Moeller High School 2006-07 Track Articles

Page 1

Track honor roll




Hollyfield, Mount Healthy 10. 7; Owens, La Salle 10. 7; Haley, Mount Healthy 10.8; Posey, La Salle 11.0; Okafor, Taft 11.0; Hicks, Taft 11.04; Jones, Oak Hills 11.2; Parrish, Pnnceton 11.21; Sadler, Colerain 11.3: Sherrer, Colerain 11.4.

uo loanllel

Steele, La Salle 15.4; Schnee, Kings 15.6: Johnson, Lakota West 15.79; Maroni, Oak Hills 15.9; Tommer, Kings 16.1; Holscher, Oak Hills 16.33; Williams, Colerain 16.5; Bowling, Northwest 16.73; Cole, La Salle 16.9; Gebergeorgis, Taft 17.0.


Phillips, Lakota West 22.08; owens, La Salle 22.1; Hilson, Pnnceton 22.21; Posey, La Salle 22.4; Haley, Mount Healthy 22.7; Swann, Lakota East 22.9; Smith, Taft 23.07; O'Neal, Colerain 23.20; Albers, La Salle 23.20; Pride, Colerain 23.30.

300hllda Leuck, Lakota East39.74; Holscher, Oak Hills 41.34; Voss, Oak Hills 41. 71; Schnee, Kings 41. 79; Riveron, Kings 42.06; Geberegeorgis, Taft 44.05: Stallings, Colerain 44.5; Mcmickle, Fairfleld 44.51; Williams, Colerain 44.6; Steele, La Salle 44.8.


0'Neal, Colerain 50.0: Posey, La Salle 50.32: Bussey Lakota West 51. 77; Partin, Lakota East52.10; Sims. Colerain 53.0: Albers, La Salle 53 18: Dunlop, Lakota East 53.21; Swann, Lakota East53.30; Gandy, Harrison 53.3; Staub, Mount Healthy 53.5.


Gibson, lakota West 2:01.21; Lupp, La Salle 2:02.04; Hills, Lakota East 2:04.0; Lang, La Salle 2:04.40: Candella, Lakota West2:05.03; Huesman, La Salle 2:05.22; Simpson, Coleram 2:06.0; Brabender, Colerain 2:08.0; McCoy, Harrison 2:09.00: Huey, Princeton 2:09.66.

1,800melers Lang, La Salle 4:25.40; lupp, La Salle 4:26.02; Bamh1ll, Lakota East 4:43.0: Kester, Lakota East



~-·l"l~JAia..Solo T-

!.La Salle 109. 2. Moeller 57, 3. it Xa~er 47.5, 4. Elder 42.5 ENIII ........ lOOM- Owens (La Salle) 11.0; 200M- Posey (La Salle) 22.0; 400M- Posey (La 5alle) 49.3; BOOM- Grannan (St Xavier) 1:58.3: IBOOM- Thaler (St Xavier) 4:22.9: High Jump- (tie) Nalriwn (St Xavier). Green (La Salle)6': Long Jump'"""' (La Salle) 21'4 \1'; 110M Hurdles- Clleny Moetler)l4. 7: 300M Hurdles-Cileny (Moeller)39 3: h!OOM Relay- La Salle 43.6: 4><200M Relay- La 5alle 1:29.9 (meet record); 4x400M Relay- Elder !:29.3; 4x800M Relay- La Salle 7 59.4: 3200M Run~usel<abel (La Salle)9:22.9 (meet record); Shot Put!urden (La Salle) 53' \1'. DISCUS-Burden (La Salle) 162'6": Pole Vaun- Oittgen (La Salle)l4'9" Outstanding Athlete: DeV~er Posey (La Salle) Outsland~ng F1eld Athlele: Chandler Burden (La 5alle) Coach of Year frank Russo (La Sale)

