The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 52 No 8, March 18, 1999

Page 4


l " 8 pcn:cnl hollht.lll i.:n::ut 6rm. \ i,1rd!Z~. ToJJl..cctweH411. b\1111,a'lltl lt.e i..:hnol ..,111 fn;:.;

for r.tlldcno.

Z-1 hy l).aHd I In.Jct), \'l(e ~I fr"f tl\llk-lllJ ltr',t«t.. a.I Rolly Jt1t~lft,,, "'r ~1Jtnt t,~ adft1-1•1•Jr.sh1 •• The 11ok'11iUbcami.:.iAI point 111 lk pruct1>\ l:'lcaliM 11Chcduln aDJ athct pabhuho,a CotllAmmc !.'Ola, hv nc'~I {1U Y11II be: P,nlOd tr, Apo I In 1ft) ••, or 1binJuns, 11 ,, • touunc 10 tcne.'" J\lfJC"-' u1J "There: J1 • lot ot rtnWK to rcl.c,-c: No Clnt' 1unl1 IP pa; an11h1n, Althllu,tl lnDrt •taff ti ff<'C'dcd. lht kd1nolojy tl)c1f oru.: ,cbQof h up 11>d.i1c, axa,J,n, to l.tnJ111)', ·w~ 11re 1\(11 141..luos." LIJkha)' 11W. •·w~ Ju• a,e.r.1 }di Wt arc mu.ans • cotmn1tnw-1:11 Ill k«p up v.itb kcbook>J:)

Forum presents history lessons

Ag reement grants suspended employee $5 5 K back pay h, \111nd Kb11ilH,• M 111 1:


S.5S,OQO ht cult c1J all Al.u-y •ttd bcncOt IC med (rnm l\cr 191'7 11.1 ptlllH•Q 10 her val Uitc ol 1tt1111n.1hofl last tti<n11h

Popcorn rormn: Juney Tll'Ougb DIii b)-T11t)'nH«tu:r ,\'h £1/tt()I


wnh "ilC "1 ann1.1..1J Purtc:MIJI Ft1111m -JoiatQC)'

Thf91fJh Tune: Wh11 Happtntd In 1hc St(IC)Dd

Mllknium 1001·2002,..


C•fl~111h1 01J 11ncc 1hc <~•llt,:c 1'111J

Ch.lftlH ift ti. aJm llhtt11Hur1. II Jcl•)cd Ifie &au1 Ii , an ot1gou1s and , 111h1• !('p pt(!Ce 1.

l,o Id Ht , uJ "tm11 h h.h al•,o' N'C'o w1U1n11: 10

JO 1hrough .& JUl'y 1"11,I. ¥.h1~h \li1U N'I '°' IIUl ,eat ffijl Jq,c 10 • on "Cta 11hit0i her buhh.

Sns1d1 dctnlcd lo •clllc 1,ud Can11u1&)K &aid 1Cc.'fltll11t1 "'•hi! Wll~mt'III Snu 1h 11. 111 d1,m1n ,all l11J1•11on •1•rn,1 lhc

1011.:Uno i'l the JJ, d1,,11r,io1n1cd h• Co thma1h1hc w.fl, le rroi;;cn. C1111"""nsh• 1-iuJ. Canwrialll ,.aid smnh ,~ 1,1,tJ hv111 ht>r po 111,.,1\ to rhil'J: huhh rn:,blrm In • ., tpfaJM 1114',i 111 \»1\11l 11N1 \Jiurh

ll c,:c.f tu,nr, frorn 1ht- Hrdhrn4 !h11ldn11 brr ptnmHnl da.atullll • Whc11 the led a laust r"', 1n111'1n. aJ111U11ut,111,n h.:pn

, ttu1 her 1..:1.o1t1'l'Ch ac1.011.lln• en Sm1tb

Shr wa, ~, 11icnllt ~lh:C\fHJ u1u ,•f hC'f

duaroom \ fN1.h ft h\ Soc('~ m.11. h11m.r11

ttJiour~ J 1rcdor ariJ Lrn.d• \lkha.l n111 (

p(A(l1Uon , .and fnlln•ed 1)11 nmp11, I\)'

Jcfi,; Gtt, ,J.,~ Pf(;tldtnt ol 111 ll11, llu11

Speaker bare~ sou l at Black History Month celebraiion by ", KbaWt', .\,• inrl N,r ,n,r

