Moeller High School 2000-01 Golf Articles

Page 1

C®aches «:«Iii us . Call your results in to The Enquirer at _ 768-8452 .. Call after 6 p.m. weekdays, • noon on weekends.

.. ~



t top

. ' tures Lou Galbraith, Bobby Jacks and Nate Keller. ''We are young but still have· tournament experience," said Frambes, whose . Knights have recorded seven consecutive winning seascHis 'This may be the best group I've had at Kings." 7. WILMINGTON: Senlor leadership and e:\.1Jerience ru:e the strengths of a Hurricane team that has won the Fort Ancient Valley Conferelice and qualified to the disffict tournament. Coach Tim Martin will rely on seniors Ryan Chambers, Scott Hayden, Zach Harte \l_nd Robert Johnson along with juniors Nate Hollingswo'ith and Ross Wagstaff. ~: "Ryan (Chan1bers) co'uld be the top player in tl',le Cincinnati area,'' Martin said. "He averaged 38.8 strokes:.for nine holes last year and qqalified to state." Scott Hayden and Zilch Harte are also proven players, which puts pre"Sure on the three remaining starters :·to come through. '' 8. MASON: Four-year starter Mike Salzarulo ilnd three-year starter Joe Reuss will be the foundation fo,r- a Comet team that could surface as a contender. First-year coach Dick Sutphin will also depend' bn senior Kevin Bl'own, junior Blian Altherr, sophomores Jordan Brown, David Hicks and Mike McCann, along with' freshman Parker Suess. ~, ''We will rely heavily ·~on three sophomores with 'no varsity experience, Sutphin said. ''We have a strong opetwo-punch with Mike and Joe, and they will provide strbng senior leadership'' 9. LA SALLE: One of'the most improved programs 'the past five years under coach Larry Long, the Lancers 'are expected to challenge for the South title. Greater

Cincinnati's lone Div. I qualifier tops in preseason By Dave Schutte J7Je Ctitctimati E11quimr

The voting was closer than expected as Lakota West edged Fairfield and St Xavier for the No. 1 spot in The Cincinnati Enquirer's preseason boys golf poll. Hanked No. 2 or 3 throughout the 1999 season, the Fircbirds wrapped up last season's poll championship by winning the the prestigious Dick Hadley Classic in the final week of the season. The Firebirds were Cincinnati's only Division I team to qualify for the state tournament where they finished fourth. "I guess the favorites hat has been put on us," Lakota West coach Jack ·Buhi said. "We have five of the kids back from last year's team and some of the kids played a lot of tournaments during the sunnner." · Here's a look at the top 10 teams as voted by the coaches. 1. LAKOTA WEST: Senior Kenton Hobbs, a second-team Division I all-state player in 199H. is expected to anchor a Firebird team that is loaded with senior leadership and depth. Three other seniors, Roddy Steiger, Brent Hubert and Kevin Buhrlage, also are solid players with junior Ryan Williams and sophomore Kyle Ward breaking into the starting lineup. "I didn't follow the kids around too much this summer, but I know most of them played in local and national tournaments," Buhi said. "Roddy and Kevin are baseball players and didn't play much golf." . As a result, Buhi was cau[t!oUslfopfiniiStic concermng the Firebirds-ability to successfullydefend their Greater Miami Conference championship and earn another berth in the state meet "It's going to be a competitive year," Buhi said. "Fairfield lost only one golfer, and I understand that Oak Hills, Moeller, St X and Hamilton also have good teams." 2. FAIRFIELD: The Indians could be called the 'team of brotherly love' with five sets of brothers in the program at various levels. Seniors Ben Phalen, Brad Mitchell and Allan Castle will be the mainstays along with sophomores Tony Bosslew and Mike Mitchell and junior Kyle DeBord. "We will be competitive in most of our matches," 13-year Fairfield coach Steve Kessler said. "And, maybe we'll have an opportunity to win one or two." Fai1ileld has posted a winning record in the past eight seasons, and the Indians appear to have the potential to surface as Cincinnati's best before the season concludes in October.


Lakota West's Roddy Steiger works on

chipping at a recent


3. ST. MYlER: After try, ~ A MPE.LLER: Although outs concluded last week at coach Rick Bohne' is singing Weatherwax Golf Course, the the blues, it would be a misBombers' roster was filled take ·to take the Crusaders with five virtually unkriown lightly. players. ''We lost four starters, arid "It was quite an interesting we11 be too young this year," tryout," third year Bombers Bohne' said. "We have some coach Brian Shircliff said. "I good players, but they lack was pleasantly surprised, but experience." this isn't the team I expected." Senior returning starters Senior Andrew Deye and · Nick Wunder and Jeff Sil· ber junior Steven Gay are the only will anchor the Crusaders · starters to earn a wrt· h · semors · · Brett Mueller, returnmg spot on j:he roster along with Dan DeBrunner and Joe .Manhart, a backup as a Herzog, along WI'th'. Ch ns JUnwr junior last season. Steve Wallace Jr., the likely One of the biggest surpris- starters. es was junior Jack Lennon, a 'There's always that tradiplayer who refused quit after lion and plide to carry us,'' being cut by Shircliff the past Bohne' said. ''We're not as two seasons. strong as we've been but Andrew Rindfleisch, a jun- these kids are enthusiastic, ior who finished third in the get along well and are willing PGA Junior National Series in to listen." Dayton, is another surprise 5. ELDER: Although the along with freshman Brad Panthers graduated five senBlinn.· iors, coach Mike Trimpe preAndy Schroeder, a junior. diets an outstanding season who lived in japan the past for the Panthers. two seasons, also won a start'The thing I love about our ing position along with sopho- · team is that they're mostly more Trevor Kramer, ajunior juniors and they love to play varsity player last year. together," Trimpe. said. 'The

t~am ch~mistry is great and

I m loo.~g forward to the season.. Ste':e ~ontgomery ~d Tom Ores! played well durmg the summer and are expect~· to show the way along WI~ Scott Weeks, Joe Schwall!e and sophomore Chns Johnson. "At least.15 of the 25 guys ··d t .- th . t·· who ...: u•C ou 10r , e .cam played all summer, Tnmpe ~ a very comsru'd . "It rnade .or petitive tryout situation." 6.: KINGS· . . Tl' ~ ung th e Kn1ghts hghtly this season could be a mistake, Coached by Bill Frambes, Kings returns four solid players from a team that was 14-1 in dual meets last year. "After watching last year's performance and this summer's tournaments we should have four solid pl~yer~ who average below 80," Frambes said. ''We have four more golfers who could shoot that low on any given day." Senior Nick Mathiason and junior Ben Stewart, both twoyear Ietterwinners, will anchor a team that also fea-