GCL..c.tnl a..pla••••• ..... Solo

r- -~- McNICOillas 101. 2. Bad'" 75 !. Rr~a~ ~':~I~~,;.,~McNICholas) :1.4: 200M- Davis (Roger Baccn) 23.4: 400Mill!t!fl (Roger Bacon) 52.4; BOOM- Anstead (Badin) !:02.4: !BOOM- C8moll (Purcell); High Jump- Lew McNicholas)5'8"; Long Jump- C8ndlto (McNicholas) .0'11<'; 110M Hurdles- Redden (Badin)!7.2; 300M turdles-Redden (Badln)41.4; 4x!OOM Relay- McNI· :holas 45.5; 4><200M Relay- McNicholas 1:33.3: lx400M Relay- Roger Bacon 3:33.3: 4x800M Relay!adln 8:22.1; 3200M Run-C8moll (Purcetl)l0:31.7; >hot Put-Valerius (Badin) 45' \1"; DISCUs-Valerius 8ad1n) 130'9': Pole Vaun- feldman (McNicholas) 0'. llulslanding Runner. Josh Red<len (Badin) Outstanding Aeld Athlete: John Valerius (Badin) Coach of Yea• Dan Rosenbaum (McNicholas)



..... Solo

T - - I . Chaminade-Jul~enne 92. 2. AI· er89. 3. C8moll57. 4. Fenwick 12 ENIII wl-.: lOOM-Jackson (CJ) 11.1: 'OOM-Jac:kson (CJ) 22.4; 400M-Jac:kson (CJ)50.2: IOQM-{)'Bryan (C)I:57.9; IBOOM-Raffio (A) 4:25 6: ligh Jump-Janson (C) 6-00: Long Jump-Bartoli (A) '1-6: 110M Hurdles-Slayer (CJ) 15.6. 300M Hurdles·trelbel (A)41.2; 4x!OOM Relay-Aner44.4; 4><200M elay-Cham1nade·Jul1enne 1.342: 4x400M Relayham,nade-Julienne 3:28 3: 4xBOOM Relay-C8moll 062: 3200M Run-Sewrence (A) 10:15.6; Shot ut-Asher (CJ) 50-9: DiScus-Drake (A)I53-4: Pole aun-Siayer (CJ) 8-6. Coach of the Year: Dan Dever and Ma.cus CoMn llam1nade-Juhenne) Runner of the Year. TraVIs Jackson (ChaminadeJhenne)

Reid Athlete of the Yea• Greg FISher (Cham,. 3de-Juli@nne\

orHUUit:lUnrl L UV 'f;J, Hlllldlll::.


i U1 UU

1600 run Kut)'lowskl loYeland 4 20 00 Lang LaSalle 4 25 40. Lupp. LaSalle 4 26 20 W1111ams Sycamore 4 29 00 Puc1110. Anderson 4 L9 90 Kiracofe Turpm 4 32 20 ....,__ ~:& i


Nueskabel. LaSalle 9 3810 Kiracofe lurp•fl 9 43 50. Lupp, LaSalle 9 46 50. Puc1llo Ancer<>on 9 47 53 DaVIS lakota West 9 49 40

110 h•rdlos Johnson. lakota West 15 04 Steele. LaSalle 15 40. Schnee. Kmgs 15 60. layne Pnnceton 15 60: Hart. Ame11a 15 80

300 hurdles Leuck. Lakota East 39 74 Noms Lebanon 40 05. Tawney. Sycamore 40 10. Layne Pnnceton 40 60. Holscher. Oak H1lls 4120

400rwloy ~3

Middletown 42 29. lakota West 43 30 Co1eram 60 Winton WOOds 43 60 Pnnceton 43.60


Middletown 127 00. WintOn WOOds 129 71 La Salle 129 90: Lakota West 1.30 50 Coleram 1:30 80

1600rwloy Middletown 3.19 90. W1nton WOOds 3·22 00 Lakota West 3 25 00. Pnnceton 3 2 7 30 Sycamore 3 28 00

3200rwloy Lakota West 8 08 00 Mason 8 15 00 Pnnceton 8 23 10. La Salle 8 23 40. Winton Woods 8 24 00

Slool pori Chambers. Glen Este 60'09 · LJttleton. Hamson

54'06 so·· Holcomb. W1lm1ngton 5310. Burden LaSalle 53'03 75' Lutts. La Salle 50 04 oo·

llilall Holcomb. W1!mmgton 159 08 · Chambers Glen Este 156'11 · Uttleton Hamson 15510 · Ramsey Middletown 148'07 · Brodbeck LaSalle 140'11 · Speckert Oak HillS 13 7 04 . ~~p

1-!art. Amelia 22'01 • Johnson Middletown 2111 ·. Fogelsong. Coleram 2100 · Baker Norwood

