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HA NOI - 2017







I. The World and Regional Situation in 2016


II. Foreign Policy of the Vietnamese Party and State




I. Bilateral Relations with Neighboring Countries


II. Bilateral Relations with Other Partners.




I. Diplomatic activities within ASEAN


II. Diplomatic activities at UN


III. Diplomatic activities in Regional and Sub-Regional Mechanisms


IV. Viet Nam’s Active Contributions to the Promotion of Human Rights




I. Economic Diplomacy


II. Cultural Diplomacy and External Communication.


III. Overseas Vietnamese-related activities and Citizens and Legal Person Protection


IV. Diplomacy for Safeguarding National Sovereignty over Territory, Seas, Islands and Fatherland’s Security




I. Party’s External Affairs


II. National Assembly’s External Affairs


III. People’s External Affairs





PHAM BINH MINH Politburo Member, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs


uring 2016, the world was faced with many challenges. Economic and trade growth was weak. Trade liberalization slowed down. Security challenges traditional and non-traditional alike became ever more prominent. However, Viet Nam’s foreign affairs continued to be conducted actively, with proper focus and priorities, paying due attention to effectiveness and the goals of foreign relations: “ensuring the best interest of the nation - state” set by the 12th Party Congress, and attained many achievements worthy of praise. Such achievements are a continuation of our successes in the previous years and is also the successful realization of the foreign policy set by the 12th Party Congress. During the last year, Vietnamese diplomacy has expeditiously grasped and put in concrete terms the major foreign affair guidelines of the Party Congress, in particular the new additions and developments on international integration policy, translating those policies into

life. We have conducted diplomatic activities vigorously, especially high-level diplomacy as an important way to ensure our relations would become deeper and more stable, bringing about pratical benefits for the nation. We have redoubled efforts on boundary and territorial affairs and strengthened the security for the Fatherland. Citizen protection, cultural diplomacy and external communications have all been enhanced. Multilateral diplomacy has seen a strong shift from “participating” to “taking active and substantive part in the building and shaping of the common rules” of the regional and international organizations and forums. We have actively implemented the “Strategy on International Integration until 2020 with Vision 2030” across most areas. In the common efforts of the entire diplomatic front, it can be said that multilateral diplomacy and international integration are the highlights of diplomatic activities throughout the reform (Doi moi) period as a whole, and the year 2016 in particular. The results we have 3

achieved in this intertwined relationship has strengthened and heightened the status of the nation, creating great maneuverability and flexibility in Viet Nam’s foreign relations. Given these main directions, the last year’s external activities have made significant contributions to the maintenance of a peaceful international environment that is conducive to the construction of the nation as well as the firm protection of her independence and sovereignty. These achievements will be hereby introduced in the “Vietnamese Diplomatic Bluebook 2016” with a multi-faceted and multi-tiered approach, across diplomatic activities bilateral and multilateral alike, covering the entire range of all areas: political, economic, cultural and overseas Vietnamese-related affairs. This is the third year that the Ministry of Foreign Affair publishes the Vietnamese Diplomatic Bluebook to provide information to domestic and international readers far and wide on the guidelines, policies and the major diplomatic activities


of the Vietnamese Party and State. Given the support of the readers throughout the year 2015, in particular the large attendance of representatives from central Ministries and agencies, foreign diplomatic missions in Viet Nam and journalists both Vietnamese and international at the launching ceremony of the “Vietnamese Diplomatic Bluebook 2015” on 22 September 2016, it can be said that the Bluebook has attracted profound interest from the public both within and outside of Viet Nam. I believe that the Vietnamese Diplomatic Bluebook 2016, as a comprehensive yet fundamental panorama of Vietnamese diplomacy, will continue to be a useful companion for readers working in the fields of policymaking, researching, teaching and studying, as well as all those who are interested in Vietnamese diplomacy. PHAM BINH MINH Politburo Member, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs



ACMECS: Ayeyawady - Chao Phraya Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy

COC: Code of Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea

ADB: Asian Development Bank ADMM: ASEAN Meeting


COP21: The 21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Ministers’ Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

AEC: ASEAN Economic Community AIIB: Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank AIPA: ASEAN Assembly


AMM: ASEAN Ministerial Meeting APA: Asian Parliamentary Assembly APEC: Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum APF: Parliamentary Assembly of the Francophonie APPF: Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum ARF: ASEAN Regional Forum ASEAN: Association of Southeast Asian Nations ASEM: Asia-Europe Meeting ASEP: Asia-Europe Partnership Meeting


BRICS: Group of Newly Emerging Countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) CAD: Canadian Dollar CICA: Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia CLMV: Cooperative mechanism between the four countries Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam CLV: Cooperative mechanism between the three countries Cambodia, Laos and

DOC: Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea Party Congress: National Party Congress of the Communist Party of Viet Nam EAS: East Asia Summit ECOSOC: The United Nations Economic and Social Council EU: European Union EVFTA: EU-Vietnam Agreement



FDI: Foreign Direct Investment FEALAC: Forum for East Asia-Latin America Cooperation FTA: Free Trade Agreement FTAAP: Free Trade Area of the AsiaPacific GMS: Greater Mekong Subregion IAEA: International Agency



IMF: International Monetary Fund IPU: International Parliamentary Union MDG: United Nations Development Goals


NDB: New Development Bank NGO: Non-Governmental Organizations ODA: Official Development Aid OECD: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 5

PCA: Partnership and Cooperation UNCTAD: United Nations Conference on Agreement between EU and Vietnam Trade and Development PSI: Proliferation Security Initiative

UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

RCEP: Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership UPR: Universal Periodic Review of the United Nations Human Rights Council SCO: Shanghai Cooperation Organization USD: United States Dollar TPP: Trans Pacific Partnership WB: World Bank TTIP: Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership WEF: World Economic Forum UN: United Nations

East Asia WEF: World Economic Forum on East Asia

UNCLOS: United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea WTO: World Trade Organization




Chapter One

THE WORLD AND REGIONAL SITUATION AND THE VIETNAMESE PARTY AND STATE’S FOREIGN POLICY gradually realized “One Belt, One Road”. EU wished to expedite negotiations for TTIP with the United States within 2016. Russia accelerated the integration within 1. Economic situation the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) a) The global economy continued to though suggesting FTAs with other recover, yet still countered many challenges countries and regions. The Asia-Pacific and difficulties. Growth remained slow at continued to be the driver of the global 3,1%, the lowest since the post 2008-2009 economy and took the lead in the promotion global financial crisis period. The growth of of economic integration. ASEAN centrality every region and country was either slower in the evolving regional architecture of the or the same as the previous year. Developed Asia-Pacific was strengthened with the economies grew by 1.7%. This figure for establishment of the ASEAN Community the United States was 1.6%; EU 1.7%, and major partners’ active promotion Japan, 1.0%. Emerging and developing of cooperation with ASEAN, especially economies grew by 4.1%. China, by 6.7%. in economy and trade. However, certain India, 6.8%. ASEAN-5, 4.9%. The Russian difficulties emerged in 2016, for instance the and Brazilian economies experienced UK’s referendum on leaving the EU (Brexit), -0,6% and -3,5% respectively. Though the or the United States’ failure to approve recession was stemmed, these economies’ TPP because of domestic politics. The growth was still below zero. pace of trade liberalization slowed down. b) Global trade continued to decline, Centrifugalism, inward-looking policies growing at a rate of merely 2.2%, which and trade protectionism were on the rise was lower than the figure for 2015 (2.7%). in a number of countries. Given such Foreign direct investment (FDI) dropped a background, the trend of economic by 2% compared to 2015, down to $1.75 integration also suffered from negative trillion. This had a negative impact on global impacts. In particular, the negotiation for trade and supply chains. The prices of most such large-scale free-trade agreements commodities were at a low level. The price as TPP and TTIP encountered difficulties of crude oil plummeted to the lowest level during the conclusion or ratification phase. in the last thirteen years (-15.7%). This situation called for countries to improve regional cooperation mechanisms, c) The trend of economic integration and reinforce suitable models of linkages, and connectivity continued to be promoted. ensure more equitable sharing of the fruit The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was of globalization. signed. China officially founded the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and 2. Political and security I. The world and regional situation in 2016




Peace, cooperation and development remain the prevailing trend in the world. A number of hot spots and conflicts were gradually entering into solutions or dialogue. Differences remain among major powers, yet they have taken active steps to cooperate. Most notably, multilateral cooperation has been promoted at various levels so as to better address global challenges. However, the world in 2016 also saw many widespread and unexpected changes that left immense implications on the existing global architecture, the relations between nations, and the economic integration process for the years to come. Security-related instabilities were on the rise in many regions, being more diverse and unpredictable than before. The trend of populism, nationalism and pragmatism is on the rise. Notably, non-traditional security challenges significantly increased. The spread of terrorism in Europe and Southeast Asia, the immigration crisis in Europe, the transmission of pandemics (namely the Zika virus) was a serious challenge. Climate change, water security, cyber-security, environment pollution and natural resources scarcity, among so many others, have all become more urgent issues. a) Countries within the Asia-Pacific are working together to promote solutions for political, social and cultural integration and cooperation, in particular through newgeneration FTAs. However, this region still contains many potential risks of conflict, particularly in the Korean peninsula and the East Sea. The rise of non-traditional challenges also threatens peace, security and prosperity of the region. South East Asia was able to maintain peace and political stability, and enjoyed a rather high economic growth. The establishment of the ASEAN Community 8

at the end of 2015 was an important landmark along ASEAN’s journey towards “One vision, one identity, one community”. The building of the communities has been strongly promoted and attained positive outcomes during the first year of the implementation of the Master Plan for the three community pillars according to the 2015 Vision: Political-security, economic and cultural-social; the same applied to the enhancement of the ASEAN mechanism and its efficiency. In particular, the 2025 Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity and the Initiative for ASEAN Integration Work Plan III (2016-2020) on assisting the CLMV to reduce their development gap has been adopted by the 28th and 29th ASEAN Summits. ASEAN countries are making great effort to strengthen ASEAN solidarity, unity and centrality in order to ensure peace, stability and sustainable development in Southeast Asia, most importantly through the solution of the complex security challenges in the region, including the East Sea. The situation in the East Sea in 2016 continues to evolve with complexities due to the actions to build rocks and submerged islands into islands, and establish military installations there. On 12 July 2016, the Permanent Court of Arbitration awarded a ruling on the Philippines v. China arbitration case concerning legal issues pertaining to the definition of islands, rocks and territorial claims in accordance with international law. The international public has been very concerned, and called on all parties concerned to exercise restraint, settle disputes through peaceful means on the basis of international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, respect for diplomatic and legal processes, full and effective implementation of the Declaration of


Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) and early conclusion of the Code of Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (COC). In 2016, bilateral and multilateral cooperation activities at sea within the region continued to be promoted. Viet Nam and China continued to engage in fishery cooperation in the Gulf of Tonkin and carry out agreed projects in less sensitive areas at sea, as well as follow-up works following the on-the-ground survey of the agreed area off the mouth of the Gulf of Tonkin. Viet Nam also engaged in cooperation with other partners within and outside of the region in marine science and environment research. ASEAN and China maintained discussion mechanisms at the SOM and JWG levels concerning the implementation of DOC as well as consultations on COC, as well as working together with relevant partners on climate change, joint scientific research and patrol, and countering piracy and other forms of dangerous criminal activities. The situation in Northeast Asia was more unstable than the previous year. Many regional hot spots showed sign of escalating. In particular, the Korean Peninsula, the East China Sea and the Taiwan Straight (between China and Chinese Taipei) continued to develop in complex ways. New issues emerged in China-Korea relations following the agreement between the United States and the Republic of Korea to deploy a Terminal High-Altitude Air Defense system in the ROK. b) Europe continued to be at the same time faced with multiple challenges: terrorism, economic recession, the immigration crisis, diminishing trust in the existing institutions, and the rising tide of nationalism and populism. Given this situation, it is a matter of great urgency that


EU countries need to spend much time and effort to strengthen intra-bloc unity and address external challenges. c) Latin America, the Middle East and Africa were faced with multiple difficulties: economic challenges, political tension and mounting security instabilities. In the Middle East, the war against the selfproclaimed Islamic State (IS) has gained some ground, but has yet to achieve decisive breakthroughs to solve the problem at its roots. In Latin America, many economies have fallen into recession, while political crises have occurred in other countries. Africa continued to face various economic and developmental challenges: the continent’s economic growth is expected to be at the lowest since 2009. Because of the external global impacts and from various regions as mentioned above, the diplomatic environment for Viet Nam in 2016 is characterized by intertwining challenges and opportunities. These factors interact with and may transform each other. Opportunities may become challenges if not grasped, while challenges may turn into opportunities if we are able to provide timely and appropriate responses. II. Foreign Policy of the Vietnamese Party and State The theme of diplomatic activities for 2016 was: enhance the effectiveness of external activities, deepen and broaden international integration, and successfully implement the foreign affairs guidelines of the 12th Party Congress. The highlight is a deep understanding of the guiding line and strategic orientations in foreign affairs set by the 12th Party Congress, in particular the direction of active and comprehensive international integration in both breadth 9



and depth, improving the quality and effectiveness of multilateral diplomacy; as well as the Resolution No. 06-NQ/TW issued on 5 November 2016 on the effective implementation of international economic integration, maintaining political and social stability against the backdrop of Viet Nam’s participation in new-generation free-trade agreements. This Resolution has identified new opportunities and challenges in the international economic integration process, and established measures to enhance the effectiveness of domestic preparations in this new situation. Given this spirit, diplomatic activities in 2016 focused on the following key areas: continued to bring relations into depth; contribute to the protection of national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity; engage in active international integration; make active efforts to contribute to the building and shaping of multilateral institutions; enhance the coordination of Party, State, National Assembly and people’s diplomacy, as well as coordination of external activities of the diplomacy, security and defense. Politics, Defense and Security: create a long term and sustainable state of shared interests with partners, especially those


are important to Viet Nam’s security and development. Build confidence and form effective cooperative mechanisms in promoting relations. Prevent and drive back risks, control disagreements and address emerging issues. Economics: Better tap international commitments to expand markets, reallocate and improve the efficiency of resources as well as the competitiveness of the Vietnamese economy and its businesses. Increase the self-reliance of the economy, establish a standing at the upper echelon of the regional and global production and supply chain, improve the economy’s ability to respond to external shocks, and make good use of the system of rules and norms set by international organizations to protect the interest of the State, businesses and the people in the relations with foreign partners. Culture, Healthcare, Education, Science and technology, and other areas: Be more proactive in the selection of sets of common criteria and standards so as to build capacity for Viet Nam in these areas, thus contribute to the goal of building the Vietnamese knowledge economy and its people in the new era while promoting the Vietnamese national identity.



