Moeller High School 1997-98 Volleyball Articles

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iStiff Challeriges· ah.eatl . .....

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·· ·'ll· ol•Q Enquirer contributor --, . 'C .•·.·


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· A new formatfor the 1998 ·state ' boys volleyoall totirnarnent is bad · news for l()cal teams. . · ., . . -Ram.etha~~ ~-ili~s.f~~r~oo~~~&· fro 6' COlumbus; only one will the result of reducing the number~of teams from 'eight to four; ·. . .. ,"The (Ohio·High School Volleyball >Coaches)· 'A'Ssodation· wante~ to'c.U:t e~penses,,":sai~ Tom Brinlanan, coach of defend~ ,ing state. chalnpiori.Mqell,er:. ·· · .. ·"By..sendiiig \'mly fol!r teams, t

go as



rent:ihg St onn &&-: lln~eXpense'of (m{:pl~ous) ()IJ-t:dar'rather.

rilian twQ asm past seasons when. 'eightteams qualified.:· · . \·· Fow:quar~r~~games:w.e_re iPlayed on Fnday With the semifiI nals and champion~hipg!lffies on Saturday. ·_ .. .~ . . This year, semifinal games will 'beplayedlatemornllig(IJldearly: afternophonMay 30; with the championship later that night Cincinnati area teams have. ~ domin~ated the past tw(). seasons with Lebanon claiming the state title in 1996 and Moeller last year, beating St Xaviedn t;hree games. . Until there are at least ·150 schools fielding b9ys ,voileybl,lll .teams, the Ohio fligh Schoo1.Ath:: 'letic Association won't sponsor a ·tOurnament·'.. · .• 1 · The number of school statewide participat:ipg ha~ increa~d slightly. Originally, itwas tl;lought that' the . required 150 teams,


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(Although St Xavi~r was ,ranked No.1 in the Southwestern :Ohio preseason co~che~:_poll, Mo~ll~r quickly ~~kox,ertli~:.I:?P... 1,spot With a 1&,-18, 15-13, 15-12 VIc·: 1 tory over the Bombers iast weekJ ;· ·'E~e~yolle. tho~:Ight~\Ve w61,il_d~ \>~ : d()v.rn . after losing .foqr::i

~ ··starters,~:tmnkiiian·"·-~;~.:t"'<,No-

.,... ~ o~e km!w had -a gr_oup of ~ juriiorswaitingthatwent 18-1 the · previous year playing for the jlJ!liorvarsity." · · · ~ The s~ters that returned fo~ the Crusaders have led the team through the first four games, all. Moeller victories. . ·· .· · --Seti:er~_-6reg.;._Silber,.:...who B~an describes· as the "guy who runs the show," has been the key. · '· "Greg's_a player,•: Brin~~. said. "He started last year and is ' one of the tri-<:aptains. He's also a · top_ student and will probably· . atten_d Dayton, arid play for their. :clubteain" ·~ · ·



this season. ' · " .· '. ''We'r~· the .._d~fending. state ' 'champions and -everybody is' s!10oting for. us," said Silber · · who's 95 'percent certain he will play for Dayton's club teani next . season. · •. · . ·"-. r-•. ::~'When. they piay us, it's. t:he' .· .biggest game of their·season and they are very aggressive. The big • difference between this year's and last year's team is that we · have more depth:".. . . ~- ·~e:otlt~r re~ning ~tar~r is To..Q&. fitz;:il._&-foqt-6 seruor hi.tter..· ;woUld~ r~ched t>e~ore, \fli~-~~~ ~n inyited to walkOii1 ,2000.:fgday,~oonetssur~·.


' .~'Wif had about 66 teams last!

'seasi>n ·~"Bririkinan.Saici: ''This1 ~yeadt'~ln thetow 70s.'! . . . ~The Coaches Association isn't 'optlmisticatthispoint Theyl'iav~ ,already booked St John Arena 'through tHe" year 20Q5 for the state t~ur,n~ent. ; · : . · , : · Ano_theif setback for South.western Ohio was the draw for the._ stite 1 tournamen~ ·w!J,ich matches Sputhwestem'Regional winner against 1th~ .·Central Regional wiDI\.er.~-- .• ·~ • : • • • :t : . 'Th~ seeona~si:rongest regional iS the Centrill)\Brinkinan said. 'This means the ~iaker North:w~s! ,~e~o!l~ ,~~;~o~!Pe~st P,layt;lfi senftfin.aJ gagte. : ·~iJ,\~£::(~ .

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~Q,W!l.?ta~~~year~c!~: .

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siblyearn a scholarship the f~ : lowing seasori. .: . . - v, : •· ·'it's tough'. gett:i_rig. a- coll~g~ ri~e-. i~ · ~n;ter'.s. _.volLeybatJi~::lJ ' Brinkman srud..'There's only. 30 ' DiVision I .schools· offering vol" leyball' arid· iliey're only allowed ·four scholarships or 120 for the . · co\.mtry. . - ' · · · - · : As'a result; -m<>st recru~ters . first look at junior college players ...-before addressmg i:he seniors in l high schpol. They also l<:J!?k. over- ' r se~s or ~0 Pu~rto Rico for; ~ players:·:· · · ·· . · · t .· . To ~emedy this.~u~er MU : . teains in all age brackets have l ·been formed~ Cirit.--innati and· ~begin play)his summer. .. . . .•