20 10 75' Ramsey. Middletown 20 09 •


Hamson W1nton WOOds 6 08 · Hamson Wmton Woods 6'06 ·. Buszek Lebanon 6 04" S1ms Cole ra1n 6"03 ·.Teufel. Colera1n 6 03 · Ste1gerwald Oak HillS 6"03 ·. Creelman Ross 6 02 ·

l'lllenrrll Garren. Kmgs 15 03 · Drttgen La aile 13 06 · Caldwell. Middletown 13'00 • Johnson Pnnceton 13'00. Butch Mason 13 oo· Morgan Lebanon !300'



Roberts Pnnceton 11.90 Riley Middletown 12 00. Cooper W1nton WOOds 12 10 Slowik Kings 12 30 Cunn1ngham W1nton WOOds 12 50


Hollins W1nton Woods 25 10. Roberts. Pnnceton 25 30. Cooper. Wmton WOOds 25 30 SlOwik, Kings

25 60: Ball. Mason 26 00 Gnffin Huglles 26 00


Hollms. W1nton WOOds 58 40 Clmgman. With· row 58 60 Turner lakota East 59 10 Johnston St Ursula 59 40; LJyerpool. Walnut Hills 59 44

4:45.50: Denny. Colerain 4 46 O: Ballantyne. Kings 4 48.0: Davis. Lakota West 4:49 14: Jamieson. Kings 4 52 0: Sbne. Kings 4:53.0: Tasch. Coleram 4:53.0

3,200Nueskabel. La Salle 9.4105: Denny. Colerain 9:59.0: Huesman. La Salle 10·00 0: Mueller, Oak Hllls1002.0: Comer. La Salle 10·06.7: Jamieson. Kmgs 1015 0: Swmfortl. Kmgs 10:24 O: Mackey, Lakota East 10:30.50: Pechmey. Colerain 10·31 O: Para~l. Lakota West 10·32.02.

4x1110.., Coleram 43.6. Lakota West 44.04: Tan 44 25: Pnnceton 44.61: Lakota East 44.7. Oak Htlls 44 9: Northwest 45.65: La Salle 461: Falffield 46 4: Hamson 46 43

412110.-, La Salle 1:29.9: Coleram 1:30 10: Lakota East 1:31.40: Taft 1:33.03: Oak Htl~ 1:34.04: Moont Healttly 1:35: Pnncetoo 13619: Kings 1:37. Norttlwest 1:3810: Ross 1:39.

411400.-, Lakota East 3:29.30: Coleram 3:31.3: La Salle 3:32: Lakota West 3:33.02. Kings 3:33.11: Tan 3:35 09: Ross 3:50: Mount Healttly 3:50.5: Hamson 3·51. Fatrfield 3:53.38

41100.-, Lakota West8:21.87: La Salle 8:2340, Colerain 8·39. Kings 8:46.30. Lakota East 8 5210: Harrison 9·01 9: Fatrfield 9 24.49: Tan 9 29.3: Ross 9:41: Mount Healttly 9 48.

Dloceo Burden. La Salle 148'05.00': Brodbeck. La Salle 140'11.00'. Uttleton. Hamson 138'08 00', Upshaw. Mount Healttly 131'00 00'. Cotton. New Miamt 128'10.00': Kidder, Kings 125'03.00': White. Colerain 125'03.00': Nixon. Hamson 123'05.00'. lutls. La Salle 121'09.00': nm, Coleram 115'03.00



Sims. Colerain 06'03.00'. Green, La Salle 06'02.00': Okafor. Taft 06'00 00'. Teufel. Colerain 06'00.00': Smallwood. Coleram 05'10.00'. Tnmmer, Kings 05'10 00': Creelman. Ross 05'10.00': Sims, Colerain 05'08.00': Claytor. La Salle 05'08.00': Oarden, Tan 05'08.00'.


Foglesong, Colerain 21'00.00': Green, La Salle 20'05.00': Dunlop. Lakota East 19'01.50': Creelman. Ross 19'06.25': Meyers, Hamson 19'03.00', Rtcllarson, Lakota West 19'00.00': OIXOO, Coferam 19'00.00': Reynolds. Lakota East 18'08.00': Okunade. Coleram 1B'Ol.OO'· Cled<ley. Fairfield 18'06.00'.


Garrett. Kings 15'03.00': OiUgen. La Salle 13'03.00': Kfuener, La Salle 12'09.00': Russo, Coleram 12'06.00': Schnur. Oak Hills 11'06.00': Johnson, Pnnceton 11'00.00': Burrouglls. Lakota East 11'00.00': Deer, Ross 10'06.00': Edell, Lakota East 09'06.00': Lahrler. Hamson 09'06.00' .


