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ISSN 2041-8566
mojatu Nov 2012
Issue M007
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UK £1.00
What’s Love Got to Do with It? - Page 12
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Leverage your unique strengths and be inspired and empowered to incorporate them in your life’s skills. Inspired and empowered people bath in their inspiration:
Cecily Mwaniki
• Achieve health and wealth • Build strong family and social networks • Advance your career • Become a more positive ‘you’ • Remove the obstacles holding you back • Become an asset to your community • Develop your personal success plan
To get a copy, please contact:
T: +44 (0)1189072534 M:+44(0)7859063643
info@cmyoucannetwork.co.uk or online at www.mojatu.com/youcan
Scan to view & order books Cecily Mwaniki, the Managing Director of ‘CM You Can Network’, has published five books plus a number of articles on Health & Wealth, Effective networking, Happy relationship dilemma and Financial well-being. She founded ‘’UTULIVU’’ organisation which got the Queens Award in 2011 for voluntary service. Her motto in life has always been ‘Aspiring To Inspire Before I Expire’. She is happily married with two children 2
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Editors letter As we celebrate Black History Month, we look at the ways in which we can make a difference by working together, especially through volunteering and community participation as discussed by Nottingham Community and Voluntary Service. The Sheriff of Nottingham shares the needs for community engagement and the secrets of funds available for community those willing to take more time in community work and development. The success of Mau Mau veterans in London also triggered the need to investigate further the horrible history of British colonial rule. Winston Churchill led Britain through her finest hour, against the Nazis, but also so through her most shameful one, at the height of Britain’s colonial rule. He advocated and fought for white supremacy and created concentration camp networks of his own. The ruling in favour or those tortured by UK government in Kenya is a resounding victory to British M Peter, Editor justice system.
Contents News & Sports.......................................................................................4 The Community Partnership Forum..................................................................... 4 OSCAR Nottingham.................................................................................................... 5 Volunteering in Nottingham gets a boost......................................................... 6 Nottingham is the third most congested city in the UK….......................... 7 Kenyan’s lead as thousands compete in Nottingham half marathon...... 7 Kenya’s 2013 presidential candidates.................................................................. 8 Obama snubbed Winston Churchill..................................................................... 9 Mau Mau torture victims win ruling against UK governmen...........................9 Titbits...................................................................................................10 Lifestyle...............................................................................................12 What’s Love Got to Do with It? ............................................................................12 Ten health gimmicks you are to avoid . ............................................................13 Ten steps to lower your blood pressure… and keep it down! .................14 Pauline Long: Personality review . ......................................................................15 Upcoming Talented Model: Becky Wesonga . ................................................18 Pastors Corner - Living in the light of eternity . .............................................19 Fight for Justice . .......................................................................................................20 Video & Photo News ..........................................................................22 Woman With Tourette’s says ‘Biscuit’ 16,000 times a day ...........................23 Events..................................................................................................23 Mojatu Tips..........................................................................................26 8 workbased habits to kill if you want to advance your career ...............26 How to: Earings storage solutions .....................................................................28
Mary’s though of the month: Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced. Editorial and Contacts Editor: F. G. Kamau frank@mojatu.com Sub Editor: Mary Peter mary.peter@mojatu.com 07838240518 Contributors Mary Peter | Njeri Kabuga | Dominick Yeboah | Paul Grant | Florence Kanaiya | Sharon Mundia | Ricky Nangle | Chrissy Wells | Graphic designer: Robert Borberly Marketing Mary Peter: mary.peter@mojatu.com 01159783001 | 07838240518 Florence Kanaiya: flokan@mojatu.com Naomi Chege: Naomi.chege@mojatu.com Text Messages: Ur brain is special. It has 2 parts LEFT and RIGHT. In right, nothing LEFT. In left, nothing RIGHT. When you’re stressed, you eat cake, ice cream, chocolate & sweets. Why? Because stressed spelt backwards is desserts. “I didn’t fall. The floor just needed a hug.” A smart husband is one who thinks twice before saying nothing! WARNING: mobile phones cause radiation and it results in brain damage. But you are safe. It only affects people with brains! Don’t worry about your reputation; worry about your character. Reputation is what people think you are; Character is what you are!
Where to get Magazine: www.mojatu.com/getmagazine E-Magazine: www.mojatu.com/magazine Price: £1 | Subscription fee is £40 per year with postage @ www.mojatu.com/ordermagazine Publisher: Mojatu Limited: MD Mary Peter | CEO Kabuga Muhuthu Address: 164 Alfreton Road, Nottingham, NG7 3NS Tel: 0115 9783 001 | M: 07516962992 | E: info@mojatu.com | W: www.mojatu.com Printers: DST Press Facebook: www.facebook.com/mojatu1 Twitter: www.twitter.com/mojatu1 3
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The Community Partnership Forum
Bringing community organisations together - By Paul Grant On Tuesday 23rd October the Community Partnership Forum (CPF) held its first open community meeting at the Marcus Garvey Centre on Lenton Boulevard. There was an excellent attendance with standing room only as the founding members of the CPF outlined their hopes and aspirations for the future.
The CPF is a group born out of the initiative of the Sheriff of Nottingham, Cllr Merlita Bryan, who was in attendance at the meeting. The aim of the group is to be a credible voice to articulate the needs of the Black community (African/African-Caribbean/ Dual Heritage) in relation to community planning, service delivery by mainstream institutions and to work for the equitable allocation of resources, particularly in relation to education, employment and economic development. There were presentations outlining the current economic situation in Nottingham and which highlighted that Nottingham has the highest level of BME unemployment of any city in England and Wales. It was noted that the Office of National Statistics (ONS) reports that. The Black Minority Ethnic (BME) unemployment rate in Nottingham at 9.4% in 2012 (nationally - 6.0%), the highest in the country. The data also shows the largest variations of unemployment in the Black or Black British group at 16.0% (nationally - 9.7%) and in the Mixed Ethnic group at 12.9% (nationally - 6.0%).
This is in contrast, the unemployment rates for the Asian or Asian British and Chinese or Other Ethnic groups are 4.1% and 4.6% respectively. Those in attendance were brought up to speed regarding the Nottingham Growth Strategy which aims to stimulate economic growth and development across the city; and the Nottingham City Deal, a £60M initiative, financed by central and local government, aiming to create several thousand jobs in creative industries in Nottingham. From a broader perspective there was a general consensus that there was a need to: • Build bridges between the African and AfricanCaribbean communities. • Improve partnership working between organisations in the voluntary and community sector • Create structures that enable engagement and participation of the community in issues that affect it and produces accountable leadership • Hold public bodies accountable for the services they deliver (or fail to deliver) to our communities • Promote entrepreneurship and business development in the African and African-Caribbean communities • Engage with young people so that their voices can be heard A second open meeting will be held on 27th of November starting from 6pm to 8pm. This will help start to create a structure within the CPF which allows for maximum community participation and to identify some priorities for immediate action. If you would like to get involved in the Community Partnership Forum, please contact Paul Grant at ifayomi@uwclub.net or 0770 3004813.
