6 minute read
Students get chest deep
Students learn Ice-Age-old metllodl of travel, sheller b) \tau JohMOR
V,i111wlRtrt'rlt·t ~hn)' people 1bro1.11h1,01 hh,1or)' hoc t'lttdcd ,u ., IL a«1 MIO• Oflc.'n '!''hen 1MI ,no• 1, •bo\'C kntt> lc,d , u can l'IC mO\l d1ffKufl k> t.nl\·c:n,c any gJwn !'ltrc«fl ol 1hc
""hik' ~,urt In ,>Niu lo foll11w Jllffl< 1u1J
\C3T~b ror rood. cad)' h11mu.n.s Medcd to lOC:tCJ1"4.' I.be .J.Wf111.-ie iU'CI of their f«I IO I&
QOI 1(1 plliC-hol~ 10 1mmotulll) The •oo,uh1,c'J a~lY "'"' probabl) ootbin,g llmrl' llllll a l.arac- bundle ol i,,tna• "-flipped ,irouoo cai;h (Qt.'11 Fo.1r NIC ,11.1dcnh and omr: •1r.,1£lctt -.c:rc far mtlf'C forhmiUC than an)' lee-Age d'!'·c:1k:D SwldJ), M..udl 7 TiwiiJuU)' die \lt1r.l("11h "''Ctt cqtuppcd •11!1 lt,p'(lr·thdJne aaw,boc, for lllcir trek up tbc Bouhlcr ("red, Onullllgc: DOflJi l)f \1ullolll. ldabo
The "'1'1Jl hi.l.cd •ppro~dDlltd)' thr«: mlla
1hrou1h the: ,-cenic dr,,aaac Led by 01111,k'll.lf' P\ir,u11~ dilcl.:M and lrip orp11itcr
JJ..an l.u\ct. lhO}' rt'lll.'..bcd !he.Cf cksfiMllOft
11.11d ,topped t« lu.oeh. Follo.,...JA; Im"-"·
Lul<'1 a:1,c an 1111,~ucll(ln rn •nOw~k\el an11.ly1t1L l.uln 1pokc CC 1k vifrctm1 bnch al MIO*
1t1111 c.11n be found 1t,rou1hou1 1bc ...cflt1r,ea1ton ot d1c ,M,. '""'P 'l\'11' il,ow·n how fo dit a hole JKOpCrl_y 10 atlll.1pr the \now. h ,.., rull~ 111c-c: 10 ,ct ou1 •nd do liillfUH:duog Wilb 'IOCQt l,llKknh." S.tid hmc. H.1nn, 1ti.: '-!IC CA.R~ uncn11.1ut Hiioer and bl\ 1tru1t11:r•hd•"-' \11kc. \ cclc:bnllcd o. trJJrtloa lhlll tbry lt.~c buJ for a loo.it 11mc. 1ky co)oftJ a cigar 1t1r:r 1bc poop fe~bcd their dc\titl:abon. Jo1 \1~n rtltll)" pu1 (sn • ah:~ one." H•rn:t '4id.1hi1 w•~ •rally run llip •• Al'IOthier 11vup ~·Ill be ttllll'ftlrtJ; tu Boul«t Crtck M.&n:ti 14 Wlt.h Lu~. Snnw aim1MnJ aod "" lnuuduc:110f1 10 mc1Unt11lnccnn1 111 un oppo,wrut)
Puraull• coordfnator Juon t..uffl lnt1ruct.1 elude"nll on how to buJld 10 t,c:, ('\"'~J 10 • Utile tli~1t1nU11MC"nnr, tt,elto,, The gro&ip 1t1owlh04MJ 8ould« Crtitk Or1lnago nOf'th ol Multan Luker 1.11..d
MAR:b27 ,11 IILm Di a Htnd c.c 111 h1.11nc
M.on:11 :o • l:30
Sno• Colfc1~. ti home.
Apri] !. MI p-m.
• harrir S,uur,ta.t, Apol
1,111 l2pm t't'Utral \\uflln11un t nhtnfly. ar homio. Tuc:'tda)
Ar,il (1, i,~ 1 ('111
Rlclu ColltJe. a1 home. l'douy. Ajx119. 11 I p.m.
Ir m.