Chapter Two

BILATERAL DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS I. Bilateral Relations with Neighboring Countries 1. China In general, the strategic comprehensive partnership between Viet Nam and China continued to maintain the healthy trend of development and has made considerable new progress. The two sides maintained the exchange of high-level visits and contacts with flexible forms: President Tran Dai Quang met with the Chinese General Secretary and President Xi Jinping on the sideline of the APEC Economic Leaders’ Week in Peru (November 2016); Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc paid an official visit to China and attended

the 13th CAEXPO (September 2016), and met with the Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on the sideline of the ASEM 11 Summit in Mongolia (July 2016); Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh attended the 1st Mekong-Lancang Summit and the Boao Forum (March 2016), and attended the ASEAN-China Special Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in China (June 2016); Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung attended the China-South Asia Expo and the 24th Kunming Export-Import Expo in China (June 2016); Minister of Defense Phung Quang Thanh paid a visit to China to attend the 3rd Sino-Viet Nam Border Guard Friendship Exchange Event (March 2016);

Premier of the People’s Republic of China Li Keqiang and Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc reviewed guard of honor of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army at the official welcoming ceremony. (12 September 2016) –Vietnam News Agency (VNA)




Secretary General, President of China Xi Jinping received Politburo Member, Permanent Member of the Secretariat of the Viet Nam Party Central Committee Dinh The Huynh in China (20 Oct 2016) –VNA

Minister of Defense Ngo Xuan Lich paid a visit to China (August 2016); the Chairman of the Chinese National People’s Congress Zhang Dejiang paid an official visit to Viet Nam (November 2016); Chinese Minister of Public Security Guo Shengkun paid a visit to Viet Nam and attended the 5th Crime Prevention and Combat Conference (September 2016). At the meetings, the two sides agreed to increase strategic exchanges, strengthen political trust, deepen cooperation for mutual benefits, control and settle disagreements and emerging issues, to promote the healthy and stable development of bilateral relations and bring practical benefits to the people of the two countries, actively contributing to the promotion peace, stability and prosperity of the region. The two Parties’ relationship continued to be strengthened; for the first time, a meeting of the two Politburos’ representatives was 12

held between Permanent Member of the Secretariat of the Vietnamese Communist Party’s Central Committee Dinh The Huynh and Secretary of the Central Committee Secretariat of the Chinese Communist Party Liu Yunshan (Oct 2016). The two sides maintained the tradition of exchanging Special Envoy of the General Secretary to convey the messages of the two Parties’ General Secretaries on the occasion of the 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of Viet Nam; successfully organized the 12th Seminar on Ideological Theories between the two parties (Dec 2016). The 9th Meeting of the Steering Committee for Bilateral Cooperation (June 2016) achieved many positive results. Exchanges and cooperation between Ministries and Agencies, especially the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, the Ministries of Defense and the Ministries of Public Security, were increasingly deepened; Vice Foreign Ministers of the two countries held many



Politburo Member, Deputy PM, Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh and State Councilor of the People’s Republic of China Yang Jiechi co-chaired the 9th Meeting of the Steering Committee for Viet Nam-China Bilateral Cooperation in Hanoi (27 June 2016) –VNA

talks on bilateral relations and border issues; both sides organized the 6th National Defense Exchange, the 9th Defense Strategic Dialogue, the 5th Meeting of Crime Prevention Cooperation and the 2nd Vice Ministers’ Security Dialogue; Chinese Navy ships visited Cam Ranh International Port (Oct 2016) for the first time; China’s Coast Guard vessels visited Viet Nam for the first time (Nov 2016). Exchanges between localities and the two peoples took place actively. The two sides successfully organized the third Viet Nam – China Youth Friendship Festival (Nov 2016) in Viet Nam for the first time. Cooperation in economics - trade has seen positive progress. The 2016 total bilateral trade turnover was estimated at $71.9 billion, increased by 7.9% compared to the same period last year, of which the

trade deficit with China was $27.7 billion (decreasing by 13.7%). By the end of 2016, China had 1,615 projects in Viet Nam with a total registered capital of $10.5 billion. In 2016, 2.7 million Chinese tourists visited Viet Nam, increased by 51.4% compared to the same period; 1.5 million Vietnamese tourists traveled to China. The East Sea issue continued to see complex developments, remained a destabilizing factor in the region and was the biggest obstacle to strengthening political trust and promoting cooperation in various areas between two countries. Regarding this issue, in the past year Viet Nam has made efforts in conducting exchanges, political – diplomatic dialogue, maintaining negotiation channels with China, ensuring legitimate interests, independence, sovereignty and territorial 13



The ceremony to welcome Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on his official visit to the Lao People’s Democratic Republic in Vientiane (24 Nov 2016) –VNA

integrity of the country, enhancing understanding, cooperation and finding solutions for disagreements. 2. Laos The traditional and special friendship, solidarity and comprehensive cooperation in all areas of politics, economics, defense, security, culture and education are strengthened and reinforced. The two sides maintain regular exchanges of delegations at various levels: General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s official visit (Nov 2016); President Tran Dai Quang’s state visit (June 2016); Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc’s attendance at the 28th and 29th ASEAN Summit and Related Summits in Laos (Sept 2016); President of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan’s official visit (Sept 2016); Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh’s attendance 14

at the ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Retreat (February 2016) and the ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting and Related Meetings in Laos (July 2016) He also paid an official visit to Laos and co-chaired the 3rd Viet Nam-Laos Annual Consultation (Dec 2016). Minister of National Defense Ngo Xuan Lich visited Laos and attended the 10th ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting (May 2016); Minister of Public Security To Lam visited Laos (May 2016); Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dzung visited Laos (Oct 2016); Viet Nam received Laos Party General Secretary, President Bounnhang Vorachith on his official visit (April 2016), Lao Prime Minister Thongsing Thammavong visited Viet Nam and co-chaired the Closing Ceremony to mark the completion of the Viet Nam Laos border marker posting project (March 2016) and Lao Prime Minister Thongloun


Sisoulith paid an official visit to Viet Nam (May 2016) and attended the CLMV-8 and ACMECS-7 (Oct 2016); President of Lao National Assembly Pany Yathotu visited Vietnam and attended the 70th anniversary of the first General Election of Viet Nam National Assembly of Viet Nam (6 Jan 1946 – 6 Jan 2016); Vice President of Laos Phankham Viphavanh paid an official visit to Vietnam (July 2016). Economic and trade cooperation has been expanded through strengthening the connectivity of transport infrastructure, border areas and checkpoints after the two sides signed the new Trade Agreement and the Cross-Border Trade Agreement in 2015. Viet Nam is the third largest investor in Laos with a total registered capital of $3.7 billion, in which many projects have contributed effectively to creating jobs, reducing poverty, and the efforts have been recognized by the Laos government. In 2016, the two-way trade turnover reached $823.4 million, of which Vietnam’s export to Lao amounted to 478 million USD, import 345.4 million USD. There have been 1.28 million tourists from Vietnam to Laos and 137,004 tourists from Laos to Vietnam. Laos have actively coordinated to discharge water from hydroelectric power plants from March to May 2016, contributing to the prevention of saline intrusion in the Mekong Delta. 3. Cambodia In 2016, the friendship and cooperation between the two countries continued to be promoted. The two sides actively exchanged delegations at all levels, notably President Tran Dai Quang’s state visit (June 2016); Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc’s attendance at the


9th Cambodia – Laos – Viet Nam Summit on the Development Triangle area (CLV9) in Siem Reap, Cambodia; President of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan paid an official visit to Cambodia (Sept 2016). On the Cambodian side, President of the Cambodian National Assembly Heng Samrin attended the 70th anniversary of the first general election of the National Assembly of Viet Nam (Jan 2016); Prime Minister Hun Sen attended the 7th Ayeyarwady - Chao Phraya - Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy Summit (ACMECS - 7), the 8th Cambodia - Laos - Myanmar – Viet Nam Summit (CLMV - 8) and the World Economic Forum on Mekong (WEF Mekong) (Oct 2016) and paid an official visit to Viet Nam (Dec 2016). Important cooperation mechanisms between the two countries (the Viet Nam-Cambodia Joint Commission, the Conference on Cooperation and Development of Vietnamese and Cambodian border provinces) were maintained and promoted effectively. Cooperation between Ministries, Agencies, localities and people’s exchanges was promoted. The two countries actively coordinated to celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations (24 June 1967 - 24 June 2017). The security and defense cooperation has been strengthened and the two sides have worked closely to exchange information and effectively resolve border issues, intensify and maintain joint patrols at sea, cooperate in searching for, excavating and repatriating the remains of Vietnamese volunteer soldiers fallen during different war periods in Cambodia; continued to emphasize the principle of not allowing any hostile forces to use one country’s territory against the security and stability of the other. The two sides are 15



Welcoming ceremony for Prime Minister of Cambodia Samdech Hun Sen on his visit to Viet Nam (20-12-2016) – VNA

Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen met with General Pham Van Tra, former Minister of Defense, and other veterans of the Viet Nam Volunteer Troops on international duty in Cambodia through different periods at the Military Zone 7 Conference Room (Ho Chi Minh City) (21 December 2016)–VNA



striving to complete the task of land border demarcation at the earliest time in order to build a borderline of peace, stability, cooperation and sustainable development. Viet Nam continued to promote business and investment in Cambodia, ranking the 5th largest investor (after China, Korea, EU and Malaysia) among 50 countries and territories investing in Cambodia, with 183 projects and a total registered capital of $ 2.86 billion. Cambodia has 12 effective investment projects in Viet Nam with a total registered capital of over $54 million, ranking 49th out of 116 countries and territories investing in Vietnam. In 2016, the bilateral trade turnover reached $2.926 billion, decreasing by 13% compared to the same period in 2015, in which Viet Nam’s


export to Cambodia reached $2.2 billion, decreasing by 8.8%, and Vietnam’s import from Cambodia reached $725.8 million, down by 24% compared to the same period of 2015. On 26 October 2016, the Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Cambodia Ministry of Commerce signed the Bilateral Trade Promotion Agreement with the witness of the two Prime Ministers. Regarding tourism, in 2015, the number of Vietnamese tourists visiting Cambodia reached nearly 1 million (increasing by 9.9%), while the number of Cambodian tourists to Viet Nam reached nearly 210,000 people. In 2016, the number of Cambodian tourists to Viet Nam reached 212,000, and the figure for the Vietnamese tourists to Cambodia was 960,000.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong received H.E Rodrigo Roa Duterte, President of the Philippines during his official visit to Viet Nam at the Headquarters of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (29 Sept. 2016) –VNA




President Tran Dai Quang met with Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong during his state visit to the Republic of Singapore (29 August 2016) – VNA

4. ASEAN countries. Viet Nam strengthened bilateral cooperation in a deeper and more substantive way, coordinated with ASEAN countries to promote the establishment of the ASEAN Community, strengthened the intra-bloc solidarity, promoted integration and maintained ASEAN’s centrality in the region. President Tran Dai Quang paid a state visit to Singapore and Brunei (August 2016) and agreed to strengthen bilateral ties in all areas. Philippines President R. Duterte visited Viet Nam (Sept. 2016) and agreed on directions and measures to realize and promote the strategic partnership established since 2015. Many bilateral and multilateral diplomatic activities have been undertaken with Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and 18