Uttleton. Harrison 53'06.50': Burden, La Salle 53'03. 75': lutls. La Salle 48'10. 75': Brodbeck, La Salle 46'11.25': Mills. Colerain 45'08.25': Buck. Lakota East 43'00.00': Cotton. New Miami 42'11.00':

~~"!~ ~~- ~~-!L!:·;. ~~- Pnnceton

Track honor roll S.. ~i--o~ Boys


As of Wednooday


1. La Salle (8) .... ............................... 80 2. Lakota West................................... 67 3. Winton Woods............................... 65 4. Colerain ..............•.. ....................... 48 5. Elder............................................ 41 6. St xavier....................................... 29 7. Moeller.......................................... 28 8. Mason........................................... 26 9. Pnnceton......... ............................. 25 10. Oak Hills..................................... 14 Others receiving votes: Kings 12; Turpin 3; Lakota East I; Loveland I.

School I. Mason (7) ........ ............................

Points 70 2. Colerain........................................ 59 T3. St Ursula..................................... 45 T3. Oak Hills...................................... 45 TS. Kings........................................... 35 TS. McAuley....................................... 35 7. Winton Woods ............................... 25 8. Sycamore............. ........................ 17 9. Loveland....................................... II 10. Withrow....................................... 8 Others receiving votes: Mercy 7; Mount Healthy 6; Walnut Hills 6; Milford 5; Harrison 4; Lakota West 2; Turpin 1: Loveland 1.

lndividlllls Boys lOOdHII Johnson, Middletown 10.65; Owens, La Salle 10.70; Hilson, Princeton 10.70; Eubanks, Winton Woods 10.80; Posey. LaSalle 10.80; Haley, Mount Healthy 10.80. 200dHII Johnson, Middletown 21.40; Hilson, Princeton 21.80; Posey, La Salle 21.96; Owens, La Salle 22.10; Phillips, Lakota West 22.30. 400dHII carter, Middletown 48.80; Posey, La Salle 49.40; Johnson, Middletown 49.60; Knlckel, Wyoming 49.80; Howard, Middletown 49.90.

800run Gibson, Lakota West 1:56.69; Candella, Lakota West 1:58.65; Knickel, Wyoming 1:58.80; carter, Middletown 1:59.20; Peny, Winton Woods 2:00.00.

1600 ... Peny, Winton Woods 4:19.00; Knickel, Wyoming 4:21. 78; Heusmann, La Salle 4:24.89; Lanr. LaSalle 4:25.40; Pucillo, Anderson 4:26.00.

3200run . Nuesl<abel, La Salle 9:24.20; Peny, Winton Woods9:29.00; Pucillo, Anderson 9:42.90; Lupp.l.a• Salle 9:46.50; Kiracofe, Turpin 9:49.10.

110 hunlles Johnson,Lakota west 14.94; Hart, Amelia 15.22; Lattimore, Winton Woods 15.40; Steele, LaSalle 15.40; Layne, Pnnceton 15.60; Whittle, Winton Woods 15.60; Polaneczky, Turpin 15.60; Schnee, Kings 15.60.

300 hunlles Lattimore, Winton Woods 39.20; Tawney, Sycamore 40.10; Layne, Princeton 40.10; Riveron, Kings 40.20; Holscher, Oak Hills 40.60. 400 relay Middletown 42.29; Lakota West 43.30; Prlnce· ton 43.60; Colerain 43.60; Winton Woods 43.60; Sycamore 44.10.

800 relay Middletown 1:27.00; La Salle 1:29.34; Lakota West 1:29.70; Winton Woods 1:29.71; Colerain 1:30.80.

1600 relay Middletown 3:19.90; Winton Woods 3:22.00; Princeton 3:23.80; Lakota West 3:25.00; Sycamore 3:28.00. 3200 relay Lakota West 8:07.02; La Salle 8:13.30; Cincinnati CountTy Oay 8:14.20; Mason 8:15.00; Middletown 8:16.00.

Sbot pat Chambers, Glen Este 60'09.00'; Uttleton, Harrison 54'06.50'; Holcomb, Wilmington 53'10.00'; Burden, La Salle 53'03.75'; Conard, Hamilton 51'10.00'. Discus Holcomb, Wilmington 159'08.00'; Burden, La Salle 158'08.00"; Chambers, Glen Este 156'11.00'; Uttleton, Harrison 155'10.00'; Ramsey, Middletown 151'09.00'.