\ICC at btime, S11urday,
It.Id,,, •t homir, Saicuda), Arni I0. ,i tlOOB
Utab \'alle, sw1c Cun,....- al 0rt1'1'1. Ftiday, Arcil lb. al I p,o
U\"SC, .1t Orcnt Snrnrday Apnl l7 .11111)on l'ralrlt Aud~m,. an .t\'liJ ,nuwbotrd"cr and 11 wr"°nkm IU N IC ~bo ' w., , gcntffll \&UWC',.
• M•n\ Baseball c..·"lnndo 1'\\ c·.r at J\l>mt Fnd,y, Mu~h IIJ, ••Ip n1 ca-.do NVt C.(:.. at hDSPS. SanmLI)', Mm:b~O. :w 11.a.m.
TotS<lly, Feb. 23. "'Euell)' (IO ,1udcttb aucodcd 1bt11 1rip. 11ccording 10 Brady S&tinke. ptt1oidcnt of the NIC Sl..i Club Sktnkc aa1d th.II 1n fldd11t0n co beirtll dlti tua,ot NJC kl trip. It wa.~ o,,c t'II 1hc l»p ~ps 1ba1 Scbwelli.er baa twJ. II wa, nlc:c 1h11 \\'e hall thAI muy people up lht:re on W, trip." Stttnk.cM.ld Tbt: NmOU1 C,Olnf"ICmcrllcd tbt eooclitioM..
"We bll'4Jd a." off 1hM tOnllCt :1111.1 tr111de uur •.iy tbrnuah 11\c: trccl! Wdk: ~ut "1"1lC PQ'Wdcr wu ;teal. and \lfC" had a n1c:c <;e~j;ll(mlOO Welk uid 1ba1 b;,ek.>1dc \lfJU , 1n-. 1n the mcirn1n1 l>tcauii: Sthwcl1l.Cf cn,plo1ec• wc,c bl;;a.-.ui1e for h,n,;ho. After lbe ct11in: back11dc WA\ opened, Well."' ho bn)lhcr Cy .itld • feta· ol lhcir lnci,J:,; hc;i,kd bad rur lhc fll!\',1)' apeni:d run~. .M90fdlft.1 IO Joe. lhc)' "\(@u1cd the nll:c powlkt," anJ !hen made -, M:COlld nmlluw,h "Tb11t .,..~, one fine rua. I tell ).a.N Well,. \oJ.IJ aluirhl,jcxunc)'
L ad y Card s sweep homeopener, lose in Arizona
IIC *"'' to 4-6-1 b> £, ari R(Jl)m.son &1tliMI Jt~ponr-r Thr Catdlul ~nhall 1.e.i.m ,wep1 Wal~ Walla 7-$. '2· I itt 1heh hon1e _.Mm6 Frc1hm1n ou tficliJcr Kriua ('lc:menn wu U1CCCMf11I in all S Qf bet .\.tolu buc: auempu :ind k--ottd 1hc "''""Ins run, In both a•mn Sophinorc AJ1,it: f.,.,.ccdy ltlpleiJ In. l'A'O f\l,rl~ In lbt IICC<llld lnail'IJ lO dcddr: tbr ONI ,...... Frc-hm.111 ('ard Ch«>I Aod"nl 'i1~ck 6111 ftlnc Walla WaU11. bAutti il'llhc"Wi/\ '======-=====-""
The Ciudln.ah ,.._..-tu11.-....on u:iileJ by one 111 th«" Krista Ctemonll of Bolae fa I dominant bouom of the: part o1 the NIC otfenae with her speed. founh. when And1iui hit a 1rip1e dc,v..11 1hc: tbinl ba.'iC' liae to 1tore.l'WIO Wille Wallo homered In the litth, 1:M.11 lbc: Cardi' matched wuh three run,. In 1he 1h:1tl, Wallu Wall• 111a, IKOtelc.._s, hut C-1rd•
M11Ddy Lllw,oo antJ 1v.-(!cdy hit 1ntW,\ln&I)\, Walla Wall.I S(.'Orcd f\l,O 1n Ille loC\'Cnth but v.·u unable 10 h lc_b tbc:Canla. Sophamo.c Sar•h Cole~·• bll1 •cored l\ltU runl'! In 1hc 1hlrd umina. or lhe s«'Oftd came 10 v. in NIC t.plh ...-llh Bit 8c:ad