Myanmar to strengthen political relations, promote economic cooperation and strengthen coordination at international forums; for example National Assembly President Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan’s visit to Myanmar and attending the 37th ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (Sept. 2016), visit by Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung to Malaysia (June 2016), Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam’s participation at the opening ceremony of the Viet Nam Cultural Days in Thailand (August 2016); Myanmar President Htin Kyau’s visit to Vietnam; Thai Deputy Prime Minister Thanasak Patimaprakorn’s official visit to Vietnam on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Viet Nam – Thailand diplomatic relations (June 2016), his participation at the opening


ceremony of the Thailand Cultural Days in Viet Nam (July 2016); Singaporean Deputy Prime Minister, National Security Coordinating Minister Teo Chee Hean’s official visit to Vietnam and participation at the 20th Anniversary of the VietnamSingapore Industrial Park (Sept 2016). For economic and trade cooperation, Viet Nam-ASEAN total export-import turnover in 2016 reached $41.2 billion, down by 5.7% compared to the same period of 2015 (accounting for 11.7% of the total value of Viet Nam’s export and import). Viet Nam’s export to ASEAN was estimated at $17.47 billion, decreasing by 4% compared to the same period of 2015; and imports from ASEAN were $23.88 billion, up by 0.4% compared to the same period of 2015. Regarding investment, the total investment capital of ASEAN countries in Viet Nam reached nearly $3.22 billion in 2016, (accounting for 17.8% of total foreign investment in Viet Nam), in which the newly licensed investment was $2.45 billion with 292 projects and an increase of $764.44 million and 142 projects. Singapore remained Viet Nam’s largest investor, followed by Thailand, Malaysia and Brunei; others include the Philippines, Laos, Indonesia and Cambodia. II. Relations with other partners 1. Asia - Japan: The bilateral extensive strategic partnership experienced robust and comprehensive growth with substantive gains. Political relations were strengthened; cooperation in economics, defense-security, agriculture, climate change response, and exchanges between localities yielded significant results; and close cooperation at international and regional forums was maintained. Japan attached importance


to Viet Nam’s role and position. The two sides maintained contacts and exchanges of visits at different levels, especially at high level at international and regional forums, including Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc’s visit to Japan to attend the expanded G7 Summit (May 2016), met with Prime Minister S. Abe on the sidelines of the 4th Nuclear Security Summit (April 2016); Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung’s visit to Japan and attending the Future of Asia Conference (May 2016), and working visit to Japan (November 2016); SecretaryGeneral of the Liberal Democratic Party Nikai’s visit to Viet Nam (September 2016); Minister of Foreign Affairs F. Kishida’s visit to Viet Nam and co-chairing of the eighth meeting of the Vietnam – Japan Cooperation Committee (May 2016). Cooperation in security and defense was promoted, particularly in capacity building for maritime law enforcement forces. The two sides maintained close coordination at multilateral forums and mutual support at international organizations. Economic cooperation was promoted in terms of trade, investment and ODA. Japan continued to be a leading economic partner of Viet Nam. In 2016, bilateral trade between the two countries amounted to $29.6 billion (up by 3.7% from 2015), in which, Viet Nam’s export was $14.6 billion (up by 3.4%) and import was $15 billion (up by 4.3%). Japan was the second largest investor among 116 countries and territories investing in the country, with total registered capital exceeding $42 billion, amounting to 14.36% of the total foreign investment in Viet Nam. In the fiscal year of 2015 (1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016), Japan committed to providing Viet Nam with ODA worth more than JPY 310 billion (equivalent to $2.5 billion), the highest grant amount up to now. In 2016, there 19



were 740,592 Japanese tourists coming to Viet Nam, up by 10.3% from 2015, and Japan was the second biggest Viet Nam’s inbound tourist market. In recent years, Japan continued providing Viet Nam with ODA for climate change response projects: in 2016, Japan provided emergency relief worth $2.5 million for overcoming drought and salinization in the Mekong Delta and would support Viet Nam in research on climate change response in the mid- and – long term. - India: The highlight of political and diplomatic relations between the two countries was the upgrade of “Strategic Partnership” to “Comprehensive Strategic Partnership” (September 2016), which reflects the depth, trust and effectiveness of the Viet Nam – India relations. This

development was particularly significant in light of the two countries’ upcoming celebrations of 45 years of diplomatic relations and 10 years of Strategic Partnership in 2017. Prime Minister N. Modi’s official visit to Viet Nam (September 2016) and President of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan’s official visit to India (December 2016) generated new momentum to further bilateral cooperation between the two countries. Bilateral cooperation mechanisms continued to be effectively implemented, such as the 8th Political Consultation and the 5th Strategic Dialogue at Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs level (August 2016). India considered Viet Nam as the main pillar in the “Act East” policy and trusted in Viet Nam’s efforts to promote ASEAN – India relations as the Coordinator.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc visited Uncle Ho’s fish pond at the Presidential Palace Historical Site during Mr. Modi’s official visit to Viet Nam (2 – 3-September-2016) - VNA



Defense and security cooperation was one of the key pillars in the two countries’ relations and was further expanded in all three military branches: naval, land and air forces. Minister of Defense M. Parrikar paid a visit to Viet Nam in June, then later in the same year, Minister of Defense Ngo Xuan Lich paid a visit to India in December, and in May 2015, an Indian Navy ship visited Cam Ranh harbour. The two sides upgraded the Defense Dialogue from Deputy Minister level to Minister level (June 2016). Viet Nam was accelerating the disbursement of India’s credit package worth $100 million (to build a highspeed patrol vessel) and negotiating the disbursement of the credit package worth $500 million (India’s announcement of the package was made during Prime Minister N. Modi’s trip to Viet Nam in September 2016). The two sides signed the Cooperation Program in UN Peacekeeping Matters and Technical Agreement on Non-Military Maritime Information Sharing. Security cooperation between two countries was bolstered through sharing of information and experience in crime prevention and combat, criminal science, drugs prevention and combat, and fight against terrorism. The two sides signed a cooperation agreement between the Ministry of Public Security and the National Security Council of India (September 2016), Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in Cyber Security (September 2016). There remained vast untapped potential for further growth of Economic and trade cooperation. In 2016, bilateral trade reached nearly $5.4 billion. At the moment, India had 134 investment projects in effect in Viet Nam with the total registered capital exceeding $700 million, ranking 28 out of 116 countries and territories investing in Viet Nam. In addition, Viet Nam had 5


investment projects in India with the total registered capital worth $1.81 million. Cooperation in culture and education, science and technology, energy etc. was further promoted to meet the potential of both countries. The two sides signed the Inter-Governmental Framework Agreement on Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy (December 2016). It was estimated that the number of Indian tourists coming to Viet Nam could reach nearly 100,000 people in 2016. - Republic of Korea: The Viet Nam – Republic of Korea strategic partnership continued to be strengthened. The two sides promoted high-level contacts, exchange of delegations, bilateral dialogue mechanisms. Defense cooperation was maintained. Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc met President of Republic of Korea (ROK) Park Geun-hye on the sideline of the 11th ASEM Summit in Mongolia (July 2016); Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh met Minister of Foreign Affairs of ROK Yun Byung-se on the sidelines of the 49th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting in Laos (July 2016); President of Central Committee of Viet Nam Fatherland Front Nguyen Thien Nhan visited ROK (August 2016). The two sides organized the 10th Viet Nam - ROK Policy Dialogue on ODA (June 2016), the 15th session of the Joint Committee on Cooperation in Economics, Science and Technology (September 2016), the 4th Strategic Dialogue on Security at Deputy Minister level (November 2016), the 5th Strategic Dialogue on Defense at Deputy Minister level (December 2016). 21



Bilateral trade in 2016 reached $43.2 billion, up by 17%. Viet Nam exported $11.5 billion to ROK, up by 29%, and imported $31.7 billion, up by 14.6% from 2015. ROK was the country with the highest newly registered FDI in Viet Nam, up by $5.5 billion. ROK provided Viet Nam with $20 million for the cooperation project on overcoming bomb-and-mine consequences in Viet Nam and $300,000 to support Viet Nam overcoming drought and salinization. Regarding tourism, in 2016, the number of tourists from ROK coming to Viet Nam was 1.54 million, up by 38.7% from 2015. - Mongolia: Traditional friendship and cooperation between the two countries was further strengthened. Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc paid an official visit to Mongolia and attended the 11th ASEM Summit in Mongolia (July 2016); Chairman of the National Assembly Committee for Culture, Education, Youth, Adolescents and Children Dao Trong Thi visited Mongolia (February 2016); Vice President of the National Assembly Uong Chu Luu visited Mongolia and attended the 9th Asia-Europe Parliamentary Partnership Meeting (ASEP) (April 2016); National Security and Foreign Policy Advisor to the President of Mongolia A. Batur visited Viet Nam and attended “Conference on Enhancing Comprehensive Asia-Europe Partnership in the 21st Century” (April 2016). 2. Europe - Russian Federation: Over the last years, the Viet Nam - Russia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and traditional friendship continued to be strengthened and developed. Political relations were bolstered through the frequent exchanges of visit: Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc’s official visit to Russia and participation 22

at the ASEAN – Russia Summit (May 2016); Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh’s official visit to Russia (November 2016); Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung’s visit to Russia and co-chairing the 19th session of the Viet Nam-Russia Intergovernmental Committee for Economic - Commercial and Scientific - Technological Cooperation (September 2016); Vice President of the National Assembly Uong Chu Luu’s visit to Russia to attend the Conference of Eurasian Parliamentary Speakers (April 2016); Minister of Defense Ngo Xuan Lich’s visit to Russia to attend the Moscow Conference on International Security (April 2016); Minister of Public Security To Lam’s visit to Russia to attend the International Meeting of Senior Security Officials (May 2016); and President of Central Committee of Viet Nam Fatherland Front Nguyen Thien Nhan’s working visit to Russia (August 2016), greatly contributing to the promotion of relations between the two countries. Viet Nam actively undertook measures to promote cooperation with Russia. The two sides organized the 19th Intergovernmental Committee, which focused on putting the signed agreements in effect, including the ratification of the Viet Nam – Eurasian Economic Union Free Trade Agreement (which came into effect on 5 October 2016), and signed the Protocol on Supporting the Production of Motor Vehicles, the Agreement on Further Geological Survey and Oil and Gas Exploitation in Russia, the Amended Protocol of the Agreement on Continued Cooperation in Geological Survey and Oil and Gas Exploitation in Viet Nam’s continental shelf.



Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc held talks with Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in Moscow (16 May 2015) - VNA

Bilateral trade between Viet Nam and Russia reached $2.7 billion in 2016, up by 25% from 2015. Russia ranked 23 out of 116 countries and territories investing in Viet Nam with 113 projects and total registered capital of $1.1 billion. In 2016, Viet Nam received 430,000 tourists from Russia, up by 28% from 2015. - European Union (EU): Viet Nam’s relations with the EU and EU member states were strengthened and expanded. Viet Nam and EU member states boosted effective implementation of cooperation mechanisms, focusing on high-level diplomatic activities and contacts between the two sides’ leaders at G7 Summit and ASEM Summit. President Tran Dai Quang visited Italy and the Holy See (November 2016); Vice President of the

National Assembly Tong Thi Phong visited the UK (May 2016), Italy (June 2016), Denmark and Switzerland (October 2016); Vice President of the National Assembly Uong Chu Luu visited Poland, Belgium and the European Parliament (June 2016); Vice President of the National Assembly Phung Quoc Hien visited Finland and Norway (September 2016); Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh visited Switzerland and Czech Republic (June 2016), and attended the Global Summit of Women in Poland (June 2016); Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dzung visited Germany (September 2016); President of Central Committee of Viet Nam Fatherland Front Nguyen Thien Nhan visited Norway (June 2016). Viet Nam received President of France F. Hollande (September 2016), President of Ireland M.D. Higgins (November 2016), 23



President of the Republic of France Francois Hollande visited and delivered a speech to students of the Viet Nam National University of Hanoi during his state visit to Viet Nam (6 September 2016) - VNA

Prime Minister of Romania Ciolos (July 2016), Prime Minister of Slovakia R. Fico (July 2016), President of the National Assembly of France C. Bartolone (March 2016), Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons of UK E. Laing (October 2016), the delegation of EFTA Parliamentarian delegation headed by Vice President of Norway’s Parliament S. Hansen (October 2016), Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus V. Semashko (October 2016), MinisterPresident of Wallonie-Bruxelles R. Demotte (September 2016), Prince William of UK (November 2016), Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark K. Jensen (October 2016), Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs of Germany F.W. Steinmeier (November 2016), Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs of UK P. Hammond (April 2016), Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary S. Peter (January 2016), Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia E. Rinkevics (October 24

2016), Secretary of State, Chancellery of the President of Poland K. Szczerski (December 2016), European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development P. Hogan (November 2016), European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries K. Vella (November 2016), Special Envoy of Swedish Prime Minister P. Schori (June 2016). These visits have been very successful with the signing of many agreements, including many important documents that would set the direction for relations between Viet Nam and countries in this region for the years to come. The two sides effectively maintained the regular dialogue and consultation mechanisms: Viet Nam – UK Strategic Dialogue (March 2016), the 6th round of Viet Nam-Holy See Joint Working Group (October 2016), Viet Nam - Germany Strategic Management Group meeting



General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong met with General Secretary Dimitrios Koutsoumpas of the Communist Party of Greece during his visit to Viet Nam (9-15 July 2016) - VNA

(October 2016), political consultations with Poland (October 2016), Czech Republic (November 2016), Belarus (June 2016), Estonia (October 2016), Norway (May 2016), Denmark (March 2016), Greece (June 2016), Switzerland (June 2016), Romania (October 2016), Ireland (October 2016), Germany (June 2016), Finland (October 2016). The EU-Viet Nam relationship entered a new phase when the Viet Nam-EU Framework Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation (PCA) entered into force on October 1, 2016 and the two sides were working on the final procedures for the EUViet Nam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) for official signing in 2017.