He stole much more than limelight from Obama!
Little school boy upstages Obama`s presidential campaign photoshot by stealing a kiss from classmate
twitter.com/ barackobama
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OSCAR Nottingham
The story of an organisation committed to care and support - By Chrissy Wells & Mary Peter Organisation for Sickle Cell Anaemia Research (OSCAR) Nottingham is a local charity that is devoted to raising awareness, support and guidance for people with Sickle Cell Disorder. Although the name implies that we carry out research, this is not the case although we can support research done by others Sickle Cell Disorder is an inherited genetic condition in which there is an abnormality in the haemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying protein found in red blood cells. It is not infectious, but it is incurable. Sickle cell affects and blights the lives of many thousands of people across the world, especially Africa, the Caribbean and the Mediterranean. People with Sickle Cell can either have the full blown Disorder or carry the Trait. Children of Sickle Cell sufferers can sometimes inherit the disease. (See image) Sickle Cell causes many health problems because some of the red blood cells form a sickle shape after they have deposited their oxygen in the tissues and organs, and they cannot pass through the small blood vessels, thus blocking them and preventing oxygen from reaching vital organs and the joints. This is called a crisis and it can result in damage to organs and joints which is cumulative over time.
Though the gene is traditionally more prevalent among ethnic minority groups, it is spreading among other groups. It
causes a range of problems among patients, their families and carers. It can interrupt schooling, college or work and those suffering from it may have financial problems. They may not be able to sustain full time work. The benefits system often does not help those suffering from lifelong intermittent disability. Housing conditions may not be adequate to provide the warmth, freedom from damp conditions and hygiene facilities needed to cope with the Disorder. People may also suffer from social isolation, including families and carers. OSCAR Nottingham which was founded in 1983 helps to fill the gaps that publicly funded agencies often do not meet. Chrissie Wells, a Trustee for OSCAR says, “We raise all our funding ourselves and our many volunteers are very important to enable us to carry on helping those in need. We also spend our time raising awareness about this terrible blood Disorder, as many people are not aware of it. We remind people of the need to be tested to see whether they carry Sickle Cell Disorder, as if they have a child with another carrier that child has a one in four chance of inheriting full blown Sickle Cell.” OSCAR welcomes any financial or practical support to help meet the needs of those with Sickle Cell Disorder. Jayne Karue who is a Trustee of OSCAR said that “volunteering for OSCAR Nottingham is very fulfilling.” “We would encourage more people to volunteer their time and also offer financial support to increase OSCAR’s support and presence in the community,” says Mary Peter, also an OSCAR Trustee. To volunteer, donate or to get more information on Sickle Cell Disorder, you can contact OSCAR through the website www.oscarnottingham.org, write to: OSCAR Nottingham, 21a Hendon Rise, St Ann’s, Nottingham, NG3 3AN, or call 0115 9472718 during working hours.
Share your personal, family or organisation stories with Mojatu Magazine readers.
Send them to 164 Alfreton Road, Nottingham, NG8 5DY email news@mojatu.com | post online at www.mojatu.com
Remember to include your name, address, postcode, and phone number. We will not publish your personal details but the stories will not publish on the magazine without these details. 5
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Volunteering in Nottingham gets a boost
More than 100 people from across the community and voluntary sector attended ‘Connecting Nottingham 2012’. The event was held in Nottingham on Tuesday, October 16. This annual event, organised by Nottingham CVS brings people together to listen, share ideas and to connect.
Helen Kearsley-Cree, the Chief Executive of Nottingham CVS, spoke about the role Nottingham CVS plays in helping the sector to develop and grow together; whether though acting as a voice to the sector, encouraging people to volunteer or helping groups to gain funding. Inspirational speeches were also presented by keynote speakers from Disability Direct and the Alzheimer’s Society. They spoke of how they connect vulnerable people to valuable support and the crucial roles volunteers play in the running of their organisations. The day consisted of a series of workshops, focusing on the idea of ‘connecting’ in different ways.
Delegates attended workshops on the power of social media, why volunteering is so important to the city, how advocates help strengthen the sector and also an open feedback session on the strategic plan of Nottingham CVS. Nottingham CVS also ran an interactive helpdesk so groups could get one to one support, as well as showcasing key news stories from throughout the year which the sector has been involved in. And obviously, a Nottingham CVS event could not be an event without a delicious lunch and cake, this time, kindly sponsored by Experian. They were on-board to showcase their ongoing commitment to Nottingham’s voluntary sector. The attendees were delighted with the event. Katie Holmes thanked Nottingham CVS “for an excellent event”. “The event was excellent. It brought together so many voluntary organisations that are trying to help those in need,” said officials from Framework Housing Association. Nayo Hunt: “Inspired and energised from spending the day with such proactive and interesting people in the sector!” To volunteer or get volunteers for your organisation or contact Nottingham CVS on 0115 934 8400 or visit www.nottinghamcvs. co.uk - By Ricky Nangle
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Nottingham is the third most congested city in the UK…
Kenyan’s lead as thousands compete in Nottingham half marathon
Rush hour traffic in Nottingham
Luka Rotich winning Nottingham race
The latest Congestion Index from TomTom puts Nottingham as the third most congested town in UK, above Manchester and Birmingham between April and June 2012.
More than 8,000 runners have taken part in the Robin Hood Ikano half-marathon race in Nottingham
On average, journey times in Nottingham are 24% longer than when traffic in the city is flowing freely and 54% longer during morning rush hour. The delay per hour during peak times is 31 minutes and the delay over a year with a 30 minute commute is 78 hours. The most congested cities in the UK are, in order of congestion, Bradford-Leeds, London, Nottingham, Manchester, Birmingham, Newcastle-Sunderland, Sheffield, Liverpool and Glasgow.
28 year old Luka Rotich of Kenya won the men’s race in a time of 1hr 1.39mins, a personal best time.
Nairobi is the third worst in the world
Agnes Jeruto who won Nottingham race
Rush hour traffic in Nairobi
When stuck in their traffic jams, Nottingham dwellers should spare a thought for Nairobians. According to BBC report, Nairobi is the third most congested city.
The 10 huge traffic jams from around the world, the worst performers were Bangkok (Thailand), Jakarta (Indonesia), Nairobi (Kenya), Manila (Philippines), Mumbia (India), Kampala (Uganda), Lexington (US), Austin (US), Seoul (South Korea) and Dhaka (Bangladesh).
Agnes Jeruto Barsosio was the winner in the women’s race in a time of 1hr 13.35mins. Jeruto made world record in April in the Dusselfdorf Marathon Phil Hogg won the wheelchair race with a time of 55 minutes 11 seconds. Alexander Benfield, 16, of Burton-onTrent, retained the mini marathon title by completing the 1.5-mile course in seven minutes 25 seconds. Kenyan Andrew Lesuuda was second in the men’s race with fellow Kenyan John Kales in third. The race which started at the Victoria Embankment followed a 13.1-mile course through the Nottingham University grounds. This route was flatter route than the old one. For the first time, the event did not include a full marathon after problems were encountered with trams works and increased traffic along parts of the route.