Brandon Nutting, junior Bobby Santerre, .be the mainstays with Schaller, David Kessler, Ryan . Kummer and Jeff Jennings expected to contribute. :" 10. TURPIN: · Spart~n coach Bill Hanneken was ~urprised at the top 10 ranking;; ''We have one senior, f{mr juniors, a sophomore ana:: a fr h " H k "d ' Wies lmanfi, !anne enh s~~'ll. ostto ve payers w o :'Wfl • be ehard replace." 11 J da Roth d D . '' n K or ki th .an t . , o1,1g l<'l lurzyns are e earns . .,P payers. .c" 10,. PRINCETON· The Viking' tu th t · thr , s re rn e 0P "ee players from a .tfrun that-jjp-· !shed seco?d :U ~the. to~g:h Greater Mwml Conferen~e last year. :: , Coach Kf:nt Woodrow •WJII rely heavily on NQlan Kamerer, Mike Bergeson ruid Jim Scher!, but the key to ~~f­ cess revolves around fin41IIg several golfers who will st~p up. . "" !he hkely c_andidates ·ate Bnan Schmittou, Etran Stuck~rt, ~ob Stephen, Mtl Mpag1, NJCk McKee, C!Jlin Morrissey and Craig Dun~a:f· 11 <i

Girls golf preview

Defending state champ's coach likes top ranking~: Ursuline No.1 in preseason poll By Dave Schutte J7Je 0)Jcr1matiE11quirer

Most coaches look at the No. 1 preseason ranking as the "kiss of death." Marianne Sahms, coach of the defending state champion Ursuline girls golf team, is an exception. "I think we should get the nod to start off until someone beats us," Sahms said. ''We lost Carrie Farnham and Jennifer Clarke (graduated) but Elin McAfee, Amy Stansel and Jenny Salmon are back." Altl10ugh Ursuline wasn't the unanimous choice, the Lions outpointed St. Ursula for the No. 1 spot with Lakota West, Wilmington and Mount Notre Dame rounding out the top five. Here's a look at the Top 10 teams as voted by the dJaches. 1. URSULINE: Alth()ugh

the Lions have three solid returning starters, Sahms will rely on three untested golfers to carry some of the load. ''We have nine players oil the team and five are freshmen," Sahms said. "Right now it looks like three freshmen (Allison Mayborg, Savanah Hill and Kristina Suntay} will start." 2. ST. URSULA: Senior leadership will be one of the strengths· of a Bulldog team that lost Jane Wurzelbacher and Katie Gilligan to gradualion. ''We've got some people on the team this year who haven't had a chance to play in the past," St. Ursula coach Tony Kountz said. "It's difficult picking the last three spots." 3. LAKOTA WEST: 15year veteran Firebird coach Bev Lyon fields a competitive team. Two area coaches voted Lakota West No.1 in the preseason poll based on •the return of four starters, including Ana Brown, Abby



S mar don , As h Ie v Williams and H e i d i Worpenborg. 4. WILMI NG T 0 N : T h e Burricanes , not only have one of the best players in Ohio, . Gab by Wedding, but also four other returning starters to build around. .The medalist at last year's state tournament, Wedding won several national to tirnaments during the summer as she makes another run at state medalist honors. 5. MOUNTNOTRE DAME: Experience . and talent describe the Cougars. First-year coach Grayson Fitzhugh inherited a team that went 19-5 in 1999 and returns five of the six starters: in duding Lindsey Herb, Kelly Kaiser, Holly Jones, Angela Sante! and Nikki Stroeer. However, the Cougars have one big concern.


"Lindsey Herb, our No.1 player, has been plagued by a back injury sustained in May," Fitzhugh said. "Whether she is completely healthy is a larger factor." 6. MCAULEY: The Mohawks have six returning starters, including Amy Burke, a senior who was medalist six times during the ·1999 season. Third-year coach Ernie Petri will also rely on seniors Genna Giesken, Jill Bowman and Jenny Pfeiffer, along with junior Lindsey Fisher. ''We need the No. 2 to six golfers to lower ·their scores ·from the 50 range to the 40s," Petri said. 7. MERCY: First'year coach Amy Ellert inherited an experienced team and one wit:J:! the potential to ch6Jllenge for the No. 1 spot ''We lost only one golfer · (Teela Meyers) and have five seniors and two juniors back," Elleit said. "I expect our captains (Lara Mendel and Erin

" to

Mullen) and Beth Michel~ lead us." ' 8. LEBANON: The[~:s good reason why coach Pal'n Russell's Warriors are ran}ted in the top 10. · '· :: Besides returning stand· outs Nancy Bowling ~~d Ashley Moore,· Lebanon also has four · other returrJ!ng starters: Sarah Vendt, Stefan~e LeVan, Ashley Ball ~nd Ashley Johnson. :: 9. ·SETON: First-x'~ar coach Dan Buetsche has·iln experienced team that !liCks depth. . .:; Junior Lindsey O!diges and senior Julie Heintz will be•ili:e keys to a team dependiui;'on several untested undercUi~ :";~.;1 men. ,,, 10. SYCAMORE: The Aviators are a team on -t)j:e bubble. :~ I f c o a c h K e i ·t~h Brackenridge finds several goiters to fill the Nos. 5 arrd:s spots, Sycamore could mlike succeed in the tough Greater Miami Conference. .,

been the :best, Doug GEORGETOWN, Ky. -:-It's down to one game for Doug Pelfrey. A kick or two, .some pleasant applause Ji·om the fans who lmow what he has meant to this city, a few farewells to teammates and a door dosing behind him. Barring something unforeseen, the Bengals will l~t Pelfrey go by Tuesday. "11Iey already kept me around a week longer than I tl10ught they would," Pelfrey s;~d Thursday. Neil Rackers, the rookie, i~.the future. The Bengals an~intent on scrubbing ll \flir past clean. Doug Pelfrey is the past. He may still be good enough to work in (he NFL. But it won't be · he1'e. ..When it comes to the · Bengals, we write a lot about malcontents, misfits, screw-ups ;md would-be burger 'Paul flippers who Daugherty have wanted , : off the island. Not enough, probably, about Dmtg Pelfrey, who not only stayed here gladly but by hispresence made this town a bHter place. Simply, Doug Pelfrey has done as much for Cincinnati as <my jock, ever. I could list, event by cha1ity event, the commitment Pelfrey has malle to the town. But this is a Iwwspaper, not a book.

INSIDE College football: LaVell Edwards, who won the 1984 national title, is .. retiring as coach af BYU ·. after this season. B6


Championship Two tied for lead 1

ar o ea


The Associated Press/ROB CARR

Scott Dunlap found himself

alone in the lead early, at 5 under through io holes.