Harrison, Winton Woods 22'06.00'; Johnson, Middletown 22'04.75'; Ha~. Amelia 22'01.00'; Fogelsong, Colerain 21'05.00'; Eppert, Mason 21'01.00". flllhjump

Harrison, Winton Woods 6'10.00"; Harrison, Winton Woods 6'08.00"; Creelman, Ross6'06.00"; Sims, Colerain 6'03.00"; Steigerwald, Oak Hills 6'03.00"; Teufel, Colerain 6'03.00".

PoltYHII Garrett, Kings 15'03.00"; Oittgen, La Salle 13'09.00"; Russo, Colerain 13'00.00"; Caldwell, Middletown 13'00.00"; Johnson, Princeton 13'00.00"; Oeer. Ross 13'00.00": Butch. Mason 13'00 oo•

Boys' track a

.eld s -2..


...... l ....... ~~af..,...

I. Wayne 67; 2. ~Salle 60; 3. Middletown 58; 4. Winton Woods 46 .

........... ...,....,, uo bueaCh~

:~~ ~rdles-ChenydMcellef): PiJF" n a , thiffibt!IS ( 11!11 Esle); Burden(~ Salle). 1,600 run-Peny (Winton Woods); Huesmann (La Salle); Thaler (St xavier); L!Jpp (~ Salle). 400 reay-Wayne; Middletown; Pnnceton; ~kD1B West 100 dasii-Jollnson (Middletown); Pllillips (~kD1B V.est) .

...... II ....... IIPIII•

T- 9. Clar1< Montesson 25.5, 13. CliCA 21, 16. ceo 19, 29. Fa,.nont 5, 38. Covinctnn 1. 40. Stol8 (top fMrl: !OOM-Hermiller (Detpllos) 11.00, Maleski (Tw10 City) 11.20, Huwe<(St Henry) 11.24, t¥-.ICiorll....._., 11.211; 200M-Huwer (St Henry) 22.53, MIChael (Arcanum) 22.65, Malesl<i (W AI&) 22.80, IIIICiorll .... ~I 22.91; 400M-Cenoll (Spfing!ield Cethol~) 49 43. Lafontaine (COilvoy Crest) 50.55, Booher (Pleasant Hill) 50.80, Gehret (Mana Stein) 50.97; BOOM-Borchers (Yellow Spfings) 1.52.62. Wenzel (Dayton Chrtsllan) 1:56.58, Moore (New Lebanon) 1:56.95, Bruns (Mana Stein) 1:57.25; IBOOM-Borthers (Yellow Spnngs) 4:14.14, lutlretl (Dayton Christian) 4:19.74, Reiss (Sidney Lehman) 4:29.03, ~ity (llpp City) 4:32.11; High Jump-Hom (Waynesfield) 6-04, Schnelle !New B......,l 6-04. - . . , ICIICAJ 8-03, Hurst (Mechanicsburg) 602; LDng Jump-R~hert (St Henry) 21-08.50. Fox (Roddord Par) 21-03. Asher (Roddord Par) 2004.75, Bellman (New Lebanon) 20-03.50; 110M Hurdles-Hom (Waynesfield) 14 57. Rerchert (St. Henry) 14 85. Bergman (New Bremen) 15.05. Fox (Rockford) 15.13; 300M Hurdles-Bergman (New Bremen) 39.51, Sanders (Delphos Jet!) 40.07, Fox (Roddord) 40.26, Yoder (West uberty) 40.35; 4x100M Relay-Delpllos St Jolln's 44.17, Anna 44.48, Mechanicsburg 44.56. Clorll44.1Z; 4x200M Relay-Arcanum 1:31.48, St Henry 1:32.12, Clorll 1:32.21, Dayton CMStian 1:32.28: 4x400M Relay-Arcanum 3:25.D7. Mana Stein Manon Local 3:26.46, West uberty-Salem 3:26 79. St Henry 3:27.87: 4x800M Relay-Yellow Spnngs 7:51.82, Dayton ChOStian 7:54.11, CCD 1:07.01, Arcanum 8:10.17; 3200M Run-W.Urttrell (Dayton Ch0Stian)9:20.01.lutlrel (Dayton ChOStian) 931.14, Rrestone (Yellow Spnngs) 9·33.58. Harding (Cedarville) 9:43.13: Shot Put-Meyer (Minster) 5907, Simpson (W. Alex) 53-00.50, Hyland (uma Central) 51·05, Abney (Dayton ChOStian) 49-05.25; Dis· cus-Brown (Mechanicsburg) 155-00, Bnlll<a (West uberty) 155-00, ~rger (New Bremen) 147-03, Meyer (Minster) 145-04; Pole Vauh-Hom (Waynesfield) 1408, Vagedes (Fort Recover) 13-08, ElliOtt (Houston)



