 41 at Little Miami. RECORDS: Seven Hills · 3-2, Lockland 0·3. ..·...··. ' . · · •. .. . _ . · ·-c - BAOIN-163-;lOvELANO 169: 'MEDALIST; Andy D1xcin(8J, -. 2-over 38 front nme at Potters Park. RECORDS Badin 1-2, loveland 3-2.
11-!0IAN HILL 159, MARIEMONT 167: MEDALIST: Trey Hilberg (IH), 2·under par 33 at Kenwood Country Club. RECORDS: Indian Hlli4-1, 2·D CHL; Mariemont 1·1, 0-1. MOELLER 15D, La SALLE 177: MEDALIST; Andy Horner (M), evan par 36 front nine Crest Hills Country Club. OTHER SCORES: Danny Dunlap {M), 37, Bart Peters (M) 38, Nicl< Lykins 39. RECORDS; Moeller5·D,2·0; La Salle 1·2,0.2. WINTON WOODS 165, MT. HEALTHY 187: MEDALIST: Ben Tilton (WW), even per 36 on front nine at The Mill. OTHER SCORE; Matt Slarr (MH) 39. RECORDS: W)nton Woods 5-1, H QCC; MI. Heallhy 2·2, IJ..1. LAKOTA 170 MIDDLETOWN 215 -· MEDAUST: Alida Brown (L), 5-over-par 41 on front nine at Vista Verde. 'RE~
CORDS; Lakota 5·f, Middletown 1-3.
cOUNTRY DAY 5, SEVEN HILLS 0- Drelahl del. W)Ufams 6-2 6-1: ccung de!.' Dealy 6-3, 6·2: Off def. Rhodes S.D,-6'2; Mason·:llern def. Ras~n-llyinsky 6-ll, 6-1: Magge·Avertend·del. Lemmon,Traiforos 6-2, 6·2, RECORDS: Country Dey 2-0, Seven. Hills 0·2, .. MASON 3, ROSS 2- Poulos (M) del. Tregesser 6-0, 6-ll:, Brock IR) del. Eggleston 6-1, 7·5: Cole (M)def. Horvath 6-0, 6-2; Carryi-Y~Ion (M) del. Day Papin 6-4, 6'7, 6-1; Mueller-Gillespie (R) def.Dunn·Beaven 6-2, 6-1. RECORDS; Mason 1·2, Ross 2-2. OAI( HILLS 5, SETON D- SicUiano de f. McCarren 6·1, 6-ll:' Slahl dol. Leven berger 6-2, 6-2: Alex def. Comareta 6-1, 7-5: McNell-r:ckart def. Felchtner·Brink 7·5, 4-6, 6-3; Nolan Spillman def. carroii·McDonald 6-4,6-3. RECORDS; Oak Hills 1·1, Seton' 2·5. . LAKOTA 4, MADEIRA 1- Vielhauer (M) def. Dorosz 6-4, 6-2: Balior lief. Dorsey 6-2, 6-2: Otto def. Gentile 6-2, 6-0; Langlord·Rottenberger (L) def. Hallman·Beyersorber 6·2, 6-3. Eck·Uiricl1 (L) won by fortfeit. RECORD: Lakola 6-ll. PRINCETON 5, INDIAN HILLS 0- Morganrolh del. Rtor.' dan 6-1, 6·4; Jackson def. Vadas 6-ll, 6-ll; Baker del. Kakkesser·· il 6·2, 6-3; Bellet·Ka. Kuresmen del. Gorby-Pelmer 6·0 6-0. Ki: Kuresmnn·Thompson def. Darre-Roberts 6-2, 6·2. RECORDS: SYCAMORE 'B' 3, CENTERVILLE 'B' 2- Oppliger (S) det· Yen 6·4, 6·2: Balasubramanlan {S) del. Young 6-0, 6-2; Elmi (0) del. Rascov 7-6, 1·0 ret.: Shuller-Selvey (S) del. Weprln·Geu.. · don 6-3:_4·6, 7·5: Devilbls·Surdyk (C) def. Anderson-Moskovich 6'4, 6-2, RECORDS; Sycamore 3-2. Cenlerville 0-1. ;
INVITATIONAL DIVISION II PUACELL MARIAN 50, TAYLOR 59, WESTERN BROWN' 70. INDIVIDUALS: Justin Beirkenshew (PI 15:32, Cliff Johnston' {B) 15;42, Brent Siebert (T) 16:29, Zack Shelley (B) 16:36, Rob., Morrison (B) 16;55. . ,, DIVISION Ill ' GEORGETOWN 27, MADEIRA 32, COUNTRY DAY 112, ST. BERNARD 114: INDIVIDUALS: Zack Conbln {G) 14:54,- John Newberry (M) 15;0D, Ma.rk Smiley(M) 15;08; Coy1oi1Z (G) 15:10. Casey Marsh (M) 15:15. . ,,
.' .O:I"'~S' C,ROSS COUNl"RY
MADEIRA 33, ST. URSULA 93, MT. NOTRE DAME 11ll COUNTRY DAY 184: INDIVIDUALS: Amanda Blackwelder (M) 17;00, Shannon Rieder (MND) 17:D8: Catherine Salemme {M) 17:32; Kalla Zellers (STU) 18;03, Connie l<>bls (M) 18:29. ,
Brad Schmidt (K), Steven Hesson (M), 1-over par 37 front nine at Kings Wood. RECORD: Kings 3-1.
WYOMING 180, COLERAIN 183: MEDALIST; Mike Walker (W), 5-over par 41 at Wyoming Goll Glut. RECORDS: Wyoming :2-I, .Colerain 0-5.
.,. Clinton-Massie (2-0) del. Greenview \f-1), 15·13, 15-11. ' 11 Turpin (1·1) def. Westem Hills (0-1), 5-7, 16·13 J IIWyomlng (H) del. Winton Woods (Q..1), 12·15, 15-6,15-7 ~
. ~ That extra dimension causei some big headaches for defend-i> ers. The Bengals don't expect linebackers to .be able to cover. Faulk in pass patterns, so they'~;~ make sure their defensive backS!) _ · espeCially the safeties, keep .a' · sharp eye out for Faulk whenh9; : lines' up as a receiver or flares...· out ~f the backfield for a pass. ~· . When Faulk takes a handoff~ · the Bengals will have to make:: . sure they don't let him get' out·i · side, where his speed makes him' : an instant scoring threat. "We just have to come off the': ball (quickly),'' said defensiveitackle Keith Rucker. "He: doesn't have. the same moves of;: Barry (Sanders, the Detroit,. Lions' Pro Bowl back). But wei. have ,-~o corral him like Barry." ' If LP.ey don't, the Bengals·will be le:!'t grabbing for air. And· Faullf could be on his way to anotli.l@r Pro Bo':!~·
bench-press only 135. pounds to a From Page 1C starting guard by the second -77-.-8-y-a-rd..:s:..._a_g_a_m_e _ _b_ar_el_y_t_hr_e_e game of his sophomore season. yards a carry in four exhibition He now bench-presses more than 350 pounds. games. "He's a devastating blocker/' "But we're not going to kid said st. xavier coach Steve Ras· ourselves," said defensive coor· so. "And he's quick, too, a lot dinator Larry Peccatiello. "A lot quicker than you would think. of those people didn't run their best running backs against us. "A lpt of times when you have And the best running backs are a guy that big, you put someone like heavyweight fighters. They over him you think can use their keep hitting you and hitting you speed to get around him. But he and then, all the sudden, they hit can move." you in the head and, bang, you're Rick Haynes, Colerain's offen: on the canvas." sive coordinator and ·Iine coach, Peccatiello is not displeased said Kelley's combination of with his run defense. But against size, quickness and work ethic makes him an outstandingline- Faulk, it will take more than stacking the line. ,man. · Said Coombs: "Whatever he Faulk Is a threat as a receiver, puts his mind to, he's gping to too, and often times last year he succeed at," '•· _.lined up as a wide out. ~-
1oday's schedule
Princeton 4·0, lrldian Hill 1-3.
ELDER 161, PURCELL MARIAN 193: MEDALIST: John Whitmer (E), 2-over-par37 fron~ nine Western Hills Country Club. OTHER SCORES: Brad Bessler (E) 4D. RECORD; Elder 4·2. LAKOTA 156, CENTERVILLE 173: MEDAUST: Doug Bea· ver (l), Bnan Holmes (L), Shaun LaSansa(L) Jeff Ramek (C), ~ver-par
DOUG COCHRAN/for The Cincinnati Post Winton Woods' Kim Reany reverses direction to save a kill from , Wyoming, which won the match in three games, 12~15, 15-6.15-7.
~ .:
The Cincinnati Post,. Thursday, August 31,
..., ""'
Disbelieving Reds say crowds 'a joke' Division runaway may be boring fans By Jeff Horrigan Post staff reporter
It's appearing that the greater the lead the Reds bil.ild in the Central Division, the less interest fans have in coming to see them. In the first three games of the seven-game homestand, only 14,851, 14,521 and 15,793 have showed up at Riverfront Stadium to support the Reds. On top of that, there have been 4,669, 5,132 and an astounding 10,602 (Wednesday) paying ticket hold· ers who were no-shows. The Reds have noticed. "It's a shame people aren't coming," second baseman Bret Boone said. "As good as we're playing, you'd expect more people." Said Cincinnati native Barry Larkin: "If people wimt to see us, they'll come see us ... I guess thf?Y don't want to see us. I'm sure the strike has something to do with it." One player, who didn't want to be identified, wasn't as kind with his assessment of the poor attendance. ·
"Fourteen thousand? What a (expletive) joke!" he said. "Cin· · cinnati's supposed to be a base- . ball city. That's bull! I bet we won't even sell out in the playoffs." Davey Johnson wondered why the best Reds team in 20 years , hasn't attracted more attention. "I always felt Cincinnati was a great baseball town," the manag· er said. "It was always fun to come here because there was al· ways an active crowd; not crazy like New York or Chicago but · .people who enjoyed good baseball and supported a good team. This is an e:xciting ballclub.. For the baseball purists, you have speed, power, defense and pitch· · . ing. There's a lot to like. There's something for everybody." NOTEWORTHY - Outfield· ers Ron Gant (strained muscle in left rib cage), Reggie Sanders (strained right quadricep mus: cle) and Thomas Howard (sprained left knee); and pitcher Mike Jackson (strained muscle in left rib cage) were all unavail· able to start Wednesday, al· though Howard appeared as a pinch hitter in the ninth and struck out. Gant (who has missed six straight games), Howard and Sanders are expected to be out of the lineup for two more
a fun Leagues forming for older players By Mike Leen Post contributor
MARK BOWEN/for The Cincinnati Post
Reds pitcher Mark Portugal didn't share David Bell's glee after surrendering the tie-breaking homer. gam:es, according to Johnson .... Johnson blamed his late-game illness Tuesday, which prevent· ed him from witnessing the fin· ish of the Reds' 4-1 victory, on fumes from bug spray he was us: ing because of an aggravating infestation in the dugout. · "Every time there was a 3and-2 pitch, they'd zap me," he said. "They'd divert my attention every time there was a payoff pitch so I thought I'd get them ....but they got me." -.
incinnati's youth soccer tradition may be well-established, but the game ·doesn't end for everyone once they reach the legal voting age. High school teams such as St. Xavier, Anderson and Moeller may contend annually for city or state championships, but profes· sional teams such as the Chee· tahs and Silverbacks also are trying to attract older, paying customers who follow the sport - or play themselves. COLLEEN KELLEY/forThe Cincinnati Post:~ The Cincinnati Recreation Tim O'Brien, left, of the Outback Steakhouse team, gets a pass by Chris · Commission is the area's largest outlet for organized adult soccer, . Montello, who plays for the Here for Beer team. .,vJ 'n attracting about 3,000 players, elude 11-person teams that must·c::J said CRC soccer coordinator and Yugoslavia. Ron Odenbeck. Odenbeck says the majority of each have at least five females. ..., "We stress socializing after "We got a few more phone players are older than 30. calls last year during the World each game, and people always go .~~ "There are many people who Cup," he said, "but numbers , out and do something after the :·I played in high school and kept have stayed about the same over playing through their 30s," said games," said club president ' the years." George Pearson. .,,., Odenbeck. The CRC offers leagues for Area indoor facilities for soc... ;\~·~ According to Odenbeck, play men's, women's and coed teams cer include Cincinnati Sports "' is just as spirited among older of various levels, including some Mall in Fairfax, Soccer World in: ;.: players. ·with professional experience. Forest Park, and the Ic.elands , ::; "The games can get pretty "We have players who are recSports Complex in Evendale. . .'t; competitive in all of the divi· reational, but we also have •a lot For more information a)lout . , sions," said Odenbeck. of people who are very serious the CRC's leagues, call 352-4000.•.~ The Cincinnati Sport and So· about their soccer," said OdenFor information about Cincin- i cial Club offers exclusively coed beck. "We also have a really innati Sport and Social Club play, .;c; leagues for ages 21-40 at Xavier teresting men's team that has · players from Colombia, Portugal University. The club's leagues in· · call533-3303. ~
,, '
Fall hunting seasons begin this week Associated Press
MARK BOWENJfor The Cincinnati Post
St. Louis' David Bell receives his first major-league home run greeting from Ray Lankford after the Moeller High graduate joined .his father Buddy and grandfather Gus -both former Reds- in hitting home runs in Cincinnati.
COLUMBUS - The fall hunting season begins Friday for sora, Virginia rails, moorhens and Wilson's snipe. A special early waterfowl season opens briefly on Saturday and the early teal season is open Saturday through Sept. 15. Hunters must have valid wetlands habitat stamps in addition to a hunting license to hunt wa· terfowl during this early season and the traditional fall season, which opens in October. Those who participate in the
early goose season must also have a special permit from the. Ohio Division of Wildlifll. The free user permits are currently available through wildW:e district offices in Akron, Athens, Columbus, Findlay and Xenia. Wetlands stamps. are not required to hunt rails, moorhens, snipe, woodcocks and mourning doves. Only waterfowl, foxes,coyotes and woodchucks may be hunted on Sundays during the open season. Breeding populations of the 10 most popular duck species are up 32.5 percent over 1994.
The abundance of breeding pairs't', of green-winged teal is the high·'' est since 1959 and blue-winged~ teal are at· their highest level; i_ since 1975. •c
Bell clout now spans 3 generations By Bill Peterson Post staff reporter
David Bell said it was "almost too perfect," Wednesday evening after he, the son and grandson of former Reds players, hit his first major league home run at Riverfront Stadium. · Bell slammed a two-run homer off a 1-0 pitch from Reds starter Mark Portugal in the sixth in. ning, breaking a tie and leading the St. Louis Cardinals to a 4-3 victory over the Reds. Bell's grandfather, Gus Bell, starred with the Reds from 1953 through 1961 and totalled 206 major league homers. He died on May 8 at age 66 afte.r complications from a heart attack~ David Bell's father, Buddy Bell, played with the Reds from 1985 to 1988 and hit 201 career homers. He now is a ·coach with the Cleveland Indians. Bell, a former Moeller High player, said it would have been nice if his grandfather could have seen the .home run, but Bell was pleased to make it to the major leagues while Gus still was alive. Bell was taken by the Indians in the seventh round of the 1990 draft and made it to .the Indians' big league club this year. But the Cardinals ac·
quired him on July 27 in the deal that, sent pitcher Ken Hill to Cleveland. Bell had gone hitless in the series with the Reds until he doubled in'the fourth inning. In the sixth, he tagged a long blast to left-center field that flew over the fence and bounded back onto the field. "There were a lot of people here who didn't call and ask for tickets," said Bell. "It's weird the way things worked out. It was almost too perfect. I couldn't have asked for it to happen in a better way." . Reds center fielder Darren Lewis threw the ball back into the seats, but Reds shortstop Barry Larkin, who played on the Reds with Buddy Bell, knew it was the younger Bell's first homer and yelled to get the ball back. The Cardinals rolled a ball fi.om their dugout to left fielder Jerome Walton, who threw it to the fan who had the home run ball, and the fan gave the home run ball back. "He was pretty much all smiles," said Cardinals manager Mike Jorgensen. "Barry Larkin is responsible for him getting the ball back because he realized it was his first homer. It was a classy move by· a classy guy."
threw the ball into center field. Barry Larkin, who had driven in the first run, followed with a linFrom Page 1C er to .third baseman Oliva, who the Pittsburgh Pirates (19,3 last stepped on the bag to double up Friday at Three Rivers Stadi- the running Harris. um), overshadowing strong Morris cut the St. Louis lead pitching efforts in each by the to 4-3 in the sL"rth with a leadoff right-hander, who allowed only homer (No. 9), and Santiago folseven runs in 22 innings (2.86 lowed with a double to left. Bret ERA). Boone walked, ending Morgan's "Tonight was time to get even, night, and reliever Jeff Parrett :t guess," manager Davey John·. got. Jeff Branson to hit into a fielder's choice, which moved son said. · . The Reds, who had their lead Santiago to third. Darren Lewis then hit a in the Central. Division cut to t3¥.! games by the Astros' second grounder to Oliva, who cut dowri straight win in Atlanta, had op· Santiago at the plate, and pinch portunities to break the game ·hitter Eddie Taubensee was open agl),in but couldn't capital- robbed of a potential game-tying ize against Mike Morgan (6-7). · hit when his liner up the middle they stranded eight runners on deflected off Parrett's glove and · .base, five in scoring position, right to the. waiting Ozzie Smith. and were a combined 2-for-13 "We had our chances, and 0.154) with runners at second most of the time we're going to and/or third base. get those guys in,'' Johnson said. ' "It's going to happen, but it "I really liked both of those situj)lst doesn't happen often with ations, .but the first time Larkin this ballclub," Portugal said. · hit a bullet at the third baseman "Unfortunately; this was that and we had no chance because one game. We'd won five in a we were running ·on contact. row, and it would've been nice to "On the other one, if Lewis have swept those guys." hits it anywhere but third base, After tying the score 2-2 in the we're going to score the run. fourth when Benito Santiago fol- That's going to happen. We were lowed Hal Morris' leadoff double just a tad unlucky." with a run-scoring single, the Reds were in position to reclaim How they scored REDS' FIRST; Wa~on doubled. Harris sacrlticed to third the lead in the fifth. baseman Oliva, Wallen lo third.• Larkin singled to the lett of the mound, Watton scored. Reds1,Cardinais rr. Lenny Harris - V(ho got the SECOND: Joroan singled to left. Oliva hostart in right field because of in· mered,CARDINALS' Jordan ·end Oliva scored. Cardinals 2, Reds 1. juries to Reggie Sanders, ThomREDS' FOURTH: Morris doubled down the right-field line. as Howard and Ron Gant · - santiago slngled to center, Morris scored. Reds .2, Cardinals 2. SIXTH: Lanlc7oltl sln~ad to right. Bell hosingled with one out, stole sec- . mered,CARDINALS' Lankford and Bell scored•. 'Cardinals 4, Reds 2. ond (No. 10) and went to. third REDS' SIXnl: Morris ho~red to· center on 2·0 count. ,., when c:at(Jhe;? Tom .Pagnozzi Cardinals•"<!; Reds 3.
ST.LOUIS Bernalti Gilkey If Ozzie Smith ss John Mabry 1b Brian Jordan rf .Ray Lankford cf David Bell 2b · Jose ONva 3b T.J. Maihews p Tom Henke p Tom Pagnozzl c Danny Sheaffer c Scott Hemond c Mike Margan p Jeff Parrett p Tony Fossas p Scott Cooper 3b TOTALS
1 0 0 0 0 3347455
5 3
1 0
2 1
Jerome Walton H Lenny Harris rl Barry Larkin ss Hal Morris 1b Benito Santiago c Bret Boone 2b Jeff Branson 3b Darren lewis cf Mark Portugal p Eddie Taubensea ph Xavier Hernandez p Hector Carrasco p Thomas Howard ph TOTALS
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0 1
0 1 J
1 0
0 0
.286 .269
1 .260 264 .14g
.283 .000 .000 .332
020 002 OOD-4 7 1 100 101 OOil-3 S 0
E-Sheaffer (3), DP-st. louis 2, Cincinnati 1. LOB-St. Louis 7, Cincinnati 8. 2B-Giikey (25), Bell (5), Walton (11 ), Morris (15), Santiago (14). HR-Morris (g) off Morgan; Bell (1) oil Portugal; Oliva (6) off Portugal. SB-Gilkey (12), LHarris (10). . S-LHarris, Boone, ST. LOUIS Mike Morgan W, 6-7 Jeff Parrett Ton~ Fossas T.J. Mathews Tom HankeS, 29
IP 5 1% \\
1 1
Mark Portu9a1 L. 8-9 Xavier Hernandez Hector Carrasco
6 2 1
H R ER BB SO NP ERA 8 · 3 3 3 1 95 3.26 0 0 0 1 23 3.76 4 1.7t 0 0 0 0 1 18 1.96 0 0 0 0 1 15 1.80 H RERBBSONP ERA 4
0 0
4 0
4 0
2 84 3 20 0 13
4.54 3.65 2.93
Morgan pitched to 3 batters in the Slh. WP-Parrett. Umplres...:.Home, Vanover, First, West; Second,- Darling; Third, Hirschbs~~' T-2:41. A-26,395.
Two unique bats commemorating the 1995 ---~------------~, season will be a big hit with Reds fans! Both II Reds Commemorative Bats Offer Ig.,',j are professional Rawlings, full-size J;lats, and I NAME 1 ,:: include brackets for wall, shelf or desk ADDRESS I ···~ ::: mounting. One bat displays a deep-carved CITY Reds logo and sells for $69.95 plus $5.00 I.:/ shipping and handling. The other.is a 1995 PHONE NO------------------I , limited-edition lasered signature bat and sells I .•:: CICHECK CIMONEY ORDER for $99.95 plus $5.00 shipping and handling. I ::: CIMASTERCARD CIVISA Each of the 1,995 signature bats is numbered I CARD NO.:...·- - - - - - ' - - - - - - - I ' · for authenticity. EXP. D A T E - - - - - - - - - - - I .; SIG~ATUI'tE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.;...;.._ Call1.800.283.1717 To Order I THE LOGO BAT I Business and Holiday Gift Fax: QUANTITY - - each at $69.95 plus =--'$5.00 for shipping and handling I ·~ 1.619.749.7829 THE SIGNATURE BAT I . '' 1 Call today or fill out the coupon and return 1· QUANTITY - - each at $99.95 plus = I $5.00·for shipping and handling I it with your credit card order, or check or I (while supply lasts) TOTAL money order. Allow 3 to 4 weeks for delivery. I MAIL COUPON TO: Heavy Hitter Indus-tr-ie-s-,1-n-c. :
The Cincinnati Post I
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P. 0. Box 2344 _::; ~5 Valley Center, CA 92082
I ·
, .. c .......,...uu•a•i, vs1,
1nursaay, August 31, 1995--------------:-----,"---- ----~---------
HDGH SCHOOL FoorBALL I The Post's 1995 preview
I r
Division I top 10 teamu;
Post's No. 1 team wary of its ·status
Coombs relit Colerain's fire
· IBy Richard Skinner Post staff reporter
Colerain High School's football team will soon discover whether staying at the top is more difficult than getting there. \ Last season, Colerain capped a five-year climb that saw it go from being picked last in the Metro County Conference in 1990 to finishing as The Post's top-ranked team in the area in · Division I and reaching the state playoff semifinals. The Cardinals, who went 10·0 in the regular· season last year and finished 12-1 after a 41-14 loss to Westerville South in the semifinals, enter this season ranked No. 1 in The Post's · preseason Division I poll The' poll is compiled by The Post prep sports staff. Colerain, which has a 16-game regular-season winning streak, hopes to become the first team since Elder in 1988 and 1989 to repeat as , Post poll champion. Colerain earned the ranking by returning 14 starters, including two of the top players in the Midwest, according to Bluechip Illustrated recruiting magazine: !ill.Quarterback David Murphy, a speedy option specialist who rushed for more than 900 yards ' and scored 17 touchdowns and is being recruited by the likes of Michigan State, Purdue and North Carolina State. ~Six-foot-six, 306-pound offen· BRUCE CRIPPENfThe Cincinnati Post sive guard Jefferson Kelley, whose college finalists are Ohio · ·Quarterback David Murphy runs Colerain's option offense, which averaged 38 points per game last season .. Murphy scored 17TDsin 1994. State, Michigan, Michigan State, Penn State and Illinois. tles at running back. the position only part-time last An offerise that rushed for season when he was also the Still, head coach Kerry more than 3,500 yards and averstarting tight end. Coombs said his team won't aged 38.2 points per regular-seaearn the No.1 ranking \mtil the But three-fourths of the secson game returns three other defense proves itself. ondary graduated and the offensive line starters: tackle Jastarting strong safety, Nick Kos"I understand why we are be· son Carson (the starting center toff, has moved to free safety. cause of what we have coming until an injury knocked him out back, but we have some holes to Colerain was beaten up physiof the lineup in the sixth game); fill and depth is a big question," cally during the playoffs, and tackle Scott Story and center he said. :'Things didn't come Coombs vowed that his players Jon-Fohl, who started after Carwill be stronger this season .. easy for us last season and they son was injured. , "We accomplished that goal," Star~ing tailback Ronnie Alex- won't come easy again." Coombs said. "Our players ander (1,167 yards, 11 touchThe top returners on defense worked harder than ever in the downs) and wi:qgback Calvin are linebacker Mike Freeman weight room;'' ' Banks also return, as ·does last and end Brian Burr. Coombs year's top backfield reserve, Joe said he also expects big things The Cardinals' unseen enemy Martini, who replaces Mike Netfrom end Jay Roden, who played this season could be the pres·
By Richard Skinner Post staff reporter
From 1975-84, Colerain's football program was among the city's best, going 83·16-1. Then it began a de· cline that bottomed out from 1989-91, going 7-23. Now Colerain is back among the elite, with head coach Kerry Coombs leading the turnaround. "He has those qualities winning coaches all seem to have: a strong work eth· ic and a very charismatic personality that kids really identify with," said athletic director Ron Russo. Coombs, 34, a 1979 Cole· rain graduate who played defensive back at the University of Dayton, became Colerain's coach in 1991. After going 3-7 his first season, the Cardinals steadily progressed and last year finished 10-0 in the regular season and cap. tured their first Post Divi· sian I area poll title. Still, Coombs tries to deflect the credit, saying, "I was 0-10 my first year as a head coach <1989 at Loveland), so I'm rio genius. I'm not even the best coach on my staff."
sure of being No. 1. "We have a huge target on our chests this year for people to shoot at," said quarterback Murphy. "This year, we'll be the big· gest game on a lot of schedules. I think we can handle the pres· sure. We were No. 1 for the last seven weeks last year (after beating then No. 1 St. Xavier) and we faced the pressure then."· Said Coombs: "We put a lot pressure on these guys every day in practice. If they can handle that, we tell them any pressure they face during the season will seem easy."
High school football schedules I Week-by-week --+~t7:30 p.m; Friday unless- noted)-
~---.::.::.::.-NoN;t:&AGUE==~;.:O ""----'---_-::=..=- -__:. .,_-~·
Aiken at Mariemont D Amelia at Western Brown Ell Beavercreek at Fairlield 11 Bethel-Tate at Batavia li!l Blanchester at East Clinton D Carlisl.e at Springboro mChammade-Jullenne at Clayton t'tortllmont B Dayton Carroll at Dayton Stebbins mDayton Patterson at Taft lill Deer Park at Northeastern Iii Delphos SL John's at Wyoming er East Central (Ind.) at Harrison, 8 p.m. Friday 1!1 Eminence (Ky.) at Landmark Christian a Finneytown at North College Hill mFranklin at Milford D Franklin County '(Ind.} at Talawanda, 8 p.m. Friday . mHamilton at Western Hills ·m Hamilton Badin vs. Dayton.Colonel White at Welcome Stadium ill Hughes at Withrow 11 Kettering Alter at Kettering Fairmont 1 11 Lakota at Huber Heights Wayne flJ Lebanon at Little Miami ,.. m: Lemon~Monroe at Purcell Marian El Loveland at Mason ill Ludlow {Ky.) at Madeira Ell McNicholas at Anderson 1.1 Mlamisburg·at West Carrollton m Middletown at Elder mMiddletown Fenwick at Eaton mMiddletown Madison at Edgewood 11!1 New Richmond at Summit , • wNorthwest at Glen Este IB Norwood at Turpin mPaint Valley at Hillsboro mPrinceton at La Salle ttl Oak Hals at Kings ~ Reading at Lockland tll Roger Bacon at Mt. Healthy mRoss at Indian Hill o Springfield Kenton Ridge at Wilmirigton ct Sycamore at Colerain Ell St. Xavier at Centerville m Taylor at NeYt M!amf Cl Toledo St. Franc:is DeSales at lima Senior m Uppers~ Clair (Pa.) at .uoener E1 Waynesville at Country Day D Winton Woods at Goshen lllJ Woodward at Walnut Hills 1!.1 Williamsburg at Clinto.n-Massie ·· ll2
l'lltill!d¥#1if?® NON-LEAGUE mAmelia at Northwest
Batavia at Northeastern Ill Bethel-Tale at Deer Park !! Boone County {Ky.) at Elder rn Centerville at Middletowr t'!l Ctinton-Massie at Blanchester m1 Colerain at Fairfield rn Dayton Carroll at Chamir.ade·Julienne El Dayton Dunbar at Lima Senior mDayton Meadowdale at Lemon-Monroe mEast Clinton at Country Day El!i Eaton at Middletown Madison mEdgewood at Ross mGlen Este at- Roger Bacon mHamilton vs. Dayton Belmont at Welcome Stadium ~ Hillcrest at Landmark Christian, 7:30 p.m. Thursday , 113 Hillsboro at Bloom-Carroll G Huber Heights Wayne at Princeton G Hughes at Dayton Jefferson til lnd1an Hill at Bellevue (Ky.) til Western Hills at lndianpolis Warren Central c Kettering Alter at Walnut Hills s Kettering Fairmont at Miamisburg liJ l<ings at New Richmond 121 Lebanon at Mason mliHie Miami at Waynesville mMarie~ont at Col~mbus Hartley e Miamt Trace at Wtlmington e Middletown Fenwick at Reading Ill!_ Milford at Talawahda El Moeller at Massillon Washington, 7:30 p.m. Saturday rn Mt. He~lthy at Lakota rn New Miami at Finneytown rA North College Hill at Madeira fll NorNood at Loveland c Oak Hills at Harrison a Purcell Marian at Winton Woods o Springboro at Franklin El Summit at Taylor G Sycamore at La Salle Gl iaft at Trotwood-Madison mTroy at Anderson mTurpin at Goshen ti1 William.sburg at Lockland mWestern Brown vs. McNicholas at Turpin rn Withrow at St. Xavier mWoodward at Aiken EJ Wyoming at Hamllton Badin 11a
. \'
DMih'J§UJ@j;J;!§ CINCINNATI HILLS LEAGUE .lllJ Rnneytown at Deer Park llJ Made1ra at Reading
a Mariemont at Indian Hill
mTaylor at Wyoming GREATER MIAMI CONFERENCE IS Fairfield at Milford FI Lakota·at Princeton \1 Middletown at Hamilton m Sycamore at Lima Senior
=::==~~====---==o.__·~-:=~~~~~a~~~gr%~-:-_-:--~.·~------·· -~·;,,'": 1 : ~t~ia~}e7-~r~ geller ·a Wilmington at Little Miami "'
111 Aiken at Taft · 11 Batavia at Williamsburg 11 Blanchester at Waynesville
11 Canton McKinley at St. Xavier, 7:30 p.m. Saturday , 11 Country Day at Bethel-Tate ll!i Colerain at Centerville Ill Moeller ·at Qovington {Ky.) Catholic, 2 p.m. Saturday 111 Dayton Belmont at Chaminade-Julienne liD Dayton Dunbar at Purcell Marian 1111 Dayton Patlerson at Lemon-Monroe 11 Dayton Stebbins at Franklin mGoshen at Western Brown 11 Hamilton Badin at Edgewood ·ill Henry County {Ky.) at New Miami, 8 p.m·. Friday . · 11 Hillcrest at Dayton Jefferson; 7:30p.m. Thurs-
~a~lllsboro at Greenfield McClain 11 Hughes at Woodward
11 Huber Heights Wayne at Withrow
11 Kettering Alter at Dayton Carroll
Kings at Loveland Landmark Christian at Fort Recovery 111 Little Miami at Ciinton-Massie 111 Lockland at. Northeastern· 11 Middletown Madson at Bell !:took llll Marion River·Valley at New Richmond 111 Mason at Turpin 11 McNicholas at Glen Este ill Mt. Healthy at La Salle 111 North College Hill at Middletown. Fenwick . 11 Norwood at Amelia 11 Oak Hills at Anderson 11 Ross at Northwest 11 Springboro at Lebanon 111 Summit at Cedarville a Talawanda at Harrison D Vandalia Butler at Miamisburg 111 Walnut Hills at Roger Bacon 11 Western Hills at Elder 111 Wilmington at Washington Court House 11 Winton Woods vs. Dayton Colonel White at Welcome Stadium 1111 1111
11 Lakota at Middletown Ill Lima Senior at Princeton II Milford at Sycamore
Batavia at New Miami North College Hill at Lockland
Ill Summit at Country Day
MID·MIAMI LEAGUE II Dayton Carroll at Lemon-Monroe ll Edgewood at Middletown Fenwick; 7:30p.m.
SattJrday II Miamisburg at Franklin ll Talawanda at Lebanon
Deer Park at Taylor 1!1 Indian Hill at Madeira 11 Reading at Mariemont. 11 Wyoming at Flnneytown FORT ANCIENT VALLEY CONFERENCE a Goshen at Norwood 11 KinQS at Mason m: Spnngboro at Little Miami Rll Wilmington at Ross GREATER CATHOLIC LEAGUE~ NORTH l1 Hamilton Badin at Chaminade-Jullenne 11 Ketteririg Alter at Roger Bacon mMcNicholaS at Purcell M_arian, 7:30 p.m. Saturday GREATER MIAMI CONFERENCE R Lakota at Hamilton l'i Lima Senior at Fairlield 11 Middletown at Milford Iii Princeton at Sycamore MIAMI VALLEY CONFERENCE ra Country Day at Batavia mLandmar!~ Christian at North College Hill mLockland at Summit • MID·MIAMI LEAGUE
11 McNicholas vs. Kettering Aller at Fairmont Stadium Purcell Marian at Hamilton Badin mRoger Bacon at Chaminade-Julienne GREATER CATHOLIC LEAGUE~ SOUTH 1111 Elder at St. xavier e La Salle at Moeller ' GREATER MIAMI CONFERENCE 11 Falrtleld at Lakota Ell Hamilton at Sycamore DUma Senior at Milford 11 Middletown at Princeton
a Taft at Woodward
_'a Oak Hills at Western Hills
a Lemon-Monroe at Frankin
io Hughes at Mt. Healthy
Ill Anderson
II Hillsboro at Blanchester a Northeastern at Bethel~Tate 11 New Richmond at Williamsburg 111 Western Brown at Loveland NON·LEAGUE 11 Eminsnce {Ky.) at Hillcrest: (:30 p.m. Thursday at Landmark Christian El Ludlow (Ky.) at Landmark Christian a Valley View at Middletown Madison 11 Withrow at Dayton Colonel White, 8 p.m, Saturday
D Deer Park S.t Madeira mlndian.Hill at Taylor ., Reading at Finneytown mWyoming at Mariemont FORT ANCIENT VALLEY CONFERENCE mGoshen at Ross D LiHie Miami at Kings llil Mason at Springboro ra Wilmington at Norwood GREATER CATHOLIC LEAGUE~ NORTH lEI Chaminade-Ju\lenne vs, McNicholas at Turpin mPurcell Marian vs. Kert~ring Alter at Centerville, 7:30p.m. Saturday l!il Roger Bacon at Hamilton Badin GREATER CATHOUC LEAGUE~ SOUTH 1m Moeller at E!der l!!l St. Xavier at Wi SaUe GREATER MIAMI CONFERENCE Eli! Hamilton at Lima Senior m Middletown at Fairtield !! Prince_ton at MilfOrd 6 Sycamore at lakota MIAMI VALLEY CONFERENCE 0 : ~~agnek~~ a~ ~i~li:~~u(enwick· rn ·eountry Day at Landmark Christian I1J Lebanon at Dayton Carroll s New Miami at Summit, 7 p.m. Friday 1!3 Lemon-Monroe at Talawanda fill North College Hill at Batavia 'SOUTHERN BUCKEYE CONFERENCE MID·MIM11LEAGUE o8ethe!-Tate at Western Brown 5 Franklin at Edgewood BLoveland at Blanchester El Lemon-Monroe at Lebanon .fil New Richmond at Northeastern 1m Middletown Fenwic:k at MiamisbtJrg mWiUiamsburg at Hillsboro · 5 Talawanda at Dayton Carroll NON·LEAGUE QUEEN CITY CONFERENCE- AMERICAN o Colerain at St. Xavier rn Amelia at Glen Este £J Columbus St Francis De Sales at Mt Healthy iii Turp:n at Taft mElder at Withrow 1£1 Woodward at Anderson 111'1 Erie (Pa.} Cathedral Prep at Moeller, ·s p.m. QUEEN CITY CONFERENCE~ METRO Saturday 111 Harrison at Andereon e Colerain at Oal~ Hills \ f!l Western tills at Withrow mGlen Ests at Aiken · Ill New Lebanon Dixie at Middletown Madison QUEEN CITY CONFERENCE- NATIONAL : ~~a~!a~iJ!~~~~~esvil!e : ~~~~~ ~s<it~~~~; ~~~~oodward mTaft vs. Hughes at Withrow fi.1l MI. Healthy at Winton Woods Ill Turpin at Northwest mWalnut Hills at Amelia SOUTHERN BUCKEYE CONFERENCE mWestern Hills at Winton Woods (1;! Bethel-Tate at Williamsburg n Woodward at Dayton Belmont ll1l Blanchester at New Richmond m Loveland at Hillsboro El Northeastern at Western Brown CINCINNATI HILLS LEAGUE NON·LEAGUE El Hillcrest at Lockland, 7 p.m. Th~rsday mMiddletown Madison at Broolwme OPEN DATE FORT ANCIENT VALLEY CONFERENCE mLittle Miami at Goshen e HI Norwood at Kings !!ill Ross at Mason CINCINNATI HILLS LEAGUE m Springboro at Wilmington m Indian Hilt at Wyoming GREATER CATHOLIC LEAGUE~ NORTH Gl Reading at Deer Park. rn Madeira at Rnneytown a Chaminade-Julienile at Purcell Marian Ill Mariemont at Taylor m Hamilton Badin vs. l~ettering Alter at Fairmont. Stadium FORT ANCIENT VALLEY CONFERENCE a McNicholas at Roger Bacon fil Kings at Goshen
1!1 Lima Senior at Middletown
Ill Milford at Lakota
MIAMI VALLEY CONFERENCE I!D Batavia a1 Summit. 7 p.m. Friday 11 Lockland at landmark Christian
Edgewood at Talawanda at Franklin 18 lemon-Monroe at Middletown Fenwick, 7:30 p.m. Saturday QUEEN CITY CONFeRENCE~ AMERICAN mAnderson at Amelia 11!1 Glen Este at Taft 111 Woodward at Turpin. QUEEN CITY CONFERENCE - METRO 11 Western Hills at Aiken mWithrow at Oak Hilis QUEEN CITY CONFERENCE- NATIONAL 11 Mt. Healthy at Harrison 1111
11 Miamisburg at Talawanda IIi Middletown Fenwick at Dayton Carroll Ill Lebanon at Edgewood
"a Winton Woods at Northwest
MID-MIAMI L,E:::AG:::U::E:__ _ _ _ __ 11 Dayton Carroll at Miamisburg
:g Walnut HillS at Harrison
e Purcell Marian at Roger Bacon
mNew Miami at Country Day
QUEEN CITY CONFERENCE- AMERICAN II Amelia at Turpin ll Anderson at Glen Este
~ AMERICAN at Turpin e Glen Este at Woodward il Taft at Amelia QUEEN CITY CONFERENCE - METRO 1m Oak Hills at Aiken I! Withrow at Colerain QUEEN CITY CONFeRENCE- NATIONAL IS Hughes at Walnut Hills m Northwest at Mt. Healthy ra Winton Woods at Harrison SOUTHERN BUCKEYE CONFERENCE 11 Bethel-Tate at·Hfllsboro 111 New Richmond at Loveland . lilil Western Brown at Blanchester s Williamsburg at Northeastern NON· LEAGUE m Columbus Eastmoor at Western Hills 11 Dayton Oakwood at Middletown Madison Iii South Charleston Southeastern al Batavia
Indian Hilt at Deer Park
11 Finneytown at Mariemont 11 Madeira at Taylor 11 Wyoming at Reading
mGoshen at Wilmington 11 IJttls Miami at Mason 1!11 Norwood at Ross Ill Springboro at Kings GREATER CATHOUC LEAGUE- NORTH
. a Hamilton Badin vs. McNicholas at Anderson GREATER CATHOLIC LEAGUE II Chaminade-Julienne at St. Xavier
m; Moeller at Kettering Alter Sl Purcell Marian at Elder
" Roger Bacon at Le Salle GREATER MIAMI CONFERENCE m'Milford at Hamllton mLakota at Lima Senior 1m Princeton at "Fairfield n Sycamore at Middletown MIAMI VALLEY CONFERENCE mLandmark Christian at Batavia mLJCkland at Country Day m.~ North College Hill at New Miami MID·MIAMI LEAGUE rn Edgewood at Lemon-Monroe mFranklin at Dayton Carroll o Miamisburg at Lebanon i!il Talawanda at Middletown Fenwick QUEEN CITY CONFERENCE~ AMERICAN rm Amelia at Woodward 11 Taft at Anderson 11 Turpin at Glen Este QUEEN CITY CONFERENCE -METRO mAiken at Withrow 1!9 Colerain at Western Hills QUEEN CITY CONFERENCE- NATIONAL i1 Harrison at Northwest a Hughes at Winton Woods B Walnut Hills at Mt. Healthy SOUTHERN BUCKEYE CONFeRENCE Bl Blanchester at Northeastern B Hillsboro at New Richmond 11 Loyeland at Bethel-Tate mWestern Brown at WiWl!-msburg NON-LEAGUE " East Clinton at summit, 7 p.m. Fnday 11 Eminence {Ky.) al Hillcrest, 7:30 Thursday at Landmark Christian 1111 Oak Hills at Miami Trace m Middletown Madison at Preble Shawnee
.Ill Taylor at
11 Lebanon
: ~~~~~~~~$ Ha~~:fu~: mr~row SOUTHERN BUCKEYE CONFERENCE
New Richmond at Bethel-Tate
u Williamsburg at Blanchester 11 Hillsboro at Western Brown NON·LEAGUE 111 Cleveland
St. Ignatius vs. Moeller at Nippert Stadium, 2 p.m. 11 Dayton Jefferson at Kettsrin9 Alter mDayton Meadowdale at Hamtlton Badin Ill Dayton Northridge at Middletown Madison · Ill Dear Park at Greenfield McClain o Grayson County {Ky.) at Chaminade-Julienne n La Selle at Colerain I'll Northeastern at N:irth College Hill mWyomin~ vs. McNicholas at Anderson 11 SL Xavier at Columbus St. Frances De Sales OPEN DATE:.=S--c~-----_..:.~ 111 8der,
mGoshen at Springboro m Kings at Ross
Utile Miami at Norwood
11 Masm at Wilmington GREATER CATHOLIC LEAGUE- NORTH Ill Kettering Alter vs. Chaminade-Jul!enne at Trot\-\'ood MIAMI v'"A.,-Llc:E:::Y""c"o"'NF"E~R"'EN"C=E----
o Bata\·ia at Lockland 11 Landmark Christian at New Miami
a Summit at North College Hill
11111. COLERAIN (12-i)i The CardinfliS return 13 st.arters, seven on .offense and six on defense, from their Division I state sem1f1n~l team. They are led by offensive lineman Jefferson Kelley (6-6, 306), who IS listed b~ most recruiting publications among the country's top prep linemen and as high.as No. 2 by SuperPrep magazine. Also bacl\ on offense are speedy optiOn quarterback David Murphy, tailback Ronnie Alexander(1,167 yards on 128 carries, 11 touchdowns)' and three other lir?men: tackles Jeff Carson (5-11, 220) and Scott Story (5-11, 205) and center Jon Fohl (5-10, 214). The top returnees on defense are linebacker Mike Freem.an and free safety Nick Kostoff, who moved from strong safety. The Cardtnals carry .a 16-game regular-season winning streak intO t~e season, but the. schedule IS tough· and includes Centerville, St. Xavier, Withrow, Western Htlls, La: Salle and Lakota. 11111 2. ST. XAVIER (9-2): The BC?mbers had one of _the ~rea's best defenses last season, allowing 5.5 pomts per game, posting s1x .s~utouts and allowing only one opponent (Colerain) to score 1n double dtgtts. But only three starters return from that defenae, ~hich took a big!;!er hit when preseason prep all-American linebacker Mtke Marshall dec1ded to not play football and concentrate on f<?otball. Linebacker Chri.s Hoffma~, who is tabbed by SuperPrep magazine as one of the top linebackers 1n the Midwest, anchors the defense. This season the offense will have to carry the load with eight returning .starters. Senior quarterback Joe Sprengard has started since the middle of his sophomore season; last year he completed 73 of 153 passes for 1,038 yards and nine touchd9wns. The Bombers must tmprove their ground game, which average~ JUSt 3.8 yard:;> per carry and 120.5 yards per game last season, and Will turn to semor Dan Hayes (team-high 386 yards, 5.1 per carry) and junior Andy "Kettler (120 yards). IIIII 3. PRINCETON (6-4): Last year was an aberration for the Vikings, who failed to win the Greater Miami Conference for only the third time in 27 years. Head coach Pat Mancuso has won 311 games in his 35-year career. The Vikings have everything they need to be successful: size up front on offense and defense and speed at the skill positions. The top returnees are wide receiver-defensive back Tony Stites and wide receiver-defensive back Fred Smith. Senior quarterback Sean Brown has made major improvement and is being compared to former Vikings standout Johnoy Mattress. 1!1!14. ELDER (7·3): The Panthers return only seven starters- three on offense and four on defense - but coach Tom Grippa likes his team's size, attitude and senior leadership. The onl~ questions are the inexperienced . offensive line and team speed. Offensively, the Panthers will rely on the pass-catch duo of senior quarterback Johh Lammers (84 of 180 for 1,402 yards and 14 touctJdowns in starting the final eight games) and senior wide receiver Beau Parton (45 receptions for 661 yards and nine TDs.). The four returnees wh.o lead the defense will be tackles Brian Schmutte (6·2, 250) and Tim Brogan (5·1 0, 250), and defensive backs Tom Goettke (6-1, 215) and Tim McDonald (6-0, 175).
Nate Sexton Wiz White 1!1!1 5. La SALLE (6·4): Head coach Jim Louder says his team has all the necessities to be successful - size, speed and skills - but one of the · main questions will be how well senior Nate Sexton replaces Keith Betz (88 of 167 for 1,529 yards and 12 touchdowns) at quarterback. Sexton, who played wingback and defensive back the past two seasons, .possesses great speed (4.41 seconds in the 40-yard dash) and size (6-2, 188). Sophomore running back Wlz White (5·1 0, 170) earned considerable playing time at the end of last season; he rushed for 111 yards on 10 carries and caught three passes for 123 and two touchdowns in a 29-12 win over Western Hill~. The line is anchored by Mike Staubach (6-3, 271). The defense is headed by linebacker Brent Botts (6-4, 228), a major Division I prospect; end Randy Hill (6,4, 232); and tackle Roman Welter (6·6, 232). . . . 11!11 6. LAKOTA (6·4): The Thunderbirds have two of the ·area's top threats back among seven returning offensive starters -.workhorse running back Kevin Wilson (1 ,272 yards rushing, on 247 carries) and 6-3, 203-pound wide recelve'r Troy Evans (25 catches fo,r 445 Y,ards and seven touchdowns). The line features senior tackle Adam Lane (6-2, 245) and senior guard Daniel ·Kelley·(6'0;"255)f"'"'~'?"'"·~ -.'-'"·=-~c.-- c;· •-: ·'·'"-''~ ••··~·.·~-·:. ; ···--~:·~-.= -.~ "-'-.:~ · The defense has only four starters back, but· three of them started as sophomores. Senior linebacker Shane Pearson is a Division I prospect. The other returnees are junior outside linebacker Jeff Swanson, junior nose tackle Scott Sweat and junior free safety Brian Landis (five interceptions in 1994). IIIII 7. MOELLER (6-4): Only two starters are back -both on defense - and the Crusaders face one of the toughest schedules in the· area. The returnees are defensive back Nick Hartman and defensive end Dan Piening. The offense lost three Division I college players in running back Matt Keller (2,000-plus all-purpose yards, 15 touchdowns, to Ohio State) and linemen Gabe Tincher (Penn State) and Rob Murphy (Ohio State). This year's offense will likely revolve around senior quarterback Pat McLaughlin, who played some last season. The line is anchored by senior guard John Quinn (6·4, 240) and senior tackle Chad Carlberg (6·2, 258). 1111 B. HAMILTON (B-3): The Big Blue are coming off a season in which they finished undefeated in the Greater Miami Conference and qualified for the Division I playoffs for the first time. There are 11 starters back from that team, five on offense and six on defense. But much of the firepower from last year's offense has graduated in rl!nning back Thomas Hamner (873 yards rushing, 13 touchdowns), who is now at Minnesota, and running back/defensive back/return specialist Fred Rodgers, who is also at Minnesota. There is a major Division I prospec;t returning on offense ih tight end Mike Gurr (6-7, 255). With Gurr. senior tackle Nick Poe (6-5, 270) and senior tackle Bill Roark (6·6, 325), the Big Blue should be able to control the line of scrimmage. Hamilton won several games last season thanks to an opportunistic defense. The top returnees from that group are senior linebacker Butch Printup, senior end Marko Flowers and senior tackle Phillip Bailey. 1!1!19. WITHROW (7-3): In his first year as coach, Steve. Sheehan turned around a program that had won six games in its .previous three seasons combined. More of the same Is expected this season as the Tigers return 10 starters, five each on offense and defense. Sheehan, who guided CAPE to three state championships in 12 seasons before that school was closed after the 1993-94 school year, says the key will be how the offense adjusts to a new offensive set, which will take advantage of junior quarterback Brandon Rodgers. Rodgers will operate behind a big offensive line that features senior tackles Demond Howell (6-2, 280) and Matt Hoog (6-0, 263) and senior guard Laron Dickens (5-1 1, 1 260), a transfer from Dayton Meadowdale. _ Sheehan is looking to senior defensive backs Louis Camachode and John Knox and senior linebacker Ross Estes to lead the defense. Junior Robert Moss (6-0, 220) and Kareem Stokes (6-3, 21 0) anchor the line. 1111 10. WESTERN HILLS (5-5): The Mustangs return seven offensive starters and eight defensive starters. Included among the off.ensive starters back is last year's leading running back, Andra Ingram (766 yards, 11 touchdowns) leading receiver Luke Chappell, a tight end; and starting . . quarterback Mark Schorsch. The defense returns Ingram (last year's leading tackler ·with 78) and Chappell (a major Division I prospect who had nine sacks) at linebacker and defensive end Toney Sager, who had nine sacks. The Mustangs face a very difficult schedule that features Hamilton, Colerain and La Salle at home, and · road games against Indianapolis Warren Central, Elder, Division II power Winton Woods and Withrow. - Richard Skinner
mMiamisburg at Lemon·Monroe
mMiddletown Fenwick at Lebanon SOUTHERN BUCKEYE CONFERENCE 111 Blanchester at Bethel-Tate Ill Norttleastern at Hillsboro
Rule changes for 11995
a Western Brown rit New Richmond NON-LEAGUE
mAiken vs. Hughes at Withrow 1!1 Anderson at St. Xavier
Here are rules changes implemented by the Ohio High School Athletic Association for the 1995 season:
11 Chillicothe Huntington at Mariemont
111 Spiking the ball oy the guarterbacl<to stop the clock is permitted.
11 Oay1on Colonel White at Taylor
II Cui"off jerseys disallowed beginning in 1999.
m·Colernin at Lakota Ill Country Day at Reading
11 Dayton JeHerson at Madeira II Elder at Oak Hills
11 Fairfield at Winton Woods
m Flnneytown at Hamilton Badin, 7:30 p.m. Sa~ urday 11 Harrison at Dayton Patterson . l!ll Lancaster at Middletown 9 La Salle at Western Hills 11 Uma Senior .at Findlay liillildian Hill at Williamsburg Ill Loveland at Amelia a Middletown Madison at Carlisle a McNicholas at Turpin Ill Millord at Glen Este 11 Mt. He~thy at Hamilton a Moeller at-Princeton 11 Northwest at Roger Bacon 11 Sycamore at Purcell Marian, 7:30 p.m. Satur-
~3hn Elt Walnut Hills II Withrow at Woodward, 4:30p.m. Friday
111 Definition of fighting added to rules regarding sportsmanship. 1111 Players and those on the sideline disqualified after second unsportsmanlike-conduct foul in. one game. 1111 Tobacco use is considered unsportsmanlike conduct. 111 Clarification of styles of gloves permitted. 1111 Limiting size and location of manufacturer's logo or trade name on. jerseys and pants. 111 Players not permitted to wear jewelry. 1111 Home team must provide at least one legal ball. Ill Free-blockin'g zone will disintegrate when ball leaves the zone. 11 Team's choices after fair catch are expanded.
"I C(H~1?l~RENC~E
Princeton headed back to top .,.. Coach: Chip Otten (0-0) .,.. Last year's record: 2-8 \...Top returnee: Jason Chapman. lie gigantic tackle showed enough lat year to earn first-team aii-GMC tinors. ,.,.. Outlook: OH"'', ,vas the Middies' ~fensive coordinator the last six ~ars.
Leading the way will be quarterback Byan Curtis, who started half the gmes last year, and halfbacks Aaron J1lser and Keith Brooks. On the line, J:sh Taylor is a returning starter. AII-GMC tackle Chapman heads the cllfensive returnees. Defensive end d1ris Caldwell also returns. Only 48 !flyers are on the Middies' varsity, ihich could spell problems as t~e seas>n wears on: Already Otten is playing lf'e players both ways.
.,.Coach: Jim Allison (1-9) , .,.. Last year's record: 1-9 : .,.. Top returnee: Kenny Kelley. The refensive tackle was a second-team ai-GMC pick lasi year, and this year is I:Eing counted on to step forward as tre heart of the defense. .,.. Outlook: Sycamore is the team that some coaches around the GMC are whispering could make a big move forward this year. Allison says his team's offensive line will be strong. The top skill position returnee is running back Jay Balser, an honorable mention aii-GMC pick a year ago. Cornell Pritchett, who started as a sophomore last year, also returns at running back. Junior quarterback Nick Westfall, last year's reserve team QB, will run the varsity this year. Allison emphasizes defense, and believes he has a chance to have a good one this year. Kelley, a secondteam aii-GMC player at tackle last year, is splitting time between tackle and inside linebacker this preseason. Other top defenders back include defensive back Mark Elder, outside linebacker Aaron St. Clair and defensive end Chad Lewis. The schedule is brutal: The first three games are on the road, with the opener against the city's No.1 team, Colerain. 1
The Princeton quarterback has at his disposal the Vikings' usual group of fast running backs, and has some speed himself.
.,.. Top returnee: Senior tailback Kevin Wilson rushed for 1,272 yards and was a first-team Enquirer All-Star. He averaged 5.2 yards a carry. .,.. Outlook: A six-game winning streak and tie for second place in the GMC highlighted Lakota's 1994 sea2. HAMILTON son. With the return of several key .,.. Coach: Ed Mignery (76-65) skilled performers from that team, the .,.. Last year's record: 8-3 T-Birds could again be a threat in the .,.. Top returnee: Mike Gurr. The GMC. imposing tight end is impossible to Joining Wilson is wideout Troy miss when he takes the field and, after Evans (25 receptions for 445 yards, . 14 receptions for 275 yards last year, is seven TDs), the leading receiver in the the most proven skilled position perGMC a year ago. Quarterback Tate former back from last year. Johnson (29-of-69, 430 passing yards) ""'Outlook: Mignery welcomes back is another returning starter. a reaSonable number of players from On defense, inside linebacker last year's GMC champion and DiviShane Pearson, who was second last year-With 76 tackles, is a likely standsion 1 playoff team. Unfortunately, few out. Outside linebacker Jeff Swanson, of them are at the skill positions. middle guard Scott Sweat and safety Tremendous speed, last year's top weapon, will be followed up with a · Brian Landis (five interceptions in '94) team th_at hQpfl..S to ~ami nat~ tbe ljrre of will also_b~ key to the T-Bird_ defenJe. scrimmage. Three second-team aii-GMC players 3. UMA SENIOR head the list of returnees. Tight end .,.. Coach: Leonard Rush (1 09-92-4) Mike Gurr and tackle Bill Roark are .,.. Last year's record: 6-4 huge'physical specimens on offense. ""'Top returnee: Andre Jackson. Butch Printup solidifies the defense The senior free safety was named all· from his linebacker position. To replace Midwest by one scouting publication. graduated stars Fred Rogers and .,.. Outlook: A lack of numbers and Thomas Hamner, Hamilton will need inexperience could cause Lima Senior immediate good play from quarterback to fall back a notch in the GMC race Jason Ware and running back Ben this season. Moore. Veteran coach Len Rush will start only three seniors. He'll have a roster 3. LAKOTA~ of fewer than 50 varsity players, with only 10 seniors overall. Senior safety .,.. Coach: Greg Bailie (65-37 -0) Jackson is touted as an all-state candi.,.. Last year's record: 6-4
Ht Wt Yr 6·2 195 12 6-0 180 12 6-2 240 12 5--8 227 12 6-1 210 12 5·9 180 12 6-1 270 12 61 206 12 5·9 204 12 5-10 218 12 5-6 153 12 57194 12 5-10 174 12 5-11 188 12 6-1 160 12 6.0 170 12 5-6 230 12 6-1 154 12 5-11 280 12 5-'10 180 12 5-10 220 12 5-8 155 12 6-1 192 12 6-1 183 12 51015012 5·11 237 12 5-11 202 12 6·2 265 11 6-3 242 11 5 10 160 11 6-0 187 11 6-0 167 11 6-1 171 11 6·2 314 11 6-0 165 11 6-1 150 11 5·11 160 11 5 B 162 11 6 0 160 11 6-0 224 11 5-7 166 11 5-10 172 11 6-0 271 11 5-9 184 11 6-1 230 11 5-11 208 11 6-0 182 11 6-0 210 11 6-0 175 11 5-9 178 11 6-0 180 11 ~-10 170 11 6-2 165 11 6-1 192 11 5-11 175 11 5-B 136 11 5-1 125 11 5·7 187 1'! 5-11 172 11 5·9 201 11 6-5 170 10 5-10 142 10 6-1 215 10 5·10 162 10 5-8 147 10 5-8 136 10 s-a 155 10 6-0 173 10 5.£ 135 10 5-6 191 10 S..7 143 10 6-1 157 10 5-9 173 10 5·5 118 10 5-10 135 10 5·8 210 10 5-9 1"11 10 5-11 137 10 5-9 Hi2 10 6-1 165 10 6-3 191 10 5-8 161 10 6-1 180 10 6-0 161 10 S-9 117 10 5-6 164 10 5-9 154 10 5·11 206 10 5-6 161 10 5·11 188 10 6-0 170 10 S..10 160 10 5-10 150 10 5-10 157 10 6-1 195 10
Princeton is a unanimous pick by the GMC coaches to r~ound from last year's runner-up finish and emerge as league champion. "We always set that as our No.1 goal, to win the league," said Princeton coach Pat Mancuso, whose teams have won 24 GMC titles in the 27-year history of the league. Hamilton, which will be out to defend last year's first-ever GMC title, was second in the coaches' balloting. Lakota and Lima Senior tied for third. 1. Princeton .................... 56 2. Hamilton ..................... 45 3. Lakota ....................... 37 (tie) Uma Senior ............ : ... 37 5. Fairfield ..........•...........• 26 6. Middletown ................... 22 7. Sycamore .................... 20 8. Milford ........................ 9 .,.. Coach: Pat Mancuso (311-92-14) .,.. Last year's record: 6-4 .,.. Top returnee: Defensive backs Tony Stites and Fred Smith, who are each major college prospects. With an inexperienced line up front, Stites and Smith must take control. .,.. Outlook: Princeton's best teams in the past have been built on speed, and this year, the speed is back. Mancuso has reverted from the conventional offense he used last year to the option, veer offense his teams ran for over 20 years. The Vikings think they have a dangerous quarterback to run the offense in senior David Brown, who gained some experience as a part-time player last year. Behind him, there's a whole stable of speed backs in senior Brandon Brookins and juniors Robert Washington, Donald Toran and Michael Sickles. II Princeton has a concern area, it comes with youthful groups on both the offensive and defensive line. On the plus side, both groups have good size.
date, and the junior backfield of quarterback Jimmy Morris, William Bratton and Aaron James features an abundance of speed.
Ht Wl Yr 5·10 210 12 6-1 170 12 5-11 265 12 5-D 170 12 6-2 215 12 6-2 210 12 6·7 255 12 5-6 135 12 6-0 170 12 &4 265 12 6-1 175 12 5 11 170 12 6-5 270 12 6-1 200 12 6-6 325 12 6-0 160 12 5-11 160 12 6-0 145 11 6-3 190 11 5-9 170 11 6-2 240 11 6-4 180 11 5·7 145 11 6330411 6-3 180 11 5·9 150 11 5--8 150 11 6-0 260 11 6-1 200 11 6-4 185 11 6-0 250 11 6·2 180 11 5-7 150 11 6-3 255 11 5-S 150 11 6-5 215 11 5-6 190 11 6-3 160 11 6·2 195 11 5-9 11\0 11 6-1 160 11 5-10 160 10 5-11 "150 10 5-10 170 10 5-9 140 10 5-9 255 10 59 245 10 6-0 190 10 5-6 140 10 6-3 235 10 6·3 275 10 6-1 245 10 6-1 225 10 6-1 175 10 5-11 160 10 6-3 215 10 5·11 195 10 6-0 215 10 5·11 170 10 6-1 190 10 6-1 195 10 6-1 170 10 6-4 185 10 5-6 130 10 5·11 150 10 5-7 115 10 5·9 140 10 5·9 185 10 5-7 135 10 5-10 160 10 6-1 200 10 5-8 150 10 5-5 145 10 s-a 140 10 6-3 260 10 5-11 170 10 6-3 175 10 5-11 190 10 6·1 160 10
... coach: Jim Carty (16-14) .,.. Last year's record: 4-6 ""'Top returnee: Curtis Knight. A two-way player, he has a shot at the school's career interception record on defense and will be a starting halfback on offense. ~Outlook: A promising season last 8. MILfORD year was undone by a penchant for c h · p h ( 7) turning the football over. This year, .,.. oac :Jim rat er 103· 115Fairfield will have new people handling .,.. Last year's record: 2-8 the ball to go with some experience on .,.. Top returnee: Tom Willson. The the defensive side of the ball. wide receiver is the top offensive threat Defensive lineman Shane Mar' -- returning for the Eagles, after catching tinkovic, a Division 1college prospect, 24 passes for 305 yards a year ago. leads the list of returnees on a defense ~Outlook: Following a disappoint· that allowed just 175 yards per game i[lg season a year ago, Prather is last year, tops in the Gtillc: Gurtis- - < hopeful his program can rebound to a Knight, who has a shot at the school •. season in the .500 range. career Interception record, and Chris Quarterback Doug Rutter started the Musselman return as starling cornerfinal three games of last year, and the . backs. three backs who line up behind him all Junior quarterback Travis Blust has return: fullback Bob Merlo and half· shown he can throw effectively, as well backs Jeremy Gordon and Mike as run the option attack. Musselman, Ambrose. Knight and Jeremy Monahan will line Tony Molitor returns to anchor the up behind him at running back. defense at linebacker, while Jason Carty thinks he has an unsung Babinec, a state qualifier in wrestling weapon in a strong kicking game. last year, looks good at safety. Aaron Another unknown will be Fairfield's Heller returns at noseguard, and a reliance on youth- up to eight sopho- newcomer to the team, tackle Ken mores could be in the starting lineup in · Bichardson, has impressed with his the opener with Beavercreek. combination of size and speed.
Experience on the lines will.carry CCD The beat goes on at Cincinnati Country Day. Despite the loss of all-state running back Andre Barkley, a freshman at the University of North Carolina, the Miami Valley Conference coaches think the Indians are the team to beat again. Coach Tim Dunn, who has guided the Indians to 11 consecutive winning seasons, returns veteran offensive and defensive lines along with an experienced secondary. But it will be tough to replace three players who left for college programs- Barkley, Blue Eaves (Harvard) and Matt Vollmer (New Hampshire). "We think we have a very good team coming back, but we're going to miss those guys," Dunn said. 1. Cincimati Country Day (5) ...... 41 The · Enquirer/Craig Ruttle 2. Summit Country Day (1) ........ 31 The Summit quarterback is gun(tie) New Miami. ................. 31 ning for the school's career pass4. Lockland ..................... 20 ' 5. Batavia. ...................... 19 ing yardage record. 6. North College Hill .............. 18 7. Landmark Christian ............. 7
1. CINCINNATI COUNTRY DAY ""'Coach: Tim Dunn (64·12) ""' Last year's record: 10- J ~Top returnee: Reed Werner started at quarterback as a sophomore last season and led the Indians to an MVC title ·and an unbeaten regular season. "Because of him, we expect to throw the football," Dunn said. ...,. Outlook: Dunn says the lines will be solid, anchored by big tackle Damon Anderson, a 270-pounder. Brad Jones, a 5-9, 175-pounder will try to help fill Barkley's shoes in the back· field. "He's been waiting his tum and he's anxious to get going," says Dunn. · Overall, Dunn is encouraged. 'We ~ --t...-••~O.UOUL...1AJ.o.._iiJ~f.dn~
.,.. Coach: Garrick Robinson (45-18) ""'La5t year's record: 7-3 ""'Top returnee: Eric Bruns, the senior quarterback, is 600 yards short of setting the school record for caree~ passing yardage and 13 short of the touchdown passes record. He completed 64 of 120 passes for 1,003 yards as a junior. .,.. Outlook: Just when it appeared that the Silver Knights would be down on talented running backs, Jay Boyd and Eric O'Brian transferred in from Lakota to bolster the attack. Senior offensive tackle John Underhill will anchor the line along with Chris Jang while the defense returns linebackers John O'Brien, Mike Tudor and
3.NEWMIAMB ... coach: Ben Hubbard (167-106) ""'Last year's record: 7-3 .,.. Top returnee: The offense will revolve around Jason Faulkner, a 6foot, 170-pound running back. Faulkner was the Panthers' second-leading rusher last season with more than 700 yards. .,.. Outlook: The Panthers made a great run at the league title last season, losing to both Summit Country Day and Country Day on fourth-quarter touchcbwns. Hubbard will need to rebuild the offensive and defensive lines. Both backfields are in better shape, with two-way players Faulkner, Jason McNabb, Jesse Stubblefield and B.J. Smith.
4. LOCKLAND ... coach: Dave Wancata (36·16) ""' Last year's record: 3·7 .,.. Top returnee: Bobby French, a 6foot, 212-pound guard, was an MVC honorable mention salection at guard last season with his sights set on firstteam honors. .,.. Outlook: Prospects are bright with the return of 17 starters, 15 seniors and a healthy roster of 40. . All-league quarterback Justin Morris returns, and his main rushing threat in the backfield will be sophomore Mike Ott.
Ht WI Yr 5-10 5-7 5-9 5-9 6-1 6·2 6-7
beefy Morrow, Ike Clepper (6·3, 265), Brad Kelley (6·0, 21 0), Mike Stewart (6-0, 215) and Spencer Stewart (6-1 , 235) .
211 145 165 158 230 210 169
12 12 12 12 12 12 12
5·9 5-10 5·9 '6·3 5·11 5-7 6-0 5-7 5-11 6-2
160 140 170 203 187
12 12 12 12 12
iSO 255 220 242 245 195 206 262 262 204 204 1B2 167 233 195 170 151 130 184
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 ,, 11 11
6-3 6·0
6-0 5-9 5-9 6-0 6-2 6-2 6-0 5-10 5-5 5-5
5-9 5-7 5-5 6-1 5-8 6-1 6-0 5-11 5·9 5-10 5·10 5·'10
6-2 5-7 5-7 5·9 6-1 5-7 .5·6 58 5-7 5·7 5·8 5-6 5-10 6-3 5·8 6-1
148 151 135 165 212 137 170 130 126 140 196 190 215 240 200 275
Ht WI Yr 5-7 155 12
6-0 149 12 6-1 165 12 5--8 116 12 6-0 175 12 5-9 163 12 5-5 155 12 5-11 191 12 6-2 215 12 5-10 236 12 s-a 193 12 6-0 240 12 6-0 232 12 5-10 211 12 6-2 330 12 6-2 220 12 5-9 160 ,, 5-4 152 11 5-5 150 11 5-7 193 11 s-a 159 11 5-10 180 11 5-7 147 11 5-5 150 11 6-0 152 11 5-10 174 11 5-10 165 11 5·10 133 11 6-0 196 11 '5-9 225 11 5·10 273 11 6-0 226 11 6-5 264 11 5·10 165 11 6-1 229 10 6-0 164 10 5·10 150 10 5-11 159 10 5-9 145 10 6-2 175 10 5-9 137 10 6-0 170 10 6-1 2D4 10 5-9 160 10 5-9 H3 10 5·11 183 10 5-D 173 10 5-5 225 10 5·9 ';!15 10
11 11 11 11 11 11
s-o ez
11 ,, 11 ,, 11 11 11 ,, 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 ,, 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
SYCAMORE Ht Wt Yr 5-5 185 12 6-2 190 6-0 170 5-D 155 5-11 'El 5-10 162 5-10 162 5-11 145 5-10 150 5-9 200 6-0 220 6-1 170 5-10 170 5·9 150 6-1 175 B-3 235 5-10 160 6-0 190 6-1 155 5-8 160 6-0 190 6-0 230 6-2 220 5-9 185 5-8 155 5-11 185 5-10 197 6-0 270 S-3 175 5-10 140 5-7 155 5-10160 6-1 170 &4 220
Ht Wt Yr 6-1 145 12 5 11 200 12 5-7 152 12 5·10 195 12 5-7 145 12 5715512 5-8 200 12 6-1 265 12 5·10 165 11 5-5 142 11 5-9 175 11 6-1 160 11 5·7 150 11 6-1 160 11 6-0 195 11 5·11 200 11 5-11 190 11 5·11 205 11 6-2 225 11 5-7 180 11 6-0 240 11 5-11 165 11 6-4 215 11 s-o 2a1 11 6-0 225 11 6-3 230 11 5·7 155 10 57 160 10 5-10 160 10 5·7 130 10 5·8 140 10 5-6 145 10 5-10 170 10 5·9 190 10 5-7 170 10 5·9 195 10 5-10 200 10 6-1 240 IO 5·9 215 10 5-6 235 10 5·7 260 10 5-9 265 10 6-1 255 10 6-0 i90 10 6-3 300 10 5·5 135 10 5·6 145 10 5-7 165 10
Ht WI Yr 6-1 510 5·11 5·10 5-11 6·3 6-2
205 175 190 170 180 230 190 6-0 185 &4 255
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
5-10 160 5·11 185 5-9 175 5-10 160 510 160 5·11 160 5-8 160 5-8 150 5·11 185 5-9 180 5-10 150 6-1 190 510 170 5-9 150 6-0 160 5·10 180 6-1 165 6·0 205 5-9 180 5-8 '165 5·9 170 6·3 195 5·10 175 5-11 190 5·10 215 5-10 200 5-11 185 5·11 230 5·8 150 5-9 170 5-10 160 6-3 175 5·9 180 5·9 140 6-2 205 6-2 160 6-2 200 5-10 150 6-2 200 5-8 140 5-11 160 6-2 190 5·9 150 S·9 160 6·0 190 5·8 150 5-11180 5·9 140 6-0 150 5-10 150 5-11 175 6-3 195 5-9 195
12 12 12 11 11 11 1r 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
10 10 10 10 10
240 ii
5-7 5-11
5-11 180 5-9 200 5·11 200 5·10 220 5-10 180
191 ,,
200 163 176 195 182 191 232 215 175 205 206 179 272 285 244 240 205 193 198 192 172 190 150 162 145 175
5-10 5-8 6-0 6-2 6-3 61 6-2 6-4 5·11 5-9 5-9
DanKeal ........ DL CarlQucsal OL AaronFrtzstepnens. OL DavdOaks ....•.....•DL Mark Metzler........... OL
12 6-0 1BD 12 6-3 240 12 5-9 200 12 Mike Woolridga ... .R
12 12 12 12 12 '!2 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 s-a 1ss 11 6-0 200 11 5-5 160 11 11 5-11 185 11 6-0 230 11 5-9 155 11 6-0 230 11 5-11 165 11 5·11 185 11 5-10 151 11 6-0 280 11 5-10 230 11 5-10 155 11 6-0 160 11 s-a 130 11 5-10 157 11 5-9 185 11 5-4 200 10 5-4 135 10 5-7 120 10 5-10 131 10 57 112 10 5-7 141 10 5·7 135 10 5-4 160 10 5-7 147 10 5-10 182 10 5-9 165 10 5-10 130 10 5 10 160 10 6-0 175 10 54 115 10 &4 230 10 5-11 175 10 s-a 125 10 6-4 175 10 6-0 170 10 6-0 155 10 5-11 180 10 5-10 175 10 5-10155 10 5-4 104 10 6-0 145 10 5-11160 10 5-10 150 10
MILFORD Ht WI Yr 5-1f180 12 6-2 155 12 6-0 165 12 5-10 170 12 6-1 193 12 5-10 155 12 6-0 150 12 6-0 185 12 5-7 122 12 5-7 165 12 5-9160 12 6-3 190 12 6-3 250 12 5917012 6-1 195 12 5-9 175 12 6-2 265 12 6-0 190 12 6-4 255 12 6-0 225 12 6-0 175 12 6-4 185 12 6-1 160 11 6-0 182 11 5-9 145 11 6-0 153 11 56 185 11 6-0 185 11 6-2 225 11 6-3 255 11 6-3 250 11 6-2 2;15 11 6-3 255 11 6-2,150 11 6-3 150 11 5-D 155 11 6-4 170 11 6-1 165 11 5-9 160 10 5-10175 10 6-2 185 10 5-9 136 10 5-7 145 10 S·B 225 10 6-1 225 10 6-3 235 10 6-2 185 10
6-0 270 12 5·10 5-11 5·9 6-0 5-10 5·11 6-0 5-5 6-2 5·9 5·9 6-0
~Coach: Bruce Baarendse (36-54) .,.. Last year's record: 5-5 .,.. Top returnee: Andorian Mundy, a 6-2, 185-pound senior, is a multifaceted threat. As a junior, he rushed for 749 yards, picked up another 361 yards on pass receptions. In all, he totaled 1,575 all-purpose yards in just nine games while scoring 68 points. .,.Outlook: Mundy is joined by another player with college potentialfour-year starter Clayton Duncan, who ,led the team in tackles (94) last season. Also back on the defense is linebacker Matt Kerbo, nose guard Damien Carpenter and lineman Brent Daniels.
165 185 175 220 170 1SO 165 165 227 160 175 175 200 195 185 185 175
12 12 12 1:::. 12 1Z: 1£' 12 1Z: 1Z!
5-9 5-10 5-10 5-10 5-10 6-2 5-11 6-4
165 170 160 165 165 220 175 245
11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
1\ 6-3 1i 6-3 11 6-1 1l 5·9 H 5--11 220 1i 5-8 185 11 6-3 180 11,) 6-2 200 10 5-9 160 10 5·10 180 10 5-8 155 1D 5·11 170 10 5-9 165 IQ 5-11 180 1D 5-11 215 1D 5-11 170 11,) 5-8 150 9 5·11 150 !:;! 5-8 150 Sl 5-6 130 s 5·11 180 9 5-11 170 9 6-3 220 21 5-11 180 8 5-6 150 ~ '9
HI WI Yr 6-4 6-2 6-0 6-0 6-0 5·7
220 2<10 170 170 150 211
12 12 12 12 12 12
""'Coach: Mark Ellis (4-6) ""'Last year's record: 4-6 ""'Top returnee: Jeremy Redmon, a 5-11, 180-pound senior who played guard last year is being moved to fullback. He'll still play defensive end as 5. BATAVIA well. ""'Coach: Jamie Corrill (8-12) .,.. Last year's record: 2-8 "Jeremy is a great athlete and a real ""'TQp returnee: All-league lineman scrapper," Ellis said. "He will be one of Carl Morrow, a 5~ 11, 220-pound sen1or, the keys to the offen~e and defense." holds the key for the Bulldogs, both on II>' Outlook: Ellis remains hopeful offenseland defense. despite returning only four seniors. The team's second leading tackler b 1 h " as a junior, Morrow will also be called "1f we stay healthy, we'll e a I rig I, upon to protect quarterback Nathan Ellis said. "Skill wise, we have the Bishop, the school's all-time leading entire offensive line back, quarterback passer. Adam Hollingsworth and a move in .,.. Outlook: The Bulldogs offensive___ Florida (running back Ronnie
Name ......................,.Pos Kevtn Benedlct. ,...... K Chns Dornbusch .. C-OT
Ciaylon Duncan
5-9160 11
KaithSoy,der ..... DL·OL 5-10184 10
Chns Henderson .....WR-DB Matt Kerbo.. .... .... ,TE-LB OanMlls .............TE-DT Andonan Mundy ..... :rB-LB Kol)' Scudder . m.s Pete Zappulla QB-OB Bnoo Brown ......... _ .OT·DT Damloncarpentcr ....FB-NG GregCourt!;md •... ... :TB·LB Brent Daniels ....... :G--NG Rodger Horton G-NG Jeff Kemphaus . . .FB-LB EISon LeWIS ............. WR-08 JamesMos,ey .......WR-08 Josh Tturman. , ..•..OB-08 Mike Weyer . OT-DT Charles Wilson TE·LB Rapnoonavan ........K Mike McCou'orey ...... OT-LB Just'nRegiSleJ .. ,.•.•WR·S Jarryi11omas - ...01'-DT ChadTncase .. . .G-OT Shawn Wr:ryer .... _ ••.• WR-08 K. Whyte .••• w . . . . . . . . FB-LB JaH Day . . .........WR·OB Mark Oay .........DB-DB Gary Floyd. ~ .. ORB Russel Frye ...........WR·S Gary Magruder •. _ ....FB-NG ChrfsMarshall ........ OT·DT
HI WI Yr 5·9 155 12 5·10 225 12 6-0 225 12 5·11 155 12 6-1 210 12 6-420512 6-2 185 12 5-11 160 12 5-10 175 12 6-1 230 11 510190 11 5-11180 11 5-D 190 11 5-5 150 11 6-2 210 11 5-9 150 11 5-9150 11 6-0 160 11 6-2 205 11 6-i 180 11 510170 10 6-1 175 10 5-5 1i0 10 6-2 170 10 5-10165 10 s-a 135 10 5-11 190 10 5-5 130 9 5-7 155 9 5-7 130 9 5-0 100 9 5-5 150 9 5-D 170 9
.. tS
::::Monk ;~:tilts scales ,-,to Franklin
Four teams received at least part of a vote for first place in the Fort Ancient Valley Conference, but Goshen got the most.The Warriors shared the conference title with Mason last year. "I think it's Ross and Goshen, and pretty much a mixture after that," said Mason coach Tim Iichtenberg. Ross, Kings and Mason are ranked second, third and fourth in the preseason poll, all getting at least a share of a first-place vote.
