Diplomatic Bluebook 2019 (English)

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he year 2019 recorded a range of

a high-profile diplomatic event in the

important events of Vietnamese

global spotlight. This was followed


by remarkable diplomatic feats, most

political and defense-security pillars.

notably, Viet Nam’s election to non-

Through actively seizing opportunities

permanent membership of the United

and overcoming challenges, the foreign

Nations Security Council (UNSC) for

affairs conducted by the Party and


State have been cohesive, innovative,

support from United Nations (UN)

and effective. This has contributed

member states. It was the second time

to the maintenance of a peaceful and

that Viet Nam had been entrusted with



this noble capacity. The assumption

mustering resources and investment to

of such a major responsibility is a

advance socio-economic development,

powerful refutation of all distortion and

staunchly defend national independence,

denial of the diplomatic achievements

sovereignty and territorial integrity,

of the Party and State. The presence






and assert Viet Nam’s political status, leadership, prestige and standing in the international arena. In pursuit of proactive and extensive international integration, Viet Nam has




of Viet Nam as a guest of the host at the Group of Twenty Summit in Japan spoke to the acknowledgment by the international community of Viet Nam’s credibility and standing. Viet Nam also

made tremendous efforts and recorded

displayed remarkable goodwill and

outstanding diplomatic achievements.

readiness to settle disputes through

As such, Viet Nam is proving itself as

dialogue with countries concerned,

a trusted and well-respected player,

thus contributing to the maintenance

an active member, and a reliable and

of peace, stability and development in

responsible partner of the international

the East Sea. The numerous high-level

community. In the opening months of

visits by the leaders of the Party and

2019, Viet Nam was chosen to host the

State, and many visits by foreign heads


United States - Democratic People’s

of states to Viet Nam during the year

Republic of Korea (US - DPRK) Summit,

helped deepen its relations with major



Diplomatic Bluebook - 2019

partners, neighboring countries and traditional friends.

Chapter Three details the multilateral diplomatic works, at the ASEAN, the UN,

To present a complete and clear

and other multilateral platforms.

overview of Vietnamese diplomatic

Chapter Four charts the achievements

works in 2019 and provide further

in economic and cultural diplomacy,

material for research and reference

external communications, work related

purposes to the readers, the National

to the overseas Vietnamese community,



the protection of overseas Vietnamese

collaboration with the Department

citizens and legal entities. It also stresses



the contribution of the diplomatic service

Diplomatic Traditions of the Ministry

to the defense of the sovereignty over

of Foreign Affairs, hereby publishes

Vietnamese territory, islands and waters,

Diplomatic Bluebook - 2019.

and the defense of national security.





The book consists of five chapters. Chapter One offers a brief overview of the global and regional landscape,

Chapter Five highlights the Party, Parliamentarian and public diplomacy endeavors.

and the line of action and policy for

The book, as a source of official

foreign relations of the Vietnamese

and trustworthy information regarding

Party and State in 2019.

Vietnamese diplomatic works during

Chapter diplomacy,





the year, seeks to be a companion to you


and live up to the expectation of a wide

activities with neighboring countries, ASEAN member states and major partners across the regions in the world.

range of audience. The book is now proudly presented to you. June 2020




Page PUBLISHER’S NOTE..........................................................................................................5 FOREWORDS............................................................................................................... 9 GLOSSARY OF ACRONYMS.........................................................................................12

Chapter One


I. The World and Regional Situation in 2019 ............................................................13 II. Foreign Policy Guidelines of the Vietnamese Party and State............................17

Chapter Two

BILATERAL DIPLOMATIC ACTIVITIES ...................................................... 19

I. Bilateral Relations with Neighboring and ASEAN Countries............................19 II. Bilateral Relations with other Partners...................................................................24

Chapter Three

MULTILATERAL DIPLOMATIC ACTIVITIES ................................................ 44

I. Diplomatic Activities at ASEAN..............................................................................44 II. Diplomatic Activities at the United Nations and other Multilateral Mechanisms................................................................................................................48 III. Diplomatic Activities Contributing to the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights............................................................................................................53

Chapter Four


I. Economic Diplomacy................................................................................................55 II. Cultural Diplomacy and External Communication..............................................59 7

Diplomatic Bluebook - 2019

III. Overseas Vietnamese-related Activities and Citizens and Legal Person Protection....................................................................................................................62 IV. Diplomatic Activities Contributing to the Protection of National Territorial Sovereignty, Sovereignty over Seas and Islands, and the Defense of National Security........................................................................................................................65

Chapter Five


I. The Communist Party’s External Activities...........................................................70 II. The National Assembly’s External Activities.........................................................73 III. The People-to-People’s External Activities.............................................................77


PHAM BINH MINH Member of the Politburo, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs



he year 2019 - the last year of the second decade in the 21st century saw the global landscape unfolding in a more complicated and unpredictable way compared to 2018. The world economy grew at its slowest pace in ten years. Trade protectionism and opposition to globalization increased in certain places. Fierce strategic frictions among the major powers gave rise to unpredictable consequences, politically, economically and diplomatically. Instabilities persisted in various hot spots in many countries and regions across the world. Notwithstanding, peace, cooperation and development remained the prevailing tendency. The

Fourth Industrial Revolution produced a positive effect that rippled to all economies. The Asia-Pacific continued to enjoy dynamic growth and took the lead in economic integration. Though difficulties remained, the ASEAN Community was able to maintain its centrality and eminence in the policy of major powers. While there has been progress in the negotiation for the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea1 (COC), the situation on the ground saw new complications due to violations of international law, which caused an erosion of trust. Against this tempestuous backdrop, in persevering with the foreign

1. “South China Sea” is the English term internationally used for the sea that is dominantly named as the “East Sea” in Viet Nam.


Diplomatic Bluebook - 2019

policy line of the 12th Party Congress, the diplomatic activities of the Party and State were performed in a comprehensive, innovative and effective way. This helped maintain an environment of peace, muster resources for development, safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and raise the profile of Viet Nam.

received recognition and support from both the public and its partners.

Regarding bilateral relations, the

signed the EU - Viet Nam Free Trade





between Viet Nam and other countries in 2019 was further bolstered, with 17 foreign visits by high-level Vietnamese leaders and 22 visits to Viet Nam by high-level




Nam was able to maintain a stable and

development, with the people and businesses





numerous tangible results. Viet Nam effectively rolled out the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for TransPacific Partnership (CPTPP), officially Agreement (EVFTA) and the EU - Viet Nam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA), and finalized negotiation for the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership




economy, including external economic sectors, saw outstanding achievements:

positive momentum of relationship

growth was kept high, at 7.02%; foreign

with all partners. Emergent issues were

trade turnover reached $517 billion



(exceeding $500 billion for the first

steps. Relations with other countries,

time), and foreign investment amounted



to $38.02 billion. Viet Nam welcomed 18


million foreign visitors, received $16.7

meaningful results. Viet Nam currently

billion in remittance, and its global

enjoys a network of 30 strategic and

competitiveness rose to 67th out of 141

comprehensive partners. The key highlights of multilateral diplomacy were Viet Nam’s successful hosting of the 2nd US - DPRK Summit and election as a non-permanent member of the UNSC for 2020-2021 with a record number of votes in its favor (192/193). Viet Nam has made noteworthy contributions to UN forums, the ASEAN, the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum, and other multilateral platforms. Such efforts

countries and territories. The steadfast defense of national sovereignty and territorial integrity on land and at sea were both effectively deployed. Viet Nam has been skillfully, resolutely and perseveringly defended its national sovereignty, territorial integrity and its legitimate rights and interests in the East Sea. At the same time, Viet Nam took the initiative to promote cooperation with ASEAN members and partners on this matter. Additionally, international integration



Economic diplomacy for national


partners were





in defense and security was vigorously implemented. Outstanding results were also recorded in cultural diplomacy, external communication, works related to the overseas Vietnamese community, and protection of Vietnamese nationals and legal entities abroad. Strategic research, forecast and advisory works in foreign relations received increasing attention, with significant progress. These achievements in foreign relations were the result of the proactive, cohesive and effective implementation of Party, State, Parliamentary, and people-to-people diplomacy on the one hand, and the close and wellcoordinated cooperation among the ministries, sectors, and localities on the other. Such accomplishments played an important role in the realization of the 12 socio-economic development targets set by the National Assembly for 2019. With the aim of informing the public of the achievements of the diplomatic service, since 2014, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been publishing

the Diplomatic Bluebook on an annual basis, which was well-received by the readership at home and abroad. To continue keeping you informed of the foreign affairs of the Vietnamese Party and State, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in collaboration with the National Political Publishing House, is honored to publish the Diplomatic Bluebook - 2019. In this volume you will find a vivid panorama of foreign affairs undertaken by the Vietnamese Party, State, National Assembly, and provinces, people-topeople diplomacy, defense and security diplomacy throughout 2019. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs would like to take this opportunity to extend its gratitude to the Party Central External Relations Commission, the National Assembly’s Committee for External Relations, and the Viet Nam Union of Friendship Organizations, for their assistance and content feedback. I hope that the book shall provide a wealth of useful information to the readers.

PHAM BINH MINH Member of the Politburo, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs



EU - Viet Nam Free Trade Agreement


EU - Viet Nam Investment Protection Agreement


Foreign Direct Investment

ADMM+ ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting Plus


Free Trade Agreement


Greater Mekong Subregion


ASEAN Economic Community


Group of Twenty


ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights


International Conference of Asian Political Parties


ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly


Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum

ACMECS Ayeyawady - Chao Phraya Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy ADMM



ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting

Parliamentary Assembly of the Francophonie

IMCWP International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties IMF

International Monetary Fund


International Parliamentary Union


Non-governmental Organization


ASEAN Regional Forum


Association of Southeast Asian Nations


Official Development Assistance


Asia - Europe Meeting



Cambodia - Laos - Myanmar Viet Nam Development Cooperation

Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the EU and Viet Nam



Cambodia - Laos - Viet Nam Development Triangle Area

Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership


Senior Officials’ Meeting


Code of Conduct in the South China Sea

UNCLOS United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea


Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership

UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization


Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea



East Asia Summit

Universal Periodic Review of the United Nations Human Rights Council


European Parliament


World Economic Forum


European Union


World Trade Organization

Chapter One



n 2019, while the trend of peace, cooperation and development continued to prevail, the global panorama experienced complex and unpredictable developments. The world economy, after ten years of recovery and positive growth, was slowing down, with numerous underlying risks. Strategic frictions among the major powers grew fiercer, leading to complex implications across economic, commercial, political and security

domains. Economic integration saw new progress, despite the rise of protectionism and trade war. A wide range of free trade agreements and initiatives in economics, trade and investment continued to be negotiated and signed. The Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0) became a key driver for growth, giving rise to vast opportunities alongside numerous challenges for all countries, including Viet Nam.

I. The World and Regional Situation in 2019 1. Economy a) The world economy in 2019 was fundamentally stable. There were no major set-backs such as a recession or crisis, yet growth was languid and uncertain. The global GDP grew by approximately 2.9 to 3% in 2019, the lowest since the global financial crisis of 2008-2009. Most economies, including the developed countries, emergent economies, and developing countries, recorded a lower GDP growth. The US economic growth dropped to 2.3% and the Chinese economy grew by only 6.1%

(the lowest in 30 years). The figure for the EU was merely 1.4%; for Japan, 0.7%; for India, 5.7%; for Russia, 1.1%; and for Brazil, 0.8%. As for the developed countries, their economic growth fell from 2.3% in 2018 to 1.7% in 2019. The emergent economies witnessed a sharp drop to 3.9% (down from 4.5% in 2018). GDP growth for the Asia - Pacific was down to 5%; for Southeast Asia, 4.5%; for Latin America, 0.1%; for the Middle East, 1.5% (a minor decrease from 1.6% in 2018). Meanwhile, Africa saw a growth to 4% (up from 3.5% in 2018). 13

Chapter One

Diplomatic Bluebook - 2019

The global trade volume for 2019 grew by only 1.2%,1 the lowest in ten years, while FDI was only $572 billion, down 20% from 2018. However, FDI flows into top emergent economies (BRICS countries) grew by 21%, in which China attracted the most FDI ($82 billion), followed by India ($27 billion) and Russia ($16 billion). Global debt grew to the record figure of $188 trillion, or 230% of global GDP. These figures forewarn us of future global financial instability.2 b) The year 2019 saw protectionism, unilateralism and trade war develop in complex ways. This seriously impacted the multilateral trading system. Trade frictions among major economies, particularly between the US and China, directly affected the world economic stability and the development of each individual economy. While the US and China reached an initial agreement, further efforts are needed to address differences. Trade relations between the Republic of Korea (ROK) and Japan also saw rising tensions. In addition, influenced by strategic rivalry and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, technological protectionism also escalated in developed and developing countries alike to secure competitive advantage. c) Economic globalization continued to be the overarching trend, with new developments. Economic integration,

both regionally and globally, was sustained despite challenges arising from nationalism, protectionism, decoupling and division among world economies. New elements were added to economic integration, particularly connectivity cooperation, sustainable and inclusive development coupled with technological advances, digitalization and digital transformation. Countries individually, groups of countries and regions continued to engage in economic and trade integration, while adapting to the new international landscape. The US, Canada, and Mexico were in the middle of internal procedures to ratify the USMCA. The EU signed the Partnership on Sustainable Connectivity and Quality Infrastructure with Japan, the EU - Viet Nam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) and EU - Viet Nam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA), and concluded an agreement with the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) after nearly twenty years of negotiations. China upgraded its FTAs with a range of partners participating in the Belt and Road Initiative and signed an FTA with New Zealand. Various Asia-Pacific countries were also actively implementing the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for TransPacific Partnership (CPTPP), finalizing negotiation documents of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP)3 for signing in 2020, and

1. WTO press release on trade forecast and global economy, 1 October 2019 (https://www. wto.org/english/news_e/pres19_e/pr840_e.htm) 2. IMF, November 2019. 3. Including ASEAN and its six FTA partners: China, the ROK, Japan, India, Australia, and New Zealand.


The International and Regional Landscape and the Foreign Policy of the Vietnamese Party and State in 2019

advancing the negotiations and signing of new free trade agreements. d) Developed and developing countries were in a race to seize new opportunities emerging from the Fourth Industrial Revolution, especially in the development of fifth-generation mobile network (5G) technology, big data, artificial intelligence, e-commerce and cashless transaction. However, new challenges rose from these advances that need to be addressed in a globalized economy. Countries and global economic institutions were faced with the ongoing issues of administrating data flows to promote the innovation and growth of the digital economy, and at the same time, safeguarding data security. Therefore, a coordinated global effort is necessary to put in place international rules and standards for governing various aspects of the digital economy (taxation for technology conglomerates, e-commerce, digital currency, and the 5G network). 2. Politics and Security In 2019, the global political and security landscape saw peace, cooperation and development maintained as the prevailing trend, despite complex instabilities and tensions. Multilateral institutions and international law still played a prominent role. Dialogue was more favored over confrontation, in the context of intertwined cooperation and competition.

Chapter One

a) Major powers were facing numerous complex domestic issues, amplified by nationalism and populism, and had to make certain foreign policy adjustments to adapt to the new landscape and muster power for strategic competition. The US was occupied with the preparations for the 2020 Presidential Election and the settlement of domestic issues, while much attention was given to specific economic and commercial matters, the promotion of relations with key allies and the advancement of the “Free and Open Indo-Pacific” strategy. China focused on addressing domestic issues and tensions with the US, employing major power diplomacy and advancing the Belt and Road Initiative. Russia maintained its priority on strengthening influence over former Soviet states, competing with the US in the MiddleEast and Latin America, promoting relations with China, upgrading ties with ASEAN, while navigating relations with the West. The European Union, in addition to tackling internal issues,1 continued to strengthen ties with traditional partners (such as the US, Canada, and Japan) and Eastern European countries, and bolstered relations with China. Japan maintained its “active pacifism,” played its part in addressing global issues, strengthened its alliance with the US and improved relations with neighbors. India continued to prioritize elevating its influence in the Indian Ocean and strengthening

1. The departure of the UK from the EU, the election of the European Parliament, public debt in Italy, the migrant crisis, the rise of populism, and stronger European security and defense policies, to name a few.