Woods shares PGA lead with unknown Dunlap 77te Associated Press

WUISVILLE .:_ Jack · Nicklaus had seen the record scores and the landslide victories in the last two rriajors. More impressive was what he saw in the first round of the PGA Championship '- Tiger Woods. Playing with his idol for the first time in competition, Woods put on a phenomenal display of power and control Thursday and made four Acts of kindness straight birdies in a round of 6His foundation, Kicks for under-par 66 that gave him a Kids, has donated $530,000 share of the lead with Scott to charitable causes since it Dunlap. started in April1995. His "He shot the easiest 66," Fidd of Dreams program Nicklaus said. "It was a real has: filled the wishes of treat to watch." dozms of terminally and Woods hardly broke a chronically ill kids. One sweat on a sweltering day at such boy and his parer:tts left Valhalla Golf Club. He got off Weclnesday for four days at to a perfect start in his bid to an Orlando, Fla., theme become the first player since park Ben Hogan in 1953 to win Every year, Pelfrey. . three majors in one year. sends disadvantaged kids to He won the U.S. Open by a a Kentucky ranch to fish record 15 strokes, then beat and 1ide horses. He throws the field by eight strokes in kids a Christmas party. He the British Open to become bought a computer for a the youngest player ~· and child withcystic fibrosis. the first since Nicklaus in 1966 ;whenever the Bengals · -:- }o complete ·the· career - ·· needed a-player to appear at Grana sfirn. · · a school, a hospital or a "He's won the l~st community center, Pelfrey. __ majors by. 23 shots,". . '-<' u•uu.p was!liete. Whenever a ·said. "His presenc(ns nothin:g; scho9l q~lled requesting mote than discourafling to. Pelfrey to speak, he showed rest of the field:" · . up. ' That's what they used to Aman is rich who uses say about Nicklaus, who won his tiint:! to the benefit of many of his record 18 major othei:S. Doug Pelfrey is a championships by his presking. ence alone, and by maldng the I asked Pelfrey what he fewest mistakes. Such was the tool< from his charity case for Woods, who hit 16 of effo!'ts. 18 greens and missed only The Associated Press/CHUCK BURTON Life, he said. Tiger Woods made four straight birdies in a round of 6-under-par 66. He hit 16 three fairways. "I've gone to Special "Phenomenal control. Phe- of 18 greens and missed only three fairways. Olv~npics where I see kids nomenal concentration," cornpeting, but also Nicklaus said, almost gushcheeling for the other guy. if!g. "He didn't try to do anyTim I'9 what competition is thing that he couldn't do. That -·about, That'Slwhat life's the way you play golf." a\)·o'ut'," Pelfrey said. Some of the late finishers had other ideas on how the game should be played. Ernie ~ngback Vc,Jhana· 2 0 0 0 He has heard the Bengals · Els, Justin Leonard and redJack Nicklaus on Tiger Woods faced Colin Montgomerie were have kept him around because he is a "good guy." amo~¥,-~~:;hallwh? trfauding~ged off oven"liKe v i1l am sun. It's.a notion Pelfrey resents, light atter rounds that lasted but not for the n':ason you more than six hours. First round might expect. "I'm going to "Maybe we should change scott Dunlap .. : ...... 66 be a good guy whether I'm venues," Els said. "We teed off Tiger Woods ......... 66 wearing Bengals stripes or at 1:34 p.m., and we made it by . Davis love Ill. ........ 68 some other uniform. It's a half-hour. It's ridiculous." Darren Clarke ........ 68 'important we give back to Play was suspended at 8:27 J.P. Hayes ........... 69 this community. It's my p.m. with 18 players still on Fred Funk ...... , ..... 69 comn1unity. I grew up here. I the course. Tom Kite, 50, was Edward Fryatt ... :: ... 69 viant to try to make it among them, 3under with two Stephen Ames ........ 69 better.:' · holes to play. W11en Pelfrey leaves, his Course defense: Despite At the end of the day, there talk of Valhalla Golf Club not foundation won't. "That's a was. still no answer to Woods. matching the prestige of the given," he said. 'It was his 12th consecutive courses where the previous You could argue the round of par or better in a three majors were played, it Bengals have a closed mind major championship, dating to held up well against par. The . when it comes to Pelfrey. The Associated Press/DAVE MARTIN a first-round 75 in the Masters. first-round scoring average 111at'show he sees it. You While Tiger Woods said he was honored to play with was 7 4.8. Par is 72. could argue that changing Jack Nicklaus, he didn't get too wrapped up in the Today on TV: 1 p.m. (TNT) ·snappers and holders significance of their first time playing together. and 12:35 a.m. {Ch. 12) See PGA, Page B3 affected his delicate timing, which affected his .confidence, which caused him to be less of a kicker .than he was a few years ago. . 'Wlmt you am't argue is the profoundly positive By Mark Curnutte effect Pelfrey has had on ANAlYSIS Tlte Cincinnati Enquirer .Cincinnati. We wish much GEORGETOWN, Ky. be let go by the Bengals in the for our athletes. We wish Cornerback Roosevelt Blacknext few days is kicker Doug they'd climb down from mon was not expected to be Pelfrey. That move has been their pedestals long enough released by the Bengais. · He coming since Cincinnati chose .to reveal their humanity. We started three games last year. Neil Rackers in the sixth round wish lhey' d use their lofty The release of receiver . of the April draft. status to lift up others. We Tariq McDonald, an unPelfrey, a seven-year vetvmip all of it in a single drafted college free agent, eran and the team's secondphra~e: Giving back. Pelfi·ey was not a surprise. has done that forever, it Today marks the end of leading career scorer, is exseem~. training camp, which means pected to be waived early I don't do this much, but it's that time of the football next week. The Bengals, I'm doing it now: year. Cutting time. The Ben- who have 72 players in 11mnks, Doug. And gals' third preseason game, camp, need to cut down to goodbye. Saturday night against Chi- 65 by Tuesday. 'cago, is the last chance for They'll need to be at 53 on Former Bengal Anthony Munoz is greeted by teamPaul !JtJU.gherty welcomes mates during the old-timers flag football game at Paul some,players to hang on. your cop~ments at 768-8454. Brown Stadium on Thursday. Story, C1 See BENGAlS, Page B7 The biggest name who will


'He's playing a game I'm not familiar with. Of course, I'm playing a game I'm not . familiar with.' · i

• 4

.PGA Championship

Bengals prepare to make unkindest cuts

Munoz still The Man

Coaches: send us poll ballots

Coaches; call us

Poll-board coaches: Fax yourTop 10 votes to 768-8550 Sunday, or e-mail ballots to

Call your results in to The Enquirer at 768-8452. Call. after 6 p.m. weekdays, noon on weekends. ' THE CINCINNATI ENQUIRER



Blue Devils unit has been overshadowed by'the offense By Carey Hoffman E11qttirer cmztn"btttor

You could pick any number of words to describe the Reading High Sc}fool football team's defense. "Afterthought," it has been proven, shouldn't be near the top of the list Yes, Reading's · potent offense, headed by star running back DeShawn Wynn, has been grabbing .headlines and opponents' attention. But, as it showed last week, the defense can make,a claim to a leading role in Reading's success as well. The Blue Devils meet Bmokville (7 p.m. kickoff) Saturday in the Division V regional championship game


Reading's first string defense has been a big part

at Centerville Stadium. "We saw in a story on the Internet last week where Milford Center Fairbanks' coaches were saying, 'Reading doesn't care about defense, they just want to outscore you," said Reading head coach Ken Minor, · recalling last week's opponent. 'That got


of the Blue Devils' success.

our defense pretty fired up for that game." It also led to a satisfying effort, after which the final score read Reading 50, 'Milford Center Fairbanks 8. · 'We get a lot of credit for our offense, but many times this year, it has been our defense that has bailed us out," Minor said.