If in doubt, back the big back. That's the message MML coach,;, es sent in their voting, tabbing Franklin a narrow favorite over Lemon-Monroe in a too-close vote. : If anything, Nick Monk was the , tiebreaker. The Franklin senior running back will close a legendary career ·. this fall. And after 3,676 yards rush- ing in three seasons, he scares .: other coaches enough to pick the , Wildcats. Barely. Franklin totaled 28 votes; Monroe, 27. And Edgewood (23) and Miamisburg (22) weren't far - behind. 'That's the way I'd pick them," Franklin coach]ohnAregood said. 'The last couple of years it's been us and them (Monroe), one and two. But these other teams could sneak in there."
6·1 6-1 6·1 510 6-1 6·2 5 11 5-10 5-10 59 5·10 6-3 5·10 60 6-4 5-11 58 62 5-11 5 10
Wt 160 190 170 s..g 100
5-ll 59 5·10 6-3 6-0
145 160 195 220 185
Yr 12 12 12 12
HI \'VI vr 5·11 166 12 6-0 175 12 6{J 163 12 6{J 230 12 6{J 189 12 6-2 286 12 6-1 165 12 6{J 165 12 5-7 146 11 • 6-1 185 11 5-11 170 11 6-1 161 11 5-6 158 11 5·11 178 11 5-7 210 11 511 185 11 5·10 WI 11 5-9 181 11 6-1 261 11 6-2 230 11 6-3 325 11 6-2 191 11 5 10 138 11\ 5-9 150 11 6-1 166 10 5·10 1<'10 10 6-2 179 10 5-11 177 10 6-2 207 10 6-2 222 10 &.2 235 10 5·9 150 10 5-10 224 10 6-3 221 10 6-1 193 10 5-11 175 10 62 160 9 &.1 170 9 6{) 186 9 5-10 180 9 5·11 153 9 5·7 135 9 6-2 236 9
12 12 12 12 12
sa 1as 12
6-6 335 12 5-9 67 5 10 6-3 6-1
~Coach: John Singleton (33-29). ~Last year's record: 11-1. ~Top returnee: Tyler Williams, a
Jonathan Osbome
215 12 230 12 270 12 255 12 170 12 6-0 165 12 5-iO 160 11 5-8 135 11 5-8 135 11 &.2 170 11 5-8 150 11 sa 135 11 sa 160 11 S.9 190 11 5·9 160 1i 5916011 5·11 240 11 5-11 200 11 5·11 145 11 6, 195 11 5·10 160 10 5-9 120 10 G-1 165 10 5-6 155 '0 5·10 175 10 5-8 165 10 5 10 150 10 5·8 145 10 s..g 140 10 56 140 10 5-10 150 10 6-3 300 10
Ht Wt Yr 6-1 178 12 5·11 11i5 12 6-3 181 12 5·10 152 12 6{) 168 12 5 10 164 12 5-10 190 12 6-1 187 12 6-1 205 12 6-0 185 12 6-1 170 12 8·1 185 12 5-10 168 12
first team all-stater, is back at quarterback and defensive back. Last year, he Jumped into the starting role at QB when Buck Green suffered a broken leg. He also led the area with 11 interceptions. il'>- Outlook: A strong secondary led by Williams and AU-District defensive back Aaron Helvey Will anchor a rjefense that allowed only 137.1 yards a game and won 11 straight last season. Helvey, a two-year starter, has switched from tailback to wide receiver. He rushed for 700 yards and caught passes for 300 more last season.
6-3 6-5
6-4 5-11
58 5-7 5-8 6{J
55 6{J
5·10 180 58143 5·9 1<'15 57 140 6-2 178 6-0 180 6-1 175 5 11 138 5·8 150 5-8 136 6-1 185 5 11 180 5·9 134 6-0 168 51:1172 61 225 5·9 160 -5-6 145
150 11 185 11 175. 11 180 11 182 11 165 11 170 11 275 11 222 11 242 11 121 10 2'15 10 154 10 150 10 125 10 150 10 168 10
5. TALA:WANDA =co-=
HI Wt Yr
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
10-10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
-~ii'>-Outlook: The-Warriors.willbe~
II'- Last year's record: 4-6 II'- Top returnee: Senior
center/defensive lineman Tyson Redpath and fullback/linebacker Ryan Tohill are the key veterans. II'- Outlook: The Braves have to replace their quarterback, featured running back and their best wide receiver.
6. DAYTOillll CARROLL 11'-Coach: Steve Bartlett II'- last year's record: 3-7
il'>-Top returnee: Senior QB Matt Beavers is back. In their second scrimmage he played three quarters and engineered t11ree scoring drives. II'- Outlook: Beaver will have three veteran targets to throw to- wide receivers Mike Combs and Justin Rudd and promising junior tight end Chad Schwartz, who will also play defense.
7.lEBANON til> Coach: David Brausch (first year) il'>- Last year's record: 4-6. il'>-Top returnees: Seniors Jason Stone (DE-T) and Kevin Runyan (RBLB) will have to add some experience to a young Warrior offense.
learning their third system in three years. Brausch is excited. "I'm anxious about the season, I have a group of great players eager to leam." Justin Conger (running back) and Zach Abrams (tight end), reserves last year. were converted to offensive limemen and will join all-league returnee Jason Stone (defensive end). Jeremy Nelson, a junior quarterback, will run the offense.
&.FENWICK 11>- Coach:
Bob Schwab. record: 2-8 11>- Top returning players: Seniors Mike Long (FB) and Chris South (QB) are back to bring some experience to the offense behmd another returnee, center Ricky Schwab. 11>- Outlook: Coach Schwab, 51, suffered a mild stroke on Aug. 22. He is recovering in the hospital, and is expected back on the job in five weeks. Taking his place will be his' brother, Bill, the team's defensive end. 'The team has been handling the situation pretty well; it was a little tense, but once the players got the news he was out of danger they have begun to relax," said Bill on his brother's condition. 11>- Last year's
220 240 195 190 205 180 170 195 225 145 175 190 240 180 215 160 160 220 155 240 210 190 170 16!: 170 195 170 HS
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Ht Wt Yr 6·1 223 12 5-9 152 12 6-2 182 12 6-0 185 12 6-2 235 12 60 234 12 5·7 136 12 5·10 168 12 6016612 511 231 12 5-9 209 12 6-2 217 12 5·10 172 11 59 152 11 6-5 231 11
6-0 165 11 6-2 230 11
6-3 170 11
5·11 5-10 5-9 5 10 5-11
~~>-Coach: George Rise (145-52-5) il'>- Last year's record: 7-3 il'>- Top returnees: Nathan Long, a 6foot-2, 180-pound quarterback and defens1ve back. Also back IS his favonte target: tight end Steve Wenker (6-4, 225). ii'>-Outlook: The Warriors are looking for their seventh straight winn1ng season. Coach George Rise is closing in on 150 victories after 21 years.
5-10 210 12 6-o 170 12... 6 1 254 12 6·2 235 12 5·10 170 i2 6-5 310 12 6-1 225 12 6-3 217 12 5·11 191 12 6-2 180 12 5-8 190 12 5-9 200 12 6-3 190 12 59 150 11 5·10 193 11 5-10 170 11 5-10 170 11 510 170 11 6-0 170 11 5 11 155 11 6·2 230 11 6-2 280 11 6-1 160 11 6-0 185 11 6-1 225 11 510 175 11 5-11 175 11 5-10 140 11 5·10 168 11 6-5 2<'10 11 6-1 185 11 5-10 185 11
155 10 148 9 140 9 120 9 150 9 158 9 158 9 129 9 119 9 160 9 S·B 154 9 5-7 157 9 5·8 202 9 6-2 245 9 5-8 178 9 6-1 169 9 5-B 2D.'l 9 57 169 9 5-3 125 9 5-8 109 9 5·8 130 9 5 10 150 9 5·7 173 9 6-2 155 9
155 140 290 145 210 6-0 195 5-8 135 5·10 195 5 11 145 10 6-4 240 10 6·2 190 10 5917010 5-9 270 10
il'>- Coach: Tim Lewis (38-22). til> Last year's record: 2·8 (2-4). il'>- Top returnee: Although he tore an anterior cruciate ligament in the third game, running back Brad Sizemore looks to be back. He rushed for 837 yards as a freshman, and 1,182 yards as a sophomore. ii'>-Outlook: The Vikings will f1nd out early if last year's 2-8 season will carry over into '95 as they face off against neighborhood rival West Carrollton. "It's a spirited rivalry, our next door neighbor and they're only five miles away. The kids all know each other," said Lewis. In his seven years as head coach they are 4-2 against West Carrolton.
2 Ross (1l5) ..................... 33 3. K1ngs (1) ..................... 28 4. Mason (~) .................... 26 5. Norwood ..................... 25 6. L1ttle Miami ............ _...... 18 (tie) Wilmington .................. 18 8 Springboro ..................... 7
..,.. Coach: John Aregood (career record 88-22) ~Last year's record: 8-2 I!» Top returnee: Monk not only will - power the offense, but Will anchor the · defenses from the linebacker position , as well. 1~>- Outlook: Besides Monk, Aregood retums nine other starters, including Daniel Watkins, Mike Standifer and Brian Salmons. Inexperience at quarterback could hurt early.
5-10 5-9
1 Goshen (2l5) .................. 38
ii'>-Coach: Steve Channell (17-33) ii'>-Last year's record: 6-4. ~·Top returnees: Senior running backs Eddie Myers, Ryan Gilley and Kelly Salyers will be called upon to replace Jeff Miller, who graduated as the school's career rushing leader. Salyers rushed for 600 yards as a junior. til> Outlook: The Cou9ars will start their fourth season runmng the W1ng 'T' offensive scheme, and last season they led Butler County in rushing.
6·1 5 10 5 10 6-2 5·9 6-2 5·9 6-1 6-4
Ht 5·9 5-11 5-9
5-8 5-11 55 5-6 5-10 5-7 5-10 5·9 5·7 5-10
~-~,~~~ ~~
til> Coach: Dick Ballard (49-41) ii'>-Last year's record: 4-6 il'>-Top returnee: Nick Wilson. Last year as a sophomore, the all-city running back picked up 1,328 yards. "He's fast," said Ballard, "with real good open-field inst'1ncts." ii'>-Outlook: Lots of the skill spots are filled with returning veterans. Senior James Durbin (5-foot-9, 152 pounds) will be at quarterback. Inexperience in the secondary and the defensive line are concerns
6·0 197 6-0 253 61 158 6-0 236 5·8 153 6-0 191 6-0 172 6-0 177 s-a 186 57 137 5·10 184 5·11 223 6-0 268 6-1 185 6-0 167 6-0 187 59 173 5·10 155 5-10 182 6-0 200 57 152 5 10 143 6-1 175
11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Ht WI Yr 5-4 &.3 5-8 61 5·9
220 12 225 12 130 12 165 12 170 12 5-9 180 12
6-1 250 12 175 12 120 12
5-9 5-5 6-1 510
135 12 5-B 120 12 5-10 220 12 6-3 240 12 6 0 180 12 5-11 170 12 5-8 140 12 6-3 180 12 6-0 220 12 5-1 150 11 6-1 170 11 5-11 150 11 5-9 135 11 5-11 245 11 6-1 155 11 5-11 160 11 6-1 160 11 5·11 175 11 5·11 280 11 5-7 140 11 5·9 165 11 5-7 140 11 6-0 190 11 58 150 11 5·11 165 11 5-2 115 10 5-9 175 10 5-2 150 10 5·6 195 10 5·9 130 10 5-7 160 10 5 10 150 10 5-8 230 10 5·7 170 10
3, K:UNGS 11> Coach: Randy Gebhardt (8-12) ~~>Last year's
record: 7-3
I!» Top returnee: Andy Schroeder, a
6-foot-4, 187-pound senior quarterback. II> Outlook: Kings returns the entire offensive backfield and receivers. Only question mark IS an unproven offensive line. ~Coach:
Tim Uchtenberg (86-62-2)
t1> Last year's record: 8-2 t1> Top returnee: Mason Steamann.
A three-year starter, he's 6-foot-2 and 294 pounds. He's also qu1ck, runs fast, and has a 3.7 GPA.
1.1-iillsboro(?'k) ...................... 64 2. LovelandCk) .................... · ·. 48 3. New Richmond .................... 44 4.CNBethEei-Tate .•........•............. ~ 5· .............................. 6. Westem Brown· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 28 ?.Williamsburg ...................... 26 8· Blanchester · · · .. · · · · · · · · · · · · .. · · · · 16
1. HILLSBORO !!>-Coach: James Home (73-49) II>- Last year's record: 9-2 II>- Top returnee: Quarterback Jason Barton, who was all-league and all-district last year. He's just one of eight juniors who started for a teamthatwenttotheplayoffs. 11>- Outlook: Hillsboro was 7-{) in the SBC last year, and should dominate again. But ifs an unusual type of powerhouse. 'We're a finesse kind of team," said Home. 'We'll win games like against New Richmond last year where the score's 14-8, but they've got 60 passessions to our 30. We got a oouple of big plays.
· ~~>-Coach: LanyBauman (91-61-2) ..,..Lastyear'srecord:4-6 11>- Top returnee: UnebackerMattWardisa DMsion I oollege prospect, Bauman said. Ward is 6-foot-3, 205, runs a 4.6 40, and is versatile. 01 offense he moves from halfback to tight end.
..,.Coach: Ron Bird (156-87•5) ..,..Lastyear'srecord:B-2 ii>-Topreturnees:WilliamBrown,a5-foot10,180-poundlinebackerandfullback;and George Duty, a 5-9, 150-pound halfback and defensiveback. ~Outlook: With only two seniors with much experience back, matching last year's record will be a challenge."lfwe stick together," said Bird, "then next year might be a decent year. "
4. !BETH Efl.. TATE ~~>-Coach:ZakTaylor( 18 ·22)
11>- Last year's record: 7-3 11>- Top returnee: Scott Burton missed
aooupie of games with injuries last year and still rushed for more than 1,000 yards in eight games. !!>-Outlook: Senior Ryan Poling is the starter, but he's being pushed by junior Shawn Vilvens. If Poling isn't taking the snaps, he may be even more valuable. Last year, he had two 1GO-yard rushing games when Burton went down and intercepted seven passes.
6-0 6-{)
6-0 5-10 6-3
WI 170 160 190 165 180 225 190 210
6-0 235 6-0 240 6-4 200 5-11 165 6 3 200 6-0 180 5-10165 6-0 150 6-2 175 5-9 160 5-11 155 6-4 215 5-B 215 5-11 220
Yr 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11
11 11 11 11 6-0 200 11 5·10 220 11 6-0 235 11 5-10 150 11 6-0 160 10 5-9 145 10 5-8 160 10 5-8 155 10 56135 iO 6-0 170 10 5-10 180 10 5-11 180 10 5·10 235 10 6-1 250 10 5-10 230 10 5617010 6-2 210 10 6-4 180 10 6-0 190 10 6-0 180 9
injury, has reinjured it. Danny Noth, a running back and linebacker who missed last year w1th a broken leg, will probably miss the first month With a knee injury.
7. Vlnil.MINGTON
ll>Coach: Steve Schnee (f1rst year) fl> Last year's record: 2-8 ll>-Top returnee: Eric Johnson, a 6foot-1, 250-pound tackle, 1s a major college prospect. . IP-Outlook: Schnee has been with the Indians for 16 years, and now takes over as head coach. Two years ago, Norwood was 8-2, graduated 20 seniors, and plunged to 2-8 last year. The rebuilding will cont1nue this season.
~~>-Coach: Kevin Gault (first year) ii'>-Lastyear's record: 4-6 il'>-Top returning players: Nick Brown. The hard-working fullback (5foot-11, 190) has put on 15 pounds since last season, and on defense he'll move from outside linebacker to the inside slot. ii'>-Outlook: Wilmmgton dropped a couple of preseason scrimmages to Fairborn and Defiance, but Gault said he liked the improvement from one scrimmage to the next.
I>Coach: Tim Martin (27-35) I> Last year's record: 5-5 ·~»Top returnee: Senior Micky Thompson, 6-foot-3 and 200 pounds, was all-league at linebacker last year, and honorable ment1on all-district. He'll also line up at wide receiver. He's a three-year starter, and also the punter. D> Outlook: Injuries have already hit this season. Lineman Shannon Davis, who missed last year with a knee
ii'>-Coach: Mark Kalugyer (career record 14-37) il'>-last year's record: 5-5. il'>-Top returnee: Jon Miller. Last year, he led the team ·,n tackles, playing strong safety. Kalugyer is moving him to linebacker, where he can contain the play more quickly. He'll also run the football. 'The kid can flat play," said Kalugyer.
The Cincinnati Enquirer/Glenn fiartong __
The Goshen quarterback will try to lead his team to a seventh consecutive winning season. ii'>-Outlook: The mystery team. A .500 squad last year, and ranked last this season, in the preseason poll. Matt Pollock, the backup quarterback last year, is in the lead for the starting job.
5-10 61 5·11 6-2 &0
year. "'/. WRlUAMSBURG
5·10 145
!!>-Coach: John Morgan (45-18-1) II'- Last year's record: 6-4. 11>- Coach: John Washko (121-72-14) ..,.. Top returnee: Mike Malott He started at il'>-lastyear's record: 3-7 quarterback last season until he was irjured, il'>-Top returnees: Casey ~II is a threeand is returning this year as the tailback in -"'-~-=~:...~~--'--"""--""--- ·~--'--~-'-'·<>oonrcrdd<;qLrJrttz:~"'r-"gil!naf/f!JonOOJg;:ihlll!Pe..:J:>il:lO,;ld!..<dp:\QffoQnoc!:iB~IPe..!Jfpg,c~kl!lpp___~B!anchAsfpr'g ontion OJOOiDO aame
5-5 150 10 5-7 192 10 6-1 170 10 5-9 197 10 5·11 170 10 6-0 185 10 5·11 210 10 5·7 130 10 5·7 130 10 5·11 142 10 5-5 115 10 6-5 238 10 5-6 136 10 5-9 142 10 5-11 191 10
Ht WI Yr 5-10 5-8 5·11 5-10 5 11 62
175 155 150 165
155 155 215 185 175 180 180 175 1113
5-8 5-11 140 5-11 210 6-2 160
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1'
HI WI Yr 6-2 220 12 5·11 5Ni0 6-4 6-3
157 155 260 200 6-0 171
5-8 166 11
6-0 170 10 6-0 155 10
150 11 163 11 230 11 150 11 135 11 6{) 245 11 5-11 150 11 5-11 210 11 6{J 291 10 5·11 221 10 5·7 140 10 5-8 168 10 5-3 120 10 55 135 10 5·8 19'1 10 5-6 139 10 6-2 1BO 10 5·11 220 10 5-10 150 10 6{J 200 10 5 10 150 10 5-6 135 10 5-10 150 10
Also returning is Eric Schmidt, who was the leading rusher on offense and the leading tacklerlast season. II'- Outlook: Washko came out of retirement lastyear,assembledanewcoachingstaff,and CNE broke its 19-game losing streak. Now the plan istobuildonthat. e wE'~'IPEII'IIIIU Bll'llftwlu u. e.;;~m rru'il ~Dnv n ..,.Coach: Wayne Clark (69-50) il>-lastyear'srecord:1-9 11>- Top returnee: Quarterback Brian Stratton. The two-year starter oompleted 50 percent of his passes and threw for 650 yards. !!>-Outlook: Eric Hamikon will see a lot of action again this season, starting at defensive back and tailback, where he had 70 cames last
..,.. Coach: Bob Guy (first year) 11>- Last year's record: 3-7 11>- Top returnee: Mike Grego.!ich, an allstate receiver who set the school record for receptions in his junior year. 11>- Outlook: Bill Brewer retums at quarterback. He's 6-foot-1 , 175 pounds, threw a!l the passes that made Gregovich an all-state receiver, and was all-league himself.
s-.3 165 12 6-1 173 11
5-6 145 11 5·10 6-1 6-3 5·9 5-9
Hillsboro keeps wary eye on Loveland land's tricky triple-cption offense, which should be even smoother as starling quarterback Eric Price retums.
Ht 6-3 55 5·11
-~~>oufrook:lt'stfarcffcfseel)eyoncl' --=-:-:-=::::~"-=-~""'-~-c:c--=--=c:-~o===::-:..::~=~~~~~~~==~=-="=="""=
this massive offens1ve line. Besides stearman, there's guard Dan Wortman (6~3, 220), center John Nordstrom (510, 240), guard Dennis Kettler 6-3, 235), and tackle Mart Carucci (6-5, 255).
SOUTHERN BUCKEYE CONFERENCE Hillsboro received all but half avote for .first place in the SBC. The split vote went to Loveland, new to the SBC1his season
190 12
6-2 274 56 200 8-2 200 8·2 175 5·8 160 6-0 155 5·11 180 6-4 140
HI WI Yr 6-4 218 12 5 10 226 12 5-8 231 12 5-10 192 12 6-2 170 12 6-1 210 12 5-9 163 12 6-1 218 12 5-9 166 12 5-9 283 12 5-li 148 12 6-3 210 12 6-1 '68 12 5-8 i63 12 5-10 179 11 5 a 158 11 5·9 167 11 5-iO 171 11 5·10 169 11 6-1 208 11 5-7 143 11 6-2 166 11 511 202 11 5-6 138 11 5·7 148 11 510 196 11 5·10 1'18 10 5-9 249 10
Jamos Lothrop,
11 11 11 11 11
10 10 6-3 180 10 5·7 120 10 6-1 160 10 5-11 1$ 10 5·6 140 10 5·10 165 10 5-10 174 10 6{J 165 10 6 D 110 10
BETHEL·TATE HI WI 57 205 6-2 210 5·10 215 6-3 220 6-0 200
5-9 200 6-1 150 6-4 210 6{J i50 6-1 195
Yr 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
6-0 215 6-1 180 5·10 iSS 5-10 160 62200 6-4 180 5-10 155 511 240 5-11 145 5-iO 135 5 11 175 6-1 160 5·10 180 5-8 150 6-0 210 6-1 180 5-8 135 6-0 165 6-0 210 5·11 190
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11
HI Wt Yr 5·10 166 12 6{J 215 12 6322512 5·9 182 12 5-8 140,12 6{J 174 12 6{J 170 12 5 10 170 12 6-1 266 12 5-11 180 12 5-7 i50 11 6-1 205 11 5 10 230 11 5·10 227 11 510 160 11 510 150 11 5-8 140 11 5·11 163 10 5-9 183 10 5-6 120 10 6-1 141 10 63237 10 5-11 192 10 5-6 163 10 5-10 154 10
11 11
11 11
11 11 10
WESTERN BROWN Ht Wt. Yr 6-0 155 12
5 10 150 12 5-B 150 12 5-11 168 12 5-10 155 12 511 147 12 6-1 192 12 6-0 195 12 5·8 1<'10 11 510 170 11 5-8 150 11 6-i 160 11 62 170 11 6-1 230 11 5-9 202 11 5-11 165 11 510 148 11 6-1 195 11
Ht Wt Yr 6-2 220 5-9 230 s-a 145 5-10 141 5 g 164 6-0 260 5-i1 260 6-0 252 5-10 173 5-9 138 6-0 173 5·11 174 5-7 160 6-0 25S 6-2 158 5·11 235 5-8 2Z1
12 12 12 12
12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10
6329410 5·11 5-10 5·5 5-11
205 195 140 171
5-11 325 511 146 5·10 156 6-4 282
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
iami cornerback offers olive branch to· Boomer _Apologizes for comments last year Enquirer news services
DAVIE, Fla. - Miami Dolphins cornerback Troy Vincent hopes to make peace Sunday with New York Jets quarterback Boomer Esiason. A feud between the two developed late last season when Vincent said Esiason preferred throwing to his left. Esiason considered the critique inaccurate. "He's trying to do .·. . anything he can," EsiaTroy V1ncent son said, "to make it look like he knows what is going on out there when, in fact, he doesn't. That's why
they get ripped every time somebody goes and passes on them." · Nine months later, the memory of the exchange makes Vincent cringe. He and Esiason will go head to head Sunday when the Jets play the Dolphins in the season opener for both teams. "As a left-handed quarterback, I just thought he threw a crisper pass to our right," Vincent said. "That was it. It got way, way blown out of proportion. He took it real personal. I didn't mean for it to come out that way." Vincent said he'll apologize to Esiason - after the game.. Esiason threw .for 675. yards and four touchdowns in two games against Miami last season, but the Dolphins won both.
$2.8 million a yea' including a $2.75 .. million signing bomj; after missing the first 39 days of trairing camp. The average is second among~FL defensive backs to Pittsburgh's Rod Voodson, who gets an average of $4.1 milli!n. . "It's done," Turnci: said of his contract. "I don't know if it's far, .but we came to an agreement." i BEARS: Defensi-..e end Richard Dent told a Chicago radi~ station there is a "possibility" he'll be,back with the Bears by the end of SeJj:ember. Dent, who missed most of 1994 with a knee injury, would hav~ to· pass 1 physical first. The Bears' all-time sacksleader (124 1/z) spent Aroun d. t h e Ieague. last year with San Frimcisco. BROWNS: All-Pro safety Eric Turner "There have bern several conversawas back at work Thursday after signing a lions but no negotiations. Right now with three-year contract Wednesday worth the season starting: i~ is low on our
BUCCANEERS: Receiver Alvin Harper sprained his right ankle in practice Thursday and is questionable for Sunday's game against Philadelphia. Harper missed a portion of the preseason with knee and ankle injuries. CARDINALS: Receiver Olanda Truitt, recently cut by Washington, was brought in Thursday for a workout.
Program offers ,! meals, mentoring .
the playoffs for the seventh consecutive. year. "I warit to achieve on the team level, being way better than 8-and-8, not just 9-and-7, going deep into the playoffs," Faulk said. "I don't think nobody plays Jhis game not to go and win the Super Bowl." The offense installed by new offensive coordinator .Lindy Infante contributed to a 3-1 preseason mark, and Faulk is eager to see· how it produces in the xegular season. "This is a great offense because it's hard for anybody to get a bead on what we're doing," he said. Faulk had 11 of his team's 15 rushing touchdowns and accounted for 1,824 of the team's 4,413 yards· from scrimmage in 1994. "With the new passing system, you can't change the running game much. But you can disguise it a little better, like we've been doing. The new passing system is going to open up a lot of runs," he said. In opening against Cincinnati, the forrrier San ·Diego State star faces the team that held him to a season-low 28 yards on 16 carries last year. . "It's a test for our offensive line against their defensive line. If they don't get any pressure, we're going to run all over them, and we're going to pas~ 1he ball," Faulk said. ., Faulk is delighted the Colts head into the season y.rith Craig Erickson established as the starting quar· .terback. , "Last year, we had three different quarterbacks, and then we went back to the first guy Oim Har~ baugh)," Faulk said. "Hopefully, this year we'll stick to one and just play it out, let him make his mistakes, and let him learn from them." · Erickson was obtained in an off-season trade with Tampa Bay to improve an offense that was last among the 28 teams in passing yardage and .27th overall. '
PANTHERS: Receiver Don Beebe said his sore ribs are likely to force him into a limited role Sunday vs. Atlanta. Beebe, who will be playing with wraps and a soft cast protecting the ribs, said he can run and catch, but has been told there could be further damage if he takes a big hit.
PATRIOTS: They signed rookie run-. ning back David Green (Boston College) ftom their practice squad and waived rookit) running back Dino Philyaw (Oregon) on Thursday; ' JAGUARS: Cornerback M Jackson. tore the anterior cruciate ligament in his left knee and will be out for the year, Tight end Derek Brown remains hospitalized nearly a week after he suffered a broken rib, lacerated spleen and bruised kidney on a hit in the final exhibition game against Denver last Friday. Coach Tom Coughlin said Brown likely would be out at least four weeks. RAIDERS: Coach Mike White isn't in a hurry to pick a kicker for Sunday's opener against San Diego. The Raiders have two kickers on the practice squad, free agents Joe Nedney (San Jose State) and Cole Ford (Southern Cal). The regular kicker is Jeff Jaeger (sprained knee ligament).
;Blake to 'huddle' wit.h ·kids·
·Faulk: Focus . . • 1s on wtnntng
priority list," Ted Phillips, vice president of operations and the team's chief financial officer, said Thursday. GIANTS: New York signed offensive lineman Jerry Reynolds (Highlands High).
; BY JOHN ERARDI The Cincinnati Enquirer
The Associated Press
Marshall Faulk hopes that Craig Erickson, above, who was acquired in an ofH>eason trade, can ' shoulder some of the offensive load. Last year tt\e Colts were 27th of 28 teams in passing yardage.
He completed 39 of 64 passes for 403 yards and two touchdowns without an interception in the preseason. "I'm not going to let these guys down.. There's going to be a lot of preparation this week, a lot of studying," Erickson said. "Come Sunday, I think, as a group we'll be-ready to go."
Jeff Blake is in somebody else's huddle. The Bengals quarterback has · teamed With Bank One to launch the "Jeff Blake In My Huddle Youth Program." About 300 children who participate in various programs offered by the Black Male Coalition - Community Corrections Partnership, Books Mean College Tutor Program and Cincinnati Reach Back, among others will be eligible for "In the Huddle." Twenty-five youths who reach _f:ertain goals will be invited to breakfasts on Saturday mornings of home games with Blake and a couple of other Bengals players. Food won't be the only thing passed around the table. So will liyely conversation and mentoring. Blake was asked last year what he'd like to do in the community. "I answered that I'd like to interact with kids and let them know that we (pro athletf)s) are real people," Blake said. "I :Want to be a role model for kids and give them somebody to look up to." A press conference was held Thursday at Spinney Field to promote the "In the Huddle ... pro-
technique or you;re going to see my backup real soon." WILD AND CRAZY GUY: Bengram. gals cornerback Corey Sawyer • , ' TOVAR WILL TRY: Steve To- rues the day when he will no · var said he's slowly adapting to the longer return punts for a living. cumbersome cast on his broken The second-year pro out of Florida left hand. He will start at middle State loves taking the ball upfield. linebacker for "The main thing 1 had to learn the Bengals · Sunday at Indi- last year was adjusting to the double bump, those two defenders way anapolis. "I can still · outside," said Sawyer. "We didn't get in the way face that in college. In college, our of a pass, " To- coach stressed 'hands, concentrate var said, "but on the. ball, and go.' " when it comes Sawyer brought that philosophy to taking on of- to the NFL, causing him. to strugfensive line- gle early in the season with knowmen, well, I've ing whether to fair-catch the ball.· Steve Tovar been working "I got smarter as the year went on it and'gotten better each day, on.'} but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't Sawyer said coach Dave Shula's rather use my regular hand." confidence in him as a return man He calls his cast-wrapped hand allowed him to maintain a fearless "the club." · attitude. · How much of a weapon is it? "Coach told me that if I think I . "I haven't practiced long enough with it to know how to use can get to the ball, then I should go it as aweapon," he said, smiling. for it," said Sawyer. "You can't be "But if I still have to wear it next thinking a lot back there. You've week, I promise Jacksonville I'll just got to get it and go." know how to use it." Shula, who returned punts for · Tovar said it won't ,take long the Baltimore Colts for one season, Sunday to determine if he can play. said he wants Sawyer to know that "I· don't get knocked on my "if P.e thinks he can make a play, to (posterior) to(} often," he said. "So try to make it. He's not going to if it happens more than once, I'm get yan¥:ed if something bad hapgoing to have to use· a different pens.'~
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8nsode: League previews
Does Colerain reaUywant
top ranking? BY NEIL SCHMIDT Enquirer contributor
Area coaches, take heart. Those of you scared by Colerain's near-unanimous christening atop The Enquirer's coaches' poll, remember: You picked Moeller last year. A landslide preseason pick a year ago, the Crusaders were stung by upsets four times, tying the school's worst-ever mark of 6-4. The Cardinals will surely see their share of upset bids this fall, playing perhaps their toughest schedule ever. Here's the top 10:
1 .. CoD(erain The Cardinals tote a 16-game regular-season winning streak into the season, but it won't be easy extending it. After a home opener against Sycamore, Coler"in hits the road lor three straight. Six of its 10 games are on the road. ''The No.1 team from last year should be No.1 again until somebody knocks them off," Princeton coach Pat Mancuso said. But can anyone?
2. Prnncefl:on Forget last year, when the Vikings finished 6-4 and didn't even crack the final top 10 poll. This should be a prototypical Princeton team: fast and experienced. "I'm voting Princeton No.1," Colerain coach Kerry Coombs said. ''Their JV was very good last year, they've got a large number of · starters back, and they've got as fine a coaching staff as you're going to find." · '
3. St. Xavier The poll was taken before talented linebacker Mike Marshall quit the team, so the Bombers might be · considered a spot or two lower now. But with the four Greater Catholic League-South Division teams ranking third through sixth, the Bombers will figure in the freefor-all somewhere high. "We're really young," coach Steve Rasso said. !'This season - - .. - depeni:is on how fasftne: young ,guys develop."
4. Eh:!letl' The defense is a strength, with more e*perienced players than the offense. "If we have a good running game, we'll have a chance to win every week," coach Tom Grippa said.
The Crusaders could probably go 5-5 and make the playoffs. That's how loaded their schedule is. It's a Who's Who of Midwest powers: defending Division Istate champ Cleveland St. Ignatius, . picked No.1 in the nation by scholastic sports expert Doug Huff; returning regional finalist Massillon Washington; defending Kentucky Class AAA state champ Covington Catholic; Street & Smith's '1eam to · watch" Upper St. Clair (Pa.); and the Nos. 2, 3, 4 and 6 teams in ·Cincinnati. Just three games are at Moeller's home site, Galbreath Field.
Ju thappytob h
A preview ofthe weekend's top high school football games:
Colerain's Jefferson Kelley a big talent,. without the big head
Princeton at La Salle
WHEN: Tonight, 7:30p.m. WHERE: La Salle High School, 3091 North Bend Rd., Monfort , Heights PICK: Princeton WHAT TO WATCH: Big plays could be the theme, as two of the fastest backfields in thecity seek to break loose. Princeton will look to quarterback Shaun David. Brown to set up four speedy hallbacks. La Salle will counter with quarterback Nate Sexton, who has his own crew of speed merchants behind him.
Enquirer contributor
If Jefferson Kelley has grown too big for his britches, it is only in the ·literal sense. He's 6-foot-516, 300 pounds, and still growing -though his head hasn't swelled a bit. ''Thank you, it's been an honor," the Colerain senior football player says at interview's end. Excuse you? ''This is a once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing, so I'm enjoying it." He means the media attention. He's just a bit wrong. . · Kelley, an offensive guard, is a talent as big as his build. How big? Prep Football Prospects of Ohio magazine rates him the top lineman in the state. Afguably the top national recruiting publication, SuperPrep magazine (based in Laguna Beach, Calif.), ranks him the second-best lineman in the country. Yet after Kelley was profiled in these pages last fall, he said, "I was just awestruck (by the publicity)." 1his may be his second ¥tide, but far from his last. ' We'll only bore you with a few numbers: 355-pound bench press, 610-pound squat-thrust, schoolrecord 185 ''knockdowns" last year. Oh, and a 3.9 GPA "He's an unbelievable prospect," said SuperPrep publisher Allen Wal- . lace. "He's up there with guys like (NFL first-round draftee) Korey Stringer and (current Ohio State star) Orlando Pace. He's a great student, he's got strength, excellent feet, fantastic size." If he's as big as a bear, call him Gentle Jeff. He anticipates a quiet computer career one day, and his long-time dream has been to act. He arrived at school at 6:30a.m. ·the past two winters for daily weightlifting so he could make play practice after school. He's been in school productions of A Few Good Men and]ack and the Beanstalk. ''Yes, I played the giant," Kelley said. "I like fairy tales and dance
Upper St. Clair, Pa. at Moeller WHEN: Tonight, 7:30p.m. WHERE: Galbreath Field, 5440 Kings Island Dr., Kings Island PICK: Moeller WHAT TO WATCH: Moeller's quest to find teams willing to play led all the way to Upper St. Clair, a school located six hours away by car. Upper St. Clair was a state finalist in Pennsylvania last year, and has more victories during the '90s than any other program in that state. Moeller will have to fight inexperience, particularly on offense, in trying to put last year's 6-4 season behind it.
Harrison aft East CentraD
a 6-foot-5~, 300-pound senior, is one of the top linemen in the country.
1V'1 J\. Ux.
Apair of Colerain's. backyard bat, ties will highlight a season of intriguing match ups. ., Colerain hadn't beaten St. Xavieh. since 1985, but did it twice last year · -the lone blemishes for the 10-2 Bombers. NoW St Xgets its shot at revenge, playing host to Colerain ori Sept. 22. Though Colerain hasn't played
neighborhood rival La Salle since 1985, the two will meet at-Colerain on Oct. 27. Two intriguing matchups are Oct. 6: Moeller at Elder (Eastvs. West) and Wyoming at Mariemont (two 1994 playoff teams, likely settling the CHL title). And on Nov. 6, MoellerPrinceton (no explanation necessary).
Ji:~kf~~ ~i~ed~l~~:~;;; for the "~-one'6-foot~6:'' · ~·schools." ' Said coach Kerry Coombs: "He's a pretty good actor. Course, there aren't a lot of special roles for some,
WHEN: Tonight, 8 p.m. WHERE: East Central High School, State Rt. 46, St. Leon, Ind. PICK: East Central WHAT TO WATCH: Could a neighbor finally be the one to trip up East Central? Last year's undefeated Class AAAA champion in Indiana is off to a 1-0 start this year with last Friday's 56-32 win at Richmond. But it's always an intense game when the Trojans meet Harrison, their neighbors· across the Ohio state line.East Central won last year's meeting, 42-13.
The Cincinnati Enquirer/Tony Tribt;)e
Colerain's Jefferson Kelley,
Now he's The Sure Thing, with the pick of his five favorites: Ohio State, Michigan, Penn ;>tate, Dlinoi~ and Michigan State. "I sit back and think about (nearly quitting)," he said. "It's one of those points where you know the day and time where you changed your life so much. It strikes me pretty hard." ·. There's no trouble staying humble. Kelley often sees his name misspelled, and one recruiter's letter was addressed to "Kelley Jeffer-
McNicholas at .Anderson
..,·.· '~·'"' · . ;:::, :·quit Coleram's team after his-fresh-~- ~a~·~:;~~:d~te~~~~season, he It's now a well-known story that . , r~an season. But Coom~s con- . ''The fans and my teammates Keller once felt so awkw~d about · •· vmced Kelley football rrught be ~s joked about it," he said. 'They that srze~ and so trappeg m the. c ... ;}. best route,_to a col~ege scholarshrp, cal.!ed me 'Kelley' after that. And. expectation he play football, that hep, and Kelley reconsidered. they haven't forgotten it."
WHEN: Tonight, 7:30p.m. _ --.-- WHEREAnderson High. _. · School, 7560 Forest Rd., Andere· son Township PICK: Anderson WHAT TO WATCH: This is another first-week neighborhood , rivalry. The outcome hasn't been in mucti doubt in recent years, since. Anderson has risen among the ranks of the city's top programs. : The Redskins are No.7 in the pre" season this year, and should be ; formidable again despite the loss' oftheir entire starting backfield. A. physical defense figures to be the team's immediate forte. McNicholas, which lost this ga.me 57-19 last year, will try to take another step forward in rebuilding its program.
Hamilton tight end Gurr has earned some notice Colerain's Jefferson Kelley rates a cinch pick as the area's top talent only because Mike Marshall ended the argument. The St. Xavier linebacker could have split votes with · Kelley had he not quit last week to concentrate on basli'etball. SuperPrep had uibbed Marshall the 25th-best linebacker prospect in the country. The next-best talent? Try Hamilton tight end Mike Gurr. Gurr caught 14 passes foJ' 275 yards last year, but these are the numbers that matter: 6-foot-5, 250 pounds. Gurr nearly cracked SuperPrep's preseason All-America squadonly six tight ends did- ranking
seventh on the All-Midwest regionall-regional team, though Colerain foot-6Jesse Milner and Princeton's al team. That means he's the sevquarterback David Murphy was a first-year starter David Shaun enth-best player in the Midwest, not near-miss, Wallace says. Brown, could land Division I offers including the 25 Midwesterners on Wallace thinks Murphy will wind with big years, the source said. the All-America list. up a defensive back at a big school · Other safe-bet college signees? "We considered him pretty sin-he says Michigan State and Ohio The recruiting coordinator and cerely for All-America honors," Wal- State have shown interest- or else PFPO publisher John McCallister lace said. "I think he's going to quarterbacking at UC or Ohio Unicite these standouts: Princeton's grow into an offensive tackle." versity. both of whom covet Murdefensive back combo of Fred Walnut Hills running back Glynn phy, Wallace says. Smith and Tony Stites, tight ends Johnson ranks just three spots Next are a pair of inside lineAlex Sulfsted (Mariemont) and behind Gurr- SuperPrep rates backers, St. X's Chris Hoffman and Steve Wenker (Goshen), wide hi.;.n the lOth-best player in the Mid- La Salle's Brent Botts. One Division receivers Brian Kapprel (AndersOJ.l) west. Franklin running back Nick I college recruiting coordinator, and Troy Evans (Lakota), La Salle Monk is next on SuperPrep's .list, speaking on condition of anonymity, offensive lineman Mike Staubach, 78th in the Midwest, though he's called both a better prospect than and Mariemont linebacker Lee projected as a college linebacker. · the heralded MonlL Wilschevick. No others rank on SuperPrep's Two more QBs, Mariemont's 6-Neil Schmidt
Lemon-Monroe at Purcell Marian WHEN: Tonight, 7:30p.m. WHERE: Norwood Stadium,· 2605 Harris Ave., Norwood PICK: Purcell Marian WHAT TO WATCH: This could · eventually turn out to be a key . game in the Division Ill playoff pic· ture. Lemon-Monroe went 10- in the regular season last year and made it to the regional final .round in the playoffs. The Hornets lost a lot from that team, but still return standout two-way backs Tyler Williams and Aaron Helvey. Purcell has an edge in experience, partie~ ularly on defense.
6. La Sane This schedule's no cupcake, either- the Lancers play the top five area teams. Coach Jim Louder · considers this a speedy team, and says: ''This team has potential. It's a nice mix of players."
league previews
Greater Miami, Miami Valley, 89; MidMinmi, S. Buckeye, Ft. Ancient, 810.
City, 86; Greater Catholic, B7; Cincinnati Hills and Metro Co., 88.
Runners: Heated competition to be area's best CONTINUED. FROM PAGE Bl
just sick of wearing braces on my foot. They ruined my shoes." The trouble had been nerve damage in his right foot, which set in after· a bruise worsened in a playoff game in 1993. Six months later' he could still hardly walk, but rehabilitation gradually helped re. gain the strength. "His leg was just 55 percent last year, and he still almost gained 1,000 yards (finishing with 822)," said Franklin coach John Aregood. "This is a tough kid." How early did Aregood figure that out? Eight years ago. · "I run a Little League baseball program for 9-year-olds," Aregood said, "and we had never had a home run hit in the league. He hit 13 in one year. "Then I saw him averaging five TDs a game on eight or nine carries in junior high and dominating track meets. I thought, 'This kid's like Bam-Bam.' " At 6-feet, 210 pounds, he's drawn more attention as a linebacker, earning preseason Reebok All-America honors. "It seems like every (big-name college) is interested, but Florida is probably the most interested," Aregood said. And what of a possible switch to full-time linebacker? "That's fine," Monk said. "I'm not picky.''
ing? Simply by being big. leg strength. He's 195 pounds, but Six-foot-2, 265-pounds big. 100 of it is below his waist.'' That's McDonald, a Winton As he leads Colerain in defense Woods fullback. Last year, he was of its first city title, he appeaz:s "'I. Andersow primarily a blocker. How did Moz- headed for a lower-echelon Divd.The Redskins are officially a elle Miree gain 1,524 yards? Run- sian I-A scholarship. local power now, having gone 45-8 ning in McDonald's wake. the past five years. They haven't "He's a heck of a player,'' the "He's now the mainstay of our lost a Queen City Conferenceoffense,'' Cynkar said. "I'd like him recruiter said. "He just keeps runAmerican Division game since down at 245 (pounds), but he's still ning hard." 1990. mobile now." He bench-presses 380 pounds, 8. Hamilton Wilson hadn't played much as a and squats 650. He might also What can Ed Mignery do for an draw attention as a defensive line- sophomore at Lakota. Not that encore? Last year, he took a team · sophomores in the big~time Greatman. Not that he hasn't already. that went 1-9 in 1993 and coached er Miami Conference usually do. "I really like the guy," said one it to its first Greater Miami ConferDivision I college recruiting coorSo when he got the stai:ting nod ence title and playoff berth, earning dinator, speaking on condition of · as a junior and rumbled for a Ohio Division I coach of the year anonymity. "He's probably the league-best 1,2 72 yards, eyes honors. best prospect in the city." sprung open. Nearly all skill-position players Said McCallister: "My good- · "We ·had no senior runnie,g from that team are gone, including ness, he's just so big. And he's got backs last year, so he had the three now playing Division Icollege pretty good balance and speed.'' ball. But the offensive and defenopportunity to do something,'" There, you've been warned. coach Greg Bailie said. "He toc>k sive lines are mostly intact, so a run for another GMC crown isn't Stay out of the way. advantage of it.'' unthinkable. '7 v '7 At 5-foot-8, 170 pounds, hQ's Alexander was in the midst of not of Big Ten stature. But lal.lt 9. lalr[il!Jta , Colerain's dream season last fall, year's stats should ensure him fr~e Here's your sleeper. The T-Birds with no time for a troublesome tuition somewhere. went 6-41ast year, rebounding knee to slow him down. So he from an 0-3 start by winning six ·of "He's got good quickness and is underwent arthroscopic knee sur- really durable," McCallister said, their last seven. Only narrow gery, and nine days later played in defeats to Princeton and Hamilton Wilson willchase school reconls kept them from the GMC title. the upset of then-No. 1 St. Xavier. 'The slippery Alexander (5-foot- this season, as will Johnson, Monk, 11 0. Western Hills 5¥2) gained 1,167 yards in nine McDonald and Alexander. Anothl'lr six or seven local backs could games, at 9.1 yards per carry. Coach Ed Youngs had gone 30"He likes to put his shoulder reach 1,000 yards themselves. 10 his first four years at West High. "In the Cincinnati area, you're down and run hard," Coombs said. But last year was Youngs' youngest team, and the Broncos ,. " v going to be playing against good "He's got great balance.'' stumbled to a 5-5 finish. This time, How does someone who rushed Said offensive coordinator Rick running backs on a weekly basis.'' _j___..-JS>fell/VeJAD:LSSilJ:!.<'~tl!liA:l!rs.sLlremhUl!t!J.O.D.O!J.O.QliJ'lllSa.__.....J.._ _',.!'I~w~a~s~nl_l't:_w~or!2r~ie~d~,'-'~h~e:_:s~a~id~•-'_J'IL__·~fo~r:._;]!:·u~s:._t_:2~4~0_;y~a~rds last season get Haynes: "The thing about Ronnie Bailie said. "There's just a bunch 1 guy." Johnson's game is speed. At 5-foot-9, 190 pounds, he didn't average 10.2 yards a carry through brute strength. "He's supposedly the fastest kid in America," said Colerain coach Kerry Coombs. "He can fly." PFPO calls him the state's top back, and SuperPrep magazine rates him the 1Oth-best prospect (at any position) on its All-Midwest regional team, just missing its AllAmerica list. "He's got terrific speed and great numbers," SuperPrep publisher Allen Wallace said. "He's a long-distance threat.'' Wallace says Johnson slightly favors Ohio State over Tennessee, Michigan, Pittsburgh. Any of those would be the ideal stepping-stone for his next goal. "I don't want to sound conceited," Johnson said, "but having grown up watching Walter Payton and all those great backs, it's kind of my dream to make the NFL." ,. ,. ,. b Nick Monk had long een a Franklin High legend by the time his leg stopped working. He had rushed for 2,854 yards and 49 touchdowns his first two years of high school, but suddenly he couldn't walk, and doctors were giving him just a 50-percent chance of playing again.
nf_ nro~t~nJ;.l.C!.-n1.li:.:._th.o.1<!.o ___ ~!________ _
Winton Woods at Goshen WHEN: Tonight, 7:30p.m. WHERE: Goshen High School, 6692 Goshen Rd., Goshen PICK: Winton Woods WHAT TO WATCH: The defending champion and preseason favorite in the Queen City Conference National Division meets the defending champ and preseason favorite in the Fort Ancient Valley Conference. Lqst year, Winton Woods won this game, 19-6, and Goshen could have its hands full again tonight.
Loveland at Mason WHEN: Tonight, 7:30p.m. WHERE: Mason High School, 770 Mason-Montgomery Rd., Mason PICK: Loveland WHAT TO WATCH: Loveland will look for a little revenge after Mason spoiled the opening of the Tigers' new stadium a year ago, · 22-14. They might just be in position to do it, too, as graduation hit harder into the Mason lineup than at Loveland. Leadership is such a big factor at the start of the new . season -loveland comes into this game with an established starting quarterback in Eric Price, while Mason's attack will be handled by one of three new under- ___ [,.......,_,__1:'\CL---.a.-________ . _ _ _ _
cary thou ·ht: lV;(ariemont's ~etter Picking Mariemont to win the Cincinnati Hills League might be the easiest thing the league's coaches have to do this season. With 17 returning seniors, the defending CHL champs should be even better than last season's 10-0 team th at lost in the first round of the Division IV playoffs. "We're predominantly~ juniorI senior ballclub with good athletes at the skilled positions," Warrior coach Tom Crosby said. 'The only question marks are the four new starters on the offensive line and three on the defensive line." As in recent seasons, the league championship could be decided when Wyoming meets Mariemont, at Mariemont Oct. 6. But the Cowboys, a solid second choice in the league, return only eight starters, three of which have to play both offense and defense. Deer Park, the third choice, has gone 6-4 and 5-5 the last two seasons and looks to be a program on the rise. 1. Mariemont (7) ................ 56 2. Wyoming .................... 46 3. Deer Park .................... 38 4. Taylor . . .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. .. . .. . 34 5. Finneytown ................... 27 6. Reading ..................... 24 7. Indian Hi! .................... I 23 8. Madeira. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . 8
·1. MAIRBIEMONT ll>- Coach: Tom Crosby (133-63-1) ll>- Last year's record: 10-0 ll>- Top returning player: Lee .
Wilschevick, a 6·2, 210-pound senior linebacker, was the Ohio Division V Defensive Player of the Year last season. He led the Warriors in tackles and figures to be even better this year. ll>- Outlook: This could be the best team in Crosby's 17 seasons. He returns 17 seniors, a strong junior class and three major college prospects- Wilschevick, quarterback Jesse Milner and tight end Alex Sulfsted. The defense, which also includes standout defensive back Brad Buerger, allowed only 66 points and an average of 144 yards last season. The offense, which scored a cityhigh 396 points last year, got a boost when Sulfsted transferred in from Country Day. He'll play tight end and also see lime on the defensive line. Milner, who completed 61 of 112 passes for 1,044 yards and nine TDs, will hand off to_balfbackT!Jg Orr, who rushed for more than BOO yards. ·
2. WYOMING .,. Coach: Bemie Barre (career record 171-61) .,. Last year's record: 10-2 .,. Top returnee: Titus Fulton was a first-team aii-CHL selection at defensive back and his duties will expand on offense. He was used mainly as a receiver last season, but with the loss of running quarterback Ahmed Plummer (Ohio State), Fulton will carry the ball more. ""'Outlook: Barre isn't quite as convinced of his team's chances as the league's coaches are. The reason:. Huge personnel losses from a Cow-
RodNaticchionL .... G·LB AntoniGambetta ........ G·T PatMcCoon ........... T-T Matt Webb .. . . . E·T MarcStrattotl ............ .E-LB Andy Black ............. 06-DB Malt Dunning... . RS.MG Aaron Pember ...... WA·DB David Stratton ........... C-T Rich Bevis ................ G-MG JeremyGuy. ..C-T M!keSturtz: ............. HB Brad Cutcher ............T·T KemCampbeU ........ T-T Shawn Peyton . . WA.QB Mac Murdock .............OS.LB 11m Vlhlte ................ WA-DS Adam Merten ........ WA-DS John Allan ................ RB·LB Josh Deeter ............ ~ RfHB SamBosse ........... G-08 Bnan Ewald ......... G·MG Bruce Carnes ............ G-T JonCamas ............... G-T TaylorHailbronner. .. G·MG BenSchcrtman ......... T·LB DanStar!sman ......... T·T Scof!Stoddard ...... E·LB Jason Mondy ..........QB-DB Spencer Dunnmg ..... RB-DB Mike Dever ............ RS-08 Josh Kacher .. .. .. R&lB Enc Shaner ..............G·LB Mike Prftz .............. ~ G·LB MikeTighe . . . . . G·MG Tony Verdon .............WA·DB Joe!Shimp................ E·LB
5·10 13:5 12 6-1 ~s 12 6-2 21~ 12
6-6 2Z'2 12 6-2 nr~ 6·2 1&:! 6-0 20:5 5-11 11:0 6-1 211' 5-11 1s-.l 6-4 1SO 6-2 i$3 6-1 2ZS 6-12S;S 5-10 14:;) 5-10 150 5-10 15J B-0 145 6-0 1St 6{l 1SS 5-9 1~ 5-9 1'70
&-a 1s::. &-11 1SS 5-9 6-3 6-4 6-3 6-2
18S 255 16S: 1m
12 11 11
11 11 11 11 11 11
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9
5·8 148 9 5-6 12$ 9 6-2 145 9 s:11 18(' 9 5-10 17S
5-7 130 6-2 160
9 9
5-9 200 6-1 185 5·11 180 6-0 190 5-9 160 5-9 160 6-1 165 5-6 120 6-4 175 5·10 180 6-4 225 5-9 175 5-11 185 6-0 200 5-7 155 5-9160 5-9 165 5-10 190 s-a 140 5-8 220 5-10 165 6-1 165 5-10 155 5-9 160 5·11 180 6-0 160 5-7 180 5·11 200 5-8 160 5·10 170 6-2 225 5-11 165 6-1 175 5·7 170 5·11 230 5-6 i 75 s-a 195 6-2 180 5·9 160 5·11 170
12 12 ,2 12 12
WYOMING Name ..........." ............Pes Justin Bartlett .......... C.LB Trtus Fulton ......... AB-DB DcJuan Gossett ........ RB·DB Matt Barber................T·DT RaashunCo!e ... WA·DB PatWi!son ................ OB-DE Lut2Coscelll ............ K le1ta Wormuth . .... .K Ryan Fleming ......... WR.OB John Mccautsy ........ G-LB BrentFox ................T.OT JoeMandeviRe ....... &DE ScottKinsman .......... G-DT JasonButler ............. G·DT Chris Woodside ... _ ... QS.DB MilesOrake ........... k Bob Busteed ............. RB-LB Randy lowe ............ RS.LB Brandon Lowe ...... AB-DB
David Ridenour ......... T·DT DanBerkemeyer ...... WR--08 Todd Gautreaux.. . WA·DE Josh Downs .............. 08-DB Man Kane .............. .WA-DE Sean Carr... . .... G-DE Jon Brooks .......... WA-DE D1onThomton............ RB-LB M.J.Johnson .......... C·DT Jdng Kim . .. . . .. RB-DB JakeHodesh ............ QB·LB Matt Mefford ............ RB-DT Richard Hall . AS.DB ChnsCarter ............... WA·DE VInce Sanders ......... .RB-l8 Dan Dealing .. . ....T·DT John Lewis ............. G-DT Stevo Cromn ............. T·DT EvanSm1ley ...........T-OT Jeff Heck ... . . .... .RB-LB JustmMcDowe!l ........ G-DE
Ill> Coach: Bob Goodridge (career
t1>- Last year's record: 3-7 ""'Top returnee: Reuben Gamboa, an Enquirer All-Star at fullback, is also a force on defense at free safety. Gamboa, a 6-3, 207-pounder, is a . l;lruiser with speed- he runs a 4.5 40. He rushed for 880 yards on only 100 carries and scored six touchdowns last season. ""'Outlook: The Wildcats rejoin the CHL after;~ two-year absence.
2~ 12 AickHendncks ...... WA-08 6-1 1~4 12 AyonRnk ................. E·LB &a 2CJ..<; 12 JesseMau! ................C-MG 6-1 210 12
t1>- Coach: Mike Morgan (25-35) ""' Last year's record: 5-5 t~>- Top returnee: Greg Huster is Morgan's best athlete; witness his move from quarterback to fullback. "I can put him anywhere," Morgan says. "If he wanted, he could play defensive tackle. That's how good an· athlete he is." .,.Outlook: Huster, a two-year starter and second-team aii-CHL selection at defensive back, will continue to work there as well as put in time at tailback. Senior Dale Hollatz will take over quarterback and has thrown well in the preseason. Morgan has 15 experienced players returning, but still moved three players into new positions to strength· en the defense- Kevin Clark (tackle to guard), Jason Rice (center to guard) and Eric Taylor (guard to linebacker). Morgan is encouraged. 'We came in in good shape. The kids are much stronger," he said. ''The kids have taken every1hing we've thrown at them."
tl>- Coach: Rob Amodio (3·7)
KareemSwannger .. .RB-DB 5-10 1SS 12
Tug Orr ................... .RB.OB 5·10 Alex Sulfsted ......... E·T 6-6
MARIEMONT Name... ~""""""'""'"" Pos Ht IJJVt Yr lee Wi!SChavick ........AB·LB 6-2 2110 12 BobBodnar .. ., ...... ,..WA·DB 5-11 1f!:.3 12 Jesse Milner ....... 08 6-7 21,8 12
Joa Bosse ......... , ...... RB-DB 6-1 100 12 Brad Buerger .... WR-DB 6-1 t\1;) 12 RobPerklns .••.•......... .WA-08 5-B 1SS 12
boys team that won its first playoff I game in 18 seasons. Barre is left with only 13 upperclassmen. Speed is one thing the Cowboys won't lack. Running back/tailback DeJaun Gossett, like Fulton, is a college prospect. Junior Chris Woodside will take over at quarterback. He won the job in the preseason. The key to the Cowboys' chances for the Division IV playoffs will be the first three games, against Delphos St. John, Hamilton Badin and Taylor, all bigger Division Ill schools.
record 10-19) ..;. Last year's record: 3-6 t1>- Top returnee: Anthony Isaacs isn't well l<nown city-wide, but he will be the Yellowjackets' anchor on both lines. A senior captain, the 6-2, 300· pounder has a chance to play himself into a major college prospect. lll>Outlook: Senior Nick Voynovich returns at quarterback, where he survived a spirited challenge from sophomore Adam Begley. Voynovich is a bit undersized (5-8, 145), but Morgar-t ·calls him "a field-general type." Begley made a good impression. He'll start at cornerback and may play some tight end. Brad Clemens is an outstanding two-way performer at running back and inside linebacker. Morga~ says this team.is his best physically1'since his first. 'We're unproven; but I think the disposition of this group is ready for some better things."
12 12
12 11 ,, 11 11 ,, 11 11 ,, ~0
iO <0
lO 'iO ~0
,0 '0
'o t.O
1.0 9 l;)
:1 :::!
9 :1 ~
s ~ ~
Ht WI 6-0 212 t:2 6-4 218 Q 6·3 190 t~
The Cincinnati Enquirer/Michael Snyder
your shoulder (for a replacement)," Minor said. He'll go with a three-man rotation to do just that. Wilson, senior Dan Davis and junior Jayson Dick will share the duties. Minor, who also returns four of five starters on the offensive line, is e. REAII"'oRIIUQ encouraged. "Most of our guys have v uon gotten experience somewhere down ... coach: Ken Minor(B0-79-=1) ~, ,-~ ·the lirit:l".Wenave no superstars; om - · ""'Last year's record: 5·5 everybody is a solid player. We feel ""'Top returnee: Dave Wilson was . real good about it." . an Enquirer All-Star at defensive back, · fJ. INDIAN HILL but this season he'll play defensive end and some fullback. 'We call him Ill> Coach: Kevin Siple (career our tool, because he can play anyrecord 6-14) thing," Minor said. "He can play lineIll> Last year's record: 4'·6 backer ... defensive back. But where I!> Top returnee: Court! Cousino, he really seems to excel is at defenthe son of former Miami University and sive end." His job there will be to get to Cincinnati Bengal standout Brad the quarterback. Cousino, has developed into the ""'Outlook: The Blue Devils have Braves top defensive player. A hardsome 2, 700 yards to replace with the nose 6-foot, 190-pound junior, Cousiloss of quarterback Rickey Martin and no will play middle linebacker for the running back Lynsey Lewis. "When defense and fullback on offense. you lose a four-year starter like "Courtt has started every game Lynsey, you're always looking over since his freshman year," Siple said.
Colerain was not only the best team in the MCC last season, but also the best team in all of Cincinnati. With a bundle of talent returning, the Cardirials were the unanimous choice of coaches to repeat as MCC champion. A big reason is the offense, which returns the Big Three quarterback David Murphy (1,055 yards rushing and 575 passing), running back Ronnie Alexander (1,455 yards rushing) and tackle Jefferson Kelley (one of the top line prospects in the nation). The team most likely to challenge Colerain in the MCC is Withrow. The Tigers return a load of veterans, including junior quarterback Brandon Rodgers. 1. Colerain (4) ................... 20 2. Withrow ...................... 15 3. Western Hills .................. 12 4. Oak Hills ...... ·................ 9 5.Aiken ......................... 4
""'Top returnee: Andra Ingram, a 6· foot, 204-pound senior running back. He scored 11 touchdowns while rushing for 766 yards on 153 carries. Ingram should be even better in an offense that returns seven starters. ""'Outlook: The Mustangs have six straight winning seasons and have lost only 15 games in Young's five seasons. Several coaches in Cincinnati picked the Mustangs as high as No.2 in the city in the preseason poll, based on 15 returning starters. · Linebacker Luke Chappell is a potential college prospect and leads the defense. Youngs hopes to get off to a quick start against a killer schedule that includes non-league games against Hamilton, Elder, Winton Woods and LaSalle.
4.0AKHILlS 1> Coach: George Kontsis (career
1.COLERABN t1>- Coach:
Kerry Coombs (35-25) .,.. Last year's record: 12-1 ""'Top returnee: Kelley has NFL size (6·6, 306) and Ivy League smarts (a 4.45 grade-point average). One scouting service has rated him as the second-best line prospect for rnajor colleges. t~>-Outlook:
The Cincinnati Enquirerrrony Tribble
On a team loaded with talent, the senior running back won't get lost in the shuffle. Banks gives the Cardinals yet another offensive option. Cardinals reached the state semifinals. While the offense got the bulk of the attention, the defense was also outstanding, allowing only 139.1 yards per game. Seven starters retum, led by defensive back Nick Kostoff (five interceptions).
.,. Outlook: The Tigers would be favorite in most every other league in the city. But with Sheehan, don't count them out. The former CAPE coach orchesirated a big turnaround in his first season last year, improving to 7-3 from 2-8. The Tigers' streng'th will be the offense, where the line averages 245 pounds and the running backs and ~~~~~ers average 4.7-second 40-yard Linebacker Ross Estes leads an agg_r(:lssive defense.
record 0-10) 1> Last year's record: 0-1 0 t1>- Top returnee: Matt Simms, a 6·6, 235-pound offensive tackle, is the block the Highlanders hope to build, on. I!> Outlook: Coming off an 0-10 season, Kontsis will get back to basicsworking behind a veteran line that includes Simms, Chris Stoffran (6-2, 250) and Joe Nelson (6-1, 245). Quarterback Scott Bray returns.
158 10 180 10 136 10
185 10 251 10 150 10
162 10 185 10
6-2 230 10 5-9 170 9 5·10 140 9 5-B 140 9 5·5 5·8 6-1 5-£
121 170 215 150 6-0 298 5-9 230 6{1 226
9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Name .. Poa Nick Voynovlch .......... QB-C Mat! Montgomery ... 113-C Paul Auhe ...............TE·DE KerthHamrst. ........... K Brad Clemens ...........PB-LB Edd e Lukes ..•....... OG-NG AndyStokas ........, .. OG.QE KyiJEV.!lrlS ...............C-DE Billy Und .................. OT·DT Anthony Isaacs ........OT·DT sean Eldndge ............. OG-NG larTyStokes ............... Fl-5 Terry Butts ............. PB-C JasonMiller ...........TE·OE AobOla Maxfmfd .......PB·LB Mike Black ................TB·S Fred Blasingame . TB·LB Paul Neyer...............TE-LB Seanues .................OG.OE Jay Hess... . ... OT·DT Danny Hunt ........OG-DE Chad Haldeman .......OT·DT Norman Fisher ..........FL.OE Adam B9gtey .. . . 08-S AobertBrock .............FL-8 Matt Kmfer ...............TB-C ToddHetz.. ............ TE-S Mike BedeL .............ae.c JeHJackSon ............. OT·DT CharlesHunt .............C-DT Willie Ashcraft. . .. . 00-lB Tom Franke ................OT-DT M!KG Ress ................FL-G EncHeidotting ....... P8..C Eddie Wade ...........OT·LB tan Davis ....................OG·DE Brent Uggstt ..............OG-DE Adam Oeffinger.. ..TE·LB Brad CliftOn ................TE·S Joff BoUn ...................FL-5 Tony Brock: ..............PB.C
HI WI 5·8 145 5-8 150 6-2 190 5·8 160 6-1 210 5·9 175 6-1 185 5-11195 5·8 225 8-2 300
N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ." ' "
Yr 12 12 12
12 12 12 12
12 12 12
6-0 260 12 6-3 205 11 5-B 140 11 5-11 190 11 5·10 195 11 5-8 140 11 8-0 165 11 6-2 210 11 5-11 175 11 5·10 230 11 5·10 165 11 6-2 250 11 175 11 6-2 175 10 5-7145 10 5-7 145 10 5-11 150 10 5-10 150 10 5-10 205 10 5·10 195 10 5-11 160 10 5-10 235 10 6-{l 155 10 5-8 145 9 5·10 165 9 5·10 165 9 6-0 170 9 5·10 155 9 6-0 155 9 6{) 150 9 5-4 110 9
FINNEYTOWN Name ................."'""'Pos Ht Wt JustmBeiL ....... OG·DE B-1 205 Greg Boslon ......... OT·DT S-2 321 KeMn Byrd ...............WR·DB 5..fl 139 Jeremy Bragg ...........OT·DT 5-2 244 Adam Coffey. .. . .. . C-NG 5·9 217 Reuoen Gamooa ........ FB-s 6-3 207 Joe Kimmey .............. OG-DT 6-1 225 Jerry leary ..........WA·DB 5-9 158 Derek Tanner . WR·DB 6-1 165 BnanBuck ................TE·DT 6-3 169 Selh Ghering .............WA·OB 5·10 126 Sean Hanson ...... OT·DE 6-2 H9 Adam Hartley ............WR·DB 5·10 135 Shane Hartley .......... WR·DB 5·10 141 ChrisHelm......... QB-08 5·9 120 Sean Hennessey ...... FB·S 6-Q 172 TrmHuObard ..............TE.fJE 5-9 164 BenJoest .................OG·DT 5·11 192 Jail Kitchen... .... WR·S 5-9 186 Ke!thM!IIs ..................TB-LB 5-10 161 DougVoland ...............FB·LB 6{l 173 Mark Walls .............FB-LB 5·10 194 Brad Weisman ....... QB-DB G-O 167 ChnsWest ................. OG·DT 6-1 269 Dave Herrmann.........C·LB 5·9 148 OaneHoltzapfaf .. TB·LB 5·10 138 TinhNguyen ..............WR·DB 5-5 112 J.J. Richardson ......... OB-OE 6-1 219 Jason Reeves ......... FB·NG 5-10 164 Stave Thompson ..... TE·DE 6-1 173 MattWamer ............. WR·DB 6·3 164 Seth wunams ............WR·DB 5-7 112 Jason Bradshaw .... TE·Dt 6-1 187 Kevin Bums ............ QB-DB 5·11 140 -Karl DOllard ..............OT·DT 5·11 208 Rodney Ham!tton ...... OG-LB - Shaun Howard .. OG-DT 5-7 195 Bnan Jem1s0n .......... OT-OE - Lee Jones Jr.............. TB·DB 5·10 135
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10
10 10 10 10 10 9
9 9 9 9
9 9
Name .........................Pos HI WI Yr Dan We mary ............ G-DL 5-11 180 12 David Konrad ........ T-Dl 1).1 238 12 JimCovert ................ T·Dl ~1 246 12 Mark Haeutle ............. G·DL 5-8 175 12 Jeff Hopkins ...............G-DL 5-8 205 12 Charlie Gutherie ..... G.OL 6-1 190 12 Chris Whitt .............. C-DE 5-8 195 12 Randy Blanton ........ G·LB 6-2 175 12 Mike Stone.. . . _ TE-DE 6-3 203 12
"He's one of the hardest-working players. He's a quiet kid who just goes out and gets the job done." t1>- Outlook: Coming off three cons~cutive victories in 1994, Siple predicts that the momentum generated -will carry over•. 'We should win six or seven games," Siple said. "Mariemont is about the only team in the CHL that we may have trouble competing against." Cousino led Indian Hill in tackles last season but didn't play an integral part for the offense. However, he will be a key player there this season. Sophomore quarterback Josh Cooper, a sophomore who engineered the three victories in 1994, will run an option offense that will rely primarily on the ground attack. Mark Leininger, the citv leader in kickoff returns (44.9 average), will share the running duties with Cousino. Rya~ Harris is ~he mainstay on the defens1ve lme while the entire defen-
Dan DaVIS, ...............AB·OB JlmGallo.................FL-DB JerimlahCaudlll.. ... TE-LB Aich1elattire .............OB-08 Billy Stielham............... RB-08 DavielWI!son .............. RB-1.8 ShaunK!rby.......... RS.DB Mike M,nton ................TE-OE Jason WoW ........... ....:.T·Dl S.J Ross ................ G·DL Ryan Fields ........ G-Dl · JoshRiedmff!er .......... G·Dl BobLongworth ........... G-DE Jeremy Hess ..... ~ ...G-Dl Jason Dicl( ............... R&LB Chns Durbin .............. AB·DB FranklaMcPhearson.QB-08 Nick Baltimore ..... TE·DE DustinWI!Son ............C-LB DicKEr.gei .................T·LB Andy Stahl ........... G-DL Craig Cromer ..............TE.QE StevenFlelcher ......... OB·DB Rick Longworth .........G·Dl Scott Ba11imora ....... QS.DB Jasen Aledm1!1er ........ G-Dl Jam1e H rt ................... AB·OB John Davis ................. RB·LB Francis Miza .. . .... T·Dl Davi:::l Lafl1re ............. G-DE Marcus Williams .......T·Dl Matt Marshall .............G-DL Josh Dilbart .......... TE.OB BryanKfrt)y .................G-!.8 Shaneneman .......... FL-08
5·8 165 12 5-10 152 12 6-0 185 12 5-10 165 12 5·8 170 12 5·10 170 12 5-10150 11 5·10 160 11 6-0 214 11 6-2 200 11 5-8 195 11 5·6 140 11 5·9 160 11 6-3 238 11 5-9 175 11 5·5 145 11 5-3 165 11 B-2 170 11 5·10 180 10 6-0 200 10 5·10 161 10 6-0 145 10 &-o 150 10 5-0 123 9 5-8 160 9 5-0 135 9 5-6 165 9 5-6 145 9 6-2 245 9 5-8 175 9
5·8 295 9 6-0 178 9 5-9 135 '9 5-10 170 9 5-6 115 9
INDIAN HILL Name.""'"""'"'"""""' Pos Michael Bergman ......K Steve Shubart ....... WA-DS D. J. Pednck ............WA-DS RyanMartinvG·T ...... &O TonyJannlng .......... C·LB Tyler Martin ..............G-DE AyanHams ...............T-T Vikram Kulkaml ... T-T Mike Hamen ........TE·DE Mike Leininger ........... AB-08 BnanCombs .............. AB·DB Tray Ely ................... FB-LB DrewGI1er .......... WA·DB CorttCoustno .............F&-LB Jang Kim .................WR-08 AlckSchwab ......... RB·LB J. W.Swinehart .........G-T ChnsNay .................C·LB BrlanFarasay .............T-T Todd Van EE ........ T-T Malt Dana.~· ...........T-T ScottShoakley ..........G-DE NalhanAIIey ............. G-OE TreyBerre. . . . TE.QE Josh Coope;." ..........O&DB John Craig ................OS.LS Mark Hammer ....... RS.DB Pat Thomas ............ C-LB JasonS!ahley............T·T DanTepe ..................G-T BrianMoran ............ G-DE BrentAoberts ......... T-T Ryan Reckman .........OB·OE Pater Snow ................ RB-08 JoonKim ···-· ... RB-DE BrlanAahe ................TE-lB Brian Ford................TE-DE J.B Benza ............. G·T Jin Kim. .... . ....... AB·LB u ....
Ht Wt Yr 5·9 150 12 5·11 150 12 5-8 145 12 185 12 5·10 160 12 6-2 175 12 !HI 235 12 6-5 280 12 6-2 163 12 5-9 155 11 5-11 170 11 6-1 170 11 5-5 135 11 &Q 195 11 5-10 165 11 5-a 145 11 6-1 1BO 11 6·2 180 11 6-5 260 11 6-2 210 11 5-11 195 11 &1175 11 5·10 155 11 6-3 200 11 &\l 155 10 5-10 155 10 5·9 165 10 5-G 160 10 5·9 240 10 5·11 190 10 5-10 160 10 6-1 240 10 5-5 145 9 5-9 155 9 5-111B5 9 5-10 175 9 5·9 165 9 s-a 150 9 5-G 150 9
Natna ........................Pas Ht INt Yr Steve Gartin ...............WA-DE 6-3 156 12 Jason Cornelius ........Ol·LB 5-10 159 12 SeanEar!y .............. K 5·10 176 12
~~ ~~;~~~.:: :.: : · :::~.\i'E ~~ ~~g ~~
Jesse UndeiWOOd " ....Ol-LB OuckkuenAhn .........Ol-LB S!eveCarpenter .......Ol·DL TonyCICJ1no................Ol·DL Aryeh Edwards ..........WA·.08 M11<e Evans .........WA·DB louts HelleOusch .......OL-DL Andylardrum ............Ol-DL AndyMa!dlow ...........WA-08 Aaron Payler. . .... Ol·DE Kyle Westrup ............ AB·DB DavoCarpenter ..........OL-DL BrianGratsch ..........Ol.OE Phillip Groll ........... RB-DB Brad Parker ...............AB-DB Nick Rusche ..............QB-08 Brian Wheeler ..... _....QB-l8· JohnBratla .......... Ol.OL JasonCase ......... " ....Ol-Dl Josh Cohen ...............RB·LB Aaron Dowel ......... Ol·DL Brad Downs...............WA-DB Bobby Foley ..............Ol-0!. Nick Groll ...................RB-LB KateHeisey .......... K DustinHepbum ........WA-DS Matt leo ..........." .......WA·DB Andy lumpkin .......... OL-OL Joe Novakov ........Ot!-DL AlaxTheurer...............AB-DB Rob Vaccari ...............WA-DB Adam Wilson... .....Ol-DL
5-9 8-2 5-10 5·11
5-11 &5 5-10
175 185 1-46 205 123 155 226 225 158 162 160
12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11' 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10
6-1 5-10 5-9 246 64 153 5-8 130 5-9 165 5-11 148 8-0 160 5-8 157 9 5·7145 9 5-8 163 9 5-11 170 9 5-4 114 9
5-8 134 9 5-8 148 9 5-9 216 9 5-7 120 9 5·11 5-9 5-11 5·9
150 9 172 9 160 9 124 9 s-a 125 9 8-1 175 9
sive secondary is back in Tyler Martin, Cooper, Leininger and John Kim. · "It's important that we get off to a good start," Siple said. "I'm pretty optimistic and confident that we'll have a · good season."
""'Coach: Hank Ohnmeis (11·29) ""'Last year's record: 1-9. t~>- Top returnee: Senior Kyle Mender is heavily involved on both . sides of the ball: Mender is the quarterback, a defensive back, and a co-cap~ lain with a 3.976 grade-point average. .,.Outlook: Like Finneytown, the Mustangs are back in the CHL for the first time in three seasons. Ohnmeis, back after a three-year absence from coaching, will handle an extremely young team- 21 of the 37 players are freshmen or sophomores. Hard hitting linebacker Jesse . Underwood, a co-captain with Mender, is the top defender.·
j\Jf :._U
Colerain r ady for '9 en ore
5-9 5·10 5-7 6-1 5·10 5-9 5-10 6-1
The Finneytown senior has it all: He's 6-foot-3, 207 pounds, runs a 4.5-second 40-yard dash and excels at running back and safety. Junior quarterback Brad Weisman, a 6·0, 167-pounder, worked on his game over the summer at several camps. He should be well-protected. The offensive line returns three hefty veterans- Jeremy Bragg (6-2, 246), Joe Kimmey (6-foot, 228) and Greg Boston (6-2, 321).