Chapter One

Diplomatic Bluebook - 2019

ties with neighboring countries. It also sought stronger ties with the US in spite of issues in bilateral trade relations, and stepped up relations with Russia. India’s Act East policy was in motion, in which relations with ASEAN countries were prioritized. b) Relations among the major powers continued to evolve within a framework of interwoven cooperation and competition, though friction and competition became more dominant and direct. Strategic competition among the major powers grew fiercer in nature, broader in its scope and more complex as to its implication for the region and the world. It significantly affected the role of global and regional multilateral institutions and the effectiveness of international law in addressing global issues. It was worth noting the new wave of protests and social instabilities unfolding in various countries and territories in 2019, which considerably affected the relations and foreign policies of countries involved. c) Geopolitical hot spots witnessed renewed tensions, increasing the likelihood of conflict. These included the rising tension between Iran and the US, new developments of the war in Syria, tension between India and Pakistan over Jammu and Kashmir, the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula, the Taiwan Strait issue, and the East Sea issue. Meanwhile, non-traditional security challenges continued to exert multi-dimensional and direct impact on the politics, security, and economy of numerous countries. They included ethnic and religious conflicts, illegal migration, freedom 16

and safety of navigation, transnational crime, human trafficking, cybersecurity, and epidemics. As such, these issues occupied a large share of the agenda at multilateral institutions. In particular, climate change, air pollution, and water security emerged as relatively pressing issues and increasingly became matters of serious concern for many countries, regional and international institutions. Due to climate change, 2019 was the hottest year on record. d) Various regions in the world were in a state of flux. The Asia-Pacific continued to record impressive performance and dynamic growth and take the lead in regional economic integration. It occupied an increasingly important position and was given priority in the foreign policy of major powers from within and outside the region. A major shift in production, trade and investment in the region was observed as a result of the friction between the US and China. Northeast Asia saw optimistic developments in the first half of the year; however, the latter half was marked by complexities. Notably, the situation in the Korean Peninsula once again heated up after a period of calm following the 2nd US - DPRK Summit in Ha Noi, cross-strait relations in Taiwan grew more complicated, protests surged in Hong Kong (China), and tension mounted between Japan and the ROK. Under the complex effect of the trade war, countries of Northeast Asia were engaged in bilateral efforts to reduce tension, resumed high-level diplomacy, and gave greater priority to bilateral relations and cooperation frameworks

The International and Regional Landscape and the Foreign Policy of the Vietnamese Party and State in 2019

among countries in the region. Southeast Asia generally enjoyed greater stability compared to the rest of the world. A number of countries, including Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines and Cambodia, held successful elections with a continuing incumbency of the ruling parties. While there has been progress in the negotiation of the COC, the East Sea continued to witness further tensions and unpredictable developments due to the violations of international law and the infringements upon the sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction, safety and security of navigation, and the lawful interests of littoral countries. Latin America experienced ongoing instability. The income gap widened and economic difficulties were on the

Chapter One

rise. This was a major political and social challenge for countries in the region, leading to a surge of protests and opposition in various countries (Venezuela, Argentina, Ecuador, Chile, and Columbia, to name a few). Heightened tension and complexity characterized the Middle East and Africa, such as relations between Iran and the US and the West, Turkey’s attack in Northern Syria, and new developments in the Middle East Peace Process. On the positive side, there was a growing trend to promote stability, peaceable transfer of power, and intra-bloc economic cohesion in Africa. Meanwhile, Africa has also increasingly become an important stage for competition among major powers.

II. Foreign Policy Guidelines of the Vietnamese Party and State The international and regional landscape became more complex throughout 2019. This has significantly affected the environment for Viet Nam’s development, creating both opportunities and challenges in the implementation of the foreign policy guidelines of the Party and State. Under such conditions, the diplomatic service focused on improving the effectiveness of external affairs activities under the cohesive leadership of the Party and the centralized administration of the State in order to contribute to the realization of the socio-economic development targets for 2019 and the Resolution of the 12th Party Congress. On the basis of the fundamental principles of international law, equality

and mutual interest, Viet Nam’s foreign affairs aimed to protect the paramount interest of the nation-state as the highest goal, with key missions in 2019 as follows: (i) maintain an environment of peace and stability for development, steadfastly defend the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Motherland, foster deeper, more effective and robust relations with all partners; (ii) effectively deploy multilateral diplomacy, in particular Directive No. 25-CT/TW of the Party Secretariat dated 8 August 2018 on strengthening and elevating multilateral diplomacy until 2030, and finalize all preparations for the assumption of high-profile responsibilities at critical multilateral forums such as ASEAN 17

Chapter One

Diplomatic Bluebook - 2019

and the United Nations; (iii) maintain the momentum of international integration in preparation for a period of extensive international economic integration, strengthen assistance for businesses and localities in networking with partners and expanding markets; (iv) effectively implement cultural diplomacy, especially the Cultural Diplomacy Strategy towards 2020; and (v) perform citizen protection in a timely and effective manner, and fulfill its mandate with regard to the overseas Vietnamese community. Standing true to the objectives and missions set, with the motto being “patient as to the principle and perseverant towards the goal�, foreign affairs were implemented in an active, flexible and cohesive manner, with important achievements. Firstly, maintain a peaceful environment, harness significant resources for development, and further raise the profile of Viet Nam among the international community. Secondly, sustain a stable growth trajectory of relations with all partners and gradually addressed all emergent issues in a satisfactory way, and deepen these relationships, among which relations with Brunei Darussalam and the Netherlands have been upgraded to Comprehensive Partnership.1 Thirdly, achieve commendable results in multilateral and economic diplomacy.

Notably, Viet Nam officially signed EVFTA and EVIPA, was elected a nonpermanent member of the UNSC for the 2020-2021 term with a record number of votes in its favor, and successfully hosted the 2nd US - DPRK Summit in Ha Noi. Fourthly, against the backdrop of complex developments in the East Sea, promptly engage arising issues with prudent measures, thus resolutely and perseveringly defending Vietnamese national sovereignty, territorial integrity and the legitimate rights and interests in its waters and continental shelf established pursuant to international law, especially the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982). Viet Nam’s land borders with neighboring countries were continually bolstered and their legal frameworks reinforced. Viet Nam and Cambodia signed and ratified two legal documents acknowledging the results of border delineation and marker planting between the two countries. Fifthly, effectively perform external activities through Party, State, Parliamentary and public diplomacy channels in close coordination with ministries, sectors, and localities. Cultural diplomacy, citizen protection, affairs related to overseas Vietnamese, diplomatic communication and information, and provincial-level external affairs were also actively implemented, thus contributing greatly to the overall achievements in foreign affairs of the whole country.

1. By the end of 2019, in addition to special traditional relationships, Viet Nam established relationship frameworks with 30 important partners, consisting of 16 strategic partnerships and 14 comprehensive partnerships (including all five permanent members of the UN Security Council).


Chapter Two


I. Bilateral Relations with Neighboring and ASEAN Countries 1. Lao PDR: The special relations of traditional friendship, solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between Viet Nam and Laos have been going from strength to strength across the board with added substances and productivity. In 2019, both sides maintained the exchange of delegations across all levels. From Viet Nam to Laos, there were visits by General Secretary, President Nguyen Phu Trong (February 2019), President of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan (September 2019), Chairwoman of the Central Commission on Mass Mobilization Truong Thi Mai (May 2019), Standing Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh (December 2019), Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dzung (June 2019), Minister of National Defense Ngo Xuan Lich (December 2019), Minister, Chairman of the Office of the Government Mai Tien Dzung (July 2019), and Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dzung (June 2019). From Laos to Viet Nam, there were visits by General Secretary,

President Bounnhang Vorachith for the 70th Day of Honor for Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and experts in Laos (October 2019), a visit by Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith for the 41st Viet Nam - Laos Inter-Governmental Committee (January 2019) and an official visit in October 2019, visits by Deputy Prime Minister Bounthong Chithmany (August 2019), Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning and Investment Sonsay Siphandone (December 2019), Minister of Foreign Affairs Saleumxay Kommasith for the 6th Political Consultation (December 2019), President of the Lao Front for National Construction Saysomphone Phomvihane (June 2019), and Chief Judge of the Lao Supreme People’s Court Khampha Sengdara (July 2019), among others. Cooperation in defense and security achieved further significant results. Both sides actively carried out searches, disinterred and returned remains of fallen Vietnamese volunteer soldiers 19

Chapter Two

Diplomatic Bluebook - 2019

and experts in Laos, and addressed the issue of irregular migration and undocumented marriages at the border area. Economic and trade cooperation was enhanced with substantive changes. Bilateral trade turnover in 2019 amounted to $1.16 billion,1 a 12.3% year-on increase. Viet Nam continued to be Laos’ third-largest foreign direct investor (FDI) with 414 projects worth a total of $4.2 billion in registered capital. Particular attention was paid to cooperation in education, training, culture and arts. In 2019, the number of Lao students in Viet Nam exceeded 16,000. 2. Cambodia: Relations between the two countries witnessed positive developments. In 2019, both sides maintained the exchange of visits at all levels, including several important high-level ones. From Viet Nam to Cambodia, there were the state-level visit by General Secretary, President Nguyen Phu Trong (February 2019) and the visit by President of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan for the 27th Annual Meeting of the AsiaPacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF-27) (January 2019). From Cambodia to Viet Nam, there were the official visits by Prime Minister Hun Sen (October 2019) and President of the National Assembly Heng Samrin (May 2019). Defense relations were strengthened and grew in substance. The two sides conducted joint maritime patrols

between Region 5 of the Viet Nam People’s Navy and the Naval Base of the Royal Cambodian Navy; organized friendly border interactions along the Viet Nam - Cambodia border, and held the first joint land border search and rescue drill. In addition, both sides continued the search and disinterment of the remains of Vietnamese volunteer soldiers in Cambodia. By the end of 2019, around 17,000 sets of remains were returned. The two countries worked in coordination to hold the 40th Anniversary of the Victory of the Southwest border defense war and the joint victory with the Cambodian people over the Pol Pot Genocidal Regime in Ha Noi (January 2019). From late 2018 to the end of 2019, both sides signed and supplemented 22 cooperation agreements across multiple areas, notable among which was the signing of two vital legal documents on border demarcation and marker planting.2 The two sides successfully held the 17th Meeting of the Viet Nam - Cambodia Joint Committee on Economic, Cultural, Scientific and Technological Cooperation (August 2019), and the 10th Vietnam - Cambodia Conference on Cooperation and Development of Border Provinces in Viet Nam (January 2019). Bilateral trade turnover in 2019 amounted to $5.26 billion, an 11% year-on increase. By the end of 2019, there was a total of 219 Vietnamese FDI projects in Cambodia,

1. Statistics on bilateral trade turnover taken from the General Statistics Office of Viet Nam (http://www.gso.gov.vn). 2. For further detail, please refer to Chapter Four, Section IV.


Bilateral Diplomatic Activities

worth over $3 billion in registered capital, making Viet Nam one of the top five foreign investors in Cambodia. In the first 10 months of 2019, there were 908,803 Vietnamese tourist arrivals to Cambodia, a 9% year-on increase.1 3. China: The Viet Nam - China Comprehensive Strategic Cooperative Partnership maintained a stable trajectory, with new progress made and increasingly effective collaboration in all areas. Both sides maintained regular exchange of high-level visits and contacts. From Viet Nam to China, there were the visit by Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc for the 2nd Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (April 2019), the official visit by President of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan (July 2019), and visits by Chairman of the Party Central Communication and Education Commission Vo Van Thuong for the 15th Conference on Political Thoughts between the Communist Party of Viet Nam and the Communist Party of China (July 2019), Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam for the 16th China - ASEAN Expo and the China - ASEAN Business and Investment Summit (September 2019), Minister of National Defense Ngo Xuan Lich for the 9th Beijing Xiangshan Forum (October 2019), and Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dzung (November 2019). From China to Viet Nam, there were visits by Minister of National Defense Wei Fenghe (May 2019) and Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Han Changfu (October

Chapter Two

2019). The two sides conducted Deputy Foreign Minister-level Consultations and Government-level negotiations on land border issues, and maintained exchanges on maritime issues.2 Visits and contacts between the two Parties and States contributed to strengthening bilateral relations and resolving any arising issues. In economics and trade, China continued to be Viet Nam’s largest trading partner, and Viet Nam continued to be China’s largest trading partner among 10 ASEAN member states. In 2019, bilateral trade turnover amounted to $116.9 billion (an over 9.3% year-on increase), out of which Viet Nam exported $41.4 billion and imported $75.5 billion. By the end of 2019, with accumulated investment in 2,807 projects worth $16.3 billion, China ranked 7th out of 135 countries and territories with investment in Viet Nam. Locality-level cooperation between the two countries was regularly carried out, including the 2019 Spring Gathering and the 10th Meeting of the Joint Working Committee between the four Vietnamese border provinces of Lang Son, Quang Ninh, Cao Bang, and Ha Giang, and the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China, the 7th meeting of the Joint Working Group between the four Vietnamese provinces of Lai Chau, Ha Giang, Lao Cai, and Dien Bien and the Chinese province of Yunnan, the 7th conference for review of cooperation results between Vietnamese ministries, sectors and localities and the Chinese province of Guangdong, and the Spring

1. Source: Ministry of Tourism of Cambodia (www.tourism.gov.kh). 2. For further detail, please refer to Chapter Four, Section IV.


Chapter Two

Diplomatic Bluebook - 2019

Talks 2019 between the Secretaries of the Provincial Party Committees of four Vietnamese border provinces and the Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China. In 2019, there were 5,806,425 Chinese tourist arrivals to Viet Nam (a 16% year-on increase), amounting to 32% of all international tourist arrivals, and Vietnamese tourist arrivals to China stood at over one million.1 4. ASEAN Member States: Viet Nam consistently attached importance to advancing substantive and comprehensive cooperation with other ASEAN member countries. Bilateral relations with Brunei Darussalam witnessed a breakthrough with the establishment of a Comprehensive Partnership during Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah’s State-level visit to Viet Nam (March 2019). Trade and investment relations remained modest. By the end of 2019, bilateral trade turnover amounted to nearly $70 million, a 40% year-on increase. Brunei Darussalam had 179 investment projects in Viet Nam worth more than $1 billion in capital, and Viet Nam had 2 FDI projects in Brunei Darussalam worth $3.6 million in capital. The Strategic Partnership with Indonesia continued its strong growth. Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh paid a visit to Indonesia to attend the inauguration of President Joko Widodo (October 2019); and Foreign Minister of Indonesia Retno Marsudi paid a visit to

Viet Nam (December 2019). Both sides actively carried out the “Plan of Action on the Implementation of the Strategic Partnership between Indonesia Vietnam 2019-2023� to add greater depth and substance to the Strategic Partnership and elevate bilateral ties to new heights. The two sides worked together in organizing events in Jakarta and Ha Noi to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the visits of President Ho Chi Minh to Indonesia and President Sukarno to Viet Nam (1959-2019). In 2019, bilateral trade turnover reached $9.07 billion (a 10.7% year-on increase). Tourism cooperation witnessed new developments, with Vietnam Airlines and Vietjet Air opening direct flights from Ho Chi Minh City (Viet Nam) to Bali (Indonesia). The Strategic Partnership with Malaysia saw positive growth in numerous areas. In politics, the exchange of all-level delegations was enhanced, notably was the official visit by Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad (August 2019) and Foreign Minister Saifuddin Abdullah (May 2019) to Viet Nam. Both sides actively implemented the Viet Nam - Malaysia Plan of Action 2017-2019 within the framework of the Strategic Partnership. Bilateral trade turnover reached approximately $11.1 billion in 2019, a nearly 4% year-on decrease. The two sides agreed to enhance economic cooperation and aim for the bilateral trade target of

1. Statistics on number of international tourists coming to Viet Nam and Vietnamese tourists visiting other countries taken from the Viet Nam National Administration of Tourism (www.vietnamtourism.gov.vn).


