1 minute read
Keith throws tor national title; all nine athletes earn medals
Wallin,, 1.1kt. ·S11e w:i~
I head u.w:h ~-1, \\;111.in, tilUJ \\c 1<M 17 t.ot )C',lr .:ind,.,, d1 I bcllt'f th,1n them wi1h n.int Th•• l'I Ju.,1 •
Thr 1n..·d ,,.. (.'hul,~1a11. Ill lidded 'M'Jll)('
JO r;t:ma,. SIC.-1 wamet1 lini..i,cd 10.b Yobi.k thittt~hiol12'h ftt~h,nan ~·J"'l111JJ N~c ~chh c:imnl tlic l11nc title for 11-w: Cltib in 1.hc p11 ktlth·, 1m, Ji-1111u;cJ $4 feet,~ mdtc l1u1Jinr 1-.n 111dt('1 bt1hc, 1h11n the
\\110.IM 1.tld l,;'.c,th h.s, Ila..! a II.Md thl'IC' with l!h n<'nau~nc1,,\ .al th-c bric "'cct,, t.kt.l"kl'lhNn lnai,kmi. ll!''t. leuu1111i In J('t.u._ t.occ thc , om1•c111u1t1 ,nJ fo<u-. m • btJ meet '"
V.litl.i,11. &.1id "lb,,,.,., h>· ht!li, tic,t ....., J-rohc11iMI Jc~,,,.-.. I·.mt"r l'>Pl thinl In the tu,h ,.,mp. lc.apift.1 5 7 1/,1 •,c:mnJ: • NIC'" ""ml
V.•1i.m '-lid h1: ti , lice~ ~U-ff'O\Cd "'lib
I llNet • abihlic~ S111"'c Nil' dl:1C,11·1 bo,\c ln&h JlUUptflJ f,adhtia, lite Uftl)' umr f tam"t fffl, 10 J"'IIC'11.:t a, ,be mcc1, No,, 1t1in,,111cJ_tQl11g l\lhitrP:ftWlth bt'r:·
~'O!llpclltl £ \or11h WOl'l'IIC'tl whu pr...:ticc:d thrc:c,u, fOllf Umt11 ix• vrttk l1tt month." Sht 00 • V)t.,t Ill ,wnpinab-fOOI 11.llJ ,11c·• onlyS.7
~!;.~W.il:,n,.,a,lf8urh •P~~f,hon~=n~r i::..:• n...i.o11,.::...,•• .,.._.._
performed "'en bt)11ncl From loft. Julio Freeman Teresa VJtbrotk. Jemie ea.JIC(.1J1Uoei,. Herman and Katie Hawn placed third In thl nation In th• Allen improHtJ hh distance meclley and the-3,~metar Mlay rcrwnaJ l.n lhc:
~b)Abtl!Mll fi>Ulk>ti.llM1lu11tdt r11.lo1n, All·AmctlClm ~) l't,O "f'\'I" A1kll addctJ a ,co,'l'alh pl.kc. ti11hl1 In the l.S--frl,wsJ '*Cigb1 d, SC1pht>m1J«:. Juhr I·rcetmn1 1u1ncd w11b (Kdsmen TC"re,. \'u·br«k. Jamie Urfmlln and KA1te tt.t n W lliii\h d1l,J ID lbe t,ll\l~c Jnedk)' And lbc 3.200 ftlClet trll}' W•lk,ru. ,wld mJn_y thlni, c.1n hllflpen in 1tw: medley anJ Ir iln 11lhlctC" Jac,n·, ,un Wl'l< 11 can JWp:atdJ.1c: lhe Y<hole rllCT He u1~ V1cb1o(k'1 IK mile w•~ \.Cl) tn.irumcn&al Inf 1hc '""""• to rUc:e aa h11ti
1n ~he medley.
'1'h,u '\\1u hurc,'" WuL1tt\ 1o.11d. "Wt1c."t1
•be am lht hAIOl'.l wt 'wt(( m 1-111.lh Sht f»'t...cd~ftiru,,1c>g:,r1li,101l1ird"'
Tht fuut M:1 .a wb.."''' rct,tt\l m 1br rtl.t), tinnJung w1 9 mhw&N.. SJ r.t'("OOoJ'-
Jo,: WOothke imprtwcd h111 s,cr11on;d bc:,t IRltiC'""c!Jtitthm\W~ahl.t111fourfoct11:.l,flJ t0nuh1htn.l fflf1hc.On.ft.
M.lf,cln. Gwint(' fi11hhC'd founh. 106<iift1 tbc
.$1:\Cfl uf lbc N(C", n-mc w-ctt ~h~n ~• i,,-.sco._icl)tl)' AIJ·~ Tffltu Viebrock recotwie lhe baton '111c &e.am •·ill roncmw 1h t1111Jo,-. w:~..uri from 19-yNr-okf Kit Hawn. lit the Spnli.onc fall• Opci1 S.utJ.a)