Sean SChafter............ .WB-08 ChartesAdKins ...........G·T Jamie Mitchell ....... E·DB Mike Montgomery .... C~T DnnGoodai! .............T·T JoeyRapp ..... ~........C-LB MicahHedges1• • FB-LB BnanMahedy ........... E-LB Tom Grassman ...........T·T Joel EngeL .............. E·LB Schon Powell. ...... TB·LB Matt Beck ...............08-LB N!cRausn .................FB-08 BnanMcConnell .....G·T Doug Van Pelt ...........T·T Randy Bucker ............G·NG LanyRohrig ...........T-T Robb Hochhausler ...T·T AusiyAyars ............... G-T
OMCC COLERAIN Name ...... -.........- ...... Pos Jay Roden ................DE Nick Kostoff ............... DB David Murphy .......OB CaseySherz ......... K CalVln Banks .............we Kevinl<ey ..................WA JasonDJcks..... . DE Marques WIHiams .......DB AonnleArexanoer.......TB BrlanBurr ...............OE Mike Jonas ..........WR Steve cruz ..............WR M1ke Shaw .................DE Jun!usSm1th ..............DB Joe Martini ........... FB M1keFraeman ............LB Allen Backschelder ....WB Jeff Guy ...............OE Jason Pennington ... .LB Pat Blue ....................NG Scol!Story ...............OL Bill lawrence .....OL JonFohl....................OL Jimmy Stephens ........OL Jason Carson .........OL Aaron Brown ..........OL Ivan Pace ..... ~........ .DL Jefferson Kelley .........OL Jeremy Day ....... WR Jason Doerman ..... ""TE BenKientz .................TE Richie Jackson ...... DB Ray Bonar ............... DB M,keSchoone ........... K BrucaVescovi ...........DB Donia Williams ..... D8 Scott Ouestn ............. DB Terry Chappell. ........WR Shaun lazarus ...... FB SamHicks ..................FB AnthonyKellom ........TB Yul McBerry ........... LB Mark Gregory ........ DB JohnAobOms ............. DL Brandon Schultz .......OL Andy Har1man .... Dl Brian Bre!itch ..............Ol KevrnCarle ................DL Jessla Beyrer ....•....Ol Todd Jackson .........Ol Dana Muchmore ........WR Joe Rabe ..................NG ScottHirsch. ....DB Bret1H1Hman ...........QB Travis Adams ............ WA JaredDiegmueUar ......WB Josh Burg!n .......... DB GaryMII!er ................DB Nick Fanner ................ FB Dan Dummitt .......TB Todd Chapman ....... L8 MarqulceWiHIS ...........WB Brian Doss ................DE Jrn;hlogan ......... DE Trm W1111ams ...............Ol ErlcHughas ............... Ol Aaron Johnson ........ Dl
HI WI 6-2 180 5·11 180 &3 180 5-8 160 5·10 170 6-0175 5-11 175 &0 200 5·6 200 5·11 200 5-10 175 6-0 155 6·0 195 6-2 190 5·10 175
&O 5-10 5-10 6-0 5·11 5·11 5-11 5-10
sean Stephons ........... OL Jason Wallace ...........Dl Nick Schaefer ....... OL James Ell1ol.. ........... uOl Mike Houck ................ .OL Randy Rack ...........Ol Jason Rghts ........... OL NicK BollS ................TE KristopherSmnh .......WR Matt Lieurance . . . TE Jason EJam. ...............WA JamaiWhUe ................ LB 'AndyW1IIiamson ......Ol
12 217 12 175 12
160 215 220 205 215 214
6·1 209 5·11 220 &2 210 6-2 245 6-6 306 5·9 158 &O 206 6-3 180 &0 155 6-1 178 6·1 160 >a 119 &0 185 5-8 160 5·10 170 5·9 160 5-11 200 6·0 165 IH 200 5-11 155 &O 205 6-D 254 5-10 221 6-1 215 5·9 210 5·11 230 5-11 190 6-2 155 5·9 215 5·11 160 6-0 175 5·8 140 5-8 153 5-8 155 5·11 160 &0 200 5-11 180 6-0 175 5·6 175 5·10 170 6-1 180 5-11 170 5·10 185 5-10 210
Jake Haverkamp ......Ol
6-1 220 5-11 5-10 5·11 5·11 5-10 &0
6-4 6·0 6-3 8-2 6-1
180 205 205 252 190 190 247 190 160 175 150
• 6-0 175 6-0 180
Yr 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11
11 11 11 11 11
11 11 11 11. 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 · 10 10
The Cardinals . ..,. c oach : Larry BaII ew (career 2 WITHIROW N•mo ........................ Pos "' wo vr bring a 16-game, • record 4·6) w;:~~~~z g~ ';~ ~~~ i~ regular-season ,.._Coach: Steve Sheehan (129-25· .,.. Last year's record: 4·6 ~~l.c~;~~;;;·••• ••·••·•g~.o" ;:~~ 1~~ i~ winning streak 1) I!> Outlook: The Falcons started to ~~~ ~~~~•••• •• •••~~:[j,E ~~ ~~~ i~ into the season. II> Last year's record: 7·3 turn the corner last year, but it will be ~=~;~~:;····•: ~s.wR ~~ ~~i i~ The explosive ""'Top returnee: Brandon Rodgers more difficult this season. ~::;,o,:~owei••••••8i ~ ~ i~ offense will Kerry Coombs made his mark at quarterback last J h K 0 change, but only season as a sophomore. The 6-3, 200'We only have 25 guys on the team J:,~e~~:~;;;; •• •·•••o~ ~ ~~g ;~ slightly. Combs has committgQ_to _ __...n...,o"'u11ndYJe!<!r..!a;!!l.s~oo!.s;?.!tLEa!..!rtx.s.=!o:!.!n.!!th!.!!e~bag:s:!!klSe~tb~a'l'IIL·c_.__3_._W __E_S_T_IE_R_N__:_H_I_l_..l_:..:S::___. . ,.!,~!l ' ~" '....~ !~iv~·?..e.~~"-r=:. ~~·~..,;~ . . ...~m~o"'~~~.i.,~:~~~~.. ---==:-•••••-•••~oT ~~ ~ i~
... •· •
Gai}'Ciarlc ... . WA-DE B-0 175 Sam Cody.................DE S.S 155 H<:~ro!cl carson ........... DT 6-2 200 JeiiChenault.. ......... OT 6-3 210 Mike Coston ........... WA 5·9 150 Enc Engleman .......... HB-DN 5-S 165 Lonnie Estes ...............OB 6-0 170 JohnFallha ............ DB 5-10 170 Nei!Founlaln ............. DB 5-11175 MarlonGans ............. DB 5·5 130 Rickie GIH ................ WR 6-0 160 Shawn Guy ......... OG 8-0 225 RobHams ................. DB 5·11 160 Kenny Huntley ........... DE s.a 145 JermaynaJackson .... DB 5-7 135 Marlon Mauldin ........ DE 5-9 165 Dom McCloud ....... ."... DN 5-9 240 Mr!<e McKinney .......... OG-LB 5-9 161 Robert Moss ......... C.DN &0 220 Richard AaJnas .......... C 5-9 190 Olon Reeder .............. DB 5·7 170 leonardRober!s ........QB·WA 5·11 180 Brandon Rodgers ... QB 6-3 202 ElumAo!and ............... HIHB 5-9 1BO KareemStokas ...........THH 6-3 210 Cameron Wright ..... ON 5-9 165 Carl Wilkerson ......... DE 5·11 171 GrbranAmold ............ ON 5-4 165 James Bell .............. DE 5-9 146 Quentin Bishop ...... HB 5-7 155 ChadCanrwn .............HB·LB s-a 180 ilmCrooks ................TE 6-3 165 Bruce Finne11........ DE 5-9 151 DanHawrrins ............OT 6-0 290 RolandHoam .............WA 5-11 170 PauiJaOOon ...........QB 5-8 155 Ivan Johnson .........C.LB 5·11 193 Stave Jonas..............HB 5·9 182 Charles Lyles ............DT 5·10 290 NckPatton ............ .DB 5·9 130 Michael RoiJertson .....HB 5-6 135 CasoyTayloi-..............DB 5·7 140 KyshadaThomas ..... .OG 5-4 180 Rashad Conners.. .DT 5·7 195 Lebron! Dixon." ........DE 5·8 125 ClevelandDoo'ds........DN '5·10 206 David Fountain .......DB 5-4 107 Jerome Ga!nes ...........TE 5.£ 153 Kenny Gilyard ..........LB s-s 162 Quinlin Goode ..........HB-LB 5-10 175 Nata Kirkland ...........DB 5-7 140 J<lmll Robbins ...........WA 5-£ 145 WJI!Jam Sherman ........WA 5-9 135 Rashad YJheeler ....HB 5·8 1-45
11 11 11 11 11
11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
11 lo 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
WESTERN HILLS. Name .........." .............Pos Darryl Cordray.: .....K·WA DwayneWrlkins ........RB..OB 'GamsenJestar..........DB Ma!kSchorsch .......QB-DB 'Greg Baldwin.............DB 'Byron F<lmbfe ............ DB iMarcusJohnson .......RB·DB :saleemJackson.J ....DB lluke Chappell ..........TE-LB !Todd Kramar...,.........QB-l.B IRoryPatterson ..... 08-WR fBrlan Whiteheacl.:.......OB !Dandrel! Moses .........AB-LB ,:Q.ndra Ingram ........AB·LB ,Andre Lee ..............lB tnmGardner ............. .OL-LB ~<lickFarfslng ...........OL·DL Jona!hanSager ......Ol-Dl MartyBacon ...............c
'CartosHaii .................WA
Ht 5-11 5·6 5·11 8-1 5·7 5-7 5-7 6-1 fi.3 5·9 5·9 5·11 5·8 6.() 5·10 5·9 5·10
6-0 5·11
'Wayne Tale ........... .WR 5·11 lany Balperio. _ ......K 5·9 Mike Sager .............AB-LB 5·9 ~on BIYart ..............AS .OS 5-8
Wt Yr 155 157 165 170 150 140 163 155 215 160 172 148 163 204 170 199 170 194 195 160 160 145 198 157
12 12 12 12 i2
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11
6~~je~~~;d:.:: . . :.:: :~.QL ~g ~g;~ ~~
Gary Hlcks ..................Ol-DL 6-0 184 11 SusterNewton ...... _ .OL·LB • &1 175 11 M1ka Dukes ... - .......OL·LB &0 211 11 Deangelo Durham ......OL·Dl 5·9 205 11 Mark McChristian ...... Ol-DL 6-0 194 11 Chns Ellis. . ...•.OL-Dl $-0 196 11 Regg!eBorden .......... OG 5-10 238 11 Anton Ceaser ...........OT-OE 6-2 205 11 Sugena Marshall.....TE 6-1 170 11 ~'•.).shHogan .............. RB-DB 5-8 150 10 UoydWiJCher.............AB..[)B 5·7 155 10 J T. McClanahan ......WR·DB 5-6 130 10 Rockel Duke ...........TE·L8 5-10 178 10 Eddialea ..................LB 5-10 165 10 • &andon PriCe ............OL-Dl s-o 236 10 J.;mesTroxell ......... .OL-Dl 5-11 .2<10 10 TfiTIGilday ................OL-DL 5-10 215 10 JJ.son Cash ................C·Dl 5·11 213..JO
Name .........................Pos Scott Bray ...........QB Steve Alldnscn ..........DB M1k0 Kopp ................. DB Shaun Kallendorf .......DB Kyle Weaver ...............LB Ben Barnhorst .........AB Aaron Weaver ..........AB P.J.Siriet .............. RB TimCarter...................OT Joe Nelson ................C Matt Galbreath ...........LB Brandon W1l'iams .....DL Mike Stiens ...........OL Mike Ackman.............Ol Chns Stoffran .............OL Matt Simms ................Ol Steve Scherra ............OL Kevin Brortenrran ....DS Jim Fox ........ - ........WA Kavm Brucshabar ..... DB Jamie Ramsey ..........QB Zach Wittwerth ............OB Dan Panaro ... _ .......OT Casey McCarthy .... .LB Darek Dietrich ............LB Jell England ..............RB Mike Be!d1er............... LB Chr.sBoy/e .............LB
·j~~~j~~~~~·er ... :.:: ::.:gL
EricOidendlck ............ LB Pat Beekrleii ...............LB Bruce Jones ... :.......... DL Troy Troxell ..........OL Nick McCarthy .........Ol M1ka OWens ...............OL BoO Mede!lin ............... OL Brent Burman ...........WA Brian Fanner ..........WA Rick Zimmerman ....TE Steve Metz ................ LB Tim Kloepfer ...............Dl Jason Manin ...............Q8 KevmSte1de! ......WA Bil!yBrinck ..............DB Kyle Fread ................TE Joe Vandever ............DB Brian Burger ............... 08 Tony Barnes ............. RB Scot! Hetzel ........LB J. J. Powell. . .. ... LB PhiiVICkers .................lB Jason Kield ................ LB Sean McCu!lough ....... RB Grant Hill ..:.. ..•.. .LB Rick Risch ............. LB M.ft Egner ................. Dl Dave WilliS ................OL BoO Lehman ...............Ol E1lc Holmes ............ OL John First..... .....OL Paul HOff ...................Ol Jason Hoeh ............... RB M1ke Rowe ...............WA Josh Neihel.sel.. .........WR John Knisley. ....TE Aaron Trotta ..............Dl Bon Carter ................ DL Nick D'Amlcl ..............TE JoeOwens ................ DB Jose Romaro.. RB Ban W1esner ..............Dl Jeff Kroger .................. 08
Ht wt Yr
&I 175 12 &1 165 12 5-11 160 12 &9 166 12 S.B 175 12 5-11 195 12 5-7 175 12 6-3 220 12 5·11 180 12 6-1 240 12 5-11 200 12 6-0 195 12 5-10 196 12 6-1 245 12 &2 250 12 6-6 235 12 6-3 205 12 6-0 160 12 5-10 160 11 5-9 5·10 5-6 5·10 5·1;
140 156 150 225 188 6-2 175
11 11 11 11 11 11
5-7 170 5-8 158 5·10 200 6-{1195 &2 190 6-0 195 5-8 184 5-5 250 &2 238 6-'1 190 &6 260 5-10 150 6-0 155 &0 196
11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1'1 11 11 ,, 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
5--1' 158 ,,
6-D1B5 5-10 200 5-B 148 5-9 120 5-11 165 &3 170 6-1 160 5·8 140 5-tO 150 5-9 160 5-8 160 5-10 175 &3 150
5-8 170 5-10 5-8 &1 5·10 5-11 5-5 &6 5-9 6-1 5-10 5-6
185 165
206 230 190 238 190 170 140 1:30 6-0 150 6-1 190 5-10 200
6-1 160 10 5-7 125 10 5-9 149 10 5-!? 214 10 5-B 140 10
AIKEN Nallle ....."'""""'""" .. Pos HI wt Vr Le.varGe.nnaway .......TB-CB 5-7 134 11 LarryChorry ............... CB·WA 5-E 178 12 Anlon.oEar!y ..............QB-5 5-11 i60 12 VincantJones ...........WR·S 5-10 165 10 Anton,OThomas ..... AB·LB 5-t: 190 12 Antonio Broadnax ......WA·LB 6-2 180 11 Dion Jenkins ...............LB{Jl 6-2 210 ,, RlckeyStaley ..............oa.s 6-C 135 10 RodniWrighl..............WR·DB 5-7 130 12 OaY1dFoster. .......... AB·DB 5-7 154 '12 Jamar Scott ... AB·Dl 5-6 152 11 James Jones ..............WR·DB 5-7 143 10 LaAon Etl1ck .............TE·LB 6-4 180 11 Benlewls ...................OL·Dl 5-5 195 12, AonneRBisboa ...........OkDL..S-..11..205......Q _ __
· Ti'vrnw.
Metro County AIKEN Sept. 1 . . . . . at Mariemont Sept. 8 . . . . . ............ WOODWARD Sepl.15 .•..•.•.•....•...• ; ..... atTaft Sept. 22.. . ..... GLEN ESTE Sept 29 .................... at Colerain Oct. 6 .••••.•.•....•.•.•..•.•.•.. open Oct 13 •.....•........•... OAKHILLS Oct 20 , ......•.•........... at Withrow Oct. 27 .....•....•.•. WESTERN HILLS Nov. a. . . . . . : ...•... Hughes at Withrow
Sept. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... SYCAMORE Sept. 8 •...•.•..•.•.•.•....• at Fairtield Sept. 15 ..•.•.•......•...• at CenteMIIe Sept. 22. . ... at St. Xavier Sept. 29 .......•......•..•.•... AIKEN Oct. 6 •.•.•........••.•.•.• at Oak Hills Oct. 13 . . . . . . ............ WITHROW Ocl. 20. . . • . . • . • . .•... :at Western Hills Oct. 27 ......•....•.....••.• LA SALLE Nov. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . at lakota
MOUNT HEALTHY Sept. 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROGER BACON Sept. 8 ......•.••...•....•... at lakota Sept. 15 .. ·.................. at LaSalle Sept. 22 ........ COLUMBUS DESALES Sept. 29 •.•.••.•.•.•..•.•.•.• HUGHES Oct. 6 ................ at Winton Woods Oct. 14 ......... NORTHWEST, 1:30PM. Oct. 21 ................ WALNUT HILLS Oct. 28 ..................... at Harrison Nov. 3 . . . at Hamilton
OAK HILLS Sept. 1 .. .. . at Kings .. Sepi.S .•.. , .•......•.•. , , .. at Harrison Sept 15.: •..• , •.•.•.. , .• ,. at Anderson Sept. 22 . .. .. .. . LA SALLE Sept. 29 ................ at We stem Hills Oct. 6 ..................... COLERAIN Oct 13 ...................... at Aiken Oct.20 .......... , ...... atM1amiTrace Oct. 27 .................... WITHROW Nov. 3 .. ELDER
sept.1 .................... al Anderson Sept.8 .•.•.•.•.... W. BROWN, at Turpin Sept.15 ................... at Glen·Este Sept.23.. .. .. Purcell Marian, al Norwood Sept29 ................ at Roger Bacon Oct.6 ...... CHAM-JULIENNE. at Turpin Oct 13 .. , •..•...•...• , .. , •.• , .. at Alter Oct20 .•......•.... BADIN,atAnderson Oct27 ......... WYOMING, at Anderson Nov.3, ....•...••... , . , , , , ... , at Turpin
Sept. 1.•....•.•.•...•.•...• EMINENCE Sept. 7 .. . . . .. .. .. .. HILLCREST Sept. 15 .............. ·.at Fort Recovery Sept 22 •.••.•.•.•.•. , • at N. Collage Hill Sept. 29. . . .. LUDLOW OatS ........................... CCD Ocl13 ................... SUMMIT CD Oct. 20..... . .. at Batavia Oct 27.......•........•.•. LOCKLAND Nov. 3 •........••........ at New Miami
Sept.1 ........... MONROE, at Norwood Septa •..•.•.•.•..•... at Winton Woods Sepl15 •.•..•.... DUNBAR, at Norwood Sepl23...... MCNICHOLAS, at Norwood Sapt29 •.• CHAM-JULIENNE, at Nonwood Oct.? ......................... , at Alter Oct13....................... , at Badin Oct20 •....•...•.• ·.......... , , at Elder Oct27 ................. atAogerBacon Nov.4.. SYCAMORE, at NorwoOd
Sept. 1 ...................... READING Sspt 8 ............... Wllt.IAMSBURG Sept. 15 ....... at Clermont Northeastern Sapl22 •.•.•.•....•.. .- .. atSummilCD Sapl29 ...•.•.. NORTH COLLEGE HILL Oct 5 .. .. .. .. . .. .. ...... HILLCREST Oct.13 ................... NEW MIAMI Oct20 •.•...•....•.•...•..•.•. atCCD Oct. 27 .......... at Landmari< ChriSilan Nov. 3 ............... .-.•.•... BATAVIA
Sepl1 . .. .............. at Mt. Healthy Sepl8 .................... GLEN ESTE Sept.15 ............... WALNUT HILLS Sept.22 ............ KETTERING ALTER Sapl29 ................ MCNICHOLAS Oct6 •...•......•.... at Hamilton Badin Oct.13., ......... at ChaminadeJulienne Ocl20...................... at La Salle Oct.27 ............. PURCELL MARIAN Nov.3.. .. .. . .. . ........ NORTHWEST
Sept1.. .. .............. TAYLOR Septa ................ , . at Finnaytown Sepl15 ......... HENRYCOUNTY(KY) Sept. 22. . . . . . . . . . . . .... at Waynesville Sapt.29 ..................... BATAVIA Oct6 ................... atSumm~CD Oct 13 .................... at Lockland Oct20 •.....•.. NOflTHCOLLEGEHILL Oct.27 ........................ atCCD Nov. 3 ......... LANDMARK CHRISTIAN
Greater Catholic· South ELDER Sept. 1 . . ......•. MIDDLETOWN Sept. 8 ..•.•.•.•. BOONE COUNTY (KY) Sept. 15 . .. ......... WESTERN HILLS Sept. 22. .. .. .. .. . . • .. .. . . • at Withrow Sept. 29 .................... at La Salle Oct. 6.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. MOELLER Oct 13.................... atSI. Xavier Oct 20 ............. PURCELL MARIAN Nov.3.... . ....... at Oak HiUs ,
Sept. 1 ................... HAMILTON Sept 8 .... at Indianapolis Warren Central Sept. 15....................... at Elder Sept. 22 .. . .. ..... at Winton Woods Sept.29 ................... OAK HILLS Oct. 6 ....•...•..•.•...••... at Wrthrow Oct. 13 ....... COLUMBUS EASTMOOR Ocl. 20 .................... COLE~IN Oct. 27. • .................. at Aiken Nov.3. .. .. U\SALLE
Sept. 1. . ......... PRINCETON Sept. 8 . . .. .. . .. ....... SVCAMORE Sapt.15..•.•.....•.. MOUNT HEALTHY Sepl22 .•.•............... at Oak Hills Sept.29 ....................... ELDER Oct 6 ..................... ST. XAVIER Oct. 13 ...... vs. Moeller at Galbraith Field Oct 20 ............... ROGER BACON Oct. 27 .... , ................. at Colerain Nov. 3 . . ............ at Western Hms
Sept. 1 .. . . ......... HUGHES Sept.B ...........•....... atStXavier Sept.15 ....... .'...... DAYTON WAYNE . Sept. 22.. . ...... ELDER ·Sept. 30 ........ at Dayton Colonel Whrte Oct. 6 ............... WESTERN HILLS Oct.13 .................... at Colerain Oct. 20 ............... : .. ...... AIKEN Oct. 27.....•...••.....•.... at Oak Hills Nov. 3 . . . . ... at Woodward
Greater Catholic-North ALTER Sept.1 , . . • . . . at Fainnount Sept.8 ..... et Walnut Hills Sept.15 ............... at Dayton Carroll Sept.22 ..•• , ........... at Roger Bacon Sepl.29: .. .. .. . . .............. BADIN . Oct.7 ................. at Pun::ell Marian Oct.13 ................. MCNICHOLAS Oct.20 .. .. .. .. MOELLER Oct.27... "' ........... , .... at Jefferson Nov.3............ at ChaminadeJullenne
. HAMILTON BADIN Septl ......... Day. Colonel Whne at UD Sept.8 ..................... WYOMING ·: Sept.15 .................. at Edgewood Sept.22.. . . atChaminacfe..Julienne Sepl29........................ at Aller Oct.G .•.•.•..•...•.••. ROGER BACON Oct.13 ............. PURCELL-MARION Oct.20 ....... , , . , ......• at McNicholas Oct27 ................ MEADOWDALE Nov.3 . . . . . . ... FINNEYTOWN
CHAMINADE JUUENNE (All home garres at West Carrollton) Sapt.1 ............•....•. at Northmont Sept.8 •...••.•....• DAYTON CARROLL Sept.15 ..............•....• BELMONT Sept.22 ............• HAMILTON BADIN Sept.29 •.•..•.•..•.•.• at Purcell Marian Oct6 ................... at Mc('llcholas Oct.13 ................ ROGER BACON - Oct20., .................. atSl Xavier Oct28 . GRAYSON CO., KY Nov3 . . .. Alter, at Trotwood
Sept. 1 ·•..••..... UPPER ST. CLAIR, PA Sept. 9 . . . . . . . . at Massillon Wasflfngton Sept. 16 ...• at Covington Catholic, 2 p.m. Sept. 23 .... at Erie Cathedral Prep, 6 p.m. Sept. 29 . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ST. XAVIER Oct 6.•......•.•..• , •.•.•.•... ot Elder Oct. 13 .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . .. . LA SALLE Oct. 20... . vs. Kettering Alter at Fairmont Qat 28 .•.. CLEVE. ST. IGNATIUS, 2 p.m. Nov. 3. ·.................... at Princeton
ST. XAVIER Sept. 1 ................... at Cenlerville Sept. 8 .................... WITHROW Sept. 16 .......... CANTON MCKINLEY Sept. 22 .................. COL[JRAIN Sept.29 .•....•..........•... at Moeller Oct 6 ...................... at L~ Salle Oct 13 ...................... nDER Oct. 20 .•.•...• CHAMINADE.JUL!r,NNE Oct. 27 ....• , ...•. at Columbus DeSales Nov. 3.. . .. . .'...... ANDERSON
Miami Valley BATAVIA Sept. 1 • • • . • • ......... BETHEL:iii'i'E Sept B ........ at Clermont NortheAStern Sept. 15 .....•......•... at Willian\Sburg Sept.22 .... , ..•.•....•...•...•. , CCD Sept. 29 ................ at New Miami Oct. 6 .......••. NORTH COLLEGI1 HILL Oct. 13 .. SOUTH CHARLESTON SOUTH· EASTERN Oct. 20 ...•.... LANDMARK CHRISTIAN Oct 27 .•...• : •..•.•...•. atSumnlltCD Nov. 3 .. at Lockland
CINCINNATI COUNTRY DAY Sept. 1.. .. . . . ......... WAYNESVILLE Sapl8 ............... :EAST CLINTON Sept. 15 ................. at Bethel·Tale Sept. 22..........•.. : . •.•... at Bo!avia Sa pt. 29 •·.•......•.•.•.... SUMMIT CD Oct. 6 ............ at Landmark Christian Oct. 13 ............. at North Collage Hill Oct. 20............... : ·' .... LOCKLAND Oct. 27 ................... NEW MIAMI Nev. 3.•.•...•..•.....•....• at Reading
NORTH COLLEGE HILL Sept 1 .. . . . . . .. . ...... FINNEYTOWN Sept. a ..................... at Madeira Sept. 15 ...•.•...•..•.•.•.•. at Fenwick Sept. 22 ..•.... LANDMARK CHRISTIAN Sept 29 ! . .. . . .. . at Lockland Oct. 6.•.. , .•...•....•.•.•.•. at Batavia Oct 13... . .......... ceo Oct. 20 .........•....... _at New Miamr Oct 27 ........... : .•.• CLERMONT NE Nov. 3 ....•............ : .. SUMMIT CD
SUMMIT COUNTRY DAY Sept. 1 ........... : .. NEW RICHMOND Sept. 8 ....................... at Taylor Sept 15 .. .. .. . .. .. ...... at Cedarville Sept. 22..•...•. , ..•...•.•.. LOCKt.AND Sapt29 ....................... atCCD Oct 6 . .. ........ NEW MIAMI Oct 13 .•.•.•.•.•• at Landmark Christian Oct. 20 ................ EAST CLINTON Oct 27 ...................... BATAVIA Nov. 3 ..•..•.•.•.•.• at North College Hill
Queen City-American. AMELIA Sept 1 .. . .. ......... at Western Brown Sept. 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . at Northwest Sept. 15 .................. NORWOOD Sapt.22 .......... , •... WALNUT HILLS Sept. 29 ...................... at Turpin Oct 6..........•.......... at Glen Es!e Oct 13 .............. : .......... TAFT Oct. 20 ................... at Woodward Oct. 27 ................... ANDERSON Nov. 3 •..•.•.•.•..•.•.•.•. LOVELAND
ANDERSON Sept. 1 ................. MCNICHOLAS Sept 8 .............,...•.....•.. TROY Sept15 ................. OAK HILLS Sepl22 .••...•....•...•... HARRISON Sept. 29................... at Glen Este Oct 6........... .. ..... WOODWARD _Oct 13 •..•.....•..•.•.•.•.•.. atTurpin Oct20 .......................... TAFT Oct. 27 ...................... at Amelia Nov. 3 .............. , .... , at St. Xavier
GLENESTE Sepl1 .................. NOFTHWEST Sept 8 ••.•.•.•.•.•..•.• at Roger Bacon Sept 15 ................ MCNICHOLAS Sept. 22 ...................... atAiken 1 Sept. 29 .................. ANDERSON Oct. 6 .. . . . . . . .. . . • . ......... AMELIA Oct. 13................... at Woodward Oct. 20.. • .. .. .•.. TURPIN Oct 27. .. ..... at Taft Nov. 3 . .. .. MILFORD
TAFT Sept.1 . . ..... DAYTON PATTERSON Sept, 8 • . . . ...•... at Trotwood·Madison Sept 15 ........................ A!KEN Sept 22 .................... at Hughes Sept.29 ....•.•.•.. , .•.•.• at Woodward Oct 6 ........................ TURPIN Oct. 13 .. .. ...... at Amelia Oct20 .................... a! Anderson Oct 27 ................... GLEN ESTE Nov. 3................... at Warnut Hills.
Sept22 ....•.•...•.•.... , at Northwest Sept29 ..•.•..•...•.••.•.•.•. AMEliA Oct. 6... . at Taft Oct. 13 ................... ANDERSON Oct. 20 •.••...•.•.•....•... at Glen Esta Oct. 27... . ... WOODWARD Nov. 3. .. ........... MCNICHOLAS
Oct.6 .................... SYCAMORE Oct.13 ......•.•..•...•.•.•• FAIRAELD oct.20 . . at Lima Oct.27..... .. ....... MILFORD Nov.3 ..................... COLERAIN
Sept.1 ..•.•..•.•...•..... ST. FRANCIS Sapt.B • .. .. . . .. ......... DUNBAR Sept.15 .. .. .. .. .. ...... SYCAMORE Sept22.•.•..•.•.•.•......•. at Fairtield Sept.29 .... , •....•......•. at Princefon Oct.6.. . .. ............... HAMILTON Oct.13..•........•...•....•.• at Millard Oct20............. .. .. LAKOTA Oct.27. . . . . . . . . . . ........ at Middletown Nov.a,. ........ ., ........... at Findlay
Sept. 1 .. . . . . . .. .. at Walnut Hills Sept. a ....................... at Aiken Sept. 15 ..................... HUGHES Sept. 22 . . . . . . ...... at Dayton Belman! Sepl29 ........................ TAFT Oct.6 ............•.•.•.... at Anderson Oct.13 . . .. .. .. . . .. . .. GLEN ESTE Oct. 20.. .. . .. ............... AMELIA Oct. 27....................... at Turpin Nov. 3 .. .. WITHROW
Queen City-National HARRiSON Sept1 . . . Sapt8 . • .. . • •••.•.•• OAIK HILLS Sept 15 ................. TALAWANDA Sept 22 ................... at Anderson Sepl29 ............... WALNUT HILLS Oct. 6 ...................... at Hughes Oct. 14 .............. WINTON WOODS Ocl20 •.. , .......•..•...• ati'lorthwast Oct 27 .............. MOUNT HEALTHY Nov. 4. . .•.... at Dayton Patterson
HUGHES Sept. 1·.. . .. . • . . .. • .. . . at Wrthrow Sept B.............. at Dayton Jefferson Sept15 .................. at Woodward Sept 22 ...•......•.. vs. Taft at WHhrow Sept. 29.............. at Mount Healthy Oc1. 6 ......... vs. Harrison at Woodward Oct. 13 ................. : at Walnut Hi!ls OCt. 20 .. ., .. .. . .. at Winton Woods Oct. 27 ......... vs. Northwest at Wnhrow Nov. 2.•.•.•... , ..•. vs. Aiken at Withrow
NORTHWEST Sept. 1.•.•...... , .•...••.• at Glen Este Sept 8 •...•.•....•.•.. , •....• AMELIA Sept. 15.. .. .. . . ............... ROSS Sept 22 ...................... TURPIN Sept. 29 •.•..• ·...•... WINTON WOODS Oct. 6 .. . .. ... at Walnut Hills Oct. 14............ .. . at Mount Healthy Oct.20 .................... HARRISON Oct. 27 ..................... at Hughes Nov.3 ................. atRogerBacon
WALNUT HILLS Sept 1 .................. WOODWARD Sepl8 ............ KETTERING ALTER Sept.15 ................ at Roger Bacon Sept 22 ..................... at Amelia Sept29 ..•.•.•..•.....•.•.• at Harrison Oct. 6•.•.••.•...•.•.••.• NORTHWEST Oct. 13 ...................... HUGHES Oct 20................ al Mount Healthy Oct. 27 .•....•...•. , • W!NTON WOODS Nov. 3 ..... , .................... TAFT
WINTON WOODS Sept. 1 ..................... at Goshen Sept. B ............. PURCELL MARIAN Sept15 ......... vs. Colonel WMeatUD Sept. 22 ............ , WESTERN HiLLS Sept 29 .................. at Northwest Oct. 6........ .. .... MOUNT HEALTHY Oct. 13 .........• , .•.•.•••.• at Hamson Oct 20 .•... .-.•.............. HUGHES Oct. 27 .................. at walnut tills Nov. 3 ..................... FAIRAELD
Greater Miami FAIRFiELD Sepl1 .•...•,.......... 'BEAVERCREEK Sepi.S .................... COLERAIN Sept15 .•.•..•••.•.•.••.•.•.. at Milford Sept22 ......................... LIMA Sept29 ..... ., ............. at Hamilton Oct.6 .................. MIDDLETOWN Oct13 ....................... atLakota Oct.20 .................. PRINCETON Oct27 •.. , .•.•.•.•..... ,,. at Sycamore Nov.3 ..•..•...•.•..•.• at Winton Woods
HAMILTON Sept1 ................. at Western tills Septa ..................... at Belmont Sept.15 ................ MIDDLETOWN Sepl22 ...................... LAKOTA Sept.29 . .-... . .. FAIRFIELD Oct.6 ......................... at Uma Oct.13 .....•.•.•.•.••.•.•. at Sycamore Oct20: ..................... MILFORD Oct27 .................... at Princeton Nov.3 ..•...••••.•.••••. , MT. HEALTHY
Sepl.1 ....•..... at Huber Heights wayne Sept.8 .•.•.•..•....•. MOUNT HEALTHY Sept. 1... : ...... " ........ NORWOOD · Septi5 .......... ~-· .... _... $t.erinceton Sept 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... at Goshen Sept.22. . . . . . . . .. at Hamilton Sapt15 .•.•.•.•..•.•.•......• MASON • Sept29 .................. at Middletown
MIDDLETOWN sept.1 . . .. .. .. .. . . . . at Elder Sept.S ................. CENTERVILLE Sapt.15 .................... at Hamilton Sept.22.... .. . . at Milford Sept.29 .......•..........•... LAKOTA Oct.6 ....................... at Fairfield Oct.13 ................... at Princeton Oct.20 .....•.•.•......•.. SYCAMORE Oct.27 .......................... LIMA Nov.3. . . . . . ... LANCASTER
MILFORD Sepl1 .................... FRANKLIN Sept.8 . . . . . . . . . ......... atTalawanda Sept.t5 .................... FAIRFIELD Sept22 ................ MIDDLETOWN Sept.29. . . . . . . . . . . at Sycamore Oct.6 .................... PRINCETON Oct.13 .......................... LIMA Oct.20. .. . • .. .. • .. .. .. .... at Harrilton Oct.27 ....................... at Lakota Nov.3 •......• ·~· .•......... at Glen Este
PRINCETON Sept.1.. .. .. .. .. .. . ....... at La Salle Sepl8 . • .. .. . • ...... DAYTON WAYNE Sept.15..... . ............. LAKOTA Sepl22. . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . at Sycamore Sept.29 .........•..........•.... LIMA Oct6 ........................ at Milford Ocl13 .. .. . .. . ..... MIDDLETOWN Oct.20 ...................... at Fairtield Ocl27..................... HAMILTON Nov.3. .. . MOELLER
SYCAMORE Sept.1 .. . • .. ....... at Colerain Sepl.8.................... at La Salle Sept.15 ....................... at Uma Sept.22 .• , ................ PRINCETON Sept.29 ..." ................. MILFORD Oct.6 .................. , ••... at lakota Oct.13...... : .............. HAMILTON Oct20 . . . . . . .. ... at Middleton Oct.27 ..................... FAIRFIELD Nov.3 ••.•...•....•.•.• at Purcell Marian
Fort Ancient Valley Sept:i ............... WINTON WOODS Sepi.B .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . . TURPIN Sept.15 .....••....... atwastem Brown Sapt22 ..•.•.•......•....•. at Norwood Sept.29 .................. LITTLE MIAMI Oct.6 ......................... at Ross Oct.13 ........................ KINGS Oct.20 ................... at Wilmington Oct.27 ·....................... MASON Nov.3 .................... at Springboro
KINGS Sept.1 ..................... OAK HILLS Sept.8 ............... at New Richmond Sept.15 ...•.....•.......... at Loveland Sepl22...................... at Mason Sapt.29 , .................. NORWOOD Oct.6 . . .. ........ LITTLE MIAMI Oct.13 ...................... at Goshen Oct20 .................. WILMINGTON Oct27 . . SPRINGBORO Nov.3 ... at Ross
LITTLE MIAMI Sepl1. .. . .. . . . LEBANON Septa .................. at Waynesville Sept 15 •. ,.: ....•.•.•. at Clinton Massie Sept.22 . . . . . . . . •. SPRINGBORO Sept29 ................ ·: ... at Goshen Oct.6 ..••...•.•.••.•.•........ at Kings Oct13 ............... : . . WILMINGTON Oct.20......... , .........•... at Mason Oct.27 •..•.•....•.•.....•....•. ROSS Nov.a . • . . at Norwood
MASON Sept.1 .. • .. .. .. . LOVELAND Sept.B .. .. .. .. . . .. . • . . .. . . LEBANON Sept15 ...•..•.....•......... at Turpin Sapt.22 •.•.•.••.•.•....•.•.•.• K!NGS Sept.29 .. .. . .................. ROSS Oct.6 ........ _.•. .- ....... at Springboro Oct 13.••.•.•.•••..• , ..•.•• at Nonwood Oct.20 .................. LITTLE MIAMI Oct.27. . . . . .·. ·..... at GOshen Nov.3. . . . . . . •... at Wilmington
NORWOOD Sept.1 .... , ... at Turpin Septa........ . ........... at Loveland Sept15 ............... ; ...... at Amelia Sept.22 . .. .. . .. .. .. GOSHEN Sept.29 ....................... at Kings Oct.6 ................... WILMINGTON Oct.13 . .. MASON Oct.20.. . ...... ., ........ at Ross Oct.27 ...•..•...•.••..... at Springboro Nov.3. . . at Utue Miami
ROSS Sept.1 ................... INDIAN HILL Sepl8. . .. .. ......... EDGEWOOD Sept.15 ....•... , ......•... at Northwest Sept.22 ................. WILMINGToN Sept29. . . . . . . . . .. at Mason Oct.6 ..•........•......•.... GOSHEN Oct.13 .•....•...•......•. atSpnngboro Oct.20 .................... NORWOOD Oct.27 ................... at UWe Miami Nov.3 ......................... KINGS
SPRINGBORO ' Sepl1 ..................... CARLISLE Sept.a .....•................ at Franklin Sep1.15 .................... at Lebanon Sep1.22 .................. at Little Miami Sapt.29 .•...•.•....•.•... at Wlbnington Oct.6 ........................ MASON Oct.13 .•..•.•........•...•.•... ROSS Oct20 •.............•......•.. at Kings Oct.27. . . ... NORWOOD Nov.3 .............. GOSHEN
WILMINGTON Sept.1.. .. , . KENTON RIDGE Sept.8 ..•........•..•... MIAMI TRACE Sept.15 .............. at Washington CH Sept22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... at R~ss Sepl29 ................ SPRINGBORO Oct6 .•..•.....•..•.•...•.. at Norwood Oct.13 ................... at Uttle Miami Oct.20 ... , .................. GOSHEN Oct.27 .•.•.•..•.•. : ........... at Kings. Nov.3 . MASON
Southern Buckeye BETHEL TATE Sepl.1 ...................... at8atavia Sspt.8 •..... ,-............. at Deer Park Sept.15 ... ~:. .. CINCINNATI CD Sept.22 .............. at Western Brown Sept29 ............... CLERMONT NE Oct.6 • . . . . . . . . ... at Williamsburg Oct.13 ..............•... , .. at Hillsboro Oct.20 .................... LOVELAND Oct.27 ............... NEW-RICHMOND Ncv.3 . . BLANCHESTER
BLANCHESTER Sept.1 . . at East Clinton Sept.8 . CLINTON MASSIE Sept.15 ..... at Waynesville Sept.22 ..... LOVELAND Sept.29 .................. HILLSBORO Oct.6 ..• , •..... , •.... at New Richmond Oct.13 ............. WESTERN BROWN Oct20 ................. at Clermont NE Oct.27.••...•.•.•..•.• WILLIAMSBURG Nov.a .................... atBetheiTate
CLERMONTNE Sept.i. .•........ ·......... DEER PARK Sapt.8 ... · BATAVIA Sept.15 ................... LOCKLAND Sapt.22 •..•...•....•. NEW RICHMOND Sept.29 .............. at Western Brown Oct.6.. .. . .. ............ at Bethel Tate Oct.13 •.•...•......... WILLIAMSBURG Oct.20 ................ BLANCHESTER Oct.27.............. at North College Hill Nov. a...................... at Hillsboro
HILLSBORO Sept.1 ................. PAINT VALLEY Sept.8 ................. at Bloem-Carrol Sept.15 .................... atGreenffe!d Sept.22.•......•...... WILLIAMSBURG Sept.29 ................. at Blanchester Oct.6 .. . . .. .. . .. ......... LOVELAND Oct.13 ..........•........ at Bethel Tate Oct.20 •.•.•.•.•....•. at New Richmond Oct.27 . . . . . . . . . . . ... at Western Brovm Nov.3 ................. CLERMONT NE
LOVELAND Sept.1 .... , ................. at Mason Sept.a ...•......•.•....•.. NORWOOD Sept.15.. .. .. . . .. .. . . KINGS Sept.22 ............•... at BlanChester Sept.29 ...•.•.•.. ; . WESTERN BROWN Oct.6 ................... at Hillsboro Oct.13 ............... NEW RICHMOND Oct.20 ...•...••...•...•.. at Bethellllte Oct.27 . • . • . . .. .. .. . . . .. . . .. .. . OPEN Nov.3 . .. . .. .... at Amelia
SE?Tr:MBER1.1995 . B7
Sept.22 , . . ... at Clermont NE Sept.29 ................ a! Williamsburg Oct.6 ..•..........•... BLANCHESTER Oct.13. . . . at Loveland Oct 20 ................... HILLSBORO Oct.27 .••..........•.•.•. at Bethel Tate Nov.3 . . • . . . WESTERN BROWN
1995 B5
Oct 20 ...................... MADEIR Oct. 27 .................. at Finneytown Nov. 3 ...... DAYTON COLONEL WHiTE
WYOMING Sept. 1.. • . DELPHOS ST JOHN Sept. 8 . .. ......... at Badin Sept. 15. .. ........... TAYLOR Sept 22 ................. at Finneytown Sept. 29 .................... MADEIRA Oct6 .•••....•...•..•.• atMariemont Oct. 13 .. ,.... .. .. INDIAN HILL Oct.20. • . • .. .. .. ..... at Reading Oct. 27 .. .. .. • .. ... at McNicholas Nov. 3 . . . DEER PARK
WESTERN BROWN Sept.1 ........................ AMELIA Sept.B .. _.. . . . . . . . . ... at McNicholas Sept.15 .............. ·....... GOSHEN Sept.22., .......•.•....• BETHEL TATE Sept.29...... .. . . .. . . .. . at Loveland Oct.6 ................. CLERMONT NE Oct.13 . • • . • ...... at Blanchester Oct20 • " . . ...... at W111iamsburg Oct.27 ......... HILLSBORO Nov.3 . . ... at New Richmond
WILLIAMSBURG Sept.1 . • ............. at Clinton Massie Sapt.8 ..••.......•....•.. ·.• at Lockland Sert.15 ................... BATAVIA Sept.22 .................... at Hil~boro Sepl29 ....•...•...•. NEW RICHMOND Oct.6 ................. BETHEL TATE Oct.13 .••..•.....•..•.• atCiermontNE ,Oct.20 ............. WESTERN BROWN Oct.27 . . at Blanchester Nov.3 . . ................. INDIAN HILL
Sept.1.. .. .. MADISON Septa. . ........... at Ross Sept.15 ....................... BADIN Sept.22 . at Miamisburg Sept.30 .. .. . .......... c... at Fenwick Oct.6 . . . .. FRANKLIN Oct 13 .................. LEBANON Oct.20. .. ................. at Monroe Oct.27 ................. atTalawanda Nov.3... . DAYTON CARROLL
Cincinnati Hills league Sept. 1. .... .. Sepl8 ................. BETHEL TATE Sept 15. . • .. ..... FINNEYTOWN Sept. 22 ............ ., ........ at Taylor Sept.29 .•...•........... MARIEMONT Oct. 6, ...•.....•.....•..... at Madeira Oct. 13 .. • .. • •. READING Oct. 20 ...•...•.•....•.•.• INDIAN HILL Oct. 27 ..• , , .....•. at Greenfield McClain Nov. 3 .. " . .. . .. .. .. . .... at Wyoming
FENWICK Sept.1.. . ..... at Eaton Sept.8 ..................... at Reading Sept.15 •....... NORTH COLLEGE HILL Sept.22 .................... FRANKLIN Sept.30..•...•....•.•.•.. EDGEWOOD
FINNEYTOWN Sept 1 . . . at North College Hill Sept. a .................. NEW MIAMI Sepl15 ................. at Deer Park Sept. 22 . . . . . . .. WYOMING Sept. 29. . ..•........... at Indian Hill Oct. 6 ...................... READING Oct. 13 • .. .. .. .. MADEIRA Oct. 20 ... _............... atMarien-ont · Oct. 27 ....................... TAYLOR Nov.4.. .. .. . . at Badin
Oct.6 ................... at Miamisburg Oct 13 ................ at Dayton Carroll 0ct21 .. , ..•........•.... TALAWANDA Oct.2a . . .. . . LEMON MONROE Nov.3 .•...•......•....•.. ,. at Lebanon
FRANKLIN Sspt.1 ...................... at Milford Sapt.8 .•.•......•. SPRINGBORO Sept15 .......... DAYTON STEBBINS Sept.22 .......•............ at Fenwick Sept29 .. .. . .. .. ....... MIAMISBURG oct a .................... at Edgewood Oct.13 ..............,LEMON MONROE Oct.20 .. .. . . ......... atDayton Carroll Oct27 .............•...•... LEBANON Nov.3.... . . . , ........... atTafawanda
INDIAN HILL Sept. 1.. .. • .. . ROSS Sept. 8 . . . . at Bellevue (KY) Sept. 15 ................ MARIEMONT Sept. 22·. . • • . . . . . . . . . . • , ... at Madeira Sept. 29 • .. .. .. ... FINNEYTOWN Oct. 6 .... __ ....... : .. ........ at Taylor Oct. 13 ..••........•.•..... at Wyoming Oct. 20 • . . .. at Deer Park Oct. 27 . .. ................. READING Nov.3: ...•••... , .... , .• at Williamsburg
LEBANON Septi ................... at Little Miarri Septa............ .. . .. . . .. at Mason Sept.15 ................ SPRINGBORO Sept.22 ............... at Da11on Carroll Sep!.29 ................. TALAWANDA Oct.6 ....................... MONROE Oct.13 . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. at Edgewood Oct.20 ............•..... MIAMISBURG Oct27 ...................... at Franklin Ncv.3 . . . MIDDLETOWN FENWICK
MADEIRA Sept. 1.................. at Ludlow (KY) Sept. 8 ....•.... NORTH COLLEGE HILL Sept. 15 ...•..............•. at Reading Sept. 22 .................. INDIAN HILL Sept. 29 •.. , ............... at Wyoming Oct. 6 . .. ................ DEER PARK Oct. 13 .... , ......... : .•. al Finneytown Oct. 20 .... , .................. at Taylor Oct. 27 .. MARIEMONT Nov 3.. . ......•. DAYTON JEFFERSON
LEMON MONROE Sept.1 . .. .. .. . ...... at Purcell Marian Sept.S ................ MEAOOWDALE Sept.15. .. .... PATTERSON Sept.22 .. .. ............. atTaiawanda Sept.29 ..•......•.. DAYTON CARROLL Oct.6 .. .. .. . .. .. at Lebanon Oct.13..... .. ..... at Franklin Oct.20................. . EDGEWOOD Oct.27 . . . . . . . . ........... ·at Fenwick Nov.3 .................... MIAMISBURG
I\<IARIEMOI\IT Sept. 1 . . ....... : ........... AIKEN Sept. 8... . ....... at Col1.111bus Hartley Sept. 15. . at Indian Hill Sept. 22 ....•.•. , .•.•.. .-••.. READiNG Sept. 29 .................. at Deer Park Oct. 6 .. .. . . .. ..... WYCMING Oct. 13. . . . .................. at Taylor Oct. 20.. .. . .. .. .. FINNEYTOWN Oct.27 .... ,. ............... at Madeira Nov. 3 _. CHILLICOTHE HUNTINGTON
MiAMiSBURG Sept.1 ............... at West Carrol~or Sept8..................... FAIRMONT Sept.15 ............ VANDAUABUTLER Sept.22..........•....... EDGEWOOD Sept.29. . . ......... at Franklin Oct.6 ............ , ......•... FENWICK Oct.13 ..................• atTalawanda Oct.20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . at Lebanon Oct.27 ..................... CARROLL Nov.3 .. at Monroe
READING Sept. 1 .. . ............. at Lockland Sept. 8 .. . ................. FENWICK Sept. 15 . . ........ MADEIRA . Sept.22 .... , •... '· ...... at Mariemont Sept. 29 ....• , ..•....•........ TAYLOR Oct6 ...•.. ,, .....•..... atFinneytown Oct. 13 ..... -- ............ at Deer Park Ocl20 .................... WYOMING Oct. 27. . . ............ at Indian Hill Nov.3.. . ........... CCD
TALAWANDA Sept.1 ...... '........ at Franklin councy Sept.B ..................... MILFORD Sept.15 ...•....• , ..••.•.•.. atHanison Sept.22 ...•................. MONROE Sept.29 .................... at Lebanon Oct6 ........................ at Carroll ·Oct.13. . .. .. .. . ........ MIAMISBURG Oct21 ..................... at Fenwick Oct.27 .. ;c .....•.•....•.. EDGEWOOD Nov.3.................. . .. FRANKLIN
TAYLOR Sept. 1.. .. .. . . . .. .. at New Miami . Sept. B ................... SUMMIT CD Sept.15 ...•• , ............. at Wyoming Sept 22 .................. DEER PARK Sep!.29 ................... at Reading Oct. 6 .................... INDIAN HILL Oct. 13 ......•.•...•..•.• MARIEMONT.
Remember. .. Being a student comes first! Hit the books before you hit the field.
Beechwood Coach Mike Yeagle's shot at an incredible fifth straight Kentucky state football championship depends a lot on solid play from talented senior all-star Jeff Lubrecht. The 5'11", 190 lb. running back and defensive end-linebacker from Burlington has run for 1,500 and 1,800 yards the past two seasons, scoring 18 TDs last year. In a tough season-opener 22-20 loss to Garrard County, Jeff rushed for 111 yards and two TDs. Having already earned three letters in varsity football, this all-around athlete is also an all-conference centerfielder on the Tigers' baseball team. "He's as hardnosed a player as you'll fmd," says Yeagle. Jeff has played on three of Beechwood's state champion football teams, has earned first team All-Conference honors and was selected to play in the Kentucky All-Star game.
BEECHWOOD~ HIGH SCHOOL FT. MITCHELL, KENTUCKY Year Founded 1860 Superintendent: Dr. Gary Branson Principal: Carl Hicks Athletic Director: Bob Burnett 310 Enrollment: Faculty: 31 Nickname: Tigers Colors: Red and White Athletic League· Northern Kentucky Athletic Conference Division: Class A Athletic Achievements: Four consecutive football state championships. "Beechwood High Schooi has a strong commitment to excellence on and off the field" -,Bob Burnett, Athleti~ Directo~ Academic Achievements: State Blue Ribbon School wmner; National Blue Ribbon finalist. "Beechwood has maintained a lortg tradition of
Coach's Quote: "fve coached a lot of great players. Jeff is probably the hardest worker
THE LUBRECHT FILE Name: Birthdate; School: Graduating Height: Weight: Sports:
Greatest Achievement: Parents: Sister: Residence~
Favorite M()vie: Favorite Entertainer: Hobbies: Biggest Influence: Sports Hero: Most Like tQ Meet
Future Goal~
Jeff Lubrecht 6-10-77 Beechwood High School 1996 5'11" 190 lbs. Football, Baseball Decision to attend Beechwood John and Barb Lubrecht
Kim,21 Burlington Harlem Nights Eddie Murphy Running "All of my coaches" Barry Sanders Barry Sanders Excel at a good college: play in the NFL
them all." Football Coach
academic excellence, with many graduates attending tfle top colleges and universities in the country" ·-Carl Hicks, Principjjl
BUDDY LAROSA Good Better . Best
Never let it rest Until your good is better And your better is best.
The administration and the athletic boosters at Ross High School are working diligently to get its new football facility ready for the 1995 opene1 on Sept. 8: The Rams will are adding l,200 new seats on the home team side, while th<~ old stands are being moved around to tre visitors side, noted athletic director Jim Kernohan. The athletic boosters are assisting in building new concession s1ands. Spearheading the donation campaicgn have been Micky Geier and Denny Sawyers, while Sue Slay has also donated countless hours to the improvements, Kemoham said. In addition to tte seating, Ross fans will be treated to a new eight-lane, all-weather track, a new publlic. address system, a remodeled stadium entrance and new softball fields. A new soccer stadium with lights should be in placze for the start of the · 1996-97 school year. The Ohio high schogl football season gets underway Friday· and LaRosa's wishes all athletes, fans, parents aond coaches a healthy and successful season. Northern Kentucky kicked off its season last week! Congratulations to two former LaRosa High School Athletes -- diver Becky Ruehl of Villa Madonma and swimmer Joe Hudepohl of St. Xavier. Ruehl recently won the I 0-meter platform gold medal at the Phillips 66 N ationall Championships, her second straight outdoor title. Ruehl, attending the University of Cincinnati as a freshman, was a nominee fior the 1995 LaRosa's Female Athlete of the Year. Hudepohl, selected LaRosa's Male Athlete of the Year for 1990-91, is a member of the U.S. 4x 100 relay neam that recently set a world record (3: 15.11) at the Pan Pacific championships. Both athletes are solid contenders for the 1996 U.S. Olympic teams.
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MIKE LAROSA The Pride of Effort And stretching beyond one's given skills is the foundation of a rewarding life.
all th time
II nd offense. The way Anderson has dominated the QCCA, you can't blame the 2. TURPIN league's coaches for picking the Redskins to win again this season. · 11>- Coach: Bob Berta (87 -90-2) 11>- Last year's record: 8-2 · Anderson hasn't lost a league · 11>- Top returnee: Quarterback Brad game since 1990, winning four · . Shestina, a 6-1 , 185-pound senio~, straight QCCA titles. who is within reach of the school's allThe Redskins have won at least time passing yardage mark. He led the nine games the last four years, offense to a 283-yard per game avergoing 38-5 in that span. age. He'll have added pressure this Matching that success this seayear with the loss of two 1,000-yard. son will be no easy task. rushers. Coach Vince Suriano must 11>- Outlook: Having Shestina back :find replacements at quarterback, will be a big plus, as will having 23 tailback and fullback. seniors who were a part of last sea"Last year, our backfield son's success. Three first-team allaccounted for 3,280 yards of league players are back -linebacker offense," Suriano said. 'They must Brian Herking, the QCCA defensive . be replaced, as do all-league punter, player of the year, strong safety Jim· Tim Albers (35.7 average) and our Rogers and defensive tackle Brian Bolger. Tlie offensive line will be all all-city kicker, Brent Rosser (53 new this year, and Shestina will be points)." looking to throw to tight ends Mark Turpin has one of the area's top Brown and Bryan Page. passers in senior Brad Shestina, "Those two are Division I but lost four of its offensive linemen prospects," Berta said. to graduation. Still, the Spartans are the pick to give rival Anderson a 3. AMELIA
The Spartans' Joss to intra-district rival Anderson last year kept them from a share of the league title. They'd nothing better than to unseat the Redskins. Amelia, picked third, won its last three games last season for its first winning record in eight years.
1.Anderson (6) .................. 36 2. Turpin ..... , .................. 25 3.Amelia ....................... 24 · 4. Woodward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 5. Glen Este .................... 13 6. Taft ..............·............ 10
'I. ANDERSON ·~Coach: Vince Suriano (n-36) ~Last year's record: 9-2
11>-Top returnee: Brian Kapprel, a wide receiver who is one of the fastest players in Cincinnati. He ran sprints for the Redskins track team and was a second-team Enquirer all-star in the 400 meters. He scored 10 touchdowns and had 25 catches for 607 yards, a 24.3-yard average. 11>- Outlook: The passing of Tim Albers, and the running of Jake Andreadis and Trevor Ellison will be missed. But the Redskins do return all their wide receivers, including Kapprel, Louis Cruz (11 receplions,204 yards) and Shawn Wazyniak (8 receptions, 88 yards). Senior Mike Murphy takes over at quart4erback to pilot the
11>- Coach: Mike Hall (12-18) 11>- Last year's record: 64 11>- Top returnee: Mike Dougherty, a . 6-foot, 180-pound senior running back. He filled in for injured Jimbo Phelps last season and is now the main man. · 11>- Outlook: The Barons won their last three games to finish second in the QCCA. Many players are back, including running backs Dougherty, JasonVance and Doug Anderson. The Baron lines consist of Don Beagle (64, 300), Steve Smith (6-1, 225), Don Evans (6-1, 198) and Nick Bums (5-9; 190), but Hall said those guys shouldn't fool you. 'We are very small," Hall said. 'We only have 42 players in grades 1othrough 12. and we are in I Division 1." Big things will be expected of the Anderson wide receiver this year. He'll need to fill the offensive void left when running back Jake 4.WOODWARD Andreadis graduated. ""Coach: Ed Jackson (5445-1) 11>- Last year's record: 1-9 dogs got a huge surprise- 6-5, 31 0the Trojans in tackles (83 solos, 32 11>- Top returnee: Reggie Mack, a 5assists). · 7, 157-pound split end. He had 26 · pound offensive tackle Russ Johnson 11>- Outlook: Glen Este has gone catches last year for 414 yards, a 15.9- -\"hen he transferred in from Mount Healthy. from 6-4three years ago, to 3-7 in yards-per-catch average. 1993, and 2-81astseason. Odom, a 11>- Outlook: The Bulldogs are sti.ll 5. GLEN ESTlE former Moeller player, steps in from reeling from the loss ofthe school's Northern Kentucky to try to breathe 11>- Coach: Tim Odom (first year) math program which last year resulted . new life into the program. Doug Downs 11>- Last year's record: 2-8 in the transfers of nine starters. was the top back a year ago (86 carAlthough the number of players is a 11>- Top returnee: Cihan Taktak, a 5ries, 427 yards), and will team with 11, 21 0-pound senior linebacker with weakness, the Bulldogs aren't without great speed and quickness. He was. senior Chris Redmond (65 carries, 362 talent. Jackson, says linebacker Chris Clark and defensive back Tyson Carter an honorable mention Enquirer all-star .yards). Taktak controls the team's and first-team QCCA pick after he led defense, with· help from linebacker· have major college potential. The Bull-
HOQCC-A ANDERSON Name ............. _,.,, .._... Pos
BiH Row ., ...................AB GuMiermQJ Milord ... OG Dave ~kney ...........OT Shawn BIIGhotl ........ OT BnanBolf;jar............... OT Dave 81:>;nop ...........OT Bill Bookf:Jn ................. OT Greg Ae{!schneider ....OG JohnWe1J'"ilan.. ..OT BryanPOJf,se. ..TE BobGibSt.'ln. .. .......TE TomMc..&..:lfster ..........TE MattG!a.">;;;meyer ........ wA. . KenSenrr,y ...............WA Andy Stu•;~p .............. .WA Chns PaciJM .............as
Mike Murphy... . .... QB Rob Tune ..................08 Andy Barras..•............ ss Jason Mayer ........ DB ShawnWazyniak .......WR JamesTems ...............WR . Gea Maldonado ........• BricaKasee ..............SS DaYidStroup ...............WR Mart Ober ..................LB Jeff MaCKay..•.......CB George Adrnamls ...•.. .CB Chris Rogcnsf<i .......... LB
6-1 5-7 6-3 5-10 £3.1 5-11 5-B 5-8 &O 5·11
155 12 145 12 195 12 145 12 175 '12 150 12 155 12 155 12 160 12 225 12 6<1 190 12 5-9 140 12 5·11 175 12
Garrett Gilreath ·····-···C Greg Lewton ........G
6-0 5-11 5-11 5·11 6-1
240 12 195 12 · Joe Layton ..................G 195 12 Dave Crawford ...........DT 230 12 EricDiFufViO .......... DE 205 12 Chri;; Crain ...............OT 6-0 255 12 LUke Kosman ............. DE 6·3 240 12 Sean Schri~hlon ........ DT 6-0 220 12 And yVes! ............. OT 6-3 255 12 Brian Kapprel .............WR 6-3 185 12 George KllOury ...........TE 6-2 235 12 Mall NlsbeL ..............LB 6-1 185 12 Drurin Dreyer........... OE 6-4 205 12 NicfCCastellucclo ........TE 6-2 180 12 TomAmderschat ....... FS 6-2 175 12 Josh Bowling .' ..TE · 6-0 190 11 Ryan Collar...............08 s-o 170 11 LuisCruz ................... .WR 6·0 175 11 RyanJosefovsky ........TB 5·10 165 11 John Drake ............. DB fl..O 165 11 MlkeAegiin ................WR 6-D 150 11 Dust/nThurston ..........CB 5·10 170 11 P J ,Schiano ....... AB s-a 170" 11 RyanZamberlan .:......FB 5-7 170 11 Jared Wellman .......... DE &-a 190 11 Steve Piening ......... PT 6-2 256 11 Adam Terp ............. DT 6-3 235 11 MikeSuriano ......... c · 5-10 190 11 lanyAylward.............. LB 5-11 165 11 Joel Meineke .......... LB 5·11 165 11 1anPappenhe1mer .....OT 6-1 250 11 T. J. McKenna ............G 5·11 210 11 Wes Davidson ......... OT 6-4 265 11 TravisKunz ........... OG 6-1 235 11 Denny Boehm .......... DT 5·10 210 11 Ale!':MIIIsr ................. LB 6-1 205 11 Steve CiOlino ............. DE 6-1 170 11 BrandonAyers ............DT s..a 200 11 Nicl<Amolei ................ DE &0 195 11 Johf1 Myres ................ DT S::2 220 10 Adam;;Wertl ............. FB s.a 175 10 KevinSnidcr ............... ae 6-0 175 10 KenDay ..................... FS 5-9 145 10 Max Couzins ... . . SS 54 120 10 KriS Farmer ............... 08-LG 6-0 155 10 WesSuter .................. FS 5-9 140 10 Malt Rizzo ................ WA 5·9 130 10 Ari Kin!kfes ................CB s-s 140 10 T1m Delgaeio ............... CB 5-3 115 10 Joe Sherrill .................TB·LB 6-1 180 10 Doug Riddell .........WR 6-0 147 10 Jason Tabe ................TE 5.-8 135 10 Nicholas Ober ............TB 5·11 168 10 Mike 8onfiei0 .............. F8 5-6 140 10 Tony Fusaro ........... SS 5-9 145 10 Dylan McLaughlin ...... FB 5·8 200 10 MattSafrtet... ..............LB 6-1 150 10 MattMcCachran ........ CB 5-iO 135 10 Eddie Wurster............ LB 5-10 165 10 Ryan Rosser ............. FS 5-9 145 10 Jason Martin ..............LB 6-0 180 10 Chris Ward .......... l.B 6-1 175 10 Brad Hensley ............. DT-DE 6-D 216 10 BrandonPartin ...........c 5·11 190 10 JoshSchoefenberger.G-c 5·10 175 10 Ryan Coy...................G 5-10 190 10 BenOsoome ..............T 6-022010 Ryan Tomlinson .........G 6-0 180 10 MikeDelella .........LG 5·5 178 10 Jelflayton ..................WA 5-11 150 10 BryanAytward ...........WA 6-0 160 10 TrevorWashbum.....TE 6-2 185 10 RobTate .....................DE 5-11 185 10 Jason Moore ..............DT 5·11 200 10 AaronSrown ..............RT 6-4 206 10
H ..
The battle for the Queen City Conference-National title may come down to the Oct. 13 showdown between Winton Woods an<i Harrison. Both teams return key elements which made them succesSful last season, and it appears they may be too much for the rest of the league. Winton Woods went 5-0 In the QCCN -the Warriors' second straight league title - and just missed making the playoffs. The QCCN coaches give them a slight edge over Harrison. "We are big and fast," Warriors coach Lou Cynkar said. "But our inexperience may be the key." Harrison must contend with bigger schools such as East Central, Oak Hills, Talawanda, Anderson and Walnut Hills before playing Winton Woods, and that could take its toll. Walnut Hills, led by the area's top returning rusher in Glyun Johnson, could disrupt the Winton Woods-Harrison battle. The Eagles do have one big fan: Cynkar picks them to win the league. · 1. Winton Woods (4) .............. 34 2. Harrison (1) ................... 30 3. Walnut Hills (1) ................ 22 4. Northwest ..................... 17 5. Mount Healthy ................ 13 6. Hughes ·.· .................... 10
1. WINTON WOODS 11>- Coach: Lou Cynkar (134-80-4) 11>- Last year's record: 9-1 ~Top returnee: Orville McDonald, a 6-3, 270-pound bruiser atfullback. Last season, he was used primarily to block for Mozelle Miree, who gained 1,524 yards. This season, McDonald gets the ball. 11>- Outlook: Cynkar is one of the city's most succest.iul coaches (134804, 15 straight winning seasons) and he knows a good team when he sees one. He thinks this one is good. The Warriors have size and quickness. McDonald will pound the ball inside, while tailback Steve McCollumn will provide the outside threat. The defense gets a boost from huge linebacker Darnell Bankston (6-5, 240), who missed last season with an injury.
season's young team got knocked around by five state-ranked opponents, and now is ready to return the favors. Tight end Chad Whitney, a 6-3, 225-pound senior who caught 29 passes for 480 yards, should pace the offense along with fullback Holbert and tailback Brian Slaven. Slaven, who caught eight passes for 231 yards, also plays free safety and has a 4.127 grade-point average. The defense will be hard-hitting, with good-sized linebackers Doug Mangold (6-3, 230) and John Bevis (6-1, 195). 'We have a very strong senior class," Necks said. "But we are very young at the skilled offensive positions."
3. WALNUT HilLS ""Coach: Tom Sharp 11>- Last year's record: 5-5 ""Top returnee: Glynn Johnson, a 5-9, 170-pound running back who led the city in rushing with 1, 731 yards, · including a 10.2-yard per carry average. ""Outlook: On paper, this team looks about as potent as any can be and still not be considered the league favorite. Johnson is a Division I prospect and has explosive Jaymar Hines (23.4-yard punt return average) alongside him in the back~ _. field. Those two run behind a big offensive line anchored by Chris Gampfer (6-4, 260), Dante Payne (6-1 , 270) and John Wood (6-4, 220). Wood Glynn Johnson was all-league on offense and defense last season. The defense is far less experienced and !'kely will be the key, particularly again:st explosive teams such as Winton Woods and Harrison. 'We feel like we can have a potent offense," Sharp saiid.
~~>-Coach: Tom Farmer (8-12) 11>- Last year's record: 5-5 11>- Topieturnee: Dave Orr, a 6-3, 255-pound senior fullback, who was a first-team aii-QCCN selection last year. The two-year starter reached the state toumament in wrestling. 2. HARR~SON 11>- Outlook: The Knights beat Harrison and Walnut Hills last season. ~~>-Coach: Dick Necks (10~10) · "Hopefully the 1994 season will serve 11>- Last year's record: 4-6 as a springboard," Farmer said. Orr is 11>- Top returnee: B.J. Holbert, a 6joined in the backfield by a pair of outfoot, 21 0-pound running back who ·rushed for 10 touchdowns last season, standing two-way performer~. Tailback Aredrei Hill (5-1 0, 180) was also sec·----=anc:.:d:.:al,s~§ibh! oassesjQr 191 I
n= oil
6-0 5·9 6·0
6-0 6-3 5-11 5·6 5-11 5·9
160 170 155 205 175 224 170 185 150 175 150 150 HiD 160 150
11 11 11 11 11
11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10
~ ~;g ~g
MarKYourg ...............OG DrewSchle:;ser .......... C ChrisFuml~:><r .........OG Kov1n O'N-<'tijl.. ............OT Bryan Mer..::t~en ..........OG Eric PemroJ..Il ............OG
5-9 154 10 5-B 155 10 5-11 5-11 5·9 5-10
Lonnie Sulltvan ......... WA·DB MyronAust~............... RB-08 Jason Vanw ........... AB-DB Travis Wee10; . . .. ..OG-DT , ChrisWir.dle ..............WA-08 Doug Ander-son .......... RB·DB Josh Braun ....... _ .. RB-DT N1ck Bums ............ OG-LB Chris Coslw~· ..............OTDT Jason Chas:-i';Jan .........WR·DB Kyle Dincler ...... OT-DT DanDoug~;1y ........... OG·DT StaceyG!a~ ..........QB-DB AnthonyHciT:z ............OT·OE MikeJJVies .............WR-08 Joshlippmi()J(lr ...........OT·DE Nathanloss:;:;her........TE·DE TimMonk ................WR·DT ToddRlecleJ .............WR.OB Adam Weston·man ......QB-DB Norman Zigsi<ls ........TE·lB ChadCiark .. GG-DT Steva Debet AB-DB Doug Early ............. QS.DB Mike Hall. .... , ...........OG·DT Kevin Kottler:.'lan .........OT-DT Dale Payer ..............WR·DE Chris Ross.. . ...... AB-DB Steve Schaci!ler..........A·B-K James SsaOO:n .......... AB·LB Paul Van V/Sl;:;! ..........TE.OE Brandon V1ns:.:.n ........ RB-DB Bil1Satton ... .WR.OB JoeyThomps.:n..........OG-DT ChnsAnderSC"JJi ...... OT·L8 q .............
170 175 175 170
10 10 10 10
6-1 225 12 5·10 186 12 5-8 176 12 6-0 170 12 5-10 195 12 6-2 150 12 5~7 15S 11 6-0 \75 11 5·9 190 11 6·2 206 11 6-0 155 11 6-1 214 11 6-0 180 11 5·10 165 11 6-2 200 11 5-11 154 11 &-0 185 11 B-3 200 11 5-9 170 11 5--10 HO 11 6-2 170 11 6-0 190 11 5-7 171 10 5·9 155 10 5-10 168 10 5·10 180 10 6-3 230 10 5-7 150 10 5-7 147 10 6-2 158 10 5-10 158 10 6-4 193 10 5·10 158 10 5-11 158 10 6-0 205 10 5·10 180 9
WOODWARD Name ........... ~............. Pos Andre Andcrs:;:,n ....... RB Tyson Carter ............ FL Chris Clalk ............. G Robert CMchi1Jetd ...... TE Jimmy Hill .............. Fl Lany Jackson............ TE Reggie Mack ............. SE JeffWMehearJ ....... G GaJYWilliams ............G Rodrigo WiUic:.;;,1s ...... SE LaRonWOr1<:r1~n ........ RB Pat Guessant ....... _ G Mike Johnson ............T Slcn Grntram ............AS
Steve West, who led the team with 23 tackles for loss, including seven sacks. The offense has been turned over to junior quarterback Mike Brinson. "This program has been down the last two years," Odom said. "The team needs to learn how to win again."
Ht WI Vr 5-7 150 12 5-9 6-2 5·10 5-9 6-0 5-7 5·11
6-0 5·10
6-1 6-0
H2 12 215 150 170 182 155 195 197 150 150 195 260 155
12 12 12 12 12 12 12
12 12 12 12 12
JohntaCross .............. RB MikeCrulcher ............. FL Stephen Moore..........SE · Stephan Phrllips .........OB RussefiJohnson .........T ClarranceMoore ....... E RiooRiston .............T Richard Sims .............. WilllamCougar ........... E AnlwanPeek .........RB Corey Brown .............AB JohnUStach ...............T
~~~~:~d~·;~: . :·:::: . :~~ AuntraWatson ............T Tommie Conners ....... G Ezra Bowers ..............RB MalcolmJackson ....... G LavarCoots ........... " ... E KurtisWilson .............. G Robert Fears .......... RB Chris Johnson .........T Arron Rice .................SE Chris Fears ........., ..... OG
5-6 160 11 5-8 145 11 146 .11 5-9 156 11 6-5 290 11 6-1· 175 11 6.0 210 11 6-3 215 ,, 6-2 160 11 fH 180 10 5-10 132 10 5·10 252 10 5~10
~ ~;~ ~g 5·7 199 6-0 210 5-9 150 5-11 190 6-1 170 6-0 180 5·5 111 6-1 324 5·9 150 5·9 180
10 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 9
GLENESTE Name.. ~ ~··· Pos Ht Wt MikeAbshire............... WA·DB 6-4 182 Joe Barkhurst ............WR.f..B 5-8 145 Mat1Breezs ................ OG-DL 5-9 210 Jeff Brooks.................OT·DL 6-0 227 Doug Downs........... AB-DB 6-1 170 Chris Humphreys ......OG-Dl 6-4 260 TonyK1rd1ncr .............OT.OL 6-2 231 Jason Kreimer ............TE-LB - 6-3 207 Jeremy larbes ........A&l6 S.9 162 MarkMay....................OT-DL 6-2 320 Steve OToofe .............WR-08 6-2 140 ChrfsRedmond ....... AB-DB 5-6 145 ScottAeveat ......... WR·DB 5-10 151 C1han Taktak ..............AB-lB 5·11 210 Steve West... ............. C-LB 6-2 195 Sean Branham ......... WR-DB 6:-2 155 Mike Brinson...............OS.LB S.9 155 Junmycaner .............. AB·LB 5-10 175 . Malt Durham ..............OG-DL 5·10 196 , Tony Grimwood ........ AB·DB 5-9 160 Justin HudnaiJ ............ .WR-08 5·11 150 BrianKevm.................. WR-08 5·10 155 Brlanlally ....... :.... .WR-DB 5-11 154 ToryMuUhdar;d ....... OT·lB 6-2 165 Joe Nernnger .........;: ... 08-DB 5·7 135 JohllPadfai ................. OG-DL 6-2 179 Matt Palm ................ C.DL 5·9 185 Josh Ross ...................TE-LB 5-10 155 CtlrisSQJmOil ............. .WR-08 5·9 155 Chip Schoumachar .. OG-Dl 5·11 205 Jason Smith .......... TH.B 6-0 170 T.A.Staderman......... AS.DB 5·10 170 Stave Valine ............... WR·DB 6-Q 144 Pete Wilks .................. TE-LB B-3 205 Mike Edwards ......... QB-dB 5-10 151 Bart Hammack .......... .AB-00 5-9 160 Steve Harp .................TE-l.B 5·9 1.50 MN . . . .
Yr 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10
~~!~ ~ci~~~:I::·:: ::·}1\iPB s;;.g ~:~ ~~ JoeMcCaffray, ...........OT-DL JeffMHJs .................... .WA-08 Bryan Pet11grew ..........WA-D8 Dave Rettig ............ 00-Dl MattAybolt.. ............... FB-LB . DaveTumer................OT·DL TravisZelgler. ............. OT-LB
6-2 5-11 5-7 5·10 5-10
205 145 131 166 160 6-0 205 6-Q 185
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Ht Wt 6-1 280 6-1 175 5-10 170 5-<1120 54 120 5·5 140 5-11 190 6-3 220 6-2 280 5-B 145 5-10 170 6-0 ·165 6-3 215 &2 215 6-0 245 5·11 200 6-2 220 6-1 290 6-2 165 6-0 165 !3-1 220 5-8 190 5-£ 135 5·7 165 5-6 150 6-0 255 5-8 150
Yr 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
TAFT Name.........- ............... Pos VIC!orAI1en ........... Ol.OL lan E!alley................... RB-1...8 Brandon Brumfield .....TE·LB AndreCox ..................WA-08 Carlo;; Cox ............ .WA-08 CeranUpscomb ......... RB·DB Brian StewarL. ...........TE·LB Edd1a Stewart ............TE.OL TremaiOB8amet1 .....Ol-Dl Antonio BroYin ............WR-DB Chad Oomaf. .............. AB·LB Teco Games ..............WA-DB Jason Hendricks .......WA-DE Phil Hicks ...................OL-DL TafariLOIIC ..................OL·DL Ronnie Tate ...............OL-DL AnlonioThomas .......OL-DL Anquan William;; ........OL·Dl Terrance Wilson .........QB·OB DeonFrankfln ............ .QB-08 Kennelh Isham ........Ol-DL JamesNelson ............AB-LB HassanWoofen..........WR·DB JeroneBehanon .........AB·LB lamont Dorsey.........WR-DB Kenneth Eubanks .......OL-DL Aeglnalo ventus ........ .AB-DB
11 11
11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10
10 10 10 9 9 9 9
the Senators in tackles last season. He has good enough speed to also be one of Taft's top offensive rushers. 11>- Outlook: Green's first team was 6-2 before dropping close games to Amelia and Walnut Hills. Replacing offensive standouts (QB) Dan'Yea Rid- · ley and (RB) Shawn Nelson will be a tall order. But Taft has an experienced offensive line, led by 280-poundE1rs Victor Allen and Tremaine Barnett. Juniors Damian Washington and Phil. Hickey also return. ·
6.TAFT 11>- Coach: Troy Green (6-4) 11>- Last year's record: 64 11>- Top returnee: Jan Bailey, a 6-1, 175-pound senior linebacker who led
H(.)J~ lJ{rHoQCC N ~
.•• <?o....F
Winton, Harrison, and.th rest
5-8 150 11 5·9 6-2 5-7 5·9 5-11
Ht Wt Yr 5-11 165 12 6-4 215 i2 6-0 185 12 6-1 200 i2 5-8 165 12 5·9 150 12 6·0 150 12 6-0 225 12 5·7 150 12 6-0 170 12
~ ~~~ ~~
Name....... _ ..~, .......... Pas Don Beaglt> ............ OT·DT Kevin Ca~nter .........C:.DT Miks Dougherty ......... RB-LB BobbyEibr~-....::tll ..........00-0T Don Evans ........ :.......OG-lB
TURPIN Name .•.~......~~···.. ··-· Pos
12 12 12 12 12 12
5·9 150 11 5·7 150 11 6-2 175 11
ChrisNar-..J~.Jrgh ...... WA. NickWrlmers ..............RB BradCoh0n ................ WR Trent Mule~ ...........WA· Mike Wtdr~.::h .............C VinnieCcii$ola ...........OG ChallieW.~ger ...........OT Kevin Pol-ilmeyer ....... OG ScottPerr:~· .................OG J. J. Wrigrc..................WR Miks Me~h ..............TE JeremySt.Jmp .........WR MattSteir.r":*lan ............WR Ci1ris Holfnan ............TE ScoltBorrttnffer ........WA BobbyGhe::Jn ............ RB
i2 12 •
6-4 200 12 6-4 215 12 64 200 12 6-0 160 12 ·
¥ ...