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$15 billion in 2020. In 2019, there were 606,206 Malaysian tourist arrivals to Viet Nam, the highest of any ASEAN member state. The Comprehensive Cooperative Partnership with Myanmar was increasingly strengthened. Political trust, in particular, was enhanced via visits and contacts between high-level leaders of the two countries, including President Win Myint’s visit to Viet Nam to attend the UN Day of Vesak Celebration (May 2019); official visit by Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (December 2019); and visits by Deputy Prime Minister Vuong Dinh Hue (June 2019) and Minister of Public Security To Lam (February 2019) to Myanmar. Both sides signed the Action Plan for Implementation of the Viet Nam - Myanmar Comprehensive Cooperative Partnership for 20192024. In 2019, bilateral trade turnover reached $953 million (a year-on increase of more than 9%), out of which Viet Nam exported $721 million. Viet Nam ranked 7th out of 50 foreign investors in Myanmar, with 18 projects worth $2.2 billion in registered capital. Notable among them is the telecommunications project by Viettel worth $1.384 billion in investment capital. Relations with the Philippines saw positive growth. Both sides signed the Viet Nam - Philippines Plan of Action for 2019-2024 to implement the Strategic Partnership and cooperation in specific fields and maintain exchanges of alllevel delegations. From Viet Nam to the Philippines, there were visits by Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh, during which

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he co-chaired the 9th meeting of the Joint Commission for Bilateral Cooperation (March 2019), and Chairman of the Party Central External Relations Commission Hoang Binh Quan (July 2019). From the Philippines to Viet Nam, there were visits by Foreign Minister Teodoro Lopez Locsin (July 2019) and Secretary of National Defense Delfin Lorenzana (March 2019). By the end of 2019, bilateral trade turnover reached nearly $5.3 billion, a year-on increase of more than 11%. Viet Nam continued to top the list of countries exporting rice to the Philippines, with nearly 1.5 million tons in the first 7 months of 2019. There were 79 Filipino active FDI projects in Viet Nam, with total registered capital worth $348 million. Viet Nam had 5 FDI projects in the Philippines, with $4 million in total capital. The Strategic Partnership with Singapore continued to grow both in terms of substance and trust. Both sides maintained regular exchanges of high-level delegations and contacts. Cooperation via Party, State, and Parliamentary channels was continuously expanded. From Viet Nam to Singapore, there were visits by Standing Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh (September 2019), Chairman of the Party Central External Relations Commission Hoang Binh Quan (July 2019), Party Secretary of Ho Chi Minh City Nguyen Thien Nhan (August 2019). From Singapore to Viet Nam, there were visits by Deputy Prime Minister, Coordinating Minister for National Security Teo Chee Hean (March 2019). Both countries effectively maintained and enhanced bilateral cooperation mechanisms, such as 23

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ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Retreat (January 2019). From Thailand to Viet Nam, there were visits by Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense Prawit Wongsuwan and First Vice President of the National Legislative Assembly Surachai Liengboonlertchai (January 2019). In 2019, the two countries held the 11th Viet Nam - Thailand Joint Working Group Meeting on Political and Security Cooperation and the 3rd Viet Nam Thailand Defense Policy Dialogue. In economics and trade, Thailand was Viet Nam’s largest trading partner within ASEAN, while Viet Nam was Thailand’s 4th largest export market (behind the US, China, and Japan) and Thailand’s largest partner within ASEAN. Bilateral trade turnover reached $17 billion, out of which Viet Nam imported $11.7 billion and exported $5.3 billion. Thailand ranked 9th among the countries and territories with investments in Viet Nam with 560 projects worth a total of $10.9 billion in registered capital. Viet Nam ranked 28th out of 68 countries and territories with investment in Thailand, with 18 FDI projects worth a total of $28.8 million in capital. In 2019, there were more than a million Vietnamese tourist arrivals to Thailand and 509,802 Thai tourist arrivals to Viet Nam.

the 14th Viet Nam-Singapore Economic Connectivity Ministerial Meeting (March 2019), the 12th Political Consultation at the Deputy Foreign Ministerial level in Singapore (August 2019). Singapore was one of Viet Nam’s large trading partners in ASEAN. In 2019, bilateral trade turnover reached $7.3 billion, a 4% year-on decrease. Singapore continued to be a leading investor in Viet Nam, ranking 3rd out of 130 countries and territories. Singapore had 2,226 projects in Viet Nam worth a total of $49.1 billion in capital. In 2019, there were 308,969 Singaporean tourist arrivals to Viet Nam. Political and diplomatic relations with Thailand saw meaningful progress with the increase in contacts and exchange of delegations of all levels. From Viet Nam to Thailand, there were visits by Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc to attend the 34th ASEAN Summit (June 2019) and the 35th ASEAN Summit (November 2019); the official visit by President of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan during which she attended the 40th General Assembly of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (August 2019); and the visit by Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh during which he co-chaired the 3rd Meeting of the Joint Commission on Bilateral Cooperation and the 3rd

II. Bilateral Relations with other Partners 1. The Asia-Pacific - Japan: The Extensive Strategic Partnership between Viet Nam and Japan continued to grow strongly and substantively across various areas, on 24

bilateral and multilateral channels. The exchange of visits and contacts has further increased political trust and strengthened the positive relationship between high-level leaders of both sides.

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Most significant are visits by Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc to attend the G20 Summit (June 2019) and the enthronement ceremony of Emperor Naruhito (October 2019); Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh to attend the 25th International Conference on the Future of Asia and co-chair the 11th Meeting of the Viet Nam - Japan Cooperation Committee (May 2019); visits by Vice President of the House of Councilors Ogawa Toshio (December 2019) and Minister of Defense Takeshi Iwaya (May 2019). Both sides held the 7th Strategic Partnership Dialogue (June 2019) and the 7th Defense Policy Dialogue (November 2019). Delegations and specialists of both countries regularly shared their expertise and experience. Mutual understanding was further enhanced through interaction and cooperation between Coast Guard Forces. Cooperation in economics, trade and investment achieved positive results. In trade, bilateral turnover reached $39.94 billion (a 5.48% year-on increase), out of which Viet Nam exported $20.412 billion. By the end of 2019, Japan ranked 2nd out of 135 countries and territories investing in Viet Nam, with 4,385 active projects worth a total of $59.3 billion. Japan was also Viet Nam’s top official development assistance (ODA) donor, with accumulated grant totaling to $27.8 billion by the end of 2019 (comprising $26 billion in loans and $1.8 billion in non-refundable ODA). Locality-level cooperation was bolstered through increased interactions and exchange of delegations; in particular, 11 visits of

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Japanese governors were paid to Viet Nam in 2019. The year 2019 saw 951,962 Japanese tourist arrivals to Viet Nam (a 15.2% year-on increase), ranking 3rd behind China and the ROK. - The Republic of Korea (ROK): The Strategic Cooperative Partnership between two countries continued to flourish and grow in substance. Both sides maintained frequent contacts and exchange of delegations. From Viet Nam to the ROK, there were visits by Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc to attend the Commemorative Summit celebrating the 30th Anniversary of ASEAN - ROK Dialogue Relations and the 1st MekongROK Summit (November 2019); Deputy Prime Minister Vuong Dinh Hue (June 2019); Minister of Public Security To Lam (July 2019); and Chairman of the Viet Nam Fatherland Front Central Committee Tran Thanh Man (September 2019). From the ROK to Viet Nam, there were visits by Leader of the Democratic Party of Korea (ruling party) Lee Haechan (March 2019) and Prosecutor General of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office Moon Moo-il (January 2019). Both sides held the 8th Defense Policy Dialogue and the 7th Security Dialogue. Economic, trade and investment cooperation continued to be a highlight in the two countries’ relations. Bilateral trade turnover reached $66.6 billion (out of which Viet Nam exported $19.7 billion and imported $46.9 billion). In investment, by the end of 2019, the ROK topped the list of 130 countries and territories investing in Viet Nam with more than 8,000 projects worth $67.71 billion in registered capital (accounting 25

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for 18.4% of total capital and 25% of FDI projects). In 2019 alone, the ROK ranked 1st with $7.92 billion worth of newly registered capital. In development cooperation, the ROK continued to be the 2nd largest ODA donor to Viet Nam, only behind Japan, while Viet Nam was the ROK’s largest ODA recipient. Locality-level cooperation and people-to-people exchange were further enhanced with the signing of 6 cooperation documents. The number of Korean tourist arrivals to Viet Nam reached 4,290,802 in 2019, ranking 2nd only to China. By the end of 2019, there were more than 216,000 Vietnamese people living in the ROK, among whom at least 37,000 were workers and nearly 50,000 were students, interns and postgraduates. There were over 150,000 Koreans living in Viet Nam, most of whom were entrepreneurs. - India: Both sides were actively implementing the Plan of Action for the Implementation of the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership for the period of 2017-2020. In 2019, both sides maintained exchange of visits, notably the visit of Vice President, Chairman of the Rajya Sabha Venkaiah Naidu to Viet Nam to attend the UN Day of Vesak Celebration (May 2019). Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh and Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh had meetings with Indian leaders on the sidelines of international conferences. Both sides held the meeting of the Viet Nam India Joint Sub-committee on Trade. Cooperation between Party agencies 26

was strengthened through exchange of Leaders’ delegations via the Guest of Honor program. Defense cooperation grew more productive, becoming a vital pillar in bilateral relations. In 2019, both sides held the 12th Defense Policy Dialogue; and Indian Coast Guard vessels paid 3 port calls to Viet Nam. The two sides have also stepped up sharing information and experience in forensic science, combat and prevention of crossborder crime, drugs, cybercrime, high technology crime, and terrorism, among others. India was one of Viet Nam’s 10 largest trade partners. In 2019, bilateral trade turnover reached $11.2 billion, a 4.8% year-on increase. By the end of November 2019, India ranked 26th out of 132 countries and territories investing in Viet Nam, with 251 projects worth a total of $921.5 million. Viet Nam had 8 investment projects worth a total of nearly $6.16 million in registered capital in India. Connectivity was enhanced with the opening of direct flight routes from Kolkata to Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh City by India’s IndiGo Airlines (October 2019), from Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh City to New Delhi by Vietjet Air (December 2019). The number of Indian tourist arrivals to Viet Nam was 168,998 in 2019. - Australia: The Strategic Partnership with Australia continued to flourish across multiple sectors. Both sides reinforced political trust via the exchange of official visits. From Australia to Viet Nam, there were visits by President of the Senate Scott Ryan (January 2019), Prime Minister Scott

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Morrison (August 2019), and Minister for Foreign Affairs Marise Payne (June 2019). In the other direction, there were visits by Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dzung (November 2019) and Party Secretary of Ho Chi Minh City Nguyen Thien Nhan (December 2019). Cooperation mechanisms were further promoted, notably the 1st Viet Nam - Australia Economic Partnership Meeting (November 2019), the 7th Deputy Ministerial Meeting on Foreign Affairs and Security (December 2019), the 2nd Deputy Ministerial Security Dialogue, the 3rd Defense Policy Dialogue, and the Working Group Meeting on ODA. Bilateral economic trade cooperation was thriving, with Viet Nam remaining as Australia’s 4th largest trading partner within ASEAN, and Australia being Viet Nam’s 7th largest trading partner. Bilateral trade turnover in 2019 amounted to $7.94 billion, of which Viet Nam’s exports were worth $3.49 billion, and imports worth $4.45 billion. Australia ranked 20th among 131 countries and territories with investment in Viet Nam, with 458 FDI projects worth over $1.86 billion in total capital. Meanwhile, Viet Nam had 54 FDI projects amounting to more than $260 million in Australia. Australia remained the top ODA grant provider to Viet Nam at AU$78.2 million in the 2019-2020 period. Cooperation in science and technology took a leap forward via the effective implementation of the Viet Nam - Australia Innovation Partnership Grants. Cooperation in education and training constituted a highlight of the bilateral relations, with around 31,000

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Vietnamese students and research fellows currently living and studying in Australia. The Vietnamese - Australian community of approximately 350,000 people was the 5th largest migrant community in Australia. The year 2019 saw 383,511 Australian tourist arrivals to Viet Nam, approximately the same as 2018. - New Zealand: Relations with New Zealand enjoyed consistent development and good results, with a view to establishing a Strategic Partnership. Both sides maintained regular delegation exchanges at all levels, including a visit to New Zealand by Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dzung (November 2019) and visits to Viet Nam by Minister of Finance Grant Robertson (October 2019) and the New Zealand Commissioner of Police (September 2019). The two sides also hosted the 11th Viet Nam - New Zealand Political Consultation at the Deputy Foreign Ministerial level. As for economic-trade relations, bilateral trade turnover in 2019 surpassed $1.09 billion, and Viet Nam was New Zealand’s 16th largest trading partner. Regarding investments, by the end of 2019, New Zealand had 28 active projects in Viet Nam worth $101.94 million in total registered capital, ranking 41st out of 120 countries and territories with investment in Viet Nam. Viet Nam had 6 joint venture projects with New Zealand, amounting to a total registered capital of $25.62 million. These projects mostly focused on processing and manufacturing industries, hotels and catering, and agricultural, aqua-cultural 27

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and forestry products. New Zealand provided NZ$26.7 million in ODA during the 2018-2021 period, similar to that of the 2015-2018 period. - Other Asian countries: Friendship and cooperation with other Asian countries were continuously strengthened. The ties between Viet Nam and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) witnessed positive progress, particularly in exchange of delegations. From Viet Nam to the DPRK, there were the official visit by Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh (February 2019), the visit by Standing Vice Chairman of the Party Central Communication and Education Commission Vo Van Phuong and the Vietnamese National Performing Arts Troupe for a performance in celebration of President Kim Il-sung’s birthday (April 2019), and the working visit by President of the Viet Nam Women’s Union Nguyen Thi Thu Ha (May 2019). In the other direction, there was the official visit by President Kim Jong-un on the occasion of attending the 2nd US DPRK Summit. For Mongolia, the two sides were actively organizing activities in celebration of the 65th anniversary of diplomatic relations (17 November 1954 - 17 November 2019). The year 2019 recorded $20 million in bilateral trade turnover. The two countries also maintained exchange of delegations. From Viet Nam to Mongolia, there was the visit by Minister of Public Security To Lam (July 2019). In the other direction, there were the delegations led by Minister of Defense Nyamaa Enkhbold 28

(November 2019), Minister of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry Ulaan Chultem (December 2019), SecretaryGeneral of the Mongolian People’s Party D. Amarbayasgalan (March 2019), and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs B. Battsetseg to co-chair the 8th Political Consultation (September 2019). For Bangladesh, both sides were striving to strengthen the traditional friendship and multifaceted cooperation. In April 2019, Viet Nam welcomed a Bangladeshi Navy Ship during its first port call to Ho Chi Minh City. The two sides also hosted the 2nd Meeting of the Viet Nam Bangladesh Joint Sub-committee on Trade in Ha Noi (December 2019). For Sri Lanka, both sides organized the 2nd Meeting of the Viet Nam - Sri Lanka Joint Sub-committee on Trade (October 2019) and upheld sound cooperation at international and regional forums. 2. Europe Russian Federation: The Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between the two countries, established in 2012, was continuously bolstered. In 2019, the two sides maintained exchange of delegations at all levels, particularly at the high level. From Viet Nam to Russia, there were official visits by Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (May 2019) and President of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan (December 2019), visits by Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dzung to attend the 5th Eastern Economic Forum (September 2019), Minister of Public Security To Lam (October 2019), Chairman of the Party Central Communication and Education Commission Vo Van Thuong

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(September 2019), Chairman of the Party Central Economic Commission Nguyen Van Binh (June 2019), and Chairman of the Party Central External Relations Commission Hoang Binh Quan (July 2019). In the other direction, there were visits by Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov (February 2019) and Deputy Prime Minister Maxim Akimov (October 2019). Since May 2019, both sides had organized several activities within the Viet Nam - Russia cross years in celebration of the 70th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries (1950-2020). Cooperation in defense, security and military technology was constantly reinforced. Trade and investment cooperation also received a greater boost. In 2019, bilateral trade turnover reached $4.49 billion. Two of Russia’s major oil and gas corporations, Gazprom and Rosneft, were implementing a number of projects within Viet Nam’s continental shelf. Meanwhile, cooperation in culture, education - training and science technology witnessed encouraging progress. In particular, Russia officially became Viet Nam’s largest tourism market in Europe, with 646,524 tourist arrivals to Viet Nam in 2019, a year-on increase of 7%. - European Union (EU): Viet Nam’s relations with the EU were thriving. In 2019, the two sides exchanged multiple high-level visits. Of great significance were visits to Viet Nam by Vice President of the European Parliament Heidi Hautala (January 2019) and the Vice President of the European Commission Federica Mogherini

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(August 2019), and the official visit to the European Parliament by President of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan (April 2019). The year 2019 also marked a breakthrough in the Viet Nam - EU comprehensive cooperation, with the signing of the EVFTA and the EVIPA on 30 June 2019 after seven years of negotiations. The Voluntary Partnership Agreement on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (VPA/FLEGT) between Viet Nam and the EU also officially came into force on 1 June 2019. Concurrently, the two sides also successfully hosted the 1st Meeting of the Viet Nam - EU Joint Committee on the Implementation of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA). Viet Nam - EU defense ties took a vital step forward via the signing the Framework Participation Agreement (FPA) in EU crisis management (October 2019) and hosting the 1st Viet Nam - EU Security and Defense Dialogue. On economic cooperation, the EU was Viet Nam’s 4th largest trading partner (behind China, the US, and the ROK) and 2nd largest export market (behind the US). In 2019, bilateral trade turnover was $56.5 billion, of which Viet Nam’s exports were worth $41.6 billion and imports were worth $14.9 billion. Regarding FDI, 24 out of 28 EU countries invested in 2,235 projects in Viet Nam, with total registered capital of $24.64 billion. Given these investments, the EU ranked 5th among major foreign investors in Viet Nam. On the issue of the East Sea, the EU held keen interest in this matter, and upheld a constructive position. The two sides also co-chaired 29