t ......,.;., , .. ,. ...... ;,., 1.,


E.J. Hubbard for The Enquirer

Moeller's Checlrtck ChellY (center) clears the last hurdle in the 110-meter race Friday. At . ~ht is Quinton Johnson of Lakota West. ChE-rry made state in both the 110 and 300 hurdle even !


track and field (


Walnut Hills, Withrow girls to renew rivalry at state By Todd Bonds Et1quirer rontribztiqr

DAYfON - You might have heard about local rivalries in football, basketball and baseball. The best one you probably never heard about is the Walnut Hills and Withrow girls' track teams. The next installment will take place at the state track meet in Columbus next weekend. Withrow won the girls' 400meter relay, and the Eagles finished second. Walnut Hills took the 80(). and 1,6()(). meter relays, while the T~gers took second in the events. The schools ha've been training u, gt·ther the past two years while each school has undergone construction to its tnck facilities. The result is a fril"ndly competition between the two public schools on the city's east side. "We've been happy to have them," Walnut Hills coach Karl Kauffman said. "There's no animosity between us. The girls push each other." The teams battled Friday at the Division I regional track and field meet at Welccme Stadium. The tq> four teams and the top four individuals on non-adva.·u:ing teams moved on to the state meet Masor. was the girls' overall winner with 71 points. Wmton Woods (515), Withrow (45) and Colerain (39) rounded out the top four. "Our girls have been training hard all year," Withrow coach Darren Braddix said. "We've never had this many relay teams advance." Withrow's girls' 400 relay team of jade Clingman, Genesis Calhoun, Brittany Smith and Porscha Johnson broke the meet record with a time of 47.19 seconds. Among the biggest surprises of the day, Sycamore's Alanah Sonntag

E.J. Hubbard for The Enquirer

Erin Ragouzls of Colerain leads the 1,600 on her way to a Division I victory Friday.

DJGALLERIES To view more photos from this

event, go to Cincinnati. Com, keyword: photos

upset Oak Hills' Brooklyne Ridder and McAuley's Christina Schneider in the 3,.200meter run. Sonntag's time of 10:5.2.11 was a personal best as she defeated the two distmce stalwarts for the first time in her career. "I was coming down the stretch and felt I had a chance at the victory," Sorurtag said. "I just went for it" Other locals advancing to the state meet were Mason's Kiersten Wones (pole vault), and 300-meter hurdlers Jackie NeCarnp of Loveland and jon-

nique Lawrence of Withrow. On the boys' side, La Salle (60) finished in second place, behind overall winner Wayne (67). Middletown {55) finished third, and Wmton Woods (46) came in fourth place. Despite a slight problem on the last exchange of the 40().rneter relay, Lakota West sprinter Dwight Phillips advanced in the relay and the I()(}meterdash. 1his is a dream come true for me," said Phillips. "I have always envisioned myself running in front of thousands of people." Wmton Woods senior Michael Perry cruised to victories in the 1,6()(). meter and 3,.200-meter runs. Harrison's Chris littleton advanced in the shot put DIVISION 01: The Clark Montessori boys' team finished ninth to take the distinction of the area team with the highest finish at the Division ill meet in Piqua Friday night In the girls' standings, Cincinnati Hills Christian and Mariemont tied for 11th with .23 points. The top four finishers in each event qualify for the state meet next week at Ohio State. In the boys' 200meter dash, Clark senior Jarvis Hill qualified in .2.2.91 seconds. Clark also finished fourth in the 400 relay in 44.7.2, and Hill ~ ified in the 800 relay (1;3.226). Clark senior Rijon Williams v.-as fourth in the 100 dash in 1126. Cincinnati Country Day finished third in the 3,200 relay with a qualifying time of 8:07.01 In the boys' high jump, CHCA senior Steve Minnick qualified (6feet, 3 inches). Among the girls, Mariemont junior Mackenzie Fields was third in the pole vault (10 feet) and fourth in the !()(}meter hurdles (16.49).