Jeff Prince . .. . ..... .WR Marc Bm\'lln ........... :....TE Brad Shcstina ...........QB Jim Rogers .................WR GeoffZinkan .......... .WA Scott Dangero .............WR Jebo Lvons .................wR Brian Herkinf1 .............R8 GinoMonleSL ..........WA Chns Hanson .............WA
5-9 180 200 225 190 210 165 6·3 220 5-9 175 6-4 263
6-0 6-0 6-0 6-0 6-0
WINTON WOODS Name.,.................... -.. Pos Damlen Ivy .................DB Deleon Cannedy ....... LB Shea McClellen ........DB oamall Bankston ....... LB Dick/a Sm"h ..............SE GaryWtlliams ........as Shawn Smoot ............S DennisWdl~ams ..........DB Brandon Davis ·~ ........ DB Quentin Johnson·' .. LB O!Vale McDonald ....... FB Quincy Palker ............N Steve McCullar ..........TB JohnConneii ..............G Todd Cummins ...........C Brian Leahr.................G Robert Whitaker ..... 3 MlchaeiJonas·Aoss ..T Jamaaf Hayes ............T . Malyke Hocker .........DE Lany Hesler ...............DE Thomas Davenport ...OB Kevin Cook ................ FB Quincy Johnson ....... C BobOy HQIIums ...........s DaynaCofeman ......... DB ChrisTumer ...............S AayshawnA.skew ......TB ChrisMathrs ...............G David Dixon ...............G Arth<.!rWilson ......... lB Sam Renner ...............C Chuck Smilh ...............G Josh Campbell .......... T Ben Horine ...............:.K AndreHubbQrd ........... AntwonAiien ..............FLK Justin Franklin ......... DE Sieve HlJI'lfer ..............S JavsonFufler .............. N David Cofe ..................S Maurice Cook ........... QB Or!a.'lO'oBrown ...........TB PierraWoolen ............c. ToneDa-.vson ............. E Nick Smoot.. _............ E Jesse Usterman .........SE AlckNIXon .................. c Danny Miree ........ LB Sterling Wells ............ C Chris Clinkscale ....... .LB Frank Mazloomf ........ T Jason Miller ..............T AooseveltMertlt1s ......T Brandon M.rea............T8
Ht 5-10 5·10 6-1
6-4 5-7 &i 6-1 &9 5-9 6-1 6-3 6-0 5-9 5-10 5-10 6-0 5-10
Wt 175 185 230 240 155 170 165 155 140 HlO 265 240 160
200 205 235 235
6-0 230
6-5 280 6-6 235 6-4 230 5-10 170 5-10 175 5-7 145 5-9 160 5-11 165 5~10 145 6-0 190 5-10 265 6-0 220 6-1 2;i5 6-0 205 6·0 220 6-3 285 5-8 140 6-1 140 5·10 160 6-2 190 6-1 160 6-0 155 5-10 150 5-8 155 5-10 165 6-1 150 6-2 190 6-0 190 5·11 160 s-a 205 5-10 170 5·10 205 5·10 170 6-0 240 5·11 250 5-11 215 6-0 205
Yr 12 12 12 12 12 . 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11
11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 1 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9
HARRISON Namo ~ Pos Ht Wt Yr EricSellet ..................DB 5-9 166 12 Kevin King .............. .WA 5-8 135 12 MrkeAnderson ........... LB 5·11 195 12 Trampas Greer ..~ .......WA 6-0 130 12 ChrisWell1ng .WR·DB 6-1 170 12 Brian Slaven ............08-AB 5-9 170 12 B.J.Holbert................AB-LB 6·0 210 12 JoaConley ................DS 5-7160 12 Ryan Wells .............LB 5-8 165 12 tan Willman ................DB 6-0 155 12 Doug Mangold ............LB 6-2 230 12 John BeVIS ............ lB 6-1 195 12 Aaron Sfayback~........OL 6-0 215 12 Joneanks .................. OL 6·0 206 12 Mark Jackson ........... .LB 5·11 200 12 RyanEsferman ........ DL 6-0 246·12 GregJocobs ...............DL·OL 5-9 230 12 BryanLawson ............OL 6-3 255 12 M1keSchnelder ........OL 6-3 220 12 Chad Whitney ............TE 6-3 .225 12 Dave Sebasusn ..........OB 6·3 205 ~1 EricFatte ....................RB 6-0 170 11. Tony Rolfes .............. WR 5-5 135 11 M1ke oa 5-9 145 11 Josh Brawn ................ OB 5-9 190 11 James Wagers ...... AB 5·10 170 11 Ryan Hoerst .............. .Dl 5-8 190 11 LonnyAIIiscn .............. os 5·11 165 11 WooJfn Chu ............... DB 5-11 160 11' Scott Co1a .............. LB 5-9 175 11 . wm Hunter.. ..............OL 5·10 165 11 M . . . . . . . . . R ••••••
Bob Ferry .................Ol Dustin Gehring .......... LB JayVanHom ........ WR Nick Elrod ...................aa Eddie Burch ................ os JoshPerkins ............... RB Josh Slrunk .............. DB Matt Konerman ......... DB Adam Sella!...... .. .. LB Nick Bath ................ RB Doug Fallis ................ OL ErfcCapai ................... LB Jeff Ungru ..................OL -Nathan Bourquein .... Ol Craig Ro:fes ..............LB Tom Stevens ............. OL Jon Buesing..... .... Ol
6-0 250 ,, 5·11 5-10 5-10 5-7 6-0 5·9 5·6 5-10 5·11 5-10
5-10 5·10
6-0 5-8
175 156 165 145 170 152 135 156 165 170 152 171 180 172 220 186
11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
W, . . .
811 Marx ..........~ ........Dl Mike Gregory.. _ ....... DL lonSchullz ....- -..... OL Mike Gabbard_ .. _ ... DL Bryan Scott....... _......... Dl MikaStrasseii ............. OL Rk:kV~ekrey ......... WA AdamRoether ............ .WR James Schultz .............TE AandyScllneidsr .......TE Brian Bolte ..........,...... WR Shawn Huff................. Ryan Engstrom ...........QB
5-7 225 5-9 225 6-1250 s-1 250 6-0 230 6-1 240 f3.0 150 5-10 160 6-2 210 6-2 165 5-9 150 5-9 150 5-11 155
- . .,
10 10 10 10 10 .10 10 10 10 10 10
9 9
WALNIUT HILLS Name ......................~···• Pos HI Wt Yr JaymarH:nes ..." ......AB·DB 5·9 190 12 Elbert Goode ...........SE-DB 5-11 180 12 Tony White ..............RB·DB 5-9 170 12 Varnell Rogers. .. .. .RB-LB 5-11 2<10 12 Glynn Johnson .........AB-DB 5-9 190.12 Lonnie Brovm ...........OG-MG 5-13 175 12 Bruce Menelield .......OT·DT 6·1 '225 12 Dante Payne. ............OG·DT 6-0 270 12 ChrisGamphar ........ .OT~T 6-3 P.60 12 Jesse Mullins ..........SE-LB 5-10 180 12 Donny Keegan ..... fl·LB 6-2 180 12 Martrn Polk..... .Fl·DB 6-1 175 12 Ky/a Holmes ............. .SE·DB 5-11 170 12 Akil Mack ................QB·DB 5·10 165 11 KameronJones ... , .... SE-08 5-8 160 11 Jon Lyte ...................TE-LB 5-11 175 11 A. McErlane ............SE-08 6-0 165 11 Addison Half.. .. .. R8·D8 5-:10 180 11 RayA:ba ................. SE-DB 5-9 160 11 Harrison Unger ........ OG-U3 5-10 185 11 Brad Settle ........... .OG.f..B 5-8 180 11 Charles Sm1th ...........OG·LB 6-0 195 11 Geoffrey Brol'.n ........ OG·MG 5-9 195 11 Ken Pritchett ............OG-MG 5-6 205 11 Chris Cole....... .. .. OT·DT 6-0 225 11 Fred RoOerson ........OT·L)T 6-1 190 11 TYler Yanik ................. C-LB 5-11 210 n John Wood .............OT·DT 6-4 220 11 Matt Johnson ...... , ..TE·LB 6-2 210 11 Brandon VonHo!ter .. , ..Fl-DB 6-0 155 11 Kevin Miller...............OG-DT 6-n 180 11 Dave Jones . .. . ..08-DB 6-1 190 10 Davrd Harrison .........TE-lB 5-11 180 10 AnthonyWil:iams ...RB·LB 5-10 1130 10 Justin Lash ............. OT·DT 6-1 180 10 Mike Gehrig. ....... , ..OG-MG 5-8 175 10 Thomas Hurt ..........,_ ..OT-DT 5-9 195 10 David Dralsa ~.... ..OT·DT 6-4 260 10 Mik~ Gadd....... , ..TE·LB 6-0 180 10 Dante Elfrott ...............TE·LB 6-2 210 10 Michael Scott .......... , .. SE-DB 5-9 135 10 Charles Cooley.....-...OB·DB 6-Q 160 10 Sam Carlson ............ RB-08 5-a 160 9 Damien WilltQms ...._...QB·DB 6{) 165 9 Jesse Sestito, ...........AB-08 fi-B 140 9 Ken Jones . . . .. ..00-LB · 5-10 180 9 MalkAIIen. .............. ~.. AS.DB, 5-8 160 9 JaffBo;esch .......... ·--"·OG-DB 5-6 150 9 Jeremy Gay .......... AB-DB 5-a 155 9 TrecyGragston ......... FL-08 s-a 155 9 WalterHammoncL ..-.OG-MG 5-7 185 9 Harold Edmerson.. OT·DT 5-11 205 9 MikeGohn ... ....... C-LB 5-€ 160 -9 Nrcholas McCauley .... OT-DT s-a 170 9
NORT'HIWEST Name ..." ... ~ ..-~........,. Pos AdrianBrown............,.DE-T JeffCox ............... ,DE-TE Josh Edmondson ..... 'LB-TE ShaunEstes ............_,QB MarcEvers ...............,FL-DB Aaron Griffis ........... ., DT.QG Andy HeckmQn........ ., LB-DT Aradaell H1JI ..............., 18-FS MiJ,;e Kehrer ............,.FL·DB DanLyr.n ................... OG.OT Jerome Maggard ..... FB-DE Chuck Metzcar ........./G-OT Ryan Neal ............ ::rE-oE Dave Orr .................. 'FB-N DougProlzman ......... K3-DT Andy Steiner. .......... iFL·DB Andy Schur......... :... !:< JudeStepanlak ......... ~E-DE Marlon Styles ............. l{)s-oe Justin Taulbee ........ 'OO·OT Don Fucrbacker ........rr Casey Allen ......... :..... !DB RyanAm!Jngrneier ... ,lf;l JasonAsic ..................!QT Mk:haefBuckle .......... ~18 MikeCiark ....... Qr JasonComelf ......... r0r RonDossenbolck ....... .I,QB Bob Gleason.... TrallisGrigsby.
.......... %E .li:'Ja
the brother of Kurry Commins, the school's all-time leading tackler. ~Outlook: The Owls have a new coach and a new league -they'll play in the QCCN for the first time -but The Cincinnati Enquirer/Michael Snyder finishing in the upper division will be Last year, McDonald was the blocking back fqr Mozelle Miree. This difficult. Sheehan arrives from Indian year, he's expected to carry the load f9r Winton Woods. Hill arid hopes to improve on last season, in which one of the two victories · was an OT victory over winless Oak is a two-year starter and also a sec5. MOUNT HEALTHY Hills. Newcomer Derrick Davison, a 6<;>nd-team all-league pick in the defen2, 205-pound tailback, and swift wide · sive backfield. II>- Coach: Jon Sheehan (1st year) receiver Darrick Betts will be the priThe kicking game i:ould make a dif~Last year's record: 2-8 !o.on• '" at~"""""""-d'-'s"'"'"'C.;,.~~f,,."'o"'n"'c.ao......,Wwi!u!.<a<""'"'"'"..!'t>hQQ..:;g!JIIIWI"'o.aa.nnllJil!eP•~n:l!!l!IOJl!,eor.r_ _.. __~11>-:li.!CO~Pt:!.!r!:e~tu!;:!rC!n~ee~:..!K~e:!n!!:y~o~n~C~o:'.m'-'m~in~s,L __Tary offensive weapons. Tackle Pete
.. L_ra
Ht Wt Vr 5-10 215 12 6-220512 5-11185 12 6-1 165 12 6-6175 12 6·1 220 12 5-10 195 12 5-10 175 ·12 5-10 175 12 6·2 255 12 5-10185 12 6-1 275 12 6-3 130 12 6·3 250 12 6-1 210 12 5-10 170 12 5-9 150 12 6-1 175 12 5-10 155 12 6·1 240 12 5-11 300 12 5-9 140 11 5-10 160 11 5-9 235 11 5·9125 11 &1 215 11 &9190 11 5-11176 11 5-9 195 11 5--11 130 11 6-2 200 11 5-11 175 11 6..() 175 11 6-1 170 11 s-11 110 11 s-1 240 11
. --
---- . -·~-· - - .
Tony Tubbs ............. TB E Tsrbours .................. DT Ryan Owens .............. FL Michael H1llesheim. _ DT Eddie Butcher............ P Jarma:neTubbs ......... FL KeilhAcus ...............SE Erk:Boland ...............QB Wronno Brookins .......TB lan BIJ!ler ....................DE JaremyChapman .....TS Allan Elswick ............DT John Flowero ............. F·B Brandon Hankins .......SE Charles lmwalle .......TE Ke111n Kirby .................LB John Raveloo .............LB Jasoo Robbe ............LB Mark Tedesco ...........DB BruceKennodv ..:...... DT Anlhony lawson ........FL Mike Estes ............. LB
6-1 170 5·9 290 5·10 160 6-2 240 5·9 150 6-1160 5-10 165 6-3 185 5·9 150 6-2 210 5·10 170 6-3 285 5·9 165
6-0 165 6-3 200 5-9 170
6-3 280 6-3 180 5-10 160 6-1 265 6-0 125 5·11 175
11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1IJ 10 10 10 10 10
.MOUNT HEAl.THY Name..........._............. Pos Ht Wt Yr Darrick Betts .............WA-DB 5-9 150 12 Derrick Bradshaw ......TE 6-0 220 12 Cortez Brown ............. DE 6·1 160 12 Kenyon Commins ...... FB-LB 5-6 170 12 DerriCk Davisoti ..........TB 6-2 205 12 Pete Ems....................T &4 265 12 Jacob Harry ..............DE 6-0 175 12 AndraeJones ............l.B 5.fl 165 12 Nathan Lane ...............WA 6-0 150 12 Kris Malley .................G 6-0 245 12 Marcus Payne .......... OT 6-1 215 12 L.ukePo'Mlii ................G 5-9 190 12 JenyPrice ..................OB-08 6-9 150 12 Arthur Roberson ........TE 6-2 205 12 Erik Thomas ..............08-S 5-10 160 12 MikaBush ..................T 6-2 230 11 AonCharrPers ...........OB-5 5·11 170 1i Tony Clark ................ FB 5-10 170 11 Euger~eCcpeland ......DE 6-1 165 11 Jay Ponder.H ..............C 5-9 200 11 Ju.stinSwrutwout ...... DE 6-1 175 11 Dav;dAmofd ...............TE-DT 6-4 180 10 Lamont Amo:d ............ FB·LB 5·9 182 10 Brian Binne - .............T 6-2 240 10 Jonathon Foster ..... FB-U3 5-8 155 10 T.J.Mangofd .............. OE 5-10160 10 Kevin Meadcws..........G 5·9 195 10 Julian Montgomery .... TB 5-10 160 10 Ma\JlceScolt .............T · 6-0 210 10 Edwin ShOrt ................ OB 5·8 150 10 Brian Walker............... DE 6-2 185 10 Mike Will1ams .............T 6-0 265 10 JustinHoskins ............ K 6-1145 10
HUGHES Name•• H~ POS HI WI Yr Darius Porter .............. QB-S 5-13 160 12 DeWayneDuBois ......LB-TE 5-9 175 12 Karim Goodwin ...... -.AB·lB 5-10 190 12 Ryan Heam ................Ol·LB 6-0 185 12 AsanteSpmks ............ OL·LB 5-10 200 12 Dan Kelly.... .... ...FB-lB 5-10 210 12 John Roberts ..............OL·DL 5-11 225 12 EmestJchnson ......... .WA-DB 5·9 165 12 Paul Cooper ......... .WA-DB 5-8 160 12 Demarco Campbell ... DB·WA 5-8 165 12 John Carson .......,.......WA·LB 5·7 165 12 WilfiamAfUgdah .....OL-DL 5-9 300 12 T.J. E11iot1 ....................DS.RB 5·8 160 12 Jason Voner ...............OL-DL 6-0 210 12 Michael Robinson .....Ol-LD . 5·9 200 12 Marco Beamon .......LB-AB 5-8 165 12 Jason Brown ..............WR-08 6-0 165 12 Dean Welch................OL-DL 5-8 16B 11 Trenton Neely .......... RB-08 5·8 165 11 Sleven CISCO .............WA·DB 5-9 165 11 Richard Voner ............WA·DB fi-B 145 11 Alex Bannister ...........WA-s 6-4 165 11 Quay Bailey .......... 5·10 170 11 Atcka!e Weaver ......... l..B-DL S.fl 185 11 AnwarCooper ............TE-DL 6-4 235 11 Arthur Dangerfield .... LB-OL 6-1 210 11 Andrnw Kieffer............B-8·1< 5·10 165 11 Eddio Hunter .............. DL·RB 5-6 160 11 Roberto Engelffian ....OL-DL 5-8 220 11 Michael Thompson ... LB·WR 5-10 165 10 Timothy Roberts ......... Ra.LB 5-8 155 10 sean werhe ............... WR·DB 5-9 160 10 Urekus Moare ............. DL.Ql 5-7 170 10 Arthur Jackson ..........WR·DB 5-7 145 10 Danfe! Broekert...........OL·DL 5-9 195 10 Dion Co melt ..............OL·DL 6-0 195 10 Nigel Thompson ........ LB·AB 6-0 210 10 Daniel Hall.................LB-Ol 5--8 160 10 Ty!erColeman ............ DL-WR 6-3 175 10 Antwln causey ........... 08-WA 5·8 165 10 Jayson Robertson ....OB..WR 5-8 160 10 Theodore Jones ........LS.AB 5·9 1B5 10 M<chac!Daifey............ RB-LB 5-10 165 10 KeithAiford .................OL-DL 5·10 200 10 Thomas Roberts .......QB-S 5-8 165 9 HamOryJonesJr....... .Ol-LB 5-9 175 9 LeBaron Steele ..........OL·DL &0 202 9 Jerry Miffs ...........RB-DB 5-7 150 9 ....................
G. HUGHES 11>- Coach: AI.West (8-32) . "" Last year's record: 2-8 ,;,. Top returnee: Darius Porter, a 58, 160-pound senior quarterback who <already owns school records (at Hughes Center) in career passing attempts, completions and touchdowns. 11>- Outlook: Although picked for last, the Big Red is not witliout talent. Porter is being pushed by backup Quay Bailey. The QBs' main target will be Alex Bannister, who averaged 12..vardSJJIL_ ·
1995 87
Badin h Badin navigated through Greater Catholic League North traffic last year to finish with an undefeated mark and its first GCLN title. This year, league coaches predict the Rams are capable of repeating. "It's an honor as always to be picked, but I think the league is pretty well balanced," said Badin coach Terry Malone. "I think Alter certainly has a shot, as do Bacon and Purcell. It's going to be a tough battle each game." Alter was tabbed for second place. The Knights posted a 4-6 mark a year ago but featured plenty of talented underclassmen. Purcell edged Roger Bacon for third position in the poll. 1. Badin ........................ 23 2, Alter ......................... 18 3. Purcell Marian ................ 14 4. Roger Bacon , ...... : . ........ 1.2 5. Chaminade-Julienne ............ 10 6. McNicholas .................... 7
1. HAMILTON BADIN I» Coach: Terry Malone (301-82-8) 11> Last year's record: 9-2 ~»-Top returnee: Jeff Rook. A rangy 6-4 player, he helps set the tone on both sides of the ball. On offense, his size and athleticism make him a threat as a receiver, where he caught 29 passes for 533 yards last year. Defensively, he's a hard-hitting deep back. 11> Outlook: When the defending league champion returns intact its entire defense and the best passing attack in the league, you would expect another banner season. That's exactly what the rest of the league is looking for from Badin this year. 'We have as good a passing potential as we've ever had," said Malone, who joined the 300-win club last year. Malone's son, Andy, returns at quarterback after throwing for almost 1,000 yards a year ago. Two 6-4; ends also return in Rook and Ben Brinck. Running back Jeff Kunkel is a versatile threat, and one of four good backs that Malone feels he has. The big question on offense is a complete rebuilding of the offensive line, which Malone says has gone well through the preseason. All 11 players who started Badin's first-round playoff loss to Lemon-Monroe last year are back this year. The key leaders are Tony Franchini at tackle, Matt Marcum at linebacker and Rook at defensive back.
fuel to stay in front
in youth to pay off in a GCLN contender this year. The Knights have experience throughout their lineup. The featured players should be linebacker Jay Tan!, fullback Joe McCall and Rose. ·
-~ TQp reJurnee:~Mike l3ose. He's a_ power back who has been a factor irr the Alter program for three years. .,. Outlook: Aller impressed the rest of the league by featuring a number of talented young players last year. Even though the record didn't shine, the rest of the league expects that investment
Herb Woeste (75-57-1)
returnee: Derrick Haynes. The senior free safety was a defensive leader last year on his way to earning first-team aii-GCLN honors. ~Outlook: Woeste hopes to use the return of an experienced and talented group of players to overcome a challenging schedule, both inside and outside of league play. Six starters return to a defense that allowed the second-fewest points among GCLN teams a year ago. Leading the list is Haynes, a first-team aii-GCLN pick a year ago. Also back are two junior linebackers, Jon Topmiller and Matt Singer, who finished first and second, respectively, last year in tackles, Jay Series returns as an outside linebacker, and defensive tackle Steve Maddox is a three-year starter. Purcell will aim to be a power team on offense. The offensive line will average 6-3 and 220 pounds, and features returning starters in tackle Jeff Lackmeyer and center Nick Schuckman. The only proven skill position player returning is fullback Rob Brown, another three-year starter. The schedule looks very difficult, with season opening games against Lemon-Monroe and Winton Woods, and, later, a pairing with GCL South favorite Elder.
1.ELDER 11> Coach: Tom Grippa (64-19) I» Last year's record: 7-3 I» Top returnee: Senior quarterback John Lammers started the final eight games last season but threw for ·1 ,402 yards and 14 touchdowns. He could be the top QB in the area this year. · 11> Outlook: Grippa is optimistic. 'When we've had a senior quarterback with el<perience, those have been our championship years," he said. Wideout Beau Parton, a first-team Enquirer All-Star, is also back. Parton caught 45 passes for 661 yards and nine TDs. Grippa thinks he has ?nother excellent weapon in junior tailback Brandon Sowers, whom he calls the fastest back he's had in recent years. The offensive line is under construction. The defense suffered a blow when safety 1im McDonald broke his leg, but should still be solid. Both starting · defensive tackles, Brian Schmutte and Jim Doogan, return. The defense should be led by returning inside linebacker Tom Goettke. "Our No.1 goal is to win the GCL," said Grippa. 'We haven't done it in three years. My first five years, we won it three times and we haven't won it sirice. So we're really motivated to do it."
6·1 6-2 5-10 6-0
6-0 6-Q
5-9 5-9 6-2 6-1 6-4 5-11 5·9 5-10 5-9 5-10 6-2 5-10
Wt 205 165 190 185 185 160 200 165 180 190 165 .200 210 190 165 165 265 235 215 1EO 160 155 165 190 185 180
Yr: 1Z. 1;:'
12: 1<: 1~
1::: t:: 1~
1::: 12 1Z ~2
12 12 12 12 11
1t ,, 11
s-o 18o 11
5-9 5-10 5-10 5-10 5-9
170 170 185 175 165 6-0 195 6-{1 250
s-o teo
11 11
1t 11
11 11 11 11
5-11 225 11 6-0 235 11 6-2 190 11 5-10 165 10 5-11 175 10 5·10 160 10 5·8 150 10 5-10 170 10 5·10 175 10 5-11 180 10 5·11 200 10 6-1230·10
Name ......- ... Pcs JayTant ................... TE Mike Rose ............... AB DaveGa!lagher .... RB DannyRiazzi ........ AB Andrew Sm1th .......... WR Justin Orosz .............WR Joe McCall ........... FB John Bayer ........... OL Matt Evans ............. Ol Mike Bmchers ............OL Jim Chambers .. .. OL Sean Newl~n ....OL Tony Aiagal.. . ..DL NckAyan .............WR Chip Knee. _ ........... B.J. Mahle ...............QB BHJ McKinlay ...........WR Dave Brodowski..... DB Kevrn Kaplun ...........K PauiSIOptlan ........... .FB Ni~:kFerrugla ..... ~ ......WA Kyle Carone .. DB SteveAlndler ........... RB JoeyCrlpps .............. DE ChuckWebar ...........LB JeffVan. OL MattConway ............DE MattCasey ...... ~ .......OL Josh Slocumb ......... DL Doug Wimsatt OL Scott Powell...............DL Lee Roach ................. TE Justinluedeke ......... TE GhadGinn. . . OL M1ke Newl1n ............ .WA SradMandarfield ..... WR Dave Ireton ............... DB Scott Saettel.. ... DB LarryHosty ............. DL John Wiliams .......... OL Matt Bayer ......... OL Davrd Metzger ...... G Leffloury.............. DL David PriCe ................TE Rob Wheeler ....... FB Tom Grady .............FB JceKiimaski ............K MaUKrui ................ DB Eric Rose .............FB
6-4 220 1~ 6-2 210 12 6-0 180 12 5-9 175 12 6-0 160 12 6-0 175 12 6-2 220 12 6-0 200 12 5-B 165 12 6-0 212 12 • 6-3 270 12 6-3 200 12 6-1 210 12 5-9 165 11 6-2 '170 t1 5-11 170 11 5·11 145 11 5-11 150 11 5-11 160 11 5-11 195 11 5·11 155 11 5·11 180 11 5-11140 11 6·0 180 11 6-1 220 11 6·1 195 11 6-1 225 11 5·11 225 11 6-4 235 11 5-8 195 11 6-5 290 11 6-4 210 11 6-3 200 11 5·11 185 10 6 0 145 10 5-8 130 10 5·9 150 10 6-1 155 10 6 3 190 10 5·8 147 10 5·11 170 10 6-0 185 10 5·10 180 10 6·0 165 10 6-0 190 10 6-0 190 10 5-6 125 10 5-6150 10
4. ROGER BACON 11> Coach: Gus Dooros (23-27) ~Last
year's record: 3-7 11> Top returnee: Ben Niesen. Averi I satile jack-of-all-trades, Niesen brings He's a wide receiver, he's a defensive back ... and he punts, too. The toughness and athleticism to both sides of the baiL As a receiver last · 6-foot-4 Badin star knows the game. year, he cought24 passes for 408 yards. appointing finish. pair of track stars with good size, 11> Outlook: Roger Bacon may have Jamar Toomer and Jason Baldwin. finished last in the GCLN last year, but 5. CHAMINADE Good size carries over to the defenthat hasn't dampened the enthusiasm sive front as well, but the strength of JULIENNE Dooros holds for prospects in 1995. the defense lies behind the line of "This is the hardest-working, most I!> Coach: Jim Place (125-78-2) scrimmage. Linebacker Ryan Sullivan dedicated group of players that I've ~ Last year's record: 8-2 is the top defender back. He's joined seen in Roger Bacon in 20 years," said 11> Top returnee: Jermaine Wilkinby linebacker lsrael1ilk and speedy Dooros. Add the experience that son. The cousin of Big Daddy Wilkindeep backs Mike Monaghan and comes with 13 returning starters, ' Jason Lambright. Junior Vinnie including most of the defense, and you son of the Bengals is himself a Big Daddy of a college prospect. The Williams is the leader of the defensive begin to understand his optimism. huge-but-mobile tackle sets the tone line. Offensi~(31y, the key could be the for CJ's imposing offensive line. play of new quarterback Joe Ayers, a II> Outlook: A year after-a runner-up McNDCHOil..AS junior who ,led the Spartan reserve finish i~ ~h~ 'GCLN and a narrow miss 11> Coach: John Rodenberg (4-6) team to a GCLN title last year. Junior f~r a DJ,v_JsJo~ Uplayoff perth, Q~90,~~h '.~ -. ~_La~~~~r·s record: 4-6 _ .running bg,ck Ra~ Bljtler is a returniog II> Top refufnei: NicK Fucifu:Last --starter, who showed his explosiveness Jim Place thinKs he~has·~nottfer stro~iJ squad for 1995. year he helped save the second half of by finishing sixth in the cityin kickoff The Eagles figured to be powered McNick's season by moving from returns last year. Niesen is a two-way, by their ground game on offense. The wideout to running back when injuries three-year starter, as is tackle/linebacker Kevin Uhl. . starting offensive line averages 265 hit. This year, he's the Rockets' top pounds per man and is led by Wilkinthreat from the outset. If Dooros has a concern, it's depth. Injuries played a role in last year's disson. Rushing behind that line will be a .,_Outlook: A losing seasbn is
11> Last year's record: 9-2 I» Top returnee: Linebacker Chris Hoffman, a potential Division I prospect. Hoffman will be relied on even more now that Enquirer All-Star Mike Marshall has given up football for basketball. 11> Outlook: Much like last year, St. X has most of its returnees on one side of the ball. Last year it was defense. This year, the offense is filled with experience. Eight starters return, led by quarterback Joe Sprengard, who was lost to a shoulder injury during the playoffs. Sprengard threw for almost 900 yards, giving St. X the beginnings of a capable passing game. Rasso needs more productivity from his running backs, and hopes to get it from D~n Haye5 and Andy Kettler. Four starters return on the line·- Luke Blocher, Mark Berninger, Brandon Moss and Mike Kleinfelder. light end Paul Mussman is the principal receiving threat returning. Without Marshall, the dominant defense returns only two starters. Defensive tackle Chris Cost will have to help solidify the line. Defensive back 1im Barnes will step in as a starter in the secondary, and could emerge as a very good player.
1UU i%Tf""i]'W
OR Y'f! t"l ' lA:'ll~~ G CHRIS HOFFMAN 1
6-0 230
PURCELL MARIAN Name......................... Pas Tony Allen . .. QB Coy Bames .. OT Roo Brown................ Fe Tom Fenske .............. C Derrick Haynes FL
Ht WI Vr 5-11 175 12 ~ 240 12 6-0 210 12 5·10 155 12 6-0 160 12
u .............
ELDER Ne.me.~ ..................... Pos ChnsMayer ............... DB-OB MarcBroenng ............ DE Rob Detrendahl ...... DE Dan Artter . TE·DT Bnan Bam ................ WR Tom Goettke ............ DE·TE Nate Hice ........ TE Jim Brogan... . DE Mike Moeddel........... OL Jim Keiser ................OL Joe Moeddel... ......... OL Joe Ruwe. . ...... OL·DT MIKe Noble .............. Ol Brad Ryan FB·LB Neal Gilday ............ DT Jon Schroeder ..... LB-TE Brian Sd1mutte ......... AB-DT Mike Oliver .............. DB Kevin Dwyer .. _ ..... WA·DB Tun ludwig ......... 08-WR JelfBiU .................. OL·DT John Lammars ...........QB John Timmers ...... ~ 08-AB Mtkelamerer ........... DB-RB Eric Conroy.............. DB-QB Ean Steinker ............QB-08 Tim McDonald ....... DB Beau Parton .WR Br1anTeagua ............ DB-WR Adam Ryan ...............08-DB Ryan McKenna.. WR-DB Bill Welch .................WA-DB Brandon Sowers ........AB Brian Bachman ..........DB PatEegan ... WR MikeNoeth ............ ~DB Joe Bianco .............. DB Jason 011 ... LB-FB N1ck Nicastro ............. LI3 Mark:Becker .... :.......... LB-RB David Re1d ...............08-WR Mtke Dellecava DB-WR Casay Mtlle(. .............FB-LB Tony Walter................FB-LB Mike Graber. ............OL Marty Pnore OL Mark Schulter ............OL SeanBrcgan .............OL ,taySlephens.. .OL Jim Deegan . Ol-DT Kurt FeJihi:lucr............DT Shawn Murphy ..........OL Nrck Goe!1ke OL Dave Catanzaro ........OL
Ht &-2 6-1 6-2 fi.2 6-2 6-1 6-3 5-10 &-2
Wt 180 190 230 220 180 215 200 250
5~11 230
6-2 220
6-0 240
Yr 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
5-8 205 5·10 205 5-8 185 6-0 175 6-2 250 6-2 185 5-9 150 5-11 160 6-0 260 6-0 160 6-0 170 6-0175 5-7 150 6-0 170 6-0 175 5-10 185 5-10 155 5-9 160 5-B 140 5·11 165 5-8 175 5-8 160 5-11 175 5-6 160 5-B 150 &4 230 6-0 195 6-1 200 5-10 160 5-9 150 6-0 220 6-8 180 S.9 200 6-0 245 5·11 200 5-8 175 5·9 175 5-10 180 6·2 230 6-5 280 6-2 270 & 1 270 11
~~tk.ft!~~;r;~ ::·::::·~~lfs s~ ~~~ ~~
NrckSchutte. . . Dl. 5-10 180 11 Mike Herr ..................DE 6-2 185 11 JoeMorano ......... " ...WR 5-8150 11 Todd RichardsOn ....DE·TE 6-3 190 11 NathanHughes .........AB 5·8 150 10 Dan DeFranco ............PK 5-1 170 10 Ed Solaria ................ 6-0 160 10 MattHambleton . DB 5·8 160 10 Dan Slncker..............WA 6-0 160 10
The Cincinnati Enquirerrrony Tribble
With the departure of fellow linebacker Mike Marshall, Hoffman will lead the St. Xavier defense. On defense, La S.alle is big and athletic. Tackle Roman Welter and end Randy Hill bring size and aggressiveness to the line, while linebacker Brian Botts is strong overall.
4. MOELLER 11> Coach: Steve Klonne (121-28) 11> Last year's record: 6-4 II> Top returnee: Pat Mclaughlin.
The senior quarterback saw some time last year, and needs to be solid early in the year as a rebuilt offense finds its stride. 11> Outlook: Last year, the Cru-
expectations may not have been good for the team (particularly with what turned out to be a suspect defense), so this year has been a nice change. "This group is altogether different," said Klonne. "All we've been concerned with this preseason is getting ready to play." Two juniors lead the running back group: Mike Kamphake and Tony Hamilton, a transfer from St. Louis. Tackle Chad Garlberg is a returning starter on the line, and Brian Goadhart, Ted Fitz and Pat Horan return 'tt' t· · 1 t after sp l1 1ng 1me at rece1ver as year.
6-2 170 12
lyle Johnson ........... SE Jeff Lackmeyer ........OT Eric Levy .. . .. . SE
5-9 155 12 6-5 205 12 5-9 155 12
Steve Maddox ....... OT BnanMosserschmttt ..SE
5-10 230 12 5-10165 12'
Scott Miller .................OG
5·9 165 12 6-0 205 12 5-9160 12
Matt Montgomery ..... OG
JoeMumper ........... Fl Ant.vanO'Nailf .........TE
6-1 200 12
!H 215 12
Pat Schomaker . C MartlnSweeny ...... ,_SE EncSwiUmger ............T
5-10 165 12 5-1117012 6-1 215 12
Kevin Rupp.
~~~~it~;~~:: . :::.::::: g~
Andre Adams .............TB NlckCurry ...~ ............. OG Joe Me1nk1ng • . K Trevor Orr. . •. FB Andy Purstfull ....... , .. FL Mike Radant .............OG Jemmy Ai!ler ....... QB Nick Schuckman ..... C JeremySchu!te ......... TE James Series ............ TB Cra:gSptlfe. .. .. SE Matt Singer ............. TE JimToon ................... OT JonTopmlller ........... FB Joe Uehlin .. . . . FL Chns W1:kerson ........ OT ScottWoods ............. OG Andre Sro\lin ............ T AnlhonyCook ..... FS MtkeEconomou ........ TE Jeff Geers ............... OG Kent Hardman ..........TE Ahmad Harris .TB RodneyHopklllS ......... FB ScottKatz .................. c Paullosekamp ......... SE Daile Ma{ldox ........ OT Lonnie Mincy ............ SE NICk Montgomery .....OG M1ke Moore .............. FL Wesley Patterson T8 Josh Aliter ...............08 Don Sims ...................OG Chris Travis ............OT Tony Trotter .......OT NICk Washmglon ........QB RoyooWmter ........... .OT
~ ~: ~~
5-11 165 6{) 165 5-10 150 6{1 180 !Hl 155 5-8 185 5-9 160 6-2 215 6-1 165 5-11 185 5·9 165 6-3 190 6-1 190 6-1 210 5-5 115 6-0 170 5·11 250 5-9 200 5-9 160 5·9 145 5-6 185 5-10 145 5·9 175 5-9 190 s-a 215 5-8130 5·11 285 5-6 110 5-6 175 5-6 135 S.7 140 s-m 140 59 195 5-11 230 5-8 230 5·11 180 5-10185
11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
10 10 10
ROGER BACON Name ..~~·.. ··~--·······~--Pos
Ben Niesen ..............OB Lonnie Slye .. . .....RS Sieve .Janzen WA Jeff Newton ..............AB Kip V'llesenhahn. ----~-WA Rusdyn Undsey......RB Nick Schul;rers .....TE Greg Kistner ..............OL Kev1ri Uhl ............... LB Doug Otto .. DE Mike Rolfer1 DL Mark Siegman .......... OL Matt Sunderman ........ DL Chris Katla .........WR James Ahrens ..........WA MarkCol1111s ..............TE Joa Ayers ................as Mike SteJWert . RB Aaron Fitzgerald ...... RB Chns Schlichter ....... RB Ray Butler... .. .... AS Ken Davis ..... OL Dave Harcourt ........... OL Davo Freson .............. OL Casey Slye ................ AS Ben Schildrneye' 08 Jeff Mazul<...............Ol Jeremy Sm~h ........... OL Mark Sundarman ..... DL Scott Mueller ......... AB A~·anNolan..............WA Tom watkins ............ as Bnan Schaeffer.........08 Brandon Mcintosh ....OB Mike Hartman ........ K NickGrovo ..............WR JeH Schrnaman ........ RB Sal•m Willrams ........RB Mark Nieman ........ RB larryCoopnr ............ RB NlckAbt .....................RB Adam Stegman ....... RB ChrisHllt ............. OL Jim Herzog ..............OL Rob Starkey ........... Dl Ben otto ..............Ol Eric Ungerbuehler .....Ol Doug Matster ............. DL David Felchner ...........WR Chfis Huerkamp .......DB Jason Gildea ...........WA Eugene land ...........TE Erfc Scherpenberg ....TE
Ht Wt Yr
5·11 170 5-9 150 5-11170 6-0 185 6-1 165 6-1 190 6-6 185
5-10 171 6-3 6-3 5-10 &-0 6-2 5-11 6-3 6-3 6-2 5·9 5·11 5-9 5-10 6-0 5·11 6-3 6-o 5·9 5~10
60 6-0 5-10 5-10 5·9 5~10
235 210 225 200 225
165 205 220 195 160 208 160
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11
175 11
200 190 190 190 160 185 170 245 170 150 1-<10 150
6-5 205 5·9 150
6-0 165 5-11 170 5-10 170 6-0 160 6-0 185 5-10 170 5·5 150 5-10 190 5-11 1B5 6·3 180 6-0 165 5-7 160 6-3 285 5-10 135 S.10 155
11 11 11 11 11
11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
I~~~~ ~g
6-0 175 10
6-4 265 10
Dan Endres ................OL
Narne..fl~·····~H Pos Jason Baldwin .......... RB Jamar Toomer. . ....RB Jason Lambright.. .. DB Ma.t1 Sch1erlah .......... K Dan Vagal. ................DE Anlhony810Wn .......... AB Demond Ken ned)' ... DB MatlHrnes .................DB Chris Yawn ................ DB lsraellilk ................ LB Ryan Sullivan.. . .. . LB DamienHardy ........... LB Ty Eddy ..................OF Joe Le!k ........... C GeoH Bardon ...........OG CollnMcCruthy... ,.OG Tom Pierson ...............OT Jermalne Wilklnson ....OT Matt Brackman ........TE Mtke Monaghan .......WR Andrew Schnell. ........TE Josh Schlarloh ...........08 Blaine Polston QB DanPiummer ............. DB Justin Hanis ............. AB Josh Hom .............. LB BrentWhit19y ..........LB Cl'1ns Hams ...........:.... LB Vinca Wilhams ......... MG Matt Flynn ................C Mike Bunn 00 Aaron Jones .............TE "Tim Lauer ..................WR RyanOuigley ..............TE Chris Rush ...............TE Taylor Hayden ............ DB MaltBurke ..................AB Rudy Haynesworth ....DB "Tim Beeghly ........... 08 Mike Budde . .. .. WR RyanTnmbnch .......... LS Aaron Davis ............. DE KevinNo1an ................ LB John King ............ DB TyreiJCombs ..............LB Dominick Wise ...........LS Ben Woods ............. M,DE JimBumeka .. . 00 Kevin Anzalone ........ LB Taylor Jones ............ OF Keenan Hutchins ....... MG PauiHarker ........... OG Chrul1eSzabo ........... TE Trent Robrnson .......... DT
Ht 6-2 6-2 5-9 5-9 s-a 6-1
wt 181 197 160 155 175 185
5-11 5-9 6-1 5-10 5-9 &-4 5·10 5-7 5·11 6-2
170 155 201 200 180 225 164 196 265 244 298 280 165 170 160 174
6-0 162
u ....
6-6 6-1 &1
6-3 6-10
Yr 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11
6-1 5-10 168 5·10 184 11 5-7 172 5·11 191 6-2 209 6-1 236 5-10 235 6-0 233 6-1 181 6--11 145 5-11199 6-3 239 6-0 155 5-B 179 5-6 142 6-2 173 B-2 172 5-11 172 5-9 159 5-9 172 s-a 135 5-9 165 5-10 192 5-10 210 5:-10 185 B-1 175 5·1\.l 204 6-0 229 6-3 261 5-11 185 6-1 235
u ...
11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
10\ 10
MCNICHOLAS Name ......... _.Pos Tim Mono han .......... WB Kevin Adams ............. DB TomBurnelt ......... QB N1ck Fucito ............ AB Chns Toola ............... DB Neal Cropper ............. RB Dave Mann ............. DB Kyle Otting ............. 00 John Munafo ............. LB Jason Alnderle .......... DL J A. Staats ..............DL Cory Bacik. . .. . . OL Jason Barbee .............TE Chris Zunnehfy .......... K John Bauer ................WR Mtke Sias . .... .. .. .. WA Andy HUCk .................DB Mark Thorton ............. AB Beau Batchelor.......... DE Wally Shaffer ... N Chns Shaffer ......... DL Larry Jacobs ............. DL Pat Hayes ...................LB Adam Reed .............OL Nlc:k Schellhaus ......OL Bnan Stra~·er ..............C Kur1 Schwe1tzer .:...... •DL Joe Friedrich ............WA Mrke Thompson WR Andy Glenn...............as Ben Gates ...............RB SllfyHaltker.................WR Brian Frosl .............WA Ted Bono ...............LB Jrm Munafo ................RB SeanGundrum ...........TE Joe Accordino ......... N Joe Slusher . . .. . . LB Jtm Condo .................LB Brian Crow................OL Chris Serv~ce ..............OL Robbie Metzger.......Ol MrkeWelgei ................Ol Matt sras ....................OL Jon Norman ................OL Vinnie Metz .. . . OL Jon Gtlday ..................Dl Malt Muchmore .......OL
u ...... u ....
5-9 160 12 6-1 175 12 6-1 180 12 6-0 190 12 5-9 175 12 6-1 195 12 6-0 185 12 5-10 230 12 6-0 190 12 6-2 235 12 6-4 210 12 6-6 2.15 12 6-2 205 12 6-10 170 11 5-10 155 11 5-11 175 11 5-B 165 11 5-10 200 11 6-1 205 11 5·9 190 11 5-11 175 11 6-0 200 11 5-9 180 11 6-2 195 11 &I 220 11 6-2 240 11 6-1 200 11 6-2 155 11 5-10 165 iO 5-10 160 10 5·9 150 10 5-7 145 10 5-8 140 10 5-10 155 10 6-2 190 10 6-j) 165 10 5-7 195 10 5-3 160 10 5-9 165 10 5-9 200 10 6-2 235 10 6-5 .235 10 6-2 230 10 ~ 285 10 6-3 200 10 5-9 190 10 &2 11l0 10 5-11 190 10
time between two- senior Tom Burnett and sophomore Andy Glenn. The biggest improvement should come in speed oh the defense. Two starters from last year- Neil Cropper and John Munafo -have switched positions and look to be effective line: backers. Rodenberg also has four new players on the team ·who have fortified .the defensive line, adding decent size and good speed. Free safety Chris O'Toole is the leader of the backfield. Despite last-yeaF's progress, . McNick is still tabbed for last in the GCLN, q position that Rodenberg . objects to. "I don't think we're the worst team in the GCLN, and we're going to use that as a motivating factor this year," he said.
v'!Ii(fS \VHOGCL. S
k ...........
Tremaynel\tory .......QB
frowned on in some places, but last year's 4-6 campaign at McNick was truly a breakthrough. The Rockets posted victories in the GCLN for the first time and were competitive in nearly every game last year. Second-year coach John Rodenberg· is not sure the talent level is any higher, but is counting on more experience for continued improvement. Offensively, McNick was a good club last year even with injury problems, '"and-flas·a pair-of proven skilled players back. Fucito gained about 600 yards rushing in the final five games. Jason Barbee moves from tight end to wide receiver. The Rockets have to tina a new quarterback, and Rodenberg will go into the opener splitting
~Coach: Jim Louder (41-29) 11> Last year's record: 6-4 11> Top returnee: Nate Sexton. He is a three-year starter, but this is his first year at quarterback. He'll have a long way to go to match Kevin Betz's 1,429 yards passing last season, but he'll definitely add speed to the backfield. . ~»-Outlook: With 28 seniors and 1OS players total in the top three grades, La Salle should have the strength to match up with any program in town. The seniors have been GCL champs at the freshmen and reserve levels. The biggest difference, the staff thinks, should be an overall increase in speed, particularly at the skill posilions. Overall, 13 starters return. Running back Ryan Watson is touted as one of the speediest backs in La Salle history. Th e offensive line should
5-9 5-10 6-1 5-10
H . . . . . , _. . . .
League ready for ide-open race With just four teams that all are annually among the best in the city, predicting the Greater Catholic League South champion in preseason is always more guesswork than science. "It's almost like the difference between the four teams is nil," says Elder coach 'Ibm Grippa, whose team is picked No.L "It's just a matter of having a few key players at the right positions." Elder edged St Xavier for the top spot in the poll, which was voted upon prior to the decision by St. X all-city linebacker Mike Marshall to not play. La Salle finished third and Moeller fourth. 1. Elder . , ......... , , ......... , . 14 2. St. X ...... , ................. 13 3. LaSalle . : ..................... 8 4.Moeller ....................... 5
AdamSackenhelm ..... FB Jason Peters ............ HB John Russo ........... HB Chad SdutJ1dt. . . HB Ntck Yordy ................HB Kyle Broerman .......... FB DanMertens . C Craig Smtih ............ c joe Deaton ...............G Dan Bradford .............G Jason Horan .......... T Bryan Rowers ..........G Kyle Fischer............. T Ed Yordy .... ,...............T Brian Frankey ......... E Stave Marone ......... as Nate Wnght .............. FB RustyWetta ............. FB Mark VonHagen ..... HB Aaron Brewer .......... C Jim Hetterich ...........G Kris Sarvak ...............T Joe Sherman.. .. . G Jason Lov-zy ............T
11> Last year's record: 4-6
G i\1'ER CA1'II011C
Ht 6-3 5-11 6-2
11> Coach: Chris Roark 11> Last year's record: 4-6
BADIN Name.......... '"""'"'"Pos Andy Malone ...........OB Joe Kunkel .................HB Ryan Pogoza\sld .......Q&K Matt Renners FB Brent Irwin .............. FB Mike Menke .............. HB Mal1 Marcum .............. LB Brent Plister . . H8 . Mrke Malone ............ G Mark Rlgling ............ DE Chris Adkins .............G Jason Clear . . .. .. ..G Chris Ryan .................T Chris Kurtz ............... G Joe Rains ............. G Brent Prioleau .........G Joe Soi.Jder .............T Tony Franchini. .........T JeH Rook ..............E Keith Kessler .......... E StU Brady .................. OB
Name.. - ..................... Pos JooSprengard .........QB Dan Hayes............... RB BradHeizman ......... DS Warren Dam .. WA Paul Mussman .......... TE Chris HoHman ........... LB Tom Kt=!'!y. AB Scott Simons .......... LB John Eberle ............. LB MaltSI'.eeney ........... DL Brandon Moss . C M1keKielnfelder ........OL LukaBiocher ............OL Brian Crowley ....... OL Bob Malinowski ..... DL ChnsCosl...... ,........... DL Cam Cahill ...............OL Mark Glaser . .. . OL MtkeJackson ...........OL Mark.Barn1nger...........OL Adam CoHaro ............WA Matt Brown LB AtecBcva .................TE AndrewJohnson .......WA-08 Andrew Kettler ..........RB Tom Brannen DB
DamrenKmmer ........DB Douglas Logaman .....LB StephenHorvath ..... DB Drew Bnnkman...........DB AndrewTrebbr ..........LB Sleven Woltennan ....AB JonalhanBrfro ... TE ChnsKo-.racs .............RB Michael Green .........DB Jason Holland ..... DB James Keves ........ ~ WA Bradlay GUS!Ch ...... , .. DB Dustin Wygant ........ RB
Ht WI Yr 5-11 170 12 5·10 185 12 5-11 160 12 6-0 190 12 64 195 12 6-4 215 12 5-11 150 12 6-2 195 12 6-4 185 12 5·10 200 12 6·1 205 12 6-3 200 12
6-3 235 12 6-2 235 12 &2 195 12 6·1 215 12 6-4 230 12
&-2 6-3 6-2 6-2 &-3 6-3 5·11 6-2 5·10 5-10 6-2 5-9 5·11 5-11 5-9 5-11 5-9 6-2 6-1 5·10 5-9 5·9
210 210 235 180
200 180 180 170 150 145 190 130 165 175 190 165 163 175 170 164 150 155
12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
Joe Montag .......... .WR Joey Meyer. . ..lB NrchOias Heektn .........c Brendan BanKer ........LB Scott Hilton .. OL !an Arata . . . . DL Gregory KuczaJ ..........OL Mlgue!CI'lavez ......... DL Kenneth Meibers. OL Thomas Mtller........... DL AndrewLango ............ DL John Akhardson ........OL Vincent Sawma .. .. OL Bnan Bohn ..................OL MtkeMcCafferty .........WA Todd Jacobs ............DB Benjamin Wilson ..... .WR Gregory Ruther .......... LB John Trainor ............ TE
6-1 176 11 5·11 190 11 5-11 160 11 6-:3 190 11 5·9 195 11 G-.2 210 11 &1 170 11 6-2 190 11
}:O~Z~~~.::.::.::.:.:: :2~
U ~~~ ~~ 6-3 180 10
ROCky Bo1man ........... DB Nate Van Schaik ......... RB Chris lmwa!le... .lB Thomes Ghclslon ....... DL M.kePellegnno ..........TE Kevin Kerr.............. K
6-0 200 11
6-0 185 11 6-3 245 11 6-4 300 11 5-9 250 11 6-4 230 11 5·11 150 11 5·11 160 11 5·11 146 11 & 1 170 11 6-1 185 11
6-0 165 6-1 170 64 255 6-1170 5-10 140
10 10 10 10
BenKelhofler.............. RB Chad McDevflt ...... OL Matt McHale .............QB Mtke Mclnemey ..........WR KevinMerz ................OL An9eloMilatto ....... Dl Gerry Muench ...........DB ErlCMurphy ............. DB Joe Nelson ............ WR-RB Bnan Phelps .......... Dl N1ckAamsey~ ............ K-P Khatlb.Altter............... RB Mike Robinson ...... LB CllrisRyan............... DB ChnsSchulte ........ ,.... DL JasonTankman .........WR B.!ITerzln .............. 08 MaHThompscn ......... LB "Tim Weber ............... DB WIZ Whhe ................ RB Dan Sch!ra............ DB Jeff Zimmer ............ RB MikeRoettrng .............OL Matt Kramer...............WA Rob Kernen ........... WR
u ............
H ........ ...
M ..........
~~eri~~~~~~~~.:.::.:: ::.::::~~
u .....
ss:~ ~!~\~~
6-2 205 10 5-10 170 10 5-6 160 10 5-10 166 10 6-0 147 10 6-0 164 10 5-10 160 10 6-1151 10 6-1181 10 5-6 133 10 5-10 177 10 5-7 139 10 5-£·138 10 5-7 153 10 5-9 144 10 5-B 142 10
Name ........ w. Pos Dan P1en1ng ............... DE Nama .... ~ Pos Ht Wt Yr MikeAckerman ........... DE Brett Bachman DL 6-2 221 12 . Sleva Ramingo ........ DT Ben Bemecker .........WA 5-10 145 12 Aaron Stang ......... DE Brent Botts .................. LB 6-4 228 12 Mike Lagan .................TE ChrisCramar ............OL 5·10 202 12 Andy Collins ............... WR Brian Doyle .. , . OL 5-10 231 12 Chris Vollman ......... OT Randy Hill ............... DL 64 232 12 Bob Hankey........... OG MattHottnaus ............ WR 6-0 171 12 John Quinn ............... OG Greg HomoeJia ........WA 6-3 188.12 Sean Leugers ............ OG Jay Hudepohl ......... LB-DB 6-2 192 12 Joe Kilgore ......... ,. DT Chad Gar!berg ...... _ OT Joe Huwel... .... ,.......... DB 5·10 165 12 Greg Kennedy .......... DB 5-10 173 12 Miko Smhh ................. DE PauiK1amer ........... QB 6-1 170 12 Chns Albert ................. OG Sean McNemar ........ DL 6-0 241 12 EricTamashasky .... C Joo Menninger ........... LB-08 6-1 206 12 Ken Brodeur .............. DB Kevrn Metz ................. DB 6-0 174 12 Joe Buck1ey .............. LB JeHNel!ner ........LB £.2 186 12 Matt Savo!i ................ DB Jesonlafruy .............OL 6-6 239 12 Jason Kalerba .......... LB Tony Robinson ........WA 6 o 168 12 · Adam Mo!1na ............ LB EricSchatbte ...OL 6-3 226 12 Brian Goodhart .......... WR Jm Schreck .......... K-P 5-10 161 12 Rob Bryant ............. K NateSexlon ............. as 6-2 188 12 Dave Lippincott ........ DB Paul Stl!is ................. OL 6-4 227 12 Scot1 Cochran ........... DB Mtke sraubach ..........OL 6-3 266 12 Pa!HOfarl ..................'o\IR Doug Sull1van.. .. .. .08 6-0 180 12 Nick Hariman .......... DB Ryan Watson ............. RB 5-10 185 12 Pat Mclaughlin .........08 Roman Welter ........... Dl 6-6 232 i2 Eric Meyers .... WR ChrisWmlrusk1 ....... DB 5·9 160 12 · TedFitz ......................WR Mark.Mortimer .........K·P 6-3 175 12 Marshall Hyzdu LB NICkMCDonald ......... OB 5-8 166 11 TimPennekamp ........ K JasonMa'dens ........... LB 6-2 221 11 JlmHigglns ................. RB Shawn Murphy ...... .LB-LB 6-3 201 11 Mtke Kamphake ....... RB Jeff Nicholas ............ OL 5-10 237 11 M1ke Groskopf. . ... Bnan Obert ................ DL 5 11 211 11 Ryan Murphy............. LB Kev1n Oliveria ......... AS 6-Q 191 11 Chns 8alsly ................QB Mal1 Owens ........... DB 5-10 155 11 Ian 'Day. . ..WA R1Ck Powers .............. DL 5-10 261 11 Drew Brown ......... .WA Jrm Punghorst ............OL 6-3 248 11 Jim SICtii:J.no ...............K Chris Ray RB 5-10 171 11 Brian Gittinger ........ DB Dav,d Robbrns ..........LB 6-1 194 11 Joe Ncvosat. . .....LB Ron Royer .................OL 6-2 212 11 Dave Jones ................DB Paul Thaler ... ~ ......... OL 6-4 246 11 TcnyHamrlton ............RB Brad Thiery WA 6.{) 170 11 Nick Brunelle ...........DB TonyAibnnck ...........LB 6-1 201 11 Chris Cass ............DB GregAngllecchla ....... AS 6-1 202 11 Todd Pryce '""""""""RB JasonAngst ............. OL 6-5 198 11 Chns Jordan ............... DB Ryan Augustin ......... Ol 6-1 224 11 Don Trapp ....... DB Matt Sorgm.:m ............Ol·TE 6-3 194 11 Marc McMannen ........WR Andy Burger ..............OL 6-2 221 11 Tyson Auttar .............. DB Ryan Burke . . . .DL 6-0 17.3 11 Rick Perez ........... DL Rob Sloltzenberger ... LB Doug Aosleld ........... OL MrkeDickhaus ........ Dl 5·10 209 11 S!eve PhRffps ............ LB David Heitbnnk.. OL 6-3 248 11 Justin Wise . lB Jon Houchen .............WR 6-1 167 11 Chns Megois .............. DL M1~eKeake ................ 08 5-9 162 11 Joel POUI1n .................. OL Joe Kramer. .. .LB 6-3 175 11 Chns Conley ........ OL Bill Thoman ........... DB 6-0 164 11 Dan Schork............ OL KavlnWorbnch ........... OL 6-1 187 11 Jrm Shelley ................. OL JeffWI'lrams ........... DL 5·10 211 11 Jason Majors ............ OL Mat1Young .. WA 6-0 168 11 Eric Goodhart ... OL N1ckArszman ........... DL &3 219 10 Tony Munafo ............. OL Chad Beck ................. DB 5-8 145 10 Dan MattiS ................ OL M•ke Brumfield ........ OL -6-1 186 10 Ry-,m Cowan ............. OL Josh Brunner ........ LB 6-0 168 10 Brian We1nheimer. OL NICk Buchman ..........OL 5·11 174 10 Shawn Sadtor ............. DL DcugCabe .............. LB 6-2 198 10 N ck Evers ............... DL Brian Carovil!ano ... DL .6-1 186 10 Joe Oscar. . ...... DL Pat Casey .......... QB 6-3 161 10 Matt Scheffer .............. OL Wa.ri'onChambers ...... DL 6-1 183 10 Chris Pappas .............. LB Matt Cooper ..............WA 6-3 156 10 A1ck Rohlfs ................. DB ChrisCumm1ngs .....OL 6-1 172 10 Max Und ......... .....:n:: Pau!Douthard ............ DB 5-11 157 10 Brent Bertg(lfl ............. WA RyanDragrn ............. Dl 5-10 168 10 lim Calmer ............... WA Matt Fischer . . .. OL 5-11 171 10 Doug Brandt TE Rick Genng .................WA 5-7 144 10 SleveNiehaus ............ LB Nrck Grote ................ DB 5-7 154 10 Ryan Cooper ............. 08 MkeHaders .......... DL 5·10 185 10 Willrs Edwards · AB Paul Hilmer.. ........... OL 6-1 196 10 Grant Crosfhwaite ..... RB Matt Schneidor .......... LB MrkeHuwet ............... WA 5-9 141 10 Sean Cronin ............ DT Glenn Johnston ......... OL 5·5 167 10
5-10 162 10 5-7 166 10 5-10 156 10 5-9 139 10 6-0 182 10 5-9 189 10 5-10 141 10 5·11155 10 S~7 150 10
HI Wt Vr 6-3 200 12 6-4 5-10 S.7 &2 5-11 6-3
234 12 226 12 157 12 225 12 145 12 261 12 6-0 220 12 6-4 240 12 6-3 211 12 6-2 225 12 6-2 258 12 6-2 174 12 5-9 220 12 6-3 202 12 6-1171 12 5-10 209 12 S.11 151 12 5·11 180 12 5-10 175 12 5-10 175 12 5-9 156 12 5-10 154 12 5-11 170 12 5-9 155 12 5-11 167 12 6-2 175 12 6-1 170 12 6-8 185 12 6-4 220 12 &-6 189 12 5~9 182 12 6-0 189 11 6-3 160 11 6-2 204 11 5-11 165 11 5-9 1135 11 6-0 150 11 6-1 153 11 5-11 150 11 5-B 154 11 5·9 154 11 6-0 180 11 5-9 160 11 5-9 159 11 5-11 174 11 6-0 156 11 5-9 145 11 5-7 140 11 6-3 193 11 6-2 191 11 5·10 165 11
6-4 239 11 6-2 202 11 6-1 6-1 6-1 6-3
190 200 216 230
.5-9 235 6-0 282 5-11 195 5-10 228 &a 188 6-1 195 6-2 245 6-2 215 6-0192 5-8 189 6-0 205 5-8 175 6-0 161 6-1 158 6-3 207 5·6 148 6-1 168 G-6 195 6-2 193 6-1 165
5-11 184 6-0 185 6-2 164 6-2 206
11 11 11 11 11 11 '11 11 11
11 11 11 11 11
11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
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causing concern. Two returning · starters lead the defense 1·n comer
Player of the year David Murph!/, Colerailll . .
Brian IIB1.m, Colerain Defensive lane
Offensive Player ol1he Year Nick Wilson, Ross
Defensive Player of the Year Lee Wilschevick, Mariemont
A repeat winner of this award, this 6-3, 180-pound senior led the Cardinals into the playoffs for the second consecutive season.
The 6-foot, 205-pound defensive end earned first-learn Metro County Conference and special mention all Southwest District.
The Division Ill state offensive Player of the Year, this 6-0, 189pound junior rushed for 2,267 yards and scored 188 points, leading the Rams to an FAVC title and playoff berth.
Johnlammel1, Bd~r Quarterback
Jar Roden, Coie~ain Defensive line
Brad Shestina, Turpin Quarterback
Brian Herking, TUrpin Linebacker
GlYnn Johnson, Walnut Hills Running back
Nick Monk, Franklin Linebacker
The 6-foot, 185-pound senior was the offensive Player of the Year in the Greater Catholic League South. He completed 102 of 153 passes (67 percent).
A first-team All State and Metro County Conference selection, the · 6-2, 180-pound senior led the Cardinals with 134 tackling points (tackles plus assists), including seven fumble recoveries.
JimB Brog;m, .!Ellie~ Defel'lsiue line
Kelin Wilson, Lakota Running back
A first-team Greater Miami Conference selection, this 5-9, 170-pound senior played an important role for the league champion T-Birds.
Ronnie Alexamler, Col~rain Runnillil!B back
The senior was a first-team Metro County Conference selection. He finished his season by rushing for 200 yards and a touchdown in the state semifinals. ·
A Division II first-team All-State selection, this 6-0, 225 pound senior led the Spartans in tackles with 148, including 19 for losses while recording six sacks and inter-
A first-team Greater Catholic League South selection, this 5-10, 250-pound senior came up three forced fumbles and one fumble . recovery for the stellar Panther defense.
The senior was the offensive player of the Year in the Queen City Conference West and second team All Southwest District. ·
Luke Ct!aJP!B~!!, Westl!lrlllliBm:;
Brandon Guttman, Cincinnati countrvDav Wide receiver
Brent Fox, Wyoming Defensive line
The sure-handed senior was a first-team selection in the Miami Valley Conference and an all-state performer.
A Division Ill All-State first team and Cincinnati Hills League firstteam selection, this 6-1, 200 pound junior, led the Cowboys with 95 tackling poinis.
Mike Long, Fenwick Wide receiver
Ryan Fink, Mariemont Defensive line
The 6-5, 215-pound senior was the defensive Player of the Year in the Metro County Conference.
ll!lrelil~ !Eo!lts, l; Sail® UIDleback&-)r
iei!l fill, Moel!ffilr .'ll'ig~t ~Bilfill
The senior was the offensive player of the year in the Queen City Conference West and a Division II All State selection.
A repeat Division V state defensive Player of the Year, this 6-2, 210 pound senior linebacker/fullback, led the Warriors to the state cham, pion ship game on both sides of the line.
A Division Ill first team All-State selection, this 6-1, 215 pound senior led the Wildcats in tackles with 90 and rushed for a team-high 1,400-plus yards.
The senior was a first-team selection in the Greater Catholic League South.
The defensive Player of the Year in the Greater Catholic League South, the 6-4, 230-pound senior came up with nine tackles for losses and three fumble recoveries.
A Division VI special mention allstate selection and first team Southwest District, this senior was the leading receiver in Greater Cincinnati, catching 60 passes for 844 yards and nine touchdowns.
A Division VAll-State and Cincinnati Hills League selection, this 6-3, 205-pound senior was the second leading tackler for the state runnerup Warriors.
Mill® Gll!lH'l , llllamoll!ori ll!llhtenlil
Shane P~«Biffl«DI'I, lti!JIKOttm
Mike Gregovich, Williamsburg Tight end ·
A first-team selection in the Greater Miami Conference and honorable mention Southwest Districl, this 67, 255 pound senior was an outstanding pass and run blocker.
A first-team selection in the Grealer Miami Conference, the 6-2, 210pound senior came up with a teambest 101 tackles, three sacks and seven tackles for losses for the
The senior was a second-team Division VI All State selection.
Marc Stratton, Mariemont Delensive l~ne
A Division VAll-State and Cincinnati Hills League first-team selection, this 6-2, 170 pound senior was the fourth-leading tackler for the Warriors.
Beau Pal'ton, Elder Wide receiver
Butch !Jllrlillltup, Hamilton
Brad Buerger, Mariemont Tight end
Ernest Walker, Cincinnati Countrv Day · Delensive line
A first-team selection in the Greater Catholic League South, this 5-10, 185-pound senior was quarterback John Lammers' favorite tar!=)et.
A second team All-Ohio selection and Butler County's defensive Player of the Year, the 6-2, 205pound first team Greater Miami Conferencepickledthe league in tackles with l38. •· --.- · --cc '
The senior was a first-team Cincinnati Hills League selection.
A Division VI All-State and Miami Valley Conference first-teamer, this 6-2, 222 pound senior recorded 80 . tackles;- second onthe team.·~
I·~·' ,-- ; · •.:· ·-c:~·' ·'"· • ·;. '~'~ o•"co~ -~ [ - --; ·' ··- ,..;--·c·~.-,-,-r-.-:: +=>\ ,"="""""',...,~="-=.,=.;;.;.:;,.c-•~''"-~'"·""'";~.'-.;"'"''~"-'""COC"" •''"'c\.c..,•~~,c;,,;....c,,·,-•'-c''c~--~c-c'~··'-*o' ·c
Lamont Ellis, Princeto~ Wide receiver ·
'!froy Evans, Lakota
An honorable mention All-State performer and first team in the Greater Miami Conference, this 60, 160-pound senior set a singleseason school record with 25
A first team Greater Miami Conierence selection, this two-way player (receiver and defensive back) this 6-3, 203-pound senior led the Metro area with 10 interceptions.
Jefferson Kelley, Colerain Offensive line ·
Nick Kostoff, Colerain
Defensive back
Defensive back
·Dan Philpot, Ross Offensive line
Jeff Rook, Hamilton Badin Delensive back
Kevin Uhl, Roger Bacon Offensive line
Jaymar Hines, Walnut Hills Defensive back
A Division Ill first-team all-state and Fort Ancient Valley Conference selection, this 5-11, 231-pound senior was an outstanding blocker for tailback Nick Wilson as well as a standout on pass protection.
The senior was a Division Ill AllState selection arid the Player of the Year in the Greater Catholic League North.
A first-team All State selection, the 6-6, 306 pound senior guard who signed with Ohio State war,; the catalyst on an offensive line t11at enabled the Cardinals to pile up more than 3,000 yardsrusl1ing.
A first-team Metro County Conference selection, this 5-11,.180pound senior played an important role for the Cardinals.
A Division II second teamAII-State and firstteam Greater Catholic League North selection, this 6-3, 235-pound three-year starter was a noted blocker·cin the run.
The defensive Player of the Year in the Queen City Conference-West, the senior was second on the team in tackles.
Bill Roark, Hamilton OHensiV'e line
Richie Jackson, Colerain Defensive back
Matt Montgomel'!l, Purcell Marian Offensive line
Josh cooper, Indian Hill Defensive back
. A special mention All-State performer and first team in tho Greater Miami Conference, this 6-6, 325 · senior was a superb blocl<er with outstanding mobility.
Mike Staubacll, lla Sa~le OHensive line
A virtual unknown coming into the season, this 6-0, 155-pound junior made his presence feltin a big way, intercepting nine passes.
Fred Smith, Princeton Oeiensive !!Back
A first-team Greater Catholic League South selection, this 6-3, 271-pound senior guard was a standout pass blocker. Coaches consider him the Lancers' best lineman in the past eight years.
The 6-foot, 180-pound senior was a first-team AII·State and Greater Miami Conference selection.
Dan Offensive
lllramllon Rol!lgers, Wiilllrow Punter
A first-team selection in the Greater Miami Conference, this versatile · senior played both tackle and · guard, leading a line that played a key role in the T-Birds' first league championship.
Kevin Kerr, St. Xavier Kicker
The only freshman on the first team, this 5-1 0, 140-pound selfmade kicker, led the city in scoring with 51 points.
Also the ligers quarterback and a projected All-City basketball player, this 6-3, 202-pound junior led Division I punters with a 45.8average.
DEFENSIVE BACKS -Aredaell Hill, Northwest; Todd Kramer, Western Hills: David FoSter, Aiken; John Knox, Wilhrow; Mike Oliver, Elder, 1im8ames, St. Xavier; Tom Goettke, Elder; D_oug Anderson;·Amelia; T.A. Staderman, Glen Este. DEFENSIVE UNEMEN- Toney Sager, Westem ~ills; Jason Chapman, Middletown; Kenny Kelley, Sycamore; Shane Martinkovic, Fairfield; Phillip Bailey, Hamilton; Chris Cost, St Xavier; Ryan Augustin, La Salle; Jim Brogan, Elder; Marc Broering, Elder; Roman Weller, La· Salle; Bobby Elbrecht, Amelia
LINEBACKERS- Mark Jackson, Harrison;·Mike.Freeman, Colerain; Andra Ingram, Western Hills; Ross Estes, Withrow; Kevin Hawkins, Fairfield; Aaron St. Clair, Sycamo~e; Jason Kreimer, Glen Este.
OFFENSIVE LINEMEN- Mike Schneider, Harri~on; Jason Carson, Colerain; Matt Simms, Oak Hills; Reggie Borden, Western Hills; Don Beagle, Amelia; Laron Dickens, Withrow; Pav!o Polanski, Lakota; Patrick Quay, Sycamore; Mark Berninger, St. Xavier; Marty Priore, Elder; ,Chris Vollman, Moeller: Steve Smith, Amelia; Chad C.arlb.em. Moeller; Kevin Carpenter, Amemr.--ENDS- Chad Whitney, Harrison; Calvin Ban~s. Colerain; Jim Fmc Oak Hills; James Sams •. Wlthrow; Wes Brown, Sycamore;_Mjke..Logan,.Moell~r; Matt Holthaus, La Salle. · --~
RUNNING BACI<S-·B.J. Holbert, Harrison, Jason Vance, Amelia, Brandon Brookins, Princeton, Mike.J$;arnp!Jake .. Moe!l.er; John Roberts, Hugtms; Ron Alexander, Colerain; Marcu·s Johnson, Westem Hills; Brandon Sowers, Elder; Dan Hayes, St. Xavier; Jay Balser, Sycamore; Mike Ambrose, Milford; T.J. Elliott, Hughes; Brian Slaven, Harrison.
PUNTERS- Larry Gillihan, Sycamore; Beau Parton, Elder; Michael Green, St. Xavier.
lllfll!i!litB: 1'1IGJJ®UIDII Coach of ihe yea~ Greg Billilie, laktmtml
In his third year as T-Bird coach, he guided the team to its first Greater Miami Conference championship and first berth in the Division I state playoffs.
A second-team Division Ill All-State and Greater Catholic League North selection, this 6-0, 215-pound tack. le anchored the Cavalier line.
Mason Stemann, Mason Offensive line
A first-team selection in the Fort Ancient Valley Conference, this 62, 285-pound tackle was explosive · off the ball and was known as an excellent blocker on the run.
Reed Werner, Cincinnati countrvDav Kicker
A Division VI second team All State performer at quarterback, this junior was the area's second-leading kicker with 32 points.
OFFENSIVE LINEMEN- Chris Whitt, Reading; Justin Bartlett, Wyoming; Kevin Clark, Deer Park; John McCauley, Wyoming; Jim Covert, Reading; Ryan Harris, Indian Hill; John Wood, Walnut Hills; Brian Leahr, Winton Woods; John Roberts, Hughes; Pete Ems, Mount Healthy; Kyle Otting, McNicholas; Tony Franchini, HamiHon Badin; Daniel Watkins, Franklin; Steve Beiser, Edgewood; Brian Noble, Franklin; Tyson Redpa!jl, Talawanda; Damon Anderson, CCD; lach Mclean, CCD; Brian Tolleson, Summit; Brandon Byers, Summit; Jeff Crosthwaite, Land~ mark; Danny Philpot, Ross; Dennis Kettler, Mason; Steve King, Goshen; Mike Sams, Little Miami; Chris Cain, Anderson: Victor Allan, Taft; Jefferson Whitehead, Woodward. ENDS- Steve Carlin, Madeira; Antwon Allen, Winton Woods; Darrick Betts, Mount Healthy; Jeff Rook, Badin; Toby Merchant, lebanon; Scott Gilbert, Franklin: Eric Voegele, Lockland; Adam Langdon, Mason; Brian Kapprel, Anderson; Tyson Carter, Woodward; Marc Brown, Turpln. RUNNING BACKS- DeJuan Gossett, Wyoming; Jason Dick, Reading; Tug Orr, Mariemont; Nick Monk, Franklin; Brad Jones, CCD; Andorian Mundy, NCH; Jeremy Redmon, Landmark; Titus Fulton, Wyoming; Jason Faulkner, New Miami; Bobby Highfill, Mason; Bill Hammond, Norwood; Aaron Hancock, Norwood; Marshall Porterfield, Goshen; Nick Brown, Wilmington; P.J. Schiano, Anderson; Ceran Lipscomb, Taft. QUARTERBACKS -Jesse Milner, Mariemont; Andy Malone, Hamilton Badin; Brady Oaks, Edgewood; Chris Turner, Norwood; Adam Arnold, Little Miami. KICKERS -Andy Schur, Northwest; Ryan Pogozawski, Badin; NickKonerman, Summit; Lee Marwood, Kings.
A special mention Division IV AllState selection, this 6-0, 155pound sophomore tied for the city lead with 10 interceptiohs.
Greg Huster, Deer Park Defensive back
A special mention Division IV AllState performer, this 5-10, i 70pound .three-year starter led the Wildcats with 90 tackles while inte~ cepting five passes, returning three for touchdowns.
Brad Weisman, Finneytown Punter
A second-team Southwest District and firsHeam Cincinnati Hills League selection, this 6-0, 167 · pound junior led The Metro in punting, averaging 48.3 yards per kick.
DEFENSIVE BACKS~ Ryan Polling, Bethel-Tate; Nathan Bishop, Batavia; Jason Faulkner, New Miami; Bob Bodnar, Mariemont; 'Titus Fulton, Wyoming; Tyler Williams. Lemon Monroe; Aaron Helvey, Lemon Monroe; Mike Standifer. Frank\ln; Aaron Sames. Franklin; Hisham Samawi, CCO; Kory Scudder, NCH; Scott Tumolo, CCD: James Durbin, Ross; Brian Sawyers, Ross; Andre Carr, Wilmington; Jeff MacKay, Anderson; Jim Rodgers, Turpin; Mike Crutcher, Woodward. DEFENSIVE LINEMEN- Dave Wilson, Reading; Brian Buck, Finneytown; Brent Fox, Wyoming; Rich Bevis, Mariemont; Jason Wolf, Reading; Doug Olton, Roger BacOn; Ben Brinck, Badin; Brian Salmons, Franklin; Randy Reece, Talawanda; Em est Walker, CCD; Bobby French, Lockland; John Underhill, Summtt; Greg Fblx, Ross; Matt Schultz, NornoOd; Larry Jackson, Woodward; Luke Kosman, Anderson; Brian Bolger, Turpin. UNEBACKERS- JesSe Underwood, Madeira; Matt Dunning, Mariemont; Matt Singer, Purcell Marian; Jon Tapmiller, Purcell Marian; Matt Marcum, Hamilton Badin; Steve Mallaney, Edgewood; Daniel Watkins, Franklin; Jamie Jamieson, CCO; Burke Byer, CCD; Clayton Duncan, NCH; Mike Foster, Lockland; Dan Vollmer, CCO; Tyson Rice, Ross; Jon Miller, Springboro; MattTaulbe, Kings; Jason Shepherd, Goshen; Kevin Mirlisena; Little Miami: Matt Ober, Anderson; Brian Herking, Turpin: Chris Clark, Wood'l'(ard. PUNTERS- Mike Robinson, Lebanon; Mickey Thompson, Litle Miami: Brad Shestina, Turpin.
Tom Crosby, Mariemont
A 17-year veteran, he guided the Warriors.to their second consecutive Cincinnati League championship and undefeated r<lgular season. The Warriors also earned a berth in the Division V state championship game.
r 10 8 8 6 4 4 1
0 2 2 4 6 6 9
413 294 254 210 147 214 67
By Richard Skinner Post staff reporter
Conference School
Overall L W L PTS. OPP.