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the 11th South China Sea International Conference in Ha Noi (November 2019). - Bilateral relations with key EU countries were further strengthened. The Strategic Partnership with Germany witnessed stable development. The two countries enjoyed robust exchange of delegations across all levels, sectors and localities.1 Notable were visits to Germany by Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh (February 2019), Vice President of the National Assembly Do Ba Ty (September 2019), and Chairman of the Party Central External Relations Commission Hoang Binh Quan (September 2019). In the other direction, there was the visit to Viet Nam by Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Energy Peter Altmaier (March 2019). The two countries conducted the 5th Meeting of the Viet Nam Germany Strategic Management Group (December 2019) and adopted the Plan of Action for the 2020-2021 period, and advanced Governmental-level negotiation on Viet Nam - Germany Development Cooperation for the 20192021 period. Economic cooperation witnessed further development, with the bilateral trade turnover of $10.25 billion. Germany ranked 18th out of 135 countries and territories with investment in Viet Nam, with 350 FDI projects amounting to over $2 billion in total registered capital. Viet Nam had 39 FDI projects in Germany worth over $140 million in total registered

capital. The two sides signed the 3-year Cooperation Program (20192022) under the Rule-of-law Dialogue. Defense and security cooperation also witnessed new progress as Germany officially established a Defense AttachÊ Office in Viet Nam. The year 2019 saw 226,792 German tourist arrivals to Viet Nam. The Strategic Partnership with the United Kingdom (UK) was undergoing positive and comprehensive growth. The two sides continued to exchange delegations at all levels. From Viet Nam to the UK, there were visits by Chairman of the Party Central Internal Affairs Commission Phan Dinh Trac (September 2019), Minister of Education and Training Phung Xuan Nha (January 2019), and Minister of Finance Dinh Tien Dzung (July 2019). In the other direction, there were visits by the Minister of State at the Foreign Office Mark Field (January 2019) and Minister of State for Trade Policy Conor Burns (October 2019). Both sides effectively held the Viet Nam - UK Strategic Dialogue on foreign affairs, defense and security and the 2nd Deputy Ministeriallevel Defense Policy Dialogue, and organized the 11th Joint Economic and Trade Committee Meeting (JETCO-11). Bilateral trade witnessed considerable growth, surpassing $6.6 billion in 2019, out of which Viet Nam’s exports exceeded $5.7 billion. The UK ranked 15th among 135 countries and territories with investment in Viet Nam, with 380

1. There were 48 Vietnamese delegations at all levels to Germany and 13 German delegations to Viet Nam.


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projects and a total registered capital of over $3.7 billion. Cooperation on infrastructure development, climate change, and innovation was further bolstered. Collaboration in education, research and science yielded several important achievements, with the signing of over 40 cooperation agreements by research and educational institutions from both sides. The UK would also continue to support Viet Nam in scientific research via development funds. Security - defense cooperation between the two countries witnessed encouraging progress, particularly in peacekeeping missions and human trafficking prevention and combat. The year 2019 recorded 315,084 tourist arrivals from the UK to Viet Nam, constituting the 2nd largest number of arrivals from European countries. Relations with France continued to flourish, with both sides maintaining exchange of delegations at all levels. From Viet Nam to France, there were the official visit by President of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan (April 2019), visits by Standing Member of the Party Central Committee Secretariat Tran Quoc Vuong (October 2019), Party Secretary of Ha Noi Hoang Trung Hai (September 2019), and Chairman of the Party Central External Relations Commission Hoang Binh Quan to attend the 3rd Theoretical Workshop between the Communist Party of Viet Nam and the French Communist Party (June 2019). In the other direction, there was the visit by the National Secretary of the French Communist Party Fabien Roussel (July 2019).

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The two sides organized the 1st Viet Nam - France Strategy and Defense Cooperation Dialogue (July 2019) and the 6th Viet Nam - France High-level Economic Dialogue (November 2019). Ties between localities of both sides were bolstered via the 11th Conference on Cooperation between Vietnamese and French localities in Toulouse, France (April 2019), with the participation of 24 Vietnamese and 18 French localities. Bilateral trade turnover in 2019 was $5.35 billion, a year-on increase of 4.9%. France was Viet Nam’s 4th largest trading partner in Europe (behind Germany, the Netherlands, and the UK). By the end of 2019, France had invested nearly $3.7 billion in Viet Nam across 577 projects, ranking 3rd among EU countries with investment in Viet Nam (behind the UK and the Netherlands), and 16th among 135 countries and territories with investment in Viet Nam. In 2019, there were 44 newly-licensed French FDI projects in Viet Nam worth $178 million in total registered capital. In the same year, Viet Nam welcomed 287,655 French tourist arrivals. - Relations with other European countries were also strengthened via high-level visits. From Viet Nam, there were official visits by Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc to Romania and the Czech Republic (April 2019), Norway and Sweden (May 2019), and President of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan to Belarus (December 2019), and visits by Standing Member of the Party Central Committee Secretariat Tran Quoc Vuong to the Czech 31

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Republic (October 2019), Chairman of the Party Central Communication and Education Commission Vo Van Thuong to Kazakhstan (September 2019), Vice President of the National Assembly Phung Quoc Hien to Italy and Hungary (October 2019), Vice President of the National Assembly Do Ba Ty to Spain (September 2019), Standing Deputy Prime Minister Truong Hoa Binh to Finland (September 2019) and Bulgaria (October 2019), Chairman of the Party Central Economic Commission Nguyen Van Binh to Greece (September 2019), and Director of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics Nguyen Xuan Thang to Estonia (November 2019). From European countries, there were delegations led by Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of Hungary István Jakab and Minister of Interior of Lithuania Eimutis Misiūnas (both in January 2019), Vice President of Seychelles Vincent Meriton (April 2019), Crown Princess of Sweden Victoria Ingrid Alice Désirée and Secretary of State of Romania Monica Gheorghita (both in May 2019), Prime Minister of Italia Giuseppe Conte on an official visit (June 2019), Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italia Enzo Moavero Milanesi (May 2019), Vice President of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic Vojtěch Filip (June 2019), Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior of the Czech Republic Jan Hamáček (September 2019), Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan on an official visit (July 2019), Vice President of the 32

National Assembly of Armenia Vahe Enfiajyan (November 2019), Minister for Foreign Affairs of Latvia Edgars Rinkēvičs (July 2019), Deputy Prime Minister of Belarus Igor Lyashenko (September 2019), and Chairman of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of Kazakhstan Nurlan Nigmatulin on an official visit (November 2019). Notably, during the official visit to Viet Nam by Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte (April 2019), the two sides agreed to upgrade relations to Comprehensive Partnership, paving the way for novel development in bilateral ties. The traditional friendship with Central and Eastern European countries were continuously enhanced in 2019. Viet Nam and Romania organized the 16th Meeting of the Viet Nam - Romania Joint Committee on Economic Cooperation (October 2019). The majority of Central and Eastern European countries supported the early ratification of the EVFTA and the EVIPA, particularly during Romania’s Presidency of the EU during the first six months of 2019. 3. The Americas - The United States (US): Relations with the US were thriving in bilateral, regional and international frameworks. Delegation exchange was further promoted with over 60 Vietnamese delegations visiting the US. Of particular note were visits by Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh (May 2019), Minister of Public Security To Lam (April 2019), Director of the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics Nguyen Xuan Thang (July 2019), and Chairman of the

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Party Central Economic Commission Nguyen Van Binh (April and December 2019). From the US to Viet Nam, most notable was the State-level visit by President Donald Trump during which he attended the 2nd US - DPRK Summit (February 2019). Other significant visits included those by Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross (both in November 2019), and a number of delegations from the US Congress. Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc also met with President Donald Trump on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in Japan (June 2019). The two countries successfully hosted 6 dialogues on politics-security-defense, the Asia-Pacific, human rights, maritime law, energy, and defense policy. Economic and trade ties continued to flourish, with the US maintaining its position as Viet Nam’s largest export market. Bilateral trade turnover in 2019 was $75.7 billion, of which the US exports to Viet Nam increased by 11.7%. Businesses from both countries also signed trade agreements worth tens of billions of US dollars during the visits of high-level leaders. As of the end of 2019, the US was the 10th largest foreign investor in Viet Nam. The two sides signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Comprehensive Energy Cooperation Partnership (October 2019), the Agreement on Mutual Assistance in Customs (December 2019), and the Cooperation Framework to Strengthen Infrastructure Finance (November 2019). Regarding defense and security, both sides continued to promote cooperation on enhancing

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maritime law enforcement capacity, training officials, and combating crimes and terrorism. The two countries also launched the Dioxin Remediation Project at Bien Hoa Airport and enjoyed sound collaboration on the issue of POW/MIA. The US also provided financial support for the search and clearance of UXO in Viet Nam. As for education and training, there were around 30,000 Vietnamese students in the US, ranking 5th among countries with the most overseas students in the US. In 2019, there were 746,171 tourist arrivals from the US to Viet Nam. - Canada: Viet Nam continued to maintain high-level contacts with Canada. Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc met with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in Japan (June 2019). Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh met with Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland on the sidelines of the 52nd ASEAN Ministerial Meeting in Thailand (August 2019), and Minister of National Defense Ngo Xuan Lich paid a visit to Canada (May 2019). On economic and trade matters, bilateral trade turnover in 2019 was $4.77 billion, of which Viet Nam’s exports were worth $3.9 billion. Canada remained as Viet Nam’s 3rd largest trading partner in the Americas (behind the US and Brazil), while Viet Nam was Canada’s largest trading partner among ASEAN countries. Defense - security cooperation between Viet Nam and Canada witnessed promising progress. The two countries signed a Memorandum of 33

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Understanding on defense cooperation, while two Royal Canadian Navy Ships made port calls at Cam Ranh International Port, Khanh Hoa Province. In 2019, Viet Nam welcomed 159,121 tourist arrivals from Canada. - Relations with other partners in Latin America continued to be strengthened across multiple areas. Cuba: Viet Nam’s special friendship and comprehensive partnership with Cuba were bolstered on all fields, to which regular visits by high-level leaders from both countries bear testament. From Viet Nam to Cuba, there were notable visits by Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh (July 2019), Vice President of the National Assembly Uong Chu Luu (April 2019), and Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh and Chairman of the Party Central Internal Affairs Commission Phan Dinh Trac (both in May 2019). In the other direction, there were visits by Minister of Construction René Antonio Mesa Villafana (April 2019), Minister of Communications Jorge Louis Perdomo Di-Lella (May 2019), Minister of Science, Technology and Environment Elba Rosa Pérez Montoya (June 2019), President of the Committee for the Defense of the Revolution Carlos Rafael Miranda Martinez (August 2019), Minister of Foreign Trade and Investment Rodrigo Malmierca Diaz (September 2019), and Minister of Justice Oscar Manuel Silvera Martínez (December 2019). The two sides hosted the 37th Meeting of the Viet Nam - Cuba Intergovernmental Committee in Ha Noi (September 2019) 34

and the 5th Political Consultation at the Deputy Foreign Ministerial level in La Habana (September 2019). Political - diplomatic ties with other Latin American countries were also further reinforced via maintaining exchanges of high-level delegations. From Viet Nam, there were visits by Vice President of the National Assembly Uong Chu Luu to Brazil (April 2019) and Chairman of the Party Central Internal Affairs Commission Phan Dinh Trac to the Dominican Republic (May 2019). From Latin American countries to Viet Nam, there were the Statelevel visit by President of Argentina Mauricio Macri (February 2019) and visits by Minister of Education and Culture of Uruguay Maria Julia Munoz (April 2019), Minister of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries of Uruguay Enzo Rául Benech Bounous (November 2019), Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply of Brazil Tereza Cristina (May 2019), Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nicaragua Denis Ronaldo Moncada Colindre (September 2019), First Vice President of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela Diosdado Cabello (September 2019), and General Secretary of the Dominican Republic’s United Left Movement (MIU), Minister for Regional Integration Policies of Dominica Miguel Mejia (December 2019). There were also bilateral meetings between Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and President of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro and President of Colombia Ivan Duque Marquez on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Switzerland (January 2019). Deputy Prime Minister,

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Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh met with Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Argentina and Peru on the sidelines of the 74th Session of the UN General Assembly (September 2019), and with Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico on the sidelines of the G20 Ministerial Meeting in Japan (November 2019). High-level visits and contacts had promoted cooperation and yielded significant agreements, contributing to completing legal frameworks conducive to cooperation between Viet Nam and Latin American countries. Economic and trade ties with Latin American countries also enjoyed further growth. Bilateral trade turnover with Viet Nam’s four major trading partners in the region (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, and Chile) in 2019 reached $13.4 billion, a year-on increase of 11.1%. Increasing trade activities stemmed from greater interest from both sides, facilitation of market access for a range of agricultural products, and the positive impacts of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). After the CPTPP came into force, cooperation in investment also paved the way for further growth and opened up new opportunities for trade investment cooperation with 3 fellow CPTPP members, including Mexico, Chile, and Peru. 4. Middle East and Africa In 2019, cooperation between Viet Nam and countries in the Middle East and Africa enjoyed encouraging political and economic growth.

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Regarding delegation exchanges, notably from the Vietnamese side, President of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan paid an official visit to Morocco (March 2019) and attended the IPU Assembly in Qatar (April 2019). There were also visits by Head of the Party Central Committee’s Organization Commission Pham Minh Chinh to Israel and South Africa (July 2019) and to Tanzania and Egypt (December 2019), Head of the Party Central Communication and Education Commission Vo Van Thuong to Morocco and Ivory Coast (June 2019), Deputy Prime Minister Vuong Dinh Hue to Ivory Coast, South Africa, Nigeria, and Cameroon (October and November 2019), Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dzung to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Tanzania (July 2019), and Minister of Public Security To Lam to Qatar and Mozambique (December 2019). From countries in the Middle East and Africa to Viet Nam, there were visits by Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Uganda Oryem Henry Okello (January 2019), Minister of Oil and Minister of Electricity and Water of Kuwait Khaled Ali Al Fadhel (April and September 2019), Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ivory Coast Marcel Amon Tanoh (June 2019), Minister of Defense and Military Veterans of South Africa Nositiwe Noluthando Mapisa-Nqakula (August 2019), Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Botswana Unity Dow (August 2019), Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs of Kenya Monica Juma (December 2019), and the African Union Commissioner 35

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for Foreign Affairs Victor Harrison (December 2019). Of particular note was the official signing of a Joint Statement between Viet Nam and South Sudan on the establishment of diplomatic relations on 21 February 2019 in New York, the US. Thus, Viet Nam had established diplomatic ties with 54 out of 55 African countries. The network of honorary consuls was also expanded, as Viet Nam, for the first time ever, assigned honorary consuls to Cameroon and Ivory Coast. Viet Nam had also successfully cohosted the 4th Meetings of the Viet Nam UAE and Viet Nam - South Africa Intergovernmental Committees, the 2nd Meeting of the Viet Nam - Kuwait Joint Committee on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation, and two Political Consultations with Ivory Coast (Foreign Ministerial level) and Oman (Deputy Foreign Ministerial level). Legal frameworks for cooperation between Viet Nam and countries in the Middle East and Africa continued to be enhanced, with the signing of around 20 new agreements and treaties, notably the agreement on visa exemption for holders of official or diplomatic passports with Botswana (August 2019) and Nigeria (October 2019). Economic ties with countries in these regions continued to flourish. By the end of 2019, bilateral trade turnover was $18.3 billion. Cooperation in other

sectors was also bolstered, including collaboration with Israel on advanced technology application in agricultural production, and Viettel Military Industry and Telecoms Group’s five investment projects on telecommunications in Africa, and four construction projects in Mozambique, Burundi, Tanzania, and Cameroon, with a total registered capital of approximately $2 billion. At the same time, oil and gas projects in Algeria were yielding around 18,000 barrels per day, and working towards the goal of 40,000 barrels per day. The Nghi Son Refinery, a joint venture among Viet Nam, Kuwait and Japan, as of the end of September 2019, had processed around 11 million tons of crude oil. Viet Nam successfully hosted the 1st “Meet Ambassadors of the Middle East and Africa” Conference in Ha Noi (September 2019) with the participation of over 400 delegates, 44 Ambassadors of Middle Eastern and African countries, and representatives of international organizations and development partners. Another seminar on “Viet Nam - Africa Cooperation: Risk Management in Economic Cooperation with African Countries” was organized in collaboration with the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF) in Ha Noi (December 2019). Viet Nam also successfully hosted numerous activities to strengthen economic - trade relations with countries in these regions.1


1. For further detail, please refer to Chapter Four, Section I.


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General Secretary, President Nguyen Phu Trong holding talks with General Secretary, President of the Lao PDR Bounnhang Vorachith during his friendly official visit to Laos (Vientiane, 24 February 2019) - VNA

General Secretary, President Nguyen Phu Trong holding talks with His Majesty King Norodom Sihamoni of Cambodia during his State visit to the Kingdom of Cambodia (Phnom Penh, 25 February 2019) - VNA


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General Secretary, President Nguyen Phu Trong welcoming President of the Republic of Argentina Mauricio Macri during his State visit to Viet Nam (19-21 February 2019) - VNA

Member of the Politburo, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh holding talks with Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs of Germany Heiko Maas during his visit to the Federal Republic of Germany (Berlin, 20 February 2019) - VNA


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General Secretary, President Nguyen Phu Trong welcoming US President Donald Trump on his visit to Viet Nam and attendance at the 2nd US - DPRK Summit (Ha Noi, 27 February 2019) - VNA

General Secretary, President Nguyen Phu Trong welcoming Chairman of the Workers’ Party and the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK Kim Jong-un during his official friendly visit to Viet Nam (Ha Noi, 1 March 2019) - VNA


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General Secretary, President Nguyen Phu Trong and Sultan of Brunei Darussalam Hassanal Bolkiah reviewing the Guards of Honor of the People’s Army of Viet Nam during his State visit to Viet Nam (Ha Noi, 26 March 2019) - VNA

Speaker of the House of Representatives of Morocco Habib El Malki welcoming Member of the Politburo, President of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan during her official visit to Morocco (Rabat, 27 March 2019) - VNA


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Member of the Politburo, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc signing the Memorandum of Understanding on Agricultural Transformation Cooperation in the Mekong Delta with Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte during his official visit to Viet Nam (Ha Noi, 9 April 2019) - VNA

General Secretary, President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping welcoming Member of the Politburo, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc to the 2nd Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in China (Beijing, 25-27 April 2019) - VNA


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Member of the Politburo, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh meeting with President of the Council of State and Council of Ministers of Cuba Miguel DĂ­az-Canel BermĂşdez during his official visit to Cuba (La Habana, 20 May 2019) - VNA

Member of the Politburo, President of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan meeting with Prime Minister of Australia Scott Morrison during his official visit to Viet Nam (Ha Noi, 13 August 2019) - VNA


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General Secretary, President Nguyen Phu Trong meeting with Prime Minister of Malaysia Mahathir Mohamad during his official visit to Viet Nam (Ha Noi, 28 August 2019) - VNA

Member of the Politburo, Standing Member of the Party Central Committee Secretariat Tran Quoc Vuong meeting with First Vice President of the Senate of France Philippe Dallier during his working visit to the French Republic (Paris, 25-29 October 2019) - VNA


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019 was the first year for the implementation of Directive No. 25-CT/TW of the Party Secretariat dated 8 August 2018 on bolstering and elevating Viet Nam’s multilateral diplomacy until 2030. Multilateral diplomacy was conducted under the guidelines of “proactive participation”, “active contribution” and “shaping the game rules,” and great effort was made

towards playing a leading, mediating and reconciling role at multilateral institutions. Accordingly, Viet Nam’s multilateral diplomatic activities were conducted in a coordinated and proactive manner; many initiatives were raised and many important achievements made across different multilateral fora, particularly the ASEAN and the UN.

