5 minute read
Life TinyTow n
b) l.arl• ttoin.,, Sl'ft111KI Rtp,.t11,•r
The 1de~ r1nc tame h> l)'kr Bu.•b Vlhcn II('.
\Ir.Ill Ul d~ lh1rJ gr:tf.k ffj\ ~hc,)(11 h)\'lfljt 111 11H COOtC'I nlkl •II ot 111, t.l ,~ m11tc, 'Attt crtcrm~ e11h« p.,uui11r, t1r """"
11111-1 lie 1n.adi., ,.,\") da) 1rn1m+11cd pcurlc.
•n,111oot1 dw: c:..>tll<",t. 1111ot1\~Uu1 4lud l"iptrin11 t11m I" ~L"C:f' rla)IIII "'llh ,lo)' t hJUttd Ill c.uy v.a)' tu
Wltl l'llll. l<)i:U((WlnC'lhUIJ d 1ffcmu. 8y,h •,.nd
~IC ,1uJc111 T;lcr Hmh.
ZO, flJ" liu:J uld 111tctkkd
'»'"°61 ht\ •hnle ll!e tn l:..tt1 f11lh eu,nhil1h11il•~,k·
1ro11r1J ln tm.uhn, cila)' a,
IOitl II• he 04n n:tnl.'mhcr
In ftM ff'Mk. Jurin.I,? Indoor
,cce,,. be u,d to pab l~ ct1n111,11er flf «:by iinJ rool
11toor1J wn.h it
In 1tic l 1(1h fn1dc-, 81.uh dccukd 1t1•t ti, (l,1y peopll." t1ttd ed • hvu.s,t' h' .\lc:'Cp In, \It tic till1h
Ct1lc:: ou1 uf cl;i! (()(" 1hem Du the~·
111\0 flct'dcd 11 ,1111.c (O \lo'Ufl • .0
B1.hh hutlt the,n ,1 lmle hu,1iw Auer lli, hcfc ~pie h!MI thc,r ,bt,u11c
.tlkl h.1\lnc" ~tllhli"b,rJ, Ou,h dc,,J~J 1h.-11bey nuckd a twltd -.,, Jhe:ir lnc1'd, ,ou1d ,.,_11 1 h11
8u•P1',1 "Clia)to"'·n" ht~n
Ou,b·, 14'-..·n h11, 11'""'" co ~,up)" four IO·f1"'"1C
Ions •hrlH\ H(' JCl.1 hn 1dc111\ fmm h11 '"1.1,:J tu.1l on. pu:turn. U1.1Jl1.1nc.1,, und pl...:<', h,r'1 cru\l
~ltd. 8u~h Ill,~ 01\JM:)', J11pl•> mg 1hetr "hat«~
1er, i1 ll 1hro11g•1)1,1J hi• 10 n. 11,ing un i)
Plu,lulnui ,hi( lnC'l.lchnt i:la), hc: t<t'An '-Im, 11, ,1h 1hc 81nh r ,1111<' Tyler•, riome 0,11 1hc ttr ~heir Th~ r1,.1.J to 1~ Ou.,h fot~le l "~Un, ,,-mhnhrutt tht' ncttu ft,.1\«I
Jtlj:1\kl St>:);111:> Tyler'1, boi1-.t I, tht" Titiuu" • 00111
Ing t~uiut.1.nt 1tial lm,1, cantNta c~1ac-1ct
0.arl.'I\,,,. Dik:i Wc "'C:lll lO the bott,,m c,r !he t1111nd dn,al her ur.' 011ih JohJ 111 thCl T,1 ..inir: lfo mc,111 ho1111C '" 11C',t to the Tiunk Hu ln,a\C' I\• 11.·rll,.it of ,1 doll hOIJ'it r)'lcr"ap1u!dm:ay,,a-m11l;in.11,. l,ut wdl no• IC!l 1),lt'r lrn· r•h beau~ 1'bc c:in'1 k'Ct1>1kl lhc hlllc
J.e~Jh,1'111 ll'l)'mOrt' ~My 1m1dma • ~ho I rccirn·W fll)' •Nl'\.IIC 1111cm from.• Bu,ti u1lJ
S"t.l(.t !&Jiu, mother-'• hou'IC n the lka11t) an,f IM
O.C..,,, t,,.tle ithd1t" ,111~.:0M:h fn'l1ll lhc
11,o~it out fron1 on the
•"1>' n,u,h hA• tine SQ\'ctn· me nl hu1IJ11,,. C11y HJ.II h hu lbc onl)· cl1>tl ill tile to• n, kl to th(' tlm,e 1h.i.1 Hu~ ,,o, hom. CU)' Hall Ole, U\U 11.iJ, the 1'1n('n,;..w R;aJ ,mJ I~ '1011"' O•g-rtd. bl!JC •riJ )CIIO"' Whb • "'hh(' ,
I "'•' li\'tO 1h111 fllclmamc· hcl\ I Wat :t llll k kid." Bu,h ,alt!.