Introduction to Afrikan History Course Nubian Link is running a 7 week course “Introduction to Afrikan History” starting from Tuesday 30thOctober between 6.30pm – 8.30pm at the Education Wellness Centre, corner of Gregory Street and Abbey Bridge (the old Red Cross Centre). The course will be facilitated by Mwalimu George Ben Anthony who is a renowned historian from Sierra Leone. For more information contact:
T: +44 (0)7973 284 796 E: info@nubianlink.org.uk W: www.nubianlink.org.uk 7
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Kenya’s 2013 presidential candidates
By Njeri Kabuga
As Kenya’s presidential elections draw nearer, the number and names of candidates joining and leaving the race keep changing. In our previous magazine, we reviewed Eugene Wamalwa, George Luchiri, James Ole Kiyiapi and Martha Karua. In this article, Njeri reviews Peter Kenneth, Raila Ondinga, Raphael Tuju and Kalonzo Musyoka. She will conclude this series in November by analysing Uhuru Kenyatta, William Ruto, Musalia Mudavadi and Charity Ngilu.
Peter Kenneth Party: Kenya National Congress (KNC) Peter Kenneth was born 1965. He attended Bahati Uhuru primary school before joining Starehe Boys Center in Nairobi. He studied law in the University of Nairobi and management at the International Institute for Management Development in Lausanne, Switzerland. He was first elected a Member of Parliament for Gatanga Constituency, Murang’a County in December 2002, a seat he holds to date. He has also been the Assistant Minister, Ministry of State for Planning, National Development and Vision 2030 since 2008 up to date. He was the Assistant Minister for Finance till between December 2005 and November 2007. Previously, he served as the Assistant Minister for Cooperative Development and Marketing from November 2003 to 2005. Mr. Kenneth is a professional banker who has worked in the as a manager of Prudential Finance and Bank (1986-1997) and the Chairman of Kenya Football Federation (1996-2000). He has been the director of Africa Reinsurance Corporation (19982001) and Industrial Development Bank (1998-2002) and also served as the Chairman of PTA Reinsurance Company (1998-2009).
Jaramogi Oginga Odinga. He was born in January 1945 in Maseno, Nyanza province. He studied at Kisumu Union Primary School, Maranda High School where before joining Herder Institute, University of Leipzig in East Germany. In 1965 he went to the Technical University, Magdeburg in Germany where he graduated with a degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1970. He returned to Kenya in 1970 and became a lecturer at the University of Nairobi. In 1971, he established the Standard Processing Equipment Construction and Erection Ltd. This was later renamed East African Spectre limited. He was appointed group standards manager of the Kenya Bureau of Standards in 1974. He became its Deputy Director in 1978, a post he held until he was detained by the government in 1982. He has been the MP for Langata since 1992. He has served as the Minister of Energy (2001-2002) and the Minister of Roads, Public Works, and Housing (2003-2005). He became the Prime Minister in April 2008 and serves as the supervisor of national unity coalition government in Kenya.
Raphael Tuju Party: Party of Action (POA) Born in March, 1959 Mr Tuju has studied at Starehe Boys’ Centre and holds a Master of Arts (MA) Degree in Mass Communication from the University of Leicester in United Kingdom. He worked as a television producer with several documentary films and earned distinction of being the first TV Producer in Africa to win an International Emmy award for a TV production. He joined politics in 2002 Raila Amollo Odinga and has served the Government of Party: Orange Democratic Movement Kenya in various capacities since that (ODM) Mr. Raila Amollo Odinga is the son of time. He became the MP for Rarieda the first Vice President of Kenya, the late Constituency from 2002 to 2007. During
this perion, Mr Tuju served as a minister in three ministries - Information and Communications, Tourism and Wildlife and in Foreign Affairs. After losing elections in 2008, he became an Advisor in the Office of the President from 2008 till 2011. He launched Party of Action (POA).
Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka Party: Wiper Democratic Party Kalonzo was born in December 1953 in Tseikuru, Eastern Province. He studied at Tseikuru Full Primary School, Kitui High School and Meru High. He gained a degree in Law from the University of Nairobi in 1977 and postgraduate diploma in law from Kenya School of Law in 1978. He became the MP for Kitui North in 1985. He was the Assistant Minister for Works, Housing and Physical planning from 1986 to 1988. Between 1988 and 1992, he was the deputy speaker to the National Assembly and served until and was the National Organising Secretary for KANU. Musyoka was appointed as the minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. He became the MP for Mwingi North Constituency in 1997. He joined the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) as a founding member under the banner of the National Rainbow Coalition in 2001. He became the Minister for Foreign Affairs for a second time under until 2004 when he became the Minister for the Environment. He took part in the successful “No”-campaign in the November 2005 referendum on the proposed new constitution. He was the presidential candidate for ODM-Kenya in 2007. On January 8, 2008 he was appointed as VicePresident and Minister of Home Affairs and maintaining the seat even after the formation of the Coalition cabinet.
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Obama snubbed Winston Churchill: His role in spreading torture from India to Zimbabwe
When Barack Obama got into power, one of his first actions was to have a big growling bust of Churchill returned to Britain. George W. Bush had left it near his desk in the White House, in an attempt to associate himself with Churchill’s heroic stand against fascism. Obama’s choice of action is not difficult to understand. His Kenyan grandfather, Hussein Onyango Obama, was imprisoned without trial for two years and tortured on Churchill’s watch, for resisting Churchill’s empire.
Winston Churchill is fondly remembered for having led Britain through her finest hour, against the Nazis. However, it is clear that he was one of the biggest and most proactive leaders and proponent for some of Britain’s most shameful acts. He was very active in planning, establishing and maintaining the British colonial rule and its machinery. He advocated and fought for white supremacy and created concentration camp networks of his own. According to Richard Toye, book, “Churchill’s Empire”, it is vividly clear that Churchill was a white supremacist. Churchill grew up when the superior white man was conquering the primitive dark-skinned natives, and bringing them the benefits of civilization. When he was of age, he set off to play his part in “a lot of jolly little wars against barbarous peoples.” In Pakistan, Churchill concluded that the Pakistanis seeking to drive the white man from their land were just some deranged jihadists whose violence was explained by a “strong aboriginal propensity to kill.” Having taken part in offensive against the fighters he wrote that, “We proceeded systematically, village by village, and we destroyed the houses, filled up the wells, blew down the towers, cut down the shady trees, burned the crops and broke the reservoirs in punitive devastation.”