I. Diplomatic Activities at ASEAN Viet Nam continued to be an active, proactive and responsible player in all areas of ASEAN cooperation, joining a total of 11 summits, 7 ministerial meetings and 20 senior officials’ meetings (SOM). As the upcoming ASEAN Chair, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc took part in the 34th (June 2019) and 35th (November 2019) ASEAN Summits and related summits in Thailand, and formally assumed the ASEAN chairmanship from the Prime Minister of Thailand. Viet Nam’s contributions were instrumental in the implementation of the ASEAN 44

Community Blueprints across the pillars. Viet Nam also played an important role in strengthening ASEAN’s solidarity and unity, thus bringing into full play its centrality in the promotion of dialogues and confidence building, and in the shaping and sharing of norms of conduct in the region. Regarding political and security cooperation, Viet Nam continued seeking to promote ASEAN’s solidarity, unity, and resilience; enhance ASEAN’s role in the regional and international affairs; advance various platforms for coordinating ASEAN’s common

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Member of the Politburo, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc receiving the symbolic Chairman’s gavel from Prime Minister of Thailand Prayuth Chan-o-cha at the Closing Ceremony of the 35th ASEAN Summit (Bangkok, 4 November 2019) - VNA

positions and rapid responses to emerging issues that might impact the region. Viet Nam chaired and co-chaired an array of activities to realize the ASEAN Political - Security Community Blueprint 2025, including: i) the 1st ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) Seminar on implementation of the UNCLOS 1982 to address emerging maritime issues (Nha Trang, February 2019); ii) the 2nd ARF Seminar on Enhancing Regional Maritime Law Enforcement Cooperation (Da Nang, March 2019); iii) the 2nd ARF Seminar on implementation of the UNCLOS 1982 (Ha Noi, November 2019); iv) the 11th ARF Inter-Sessional Meeting on Maritime Security (Da Nang, March 2019); v) the 30th ASEAN - China Joint Working Group (JWG) Meeting

on implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) and the 18th ASEAN China Senior Officials’ Meeting (SOM) on the DOC (Da Lat, October 2019); (vi) the 9th ASEAN Marine Forum (AMF-9) and the 7th Extended ASEAN Marine Forum (EAMF-7) (Da Nang, December 2019). On human rights, Viet Nam was an active participant in the work of the ASEAN Inter-Governmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) and the ASEAN Commission on Women and Children (ACWC). Viet Nam hosted an AICHR Seminar on gender equality promotion and women empowerment via the use of information technology (Ho Chi Minh City, December 2019). 45

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Concerning the East Sea issue, Viet Nam underscored the importance of (i) confidence building, self-restraint, non-militarization, non-use nor threat of force, and refraining from acts that might further complicate the situation or that violate the sovereignty and jurisdiction of the littoral states; (ii) the full implementation of the DOC and conclusion of an effective and substantive Code of Conduct in the South China Sea (COC); (iii) the observation of international law, particularly the UNCLOS 1982; and (iv) the maintenance of peace, stability, security and safety in the East Sea. At various conferences and bilateral meetings, Viet Nam actively worked with other countries to arrive at a common understanding of the interests and responsibilities of countries in the East Sea issue. On economic cooperation, Viet Nam was a spirited actor in implementing ASEAN economic cooperation priorities. Viet Nam and fellow ASEAN member states had implemented 93 out of 171 ASEAN economic cooperation priorities in the year. Viet Nam took part in the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Monitoring and Evaluation Country visits

to Myanmar and Singapore, respectively; promoted the adoption of the Concept Paper on the Mid-term Review of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) Blueprint 2025. On trade in goods, Viet Nam completed its domestic procedures for the removal of tariff quota against sugar imported from other ASEAN countries, thus contributing to the elimination of a total of 98.6% of the tariff lines under the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA). Viet Nam also signed the First Protocol to amend the ATIGA on selfcertification. On trade facilitation, Viet Nam and fellow ASEAN member states continued working towards the twin goal of reducing trade transaction costs by 10% by 2020 and doubling the intraASEAN trade turnover between 2017 and 2025. Viet Nam and fellow ASEAN member states (with the exception of the Philippines) also signed the ASEAN Trade in Services Agreement (ATISA); and implemented internal procedures for the signing of the Fourth Protocol to Amend the ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement (ACIA). Additionally, Viet Nam also undertook various practical activities to strengthen the economic ties between ASEAN and its partners.1

1. These include: (i) Working with other ASEAN member states to complete the signing of the First Protocol to Amend the ASEAN - Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership (AJCEP) on 24 April 2019; (ii) Addressing the bottlenecks in the Third Protocol to Amend the ASEAN - ROK Trade in Goods Agreement; (iii) Ratifying the ASEAN - Hong Kong (China) FTA and the ASEAN - Hong Kong (China) Investment Agreement; (iv) Developing a work plan to upgrade the ASEAN - Australia - New Zealand FTA (AANZFTA); continuing to implement the ASEAN - US Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) 2018-2019 and “the Extended Economic Cooperation” (E3); adopting the Cooperation Program between ASEAN and the Eurasian Economic Union (EEC) for 2019-2020; discussing upcoming steps towards the possibility of negotiating an ASEAN - Canada FTA; (v) continuing the ASEAN+3 economic cooperation program for 2019-2020, particularly the implementation of the Joint Study on “10+3 Cooperation for the Improvement of Supply Chain Connectivity.”


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On cultural and social cooperation, Viet Nam keenly supported common ASEAN initiatives and efforts by actively implementing priorities in such areas as labor, employment, promotion and protection of migrating workers’ rights, mainstreaming gender issues and the protection of women’s rights, preventing and combating human trafficking, and empowering social works. Notably, Viet Nam made many important contributions to ASEAN labor cooperation, including the successfully hosting of the seminar on the changing nature of employment relations under the impacts of technology use and the adequacy of the law in regulating employment relations (July 2019), and the 3rd Meeting of the Working Group on mainstreaming gender into labor policies (September 2019). With regard to the relations with ASEAN’s partners, Viet Nam continued actively working with other ASEAN member states to forge stronger ties between ASEAN and its partners through such frameworks as ASEAN+1, ASEAN+3, the East Asia Summit (EAS). Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc participated in the ASEAN - ROK Commemorative Summit celebrating the 30th anniversary of the dialogue partnership in Busan in November 2019. Viet Nam, in its role as the 2018-2021 Country Coordinator for the ASEAN Japan relations, successfully co-chaired the 22nd ASEAN - Japan Summit on Connectivity (Bangkok, November 2019), co-chaired the 34th ASEAN Japan Forum (Ha Noi, June 2019),

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hosted the Symposium on ASEAN Japan Cooperation for Prosperity (Ha Noi, June 2019) and the ASEAN - Japan Music Festival (Ha Noi, July 2019). On cooperation to promote connectivity and bridge the development gap within ASEAN, Viet Nam and fellow ASEAN member states adopted the initiative “Connecting the Connectivities” as part of the coordinated efforts to realize the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025 (MPAC 2025). Viet Nam, Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar commenced the implementation of the Work Plan III of the Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) in several key areas.1 As of September 2019, 19 out of 26 items (approximately 73.1%) in the Work Plan III had been completed, involving more than 70 aid-funded projects worth roughly $20 million. In addition, the preparations for Viet Nam’s upcoming ASEAN Chairmanship in 2020 were progressing on schedule. All plan proposals concerning discussion agenda, protocol, logistics, communication, culture, security and health were approved in line with the masterplan proposal. The theme, priorities and expected deliverables for the ASEAN Chairmanship 2020 enjoyed a wealth of positive feedbacks and support from fellow ASEAN member states and partners. The Viet Nam’s ASEAN 2020 National Committee held four meetings to comprehensively review and evaluate all preparatory work for the ASEAN Chairmanship 2020.

1. Food and Agriculture; Trade facilitation; Development of micro, small and mediumsized enterprises (MSMEs); Education; Health and Welfare; Training and Labor.


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Diplomatic Bluebook - 2019

II. Diplomatic Activities at the United Nations and other Multilateral Mechanisms 1. At the United Nations Viet Nam had a very memorable year at the UN. On 7 June 2019, Viet Nam for the second time had been elected nonpermanent member of the UN Security Council for the 2020-2021 tenure with a record number of votes (192 out of 193) in its favor. The result reflected the trust given to Viet Nam by the international community. It was also a testament to Viet Nam’s role, status and its capacity to play a positive role in addressing key regional and international issues, and a recognition of Viet Nam’s tireless efforts for the world peace and security. Viet Nam was also an active participant

in other UN activities throughout the year. Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh addressed the 74th UN General Assembly High-level General Debate (September 2019). Viet Nam was one of the presidents of the 2019 Conference on Disarmament (together with the Ukraine, the UK, the US, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe), and continued making effective contributions to the UN peacekeeping operations.1 In the field of development cooperation, Viet Nam continued to be a dynamic participant in the planning and implementation of development

International friends congratulating Viet Nam on being elected as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council with the record 192/193 votes in favor (New York, 7 June 2019) - VNA 1. See Chapter Four, Section II.2.


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policies, making real contributions and leaving a positive imprint in the process. Viet Nam actively took part in the Highlevel Political Forum (HLPF) within the framework of the UN Economic and Social Council (July 2019), and the UN General Assembly summits on sustainable development and climate action (September 2019). The various UN forums offered the platform for Viet Nam to share its experiences and achievements in implementing UN plans of action for social development, food security, healthcare, education, population, women, and children, among others. Additionally, Viet Nam continued advancing the implementation of 2030 Agenda for sustainable development, the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the 2015 Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. Viet Nam also took part in international negotiations for the implementation of these agreements. Viet Nam supported and joined all efforts for the reform of the UN development system, actively implemented the Resolution on the repositioning of the UN development system to enhance its effectiveness and assist member states in realizing the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. In October 2019, Viet Nam hosted the Seminar “The UN Development System and Its Relations with Viet Nam” as a forum to discuss with all Viet Nam-based UN agencies on bilateral cooperation activities. Viet Nam was also active on platforms for maritime, oceanic affairs

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and international trade law, including the 29th Conference of Parties to the UNCLOS 1982, the conferences on the development of International Law of the Sea, the 52nd Meeting of the UN Committee on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL), and the 71st Meeting of the International Law Committee (ILC). Viet Nam welcomed more than 570 international delegations with some 1,700 delegates to the UN Day of Vesak Celebration 2019. Viet Nam diligently participated in the activities of the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO),1 and played an active role as a bridge between the UN and ASEAN. As part of the 20162020 Plan of Action to implement the Joint Declaration on the Comprehensive Partnership between ASEAN and the UN, Viet Nam co-hosted the 7th ASEAN - UN Workshop and the 5th Regional Dialogue on Political - Security Cooperation in Ha Noi (December 2019). 2. At other International Mechanisms In 2019, Viet Nam continued engaging actively in inter-regional cooperation. This practically contributed to advancing inter-regional cooperation and connectivity in various spheres, particularly economy and trade. At the World Trade Organization (WTO), Viet Nam was an active advocate of WTO reforms and WTO’s centrality in the multilateral trading system. Viet Nam attended the Informal WTO Ministerial Meeting sponsored by a number of WTO developing countries (November 2019), and advanced

1.. See Chapter Four, Section II.


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several multilateral negotiations within the WTO, including the Master Plan for negotiations on seafood product subsidies in WTO. Viet Nam also attended a seminar on the Information Technology Agreement 2 (ITA2) and made preparations for the 2nd round of negotiations on Viet Nam’s national trade policy at the WTO. Regarding the Asia - Europe Meeting (ASEM) cooperation, Viet Nam was a keen participant at this platform, making active contributions to matters of common interest for 2019, especially in connectivity, response to climate change and natural disasters, water resources management, food security, sustainable development,

science and technology, education and training, women empowerment, and human resources development. Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh attended the 14th ASEM Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in Spain (December 2019), where he proposed two initiatives on advancing the role of ASEM in forging stronger multilateral cooperation and response to global challenges and on women’s economic empowerment in the digital age (the latter was co-sponsored by 8 members), respectively. In addition, Viet Nam hosted several activities within ASEM,1 contributing tangibly to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Member of the Politburo, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh taking a photo with heads of delegations of participating countries at the 14th ASEM Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (Madrid, 16 December 2019) - VNA 1. ASEM Seminar on promoting digital economies in the context of the 4.0 industrial revolution (January 2019), the ASEM Conference on promoting the inclusive economic and social development in Asia and Europe (May 2019), the 13th ASEM Conference of the Customs Directors General (October 2019).


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Viet Nam was an active participant at the Asia - Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC). Viet Nam worked closely with Chile, the host economy, and other APEC members to realize the priorities of APEC 2019, which would contribute to sustaining the momentum of the APEC regional economic cooperation and integration and enhancing the Forum’s role. Viet Nam also advanced the realization of the important outcomes of APEC Viet Nam 2017, including the development of the APEC Vision (as the Vice Chair of the APEC Vision Group), inclusive development, human resources development, and the digital age. Viet Nam hosted two workshops on training innovation-related skills and promoting inclusive development through promoting digital literacy and skills for women and girls. Viet Nam also made positive contributions to key items on the APEC agenda, such as building the multilateral trading system, bolstering free trade, economic and investment cooperation, promoting regional economic integration and connectivity, ensuring food security, facilitating micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), and enabling women participation in economic development. In 2019, two Viet Nam-sponsored initiatives, namely the organization of seminars to build capacity for managing and reducing solid wastes in ocean, and the facilitation of MSMEs and women businesses’ access to financial technology, were adopted by APEC. Additionally, Viet Nam was also

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an active contributor at the Ministerial Conferences on trade, small and mediumsized enterprises, finance, women, and food security, APEC senior officials’ meetings, and those of the APEC Business Advisory Council.1 Viet Nam also engaged actively in the sub-regional cooperation. Highlights included Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc attending the first Mekong - ROK Summit held in the ROK (November 2019); Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh attending the 10th Mekong - Ganga Cooperation Ministerial Meeting (MGC-10) in Thailand (August 2019). In addition, Viet Nam also participated in the 12th Lower Mekong Initiative Ministerial Meeting (LMI-12) (August 2019) and the 12th Mekong - Japan Ministerial Meeting in Thailand (August 2019). With regard to Mekong - Lancang cooperation, Viet Nam participated in the Mekong - Lancang Water Resources Cooperation Ministerial Meeting (December 2019); successfully held the Mekong - Lancang Cooperation Week in Ha Noi (March 2019) and the Meeting of the Working Group for Mekong - Lancang Water Resources Cooperation in Can Tho. Viet Nam also proactively engaged Laos, Thailand and Cambodia on the effective and sustainable management, exploitation and use of water resources, and made active efforts to strengthen the Cambodia Laos - Viet Nam (CLV) development triangle, the Cambodia - Laos - Myanmar Viet Nam (CLMV) development cooperation, and the Ayeyawady - Chao

1. In 2019, for the first time ever in 30 years, due to various reasons, the APEC Summit could not be held in Chile.


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Phraya - Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (ACMECS). Viet Nam also stepped up its participation at other multilateral forums, providing quality and substantive contributions. Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc actively participated in the World Economic Forum (WEF) Davos in Switzerland (January 2019), the East Asia Summit (EAS) in Thailand (November 2019), and the G20 Summit in Japan (June 2019).1 Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh attended the 5th Summit of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA) in Tajikistan (June 2019) and the

18th Non-Aligned Movement Summit in Azerbaijan (October 2019). Within the framework of the International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF), Viet Nam continued to play a leading role in the Asia-Pacific, thus helping to champion the common interests of the Francophone countries, and made an active presence in the 36th OIF Ministerial Conference in Monaco (October 2019). Viet Nam was also a keen participant at the 9th FEALAC (Forum for East Asia Latin America Cooperation) Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in the Dominican Republic (November 2019) and the 58th

Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe welcoming Member of the Politburo, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc at the Opening Ceremony of the G20 Leaders’ Summit in Japan (Osaka, 28 June 2019) - VNA 1. At the conference, Viet Nam urged the G20 to establish a global response network for marine and ocean data sharing and to move towards a global framework to combat oceanic plastic debris.