and th~< !'!tory

ending. ' , " <<, . . A dominating.figgre. at .the net, Fitz played ~-major . role as Moellet rolleq to a .second consecutive boys .' state volleyball championship Saturday at St. John Arena. · ·'·. En. route to ·the~ titl~, Moeller beat Columbus Bishop · Watterson iii the semifinals and followed with· a 15-9, 15-4 'victory over Akrori :Hoban. In the other. semifinal game,.HoO.: ·an defeated Clayton North• mont. . '.~.~ .. · ' .: "There's not much to say,"· Hoban coach Brian .Teeling· said. "Moeller has a lot off offensive weapons and they. also play ·.good · defense. The Fitz kid is big and quick to deliver. He showed why he's Player of • the Year in Ohio.". · Moeller setter/hitter Greg Silber was named · MVP of the tournament. · . "This meaMmore'than iast year's championship 'because we worked so hard ·durlflg the offseason;'' said Silber.;·'who will attend' Notre Dame n_ext ye~rand play fpr the club team. · "We lost four starters ·and everyone ·knew it wouldn't. be·· easy. We played in fall and winter leagues to get ready." . · · Hoban led only once in •the 8-7 in the first ·game, but. Moeller went on an 8-lj.[ uri and nev~·r · trailed a>rin. . .... · · ·1"







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state BY DAVE SCHUTTE Enquirer contributor


COLUMBUS, Ohio - · Todd Fitz often dreamed of. leading Moeller to- a state·, · basketball championship,. but the 6-foot-6, 180pound seniornever got the .. opportunity. Cut from the basketbalL team as a freshman, Fitz·. decided to try volleyball; and the story had a happy•. ending. , A dominating figure at·. the net, Fitz played a major,· role as Moeller rolled to a second consecutive boys. state volleyball champion-· ship Saturday at St. John, Arena. En route to the title, · Moeller beat Columbus• Bishop Watterson in the' semifinals and followed • with a 15-9, 15-4 victory' over Akron Hoban. In the other semifinal game, Hoban defeated €layton North-· mont. ; "There's not much to• say," Hobari coach Brian: Teeling said. "Moeller has· a lot off offensive weapons : and they also play good defense. The Fitz kid is big, and quick to deliver. He · showed why he's Player of· the Year in Ohio." Moeller setter/hitter Greg 'Silber was named· MVP of the tournament. ; "This means more than last year's championship: because we worked so hard during the offseason," said Silber, who will attend· Notre Dame next year and ; play for the club team. "We lost four starters ', and everyone knew it · wouldn't ·be easy. We , played in fall and winter · leagues to get ready." ' Hoban led only once in : the match at 8-7 in the first . game, but Moeller went on . an 8-1 run and never . f...-n;l.a.rl 'lll'r'l;n

Moeller volleyball wins 2nd straight state title Post staff report

The Moeller High School volleyball team won its second straight state championship on Saturday. The Crusaders (27 -1) beat Akron Hoban (24-4), 15-9, 15-4, after beating Columbus Bishop Watterson 09-8) in the semifinals at Ohio State University's $t.. John Arena. Senior setter/hitter Greg Silber was named the tournament's MVP. The Crusaders repeated despite losing four starters from last year's team, which . went 32-3 and defeated Greater Catholic League rival St. Xavier in the state champi- . ons~ip .

BY DAVE SCHUTTE Enquirer contributor

:~.V COLUMBUS, Ohio -: , TOdd Fitz often dreamed of · leading Moeller to a state, basketball championship,· but the 6-foot-6, 180J)ound senior never got the opportunity. · Cut from the basketball team as a freshman, Fitz decided to try volleyball -,~d, the story had a happy .. ending.. .·. ·... ·:;2.~;A:. dom!nating figure. at: . · the riet, F1tz played a major '"role as Moeller rolled to a. second consecutive boys state volleyball champion- .• ship Saturday at St. John Arena. En route to the title, Moeller beat Columbus Bishop Watterson in the semifinals and followed · with a 15;4 victory '" the I



. s·: n~{~~~~~ J~ /', Hoban coach Brian Teeling said. "Moeller has a lot· off offensive weapons and they also play good · defense. The Fitz kid is big and quick to. deliver. He showed why he's Player of the Year in Ohio.'' Moeller setter/hitter Greg Silber was named MVP of·the tournament. "This means more than last year·s· championship . because we worked so hard . · ·during the offseason," said Silber/''who will attend. Notre· Dame next year and · play for ~e ~lub tea~. · ; "We lost. four starters. a_nd ~everyone knew it · .wouldn't be· easy. We jplayed in fall and winter leagues to get ready." ?"''} Hoban led only once in tile' matCh at 8-7 in'the first -'Pirie; but Moeller went on . an .8-1 run and never . tiailed again . ...::


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Boys' State . Volleyball · Selurday at St John Arena, Columbus • Clayton Nortllmorrt (1 9-5) vs. Akron Hoban , (23-3~ 1 pm. · • MOELLER (2S-1) vs. Columbus Watterson (1P).3p.rr.. '·

• Championship: 7 pm.



..... ·.·:-':

Moeller High School's junior varsity volleyball team placed first In the JV Statewide Volleyball Tournament May 16 at GE Park. Team members, from left: Henry Leist, Jim Huber, Ryan Henry, Adam Cherry, Jeff Schneider, Bryen. Sackenhelm, Scott ,Carlson; In back: coach Laura Shelton, Jude Hueber, Brian Ramsetter,. Chris · .- Penne,l_<~m.~!l! ~~e Ryan; :r1m Navaro, Mike Walsh, coach Rob Shelton; ··





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