After Pakistan, he headed to Sudan, where he boasted to his friends that “I had personally shot at least three “savages.” During his time in South Africa where at least 14,000 died, his only irritation was “that kaffirs should be allowed to fire on white men… though it was great fun galloping about.” In the 1920s when he was a war secretary and later a colonial secretary, he sent the notorious Black and Tans on Ireland’s Catholics, to burn homes and beat civilians. When the Kurds rebelled against British rule in Iraq, he said he was “strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilized tribes.” When Gandhi began his campaign of peaceful resistance, Churchill angrily stated that Gadhi “ought to be lain bound hand and foot at the gates of Delhi and then trampled on by an enormous elephant with the new Viceroy seated on its back.” He later added: “I hate Indians. They are a beastly people with a beastly religion.” In 1943, when famine broke out in Bengal, due to British mismanagement, Churchill refused to offer ant aid leading to hundreds of thousands deaths. He raged that it was the Bengali’s own fault because they “breed like rabbits”. The ruling on Mau Mau is a resounding victory for Barack Obama whose grandfather Hussein Onyango Obama suffered under Churchill orders. Churchill believed the most fertile land in Kenya, the highlands, was only to be used by white settlers. He approved the clearing out of the local “kaffirs and savages” to ensure the land was available for the whites. When the Kikuyu’s rebelled during Churchill’s premiership, over 150,000 of them were forced into detention camps. Obama never truly recovered from the torture he endured. The ruling by the High Court in London last week may be the start of a long journey to justice for many Obama’s in the world who suffered untold misery under Churchill and British colonial government Get a copy of ‘Churchill’s Empire: The World that Made Him and the World He Made’ by Richard Toye
Mau Mau torture victims win ruling against UK government High Court in London ruled that three Kenyans tortured by British colonial authorities can proceed with their case against the UK government. They argued that tho ugh the torture and abuse happened during the 1950s Mau Mau uprising, time should not be a hindrance to justice.
Veterans clap, cheer and dance as news comes through from London of high court ruling that they can claim compensation “This is a historic judgement”, said the lawyers representing Paulo Muoka Nzili, Wambuga Wa Nyingi and Jane Muthoni Mara. The case will now go to a full trial. But last year, the High Court ruled that claimants - had “arguable cases in law”.
The claimant’s lawyers claim that Mr Nzili was castrated, Mr Nyingi was severely beaten and Mrs Mara was subjected to appalling sexual abuse in detention camps. Thousands of people were killed during the Mau Mau revolt against British rule in Kenya (see story in page 18-19) “I am very, very happy. The British government has done justice because it is a just government,” said Wambugu Wa Nyingi, 85, speaking in the Kikuyu language. “I just wanted the truth to be out. Even the children of my children
should know what happened,” he said. However, this ruling spells fear for British government. It is afraid that Kenyans’ victory will pave way for others groups to take action against UK government for torture and abuse suffered during colonial-era. There are fears that such ruling will lead to further cases brought about by allegations from countries such as Cyprus and Aden. - By Florence Kanaiya See Kelvin Browns Mau Mau story in page 20-21. 9
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No African Leader worth to receive $5m award in 2012 award The Mo Ibrahim Foundation has confirmed that it will not be awarding the annual prize of $5 million (£3.5 million) this year. No African leader could be identified to receive this award. This is the third time the award has not been offered. presidents have been awarded the cash prize. This is the third year it was no awarded. No award was given in 2009 and 2010. Three former presidents have received the award. In 2011, the former president of Cape Verde, Pedro Verona Pires won the prize. In 2008 it was Festus Mogae of Botswana who was announced the winner. In 2007 it was Joaquim Chissano of Mozambique.
Mo Ibrahim the founder of Mo Ibrahim Foundation The award recognizes democratically elected African leaders who excel in office and also leave when they are supposed to. The committee awarding the prize stated that after reviewing several former leaders, it decided that none of them met the award criteria. The Mo Ibrahim Foundation is based in London and gives an annual prize of $5 million for good governance. It is awarded to a former African heads of state. The fund was set up by Mohammed Ibrahim, a British mobile phone magnate who was born in Sudan. It is the biggest cash prize available to former leaders of African countries. Since it was launched six years ago, only three former
Bishop Desmond Tutu Earlier this month Mo Ibrahim foundation gave a $1 million grant to anti-apartheid hero Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa for “speaking truth to power.” The foundation described Tutu as having been one of Africa’s great voices for justice, freedom, democracy and responsible, responsive government throughout his life.
‘Dead’ Dog Survives Being Poisoned, Buried Alive
Ethan, a Jack Russell terrier poisoned and left for dead inside a shallow grave ‘rose again from the dead’. It was “flat as a pancake” according to rescue team
A pedestrian walking along the lakeside path near Ethan’s “grave” in northern France noticed the ground moving and rushed to grab a shovel. The vet says Ethan was “completely cold” and “barely breathing,” so he used hot water bottles to warm him up and bring him back to life. A day later, the dog was already up and about. Police are now looking for the person who poisoned Ethan. A microchip embedded in his body helped track down his owner, who claims he recently gave Ethan away.
Man wins cockroach eating competition, dies The winner of an insect-eating contest in South Florida collapsed and died after eating dozens of live cockroaches and worms. Edward Archbold, 32, won the contest, had planned to sell the python he won in the competition to a friend. Cockroaches are not unsafe to eat unless they are contaminated with some pathogens”, says Michael Adams, professor of entomology.
The 50 most dangerous cities in the world A list of 50 most dangerous cities in 2011 has been released by Mexican think tank Citizens’ Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice.
20 of the most dangerous cities were in Latin America. Nine cities in the top 20 are from Mexico, where more than 60,000 people have died in drug-related violence in the past six years. Other dangerous cities were in Brazil, Honduras, El Salvador and Colombia. There are four cities from the US. Other dangerous cities were located in South Africa Cape Town (34), Port Elizabeth (41), Durban (49), and Johannesburg (50). Kingston in Jamaica was ranked 33. None of the cities were in Europe or Asia. The ranking is based on murder rate per capita in 2011.
mojatu.com | Nottingham connected Robert Kiyosaki, author of ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ books goes bankrupt In an ironic twist, the author of the bestselling financial help book “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” Robert Kiyosaki, has filed for bankruptcy.
Author Robert Kiyosaki lost a court judgment, meaning his company Rich Global LLC was ordered to pay almost $US24 million to the Learning Annex and its founder and chairman, Bill Zanker. Kiyosakihe made substantial profits from the speaking appearances which he’d organised through Learning Annex, and a judge ordered that Kiyosaki must give Zanker a percentage of them. Zanker said that he was responsible for making Rich Dad, Poor Dad into the global name it is today. “I took Kiyosaki’s brand and made it bigger. The deal was I would get a percentage and he reneged. Oprah believed in him, and Will Smith believed in him, but he didn’t keep his promise to us,” he said Mr Kiyosaki first published Rich Dad Poor Dad in 1994, and has since written 11 other books. Rich Dad, Poor Dad has sold more than 26 million copies.
