‘Tis the season to be jolly!
Whether you’re celebrating bonfire night,
Christmas, Hanukkah, Saturnalia, Yule,
Hogmanay, looking forward to welcoming
a new year of possibilities or are just happy
to have any excuse for a party we hope
your festivities are full of fun with family
and friends.
The idea of welcoming new life into the
world will definitely be marked in the
Malpass household as our new arrival
is due mid-December. I don’t think any
bookmakers are offering quite the odds on
whether Luke’s sibling will be a boy or girl,
early, on time or late or at what weight that
they already are for William and Kate’s April
date but it’s certainly keeping us guessing.
If you follow us on Twitter or Facebook
then why not tell us your predictions there
and we’ll be sure to share the news on our
website too.
Happy holidays!