4 minute read
Alumni presents Saturday classes
Jle said be did noc leach thc-clb-J ec, lld c-ro-.e- Mt'mll L)llth
A~ ,.a~• tiric:r '>C-»k>11 1ha1 n.1~ '""'" hh chc11u in 011rorni.1 uikd "'PotioiclOll101 Your Portfolio (Qf' 1~ MUkim11,m 1'hls JCS.S.ioa 1i1i'tnt
1hrou,;h 11ft d11'tclfflt bpcd• ol lhle .1tuc;k martcc. ..-nb ~" movt'lng lhc
1'10Ck matl.c,' .1 0"'1UIIUOIU O\tt 11.me
Tht" 111. 1pm o( the cl.us wn 11.ql)ei,,tlCWI 1md .ai,i;1Jt·cr lime lnwt1 Atwilttt, •lurool '°oc,rd1n11t11r, ,a.JI) ,he bore- t1t ((lflliDuc moft"
,l;a~scs lot the co,om11ni() 'rbc Alumni Ai~iaAtOO ,.,,11 put oo a wr t, •hletJ ''Tht Rlael tfpfc
SeriCl." Thi• ~e'" will be 1:1bou1 mrn,ual 1h11,r J!COtle 1~,·e nevt'r k,rnc,d
Atwil.t'r said lite hopt' 10 litvc, dw nbout lnltlloom)' tlfl tJic- beac:t1 11nl.l ahc:1afthC'l•..,,.._
She Yid Ui.a1 U,csc d•~~ good bccmi<&e Ilic) bn"$ the colJe,rc: Md w11. busi.riet.So e.lol<t, Alw, I.he comn111TIU)' b 11l)lc- In u11e the ci•mp1n fllC'illU~ to k~ nl(l(c. AtWllk.'t crw:our•~11 cOrnmu:nlt)' 1ncnlhc-r. 11nl.f '-Wdffll1o le) '\lr,1tch the uu nc -.pc,.. (or infOtmlllOfl on mcn cJit»a
Holl' low ca11 you go?
Mricn OriJ-in11Jly
1hou1bi to be J0,000 )U" oltJ, I~ lf'lk'L, h.1,·e bcell datC'J to
U>0.000 )t":ln by 0.J,c Rohm\, • g('4)10f••11t1 CIIP( Tl,WII 1lle ptinu .t.rc •bcMl111nd~~ 1ont, h.1\'(' 11,·t" tot.1 o..nd • v.·cll4 tle\'Ch•pC'J .ltth.
• AprrOl.llU.IIC'I)' M m1III"'" }UM agd I.he Yuo~o Pc111,naL, v.u 1mp11Jcd b) 11 hua,c 00Jc;;:t fr.:tm ,p-.:c. l'be fUCIJI of lhh
Imp.act w,u1 300--fooi ud,d 11t.i1..,.C', • ••U t\f fltt di.at lnc;111rratcd mo,1 c,·cr,1h1n1 b1i1m11M~ \lG lhc Nc>r,h Amcrk.;p,ll cm11inc1u and a cloud or dll.u d1.11 Julcncd Eanh ro, m(it1tJ1, 'flth 1mpikt b t<it.Ue,cd to be .,..h.11 cau!o<d 1h( duth cif,0 pcn:cru otlud a,11m11I, •I lhc time. 111C'l11d1~ the l111101o.1u1111 WhJit 1hc obJ«t
111,,·u bu ~ei, .a nuu,r of drb.atc hit \ttlnc Umc Rc..:cntly, Fnm.L
Ky11:, a gcochen11,111 UC"I .\, found c,1Jcn« th.ti ,1:1gce1,U. 1hiu pk" nf1heobJttt ,upon.11lbk (u,01.c ol th~ won, 4h,)'• u1 the Jib1wyofEi.anb"' a $1011d1cngc. t• r,o1 • l1111d11\g 11..idc for :t.licn )h1p,i II i~ 1n
0l' culpri1 v..a, 1111 <c:roid K)'lt' ittid, ··wo~I'll)' b:t.\ c i.