Girls stomach removed after drinking cocktail
An 18-year-old woman has had her stomach removed after she drank cocktail containing liquid nitrogen. Gaby Scanlon was celebrating her 18th birthday at a bar. She is from Heysham in Lancaster, UK.
The cocktail made from liquid nitrogen is a liquefied gas which vaporises at -196C. It is used for flash freezing of food in kitchens. It creates a cloud of vapour ‘smoke’, making the cocktails look attractive. However, liquid nitrogen freezes anything it comes in contact with and can cause serious cold burns. It should not be inhaled or ingested. It should only ever be used to chill glasses or freeze ingredients as it can cause rapid cold damage to flesh and tissue or lethal internal damage when ingested.
Guns, drugs, forged money & prostitutes found behind a library
Gauteng Police just announced the discovery of an arms cache of 200, semi-automatic rifles with 25,000 rounds of ammunition, 7 anti-tank, missiles, 4 grenade launchers, 1/2 tonne of heroin, R22 million in forged, South African banknotes and 25 trafficked Nigerian prostitutes all in a block of flats behind the Hillbrow Public Library. Local residents were stunned. A community spokesman said: “We’re shocked. We never knew we had a library!!”
The hair-raising truth: baldies seen as better businessmen Bald businessmen who shave their heads are more likely to be revered as thrusting alpha males in the boardroom, reports Social Psychological and Personality Science Journal report
Executives with shine head and zero buzz cut are perceived as “hypermasculine” and dominant, with greater leadership potential. Bald business leaders include Microsoft CEO Steve “Bullet Head” Ballmer and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos.
Girl saved from choking to death by dog
A girl from Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottingham has been saved from death after she choked on chicken meat. Aysha Perry, 18, was eating dinner while watching TV when a piece of meat got stuck in her throat. Her airways were blocked and as she struggled to breathe, Sheba jumped onto her back, thumping her with a paw. Shiba is a Japanese Akitas which are known for their fierce protective natures. Aysha bought the four-year-old Sheba two weeks ago
Share your personal, family or organisation stories with Mojatu Magazine readers. Send them to 164 Alfreton Road, Nottingham, NG8 5DY | Email news@mojatu.com or post online at www.mojatu.com
Remember to include your name, address, postcode, and phone number. We will not publish your personal details but the stories will not publish on the magazine without these details. 11
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What’s Love Got to Do with It?
Renowned Author tells us how to Improve Black Male/Female Relationships! Renowned UK based author, Ifayomi Grant, has published his seventh book, ‘What’s Love Got to Do with It – Seven Steps to Solving the Crisis in Black Male/Female Relationships’. This book takes on a topic which has been the subject of intense debate, handwringing and angst and brings forward a powerful analysis, coupled with insightful, practical suggestions and solutions to assist Black couples and those seeking relationships. Ifayomi said “I have touched on Black relationships in previous book and have run courses on the subject. Given the negativity we hear about Black relationships I thought it was time to pull together my research, observations and personal experience of marriage to produce a book that would cut through the fog of misunderstanding and confusion and provide practical advice and solutions for Black men and women”. The book includes, but moves well beyond the typical narrow focus on personal psychology in relationships and looks at the social, cultural, political and economic context, identifying eight critical factors that have negatively impacted upon Black relationships in the West since the 1950s. As usual the author pulls no punches, laying out the corrosive effects of racism on all aspects of Black life including the economic disablement of Black men and the relentless media attack on the Black self-image. One of the key messages in this book is the need for Black people to move beyond the he said she said gender blame game.
A highlight of the book is ‘Sonia’s story’, a brutally honest account of one Black woman’s relationship history. Her reflections are sad, shocking, poignant, insightful and at times funny. She recalls “I had been celibate for 9 years. Taken beyond its usual sexual inference I was also socially and emotionally unavailable - not even for dating as to me, a “date” meant “more” might be a possibility. And for the kind of men I was meeting, “more” was most definitely not on offer...” Ifayomi notes “The problems in Black male/ female relationships reflect the changing social and economic landscape, which is shaped by the dominant white society. One has to take into account the difficulty of trying to create and maintain healthy relationships in the context of living under oppression, even if most Black people seem reluctant to deal with this unpleasant reality. My book lays it all out on the table and provides the reader with a thorough understanding of this wider context, before giving them the tools to make better choices in selecting a mate and then finding productive ways to tackle problems that inevitably crop up in a long-term relationship.” For further details contact: Ifayomi Grant | ifayomi@uwclub. net | Tel: 0770 3004813 . The book can be purchased at www. houseofknowledge.org.uk and is available in Kindle and other digital platforms shortly.
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Ten health gimmicks you are to avoid
No matter how many times we are told otherwise, many of us are obsession with get-healthy-quick schemes. Too bad most of these fads aren’t worth their weight in salt – or your hard-earned dollars. We’ve put together a list of some of the worst budget-sucking health trends that still persist today. You will not get Michelle Obama’s biceps by relying on these health gimmicks
“All-natural” foods: Before buying any food that is touted as being “all natural,” take a look at the ingredient list before you check out. Keep in mind that butter and salt are indeed natural ingredients. So stocking up on natural foods may not achieve anything other than increasing your grocery bill. Adding healthy components to unhealthy foods is not very sensible. Depending on many cups of tea and coffee with 1 gram of fibre (more for more sweeteners) be taken suspiciously. Consuming whole grains, fruits and vegetables – even small amounts a day will be better for you than 100s of artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners: Artificial (read fake) sugar is becoming more popular. The recent hype is – read carefully – sweetener with extra fibre! By paying more for more fake ingredients is annoying. Bottled Water: The obsession with bottled water is one of the dumbest ways we spend your hard earned pounds. This is not just because plastic is bad for the environment but because over 50% of bottled is bottled tap water! Yes, just same as the one running from your kitchen tap, packaged and sold to you for £1. If you are worried about impurities your best bet is to buy a lowcost water filter for your home and office. Coconut water: Pick up your own young green coconuts on the cheap from an Asian produce market, crack it open and pop in a straw. Do not waste your money. Some coconut water is also loaded with added sugar, which will do nothing to help your waistline. Detox diets: Now here is the big joke that makes every nutritionist’s blood boil.
Suggesting that one can purge body toxins by consuming different variations of liquid diets such as cabbage soup is dubious and unfounded. Bodies naturally detoxify themselves through our lungs, skin and kidneys. There for those who did not know sweating, breathing and other body functions are natural detoxifiers. Diet drinks: American Diabetes Association has found that those who go for diet fizzy drinks gained more weight than they lost. Furthermore, those diet sodas that claim to be zero-calorie are terrible alternatives to plain water. They are linked to many killer diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer and not to mention the terrible damage they do to your teeth. These are dangerous for your health and wallet! Gluten-free Diets: Gluten-free diet does not necessarily mean a low-carb diet. Gluten-free diets as a weight loss scheme is a myth based on low-carb craze sparked by the Atkin’s diet. If you do not have any medical reason for following a gluten-free diet, such as need to reduce Autism, it is probably of no benefit whatsoever. Eating glutenfree breads, pastas, cereals, and baked goods as well as vegetables, fruits, beans, and legumes will not reduce the amount of carbohydrates in your diet.