Trade and investment cooperation with the EU was on the rise against the backdrop of the EU’s economic slowdown. Two-way trade turnover in 2016 amounted to $45.1 billion, up by 7.9% compared to 2015, of which Viet Nam’s export to the EU was $34 billion, up by 10.3% compared to 2015. To date, 24 out of the 28 EU member states have invested in Viet Nam with the total registered capital of $24.6 billion, and the major investing countries being the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and France, among others. The EU holds positive views on and attaches importance to peace and stability in the East Sea in the global maritime and aviation security and safety. On 11 March 25



2016, for the first time, the EU issued a declaration on recent developments in the East Sea, officially expressing its concerns over the complicated developments in the East Sea, urging the claimants to clarify the basis of their claims in the East Sea in accordance with international law. On 15 July 2016, the EU issued a declaration acknowledging the PCA’s award rendered in the arbitration between the Philippines and China. 3. America - With the U.S: Viet Nam and the U.S. maintained the positive momentum of 2015 with new and important advances. The Viet Nam – U.S. comprehensive partnership was substantively implemented in all areas. The U.S. attaches importance to and actively undertook measures to

strengthen relations with Viet Nam. Both sides maintained frequent exchange of visits and contacts between their leaders and achieved positive outcomes from the cooperation mechanisms. President Barack Obama’s visit to Viet Nam (May 2016) marked a milestone in the bilateral relations with concrete, important outcomes, including economic deals worth a total of $17 billion. In addition, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dzung visited the U.S. and attended the U.S.-ASEAN Special Summit (February 2016); Permanent Secretary of the Secretariat of the Communist Party of Viet Nam Dinh The Huynh visited the U.S. in October 2016; Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh visited the U.S. and attended the Nuclear Security Summit in March 2016; Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam visited

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong met with Chairman of the U.S. Communist Party John Bachtell during his visit to Viet Nam (31 March – 2 April 2016) – VNA




President Tran Dai Quang and U.S. President Barack Obama at the joint press conference after their talks at the ICC, Hanoi (23 May 2016) - VNA

the U.S. and attended the United Nations Summit on HIV/AIDS in June 2016; Minister of Defense Ngo Xuan Lich visited the U.S. and attended the US-ASEAN Defense Ministerial Informal Meeting in September 2016; Viet Nam received U.S. Agriculture Secretary T. Vilsack in April 2016, and Director of National Intelligence J. Clapper in May 2016, U.S. Pacific Fleet Commander Adm. Scott H. Swift in October 2016. Economic, trade, and investment relations have seen encouraging advances. In 2016, the U.S. is the biggest export market of Viet Nam, with export turnover reaching $29.7 billion; Two-way trade in 2016 was estimated at $47 billion, up 15% year-on-year. The U.S. is the eighth largest foreign investor in Viet Nam with total investment amounting to $11 billion. The U.S. showed great interest and resolved to work together with Viet Nam in solving

problems pertaining to trade relations. The two sides signed the agreement on settling the case of Vietnamese shrimp within the WTO framework. On defense and security, the U.S. announced the lifting of the embargo on lethal weapons sales to Viet Nam, promoting cooperation in resolving the war legacy issues, maritime security, search and rescue, United Nations Peacekeeping Operations, preventing and combating transnational crimes, among others. In October 2016, the U.S. pledged to provide $150 million for Bien Hoa Airport Remediation. The U.S. maintains a strong position regarding the East Sea issue, reaffirming its national interests in the East Sea, supporting full respect for diplomatic and legal principles in settling disputes, freedom of navigation and overflight in the region, and strengthening maritime security cooperation with ASEAN countries. 27



Scientific-technological and educationtraining cooperation have taken new steps forward with the two sides (i) signing an Administrative Arrangement within the framework of the Viet Nam-U.S. Government Cooperation Agreement on peaceful uses of nuclear energy (May 2016), (ii) implementing the Fulbright University project, (iii) signing the Framework Agreement on the Peace Corps Program. Along with the progress in bilateral relations, Viet Nam and the U.S. have coordinated effectively in regional and international fora on issues of mutual interest, such as the maintenance of peace, stability and freedom of navigation and overflight, respect for international law, among other fields. - With Canada: Viet Nam - Canada relations continued to be actively strengthened in 2016 as the new Canadian Prime Minister J. Trudeau had a warm sentiments towards Viet Nam. The two sides maintained high-level meetings, particularly on the sidelines of international conferences: Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc met with Prime Minister J. Trudeau on the occasion of the expanded G7 Summit in Japan (May 2016); President Tran Dai Quang met Prime Minister J. Trudeau on the occasion of the APEC Summit in Peru (November 2016) and the Francophonie Summit in Madagascar (November 2016); Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh met Prime Minister J. Trudeau on the occasion of the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington (April 2016); Minister of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs Nguyen Thi Hai Chuyen visited Canada (April 2016); National Assembly Vice President Do Ba Ty visited Canada (December 2016); Canadian Foreign Minister Dion visited Viet Nam (September 2016). 28

Canada continued to put Viet Nam on the list of priority ODA recipient countries, pledging to support Viet Nam’s access to IDA after 2017. Canada supported three specific projects in 2016 for cooperatives’ capacity-building, climate change adaptation and food safety, valued at over 43 million CAD. - With Latin American countries: Relations with traditional friends as well as major regional partners, particularly Cuba, Venezuela, Colombia, Argentina, and Chile etc. continued to be strengthened. In 2016, there were many high-level visits and contacts, most notably President Tran Dai Quang’s visit to Cuba (November 2016) and the APEC Summit in Peru (November 2016); National Assembly President Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan attending the funeral of Cuban leader Fidel Castro (November 2016); Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh’s visit to Colombia (July 2016); Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh attending the Non-Aligned Movement Summit in Venezuela (September 2016); Vice President of the Cuban State Council V. Mesa’s visit to Viet Nam (June 2016). The bilateral and inter-governmental cooperation mechanisms was further strengthened, including the Intergovernmental Committee Meeting with Cuba (November 2016) and Argentina (December 2016); Session II of the Free Trade Council with Chile (July 2016); Political consultations with Mexico, Chile, Colombia, Argentina, Paraguay, Ecuador and Venezuela. 4. West Asian and African countries Frequent exchange of delegations at various levels was maintained between Viet Nam and other countries in the region.



President Tran Dai Quang visited Cuba’s revolutionary leader Fidel Castro (15 November 2016) - EPA / VNA

State President Truong Tan Sang visited Tanzania, Mozambique, and Iran (March 2016), President Tran Dai Quang attended the Francophonie Summit in Madagascar (November 2016), Minister of Public Security To Lam visited the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Israel (November 2016); National Assembly President Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan attended the World Parliament Speakers’ Summit in the UAE (December 2016); visits to Viet Nam by Iranian President H. Rouhani (October 2016), Vice President of South Africa C. Ramaphosa (October 2016), Kuwait Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah (October 2016), Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Sheikh Abdullah bin

Zayed Al Nahyan (May 2016), and Saudi Arabian Parliament Speaker Abdullah Al Sheikh (January 2016). Comprehensive relations between Viet Nam and other countries in the region have been strengthened. Viet Nam established diplomatic relations with Libya (June 2016) and other activities such as the Viet NamQatar Joint Committee Meeting (February 2016), Viet Nam-UAE Joint Committee Meeting (May 2016), Viet Nam-Sudan Joint Committee Meeting (October 2016), Viet Nam-Saudi Arabia Joint Committee Meeting (November 2016); Viet Nam-Palestine Political Consultation (October 2016), Viet Nam-Oman Political Consultation (November 2016). 29



Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Viet Nam Pham Binh Minh and Australian Minister of Foreign Affairs Julie Bishop signed the Viet Nam-Australia Program of Action for 2016-2019 in Canberra (30 November 2016) - VNA

Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh held talks with New Zealand Minister of Foreign Affairs Murray McCully in Auckland (2 December 2016) – VNA



5. Oceania With Australia and New Zealand: Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh paid an official visit to Australia and New Zealand from 29 November to 3 December 2016. In Australia, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh and Australian Foreign Minister J. Bishop signed the Viet Nam-Australia Program of Action for 2016-2019 to further deepen the comprehensive partnership between the two countries. Australia and New Zealand are important economic partners


of Viet Nam; in 2016 bilateral trade with Australia and New Zealand amounted to nearly $5.3 billion and $720 million respectively. Australia and New Zealand continued to commit to providing nonrefundable ODA to Viet Nam in areas such as agriculture, rural development, gender equality, climate change, human resources development, among other fields. Viet Nam has expedited clearance of procedures to be able to export lychee, mango and dragon fruits to Australia. New Zealand airlines opened direct flights between Auckland and Ho Chi Minh City in June 2016.




Chapter 3



n 2016, the international community continued to uphold the role of multilateral institutions as effective tools for countries to strengthen cooperation and coordination to effectively address the increasing global traditional and non-traditional challenges such as conflicts, disputes, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, food security, water security, climate change, migration, transnational crimes, epidemics etc. At multilateral fora, Viet Nam has been proactively shifting from being a participant to a proactive contributor to the development and shaping of common rules. The country actively participated in regional and international fora in order to

promote its security- development interests and contribute to the joint cooperation, thus deepening the relations with its partners and securing a peaceful environment conducive for development. In ASEAN, APEC, ASEM, the United Nations and other frameworks, Viet Nam has been proactively putting forth initiatives both as the sponsor or a co-sponsor; promoting multilateral diplomacy to consolidate bilateral relationships; enlisting the international support for the interests and position of Viet Nam, including protection of its sovereignty over the seas and islands in the East Sea. The diplomatic activities carried out by our leaders at various multilateral fora underlined Viet Nam’s