Uke in the third game of the season against Mruiemont, Reading trailecl14-13 in the secand half when it failed to get off a punt ·deep in its own end. Mariemont's offense took over on the Reading 11-yard line. "Our defense stepped up and stuffed them on . four downs, and then we drove

down the field and won the game. We wouldn't have even been league champs 1vithout that," Minor said: Thanks to Wynn and a solid passing attack, the Reading offense has been the focus of much attention. Reading's defense haS made its name more with effectiveness than style. The defense is coordinated by Dick Engel, who has been at Minor's side for 20yea!'S and also has built one of the city's top wrestling traditions as . Reading's wrestling coach. Six of Reading's defensive starters are on the wrestling team, which was a sectional · champion last winter. Two · more wrestlers start on the offensive line. It is more than coincidence that Reading plays a scrappy, aggressive defensive style. When the current seniors were sophomores; Reading made a commitment to implementing two-platoon football.

Minor says that also has contributed to this years success. The only full,time two-way player for Reading is 6-foot-2, 205-pounr] seriior Joe Tucker, the team's leading tackler at middle linebacker and the blocking back on offense :ti·om his fullback spot. Tucker earned first-teamalldistrict honors this week on defense, one of three Blue Devils to do so. joining him were outside linebacker DJ. Engel, the second-leading tackler and the son of th<:' defensive coordinatm; and defensive lineman Chad Wylie. "It's funny because all year teams have looked at us and said to themselves, 'Reading's (defense} is not that good.' Then, coming out of the game, they usually change their minds," Minor .said. "We just have those types of kids who won't overwhelm vou with their size or speed, but they all· play well togethe1:"

Area athletes honored I Enquirer All-Star golfteams .


Hobbs helped Lakota Westto.Div. I boys.state title By Dave Schutte

Division I boys goH honors ·

The Ctizcimtati E11q11irer

0 •


A student of the game and a golfer that never budded under pressure. That's how lakota West golf coach Jack Buhi described Kenton Hoobs, the leader of a Firebirds team that claimed the Division I state championship. . A first-team all state selection as the result of finishing in the top five at the state meet, Hobbs is the Enquirer's Division I Golfer of the Year. "Kenton is a four-year · starter and· was definitely the leader," Buhi said. 'The other players pretty much counted on Kenton to shoot a low score." . - ·c Hoofis did state tournament . After firing ari 81 the first The Ohio Division I All-Star Boys Golf Team: (front row from left to right) Brian Matlock, day, Hobbs rebounded with a Eddie Baker, Kentpn Hobbs and Ben Stewart. (Back from from left to right) Brad two-under-par 70 the final 18 Mitchell, Roddy Steiger, Nick Wunder, Kevin. Vollmer and coach Jack Buhi. holes that helped erase a six the regular season, claimed Greater Miami Conference In his 31st year as coach at stroke deficit Hobbs, who averaged 37.8 medalist honors eight times to title and the Enquirer's poll lakota and Lakota West, Buhi's teams had come close strokes per nine holes during lead Lakota West to the championship.

PLAYER OF THE YEAR: Kenton Hobbs, lakota West: · Senior; Stroke Average: 37.8; Medalist: 4 times IIIII COACH OF THE YEAR: Jack Buhi, lakota West: State title· IIIII FIRSTTEAM: Roddy Steiger, Lakota West: Senior; Stroke Average: 39.5; Medalist: 5 times Nick Wunder, Moeller: Senior; Stroke Average: 38.9; Medalist: 8 times Eddie Baker, Hamilton: Senior; Stroke Average: 38.3; Medalist:. 8 times Kevin Vollmer, Oak Hills: Senior; Stroke Average: 39.1; Medalist 5 times Brad Mitchell, Fairfield: Senior; Stroke Average: 38.2; Medalist: 8 times

Brian Matlock, Anderflon: Sophomore; Stoke Averqge: 37.6; Medalist: 5 times Ben Stewart, Kings: lunior; Stroke Average: 38.1; Medalist: 8 times IIIII HONORABLE MENTION: Matt Cushman, lakota West; Ross Goodson, Oak Hills; Ronnie l;lart, Harrison; Tom Coffing, Middletown; Andrew Rindfleisch, St. Xavier; Andrew Deye, St. Xavier; Steven Gay, St. Xavier: Bobby Jacks, Kings; Ryan Madill, Northwest; Mike Salzarulo, Mason; Rusty Daniels; Norwood; John Craynon, La Salle; Matt Swisher, Anderson; Jordan Roth, Turpin; Pat Heekin, Turpin; Jeff Silber, Moeller; Scott Weeks, Elder.·

c,~<- . -won~ state tit:letiritn this season. This season the Firebirds claimed - the Sectional and District championships as well as the Fairfield Invitational and Hamilton Pepsi Classic. Buhi is the Enquirer's. Division I Coach of the Year.

-- uW~l~g !h;;tate ~h~pionship is the highlight of my career," Buhi said. "It's one of those things that every coach would like to achieve, but very few do it" Buhi was also the Enquirer's 1999 Coach of the Year.


Homan's leadership stands out for Summit Country Day .By Dave Schutte The Cilzcimtati Elfqttirer

The success of the Summit Country Day boys golf team the past three seasons can be traced to junior Wes Homan. Named the Player of the Year in the Miami Valley Conference for the second straight season, Homan shot a 142 at the Division III state meet to earn nrst team AllState honors. · This leadership and consistent play earn Homan the Enquirer's Division II-III · Player of the Year honors. 'There's no doubt that Wes is the reason we've gone to state the past three years," Summit Country Day coach Bob Juenke said. "I couldn't ask any more from Wes as a player and leader." The 17-year old Homan averaged 38.0 strokes for nine holes while claiming medalist

Divisions 11·111 b!IYS golf honors Ill PLAYER OFTHEYEAR:

Wes Homan, Summit Country Day: Junior; Stoke Average: 38.0 IIIII COACH OFTHE YEAR: Bob Juenke, summit Country Day: State Qualifier II FIRSTTEAM:·Topher Sheldon, Summit Country Day: Senior; Stoke Average: 39,6 Matt Amis, Mariemont: Senior; · Stroke Average: 38.2 Justin Fender, New Richmond: Senior; Stoke Average: 37.1 Todd Block, Indian Hill: Senior; Stroke Aver~ge 39.2 Brett Harris, Batavia: Stroke

Average: 38.1 Martin Manning, Fenwick: Senior; Stroke Average: 37.9 Joe Misloh, Madeira: Senior; Stroke Average: 39.7 IIIII HONORABLE MENTION: Jamie Deters, Purcell Marian; Rob Kreke, Middletown Fenwick; Hank Alexander, Seven Hills; Cory Davis, Finneytown; Joe Kreke, Middletown Fenwick; Pat Burleson, Uttle · Miami; Joey Bueschel, Fiimeytown; Gerald King, Goshen; Matt Senter, Middletown Fenwick; Matt Bruck, Wyoming; Scott Smith, Wyoming; Matt Bree1z, Badin.

honors st"ven times, including the District tournament. Juenke, who's been ·at Summit Country Day the past 31 years, is the Enquirer's Division II-III Coach -of the Year. ' "I've been at the right place at the right time," Juenke

said. "I've been fortunate to have a lot of quality players. I'm aiready looking forward to next year." · Topher Sheldon, a firllt team all city selection, was the . Enquirer/BRAND! only senior on Summit's golf The Ohio Divisions 11-m All-Star Boys Golf Team: (front row from left to right) coach team with six others return- Bob Juenke, Brett Harris, Todd Block and Matt Am is. (Back row from left to right) ing, Topher Sheldon., Joe Misloh; Wes Homan, Martin Manning and Justin Fender.

PI:AYER OF THE YEAR: Gabby Wedding, Wilmington: !)en/or; Stroke Average: 36.8; Medalist: 14 times II COACH OF THE YEAR: Tony Koun1z, St. Ursula; Sectional, District Champions 11!1 FIRSTTEAM: Molly Smyth; St. Ursula: Senior; Stroke Average: 40.0; .Medalist: 8 times Erin McAfee, Ursuline: Senior; Stroke Average: 41.2; Medalist: 5 times · Jennifer Taylor, Fairfield: Senior; Stroke Average: 38. 7; Medalist: 15 times Jen hwin, Oak Hills: Senior; Stroke Average: 40.2; Medalist: 15 times

Ashley Duff, Glen Este: Senior: Stroke Average: 38.0; Medcllist: 14 times · Ana Brown, Lakota West: Junior; Stroke Average: 39.1; MeC:ia/ist: 9 times Holly Jones, Mount Notre: Dame: Sophomore; Stroke Ave rags;: 42. 7; Medalist: 7 times lllll HONORABLE MENTiliJN: Amy Burda, McAuley; Abll:Jey Stansel, Ursuline; Ashley• Williams, Lakota West; Ermily Smith, Springboro; Mili1ii lf<elly, · St. Ursula: Kristv Homat1, Kings; Kelly Kaiser, Mount Notre Dame; Lindsey 0/diges, Seton; lindsay Stollings, St.· Ursula.

During Kountz's four seasons at St. Ursula, the Bulldogs qualified for the The Ohio All-Star Girls Golf Team: (front row from left to right) Holly Jones, Molly state tournament each year Smyth, Gabby Weddi[lg, Jen Irwin and coach Tony Kountz. (Back roW from left to while posting an 87-5 right) Jennifer Taylor, Ashley Duff, Erin McAfee and Ana Brown. record. headed to Kent State, has recently named Xavier The Bulldogs went 24-1 in "Molly Smyth is a fierce been selected the Enquirer's University's head . girls the regular season and went competitor and the leader," Player of the Year. · coach, is the Enquirer:~ Girls on to win sectional and dis- Kountz said. "On bad days,. St. Ursula's Tony Kountz, Golf coach of the year. trict championships. she would grind through

the round and post a good score. She sat out last summer with a back injury but fought through the season." Besides winning sectional · and district championships, St. Ursula also Claimed its fourth straight Girls Greater Cincinnati League title.


DediCation and a desire to improve were the motivational forces that have driven Wilmington senior Gabby Wedding. A three-time state qualifier. the 18-year old Wedding

amassed a Cincinnati-best 36.8 ·stroke average for nine holes to earn the Enquirer's Girls Golfer of the Year award. "Gabby had a great career," Wilmington coach Donna Seeger said. "She holds all of the school's records and was named Southwestern Ohio Golf Coaches Association Player of the Year three times." The defending state medalist, Wedding shot a 144 at the state meet, tying for medalist honors. However, she lost on the second hole of a suddendeath playoff.. This is the second consecutive year Wedding, who's

The Cincinnati Enquirer/ JEFF SWINGER

Ill WHEN/WHERE: 7 p.m. today, Nippert Stadium, University of Cincinnati, Clifton. Ill TICKETS: $5 at gate II SEATING: 35,000 II LAST WEEK: Elder defeated Fairfield 21-14; Colerain defeated St. Xavier 35-30. II KEY PLAYIERS: Elder: Tailback Kyle Koester (1,861 yards rushing); Matt Scholl (1,601 yards passing); Linebackers PJ. Volker and · Brady Miller. Colerain: Quarterback Sean Jones (1,152 yards passing). Fullback John Mohr (1,398 yards rushing). Tailbacks Maurice Johnson and Jermaine Johnson. Receiver/Defensive back Doug Monaghan (31 recep" tions, 7 interceptions); LinebackerJames Battle. II WHAT TO WATCH: Although Colerain won the first meeting 14-7 on Aug. 25 at Nippert Stadium, both quarterbacks were starting for the first time and the offenses struggled. During the past 11 weeks, lightning-quick sophomore ·. tailbacks Maurice Johnson and Jermaine Johnson have surfaced as offensive threats · for Colerain along with · Jones, a first-year quarterback. Elder also is a different ,offensive team. The Panthers offense ·is built around bruising tailback Koester (6-foot1, 240-pounds) and Scholl, who has developed into an outstanding passer. - --~:xctWLfoTt/TefFairti-eld-- ~~-- and St. Xavier games, . Colerain's defense has been the Cardinals' strength. Elder also is strong on the defensive side of the ball, allowing Jess than 215 yards a game. Most big games are decided by the special teams and turnovers. Elder has the punting advantage with Koester, but Colerain place kicker Josh Crosby is superior and capable of 45yard field goals.