Losing weight occurs when you cut back on packaged and processed foods which have gluten. By reducing consumption of processed foods, you will not only cut down on your weight but you will also cut on the cash you spend on fortune on specialized products. Illegal Hormone Injections: People really will do anything to shed pounds, even if it means injecting themselves with hormones made from someone’s placenta. HCG (a protein made in the placenta and passed through pregnant woman’s’ urine) is not a weight-loss product. Do not be duped! Shake Weight: Jerking a fivepounder only got our max heart rate up to 114 is insignificant compared to a standard weightlifting session let alone back-to-back sets of push-ups. There is no way you will get Michelle Obama’s biceps by relying on the infamous shake weight fad. Weight Loss Wardrobes: Forget the fuss of those toning shoes and clothing designed to help shed kilos faster. Reebok’s already paid $25 million to consumers for over-marketing its line of toning shoes’ weight loss power. Just walk to work or get off a stop earlier or after. This has scientific backing to help shed some weight.
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Ten steps to lower your blood pressure… and keep it down!
By Dominick Yeboah, Mojatu magazine health contributor In our quest for healthy lifestyle, numerous health studies have shown that how you live your life can greatly influence your blood pressure levels. If you experience higher than normal blood pressure, changes in some of your lifestyle habits can also reduce blood pressure levels.
Health studies define high blood pressure as a systolic pressure (top number) of 140 or above and/or a diastolic pressure (bottom number) of 90 or above. With that in mind, here is a synopsis of 10 relatively simple changes you can make to lower your blood pressure and keep it down. Lose extra pounds and watch your waist line: An increase in waist can also increase your blood pressure. If you lose 10 pounds it can help reduce your blood pressure. In general, the more weight you lose, the lower your blood pressure. Weight loss can also help make blood pressure medications more effective. Make sure to talk to your doctor to discuss the best weight loss plan for you. Exercise regularly: At least 30 to 60 minutes most days of the week of regular physical activity is a good rule of thumb. It doesn’t take long to see results either; in just a few weeks, with an increase in your level of exercise, you can lower your blood pressure. Even moderate activity for 10 minutes at a time such as walking and light strength training can help. Eat a healthy diet: A diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low fat dairy products that reduce saturated
fat and cholesterol can lower blood pressure by up to 14 mm hg. Low sodium diet: limit sodium to 2,300 milligrams a day or less. A lower sodium level of 1,500 milligrams a day or less is appropriate for people 51 years of age or older, and individuals of any age who are African-American or who have high blood pressure, diabetes or chronic kidney disease. Limit the amount of alcohol you drink: Alcohol can be both good and bad for your health. In small amounts, it can potentially lower your blood pressure by 2-4 mm Hg. But that protective effect is lost if you drink too much alcohol. Generally more than one drinks a day for women and men older than age 65, or more than two a day for men age 65 and younger. Also, if you don’t drink alcohol, you shouldn’t start drinking as a way to lower your blood pressure. There is more potential harm than benefit to drinking alcohol. Avoid tobacco products and second-hand smoke: On top of all the other dangers of smoking, nicotine can
The Kenyan
Nottinghamshire Welfare Association 14
raise your blood pressure by 10 mm Hg or more for up to an hour after you smoke. Smoking throughout the day means your blood pressure may remain constantly high. Cut back on caffeine: Drinking caffeinated beverages can temporarily cause a spike in your blood pressure, but it’s still unclear whether the effect is temporary or long lasting. Reduce your stress: Stress or anxiety can temporarily increase blood pressure. Take some time to think about what causes you to feel stressed, such as work, family, finances or illness. Once you know what is causing your stress, consider how you can eliminate or reduce it. If you can’t eliminate your stressors, you can at least try coping with them in a healthier way. Monitor your blood pressure at home and make regular doctor’s appointments: You may need to monitor your blood pressure at home. Learning to self-monitor your blood pressure with an upper arm monitor can help motivate you. Regular visits to your doctor should also become part of your normal routine. Support from family and friends: Supportive family and friends can help improve your health. They may encourage you to take care of yourself, drive you to the doctor’s office or embark on an exercise program with you to keep your blood pressure low. If you find you need support beyond family and friends, consider joining a support group. This may put you in touch with people who can give you emotional or moral boost and who can offer tips to cope with your condition.
Join free and enjoy a wide variety of activities and benefits with other Kenyan’s living in Nottinghamshire. See more details at www.mojatu.com/knwa
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Pauline Long: Personality review Pauline Long is the CEO and Founder of Black Entertainment, Film, Fashion, Television and Arts (BEFFTA) the biggest black awards ceremony. BEFFTA Awards gives back to the community by honouring and rewarding Black personalities within the Entertainment, Film, Fashion, Television and Arts in UK, USA, Caribbean and Africa.
Pauline has been honoured with a variety of national and international awards. These honours include the Most Innovative Kenyan in the UK, Entrepreneurship/ Innovation Award from The African Achievers Awards, Gab Award for Excellence for Community Service, KenBrit Entrepreneurship Award and Women in Enterprise Community Personality Award. She also founded and is the CEO of the two most prestigious African Pageants, Miss East Africa UK Beauty Pageant and MR East Africa UK Beauty Pageant. She is a cofounder of Miss West Africa International. Being a famous community and business personality, Pauline is a regular panellist, columnist, guest speaker,
analyst for a number of reputable media networks. She has appeared in BBC, Ben TV, Voice of Africa Radio and Afro News Newspaper. Pauline has also utilised these networks to help many young of Afro-Caribbean background from around the world to gain entry in acting, presenting, singing or modelling. She is currently a celebrity judge at Starlywood opportunities. She is the Ambassador and Face of UK Kenyan Achievers Awards (UKAA) and Africa International Achievers Awards (AFIA). She is also the Ambassador of Girl Child Network Worldwide, a charity that empowers girls globally and was founded by CNN hero Betty Makoni. Pauline is also an accomplished fashion designer. She produces her clothing collection under the Pauline Long label. She also runs their family business in managing one of London’s largest blacked out film and television studios, home of mainstream music videos, feature films and commercials. They co-founded this East End Studio with her husband. For More on Pauline Long and her work, visit Eastendstudios.co.uk, Beffta.com and Paulinelong.com.
mojatu.com | Nottingham connected Principles • Promote innovation and entrepreneurship among African communities • Build bridges between African communities and service providers • Improve partnership working between African organisations and other communities • Facilitate engagement and participation of African communities in community activities • Support young people not in education, employment, or training (NEET)
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Pastors Corner - Living in the light of eternity Many people spend their lives trying to create a lasting legacy on earth. They want something to be remembered by, when they’re gone.