President Tran Dai Quang in a group photo with Heads of Delegations attending the 16th Francophonie Summit in Madagascar (26 November 2016) – VNA



growing prestige and status, including those by President Tran Dai Quang at the APEC Economic Leader’s Week 2016, the 16th Francophonie Summit in Madagascar, of Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc at the ASEAN Summit and related Meetings, and ASEAN-Russia Summit, ASEANUS Summit, ASEAN-China Summit, ASEM Summit, the expanded G7 Summit, of President of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan at the ASEAN InterParliamentary Assembly (AIPA), of Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh’s at the Nuclear Security Summit, the Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement, the UN General Assembly, ASEAN Ministerial Meetings, and ASEAN Ministerial Meetings with the dialogue partners, and of other leaders of the Government and National Assembly. In addition, Viet Nam, as a founding member, also made positive contributions to the works of such new mechanisms as the Mekong-Lancang cooperation, and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). The international community spoke highly of Viet Nam’s contributions at fora such as United Nations Human Rights Council for 2014-2016, the UNESCO World Heritage Committee for 20132017, the United Nations Economic and Social Council for 2016-2018, and the UNESCO Executive Board for 2015-2019. This demonstrated Viet Nam’s growing capabilities to implement its foreign policy in the context of its comprehensive integration. In order to continue promoting its role in and enhancing its contributions to the international community, Viet Nam has been actively preparing for the hosting of APEC 2017 in Viet Nam and for its candidature as a non-permanent member


of the UNSC for the term 2020-2021 with concrete roadmaps. I. Diplomatic activities within ASEAN In 2016, Viet Nam, with a high sense of responsibility, continued to actively participate in and proactively make contributions to the various cooperation activities of ASEAN, thus providing significant contribution to the outcomes of implementing ASEAN Community Vision 2025 in the three pillars namely the Political- security Community, the Economic Community, and the CulturalSocial Community as well as in ASEAN’s external relations, thereby accelerating the community building process in the first year and upholding the consolidation and strengthening of ASEAN’s solidarity and role in important regional issues, including the East Sea issue. Viet Nam’s Ministries and Agencies have been developing projects, programs and plans to implement the ASEAN Community Vision 2025; at the same time, they have been actively supporting Laos in its ASEAN Chairmanship year of 2016. The 28th and 29th ASEAN Summits and other Summits with Dialogue Partners in Laos (September 2016) with the theme of “Turning Vision into Reality for a Dynamic ASEAN Community” focused on reviewing the progress of implementation, and discussing ways to promote cooperation and regional and international issues of mutual interest. Political-security cooperation: Viet Nam continued to promote the establishment and effective use of tools and mechanisms to ensure regional security as well as the strengthening of ASEAN’s solidarity, unity and centrality in addressing regional issues; and build confidence and norms of conducts, 33



addressing non-traditional security issues and issues emerging in the relationship with the partners. Viet Nam actively participated and promoted cooperation in regional mechanisms and fora namely the East Asia Summit (EAS), ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting Plus (ADMM+); participated in formulation of working plans with substance befitting the country’s interests and chaired/co-chaired diplomatic, defense and public security cooperation activities, including the hosting of the ASEAN- China SOM and Working group on DOC (June 2016), the 4th ADMM+ Experts’ Working Group on Humanitarian Mine Action (October 2016), the Special Meeting of the ASEAN Inter-governmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) (October 2016) and AICHR Workshop on Effective Communication Strategies to Combat Trafficking in Persons, ARF Training Course on Preventive Diplomacy, the first ASEAN Traffic Police Forum (October 2016); proposed to the ARF to adopt a Statement on enhancement of cooperation among maritime law enforcement forces; promoted the full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) and early conclusion of a Code of Conduct for Parties in the South China Sea (COC). Economic cooperation: Viet Nam has fully and actively participated in meetings at various levels in all related areas, and closely coordinated with ASEAN countries in reviewing and implementing commitments to trade in goods and services, investment; actively and proactively coordinated with ASEAN in developing and adopting strategic action plans in specific areas to implement the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 34

Blueprint 2025. As the coordinator of the ASEAN-EU economic cooperation, Viet Nam made active contributions to the promotion of the ASEAN-EU economic and trade relations and earned high appreciation from both the EU and ASEAN. Viet Nam also accomplished its chairmanship in the negotiations of the trade in services agreement under the ASEAN-Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership (AJCEP) and chaired the Investment Group (representing ASEAN) in the negotiation on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). As Chairman of the 15th ASEAN Telecommunication Ministers’ Meeting, Viet Nam also coordinated the cooperation activities for 2016 and determined the priorities for 2017. Socio-cultural cooperation: Viet Nam actively proposed initiatives, and contributed to the advances in the areas pertaining to the people’s interest such as national preparatory meetings for 9th ASEAN Forum on Migrant Labor (AFML) (September 2016), and hosted the 4th ASEAN Children Forum (June 2016); participated and won 3rd place in the ASEAN Skills Competition in Malaysia (September 2016); successfully accomplished its chairmanship of the ASEAN Health Ministers’ Meeting (20142016) that included various workshops, and meetings within ASEAN and between ASEAN and its Plus 3 partners (China, Japan, Republic of Korea). Connectivity and narrowing of development gaps: Viet Nam organized the national consultations and proactively provided valuable inputs for the drafting of the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025 and the IAI Work Plan Phase III (2016-2020).


Relationship with the partners of ASEAN: Viet Nam fulfilled its role as the coordinator of the ASEAN-India relations, including the hosting of the ASEANIndia Senior Officials’ Meeting in Hanoi (March 2016), pushed for the completion of the Memorandum of Understanding to Establish the ASEAN – India Centre; drafted and managed to attain approval for the list of priority actions to implement the ASEAN-India Action Plan 20162018 (including the Software Development Center in Ho Chi Minh City, the English Language and Information Technology Center in Nha Trang etc.). In addition, Viet Nam also contributed to the promotion of cooperation within the framework of the East Asia Summit (EAS), engaged in negotiations on formulating and adopting the outcome documents of the ASEAN Summits with its Dialogue Partners, the Commemorative Summits with China and


Russia, and the Special Summit with the United States, and promoted the relations with Japan; contributed to the formulation and completion of the ASEAN-UN Action Plan for 2016 - 2020, thus helping secure ASEAN’s centrality as well as the interest and support from its partners. People-to-people diplomacy: The Viet Nam Union of Friendship Associations organized a delegation of 17 representatives from Vietnamese people’s organizations to attend the ASEAN People’s Forum (APF) 2016 in Timor Leste (August 2016) and recorded encouraging outcomes. II. Diplomatic activities at the United Nations At the United Nations, Viet Nam proactively put forth constructive initiatives on a range of international issues pertaining to peace, security, sustainable development, human rights and earned wide support

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh addressing the annual high-level debate of the 71st session of the UN General Assembly in New York (24 September 2016) – VNA




from the international community. At the same time, Viet Nam continued to make good use of its membership at the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) for 2016-2018; actively campaigned for a non-permanent seat at the United Nations Security Council for the term 2020-2021. Also in 2016, Viet Nam continued to enhance its participation in UN peacekeeping operations. At the high-level segment of ECOSOC (July 2016), Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh, as the Head of the Vietnamese delegation, was invited to deliver the keynote speech at the opening session and as the keynote speaker at the High Level Event on Responding to the Impacts of El Niño and Mitigating Recurring Climate Risks together with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. This was a hallmark of Viet Nam’s first year as a member of ECOSOC. Together with a series of other activities within the ECOSOC, Viet Nam has managed to highlight its priorities and concerns, including the implementation of sustainable development goals, and responding to climate change, among others. Together with its membership at the United Nations Human Rights Council for 2014-2016, Viet Nam’s active role in ECOSOC helped uplift the country’s status and image at multilateral fora and within the international community. Many countries and partners expected Viet Nam to work with them and play a greater role in multilateral fora in addressing global and regional challenges, and be a good role model for other developing countries in realizing the Sustainable Development Goals. Viet Nam actively requested the UN development bodies to provide support 36

to various projects and programs in areas that are in line with the country’s socioeconomic development needs. In the period of 2012-2016, UN development agencies committed to support Viet Nam with $480 million aid in areas of sustainable growth, quality social services, governance enhancement and about $430 million aid for 2017-2021 to mainstream the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into Viet Nam’s socio-economic development plan 2016-2020. In 2016, Viet Nam actively participated in the multilateral fora on oceans and law of the sea at the UN, namely the 26th Meeting of State Parties to UNCLOS (SPLOS), annual meeting of the International Seabed Authority (ISA), meetings of the Preparatory Committee on Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ), the negotiation of the Resolution on Ocean and Law of the Sea in the United Nations General Assembly. These activities contributed to asserting Viet Nam’s policy and stance on the sustainable development and use of oceans in accordance with international law. On 3 November 2016, the UN General Assembly elected Viet Nam’s candidate, Ambassador, Dr. Nguyen Hong Thao as a member of the UN International Law Commission (ILC) for 2017-2021. Dr. Thao was one of the seven ILC members of the Asian group and the only member of ASEAN at ILC. This was the first time a Vietnamese expert was nominated and elected to an international legal body, affirming Viet Nam’s comprehensive international integration policy, including in the legal domain, and its participation in the codification and progressive development of international law at the ILC.


III. Diplomatic activities in regional and subregional mechanisms In 2016, Viet Nam successfully hosted many important multilateral activities, including the 7th ACMECS Summit and the 8th CLMV Summit. Vietnamese leaders attended a range of international Summits and fora such as the 1st Mekong - Lancang Cooperation Summit (March 2016), the Mekong-Japan Cooperation Summit (September 2016), the 2nd Asian Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) (October 2016), the 9th Cambodia-Laos-Viet Nam Development Triangle Summit (November 2016), and the 22nd International Conference on The Future of Asia (Japan, May 2016). Through the multilateral activities, Viet Nam made positive contributions


to sustainable development, protection of environment and water security in the Mekong River; contributed to the mobilization of financial resources, experience and expertise from development partners. Viet Nam also strengthened its connectivity with Laos and Cambodia, facilitated trade and investment through the launch of the one-stop shop on the EastWest Economic Corridor (EWEC). Through its sub-regional cooperation mechanisms, Viet Nam also promoted cooperation with its neighbors and major partners such as Japan, China, the United States, Republic of Korea and India, contributing to the strengthening of political relations, economic cooperation, trade, investment and the promotion of people – to - people exchanges. Viet





Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc chaired the 7th Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (ACMECS- 7) Summit in Hanoi (26 October 2016) – VNA




protection and sustainable use of transboundary water resources, particularly the Mekong River water resources at the Mekong River Commission (MRC). In 2016, Viet Nam cooperated effectively with upstream countries, requested China to discharge the water from the Jinghong Dam, and requested Laos to coordinate and support the flow regulation in order to help the downstream countries cope with drought and saline intrusion. Viet Nam regularly conducted exchanges with and requested the MRC member countries, development partners and MRC Dialogue partners to support the revision of the 1994 Plan of hydropower structures on the mainstream of the Mekong River in order to harmonize the interests of riparian states and the objectives of sustainable development of the river basin.

The preparation for APEC Viet Nam 2017 has been carried out in a comprehensive and effective way and has essentially been completed in all major areas, from contents, facilities, logistics and finance, protocols, communicationculture, security, healthcare, organizational and personnel matters, etc. APEC member economies supported and endorsed Viet Nam’s proposal for the theme of APEC 2017 “Creating New Dynamism, Fostering a Shared Future” as well as the priorities and the calendar of APEC major activities in 2017. IV. Viet Nam’s active contributions to the promotion of human rights In the last year of its 2014-2016 term, Viet Nam fulfilled its membership of the Human Rights Council. Viet Nam

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh in a photo with delegates to the Symposium on priorities for APEC 2017 in Hanoi (8 Dec 2016) - VNA



proposed many initiatives and organized discussions on “The Rights of Persons with Disabilities” (March 2016), “The Rights of Maritime Workers” (June 2016), “Strengthening the education of women and girls against human trafficking” (September 2016); together with the Philippines and Bangladesh co-sponsored the Resolution on the negative impacts of climate change on children’s rights (June 2016). Viet Nam was elected as a member of the Working Group on the status of the Human Rights Council Complaint Procedure (OHCHR), performed an effective role as the coordinator in ASEAN. Viet Nam also actively participated in and contributed to the work of the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR).


Human rights dialogues with the United States (April 2016), Australia (August 2016), Switzerland (October 2016) and the EU (December 2016) produced fruitful outcomes. The partners all appreciated the quality of the dialogues, acknowledging real progress in human rights in Viet Nam. Viet Nam continued to improve its regulatory and policy framework in order to promote and protect human rights, especially to raise the living standards, ensure social security, create jobs, care for the vulnerable groups in line with with the UN legal norms in this regard, particularly the United Nations fundamental human rights instruments and the relevant conventions of the International Labour Organization.




Chapter Four


18 advocacy achieved positive outcomes.

Economic diplomacy was implemented in a well-organized, proactive and comprehensive manner, both at home and abroad, rich in substance and diverse in activities. This has contributed positively to the national socio-economic development.

Third, multilateral diplomacy activities were promoted in an active, proactive and responsible manner, contributing to safeguarding national interests and enhancing the country profile in the international arena, especially at important multilateral cooperation mechanisms such as the United Nations, ASEAN, APEC, ASEM, WEF, the expanded G7, G20, Mekong Sub-regional Cooperation. Preparation for the APEC year 2017 was carried out actively and on schedule. Viet Nam’s interests have also been incorporated into the agenda. Such preparation was to ensure the success of this important multilateral event that would thereby enhance Viet Nam’s position and prestige. Viet Nam continued to encourage other countries on early ratification and effective implementation of such concluded FTAs as TPP, EVFTA, and the FTAs with EAEU and the Republic of Korea. Advocacy for the recognition of Viet Nam’s market economy status (MES) continued to achieve positive results: Additional seven countries have recognized Viet Nam’s MES, bringing the total number to 65.