Wyoming {10··2) vs. Valley View {ll-1)

Giris goH honors

71ze Ctitclimati Eflqttimr

Elder {8-3) ·vs. Colerain {12-0)


Wilmington's Wedding repeats as top area girls·goJfer By Dave Schutte


Ill WHEN/WHERE: 7:30 p.m. today,Fairfield Stadium, 1 Stadium Dr. (off Rt. 4 ), Fairfield. Ill TICKETS: $5 at gate II SEATING: 6,000 rl LAST WEEK: Wyoming defeated Blanchester 20-12, Valley View defeated Minford 55-13 II KEY PLAYERS: Wyoming: Tailback P.J. Pope (1.032 yards rushing), · Quarterback John Gale. Valley View: Quarterback Dustin Strayer (14 7-of-215 for 2,575 yards and 25 TD's, 615 yards rushing); Tailback Chris Dill (775 yards rushing); Receivers Ben Buehner 4 7 receptions for '794 yards) and Brian Ritze (34 recep. tions for 727 yards). II WHAT TO WATCH: Defense has been Wyoming's strength and the Cowboys will be put to the test by Valley View's high powered run-and-shoot offense. Valley V.iew averages 465 yards per game and 45 points. Three-year starting quarterback Strayer is the key . player for Valley View. An outstanding passer (68 percent completions) but also is the Spartans' second leading rusher with 615 yards. Defensively, Valley View is tough again the run, allowin less than 70 yards a game. This will put additional pres sure on Wyoming junior quarterback Gale, who mu: complete timely passes to sustain the offense and open the running game f, Pope.. ·


I I " ' - ' ' ' ' 1 '''-' '-_:_:..:-


Sports digest

Kane. ra·I·ses· ·stir tieS .V.J.0f ' : 1.

d lead .

~ ~ll""roun

Enquirer staff, neu.m seruices

soots are up for grabs in Sunday's NAPA 500. · Jeff Burton holds a slender H)-point lead over Dale Earnh;!rdt for the runner-up position. Dale Jarrett is in fourth place, only 40 points ahead of six-time. winner Tony Stewart. ' Seventh-place Rusty Wallace leads Mark Martin by 36 points. Steve Park still has a slight chance of catching Ward Bm:ton for the lOth spot, which ensures a spot on the podium at the season-ending banquet in New York.

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. The way her fortunes have changed with one victory, Lorie Kane isn't ready for the LPGA Tour season to end quite yet. Once the most popular brides~ maid in women's golf, Kane took a step toward yet another victory with a 5cunder 67 Thursday that Caps' Reekie suspended gave her a share of the lead with WASHINGTON _WashingMeg Mallon in the season~ending ton Capitals defenseman Joe Arch Wireless Championship. Reekie was .suspended for two Kane, a runner-up nine times games by the NHL Thursday •for before finally . getting untracked an elbow to the head that gave with three victories, bounced back Phoenix center Jeremy Roenick a with birdies after her only two slight concussion. Reekie checked Roenick hard bogeys and closed out a solid round on the Legends Course at . into the corner with 7:42 remainLPGA International with an S-iron ing in regulation in Tuesday's 2-2 shot to 4 feet. "I'm looking forward to saying tie at the MCI Center. I'm a four-time winner," the CaRoenick crumpled to the ice, nadian said. "Now it's a game of but .no penalty was called. He skated from the ice under his confidence.'' It was a strange game Thuts- own power, pointing an accusing day for Karrie Webb and Juli Ink- finger at Reekie. ster. volleyball players Webb, who needs a victory to b d become the first player in LPGA onore · history to crack the $2 million Six Cincinnati players were hanbarrier, struggled with her short ored at the C-USA volleyball.bangame and had a 40 after nine · quet. Sophomore outside hitter holes. She wound up with ·a 75, Trish Ladusaw was named defengoing 2-under over the final four sive player of the year, and setter holes to avoid her worst round of Laura Lauder was .named co-freshthe year. man of the year by voting of league Inkster is four days away from coaches. Ladusaw and teammates her induction into the LPGA Hall Rachel Beran, Stephanie Meinig of Fame, and this isn't how she and Bonita Wise received first-team wanted her week of celebration to ;11l-league honors; Lauder and sebegin.'She got spooked by missing nior Shauntel Miller were seconda couple of short putts early and team selections. wound up with a 78. , XU women Sl n 4 Sweden's Annika Sorenstam . recrUI"tS had a bogey-free 68 and wasone The Xavier women's basketoff the lead, tied with Leta Lindley ball team has signed four high and the recharged Dottie Pepper. school seniors to letters of intent: (Scores, ClO) · Kim Neidermeyer, a 6-foot guard from Eastlake (Ohio) North; AshCorretja gets spot leigh Cuncic, a 5-10 guard from in Masters Cup Carlisle (Ontario) St. Mary's; Nikki Wells, a 5-10 guard from PARIS - Spain's Alex Cor- Woodbridge (Va.) Garfield, who retja earned the final spot for the earned Street & Smith's honoryear-end Masters Cup by reaching the quarterfinals of the$ 2. 95 able mention All-American hanmillion Paris Masters tournament ors; and Alexis Henderson, a 6Thursday. foot forward · from Wilmington Redeeming himself after a (Del.) Ursuline. first-round exit at the Lyon Blessid Union: Stuff Grand Prix last week, the eighthd · ·. seede·d Corretja sealed off the an a concer lineup for the elite, eight-man Recording artists· Blessid Masters Cup -by defeating Solith Union .of Souls will perform. folAfrica's Wayne Ferreira, the lowing the Cincinnati Stuff's No. 10 seed, 6-3, 6-4. home opener Dec. 9 at Firstar The field for the Nov. 27- Center, the team announced. The Dec. 3 tournament at Lisbon, game begins at 7 p.m. Portugal,. includes Andre Agassi, Kentucky Derby Pete Sampras, Marat Safin, Gustavo · Kuerten - the four Grand prices Up Slam champions - plus Magnus LOUISVILLE, Ky. "" TickNorman, Lleyton Hewitt, Yevc ets' prices for next year's Kengerry Kafelnikov and Corretja. tucky Derby are going up. In another match, hard-hitting . Churchill Downs officials said Mark Philippoussis of Australia Thursday that general admission upset No. 4 seed Kafelnikov of tickets for both the Derby and Russia, beating the Olympic gold the Kentucky Oaks, which inmedalist 6-4, 6-2. elude admission to the infield and Drivers jockey for · areas of .the Clubhouse Garden and grandstand, will increase by Place behl"nd Labonte $5, .to $40 for the Derby May 5 HAMPTON, Ga. - Though . and $25 for the Oaks the previBobby Labonte already has ous day. Reserved seating for the clinched· the NASCAR Winston Derby also will increase by beCup championship, the next 39 tween $5 and $25.

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Willie· hit it MEDALIST: Ryan Madill (N). 1-over 36 on back nine at Farrlield. GOOD SCORES: Craynon (L) 37, Roden (N) 39. RECORDS: Northwest &-4, La Salle 4- tO. Winton Woods 2-4. 2-3. MOELLER 161, KETIERING ALTER t63 MEDALIST: Vicen (A), 3-over 38 on front nine of Kenview course at Kenwood Country Club. GOOD SCORE. Wunder (M) 39. RECORD: Moeller 10-2.

f (>-# e/- J,.{. ..,/J;{j Boys' Division I coaches poll POINTS


~: ~~!~:~\{)~:~!: :~!~: : : : : :_: : : : : : : : : :_: : : : : : : : ~~ 1

4. Oak HUis: .......................................................... 67

~: ~~~e;·:::::::::::;;:;.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~!