C~nu,rnnlt)' Collesc March 9 a1 Mos,c1 L.taJce, The Canb won I.be: ""' 111mc S..l bcfOR IOiina 7-6. Andriui", pitching aJJowc::d 81g Bcod only one htt TbC' l.11dy Ci r d1 con1inueij w111n1n5 u 1hc)' defeated Chanlder-Oilbcn (Ariz.) Communh) Callese +.l. i\ndrim g11,·ic ur only one 11oc11tncd Ch.indlcr run NIC "oml l\lf1, run, in 1hc:: four1h 111\d diuh lni,iu,t•
Sa1u,da)", NIC ""' S·2 10 HO\\#td C'.olktc or Bis Spnna,. Tua• ud 9,1 10 Ccnmil Arit.onl. Tix Cardi. .,.,.t't't': ,hut dcn,.·n 10,0 by St. Loo~ Ccimmimity Colkgc ut \fcn1um: Sunday. The 1011 chm,nincd MC" from the finaJ rounlf of 1in1tc-dltnitl!l1ion IOIWrulmtsll pl,1)", NIC will lra'rr:I 10 e.~1crn Orc1on, Walla W11J1 and Wtna(Cbcc V•Ucy d111 v.«t. lhCtl will.play athon'C for thn:-c "'ed.,. s p ASNIC Ou tdoor Pursuits R I N
Outd oor
'!!ii!~ A<i.11:nina:n.\!,1; vJ' YvlJ.r 1-i,1:s, ~'!l'U!JDIEM':1' 1Um1!Di1 .fi'UUJL.DJW Q. Pool Tubles, Air HO(~ey, Tele;-;;ion Lounge, Intramural Sports, Pmg-Pong, Video Games, Out door Equ ipm ent Rental, and More!
IC·-n>ll.ll~ yo\30'.l llhH~ 1. t n ~1!'-1.n 9~
Tllursday. March 18, 1999
Popcorn Forum: Jefferson, Rooscvch, Linculn 1<1 ,peak
Contlnu1'd lrom Page 1
• Wcd,~1o1l;1y, Apnl 7 \t11tt111
Luther. pMrily('J b)' Dr- w,111.a,n Get\(J.( Chr).\l~J. ,rc:1.l1ti "'' 11 111. ar1cr .a 10:4.S musicl l pR'llkk. llit' Worlll Rc!1p!.,n. Phil1J"1,flh)' nit An; The flrol~,u,nt Rcfor1n111io1• .ind 1ht Frai:111nng cif Cht1, 1cfldnm wdl t,cc~nmirr.d ~"<' p-.uic'-'ure pl.anMJ (~lalld7pm Joh,um Sc:Nt.W1t11 8.\Ch. Oet'lrJ;m O' ~«k ""1...,,. John XXIII <Atll he lffltlf'IS lht c-h.lnlc'"" uf the fiN ~Ml. Al 7 p.m., )1grmmJ Frucd. Jo1IJIM 0111(11~ •M Sm-.ocic de
Black History: Thomas cries 1ears or joy ar1er daughter·~ ,graduation
C4nllnued lrom Page 1 111:
I ll'dlC llJ u..l), U1 her Ind
.,ht (;aid 'I fig;urtd )VU wen: a ;-1":..r-oon. J'd 11kt 10 hire
ThomilS.. a mother(\( lh't. said tmpJO)'« in 1hc '-«)ft.
Rc.'l1mor -will be' p11r1 or1t.ic pat,cl to v.h,,,:b ).1i,, 1111 La1hct and Dr
Cby Jcnl1i\.'QQ will tt"pond a Th""4,y ,\J><i l 8 Al 10. 1$
,.nl rnu"u.-al pttl11Jc: l;.,cls c,,ff
1hf.Jay',dnc"'"'Ot1of'l'hc W~ld l" Dcm«roc:y: llll' l..m.i.11.:IP11.ioa or the lhl't( ll)c"~tttt. wdl dl~~ lhc
Oi,f:'lrfru~MiCJ.. A.I 10,JOa.m..
1~. Dr. C~)' knlinMlll pon~;-,. l'homlb kff"'°'1.