SSI0).1110 hi,,m tbc Bruna. NY, "ac thins •a1 JIU\,)Ulf. d*l'CtUI)' Whm I umt" to Spobnc, I 1.'ti«i." n,.,,_. a1J, aa she; ,1ooJ bcfur< H •ulJ1uC"(' 111 Sthvlr"r Au.tit •111.111 f"'tti 2h Ma~ for-lhc: (IO!lcge·• UJ-.:t lt.~ltlr) Moftlh~ Pt('1 \fo:bael Burke: opned lhc p101nni, 1poa,,,rcJ b:, 1bc Huinu Eq11alhy Club. an.J -t'kcuntJ 1 tlnn1.n, rrc,1d('t11 oC 1h.c polr.-uc "-1'41rl('r of N11iimal At.1oc.tthoa for 1hc: .\d1 .UIICtnk'lll or("ulUffll Pccplt Th,,"••• •d,l1c•».cJ 1bc ,,.,.,c, of r•ci•f d,i,c;nm1¢.1l1, 1nJ1,1..,uor and

ptt-Jud-=t rtl11.1ia I~ Np 1n • f,ttndy Vt11A IC\'ffl llhlmp.

'""' 11ud W c•mc 10 SPQlanc In 1q,-9 -..uh he'•

She llid •hi: ~ftl Id

,1nJ ti.;0,UJ

• .Brm)Ja~ntm ufrtH,,r. I ('(>Ulll ktJ dmwr /ht' .s,rat r,nd rmt.h'(1"t"n·mun~· ,.,f mt ~,. I (n,J. -£Uttn Tltqmoi, ~pt1kanr NAACP I 11,all.t,J (d. thetr 'ltt11b k'MI lfl "'' qN. •ht-ukl Aft~f H~\tt•I ,lllcntph 11'1 ,:,t a JUb. du• ci-cr,halJy pl htrcd, ThnfllH ....d )1.111101'(',J al'luwil -.-ft.S blf'IX'II0;1. ft wiJ ,t,c lAlkaJ IU !Ill' _.t,,.,o(lttl'Jhcr,1)',ti Bi.ACK HISTORY MONTH "'"1l on POQl! I I

'" ~nu1h I~ colic~ rthncJ In Jn~ her I ,~as n fu1 ,11, \1MKl\l~I •ad 111lkla ah,,J ~ffiCi'II ah<>! I Jiff Tbe aJmi01\tlllh1lfl hM ('a)I 11•1fC' thain l'Xl urutr,-11111ufu.ttic~lnlhclklll1&1.J 81uld1111 1ba1 had 1n111urn.:,n .ind 111J<'lll CDqil 11111Jtol l'Cllll,..ha,d1ulta1,~lt 1.11:11 l!'dlll!<f T-""111 'Mako sure thlt your tourney takes you to the l'Nlm of otMf' cu tur11t backgroul'da,• - m ge SpolcaM NAACP -·Ellffn Thomas·- "" ei.c:k HIIIO,Y Mo'1lh In SChu.lor Auditorium..

\11,n She uid W: fo..iocl Spebn,c '\u'llntc DmlliK' to mr. bctna • penrroi, u1 <ob. I cuul..t I'> d11""" UK! ~,m llod IKlll 11t't': '<1')'I) N rnr, Thomlt Mid 'So I tttrd I" 1bc 8rPn, •he Ill'"" up ,n a 'tff) dhcne DC.i,t:hllurhooJ

::1~!'" ,'::c'ur'!: ~;;:k'~,

pil j kkb off• •·«k·kll'II1r1,d tM;lllth hu&ct).9

"R:::,""' p ' a "

POPCORN FORUM conL on Po;,t 11

New exit planned to ease traffic Jams, congestion

bc.kikJ 1o he c;o11h1tuc1('d '" «ht- 11m11nt-r ot 2000. 1ci::ord1n1 to Jim Hu..ilcy. llfflltoc dlft!ctor C~l'd v.lth a nt'f\· wp 11,tlt af Lhc () '.\hll QI! Notdn1it:M ~lnri dw e111m1ec, I• 10 be buih akm11 &he ea,tcm perimct« ,,t tbt mill n:.d to o:,nnea 11. ,tb Hwhbanl "'A• wt: ,nw,. W mt11c mntt «>nttamled.Headky 11MJ Wcnccdftlnrt' .,.,,iv,1,,camcandg,o.'•