~lrollo,ideaJ tlb,t'(\lllt"} Th«< 11.a~e hcen lfUllc • (c\lf UJ1i,tcnr cw1Hi:a11on11, 1h11i tuvc, llM:d alisnmcnu of rod , 10 ,itn.t,\'C die n,c:,\cmenl or bln>Mum,.il 11b1o;u. fbe MtJicu1e Whc-cl u11be
U•n«I StAtc, h.u Zif ~l)()~Ct , nd a., p1(lb.1bly u.v:d 10 irxt i:ind prC'dkt d1it n)l'l\l('n)(!11t uf 1hc ,noon Aeo:cotl) JJ nt1w SLUod~nJe h:" hecit dllCO\·tffd Ill f.,s,>·rt It w,1, cn:'7tcd 10 110 .i10c1cnl lai:C' bed an>und 7.10'> 1n 6.8()0 )C.111\ .1so Thi\ rrcd111c, tht"
StOllitht'Pft' Ill E.rit.htnd by m0tt 1ho1n l.000 )'C..t"' ph:111'( ,""""
L.oah Hanson 1trotc:hcs her way to lhe fin.aft of the limbo COf'ltett during the Hawaiian dance at the ChrfsUaMOn Gymnasium. The dance took place on March 12. The s 1udont ovent1 board ors,anltad t.1'141 evanl About 40 aludents attondod.
Swing into spring with a healthy heart
byJM"qtM: l-leo:nuu
U dnak111a: 111n1~ l"f)Ol;l.:1 for ""h1locru.i~,ng lltOOrld compu, 'lt'allmn1 for• parl,nit, J.l)ilCC ~1Wk:s • morn,n, MUlflUUQ
And (itl'M:,s prognm, II m.1y he lure to f.1'111. 1hml,n1t abou1 • hc.thhitttneaOI ol bean Cart
The 1i,lc. o( nulntcon llllt.l e:,tttue '" hcall1 health ,mll PfC\·ClltlCIID (If heart ducl':4C "~C' lhc copa of lbc Fcb. lS Wdltle'I.I Oro.a). he.kl l.11 tbC' HaJJ11nd Ov1ld1nf I.J:wl;ir.,, v.cl,:ht. Ml'Cn~lhrn1RR 11Yb.llo'IG. lt1•1n1 h11, f'WL1l·m3 tbolcfttc~. f<rwcnn~ blood ptt"l,.,utt •ncl dttf'Ca'l.lnt ttip,i In 1he doctor
11"! all bc'ncGt, ol pcw.J eJ.m:i."' t.riJ ('a11n, h..tl,t d1~ by WtUno.\ C01111"'-IU, W(fid)' M111t1.#do, •tlo111Ufh fat Uhtafil, • fimiet$ afld i'lutnhan «n~ loc.lic.t 1t1 Pl:l\l F~U, and H11ydc11 l..ole Reµrdutjt the ltOW pt,S!UJllf' '19'Jh pu!<11i lJ1tf' ;111J lli Cffllltdtt>n lo ,oc,~ ptolt.111, lov.c:r ~holt•dcrol le\'ds 11111J tt,tisht bi. MMUilldo aaiJ. • fhc ·h•lh pn,tctn diet 00., f'ol llk'l"ebe pt(!Cd11 h1111olnL'h C'.11rhohydni~ and c.tlonits. Ju a wcip1 los,~ mdf k,\\-en, (tiokfltrol •ndt11gl)«ridtt.'" lnjua,;1111,11 Khiiol.v.,W\, (11ml1) ,md (OCl'ld"- .omc u\,1Jce1&J may ~lire tbC'y'rr nc-. co.110,: osflt. ,ibc Will. "'A ttaOl.lbly p.-M:tJ n111h1·Y11:unln '\Upply \ll.lmln, 10 rcoPk ,.,h,.1 \11(lW 1bC'}' arctfl n1n1g • 11t.dl b:llat11o.'td i.111:1:· ~kl Num f'ral:llUlMIC'f l.1n1.l.1 M1,;;hllh,
Senor Fro22Y
Speciali'i.i11g in fresh delicious Mexica11/ood
69 cents
All day. every day r--------------------, ! 10 % off !