Roo,c,'tlt and Dr. H.arry foo: a)
Atnh:lm LiDt01n
Qlxc:n V1ct0ti1t, ~n- ~be
G1t:11, So.,01,nncrTnich .1nd
Sul'K.Jlt 1k1h\.-&re, rcwordlt j'll•nd rntmbm;. 1'bc dl)'°1 earltn i,ptakll, "'jlf rc~.\C. Tht pc1~I l,11 Ip.in
A, 7 p.rn. The r:loWCf'lns or lkmotf'IC)'. a hu11~" ripio. luacbcoa, will hr ht.lJ It the
Co nt inu ed
COC\11 d'Alrnc Inn. with th!: dly',"JIC*le~~U'It
Tick.cw 7f>9.3J2.5 a Friday.Aprjl9: Thie cop, for1hl!nn:illbyar1tk' IQ99 Popcorn Fon.tu ,,. Whr:re Art' Wo ~O* u, Sciicocc, Ph1lo,i,ophy. R~hlim lltttJ I\Jhtnir.;«1&l(l\:.\('l"llfllCt1t't Jcn:k1n_li.Oo will I'"' a kcyn<lk' lf'C"C(b followfnJ 9.45 Ln1 mulifcal prelude, A I p n ~f!dtllbk dlsctNll)II ftltlUt't 11pt.>kcn frl'Jcn tbc fow ptn,°'" ~)':i. ortbt fonim, ~d bv JriibQ)('f\ •
A 1 p.m t(IUndlolbJt dut'Ubiotl foUo"'·'· with• ~pccl,11 arp:;n1t« b) Dr Vutiobi JohMOfl ai M111) Wol~OCl«ff11 W111,,b for I ln.-dc:pth t~He"' af a.JI five da.y1 or the ~pcom r'<IIV#l whh 1hc nut it.we~ lbc Sc1t11MI. Apnt 2l.
lc(ll'Sof""""'-" s:!:f!:~~t::!,~~;t:P!nbil:;~~-
ll W1.~ m~ohcd inao v,00:ing fo, ~hty and JU\tict foe 1111.shc f..\ct since. 'Omma.i has worked for human rigtws 811d fought pn:JIJW'I' She"'"'°' u , c:oountuiancr for I.he Spokane llumara R1Jl,ht'(Comtnit-.ion l10d clwr5 lhc affirm.w,,·t o1t1ioo con11nlt1«. or Spot11,c Count)' Thama., wa." 1t11o'ilcd NIC b)' L-UIIUrAI cb\'Cf'\lly Id\'~ M(.IQ:IC ThiB. Twinuidhc~tht, CII hunal CV(RIJ "MIi hclp ~uJt:nl\ tole.tfflff'D\'::1blit11dilferen1 CllhUT<> heir ih<b\ IO rctpllte lbcm.~1,·~ for m11h11:uhural ~od:. (Cln:<' Tony S1cwan. p:,litkal 'IOcnct 111.Uructor1od the frurn:i.n
10 o.11 Ml.1JCOU. "'hcreat~:iwonderf'ul
Jim Boyd and Rez Bound - aconc111-
"\I-.- .-.
Book store: Un i v~r«i1y of ldnho books1ore helps ou1 in mC1ve 1<1 SUB
Continued from Page t lt''I.-QitdmuJ ScrMlkr ,lli!I. ·At,,.....ti.1.-1, fanU>be. l""lt •I"""' ror-«~1,~rk)I, .mJ ptOdtK:t ~'f'lil)11,, wiJ 11KWe ~pplin lwivc ~ctl t>fl;ta-cd Atlmit .(() pm;1.'tlC or rn,dl)CI ~'"'"'"J ,. ... 1"bt:IC ~-1&.,. WIIIC' «.IOffl.P(lllioll (~'It 1hr "r~ "°tic,n 1ht. l'i«ilo,1~ p(IK.'td the rcquru
Gouner (Thief)
Darin Deyo
• Jof)C("111J (tc- 1.11
.:hugt:µClhr n,,c. Sptc:i.ale1n,h1"t:~l'iullt to 1ncwc .Jtch-c• and a 111vvm1 ,·an .,.. iJI IIIMJ)(lfl l(Qlbo(tlOl.lk( TIIC l.11n\'er,fl) uf d.iht.l BoPL"~'ltC h~ ul'rm:d UI help wllh lht IUO\ itig: piOC(<, 1llC) v.wld )(ftd
C\"Cra r,c.,,rk10NICCk'hd:t.y 10hclf1plll,:l Uld
1Qn'f'0(1 bool...:
"....,' ror1hcpnnd«Jl)C"111naof1hc ~SUD® \1w~h 2.&
can help you.
-free pregnancy /~ts
No11b Idaho Collrgr !chulrr Auditorium • Cotur d'Alroe, 10 !fon11rldljd11Cb1ID,vm,r,Oflltl
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Your next step will be a BIG one, but it doesn't have to be far!
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