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Member of the Party Central Committee, Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh and the high-level delegation of Viet Nam taking a photo with President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev at the 18th Non-Aligned Movement Summit (Baku, 24 October 2019) - VNA

Annual Session of the Asian - African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO), the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD), the Bali Process on People Smuggling, Trafficking in Persons and Related Transnational Crimes.1 Viet Nam also implemented a wide range of projects in collaboration with the International Migration Organization (IOM).

Viet Nam’s successful hosting of the 2nd US - DPRK Summit in Ha Noi (February 2019) was of particular note. This event demonstrated Viet Nam’s role in promoting peace in the world at large and on the Korean Peninsula in particular. At the same time, it was a testament to Viet Nam’s credential and experience on the global stage, and its ability to meet security requirements for major international events.

III. Diplomatic Activities Contributing to the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights The year 2019 witnessed Viet Nam achieving important landmarks in the protection and promotion of 1

human rights. Viet Nam was active in advancing the implementation of international commitments on human

1. Viet Nam was in the process of adopting the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. For the first time, Viet Nam held the 14th Senior Officials’ Meeting of the Working Group on the Bali Process in Da Nang (July 2019) after 17 years as its member.


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rights and stepped up international cooperation and the dissemination of information in this regard. In this field, Viet Nam completed the Third Cycle of the UN Human Rights Council Universal Periodic Review (UPR) and successfully presented its National Report on the Implementation of the International Convention on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Viet Nam accepted 241 out of the 291 recommendations (nearly 83%) by other countries and developed a Master Plan for their implementation, which was applauded by many countries and UN agencies. Additionally, Viet Nam also submitted a 25-year National Report on the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, offering a comprehensive evaluation of its efforts and achievements in ensuring gender equality and women empowerment. Viet Nam actively joined the common effort of the international community in the promotion of human rights values. At the meetings of the Committee on Human Rights, Humanitarian and Social Issues (Committee 3), the UN Human Rights Council and the UN Economic and Social Council, Viet Nam had upheld the principles of respect for independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of other countries, non-interference, and underscored the importance of refraining from double standards or politicization of human rights issues. Viet Nam also championed cooperation, dialogue and the priorities of developing countries, especially with regard to economic, social and cultural


rights, right to development, and rights of the vulnerable groups. Additionally, Viet Nam also assumed a core and leading role on many substantive matters at international human rights forums. New initiatives, in particular, were continually introduced and sustained. In 2019, at the UN Human Rights Council, Viet Nam, together with Bangladesh and the Philippines, introduced a draft Resolution on Climate Change and the Rights of People with Disabilities with 49 co-sponsors. Viet Nam also spoke on behalf of ASEAN at the UN Roundtable Discussion on Climate Change and Women’s Rights (June 2019).1 Notably, to prepare for its UN Security Council non-permanent membership for the 2020-2021 term, throughout 2019, Viet Nam actively provided inputs to the UN Security Council open discussion on “Women, Peace and Security” scheduled for 2020. At the regional level, Viet Nam hosted many ASEAN human rights activities. The bilateral human rights dialogues between Viet Nam and its partners continued to prove effective, including the 8th Viet Nam - EU Human Rights Dialogue (March 2019), the 23rd Viet Nam - US Human Rights Dialogue (May 2019), the 16th Viet Nam - Australia Human Rights Dialogue (August 2019). This helped strengthen the mutual understanding and bilateral relations between Viet Nam and its partners. For the first time, Viet Nam and Australia issued a joint press release following the bilateral human rights dialogue.

1. The discussion aimed at the implementation of a resolution introduced by Viet Nam at the UN Human Rights Council in 2018.

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I. Economic Diplomacy In 2019, economic diplomacy has been conducted in a cohesive, innovative and effective manner. It has contributed to maintaining a peaceful external environment and creating favorable conditions for Viet Nam’s international integration and economic development. Notable achievements of Viet Nam’s economic diplomacy are: 1. The establishment of new cooperation channels has been further promoted to harness Viet Nam and its partners’ potentials and strengths. Such work aimed to further strengthen economic ties with strategic and comprehensive partners, while resolving outstanding issues in bilateral economic relations. As such, economic cooperation has always been part of the core agenda of Vietnamese high-level leaders’ visits to other countries. In addition, drawn from international experience, the provided

by the diplomatic service produced valuable economic studies to advise the Party and State in regulating the economy and developing strategies for economic development amidst constant, unpredictable global fluctuations. 2. Negotiations on Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) and the implementation of signed FTAs have been expedited. The EVFTA and the EVIPA were officially signed in June 2019, playing a significant role in elevating the economic relations between Viet Nam and the EU to new heights. To date, Viet Nam is one of the first four Asian nations and the second among ASEAN countries to sign this Agreement with the EU. In November 2019, Viet Nam and other 15 Participating Countries (not including India) issued a Joint Leaders’ Statement on the RCEP.1 The year 2019 also

1. The Joint Statement announced the conclusion of text-based negotiation for the entire 20 chapters of the Agreement and essentially all negotiations on market access issues. The Statement has taken note of India’s outstanding issues which remain unresolved, and that RCEP Participating Countries shall work together with India to resolve these outstanding issues in a mutually satisfactory way.


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Member of the Politburo, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc witnessing the signing of the Viet Nam - EU Free Trade Agreement and the Viet Nam - EU Investment Protection Agreement (Ha Noi, 30 June 2019) - VNA

witnessed Viet Nam’s active effort to promote the effective implementation of CPTPP,1 which Viet Nam considers one of the pillars of its economic diplomacy. 3. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs made every effort to advance concrete national economic interests and elevate the image and role of Viet Nam at regional and international cooperation mechanisms. Cooperation with the World Economic Forum has been deepened and progress has been made with regard to the signing of several important cooperation

agreements.2 In addition, Viet Nam also made various preparations to assume the ASEAN Chairmanship 2020 in order to contribute to the realization of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)’s goals on sustainable development, innovation through digital technology, and narrowing the development gap. Moreover, Viet Nam has also collaborated with other countries in promoting economic, trade and investment cooperation, and carrying out effective and substantive projects

1. The Agreement entered into force on 14 January 2019. 2. Memorandum of Understanding by and between the Government of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and the World Economic Forum regarding the Affiliate Centre for the 4th Industrial Revolution Viet Nam, Agreement on sending Vietnamese officers to the WEF Center for the 4th Industrial Revolution, and the Protocol on Collaboration toward Circular Economic Development in Plastic Waste Treatment in Viet Nam, which will soon be expanded to other ASEAN countries.


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within the frameworks of the Cambodia Laos - Viet Nam Development Triangle Area (CLV), the Cambodia - Laos Myanmar - Viet Nam Development Cooperation (CLMV), the Ayeyawady Chao Phraya - Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (ACMECS), the Greater Mekong Sub-region cooperation (GMS), and other economic cooperation mechanisms among Mekong countries and their partners. 4. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs took the initiative in seizing opportunities, adopting innovative measures to boost trade and investment and promote Viet Nam’s image. The diplomatic service has actively assisted businesses in seeking partners and expanding markets, especially key partners and major markets. Viet Nam has harnessed opportunities at bilateral and multilateral economic forums and significant promotion events for the practical economic benefits of Vietnamese businesses. These events include the World Economic Forum in Switzerland (January 2019), the ASEAN - Japan Day (June 2019), the series of events for brand and service promotion in Japan (June 2019), the Viet Nam’s Month in India (November 2019) and other forums and business symposiums with Nigeria and Ghana (January 2019), South Africa (March and November 2019), UAE (April 2019), Kuwait and Tanzania (July 2019), and Saudi Arabia (September 2019). The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has successfully piloted the “AgriGift” scheme and launched the “media toolkit” to introduce Vietnamese agricultural produce such as coffee beans, mangos and dragon fruits to foreign markets.

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In addition, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has worked closely with relevant ministries and agencies in advocating market access for Vietnamese agricultural products. Notable successes include (i) the signing of the Protocol on Veterinary and Health Requirements for Dairy Products to be Exported from Viet Nam to China, (ii) facilitation of the export of Vietnamese lychee to Japan, mango to the US (after a 10-year campaign), raw whole shrimp and fresh longan to Australia, chili to Malaysia, and longan, pomelo, rambutan and durian to India, and (iii) advocacy for the US recognition of Viet Nam’s Siluriformes fish inspection system to be equivalent to the system established by American regulations. Significant work has been done in urging Saudi Arabia to lift the suspension on aquaculture imports from Viet Nam. 5. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs effectively implemented the guideline in which businesses and localities are beneficiaries of assistance and are placed at the center of economic diplomacy work. The Ministry has provided active support to businesses in seeking partners, expanding their markets, addressing outstanding issues in economic cooperation and increasing international cooperation at many levels, with priority given to remote localities with less opportunities for contact and cooperation with foreign partners. The Ministry duly attended to organizing activities to promote Viet Nam’s economic potential, supporting the entry of Vietnamese businesses 57

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in markets abroad, and expanding international flight connections. These include assisting the launch of direct flights from cities in Viet Nam to major economic hubs of China, Australia, India and ROK, and helping major Vietnamese enterprises find business and investment opportunities in Russia, Slovakia, Belarus and Cameroon, among others. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs actively supported localities in the task of developing foreign economic relations. In 2019, 67 delegations of the Ministry leadership paid visits to 41 out of 62 localities (not including Ha Noi) to help them resolve outstanding issues and strengthen ties with foreign partners. The Ministry has worked in coordination with Embassies in Ha Noi, Vietnamese ministries, agencies and localities in organizing events and workshops to connect localities with other countries. The highlights include the “Meet Azerbaijan” Symposium (January 2019), the “Meet Japan - North Central Region” Workshop (April 2019), the “Meet Bac Lieu” Roundtable (June 2019), the “Meet the UK” event (November 2019), and the “High-level Dialogue on ASEAN - Italy Economic Relations” (June 2019). A number of seminars were also held, notably “EVFTA: Opportunity for Enhancing Trade and Investment Partnership between Ba Ria - Vung Tau and Europe” (August 2019), “EVFTA: Opportunity for Economic Cooperation between Ben Tre and Europe” (September 2019) and 58

“Strengthening Cooperation between the Central Highlands Localities and Japan” (October 2019). The Ministry has hosted and coordinated in organizing 5 promotion events of Vietnamese localities titled “Viet Nam Provincial Roadshow” (VPR) in Australia, the UK, Germany, the US, and Japan. The Ministry has also promoted the signing of 11 Memorandums of Understanding with chambers of commerce, business associations, universities and financial funds to strengthen integration capacity building for localities. Guided by the motto of “placing people and businesses at the center,” economic diplomacy has contributed greatly to creating new drivers for the development and renovation of economic institutions, increasing the economy’s competitiveness and playing a significant role in our country’s economic achievements. In 2019, Viet Nam’s economic growth reached 7% (among the highest growth rates in the region and our economy is ranked in the top 20 economies with largest contributions to the global economic growth). Viet Nam also attracted $38.02 billion worth of foreign investment in 2019, and our trade turnover set a record of $517 billion. Viet Nam received 18 million international arrivals in 2019 (a year-on increase of 16.2%), and remittance reached $16.7 billion. Viet Nam has also jumped 10 places from 2018 to 67 (out of 141 economies) in the Global Competitiveness Index 2019 issued by the World Economic Forum.

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II. Cultural Diplomacy and External Communication 1. Cultural Diplomacy In 2019, cultural diplomacy was conducted in coordination with other diplomacy pillars, and recorded various positive outcomes as follows: - The series of events and celebrations under the theme of “Honoring President Ho Chi Minh, the Vietnamese hero of national liberation and great man of culture” continued to be held in diverse formats. The international workshop “Ho Chi Minh’s Legacy for Vietnamese Cultural Diplomacy in the New Era” was successfully organized. The Vietnamese diplomatic missions have organized a variety of meaningful activities in tribute of President Ho Chi Minh’s legacy. Notable are the building

and preparation for the construction of new monuments of President Ho Chi Minh in Russia (Vladivostok), India, the DPRK, and Hong Kong (China), the establishment of a Ho Chi Minh Culture Center in Mongolia, the renovation and upgrade of the Ho Chi Minh Park in Chile, the organization of the Symposium “The Spiritual Heritage of President Ho Chi Minh - 50 Years Later” in Russia, and numerous workshops, exhibitions and filmmaking events on the 60th anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh’s visit to Indonesia. These activities have introduced to international friends President Ho Chi Minh’s thoughts, morals, and lifestyle and honored them, thereby promoting Viet Nam’s image

Member of the Politburo, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and spouse signing an autograph on a Dong Ho folk painting for Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev and spouse at the event “Vietnamese Days in Russia” (Moscow, 22 May 2019) - Department of Cultural Diplomacy and UNESCO Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


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as a country with thousands of years of culture and long-term aspirations of independence, freedom, renovation and international integration. - Numerous activities promoting the Vietnamese culture (food festivals, fashion weeks, literature weeks and traditional and contemporary art activities) were organized in Viet Nam and abroad. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has actively worked with ministries, agencies and localities in conducting cultural diplomacy activities in order to promote local craft villages, attract tourists and investments, and contribute to socioeconomic development. A few notable examples are the Discover Viet Nam Day in 2019 for the Diplomatic Corps and international organizations in Viet Nam, the National Tourism Year 2019, the 5th Buckwheat Flower Festival in Ha Giang, the 8th Southern Traditional Cake Festival 2019, the Quang Binh Cave Festival 2019, the Thanh Tuyen Festival 2019, and the Da Lat Flower Festival 2019. In addition, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in coordination with diplomatic missions, has conducted other prominent cultural diplomacy activities such as the Vietnamese Fine Arts and Cultural Diplomacy Program, which gathered 51 artworks of renowned artists to be exhibited at Vietnamese diplomatic missions. Other significant activities are the Vietnamese Culture Week in Russia, the Vietnamese Culture Day in China on the occasion of the high-level visits by Vietnamese leaders, the Vietnamese Cuisine Day in France, and other information events 60

on Vietnamese culture and heritage recognized by UNESCO in Japan. - Playing an active role in the UNESCO, Viet Nam made further contribution in important areas of interest to the UNESCO and its members through participation in the working groups on significant matters at the UNESCO Executive Board, the UNESCO General Assembly, the UNESCO InterGovernmental Committees and the UNESCO Committee on Conventions and Recommendations. Viet Nam’s cooperation with the UNESCO has grown in depth and substance, particularly in education and natural science. Numerous achievements were recorded in this area such as the successful hosting of the UNESCO 2019 Forum on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Global Citizenship Education (GCED), and the joint formulation of a cooperation framework in ocean governance and marine spatial planning. In addition, Viet Nam also nominated candidates for such UNESCO specialized agencies as the National Memory of the World Committee, the Global Geoparks Network Advisory Committee, the International Coordinating Council of the Man and the Biosphere Program (MAB-ICC) and the Advisory Council of the Intergovernmental Committee of the 2003 Convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage. In 2019, the preparation of the nomination dossier for submission to the UNESCO yielded fruitful outcomes. The “Practices of Then by Tay, Nung, and Thai ethnic groups” were officially