II'• liu" I u~d to fl«!flOUncc and 1.pdl my n,arnc. ffu\h h M11l1 the filmou, Tllf Abh,al m h 1J1 a llfl(' ur1bt IIO('ft \\\.111~""' the Wo,ld. h'" Oft\"
<1f Ilk' old.,,, tivllJsn-,.~ ht tu, and 11 d"f1l:t)~ .an cl.thouJe fo1Jn-L1.in l"llbtdc 11111h cll."ph•nb mill• ,:lln1 u.too.nd 11\el.aptJ tic (i(':'(tJftl."d l,11 l)V.-ft hjr:hlh°"\(' \lllfltg fl\"XI 10 lbe S1111t1.c nf l1bc.n)' 'fhc, Whitt Hau.t.C v.-11h die \\-.,.h\ng1e1n !t.h,n11nw:111 •nd the Al~ddu1 PIIJoc alJ COl'lf)klc hl\ 1."lilC J:rollp. On the -o:pn,d lnc:1. Othh l\lU btt1h the \huJc
('.n.i 1,o, • cu,n.- m l.11.1 Vt"tu. 1lK ,cco,ld I C\tl of t,;11 lt,wn h, "-b&-tt Ille H,,11, WO(.J "'C IA)IC>v.-n'
, , ttn ,, d1•pl11teJ H,r invented tbc Roll, C11\1no-• R~II~ fh))gc c,,r tocnina OIII or 1tie
'°'"uu.ain He b111h 1be y,., Die Compo Go1C Cour..e CO\ltnry Clutt wjch a flo;iluit; green. bu1 1f1 11 lluJt d1ffctt"l\l lh:in lhpJ\»soc'A ''l\1~ nw 11t11 j~n h:u, Wt\.\ in i.bc. -. ,w:,. IJll'th uid Thtrt'~ M,it't1ln1 l''"'fh.111 '*1. PJu1. I h..\c hlf'f'OP"Un,u,,,n 1.nd f101n1np on my ('(11'.I~ In (111,;1 rui1MC\. h1ppa. hnµ1n.,- Ind HU.lllat1ltt d11101.1.Un nin lltmk:k all 1btoi.,l.h lhe '""11
Ot.1\h e'l:n has a rill) lltt"!I for 11.11 ortu, ~ngk fncfh.b 1h41 to Ii\(' h) tbtmM'fW..'1. U" d.-S-. holik 1\ 1t11tu, ara, nloog v.ilh • rev, ,'If b,, friend,.. I J!il\'C my lncnd1;11.Srtlamball 1hr1ro\\n l,mlJliC" 1n my IP'\\JL," Hu~ uld. 8mh buila d>c 11(1p Mian·· ~;1,g_c ICH,p Chill coukf Ot'llrbc!oeel\ h,~ot In Ul', Popoomp.a..1 da,\ I v.e1u ldlhc«iri«rtafld l'marul V? hin, "° t hlld ID pvc If 11'1." (lf.1ll) t«fd lk tu., Mattk·" Cote from tht ldcH.J.ln \ho,11; Seinfeld He cu.II•• k.Clioo wnh Planet Ho11y111'00d, a zoo, lllYWtemcflt pc;uL ;1,nd • Hitd Rod. C.aloT)'lat,J Sotnt Of ti,,. UWTI cksip tn.:luck I.tic:: Addam', F.urulr hrlu,e. lhc Honie Alooe bou'loe' und T)'ltt'• Stud'°' v.tud1 1.n,:I\Jlki ,he Luc~ w11h o,,...,d J..rt1ttnun. HchM..L..itltetort, Mt11hc:r~-'hoe,Fch, the C.1 d"" U111moli,k attd 8Mm1tt1'1. h<,QI,(", an a1, P')ll. TV ~lit.Oil. «1llllos. Mdlon.Jkf, ud mbu.al.lde ah he JICCI, IQi,,. Ufl fkHh u~ dcoc11J 10\ll) 10 do ,ric- 6nc lktaik t1ke poL,n !,! bole, in 111, ndo.,.·•, lbr te\i i JIN h11 b.i.ni.b Bu,h ha,. bcn g(lf.n.& to a«mbh~ ror the Jm-1 four)"C:QN, 111 Stlticc: Pdcldcttu Elcm1:,,....,. ,choo,I 101.AlLw the fifth anJcn.a1'c>utc:la) 111nima11on