Recently, we were treated to one of the greatest events in the world... London Olympics. We watched people with splendid Revd Piety Kamuyu. physique, which we all know was Church of England the result of very hard work. It was St Andrew Mapperly all very exciting and every nation enthusiastically watched as they Nottingham counted on their champions to do them proud in that great world event. The winners were awarded with different medals, cheers, praise, and their nations further rewarded them when they went back to their homelands. My husband and I travelled in the same flight with our Kenyan heroes in August, just after the London Olympics. We found our Jomo Kenyatta Airport in a jubilant mood, packed with people who had come to welcome our heroes back home. Nothing could contain the “mayoyo na vingelengele” that roared through the arrival gate at the very sight of the medallist, who proudly hung the medals around their necks. These heroes had really done our nation proud in an international arena. But you see...it is in the midst of this kind of excitement we easily forget that, all achievements great as they might be are eventually surpassed. The truth is that, records get broken, reputations do fade away, and tributes are forgotten with time. When this happens, we will do well to remember that, what ultimately matters most will not be what others say about our life, but what God says! An athlete whose goal was to become the school’s tennis champion felt proud when his trophy was prominently placed in the school’s trophy cabinet. Years later, someone mailed that trophy to him. It had been found in a trash-bin after the school was refurbished. It is said, and wisely so, “given enough time, all your trophies will be trashed by someone else”. The reality is that, living to create an earthly legacy turns out to be a short-sighted goal, good as it is, because of its “temporal” nature. Would it not be wise then to use our time in to building an “eternal” legacy? Life on earth is just but a rehearsal, practice workout, a preparation before the real production. We will spend far more time on the other side of it in eternity.
The Bible tells that, “God has set eternity in the hearts of men” (Eccl 3:11). He designed us in his image to live for him, to live for eternity. We have an inborn instinct that longs for immortality. God put the desire to live in our brains and this is why death always seems unfair and cruel when it comes. But when we fully comprehend that there is more to life than just here and now, and realise that this life is just a preparation for eternity, then we begin to live differently. We start to live in the light of eternity, and this begins to shape the way we handle every relationship, task and circumstance in this life. God is inviting us to a closer walk with him. The closer we live to God, the smaller everything else around us appears. When we live in the light of eternity, our values change, our priorities are reordered, and so be it. Amen. By Revd P Kamuyu.
1. VRCC Nottingham 81 Arnold Road Basford, Nottingham NG6 0ED Sunday Service: 10.30am - 1.00pm 2. VRCC Birmingham Apollo Hotel “Training Centre” 243-247 Hagley Road Edgebaston Birmingham B16 9RA Sunday Service: 10.00am - 1.30pm
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in By Dr. Kev
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For more details on Mau Mau fighting Watch Madaraka day story video at http://goo.gl/l0uIH
Read more in this book 21
mojatu.com | Nottingham connected Mitt Romley Psy Gangnam Style Uploaded on 15th July 2012, PSY Gangnam Style video by South Korean rapper Park Jae-sang has over 600million viewers and the dance is taking the world in storm. It has over 50 parodies - in our last count some clocking 5million viewers. Check out what our team identified as best of the list - Mitt Romley, Eton, London style, Hitler, Pacers Roy Hibbert, Umma and Waveya Psy Gangnam Style parodies http://goo.gl/m1aIc Ice pool jumping guy For those looking forward to winter learn how not to dive into an iced-up pool http://goo.gl/RchJv
Dogs in Slow Motion Slow motion and dogs are two things that just go together so beautifully! http://goo.gl/kv3f6
Never Give Up in Life A Truly Inspirational Video Imagine being born without arms. No arms to wrap around someone, no hands to experience touch, or to hold another hand with. Or what about being born without legs? Having no ability to dance, walk, run, or even stand on two feet. Now put both of those scenarios together no arms and no legs. What would you do? How would that effect your everyday life? Imagine having such a child? This limbless boy is an inspiration to watch and motivator. http://goo.gl/KMPO9 The boy who sees without eyes - Extraordinary People A documentary about Ben Underwood, a boy who has taught himself to use echo location to navigate around the world. Ben Underwood is blind, but has managed to do some truly extraordinary feats. http://goo.gl/Sm3DJ Space jumper Felix Baumgartner completes sound barrier breaking sky dive After flying to an altitude of 39,045 meters (128,100 feet) in a heliumfilled balloon, Felix Baumgartner completed a record breaking jump for the ages from the edge of space, exactly 65 years after Chuck Yeager first broke the sound barrier flying in an experimental rocket-powered airplane. Felix reached a maximum of speed of 1,342.8 km/h (833mph) through the near vacuum of the stratosphere before being slowed by the atmosphere later during his 4:20 minute long free fall. The 43-year-old Austrian skydiving expert also broke two other world records (highest free fall, highest manned balloon flight), leaving the one for the longest free fall to project mentor Col. Joe Kittinger. http://goo.gl/QJGLE 22
Latvia’s Craziest Automaker Covered A Bentley In ‘Snake Skin’ For The Chinese New Year
Latvian automaker Dartz is well known for making incredibly luxurious, personalized vehicles. It also has a taste for the outrageous.
In February, it celebrated the Chinese Year of the Dragon with a “Black Dragon China Edition” of its Prombron SUV. It made only 12, and priced them at $8 million. To prepare for the Year of the Snake, which begins February 10, 2013, Dartz is bringing out the Bentley Continental GT it first revealed in 2010. The luxury ride may look white, but it is actually sporting a snake skin print vinyl wrap.
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Woman With Tourette’s Says ‘Biscuit’ 16,000 Times a Day
Jessica Thom, a sassy and smart 32-year-old from London, says the word “biscuit” 16,000 times a day. She also involuntarily bangs her head against the wall, beats her chest and when least expected, lets out a guttural sound or swears. She describes her love-hate relationship with the disabling disorder Tourette syndrome in a new diary-style memoir -“Welcome to Biscuit Land: A Year in the Life of Touretteshero,” available in October.
In Britain, “biscuit” means “cookie,” but Thom insists she is never really thinking about eating when she has her involuntary outbursts. Her brother-in-law recently took note of her verbal tic and counted her saying it 16 times a minute, or about 900 times an hour. In one day alone, she has hit herself on the forehead with a phone, a carton of apple juice, a set of keys, a toilet roll and a strawberry. Thom said that for years she viewed Tourette’s as a liability, but now she sees it as a strength. Comparing herself to the film character Bridget Jones, who laughed at her quirks and foibles, Thom recounts hilarious, but also heartbreaking stories of her encounters with a world not used to her social outbursts. “I know I tic all the time and it sort of pisses me off -- biscuit, biscuit,” Thom told ABCNews.com. “But if I paid attention to it all the time, I wouldn’t get much done. Sometimes with the Tourette’s, I get overloaded -- biscuit, biscuit. I’ll punch myself in the chest hundreds of times a day and my legs move erratically about.” For full story visit yahoo.com on http://goo.gl/T6X70
The 17 Best Photos From The London Olympics We’ve seen some amazing images come out of the London over the last two weeks. The Olympics are filled with photogenic sports (diving, etc.) and immense passion (four years of pent-up emotion), which makes for highly evocative photos. We’ve looked through the archives of the AP and Getty, and pulled out the 17 most stunning photos from the 2012 Games.