10 7 6 5 7
0 3 4 5 3
323 186 148 228 229
Every morning Bart Bruner gets up and heads to his teaching job at Covington Holmes High School, but when the afternoon bell rings he heads to his second job - as volunteer assistant football coach at Colerain.
168 157 173 177
276 186 199
Overall L W L PTS. OPP.
267 285 216
77 196 233 178
227 236 200 205 327 110 125
126 111 148 188 212 234 205 210
10- Cooper (Indian Hill), Evans (Lakota). 9 - Jackson (ColeJa1n) 7- Polling (Bathe-Tate). 6 - Williams (Hil~boro), S. Kirby (Readmg),
Conference Overall W L W L PTS. OPP.
0 1 2 3 4 5 Landmark Chnstlan ........ 0 6
9 8 6 4 5 2 1 9
296 305 193 181 132 132 91
74 123 144 191 149 193 327
The best: Ross' Nick Wilson finished as the area's leading scorer with 188 points and leading rusher with 2,267 yards.
Crutcher (Woodward), Dongelo (Turpin), K. Schmidt {Northeastern), Gordon (f'nnceton) 5 - Duncan (New Richmond), Huster {Deer Park), Perkins IManemont), Foster (Aiken), Scudder (North Conege Hill), Roberts (Hughes), Cohen (Summil), Maldlow (Madeira), Conroy (Bder), By (Indian Hill), Sutton (Hamntan). 4 - Huff (Midd MedJSon), Hollatz (Deer Park), Horst (Loveland), Hamilton (Westem Brown) Bodnar (Mariemont), Gossett (Wyoming), A. Hartley 1Finne1town), S. Hartley (Finneytown), Highfill (Mason, Faul<ner {New M1am\), Haynes (Purcell Marian), Rogers (Turpin), Harking (Turpl~ Back (Edgewood), Cartier {Northeastern), Arnold (Uttle Miami), CouSJno l!nd~an Hill), Laster (Hamilton), Keehn (Sycamore). 3 - Cox (Midd MadiSon). Gregovich (Williamsburg), Camer {Loveland), Staderman (Glen Este), Kreimer (Glen Este), Roden ColeraJn), Fleming
25 22 12 13 16 15 23 19 16 11 9
overall L W L PTS. OPP.
1 8 2 164 65 1 6 4 288 142 19129270 3 4 6 m 210 43782272 5 1 9 130 278
12 16 6 9 13 10 19 13 9 13 9 7
0 1 2 3 4
10 6 3 5
0 4 7 4 3 7
333 92 278 138 149 368 135 215 195 232
Overell L W L PTS. OPP.
2 251 164 6 lOG 216 4 184 168
HIJisboro ... .• .. .. •. . .. . 7 Northeastern. . ...... 5 Williamsburg ............5 New R~hmond ............. A Loveland ......................3 Bethel·Tate .....................2 Western Brown ............1 Blanchester .................0 INDIVIDUAL SCORING
12 11 10 7
20 7 7
13 15 ' 12 11 8 6 4 7
DAVID DeNOMAifor The Cincinnati Post
Moe!ler's Pat McLaughlin led area passers this season, racktng up 1,965 yards and throwing 11 TD passes.
They led the way J41ili!MiW
6 - Dunn:ng (Manemon!), Stutlbfefleld {New Miami), Singer (Purcell Mar~n) 5- Raden (Colerain), Williams (Franklin), Chap. pall (Western Hills). Fawley (Milford) 4 - Bailey (Taft), Willman (Harnson), Jackson {Harnson), A Cooper (Hughes), Broenng (Bder), E Schmidt (Northeastern), Kosman (Anderson), Caldwell (Middletown), Flowers (Hamilton) 3 - Howell {Mid. Madison), Bailey lllamsburg), Taggert (New Richmond). Staderman en Este), Bonar (C~oraJn), Daugherty (Amelia) an (Amelia), Scott (Atkan), Runyan (Hugl1es), Mur· phy (La Salle), Sullivan (La Salta), Augustin (La Salle), Beln (Batav1a), Schubert (Batavia), Kern haus North College Hill), P. Cooper ( Fucito McNicholas), Mille
Here are this year's who scored at least one area statistical leaders in touchdown on a punt rehigh schol1l football: turn, kickoff return, llll Scoring- Ross jurushing and receiving nior tailb!lck Nick Wilthis season, finished son scorec\.188 of the yvith a 26.0 yards-per-reRams' 324 points on 28 turn average on five retouchdowns and 10 twoturns. Hillsboro's C.J. point conversion runs. Captain had the most reOf his 28 touchdowns, 25 turn yardage with 395 came rushing, one on a yards on 21 returns. punt return, one on a llll Kickoff Returns kickoff return and one Summit sophomore Jay on an interception reBoyd returned nine kick· turn. offs for a 42.0 yards-perl!ll Kick scoring- St. return average. Indian Xavier freshman Kevin Hill's Mike Leininger, Kerr tallied 51 points, who led the area in avermaking 33 of 34 extra age last season, had the points and six field most yardage with 684 goals. on 22 returns. r:!l Rushing - Ross' II Punting- FinneyWilson set the single-sea- town's Brad Weisman av_ _s_<?n ar~~_r~cg;:g wi~_!l -~-~eraged .48.2;yards oM22:26'1yards on 25Tcarpunts, which was 9.1 nes, an average of 9.0 yards better than runyards per carry. ner-up Mickey ThompmPassing - Moeller son of Little Miami and senior quarterback Pat would have ranked him M.cLaughlin finished first in the NFL. The w1th.nearly 2,000 yards leading NFL punter is desp.1te the Crusaders San Diego's Darren Benplaymg 3: b_rutal sched· nett at 45.7 yards per ule. He fm1shed 136 of punt. 219 for 1,965 yards and . 11 touchdowns. He was mIn!erceptiOns -. one of only two quarterLakota s Troy Evans mbacks to complete more tercepted a pass in Frithan 100 passes. day's game against 1m Receiving _ Little C~l~rain to tie Indian Miami senior wide reH1ll s .Josh Cooper ~or ceiver Mhlliey Tompson, most m the area Wlth 10. who had 16 receptions in 1.'111 Fumble recoveries one game earlier this ea- Three players tied for son, finished with 51. most with six each: MarCountry Day wide receiv· iemont freshman Spen· er Brandon Guttman had cer Dunning, New the most yards receiving Miami's Matt Stubble· with 1,047. field and Purcell Marillll Punt Returnsan's Matt Singer. Taft's Ceran Lipscomb, - Richard Skinner
terba cks-M!ke Ba1h, Ze;ina, 6--2,. 210, Sr.; Scott).Nelll, Chardon, 6·2,.210, Sr.; Ricky
Schn~1der~ ·Antlersf·Steele; 6-3, 205, Sr. BackS-Nick· Goings, Dublin Scioto, 6·0, ·208, Sr.; Greg Minor; WintersVIlle lndli1n Creek, 6·4 2~6, Sr.; D,e~on Lybuftus, Bellefonta!~e,
5-9, 1.~5, Sr.; Kahleem Maxwell, 'The Plains
Afhe~s, 5·9, 175, Sr.; Bud ROttinghaus, cUy. FaiiSJIWalsh Jesuit, 6·1, _220, ·sr. Kicker~ Bren~onRauh, Dublin-scrato, 5-9,175, Jr.' pef~nse: Linemen-David BroWn, Wlnter_SVille Indian Creek, 6·5, 235, Sr.; Jim Enoc~s, W,CH ~!ami Trace,- 5-10, 190, Sr.; Matt~ Oomm, P;:"~,mesvllle Riverside 6-2, 205,
Sr.; J_oe O'Shaughnessy, Cols. w'atterson, . 6-J, 260, Sr.; ·Brad Krupinski, Wil~ughby South; 6·2, 220, Sr._Vnebackers-Adam Rader:, Cols. De5ales,-6-Q, 195, Sr.; Brian Herk!ng, Turpin, 6-0, 225, Sr.;'Br!an BozE:.man,;(\krf?n Buchte~ 6·2, 195, Sr.; Brad K!rlJ, Dubllrt SCIOto, 5-11, 215, Sr.; Scott Platz.. · Charqpn,6-2:, 195~ S~. Backs-Aaron Bonnell, Tlffln,,C~ILmblan, 5-10.. 165, Sr.; Mike Young, Cols. !r.'lfffiln, .5·10,_-175, Jr.; RoHand Steele, Dublin Scioto, 5-10, 160, Sr.; Richard Newso~e;-~ Fost_oria, ·(1-0, 175, Jr.i Emelqi Nltfa, Day. Stebbms, 1_55, Jr.; Da\'id Walke:r, Akrol) Buchtel, ~-o, 175, Sr.;_ Kyle Burgan, Char~on, 5·11-:, 175, Sr. Punter-Andy McKe!vy, Parma Hts; Holy Name, 5-11, 175, Sr. : O;ffenslve player of the year: NiCk Go!ng~, Dublin Scioto. Defensive player Of the Y~ar: Brian: Bozeman, Akron BuchhH. c~ac~~s of the year: John Hackett Cols M1ffBnr Sam Forsaglio, Wfntersvllle_'indlarl Cr~ek;: ~eff Rleseni Amherst Steele; Greg . PeJtsrr)eyer, Bellefontaine. , .J second Team ' Offense: Ends-Jamle creamer W Carrollton, 6-0, 165, sr.; Chris Charrber~;. Bedfo\d, 6-2.- 170, Jr.; Dave Cornish, Rayla~d ·Buckeye, Solo, 170, Sr. Linemen-BroCk K_nfsley, New Philadelphia, 6·2, 255~ sr.; Ke.Vtn Uhl, Roger Bac_on, 6·3, 235, Sr.; Jeff Krysla~, Parma f1ts. Holy Name, &-3, 25~ Sr. Quarterbacks..,...Wayrle Streeter, War· ren HoY:"an9, 5·11, 160, Sr.; Curtese Poole, Cols. ~1fflln, 6·4,! 200, Sr.; Chris Sdscian~ Steube~~i!le, 5-8, 165~ Sr. B_acks-Bret Swa· ney, C~l!na, 5-9,- 184, Sr.; Richard' ~umS WCH Miami Trace, 6·3, 240, Sr.,· John Hal( Cle. CoJIInwood, 5·1 I, 200, Sr" Scott Sigmund, Solon} .5·9, 175, sr_. Kicker-Bud Miyahara ,Day.9rroii,_5-:11,·165,Sr. · 1' D~fense; Lfnemen-Shawn H.lrpef' Cols, ~rankUn Hts., 6-3, 270, Sr.; steve CLII~ p~pper) Bowling Green, 6·2, -200, sr.; Matt L1gh!, Greenvfle, 6-5, 240, sr.; Eric Girdler, Madtsc;m, 6-1, 23Bt Sr.;. Bryan Robinson, Mayfield, 5·11, 190, Sr. Unebackers-Ric!< Sacha,!,Parma Ht~. Holy Name 5·10 17~ Sr.; John Leskovan, Painesville~ Rlve~slde' s-9, 155; Sr.i Mike;Radman, Amherst steele' 5-1.1, 1~p. Sr.; Doug Dardzlnskl, Garfield HtS: Tr1nlty1,6·~, 185, Backs-;~avmar HineS, Walnut Hills, 5·9, 160, Sr.; Ni3,te Olester, N. Canton,)Hoover, _6·4, 190, Sr.;- Josh Hender· shot, S~lem 6·3,, -195, Sr.; ~eorge White,~ _Royalto.n. 6-2, 185, Sr. Punter-Shaun Rice Cols. ~,atters_on, 5-101 165, Jr. ·' 1 ;':'- Area Special Mentio~ B~'ad Shestina, Turpin} Glynn Johnso~, Walnut;Hiils; Nfck ~rown, Wilmington; ceran Lipscomb, :raft; Brl~m Bolger, TUrpin; CIYis Clark, ~oodward; _Mike Robinson, Lebanon. Division Ill 1 FlrstTeam t Offense:· Ends-Chris Modelski, p~ !and.Sefrlnary, 6-foot~l,-182 pounds, Senior; Ron Brqwn, Cortland Lakeview 6-1 1 175 Si'" LlnerT:~ep-Shad Good, Londotl, '6·3, 230,' Sr.; Nathan::GI!ck, Nap~leon, 6-3, 250, fr.; Bob W~rtm~p, U_hrichsv1!1e Claymont,, 6·3, 290, · Sr., Dan P1h11Pot; Ross,-s.n, 231, Sr.; Bu~t Wood, 9ai,JpoHs Gall!a, 6·0, 215, Sr.; Tyson Walter-,:'iChagrin Falls Kenston, 6·5 290 ~ Quarterback~James w~shlngt~h, Co1s: Beechcr_oft, 6-0, 180, Sr. Backs-Mike Har~ rls, London, 5·11, 185, Sr.; Rob Mack, Philo 5-10, 170, Jr.; Nick Wilson, Ross, 6.(), 191' Jr.; Sefh Pardee, Bryallt 5·10, 180, Jr.; Keith Ford, ~!llsboro,: 5·10, T90,_ Jr.; Jason McKendnck, Ravenna Southeast, 5·11, 190, Sr-.;-.Jefft Breese, A, von Lake, ,5-10, lBO sr Kicker-tCiark ;robin, London,-6-0, 195,· .Jr. • 1 Defense: Llnemery.:..Parls Long, Col~. ~eec~c~oft, 6·6, 298, Sr.; RhetfPeters, Uht~· tchsv1lle:9avmont, 5-llt'lSO;·Sr.; Josh Jones, South _P~mt, 6-1, 290, Jr.; Miir!<- Kautzmah,. Chagrm;:Falls Kenston, 6·4, 275! Sr.; NICk Frysinger, Napoleon,,_S.lO, 220, 'Sr.;_ Matt WRson, ~nton South, 6-5,270, Sr. LinebQ-c/(:.: ers-John Wervey,_Chagrin Falls Kenstoh, Marcus Coldsnow, AllianCe 10, 185, .Sr.; Nick Monk, · .~ - _, 212,.:_Sr.; Andy Rule, Chagrin Falls Kenston, 6·2,-, 195, Sr. Backs-Olad Long, Oyde, 6-1, 177, Jr.; Jeff Rook, Hamilton Badip, 6-4, 215,- Sr.; Joe Walland, Me~- torl.ak.e'Cath., 5·11, 180, Sr. Punter-Drel('· Dwyer, ~ondon, 6·4, 205, Sr. oue.nsive players-, of the- year:- Mike Harris, London; Nick Wi!son; Ross; Keith Ford, Hl~lsboro. DefenstVe player of the year: Jonn Wervey; Chagrin Falls· Kenstort Coach o~;the year: Dick Ballard, Ross. ~· Seco~d-Team·, , 1) • Offense: Ends-Mike- Sands, Hunting Valley Uriiv. School, 6-4, 210, Sr.; Chris S1akrlch, Hunting Valley Unlv. School,6:2, 190, Jr.. Llnement-Nfck Hunter, Dover,6-4, 240, Sr.; Jeremy F_i_ohr;~;§t~P..2!!~,gr.~harJ~;~~-11,,!!fu."'.or"·~sr;;· Matf·Montgofnerv;"-Purc:ell -Mal-mn-,-·"·· -~ · 6-0, 215, $r.i Tom eauer,Cani:jl Fulton Nortfi: .' west, 6-5; 285,-sr,; :Tim-Samples,· Akron st: Vlncent-~t. Mary, ~"715; Sr.;Brjan PetruS' ka,_ Po!a~d Seminary, _6·2, 211, Sr.; Josh Schenker, Avon Lake, 6-3, 215, Sr. Quarten~ back-RYan Schaffer, _Hunting Valley UniV. School, 6!.4, 190; Sr._Backs-:-Bllly Hamlltoill __ Orclevlll~, 5·8, .155,-Sr.; Rocco Dobran; Po: Oht"o·f .~ ~~~t~all -~,,-- landSem.)narv.5:7, 165,S. r.;ChrisMtDowel~ 00 U • ;J Cortlandt LakevteW, ·5..11, -175, Sr.; dlrfs· ' · .~ 1 Chesnes/Ashtabula_Edgewood,5-8, 180. Srj COLUMBU~, Ohio-: The 1995 ~sso~tt.l Jeff Br1:1ck. New -Concord John Glenn, 5·9; a~ed Press Divisions. I, II, Ill and IV·A 1J..Oh1Q; 175, sr.'J Cory Conner, Millersburg W. h1!t1 school fo~tball team, selected on the! Holmes;:5·10,-180, Jr. Kicker-Drew Dahlke, recomme~dat1ons of a state panel SanduskY Perkins,-_6-3, 220, ·Jr.. '~> sports wnters a~ br?adcasters: ._ . !I DefFnse: Linemen-Tony Franchini; ~;~;s+c;:'~ J...:2q~ HamiltOn. Badin,.6~ 1, 24~,-Sr.; Greg Felhc, OHense· Ends.,:...Oan O'Leary ae St! Ross, 6+5, 231, Jr.; Joe M_cCal~ Kettering · d s 'or· 'Mei' Alter, ~3, 220, Sr.; Andy. Betz, Gaffipol\$ 0 230 IgnaI.IUS, 6~f OO• 15 • '· _ P. un S~ ent ' ,i Gallla, 578,-180, Sr'.; Ryan Pallinger, AVO[I Long,, To!. Scptt,_. 6-4; 165, Sr.,_ Ja_son Blar:, Lake, ~·0, 220,. Sr. Unebackers-Kevln kenshlp, ~rove City, 5·9, 160,__sr. Llnem~ni Schmidt) Delaware· Olentangy, 6-5, 230, Sr~; Marc K1elmeyer, WesterVIlle SOut!'t .6-i1, Anthony! Jackson,~· COis. Llndetl-McKinlc'f', 245, Sr ~- Shaun Mason, ToL St. John St 6-61 6-2, 20o;:sr.;,.Ty _M~brodt, Oak Harbor, 6-Zr 265, Sr., To.d~ Heglund, Kettering Falrmo~t 1 21 o, SrJ! Kirk Tholilpson, Portsmouth.. 6-2', 6-~,..230, ..sr.: Jefferson ~e!ley, Coleratn; 215, Jr:,l; Backs-Damione. Mahone, Elyria 6-6,306. Sr.,.Chad Smith, Ciinton GlenOaiii West S-ill 175 Sr. Mike Rose Kettering 6-5, 260, Sr.; Dan Hama, Brunswick, ~5i ' -: ' •- ·•.· , 255 sr Q ar1erbacks-Brli:m Bonelll Kef* Alter, 6~2, 205, ~r., Rlchard Jones.- c.~ls. ' · u _ -. . . ' .. 1 Beechcroft, 6-o, 185,.- sr .....eunter-Bnarr terlng Fairmont,_ 6-0~ ·198, Sr-., Oapan M1J1 Parker/Loulsvi1!e,_6--0, 230~ Jr. · ~ · , Area Speclal Mention kew'lcz,.erunswJck,.5--10, 170~ Sr. Backs ·. 1 · Shane Edstrom, ~eynoldsburg, 6-2, 210,.Sr'f , . .·. rOan Norris, Mansfield Madison, 6·3, -18~,B.r~ce q;tler, Clermont Northeastenv sr ·Ryan Rustad Lakewood, 5·101 1801 Sr~, Brady ,paks, Edgewood; K~Dy Salyer~ "· , .. ' . ·, Edgewo_od;· Lee Marwood, K!Dgs; Ahmaa , Tony FISher, Euclid, 6· I, 185, Soph.: Davl, Harris. ..Purcell Marian; Greg Fel<, Ross; George, Centerville, 6-l, 195; Sr. KiCkhr.-r;: o/latt ~.arcum, Hamilton Badin; Matt sin~· Jeft DelVerne, Tol. St~ John's, 5-11,185, Sr. er, Pu~eli·Marlan;. C.J. captain, Hlllsbor~; Defense:··unemen-Preston. Tlms 1 AndreW. Evans,. H1!1sboro; Ryan Stuckey, Y_ot.ings:Boardm.an,H, 250, Sr.; Chris HO\ii H!l!sborm Jason _Barton, Hillsboro; Rustv an, Cle. St. !!J'!:atius, 6-4, 250, Sr.;. John S~ack~ammer, Hillsboro; Jake Sprue._IJ, Favret, Oe. St.-Ignatius, 6-4, 245,· Sr.; Ca!Virt H1llsbo~p.· T.J. Tur~er, Hlll.sb~ro. .~ Robinson, Day. Meadowda!e, 6-4, 278, sr,.; :! DiVision IV . ~ Jay Roden, Colerain, 6·2, 180, sr. Lirl@ ;r First Team ~ backers-Andy Katzenmoyer, Westervl!~? offense: End's-7Renauld Ray, Orrvill~ Sout_h, 6-4, 235, Sr.; Jason .Manson, Troy, 6-foot-4, 182 pounds, Senior; Marcel Oensorp 6-4, 205, .sr.; Chris Della Vella.. Cle. Slo orrville, 6·4, 192, Sr.; Kyle Baughman, Neyt Ignatius, 6·2, 235, Sr.; Brandon Wilier, Fr,~· k Ll'Ck' ·. v·ll' J''~]O1 ·165' Sr. Du·t·y montRO?S,6·2,215,Sr.;BenJ.ames,'Massjl~ . 1 • ' · !on Perry,5·11, 190, Sr.; Sam ,o\rcier~ Lak~: Kinder;; Bellaire, 6-3, 215,· Sr."; -Tim Busli, wood, 6--0,-185, Sr. ea~ks-Ed Ziemke, TC~ Germantown_ Valley VIew, 6-Q; 180; Sr. Un~ St. John's, 6-0, 160, Sr.; Andre JacksCIV, · men-~athan Bo\lfng, Swanton, 6-4,225, Jr'-!; Lima Sr., s~11_, 200, Sr.; Fred Smitrh Chad Marshall, Versailles, 6:-2, 208, Sr.; Brian Princeton, 6.0, 180, Sr.; T_roy -~ans, L:~~ . Frasco~e, Youngs. Ursuline, 6~2; 245, Sr:; kota,-6·0, 180, Sr. Punter-Darek Cheln\!: courtriey Robey_ Hannibal Ri~er, 5--10, 230, nlak, Tal. C~nt. Cath., 6-4, 197, Sr. Sr.i steve Troth: Cols..Ready; 6·4, 260,-S~;. Offens1v~ players _of the year: Sha?~ '. Quarte;rback-::Jose oavls.-Beltaire, 6·1, 16~ Ed~tro_m, Reynoldsburg, Brian Bonelli, K~!Sr. Backs-Aaron Focht~_ Germantown Va!~ termg ,Fairmont; Darian Ml~kewym1 ley V!~w, 5·1-1, 175, Sr.; Jeremiah Taylor, Brunsw1ck.· Defensive players of tl\"' swanton, 5-10,185, sr.; Reno Ferri, Young~. year: An~y Katzenmoyer, Westervll!l! Mooney, 6.0, 205; Sr.; Nate Comes, Pe~r)', Sou_th; Chns Della Vella,_ Cle:·St. lgnatl~~. 5-9, 165, Sr.; Nick Cal~ Lancaster Fairfield ~ Coaches of the y~ar: Tim Hmton, Marltm Union,! 5-7, 150, sr. Kicker-Dan Stultz, Orrv· Harding; Greg Sadie, Lakota; !(.evln F,~U, JRe 6--0. 175, sr, , Lakewood. ·. .. · · '- :1 ' / •• Second Team_ . ;1 · . 9~efense: Li~emen":'"Greg . ~hoades, ofll!rise: Ends-Lavalle RlchardSijn, · U_tlc_a,,i6·4,· 260, Fr., Joe. Dobies, C1e. Benewa-rren Harding; 6·2, 170, Si.; Jeff Haa'$o, dict1ne, 6-2,235, Sr.; Bren_:Fo_x, Wyoming, 6-4, ~,Jr. Linebackers Jeremy_ Man~s, Eastlake North, 6·2. 180,.-Sr.; Jermame Sheffield, strongsvll_le; _6-5; 190, Sr. LIHa· Kentor- 6-2,. 202, ·Sr.; Seth Ouer~, Zoarville men..;..Brlan Masorlk, Lakewood, 6-1, 1$5, T~scarawas Val_ley, 5-B, 181, sr., Rich Ma· Sr.; Ben Gilbert, _Lancasteri 6·5, 295, 5r,; mJe, l?ellalre, 6--0,_ 18~,. Sr.;v.Troy Sands, Matt Dennis, Tol. St. John's, 6~2, 250, Sr.; lronfop,_ 6-4, 210, Sr., Oav: V~cchlone, Josh Pierre, TroY, 6-2, 245, Sr.; EdiUY Youngs. Mooney, 6-2, 212, Sr., Chrts Schuh, sateS, Warren Harding, 6_~2, 210, Sr.; s~tt Vers~!lles, 6-1, .:195, Jr. Backs-Jer~my Wolfe, Cle. St. Ignatius, 6--2, 235, sr .; CollOr · Haye~~ Bellbrook, ~.0,.170,_ Sr.; Brock M~tCh· Ryan, Syria, 6·3, 272, Sr.; Marc Vohli'St e~·-trondon M_adlson-~laJnsr5-11, 175, Sr.; Lima sr., 6·1, 265, sr~ Quarferbacks-Mrlrk M1ke, ~runner, Castella Margaretta,. 5-8, McKone, Tot st. John's, 6-1; 185, sr.; Keh'ny . 160, J.r., Brooks Fry~ lronto_n Rock Hll~ 6·1,, Leonard, Strorigsviile, 6-2, 170, Sr. Back'$lBO, S,r. Punter-:-Chad Har.tman, Tontogany Tfm Weyand, Westerville North, -5·9, HIO, 0tseg9, 6-2,_220,:Sr. Sr.; Tony Terry, Westerville south,. 5-8, lUO, •qnens1ve. player ?f the year: Jose Sr.; Jirii Lee, Tel. st. John's, 5·10, 180, :Sr.; Dav1s; BeDalre. _-Defenstve player of the Kevin. Trent, Fairborn, s-8, 160, Sr.; J~ yean)Dave Vec~lone, YDI!flQS.. Mooney. Tracy,-Youngs. Boardman, 6·,1, 205, :Sr.; Coach of the year: AI Hetr1ck, Versailles; Shawn·:·Wrlght; Shaker Hts., 6-3, 215,1_sr. John,Maglslro, Bellaire. Kicker-Max Axler, Shaker ·His., 5·10, 170, ' Seco~d Team .-Sr. .· · . . _ : qffense: Ends-Derek -Anderson, _Defense: ,_Linemen-Andy ·Arac.rl, Spring. Ken1on- Ridge, 6·2,- _161, __ Jr.;- _Paul · Kettering Fairmont, 6·2, 250, Sr.; DeJUan Dillon~ Proc_lorv!lle .Fairland, 6-5, 200, Sr.; Gol.ilde, Euclid, _6·3, 200, Sr.; Nathan Hud.,_k, Agrop Qlrmean; Willard; _6·1, 172, Sr.; Mike Lakewood St. Edward, 6.(),- 235, Sr.; Z~ch SUHiv~n, Cle. V~~St. Joseph, 6-5, 220, Sr. Thl?ITIPSOn, Lakewood Sf. Edward,5·9, 205, Llner!len-Jeremy Conklin,. Zoarvllle Tus· SL; Mlke· Montgomery~ Findlay; 6·3, 115, carawas- Valley,· 5-10, 184, Sr.; George Sr..; Dave Bockmore', Strongsville, 6-41 :126, BOWSher, Germantown: Valley View, 5•10, Sr. Linebackers-Pat Robinson; GalloWay. 240, Sr.; Aaron-Or.tenzlo, Youngs. Mooney, Westland, 6·0, 200,-Sr.; Darnell Cade, G'ay. 6-1;-2;55, Sr.; Charlie Divine, Jefferson Area, Durilar, 6·0, 241, Sr.;. Rick Nooft, Kette~!ng 6-4, 2_90, Sr.; Josh Crocker, Cle. Benedictine, Fairmont, 6·2, 225, Sr.; Butch _Pr~ntup, 6-3. 230, Sr. Quarterbacks-Jason Turner, Hamilton,-- 6-1,- 210, _Sr.; .Steve Rovn'ok, Versall!esj·-6.-3, _195,.-sr.; Travis Wylie, Iron. YoungS,._ Boardman, 6-~ 240, Sr.; Frttnk ft;~n, 5;-9, 1~0, Sr.; Ryan Hoyt, Newark LickMcLeod, _CantOn McKinley, 5~1J, .205;1sr.; Ing ~.alley, 6-2, 180, Sr.; Jared Zwick, Orrv· Tlmothy0verton,de.GienviUe,6-2;'21~}Sr. ille, ~2; 205, Sr._ Backs-Chad Reinhardt, Backs-:-Tim_ Bowers, Westerville- Sd01h, Whc~lersburg, ~ _1_60, Sr.; Sean Penny, 6-4, 195, Sr.;;- Adam,HHI, qe,-St•.lgnal.ll!s,_. Youngs. Ursuliner-_6-3, 215, Jr.; Chris Oatey, 6-3, _185, Sr.; Jobe Gentry; Spring'. SOUI!l, Rock:y Rtver,:5·6, 165, Sr. Kicker-M_Ike 1 5-10; 165, Sr. Punter-:-Cha!f Cacchlo, Up)H~r ;Henr:y, Chagrin_Falls, 6-2, 190, Sr. Arli~g_ton,-6--0;-180, Sr. (I .Defense: .Linemen-Jer:emy Cales, · Area Special Mention J!· Germantown Valley View, 6·0, 225, Sr.; Tim Lamont Ellis, Princeton_; Blll Rdt~rk, Rltle}r', -Perry; 6·3,_ 218,. Jr.; Bob- Murphy, · Ham.ilf~n; Dan Kelley, Lakotai Ronnie 4!ct)(· W,ickllffe, 6-0, 220, Sr. Linei;Jacke~s-Matt · and·".. '..•_t;ote,r?l~.. . .. '.'I. Fishe.r, Swanton, 5-9, 208, Jr; Kyle Sandin.: . - ·'··~Divlsior\11 !~~ Ge~~antown Valley. VIew, ~1, 200,·Sr.;· ·, _ ·-- .. First·Team _ !i . Chr1s: Newsome, Perry, ~B, 185, Sr.; Jon· . Offense~ Ends-:-Darik 'warnke,- c;:uy. Sharpe, Chesterland W. Geauga, 5-10, 203, Fall~ Walsh Jesu_Jf,&-foot·2, 190 pounds11Sr.; Sr.; ,Dlrk-_-Hostetler, W. Lafayette Ridge. Jeremy .Dusho,. Amherst_ steele, 6~ 1,rl180, ~ood.. 5-!3, 205, Sr. ~acks-Bri~n Zlelask!ew. Sr.; erran Knapke, Celina,- 6-1, 1871!-Sr.; 1cz, -~owsvl!le -Aqumas, 6-3, 200, Sr.; Nick Melvif! Beverly, Chillicothe,- 5·8, 1401: Sr._ Cole;; Brooklyn, 6-2, 190, Jr.; .Jeff Grublch, Linemen-Kirk Mills, Cols.- WalnUt RH!ge, Chag,rin Falls; 6-0~ 170, Sr.- Punter-Nate 6-6,280, Sr.; Josh MUier, Cellna;-6-3, 2SO,:Sr.;· Ma~son, Wauseon, 6-3, 175, Jr. · . Randy Garver, N. Canton Hoover,.6-5; ;285, · !) -. ·- Area Special Mention_ S~:.; Kar:el Smith, Akron: Buchtel, 6-3,; :240, ·:DeJuan G.ossett, Wyoming; Ryan Lo· Sr.; Rob ~nroy;Chardon,6-0, 255, Sr.;!~osh zier,IM!ddletown Madison; Chris Zuri!Jehly, Sooy; Amherst· Steele; 6·6, :27_5; Sr.; l<urt McNicholas; Josh Cooper, Indian Hill; Greg Murphy; Cols. DeSales, 6~4, 28_0, Sr. ~pa_r·_ Huster, Deer_;f;frk. · · ._; ·
Jng a,ey,
COLUMBUS,. Ohio- The i995Asso.ciated Pre5s All-Southwest District high schoollootball team, as voted by a media pane! from the districl:
DIVISION I Offensive player of the year: Brian Bonelli, Kettering Fairmont Defensive player of the year: Jason ~anson, Troy. Co-Coaches of the year: Greg Bailie, Lakotai Brent Ehresman, Fair· bom. First Team Offense En'ds-!lamori Southers, Spring. South, 6-foot-o. 185 pounds, Senior; Lamont Ellis, Princeton, &-1, 160, Sr.; Todd Heglund, Kettering Fairmont 6-3, 230, Sr.; Josh Pierre, Troy, &-2, 245, Sr.; Jefferson Kelley, Colerain, 5-8, 306, Sr.; Bill Roark, Hamilton 6-6, 325, Sr.; Dan Kelley, Lakota &-0, 285, Sr. Quarterback-Brian Bonelli, Kel· tenng Fairmont, 6·0, 198, Sr.l3acks-
Ronnie Alexander, Colerain, -5-G, 200, Sr;; David George, Centervme, 6· 1, 195, Sr.; Kevin.Trent, 5·8, 160, Sr. Kicker-Nick Trostle, Troy, 5·9, 165, Soph, Aelum Specialist-Ryan Brew· er,Troy, S".l, 175, Fresh. Defense Linemen-Calvin Robinson, Day. Meadowdale, 6-4, 278, Sr.; Andy Aracri, Keflering Fairmont, 6-2, 250, Sr.; Jay Roden, Colerain, &-2, 180, Sr.; Ahmad Reynolds; Day. Dunbar. 6· 2, 215, Sr. Unebadlers-Demell Cada, Day. Dunbar, 6-0,241, Sr.; Rick Nooft. Kettering Fairmont, 6-2, 225, Sr.; Jason Manson, Troy, 6-4,205, Sr.; Butch Printup, Hamilton, 6·1, 210, Sr. Backs-Tobe Gentry, Spring. South, 5·10, 165, Sr.; Troy Evans,
lakota, 6-0, 180, Sr.; Fred Smith, Princeton, 6-0, 1SO, Sr. Punter-Andy Ward, Sidney, 5·10, 184, Sr Second Team (Area players) Offense Ends-Beau Parton, Elder. Line· men-Matt Priore, Elder; 1\Mka Staubach, LaSalle; Mark Deaninger, St. Xavier. Quarterback-David Mur· phy, Colerain. Backs-Brandon Sowers, Elder; Kevin Wilson. Lakota. Kick· er-Kevin Kerr, St. Xavier. .. Defense Unemen-Jasim Chepman, Middle· town; Chad Cost. Sl. xavier; Jim Doolan, Elder, Unebackers-Shane Pearson;Lakota; Luke Chappell, . Western Hills; Backs-Aichie Jack· son,_Colerain: Punier-Joe Nelson, LaSalle. · Special Mention {Area players) Phillip Bailey, Hamilton; Pavlo Polanski, Lakola; D.J. Sutlon, Hami~on; Mike GUrr, Hamilton; Kevin Hawkins, Fair. field; Tate Johnson, Lakota:; Shane Martinkovic, ~airfield; Jason Vance. Amelia; Mike Dougherty, Amelia; .Jason Pennington, Colerain; Brian Burr, Colerain; Mike Freeman, Col· erain; John Lammers. Elder: Tom Goeltke, Elder; Brian Schmutle, Elder, Jason Ott, Elder;B.J. Holbert, Hamson; ~rian Slaven, Hanison; Nate Sexton, LaSalle; Brent Botts, LaSalle; Chad Carlberg, Moeller; Pal McLaugh' lin, Moeller, Ted Fritz, Moeller, Chris Hollman, St. Xavier, Mark Berninger, St. Xavier; Mark Schorsch, Westem Hills; Andra ingram, Westem Hills; Pat Quay, Sycamore; Wes srown, Sycamore; Ken Kelley, Sycamore; Aaron St. Clair, Sycamore; Mike Ambrose. Millard; David Shaun Brown Ill, Princeton.
DIVISION II Offensive player of the year: Devon LyBurtus, Bellefontaine. Defensive player.of the year: Brian
Co-Coaches of the year. Bob . DeLong, Tecumseh; Greg Peitsmeyer, Bellelontalne. FirsiTeain Offense
Defense Unemen-Casey Howell, Gle1111ont Northeastern. Linebackers-Tyson · ~ice, Aoss; Mafl Moore, Loveland. 13acks.,-Derrick Haynes, Purcell-Man· :an; Kevin Schmidt, Cle1111ont North· . ~astem.
Special Mention (Area players) fony Flannery, f'lotwood; Aaron Han· ®ck, Norwood; Keith West, Notwood; J;ason Shepherd, Goshen; Steve King, ~hen: Eric Hurcanik, Kings; Andy Sz:hroder, Kings; Mike Sams, Utile Mlami; Kevin Mialisena, Utlfe Miami~ Rob Appal, Loveland; Eric Price, Love·· land; Garth canier, Clermont Northeastern; Casey Hoell, Clermont Northeastern; Elic Schmidt, Clermont North· eastem; John Topmiller, Purcell-Mart· an; Ben Brinch; Hamilton Badin; Steve Maloney, Edgewood; Ed Yordy, Hemil· ton Badin; Michael Standifer, Franklin; Aaron Barnes, Franklin; Jon Williams, Franklin. ·
· DIVISION IV t>ffli.ns1ve co-p1.,Yeis of the year. . Aaron Focht,Gerrnanlown Valley V~ew; Jason Tumer, Ve~Ues. Defunsive player of the year: Jer... my Hsyes, Bellbrook. Coach of the year: AI Hetrick, Ver· sailles. First Team . Offense Ends-T1m Bush, Germantown Valley View, 5-Q, 150, Sr.; Derekf\rlderson, Spring. Kenton Aidge,.6·2, t61, Jr. Linem<>r>-Chad Marshall, Versailles, $·2, 200, Sr.; Jake Pence, Jamestown ·Gre_erm\~ew, 6-6,,303, Jr.; Justin Bartle\\, Wyomi0g, 5-9, 200, Sr.; . Georgo Bowser, Ge1111antown Valley View, 5·10, 240, Sr.; Bob Mendenhall, Versaill"s. s-1o, 185, Sr. Quanerback--J<>son Turner, Versailles, 6·3, 195, Sr. Backs-Aaron Focht, Germantown Valley View, 5·11, 175, Sr.; DeJuan Gossell, Wyoming, 5-11, 180, Sr.; Ryan Lozier, Middletown Madison, 6-ll, 180, Soph. Kicl<erChrisZunnehly, McNicholas, 5-10, 170, Sr. Retum Specialist-steve Henry, VetSailles, 5·10, 150, Jr. Defense· Linemen-Rob Scholl: Spring. North· · eastem, M, 221, Sr.; Jeremy Cales, Germant0\\11 Valley Vie\\>6.0, 225, Sr.; Brent Fox, Wyoming, 6-1, 225, Jr.; Matt Zingery, Brookville, 6-0, 205, Sr. Unebad<ers--Kyle Sandlin, German· town Valley View, 6·1, 200, Sr.; Chrts Schuh, Versailles, 6·1, 195, Jr.; Jim Roop, Bellbrook, 6.0, 190, Sr.; Krts Dobyns, Spring. Kenton Ridge, 6·1, 203, Sr. Backs-Jeremy Hayes, Bell· brook 6-0, 170, Sr.; Josh Cooper, Indian HI!, 6--1,155, Soph.; Greg Huster, Deer Park, 5-10, 170, Sr. Punter-Andy Keating, Germantown Valley View, 6-4, 195, Jr. S<!<:ond Team · (Area players) Offense Ends-Sean Schaeffer, Daer Park; Unemen-Kyl~ Otting, McNicholas; Andy Pullem, tietnei-Tate. BacksTttus Fulton, 1\"yomlng. Oefense Unemen-BiaK~ Brown, Middletown Madison; Backs-Ryan PoUing, Bethel-Tale; Put1ter-Brad Weisman,
Flnneytown. Speclat Mention · . . (Aro.• playars) · Mike Malot~ Blancheste" DarrenMur• phy, Middletown Madison; Nick Fucno,' Mcr--lcholas; Eric Abner. Bethel-Tate; Eric Taylor, Deer Park; Kevin Clark, Deer Park; Mike Leininger, Indian Hill; Mike Sias, McNicholas; Brad ' · Clemens, Taylor; John McCauley, Wyoming. .
DIVISIONV OHensive player_or the year. Derek Byers, A.rcanum. · . Def~nslve player of the year: Lee Wilschevick, Mariemont.
EndHamie Creamer, West Carroll· ·coach of the year:: Tom Crosby; ron, 6'0, 165, Sr.; Wayne Addison, Mariemont · · , Day. Stebbins,' 5-8, 156,Sr.LineRrst Team ~: rnen-:-;Ke\fin Uhf,-Roger BaCon, 6..S, :-- . ~ OffenSe .• _g_~!i,_§r~on SteallJru),M!!S<!J)"&-~~var. Gtov"'' Dat--deffersor;-:c~= __ 2, 285, :or.; t>rendon O'Connor, Belle· . 6-1, 170, .Sr.; Brad Buerger, . fonta1ne; 6w3,.265, Sr.: Ivan Farrell, Mariemont S..O, 170,Sr. Unemen-Greenville, 6-4, 270, Sr.; Scott PeterMatt Macy, Arcanum, 6·5, 270, Sr.; ka, OxfordTalawanda; &-5, 310, Sr. Dan Schmidt, National Trail, 6·1, 225, Quarterback-Brad Shestma, Jr.; Chris Whitt, Reading, 5-8, 195, Turpin, &-0, 185, Sr. "Backs-Devon Sr.j Aaron Clutter, Cliinton-Massie, LyBurtus, Bellefontaine, 5·9, 165, Sr.; 5-10,212, Soph.; Alex Solfsted, Glynn Johnson, Walnut Hills, 5--9, Mariemont, 6-6, 250~ Sr. Quarter~ 190, Sr.; Nick Brown, Wilmington, 6·0, back-Jesse Milner, Mariemont, 5-8, 190, Sr. Kicker-Bud Miyahara, Day. 218, Sr. Backs-'lllg Orr, Mariemont, Carroll, 5-11, 165, Sr. Retum Special5-10, 185, Sr.; Derek Byers, Arcanum,' ist-Ceran Lipscomb, Taft, 5-5, 140, 5~9, 170, Jr.; Andorian Mundy, North Sr. College H\11, &-2, 185, Sr. KickerDefense · Chad Rhoades, Arcanum, 5· 11, 155, Unernen-Matt Ught, Greenville, 6-5, Sr. Retilm Specialist--le1111a1ne Har240, Sr.; Brian Bolger, Turpin, 6-0, lis, Day. Jefferson, 5-10, 175, Sr. 210, Sr.; Chris Schmidt, Bellefontaine, Defense 5·11, 195, Sr.; James Whfte, Day. Unemer>-Cart Morrow, Batavia, 5·11, Stebbins;6·2, 203, Sr.l..inebackem225, Sr.; Marc Slrallon, Mariemont, Brian Herkin~ Turpin, G-O, 225, Sr.; &-2, 170, Sr.; Ryan Fink) Mariemont, Chris Clark, Woodward, 6·2, 215, &-3, 205, Sr.; Dave Wilson, Reading, Sr.; Lance Riegle, Greenville, 6·1, t>-10, 175,Sr.Unebackm-s-Lee 215, Sr.; Josh Hensley, Tecumseh, 5· Wilschevick, Mariemont, 6-2,210, 11, 190, Sr. Backs-Emeka Ntffa, Day. .Sr.; Jeremiah Caudil~ R""dlllg, 6-ll, Slebbins, 5-11, 155, Jr.; Jaymar 185, Sr.; Jason Phipps, Cfinlon• Hines, Walnut Hills, 5-9, 160, Sr.; Massie, 6-1, 180, Sr.j Nt>lson Porter, Jason McCoy, Tecumseh, 6·1, 175, Sr: New Lebanon Dixie, 5-11, 165, Jr. Punter-Mike Roblnson,,lebanon,
Backs_:.Bob Bodnar, Ma.liemon~ 5-
5-.5, 158, Jr. 11,183, Sr.; Niki Hice, W.:.ynesville, Sei:ond Team &-1, 180, Sr.; Shaun Kirby, Reading, (Area players) 5-10, 150, Jr. Punler-JaSQ11 Skaggs, Offense . Tri-CounlyNorth5-10, 160, Sr. Receivem-Toby Merchant, Lebanon. No second team selected because Linemen-Tom Ford, Wilmington; Matt of number of teams in distrtct Brown, Tmpin; John Wood, Walnut Special Menllon Hills. Backs-P.J. Schiano, Anderson; {Area players) Bob Highfill, Mason; Denick Davison, Kort Scudder, North College Hill, MI. Healthy. Return Specialist-Andre Dave Gannon, Middletown Fenwick; Carr, Wilmington. Jason Dick, Reading; Dave Wilson, Defense Reading; Chris South, Mid~town linemen-Dave Orr, Northwest Linebackers-Mal Ober, Andersori;
Backs-Ben Nieson, Roger Bacon. Special Mention {Area players) Randy Reece, Oxford Talawanda; Doug Otto, Roger Bacon; Antonio Early, Aiken; Brian Kapprel, Anderson; Ryan Josefovsky, Anderson; Luke Kosman, Anderson; Dennis Keller, Mason; Derick Betts, ML Healthy; Mar~ cus Payne, MI. Healthy; Andre Jones, Mt. Healthy; Manon Styles, Northwest; Mark Collins, Roger Bacon; Jim Rogers, Turpin; Jan Bailey, Taft; Dante Payne, Walnut Hnts; Thomas Daven· port, Winton Woods; Tyson Carter, · WoodWard.
Offensive player of the y,ear: Nick Wilson, Ross. Defensive player of the year: Nick Monk, Franklin. coach 01theyear: Dl0 k Ballar' d Ross. FirsiTeam ' Offense Ends-Mi.eke" Thom~son, little Mi · • ' c · ami,6-0,200,Sr.; ruce utter, Clermont Northeastern, 6-1!, 180, Sr. Linemen-Dan Philpot; Ross, 5-11, 231, Sr.; Jeremy Flohre, Sl. Paris Gra· ham, 5·11, 215, Sr.;Ade Edwards,
Spring. Shawnee; 6-4, 250, Jr.; Matt Montgomery, Purcei~Marian, 6-0, 215, Sr.; Greg Adkins, Ttpp City, 6-ll, 210, Sr. Quarterbaclt-Brady Oaks, 1' nt Ed od 6 2, 170 J re on gewo ' • ' r. Backs-Enoch May, St. Paris Gra· ham, 6-0, 200 • Sr.; Nick Wilson, Ross, 6-0, 191, Jr.; Kelly Salyers, Trenton Edgewood, 5·8, 145; Sr. Kick·· er-Lee Morwood, Kings 6-<J, 165, Sr. Return Speciallst-Ahmad Har· ris, Purcell-Marian 5-9, 175, Soph. Defense Linemen-Tony Franchini, Hamilton Badin, &-1, 240, Sr.; Joe McCall, Ket· teringA!ter, 6·3, 220, Sr.; Greg Feix, 'Ross, &-5, 231, Jr~ Aaron Lucas, Ttpp City, 6-2, 206 Sr. Linebackers-Nick Monk, Franklin, 6-1!, 212, Sr.; Matt Marcum, Hamilton Badin, &-1, 200, Sr.; Maft Singer, _PL!rcefi·Marian, 6--3, 210, Jr.; Ryan Sullivan, Chaminade· Julienne, 6-2, 205, Sr. Backs-.,Jeft Rook, Hamilton Badin, 6-4, 215, Sr.: Mike Rose, Kettering Alter, 6-2,205, Sr.; "fYier Williams, Lemon-Monroe, , 6-3, 195. Sr. Punter-JayTant, Ketler· · ingAiter, 6-4,227, Sr. · Second Team (Area players) Offense linemen-Steve Belser, Tren~on
Edgewood; Brian Sawyers, Ross; Eric Johnson, Notwood. QuarterbackAdam Arnold, Utile M'1ami. BacksMarshall Portertield, Goshen. Return Specialist-'-Matl Ramsey, New Rich· mond.
, Fenwick; Oflvid Ug, Glinton·Massie~ David Burdine, Cfinton·Ma~e.
Offensive player of the year:: Reed Warner, Cin. Country Day. Defensive player of the year:: Chad Soliman, Sidney Lehman. Co-coaches of the year: Bob Ailey, Covington; John Graher, DeGraff Riverside. ' . First Team OHense , Ends-Brandon Guttman, Cin. Country Day 5-8, 150, Sr.; Mike Gregovlch, WiMiamsburg, 5-10, 140, Sr. Linemen-Jake Church, Cedarville, & 0, 195, Sr.; Lee Schmid~ Covington, 5· 11, 2oB, Sr.: Brian Putter, DeGraff Riverside, 5-9, 185, Sr.; Damon Anderson, Cin. Country Day 6-{l, 270, Sr.; Brad Aaterman, Sidney Lehman, 6·3, 200, Sr. Ouarternack~ Reed Warner, Cin. Country Day W, 185,Jr.Backs-ShaneHaii;Ansania, 5-3, 150. Sr.; Steve Manahan, DeGraff Riverside, 6-ll, 216, Jr.; Kirk HoRoway, Cedarville, 6·0, 170, Sr. Kicker-Char. ite McNier, South Charleston Southeastern. 6·1, 165,Sr. Aetum""'-i&l· v~~ ist-Jay Boyd, Summit Country Day; 5-10, 175, soph. Defense
Linemen-Ernest Walker, Cln. Country Day, &-2, 227, Sr.; Darick.Rose; Ansonia, &-4, 250, Sr.; John Undel'hill, Summit Country Day 5-11, 220, Sr.; Brock Swonger, DeGraff Riverside, 6-0, 219, Soph. LinebackersAndy Shaffer, Covington 6-1, 207, Sr.; Chad Sollman, Sidney Lehman, .5-8, 175, Sr.; Jason McNabb, New Miami 5--7,.165, Sr.; Jamie Jamison, Cin. Country Day, 5-9,175, Sr. BacksMall Weikert Covington, 6-2, 173, Sr.; Mike Long, MiddetO'!fl Fenwick, 6·3, 181, Sr.; Gabe Schlappi, CedaiVille, 510,150, Sr. Punter-Kyle Sheer. Bradford, 6-2, 150, Soph. Second Team (Area players) Offense Quarterback-Bill Brewer, Williamsburg; Sacks-Brad Jones, ~in. Country Day. Defense BackHason Faulkner, New Miami; Scoll'lllmolo, Cln. Country Day. · · Spet:ial Mention (Area players) His haw Samawi, Cin. Country Day; Jeremy Redman, Landmark Christian; Eric Voegel, Lockland; Jesse Underwood, Madeira; Jason Chaney, New
Miami; Eric Bruns, Summit Country Dey;Jchn O'Bnen, Summit Country Day; Brandon Byers, Summ~ Country · Dey; Nathan Louisa, Williamsburg; Adam Bailey, Williamsburg; Dave HoiHns, Williamsburg.
Dr. Edward Kremchek se~~~ young athletes BY CANDACE GOFORTH
The Cinci~ati Enquirer
::'Just a few weeks ago, Dr. Edward Kremchek stood shivering in the cold rain on the sidelines of a- Moeller High School football game, with an umbrella in one hand and a cane in the other. Despite pain and weakness from the effects of chemotherapy, the sports-medicine orili:opedic surgeon was determined to be there for his team. :::Dr. Kremche k died Wednesday at age 62. He had had cancer for nine years. :~:"One of his biggest joys was to be able to go to Moeller High School and take care of the athletes. He enjoyed being with the kids. He enjoyed taking care of the kids," said his son, Dr. Timothy Kremchek of Montgomery, who followed his father into orthopedics and now practices with his firm. Since 1973, the senior Dr. Kremchek had been team physician for Moeller High School athletics. Between 197 4 and 1981, he also coordinated sports medicine coverage for the Eastern Hills High School League. Dr. Kremchek graduated from the University of Cincin-
Colof Medicine 1958. ~e re_ turned to Cincinnati 1 0 years 1at e r t 0 practice with the Kremchek 1ate Dr. Paul Duffy. The two formed h · s 1 - - n1..:~ w at ls now 0 ~'- · \\II.M!f Sports Medicine Ce.. He was a membc '-'•-' the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine. Also surviving are his wife, Ruth Kremchek; three other sons, Scott of Mason, Jeff of Toledo, Ohio, and Daniel of Hyde Park; and eight grandchildren. Visitation will be at 5:30 p.m. today at Busse and Borgmann Funeral Home, 3464 Central Parkway, Clifton. A funeral service will be at 11 a.m. Saturday at All Saints Catholic Church, 8939 Mont-· gomery Road, Sycamore Township. A private burial will follow. 1e g e
i :Z. -:J-1~ 'M';/
Player Olthe year David Murphy, Colerain
Brian Burr, Colerain Defensive line
A repeat winner of this award, this 6-3, 180-pound senior led the Cardinals into the playoffs for the second consecutive season.
The 6-foot, 205-pound defensive end earned first-team Metro County Conference and special mention all Southwest District.
John Lammers, Elder Quanerback
Jay Roden, Colerain Defensive line
The 6-foot, 185-pound senior was the offensive Player of the Year in the Greater Catholic League South. He completed 102 of 153 passes (67 percent).
- KeVIn Wilson, Lakota Running back
A first-team All State and Metro County Conference selection, the 6-2, 180-pound senior led the Cardinals with 134 tackling points (tackles plus assists), including seven fumble recoveries.
Jim Brogan, Elder Defensive line
A first-team Greater Miami Conference selection, this 5-9, 170-pound senior played an important role for the league champion T-Birds.
A first-team Greater Catholic League South selection, this 5-10, 250-pound senior came up three forced tumbles and one tumble recovery for the stellar Panther defense.
Ronnie Alexander, Colerain Running back .
Luke Chappell, Western Hills Unebacker
The senior was a first-team Metro County Conference selection .He finished his season by rushing for 200 yards and a touchdown in the . state semifinals.
Ted Fill, Moeller Tight end
The 6-5, 215-pound senior was the defensive Player of the Year in the Metro County Conference.
Brent Botts, La Salle unebacker
The senior was a first-team selection in the Greater Catholic League South.
The defensive Player of the Year in the Greater Catholic League South, the 6-4, 230-pound seni6r came up with nine tackles for losses and three fumble recoveries.
Mike Gurr, Haminon nghtend
Shane Pearson, Lakota unebacker
A first-team selection in the Greater Miami Conference and honorable mention Southwest District, this 67, 255 pound senior was an outstanding pass and run blocker.
Beau Panon, Elder Wide receiver
A first-team selection in the Greater Catholic League South, this 5-1 0, 185-pound senior was quarterback John Lammers' favorite target.
A first-team selection in the Greater Miami Conference, the 6-2, 21 0¡ pound senior came up with a teambest 101 tackles, three sacks and seven tackles for losses for the
Butch Printup, HamiHon Unebacker ¡ A second team All-Ohio selection and Butler County's defensive Player of the Year, the 6-2, 205pound first team Greater Miami Conference pick led the league in tackles with 138.'
talked about it all week," said of the possibility season.."But we went · ker room' down 21-7 didn't say much to each was pretty silent in there. what ·we had to do." n""''"'.,.,,,~, scored on every one of se(:ona·tlall possessions to erase The Vikings had nearly 28-0 early in the first but had a touchdown by a penalty. it was real big when we touchdown called back," ~'"""'t"" coach Pat Mancuso said. have been up. by three · we eventually scored would have really giv- · momentum." ~""·'"!:'"'"'.,· started the comea 5-yard TD run two ""'~"'t.'" into the second half. McLalugrmn scored seven minutes }atCrusaders' next drive to. score, 21-21, with 3:55left quarter. . . Princeton ran three plays pu:nt'ed on its next possession, Crusaders took the lead for good a a four-play, 61-yard drive, capped off by Kamphake's 22-yard run that saw him break four tackles on his way to pay dirt.
Moeller -· o 7 14 10-31 · Princeton 14 7 0 D-21 P-Brookins 1 run (Blaylock kick) P-Sickles 7 run (Blaylock kickl M-KafT'Clhake 72 pass from Mclaughlin (SiciOano kick) P-Brown 18 run (Blaylock kick) M-KafT'Clhake 6 run (Siciliano kick) • M-McLaughlln 1 run (Sidlano kick) M-KafT'Clhake 22 run (Sic111ano klckl M-SiciOano 22 FG - -·
Records: Moeller s-s, Princeton ~- Cinc~~ti Enquirer :.
I j ,_ ;a~
Moeller Downs Princeton· In Finale BY DOUG GRAVES
Sports Editor They were playing for pride if nothing else. In the past, Princeton and Moeller high schools played each year for the "King of the Block" trophy and 'l better seeding in the post-season Division I football playoffs. · Last Friday night, however, it was a different and eerie scene. The crowd was smaller, the spirit of the
game lacked intensity, and neither team had a chance of going to the playoffs.· · Moeller won the game, 28-20, and, as a result, both teams finished the season with a 6-4 record. "I couldn't care less about the playoffs at this point," said Moeller head football coach Steve Klonne. "We're 6~4 and we just wanted to come out and play well for our seniors who are leaving." Princeton scored first · at
Total domination: St. Xavier ovsrpowers opponents St. Xavier has dominated its first nine opponents, winning by an average margin of 26.5 points. The Bombers will attempt to wrap up their first perfect regular season with a victory against Purcell Marian Friday night. Here's a game-by-game look at St. Xavier's season (* denotes Greater Catholic League game): "f-1! .... "'!¥ Centerville Western Hills
RESULT Won, 34-10 Won, 30-7
Oak Hills
Won, 31-7
at Colerain
Won, 23-3
at Moeller*
Won, 44-0
La Salle*
Won, 28-7
at Elder*
Won, 49-21
Columbus Eastmoor
Won, 48-20
Columbus DeSales SOURCE: Staff research
Won, 40-14
COMMENT Junior Kevin Ritter ran for 168 yards to lead Bombers over 1991 Division I state runner-up. Senior Scott Sollmann accounted for 252 all-purpose yards against one of area's top defenses. High-powered offense rolled to 24-0 lead behind 264 total yards from Sollmann, including 78-yard punt return. Bombers led 10-3 with 9:45 remaining before scoring game's final two touchdowns to pull away. St. Xavier's first win against Moeller in 21 years also was Crusaders' most lopsided defeat since 45-0 loss to Roger Bacon in 1967. Bombers' defense held previously unbeatert La Salle to one yard total offense in first half to move into first place. Rasso's team clinched first outright GCL title since 1970 by scoring 28 unanswered points in second half. Sollmann scored three touchdowns to become school's career record holder for TDs (43) and points (258). · Set school single-season scoring record (327) as quarterback Jamie Doxsey and Soli mann scored two TDs each,
Galbreath Field on a 12-play drive that covered. 69 yards. Tailback Darrell Deck ran 15 yards for the TD. The second quarter belonged to Moeller, as ·the Crusaders scored three touchdowns in a 10-minute span. 1 Matt Keller scored on runs of 1Q' and 35 yards, and teammate\. Derrick Edwards caught a five-yard touchdown f;fl~:1; from Chris Vaught. Moeller led at halftime, 21-6. Princeton narrowed the gap to 21-14 on a six-yard TD run by· Marcel Pritchett. But Moeller re-' sponded with a four-yard touchdown run by Edwards and the game was out of reach for the Vikings, though they did add a final tally on a 25-yard pass reception by Deck. "Keller played a great game and took control of the game," said Princeton head football coach Pat Mancuso. "But we'll be back." Klonne, who couldn't remember when Moeller last failed to make the playoffs, was elated just to win. Keller, of Sharonville, ran for 185 yards on 39 carries for Moeller.
\ \!
\ \ l '
Ignatius-Moeller:· Dynasty-dinosaur Present, former champs play Saturday BY NEIL SCHMIDT 1• -t ;. . . 1,"/JJ I 'f..$ Football dynasties are painted in broad strokes, backed by broad, shoulders. In Ohio's big-school di1 vision, they had previously been sown only by the seeds of Paul \ Brown in Massillon and - since the advent of playoffs in 1972 ·the fire of Gerry Faust at Moeller. \ They're not the kind of thing ;you'd expect to hinge upon a mat,ter of inches. . But Cleveland St. Ignatius, new :blood in the ~ynasty business, may 1have begun tts coup d'etat 1 foot from the goal line of Ohio Stadium. That's where it stopped Princeton in the fmal moments. of a 10-7 win for the 1988 Division I crown. . Enquirer contributor
Dueling dynasties St. Ignatius
Moeller Year Record 12-0 12-0 12-0 9-1 12-0 13-0 12-1 13-0
1975 1976 1977 '1978 1979 1980 1981 1982
Playoffs State champions State, natl. champs State, natl. champs Did not qualify State, natl. champs State, natl. champs Lost in state finals State, natl. champs
Year Record 14-0 13-0 1Q-1 12-2 14-0 14-0 13-1 8-0*
1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
Playoffs State champions State, natl. champs Lost in first round State champions State champions State, natl. champs State champions .?
"I often wonder," St: Ignatius Wildcats (8-0) come to UC's Nipcoach Chuck Kyle said, "if Prince- pert Stadium at 2 p.m. Saturday ton puts that in there, how differ- for a date with Moeller (4-4). .The irony is inescapable. ent things might have be~n." "This is kind of the old versus But St. Ignatius held, and it's · held the state hostage since. Hav- the new as far as Ohio football is ing won six of the past seven titles (Please see DYNASTIES, Pa~te C6) - includina the last four - the
Dynasties: Guard· changes I . C0NTINUED FROM PAGE Cl
concerned," said Dave Krider.
f YOU go
..,. When: 2 p.m., Saturday ., Krider compiles the rankings for USA ..,. Where: UC's Nippert Stadium Today's Super 25 football poll. The year he ..,. Tickets: $3 students and $5 adults in started the poll, 1982, he tabbed Moeller his advance (on sale 7:45 a.rri.-2:45 p.m. today first national champion. through Friday at Moeller); all seats $6 at the He's since named St. Ignatius (currently gat~ Also: The schools' JV teams, both 8-0, No. 2) champion twice, tying with Berwick play at Sycamore Junior High at 9 a.m. (Pa.) as the only two-time winner. Both Saturday. Admission at the gate is $3 adults, years, 1989 and 1993, the Wildcats beat $2students,or$5perfamily. Moeller for the state title. Now St. Ignatius, again the state's top"We played a great game that day," ranked team, comes to complete the trans- Klonne said. "But they were loaded." fer of power. A Wildcat win Saturday would The dynasty was underway. Moeller musdoom Moeller to its first non-winning sea- tered just one more standout season since son, the worst rn~rk'in 33 years of :football. - an unbeaten team in 1993 - but St. Though it's stumbling a bit now, Moel- Ignatius dunked them again in the finals that ler's success is the yardstick by which St. year, 38-20. Corning in, Krider had ranked the Wildcats first and· Crusaders sixth, so it Ignatius will be forever measured. "It's the same formula," said john was essentially a national title game. Now. Which dynasty was dy-nastier? McCallister, publisher of Prep Football Pros"We played Ignatius (in the 1992 state pects of Ohio magazine. "li you compare both teams, they have really, really well- finals)," said St. Xavier coach Steve Rasso, coached high school players. They're not all "and I wouldn't consider them as dominant great college prospects, but they're all solid as Moeller was. Some of those old (Moeller) teams were just unbelievably dominant. kids." They had no weaknesses."
GeL·:. :Fo\1r.:way~ fra¢as ~-_fot, ldivi'siori·~· Grown: -·_. ·::: . _~- :
pair of h~artbreakers the firsttwo' and La Salle 14th.: .. ' ··: .··. .. weeks--:- to Prin~e~on·in triple. . La Salle may be out~of it, and · . Salle (3-3) at Moelfer (3-3). · . derJ Moeller and La ~alle .....:. and . overtime; to Syca!pore .on. a 96: Moeller would need to win out (in' Next week, each plays !. ·. · -that hasn~t changed much. Now- '· yard .TD run.....:.. they've bounce_c!· eluding that scary date with state ''crossover" game against a GCLthey're third (Elder), fourth (St._ · back. · .. · . -- · • ·. '· · -._ dynasty Cleveland St. Ignatius) to ~orth team: Those count.in the· _ X), fifth (Moeller) and ninth (La· ~ed by plucky senior_qu~rt~~"J. ··make it. But local H~rbins guru :. standing~. though this is the last _Salle). ~· J' '~ back Nate SeXton and soptiomo~e ·. · Steve Shuck thinks the Elder~St. year of crossover games. . . _ "I t_hink th_e league ha_s real_ly ' wizard Wiz.Wt¥t~ (eight rushing · · X game might be for a berth:' ·· : · "It's huge," S,huck said. "An~ ; Unless one of the No;th ~ea~s . . ba~anc~dout m th~ la.~t five_ _ _ . TDs),_La Salle upset St: _X las~ · upsets a South team, thts ,Will be a years, K~onne satd. ·I~ u_sed_ to oe: we~k ~ four OTs, ~7 -21: A Win . win puts them in outstanding posilandmar~ season.- No season bas ~oeller and J;:lder fight~ng f~r. - · . tomght, and ano_ther agamst 1-5 tion, and Elder will be in good ende_d With ~o-champs. . ftrst; ~nd ~ and L~ Salle playtng . · .R~ger Bacon next week. would . . shape _ though not a lock .:..:.. if Rtght no:w, all four stand 1-1 m ·for thi~d." . . :_,. _· ·~ . , . · brmg the scho~l' ~ first G~J,. ·. · they win." : . . .- ' ·: , the GCL. Each c~am~ th~ past 2~ . Datmg back to Gerry Fau?t s . crown. _ . . .. ; . , . _ . _ Elder's motivation? It finished .. years w~~t ~~be~ten ~~league ._.era, Moeller went .U?beaten m tl}~ ·· _ "The ~ds ,?on t !alk about 1~, •. _ -fiftli in the Harbins the past three·· ~lar,.' . - . . ·. . ' : " . . . G~L from 1973t~o~gh 198?·· Lo~der ~ald.~ ,But YO!l_~n. s~e It l,n . ears while St. X has made the . ._· · , offs each <>!'those ·ears. But . I m not surpn~ed by !hi~~ El- The school also won m 1990 and , thetr a~t10ns.'_ de_r ~oach Tom Gnppa satd~. I 1993. Elder won the league in ·: .The .GCL guesswor~_ext~nds to ina~ doesn't. make the ~wo teams·. fa1d 1~ was to<_?_ closet~. call. . 1~88, '89 a~d '91: ~t. X, which. playOff talk. Though the l_eague al- arch-rivals. _.: . ·· .. t 1... Sat~ ;;t. X coac~ Steye Rasso. broke a ~1-year losmg stre~k to ~ays puts~ team_ or two m, t~e · _ ·" ' .. . ·-· ·, --:_ . ..: !h~re. s such panty-:- on a~y Moeller m 1992, has made 1t a margm fo~.error ts smaller .th1~ ·. , I t}lt~ .!hey ~e all_ arc:h ;,tval~ Jr, g1v~n mght, anyone can beat an,three-team race by winning the year. · .. . . ~· .• to ll:S~ a~l)n_ adifferen~_:Wa.y,-_ ?~~~ ,other.'' . ,· . · . GCL in-1992 and 1994. Their current rankings in the pa sat_q .•. · .. _ -~ -· .• _. . . · .'-·1 · . 'fhat mtght have on~e soun~ed - ·-.:.And La San~; with one of its Harbin computer ratings, where . , Satd Klonn17: In_J:his l~ag_~e, , h_k~ coachspeak, but thts year 1t . • 'best teams, joined the fight this _ , the top four teams qualify: Elder·; ~~sa donnybrook ev~ry t1me YOI;l · rmgs true. The pres~.p&on Enqutr- vear. Though the Lancers lost a· . fifth, St. X s·eventh, Moeller t3th _ hne_up." ·· · · :~ ·-:·' CONTiNUED. FROM PAGE Cl . \ ••
ercoa~lies poil ranked the tea~s
(s·~ 1) ·at st.' Xavier (4-2) and La· third through sixth-:- St. X, El-
Crusaders· -9survive shootout j6
By Joe Minster
Press Contributor
"We're going to have to play even better," warned Moeller coach Steve Klonne as be looked ahead to Friday's key matcbup with Elder at Galbreath Field. "It was a shootout against La Salle last week, an offensive show," he pointed out as he commented on Moeller's come-frombehind 34-31 victory that put his team back in the thick of the fight in the Greater Catholic League South Division. Moeller appeared to be on the way to a convincing victory after rolling up a 19-0 lead in the second quarter and taking a 27-17 advantage into the halftime intermission. But tbe Lancers refused to bow to the pressure and closed to 2724 by 'holding tbe Crusaders scoreless in the third quarter. Then, with just 2:16 remaining, LaSalle quarterback Keith Betz bit Brian Hinton with a 61-yard TD pass that put his team ahead for the first time, 31-27. That was the way it stood with just 62 seconds remaining and Moeller on La Salle's 31-yard line with a fourth-and-two situation. Matt Keller took a pitch ·from
'YMOELLER 34 LA SALLE 31 quarterback Chris Vaught, ran to tbe right and cut back to the middle for the winning TD. Keller's clutch score, which gave Moeller its 31st victory in 32 meetings with LaSalle, was his fourth touchdown of the game as be gained 141 yards in 23 carries: He also caught seven passes for 82 yards to total 223 yards on offense. But Keller wasn't tbe only Crusader to shine as Moeller and La Salle combined for over 900 yards on offense, 460 by Moeller and 459 for La Salle, now 4-2 and 0-2 in the GMC. Vaught completed 12-of-23 passes for 243 yards and one TD and wide receiver Greg McHugh ca ugb t six passes for 176 yards and one touchdown, a 71-yard strike from Vaught. Next up for Moeller will be an Elder team smarting from a 14-0 loss to St. Xavier last Friday that is 4-2 on the season and 1-1 in GCL South action, the same record owned by Klonne's Crusaders.
Moeller slips past Oak Hills, 62-61 Dan Maehlman sank a threepoint field goal with 18 secqnds remaining to give Moeller a 62-61 come-from-behind victory over Oak Hills. OAK HILLS (61) - Moore 3 0 8, Wetterlch 8 2 21, Haucke 4 1 9, Flanigan 7 1 15, Tedesco 2 0 5, Ensminger 1 1 3. Totals: 25 5 61. . MOELLER (62) - Heilman 1 0 2, Meyer 0 2 2, Harpring 1 0 2, Green 2 0 5, Bell 3 0 7, Maehlman 5 0 13, Brannen 13 1 27, Pletrek 2 0 4. Totals: 27 3 62. OAK HILLS -----······..--·---·-···14 '8 20 19-61 MOELLER -···---·--·---................. - •••.•• 10 15. 18 19-62 Three-point goals: OH·Moore 2, Welterich 3, Tedesco 1. M-Green 1, Bell 1, Moehlman 3. Records: M 1-1.
Moeller. falls, 35-28 The Cincinnati Enquirer
Cullen Hawkins rushed for 170 yards, scored three TDs and kicked five extra points to lead Upper St. Clair, Pa., to a 35-28 victory over Moeller at Galbreath Field Friday night. ' The visitors from Pittsburgh led, 28-21, entering the fourth period. Moeller tied the game on a 50-yard bomb· from quarterback Pat McLaughlin to Brian Goodhart. · USC's game-winning drive was capped by a Bob Bunn 1-yard run with 5:23 left. Upper St. Clair 7 14 7 7-35 Moeller 14 7 7-28 M-Goodhart 59 pass from McLoughlin (SicAiono kid<) USC-Hawkins 15 pass from McArdle (Hawkins kid<) M-Komphake 30 run (SicJnono kid<) . . USC-Hawkins 74 run (Hawkins kid<) USC-Phlllps 66 pass from McArcle (Hawkins kid<) . . M-Kamphake 24 run (Sicmono kid<) USC-Hawkins 2 run (Hawkins kid<) M-Goodllart. 50 pass from McLaughlin (Sicnlano 1kid<) ' USC-Blm 1 run (Hawkins kid<) • . Records: Upper St. Oalr HI, Moeler <H
----------··--, 84 FRlDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1995
pfHETOPlO Does Colerain/ really want ·top· ranking? BY NEIL SCHMIDT Enquirer contributor
Area coaches, take heart. Those of you scared by Colerain's near-unanimous christening atop The Enquirer's coaches' poll, remember: You picked Moeller last year. A landslide preseason pick a year ago, the Crusaders were stung by upsets four times, tying the school's worst-ever mark of (K. The Cardinals will surely see their share of upset bids this fall, playing perhaps their toughest schedule ever.
s. Moeller La Salle (3-3) at Moeller (3·3) WHEN: Today, 7:30p.m. WHERE: Galbreath Field, 5440 Kjngs Island Dr., Kings Island. PICK: Moeller ' · . · WHAT TO WATCH: Both teams put themselves back into the GCL South title chase ·upsets. La Salle's only decisive loss of the year was against Elder, who Moeller beat last week.· The Lancers have ttie third highest-seoring offense · among area Division I · · . , . . teams. Moeller will hope for a . repeat of last week's offensive balance, when quarterback Pat Mclaughlin threw for 237 yards and running back Mike Kamphake rushed for 139 yards. Last year, these teams combined for nearly 1,000 yards of offemse in a ~ild 3431 victory by Moeller.
The Crusaders could probably go 5-5 and make the playoffs. That's how loaded their schedule is. It's a Who's Who of Midwest powers: defending Division Istate champ Cleveland St. Ignatius, picked No.1 in the nation by scholastic sports expert Doug Huff; returning regional finalist Massillon Washington; defending Kentucl.<y Class AAA state champ Covington Catholic; Street-'& Smith's '1eam to · watch" Upper St. Clair (Pa.); and the Nos. 2, 3, 4 and 6 teams in Cincinnati. Just three games are at Moeller's home site, Galbreath Field.
- ....... _,
-:-LA SALLE 30, MOELLER 8 at Moeller - The win for La Salle
, was just its second over Moeller since the two teams began playing each other in 1963. Senior quarterback Nate Sexton led· a balanced Lancers' at. tack, which racked up 420 yards · total offense. Sexton was 12 of 20 for 187 yards and two touchdowns passing. He also scored on a 92-yard run which made the score 30·0 in the fourth quarter. La Salle's only other win in . the series came 42·38 in 1989. Moeller avoided the shutout when senior Pat McLaughlin scored from 1-yard out with four minutes left. The Crusaders rushed for only 58 yards. La Salle sophomore Wiz White outgained Moeller by himself, rushing for 98 yards. LASALLE
L-Nelson 48 pass from sexton (Schreck kick) L-Hollhaus 22 pass (Schreck kic!<) L-FG 30 Schreck L-Roblnson recovered fumbla Jn end zone (kick failed) L-Sexlon 92 run (Schreck kick) M-Mclaughlin 1 run (logan pass from McLaughlin) RECORDS: La Salle 4-3. ~-I GCL: MoeHer 3-4. 1-2.
7- 30
8- 8
Upsets muddy outlook for postseason playoffs .
BY CAREY HOFFM~ Enquir~r con~ri~utor tiP
f? _s- · .
Assume nothing. . · \ · Six weeks of the season are on the books. Some teams are casting I glances toward playoff possibilities. But .even with the complexities of Ohio's Harbin computer rating system that determines playoff ·partieipants, and with four games to go, , a few games look certain to be I important in determining the four playoff teams _in each class from this region.
! 1
Division I Friday's upsets by Moeller (3-3) over Elder (5-1) and La Salle (3-3) . over St. Xavier (4-2) have blurred the picture. Only the city's No. 1 team, Colerain (6-0),. which was the top team in the region in last week's Harbin rankings, looks to be in a· completely comfortable position. Barring a dramatic collapse, the Cardinals should be in the playoffs , for a se~ond straight year. · 1· Lakota, another undefeated · team, has put itself into good posi. tion and could fmd itself in a game for the city title when it hosts Colerain in the season finale Nov. 3.
The four GCL South teams usually have a lot to say about the playoffs. This Friday, Elder plays at St. X, and La Salle plays at Moeller. · The winners . of those two games will move into solid playoff contention. Down the stretch, Mqeller will meet the ·toughest schedule, highlighted by an Oct. 28 game with Ohio's toj)-rariked Division I team; Cleveland St: Ignatius. Likewise, La Salle will face a big Harbin· points opportunity Oct. 27 at Colerain.
Saturday's games
Moeller 27, Erie (Pa.) Prep 20 at Erie, Pa. - Pat McLaughlin threw TD passes to Tony Hamilton and Brian Goodhard in the second half and completed 18 of 26 passes for 248 yards. Joe Novas<Jt clinched the win by returning an interception 37 yards for a TD with 4:05 remaining. MOELLER 0 7 7 13-27 ERIE PREP 6 0 0 14-20 E-Gel!rge 3 run (kick wide) M-crosswalle 3 run (SioT!ano kick) M-Hamillon 26 pass fro'll Mclaughlin (SiciTiano kick) E-PoweD 9 run (kick wide) klck)M-Goodhart 3S pass from Mclaughli~ (Siciliano
A preview ofthe weekend's top high sclwol football games: .
Upper St. Clair, Pa. at Moeller
M-Novasot 37 pass Interception return (kick faDed) E- Blis 6 pass from G£orge (Mike Zona run) Records: M 2·2. E 2·2.
WHEN: Tonight, 7:30p.m. WHERE: Galbreath Field, 5440 Kings Island Dr., Kings Island PICK: Moeller WHAT TO WATCH: Moeller's quest to find teams willing to play led all the way to Upper St. Clair, a school located six hours away by car. Upper St. Clair was a state finalist in Pennsylvania last year, and has more victories during the '90s than any other program in that state. Moeller will have to fight inexperience, particularly on offense, in trying to put last year's "3-4 season behind it.
~ St. Xavier 35, Moeller 17, at Galbreath Field - St. X senior tight end Dan Mussman caught a 9-yard TD pass from joe Sprengard 17 seconds before halftime to break the game open. Moeller had the game's first score on a field goal, but St. X came back with four straight TDs. Sprengard led St. X' s offense by completing 8-of-16 passes for 133 yards and three TDs;~wo of them to Mussman. Dan Hayes rushed 12 times for 76 yards to lead the Bombers' ground attack. Moeller quarterback Pat McLaughlin led the Crusader offense, completing 16-of-30 passes for 199 yards.
Crusaders upset Elder ·
~;!~:;er-------~ ~ ~ ~:~
M-SiciTiano 34 FG " .il' / SX-Arflng 2 run (Kerr k(ck) f ,..3<)• / :J · SX-Arfmg 2 run (Kerr kick) SX-Mussman 9 pass from Sprengard (Kerr kick) SX-WIIson 44 pass from Sprengord (Kerr kltk) M-Hamlllon 3 run (SiciTiano kick) SX-Mussman 15 pass from Sprengord (Kerr kltkl M-Mcloughlin 1 run (Pucke kick) · Records: SX •·1 (HI GQ.S), Moefier 2·3 (Il-l GCLS).