·11a1r-· "Bat-' p,.,.,f4' 'lf«mJ< Pt-6 ·~Bte~ttl9
: for NJC Students : I I : & Faculty wiLh college I.D. : I I ... ~=~-= :L--------------------~ 71b and Shennon Downtown Coeur d'Alene 765-8522 one More Thilg owner Jan &arr talks about this sprlnll's trends
by Annki
SnWMI R,pon11
Tiwow oot Ole tleffi&hir111.0d flcnl Jan )\JU ~1 l:1o1 )'Gt Senna: t'! hct't *Id lh,w (Nilan cm:.c9' •• ltlu1a t:,( 11,cpo,t NCofditla IOCmc Mm, Thi~Ol"olX'I JJfl C.,-, ¥ohitc b lhrci.~for,pnnc 1999 t.rWlnlil mtmJ11100noo v.nat Is ..ew ,n t'.a...t11UC1 tor 1999 ot • the Aklrmi ~r,orfl &IM S..W.yclwM,u,1113 A'°"J 11h ba.Wv,hllt, Can'"4id l111::lwllnadcll4) nw. Watt ycf!Qw IIQd &.ige a,ttn~ nW.ingall appc.nooc ill spnns fa'\l'lll.llll3. She t4ld CVCl')'Oflc llhoulJ hl,"'C'bb:k, lthal.t and di:aimcloch1n, lvmi• wld1 lhcJflnnsc:ok,r,.. - 1fsatv.-uy111ri~whlleltecrm.bwlllbeWl'f(2." Oan'it111d MOfn(llR'io:to~lotpll,ftlllibatc """'"'1dy"'"'i",;.
C.,. '3 11C:W £11bnc ti,,i, lbroughoot 1hc Wc)ltd i,:'l'cocd. The fohric 1u liablL'flmn ofdMsrn dMl k rnadiailt'u.~alddrocsn'1 Tlrik.Jc
Skffl •C!Onllt!IJ: m twoknglhs ltin. $fltlft$. kxlgand iihon.UUTAidattCWJUN-btl(Jw IJ»kntesc}lrsk.in'41IJbr: roPW• wilhlo 1hr ne~t Ci( year,.. Top.w,ch--~-""JlOl"'lrlh~ year,(.'aasad.AJ(',)tflltd<J1rlC'.kV·ltld~f!C\'burc Mand die bot.I,. anJ 11-nat >l)'b are m M.lbfll I CQl1.lCbx:k lhll )'Cillr, c.rJ.llld. m Ibo Q!Pi• 'il)'le.~fpwufroml9'Mlil.. For~C'mT~C\Cf1V.\ffl:IGWIWdJt.n,e1'40tliaslc painof ~I.O go"'tlh Ol'J} auudalllrt; 11.p111rof lfflllit shoo DI a5implc $Utlt NIida.i Cllrrffllfm'ii.add,e~of~11.•:i wllldrobc. Hol aea-~:nics for IWJ'illl'ludt fithmfl::1'1 Md w:iw '*8. f.mntl tcrchid~CS. andw11111J hlirdlp,.. She ..a lhl:ll 11Cdllclt"l WC !('11111Jl 11-..ch limpfcr. lhc MOal popular d1o .,...,,,,,, •i,q,lc bol.--.l lllu,lon .<tyb. TheJlOl"'larto~d1o) hoYCoolattd- ---ond bloeo, )'dklw w,c1..,., c,r,.,.,J. Carr ~Id ,. riobe !t)IC't tor IJIC! new,, millcllnlum ac bco:imi:n:gmuch~ample.