/TRAC ALL-STARS BOYS ATHLETE OF THE YEAR: · COACH OF THE YEAR: QHRIS LITTLETON, HARRISON RON WRIGHT, WINTON WOODS The senior won the state discus championship with a throw of 183-9, one of the top marks in Cincinnati history. He also finished 11th in the state shot put (52-4%).

His team had several standout performances at the state meet, including an area record time in the 1,600 relay (3:15.60) by Corey Blake, Bryon Toran, Joe Booker and Maurice Norman.

FIRST Heath Gibson, Lakota West

Caleb Medley, Clinton·Massie

The senior was fifth in the Division I state 800 run (1:54.46) and was on the 3,200 relay team that finished sixth at state (7:53.86).

The senior was on the Division II state champion 400 relay team (42.44).

Brandon Candella, lakota West The sophomore was part of West's 3,200 relay team that finished sixth at the Division I state meet (7:53.86).

Brett Davis, Lakota West The senior was part of West's 3,200 relay team that finished sixth at the Division I state meet (7:53.86).

Jordan Parayil, Lakota West The junior was part of West's B,200 relay team that finished sixth at the Division I state meet (7:53.86).

Chedrick Cherry, Moeller The senior finished fifth in the Division I state 110 hurdles (14.66) and also fifth in the 300 hurdles (38.93).

Scott Jollmso111, Middletown The senior was second in the Division l.state 100 dash (10.78) and part of the third-place 800

C.J. Kline, · Clinton-Massie The freshman was on the Division II state champion 400 relay team (42.44).

Skylar Dooley, Clinton-Massie The junior was on the Division II state champion 400 relay team (42.44).

DeVier Posey, La Salle The junior finished fifth in the Division I state. 200-meter dash (21.79) and was a state qualifier in the 400 dash. '

Jake Nusekabel, LaSalle The senior finished fifth in the Division I state 3,200-meter run (9:16.84).

Eric Finan, New Richmond The senior finished second in the Division II state 3,200-meter run (9:16.45).

Winton Woods

D.J. Hunter,

..Mid_dletQWII1 .· ' The sophomore was part of the BOO relay team that finished third at the Division I state meet (1:26.86) and also part of the third-place 400 relay. team (42.31).

larry Carter, Middletown The senior finished eighth in the Division I state 400 dash (50.99) and was part of the 800 relay team that finished third (1:26.86).

Aaron Johnson, Middletown The senior was part of the 800 relay team that finished third in the Division I state meet (1:26.86) and also part of the third-place 400 relay team (42.31).

TylorAmosw Middletowrn The senior was on the 400 relay team that finished third at the Division I state meet (42.31).

Mike Perry, Winton Woods The senior finished fourth in the state 1,600 run (4:15.12) and sixth in the 3,200 run (9:22.69).

Drew frey, Clinton-Ma11ssie The senior was Division II state champion in the long jump (23-7lh ), part of the state champion 400 relay team (42.44) and was seventh in the 400 dash (50.99}.

The senior was on the 1,600 . relay team that finished third at the Division I state meet, with an 'area~record time of3:15.42. . ----

Joe Booker, . Winton Woods


The junior was on the 1,600 relay team that finished third at the Division I state meet, with ·an area-record time of 3:15.42.

Bryon Toran, Winton Woods The senior was on the 1,600 relay team that finished third at the Division I state meet, with an area-record time of 3:15.42.

Maurice Norman, Winton Woods The sophomore was on the 1,600 relay team that finished third at the Division I state meet, with an area-record time of 3:15.42.

Ron'Sae Harrison, Winton Woods The senior finished 11th at the Division I state meet with a high jump of 6-4, the top area finish at state. He previously jumped 6-10.

Garrett Hart, Amelia The junior finished sixth in the Divison I state long jump (22-4), the top local placer in his D-1 event

Adam Chambers, Glen Este The senior finished fifth, im tile Division I state shot put (535-11), the top local placer in the3 event.

Daniel Garrett, Kin,ngs \\\~ s~n\m ~\nis\\ed tMd1rd in the t)\\1\s\on \state ~o\e 'Jau\ti\t (15-0), t\le to~ \oca\ ~\ace~ \n tll1t1e event.

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