Cin~innati. Enquirer
The Greater Catholic teague South as well .as the city 'rankings - were turned upside down Friday night by a pair of upsets. Moeller usM 435 yards .of offense and 24 first-half points to set up a 27-24 victory over the city's No.2 team; Elder, . in the Elder Pit. A few miles away, La Salle outlasted No.3 St. Xavier, 27-21, in four overtiffies.
yarcs,. a little -scored I:Ii~rtlllra TD. At this point I'm real happy "Our line of scrimmage was a our kids and our coaches. It's lot better than it's been the last a long two weeks, and at least two weeks," said Klonne. "I think got one in the win column and that was a big factor." can build from there." Moellar 12 6 0 7-25 Catholi 1 0 0 7-14 Moeller, playing one of the m~st covington M-Kamphake 70 run I kid< lalleel CC-Madden 31 run (Gtbson kick l ambitious .schedules in school hisM-Kamphake 5 rlKl (l>ass llliledl tory, lost close gaii).e.s to Upper. St. M-Kamphake 14 rm (pass failed) M-Hor1111 21 pass from McLaugblin (Siciliano kick) . Clair, Pa. and Massillon Washing¡cc-Eroenbeck .a oass from Kees IGibsonldckl
League ready for wide~open rae~ WHOGCL-S .I 9f.LI:'sII:RWHO'S .
BenK-............ ..RB
Chad Mcllevltt .••.....•.•.Ol MattMcHale •.••......... ,.QB
5-101112 10 5-7 166 10 5-10 158 10
~ :: :g
5-9 189 10
AngoloMilazzo ...........DI.
GerryMuench ............DB 5-10 141 10 Eri:>Murpny ...............:DB 5-11 155 10 Joe Nelson .................WR-IUI 5-7 150 10 Bltan ~ ......... _..Ill Nick Ramsey ............ .K.P Khali>.Rllter ................RB t.llke Rd>lnson .......... .LB ChrbRyen ......•...........OB Clrls Schullo ............. .01. JaoonTenkman ..........WR
BIITO!zln •......••.......••.•DB MatiTtoompson ..........lB llmWeber ................. .DB W1z While ..........•.•.•...•RB Don SChka .•...••••.••.•.•..DB
Jellnnmer ................RB
Mi<eAoellk1g ...........•.01.. Matt Kramer................WA Rob K91l1911 ................WA
6-2 205 10 5-10 170 10 &6 160 10 5-10 166 10 ~ 147 10 ~ 164 10 5-10 160 10 &-1 151 10 &-1 181 10 &6 133 ·10. 5-10 177 10 5-7 139 10 &6138 10 5-7 153 10 5-9 144 10 5-B 142 10
MOELLER t.llke Ackllnnen...........oe
SllMI Flan*lgo ........ .DT
.. WIYr fl.3 200 12 &-4 234 12 5-10 226 12
5-7 &-2 5-11 fl.3
Nome Poo Don Plrilg ...........- ..DE
ClrlsARlett .................OG Er1: Tamasllasky .•..•.•.C
Ken- ...............00
Jason Kotert>a ••••••••••••lB Adam Molina ..............lB Bltan Goocllart ...........WA
Pet Horan ...................WA NlckHa!lman ...........DB Pat Mclaughlin .......•.•ae
Mar.lhall Hyzdu ..........lB 11m Pemekanl> •..•.••..K Jim HiJglns .................RB
Mii<BI<e!r!>hBJ<e .........AS Mil<a Grool<opt ............QB
Jim Siciliano ..•••..••.••••.K B1tan Gillinger ............DB
Joe Novosat ...............lB Dave Jones ................DB
ClvlsCess ..................DB
Rob SloiiZert>erger ....lB·
~P~.:::::::::::::gt ~::::::::::::::gt
==::::::::::::&· :rtX::'~:::::::::::::::8t
Ryan Cowan ...............Ol Bllan Weinheimer ......01.. Shawn~r .............DI. Nick Evers ..................01. Joe Oscar ...................01. Matt Scheller ·········-··01..
Maxlild .....................TE
~Ce~~.::::::::::::~ ~'/::.;;;:::::::::~ ~~.:::::::::::~
Grant Cro6lhwal!e ....••AB Matt Sdvlekler .......... .LB Sean Cronin .•.............DT
157 12 225 12 145 12 261 12 ~ 220 12 8-4 240 12 fl.3 211 12 6-2 225 12 &-2 258 12 &2 174 12 5-9 220 12 fl.3 202 12 s.11n 12 5-10 209 12 5-11 151 12 5-11 160 12 5-10 175 12 5-10 175 12 5-9 158 12 5-10 154 12 5-11 170 12 5-9 155 12 5-11 187 12 &2 175 12 &-1 170 12 s.s 185 12 &-4 220 12 s.s 189 12 5-9 1112 12 ~ 18911 fl.3 160 11 &-2 204 11 5-11 185 11 5-9 165 11 ~150 11 &-1 153 11 5-11 150 11 5-9 154 11 5-9 154 11 ~160 11 5-9 160 11 5-9.159 11 5-11 174 11 ~158 11 5-9 145 11 5-7 140 11 fl.3 193 11 6-2 191 11 5-10 165 11 &-4 239 11 6-2 202 11 &-1 190 11 6-1 200 11 &-1 218 11 fl.3 ZlO 11 5-9 235 11 ~2112 11 5-11 195 11 5-10 228 11 ~18611
6-1 195 11 &2 245 11 &2 215 11 ~192 11 5-B 189 11 &0 205 11 5-B 175 11 &0 181 11 &1158 11 &3 207 11 5-B 148 11 &1168 11 &6 185 10 &2 193 10 &1165 10 5-11 164 10 &0 185 10 &2 164 10 . &2 206 10
Moeller. falls, 35-28
The Cincinnati Enquirer
Cullen Hawkins rushed for 170 Iyards, scored three TDs and kick-
!ed five extra points to lead Upper
------------, 84 FRIDAY, SEPfEMBER 1, 1995
., St. Clair, Pa., to a 35-28 victory over Moeller at Galbreath Field Friday night. ' . I The visitors from Pittsburgh led, 28-21, entering the fourth period. Moeller tied the game on a 50-yard bomb from quarterback Pat McLaughlin to Brian Goodhart. · USC's game-winning drive ·was capped by a Bob Bunn 1-yard run with 5:23 left.
'fHETOPlO Does Colerain/ really want ·top· ranking?
Upper St. aalr 7 14 7 7-35 14 7 ,o 7-21 Moeller M-Goodhart 59 pass from McLaughlin (Siciliano kick) USC-Hawl<lns 15 pass from McArdle (Hawl<lns kick) M-Kamphake 30 run CSicmano kick) . USC-Hawl<lns 74 run CHawl<lns kick) USC-Phlffips 66 pass from McArdle (Hawkins kick) , M-Kamphake 24 run (Sitmano kick) USC-Hawl<lns 2 run (Hawkins kick) M-Goodhart SO pass from McLaughlln (Siciliano kick) . •. USC-B<m 1 run (Hawl<lns kick) • Records: Upper St. Oalr 1.0, Moeller 0.1.
BY NEIL SCHMIDT Enquirer contributor
Area coaches, take heart Those of you scared by Colerain's near-unanimous christening atop The Enquirer's coaches' poll, remember: You. picked Moeller last year. A landslide preseason pick a year ago, the Crusaders were , stung by upsets four times, tying the school's worst-ever mark of (K. The Cardinals will surely see their share of upset bids this fall, playing perhaps their toughestschedule ever.
s. Moeller La Salle (3~) Moeller (3·3)
WHEN: Today, 7:30p.m. WHERE: Galbreath Field, 5440
Kings Island Dr., Kings Island . PICK: Moeller · . · WHAT TO WATCH: Both teams put themselves back into the GCL South title chase 'upsets. La Salle's only ·decisive loss of the year was against Elder, who Moeller beat last week.· The Lancers have ttie third highest-seor· ing offense among area Division I· . . . teams. Mcieller will hope for a . repeat of last week's offensive bal· ance, when quarterback Pat McLaughlin threw for 237 yards and running back Mike Kamphake · rushed for 139 yards. Last year, these teams combined for nearly 1,000 yards of offense in a V'{ild 34· 31 victory by Moeller. ·
The Crusaders could probably go 5·5 and make the playoffs. That's how loaded their schedule is. It's a Who's Who of Midwest powers: defending Division Istate champ Cleveland St. Ignatius, picked No.1 in the nation by . scholastic sports expert Doug Huff; returning regional finalist Massillon Washington; defending Kentuc~ Class AAA state champ Covington Catholic; Street-t. Smith's "team to · watch" Upper St. Clair (Pa.); and the Nos. 2, 3, 4 and 6 teams in Cincinnati. Just three gaines are at Moeller's home site, Galbreath Field.
t"...... r- O>/C'f-!fi1:"""''W -·······-·
., LA SALLE 30, MOELLER 8 at Moeller - The win for La Salle : was just its second over Moeller i since the two teams began , playing each other in 1963. ' Senior quarterback Nate Sexton led a balanced Lancers' attack, which racked up 420 yards · total offense. Sexton was 12 of 20 . for 187 yards and two touch· downs passing. He also scored . on a 92-yard run which made the score 30-0 in the fourth quarter. La Salle's only dther win in . : the series came 42-38 in 1989. Moeller avoided the shutout when senior Pat McLaughlin scored from 1-yard out with four minutes left. The Crusaders rushed for only 58 yards. La Salle sophomore · Wiz White outgained Moeller by himself, rushing for 98 yards. LASALLE atMOEUER
0 0
17 0
6 0
L-Nelson 48 pass from Sexton (Schreck kick) L-Holthaus 22 pass (Schreck kic~) L-FG 30 Schreck L-Roblnson recovered fumble In end zone (kick failed) L-Sexton 92 run (Schreck kick) M-Mclaughlin 1 run (l.oQan pass from Mclau!lhlin) RECORDS: La Salle 4-3, :1'-1 GCL; MoeHer 3-4, l-2.
7- 30 8- 8
Enough .votes appear to be there
years due to scheduling," Kocica said. "There are many traditional rivalries the lOth week, which would have to be worked out." : Kocica is among the area administrators reserving judgment on the proposed realignment. "I was so optimistic last time we presented it, but the proposal was tabled by the board," said Kocica, a member of the playoff committee. "This time I'm cautiously optimistic. There will always be opposition to the six divisions, but several board members who were against it last year are no longer there." Kocica explained that several members of the Board of Control are from non-football schools, and didn't see the need for change. Two years ago, Ohio's principals were canvassed by letter on their feelings toward going to six divi~ons. More than 66% favored
the change. When approved, there will be six equal divisions with an estimated 117 schools in each grouping. In Ohio, 705 schools field football teams. Based on enrollment figures used for the 1993 season, the cutoffs for the six division setup should break down as follows: Division I (1,205-485); Division II (484-350); Division III (349-250); Division IV (249-185); Division V (184-125), and Division IV (124 and under). Vince Suriano, Anderson's football coach, believes the OHSAA should take a look at a different method of dividing the teams, without regard to an equal number of schools in each division. "Anything is better than what we've had," Suriano said. "But there's too much discrepancy in Division I. Our enrollment is 480 and we could possibly fall into the big division."
Six-division breakdown Here's a listing of the divisions that each Cincinnati-area school would be in based on enrollment figures from October of 1992. The final division breakdown will be made according to figures from October of 1993: ..,. Division I (1,205-485): Aiken, Colerain, Elder, Fairfield, Hamilton, Harrison, La Salle, Lakota, Middletown, Milford, Moeller, Oak Hills, Princeton, St. Xavier, Sycamore, Western Hills, Withrow and Woodward. ..,. Division II (484-350): Amelia, Anderson, Glen Este, Hughes, Lebanon, Mount Healthy, Northwest, Norwood, Taft, Talawanda, Turpin, Walnut Hills, Wilmington, Winton ¡ Woods. ..,. Division Ill (349-250): Clermont
Northeastern, Hamilton Badin, Edgewood, Franklin, Goshen, Kings, Lemon Monroe, Little Miami, Loveland, New Richmond, Purcell Marian, Roger Bacon, Ross, Springboro, Western Brown. ..,. Division IV (249-185): Bethel-Tate, Blanchester, Clinton Massie, Deer Park, Indian Hill, Mason, McNicholas, Middletown Madison, Taylor. ..,. Division V(184-125): Batavia, Deer Park, East Clinton, Finneytown, Madeira, Mariemont, North College Hill, Reading, Waynesville, Wyoming. ..,. Division VI (under 124): Cincinnati Country Day, Hillcrest, Middletown Fenwick, Landmark Christian, Lockland, New Miami, Summit Country Day, Williamsburg.
Aiken, Moeller praised
playoffs expand New Division VI created for football BY DAVE SCHUTTE Enquirer contributor
I'1Iq ~
The. Ohio high school football playoffs will expand from five to six divisions for the 1994 season. At a December meeting of the Coaches Playoff Committee, the group unanimously recommended the expansion of the playoffs beginning next year. · The proposal will be presented to the Board of Control of the Ohio High School Athletic Association, probably at the January meeting. OHSAA Commissioner Clair Muscaro, along with assistant commissioners Fred Dafler and Blair Irwin, attended the Coaches Playoff Committee meeting and endorsed the proposal. A source revealed that the Board of Control votes needed for passage are there and that the vote would be only a formality. Other proposals set for the January meeting concern scheduling of the championship games and the eventual doubling of teams qualifying for the playoffs. There is substantial support for having all six state championship games scheduled the same day with three played in the northern Ohio area and three in southern Ohio. If passed, the proposal could place state championship playoff games in Cincinnati for the first time since 1980, when Moeller routed Massillon, 30-7, at Nippert Stadium. · "We've also proposed that the number of schools qualifying for the playoffs should be doubled," said Turpin Athletic Director Tom Kocica, a member of the Coaches Playoff Committee. "Instead of four teams from each region, a total of eight would qualify."
That would bring the total number of teams qualifying for the playoff to 192 from 80. In order for this to come about, the regular season would be cut from 10 to nine games with those teams not making the playoffs afforded the option to play a 1Oth game. · "The expansion to eight teams won't take place for at least two years due to scheduling," Kocica said. "There are many traditional rivalries the lOth week, which would have to be worked out." · Kocica is among the area admini$trators reserving judgment on the proposed realignment. · "I was so optimistic last time we presented it, but the proposal was tabled by the board," said I\ocica, a member of the playoff committee. : "This time I'm cautiously optimistic. There will always be opposition to the six divisions, but several board members who were against it last year are no longer there." : Kocica explained that several members of the Board of Control ;\re from non-football schools, and didn't see the need for change. : Two years ago, Ohio's principals were canvassed by letter on t)'leir feelings toward going to six divisions. More tha;'l 66% favored
Accolades to the Aiken High School basketball team for its good sportsmanship following the Division I basketball sectional championship and to Moeller High School for publicly recognizing the Aiken players' fine example after defeat. Both teams came out winning -~~ . ~ 1 y. JANET B. HIRS~ Delh1
s--t '/
the change. When approved, there will be six equal divisions with an estimated 117 schools in each grouping. In Ohio, 705 schools field football teams. Based on enrollment figures used for the 1993 season, the cutoffs for the six division setup should break down as follows: Division I (1,205-485); Division II (484-350); Division III (349-250); Division IV (249-185); Division V (184-125), and Division IV (124 and under). Vince Suriano, Anderson's football coach, believes the OHSAA should take a look at a different method of dividing the teams, without regard to an equal number of schools in each division. "Anything is better than what we've had," Suriano said. "But there's too much discrepancy in Division I. Our enrollment is 480 and we could possibly fall into the big division."
Six-division breakdC»Yn Here's a listing of the divisions < .Northeastern, Hamilton Badin,
that each Cincinnati-area school would be in based on enrollment figures from October of 1992. The final division breakdown will be made according to figures from October of 1993: ll> Division I (1 ,205-485): Aiken, Colerain, Elder, Fairfield, Hamilton, Harrison, La Salle, Lakota, Middletown, Milford, Moeller, Oak Hills, Princeton, St. Xavier, Sycamore, Western Hills, Withrow and Woodward. ll> Division II (484-350): Amelia, Anderson, Glen Este, Hughes, Lebanon, Mount Healthy, Northwest, Norwood, Taft, Talawanda, Turpin, Walnut Hills, Wilmington, Winton Woods. ll> Division Ill (349-250): Clermont
Edgewood, Franklin, Goshen, Kings, Lemon Monroe, Little Miami, Loveland, New Richmond, Purcell Marian, Roger Bacon, Ross, Springboro, Western Brown. ll> Division IV (249-185): Bethel-Tate, Blanchester, Clinton Massie, Deer Park, Indian Hill, Mason, McNicholas, Middletown Madison, Taylor. ll> Division V (184-125): Batavia, Deer Park, East Clinton, Finneytown, Madeira. Mariemont, North College Hill, Reading, Waynesville, Wyoming. ll> Division VI (under 124): Cincinnati Country Day, Hillcrest, Middletown Fenwick, Landmark Christian, Lockland, New Miami, Summit Country Day, Williamsburg.
Wanted: Scholarships for players BY TIM PENNINGTON Enquirer contributor
j -I,. "f 2-/
The reduction in Division football scholarships has caught local high school coaches off guard and many top players empty-handed. With the signing period starting Wednesday, the Cincinnati area will produce roughly half as many Division I signees as in years past. 1 "I think the days are over where you see five or six guys ·from one team produce Division I players," said Moeller coach Steve Klonne. "Some teams will be lucky to have just one." · ~he main culprit, coaches say, is the cut in scholarships from 95 to 85. Proposition 48 is another factor. Besides eliminating players who don't meet eligibility requirements, it has led to stronger junior college programs and shifted the attention of some recruiters. "There's an increasing number
of players going to junior colleges due to Proposition 48 and the recruiters are going after these players," said Princeton's recruiting coordinator, jan Knepshield. Among the local casualties were The Enquirer's Players of the Year: Princeton defensive back John Baker and Loveland quarter-· back Brian Wilschevick. "john didn't get a smell although he had a 2.6 GPA and scored 850 on the SAT," Knepshield said. Villanova was the only Division I school to express interest in Wilschevick after the season, although North Carolina, Michigan and Ohio State had called before the season. "I was kind of shocked," Loveland coach Dave Wancata said. "A recruiter told me that, before the reduction in scholarships, schools were more willing to take a chance on kids."
Division· I signees Nathan Lamb, Little Miami, RB, Miami Jeremy Streck, Anderson, DL, Kentucky ,-.,Brian Houston, Moeller, K. Ohio" Chris Heywood, Anderson, DL, Kent State Joe Schmitt, Oak Hills, OL, Ball State Brian Uhl, CAPE, OL, Cincinnati Jeff Mohr, Oak Hills, OL, Air Force Dwayne Ballard, Colerain, OLB, Cincinnati Jermaine Broach, Princeton, DE, Louisville Kevin Kidd, Colerain, RB, Toledo Gary Crowley, Princeton, LB, Louisville Greg Jenkins, Goshen, OL, Indiana Rick Scheiderer, Princeton, OL, Akron Damon Collier, Hamilton, TE, Hawaii Carey Williams, Princeton, DL, E. Kentucky Paul Nichols, Lakota, OL, Miami Jay Hall, Walnut Hills, WR, Miami Lamont Smith, Lakota, OLB, Kentucky Rasche Sumpter, Western Hills, DB, Toledo Bnan Samuels, Lakota, TB, Southern Illinois Ryan Murphy, LaSalle, DL, Illinois Tony George, Winton Woods, DB, Florida
Preps commit to Ohio schools Two prep football stand?uts made haye made verbal commitments to Ohio schools. Bnap Husi ... J If~ '{ ton's, Moeller's standout place kicker, committed to Ohio University, and jay Hall, Walnut Hills' all-time leading receiver, committed to Miami University. Huston, Moeller's leading scorer this season with 101 points·, kicked 17 field goals Oongest 49) and 50 extra points, contributing to the Crusaders drive to the Division I state championship game. Hall, Cincinnati's second-leading receiver with 59 catches, averaged 25 yards per catch while picking up 1,480 yards, tops in Cincinnati.
Harvard courts Lapham Murphy visits Moeller star By Mike Bass Post staff reporter
Moeller High School tight end Dave Lapham II had a visitor Tuesday night. Former University of Cincinnati coach Tim Murphy stopped by the house for a recruiting visit. The new Harvard coach rep~ resents one of the schools pursuing the son of former Bengals offensive lineman Dave Lapham. "He doesn't really know Har." va:d like my wife and I do, not bemg from the area, but he's impressed with Tim Murphy," said Lapl_lam Sr. "He knows Harvard carnes a little prestige. I feel pretty sure he'll visit there after visiting with Tim." Academics are a priority with the younger Lapham, who scored a 33 on the ACT college~ntrance exam, correctly answermg every math question. The elder Lapham said his son has had contact with Stanford and Duke, plus such Ivy League schools as Harvard and Princeton, and that Harvard probably has the lead. A lot will have to do with how hard the Division I-A schools come after him. At his size - 6 feet 2, 210 pounds - he is a "tweener," said his father. Moeller coach Steve Klonne said Lapham is just maturing and can build himself up physically if he concentrates on one sport instead of doubling in baseball, as he did at Moeller. As 8: senior, Lapham had 44 receptions for 709 yards and six touchdowns and graded at about 84 percent efficiency as a blocker, but he showed Klonne something more. "He played half the season with a shoulder slightly separated in the St. Xavier game," said Klonne. "The rest of the year he switched to a left-handed sta.'nce because he couldn't put his other arm down because of a brace. But you never knew how much pain he was in. He didn't talk about it." Murphy is prohibited by NCAA rules from commenting on a recruit.
FOOTBALL STATISTICS .,.. Scoring Player, School Moody, NCH.................... Wilson, Ross.................... Llb"echt, Beechwood... Conrad, Holmes.............. Sowers. Elder................. Boyd, SUrmlit................. Monk, Franklin............... FUton. Wyoming............ Alexander, Colerain ...... . l..lp$comb, Taft.........._ Sickles, Princeton.......... . Schiano, Anderson....._ Swackhamer, Hlnsbor _ Krolvner, NCC................ SeanSchaffer,OP ......... Jones, ceo..................... . Gutt11111111, ceo................ Highfill. Mason ............... . Price, Loveland............ .. White, La Salle................ Buerger, Mariemont..•. Dave Wlson. Reading.. . Daniel, Summit.............. . Lee, Lloyd....................... Gossett, Wyoming ........ . Lelringe(, IH.................. . Johnson, WH .................. . Gregory, Uoyd............... O'Brien, Summit ............. T. Merchant, Lebanon.. llg, Ointon-Massle.......... Arnold, Little Miami. ..... Bamhorst, Oak Hils...... Frauenknecht, LM. ........ Josefovsky, Anderson.. Sheffield, Lloyd.............. . Cross, Woodward.......... Ford. Hlnsboro ............. ... Ells, Princeton. .............. . Wllschevlck, Marlemo.. Smlth,Ryle ..................... . Holbert, Harrison ........... Kerr, St. Xavier..............
G Pos. TD.PAFG Tot ~RB120072 ~RB9~064
5TB102062 5RB92056 ~RB 900 ~ ~ RB 7 9 0 51 ~TB82050 ~RB800~ ~RB800~ ~RB800~ ~RB800~ ~TB800~
5 HB 6 10 0 46 4WB52144 4RB 70042 ~SE 70042 4RB60042 4QB59142 4RB70042 4WR70042 4RB61038 4FB60036 5RB60036 4RB60036 4RB60036 4RB60036 5RB52032 4TB52032 4WR 51032 4 WR 5 1 0 31 4QB50030 4RB50030 4FB50030 4TB50030 SWR 500 30 4FB50030 4HB50030 4RB50030 4RB50030 5RB50030 4RB~5029
0 14 4 26
Ill> Rushing Player, School Alt. Yards Wlson, Ross ................................... 1118 883
Avg. 8.2
,r!r~~~~·::::::::::::m ~: ::~ Schiano, Anderson ....................._ 78 670 8.6 . Mundy, NCH .........................- ....._73 Johnson, Walnut Hills ..................-63 Smith. Ryle ..............................._ 95 Alexander, Colerain .......................n Krolvner, NCC ................................54 1Monk, Frank6n .............................. 70 Hobert, Harrison ...............- ....... 93 ;Sowers, Elder .................................91 Conrad. Homes ..................._,_ 65 Burdine, Clnton-Massle ·---..... 65 Gossett, Wyoming ..........................~ Murph, Woodward .............- .......68 Frauenknecht, Little Miami .........n Ford. Hillsboro ................................ 43 Jones, ceo ...................................... 58 Kamphake, Moeler ......... .:::: ......... 71 Davidson, MI. Healthy ...................90 Day, Talawanda ............................. 88 While, La Salle ................................ 76 Hines, Walnut Hills ..........................~ Highf111. Mason ................................. 63 Josefovsky,Anderson .................. ~ Scott Schaffer, Deer Park ............ 58 Sickles, Princeton .......................... 59 Hayes, St. Xavier ........................... 47 Teley, Loveland .............................. 60 Askew, Winton Woods ................. 56 Wilschevick, Mariemont .............. 41 Brookins, Princeton ....................... ~ Pope, Wimamsburg ....................... 62 Faulkner, New Miami .................... 59 Abney, Lloyd ................................... ~ Knight, Fairfield .............................. 53 Dick, Readlng .................................. 53 O'Brien, Summit ............................. 38 Price, Loveland ............................... 35 Leininger, indian Hll .......................34 Fulton, Wyoming ................ -.-..55 Brown. Purcen Marian ................. 78
601 594 583 ~1
526 519 514 505 502
462 443 441 439 430 426 420 392 386 380 373 365 3S6
355 3~
347 343 333 332 331 326 326 3ai
303 302 300
8.2 9.4 6.1 1.0 19.0 7.5 5.6 5.7 7.8 7.8 9.0 6.8 5.7 10.3 7.6 6.0 4.7 U
5.2 8.0 9.5 7.8 6.3 6.0 7.6 5.9 6.3 8.5 6.4 5.4 5.6 6.9 6.3 6.2 8.6 8.7 8.9 5.5 3.8
Ill> Passing Player, School Att Comp Lee, Lloyd ............................... - .... 60 37 Werner,CCO ....................................81 43 Mclaus1ifn, Moeller ....'::'.. ---- 63 41 Bruns, Surrmtt ................................ ~ 31 Lammers, Elder .............................61 38 Evlston, NCC .................................. .58 25 Sprengard,SI.Xavler ....................93 40 Barton. HIUsboro ............................ 55 34 Mender, Madeira ........................... 99 41 Milner, Mariemont ........................ 51 28 Brown. Princeton ........................... 52 26 Brewer, Williamsburg ................... ~ 21 Phipps, Cllnton-Massfe .................. 61 30 Wischer, Beechwood .................... 56 28 Slusher, Holmes .............................. 86 38 Durbin. Ross .................................... 46 23 Fletcher, Reading ............................ 53 29 Holatz. OHr Park ......................... 46 22 Goins.l!laochester ......................... 76 28 n--·"' ......._ u:a..
1023 852 662 657 615 591 585 569 549 536 531 430 527 515 495 462 «5 445 433
Enquirer coaches polls
Adkins, Mason ...... - ..............-......3
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6. 8. 9. 10.
Ill> Interceptions
Div. 111-IV-V-VI
Division 1-11 L Colerain (11) --........................................ 110 2. Elder .......................................................... 97 3. Lakota ............................................. __... 86 4. St. Xavier .............................................. -. n s. Sycamore................................................. 56 "- 6. Moeler ..................................................... 50 7. Princeton .................................................. 30 a. La Sale ...................................................... 22 9. Harrison ..._.............................................. 19 9. Walnut Hills ............................................... 19 others: Turpin 13, Anderson 10, Winton Woods 9, Uma 4, Hamilton 1, Aiken 1, Ame6a 1, Western Hils 1. Coaches voting In the poll: Pat Mancuso, Princeton. Steve Rasso, St. Xavier; Kerry Coombs, Colerain; Tom Grippa, Elder; Vince Suriano, Anderson; Dick Nocks. Harrison; Lou Cynkar, Winton Woods; Greg Bailie, Lakota; Ed Youngs, western Hills; Tim Uchtenberg, Mason; Steve Klome, Moeller.
Mariemont (5) ....... _ ................................ 76 Ham. Badin (2) ...- ......................_ .......... 73 ceo !1l .................,__............................. 57 Wyoming ... - .........._ ................................ 43 Purcel Marian ........................................... 39 Deer Park ............._ ........................._ ...... 34 Ross .......................___........................34 SIKMlil CO ..........______, .................... 26 Readlng ......................__.....,.................. 14 NewMiaml ........._ .. ,................................ 9
others: McNicholas 8, Mason 8, Turpin 8, · Indian Hil 3, WiDiamsburg 2, Waynesvlle 1. Coaches voting in the pol: Herb Woeste, Purcel Marian; Tom Crosby, Mariemont; Tim Dunn, Ceo; 8emie Barre, WyOIT'lln!l; Garrick Robinson, SUrmlit CO; lac Taylor, BethelTate; Mike Morgan, Deer Park; Ben HUlbard, New Miami; Bruce Baarendse, North Colege Hill; Dick B*<L Ross; Ken Minor, Readlng.
5. ~. Cllnton-Massie; Cooper, Indian Hil; 4. Evans, Lakota; Jones, Beechwood; Kirby, Reading; Jackson. Colerain; 3. Anderson, Amelia; O'Brien, Sl.mmil; AJ. eooen. Sl.mmit; LeWis, Ryle; Huster, Deer Park; Rogers, Turpin. Dangelo, Turpi1; Robeffi, ~s 2. Daugherty, Amela; Lee, L.Joy4; Baker, Lloyd; Nisbett, Anderson; SHies, PMceton; Hudson. Hamilton; Peerson, Lakota; Kine, Fairfield; Knlglt, Falrfltld; Strauss. Mldclefown; Harston, Mldcletown; Haynes, Purcel Marian; Vangen. Ross; Hartley, Ftmeylown; Llb"edrt, Beechwood; .lllrmall, Holme$; Perkins, M.artemont; Kramer, Western Hnls; Boyd, Western HIRs; Nelson, Lebanon; Robinson, Lebanon; Holatz. Deer Park; Ryan. Elder; Conroy, Elder; Moody, NCH; Cousino, lnclan Hill, Ely, nlen Hill; Bonar, Cderaln; Atkinson. Oak Hils; Fosler, Aiken; Reed, Alten; Kreimer, Glen Este; Gossett, WyOming
Ill> Fumble recoveries 4: Singer, Purcel Marian;
Murphy, Colerain ............................25
.,.. Receiving Player, School No. GuttiTIIIII, ceo ._........................... .24 Maklow, Madeira ...............___ 19 Luckey, Holmes ............................. 18 Buerger, Mariemont ..................... 17 Carlin. Madleira - - -................... 17 Ellis. Princeton .....................- ........ 16 Rook, Badin ...........- ...................... 16 Thompson, Utffe Miami .....- ....... 16 Ug, C6nton-Massfe .......................... 15 Turner, Hillsboro .................... - ... 15 Lee, Lloyd .............._ ....._ ............. 14 Kettler, St. Xavier .......................... 14 Gregovlcll, wmamsburg .............. 14 Voegele, Lockland .......................... 14 Brlnck, Badin ·------................. 14 Boyd, 5urnmil ................................. 13 Jones, Beechwood ......................... 13 Slas, McN1cltolas ..........- ............. 12 Kappret, Anderson ......................... 12 Evans, Lakota ................................ 12 Fltz, Moeller .......~-...- ............. 12 W~son,MIIford __ ........................ 12 Esber, Talawanda .......................... 12 T. Merchant, Lebanon ...................11 Fox, oak Hils ................_ ................ 11 Gregory, Lloyd ............................... 10 Parton, Elder ................................... 10 Welling, Harrison ............................ 10 MusseiiTIIIII, Fairfield .................... 10 Fausz, NCC .........................................9 Sean Schaffer, Deer Park ...............9 Dangelo, Turpin ................. - ...........9 Shelflei<L Lloyd ................................. 9 Reed, Aiken ........................................9 Betts, MI. Healthy ............................9 Sears, Deer Park ..............................9 Lynch, Blanchester .......................... 9 Henry, Little Miami ..........................9 Schenk, HamiHon ............................. 9 Wood. Lebanon ..................................9 Kamphake, Moeller ....;,................ 8 Kirby, Reading ...................................8 Humphrey, Holmes ......................... 8 Kehler, Ross ..................................... 8 Captain. Hrusboro ............................. 8 votmer, ceo .....................................8
Garretson. Talawanda .................... 8 Hutchinson, Ross .............................. 8 Eagan, Elder ..................................... 8 Buck, Flnneytown ............................ 8 Vordernesche, Norwood ................ 8 Bishop, Beechwood ......................... 8 Singer, Purcell Marian - ............. 8 Dave Wilson. Reading ......................8 ·Buller, Roger Bacon ......... _, ............ .8
216 149 376 258 405 257 185 364 245 403 288 228 158 105 335
247 182 147 106 61 234 190 300 205 178 151 301 284 217 184 163 161 129 99 96 95 74 233 225 222 214 207 174
Avg. 20.3 11.~
8.3 22.1 15.2 25.3 16.1 11.5 24.3 16.3 28.8 20.6 16.3 11.3 7.5 25.8 23.0 25.3 20.6 15.2 12.2 8.9 5.1 21.3 17.2 30.0 20.5 17.8 15.1 33.4 31.5 24.1 20.4 18.1 17.9 14.3 11.0 10.6 10.6 8.2 29.1 28.1 27.8 26.7 25.9 21.3
l~ J::~
139 136 123 125 118 100 94 78 41
17.4 17.0 15.4 15.2 14.8 12.5 11.7 9.8 5.0
.,.. All-purpose yardage Player, School Wilson, Ross.................... Lubrecht, Beechwood... Mundy,NCH.................... Conrad, Holmes.............. Boyd, Summit................. Krollmer, NCC................ Johnson, Walnut lflils..... Upscomd, Taft............... Sowers,Eider................. Schiano, Anderson......... Kamphake, Moeller..:'::.. Leininger,lndian Hil..... Hoberi,Harrison............ Smith, Ryle...................... Guttman. ceo.._......... Monk,FrankUn............... Hines, Walnut Hils......... Gossett, Wyoming......... Jones, ceo...................... Talley, Loveland.............
G Rsh Rec Ret Total
4 5 4 5 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4
883 705 601 505 250 531 594 222 514 670 430 303 519 583 34 526 386 ~
439 3~
18 152 1053 40 148 894 85 185 871 ~ 314 864 335 245 830 119 104 762 14 135 743 164 ~ 734 128 75 717 10 35 715 233 37 700 109 287 699 13 163 695 13 74 670 m 134 653 59 20 605 62 153 601 71 24 575 101 14 564 46 151 551
Ill> Kickoff returns
Boinnan, St. Xavier ............................5 Frauenknecht, Uttle Miami ........... 1 Dangelo, Turpin ..................- -.. 4 Slaven, Harrison ..- - - - - -.... 5 Oay,NCH ........ --.--....................2 Eliot, Hughes .................- ................6 Kunkel, Badin ................. _ ............... 1 Mueller, Roger Bacon ..................-5 Wainscott, Beechwood ------2 Johnson. Walnut Hils ............ ----4 Moody, NCH ...................................-2 Hartley, Flmeytown ....................... 4 Hamilton, Moeller ........-:::!..... - .... 5 Parton. Elder · · · - - -..............4
30 119 146 57 217 27 130 52 103 50 100 124 98
30.1 30.0 29.7 29.2 28.5 27.6 27.0 26.0 26.0 25.7 25,0 25.0 24.8 24.5
.,.. Kick scoring Player, School FG PAT Total Kerr, St. Xavier ...............- -........4 14 26 23 Engel, Lloyd ......· - - -................. 1 20 Byrd, Ryle .......................................... 4 9 21 Pogozatskt, Badin ...... _ _ _....... 1 14 17 17 Zurmehly, McNicholas .................... 4 5 Sullivan, Holmes ........................._. I 13 16 Belperio, Western Hils ................... 3 6 15 Benedict, NCH ....................................2 9 15 15 Miler, Lakota ................................... 1 12 15 Fink, Mariemont .............................. 0 15 Sean Schaffer, Deer Park ............... 1 9 u u werner,cco .................................... ..o 14 u Bergman, Indian Hill .......................... 1 11 Drake, Wyoming ...............................0 14 14 Berger,Beechwood ......................... 1 11 14 Schreck, La Salle .............................. o 14 14 Wheeler, Sycamore ........................ 3 4 13 Robinson, Lebanon ............................2 6 12 SicBiano, Moeler ....... ::::-................... 1 9 12 Hollrah, Anderson ............................ 2 6 12 Price, Loveland ............._ ............... 1 9 12
Ill> Punting Player, School No. Yltds Weisman, Finneytown ···---- 16 796 Goins, Blanchester ........................ 18 Zurmehly, McNicholas .................. 11 478 Gregory, Lloyd ............................... 10 468 Broadnax, Aiken ............................... 4 160 Berre,lndlanHII._........- - . 1 3 517 Thompson. Little Miami ---···9 356 Shestina, Turpin ........................- ..9 349 Gillihan, Sycamore .......... _. ___ 16 618 Dixon, Winton Woods ____....... 6 230 Holllns, WIUiarnsburg ..................... 16 606 Voegele, Lockland ...............- ..... 17 643 Gebhardt, Oak Hils ........................ 17 638 Tay1or,Loveland .............................10 374 carter,GienEste .................._ ..... 14 518 Sean Schaffer, Deer Park ... _,_16 592 Wilson, Ross ...................___..... 13 ~ Green. St. Xavier .. -·---·----... 6 221 Parton. Elder ....- .........................8 290 Berger, Beechwood ....................... to 362 Niesen. Roger Bacon ....... _ .......... 16 578 Seaman, MiHord - - - -............. 12 431 Schubert, Batavia ..- ..................... 18 648 Abshire, Glen Este ............_ ........ 9 324 Swackhamer, Hilsboro ................... 7 252
Avg. ~9.7
45.2 43.5 46.8 40.0 39.7 39.5 38.8 38.6 38.3 37.9 37.8 37.5 37A 37.0 37.0 36.9 36.8 36.3 36.2 36.1 36.0 36.0 36.0 36.0
Ill> Punt returns PlaYtr, School No. Yards Lipscomb, Taft .............. _ _...,... 3 128 Schiano, Anderson - ....................... 1 35 Mumty,NCH .......................................4 111 Guttman. ceo ................................... 5 135 Boiman. St. Xavier ............................ 1 24 Dangelo, Turpin ..........- .................. 4 92 Sheslina, Turpin .............................. 10 218 Durbin, Ross ...................................... 3 60 Jones, Beechwood ........................... 5 99 Foster, Aiken .....................................3 54 Harrvnack, Glen Este .......................8 128 aark, MI. Healthy ............................ 2 32 Bach, Williamsburg .......................... 3 47 Nelson, La Sale ................................. 8 123
Q-aio. UttiA Mi..mi
42,7 35.0 27.8 27.0 24.0 23.0 21.8 20.0 19.8 18.0 16.0 16.0 15.7 15.4
3: Pearson. Lakota; Daly, Taft; Schubert, Batavia; Richardson. st. Xavier; Malnowskl, st. Xavier; Cost, St. Xavier; Scott, Alten; A. Cooper, Hughes
2: Reldet Amefta; Daugherty, Amelia; Mor· gan. Lloyd; Kosman. Anderson; Swtsshem. Hillsboro; Turner, Hllsboro; HiD, La Salle; Hans, Fllrlleld; Caldwell. Middletown; Fox. Sycamore; Day, Talawanda; Fisher, Ross; Underhill, Summit; Beyers, Sl.mmlt; H\mplrey, Holmes; Davis, Homes; Gray, Holmes; l:llrring, Martemont; Batchelor, McNichOlas; Staats, McNicholas; Cllappell, Western Hils; Whitehead. Woodward; Jarclne, Lebanon; Ntc Huster, Deer Park; Felman. NCC; Trauth NCC; Kessen NCC; Yordy, Badin; Olver, Elder; Dwyer, Elder; AnderSon. ceo; Prewitt, ceo; Roden, Colerain; Wilks, Glen Este; Fox, Wyoming
.,.. Touchdown passes 11. Milner, Mll'iemont; 10. Lee, Lloyd; Lammers, Elder; 9. Evlston, NCC; e. werner, ceo; 7. Phipps, Clnton-Massle; 6. Davenport, Winton Woods; Bruns. Sl.mmil; Brewer, Wlllamsburg; Fletcher, Reading; 5. Barton, Hillsboro; Brown. Princeton; Alen. Purcell Marian; Durbin, Ross; Sklsher, HolmeS; Holatz, Deer Park; Malone, Badin; Sprengard, St. Xavier 4. Sexton, La Salle; Johnson. Lakota; Wbcher, Beechwood; Mender, Madeira; McLII<9IIIn. Moeller; Arnold, Little Miami 4; Shesllna, Turpi1; Strait, Mason.
.,.. Offensive average
':.r:rs;;::::.::.:=:~::::.:::::::..::·.::::·.::::.::: ~g ----··-397
ClnciMatl co --·----·---·-·····-··""'"425.0 Walnut Hils - - -.............................. .3 HIDsboro ................................_, ____............... 393.3 Princeton ........ - ................................................... 383.0 Sl.mmll ........................................................ 371.0 Uttle Miami ._....................- ........................... 371.0 Ross ............ - .......................................- .......... 369.0 Homes .................................................................... 356.0 Elder·----·---........................ _ ...... _ ....... 343.0
~eoaege'Hiie:~::::~.:·.:~.::::::.::::.::=::::.:~ Newport Central talholic ·--·---·-...........-.336.4
M.arlemont ............................................................ 326.0
lnclan Hils ..... - ...........................__ .................. 300.1
Lakota---·---......................................_..... 300.5
~~.:~.:~:~::::::.::::.::~.:·.:::::::~.=~.:::~:::::~:::. ~~. g
Batavia ........- ..................................._. ______ 291.8 Loveland----....................... _ ................... 291.5
~o;;::::::·.::·~::::.::::~~~.-.~::::.:~::.~.~:.:::::::·::.:·:~·:::::. ::g
Beechwood·----.................. - ............,............ 283.4 La Sale ................................................................... 281.5 Harrison .................. _ ............................................. '07.0
Ill> Defensive average Colerain .................................................................... 112.0 St. Xavier ................................................................. 119.0 Amell• ..................................................................... 124.0
~~.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-~:::: l~::g ::~~~~.::.~::::::::::::.:~::::::.::.:.:::~:::.~::.:~::::· :~~
Mariemont ........................................................_. 144.0
Hamilton .................................................................. 146.8 Aiken ........................................................................ 150.0 Little Miaml ......................................... _. ................. 157.0 Purcell Marian ...................................................... 160.0 Elder ....................................................,.._____ 162.5 Franklin ..... - ................................................. _.. 165.0 New Miami ...........- ............................................... 169.3 Glen Este ..................................................... - .... 171.0 Deer Park _ ...................................................... -110.0
FOOTBALL STANDINGS 9--:J'] .. 1L Cincinnati Hills League
Team Mariemont........ Deer Park......... Wyoming ........... Reading .............. Indian HiD. ........... Finneytown....... Madeira ............. Taylor.................
League Overall w L w L 2 0 4 0 2 0 4 0 2 0 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 0 2 0 4 0 4 2 0 0 2 0 4
Queen City National
PF 129 108 116 109 112 20
PA 9 25
56 56 82 119 173 135
36 46
League Overall w L w L' PF 0 1 0 3 93 0 0 3 1 71 2 0 0 2 69 0 1 0 3 54 1 3 0 0 41 0 0 I 3 28
Team Winton Woods.. Harrison............. Walnut Hills ....... Hughes .........:..... Mount Heallhy. Northwest.. .......
68 92 89 128 71
Queen City American Greater Miami Conference Team Lakota ................ Sycamore.......... Lima senior....... Hamilton... :........ Middletown ....... Fairfield............. Princeton........... Milford...............
League Overall w L w L 2 0 4 0 1 2 0 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 2 0 2 2 0 2 1 3
PF 87 61
PA 51
68 50 50 91 81 105 89
72 72 41 45 143 41
League Overal w L w L 1 0 4 0 1 0 4 0 0 3 1 1 2 1 0 2 0 .1 2 2 1 2 0 2 0 1 1 3 1 0 4 0
Team Turpin ................. Anderson ........... Glen Este ........... Amelia................ Woodward ........ Taft .....................
League Overall Team w L w L Elder................... 0 0 4 0 1 St. Xavier.......... 0 0 1 LaSalle ............... 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 2 Moeller....
PF 103 121 79 33 27 81 80 33
43 47 92 63
32 67 77 108
PF 104 120 41 63 61 76
PA 14 70 61 18 72 95
= ....
Fort Ancient Valley Cont. Team Lillie Miami...... Ross.................... Mason................ Norwood ............ Springboro......... Kings................... Goshen............... Wilmington........
League overall w L w L 0 0 4 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 2 0 2 2 0 1 3 0 0
PF 108 116
PA 13 53
136 )8
72 90
League Overall Team w L w L Badin................... 1 0 4 0 Pur. Marian...... 1 0 3 1 c.-Julienne ......... 0 1 2 2 Aller................... 1 0 3 1 McNicholas ....... 0 1 1 3
PF 103 77 88 75 63
Roger Bacon ..... PA 78
PA 41 43 89 55 74
Team Oncinnali CD... Summit CD....... No. College HiD.. New Miami ....... L. Christian........ Lockland ............ Batavia. ..............
PF 124 153 130 45 60
PA 26
102 106
60 43 43
League Overall w L w L 1 0 4 0 3 1 1 0 2 2 1 0 2 2 1 0 1 0 3 1 1 0 0 4 1 0 0 4 1 0 4 0
PA 52 63 55 70 65
145 67 61 86
77 13 37 26
Mid Miami Leapue Team Franklin.............. Miamisburg...... Lebanon............. Lem Mon ........... Edgewood. ........ Tala wanda........ Carroll.......:........
League overal w L w L 1 1 0 3 1 3 1 0 1 0 1 3 1 3 1 0 1 3 0 1 1 1 3 0 1 1 3 0
Team Colerain.............. Aiken.................. West. Hills....__ Withrow............. Oak Hills.............
League Overall W L W L 0 0 4 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
2 1 1
2 3 3
PF 109 82 63 51 60
PA 26 69 55 88 128
League OVerall W L W L 0 0 1 1 o o o 1
PF 42
PA 41 21
0 0
East Clinton-
2 . 1 1
49 48
34 28
Kentucky Team Ryle ...................................................... Beechwood ....................................... . Holmes ............ ·-··-·---················-· Uoyd-.................................................. Newport CC-.................................. . Boone County ....................................
44 71 82 110 81 48 101
90 43 87 34 40
L 3 2
2 3 4 5 4 4 4 3 2 3 1 0 4 0 1 2
Ludlow._.....................................,.... ..
PF 82 85
Independents Team Waynesvillecarnste-Clinton Massie
Southern Buckeye Conf Team Hillsboro ............. OermoniNE. .... Bethel-Tate....... Loveland............ Wimamsburg..... N.Richmond....... Blanchesler....... W.Brown..........
Metro County Conference
Miami Valley Conference League Overall w L w L 0 1 0 4 1 1 0 3 1 1 0 3 3 1 0 0 1 1 3 0 1 0 4 0 4 0 1 0
Highlands.. - ....................................... Simon Kenton. ................................... Newport....- ....................................... Carroll County--·-········-····--·-·--· · Scot! ............~...................................... Dayton.-.......................................... Campbea County·--·--·····-··-·Dixle Heights~---·············-·-············ Covington CathoDe............................
0 1 1 1 2 3 2 4 5 1 5 4 3
Cincinnati Hills League Team Mariemont........ Wyoming........... Deer Park......... Reading.............. indian HilL......... Finneytown....... Madeira............. Taylor.................
League Overall W L W L 3 0 5 0 3· 0 4 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 3 2 0 3 0 5 0 3 0 5 0 3 0 5
PF 164 158 108 158 146 23 56 46
PA 9 76 60
56 85 153 215 184
Greater Miami Conference Team Lakota................ Sycamore.......... Hamilton............ Lima Senior....... Princeton........... Middletown....... Fairfield............. Mi!ford...............
League OVerall W L W L
3 2 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 2 2 2 2 3
4 3 3 3 1 1 1
1 2 2 2 4 4 4
89 89 100 192 47 52 55
82 57
99 133 119 98 117
Fort Ancient Vallev Conf. Team Ross.................... Norwood............ Lillie Miami...... Mason................ Goshen............... Wilmington........ Springboro......... Kings...................
League Overalr W L W L 2 0 5 0 2 0 3 2• 1 1 4 1 1 1 3 2 1 1" 2 3 1 1 1 4 0 2 2 3 0 2 2 3
League overall
PF 149
68 55 77 126 . 73 100 120 110 100 63 115 34 60 95 89
W 1 1 1 0 0 0
Winton Woods .. Harrison............•
Mount Healthy. Walnut Hills...... . Hughes ............... Northwest.........
L 0 0 0 1 1 1
W 4 4 2 2 1 1
L 1 1 3 3 4 4
PF 121 99 62 87 61
PA 94
League Overall WL WL 1 0 5 0 1 0 3 2 1 0 3 2 0 1 2 3 0123 0 1 1 4
PF 119 175 96 47 70 82
League Overall WL WL 1 0 5 0 1 0 4 1 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
PF 154 151 ~~
League Overall
... Coaches pollRank Team (first-place votes) ....... Pts 1. Colerain (24) .................................313
2. Princeton (5)................................. 275 3. St. Xavier (3) ................................. 249 4. Elder............................................. 204 5. Moeller....... ~ ..................... 196 6. La Salle (1 )................................... 175 7. Anderson ....................................... 92 8. Hamilton .............. :.......................... 76 9. Lakota............................................ 61 10. Western.Hills .................................. 59 Others: Withrow 56; Winton Woods 36; Fairfield 24; Sycamore 13: Mariemont 10; Badin 7; Turj:lin. Middletown. Wyoming 5; Harrison 2; Woodward 1.
W L 2 0 2 0
W L 4 1 4 1
PA 21 76 78 116
33 130
PA 41 70 108
Team Oncinnati c.o... No. College Hill.. New Miami....... Summit c.o....... L Christian........ Lockland............ Batavia...............
League overall W L W L
2 2 1 1 0
o 0
0 0 0 1 1 2 2
5 4 4 3 1
o 0
0 1 1 2 4 5 5
150 144 63 160 67 49 31
33 56 43 86 126 116 124
Southern Buckeye Conf League Overall Team WL WL Hillsboro....... _.... 2 0 5 0 Oermont NE..... 2 0 4 1 Loveland............ 2 0 3 2 Williamsburg..... 1 1 4 1 Bethel-Tale....... 1 1 2 3 N.Richmond....... 0 2 0 5 Blanchester....... 0 2 0 5 W. Brown.......... 0 2 0 5
PF 199
113 110 97 75 19 37 32
PF 111 89
League overalr PA "''' Team W L W L 71 Franklin.............. 2 0 4 1 62 Lem Monroe..... 2 0 2 3
PF 102 71
Miamisburg...... Lebanon............. Talawanda........ CarrolL.............. Edgewood......... Fenwick.............
3 2
2 3
1 2
4 3
92 114
54 56 129 38
91 102
72 129 81
Metro County Conference
PA 52
77 76 71 91 131 211 158
Mid Miami Leaaue
GCL-North Team Pur. Marian.... .. Aller ...................
116 63
Miami Valley Conference
GCL-South Team Elder................... St. Xavier.......... LaSalle............... Moeller......~
Queen City American Team. Turpin................. Anderson........... woodward........ Glen Este........... Amelia................ Tall.....................
Badin................... Roger Bacon ..... C-Juienne ......... McNicholas.......
PA 51 126
Team Colerain.............. west. Hms......... Withrow............. Aiken.................. Oak Hills.............
League Overall W L W L . PF 1 0 5 0 158 1 o 3 2 119 0 0 2 3 92 0 1 3 2 90 0 1 1 4 78
PA 34 73 88 117 184
Kentucky Team Uoyd................................... ~ ............... Newport CC ..................................... . Boone County................................... . Ludlow...........- .................................. Beechwood............................ --········• Holmes................................................ Dayton................................................ Highlands.......................................... .. Newport....._....................................... Covington Catholic............................ Ryie ...................................................... Simon Kenton. .................................. . Dixie Heights..................................... Carroll County······-······-···········-·--· Campbell County ............•.................. Scot! ..............................•.....................
w 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3
2 2 1 0 0
L 0 1 1 1 2 2 2
2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6
. . .-
Boyd, S<D........................ Sickles, Princeton........... WPson. Reading.............. Conrad. Holmes.............. Alexander, Colerain....... Highfill, Mason................ White, La Sane................ Lipscomb, Taft............... Sean Schaffer, Mason... Sowers, Elder................. Schiano, Anderson......... Swackhamer, Hilts......... Price, Loveland.............. O'Brien, SCO................... Fulton, Wyoming............ Gossett, Wyoming......... WUschevick, Mar...........
~p=~ ~tAFG T~ ! ~: : ~
3 WB 3 RB 3 RB 4 RB 3 RB 3 RB 3 RB 3 RB 3 RB 3 RB 3 TB 3 FB 3 QB 3 TB 3 RB 3 RB 3 TB .Jones. ceo...................... 3 RB Gutman, C<D.................. , 3 WR Smith, Ryle.................... 4 RB Gregory, Lloyd.........._. 4 FB Kerr, Sf. xavier.............. 3 K eros$, Woodward.......... 3 FB Barmorst, Oak Hils...... 3 RB Karnphake, Moeler.- 3 RB Brookins, Princeton....... 3 RB Ells, Princeton................ 3 RB Sheffield, Lloyd............... 4 WR Lee, Lloyd........................ 4 RB Alen. Winton Wood$..... 3 WR Artlng, St. Xavier............ 3 RB Dick, Reading ....... -....... 3 RB S. Kirby, Reading............ 3 R Josefovsky, Anderson.. 3 TB Ford, Hillsboro................ 3 HB Frauenknecht, LM......... 3 RB Daniel. SCO...................... 3 FB Gregovlch, Will............... 3 SE Scott Schaffer, Mas._ 3 TB 11>-
6 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 6 6 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4
1 13 4 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
45 42 38 38 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 32 32 32 30 30 30 30 30 30 26 25 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
4 4 4 0 0
24 24 24
1 1 0 0 0 0 9
0 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 0
Player, School Alt. Yards Avg. 7.3 693 Wisoo.lakota --····-·-·-···--··· 95 7.9 Wisoo. Ross ···········-··-·-··-·-· 81 61.7 9.8 SchiMo, Anderson ········--·--· 61 600 6.1 lubrechl, Beechwood-···---··· 87 532 9.3 .Jolmon, Wmut Hills···········-· 54 506 8.4 Mundy, NCH ··········----······57 481 6.7 Smith, Ryle ···---·····-- 70 470 5.8 Holler!, Harrison --···---··--···· 77 448 Sowers, Elder ................................. 72 422 5.9 Alexander, Colerain ....................... 50 417 8.3 7.3 Conrad, Holmes ····-------·-·56 407 7.7 Murph, Woodward ····---···-·-· 50 385 5.2 White, La Salle ··---··········-···- 67 373 12.9 Ford, Hilsboro -·················-····· 29 373 9.9 Gossett, Wyoming ··---·-···-······· 11 366 Hayes, St. Xavier ........................... 42 345 8.2 6.6 Kamphake, Moeler ····'"'·-········ 52 344 Frauenknecht, Little Miami ........ 59 334 5.6 Davison, MI. Healthy .................... 67 326 4.8 Dick, Reading ........................ _ ...... 46 310 6.7 Jones, C<D ...................................... 42 301 7.2 Hines, Walnut Hills ......................... 40 298 7.4 Porterfield, Goshen ....................... 48 297 6.2 Day, Talawanda ............................. 62 293 4.7 7.1 B<ookins, Princeton ·········-·---· 41 291 Askew, Winton Woods ................. 42 289 6.9 WPschevlck, Morlemorll .............. 33 288 8.7 Highfill, Mason ................................ 44 279 6.3 8.9 Sickles, Princeton ······--········-··· 40 274 Dave Wlson. Reading ................... 29 268 9.2 4.0 Brown, Purcel Marian ·-----···· 67 268 5.3 Taley, Loveland····--·-········-· 50 266 8.5 Josefovsky, Anderson ····--·-· 31 264 Gmler, Turpin ........................._.39 253 6.0 Balser, Sycamore .......................... 36 254 7.1 Pope, Williamsburg ....................... 45 253 5.4 Avney,Uoyd ................................... 34 250 7A 8.9 O'Brien. S<D ····-··········-··-··-····· 28 248 Faulkner, New Miami ................... 43 238 5.5 fierry, Uttle Miami ....................... 32 233 7.2 Davis, Holmes ................................. 35 230 6.6 6.3 Cummins, Kings ········-····-··-······ 35 225 11>- Passing Player, School AIt Comp Yds Lee, Lloyd ....................................... 55 34 966 Werner, C<D ................................... 60 33 61.8 Bruns, S<D ...................................... 39 27 536 514 Sprengord, Sf. Xavier -··-···-·· 65 31 Lammers, Elder ............................. 52 31 509 Brown, Princeton ........................... 43 23 -448 Mel~ Moeler ...."'> ........... 43 26 435 Barton, HIUsboro ............................ 39 27 426 Fletcher, Reading ........................... 36 20 398 Mender, Madeira ........................... 78 32 391 Going. Blanchester ........................ 56 23 385 Ho8atz, Mason ................................ 42 19 368 Streit, Mason .................................. 38 17 357 Wischer, Beechwood .................... 46 20 311 Mllner,Morlemont ........................ 42 19 326 5mher, Holmes ............................. 61. 28 309 Durbin. Ross .................................... 33 17 302 Bray,Oak Hnls ................................ 49 24 Malone, Ham Badin ....................... 39 26 288 Chambers, MI. Healthy ................ 40 19 279 Turner, Norwood ........................... 50 21 278 Burnett, McNicholas ..................... 31 13 277 Arnold, Little Miami ...................... 44 21 276 Bisi>OP, Batavia ............................... 36 17 275
2/ ,l.<J - "!..:>
Roberts, Hughes .................... - ...... 4 Dave Wilson, Reading ..................... 6 Styles, Northwest ............................ 2 Nelson. La Sl!ile ................................ 7 Rich Lattlre, Reading ...................... 2 Dangelo, Turpin _ ............................. 2
Enquirer coaches polls Division 1-11
Div. 111-IV-V-VI
I. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. -.7.
COlerain (7) ...................................--104 St.Xavler (4) .....- ................................ 102 Elder ................................................_ . 87 Lakota ......................................_ ............ 78 Princeton .........................................- .... 56 Winton Woods ........................._ ............. 38 Moeler .............................................___ 36 8. Anderson ................................. _ ............ 24 9. Sycamore ......................................_..... 19 10. Hamilton ................................ _ _,....... 16 others: La Salle 7, Withrow 6, Harrison 6, Western Hils 5, Turpin 5. Coaches voting In the pot Pal Mancuso, Princeton, Steve Rasso, St. Xaviel;; Kerry Coombs, Colerain; Tom Grlppa, Elder; Vince Suriano, Anderson; Olck Nocks, Harrison; Lou (ynkor, Winton Woods; Greg Bailie, Lakota; Ed YOlllgS, western Hms; Tim Uchtenberg. Mason; Steve Klonne, MoeSer.
Color, Anderson ............................. 26 Byrd, Tl!iawanda ........................... 47 Early, Aiken ........................•........... 38 Shestlna, Turpin ............................. 26 Elrod, Harrison ............................... 44 Johnson. Lakota ............................. 43 Schroeder, Kings ......... :.................. 47 Justin Morris, Lockland ............... 54 Brewer, WIUiamsburg ................... 35 Davenport, Winton Woods .......... 24 11>Player, School
16 23 16 15 16 22 14 21 2 21
271 268 265 255 251 250 250 241 237 229
Yds 438 335 158 88 282 158 98 201 188 226 148 326 217
No. Gutman, ceo .................................. 20 Ells, Princeton ................................ 14 ·Maklow, Madeira ......................... 14 Brlnck, Ham Badin ......................... 13 Kettler, Sf. Xavier ......................... 13 Car1in, Madeira ............................... 13 Luckey, Holmes ............................. 13 Turner, HiDsboro ............................ 13 Rook, Ham Badin ........................... 12 Buerger, Mariemont ..................... 12 Evans, Lakota ................................ 10 Lee, Lloyd ...................................... 10 Boyd, sco ........................................ 10 Sias, McNicholas ............................ 10 Gregory, Lloyd ................................. 9 Kapprel. Anderson .......................... 9 Jones, Beechwood ........................... 9 Betts, MI. Healthy .......................... 9 Gregovlch, Willlamsb\Jrg ................ 9 Alen. Winton Woods ....................... 9 Thorrf>son. Little Miami ................. 9 Esber, Talawanda ............................ 9 Daniel, SCO ........................................ 8 Musselman, Fairfield ...................... 8 Garretson. Talawanda .................... 8 Sears, Mason .................................... 8 Phipps, Moeler ............................... 8 LYnch. Blanches! er .......................... 8 Butler, Roger Bacon ........................ 8 S. Kirby, Reading .............................. 7 Sean Schaffer, Mason ..................... 7
Bennett, M~ ................................ 7
Parton, Elder ................................... 7 Karl1lhake, Moeler ...... - ............ 7 Eagan. Elder ..................................... 7 Fo><. Oak Hils ...........................~..... 7 Voegele, Lockland ........................... 7 ScheM, Hamilton ............................. 7 WDson, Milford ................................. 7 Bannister, Hughes ............................ 7 Sheffield, Lloyd _ ............................. 6 Captain, Hillsboro ............................. 6 Cruz, Anderson ................................. 6 Osborne, Mldcletown ...................... 6 Sowers,Ekler ................................... 6 Welling. Harrison .............................. 6
Goode, Walnut Hills .......................... 6
Bums, Blanchester .......................... 6 Henry, Utile Miami ......................... 6 Alvarez, Norwood ............................ 6 Smith, Winton Woods ...................... 6 Smith, New Miami ........................... 6 Davis, Lockland ...._ ........................ 6
265 189 170 161 144
42 150 142 139 121 103 83 41 218 215 157 136 129
118 108 91 89 57 225 135 134 129 118 118 117 116 76 72 128 67 61. 61 46 41
21.9 23.9 11.3 6.8 21.7 12.2 7.5 15.5 15.7 18.8 14.8
21.7 27.9 29.4 21.0 18.8 17.9 16.0 15.2 12.7 4.6 18.7 17.8 17.4 15.1 12.9 10.3 5.0 31.1 30.7 22.4 19.4 18.4 16.9 15.4 13.0 12.7 8.1 5.6 22.5 22.3 21.5 19.7 19.7 19.5 19.3 12.6 12.0 11.3 11.1 10.6 10.1 7}
11>- All-purpose yardage Player, School G Rsh Rtc Ret Total Wilson, Ross.................... 3 61.7 18 150 815 Lubrecht, Beechwood... 4 532 41 148 721 Mundy,NCH.................... 3 481 51 161 693 Conrad, Holmes.............. 4 407 48 229 684 Boyd, sec....................... 3 179 211 245 61.1 Upscomb, Tall............... 3 155 144 340 639 Schi1100, Anderson......... 3 600 1 35 636 Higllll, Mason................ 3 279 304 24 607 Johnson, Walnut Hils..... 3 506 14 99 605 Holler!, Harrison........... 3 448 142 583 Sowers, Elder................. 3 422 118 27 567 Guttman. ceo................ 3 34 438 40 512 Kamphake,Moener ..., 3 344 129 37 510 Gregory' Lloyd............... ' 4 178 265 62 505 Hines, Walnut Hils......... 3 298 62 152 502 Lelnlnger,tndlanHil..... 3 142 90 261. 496
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Mariemont (6) _ ................- ................ 86 Ham. Bdl (2) .......................................... 68 C<D {1) .....- -..................................._66 Deer Pork ........._,_................................ 52 Purcel Marian - .......... _ ...................... 39 6. Reading -·-------............. ..,...........38 7. Wyoming - - - -..- ............................... 31 8. NewMiaml ...............- ............................ 28 .9. Soomlt <D ---··-·-..--.................... 25 10. ROS$ ......- ......... ___ ,.....- ..........- ...... 18 others: Ross 9, Williamsburg 7, Mason 5, McNicholas 3, Kings 3, Indian Hll 3, North Colege Hill 2, Goshen 2. Coaches voting In the pot Herb Woeste, Purcel Marian; Tom Crosby, Morlemorlt; T1m Dunn, C<D; Bernie Barre, Wyorrjng; Garrick Robinson, Soomlt <D; Zllc Taylor, BethelTate; Mike Morgan. Deer Pork;Ben HIA!bard, New Mlarri; Bruce Baarendse, North Colege Hll; Olck Balarc!, Ross; Ken Minor, Reaclng.
Smith, Ryle...................... Taley,Loveland............. Whlte,LaSale................ Murph, Woodward........ Gossett, Wyoming......... Buerger, Mariemont..... Alexander, Colerain....... Sheffield, Llod.................
4 '3 3 3 3 3 3 4
470 266 350 385 366 8 417 60
13 0 46 151 41 58 0 51 45 24 226 191 0 0 135 220
65 91 30 103 29
16.0 15.2 15.0 14.7 14.5 13.5
11>- Interceptions S. Cooper, Indian Hll; 4. Shaun Kirby, Reading 3. Roberts, Hughes; Rogers, Turpin; Dangelo, Turpin; Evans, Lakota; Jones, Beechwood; Lewis, Ryle 2. Perkins, Mariemont; Cohen, SCO; Zlggas, Amelia; Vangen. Ross; Nisbett, Anderson; Boyd, Western Hills; Kreimer, Glen Este; Gossett, Wyoming; Reed, Aiken; Stiles, Prlceton; Hudson. Hamilton; Pearson, Lakota; Atkinson, Oak Hils; Ely, Indian Hll; Jackson. Colerain; Slagle, Goshen; Hus· ter, Mason; Ho8atz, Mason; Elder; Lubrecht, Beechwood 11>-
483 463 449 436 435 425 417 415
11>- Kickoff returns Player, School No. Yds Avg. Luckey, Holmes .............................. 1 66 66.0 50.3 Taley,Loveland ............................... 3 151 Ricketts, Utile Miami ..................... 1 50 50.0 Boyd, sco ......................................... 5 234 46.8 Wilson, Ross ...................................... 3 130 43.3 Solman, Sf. xavier ........................... 3 118 39.3 Sheffield, Lloyd ,_............................ 5 189 38.0 Schiano, Anderson ........................... 1 35 35.0 Conrad, Holmes ................................ 7 229 32.7 Kala, Roger Bacon .......................... 1 32 32.0 Vandever, Oak Hils ......................... 9 279 31.0. Frauenknechl, Utile Miami .......... 1 30 30.0 Oay,NCH ........................................... 2 57 28.5 Nelson, La Sale ................................. 4 112 28.0 Lipscomb, Taft ................................. 8 215 26.9 Scudder, NCH ................................... 4 105 26.3 Wllinscoft, Beechwood ................... 2 52 26.0 26.0 Mueller, Roger Bacon ..................... 5 130 Davis, Lockland_, ........................... 2 51 25.5 Mundy, NCH ...................................... 2 50 25.0 11>- Kick scoring Player,School FG PAT Total Kerr, St. Xavier ................................ 4 13 25 Byrd,Ryle .......................................... 4 7 19 Zurmehty, McNicholas .................... 4 5 17 16 Engel, Lloyd ....................................... 1 13 13 Moorwood, Kings ............................. 2 7 Miner, Lakota ................................... 1 10 13 N. Baltimore, Reading ..................... o 11 11 Blaylock, Princeton ........................ 0 10 10 10 Mlgul, Mason ................................... 1 7 Sean Schaffer, Mason .................... 1 7 10 PogozalskL Ham Badin _ .............. 0 10 10 Fink, Marlemorlt .............................. 0 10 10 Sulivan, Holmes .............. _,............. 0 10 10 11>- Punting Player, School No. Yards Avg. Gregory, Lloyd ......_ ..................... 10 468 46.8 Singer, Purcel Marian ................. 14 493 45.2 Shesflna, Turpin ............................... 6 246 44.3 Zurmehly, McNicholas .................. 11 478 43.4 Parton, Elder ................................... 4 173 43.3 Gillihan, sycamore ......................... 11 473 43.0 Green. St. Xavier ............................. 3 · 122 40.7 Gephardt, Oak Hills ....................... 13 519 39.9 Berre,lndlanHill ............................. 12 475 39.6 Arllng, Sf. Xavier .............................. 3 116 38.7 Thompson, Little Mlarri ................. 8 308 38.5 Cherry, Aiken ................................... 6 125 38.0 Carter, Glen Esle ........................... 10 380 38.0 Schubert, Batavia .......................... 13 492 11.8 Voegele, Lockland ......................... 16 415 37.7 Hollins, Williamsburg ..................... 12 452 37.7 37.6 Sean Schaffer, Mason ................... 14 Taylor, Loveland ............................. 7 262 11.4 Kelch, Hillsboro ..... _ ........................ 2 73 36.5 11>- Punt returns Player, School No. Yards Avg. Upscomb, Taft ............- ............... 2 125 62.6 Schiano, Anderson ........................... 1 35 35.0 Durbin, Ross ...................................... 2 70 35.0 Mundy,NCH ...................................... 4 111 27.8 Jones, Beechwood ........................... 3 77 25.6 Bolman, St. Xavier ........................... I 24 24.0 Buerger, Morlemorlt ....................... 5 114 22.8 Fosler, Aiken .................................... 2 43 21.5 Alen, Winton Woods .............- ...... 1 20 20.0 Hammack, Glen Este ...................... 6 120 20.0 Shesflna, Turpin ............................... s 100 20.0 Washington, Princeton ................... 3 SJ 17.7 T. Tubbs, Northwest ....................... 2 35 17.5
Fumble recoveries
4: Singer, Purcel Morlan; 3: Bailey, Taft; Richardson, St. Xavier; 2: Staats, McNicholas; Humphrey, Homes; Turner, HiDsboro; Swisshelm, Hillsboro; UnderhiU, SCO; Byers, SCO; Dougherty, Amelia; ReideL Amelia; Flshher, Ross; Kosman, Anderson; Yordy, Ham Badin; Malnowsk1, St. Xavier, Simons, St. Xavier, Cost, St. Xavier; Wilks, Glen Esle;HI!I'ris, Kings; Hans, Fairfield; Caldwel, Mldcletown; Pear· son. Lakota; Fox, Sycamore; Huster, Mason; Roden, Colerain; Hill, La Salle; Olver, Elder; Whilehead, Woodwant;>6ch1Jbert, Batavia 11>-
Touchdown passes
7. Lanvners, Ekler; 6. Fletcher, Reading; Davenport, Winton Woods; 5. Werner, C<D; Bruns, SCO; 4. Brewer, Williamsburg; Slusher, Holmes; Sprengord, St. xavler;Johnson. Lakota; Brown, Princeton; Holatz, Mason; Strait, Mason; S. Alen, PureeD Marian; Mender, Madeira; Barton, Hillsboro; Arnold, Little Miami; Durbin. Ross; Shestina, Turpin; Sheffield, Lloyd;Goins, Blanchester; Schroeder, Kings; McLaughlin, Moeller; Early, Aiken.
11>- Offensive average Anderson ............................................................... 451.0 C<D ........................._ ............................................. 418.0 Princeton ................................................................. 401.3 St. Xavier ............... _ ............................................. 399.6 Utile Miaml ............................................................. 387.0 Lloyd ............................................................... - ...... 382.7
Elder ......................................................................... 372.0
Hll!sboro ................................................................. 366.0 Wllinul Hils .............- ............................................. 363.0 Holmes ...................................................................... 359.3 Lakota ..................... _ .............................................. 344.7 North College Hm ....- ............................................ 343.7 Colerain .............:...................................................... 336.0 Ross ..........................................................................334.0 Aiken ......................................................................... 323.5 Winton Woods ........ - ............................................. 316.0 Mariemont ................- ........................................... 307.0 Moeller .......... _ ................................................... 304.0 Mason ....................................................................... 289.6 Batavia .................................................................... 288.0 Loveland .................... - ........................................... 283.0 Ryle ........................................................................... 277 .o Harrison ............... - ................................................ 270.0 Wyoming ................. !...............................................262.7 La Salle ..................................................................... 259.7 HamHton Badin ... _ ............................................... 257.3 Williamsburg........................................................... 254.0 11>- Defensive average st. xavier .................................................................. 87.3 Amelia ..................._ ................................................ 112.6 C<D .......................~ ................................................. 123.0
~~~~. ~i~.~:.: :.:.:.:·::~·::.: : : :~.: : : :.: : :.:·.J~:i
Ham Bad'U1 .........._ .................................................. 138.0 Hamilton .................................................................. 140.0 Purcell Marian ........................................................ 144.0 WUlton Woods ._................................................... 145.0 Turpin ................._ .................................................. 146.6 Mason ..............- ................................................... 154.3 Elder ..................._ .................... - ........................... 160.0
Goshen ...............J .................................................... 184.3
FOOTBALL STATISTICS itJ- 'f ~Scoring Player, SChool Wilson. Ross ................... Sowers. Elder....... -·-·· Lubrecht, Beechwood.. . ,MIJIIdy, NOt...--.--... Schiano. Anderson. ........ Alexllllder, Coleroln....... Guttman. ceo.............. .. Boyd, Sunvnit ................. Swackhamer, HlDsbor.. . Co<v'ad. Holmes.............. FtAion. Wyoming............ Price, Loveland.............. 1Gossett, Wyoming........ . .Johnson. Warot Hill...... Highfill. Mason. ........... . Lipscomb, Taft.............. . Wiliams. Newport ........ . Josefovsky, Anderson.. t Sickles, Princeton..- ..... Wlschevlck, Marlemo.. Krohmer, NCC. ............... Schaffer, Deer Park ...... Dave Wlson. Reading... Smith. Ryle..................... . White, La Solie................ Jones, ceo.................... .. Shetnekl. Lloyd ............... Buerger, Mariemont.. .. . 11g. Clinton-Massie.... - ... Holbert, Harrison........... Fausz, MCC. .................... Cross. Woodward.......... T. Merchant, Lebanon.. Singer, Purcel Mari ...... . Gregory, Lloyd.............. . Wilson. Lakoto. .............. . Murph, Woodward.. ..... . Askew, Winton Woods. Arlng, St. Xavier........... Slaven. Harrison ............. Parton. Elder................ .. Arnold, Little Miam ...... . Dick. Reading.. .............. .. Daniel, Sunvnlt............. .. Lee, Lloyd .. - ................. Brookins, Princeton...... . Leininger,tndlan Hi ....... . Cousino, Indian HIJ........ .. Salyers, Edgewood...... . O'Brien. Summit............. Kerr, St. Xavier............ ..
G Pos. TO.PAFG Tot
5 TB 13 10 0 88 5 RB 12 1 0 74 6 TB 12 1 0 74 5RB120072 SRB110066 5RB100060 5WR100060 5TB 89057 5FB88056 6 RB 9 2 0 56 5RB90054 5 QB 6 10 6 52 5RB 80048 5RB 80048 5TB 0048 5RB 00 48 6TB 00 48 5RB 0048 5RB 0048 S RB 8 0 0 48 6 HB 6 10 0 46 5 WB 5 10 1' 44 5RB72044 6RB 70042 5RB70042 5RB 70042 6WR 70042 5WR 70042 5 WR 6 5 0 41 5RB59039 6WR 61038 5FB61038 5WR62038 6TE62038 6RB 62038 5RB 600 36 5TB60036 5QB60036 5RB60036 5RB60036 5WR 600 36 5QB 600 36 5RB 600 36 5FB60036 6WR60036 5RB60036 5RB60036 5RB60036 5RB 52032 5TB52032 5 K 0 19 4 31
~Rushing Player, SChool Alt. Yards WUson. Ross ............................_ .... 128 1107 WDson. Lakota ............................... 149 885 Lubrecht, Beechwood .................. 127 871 ~~Ill. Ryie ..................................... 131 809 F.:!'!""· Anderson ......................... 87 780 ~ ...... ~Walnut Hiis ..................... 85 725 !:!~":'!' NCH .................................... 86 706 r-><~na. Boone Co ...................:...... 134 696 !Wiliams, Newport ........................ 111 669 !Alexander, Colerain ........................ 92 647 l;;;:,otvner, NCC .................................68 626 C::wers, Elder ................................ 116 617 onrad. Holmes .............................. 79 616 Burdine, Ointon-Massle ................ 76 603 Murph, Woodward .........................87 587 Gossett, Wyoming ......................... 59 581 Brown, Wilmington ........................ 87 579 Day, Tatawanda ............................ 116 579 Holbert, Harrison .......................... 105 562 Salyers, Edgewood ..........- ........... 72 544 Jones, ceo ....................................... 76 527 Highfill. Mason ............................. _ 81 497 Brookins, Princeton ....................... 70 495 ToBey, Loveland ............................. 76 490 Ford. Hillsboro ................................ 49 488 Davison, MI. Heolthy ................ -110 488 Runyan. Lebanon ........................... 58 379 Josefovsky, Anderson .................. 58 4n Hines, Walnut Hills ......................... 61 467 WRschevick, Mariemont .............. 58 464 Kamphake, MoeHer .....::::.............. 83 457 White, La Salle ................................. 86 451 Price, Loveland .............................. 49 440 Dick. Reading .................................. 68 427 Ambrose, Milford .......................... 90 424 Hayes, St. Xavier ............................ 56 418 Abney, Lloyd ................................... 68 413
Avg. 8.6 5.9 6.8 6.1 9.0 8.5 8.2 5.2 6.0 7.0 9.2 5.3 7.8 7.9 6.7 9.8 6.7 5.0 5.4 7.5 6.9 6.5 7.1 6.4 10.0 4.4 6.5 8.2 7.7 8,0 5.5 5.3 8.9 6.3 4.7 1.5 7.1
~Passing Player, SchOol All comp Lee. Lloyd ........................................ 76 45 Werner, CCO ....................................99 52 Lammers, Elder .............................. 88 59 McLaughlin, Moeller ....~............. 93 57 Bruns, SUmmit .......................... _ ... 76 48 Sprengard, st. xavier .................. 109 48 Barton. Hillsboro ............................ 68 42 Eviston, NCC ....................................67 31 Wlscher, Beechwood .....................66 36 Mender, Madelra .......................... 115 47 MBner, Mariemont ........................ 64 . 33 Brown. Princeton ........................... 61 30 Slusher, Holmes ............................. 105 43 Arnold, L1ftle Miami ...................... 91 49 Shest:1a, Turpin .............................. 48 28 DIY om. Ross ..................................... 61 30 brewer, Williamsburg ................... 73 29 Phipps, Ointon-Massie .................. 74 33 Bray, Oak Hnts ................................ 99 47 Hollatz, Deer Park ..........................66 30 Stolt, Mason _ ................... -......... 65 35 Fletcher, Realfng ........................... 63 36 Weslfol, Sycamore ....................... 81 37 Zolgler, Wl1mlngtcn ....................... 88 33
U..,_,. RAtln
Yds 1231 1089 939 861 813 719 699 653 648 641 634 592 589 585 580 573 571 556 540 524 518 511 501 497 4R~
-16Reidel. Amela ...........-.... .. ..........' Sowers, Elder ....._,_......._ .. _ ....7 Johnson. WBinuf H1b -----"'" 3 Sml1h. New Mlaml - -............8 Hamllloo, Moeler _::;"____,..... 2 FaUkner, New Miami ----............5 Anderson, Amelia ...- ....................7 Crutcher, Woodward ----.............. 1 Krotvner, NCC ..................................6 W11!11«, Boone Co ...- ....................3
Enquirer coaches polls Div. 111-IV-V-VI
Division -I-ll
1. Coleroln <10) .............- ...................._ ..... 100 2. Elder .......- ...- ....·-·-··"""'""'""'""""' 87 3. St. Xavier ....- ...........,_,__ ,____,___, 79 4. Lakota-·--···-·-............................ 74 5. Sycamore ......... - ......................_ .._____ 69 6. Princeton-.............. - ...- ..... - ............. 46 7, Western Hills ............................................ 23 8. MoeBer ...................................................... 18 9. Winton Woods .......................................... 15 10. Harrison ................. _,_, ........ -............... 19 Anderson---...................................._...... 19 La Solie ----···-....-........................... 19 Others: HamRton 6, Turpin 5, Aiken 2, Amelia 1. Coaches voting In the ~1: Pat Mancuso, Princeton; Steve Rasso, St. Xavier; Kerry Coombs, Colerain; Tom Grlppa, Elder; Vince SUriano, Anderson: Dick Nocks, Harrison; Lou Cynkar, Winton Woods; Greg Bailie, Lakota; Ed Youngs, Western Hills; Tim Lichtenberg. Mason; Steve Klome, Moeller.