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inscribed in the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, and Ha Noi officially joined the UNESCO Creative Cities Network. In November 2019, the UNESCO General Assembly issued a resolution honoring Vietnamese educator Chu Van An on his 650th death anniversary. These achievements have further promoted Viet Nam’s image, culture and people to the international community. 2. External Communication The year 2019 saw external communication cohesively and effectively conducted in many areas, with new initiatives and flexibility in addressing arising issues. - Information dissemination and communication about the Party and State leaders’ diplomatic activities, major national events, important international events and celebrations on decennial and quinquennial anniversaries in Viet Nam’s relations with partners were successfully carried out. In 2019, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs implemented 69 communication projects and plans on outbound visits by Vietnamese high-level leaders, and inbound visits by foreign high-level leaders. These plans also incorporated the introduction and promotion of Viet Nam’s image and its people to the international community. - Enacting the communication plan for significant multilateral diplomacy events, Viet Nam has generated widespread media effect and become a highlight in domestic, regional and international flow of information. Major communication campaigns were

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undertaken to promote Viet Nam’s election to the UN Security Council as a non-permanent member for the term of 2020-2021, the signing of the two important agreements with the EU (EVFTA and EVIPA), and the hosting of the 2nd US - DPRK Summit in Ha Noi, to provide information on the ASEAN Community and Viet Nam’s active contributions to ASEAN within the capacity of ASEAN Chairmanship 2020, and to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the UNCLOS 1982. - The spokesperson work and public opinion guidance have yielded good results, and timely information was provided to press agencies, in keeping with the demands of the new era. In 2019, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs held 19 regular press conferences, responded to 360 questions of domestic and international press agencies, notably on issues such as the East Sea and overseas citizen protection. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has promptly informed the domestic and international public of the Vietnamese Party and State’s policies and guidelines, and countered misinformation and inaccurate narratives about Viet Nam. Special attention was given to communication works for the defense of Vietnamese border and territorial sovereignty, and citizen protection. With diverse content offered in creative formats, they helped strengthen public consensus and limit the spread of false information. - Effective assistance for foreign reporters was provided, thereby promoting the image of a dynamic, 61

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innovative, friendly and safe Viet Nam who is a responsible member of the international community with numerous potentials for economic cooperation, rich cultural traditions and magnificent scenic landscapes. In 2019, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs received and responded to the requests of nearly 4,000 foreign reporters, including over 3,300 reporters covering the 2nd US - DPRK Summit. - Close attention was given to research, training, exchange and cooperation activities with foreign press agencies and application of information technology in external communication

in order to meet the demands of the new era. The trial use of social media in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ communication has yielded positive results, with a significant increase in the number of followers and reactions on news articles and images. The three Twitter accounts of the Ministry (@MoFA VietNam), Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs Pham Binh Minh (@FMPhamBinhMinh), and the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ (@PressDept_MoFA) have attracted nearly 44,000 followers by December 2019.

III. Overseas Vietnamese-related Activities and Citizens and Legal Person Protection 1. In 2019, overseas Vietnamese1 affairs witnessed remarkable results through new and innovative means: - Community mobilization was actively implemented to help strengthen the connection between Vietnamese nationals and their homeland. Notable activities included the meeting on the overseas Vietnamese affairs, the “Homeland Spring Program 2019” (attended by nearly 1,000 overseas Vietnamese), the overseas Vietnamese delegation’s visit to the Spratly Islands, the “16th Viet Nam Summer Camp” with the participation of 150 overseas Vietnamese youth from 28 countries and territories, and the nomination of 20 overseas

Vietnamese representatives to the Central Committee of Viet Nam Fatherland Front for the 2019-2024 term. A variety of cultural and artistic activities have received widespread support from the overseas Vietnamese community, such as performances by domestic troupes in Sweden, Russia, Australia, and Taiwan (China). Competent agencies have actively reached out to reputable individuals and those with divergent views in the community and engaged them in dialogue. - Delegations conducted site visits abroad to provide support for the overseas Vietnamese community. New associations and unions were formed,

1. By the end of 2019, the overseas Vietnamese community consisted of about 5.3 million people in more than 130 countries and territories, of which 80% resided in developed countries; 500,000 obtained a bachelor degree or higher (Source: State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs).


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whose membership includes many young people and entrepreneurs. The development of reliable legal frameworks for overseas Vietnamese was given special attention and often included in the agenda of high-level diplomatic activities of the Party and State leadership. By various means, relevant agencies have supported the overseas community in learning Vietnamese language. Notably, a training course on Vietnamese language teaching was held for 78 Vietnamese teachers from 13 countries and territories, and thousands of sets of Vietnamese language books and educational materials were gifted to overseas Vietnamese in many countries. Relevant agencies also reviewed commendations and related awards and presented them to overseas Vietnamese for their contributions to building and safeguarding the Motherland. - Research and advisory works on overseas Vietnamese affairs were further bolstered, with inputs provided to facilitate the completion of relevant legal frameworks (particularly on nationality and incentives for overseas Vietnamese to participate in science and technology projects in Viet Nam). Recommendations were also made to the draft documents of the 13th National Party Congress. Policies and measures were put forward in support of the organization of overseas Vietnamese associations and unions, and the religious activities of overseas Vietnamese communities. - The Party's guidelines and the State's policies and laws were

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well communicated to the overseas Vietnamese community. Overseas Vietnamese journalists received assistance in returning to Viet Nam to cover major national events. Such effort contributed to strengthening the great bloc of national solidarity and helped overseas nationals to correctly understand the situation in their homeland. - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs sponsored and organized various networking programs, such as the “Viet Nam Sustainable Forum 2019” in Ha Noi, the “Viet Nam Global Leaders Forum” in France, the “Worldwide Meeting of Young Academies” in Da Nang, the Career Workshop titled “Enhancing the contribution of Vietnamese students and experts abroad to national development” and the 7th “American Open Arms/Vong Tay Nuoc My” Career Conference in the US. The Ministry also held and supported a number of other events, including the networking program with intellectuals in Germany, the 1st “Overseas Vietnamese Economic Forum” in Korea, the 11th “European Overseas Vietnamese Business Forum” in Poland, and the extended “Thailand Viet Nam International Trade Promotion Conference” in Thailand. These events further encouraged overseas Vietnamese to strengthen ties with their homeland in various areas, especially in economics, trade, investment, tourism, education and training. In 2019, remittance was approximately $16.7 billion, keeping Viet Nam on the list of top 10 largest remittance recipients in the world for the third consecutive year, 63

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according to the World Bank. Since 1993, the total remittance Viet Nam received has amounted to roughly $160 billion. By the end of 2019, there were nearly 3,000 active businesses owned by overseas Vietnamese from the US, Canada, Australia, Russia, France, the Czech Republic, and the Netherlands, among others, in 50 out of 63 provinces and cities, with contributed and registered capital worth about $4 billion. 2. The year 2019 witnessed complex developments in global security and the rising threats of crisis and natural disasters. Meanwhile, citizen protection has become a more challenging task, given the presence of Vietnamese citizens in nearly 200 countries and territories for travel, residence, study, and work. In this context, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs worked alongside Vietnamese and foreign competent authorities and localities to provide citizen and legal entity protection. - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs provided citizen protection to 13,468 overseas nationals who faced difficult circumstances or violated the law, including those who were arrested, tried or deported, which marked a year-on increase of 29.8%. These included 7,106 cases in China, 1,451 in Southeast Asia, 1,420 in Europe, and 180 in the Middle East. Notable was a number of complicated and unprecedented cases of great interest to the public, such as the bombing of a bus carrying 15 Vietnamese tourists in Egypt (January 2019), the trial of citizen 64

Doan Thi Huong in Malaysia, and the death of 39 Vietnamese citizens in the UK (October 2019). These cases were all handled promptly and effectively. - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Vietnamese diplomatic missions promptly formulated and implemented plans to protect citizens and fishermen at sea, in accordance with international law and Vietnamese law. This was of particular significance given the complicated developments in the East Sea. Citizen protection was carried out in a timely and effectual manner, with a total of 131 cases involving 206 vessels and 1,760 fishermen detained by foreign authorities, and the repatriation of 961 fishermen deported by foreign authorities. The call center for citizen protection received and responded to 5,400 calls (a year-on increase of nearly 31%), equivalent to 96% of the requests, and sent 687,956 messages via SMS roaming. - Coordination in natural disaster response and prevention, search and rescue was well executed. The Ministry joined the efforts in response to 8 storms and 5 tropical depressions in the East Sea and collaborated in 13 cases of search and rescue involving 36 ships and 408 fishermen in distress. - Special attention was given to communications, with information provided in response to 122 questions from members of the press on the protection of overseas Vietnamese, 38 newsletters published on the consular affairs e-portal, and 4 television interviews on overseas citizen protection.

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IV. Diplomatic Activities Contributing to the Protection of National Territorial Sovereignty, Sovereignty over Seas and Islands, and the Defense of National Security 1. In 2019, Viet Nam continued to advance work on boundary and territory matters, aiming to preserve a peaceful and stable environment for national development and resolutely defend the national sovereignty, boundary and territory. With regard to land border, the border management between Viet Nam and its neighboring countries China, Laos, and Cambodia continued to see effective coordination and good progress. Thanks to these efforts, the land border between Viet Nam and its three neighbors truly became the common

border of peace, friendship, cooperation and development. With Laos, both sides continued to enhance coordination on land border management in accordance with the two signed agreements, held 9 rounds of bilateral negotiations, conducted bilateral surveys and inspections on increasing the number of border markers and maintaining them, and together addressed issues such as irregular migration and undocumented marriages at the border between two countries. A review of these cooperation

Member of the Politburo, Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and Prime Minister of Cambodia Samdech Techo Hun Sen at the signing ceremony of the Supplementary Treaty to the 1985 Treaty on the Delimitation of National Boundaries and the 2005 Supplementary Treaty between Viet Nam and Cambodia (Ha Noi, 5 October 2019) - VNA


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activities was conducted at the 29th Annual Meeting between Vietnamese and Lao border delegations in Ha Noi (December 2019). With Cambodia, the two sides convened meetings at different levels to discuss border and territorial issues. On 5 October 2019, in Ha Noi, the two Prime Ministers chaired the conference to review the work on land border demarcation and marker planting between Viet Nam and Cambodia in the 2006-2019 period, followed by the Signing Ceremony of two legal documents which recognized the achievements in land border demarcation and marker planting between Viet Nam and Cambodia, including (i) the Supplementary Treaty to the 1985 Treaty on the Delimitation of National Boundaries and the 2005 Supplementary Treaty between Viet Nam and Cambodia, and (ii) the Protocol on Land Border Demarcation and Marker Planting between Viet Nam and Cambodia. Acknowledging the accomplished work in land border demarcation and marker planting (covering about 84% of the borderline), these documents are significant in all

ways, fulfilling the common aspirations and interests of the two States and peoples. They provide an important legal basis for the two countries to better coordinate and perform border management. With China, the year 2019 marked 10th anniversary of the completion of border demarcation and marker planting and the implementation of legal documents on land border between the two countries.1 Both sides held a range of activities such as Governmentlevel and Joint Commission-level negotiations, and workshops on border management.2 The network of border markers was well maintained, with border management conducted in an effective and coordinated manner. Such efforts contributed to the maintenance of a peaceful and stable environment in border areas, promoted cooperation among border provinces and their socio-economic development, and strengthened the friendship between Viet Nam and China. In October 2019, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Viet Nam held a conference to review the 10 years following the completion of land border demarcation and marker

1. The Protocol on Border Demarcation and Marker Planting, the Agreement on Border Regulation, the Agreement on Border Gates and Border Gate Regulation, and related agreements, between the Government of Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and the Government of People’s Republic of China. 2. Viet Nam - China Government-level negotiations on border and territory and the meeting of two Deputy Ministers of Foreign Affairs (January 2019); Meeting between Deputy Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Heads of Government-level Negotiation Delegation on Territory and Border Affairs, two General Secretaries of the Viet Nam - China Bilateral Cooperation Steering Committee (November 2019); Conference to review the work of the Viet Nam SubCommittee in 2018, orientations for 2019 (January 2019); Session IX of the Viet Nam - China Joint Committee on land border (March 2019); Conference to review works completed by the Viet Nam Sub-Committee in the first six months of 2019 (July 2019).


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planting between Viet Nam and China and the implementation of the three legal documents on the Viet Nam China land border. - At sea, in addition to safeguarding our sovereignty, jurisdiction and legitimate national interests, Viet Nam strove to maintain mechanisms for negotiation and cooperation on maritime issues with China and the parties concerned. At the same time, coordination with countries within and outside the region was strengthened to maintain peace, stability, freedom of navigation and overflight in the East Sea. Viet Nam continued to engage in bilateral mechanisms on maritime negotiation and cooperation and ongoing negotiations on the delimitation of overlapping maritime zones with other countries, for peace, security and stability at the East Sea. Viet Nam also worked with ASEAN countries and China in advancing negotiations on the Code of Conduct in the South China Sea (COC) and organizing meetings on the effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC). Viet Nam resolutely and persistently opposed all acts that violated international law, especially the UNCLOS 1982, and activities that infringed upon the legitimate rights and interests of Viet Nam in the East Sea. Notably, Viet Nam effectively adopted a set of cohesive measures in politics, diplomacy, and public affairs in addition to on-the-ground response to counter the infringement of its sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction in the East Sea by the survey

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ship Haiyang Dizhi 8 and escort vessels from 4 July to 24 October 2019. As such, Viet Nam asserted its determination and endeavor to safeguard its territorial sovereignty, legitimate rights and interests in the waters and continental shelf as established in accordance with international law, in particular, the UNCLOS 1982. At the same time, Viet Nam continued to maintain negotiation mechanisms with China. 2. Defense and security diplomacy in 2019 was conducted in a coordinated and effective manner, making important contribution to building political trust with other countries, serving the cause of national building and defense in the new era. In pursuing the policy of international integration, defense security relations between Viet Nam and other countries were further expanded under diverse formats. Friendly border exchanges between Viet Nam and Laos (July 2019), Viet Nam and Cambodia (August 2019) continued to be held. From Viet Nam, numerous high-level delegations paid bilateral visits and attended international events. Defense Minister Ngo Xuan Lich visited Canada (May 2019), attended the 18th Shangri - La Dialogue in Singapore (June 2019), attended the 13th ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting (ADMM) (July 2019) and the 6th ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting Plus (ADMM+) (November 2019) in Thailand, visited Laos and attended the 70th Day of Honor for Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and experts in Laos (December 2019). Minister of Public Security To Lam paid visits to Myanmar (February 2019), 67

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the US (April 2019), the ROK and Mongolia (July 2019), Mozambique and Qatar (December 2019), attended the 18th meeting on terrorism prevention and combat in Russia (October 2019). In the other direction, delegations from other countries visiting Viet Nam included those led by Ministers and Secretaries of Defense from Thailand (January 2019), the Philippines (March 2019), Japan, China (both in May 2019), South Africa (August 2019) and the US, Mongolia (both in November 2019), the Lao

Minister of Public Security (February 2019), and the Czech Minister of the Interior (September 2019). Through these visits, a number of agreements on defense - security cooperation was signed, and defense - security dialogue mechanisms with many countries were also effectively held. Defense - security cooperation between Viet Nam and the EU made a great leap forward with the signing of the Framework Participation Agreement (FPA) in EU crisis management in Belgium (October 2019).

Member of the Politburo, Minister of National Defense Ngo Xuan Lich delivering his remarks at the 5th Plenary Session of the 2019 Shangri-La Dialogue (Singapore, 2 June 2019) - VNA


In addition, Viet Nam welcomed

(July 2019). This year also recorded

the port calls of naval ships from other

Viet Nam’s first-time participation in

countries, including the UK, India,

joint maritime exercises within the

Australia, Canada, the US, Myanmar,

ASEAN - US framework. Viet Nam also

and Japan, and sent the Gepard 016 -

continued to make active contribution

Quang Trung rocket defense ship to pay

to UN peacekeeping operations. In

courtesy visit to the Russian Federation

2019, Viet Nam sent 40 personnel to the

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Member of the Politburo, Minister of Public Security To Lam holding talks with Under Secretary-General of the UN for Counter-Terrorism Vladimir Voronkov during his visit to the US (New York, 2 April 2019) - VNA

UN peacekeeping missions in Central Africa Republic (MINUSCA) and South Sudan (UNMISS), and dispatched the level-2 Field Hospital No. 2 with 63

officers and doctors to South Sudan, following the return of the level-2 Field Hospital No. 1 upon the successful completion of its duties.