First, the diplomatic sector actively conducted studies and provided economic policy advices to the Government on socioeconomic administration with monthly world economic reports, other extraordinary in-depth reports and practical policy recommendations on the important trends and developments of the world economy. Consultations with prominent economic experts and scholars of prestigious international think-tanks and universities (OECD, the Economist, Harvard University, Viet Nam Initiative Group ...) have been promoted, creating a valuable advisory channel for the Government in socio-economic administration. Second, visits and contacts at all levels, especially at high-level, with the partners have witnessed a higher focus on economic agenda. This has helped deepen Viet Nam’s economic relations with other countries especially with major powers, strengthen cooperation with neighboring and ASEAN countries, expand relations with traditional friends and potential partners, thus contributing to creating a favorable environment for economic cooperation and development. Political and diplomatic advocacy with partners to maintain and increase ODA and attract FDI inflows continued to be strengthened. IDA40

Fourth, the diplomatic sector continued to actively support ministries, agencies, localities and enterprises in promoting international cooperation, exploring and expanding markets for commodities and labor, and attracting foreign investment through hundreds of economic diplomacy promotion activities both at home and abroad. Overseas Vietnamese representative missions actively expanded


their work on finding and matching partners; and did their utmost to mobilize political support and provide assistance in handling difficulties and obstacles in order to protect the legitimate interests of both the State and enterprises in the cooperation, business and investment relations with foreign partners. II. Cultural diplomacy and external communication 1. Cultural diplomacy Cultural diplomacy activities have been implemented in an increasingly organized manner with encouraging outcomes. The project proposal “Honoring President Ho Chi Minh, a Vietnamese hero of national liberation and great man of culture in foreign countries” was undertaken in various forms to honor Uncle Ho. This has helped create a synergy with other activities to promote the Vietnamese history, traditions and people and strengthen the relations with the host countries. It is worth noting that, since the beginning of 2016, the activities in recognition of Uncle Ho has been well-received, supported and participated by neighboring countries and most of ASEAN countries as well as strategic partners and traditional friends. Notable events in 2016 were held in Laos, Thailand, China, Russia, Japan, India, France, Austria, Kazakhstan, Bangladesh, Chile, Panama, Mexico, and Madagascar. The Cultural Diplomacy Strategy to 2020 has been implemented in a well-coordinated manner at home and abroad with numerous events. This has helped promote Viet Nam’s images, land and people, and policies and priorities. At home, many events were held such as “Day about Viet Nam”, “Meet the Provinces 2016”, “Ambassadors’ Cuisine Club”. Working visits for the Diplomatic


Corps have been organized to various provinces and cities in order to promote the potentials and strengths, attract investment and explore cooperation opportunities for these localities. There has been effective coordination with and support to the cities and provinces in hosting cultural events and festivals with foreign participation such as the Mountain-ebony Festival in Dien Bien, Hue Festival, Ninh Thuan Grape and Wine Festival, Beach Sports Festival in Da Nang. In foreign countries, we have successfully organized Viet Nam Days/ Weeks in Thailand and the Philippines, and the “Viet Nam Days in Denmark and Switzerland”. A Viet Nam booth was put in display to promote the country on the occasion of President Tran Dai Quang’s participation at the 16th Francophonie Summit in Madagascar (November-2016). Viet Nam has participated actively, proactively, and extensively to provide substantive contributions to the various domains of UNESCO’s work, namely: We submitted to UNESCO for recognizing the “Worshipping of Mother Goddesses” as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity (December-2016), “Phuc Giang School Woodblocks” and “Royal Literature on Hue Royal Architecture” as documentary heritages of the Memory of the World Program for the Asia-Pacific (19 May 2016). Work has also been done to support Ambassador Pham Sanh Chau’s candidacy for the position of Director General of UNESCO for the 2017-2021 period. 2. External communication External communication in 2016 was carried out in a well-coordinated, wellorganized manner as planned both at home and at overseas Vietnamese missions. 41



There have been changes in both substance and activities, effectively meeting the objectives for external communication of the Party and the State.

post- APEC communication. The APEC Viet Nam 2017 website has been launched, an excellent source of information and images available in different languages.

The prominent feature of the external communication activities was the proactive and creative way in which the information was communicated. This helped create positive media effects for the success of major diplomatic activities of the Party and the State, including such major national political events as the 12th Party Congress, the election of deputies to the 14th National Assembly and the election of deputies to the People’s Councils at all levels for the 2016-2021 term of office, contributing to the strengthening of the relationship between Viet Nam and other countries while helping the public better understand the policies of the Party and the State as well as Viet Nam’s position on regional and international issues, thereby winning the understanding and support of the people at home and international friends towards our national development and defense.

Through its spokesperson, Viet Nam was able to provide information more effectively to the press and media, meeting the ever growing needs for public information and countering public opinion in the new context. In 2016, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs held 12 regular press briefings, responded to nearly 200 questions from domestic and foreign correspondents, handed out hundreds of press releases. We coordinated regularly and effectively with the Central Commission for Communication and Education, the Steering Committee for External Communication, ministries and agencies in this regard.

Information and communication for the ACMECS-7 Summit, the CLMV 8 Summit and WEF-Mekong Summit, the largest multilateral diplomatic events in 2016, were implemented effectively. This helped elevate the prestige of Viet Nam as an active and responsible member in the Mekong sub-region.

Services for foreign correspondents were strengthened, especially in the coverage of diplomatic activities of highlevel leaders. In the past year, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs assisted nearly 2,000 foreign correspondents from more than 380 foreign media delegations to report about Viet Nam. We actively cooperated with major press and media agencies in the world to promote the image of Viet Nam as well as of the APEC 2017.

Researches on external communication and measures to maximize the effects of public diplomacy were prioritized in order In addition, special attention was to effectively respond to the demands of paid to communication for the APEC the new circumstances and to enhance 2017 and the APEC Economic Leaders’ promotion of Viet Nam. The application Week. Preparatory works began early and of information technology advances in proactively on the principle of effectively press and media affairs was strengthened utilizing the existing facilities and engaging in tandem with the upgrading of the the private sector. The Culture Promotion Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ website with Master Plan for APEC 2017 was developed multimedia and direct links to the websites with concrete orientations for targeted of the overseas Vietnamese representative communication activities as well as for the missions. 42


III. Overseas Vietnamese-related activities and citizens and legal person protection Based on the review of the implementation of the Politburo’s Resolution No.36-NQ/TW dated 26 March 2004 and the Politburo’s Directive No. 45-CT /TW dated 19 May 2015 on overseas Vietnamese-related affairs, on 5 April 2016, the Government issued an Action Program to “further accelerate the implementation of Resolution No. 36NQ/TW of the Politburo of the 9th tenure on Overseas Vietnamese-related affairs for 2016-2020.” On that basis, various practical and meaningful activities for overseas Vietnamese were organized such as the 2016 Homeland Spring Festival, celebrations of major holidays such as the Liberation of the South, the National Day, donations and marches to show support to the Spratly Islands, organization of visits to the Spratly Islands, Summer Camp for the children of overseas Vietnamese, training for overseas Vietnamese teachers, the Meetings between the Prime Minister and exemplary overseas intellectuals. Cultural and language teaching classes were also organized for Vietnamese children in foreign countries. Efforts were also undertaken to assist overseas Vietnamese compatriots to soon obtain legal status, and effectively integrate into the local societies. Notably, the Conference “Overseas Vietnamese with the rapid, sustainable development and international integration of Ho Chi Minh City” (November 2016) and the “Meeting between the Prime Minister and exemplary overseas Vietnamese experts, intellectuals and businessmen” (November 2016) were attended by 500 overseas Vietnamese around the globe. They contributed concrete and practical ideas and solutions to the both short- and


long-term sustainable development issues of the country and of Ho Chi Minh City. These events paved way for more frequent exchanges among intellectuals and compatriots at home and abroad. These initiatives were highly appreciated by the Prime Minister and the leaders of Ho Chi Minh City. Amid the increased exchanges and rapid expansion of cooperation between Viet Nam and other countries and the emergence of new complex developments and escalated political and security hot spots in different countries and regions around the world, the protection of Vietnamese citizens abroad has become a regular and vital duty. In addition, the growing complex violations of foreign fishing grounds by Vietnamese fishermen along with the increased control and stricter measures against violators by a number of countries also posed challenges for citizen protection. During 2016, Viet Nam undertook timely measures to protect Vietnamese citizens living, studying, working and traveling in places affected by natural disasters, conflicts and wars (Ukraine, Cambodia, Laos, Taiwan, Korea, Saudi Arabia etc.). With regard to the protection of fishermen and fishing vessels, Viet Nam requested foreign authorities to ensure humane treatments to the Vietnamese fishermen who were arrested for violating foreign waters and coordinated with foreign authorities to bring home vessels and fishermen (134 cases/262 vessels/2,395 fishermen). This helped reassure our fishermen and diaspora, and encouraged them to fully comply with the laws and regulations of Viet Nam and host countries. IV. Diplomacy for Safeguarding National Sovereignty, Maritime Territories and Islands and Fatherland’s Security 43



Diplomacy played a significant role in safeguarding land, maritime territorial sovereignty and national security. Over the past year, progress was made in the border affairs with China, Laos, and Cambodia. Regarding China, the two sides continued to promote cooperation in border management and protection, contributing to the maintenance and strengthening of stability and security, public law and order in border areas and fostering development in border localities. Land border management mechanisms such as the Viet Nam-China Land Border Committee, the Viet Nam-China Land Border Checkpoints Management Cooperation Committee continued to fulfill their roles in practice. Competent Vietnamese and Chinese authorities worked closely together and satisfactorily and promptly dealt with emerging issues in border areas. Bilateral patrols, exchanges of information, cooperation in the fight against transnational crimes, and friendly exchanges between border administration authorities both at the central and local levels were carried out with increasing efficiency. Notably, in March 2016, the two Defense Ministries organized the 3rd Friendly Defense Exchange between the two countries. During the past year, the two sides also conducted 54 bilateral patrols, promptly identified and settled arising issues in the border areas and improved the effectiveness of border management and protection. In May 2016, the two countries held a bilateral conference to review the five - year implementation of the three legal documents on Viet Nam - China land border in Nanning (China). Both sides acknowledged the good effects of implementing these agreements on border affairs as well as on their bilateral relations. 44

During the year, the two sides actively worked towards finalizing necessary internal procedures to officially bring into effect on 16 June 2016 the Cooperation Agreement on the Development and Protection of Tourism Resources in Ban Gioc Waterfall and the Agreement on Free Vessel Passage at the mouth of Beilun River (signed in November 2015). These two agreements served as essential legal frameworks for Viet Nam and China to cooperate in unlocking the tourism potentials in Ban Gioc Waterfall as well as managing, administering and regulating the water transportation at the mouth of Beilun River, making the China – Viet Nam border into one of peace, cooperation and development. Additionally, in order to meet the rising demand in economictrade, tourism and cultural exchanges between the two countries, greater attention was given to supporting the provinces located along the Viet Nam – China borderline in their social-economic development and livelihood improvement in 2016. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as the coordinating agency, worked closely with relevant ministries, agencies and local authorities as well as Chinese counterparts to identify the direction of the land borderline for the sake of connecting transport routes in places where infrastructure connectivity projects were being implemented, helping officially open the bilateral border gate at the provinces of Soc Giang (Cao Bang) and Pingmeng (Guangxi). These efforts facilitated border provinces in strengthening economic, trade and cultural ties, thus contributing to the socio-economic development of border provinces in particular and of the two countries in general. Regarding Laos, the Closing Ceremony on the completion of the project to


increase and renovate the border marker system along the Viet Nam – Laos border took placed in Hanoi on 16 March 2016, marking the success of this “Viet NamLaos Friendship Project”. On this occasion, the two sides signed a Viet Nam- Laos protocol on borderline and border markers, an agreement on regulations on land border and checkpoint management, and the terms of the regulations on land border and checkpoint management, which formed the full set of dossier on demarcation between Viet Nam and Laos. Hence, the clearly demarcated borderline between the two countries well reflected in legal documents and supported by a formal, advanced and enduring land border marker system, which facilitated their cooperation in borderline and border marker management and protection, as well as in settling emerging problems in this regard. The two sides also completed the procedures on renewing


the Government-level Agreement on addressing issues related to uncontrolled migrants and unregistered marriages in border areas for an additional three years from the date of renewal (14 November 2016). In 2016, the two sides organized a joint pilot program on survey, inventory, classification and listing of uncontrolled migrants and unregistered marriages in a designated pair of communes/villages in Viet Nam and Laos. Lessons from the pilot program would be used to replicate the model in the entire border areas between the two countries. During this year, Viet Nam hosted the 25th Viet Nam – Laos annual meeting of border delegations to comprehensively review and evaluate the borderline and border checkpoints management; economic, trade, cultural and tourism development; and the implementation of the Government-level

The Closing Ceremony to mark the completion of the Viet Nam – Laos Project to increase and renovate the border marker system in Hanoi (16 March 2016) – VNA.