They were taken inside, outside, underwater, and from inside the Olympic Flame. And they’re a great way to close out London 2012. For full story visit businessinsider.com on goo.gl/ Iv0jO
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Joseph Mucheru farewell UK Party! To all my friends and Kenyan community members in UK, I will be relocating to Kenya this December. I extend special invitation to you all for my farewell party to be held: Venue: Afro-Caribbean National Artistic Centre, 31 Hungerhill Road, St Anns, Nottingham, NG3 4NB. Date: Saturday, 1st Dec 2012 | Time: 5.30 pm till 3.00 am RSVP - Joseph on 07960498503
We print flyers, menus, business cards, letterheads complementary slips, posters, much more 350 Radford Road, Hyson Green, Nottingham, NG7 5GQ T: 0115 910 3903 M: 07967 284 930 / 07846 041 052 E: info@dstpress.com www.dstpress.com
mojatu.com | Nottingham connected Date
Thur: 25 Oct
Focus on Funding Conference – Get more from your fundraise
Portland College, Nottingham Rd, Mansfield, NG18 4TJ
9.30am – 4.00pm
Fri: 26 Oct
Film Screening Marley (2012) followed by a cafe music event
New Art Exchange, 39-41 Gregory Boulevard. Nottingham, NG7 6BE
Film: 7pm 9pm Music: 9pm - 11pm
£4.50 (£3 Concession) Age Range: 15+
Fri: 26 Oct
Creative Global Art with Diana Ali
St Ann's Valley Centre Livingstone Rd, Nottingham, NG3 3GG
2pm - 4pm
Wed: 31 Oct
Black History month celebrations – Art, fashion show, stalls, music & much more.
St Ann's Valley Centre Livingstone Rd, Nottingham, NG3 3GG
12midday 6pm
Fri: 9 - Sat 10: Nov
Inua Ellam's Black T-Shirt Collection - story with iconic imagery and humour
Nottingham Playhouse, Neville Studio, Wellington Circus, Nottingham, NG1 5AF
£120 (£10 Concession)
Thur: 8 Nov
ASK the Expert on Payroll, HRM, Finance, Fundraising & more
Nottingham Community & Voluntary Service, 7 Mansfield Road, Nottingham, NG1 3FB
4.00pm 7.00pm
Sat: 17 Nov
Conventional Conference
5.30pm – 8.30pm
Tue: 27 Nov
The Community Partnership Forum
6pm - 8pm
Fri: 9 Dec
Mellow Baku - singer songwriter whose soulful, jazz vocals soar sublimely over reggae, jazz and afro-beat grooves
£7 (£5
VRCC Ministries, 81 Arnold Road, Nottingham, NG6 0ED Marcus Garvey Centre on Lenton Boulevard Nottingham NG7 2BY Nottingham Playhouse, Neville Studio, Wellington Circus, Nottingham, NG1 5AF
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8 work based habits to kill if you want to advance your career Failure to learn new technology: By resisting new ways of doing things will leave you behind. Keeping pace with the changes in technological developments will help you to gain better opportunities in career development and earning better income. Lying: If you are caught up in lie, your credibility will be destroyed. The worst thing is that gaining such lost credibility is extremely difficult because no matter how honest you are in future, you will often be remembered as the “person who lied�. Being defensive: What are your reactions to disapproving feedback on your performance from your manager or colleagues? If it is always defensive, you should not be surprised that your career has stagnated. Such reactions make people to give up on having meaningful interactions with defensive people. Your colleagues and managers will avoid you, stop telling you how you can improve and your relationships at work will be destroyed since no one will want to work with you or share information with you.
Disorganisation: Being organised increases your reputation at work, with colleagues and your contemporaries. By having organised working space, paying attention to details, doing what you promise to do when you promise to do it shows
how organised you are. By building a reputation as someone reliable and someone people can have confidence in helps. If you are disorganised, people will often conclude that you cannot be trusted or counted on to keep your word. Failure to promote your own work: Failing to promote your work prevents others knowing about your good work. This will lead to failure of recognition, poor reputation, low salary and limitation of prospects of your career advancement. Make sure that your managers are aware of your achievements that go beyond your normal work. Being too negative: By constantly complaining about your organisations policies, practices and progress and how unpleasant your bosses, colleagues and operations are you are probably digging your career into a hole. Creating an unpleasant environment for people around you and to work in will not just hurt your friends but also your career. Having a reputation a bitter person or the one with bad attitude will not go very well with your career. Taking rash decisions: Avoid impulsive decisions at work and in your career life if you want it to progress. Whether it is taking up a new job without considering its implications or it is walking away from a job in haste, impulsive decisionmaking has no place in your career. The decisions you make about work will often have far-reaching ramifications on your daily life, reputation and wallet. Being unassertive: You might think that not making waves is the best way to succeed professionally, but. By not being assertive about decisions or actions you believe are wrong, or that will lead your organisation to disaster will lead to career failure. Not speaking up on things you believe in, including asking for a raise, will hurt your career progression. Voicing your opinion should be done professionally to ensure you gain audience and lead to the impact you wish to create. There is a big difference between being assertive and being obnoxiously pushy!
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How To: Earrings Storage Solutions! By Sharon Mundia, www.thisisess.blogspot.com
Ever wondered how you can stop your earrings from becoming a tangled mess? Or how to keep each pair together so that you don’t spend precious seconds trying to find them? Perhaps you just simply want a cute display that allows you to visualize which pair would go perfectly with your outfit? Well if your answers to the above questions were “Yes, Yes, YES!” then this post is for you! Here’s a quick DIY on how to turn your picture frames into storage solutions for your earrings. You’ll need:
A picture frame(s) – the bigger the better as you’ll be able to store more earrings on it A meshed plastic screen – you can easily get this from your hardware store. I got mine for £2 for 1 meter and, depending on what’s available at the store, you can choose your color too. A pencil or marker – preferably a marker. A ruler. A pair of scissors
Step 1: Take out the glass from your picture frame and measure the length and width of the back of the frame using your ruler.
Step 2: Using your marker, draw these measurements on the meshed plastic screen and cut out this shape using your pair of scissors Step 3: Place the cut meshed screen inside the picture frame and follow with the back of the frame making sure you secure the frame properly. You wouldn’t want to have an unstable frame with all your earrings on it! Step 4: Hang your earrings up as you please
This was a really quick and easy DIY, it took me less than 10 minutes to do both frames! As an alternative to your earrings storage solution, you could always purchase a jewellery mannequin. Another option would be to get a kiondo bag and hang your earrings on it! There’s almost no effort involved as kiondos are inexpensive and easily available. All you’ll need is an adhesive hook and you’re ready to roll!
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