7. Anderson ......................................................... 24 8. Harrison ............................................................22

IO:~r~=~-~:::::::::::::::.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.':.'.'.'.'.':.'.'.'.:::: :.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.':.': : .:~ Boys' Division 11·111 coaches poll POINTS


~: ~~~~t~~t~:~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::_::::::::::::~­ f

~Ji~:~ ~ <i i·-:_:· i: ·.-.:·:·.;·.-:·i:~;:·: :. : · ·;:·:·:·:·:·.:;·:- - ·~

· 8. Purcell Marian .................................................. 10 9. Franklin ...............................................................9 McNichOlas ......................................................... 9, Taylor .................................................................. 9 TOP SCORERS 1. Matlock (Anderson) ....................................... 36.3 2. Fender (New Richmond) ............................... 38.5 3. Baker (Hamllton)............................................37.3 ":'

.. J. Boys' Division I coaches poll POINTS SCHOOL 1. Lakota Wesl(7) ..................70 2. Oak Hilts ............................ 60 3. Fairfield ............................. 57 4. St. Xavier........................... 45

2. Fender (New Richmond).36.9 3. Baker (Hamilton)............. 37.3 4. Hobbs (Lakota West)...... 37.9 M~chell (Fairfield) ............ 37.9 6. Stewart (Kings) ............... 38.1 7. Amis (Mariemont) ........... 38.2 8. Homan (Summlt) ............. 38.3 Wyrick (Hammon) ...........;38.3 10. Hart (Harrison) ................ 38.4

~- ~~:;s;~:.-.-:.-.-·:::.-:.-.-.-::::::::J~

7. Hamilton ............................ 20 8. Moeller ........ ............ 19 9. Harrison ............................ 14 10. Sycamore .......................... 10 TOP SCORERS 1 Matlock (Anderson) ........ 36.7

BOYS' GOLF MADEIRA 158, PURCELL MARIAN 164 MEDALIST: Misleh (M). 2-over 37 on lront nine' at Sharon Woods. GOOD SCORES: Hem (M) 39. Schuler (PM) 39, Albers (PM) 39. RECORDS: Madeira 11-5, Purcell Marian 3-7. WYOMING 161, SEVEN HILLS 175 MEDALISTS: Bruck (W) and Puhalla (W). 3-over-par 3g on back nine of Wyoming Goll dub. RECORD:


Moeller High Sclhool's WIDie DeTemple tees oft' at the annual La Salle Invitational Sept. 1.6 at CIOverriook Country Club. DeTemple's 76 helped the CriUsaders. to a second-place finish in the 17-team field. Springboro won the event, followed by Moeller and Colerain. The tolD'nament has become one of the area's best sectlornan tune-ups. "The kids _get. to play a nice golf course," ~aKa La Salle head coach Larry Long. "They get out of school a f.ittle bit early. What could be better than playing golf on a bright, Slinnyafternoon in the fall?"

BOYS' GOLF' UTILE MIAMI 116, SUMMIT COUtm!Y DAV II 179 MEDALIST: Burleson (LM), 4-over 38 oe front nine at Bel-Wood Country Club. RECORDS: Ultl<i Miami

1~~;~uCi~~~b2:Y1:ltMOELLER (Gold) 182

, 'MHll\UST Sheloon. (SCD~ 4-oveJ 4D on fror:

11ne ±t CresHill, F\EG1RDS: Summ.'t Col:rt'Y Day 9-1: 'k'tef<frf Gold} 5w1, · Cnei!'IM!i Hill• t::hlisli!!'l Aco~ 115, Mllrie1110n119fi McJJAUST ·leal> ICJ 3<tvliil' Son ,lmn! 'olne at '""''~' C1151t Gllll: !lftc:I1Cc Cllc- }it, · Ul'*ltll55, Flilllf!EUlll1~6 , MEO!IUS""'S Joct<m Floch In rlloekn m and r:yar Mlllyot {FI l·OV!¥'::1$ on !roM1- ~ff•irfidd Go~ C1v!:7 \3)00 SWRES: Hersh ll!r<~)::39, !trckam (F) 39. FEC:)flDS. 1'u"in a.z. Fctrlt~!ltl '! 42. MJI'IWF\O!l ~~&; llf'L li'lllUIV ::CS M'SDAUSl· 1\ustn lllondat (t~), 2JJOdtr 34 on hont niltc at !llii \4t& illO:lD SC)RES: Darlels (N) 31\, lenlly (N), 38. lllECI)RI:J: NoMood 4-3. LAKOTA WEST 1~5, C)\11!\IGTON CATHOUC 164, ELDER 168 . M;:DALIST: Brer.l Hubert (LW) evel\-p>r 38 an front ni"e of Traditions Country Club. GOOD SCORES: ltl,ike 'Sharp (OC] 37, Ruddy StiegBr (cW} 3!!. RECORDS: lakota West 11--1, Co•ington Catholic 4~, 8der 7-6.

~ro~nfst~LTEA 163.

MEDALIST: Breetz (B) even-par 36 on red nine at

~m~~oe'J'~';i ~~d\'~~-~lub. GOOD SCORE: Brunner (B) MOELLER 156, COVINGTON CATHOLIC 164 MEDALIST: Wunder (M). 2-over 37 on front nine at Summit Hills. GOOD SCORES: Meyer (M) 39. E~ewine (CC) 39. RECORDS: Moeller 3-2. Covington Catholic 1-3. CLERMONT NORTHEASTERN 176, BETHEL-TATE 177 MEDALIST: Bauer (CNE). l-over-par 36 on froni

BOYS'GOLF· MARIEMONT 153, DEER PARK 212 t.'EDALIST: Matt Amis (M). !·under-par 34. OTHER GOOD SCORES:Campo(M)37. RECORDcMarieiTIC'lt3-1: · MOELLER 166, EUlER 165 MEDALIST: Nell Lykins (M) l-01der 35 on the front nine at Crest Hrlls. OTHER GOOD SCORES·labes (M)4D;Gelhol (M)

