3 minute read
AuAmerican Goodman
Goodllla llndl matlv1tlall In 2-Plc pictlN of bis 2-ylll'-tlll nn JellllY Jr.
bJ IJorrirJ..., \t-1111rtrlNt/.,tnf'r
J11" 'Al"1d ot cntk'ft 11d1kt,c1 I'\ ''C'I')' c:ompc,,h~t It\ wrn~uh '" ahlc'\e f.Ulllluut •t.dl.l,; 1f, C\tfl 110ttd1(ra.:ul1111bt • All·Alhn"'"all b«o
IDlliucd ro, "CM .\ti·~keen• t.idball. OuudmM
.,u,pi 20 J p.Ub. rriloul!llh 2 '4f»I pn pmc. He rtahhtd t«•ind In lhe 5.xnliC Y.. NI Arhk:1k Canl~ ln 1ot'(W'ltlf .and tr\'fhlh
111 l'il,.h 1-tc:.i, ~d rcti.-iunJ
Ooodn1.t.11 fttJ, "''Y ho111.r('(! t0 nornim11cJ for lhc All·Affltfldll
,retal~~ ,.,_..,,.,pu)« flc''i.liJ ·l'lliim' • •louaf'
~illcwrqi.Ja...Sic.',a~IIICalJ • l..oolffllbai.:.L.cmWICIIIOll.hclilidtwf«bNClbttcaa11111p'C"C'III tc>w.Mdt~~ H«".,.i,Jir"'"'1pb)'ffli.htuuchtMdlc:~J:id,t"1hrlp
'""\lie~ hcuaa.1he ).-ar1i11t'ncoo Mlil M l' l•)"C"d thc:bcM V.C('IIUkl \\>1th "'ho 'Ac h;iJ." Ouodrn.u'l .\.llkl
I be C.anb ffllkJ wp 7•11 In conf('fcnf.< rl.,1y ;and 12-1.t O\Thll j(,bnQ) 1,1,d 1w J«k 1tc·, tmp,.wl'd a SrNI diral 111'a,X b..\l 1taaor:i Ht b.Jl01111110ttofa~rvkrolr-.l-,,pc.JtplJllspaltDI lbdr\idml. Ht-._,,.. ••, w- - DI war••~ impdnllllll lO htlj,lho: ~.,1y111thl'~of1hc'u uhdiOC'\, ·nur 1am unit)' ......,_
Jirftfl lel) fCX kl.ta II lhe
ICbte •dll Oil.-
OoodlaM wid. ""l\'ff)QGC'
•Ol\oJ barJ ..s (nll(1\•!<"de&bachn"
Wl1tn G00Jn1•1t t n·1 '" tt~
J)'lll ,hoolit18 I~ flit
Undhe WU ¥OUld elk9Qtorl hOnc>f'alM -bySWAC_lor_plr;
Top-seeded CSI halt women's season 88-44
Undhe NCOIIIDdlereltGl'IJ b,,.... \\ .... StwlA,w, •...,, R r Jhe t...d, r.,d,u.h. (lo~ftl ,nro 1hc Nt"11oa lJl 1u1ro.amcn1 11i,11h • <OO ft,rn« ft'tttfll pl q •J MIQbl 111)1.Nn,adJ~ "\\c •tal do•• tlllcre •1th coofidnkc• C..ta littt Cnti::p uld Tl1e C.ardtHI, IMI IOp·~C'd(,d C'oJIC'J~ ol \ou1Mnt 1.111111) tn lhc f1t,1 ,011nJ of lhC' I0111m.1nr11L fl.lhn1 66-,U Crimp i.;ud "Ir .c,nc,1111 Ille smie vntil lulllune. i.hc11 c·~t ·*' , ltJ ,tu'II ,h po4.u. nc <..W..Eqlnu,cJa......S. halfratolC\."\ftdlt •• •·0111 dtftiuc- rt.,cd .-C'lt cno11i:h 10 wui.'" Cr1111p wkl. "but C\l',,,l(m~ Lcrt1111 t11111hu1. ··~c playc.'J hard. b1 th1ap J•,t J1da·1 ,a o,u •o.
ttu..W.le, •ho ba,c t,c>1h ltd la ,e\·t'ul a,pc,tt, uf lhl' tram 1h11ou1hut.lt 1tt,, !tit'a.i.111 h\t NI< u·O,flCJ ai lht' ttf•~n•I 11."'18. ~ f\.l•t"'ft'' iftlht~
Jollrw,y Ooocl""'" driva.., R1eu Cotleve Fob. 21. Goodman eco~ a team·h1gh 25 potnta for thl 73-65 wtn.
C\a') &,,,IN fohnn:1 lindl lhlll\i!II ~brr" 1nlh1'-.pa:bl;a.1'..f I ... _, .. ,,..,
He L«'P';aJ!inurclJI JUUII' 1alahto.Uf andhch,l, ill lhl1 pholv hdvrc r11d1 pmc. (i1..,.iman', fn,t•OIC' pan 11' b,l\l,1;"11'1:ttl .\ JC1MJ II ,uc frum die m,..,.J Jurln• the pw,r
RetiounJias , , per pmc 1•"·c fD 1ttdla,1..,u,.J ll'f ,, not• nai.n 11r .,..."llar,,kr.-htual i:an be foutld 1111iit tl'l.lll .hopping or bu.,t111J • tM\t' II kk..d iJan,..(' ....