Agreement on addressing issues related to uncontrolled migrants and unregistered marriages in the border areas. This was also an occasion to exchange views on the future cooperation in border management so as to build a Viet Nam- Laos borderline of peace, stability, friendship, cooperation and sustainable development. Also in 2016, border provinces and relevant authorities actively worked together in joint patrols, controls and exchanges, and timely settled arising border issues. Furthermore, people-to-people contacts have been maintained regularly in terms of exchanges, cooperation, commerce, medical examination and studying, all of which were conducted in accordance with the laws and regulations. Regarding Cambodia, both countries continued to accelerate land border demarcation and border marker plantation and seek solutions to any outstanding issues for their early completion. By 31 December 2016, the two sides had demarcated 928.9 km of borderline, planted 314 out of 371 main markers, and 1,530 auxiliary border markers and 210 additional markers according to the map (UTM scale 1/50,000) to further clarify the direction of the borderline, completing 83% of the total workload. In 2016, with the joint efforts from both sides, the situation along the land border was generally stable. Coordination in border management continued to be implemented on the basis of the legal documents and agreements signed between the two countries. At the meeting of the Viet Nam – Cambodia Joint Committee on Land Border Demarcation and Marker Planting in October 2016, the two sides achieved further positive outcomes, thus accelerating settlement of remaining un-demarcated border segments. This was an important step to promote people-to-people exchanges and 46

economic cooperation among the relevant provinces. At sea, given the complex developments in the East Sea in 2016, diplomatic activities were carried out in a flexible and creative manner to promote various forms of cooperation and settlement of maritime issues, firmly safeguard the sovereignty and interests of Viet Nam, and maintain security and stability in the East Sea. Additionally, Viet Nam also made use of available opportunities to promote friendship and cooperation and engage in dialogues towards a fundamental and lasting solution to the issue. The significant achievements in maritime affairs in 2016 included the followings: i) we stood firm in safeguarding our legitimate rights and interests in the East Sea by peaceful means in accordance with international law, particularly the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, preventing the escalation of tension that might affect the environment, security and stability, and timely expressed positions in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of Viet Nam; ii) we were able to enlist the international community’s support and understanding towards Viet Nam’s righteous position, and enhance the role and voice of Viet Nam at regional and international forums on the East Sea issue. This helped significantly raise the interest of the international community on maintaining peace, security, stability and freedom of navigation and overflight in the East Sea, as well as compliance with the principle of settling disputes by peaceful means, and respect for diplomatic and legal processes; iii) In 2016, Viet Nam carried out multiple rounds of negotiations concerning issues at sea and actively sought to resolve outstanding problems with other countries. With China, the two sides completed a joint field survey in the area outside the mouth


of the Tonkin Gulf in April 2016 for the purpose of delimitation and development cooperation, and conducted the eighth round of negotiation of the Working Group on Cooperation in less sensitive areas at sea in April 2016 in Qingdao, China, and the ninth round of negotiation of this Working Group in September, 2016 in Hanoi. Additionally, both sides also held a meeting between the two chief negotiators of the Government-level delegations on Viet Nam – China border and territory in April 2016 in China as well as a meeting between the two Government-level negotiating delegations on border and territory in December, 2016 in Beijing. At these meetings and negotiations, the two sides agreed to seriously implement the common understanding between the two countries’ high-level leaders as well as the Viet Nam - China Agreement on Basic Principles guiding the settlement of issues at sea, to effectively control disagreements, refrain from any actions which might complicate and expand the disputes, resolve disputes by peaceful means in accordance with international law, particularly the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. The two sides agreed to promote dialogues on maritime issues, effectively implement the three less sensitive signed projects and continue to strengthen cooperation on search and rescue, bring into full play the cooperative mechanisms on maritime activities; study the possibility of cooperation for joint development in surveyed areas off the mouth of the Gulf of Tonkin. With Indonesia, the two sides conducted negotiations on delimiting the Exclusive Economic Zones (the 8th negotiation was held in March 2016 in Bali and the ninth negotiation was held in November 2016 in Hanoi). With Malaysia, the two sides held the 17th meeting of


the Joint Technical Advisory Committee in November 2016 in Malaysia. With ASEAN, Viet Nam, as an active member of ASEAN, played its role in promoting full and implementation of the DOC and early conclusion of COC; iv) we promoted consultations and exchanges and expanded cooperation at sea with countries within and beyond the region in order to share experience and seek a common voice on sea-related issues, particularly in maintaining peace, stability and freedom of navigation and overflight in the East Sea; v) we ensured the implementation of those activities aimed at exercising the legitimate rights and interests of Viet Nam. The Government instructed relevant authorities to implement various integrated measures to support the fishermen and protect their activities in the Vietnamese waters as well as properly settle fishermen and fisheriesrelated issues. On security-defense diplomacy, Viet Nam made new progress in international integration in the area of politics national defense – security. This clearly demonstrated Viet Nam’s consistent policy on comprehensive integration and its responsibility to the international community. Viet Nam successfully fulfilled its roles at the UN peacekeeping missions in South Sudan and the Central African Republic; and was actively preparing for future UN peacekeeping missions at a suitable time. Viet Nam’s participation in the ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting (ADMM), ADMM with Russia, China and the U.S.; and in the joint exercises under the framework of ADMM+, contributed to enhancing the political trust and strengthening the capacity for joint actions. Viet Nam welcomed port calls of naval vessels from various countries. 47





between the two Parties and States.

2016 was the first year that Viet Nam implemented its external affairs in the spirit of the Resolutions of the 12th National Party Congress. Given the unexpected, uncertain and unstable developments in the region and the world in 2016, the Party’s external affairs continued to be implemented in an active, constructive, creative and effective manner, achieving noticeable and encouraging results.

The friendship and trust between the Communist Party of Viet Nam and the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party continued to be promoted, particularly after the successes of the National Congress of the two Parties; political trust was further consolidated, adding depth to the bilateral cooperation. The two sides also continued to promote exchanges and consultations, especially through the exchanges of delegations at high level or at Party Commission Chair level, including the visit to Laos by the Politburo member and Head of the Party Central Committee’s Personnel and Organization Commission Pham Minh Chinh (August 2016), and others. We improved the coordinating mechanism between the two Parties and stepped up cooperation in training strategic officials. Information dissemination and education activities on the traditional relationship were also promoted.

First, the traditional friendship between the Communist Party of Viet Nam and the ruling communist parties as well as the ruling parties of neighboring countries having shared borderlines continued to be strengthened and served as an important guiding political foundation for the bilateral relations. The relations with the Communist Party of China has been continuously maintained and strengthened and become increasingly closer. In addition to exchanging high-level delegations, delegation exchanges also took place at various levels and in many forms, including special envoys, thematic research and discussion, education and training for officials, information and experience sharing. These activities focused on practical contents to meet the two Parties’ need in the development process, contributing to enhancing the Party-toParty cooperation. For the first time, the two parties conducted an annual meeting mechanism between representatives of the two Politburos, thus consolidating political trust and further promoting the cooperation 48

The relations with the Cambodian People’s Party were steadily maintained; both sides underscored the needs to strengthen and promote the role of the relations between the two Parties in mapping out orientations for the bilateral relations. In light of new developments in 2016, the relations with the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) and the Worker’s Party of Korea (WPK) continued to be consolidated through the visits to Viet Nam by the Special Envoy of First Secretary of the PCC’s Central Committee Salvador Valdes Mesa (June 2016) to brief the outcomes of the 7th Congress of the Communist Party


of Cuba and the Politburo member and Vice Chairman of the Central Committee of the WPK Choe Thae-bok (June 2016). Second, the relations with ruling, political, communist, workers’ and leftwing parties were further strengthened and expanded, contributing to building trust and consolidating the political foundation. At the same time this helped enhance the role and position of the Communist Party of Viet Nam in the international arena. The Communist Party of Viet Nam continued to strengthen, expand and deepen the relations with ruling and political parties of major partners such as the U.S.A, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, the Philippines and Myanmar, etc., giving more room for Viet Nam to expand cooperation given the rapid changes taking place in these countries. The exchanges of visits at all levels between the Communist Party of Viet Nam and the ruling and political parties of various countries saw vibrant and productive developments. Regarding


traditional relations with communist and workers’ parties , the Communist Party of Viet Nam attached importance to consolidating and adding depth to relations with them. The exchanges of theoretical and practical experience with the Japanese Communist Party and the Social Democratic Party of Germany, etc., offered valuable information for both sides, notably through the visits to Viet Nam of the Vice Chairman of the Japanese Communist Party Yasuo Ogata (March 2016), the General Secretary of Mexico’s Labor Party Alberto Gutierrez (September 2016) and the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Greece Dimitrios Koutsoumpas (July 2016), etc. Third, Viet Nam actively participated in and recorded important achievements at multilateral forums for political parties. This is an effective channel for coordination to defend national interests, for building and strengthening the relations with other parties, and for enhancing the prestige

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong welcomed Heads of delegations attending the 18th International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties in Hanoi (28-29 October 2016) – VNA.




of the Communist Party of Viet Nam in international arena. In 2016, the multilateral activities of the Party recorded many important achievements. For the first time, the Communist Party of Viet Nam successfully hosted the 18th International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties with ground-breaking results, thus significantly enhancing the solidarity and unity and creating momentum to the movement. The success of the event also reinforced the parties’ common voice as this marked the first time in many years that all parties reached a consensus and issued a joint document. This is significant in mapping out principles, mechanisms for the forum as well as ways and means to enhance its effectiveness. The Communist Party of Viet Nam

also effectively played its role as a member of the Standing Committee of the International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP) and actively participated in other multilateral political party mechanisms such as the Sao Paulo Forum, the international forum “Political Parties and a new society”, the forum on the Latin American Progressive Encounter, etc. Fourth, Party’s external communication continued to be promoted and recorded various important achievements. The Party’s external relations channel provided timely information on the 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of Viet Nam to all political parties, international organizations and friends all over the world. The 12th National Congress of the Communist Party of Viet Nam received the highest number of congratulatory

Member of the Party Central Committee, Chairman of the Party Commission for External Relations Hoang Binh Quan, Special Envoy of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong visited Cuba to brief the results of the 12th National Congress of the Party (March 2016) – VNA



messages: 253 messages from political parties, organizations and individuals; and over 90 congratulatory messages extended to Comrade Nguyen Phu Trong for his re-election as the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Viet Nam. This was vivid evidence of the friendship, appreciation, attention as well as the willingness of political parties worldwide to strengthen the ties with the Communist Party of Viet Nam. Additionally, the Documents of the 12th National Congress were translated and published into 7 foreign languages: English, Russian, French, Spanish, Chinese, Lao and Khmer. The Communist Party of Viet Nam also welcomed various parties’ press delegations to Viet Nam to report on the 12th National Congress, received special envoys’ delegations from a number of parties coming to Viet Nam to congratulate the country on the success of the National Congress. Viet Nam also sent various delegations authorized by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong to visit a number of important traditional partners to brief them on the results of the 12th National Congress. These efforts created positive momentum, thus contributing to expanding and consolidating the relations between the Communist Party of Viet Nam and other political parties and partners all over the world. Furthermore, the Party’s external communication was also enhanced and diversified to gradually improve its effectiveness, actively contributing to realizing the foreign policy of the Party and the State. In short, the Party’s external relations in 2016 were implemented in a comprehensive, active, constructive and innovative manner and recorded various


important achievements. Both the bilateral and multilateral activities of the Party have been further strengthened and implemented with practical substance, significantly enhancing the role and position of Party’s diplomacy in realizing the State’s foreign policy in general. II. The National Assembly’s external affairs 2016 was the transitional year of the 13th and 14th legislatures of the National Assembly. The key foreign affairs tasks of the National Assembly were conducted in a continuous and consistent manner in the right direction and recorded various important achievements. 1. Bilateral external activities were continuously strengthened, adding depth and substance to the cooperation between the National Assembly of Viet Nam and the Parliaments of other countries. In particular, priorities were given to partners having special relations, neighboring countries, countries in the region, strategic and traditional partners; contributing to deepening mutual understanding and rallying support from other Parliaments. In 2016, the National Assembly of Viet Nam paid 28 official and working visits to various countries, including three President-led delegations, including the visit to Cuba by President of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan to attend the funeral of the late President of Cuba Fidel Castro, and 6 delegations at VicePresident level. The National Assembly of Viet Nam also received 26 parliamentary delegations visiting Viet Nam, of which 5 were led by the Presidents/Chairmen and 2 by Vice-Presidents/Vice Chairmen. Highlights of external affairs include official visits to Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar 51



President of the National Assembly of Cambodia Samdech Heng Samrin and President of the National Assembly of Viet Nam Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan at the official welcoming ceremony at the Headquarters of the Cambodian National Assembly (27 September 2016) – VNA

(and attending AIPA-37) by President of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan (September 2016). The visit was of great importance, being the first overseas visit by Madam Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan as President of the National Assembly. In 2016, the Vice Presidents of the National Assembly paid visits to Italy, UK, Switzerland, Denmark, European Parliament (EP), Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway and Finland. Apart from the highlevel visits, the National Assembly of Viet Nam and European parliaments like those of Czech, Romania, Germany, Russia, Belarus, members of the EFTA, Algeria, Morocco, Iran, South Africa have conducted a number of high-level exchanges of visits and contacts. The Vietnamese National Assembly welcomed Chairman of the National People’s Congress of China, the President of the National Assembly of 52