• 1 C:Q/0) 11t.p1nn1the-bck101(1 111w the 11th," B!Alh ~d Some c.>I chem twi,·c: C\'Ctl he.I. m) ~:u p, turn." At the dnldrco·,. 'itggc-.1,on. 8uM adckd .a 1brdk, fl~ 11nd pol;,x w..Jioe. lllon1 Vio Ith o .:hurd, 1h31 claim,1mrdtp11P 'Tni !)QI ,·cry 1T.Ugaou,." Ou.,h uld "81111 1,e U:J:. 1hu11,bt thllt I ~Id ~•c •church.."° I i,u1 one .,,. 61.1"' ha-.tt1k'ftd M'lmeot hl , pie«-, 1ltl0 tbr
Nooh ldnho F.11.1r, (1'1:L"l\<IAI f1•111 1,,,1-rl::tiX Wll'IQ~f\ iuiJ • \(!«I.ii prcnUum lk J,-ic,.n'1 likc t-1 enter 1n
1bc f•h \(I)· 1111d1 tie.;-.au~ he h11-c 111 lnhl \PfflCllltt:: d'o(' "'"Ith h1, ,nil n,111.l IIJ11t1. ~Jiff rti-lPk ,~n' t
,11,.:.a11.·fol 111heb... ""S'1ITIIC' ffl) rtCCn h,1~c t1een ('lufk'd m lftr' f111r:· llinh uiJ Tl1e) .ill h.1.\,r 10 he ttSNlrC'd. iiDIJ d~lbk.eahmc
1-tu•h d,,c,11'1 h•.11Jc11 htacbr lit lrt'pt ii 1,0fl
11.1idrll Mc lc1n1n utoll"t rnl I hl toJr uuc b.:h dc•lt;M 'ltb I'll ,l 'l•IUuJ'C re«( Pl 1,.";11 J \.o tb.at htan rull •tl.l he \lo.,1.111, 1,, ~1101 hi" 1u11r1~ m..t tu, nr n: 1rrnni:c II
Bui.h ~ul he lu {t•ottc,1 ~Utr .,1 bu1l1lt11a:1 llnd
I)~ .anl\llC ,ll.'1;a1l 1h,11 J:IICI lnl \ b111l,lini;:, ~nrTIC'
"'h" ol.Jt-r r •~,c, "'Clt ,1.1m.a_gcd t1t l\lll'ltJ ltrown b)' du,t T~l· r"fiC h!ld tu ti< 1-ed,.1nr
Hi, rlt«t lh.\.l h.:nc mrirl" i.ku1I in 1hi;rn 1.il.c
Junrcr 1n ,n.1tc 011\h·~ St.11.u,c C>I t.th(ny htv~
GJo.Minddwl'e M ruur houn lltC rn;~ ..,..o,-L-, •hklt tic 11.1~1 q&Vl('d a.bol11 four )l",11, •ro. l'4ft 11Lc houn kl MIi all the cl,1_), Intel lm!,e h.alh f« 11n.1luJ,4tc
Bu\h :ind ho, lntn\l 11"1:J 1,1 J1L1> .,,,th hh ''"""
1tw,llrooro:tJ~11 1tk) dottcw Wh(o" 11"' 'A·M
)"'lllaJC'f. t11: arkl h11 fr1c1"b v.~,IJ ,rcnJ boun pl.&)
1ny ,n the m1nli1turc; '""'" dnu11r tllCU' ,.zn tl.l b(her lncad, boutn 1w c:~111,-..
When I •,i• ywn:( 1 l\t 1.:1 ttud ,u my tncl'lll, and I'd Lill or ch•1t1C•t tttt'1r ,h.ir,1neor. Hu\h
•.iid ~C'K\ 1f,;,1J,,li: \\ticn I i'" ot\111. m) luen,ch \oOUkl I.OPIC UJ\ IIIC ,n1J a 1 af 1hr) ,,;1111"9 Ji..ne thC'U"..tm,clflc:-sh.a.:._
Af1e, Pnn,ieu DI', Jai1h, n,uJ, '"'•• ln"r•reJ 1, b1ulJ a mun1111lt'itl 1 , ,ill di( llllfU'IJnt pc,lfllc JllAr IWl\'I." ch:.lflg<"J lht Y.i&) ~< liw(' 0.1 dH." 1mmurtJrrll lie' nlct.t:\Cf)' llllf o(t\'°~C'UUdU) hct. ""ll
HJ, to\\-n ha •llfff 1h•" 1.000 p111,;, p.altn n.nJ
C\ctp1"11 ll'tlrl. IJu h'1. f.:.1tem.1ll0111 \lol1h \1/•tt lc.iJ Ill 1411" ,1r t1u1ltc, 1,f WI IH "rrea.J thtou,;hoi11 ht' (n~n 80"1 pl11n~ 1111 a ,-e11\·1al tranr.kr ca 1hc An lt1,u!Uk ol l.m: l\11j:ckt,. 1111\cn: he'll fO intu cum puler ,ll'IJ1m11tt,11 .and
Clll~1l 11".M! ll P"t Int • pl*Ol' IO •aL ~lllt1nn8olli~lr.l /1.,,tfa/i\ U\n &n.im"lf
"1 lh,nL it'\ptayooof ll't.t11Cttdwllt.tpo.1, <el" ,s,,,,,......,...,., Ccni, d'Ak1Jt' IJ1tWl(:U
''l1h i nli.