Scorms :!OJ .,.,..... per pmc Stub 2per Ht I ~kn \%11, IO,b,. W.tR'ft'( J.mnspnoh) ~allt;b·fi\C~••l,·ra 1oll.-r•Junl.
Alall-"""'-""Poad•S-"'""'On>apl~ kJU114,lhtODaCr)'IO,K:" ilu. al1n~accct"'9tofie1
•-...t llldupcnttitt 111r• ~Jolllli) ~.a,thishlyDI ISC.11\JM ti.,lcdull JW'05.ran1 HI" u.J the coa:h,q •llllf ha, tulty hc.lprd h,m
1.1111ht ~,iur1 ,mJ ,n1lc e;l1,~IOffl
't11)·tn Jl,n·t r••ri All 1'onenc;111 \.I, hit 11i,111'1n11I v.11rb1c h.ard <k•'lkual1 rt,,,, tti~\nhall ''"f)JJ) l&IJ lith•llhb lnbu,IJ ~h Jdma) , tiielflhdl Qttd Jona*l.aJP lflrf 'IC' ~I 111)' Di•tMOD t ~9"........,,.WPffkim•~ ,~C,c:orp. 'i\aihatp;,o 1111d Go11utp. JIN IP_.• kvi kihftb) UICI ht', notmf'C'..t,ne le •~tnJ-• Ht JU~ l.nrw.,bc•antt l&>f'l.n
\tin) alhll'rn tw,·c r,uwl, lhcy roUow 10 Fl 1hcm n:..t) bcfort h ', thii\<"lb,.lhmy t1rc.•ht iaiJ "An..lhup:foflt. If mt 1L1Jh W.C mc.1" 11 SCI k1,,.il) ht 1tic- SBA \IW1,t·,I.&)',.
Baseball suffers handful of road losses
181111, wnh,1 <,! 11111,, 1,•1
I t l'i \ &llc, 1n 1bc ~1flftal lit • 7" bl W(h,Ct OWi' S..IJ t.t .... cu-, utplu.uuJ •a..• !'!c IC'am C'akd Utr '"'°" J. Eld be •a.. rleatied •1th d'lt' I .Id)' l"•lh perlou11Jifll.'l" fl •I' 111 1n1lt1 1 C, 1trtt,u11,. (nnl()_..,I x, •tm&,..•lnlkl!lU).De Nltfrt' (',ll!W *" to•• r,,-c ,,. ... _.. ltitdJlt Hcl L ••be ,~ ht>Dt red b) 1hc Sn1tt1.. \Ii" 1 A1hlC'111. t ·or1fC'1cnc:e llluJdJt 1>.-1r1, n11mc1J KC1111d,l1 1n all rca10t1 aoJ L.ns.Jhe '" ,u inf bocorablr tlif'L..t1 <."'anhMl•r reJ•lar eea,oa •• h f '" pla,,n rult'd 111 tk "\\ A Tup,IS. IJiftdhe rritd founh • .J.pr,l11IJ11PIJ'ff"Cfl1 c,Jhtt»ill "°''"I an\l I l1h 1n htt 1h,.,.. ~111ot,r, lfuJJ5o ,.~, nifllh i.s uot fl• •• ) po1s1 • al pcttC'ata$:C' ·~ • • and 1Sm•1C'11U11 Kae:C rultd 1hlrd la fltlJ 11,11 rthC'll••rr lhnd'i ,I.ff f.1 • d h•II•. 111 11,a R)I" ..,,..,., ~,,nJ "'.,..,t, tnJ. l~lh Pl \&Cab amt ACIJ' l tmca raaUJ tiJhlh 10).
Men's finish 'disappointing'
N I C loses to Sncrn 92-70 in fi r.,t round
,, Co.adl HuJft Yo lhNI dn,rnt,tJ 1hr 19f1,c.,y •ra\Ull 111 \h\4JlS!lli1W1at; tbc C.ud,n"I tt,,L,1~11 lum cndrJ tlr11 1C2llOll \tJtL'tl l M Ille' RtJtoa 18 u,v.rumnt la T••• hlh The (..'°aiftllll1 •«"tr pul UUI IO tlcl1NnJIIJIJuflhC'klUffl&JIJC'III 11h • 92,70 Ion h• 'inow (\1lk-Jl'l' Soov,.r,mL.ccl ,1,1ti tn lhe ~11Ufll'Ol"lllll1ll~t,~ ••J•"1 •~kt n sn~• '•rthu _.,lho:Collq<of-.0 W..•dlc!iftlll.fmll-'11 ""Jobtm\ cC.-..otllnan) p.k:J Pit I rot h1rb f'Ull',• <"o•,h tfu1h
W11,on u,d. 1clrt11n1 rn (11•.Jriµn', 30 p{ltflh 1n the- hn11I pine tbc tenJa V. M"111 uld 1k 1itaa di,la"1 lbc bah 111d • cw DdltbCIII and ••,cawhun • 11h oeain Juoa Keep 1tn, OUI c.if luut0td',ko
In 1hc r1n1 !Qll l>l dtC'oflc:rc-'Aun1lwltl'i111t)