Early, Aiken .....................................69 Justin Morri~ Lockland ................ 91 Elrod, Harrison ................................75 Goins, Blanchester ....- .................. 90 Turner, Norwood _ ................_ ......81 ADen, Purcel Marian _ ...,.............. 67 Johnson, Lakota ............................. 71 Rouse, Newport ...........- ................47 Glaza, Boone Co ............................... 60 Cooper,lndian Hil .......................... 20 Colar, Anderson ............................. 40 Sexton. La Salle ,..............................51 Oaks, Edgewood ....................- ..... 62 Murphy, Coleroln ............................29
30 39 32 33 37 28 24 22 32 41 24
469 468 460 4-43 439 431 430 4ZJ 415 395 387
24 14
Yds 356 655
Avg. 11.1 22.6 13.9 l:U 22.2 10.9 28.8 24.0 15.1 11.9 8.3 23.4 21.5 17.4 8.0 22.7 17.9 15.8 12.7 19.8 18.2 18.2 28.8 25.3 15.2 15.1 13.4 8.6 26.9 23.4 21.5 20.2 18.1 13.5
Voegele, Lockland ......................... 19 EB!s, Princeton ................................ 18 Jones, Beechwood ..........................18 Rook, Badin ..................................... 18 Brown. Boone Co ......- ................... 18 Luckey, Holmes ............................. 18 llg, Olnton-Massie .......................... 17 Boyd, SUmmit ..- .......................... 17 Gregovlch, WliRamsburg ..--···· 17 Brinck. Badin ..............................:.... 17 Parton, Elder ................................... 16 T. Merchant, Lebanon ............- ... 16 Turner, Hntsboro 16 Fltz, Moeller .....--::::"........................ 16 Kettler, St. Xavier .......................... 15 Brown. Sycamore .......................... 15 Evans, Lakota ..........- .........._ ...... 15 Lee, Lloyd ........................................ 14 Sheffield, Lloyd .......... --...- ........ 14 Reed, Aiken ...................................... 14 Fox, Oak Hils .................................. 14 Musselman, Fairfield .................... 14 wason. Milford ............................... 14 Fausz, NCC ....................................... 13 Slas, McNicholas ............................. 13 Highlll, Mason .......... - .................. 13 KappreL Anderson ......................... 13 Welling, Harrison ............................. 13 Sowers, Elder .................................. 13
247 422 208 429 433 272 214 149 397 365 296 136 363 279 252 203 297 273 273 403 355 213 212 187 121 350 304 280 262 235
~ All-purpose yardage Player, School G Rsh Rec Ret Total Wilson, Ross.................... 5 1107 18 152 1277 Lubrecht, Beechwood... 6 871 41 165 10n Mundy, NCH.................... 5 706 93 235 1033 Conrad, Holmes.............. 6 616 81 314 1011 Johnson, Walnut Hifts..... 5 725 14 187 926 Smith, Ryle...................... 6 809 36 74 919 Boyd, SUmmit_............. 5 260 365 288 913 Sowers. Elder................ 5 617 176 89 882 Lipscomb, Taft............... 5 241 198 408 847 Schiano, Anderson......... 5 780 11 35 826 Guttman, ceo................ 5 34 655 135 804 Highfill, Mason................ 5 497 280 26 803 Grdina, Boone Co........... 6 696 62 9 767 Williams, Newport....... 6 669 0 99 762 Hines, Walnut Hils......... 5 467 llQ 175 752
Kickoff returns
Player, School No. Harris, Purcel Marian .................... 3 Boyd, SUmmit ................................... 6 Swackhamer, Hillsboro 26 Faulkner, New Miami ...................... 1 Talley, Loveland ............................... 4 Herdman, Hillsboro 8 Richardson, Newport ...................... .4 Conrad, Holmes _ ............................ 8 Sandfoss, NCC ._.............................. 3 Slaven, Harrison ................................8 T.J. Elliot, Hughes .............................7 Wilson, Ross .......................................4 Nelson. La ~ ..................................8 Lindsay, Lebanon ............................. 3 Kalla, Roger Bacon ........................... 1 Sheffield. Lloyd ................................. 6 ,,.... ...~ .......... n-.t.u11..
Yds 144 263 1132 42 167 327 163 314 105 276 235 132 259 97 32 189 ?7o
• 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Mariemont< 10) ...... _ ......- .................... 108 PureeD Marian ............................... __...... 79
~lo~:.:::::·.~-==:.~.:·.~::::::::::·:.:::~: Ross .............- ........ -----·------61
Ham. Badin ......._ ....................................... 60
Deer Park .............. -----....- ... --.• 32 Reading ............................................_,_.....30 New Miami ...................................______ ZJ SUnvnit CD .............- ................................. 11 North Colege Hil ................--.--........ 11 CNE ...........................- .....- .... --.............. 11
Others: MoN!cholas 8, Mason 8, Turpin 8, Indian Hll 3, Wlliamsburg 2. Waynesvlle 1. Coaches voting In the pol: Herb Woeste, Purcel Marian; Tom Crosby, Mariemont; Tlm Dunn. CCD; Bernie Barre, Wyoming; Garrick Robinson. Summit CO; lac Taylor, BethelTate; Mike Morgan. Deer Park; Ben Hubbard, New Miami; Bruce Baarendse, North Colege Hll; Dick Bolard. Ross; Ken Minor, Reading. Boiman, St. Xavier ............................ 8 Butler, Reiger Bacon ......................... 1 Day, NCH ........................................... 2 Fucito, McNicholas ....................- ....6 Goines, Taft ........ - .......,_....__.....3 Goodhart, Moeller ....:::::...... ___.... 3 Wolnscott, Beechwood ................ -.2 Mueler, Roger Bacon .........._ ........5 Johnson. Walnut Hils ....................... 6 Mundy, NCH ...................................... 3 Lipscomb, Taft ................................ 11 Dangelo, Turpin ................................. 5 Smith. New Miami ............................ 5
245 29 57 166 83 82 52 130 155
125 125
Avg. 48.3 43.8 43.5 42.0 41.8 40.9 40.7 39.3 35.0 34.5 33.6 330 32.4 32.3
32.0 31.5 ·n n
, 30.6 29.0 28.5 27.7
27.3 26.0 26.0 25.8 25.7 25.5 25.0 25.0
Kick scoring
Player, SchOol FG PAT Total Kerr, St. Xavier .................................4 19 31 Byrd, Ryle .......................- ................. 5 13 28 28 Engle, Lloyd ........................----· 2 22 Belperio, Western Hills -----.3 14 23 Fink. Mariemont ..... _ ...................... 0 20 20 Drake, Wyoming ......._, ....... - ......... 0 19 19 19 Miller, Lakota ................---·-· 1 16 18 Schreck, La Salle ...............................0 18 18 ~.:!ec:~.:::::::::::::::::::·~ 1~ 18 Baltimore, Reading .......................... 0 18 18 Pogozolski, Badin ............................. 1 15 18 18 SUllivan, Holmes .................- -.... 1 15 Blaylock. Princeton ...............- ....... 0 18 18 18 Bergnan.lndian Hill .............. - ....... 1 15 17 Zurmellty, McNicholas ........- .......... 4 5 17 DeFranco. Elder ................................ 1 14 17 Benedict, NCH ................................... 2 11 Werner, CCD ......................................0 16 16 16 Price, Loveland ................................ 2 · 10 Slcrlllllo, Moeller .....c.::................ 2 10 16 Scherz, Colerain ................................. 0 15 15
~Punting Player, School No. Yards Avg. Weisman, Finneytown ...................20 1024 51.2 Gregory, Lloyd ............................... 11 508 46.1 Zurmehly, McNichOlas .......- ...._ .. 17 714 42.0 Gilllhan. Sycamore ......................... 19 783 41.1 Broadnax, Aiken ...............................7 284 40.5 Berre,lndian Hil - ..- .....- .......... 14 549 39.2 Hollins, Wi~am$burg ·--·--· 19 737 38.8 Voegele, Lockland ................._ ..... 19 730 38.4 Thompson, Little Miami ............... 12 460 38.3 Wilson, Ross ..................................... 15 569 37.9 Schaffer, Deer Park ....................... 24 903 37.4 Parton. Elder ..................................... 9 337 , 37.4 Gebhardt, Oak H~s ....- ................ 22 814 37.0 Day, Tolawanda ............................. 22 812 36.9 Swackhamer, Hllsboro ....- ......- ... 7 252 36.0 Vollmer, ceo .....................................9 3S8 36.7 Shesllna. Turpin .............................. 12 436 36.0 Berger, Beechwood ........................ 11 396 36.0 Dixon, Winton Woods ....................... 9 324 36.0 Lewis, Ryle ....................................... 14 499 35.6 Niesen. Roger Bacon ...................... 19 675 35.5 Herron. Boone Co ............................ 17 603 35.5 Hoskins, MI. Healthy ..................... 19 665 35.0 Higgins, Amelia ................................ 14 490 35.0
Punt returns
Player, School No. Yards Avg. Lipscomb, Taft .................................. 3 128 42.7 Schiano, Anderson ........................... 1 35 35.0 Guttman. ceo ................................... 5 135 27.0 Perkins, Mariemont .......- .......- .... 4 83 20.7 Dave Wilson, Reading ..................... 9 185 20.6 Durbin, Ross ....................................... 3 60 200 Jones, Beechwood .................. - ..... ..5 99 19.8 Buerger, Mariemont ....................... 7 136 19.4 Shesllna, Turpin .............................. 12 238 19.0 Foster, Aiken ..................................... 3 54 18.0 Half, Wyoming ................................... 7 122 17.4 Nelson, La Sale ..................................8 123 15.4 Bach, Williamsburg .......................... 4 59 14.8 Gregovich. WlUiamsburg ................ 3 44 14.7 Lattire, Reading ............................... 2 29 14.5 Dangelo, Turpin ................................. 3 43 14.3 13.0 12.8 11.6 11.3 11.3
11.2 10.9 10.6 10.5 10.5 10.4 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0
6. Cooper, Indian Hll; 5. Ely, Indian HJtlg, Ointon-Maule; 4. Lewis, Ryle; Jones, Beechwood; Jackson. Colerain; Roberts, Hughes; Evans, Lakota; Per· kins, Mariemont; KirbY, !leading; 1 Anderson. Amelle; Faulkner, New Mlaml; Ryan. Elder; Dangelo, Turpin. <>ogers, Turpin; Wag~er, Boone Co; Huster, Deer Pari<; Holalt. Deer Pari<; Atktnson. Oak HlDs; Creekmore, Blanchester; Cousino, indian HID; Hudson. Hamilton; Nisbett, Anderson; Lee. Lloyd; Morgan. Lloyd; Haynes, PureeD Marian; Jarmln, Holmes; O'Brien. SUmmit; A.J. Cohen. SU!m'llt.
~Receiving Player, School · No. Thompson, Utile Miami ............... 32 G.uttman, ceo .................................29 cartln. Madeira .............- .............. 21 Maidlow, Mariemont Madeira ·--·-··--.... Buerger, ______,. ..,_- 20 19
1. 2.
u 76 32 84 21 52 . 70 10 60 30
Fumble recoveries
S: Singer, Purce1 Marian; 4: Richardson. St. Xavier; 3: Staats, McNicholas; Stubblefleid, New MIami; Genvner, Boone Co~ Batley, Taft; Scott, Aiken; A. Cooper, Hughes; Burns, Blanchester; Rich, Blanchester; Pearson. Lakota; Swanson, Lakota.
Touchdown passes
11 Lammers, Elder; 12: Lee, Lloyd; 11. Werner, CCO; Evislon, NCC; 9. Barton, HIHsbOro; Milner, Marlefll!lnt; Fletcher, Reading; I. Sprengard, 51, Xavier; Sextoo. La Salle; ABen. Purcel Morlan; 1. Phipps,. ant•Massle; Bruns, Stmml!; Brewer, Wllllarnsborg; 6. Davenport, WWon Woods; Brown. Princeton; Slusher, Holmes; lo\aione, Badin; 5. Shestlna. Turt*>; Glaza, Boone Co.; Wlscher, Beechwood; HoltaiJ. Deer Park; Durbin. Ross;
E:~r~ ~=~~~:st1l~;%:e~~ ~
Offensive average
Lloyd .........................!_......................................... 438.0 Anderson ................... - ......................................... 421.0 ceo ....._..................... _.......................................... 412.0 Walnut Hils _,............- ........................................ 409.6 Princeton ...................................._ ........................ 405.6 Hillsboro __ ,............. _ ........... - ............ -·--·- 392.6 Ross "··-···---·---·-.........................- ...-381.0 Elder ......................._ , _ ..................................... 363.0 Lillie Mlaml ............... _ ........................................ 352.0 Colerain ............- ........ _ ...................................... 351.0 Summit .......................- ........................................ 348.0 Holmes _____,............ - ................................- ..335.3 Mariemont .................. - ....................................... 335.0 Newport CC ................ _ ....................................... 331.2 Rea<lng .......................- ....- ............................. 324.2 Wllmlngton _ .............. - ..........................................324.0 Edgewood ................ - -................................ - ..... 323.0 St. Xavier .......................- ..................................... 320,6 Wyoming .........................- ...................................... 320.6 NCH ............................. _........................................... 313.2 Loveland ....- .......................................................... 313.0
:.a:erHii~=~.::~:::::~.:::i::::::::::~-====~~-~=-~= ~l~:~
Beechwood ·-·-·-·--..·-··"-"'"'"""''"''""''" __,310.0 Ryte ..................................- .......................:............. m.o Mason .................................- ................................. 296.0 western HlDs .......................................................... 295.0 Lakota ...................................................................... 294.8 Winton Woods ................-~...................................286.5 La Salle ... - ............................................................... 284.6 Lebanon .............................. ___ ...................._ .... 279.2
Defensive average
Colerain,_................................................................ 116.0 Badin ......................................................................... 128.4 ceo .....................................................................-... 130.o Mariemont ................................ ,............................. 133.0 Turpin ....................................................................... 139.0 Amelia ___,............- ............................................ 145.6 Hamilton ................................................................... 154.2 NCH .............- ......_ .................._ ........................... 156.4 New Miami ......... ,... _ ..............._ ............................ 157.4 Loveland .................................................................. 180.0 Purcel Marian ........................................................ 182.0 HiHsboro .. _ ......................................... :.................... 183.2
Little Miami ............................................................. 191.0 St. Xavier-··--........ - ......., ............................... 193.4 Lakota ........... - ........................................................ 196.0 Wlnfon Woods ......................................................... 197.0 Northwest .................- ............................................ 202.0 Beechwood .............................................................. 202.5
Newport ................................................................... 207.3 McNicholas ........... ---···-······· .............................. 208.8 Aiken .........- ................................................,__......212.0
surrvnit ............................................................. _. m.o Edgewood ..........................................................._ .. 226.0 Newport cc ............................................................. 233.3
FOOTBALL STATISTICS ... Sc~ring Player, SChool G Pos. TD.PAFG Tot . Wlson, Ross ........-... 6 TB 17 5 0 112 Mundy,NorthColege... 6• RB 15 0 0 90 Sowers. Elder............... 6 RB 14 2 0 86 Schiano, Anderson........ 6 TB 13 0 0· 78 lllexander, Colerain...... 6 RB 13 0 0 ' 78 . Monk, Franklin............... - 6 TB 12 2 0 74 WTischevk:l<, Marierno.. 6 RB 12 0 0 72 .Conrad, Homes............. 7 RB 11 2 0 68 Dick, Reading.................. 6 RB 11 0 0 66 Sheffield, Lloyd............... 7 WR 11 0 0 66 Guttman, .CCD............... 6 WR 11 · 0 0 66 Jolrlson, Walnut HIH...... . 6 RB 11 0 0 66 . -Sean Schaffer, Deer..... 6 WR 7 19 3 64 Swackhamer, Hilsbor... 6 F8 9 9 0 63 Murphy, Colerain.......6 Q8 10 2 0 62 . Ford, Hilsboro.............. 6 HB 10 2 0 62 Slaven, Harrison.......... 6 RB 10 · 0 0 ,60 J. Boyd, SCD.................. 6 WB 8 9 0 57 Highfill. Mason........... 6 TB 9 o o 54 WiliMls, Newport........ 7 TB 9 - o 0 54 Upscorrb, Taft~............ 6 RB 9. 0 0- 54 Price, Loveland.............. 6 Q8 6 10 2 52 Smith. Ryle................... 7 RB 9 0- 0 54 Fulton. Wyoming........... 6 RB 9 0 0 54 Gossett. Wyoming........ 6 RB 9 o o 54 ,Krolvner,NOC.............. 7 HB 7 11 0 53 ·Huster, Deer Park......... 6 F8 8 0 0.: 48 Josefovsky, Anderso.... 6 TB 8 0 0 48 Buerger, Mariemont..... 6 WR 8 o' 0 48 Sickles, PrinCeton.. -... 6 RB 8 0 0 48 Jones, ceo._............... 6 RB 8 o o 48 ' While, U 6 RB 8 0 0 48 WI son. Redig......... 6 RB 7 2 0 44 'Sandfoss, NCC............... 6 HB 7 2 0 44 Salyers, Edgewood........ 6 RB 7 2 0 44 Gregory, Lloyd. .••.• -.. 7 FB 7 2 0 44 O'Brien, SCD................ 6 TB 7 2 0 44 Daniel, SCD-....... -.... 6 FB 7 0 0 42 , Lee, Lloyd................... 7 WR 7 0 .0 42
•Arnold, ~:: =.;c;;:::::::::: . Utile Miami.....
~ ~= ~
6 Q8
Lelnlnger,lndian HL..... 6 RB Gregovich, Wlllamsb.... 6 WR Brookins, Princeton...... - 6 RB Shestlna, T..-pin........... 6 Q8 llg, Cllnton-Massle......... 6 WR ' Singer, Purcel................ 6 TE 'Fausz, NCC.••.•. _;_..... 7 WR Cross, Woodward.......... 6 F8 • T. Merchant, Lebanon.. 6 WR 'Murph, Woodward....... 6 TB. ·Cousino, Indian Hll ........ ; 6 RB ,Rook.Bacfin..................... 6 TE WPson. Lakota............... 6 RB
7 7 7 7
g g ~~ 0 0 0 0
0 0. 0 0 5 8 3 6 5 o 6. 2 0 6 2 0 6 2 0 6 2 .0 6 o· o 6 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 0
42 42 42 42
Enquirer coaches polls Colerain (10) ............................................ 100 Lakota ................................................. 88 3. Elder ..................................................... 76 ~- St. Xavier ...........:-..................:.......- .. 67 ....,5. Moeler .......~............................... :... 50 6. Princeton ................................................. 45 · 7. Sycamore ....................................... :....... 36 8. Western HUis ............................................ 31 9. LaSalle ................................................. 30 10. Anderson ............................................. 10 Others: Turpin 9, Harrison 6. Coaches voting In the pol: Pat Mancuso, Princeton, Steve Rosso, St. Xavier; Kerry Coombs, Colerain; 'rom Grippa, Elder; Vince SUriano, Ander•on; Dick Nocks, Harrison; Lou · Cynkar, Winton Woods; Greg Baflle, Lakota; Ed Youngs; Western Hils; Tim Lichtenberg, Mason; Steve Klonne, Moeller. 1.
Bray, Oak Hils ................_ ...... 124 Turner, Norwood - ...................95 Brown, Princeton ........................... 67 Elrod, Harrison .....................92 Holatz, Deer Park ........................ 71 Fletcher, Reading --~·-·····-·-·· 75 Westfal. Sycamore ....................... 98 Justin Morris, Lockland ............ 97 Strait, Mason ·............................. .71 Allen. Purcel Marian .......:....-.... 85' Oaks, Edgewood ........................... 70 Sexton, U Salle ...._ •••:...:........75 Jolrlson, Lakota ............................ 84 Malone, Badin .......................... 64 Glaza, Boone Co ..............................73 Cooper,lndlan Hll ...:................... 52 BishOp, Batavia .......................~:•.• 73 Davidson, FrankUn ·---............53 Colar, Anderson ............................ 50 Murphy, Colerain ...................... 32
.,.. Receiving
41 38 38 38 38 36 36 36 36
Player, School No. 'Thorr1>son. Little Miami ·-·-··-.35 Guttman, ceo ............................32 Gregovich, Wiliarnsburg .............. 25 Carlin. Madeira ............................. 24 Fltz, Moeller .................................... 23 Buerger, Mariemont ............... 22 Sias, McNicholas ··~···········-············22 Malclow, Madeira ·········-···- 21 Parton, Eller ..............................:...20 Rook, Badin .............................:..;... 20 Taley, Loveland.......... 6 HB 6 0 0 36 Brown. Boone Co .........................20 Ramei'y, Norwood...... 5 TB 5 3 0 36 - Ellis, Princeton ..........................:..... 19 Arllng, St. Xavier.........:... 6 RB 6 0 0 36 ' • llg, Cllnton-Massie ...................... 19 · J. Boyd, SCD ................................. 19 .,.. Rushing Sowers, Elder ............................. 19 . Player, School All. Yards Avg.· Voegele, Lockland - -............ 19 Wilson. MRford ....... ~ ....... :........... 19 Wlson, Ross .............................. 155 1310 8.4 Brlnck, Badin ............................ 19 WI son. Lakota .............................. 176 986 5.6 Brown. Sycamore ................- 18 Smith, Ryle ...................... _ .... 146 963 6.6 Fox, Oak Hils ._..................... 18 .Schiano, Anderson ..................... 109 913 8.~ Luckey, Holmes --·-·-··--18 Mundy, North Colege Hil._11o 899 8.2 Sheffield, Lloyd .............................. 17 Jolrlson. Walnut Hils .................. 102 894 8.8 Evans, Lakota ........... <•••••_ ••• 17 Grdina, Boone Co .................... 155 870 5.6 Hutchison, Ross ............................... 17 Wiliams, Newport ................... 118 780 6.6 Flnneytown ..................... 17 Monk, Frank~ .............................. 122 m 6.3 Buck. Fausz, NCC ···-··-··--·-----16 5.1 Steve Day, Tolawanda ------141 724 Kettler, St. Xavier .•...: .................. 16 9.0 Krolvner, NCC - .... ·-·-··--......78 703 T. Merchant, Lebanon ....:••_ ... 16 7.5 ~:,.,.~ain~::::::::::::::::·~· 7.0 ' Turner, Hilsboro --:~ .•~ .•.•• :•.• 16 Allen, Winton Woods .....:................ 16 Dlck. Reading _ ................:... 106 685 6.5 Lee,'Uoyd .................................... 15 Burdine, Onton-Massie ............... 90 679 7.5 Welling, Harrison ·-·--······-···15 Jones, ceo •.-....................... 87 664 7.6 Betts, MI. Healthy ......................... 14 7.3 Salyers, Edgewood · - - - - - 88 643 Kappre~ Anderson ...................... 14 Sowers, Elder ............................. 122 629 5.2 Daniel, SCD ..................................... 14 8.1 Josefovsky, Anderson ·--·-·- n 627 Musselman, Falrfletd .................... 14 8.9 Gossett, Wyoming··--·..-··-·· 72 628 Esber, Talawanda ......................... 14 Holbert, Harrison ............-.... :......... 118 621 5.3 Gregory, Lloyd --·-·-·····-·.:.13 4.9 Davison, MI. Healthy -·······126 617 Sean Schaffer, Deer Park .......... 13 Kompllake, Moeler - - . 1 0 7 599 5.6 Captain. Hllsboro -····· ........... 13 Murph, Woodward .................... 91 590 6.5 Hlghfll, Mason ........ .........:.__ ... 13 Brookins, Princeton ..............._ 89 587 6.6 Kirby, Reading ............ ,......... "....... 13_ 7.3 Wlschevk:l<, Mariemont ·-·--· 80 585 Goodhart, Moeler ..................... 13 Toley,Loveland .........................:....89 575 6.5 Singer, Purcel Matlan ................... 13 Ford, Hilsboro ·-·········---54 574 . 10.6 Eagan. Elder ------······13 H1ghflll. Mason .......................... 102 552 5.4 Bemett, Mason .......................... 13 7.0 Hines, Walnut Hils -··-·--·- n 531 Coffaro, St. Xavier •.•.•.•- ......... 13 . Orr, Mariemont ............................. 91 513 5.6 Osborne, Midcletown .................... 12 , Frauenknechl. Little Miami __ 101 503 4.9 Humphrey, Holmes .......... .:. ........12' Ambrose, MPford ........................ 103 486 4.7 Kaehler, Ross ..·-------.............. 12 7.2 Abney, Lloyd • ..:...•.••.- -••--61 483 Dangelo, Turpin - - - -.. ----· 12 Ron\sey,New Richmond .............. n 476 6.2 Volmer,CCD ..·-·-·-···-··12 Scott Schaffer, Deer Park ........ 74 475' 6.4 Komphake, Moeler ........_........... 12 Askew, Winton Woods •.•.••._ • ..85 466 5.5 Garretson. Talawanda .............. 12 Price, Loveland ............................ 55 · 465 8.5 Hamilton. Moeller .... .........:.. 12 6.9. Hayes, St. Xavier •.••.••. --...... 67 461 Burman. Oak Hils ....................... 12 . 7.6 O'Brien. SCD ...................................59 450 Alvarez, Norwood ·-··-····-..... 12
: ~= : g g ~
•Player, School
.,.. Passi_ng
All Comp Lee, Lloyd -·-··--.................87 . 53 Werner, CCD .............................:... 114 60 Lammers, Elder ••.••.••.•.•.••.•106 73 McLaughlin. Moeller ----..... 117 75 Bruns, SCD ......................_, .....87 56 \ Sprengard, St. Xavier ............ 134 61 Barton. Hilsboro ..........c:.......... 79 48 , Brewer, Williamsburg ................... 95 42 , Slusher, Homes ...................... 121 51 • Shestlna, Turpin .................... ~ .•. 64 39 Miner, Mariemont ........... - .•. 75 39 , Arnold, Utile Miami ................. 107 59 Durbin. Ross .......:...........................79 40 ·Evlslon, NCC ..................................78 33 Mender, Madeira .......................... 124 50 PhWs, On!Oil'Massie ................. 92 38
Yds 1413 1208 1200 1098
969 899 857 788 762 748 745 731
728 682 660 660
'Div. 111-IV-V-VI
Division 1-11
56 47 31 40 32 45 42 43 38 34
626 622 601 593 592
573 548' 532 522 520
Mariemont (8) .,........................................ 98 Cincinnati CD (2).. ...............................-.83 3. Ross ...................................................72 <1. Badin .......................................- ............... 60 5. PureeD Marian ..........-.:....................... 58 6. Wyoming ...................................:................. 47 7. Deer Park ............................................ 36 8. Reading .................................................. 29 9. SUmmit CD .............................................. 18 10. Utile Miami ................................ :....... 16 Others: North Colege Hil ·14; CNE 7; Winlamsburg 4, Norwood 3, Indian Hil 1. Coaches voting' In the pol: Herb Woeste, Purcel Marian; Tom Crosby, Mariemont; Tlm Dunn. CCD; Bernie Barre, Wyoming; Garrick Robinson. Summit CD; lac Taylor, BethelTate; Mike Morgan, Deer Park; Ben Hubbard,' New Miami; Bruce Boarendse, North College Hil; Dick Balard, Ross; Ken Minor, Reading. 1.
Taley, Loveland............ Hlries, Walnut Hills._ Holler!, Harrison......... Monk, Frankln. ........ _,
6 575 56 213 844 6 531 110 203 844 6 621 4o 163 • 824· 6 o 46 _817
.,.. Kic;koff. returns
Player, SchoOl. 11•· Yds Avg. Steve Day, Talawanda .............. 1 55 55.0 180 45.0. Harris, Purcel Marian -----~ 33 ~95 163 40.7 Richardson. Newport 37 489 285 40.7 Boyd, SCD ······-·-·-···..·---1 41 485 Ricketts, Little Miami ........- ••• ..2 80 40.0 37 4n Conrad, Holmes ............ ; .•.•.••.••9 .342 . 38.0 24' 470 Sean Schaffer, Deer Park .......- •. 3 107· 35.6 27 466 Sand foss, NCC ..........,............_..3 105 35.0 28 457 Slaven, Harrison ........:...........--.--8 276 34.5 Banks, Colerain ........_ ............. 3 29 452 101 33.7 16 451 • 97 32.3 Undsay, Lebanon ...................·--· 3 Luckey, Holmes ..............................3 . 97- 32.3 Kunkel, Badin ..................._,. __ 3 96 32.0 Nelson, U Sale ....."........................9 288 32.0 Yds Avg. 32 .32.0. 421 12.1 : Kala. Roger Bacon Sheffield, Lloyd .................................6 189 31.5 704 22.0 279 31.0 -Vandeber, Oak Hils··-············ 9 464 ' 18.6 Taley, Loveland ..........................7 213 30.4 337 14.0 . Eliot. Hughes ........ : ........ ....... 10 303 30.3 283 12.3 386 29.7 Leinlnger,lnctlan Hll - - - · - · 13 487 22.1 87 29.0 Faulkner, New Miami -----. ....3 399 18.1 57 28.5 Day, North Colege Hil - - - - 2 254 12.1 Fucito, McNicholas ....................... 7 199 28.4 ~45 22.3 Gaines, Taft ............................... .3 83 27.7 332 16.6 Johnson, Walnut Hils ..................... 8 215 26.8 234 11.7 Askew, Winton Woods ......- ......4 106 26.7 438 23.1 183_ 26.1' Dangelo, Turpin ·-·-····-·-· 7 436 22.9 Barnes, Franklin ·--~.•c...... _, __ J 26 26.0 436 22.9 306 25.5 l.j)scorrb, Taft · · 1 2 307 16.2 Wilson, Ross .................................8 204 25.5 208 10.9 174 9.2 .,.. Kick scoring . 166 8.7 302 16.8 Player,School · FG PAT Total 239 13.2 Kerr, St. xavier .!..........- -..-~ 22 34 149 8.5 Byrd, Ryle ......................... - ..... 5 19 34 429 25.2 32 Engel. Lloyd ·--..- ...- -..·-···-1 29 300 -17.7 Belperio, Western Hils ....:.............. 3 18 27 301 17.7 .. Siciliano, Moeller ·""""----· 4 25 13 , 255 15.0 24 Scherz, Colerain-------· 0 24 379 25.3 23 Robinson. Lebanon ···--·-··- 3 14 306 19.1 Rnk, Mariemont - - - - - · - · 0 23 ~ SUllivan. Holmes ................. _ ...._2 17 287 17.9 23 252 • 15.8 Holr,ah. Anderson ........c................ 2 16 22 190. 11.8 Pogozalsk~ Badin' ............- .•.•._ 1 19 22 420 28.0 22 Blaylock. Princeton - - - · - 0 : • 22, 276 18.4 21 Sean Schaffer, Deer Park ···--·· 1 18 Werner, CCD ........_______0 20 280 20.0 20. 271 19.4 DeFranco, Elder ............................ 1 17 20 196 14.0 Bollimore, Reading .................... o 19 19 Miler, Ukota .............. _ _ _ 1 16 187 13.4 19 73 ,.5.2 19 Drake, Wyoming-·--·-··-··- 0 19 339 -:l0.2 18 Terry Day, Talawanda ·-····-·--2 12 368 28.3 , Benedlcl, North College Hil_,_ 2 12 18 320 24.6 Bergman. Indian Hil ....................... 1 15 18 29
280 273
21.5 21.0 18.2 16.8 14.9 14.0 12.9 26.7 24.0 22.8 21.7 19.3 17.5 16.3 12.9
. .,.. Punting
Shestlna. Turpin .......................... 12 Belts, MI. Healthy ........................... 4 T. Tubbs, Northwest ...................2 Hal, Wyoming ........- ................... 7 Banks, Colerain ......_ ................. 7 Durbin. Ross ................ H81lY118Ck, Glen Este .....·........... 10 Buerger, Mariemont ..................... 11 Styles, Northwest ..........................2
238 · 79
35 122 118
160 168
19.8 19.7 17.5 17.4 16.9 16.5 16.0 15.2 15.0
.,.. Interceptions 9. Cooper, Indian HIH 6. Jackson. Colerain; 5. Evans, Lakota; El, Indian Hil; Huster, Deer Park; lg, Olnton-Massle; , 4. Kirby, Reading; Roberts, Hughes; Perkins, Mariemont; Lewis. Ryte; Haynes, Purcel Marian; 3. Gossett, Wyoming; Atkinson. Oak Hils; Nisbett, Anderson; Hudson. Hamilton; Strauss, Middletown; SUlton. Hamiton; Gley, Edgewood; Cousino, Indian Hll; Dangelo, Turpin; Rogers, Tur· pin; Anderson. Woodward; Nelson. Lebanon; Wagner, Boone Co; Slas, McNicholas; Jarman. Homes; Samawl, CCD; Ryan. Elder; Anderso, Artiella; 0'· Brien. Summit CD; Cohen, Summit CD; Faulkner, New Miami;
.,.. Fumble recoveries 5. Singer, Purcel Marian; Richardson, St. XavJer; 4: Fawley, Milford; Williams, Frankln; 3: A. Cooper, Hughes; DuMing, Mariemont; Pearson. Lakota; Swanson. Lakota; Yordy, Bacln; Franchini, Badin; Schubert, Batavia; Beln, Batavia; Bevan, CPnton-Massle; Swisshelm, Hilsboro; Gemmer, Boone Co; Morgan. Lloyd; Prewitt, CCD; Bailey, Taft; Cost, St. Xavier; Malnowsk~ St. Xavier; Staderman. Glen Este; Stubblefield, New Miami.
.,.. Touchdown passes 15. Lammers, Elder 14. Werner, CCD; lt Milner, Mariemont; Evlslon, NCC; 10. Barton. Hilsboro; Brewer, w.lamsburg; . Sprengard, St. Xavier 9. Sheffield, Lloyd; Bruns, SUrmllt CD; e. Alen. Purcel Marian; , 7. Phipps, Cllnton-Massle; Slusher, Holmes; Lee, Lloyd; Durbin, Ross 6. Brown. Princeton; Oaks, Edgewood; Malone, Badin; McLaughln, ~Jer; Holatz, Deer Park; Shes tina, Turpin; Glaza, l!Oone· Co; Arnold, Utile Miami; Davenport, Winton Woods; Sexton. La Sale.
.,.. Offensive average Lloyd ·····-····-·-·'--· ..··••·•·•.....:............... 446.0 Anderson .................. ;::.............- - · - - - - 410.0 Cincinnati CD ··--·······-..·-··· ..·····-..- .... 411.6 Hilsboro ....·---·--·---·······-- 393.0 Princeton -···-·······........................... -.-391.3 Winton Woods ..............:...................................382.0 Ross ........................................................ --...367 .0 Colerain ··-···-···-.............................. _ 364.5 SUrmllt - .•- · - · - - 348.0 Elder __CD ..;....................... ________ .......................... ____ 348.0 Reading ..,..----··--······-·-·-................. 338.0 Mariemont ..........................:................. ---· 337.0 Holmes ......- .............................................:.... - ..... 334.6 Uttt. Mlami .._ _ _, ____:........ - .•-.347.0 Moeler ....... - . -...............- •••:.. _ _ _ 332.6 Ryle ......................................:..........- - - 327.0 Walnut Hils _____........................- .•.••. 324.G Newport CC ...................................:••---323.9 North Colege Hi1 ........................................._.322.7 Edgewood - .................- ............ - ............ 317 .0 St. Xavier ........................ - ..........- - - - 316.8 Western Hils ......:................................. _ _ 302.0 Loveland-·---·~---.-- ....................... ~ ...: 299.0 Indian Hll ...............................................___ 293.5 Wyoming ................................................... _ ..... 291.0 FrankUn ---····..·-·--............. _ ..... ___ 291.0 Deer Park ..............- ............... - ...._ _ 288.6 Lebanon--·---··········---·· ....·-·- 285.7 Harrison·-·-----..... -····--·---...:... 284.3 Lakota ··--··-·-·................- ............___ 277.5
Player, School · NO•. Ywds Avg. Weisman, Flnneylown ............... 23 1150. 50.0 Gregory, Lloyd ...............~-----11 508 46.7 Gillhan, Sycamore .............: ..... 24 984 41.0 .,.. Defensive average Hollns, Willamsburg .................. 24 984 41.0 41.0 Zurmehiy, McNicholas ·-······-18 738 Thompson. Little Miami -···-·-··15 607 . 40.4 AmeRo ..................................:•."··-·····--131.G 39.4 Berre,lnctlan Hll ---------· 16 631 Mariemont-··-··-·--..........- ...-.•- •.- .. 133.0 Parton. Elder ............................ 12 472 39.3 Norlh Colege Hll ................................._,_l39.7 38.4 • Turpin ........................................................_. __ 140.8 Voegele, Lockland ·----~-- 19 730 Shestina;Turpln ............................ 18 690 Badin ..............____ ..-_..;________ 146.2 38.3 37.8 Swackhamer, Hilsboro ··-··-··· 8 302 Franklin ................. _ ..........- ....·-·---179.0 37.8 Wlson. Ross -·--·-·-·---17 643 New Miami ...........- ................. "..·--·····- 180.2 137 11.4 Sean Schaffer, Deer Park .......... 24 · 903 37.4 Hamilton ---~---··· ..·--··-·----180.3 _97 8.1 ' Abshire, Glen Este ____..;._11 408 37.0 Hilsboro ...........................................................- 188.0 Terry Day, Talawanda ................26 960 36.9 Lakota ·-········-.......................................-.189.5 .,.. All-purpose yarda.ge Gebhardt, Oak HiJs ....................... 25 920 36.8 Newport ................................-·----196.5 Player, School G Rsh Rec Ret Total · Robinson, Lebanon ...:........-·-· 24 873 36.4 Reading ...................................................._ _ 200.0 Wilson, Ross................. 6 1310 18 224 1552 Dixon, Winton Woods .............~...... 12 436 36.3. Deer Park ·-·-----·-..........................-_._200.0 Mundy, No Col HiL._. 6 899 110 236 1245 Schubert, Batavia ....................... 27 975 . 36.1 Wilamsburg .................·-····-·····-·-- 202.3 Conrad, Holmes.............. 7 701 179 342 1222 Volmer, ceo .•~ ............:......_..-8 288 36.0 St. Xavier ·--................................................. 205.7 Johnson, Walnut Hils.... 6 894 18 264 1176 Niesen, Roger Bacon .............."...21 740 . 35.2 · McNicholas ......... - ......:.............................. 209.7 Smlth.Ryte..________" 7 963 36 74 1073 . Herron, Boone Co ...........................21 739 35.2 ·Northwest .............................................___ 210.0 Upscornb, Tall.............. 6 336 259 434 1029 Hoskins, MI. Healthy .................. 19 665 35.0 Little Mlaml--·--··-······--..- -... 211.0 Sowers, Elder............ 6 629 307 89 1025 Smith. Franklin ................................ 20 693 35.0 Newport cc ·-----···-····-·----212.1 H'ogglns, Amelia ......_________ 18 627 Krotvner, NCC.:.............. 7 703 119 196 1018 35.0 Boone County .........................................- ....... 214.0 J. Boyd, SCD.........c_. 6 270 436 310 1016 Sunvnlt ......· - - · - · · -..·-·······--·- 216.0 Grdina, Boone 7 870 85 25 980 .,.. Punt returns Loveland ........:........................................ _ _ 218.0 Schiano, Anderson.......: 6 913 11 35 959 Middletown ____ ..................................... ___ 223.7 Player, School No. Yards Avg. WIIBams, Newport._... 7 780 25 79 944 Lipscomb, Taft ..........:...................4 128 32.0. Elder ....................... - .........:......- · · · - - ' - 227.0 Guttman. ceo................ 6 34 704 178 916 Guttman, ceo ......................- ..•7 160 22.9 Ryle ··-·-······-·--···........:................._ .. 229.0 Sheffield, Lloyd.....-..... 7 240 429 220 889 WRscin. Reading ....._ ....................... 9. ' 18S 20.6 Anderson·-----·---····-···---- 232.0 Kamphake, Moeler...,._ 6 599 210 56 865 Roger Bacon ............................................................ 233.5 Mundy, North Colege Hil-·· .. 6 135 22.5 Lelninger,lndlan Hil..... . 6 357 109 386 852 Lebanon ............................................____ 235.3 Perkins. Mariemont ........................ 4 83 20.7
219 194 181 167 320 288 274 261 222 210 196 155
~~.::::::::==~-==::::::::::::::::::::::.:= l~~
1/J .,Ji ~ tj£ Queen City National
Cincinnati Hills League 1
Finneytown .......
.. '
Team Mariemont........ Deer Park ......... Reading.............. Wyoming........... Indian HiU... .••.•• _ Taylor ................. Madeira. ............
League overall w L w L 4 3 3 3 7 1 0 0
0 '1 1 1 7 3 4 4
6 5 5 4 3 1 0 0
0 199 1 177 191 1 7 164 3 • 158 5 60 6 38 6 77
15 76 71 111 99 196 186 779
Team. Harrison.............
Mount Healthy. Winton Woods.. Walnut Hills .....,. Hughes............... Northwest.........
Lakota ................ ... Sycamore.......... _ Lima Senior ....... Princeton.-..... _,
Hamilton............ Middletown....... Fairfield............. Milford...............
4 3 7 7 7 7 1 0
0 1 7 7 7 7 3 4
6 4 4 4 3 7 1 1
0 7 7 7 3 4 5 5
Team Turpin................. Anderson. ... :... _.
175 95 114 770 107 73 59 67
63 94 112· 145 71 176 174 145
Amelia ................ Woodward........ Glen Este ........... Taft .....................
' Team
League Overal . w L w L PF
Ross................:... Norwood............ Lillie Miami...... Mason................ ·Goshen ............... Wilmington........ • S~ringporo......... Kmgs ...................
3 0 6 3 0 4 7 1 5 7 1 4 1 7 . 7 1 '7 1 0 3 7 0 3 7
0 7 1 7 4 5 4 4
5 3 4 3 1 1
1 3 7 3 5 5
127 93 143 114 67 47
97 157 175 175 138 176
League Overall w L w L 7 7 1 1 0 0
0 0 1 1 7 7
6 4 4 3 7 1
0 7 7 3 4 5
147 196 87 96 53 88
77 76 39 99 133 158
League overall w L w L• PF
Team Elder ................... St. Xavier.......... LaSalle ............... Moeller ..... ~ ..
· PA
187 95 154 107 144 89 34 177
0 0 1 1 7 7
Fort Ancient Valier Cont. ,
7 7 1 1 0 0
Queen City American
Greater Miami Conference League Overall w L w L
League overall w L w L
107 103 100 170' 138 155 67 117
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 '1
5 4 3 3
1 7 3 3
175 177 191 147
68 97 179 146
114 138 111 133 57
67 55 96 173 94
· League Overall Team w L w L Cincinnati C.D... 3 0 6 0 No. CoDege Hill.. 3 o. 5 1 SummitC.D ....... 7 1 4 7
New Miami. ......
L. Christian ........ Lockland. ........... Batavia ...............
Pur. Marian......
C.-Julienne ......... Roger Bacon ...:.
0 1 1 7 7
5 5 4 3 1
1 0 0 0
1 7 7 3
4 1 1 0
7 5 5 6
196 36 157 . '67 198 100 n 81 70 177 87 116 37 137
1 1 7 3 5
Talawanda........ Edgewood......... carroll................ Fenwick ............:
Team Hillsboro ............. OermontNE..... Williamsburg ..... Loveland ............ Bethel-Tate......: N.Richmond....... Blanchester ....... W.Brown..........
League Over all w L w L· 3 3 7 7 1 1 0 0
0 1 1 7 7 3 3
6 5 5 3 7 1 0 0
0 1 1 3 4 5 6 6
746 157 118 118 89 54 43. 37
League Overal w L w L
Team Franklin .............. Miamisburg ...... Lebanon............. LemMon ...........
3 7 7 7
0 1· 1
5 4 3 7
1 7 3 4
. 7
96 155
3 0
93 108 110 195
Metro County Conference
, League overall Team W L W L . PF Colerain.............. 7 0 6 0 777 West. Hils......... 7 0 4 7 147 Aiken.................. 0 1 3 7 90 Withrow............. 0 . 1 7 4 100 Oak Hills............. . 0 7 1 5 97
PA 48 81 117 116 753
Kentucky 60
'77 85 173 117 137 746 707
Mid Miami Leapue
League Overall w L W\L 3 7 7 1 1
Southern Buckeye Conf
GCL-North Team Aller................... Badin ...................
Miami Valley Conference
179 139 139 71
77 119 107 161
Team Lloyd................................................... . Boone County,................................. .. NewportCC. ...................................... Beechwood....................................... . Ludlow ............................................:... Dayton................................................ Highlands .......................................: ... BeOevue.............................................. Newport...: ........................................ .. Holmes .................:.............................. Ryle...................................................... Covington catholic.......................... .. Dixie Heights.................................... Simon Kenton. ................................... Conner................................................ . carroll County ................................. .. Scott.. ................................................. . campbel County,. ..................:.......... .
7 6 6 4 5 5 5
0 1 1 7 7 7 7
3 4 5 4 3 3 7 1 1 0 0
3 7 3 4 4 5 5 6 7
'FOOTBALL STANDINGS Springboro....... .. Kings................. ..
Cincinnati Hills League League Overall W L W L
rTeam Mariemont........ 1
Reading.............. , Wyoming........... Deer Park......... Indian HIL........ Taylor....:............ Rmeytown....... . Madeira.............
5 4 4 3 7
0 1 1 7 3
7 6 5 5 3
0 1 7 2 4
1 0
4 5
1 0
6 7
756 · 704 198 181 171 60 73 75
15 80 174 89 133 753
189 794
Greater Miami Conference
uague overall Ttam W L W L Lakota. .............. 5 0 7 0 . Princeton. .......... 3 7 5 7 Sycamore...... .. 3 7 4 3 Hamilton ............ 3 7 4 3 Lima Senior ....... 7 3 4 3 Middletown....... 7 3 7 5 Milford............... 1 4 7 5 Fairfield............. 1 4 1 6
PF 159
762 119 179 114 80 95 73
152 121 95 150 168 145 158
48 141
Queen City National League Overall W L W L 3 0 6 1 2 1 4 3
ream Harrison............ . WalnutHIDs ...... . Mount Healthy. Winton Woods.. Northwest....... .. Hughes ...............
2 1
· ·
League Overatr W L W L
I Team Ron....................
4 4 3 2 2 1
Norwood............ Little Miami...... ; Mason................ Goshen............... Wilmington.......
0 0 1 2 2 3
7 5 6 4 3 1
2 1 3 4 6
221 1Q3 176 114 163 89
116 110 100 128 151
3 4
4 3
PA 106
162 135 93 157 47 73
131 157 160 126 159
Queen City American League Overall W L W L 2 1 6 1
Team TIM'pln................. Anderson........... Amelia................ Woodward........ Glen Este........... Taft....................!
2 2 2 0 0
1 1 1 3 3
5 5 4 2 1
175 2 224 2 114 3 141 5 · 67 6 94
55 97 45 113 178 185
League Overall WL WL 2 1 6 1
Fort Ancient Vallev Cont.
1 2
~I ~ ~ ~
101 130
LaSalle.............. St. Xavier.......... Moeller .....~
2 1 1
1 2 2
4 4 3
3 3 4
212 221 181 150
137 134 176
1'\Jr. Marian...... Roger Bacon.... . c.-Julienne......... McNicholas.......
Miami Valley Conference Team ClnciMatl C. D... No. College Hill .. SummltC.D....... New Miami ....... Lockland ............ LChrlsllan........ Batavia...............
Team Aller .................. . Badin ..................
4 3
0 1
6 6
1 1
League Overall w L w L 4 3 3 1 1 0 0
0 1 1 2 2 3 3
7 5 5 4 2 1 1
0 2 2 3 5 5 6
League Overall Ttam W L W L HIHsboro............. 4 0 7 0 Oermont NE..... 3 1 . 5 2 Wlllamsburg..... 3 1 6 1 Loveland............ 2 2 3 4 Bethel- Tate....... 2 2 3 4 N.Richmond....... 2 2 2 5 W. Brown.......... 1 3 1 6 Blanchester.:..... 0 4 0 7
222 165 239 91 108 70 64
44 88 100 107 130 213 143
PP 300
PA 62 108 107 164 166 176 202
199 149 157 91 · 95 52 43
Mid Miami Leaaue PF
71 61
Team Franklin.............. Miamisburg...... Lebanon.:...........
League overalr W L W L PP 4 3 3
0 1 1
6 5 4
1 2 3
162 174 167
Edgewood......... LemMon ........... Talawanda ........ Carroll................ Fenwick .............
195 71 96 115 99
136 194 128 203 235
Metro County Conference
Southern Buckeye Conf
League Overall W L W L
124 121 156 124
117 87 160 79
119 142
Team Colerain .............. West.HIHs......... OakHIUs............. Aiken.................. Withrow ............
League Overall w L W 'L 3 2 1 0 0
0 0 2 2 2
7 5 2 3 2
0 2 5 3 5
268 203 115 113 107
55 95 261 125 157
Kentucky Ttam LlOYd................................................. .. Boone County.................................... Newport CC. .................................... .. Dayton ................................................ Beechwood....................................... . Highlands.......................................... .. Ryle...................................................... Newport. ............................................ . Holmes ................................................ Ludlow .............................................. .. BeHevue.............................................. Covington Catholic.......................... . Dixie Halghts..................................... Simon Kenton. ................................... Carroll County .................................. . Conner ............................................... .. Campbel County............................. .. Scott.-................................................. ..
L 0 1 2 2 2 2
8 7 6 6
5 5 5 5 5 5
3 3 3 3 4 4
4 4 3 3 1 1 0 0
7 6 8 8
173 252 85 96 115 126
169 150 251 155 732 . 235
5 5
Cincinnati Hills League ream Mariemont ........ Wyoming...........
League Overall w L w L
:;::~~:~::.::: . lndianHin............ Taylor ................. Flnneytown....... Madeira.............
6 5 4 4 2 2 1 0
0 1 2 2 4 4 5 6
8 6 6 6 3 2 1 0
0 2 2 2 5 6 7 8
Harrison .......__ ,.
327 233 217 193 178 105 73 95
15 137 115 96 145 773 755 339
Mount Healthy. Winton Woods .. Walnut Hills ......, Northwest... ...... Hughes .........:.....
Greater Miami Conference
League Overall Team w L w L Lakota............... 6 0 8 0 Princeton........... 4 2 7 2 Sycamore.......... 4 2 5 3 Hamilton............ 4 7 5 3 Lima Senior ....... 2 4 4 4 Middletown....... 2 4 2 6 'Milford.............. 1 5 2 6 Fairfield ............. .1 5 1 7
184 790 153 157 133 94 95 75
96 154 135 95 175 702 173 186
Fort Ancient Valier Conf. ·Team Ross ................... Norwood............ Little Miami.. .... Mason ................ Goshen ............... Kings ................... Wilmington....... Springboro .........
League Overal w L w L 5 4 3 3 3 1 1 0
0 1 2 2 2 4 4 5
8 5 6
5 4 3 1 2
0 3 2 3 4 5 7 6
League Overall w L w L
250 124 190 149 182 165 107 48
137 139 135 147 164 130 196 125
3 3 2 2 2 0
1 1 2 2 2 4
6 4 5 4 3 1
2 4 3 4 5 7
188 103 176 142 74 86
133 163 173 141 172 178
Queen City American League Overall w L w L
Team Turpin................. Anderson........... Amelia................ woodward ........ GlenEste........... Taft.....................
3 3 3 2 0 0
1 1 1 2 4 4
7 6 6 4 2 1
1 2 2 4 6 7
222 274 133 141 67 94
55 97 45 132 275 735
GCL-South Team Elder................... LaSalle ............... St. Xavier .......... Moeller ..... :.~
League Overall w L w L 3 3 2 2
1 1 2 2
7 5 5 4
1 3 3 4
239 749 223 173
137 147 188
GCL-North Team Badin................... Aller ................... Pur. Marian......
League Overall w L w L 4 4 2
1 1 3
1 6\ 2 4' 4
PF 711 144 117
101 151
Roger Bacon ..... C.-Julienne....... .. McNicholas.......
87 173 95
149 198 159
Miami Valley Conference Team Cincinnati C.D.. No. College Hill.. summit c.D....... New Miami....... Lockland............ Batavia............... L Christian........
League. overall W L W L 5 4 3 1 1 1 0
0 1 1 3 3 3 4
8 6 6 4 2 2 1
0 2 2 4
6 6 6
756 179 753 98 115 100 70
51 95 103 121 164 143 247
Lebanon............ Edgewood......... LemMon........... Talawanda........ carroll................ Fenwick.............
3 3 2 1 l 1
2 2 3 4 4 4
4 4 2 2 2 2
4 4 6 6 6 6
Metro County Conference Team Colerain.............. West. Hlfts......... Aiken.................. Oak Hills............ Withrow.............
League Overall W L W L 4 2 1 1 0
0 1 2 2 3
8 5 4 2 2
0 3 3 6 6
289 217 141 122 127
69 116 145 796 185
Southern Buckeye Conf Team Hillsboro ............ . Wiliams burg ..... OermontNE.... . Loveland ............ Bethel-Tate ....... N.Richmond ...... . w. Brown.......... Blanchester ...... .
League Overall W L W L 5 0 8 0 4 4
1 1
7 6
1 2
5 6
~ ~ ·~ ~
71 107 177 171 176 247 236 318
181 251 167 98 102 52 57
Mid Miami Leaaue Team Franklin ...........:.. Miamisburg ......
League overalr W L W L 5 4
0 1
7 6
1 2
191 201
Team W L Lloyd................................................ 9 0 Boone County................................... 8 1 Dayton............................................. 6 2 Newport CC...........................-......... 7 2 Ryle...................................................... 6 3 Highlands ..................................................................... 63 Holmes................................................ 6 3 Beechwood.................................... 6 2 Covington catholic.......................... 5 4 Ludlow......................-................... 5 4 Newport............................................ 5 4 senevue.......................................... 4 5 Simon Kenton.................................... 4 5 Dixie Heights..................................... 3 6 Conner................................................ 1 7 CampbeD County............................... 0 8 Scott.................................................. 0 9
·• Scoring
pllyer, Scllool •Wlson. Ross. .................. Alexander, Colerain....... ' Sowers, Elder................. 1 WAschevlck, Mlll'le........ · Wlrechf, Beechwood.• Mundy, NCH. ... _ .._ ........ Monk, Frankln.. .......... _ SChiano, Anclerson. ........ Murphy, Colerain ........_ Boyd, S\mnll ..........._ .. Dick. Reading..._ ......... Gossett, Wycmlng.... ,_. • Ford. Hilsboro................ Swackhamer, Hll.......... . ..sc:haffer, Deer Plll'k ...... • Sheffield. Lloyd.............. •Slaven, Harrison........... conrad. Homes............. Price, Love!Md. ........ .... • Smith, Ryle._.._. __ ,, Johnson. WeRst Hll ....... • Guttman. ceo_...... .. I Futon, Wyoming........._ Plll'lon, Elder_........... Hlghfil, Mason. .............
Jones, ceo__,___.........
:Gregory, Lloyd.............. .Frisk, Highlands.....:...... .. · Grdlna, Boone County •.
1 Josefovsky,Anclerson ..
Sickles, PrlncefDII..--.. . , Daniel, S\mnll ............... • Wllams, Newport....... .. .Lipscomb, Taft..........__ Holler!, Harrison........ .. GreQDvlch. Wliams.._ Buerger, MIJI'Iemonl ..... Brookins, Princeton..• Whon. Lakota. __....... .. Bratt on. Lima.............. .. White, La Sale ............... , Leininger, IH................... . . Murph, Woodwlll'd........ :Huster, Deer Plll'k......Brown, Wlmlngton....... . ' Bischoff, Highlands ........
G Pos. TD.PAFG Tot 7 RB 2012 0132 7 RB 17 2 0 121 7 RB 16 2 0 98 7TB160096 8TB152092 7 TB 15 0 0 90 7 RB 14 2 0 86 7 RB 14· 0 0 84 7QB114081 7RB129081 7 RB 13 0 0 80 7 RB 13 0 0 78 7 HB 12 2 0 74 7 FB 10 13 0 73 7WB8192)3 8WR120072 7RB120072 8RB112068 7QB 813267 8RB110066 7RB110066 7WR110066 7 RB 10 0 0 60 7 WR 10 0 0 60 7 TB 10 0 0 60 7RBI00060 8FB 92056 8RB90054 8RB90054 7RB90054 7RB90054 7FB90054 8TB90054 7RB90054 7 RB 6 14 0 50 7E80048 7WR 800 48 7RB80048 7RB80048 7RB80048 7RB 80048 7RB80048 7TB80048 7FB 80048 7RB 74046 8RB 227245
..,. Rushing
Player, School Aft. Y1rds Avg. 8.3 Wlson. Ross .:.. ............- ...- .......-172 1437 Smith,Ryle _ ....................._ ..... 168 1135 6.7 Wlson.Lakota ......._ ..............._ ...192 1082 5.6 Schiano, Anderson ........................ 122 1071 . 8.8 Grcllna, Boone Counly .................. 185 1033 5.6 Mundy,NCH ......__...............--128 1021 8.0 6.6 Wlrecht, Beechwood - - - -.. 154 1021 Johnson, WeRst Hils ._ ................ 114 997 8.7 Alexander, Colerain ..........._ _ 119 936 7.9 6.7 Monk, Frankln -·--·----··--136 909 6.0 Dick. Reading -·-·---·-........-143 857 8.0 · Jones, CCD -·--·-····--·---·-'04 827 · Brown, Wlmlngton ...._ .............. 119 810 6.8 Gossett, Wyoming _ ........._ ..., 85 801 9.3 Steve Day, Talawancla .......... _ ... 166 800 4.8 Wlllll'ns,Newport _ ............. _ .....118 780 6.6 Ford, Hllsboro ....... __....................67 775 11.6 Holler!, Harrison ................___.. 137 763 5.6 5.1 Davison, MI. Healthy --··-·-148 756 u· .Sowers, Elder _,...............--..-153 745 Salyers, Trenton Edgewood ...._104 725 7.0 conrad. Homes ...___, .. __ 98 102 7.2 7.6 Josefovsky,Anclerson - - - · 92 701 Frisk, HigNands ......_ _ _,,_, 71 699 9.8 6.0 Murph, Woodwlll'd --·--159 690 Bratton. Uma _ ............_ .._105 674 6.4 Frauenknechl, Ultle Miami _120 661 5.5 Orr, Mariemont ..,,____........... 108 656 6.1 . Wlsdlevlck. Mill' lemont ......._ .. 92 654 7.1 Hlghfll. Mason .. _ ....................... 123 641 5.2 Brookins, Princeton ....._ ............... 98 636 6.5 Price, Loveland .......................,_....70 585 8.3 · Hines, WeRst Hils .........................88 584 6.6 • Remsey, New Richmond _ ............93 583 6.2 · Tolay, Lovelllnd .. ........_ ....93 583 6.3 Abney, Lloyd_.................____ 77 582 7.6 6.4 Futon, Wyoming-·---·-· 81 559 1 Askew, Winton Woods .....- - 95 542 51 9.4 • Denle!, s..nmrt -"·"·----·- 57 S38 6.0 Flowers, Northwest --·----89 535 vance, Amela - .............--.......91 529 5.8 ,White, La Sale ........_ ..__............ 98 S35 5.5
• Passing
)layer, School Aft Comp Yds R. Lee, Lloyd - - - -................... 102 61 1665 Lammers, Elder .........- .............-124 84 1382 wemer,cco .......- ........_ ....... 130 60 1315 I Mason. Highlands - .........- ... --126 73 1235 .B.Brewer,WIIamsburg ---... 116 54 1078 I BI'\Jns, SUnvnlt ---·..--····-· 93 59 1073 'Sprenglll'd,St.Xavler ............,_152 68 967 Blll'lon, Hllsboro _ ............._ ....... 90 53 · 909 Miner, Mlll'lemonl ..___ , ...... .....84 46 857 Arnold. Uttle Miami ..................... 118 64 816 Trenton Edgewood .........._84 39 814 stlna, Turpin ........,_..,., .............82 46 802 Durbin, Ross - ..........................- ... 93 44 783 re.'~aa,sycamore ......................119 53 770 762 Hotnes .............__.......... 121 . 51 ~ ,Maclelre_.___ , __ l36 56 746 732 Wls~_Deer Park ...... - ...- .......91 40 706 .'TtxiJ' Beechwood ·----·--73 40 696 ,.~ustrnN."or~wood --..·--·-·---112 54 B-od, HIIIT Lockland ..........._111 52 686 , ............._ ........... 103 47 685
Enquirer coaches polls Div. 111-IV-V-VI
Division 1~11
t Colerain (10) .. ----.............___... 100 2. Lakota ___................_ .......... _. __ 90 3. Elder _____..............._.._,,, __ 80 4. Princeton __.,........_ ..............___ 54 5. La Sole ....___.............................._ 52 6. Sf. xavier ..........._ ................_................ 43 7. Western Hils ...................................- - 35 8. Anderson ....._ ......................................_ 30 9, Hlll'rison ..................................._ ..,_.. 23 10. Moeler .... -...................- ......... IS Others: Sycamore 12, Turpin 10, Hamilton 4, Amelia 1. Coaches voting In the pol: Pat MllllCIISO, Princeton. Steve Rasso, St. Xavier; Kerry Cocm!s, Colerain; Tom Grlppa, Elder; VInce Suriano, Anderson; Dick Nocks, HIIITison; lou Cynklll', Winton Woods; Greg Bailie, Lakota; Ed Yooogs, Western Hils; nm Uchtenberg, Mason; Steve Klonne, Moeler.
45 59 34
Sexton, La Sale ..........--............ 92 Bray, Oak Hils ·---···----'33 Brown, Princeton · · · - - -....... 74 Johnson, Lakota ·---..- -.. 100 Zeigler, ~ton - -......_.117 Weisman, Flnneytown .....--.95 Goins, Blanchester - - - -.. 123 Allen, Purcel Mlll'lan - -......... 108 Fletcher, Reading ---·-..·--·-.82 E~, Aiken - -..·----.........87 Slra t, Mason ......_____..,.,....82 Mlllona, Badln ··-···.....................16 Davidson, Franknn ......................... 60 Bishop, Batavia ... _ .............. 86
•a 41
42 44 40 48
43 49 34 34
680 672 671 670
634 60S 603 600 597 584 583 581 580
• Receiving Player, School No. Thompson. Utile Miami --···-- 38
Guttman. ceo ·--·---··-·34
Yds 503
Gregovlch, Wlllamsburg __ .........33 Slas, McNidlolas ____, ____,27 Clll'ln, Madeira ·-·----....·--27 Buerger,Mill'iemont ...............- .... 25 Plll'lon, Elder __ ...;....- .............. 25 Voegele, Locklllnd · - -......... _ ...25 Maldlow, Madeira ....__........ _.24 Brown. Sycamore . _........._, __ 23 Ells, Princeton _ .......- .............. 22 Sowers, Elder ...........___..__ 22 Allen. Winton Woods - - - 22 Brlnck. Badin --------22 Sheffield, Lloyd - - - - · - · - 21 Boyd. SUmmit ·--·"-'"'" 21 Stegman. Hlgllancls - - · - - - 21 Evans, Lakota ...- - - · - - 21 Rook,Becln - - · - - -.......... .21 Brown. Boone Coulty ........21 Hutchinson, Ross ...........-_......... 19 Buck, Flnneytown ....- ...... _ .._,19 Fox, Oak Hils .._ ......... ...... _19 WAson,MUford ----·---· 19 Luckey, Holmes -·----·-- 19 SOialler,DeerPIII'k----.18 Jones, Beechwood · - - - - - 18 Welng. Harrison---- 18 Reed.Aillen .. T. Merchant, Lebanon ----·17 Kepprel, Anderson----- 17 Mountain, western Brown ...........17 J. Lee, Lloyd--·--·..· - 16 Captaln,HIIsboro - - -....- .... 16 Humphrey, Homes ---·-·..--16 Hlghfll, Mason ..............._ ....... 16 Turner,HIIsboro ......._ .._ ... _16 Gregory, Uoyd - - · - - ·..- - 15 Dangelo, Turpin - - - -...... 15 Belts, MI. Healthy · - - -..-.15 J. Stegman. Highlands......____ 15 Daniel, SUmmit - - - - - 15 Eagan, Elder - - · - - - - 15 Henry,UttleMiaml-....- ..... 15 Esber, Talawllnde - - - -......_15 OSborne, Middletown ---·---14 Gibert, Franldln --·--·-·· 14 Holthaus, La Sale ...·--·--- 14 Schubert, Batavfa -·----...... 14 WAson. St. Xavier - - - -........... 14 Singer, Purcel Marian - - - 14 GIIITetson. Talawancla - - - 1 4 Musselman,FIIIrfleld - - - 1 4 Lynch, Blanchester----- 14
Avg. 13.2
m 2u 660 20.0 450 382 537 495 286 288 427 508 406
253 196 600 506 352 389 349 239 323 289 254 174 169 493 433 315
----··-11 307 299
318 247 475 358 341 298 252 403 294 291 246 228 225
179 81 341 320 292 291 254 232 217 187 126
16.7 14.1 21.5 19.8 11.4 12.D 18.6 23.1 18.5 11.5 8.9 26.8 2•.0 161 18.5 16.6 1U 17.0 15.2 13.3 . 9.2 8.9 27.3 24,0 17.5 17.0 24.9 181 14.5 29.7 22.4 21.3 18.6 15.8 26.9 19.6-"' 19.4 14.4 15.2 15.0 11.9 5.4 24.4 24.0 20.9 20.8 18.1 16.6 15.5 13.4 9.0
..,. All-purpose yardage Player, School Wilson, Ross ... _........ Mundy,NCH ....... ___ Johnson. Walnut Hils..... conrad. Holmes............. Lubrecht, Beechwood... Sowers, Smith. Ryle.._ .. ,.... ___ Boyd, s..nmrt.....___ Mon., Frankln..__ Grdlna. Boone CoootySchiano, Anderson......... Sheffleld, Lloyd-_ Leininger, Indian HllLipscomb, Tall._......
Guttman. ceo....... _
Alexander, Colerain..._,
G Rsh Rtc 7 1437 26 7 1021 114 7 997 18 8 702 218 8 1021 54 7 745 406 8 1135 36 7 374 506 7 909 110 8 1033 85 7 1071 11 8 260 600 7 384 138 7 335 277 1 34 m 7 936 67
Rtt 296 242 279 353 178 100 74 333 46 25 35 232 561 450
Total 1759 1377 1294 1273 1253 1251 1245 1213 1165 1143 1117 1092 1075 1062 250 ro 11 0 1003
t Mlll'lemont !8) ·-·-·---·-..·--·-97 2. ceo (2) ......----·--·---·-·............ 86 3. Ross ........._ ...... - - - - - - - - -........ 72 4. Ham.Badln .._ ..............- -......._ .._ ... 67 5. Wyoming ..... __ ............,_,___ ............ 55 6. Reading ....................- -.......- ...- ....... .43 7. Purcen Madan .. - ..........-·---·-···30 7. Summit CD ........---····----........ 38 9. Deer Plll'k ..--·------·----·23 9. Utile Mlaml ......---···---·--·23 Others: Norwood 11, North Colege HI 7, Indian Hll 2, Wll!amsburg 2, Mason 2, McNI· cholas 1. · Collche\ voting In the pol: Herb Woeste, Purcel Marian; Tom Crosby, Mlll'lemonl; Tim Dunn, CCD; Bernie BIIITe, Wyoming; Glll'rlck Robinson, Summit CD; lac Taylor, Belhe~ Tale; Mike Morgan, Deer Park; Ben Hibbard, New Miami; Bruce Belll'enclse, North Colege Hll; Dick Balard, Ross; Ken Minor, Reading. ·
Jones, ceo...._........_. Holler!, HIIITison._..... Hghlll, Mason.........._ Ramsey, New Rich......
827 151 24 1002 763 54 177 994 7 641 298 57 976 7 583 24 382 965
• Kickoff returns Player, School No. Boyd. SUmmn .........................-. 1 Richardson, N£:wporl ....---·-·- 4 Harris, Purcel Mlll'ian .......- - 5 conrad, Homes - - · - · - - - 10 Slaven, HIIITison . -..·..- - . 8 Bolman, St. xavier -·--·-11 S. Hlll'tley, Flnneytown ....... --..8 KOO<el, 8lldln .........- - _.............3 Banks,Colerain ___, .......- . 4 Leninger,lncllanHII ·-··-·-....-18 Mersmann. Ryle -~-.................- . 2 Vandever, Oak HIHs .......--............9 Eliot, Hughes ..........- ..................... 10 FII<AI<IIer, New Miami ..................... 3 Schaffer, Deer Plll'k .............-..5 Sheffield, Uoyd ••- .........- - . 7 Fucito, McNicholas ·-·-··..- - 7 Johnson, Hlghlllnds ....._____ 9 Nelson, La Sale·----·-- 10 Pastura, Batavia - - · - - - - - S Valerio, Trenton Edgewood ...- 8 Tolay, Lovelllnd ·----··"···--·9 Llndsay,Lebancn .........- -•....4 Steve Day, Talawancla --·----4 Johnson, Walnut Hils ........... _ .......9 Mueler, Roger Bacon ............,..._, 7 Fulton, Wyoming .....................__ S
Yds 285 163 192 3S3 276 374 260 92 126 561 62 279 303 87 144 201 199 252 279 138 218 244 108 108 230 179 128
Foster, Aiken . _................._ ...... .3 54 Mersmam, Ryle ....- ................_ ... 2 36 Haa, Wyoming ......- ..............-- 8 . 139 Durbin, Ross---·..- - _..........._ 4 66 Hlll'l'lllllck, Glen Este .................... 10 160 Johnson. Highlands .................. _ ..... 7 106 Buerger,Mill'lemont ......................13 196
• Interceptions 9. Cooper, Indian Hit 6. Evans, Lakota; Jackson, Colerain;
5. ShaUll Kirby, Reaclng; IMler, Deer Park;
Ely,lncllanHil; · 4. Roberts, Hughes; Sutton. Hamilton; Gordon, Princeton; Cohen. Surrvn!t; Arnold, Ultle Miami; Haynes, Purcen Mlll'lan; Lewis, Ryie; Jones, Beechwood; Hotlulpfel, Ryle; PerkinS, Mlll'iemonl; Poling, Bethel Tate; 3. Creekmore, Blanchester; FIIIAkner, New Miami; Nisbett, Anderson; Hudson, Hamilton; Strauss, Mkklelown; Denson. Uma; Smith, Princeton; W,..er, Boone County; D'Brlen, SIKnmlt; Gossett, Wyoming; Jarman, Holmes; Ryan, Elder; Anderson. Woodwlll'd; Slas, McNi<:holas; Foster, Aiken; Nelson, Lebanon; Samawf, ceo; Holalt, Deer Park; LeiJI'Y, Flnneytown; A. Hartley, FJn. neytown; S. H¥11ey, Flmeytown; Glley, Trenton Edgewood; Rogers, Turpin; Dangelo, Turpin; Kramer, Western Hils; Captain. Hilsboro; Anderson, Amelia; Cousino, Indian Hll; Atkinson. Oak Hils.
..,. Fumble recoveries
Avg. 40.7 40.7 38.4 35.3 34.5 34.0 32.5 32.0 31.5 31.2 31.0 31.o 30.3 29.0 28.8
5: Singer, Purcel Marian; 4: Fawley, Milord; Wiliams, Frank In; Prew· Ill, CCD; Richlll'dson, St. Xavier. 3: Cooper, HugheS; Rich, Blanchester; Bums, Blanchester; Stllderrnan, Glen Esle; Pelli'SOII, Lakota; Swanson, Lakota; Stubblefield, New Miami Kosman, Anderson; Genmer, Boone Counly; Mur· pity, La Sale; Rodell, Colerain; Scott, Newport, Stegman, Roger Bacon; SchtAierl, Batavia; Beln, Belavla; Dlmlng, MIJI'Iemont; Scott, Aiken; Franchlanl, Badin. Yordy, Badin; Bailey, Taft; Swls· shelm, Hllsboro; Mallnowsk~ St. Xavier; Cost, St. xavier.
lt. Lammers, Elder; 15. Werner, CCD; 12. Brewer, Wliamsburg; Blll'lon. Hllsboro; 11. M...,., Mlll'lemont; .. Brons, SUnvnlt; Daks, Trenton Edgewood;
28.4 28.0 27.9 27.6 27.3 27.1 27.0 27.0 25.6 25.6 25.6
• Touchdown passes 20.R.Lee;
Sprenglll'd, Sf. Xavier; 9. Sexton, La Sole; Fletcher, Reading; I. Brown, Princeton; Davenport, Winton Woods; Allen, Purcel Mlll'lan. 7. Durbin, Ross; Jollnson, Lakota; Glaza, Boone Coulty; Arnold, Utile Miami; Sklsher, Holmes; Holatz, Deer Park; Shestlna. Turpin.
• Kick scoring Player,School FG PAT TOtal Engel, Lloyd .............--......--·-· 3 35 44 Kerr, St. xavier ....._. ___,.....-..5 22 37 Byrd, Ryle .......------..- - 5 22 37 ~rio, Western Hils .. _ .....- 3 26 35 Blschott, Highlllnds ...............- - 2 27 33 Blaylod<, Princeton -·-·--·-·- o 28 28 Fink. Mariemont ---··-----0 28 28 Robinson. Lebanon ..........- -....3 18 27 DeFranco, Elder ...........- ...-- 2 21 27 Holrah, Anderson ................ _ .... 2 20 26 Pogozalsk~ Badin ..............---·-' 23 26 werner, ceo ....................___ , 23 26 Scherz. Colerain ............_ .._ ..__ 0 25 25 Sclreck, La Sale ....... - ....- - 1 22 25
..,. Punting Player, School NO. Yll'ds Avg. Weisman, Flnneytown .....- - 2 8 1382 49.3 Gregory, Lloyd ........................._. 15 709 47.3 Berre, Indian Hll ................--.21 882 42.0 Broadnax, Aiken ..................- ....... 10 404 40.4 ~s, Wlllamsburg ..................... 27 1089 40.3 Thompson, Little Miami .............. 17 676 39.7 Gillihan, Sycamore .......--........... 27 1053 39.0 Robinson. Lebanon .....- .........-30 1166 38.9 Voegele, LOckland - - - · - 2 1 815 38.8 Shestlna, Turpin ,__,.......- .. 26 1012 38.8 Whon. Ross - - · - · · - - - - 23 882 38.3 Zurmehly, McNicholas ......--22 833 37.9 Schaffer, Deer Plll'k 1020 37.7 Parton, Elder ···---·-..· · · - 15 565 37.7 Volmer, ceo._..............-·--·-· ro 376 37.6 Terry Day, Taiawllnda - ....... -30 1101 36.7 Arnzen, Hl!lhiancls ..........--.-..... 15 549 36.6 Kelch, Hllsboro ........................- .... ..2 73 36.5 Taylor, Lovelllnd .................- ....... 19 69• 36.5
..,. Punt returns Player, School · No. Ylll'ds Avg. Schiano, Anderson ----..· - - 1 35 35.0 L.lpscon-G, Tall 128 32.0 23.4 washington, Princeton -··--- 5 117 Guttman. CCC ...._ .._ ............._ 7 160 22.9 Beln. Belavfa .._ .._ .. , ....______ 5 107 21.4 Perkins, Mlll'lemont .-................... 4 83 20.7 Dave WAson. Reading ....................9 185 20.6 Mundy,NCH ......................................7 141 20.1 Shestlna, Turpin ..............................12 238 19.8 Betts, MI. Healthy ...................:.......4 79 19.7 Wlson. Ross ....... - ............_ ....,_ 4 75 18.8 Grimm. Highlands ......- ..... - ...- 7 127 18.1
18.0 18.0 17.4 16.5 16.o 15.1
..,. Offensive average Lloyd -·-·--·--····-·-----·.. --456.0 Winton Woods --···--·-·..··-----·--409.0 Hlsboro · - - - · -..............................396.4 396.0
Anderson·---·-·---····--·--··-·. -
Uttle Mlaml ......___ ,...___.............365.0 Mlll'lemont - - - · - - - - · · -..···---359.0
Ross ------·-·--·-···--·-·-.345.7 Edgewood ...- -..·---··-------338.0 Ryle - - - - - · - -..................- ......-.327.0 Reading·------·..·---·-·---· 324.1
~= ~=--:::::::::..-:~:::::-..:::::alffi
Hll---·-·-·-·"'"'""__ 309.4 Western Hils ___,._........................- ......... 305.0 Lovelllnd .. _ ....,.....____, ....................---- 300.0
North Colege
Lebanon ____... _ _......... ---..--296.3 Wllmlnglon ----·--·-------294.D
• Defensive average Colerain--------..· - - - - - 111.0
·-·----- nu
Mariemont---·-.. ·--"-· ..--·----Amelia ___:_,___ ,........................... _ 124.0 126]
.:::::::.:::. mj
~~~~--. . .~=-~~~=·=::~~~~. _: ~~~
Boone Coooty ---·--·---......_____ 191.0 Reading ......· - - · - - -..···--·..· - - 196.9 Purcel MIJI'Ian - -............ --197.o Beechwood ___ _ · ...•--·--·-·-,.... _, ___....... 202.1 SUmmit _____, ____ , ___ ,................... 202.1
Wllamsburg - - - - -..·---·--....- - 203.3
~:~~::::::::=::::::~.::~~:~:::::::::~:::::::::::J =~rii:::::==:::::::::::::::::==~
Anderson···---·------·--·..................... _ 215.0 Elder ..............- - - -.................................. 216.0 McNlcholas ,,___..........................___.. ,_217.6 Ryle - -..· - - - · - -..............-.--...-.219.0
FOOTBALL STATISTICS .,. Scoring Player, School Wilson, Ross.................. Sowers, Elder................ · Lubrechl, Beechwood... Swackhamer, HiUsbor... Alexllnder,Colerain....... WUschevick, Mariemo.. Men<, FrankHn............... Ccnrad, HolmeS..............
