In an age where humanity scales remarkable peaks of scientific achievement yet simultaneously seem to be entangled in a web of misinformation and irrationality, one can't help but ponder the paradox: How does the same species that engineered vaccines to combat a global pandemic in record time also give birth to an ever-swirling gyre of fake news, medical quackery, and conspiracy theories?
I refuse to surrender to the cynical view that humans are merely irrational creatures, primitive remnants in modern times, burdened by innate biases, fallacies, and delusions. This species, after all, has unravelled the laws of nature to its own benefit. Our thinking, innately adapted for the low-tech scenarios that have historically encompassed our existence, often falls short of incorporating the sophisticated tools of reasoning we've cultivated over the millennia.
Yet, here we are in 2023, still grappling profoundly with controlling STDs, as evidenced by the troubling surge in Gonorrhoea cases.