8dore openi"lt Ole M«r Thl:nt: 11t 20SShr.nM1 tll Corur'd'A.Jcnt,C..""M.l!JN1M:dc\t'k't)I•~ She Y,mcd wad\ !ht da.ig,l leam, prociuc.1,oD tOfllJIMica 11111,1 rctllilmforb! OOil"'lffY- t-llct,00 v.1~NJKEg;i\-e hct lhe~ty11>tm,eJ.wlldtlr wostd.C.vr al-o'<''Orkd r~ the. 8~ f'lijmbcfott oorr.n, IIUCc>:urd'Alcnc..
• EAi rJlh Uw-oc lul'ICI • week • A,l'>idprOL'OS,i,cdlooJa:
• Cl,coat l'nt1111nJ \"qCCl&blu tn'tf h1;h,, HlkU
• St1«1olr.'C'«'*"°110tl reor('Ol1\uls.
• Ur.e~mctar11;1ba:uspn.lk'11,ilb.hqwd,ct<"tAhleo.ilor
\li1IIN' lli 1tw: ru,1 tngnxbcnt
• Ea1 kw. tcd wac Try 'CllCW bc.itn,, p(ll.1..1100 knlJIL
• CliooK l.,...cr 1111 UU)' produ~ such a flM fa yogun.
• Gmh t'h )'CM._, to nn fflCf': ~" fo11r f'lle'"'*«l i111ct!M,finJ dlOlle incd ,a .:oo&Jng.
• Eli bread. «ml. nee f111o1A or pouho •i1h ~h meal.
• Eutcuot' lh"" 10 fiff limn• -.'Cid. tor 20.30 111m1,ra In )'OOr witct hetr\ t&l.c lOOC
EASTERN Inspiration Creac/v/cy.
Art "-bll ll'ldlan Stud",o
A.ttHk(o,y Con!1111nkMtlo11Stsid1H «<.athitwnt1no Cn111WMIJIIMiclt ·(lcC0011k~lt&lit111 tngUsh (n9lbh11.tSocondung~ "°'"phy ..__
Hist°')' Humtnf!.in fntmsmo~ AN,ln lntt-tdil(:iplii,,ryStudln ,.,._ .......... Mll,1u.ty~ ....,..._.llapl&~i (FIWll(;h, GifA1M.1,p,,tif1A)
"'"'""" P1yrtdoty SotwllScientt[d11udo111 Sod•IWOtt
...... W,)llllf'll{(St:udld
•.• UllttbyltoSIX'(ffl1nU.filll' M>.AI...U,l,y1$1deg,,tlntht """"''"'Coll,gtoflot""""''*'lodaiSdoxu,; w1tmW>l>int1 Uni""11Y, H~•MllllltwUtrllkatis 1Ull;log•m1tkinlhtWOfldot ftfdfonk ll'fd1,1 fiia; St!'Vt Glints.• 1999 t •1c1u1tt ---Sl/f,ltSi1o>tN;,t,~'"__.J?tl""91"'N.ioonll.SllltN,t fts:tfl'.Jtf0ffllll.V"4to "1CIHt,,Holl, Oenhe Bennett .,. , ~• ttllAMtt.-.~-n•rm.tktlltchl H.llion.al.Sb.df1'lft1IN1l'Mti.hcr ..... a,.,Danele Dncbume, att1 g~wlio;e-it'WO.[/lfff "'o\dmall•uhonoetdbrytht
•ndSclen<lfl.. ltt us h,ij> you d,ytlop you, uienb for calftQ in the Arts! (ont.ut t~Dtpl , f lltnronit Mtdl• rnm111d 111,w t htt,rn W,11Jrltt9t11• lMhtn!ty (l,Oi) JS "61'!.