Mundy, NCH.................... Gossett, Wyoming......... smlh, Ryle...................... Ford, Hllsboro.... ._.....Schaeffer, Deer Park-. Schiano, Anderson......... Porterfleld,Goshen....... Dick, Reading.................. Murphy, Colerain........... Boyd, Summit.................
Guttman. ceo................
Fulton, Wyoming.......... Highfill, Mason................ Josefovsl<,y, Anderson.. Slilven. Harrison............ Grdlna, Boone County... Jones, ceo.................... Sheffield, Lloyd...-...... Johnson, Wal'lul His.... Price, Loveland...........
Holbert, Harrison........... Krotmer, Newport CC.. Parton, Elder.................. Salyers, Edgewood........ White, La sane................ Wiliams, Newport......... Buerger, Mariemont..... Gregovlch, Wlftmsbrg... Daniel. Summit.............. Wlson, Lakota............... Bratton, Uma ............._ Brookins, Princeton....... Sickles, Princeton........... Hlce, WaynesviDe........... Ells, Princeton............... Orr, Mariemont............. J. Lee, Lloyd.................. Leininger, Ind. Hll.......... Upscomb, Taft..............
G Pos. TD.PAFG Tot 8 TB 21 8 0 142 8 RB 19 1 0 116 8 TB 19 1 0 116 8 FB 15 16 0 106 8 RB 17 2 0 104 8 RB 17 0 0 102 8 TB 16 2 0 98 9 RB 16 2 0 98 8 QB 16 0 0 96 8 RB 15 0 o 90 9 RB 15 0 0 90 8 HB 14 2 0 86 8 RB 10 18 2 85 8 RB 14 0 0 84 8 RB 14 0 0 84 8 RB U 0 0 84 8 RB 13 4 0 82 8 WB 12 9 0 81 8 se 13 1 o 80 8 RB 13 0 0 78 8 TB 13 0 0 78 8 RB .13 .~ 0 78 8 RB 12 0 0 72 9 RB 12 0 0 72 8 RB 12 o o 12 9 WR 12 0 0 72 8 RB 12 0 0 72 8 QB 8 14 9 71
:8 RB~
9 HB 8. WR 8 RB 8 RB 8 TB 8 WR 8 TE 8 FB 8 RB 8 RB 8 RB 8 RB 8 RB 8 RB 8 RB 9 WR 8 RB 8 RB
n~ g ~
8 16 . 8 12 10 1 10 2 10 o 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 9 2 9 0 9 0 ·9 0 9 0 9 0 9 0 9 0
o 3 0 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
• 64 63 62 62 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 56 S4 S4 S4 S4 54 S4 S4
.,. Rushing Player, School All. Yards Avg. 8.0 WRson, Ross ..................................209 1680 6.7 Smith, Ryle ..................................... 214 1436 7.9 Lubrecht, Beechwood .... ._........... 163 1298 5.8 Grdina, Boone County ...............218 1265 5.6 Wilson, Lakota ..............................225 1265 8.6 Mundy, NCH ................. - ..........141 1218 8.5 Johnson, Walnut Hilts .......... - ......128 1093 8.7 Schiano, Anderson ..................... 123 1073 7.5 Alexllnder, Colerain ................... 135 1016 8.2 6.5 5.8 8.3 Conrad, Holmes ........................... 116 959 5.1 Davison, Mount Healthy .............. 183 945 6.8 Brown. Wimington ....................... 136 937 9.0 Gossett, Wyoming ........................104 927 5.3 Sowers, Elder ................................172 909 7.4 Salyers, Edgewood ....................... 122 906 5.5 Keaton, east Ointon ..................... 165 906 7.8 Josefovsl<y, Anderson ................. 113 876 5.6 Holbert, Harrison .......................... 152 849 8.5 Krohmer, Newport CC .................100 848 Ford, Hillsboro ................................ 80 833 10.4 6.4 Wiliams, Newport ........................ 129 832 6.5 Bratton. Uma ................................125 806 5.5 Hlghfll. Mason ....................--.. 138 756 7.0 Fulton. Wyoming ........................ 108 751 6.3 Orr, Mariemont .................... -120 751 4.9 Porterfield, Goshen ....._.............. 153 749 7.3 WDschevick, Mariemont ............101 740 7.7 Price, Loveland .............................. 94 725 6.3 Brookins, Princeton .....................114 717 5.9 Murphy, Woodward .................. 120 713 Rowers, Northwest .................. 102 710 7.0 5.4 Frauenknecht, Little Miami ....... 128 698 Karnphake, MoeDer .................... 133 697 5.2 8.5 Currmlns, Kings ............................. 127 679 7.9 5.9 5.8 Askew, Winton Woods ................ 107 620 6.7 Balser, Sycamore ...................... 93 619 Daniel, Summit ._................ _ ....... 65 608 9.4
~~~~::::::::::~::::::::::1: ~
~:,·L~s'.,~·::::::::::::::::::::::::::i~ :~ .,. Passing
Arnold, Utt1e Miami ................. 115 Evfston, Newport CC ................. 93 Turner, Norwood ..................... 133
65 38 68
Yds 1823 1479 1476 1417 1284 1209 1147 1115 1063 1042 999 964 911 880 856 830 817 812 803
l-ids --···········-·............. 153
Player, School
All Comp
: : : : : : : : : : : : : :~:
I McLaughlin, Moeler . _......157
I Lammers. Elder ........................... 133 Brewer, Williamsburg ................. 144 , Bruns, SUmmit .............................. ] 06 Sprengard, St. Xavier .................. 165 I Barton, Hlnsboro ........................... 101 ' Milner, Mariemont ....................... 101 za,tene, East Ointon .................. 134 Oaks, Edgewood ......................... 101 Shestlna, Turpin ............................. 94 Mender, Madeira .......................... 157 wesllal, Sycamore ..................... 132
=..~.:""....:::::::::::=:::~~:::::: l~~ Arav. ()M:
100 88 67 67
62 S4 59 47 56 68 61
Enquirer coaches polls Div. lii-IV·V-VI
Division 1-11
1. Colerain (10) ................................ -.100 2. Lakota.................................................. 90 3. Elder ............... _ ..........................._ 79 4. La Salle ...............................................- 65 5. Princeton .......................................... 55 6. St.Xavler _ ........................................ 51 7. western Hilts .._ ......................-.......... 39 Moeler ............................................... 29 9. Anderson ................................................. 21 Sycamore ............................................... 13 10. others: Turpin 6, Hamlflon 2. Coaches voting In the poll: Pat Mancuso, Princeton, Steve Rasso, St. Xavier; Kerry Coombs, Colerain; Tom Grippa, Elder; Vince Suriano, Anderson; Dick Nocks, Harrison; Lou Cynkar, Winton Woods; 6reg Bailie, Lakota; Ed Youngs, Western Hills; Tim Uchtenberg, Mason; Steve Kloooe, Moeller.
Wischer, Beechwood ................... 76 Slusher, Homes ........................131 Holatz. Deer Park ....... - ............ 104 Sexton, La Sale ..........................110 Brown. Princeton .......................... 92 Bishop, Batavia ............................ 97 Johnson, Lakota .........................110 Juslln Morris, Lockland ............. 123 Alien, PurceH Marian ................. 133 Schroeder, Kings ......................... 116 Ware,HamRton ...........................119 Strait, Mason ............................. 100 Malone, Badin .............................. 89 Fletcher, Reading ............- -.... 98 Early, Aiken ..............- .......... 101
43 53 43 S4 35 43 53 )I
so 48 41 53 55 55 42
796 793 789 788 785
743 731 730 728 720 657 652 632 651 696
.,. Receiving Player, School No. Guttman. ceo .-........................... 40 Thompson, Utile Miami .............. 40 Gre(JOvich, Willamsburg .............. 38 Cart10, Madeira ............................ 36 Slas, McNicl1olas ........................ 31 Filz. Moeller ................................... 30 Buerger, Mariemont ................... 29 Voegele, Lockland ......................... 29 Brown. Sycamore ........................ 27 Parton, Elder ............................ 27 Rook, Badin ............................... 26 Boyd, Summit .............................. 25 Maidlow, Madeira ....................... 25 ems, Princeton ........................ 24
Yds Avg. 841 21.0 534 13.3 751 19.8 530 14.7 507 16.4 369 12.3 653 22.5 324 11.2 505 18.7 509 18.9 391 15.0 567 22.7 295 11.8 601 25.0
~~~~:.:::::::::::::-.::::::::::~ ~ ~~~ Sowers, Elder ............................ 22 Sheffield, Lloyd ..........- ............. 22 Evans, Lakota .....- .....,...._ ..... 22 Hutchinson, Ross ..................... 22 T. Merchant, LebanOn ................. 22 Buck, FIMeytown ....................... 22 Briggs, East Olnton ...................... 22 ADen, Winton Woods .................... 22 Fox. Oak Hils .................................. 21 Brown, Boone Coooty .................. 21 Schaeffer, Deer Park ................... 20 Henry, Utile Miami ..................... 20
406 628 406 348 339 300 289 253 286 239 553
Turner, Hillsboro ..- ..................... 19 Holthaus. La Sane ..................... 19 wuson, st. Xavier ...................... 19
469 353 347 336
Fausz. Newport CC ..........._ ....... 18 Captain, HiUsboro ...................... 18 Schubert, Batavia ..............- ...... 18
400 392 362
~:.=~-~:::::::::::::::::: ~ ~~':.'~~-::::::::::::::::::::::::::
l: :
~!~~~~~:::::::::::::::::::: li
Goodhart, Moeller.....,. .................. 17 Winters, Fairfield ........................... 17
18.5 28.5 18.5 15.8 15.4 13.6 13.2 11.5 13.6 11.4 27.6 11.8
18.6 18.3 17.7
73.5 21.8 20.1
5 lH 317 283
18.6 16.7
200 133
11.8 7.8
g~~ ~~ii"::::::::::::::::::::::::::: g ~~ l::~
Hamilton. Moeller .~ .............. 17 Alvarez, Norwood ....................... 17
.,. All-purpose yardage Player, School Wilson, Ross ...... -.....
G Rsh Rec Ret Total 8 1680 27 315 2022 Mundy, NCH................ 8 1218 119 258 1595 Lubrechl, Beechwood... 8 1298 S4 201 1553 Smlth,Ryle.................... 9 1436 36 74 1546 Conrad. Holmes............. 9 959 225 353 1537 Sowers, Elder................ 8 909 406 100 1415 Johnson, Walnut Hilts.... , 8 1093 18 279 1390 Grdlna, Boone County... 9 1265 85 25 1375 Krohmer, Newport CC.. : : u~ l~ Boyd, SUmmit................ 8 423 139 646 1208 Leminger, Indian HiR...... Lipscomb, Tall.............. 8 435 m 482 1194 Jones, ceo.................... 8 988 151 so 1189 HoR>ert, Harrison......... 8 849 161 m 1187 Monk, Frankfin............. 8 980 129 71 1180 Guttman, ceo............ 8 34 841 278 1157 Sheffield. uoyd............. 9 274 628 232 1134 Kamphake, Moelfer...e'!f 8 697 266 168 1131 Schiano, Anderson......... 8 1073 11 35 1119 Gossett, Wyoming........ 8 927 101 88 1116 Alexander, Colerain...... 8 1016 67 0 1083 Fucito, McN'ICholas....... 8 562 155 322 1039 Ford, Hillsboro.............. 8 833 180 23 1036 Rowers, Northwest...... 8 710 33 269 1032 Davison, MI. Healthy.... 8 945 1 182 1028
1. Mariemont (8) ..........- .........---·· 98 2. Cincinnati CO (2) ............ _ ............. 84 3. Ross ........................ - ..........................70 4. Badin ...................................- ............ 68
'~: =~:::::::::::::::=:::::::~.:::::~
8. Purcel Marian ....................................... 24 9. Deer Park .............................................. 23 10. Williamsburg ........................................... 15 Others: North College Hm 11, Norwood 10. Lillie Miami 6, Hillsboro 6, Mason 2, Kings 1, Indian Hll 1. Coaches voting In the pol: Herb Woeste, Purcel Marian; Tom Crosby, Mariemont; Tim Dunn. Onclnnatl CO; Bernie Barre, Wyoming; Garrick Robinson, SUIM>It CO; Zac Taylor, Bethel-Tale; Mike Morgan. Deer Park; Ben Hubbard, New Miami; Bruce Baarendse, North Colege Hll; Old< Balard, Ross; Ken MinOr, Reading.
Hlce, Waynesville....- . Hlghfil, Mason............. W~iams, Newport.........
8 226 131 661 1018 8 756 309 57 1001 8 832 29 139 1000
.,. Kickoff returns Player, School No. Yds Avg. Kunkel, Badin .................................. 4 183 45.8 Boyd, SUIM>II .............. - ......... 7 285 40.7 Richardson, Newport .......... - .•. 4 163 40.7 Harris, Purcel Marian ................. 5 192 38.4 lloiman. St. xavier .......- - - · 12 446 37.2 ..conrad, Homes ................- •• 10 353 35.3 Slaven, Harrison ...........- ....- ...... 8 276 34.5 Yordy, Badin ..........- ...........--··· 5 172 34.4 Leininger, Indian Hil .................... 20 646 32.3 Vandever, Oak Hills •. - ............. 9 279 31.0 Ef10t, Hughes .............................. 10 303 30.3 Kamphake, Moeler ....,.,............ 5 148 29.6 Fucito, McNicholas ................... 11 323 29.4 Faulkner, New Miami ................... 3 87 29.0 Schaeffer, Deer Park .............- 5 144 28.8 281 Sheffield, Uoyd ................................ 7 201 Hartley, Fimeytown ................ 10 280 28.0 Pastura, Batavia ...................... - •. 5 138 27.6 Nelson, La Sale .............._ .... _ 10 279 27.9 Valerio, Edgewood ................ - ... 8 222 27.8 Taley,Loveland ............ - ... --.9 244 27.1 Ricketts, Little Miami ..- .............. 5 134 26.8 Balser, Sycamore ........................ 3 78 26.0 Johnson, Walnut Hils---- 9 230 25.6 Banks, Colerain .................. _ .._ 6 152 25.3
.,. Kick scoring Player,Schoot FG PAT Total 44 Engel, Lloyd ............- ................. 1 41 Kerr, St. Xavier ............................. 5 28 43 Byrd, Ry1e ....................................... 5 25 40 Belperio, Western HiHs ................. 3 28 37 37 Fink, Mariemont ............................. 1 34 31 Pogozalski, Badin .............- .......... 1 28 31 Holtrah. Anderson .............. - .... 3 22 Blaylock, Princeton .................... 0 30 30 Morwood, Kings ............................ 5 14 29 Sulivan, Holmes ........................... 2 23 29 28 Werner, ceo ................·-······- 1 25 28 Robinson, Lebanon ............. - ..... 3 19 28 Scherz, Colerain ...................- ... 0 28 28 DeFranco, Elder .......... - ............. 2 22 27 Slcilano, Moeller ..- ........ - •.•. 4 15 27 Schreck, La Salle .................- 1 24 26 Drake, Wyoming ........................ o 26 25 Zurmehty, McNicholas ................. 6 7 25 16 Schaeffer, Amelia ......................... 3
.,. Punting Player, School No. Yards Avg. Weisman, Flmeytown ................ 34 1650 48.5 Gregory, Lloyd ............................ 15 709 47.3 Broadnax, Aiken ........................... 12 507 42.2 Serre, Indian Hll ..............- ........ 25 1023 40.9 Hollins. Wlniamsburg ................. 29 1173 40.4 Thompson, Little Miami ........... 20 794 39.7 Schroeder, Kings ........- ............ 24 948 38.9 Gillihan, Sycamore .................... 29 1125 38.8 Voegele, Lockland ..................... 25 958 38.3 Shestina, Turpin .........- ............ 27 1056 38.2 Robinson, Lebanon ..................... 33 1252 37.9 WHson, Ross ......- -................... 24 910 37.9 Schaeffer, Deer Park ................ 31 1167 37.6 Vollmer, ceo ... _ .......... - ...... 11 406 36.9 Gebhardt, Oak Hils ..................... 29 1067 36.8 36.7 Parton, Elder ................................. 20 732 Schubert, Batavia ......................... 34 1240 36.5 Berger, Beechwood .................... 15 540 36.0 Dixon, Winton Woods ................... 13 466 35.8 Green, St. Xavier ...................- ... 16 570 35.6
.,. Punt returns Player, School No. Yards Avg. Sandfoss, Newport CC ................ 3 83 27.7 Upscomb, Tall .............................. 4 130 26.0 Jolvlson, Newport ··-··-..·-··· 2 52 26.0 Shestina. Turpin ........................... 14 'JIJ1 21.9 Befn, Batavia ................................ 6 128 21.3 Dave Wilson, Reading ................. 9. 185 20.6 Washington, Princeton ................. 8 154 19.3 19.2 Nelson, La sale ..............- .......... 11 211 Wilson, Ross .................................... 4 75 18.7 18.0 ~;;~~!6'~.::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1~ 1~ 17.8 17.4 HaU, Wyoming ................................. 8 139
Mundy, NCH ---..·-·······-· 9 Foster, Aiken .......- .......- ... 4 Durbin. Ross ................................ 4 Buerger, Mariemont ................... 17 Banks, Colerain .•- ...·---...... 9 Betts. Mount Healthy ................... 8 Dangelo, Turpin ........................_ 3 Bach, Wlliamsburg - .................. 5
.: : : : : :
Harris, Purcell Marian .................. 7 o. Davis, Reading ..................::...... 5 Johnson, Wmut Hils ...................... 4 Bishop, Beechwood ..................... 9
279 132 116 43 71 52 102 86 61 49 108
17.4 17.0 165 lU
145 14.3
13.0 12.8 12.3 12.2 12.2 12.0
.,. Interceptions 10. Cooper, Indian Hll; 8. Jackson, Colerain; 1. Evans, Lakota; 6. Gordon, Princeton; 5. Ely, Indian H1l; S. Kirby, Reading; Roberts, Hughes; sutton, Hamlilon; Huster, Deer Park; 4• .Jones, Beechwood; Jarman. Holmes; Cous~ no, tndlan Hil; Cohen, Sunvnlt; Haynes, Purcel Marian; Holatz. Deer Park; Back, Edgewood; Per· killS, Mariemont; Arnold, Little Miami; Mellinger, east canton; Holttapfel, Ryle; Lewis, Ryte.
.,. Fumble recoveries 6. Singer, Purcel Marian; 5: Stubblefield, New Miami; Scott, Newport; 4: Prewitt, CCO; Chappel, Western Hils; Rk:f>. ardson, St. Xavier; Cooper, Hughes; Fawley, MJ1. ford; ROden. Colerain; Wiman. Harrison; Wl11lams. Frankln; Dunning, Mariemont.
.,. Touchdown passes 22. R. Lee, Lloyd; 19. La!MierS, Elder; 17. Werner, CCO; 15. Brewer, Willamsburg; 13. Ollks, Edgewood; Barton, Hillsboro; n. Milner, Mariemont; Evlston, Newport CC; 11. Bruns. SUIM>II; Sprengard, St. Xavier; Zantene, East Clnton; "II. Brown. Prilceton; Shestlna, Turpin; 9. Fletcher, Reading; Schroeder, Kings; HoJ. latz. Deer Park; Sexton, La Salle; e. Strait, Mason; Slusher, Holmes; Durbin, Ross; Allen. Purcell Marian; Bailey, Hughes; Jotn. son, Lakota; Davenport, Winton Woods; McLaughlin, Moeler.
.,. Offensive average
ceo ..........................................._ ................. 395.0
Andlerson ...................................................... 395.0 Mariemont ...................................................... 376.0
Colerain.-...............................- ................ 362.0 Little Miami ...................- ............................. 352.0 Ross .........................:....................................... 351.6 W10!on Woods ................................................346.0 Sunvnll .......- -.......- ............................._ 338.0 Elder ..............................................- ........... 336.0
Holmes ..............................._ ...........................319.2 La Sale ............................................................. 317.0
NCH ................................................................. 313.8
~:~<'ti;;;;·::::::::::::::·.:::·.::·.::::.::::::.~::.:::·:::::::.:::::. ~~ ~=.;;::;;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·:::::::::~:::::::::::::~ ~=~;·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~
Loveland ....................................._ ......._. __ 301.4
Goshen ..................................................- ... 297.7 St. Xavier ...................................- -..-·--· 296.6 WilliamslxKg .................- .............................. 294.3
.,. Defensive average
~~i·:::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::: \~~ ceo .............................................................. 124.0
Amelia ..........................................- ........... 123.8 Badin .................................................................. 151.1 NCH .................................................................... 151.1
~~uii::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::~~=~~:::::: l~~:~
Hillsboro ....................................._ .................. 170.6 Beechwood ..................................................... 176.8 Boone Coooty ...................................................... 181.0
~"';~~:::::~::::.~::::::.:.:.::·::::::·.::·.~.:::=::.::: \~:~
~sr;:::.:.~:::::::::.::.~::::.~=~=::::.~:===. ~ 1E:i
~w.::.~=~ .:.:·::-::::.::.~.:::::::.::::.:.:::.::.:~:.:.~~~ :::~
Purcell Marian .................. - ................. - .... 200.0 Hamilton ........- ................................................ 200.5
~r·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~::::::::::::::::.:::::::: ::~ Summit
co ...................................................... 212.0
=~·~·.:.~:.:::::::::::::.::.:::::::::::::::::.:.::::::·:.::. ~~;~
New Miami ................................................ - .... 222.8 Mason .................................................................. 223.0 St. Xavier .........................................- .............. 223.1 Utile Miami ................................................... 224.0 Woodward ...................................................- ..... 221.0
Queen City National
Cincinnati Hills League -Team Mariemont ......• Wyoming-.. --. Reading .............. Deer Pork ......... Taylor................. lndianHm ............ Flnneytown....... Madeira...........•
League Overall wL wL 7 0 9 0 5 1 7 2 5 2 7 2 4 2 6 3 3 4 3 6 2 5 3 6 1 6 1 8 0 7 0 9
PF ~
252 233 199 120 185 87 95
PA 15 145 122 131 287 159 270 . 381
Greater Miami Conference Team Lakota ................ Sycamore .......... Hamilton ............ Princeton........... Lima Senior ....... Middletown•. -. Fairfield..•......... Milford...............
League Overall wL wL 7 0 9 0 5 2 6 3 5 2 6 3 4 3 7 3 3 4 5 4 2 5 2 7 1 8 1 6 1 8 0 7
PF 216 179 184 306 163 97 82 110
111 181 178
Ross ..............•.•. Norwood. ........... Mason.......•....... UttleMiami...... Goshen............... Wilmington•...... Kings ...•..........•.. Springboro•.......
PF 215 156 95 110 185 106
PA 140 150 192 190 187 199
Queen City American League Overall wL wL 4 1 8 1 4 1 7 2 1 6 3 4 2 3 4 5 1 4 3 6 0 5 1 8
Team Turpin ................. Amelia................ Anderson........... Woodward ........ GlenEste ........... Tall .....................
PF 264 143 281 147 82 106
PA 61 52 107 174 237 250
232 212 205
Fort Ancient Valier Conf. League Overal wL wL 6 0 9 0 5 1 6 3 4 2 6 3 3 3 6 3 3 . 3 4 5 2 4 2 7 1 5 3 6 0 6 2 7
League Overall wL wL 4 1 7 2 3 2 5 4 3 2 4 5 3 2 4 5 2 3 5 4 0 5 1 8
Team Harrison ............. Walnut Hills ....... Northwest.. ..•... Mount Healthy. Winton Woods .. Hughes ...............
PF 278 136 159 210 188 117
PA 157 142 148 163 174 204 145
League Overoll Team wL wL Elder ................... 3 1 7 1 LaSalle............... 3 1 5 4 St. Xavier .......... 2 2 5 4 MoeUer .......~ 2 2 4 5
PF 239 263 230 185
165 171 212
Pur. Marian...... Roger Bacon ...• C.-Ju!ienne ......... McNicholas .......
PF 232 193
PA 83 107
143 87 200 103
151 175 198 178
Team Onclnnatl C.D .• No. eonege Hm.. Summi!C.D....... Lockland.•.••..• NewMiamJ ___ Bolovlo .•...•.•.... L. Christian ........
League Overall wL wL 6 0 9 0 4 1 6 3 4 1 7 2 2 3 3 6 1 4 4 5 1 4 2 7 0 5 1 8
PF 278 193 283 161 98 121 84
PA 51 122 124 180 143 173 293
Team Hillsboro ____ WiDiarnsburg..... Oermont NE ..... Loveland ............ N.Richmond....•. Belhe~ Tate....... W.Brown..••.•. Blanc::hestei-•...•
PF 412 231 278 167 130 110 59 . 65
PA 78
115 136
171 259 204
Mid Miami Leapue Team Franl<fin.............. Mlomlsburg ...... Lebonon.............
League Overal W L W L 6 0 8 1 5 1 7 2 3 3 4 5
PF 229 227 179
3 3 4 5 5
carroll ................
279 112 134 122 141
187 266 182 258 262
Metro County Conference Leo gut overall wL wL 4 0 9 0 3 1 6 3 2 2 3 6 1 3 4 4 0 4 2 7
Team Coleroln..........•.. West.Hi!s ......... Oak Hlns ... ---·· Aiken ....•...•.•.•. Withrow ..........•.
PA 83 116 310 185 212
PF 317 257 149 141 141
Southern Buckeye Conf League overoll wL wL 6 0 9 0 5 1 8 1 4 1 7 2 3 2 4 4 3 3 3 6 2 4 3 6 1 5 1 8 0 6 0 9
Edgewood •....... LemMon......•.• Talawanda ........ Fenwick...•........
Miami Valley Conference
League Overall Team wL wL Bodin.................• 4 1 8 1 Alter ................... 4 1 7 2
3 2 1 0
PA 83 133 207
Team Uoyd........•.••.•........- •...•.........•.•• Boone County ......................•.........•. Newport CC..........•...•.••.•.•..•..•... Beechwood .....•...•.••.•...•.•....••.... Ryle.........••.•.- .•.•- •.-···········Highlands ••.•.••.•...• --············· Doyton....••.•.••.•.••.........••.•.-Newport..•...•....••.•......••.•.•• -.Covington catholic. ........•----Holmes ........••......•.••.•.••.•.•......Ludlow............•.•.••......•......•......•.. Simon Kenton.........•......................... Dixie Heights..•.••.••.-·--···Scott .•......•......•.•...........••.•.•......•. Compbel County···--·-·········
10 9 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 6 5 4 3 0 0
L 0 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5
6 7 9 10
FOOTBALL STANDINGS /1-1-cr5 Cincinnati Hills League Teom Mariemont ........ Wyoming .....••.. Reading••.•....... Deer Pari<-.•Taylor .•.•...•lndlanHiL..•_ Flnneytown. .••. Madeira _____
League Overall wL wL 7 0 10 0 1 8 2 6 5 2 8 2 4 3 6 4 3 4 3 7 2 5 4 6 1 6 1 9 0 7 1 9
PF 413 301 256 210 147 214 87 130
PA 29 166 140 180 299 187 318 394
Greater Miami Conference Teem
Lakota....•.••._ Sycamore...•..... Harrilt011-••.. Princeton......•.• Lima Senior--Middletown-. Fairfield••.••.... Milford .............
League Overall wL wL 7 0 9 1 5 2 7 3 5 2 7 3 4 3 6 4 3 4 6 4 2 5 3 7 1 6 2 8 0 7 2 8
PF 227 200 236 327 185 110 125 122
PA 126 148 111 212 188 234 206 210
Fort Ancient Valier Conf.
League Overal wL wL Team Ross...... ----·-· 7 0 10 0 Nor.vood......_ .. 5 2 6 4 Mason................ 5 2 7 3
PF 313 148 186
PA 172
157 168
Utile Mloml .•Goshen. .••••.••. wnmlngton ....•.. Kings.•................ Springboro.........
225 228 137 188 51
175 174 231 180
Queen City National Team Harrison..••.••.. Walnut HIUs •.Northwest....-Mount Healthy. Winton Woods.. Hughes .....•.•.....
League overall wL wL 4 1 8 2 4 3 2 6 3 2 4 6 3 2 4 6 2 3 5 5 0 5 1 9
PF 251 184 110 110. 206 120
PA 164 174 216 242 230 218
Teom Turpin.•....•.•-Amelia.............. Anderson •._._ Woodward.•..... Glen Este .......... Tall ................
PF 299 164 288
82 132
PA 70 65 138 208
GCL-South TeamElder .................. LaSalle..........-
Leogue OVerall wL wL 3 1 8 1 3 1 6 4
2 2
4 5
261 216
178 233
PA 83 107 172 190
GCL-North Team
Queen City American League overall wL wL 4 1 9 1 4 1 8 2 4 1 6 4 2 3 4 6 1 4 3 7 0 5 1 9
St. Xavier..••.•. Moeler......-
Badin •••. - ....••. A«er---··· Pur. Marlon••.. Roger Bacon .•• C.· Julienne......... McNicholos._.
League Overall wL wL 4 1 9 1 4 1 8 2 3 3 5 5 2 4 3 7 1 4 4 6 0 5 1 9
280 193 149 109 207 112
233 213
Miami Valley Conference Teom Onclnnatl C.DSummltC.D•.••
NewMloml_ Batavia._••.•.••
L Christian._.
League ovtran wL wL 1 6 0 9 5 1 8 2 4 2 6 4 3 3 4 6 2 4 5 5 1 5 2 8 0 6 1 9
PF 296 305 193 181 132 134 90
PA 74 124 14-4 193 149 193 327
Southern Buckeye Conf
PF 267 285
· Leogue OVerall Team wL wL 7 0 10 0 Hilsboro.---·-· Wlllarnsburg.-. 5 1 9 1
PF 458 259
PAT McLAUGHLIN Moeller Football
J/ -~J;d
,... -
ti{ 7
The senior was 16-for23 passing for 316 yards and a touchdown in Friday's 31-21 win over Princeton. ·
CLASH: Colerain and Moeller will meet in football next year at Colerain. "It's a one-year deal, with the game scheduled at Colerain the .· third week of the season," Moeller athletic director Dick Beerman said. "We'd like to make it for two years, but we're still discussing it." The outlook for Moeller is bright. The junior varsity was 10-0 this year, including a 14-13 victory over Cleveland St. Ignatius, breaking the Wildcats' 48-game '~ jayvee winning streak. ~ Moeller has a typically tough ~ schedule. Opponents will include r<J Louisville Male, CoVington Catholic, Massillon, Princeton, Elder, La Salle and St. Xavier.
Oermont NE.-. N.Richmond•.Loveland...•.••.. Bet~ Tate ••.• W.Brown•......• Blonchester.-.•
3 6 5 6 9 10
m 157 188 172 80 99
182 280 184
238 304 430
Mid Miami League League OVerall wL wL 7 0 9 1 1 8 2 6 4 3 4 6 4 3 5 5 3 4 3 7 2 5 3 7 Corroll•...•....•... 1 6 2 8 1 ' 6 2 8 Fenwick·-······
Teom Franklin...--Miamisburg..... Lebonon.... ___ Edgewood-. LemMon. .......Talawanda...•...
229 227 179 322 112 134 132 141
PA 83 133
207 197 266 182 301 262
Metro County Conference Team Colerain........-. West.Hms..-. OakHJns ..... - .• Aiken...·-·-·Withrow_........
Leogue Overall wL wL 4 0 10 0 4 3 1 6 2 2 3 7 1 3 5 4 0 4 3 7
PF 317 278 149 160 175
PA 83 138 338 199 242
FOOTBALL STATISTICS ..,.. Scoring G Pos. TD.PAFG Tot Player, School Lubrechl, Beechwood .. . 9 TB 22 2 0 134 Sowers, Elder ................. 8 RB 19 2 0 116 Wflschevlck, M'mont.... 9 RB 19 0 0 114 Division 1-11 Alexander, Coleroln...... . 9 RB 18 4 0 112 1. Colerain (10) .. ,................................. 100 9 HB 18 2 0 110 Ford, Hilsboro................ 2. Lakota .............................................. 90 Murphy, COlerain.......... . 9 QB 16 2 0 100 3. Elder ................................................. 80 Swackhamer, H'boro .... 9 FB 15 19 0 109 4. Western Hils ................................... 54 9 QB 17 0 0 102 Mundy, NCH.................... 5. La Salle ............................................. 38 Smith. Ryle...................... 10 TB 17 0 0 102 6. Hamilton ........................................... 36 9 RB 17 0 0 102 Gossett, Wyoming........ . 7. Sycamore ........................................ 33 Conrad, Holmes .............. 10 RB 16 2 0 98 8. St. Xavier ......................................... 26 Guttman, CCD............... . 9 WR 16 2 0 98 9. Turpin ............................................... 23 Dick, Reading................ .. 9 RB 16 0 0 96 10. Princeton......................................... 22 Boyd, sco........................ 9 WB 14 9 0 93 Schiano, Anderson........ . 9 RB 15 0 0 90 others: Moeier 19, Harrison 19, Amelia 9, Gregory, Lloyd..-.......... . 10 RB 14 2 0 86 • Schaffer, Deer Pork ...... 9 RB 10 19 2 85 Coaches voting: Pat Mancuso, Shive Grdina, Boone County .. . 10 RB 14 0 0 84 Rasso, Kerry Coombs, Tom Grlppa, Bratton, Lima ................ . 9 RB 14 0 0 84 Vince Suriano, Dick Nocks, Lou Cynkor, Highflt Mason............... . 9 RB 14 0 0 84 Greg Bailie, Ed Youngs, Tim Lichtenberg, 9 RB 14 0 0 84 Porterfield, Goshen...... . Steve KloMe. Fulton, Wyoming ........... . 9 RB 13 0 0 78 Josefovsk y, Anderson.. 9 RB 13 0 0 78 Sheffield, Lloyd.............. . 10 WR 13 0 0 78 Slaven. Harrison............. 9 RB 13 0 0 78 46 Wlscher, Beechwood .................... .82 891 Johnson, Walnut HilL... 9 RB 13 0 0 78 Evlston, Newport CC .................... 101 39 845 Wilson, Lakota. ............... 9 RB 12 2 0 74 Johnson, Lakota ............................ 121 59 839 Krohmer, Newport CC.. 10 RB 9 16 1 73 Justin Morris, Lockland .............. 133 62 821 Jones,CCD..................... . 8 RB 12 0 0 72 789 Rodgers, Withrow ........................136 60 Buerger, Morlemont .... . 9 WR 12 0 0 72 59 781 Ayers, Roger Bacon .............. :......156 Price, Loveland.............. 8 QB 8 14 3 71 775 Allen, Purceh Morlan ....................144 55 Salyers, Edgewood....... . 9RB112068 Bailey, Hughes ............................... 100 44 774 Gruber, Turpin.............. . 9RB112068 Malone, Badin ................................ 103 62 762 Holbert, Harrison........... 9 RB 8 19 0 67 47 Abner, New Richmond .. - ......... 117 759 Gregovlch, WIUiams ••.••• 9TE110066 62 Strait, Mason ................................. 115 152 Ells, Princeton............ ,_, 9RB1100·66 44 731 Wore, Hamilton ..................- ..... 128 9 RB 7 19 1 64 Shestlno. Turpin............. 61 727 Fletcher, Reading - ..................... 106 Parton. Elder .................. 8 WR 10 2 0 62 45 712 Orr, Morlemont-........ 9 RB 10 2 0 62 • Early, Aiken .....................--114 Davenport, Winton Woods .......... 94 so 702 Ramsey, New Rich....... . 8HB100060 BaRey, Wiiiamsburg....•. 9 HB '10 0 0 60 Flowers, Northwest.... .. 9 RB 10 0 0 60 ..,.. Rec~iving White, La Salle.............. .. 9 RB 10 0 0 60 Daniel, sco...................... 8 FB 10 0 0 60 Player, School No. Yds Avg. Schorsch, western HI... 9 QB 10 0 0 60 Thompson, Utile Miami ............... .49 655 13.3 Licker!, Highlands .......... 9 FB 10 0 0 60 Guttman, ceo .................................46 1008 21.9 Gregovlch. Wlllarnsburg ...............44 835 19.0 Carlin, Madeira ................................40 562 14.1 ..,.. Rushing Fltz, Moeler .....................................35 420 12.0 Voegele, Lockland ..........................32 387 12.1 Player, School All. Yards Avg. Slas, McNicholas ............................ 32 511 16.0 Smith. Ryle ..................................... 242 1657 6.8 Buerger, Morlemont -·---·--32 699 21.8 5.7 Wilson. Lakota ...............................249 1411 Rook, Badin ...................- ...- .......30 493 16.4 Lubrechl, Beechwood .................. 168 1397 8.3 Brown. Sycamore ___.............. 28 SOB 18.1 Grdina, Boone County .................. 230 1362 5.9 Boyd, SCD ......................................... 27 612 22.7 8.2 Mundy,NCH ................................... 151 1242 Porion, Elder ................................... 27 509 18.9 Johnson. Wolnut Hils .................... 154 1237 8.0 Fox, Oak Hils ................................... 27 370 13.7 Schiano, Anderson ........................133 1199 9.0 Alen, Winton Woods ..................... 26 304 11.7 Alexander, Colerain ...................... 153 1115 7.3 Maldlow, Madeira ..........................26 299 11.5 5.4 Dick, Reading ................................. 204 1097 Ells, Princeton ................................ 25 739 29.6 Brown, Wilmington ....................... 168 1088 6.5 Sheffield, Lloyd ..................... _ 25 703 28.1 Gossett, Wyoming ........................ 117 1084 9.0 Henry, Lllffe Miami ........................25 326 13.0 Davison, MI. Heolthy ................... 203 1038 5.1 Luckey, Holmes ............................. 25 210 8.4 Bratton. Lima ................................ 146 994 6.8 Evans, Lakota ................ ........... 24 446 18.6 Jones, ceo .................................... 120 988 8.2 Stegman. Highlands ........................ 24 426 17.7 8.7 Solyers, Edgewood ....................... 113 987 Brlnck, Badin .........................- .... 24 212 8.8 Ford, Hilsboro ................................ 92 986 10.7 Woson. St. Xavier ................- ...... 23 425 18.5 Conrad, Holmes ............................. 123 976 7.9 Buck, Flnneytown ........................... 23 325 13.2 Krohmer, Newport CC ................. 112 950 8.5 Hamilton, Moeier ........................... 23 264 11.5 Hobert, Harrison .......................... 169 941 5.6 Schaller, Deer Park ...................... 22 583 26.5 Orr, Mariemont ............................. 130 932 7.2 Holthaus, La Salle ........................... 22 383 17.4 7.3 Josefovsk y, Anderson ................. 125 914 T. Merchant, Lebanon ................... 22 339 15.4 Sowers, Elder ................................ 172 909 5.3 Anderson, Withrow ........................ 22 259 11.8 Murph, Woodward ....................... 134 879 6.6 Brown. Boone County ................... 22 255 11.6 Highflft, Mason ............................... 163 868 5.3 Sowers, Elder .................................. 22 406 6.0 Flowers, Northwest ..................... 124 851 6.9 Schubert, Batavia ........................... 21 436 20.8 Porterfield, Goshen ...................... 168 849 5.1 Winters, Fairfield ........................... 21 344 16.4 WWschevkk, Mariemont .............108 845 7.8 Robinson, La Sale _ ...................... 21 222 10.6 4.8 Day, Talawanda ............................ 174 841 Alvorez, Norwood ...........................21 155 7.4 , Fulton, Wyoming - ..................... 123 829 6.8 J. Lee, Lloyd ..........................- ...... 20 580 29.0 Grulber, Turpin .............................. 141 801 5.6 Jones, Beechwood .......................... 20 4n 23.8 Brookins, Princeton ...................... 128 787 6.2 Coptaln. HiVsboro ........................... 20 418 · 20.9 • Frisk, Highlands ...............................86 782 9.1 Humphrey, Holmes ....................... 20 419 21.0 • Vance, Amelia ............................... 117 740 6.3 TlO'ner, Hllsboro ............................ 20 361 18.1 Kamphake, Moeler ...................... 141 730 5.2 Kapprel, Anderson·--·------ 20 352 17.6 7] Price, Loveland ...............................94 725 Hlghflt Mason · -...... 20 320 16.0 Bolser, Sycamore ......................... 107 719 6.7 Niesen, Roger Bacon ..........___ 20 291 14.6 Frauenknechl, Little Miami ....... 137 717 5.2 Esber, Tolawonda _____:......, 20 138 6.9 SchorSch, western Hills ................. 89 , 716 8.9 Bells, MI. Healthy ...................... : ... 19 392 20.6 8.2 O'Brien, SCD ....................................87 710 Goodhart,Moeler ..............._ ....... 19 337 17.7 Ramsey, New Richmond ............. 118 707 5.9 4.7 'Ambrose, Milford ......................... 151 705 ..,.. All-purpose yardage Fucito, McNicholas ....................... 162 704 4.3 Player, School G Rsh Rtc Ret Total 7.9 Abney,Lioyd .....- ........................ 88 691 Smith. Ryle......... ___, 10 1657 36 74 1767 ... ..,.. Passing Lubrechl, Beechwood... . 9 1397 54 189 1640 Mundy, NCH ............- 9 1242 119 277 1638 'Player, School All Comp Yds Conrad, Holmes.............. 10 976 238 367 1581 R. Lee, Lloyd .................................. 126 76 20« Johnson, Walnut Hils..... 9 1237 26 296 1559 Mclaughlin. Moeler .................... 196 120 1649 Boyd,SCD........................ 9 502 612 403 1St7 , Werner, CCD .................................. 166 82 1641 Grdina, Boone County... 10 1362 104 . 25 1491 Brewer, Wlllamsb!Kg .................. 152 74 1435 Guttman. ceo................ 9 34 1008 337 1479 88 1417 1. Lammers, Elder ............................ 133 Krohmer, Newport CC.. 10 950 213 298 1461 Mason, Higllands .......................... 144 79 1365 Sowers, Elder................. 8 909 406 100 1415 .,Bruns, SCD ..................................... 118 72 1291 Gossett, Wyoming........ 9 1084 126 139 1349 Sprengord, St. Xavier ...............:.. 181 81 1236 Holler!, Harrison........... 9 941 175 m ·1293 Borton. Hiisboro ........................... 114 69 t205 Ramsey, New Rich........ 8 707 48 518 1273 . Arnold, Little Miami ..................... 152 85 1122 t Milner,Morlemont ....................... 112 sa 1117 Highfill, Mason....-....... 9 868 320 82 1270 Fucito, McNicholas........ 9 704 194 365 1263 '· Oaks, Edgewood ........................... 113 56 10n Sheffield. Lloyd._,_ 10 ·321 703 232 1256 w 'Shes !Ina, Turpin ............................ 104 60 1038 Schiano. Anderson......... 9 1199 21 35 1255 ~Sexton. La Sale ............................. 146 75 1003 Brown. Princeton .......................... 109 45 m ..,.. Kickoff returns .' Mender,Madelra .......................... 181 75 972 ::, TlO'ner, Norwood .......................... 152 80 966 Player, School No. Yds Avg. 961 Kunkel, Badin .....................................4 183 45.8 948 :1 Boyd, SCD ...........................................8 335 44.4 Hollatz, Deer Park ........................ 134 56 940 192 38.4 Horrls, Purcel Marion .....---·-.5 Wesllal, Sycamore ......................143 66 931 Bolman, St. Xavier ...............- ...... 13 478 36.8 Etod, Harrtson· .............................. 130 60 922 Sandfoss, Newport CC .................... 4 141 35.3 ·, Blshop,Batavla .............................. 116 52 912 Conrad, Holmes .....c........................ 11 367 33.4
Enquirer polls
Hal, Wyoming ................. - ..............8 Sandfoss, Newport CC ....., ...._ ...... 5 Foster, Aiken ....- ........................... 7 Buerger, Mariemont ..................... 19 Tudor, SCD ......................................... 7 Betts, MI. Heolthy ............................ 8 Dangelo, Turpin ................................ 3 Bach, Wlllarnsburg ...........................5 Banks, Colerain ............................... 10 Bishop, Beechwood ........................ 10 Johnson, Wolnut•HIIS ........................ 5 Harris, PlO'cel Marlon ...... - ........... 7 Tubbs, Northwest ............................ 3 D. Davis, Reading ............................. .5
Div. 111-IV-V-VI Mariemont (8) .................................. 96 Cincinnati Country Day (2) ............ 81 Badin ( 1) ............................................ 73 Ross .................................................... .68 s. Wyoming ............................................ 61 6. Reading .............................................. 34 7. PlO'cel Marion .................................. 30 8. SUmmit Country Day ...................... 27 9. WillamsblO'g ..................................... 17 10. Deer Park .......................................... 16 Others: H~sboro 11, Norwood 10, CNE 7, Mason 7, Utile Miami 5, North College Hii 3, Goshen 2. Indian Hill 1. t
2. 3. 4.
646 193 287 279 303 148 87 201 366 139 138 244 108 348 107
78 230
156 518 99 196 267 218 194 120
32.3 32.2 31.9 31.0 30.3 29.6 29.0 28.7 28.2 27.8 27.6 27.1 27.0 26.8 26.8 26.2 26.0 25.6 25.6 25.3 25.0 24.8 24.5 24.3 24.2 24.2 24.0
..,.. Kick scoring Player, School FG PAT Total Engel, Lloyd ....................................... 1 45 48 Kerr, St. Xavier ........................._ s 29 44 Byrd, Ryle .....- ..................................5 28 43 Fink, Morlemont .........................._ 1 38 41 Bischoff, Higllands ......................... ..3 32 41 Belperlo, Western Hils ....................3 30 39 Blaylock, Princeton ......................... 1 31 34 Pogozatsk~ Badin .............................. ] 29 32 Hotlrah, Anderson ............................ 3 23 32 Werner, CCD ...................................... 2 26 32 Sulivan. Holnnes ............................... 2 25 31 A~AUml, Boone County ................... 1 27 30 Schaeffer, Amelia ........................._4 11 29 Berger, Beechwood ..:....................... 1 25 28 Scerz, Coteroln ....................~............ 0 28 28 Robinson. Lebanon ............ ,___.,3 19 28 DeFranco, Elder ................................2 22 28 27 Skllono, Moeller ... ..............4 15 Schreck, La Sale .............................. 1 24 27 Gambrel, Edgewood ...................... 0 27 27 Drake, Wyoming ...............................0 27 27
17.4 16.8 16.7 15.4 15.1 14.5 14.3 14.2 13.5 13.3 13.2 12.3 12.3 12.2
..,.. Interceptions
Coaches voting: Herb Woeste, Torn Crosby, Tim Dunn, Bernie Borre, Garrkk Robinson. Zac Taylor, Mike Morgan. Ben Hubbard, Bruce Baorendse, Dkk Balard, Ken Minor.
Leininger, Indian Hm .......................20 Yordy, Bad'1n ......................................6 Slaven, Harrison ................................9 Vandever, Oak HUIS ..........................9 e.ot, Hughes .................................. 10 Kamphake, Moeler ....- .............5 Faul<ner, New Miami ...................... 3 Sheffield, Lloyd ................................. 7 Fucito, McNicholas ........................ 13 Gosself, Wyoming ............................5 Pastura, Batavia ...............................5 Taley, Loveland ................................9 Day, Tolawonda ............................... 4 Johnson. Highlands ......................... 13 Day, NCH ............................................4 Nelson, La Sale ............................... 11 Balser, Sycamore ............................ 3 Johnson. Walnut Hils ........................9 Mersmann, Ryle .............................. ..3 Banks, COlerain ................................. 6 Ramsey, New Richmond ...............21 Evans, Lakota .................................. 4 Smith. Lakota ................................... 8 Shesllna, TIKpln ............................. 11 Nigh, Lima ......................................... 9 Anderson. Amelia .............................8 Gregory,Lioyd .......................,..,_5
139 84 117 293 106 116 43 71 135 133 66 86
..,.. Punting
Player, School No. Yards Avg. Weisman, Flnneytown ...................37 1785 48.2 Gregory, lloyd ......................- ..... 17 804 . 47.3 Cooper, Indian Hll .............................4 184 46.0 45.0 Rodgers, Withrow ..........................26 1181 Berre, Indian Hil ..............................25 1023 40.9 Holins, Willamsburg ...................... 29 1173 40.4 Thompson, Little Miami ................21 829 39.4 Voegele, Lockland ..........................26 1000 38.5 Shestino, Turpin ............................. 30 1148 38.2 Hill. Northwest ...............- ............ 37 1311 38.0 Gebhordt, Oak Hils ........................31 1110 'j]J Glllhan. Sycamore .......... - ......... 34 1264 'j],2 Robinson. Lebanon - ......................38 1408 'j],] Dixon. Winton Woods .................... 16 573 35.8 Herron, Boone County .................. 26 909 35.0 Green. St. Xavier ........................... 20 704 35.2 T. Day, Talawanda ........................ 30 1101 36.7 Broadnax, Aiken ............................ 19 699 36.7 Parton. Elder ................................... 20 732 36.7 Schaffer, Deer Park ...................... 38 1388 36.5 Volmer,CCD ................................... 16 S80 36.2 Berger, Beechwood ................... -15 540 36.0 Schubert, Batavia .........--.--40 1439 36.0
..,.. Punt returns Player, School No. Yards Avg. Perkins, Mariemont ........................ S 111 22.2 Beln. Batavia ......................................7 155 22.1 Shestina, TIKpln ............................. 14 307 21.9 Jones, Beechwood ........................ -6 129 21.5 Dave wnson. Reading ............... _9 185 20.6 Nelson, La Sale ............................... 13 251 19.3 Washington, Princeton ................... 8 154 19.3 Guttman. ceo .................................13 237 18.2 Grimm, Highlands .............................7 126 18.1 Mersmann, Ryle ................................2 36 18.0
10. Cooper, lnd'llll Hll; 9. Jackson, COlerain; Evans, Lakota; 6. Polng, Bethel-Tale; Hotlzapfe~ Ryle; S. Kirby, Reading; Gordon, Princeton; 5. Jones, Beechwood; Crutcher, Woodward; Ely, Indian Hil; Cohen, SCD; Duncan, New Rlc:l>mond; Roberts, Hughes; Dangelo, Turpin; Huster, Deer Park; Wagner, Boone County; Sulfon, Hamilton; Perkins, Mariemont; ..... 4. Lewis, Ryle; Arnold, Little Miami; Cousino, Indian Hil; Scudder, NCH; Samawi, CCD; Gossett, Wyoming; Haynes, PlO'cel Marion; Herklng, TlO'· pin; Hotatz, Deer Park; Back, Edgewood; Witlams, Hilsboro; Jarman. Holmes; Laster, Hamilton.
..,.. Fumble recoveries 6: Stubblefield, New Miami; Singer, Purcea Marion; Dunn. Morlemont; 5: Chappel, Western Hils; Roden, Colerain; 4: Willman, Harrison; Prewitt, CCD; Cooper, Hughes; Fawley, Mltford; Coldwei, Middletown.
..,.. Touchdown passes 24. R. Lee, Lloyd; 19. Lammers, Elder; Werner, CCD; 16. Brewer, Wlilamsburg 15. Oaks, Edgewood; Milner, Mariemont; 14. Mason. Highlands; 13. Barton. Hllsboro; Evlston. Newport CC; 11. Bruns. SCD; Shestlna, Turpin; Sprengard, St. Xavier; Brown. Princeton; 10. ~~ Moe~; Hoiatz, Deer Park; Johnson, L o a; xfon. Sale; 9. Rodgers, Withrow; Arnold, Utile Miami; Malone, Badin; Fletcher, Reading; Alen, PlO'cel Marion; Justin Morris, Lockland.
..,.. Offensive average Lloyd ....................................... - .............................. 433.0 HINsboro ..................- ............................................. 391.8 Cnclnnatl co .....................- .................................. 384.0 Anderson ............_____.................................. 382.0
SlO'nmll CD ........- ........................................_ , 337.0 Elder ........................- ...._ .................................. 336.0
:;'~~.:::::::~~=::::::::~::.:~~.::::~.:::::::::::.~~~ North Coiege Hl ............................................- .... 318.8 Newport CC ............................................................. 315.2
~=a~ -=~::::.:::=.:.::.::.:::.:·::::::::.:::::::::.:.:::::::i
Western Hils ...........................................................306.0
~~!~.:=:~~:::::~~==:=:::=::~::::::::::::::::::~ ~:~~~~.::::::~:::.~==:==~::.:::~:.=-~::=:1 Moeier ................_ _ _,.................................. 302.0 Loveland .................................................................. 301.4 · Turpin ..- ................................................................. 301.0
~v~~~.::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ Walnut Hils .............................................................. 295.1
..,.. Defensive average Morlemont .................. ,______....................... 111.0
~~~~;~~~:::.::::·.:.:::.::::::=:::::.::.:.::.::·1~~ Amelia ...................................................................... 138.1
~~t!~.~~~.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~: 1~:~ =~~ ~~.:::::::::::::::::~:~::::::::::::::::::::: 1!:1
WilllamsblO'g .... - ................................................ 174.6 Turpin ........................____................................. 174.7 Boone County ............:.................................. - ........ 178.0
~~ief~';,;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1:~
~~:r ::::::::::~::::::.::::::.:::::::.::::·.:::::::::::::::::::. ~ 1~:~
Lakota ...................................................................... 211.7 Deer Park ................................................................ 215.0 Bethe~ Tate ..............................................................215.0 Hamilton ................................................................... 215.9 SUmmit CD .................- .....- ............................ 216.0 Mason ......... - ..- -...........................- ...... -217.0
i~[~~~ .::::::::::.:::::::~::.:~:::::::::::::.~~:~ McNicholas ...........- ............................................. 226.0 tt"~~~~. :.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::·.:::::::::::::::::::::::~~:~
FOOTBALL STATISTICS ..,.. Scoring Player, Sdlool Wlson, ROU..-----·
Monk, Frankf111 ............. . Ford. Hilsboro.......- •• Wllschevlck, MIJI ........... Gossett, Wyoming.. __ _ Sowers, Elder-·-···· Alexander, Colerain....... Swockhamer, Hlllsbor •. Murphy, Colerain ......... MOOdy, NCH................. Hlghfll. Mason.. ..........
Guttman. ceo ...........
Slaven. Harrlscn... ... - •• Bratton. Lima..,_, __ _ Dick. Reading...~........ .. Schaffer, Deer Park.••. J. Boyd. sco..... _:••..:... Schiano, Anderson......... Johnson. Waml Hll...,_ Fillion. Wyoming......... . Lipscomb, Tall............ Buerger, Marlemonl..... Price, Loveland.............. Schorsch. West H1111. .....
Jones, ceo...................... Josefovsky, Andersoo ..
Salyers. Edgewood...... ..
Holbert, Harrlsoo........... Parton, Elder ..- ........... Gregovldl, Willlamsb.. .. Wilson, Lakota................ Flowers, Northwesl. ... .. Ramsey, New Rich..... .. Shestina, Turpin............. Gnber, Turpin........... . Moore, Hamilton....- ... orr, Mariemont........... .. Ells, Princeton..•.- ...... Bailey, WlliamsbiJrg. ..... Brookins, Princeton..... . KliiT1!lhake, Moeler.Whlle, La Salle............. Daniel, sco.................. .. Myers, Edgewood..... .. Sickles, Princeton........... Poling. Bethel-Tate...... .. Long. Fenwick-........ .
G Pai. TD.PAFG To1 10 RB 2810 0 11!8 10 RB 24 2 0 146 10 HB 23 2 0 140 10TB2100126 10 RB 21 0 0 126 10RB2020122 10 RB 19 4 0 118 10 FB 15 22 0 112 10 QB 17 4 0 106 10 RB 17 0 0 102 10RB 1700102 10 WR 16 2 0 98 10 RB 16 0 0 96 10 RB 16 0 0 96 10 RB 16 0 0 96 10 WB 11 2 2 94 10 WB 14 9 0 93 10 RB 15 0 0 90 10 RB 15 0 0 90 10 RB 14 0 0 84 10 RB 14 0 0 84 10WR140084 10 QB 9 15 3 78 10 QB 13 0 0 78 9RB130078 10 RB 13 0 0 78 10 RB 12 2 0 76 lORB 921075 10 WR 12 2 0 74 10 TE 12 2 0 74 10 RB 12 2 0 74 10 RB 12 0 0 72 9 HB 12 o 0 72 10 QB 8 18 1 69 10 TB 11 2 0 68 10 RB 11 2 o· 68 10 FB 11 2 0 68 10 RB 11 0 0 66 10 FB 11 0 0 66 10RB102062 10 RB 10 0 0 60 10 RB 10 0 0 60 10FB100060 10 RB 10 0 0 60 10 RB 10 0 0 60 10WR100060 10 WR 9 6 0 60
..,.. Rushing Player, SchoOl Alt. Ywds Avg. 9.0 WDson, Ro•s ............ -•.... - ..--...251 2267 Monk, Franklin .............................. 191 1449 6.7 Wilson. Lakota .._ ....................... 264 1448 5.5 7.8 Jolvlson, WM\ut Hills ·-··----... 180 1407 Mundy, NCH .............................- ..161 1314 8.2 Sdiano, Andersoo ......................142 1234 8.7 Ford. Hillsboro .............................. 109 1114 10.9 Alexander, Colerain ...................... 172 1178 6.8 5.2 , Dick, Reaclng ....- ...- .......- ......226 1173 Bretton. Lime .....- .....,.... _ ........... 163 1146 7.0 LOzier, Midd. Madison ................ 144 1136 7.8 7.6 Slllyers, Edgewood --..... - .......... 148 1124 Gossett, Wyoming ........................ 126 1123 8.9 Oevlson, MI. Healthy ...................221 1115 5.0 Hol>ert, Harrisoo .......................... 186 1100 5.9 Jones, ceo ..............-.................... 132 1076 8.2 orr, Mariemont ............................. 143 1060 7.4 7.1 F!Mon, Wyoming ·-·-........- ... -...141 1001 Murph, Woodwerd ....................... 154 981 6.4 Sowers. Elder ...... - .......................189 975 5.2 5.4 7.3 Josefovsky, Anderson ................ 133 954 7.2 Flowers, Northwest ..................... 141 938 6.6 Brookins, Princeton ......................137 9011 6.6 Olrmllns, Kings ............................. 164 907 5.2 WRschevlck, Merlemonl ............. 115 895 7.8 Kamphake, Moeler ...... - ........ 161 864 5.4 Schorsch. Western Hlns ............... 112 858 7.7 Slaven. Harrison ............................ 128 849 6.6 Remsey,NewRichmond ............. 139 846 .6.01 O'Brien, Summit co .................... 103 831 8.1 Gruber, Turpin ............................ 152 811 5.3 6.8 65 4,7 Ambrose, Milford ......................... 166 782 Price, Loveland ............................. 100 n5 7.7 Moore, HamiHon ........................... 138 766 5.6 Murphy, Colerain ........................... 96 756 7.8 Askew, Winton Woods ................ 130 755 5.9 Fucito, McNicholas ......... ;............. 175 750 4.3 Lipscomb, Taft .............................. 112 750 6.7 Johnson, Fenwick ........................ 159 750 '.7
=: : : : : : :
m ~~
:O~~~e. :::::::::::::::::::::::l~ :
..,.. Passing Player, School All Comp Mclaughlin. Moeler ....................219 136 Werner, ceo ........-...................... 180 89 Lammers, Elder ............................ 153 I02 Brewer, Wlllamsburg .................. 174 88 Bruns. SUnvnit co ....................... 133 83 Soufh, Fenwick ........- .............-.190 95 S!M'engard. St. Xevler .................. 194 89 Barton, Hllsboro ........................... 124 76 ~,UttleMiaml .................... l75 97 eks, Edgewood .........._ ............. 126 63 Brown, Princeton ......................._138 61 Shestlna, Turpin ............................ 114 66 Milner, Mariemont ....................... 120 60 Sexton, La Salle ..... - ...................164 82 Holatz, Deer Park ....................._156 65
:~?~~ ~:::::::::::::::::::::::::: ITurner, Rodgers. Withrow ...................... 166 Nqrwood .......................... 163 Mender, Madeira .......................... 197 Wesff... Sycamore ..................... 159
&ad, Harrison ..............................146
SChroeder, Kin9S ..............- ....... _148 c: ............ _ 111
Yds 1965 1785 1669 1628 1438 1414 1348 1309 1279 1236 1174
1096 1094 1093 1047 76 1036 86 1022 83 1020 72 . 1015 70 1009 62 920 7?
Playoff tickets Pregame sales at participating schools (Tickets are $5): Badin
When: Today-Thursday 8 a.m.-3 p.m.; Thursday 6:30.9 p.m.; Friday 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m. · Where: Main office
When: Today-Friday 8 a.m.-4 p.m.; today and Wednesday 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Where: Main office. Elder
When: Today-Friday 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Where: Fieldhouse ticket office. Hillsboro When: Today 7 p.m.-9 p.m.; Wednesday-Thursday 8 a.m.-8 49 46 61 52 66
BOO 796 793 767 762
Player, Sdlool No. Long. Midd. Fenwick Thompson. Utile Miami .--51 Gregovlch, Willamsll<l'g ·--·- 50 Guttrnao. ceo ·---·---- 48 Cerlln. Madeira ------·--·-43 Fltz, Moeler ........'lw<!:!_ _ _ 40 Voegele, Lockland ······--.........35 Buerger, Merlemont ------·34 Parton, Elder ·····-·--..--·- 34 Rook, Badin ····-------·-···-33 J. Boyd. Sunmlt co ·---......32 Brown. Sycamore------ 32 Slas, McNichol.os ..................- ...- 32 Fox, Oak Hils - - - - -.......32 Malclow, Madeira
Yds 844 706 899 1047 578
Avg. 14.0
Henry, Little Miami ......____,_,..29 Anderson. Withrow .......... --...-.28 Hemlfon. Moeler -----·-- 28 Evans, Lakote · - - - - - · - - 26 HolthauS, La Salle---.. - .......... 26 Alen, wmton Woods ___.,... 26 Brinck. Badin ·-·-·--·..--........... _.26 Ells. Princeton -·-··------... 25 Hlghfll, Masoo ................_ ........ 25 Sowers, Elder ...... ----··-· 24 Schaffer, Deer Park ............ - .......23 T. Merchant, Lebanon ---... - .....23 Cap lain. Hllsboro ............................23 T...-ner, Hllsboro ,_......................23 Hutchinson, Ross ......-.--........... 23 Buck, Flnneytown .......................... 23 Kapprel. Anderson ,_.................... 22 Wellng, Harrlsoo ........................... 22 Niesen. Roger Bacon -·-····-··· 22 Robinson, La Sale -·-·--······ 22 Schubert, Balevla ....--.-...........21 Goocllart, Moeler ..........- .. 21 Winters, FaHield .......................... 21 Singer, Purcell Marian --.............. 21 Alverez. Norwood ............._. __, 21 Hollns, WlllamsbiJrg .................... 20 o.borne, Mkkletown --............. 20 Mountain, Western Brown ___,20 craig. Utile Miami _,......................20
..,.. Receiving
506 463
657 537 678 579 511 464 320 536 504
Hurchanlk, Klmgs ---------29 Wilson, St. Xavier . -..--...........29
396 342 465
247 739 402 425 663 409 431 402 357 305 387 346 303 240 436 373 344 318 155 436 407 275 228
18.0 21.9 13.4 117 13.2 22.9 19.3 16.3 21.1 18.1
10.7 18.5 17.4 13.2 14.1 112 17.9 16.7 11.7 9.5 29.6
16.0 17.7 28.8 17.8 18.7 17.5 15.5 13.3 17.6 15.7 13J
10.9 20.8 17.8 16.4 15.1 7.4 21.8 20.4 13.8 11.4
..,.. All-purpose yardage Player, School Wilson, Ross,_.............. Boyd. Summit co._.... MOOdy, NCH. ....- - Jolvlson, Wan.t Hils..... Lipscomb, Tall....-... Gossett, Wyoming.....Sowers, Elder--·Ramsey, New Rich..-
G Rsh RK 10 2267 27 10 652 678 10 1314 119 10 1407 26 10 750 280 10 1123 218 10 975 425 9 846 60
Rtl 315 450 3\1 307 616 209 108 597
Total 2609 1780 1744 1740 1646 1550 1508 1503
..,.. Kickoff returns Player, School No. Kl01kel. Badin ---········-.........4 Boyd.Sunmlt co.-------..'--·9 Bolman. St. Xavier ....... _, __........13 Yordy, Badin ........- ....- ...................6 Leininger, lnclan HI _ .................... 22 Vandever, oak Hils -----...............9 Harris, Purcell Marian ----.......... 7 Slaven. Harrison ............. ______ 11
K~e,Moeler · - -............ 7 Eliott, H\918• .........- ....... ,_...._10 Abner, Bethel-Tale .....·-·----.. 3 Faul<ner, New Miami ................... 3 Gossett, Wyoming ---.................5 Telley,LOveland ..........._____,.._ .. 9 Remsey, New Rlchmoncl ...............22 Valerio, Edgewood ----............ 11 Dey, NCH ·-····-...........-._........4 Butler, Roger Bacon --.................... 4 Nelson, La Sale ..... - ...-...- ........ II a ..... ,..,.
Yds Avg. 183 4.5.8 378 410 478 36J 193 32.2 684 31.1 279 31.0 218 31.1 336 30.5 30.1 211 300 30.0 90 30.8 29.0 87 139 27.8 244 27.1 597 27.0 304 27.0 107 26.8 106 26.5 288 26.2 7A
..,.. Fumble recoveries
When: Today noon-4 p.m., Wednesday-Friday 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Where: Athletic office.
6: Oumlng. Merlemont; Singer, Purcel Merf. lllli Stubblefield. New MJant 5: Fawley, MDford; Roden, Colerain; Chappel. Western Hils.
When: Today-Friday noon-3:30 p.m. Where: Athletic office.
Bailey, H\9leS ........-·--.--137 Were,Hamlton ·---·---...-132 Ayers. Roger Bacon -·----.... 164 Philips, Woodwerd --·-·-·---.. 126 Fletcher, Reaclng .........- -..- ...120
S. Perkins. MNJemonl; Cohen, SCO; Huster, Deer Park; Scudcler, NCH; Ely, Indian HI; Ol.l1all1. New Rlclmond; Roberts, Hughes; Sutton. Hamilton; Conroy, Elder.
p.m.; Friday 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Where: Athletic office
..,.. Touchdown passes
When: Today noon-3 p.m., Wednesday-Thursday 8 a.m.-3 p.m., Friday 8 a.m.-noon. Where: Main office
23. Lammers, Elder;
21. Werner, CCO; lt.Brewer, Wlllamsburg; 11. oaks, Edgewood; 17. Miner, Mar1emonl; 15. Barton. Hlsboro; 13. South. Mldd. Fenwick; Brum, SCO; S!M'engerd, St. Xavter; Shestlna. Turpin; 11. SChroeder, Kings; Holatz, Deer Park; Ro6gers, Withrow; Brown, PrinCeton; sexton. La Salle;
When: Wednesday-Friday 7:30 a.m.-noon; Wednesday-Thursday 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Where: Main office. Turpin
When: Today-Friday 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Where: Cafeteria.
Anderson. Amela ___ ................ -Uldsay, Lebanon , ______ ,..,.88 wason, Ross ................... ,___ 10 Scudder, NCH · - - -.................9 5mllh. Lakota -·-..--···----· 9 Glover, Belavla --·-------·---2 Fucito, McNicholas ·-·--·--- 18 Mllsseknan, Betavla ··--·-·--2 Stewart, Betavla ...______ 9
194 193 240 214 213 47 423 47 211
curry, Mlddletown -----·-··· 5
111 140
HAlon. Wyoming ···-···----6 McNabb, New Mleml .........._. __. 5
10. Davenport, Winton Woods; Arnold. Utile
Mlent Malone, Hamlton Badin; Jusltn Morris, Lockland; Johnson. lAkota; Strait, Mason; Alen. Purcell Marian.
24.3 24.1 24.0 23.8 23.7 23.5 23.5 23.5 23.4 23.4 23.3
..,.. Kick scoring Player,Sdloot
Kerr, Mariemont 51. Xavier --·-· ..·---·· ..--'1 FW<;. ............. ______ ~lo. Western Hills
Badin .............. ____ ] Blaylock, Princeton .........- ......... 1 Rollinson. Lebanon .....______3 Pogozlllsk~
Sldalano, Moeler . -..·-··- 5 Drake, Wyoming ---·----........-0 Holrah. Andersoo .............._ ........ 3 werner, ceo ..................................... 2 DeFranco, Elder .............................. 2 Schaeffer, Amelia ..............._ ..... 4 Marwood. King• ............. - ..... -- 5 Scherz. Colerain .....- .......- ...- ...-..0
PAT Total 51 33 4.5 48 42 33 35 38 37 34 26 35 34 19 33 33 24 33 26 32 26 32 20 32 31 16 30 30
..,.. Punting Player, Sdlool . No. Ywds Avg. Weisman, Finney town .........-·-· 42 2020 48.2 Rodgers, Withrow ........- ........- ...28 1271 4.5.4 41.0 Gannon, Mldd. Fenwick ·----·--29 1191 Berre, Indian Hll ........................._26 1065 40.9 Hollns. WlllamsbiJrg ................_ 31 1228 39.6 Thompson, Utile Mlllml ... ____ 23 899 39.1 Voegele, Lockland ..--··----..... 29 1110 38.3 Shestlna. Turpin ........... ____ 32 1218 38.0 SChreoder, Kings ..................____ 34 1282 37.7 Wilson. Ross ··-···-................. _ 29 1085 37.4 Gebhardt, Oak Hils - ........._..,..33 1232 37.3 Parton, Elder .... _ .._ ...,........--. 23 853 37.1 Vollmer, ceo ............................_ 18 666 37.0 Swackhamer, Hllsboro ____ 17 627 36.9 Gllhan, Sycamore ............. ___ 38 1386 36.8 Rollinson. Lebanon -~----..A2 1541 36.7 Schaffer, Deer Park ............- •.-..38 131!8 365 $dUJerl, Belavla ................-.--40 1439 36.0 Higgins, Amela .....· - · - - · - 23 826 35.9 Green, St. Xavier ..----..---..22 784 35.6 Sanders, Roger Becon ..........9 320 35.6 Dixon. Willian Woods ..._._,_,.. 18 640 35.5 Stratton. Western Brown _ _ 11 391 35.5
..,.. Punt returns Player,Sdlool 'NO. Yll'ds T. Merchant, Lebanon ·--·--···.. 2 65 Lipscomb, Taft .................... -....5 130 Dave Wlson, Reading .o...... - ........9 210 Beln, Betavla ·-... --..------··-7 155 Shesllna, Turpin ,_..................._. 14 307 Keelri,Sycamore ·-----.-.2 42 Perkins, Meriemont ...._ .. .,......- 7 137 Washington. Princeton ··-·-···-· 8 154 Captain, Hllsboro ....... _____....21 395 Wlson, Ross ..............................._. 4 75 Nelson, La Sale .....- ........... -·-· 15 279 Guttman. ceo .. - ..····-···..··-· 14 251 Sutton. Hamil on···-·---·---.. 12 212 Hal, Wyoming ............... _ ..,.,...--..8 139 0\J'bln. Ross ................................. _. 4 66 M....ty, NCH ...................................10 162 Buerger, Merlemont ···---·-.......20 308 Tudor, Sunmlt CO .........................7 106 Harris, Purcell Marian .................- 8 114 Bech, Wlliamsburg ........................ 5 71 Banks, Colerain ........ ----·--·-11 143 Betts, MI. Heellhy .......................- ..9 116 Johnson. Walnut Hils ........................6 n Dan Oevls, Reading ............,_........ 5 61 Reidel. Amella ......................--·-· 5 59 Scudder, NCH ....................- ...... -7 81 Kopp, Oak Hlns ..........................- ..3 35
..,.. Interceptions
26.0 23.3 22.1
21.9 21.0 195 19.3 18.8 18.7 18.6 17.9 17.7 17.4 165 16.2 15.4 15.1
14.2 13.8 12.9 12.8 12.2
11.6 11.6
..,.. Offensive average Hllsboro --·--·"'""·-·--·"·•···""''"-" 392.6 ceo----·---..-------·······- 377.9 Edgewood - ..·--·---·--·-··-..----376.0 Princeton - -_____ - -..-·-·----····"'"'"" 373.0 Mariemont-........ .......... - ............. 371.0 Andersonco--·----... ---········-·""'"-···· Stmmit ...... _____ .............- .....--...... 364.0 361.2 wmton Woods - ........ ---·-····-..........-361.0 Utile Mlemi ......... _ ...... _ ................._,_... J55.0 RaiS ----·---·--··-··-....................351,7 Colerain ..-.---·---·-..·····-....---·--.... 344.0 336.0 Mason ···----···-··--·-·--·--·......... 329.0 Moeler .. - ...... _ .._ .............................. _ ..._,. 319.9 Harrison - - - - -......- ................................... 317.9
Le Salle · - - - -...... _ .......- ...... _,_,............. 304.7 B!ltavle ·-·-···---..·-··-·-..··--........ - ... 304.7 Turpin ..............___ ,, __.........................- ...- ... 302.8 Western Hils - ..............- ......................--·-30 1.4 North COllege Hll ..................------·--···--·300.4 Franklin ................---·-·-·-........-----·-..... 300.0 Reading ..._,..................----··-·--.............. 297.4 St. Xevler --··---...-..;............_, ___,......... 296.3 Walnut Hils .........-----·--................ - .....-.295.2 LOveland-·-............ _ _ _ .... _ ....... - ...- 290.4
:...::.::.:=:~:.:.::.::.:::.:::::::.:.~:~ Deer Park ··----....... -----.........- ...---273.0
Kings ..................._____,_................---·-..-- 2705 Hamilton Badin ....- ........,...----.. - ...-·-- 267.4 Lima ....... --·---·--------·--·-·----·-""'" 267.3 Sycamore----.........---------·- 2614 Withrow --..·····-·-···.......-._____.....- 255.6 Bethel-Tate .............. ~----·- .. ·-·-..·-----255.0 Finneytown ............ ___,................- .....- ........254.0 Amela -----..............--.--............- - - - 251.1 Indian 251.0 Norwood ...................._ .................... - ...----· 24.5.0 Hamlton -··-................- ............ - .... ·---237.7 Woodwerd -···----....- ..... _ ............. - ... 237.3 Lockland ............:..-·-·-----·----···-m.2 Oak His .... - ..:...·--·-··---·-..·• 222.3 Purcel Marian ...........-:..............._ ........._ ..... 222.0 New Mlaml .......... --.---·-..................--.220.8 New Richmond ............ --·-.-.... - ..........--. 219.0
..,.. Defensive average Merlernont ---·""·-·-·---·--··---.. 111.0 ceo .. _.....................------······---·--·-· 123.0 Colerakl,•._ ...,........____,...................- - 139.5 Amelia ..... - .... _ ......-·-----·--..---- 145.0 Hamlton BIKin - - · - - - -..· - - -..-·-··· 153.8 Franklin-.-............---···-""""'""'""- 156.0 Hillsboro----·---·--·--·-.............- 1610 Turpin -·-..·-----···-·-···········"-"" 170.9 North Colege Hll ............- ..- .................--- 1n.4 WllamsbiJrg ·---·-···--·-----..... 183.1 Purcell Marian----·--.................---·- 191.0 Sunmlt co ........................ _______ ................ 205.2 Elder ..............____,.......- ......,.. ____ .. 209.0 Lakota ........................ --...- ......_ ................-. 213.4 Anderson·---·--........ - ............--.--..·•· 214.0 Reading .. _ ..............._ ............................- - - 215.4 western Hills _ ................- .................................. 2175 New Miami ............................_ .............._ ...._ ...... 217.7 Sycamore ................._ .......................................... 221.5 Utile Mleml ................................................- ...... 222.0 Deer Park·-...............- ............ - ................_ 225.0 Northwest ............................. _.,_...................... 227.1 St. Xavier ................ _ ............................................ 2315 McNicholas .................................................--..... 235.3 Meson ................................................_ ...... ---·· 237.0 Hamilton ...............- ... - ................. - ...............- ... 237.7 Betavla ...................-._...........................- ........ 241.1 MI. Healthy ..................................................-·-.. 2455 Bethel-Tate .............................. _, ...,_...........--247.0 Wyoming ........... --·---·······-·-.··"·········-··248.0 Loveland ....- ................................... _ ...........--- 249.6 Le Salle ............._ ... _ ................................... --.. 250.3 lnclan Hll ....... _,_, ___..................._ •. _ ........ 253.0 Edgewood --..... - ........ --·--·-...- .............._254.0 Lima ....... _ ....... - ........- ................... _ ......... 255.0 Norwood .............. - .................. _ ....,...,_...... ,_ 255.0
Kin9S _ ........................- ........................___ 256.2
Lebanon·---···-···-···-·-.............- - 251.3 Woodward ........- ........- .................----259.0