Moe tees it up in summer n't we do it during the season," Wunder asked. Before the team even hits the · There's a reason why Moeller's golf team has links in the summer, Bohne said, won four out of the last five Greater Catholic they hit the weight. room in League South titles. Hard work during the su~­ December and January. Bohne implemented this routine four mer. Moeller golf coach Rick Bohne, who took over years ago. the program in 1987, takes pride in having a hard"We lift to strengthen the Bohne working team. On average, Bohne said, his players back, lower leg strength. We're compete in six to 14 tournaments a summer, prac- not trying to bulk up," he said. Bohne said junior varsity golf coach Ron Roth ticing four to five hours a day. Bohne said, "I don't make it a requisite. They takes some of the players to Myrtle Beach for a understand if they want to be competitive it's a week during the summer. Not only does it help must. It gives them tournament competition. It's a their golf game, Bohne said, but more importantly whole different atmosphere. I think that's good for build camaraderie between team members. The thing Bohne tries to emphasize during the the kids too, being in a strange environment." For Moeller players wanting to move on to the 'summer is the short game, loo yards or closer to next level, playing in. summer tournaments are the flag. Bohne does try to work on mental toughness with his players, but concedes he can only do essential. "Kids that want scholarships need to do well in so much on the course. the summer tournaments," Bohne said. "Colleges "Part of it's innate to the player," he said. "I get to know the kids. That's how most of the kids don't know if you can teach that or not." Wunder said the summer tournament schedule are recognized." Bohne said the tournaments give him a good . keeps his course management and mental skills up. "It probably helps get you mentally tougher indication of where playet:s stack up. "You get an idea of who's working," he said. more than ·anything," he said. "(Just) thinking your way around a golf course." . "It gives me a read." Moeller's best player, Nick Wunder, said playThe main reason for summer tournaments is to ing in. so many summer tournaments gives the get the kids ready for the season, ready to sustain Crusaders an advantage over the teams who d(;>n't the Moeller winning tradition come fall. Do players feel the pressure playing at Moeller? compete all summer. "It helps build confidence ... (and) carry it over "I think they do and it's a go.od and bad thing,'~ Bohne said. "For long time we were the hunter, to the season," he said. Many of the same players that show up on the now were the hunted. (The players) understand GCL schedule also show up at the summer tourna- people want to beat us. Everybody enjoys beating Moeller." · ments. · "If we can beat them in the summer, why could-

~ Bv JASON NoRMAN 0 <.":: . 1 " ~~STAFF REPORTER b ,_ { -ff()


4. MOELLER: Although coach Rick Bohne' is singing the blues, it would be a nustake to take the Crusaders lightly. 'We lost four starters, and we11 be too young this year," Bohne' said. 'We have some good players, but they lack experie'nce." Senior returning starters Nick Wunder and Jeff Silber will anchor the. Crusaders with seniors Brett Mueller, Dan DeBrunner and joe Herzog, along with junior Steve Wallace Jr., the likely ·starters. . 'There's always that tradition and pride to carry us," Bohne' said. 'We're not as strong as we've .been but these kids are enthusiastic, get along well and are willing to listen." ~ .. IV- G't$

Boys' coaches poll SCHOOL


~. ~r~~~d~~t-~ :::. ·:. ·.·: .: :.·: ·::·:::::::·.::::::::::::::.~ 1

3. St. Xavier .......................................................... 71 4. Oak Hills (2) ...................................................... 6B 5. Moeller................................................. 58 6. Turpin ................................... :........................... 37 7. Kings .................................................................33 B. Harrison............. .. ............ 26 9. Elder................................................................. 25 10. Sycamore ....................:...........................: ........ 23 TOP SCORERS 1. Matlock (Anderson) ....................................... 36.6 2. Baker (Hamilton) ............................................37.4 3. Fender (New Richmond) ............................... 37.6 4. Hart (Harrison) .......... .".................................... 37.B

:· ~~i~~i~:tt>;;;:. ~;)/i:t.·: /i /·:";~:1

10. Vollmer (Oak Hills)......................................... 3B.7

By John l.achmann Post contributor

Speculation over which team is best :rages vibrantly in area boys' high school golf. But one item isn't debatable - the overall improvement of play. · "Just when you think you've got a pretty good team, so does everyone else," Oak. Hills coach Randy Owens said. "We're just creating a golf society that's unbelievable." , Said St. Xavier coach Brian Shircliff: "Everyone's gotten better. There isn't a bad program anymore. We're seeing that in the scores just the past couple weeks." Here is a look at some of the area's top boys' programs: • Lakota West: Why does Jack Buhi beWive his team is the best in the area? ~'Be­ cause (we) have a lot of experience," said Buhi, a coach for 31 years. The Firebirds return five starters from ·last season's team that finished fourth in the state. Seniors Kenton Hobbs, Kevin Buhrlage and Brent Hubert have been to &tate twice, and senior Roddy Steiger and junior Ryan Williams played in the state tournament last season. • St. Xavier: This season, the Bombers may be able to avenge being edged out by Moeller in the Greater Catholic League the "past two seasons. The Bombers return seniors Andrew Deye and Chris Manhart, and junior Steven Gay. Sophomore Trevor Kramer and freshman Brad Blinn are talented golfers who should help immediately. • Oak Hills: Few teams have experience ·comparable to. Oak Hills' this season. The Highlanders return four seniors - Ross Goodson, Kevin Vollmer, Joe Morris and Matt Blakely- from last season's 14-2 team.

Oak Hills finished second in last year's. sectional. Goodson tied for a state berth at districts before losing in a playoff. • Kings: Kings enters its second season in Division I. The Knights finished 13-1 last season, including 7-0 in the Fort Ancient Valley Conference Cardinal Division. The Knights return seniors Nick Mathiason and Louie Galbraith, and sophomores Bobby Jacks and Nate Keller, but senior Ben Stewart is clearly the team's anchor. . Kings beat the conference by six strokes at the FA VC shootout to begin this season. 11 Moeller: Rick Bohne's team is starting the season in an unusual position - it lacks ex-perience and depth. "I think at the beginning of the season, depth might be a problem," he said. "It's been a long time since we've been this young." Moeller returns GCL Player of the Year Nick Wunder and three-year letterman Jeff Silber. Seniors Jeff Herzog and Brett Mueller also return, and sophomore Justin Meyer may be the top underclassman. 11 Indian Hill: The Braves lost six of eight starters from last season's Cincinnati Hills League champs to graduation. Four of Indian Hill's new faces are freshmen. Junior standout Todd Block is one of the best players in the· city, but senior Danny Schmitt is the Braves' only other returning starter. Freshman Scott Randle is Indian Hill's best prospect. · • Wyoming: The Cowboys return four · starters from last year's 19-3 team who sparked their district-qualifying run, including four-year lettermen Jon Tredon and Matt Puhalla and sophomore Scott Smith. "We're going to look pretty strong," new coaeh Jim Hopping said. "We're optimistic about at least making the state this year."







Hard fight expected in GGCL League may be dominant By John Lachmann Post contributor




Brent Hubert praCtices iron shots on the driving range under the watchful eye of Lakota West coach Jack Buhi. Hubert has twice played in the state tournament. .


The bar has .been· raised ;among local boys' teams I

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