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I. The Communist Party’s External Activities In 2019, the foreign affairs of the Communist Party of Viet Nam were conducted in an active, diligent, and innovative manner, in line with Directive No. 32-CT/TW of the Politburo dated 18 February 2019 on strengthening the Party’s external relations in the new situation. Such efforts gave rise to a range of significant and well-rounded results. 1. Relations between the Communist Party of Viet Nam and the ruling parties in socialist countries and bordering neighboring countries continued to be reinforced, as a channel to enhance longterm relations between Viet Nam and these countries. Relations with the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party were increasingly strengthened with greater trust, depth, and substance. This is the heart of the bond between the two countries and shapes its trajectory as a whole. The Party-to-Party ties played a key role in nurturing the great friendship, 70

special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries. Important mechanisms and activities on the Party channel were also integral to the strengthening of relations and political trust between the two countries. Notable examples included visits at the highest level, such as the official friendly visit by General Secretary, President Nguyen Phu Trong to Laos, and visits by members of the Politburo and the Party Secretariat of the two respective Parties. The two Parties successfully organized annual theoretical symposiums and related conferences and seminars. Training programs for Lao officials at different levels were also organized. Extensive communications on the Viet Nam Laos special traditional relations were conducted, and the two sides worked together to host joint commemorative events. Party-to-Party ties with the Communist Party of China were

The Communist Party, the National Assembly and the People-to-People’s External Activities

maintained, contributing to the stable relations between the two countries. Both Parties actively conducted exchange and cooperation mechanisms, including delegation exchanges at all levels, theoretical studies, and cadre training programs. The two Parties successfully organized the 15th Theoretical Symposium under the theme of “Axiomatic issues pertaining to socialist modernization.” Cooperation in cadre training was implemented on schedule. Exchange and cooperation activities between locality-level party organizations saw effective implementation. The ongoing efforts to strengthen relations with the Cambodian People’s Party helped foster the good neighboring relations, traditional friendship, and the comprehensive, enduring and long-standing cooperation

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between Viet Nam and Cambodia. The two sides maintained engagement at all levels, notably the State visit by General Secretary, President Nguyen Phu Trong to Cambodia and the visit by President of the Cambodian People’s Party, Prime Minister Hun Sen to Viet Nam. Such exchange of contacts and visits strengthened political ties and set the overall trajectory of the two countries’ relations. The two sides also worked closely to successfully organize the key commemorations of the two Parties and countries. The most notable event was the 40th anniversary of the victory of the Southwest border defense war and the joint victory alongside the people and army of Cambodia over the Pol Pot genocidal regime. The special friendship and closeknit solidarity with the Communist Party of Cuba grew increasingly

Member of the Politburo, Standing Member of the Party Central Committee Secretariat Tran Quoc Vuong holding talks with First Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of the Interior, Chairman of the Czech Social Democratic Party Jan Hamáček (Prague, 23 October 2019) - VNA


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stronger. Cooperation between the two Parties was deepened through discussions on theoretical issues and practical experiences, the effective implementation of cooperation agreements, and the exchange of visits by the leaderships of both sides. Party-to-Party relations with the Workers’ Party of the DPRK saw new progress. Discussion and exchange of delegations from different levels and sectors, particularly through the Party channel, were strengthened. Most remarkably, the friendly visit to Viet Nam by Chairman of the Workers’ Party of the DPRK Kim Jong-un was of great significance in reinforcing mutual trust and understanding and opened up a new chapter in the traditional friendship between the two Parties and countries. 2. Relations between the Communist Party of Viet Nam and the ruling and high-

profile political parties in major powers, important partners, regional countries, and traditional friends were further expanded, laying an important political foundation for bolstering bilateral relations. The Communist Party of Viet Nam sent delegations to a number of countries and received delegations from the highest level of ruling and high-profile political parties of various countries. The discussions, contacts, experience sharing in public governance, and signing of cooperation agreements helped strengthen the relations between the Communist Party of Viet Nam and numerous ruling and high-profile political parties. This served as a strong political basis for enhancing relations between Viet Nam and these countries. In addition, the Communist Party of Viet Nam gave due attention to the effective implementation of cooperation agreements, political dialogues and

Member of the Party Central Committee, Chairman of the Party Central External Relations Commission Hoang Binh Quan delivering his remarks at the International Seminar themed “Political Parties for Asia - Europe Cooperation” in Yerevan, Republic of Armenia (14-18 April 2019) - VNA


The Communist Party, the National Assembly and the People-to-People’s External Activities

policy consultations with ruling and political parties. 3. Relations between the Communist Party of Viet Nam and other communist and workers’ parties were substantively advanced with a clear focus. They were a source of solidarity and mutual support in the fight for socialism and altruistic internationalism. These relations were deepened through theoretical symposiums, policy dialogues, experience sharing, and the effective implementation of cooperation agreements. 4. The Communist Party of Viet Nam continued to be actively engaged in

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important multilateral forums for political parties, thus asserting its presence and role on these platforms. A number of highlights included the International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP), the International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties (IMCWP), the Sao Paulo Forum, and the workshop “Political Parties and a New Society.” In addition, the Communist Party of Viet Nam fulfilled its tenure as a member of the ICAPP Standing Committee and a member of the IMCWP Working Group. These engagements helped to advance the Party’s standing and reputation.

II. The National Assembly’s External Activities The National Assembly’s external activities in 2019 continued to record remarkable outcomes, thereby making considerable contributions to the success of Viet Nam’s diplomacy and the implementation of the foreign policy of the Party and State. 1. At the bilateral level, 28 delegations of the National Assembly of Viet Nam paid official and working visits to other countries across four continents. These included six visits by the President of the National Assembly and several visits by the Vice Presidents of the National Assembly. The National Assembly also received 26 parliamentarian delegations, including 11 visits by Speakers of Parliaments. The exchange of delegations at all levels and regular cooperation and contact between the National Assembly of Viet Nam and the Parliaments of other countries added greater depth to the National

Assembly’s external activities. This was also a channel to strengthen the foreign parliaments and parliamentarians’ understanding of Viet Nam and win their support. Additionally, the National Assembly’s external activities played a vital role in building political trust and enhancing ties between Viet Nam and other countries across the board. The highlights are as follows: With China, the official visit of President of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan (July 2019) and the Viet Nam Culture Day in China held during this visit further bolstered the two countries’ Comprehensive Strategic Cooperative Partnership and fostered greater understanding between the two parliaments. The two sides also engaged in regular exchange of delegations between their respective parliamentary specialized bodies, parliamentary friendship groups and 73

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Member of the Politburo, President of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan meeting with General Secretary, President Xi Jinping during her official visit to the People’s Republic of China (Beijing, 12 July 2019) - VNA

People’s Councils at border provinces. Parliamentary cooperation with the Lao PDR was strengthened, yielding remarkable results. Of particular note was the working visit by President of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan to Laos (September 2019), during which she co-chaired two symposiums with the Lao President of the National Assembly. Through a variety of cooperation activities and workshops, specialized bodies of the two National Assemblies regularly shared experience in parliamentary affairs relevant to the socio-economic development of both countries. With Cambodia, both sides maintained the exchange of high-level parliamentary delegations. A high 74

point was the official visit to Viet Nam by President of the Cambodian National Assembly Heng Samrin (May 2019). On this occasion, the two sides signed a cooperation agreement between the two National Assemblies and a Memorandum of Understanding between the Office of the National Assembly of Viet Nam and the National Assembly Secretariat of Cambodia. Parliamentary ties with Australia saw the visit of the Australian President of the Senate (January 2019) as a boon to the cooperation between the two countries’ legislative bodies, particularly in terms of experience sharing, capacity building and collaboration at multilateral parliamentary forums.

The Communist Party, the National Assembly and the People-to-People’s External Activities

Parliamentary relations between Viet Nam and the EU witnessed new progress with the working visit to the European Parliament (EP) by President of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan (April 2019). During the visit, both sides exchanged information and experience in various areas, especially those of interest to the EP, in order to expedite the signing and ratification of the EVFTA and the EVIPA, and strengthen cooperation between the Vietnamese National Assembly and the EP. President of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan also paid visits to France and Belgium (April 2019) to deepen parliamentary cooperation with these partners and gain their support for the signing of the EVFTA and the EVIPA. Parliamentary cooperation with traditional friends was duly promoted through official visits to the Russian Federation and Belarus by President of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan (December 2019). The friendship between the Vietnamese National Assembly and the US Congress continued to be maintained through the exchange of visits by members of Congress and Congressional Committees and their Vietnamese counterparts. Both sides discussed the settlement of war legacy issues (UXO removal and dioxin remediation of Da Nang and Bien Hoa airports) and other issues of common interest. With regard to Africa, the official visit to Morocco by President of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan (March 2019) was the highest-level visit since 2005. This visit

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helped promote both legislative and parliamentary cooperation and the friendship between the two countries. In addition, among the outbound delegations, most notable were the visits by Vice President of the National Assembly Uong Chu Luu to Cuba and Brazil, by Vice President of the National Assembly Phung Quoc Hien to Hungary and Italy, by Vice President of the National Assembly Do Ba Ty to Germany, Spain, and the EU, and a number of working visits by specialized bodies of the National Assembly. Many highlevel delegations from the Parliaments of partner countries also paid visits to Viet Nam. These included the visits by Speaker of the National Assembly of Bhutan, Chairman of the Mazhilis (Lower House) of the Parliament of Kazakhstan, the Chairman of the Council of the States of India, and the Vice Presidents of the Czech Parliament and the Japanese National Diet. 2. Multilateral external relations activities of the National Assembly of Viet Nam in 2019 were proactively conducted under diverse formats and resulted in concrete deliverables, thereby advancing Viet Nam’s multilateral diplomacy. Notably, as the Vice President of the InterParliamentary Union (IPU) for 20182019, Madam Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, President of the National Assembly, led the Vietnamese delegation to the 40th General Assembly of the ASEAN InterParliamentary Assembly (AIPA-40) in Thailand, and assumed the AIPA Presidency for 2019-2020. She also attended the 140th Inter-Parliamentary 75

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Union (IPU-140) in Qatar, the 27th Asia Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF-27) in Cambodia, and the meetings of the Women’s Parliamentary Network and the Education, Communication and Cultural Affairs Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Francophonie (APF) in Viet Nam. In addition, Standing Vice President of the National Assembly Tong Thi Phong led the Vietnamese delegation to the 4th Meeting of Speakers of Eurasian Countries’ Parliaments (MSEAP) in Kazakhstan and the IPU141 in Serbia, and Vice President of the National Assembly Uong Chu Luu attended the ASEAN Leaders’ Interface with the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) in Thailand. President of the National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan became the

AIPA-41 President for 2019-2020 starting from August 2019, and a Vietnamese representative was appointed as the AIPA Secretary General for 2019-2022. These remarkable milestones raised the profile of the Vietnamese National Assembly at ASEAN and showcased its role in promoting AIPA cohesion for a united and sustainable ASEAN Community. In addition, the National Assembly of Viet Nam sent delegations to other high-profile events: a Parliamentary Hearing between the IPU and the UN in the US, the 2nd Regional Seminar for the Asia-Pacific Region Parliaments on Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Mongolia, the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA) in Iran, the 45th Parliamentary Assembly of the Francophonie in Ivory Coast,

Member of the Party Central Committee, Chairman of the National Assembly’s Committee for External Relations Nguyen Van Giau meeting with the Japanese parliamentary delegation led by Chairman of the Commission on the Constitution, House of Councillors, the National Diet of Japan Takuji Yanagimoto, on the sidelines of the APPF-27 in Cambodia (Siem Reap, 16 January 2019) - VNA


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Deputy Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son at the 4th International Conference on Viet Nam - Foreign NGOs Cooperation (Ha Noi, 12-13 December 2019) - VNA

the Development of Parliamentarism Forum in Russia, and the 3rd World Parliamentary Forum on Sustainable Development in Indonesia. In addition, the National Assembly of Viet Nam hosted the meeting of Women’s

Parliamentary Network under the Parliamentary Assembly of the Francophonie in Ha Noi, and organized several workshops on parliamentary cooperation among Viet Nam, Laos, and Cambodia.

III. The People-to-People’s External Activities In 2019, the Viet Nam Fatherland Front, mass organizations and associations were actively engaged in various external relations activities of political significance and substance. Their efforts served to enhance the solidarity, friendship and cooperation with peoples from other countries, particularly neighboring countries. They were actively and responsibly

engaged in international and regional multilateral activities and proven effective in advocating for and endeavoring to defend national interests, thus contributing to Viet Nam’s diplomatic achievements. 1. Ongoing efforts to strengthen the solidarity, friendship and cooperation with the peoples around the world and expand the network of friends and international 77

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partners, especially with Laos, Cambodia, China and other notable countries. Commemorative events were held in honor of milestones in bilateral ties, such as the 40th anniversary of the victory of the Southwest border defense war and the joint victory alongside the Cambodian people and army over the Pol Pot genocidal regime, and the 70th Day of Honor of the Vietnamese volunteer soldiers and experts in Laos. A series of activities were also organized in celebration of the Viet Nam Russia Cross Year. People-to-people exchange took place in diverse formats across the board. Notable events included the exchange between the Viet Nam Fatherland Front and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (April 2019), the 10th Viet Nam - India People’s Friendship Festival (August 2019), the 11th Vietnam - China People’s Forum (December 2019), the Friendship Meeting with Farmers from Viet Nam Laos - Cambodia and Green Agricultural Products Fair in Da Lat (November 2019). Vietnamese war veterans and relatives of war martyrs met with US veterans on several occasions. The year saw our active participation at various conferences and symposiums and other exchange of delegations with partners in the region. The successful assumption of the ASEAN Chairmanship 2020 and following preparations were among the highlights. In addition, peopleto-people exchange and diplomacy, business networking, and humanitarian activities were also given due attention. 2. Proactive international integration and responsible participation in multilateral 78

mechanisms, and contributions to popular movements in the region and the world. Viet Nam actively proposed many initiatives and hosted a number of multilateral events. Through these events, Viet Nam demonstrated its role as an active and responsible member of the international community and a keen participant in democratic and progressive networks and organizations to which it is a party. Viet Nam was also actively involved in activities under ASEAN frameworks. As the upcoming ASEAN Chair, Viet Nam would host major events within the ASEAN Chairmanship 2020, such as the ASEAN People’s Forum 2020 (APF 2020), the ASEAN Trade Union Council (ATUC), the 38th Conference of the ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organizations (CAFEO), and the 20th General Assembly of the Veterans Confederation of ASEAN Countries (VECONAC). Viet Nam was also an active, diligent and responsible participant at other international forums and mechanisms such as the Asia - Europe People’s Forum, and successfully organized the Ninth Asia - Oceania Esperanto Congress (AK-9) in Da Nang. 3. People-to-people diplomacy in service of the defense of the national sovereignty and interests of Viet Nam, enhanced external communication, and promotion of community and consensus among overseas Vietnamese. Bilateral and multilateral diplomatic activities offered an active platform for Vietnamese mass organizations to champion Viet Nam’s position on the East Sea issue. This was a channel to provide information and updates and

The Communist Party, the National Assembly and the People-to-People’s External Activities

garner the support of the international community and friends for Viet Nam’s position on this issue. The Viet Nam Peace and Development Foundation and the Viet Nam Women’s Union attended a number of UN meetings on human rights, including the review of Viet Nam’s National Report under the 3rd cycle of the Universal Periodic Review. These two organizations also joined other mass organizations in actively disseminating objective facts, so that international friends and partners would have a better understanding and lend their support to Viet Nam in its efforts to protect and promote human rights. Viet Nam also recorded achievements in ensuring the freedom of religions and beliefs and fostering international exchange and integration on religious matters. Notable was the successful organization of the UN Day of Vesak Celebration 2019, with the significant contributions from the Central Committee of the Viet Nam Fatherland Front and the Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union. External communication received great attention from organizations and was actively conducted, particularly at 80 major events of the Viet Nam Union of Friendship Organizations in 2019. The Central Committee of the Viet Nam Fatherland Front, the Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, the Viet Nam Women’s Union, and several friendship organizations between Viet Nam and partner countries held meaningful activities to rally and unite overseas Vietnamese and offer them assistance, including the Vietnamese communities

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in Cambodia, Thailand, the ROK, the Czech Republic, and Romania. Commemorative activities in honor of President Ho Chi Minh were widely held overseas on the 50th anniversary of the implementation of his Testament. 4. Ongoing, substantive cooperation via the non-governmental channel with foreign partners. In 2019, Vietnamese competent authorities assisted in welcoming 1,317 delegations (2,893 arrivals) involved in aid projects in Viet Nam and issued 227 licenses to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to operate and open representative offices. Mass organizations effectively implemented aid programs and projects worth $260 million, in collaboration with various ministries, agencies and localities and approximately 500 NGOs in Viet Nam. This was a substantial contribution to Viet Nam’s socioeconomic development, particularly in healthcare and international integration. In addition, through their own budget and mobilization of social resources, many socio-political organizations and professional associations organized outbound trips and received foreign delegations, held international conferences and workshops and specialized training programs for capacity building and international cooperation in various areas. Viet Nam also successfully organized the 4th International Conference on Viet Nam - NGOs Cooperation. This was an opportunity for both sides to review their joint work from 2014 to 2019, share information and cooperation experience, and discuss cooperation priorities and formats in the upcoming period. 79



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