France, the Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons of the UK, the Speaker of the Consultative Assembly of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Chairman of the External Relations Committee of Mozambique, and a number of US Congressmen and Congressional Assistants. The outcomes of the mentioned-above visits along with the strengthening of various other activities, including the Parliamentarians’ Friendship Groups, Young MP Group and Agent Orange/Dioxin Dialogue Group, contributed to enhancing the friendship and cooperation in many areas with parliaments and people of other countries, deepening and broadening these relationships. 2. External affairs within the framework of multilateral parliamentary forums In general, within the multilateral



President of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan and Speaker of the Lower House of India Sumitra Mahajan signed “Cooperation Agreement between the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and the Lower House of the Republic of India ” (11 December 2016) – VNA

framework, the National Assembly’s external activities fulfilled the objectives of multilateral diplomacy: enhance the presence and engagement of the Vietnamese National Assembly in the international arena; uphold the active role and international responsibility of the Vietnamese National Assembly, protect and maintain national interest, make use of international support to our reform and foreign policy; expand bilateral relations with partners with whom Viet Nam does not have many opportunities to engage in direct bilateral diplomatic activities; promote the outcomes of national development, traditional and cultural values, the image of our country and people; learn from other Parliament’s operational experience, contribute to the maintenance of an environment for peace, cooperation and

development, minimize disagreements and handle complicated issues such as: territorial sovereignty, democracy, human rights and religion. As a member of a number of parliamentary organizations, the Viet Nam National Assembly attended the general assemblies of many important regional and world inter-parliamentary organizations like IPU-134, IPU-135, AIPA-37, ASEP-9, ASEAN- AIPA meeting etc. contributing actively to activities of these organizations; proactively put forward constructive initiatives and proposals to advance effective cooperation, which showcases our active and proactive engagement in multilateral parliamentary forums, contributing to enhancing the role of Viet Nam in the international arena. The highlights include the National Assembly delegation’s attendance at AIPA-37 led by 53



President Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan (October 2016 in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar); and our active and responsible participation in the common work of the AIPA-37 General Assembly. The latter was highly valued by both the host parliament of Myanmar and other member parliaments. In particular, at the IPU-135 General Assembly (October 2016), on rotation, head of our delegation successfully chaired the ASEAN +3 Parliamentary Group meeting (China, Japan, Korea). At the plenary meeting on 27 October 2016, the IPU General Assembly elected Mr. Nguyen Van Giau as member of IPU Executive Committee for 2016-2019. The National Assembly sent a delegation to attend the Annual meeting of the Asia Pacific Parliamentary Forum (January 2016) and the International Solidarity Conference in Cuba (January 2016). At the Assemblee Parlementaire de la Francophonie (APF), the Chairperson of the Viet Nam Sub-Committee in APF continued to be elected as president of the Asia Pacific Region for 2015-2017. In this capacity, the Vietnamese Chairperson worked with the APF Secretariat to coordinate activities of APF in the region as well as to boost other subcommittees to engage in APF’s activities. The performance of this subcommittee was highly valued and recognized by agencies and organizations. During 2016, the agencies of the National Assembly intensified cooperation with a number of other international organizations and forums like the European Trade Policy and Investment Support Project (MUTRAP), collaborated with UNICEF in holding a workshop on the role of the National Assembly in ensuring the rights of the child and nutrition for development within the framework of the 54

IPU General Assembly; worked with the USAID Governance for Inclusive Growth (GIG) project to strengthen the function of the National Assembly’s agencies and the Office of the National Assembly. Accordingly, the National Assembly’s Committee for External Relations worked with GIG project to hold meetings for the ratification and implementation of TPP. In 2016, the National Assembly leadership had meetings with leaders of important international organizations in Viet Nam such as World Bank, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), World Health Organization, AIA Insurance Group. Through such activities, international organizations highly valued the role of the National Assembly and expressed their willingness to provide technical assistance and policy advice, hold workshops and share experiences and good practices with the National Assembly and its Committees. The meeting of the Security and Defense Committees among Cambodia, Laos and Viet Nam in September 2016 in Nha Trang, whose theme was “Continue to enhance the over-sight function of parliament and responsibilities of relevant Committees in assessing the progress and boosting the socio-economic development and ensuring security in the CLV development triangular, contributing to building a strong ASEAN community” put forward recommendations to enhance the role of the National Assembly, facilitate the three Governments to study, devise and implement the CLV Economic Connectivity Plan. In the immediate future, priority is given to the realization of the Master Plan for socioeconomic development of the CLV region to 2020.


3. External Communication In 2016, the National Assembly’s external communication was intensified in various forms. During the visits to other countries, the leaders of the National Assembly had meetings with the Vietnamese community to provide updates on the domestic situation, heard and discussed with overseas Vietnamese about their concerns, and encourage and call overseas Vietnamese to turn toward to the homeland, continue to contribute practically to national building and defense. The Parliamentary Diplomatic Bulletin of the National Assembly’s Committee for External Relations has been improved in both design and content. It provides updates on bilateral and multilateral activities of the National Assembly, and covers issues related to international laws and topics about international relations which are used as reference for deputies. With the help of USAID, in April 2016, the Committee for External Relations published the book “Viet Nam and the Trans-Pacific Partnership TPP: from ratification to implementation” which provided deputies with information on TPP as well as helped prepare for the ratification of the deal. 4. In 2016, the NationalAssembly adopted the Law on International Treaties, providing an important legal framework and meeting the need for signing and implementing international treaties in line with national interests given the context of extensive international integration, especially with regards to the ratification of TPP, Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) and other international treaties. The Standing Committee of the National Assembly adopted a Resolution to issue the Regulations on External Affairs of the National Assembly to align with the Party and State’s foreign policy,


the 2013 Constitution, the 2014 Law on the Organization of the National Assembly and the Politburo’s Regulation 272 on the unified management of external relations activities. In general, the National Assembly’s external activities in 2016 were effectively and practically carried out in close and smooth coordination with these by the Party, State, and people-to-people diplomacy, contributing to boosting the friendship and cooperation between our National Assembly and other Parliaments in particular and between Viet Nam and other nations in general. Through parliamentary diplomatic activities, the role and position of Viet Nam and the National Assembly were consolidated and lifted in the regional and international arena. III. The People’s External Affairs In 2016, the Vietnam Fatherland Front and mass organizations actively implemented the Party and State’s guidelines and foreign policy, and continued to consolidate and enhance relations through the people-topeople channel, thus making practical contributions to the general outcomes of national diplomacy. 1. Continue to strengthen and promote the solidarity, friendship and cooperation with people of neighbouring countries while expanding relations with international friends and partners. With China, Viet Nam continued to maintain and strengthen cooperation with mass organizations in China as a channel to enhance friendship and mutual understanding among the different social strata, contributing to the enhancement of traditional friendship and the Viet Nam – China comprehensive cooperation. In relations with Laos and Cambodia, activities hosted by mass 55



President of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan and China’s NPC chairman Zhang Dejiang attended the closing ceremony of the 3rd Viet Nam – Chine Youth Festival in Ha Noi (9 November 2016) - VNA

organizations continued to enhance the solidarity and special friendship with partners in these two countries, developing more practical relations through various diverse activities. With Southeast Asian partners, we continued to implement various bilateral and multilateral activities in numerous forms and with rich content. With traditional friends and organizations, Asian, African and Latin American countries, we continued to maintain our traditional friendship and solidarity with the organizations and the people in these countries while maintaining relations and engaging responsibly with in leftist and progressive organizations. With major powers and strategic partners, people’s diplomacy helped promote the understanding, friendship and cooperation between Vietnamese people and people from these countries, contributing to the Party’s and State’s external relations. 56

2. Actively and proactively take part in international integration, participate responsibly in multilateral activities, and contribute to the movements of the people in the region and the world. We have engaged in numerous multilateral activities with partners in ASEAN in many areas and under various themes. Apart from participating in a number of annual activities such as people’s forums, conferences and workshops, our mass organizations hosted many meaningful and practical ASEAN activities, demonstrating our enthusiasm and responsibility. A number of mass organizations sent delegations to regional and international forums and conferences, sharing experiences and initiatives that contributed to peace, cooperation and development. We also successfully hosted a number of activities, international conferences and seminars, which helped improve the capacity of the staff and the


organizations, demonstrating the role and position of the organizations in multilateral mechanisms, lifting the status and promoting the image of Viet Nam among international friends and partners. 3. Enthusiastically engage in the mobilization and struggle to safeguard sovereignty and national interests. Through the people’s diplomacy, we continued to communicate and call on public opinions to gather support from international friends for peace, cooperation and development in the East Sea. A number of mass organizations also actively joined the efforts in defending our views, promoting the accomplishments in human rights, opposing to misinformation and distorted views about democracy and human rights in Viet Nam. 4. Make use of external resources, enhance international cooperation for socio-economic development; help mobilize and rally overseas Vietnamese, strengthen external communication and information. Mass organizations continued to mobilize and gather considerable amount of resources, including material, expertise and assistance from international friends and organizations, to contribute to socioeconomic development and the settlement of war legacy. Foreign NGOs’ assistance are projected to remain stable. Practical activities were taken to rally and connect overseas Vietnamese with domestic organizations and movements. External activities were carried out along with the mobilization, rally and assistance to overseas Vietnamese. External information and communication continued to be stressed and strengthened to promote and enhance understanding, friendship and rally the support of the people from other countries for our cause of national building


and defense. 5. The leadership, guidance and management of the people’s diplomacy continued to be strengthened, in accordance with the 12th Congress’s Resolution and other guiding documents. We continued to improve the related legal document system to institutionalize the Party’s policies on people’s diplomacy. The review of the 5 years of implementation of Directive No 04-CT/TW issued 6 July 2011 by the Secretariat of the 11th Congress on “Continue to reform and improve the efficiency of people’s diplomacy in the new situation”, reaffirmed the increasingly important role of people diplomacy against the backdrop of increasing international integration. The review also stated that Directive No 04 remained highly relevant and would need to be further implemented by agencies and sectors in the future. 6. Provincial external activities: Provincial external and international integration activities in 2016 continued to be implemented actively across different areas and recorded important outcomes. We have carried a large number of exchanges of delegations between our provinces and those of China, Laos, Cambodia, Korea, India and Thailand. Our provinces actively cooperated and expanded relations with localities in important partners or those with great potentials, such as Japan, Korea, US, France, Italy, Germany and Israel. Notably, three new Departments of Foreign Affairs in Bac Ninh, Gia Lai and Thai Binh were established, joining the network of 49 Provincial Departments of Foreign Affairs out of 63 cities and provinces nationwide. In 2016, the provinces signed 210 international deals at the local level, 57



including 56 international cooperation deals between our localities and foreign partners (118 pairs in Asia, 21 pairs in Europe and 20 pairs in America). International agreements contributed positively to enhancing friendship and cooperation, promoting the images and potentials of the localities in particular and Viet Nam in general. This is in line with the major guidelines of the Party and State on socioeconomic development and the potentials of provinces. In addition, in 2016, along with holding the 18th National Provincial External Affairs Conference and the 29th Diplomatic Conference to disseminate the foreign policy of the 12th National Party Congress, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs actively helped localities conduct practical activities such as holding 30 meetings themed “Meeting with the Diplomatic Corps”, “Meeting with Ambassadors”, roundtables between localities and foreign partners, meetings with foreign NGOs, the conference of leaders of Departments of External Affairs held in Ca Mau etc. as a channel for promoting socio-economic development in the provinces. 2016 was also the first year we organized two training projects, one on international integration and the other on language and interpretation skill for staff working in provincial Departments of External Affairs and other external affairs officers in other local departments. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs worked with provinces to organize 15 courses in accordance with the Plan approved by the Prime Minister, enrolled by 900 trainees and 24 courses on external affairs tailored to meet provincial needs for core staff from local Departments, agencies, districts and businesses nationwide, with a total enrolment of 4574 trainees. In addition, the Ministry of 58

Foreign Affairs actively worked with foreign bodies, agencies and businesses such as UNDP, HSF (to co-organize courses on international integration) and the Hong Kong-based Sunwah Fund (on Chinese language training) which contributed positively to enhance local staff’s capacity. 7. With regards to foreign nongovernmental work: In 2016, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the lead agency in charge of foreign NGOs, worked closely with relevant Ministries and agencies and localities to fulfill its role as the administrator of the activities, and mobilizer of foreign NGOs’ aid. The Ministry has actively guided localities and foreign NGOs to comply with Decree No 12/2012/NĐ-CP dated 1 March 2012 on the registration and administration of foreign NGOs’ activities in Viet Nam; issued, supplemented, amended and renewed 251 registration permits or for the establishment of project offices and representative offices for foreign NGOs. In 2016, despite the difficult economic situation in the world, foreign nongovernmental assistance disbursed to Vietnamese localities was maintained at the same level as 2015 (approximately $300 million) and contributed significantly to poverty reduction, hunger eradication, and socio-economic development in provinces of Viet Nam./.

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