~·h111tt penonntl tbt lt oe~Ju lc. ud boob '111'.tt pthnW h, the pctv11md fflf tht: r,NJC'f"~ l\~-cotd1111 IO 8111 Scn1mlc1. b«iluort ffll'llljJC1 fo, lllUff tb:irt fih· )'e.ut. lhU) llfflollltt c.!Jlc~ ~,oi 11 .-~fl Chai,,.._)' al dlC' l• mc fbc boul..Wft l,1lcf mowd lo a blpa tvi.lfll ,n 1hr bEt.ttnr~11 ~,t lhe SUlt and trmalACJ 1N:t¢ lall'lil ,tic C'iltl) l~A<~ The room \l.l\ abvu1 1.500 11 .C (tt lll V.hal 1'1('f die .1111 p{lct) flll'iarJtl11PXcti...lal'CIUlllttdJ11:z,.l*flll'tll .JkMnJ fun111hitlalml,1Dp&brr lhrir09tn i-,.,.-.t.1. \\N'91b t flt'lli cdil-. vf die SUB •;p hi1il1 m ahc I~ die boou1on: tm\>eJ II) lht •h•c,it lllll llw""" ,pJ 0,111t ut1tiir SVB lb(- rwrn '*" aNu1 &000 t,qf.l re fttl 1t1d Allo~cJ p l~nt)' uf apa,.:..-:forhool.-,ticlto-e oJJ'Rll,l~1Jbrl.a) In MIIR'h ol 14:19'. 1,W tino!.:"'°"' mo1Td 1n t.t, ct1ttca1 loc-.111011 cwhotn the v.dJ1n1 rr,,iram ino~cd off umriu~,. b1 v.tu1 "'" lh(' ..-~ld!IIJ ..ti,'lfl _,. W H~Uu iJ "u1l Lni.- \\ utJ '*'- U,.:h• CIUP'= I and. ~illy wttt.addc-d to m•U lhc tur,m u,1luhl,o f<tr Lie boril~l•ff The' ~1ll.tQfC' 1, mo\iDS 111u1l11 h 1, aou.· '"'" 11110 !he WI i1.Jt o,f 1hr nt-. Sl ti 1,n !he 1tt•I" Ouor Tht room t, 7,QOO ,qua,(' fed 1p haih11.1 ,,m,o .a.liJ 1 was< ,r.kc rhh h • J11rtuJ 1 1fl>CfC;He lrumtflc ll'IOm 11\111 .,.81 110 ioqi,IIIICfttl ~., ......... a m Sernmltf, book1t 0te menaglf, chtdca the oonttnta !lOOKSTORE c,on1 on Pa91 I 1 ol a bo x durlnlJ rt.. movt lnl o rt.. SUB.

the North Idaho College Se.1: 1. ti.1: 1.e 1 March 18, 1888 Artist brings case., to lilt</\' at Comer Ga/fen· A&E/Page 7 me m o ries in clay Life/Page4 Board voting on tuition increase MIPdl 24 V811 ll8termnla fate 11 a...-i fee, 1m11an lncl'ea8e oen kD 11dudoa, a f1uoon u:1crta:,c Md a$:?Oll'dlnokil)'fte. If 1h11 S'"'l)OWII n ~. lt111i11r1 and ftts fat 111 •Llk' m be S609 p,:r k'1111.·sia UiJ Sl.100 per 11:nw•k'r for nut ~,r t>Ulr. bqinnin1ncu rllll rn.1'«CCI,'* Stt1dctllt. aeci,I ((I ltOO\li '*"'' 1hr) ~CJltm.11 IO('A)'.IJndla)'tal,J The- rate of 11111.rnw u ti.1~d on 11.hool ntcd, and cu,b at oth<'t rc:g1on11 ,~·honh am.I 11 help 10 bab.rKc: monc:)' rrom «.u.r.,~c1111.lld 1bi: d.a&e. S1u~n1, ma,- "'"'' kc: dic duc:c:1 bttttril of lbc l~tCA'IIQ.. Jor,tll• wld. MOMy t'C'tth•td wtll JO k) ,;c-ncral optraHnt. malft1C,un.;;c" aJld C~h 011, lpi;h1,do lhc adJilion of Gt',!\' racul1)' ,f 11cedcd The:: a«h#lolo,:y mc>oc)' Vi>UI be IOed 10 hltt e..,nip~kf ,uppon ..cart and tcC'hnki..ub.. not /ut *lij#J ~P!nP\tltt hardwm. ...-c11nhng10Jur,c:in.
S(,111tulH,pv1trr T ~tw;wd ,,w~~-1ll,oet.\tlll\h]-lv.tii.·1t~r OI n,~1 10 1nuc1w ,h1d.:n1 fen ,10'1 uattion b)' ft ~cnlt1C'1.tye-::it Tht buuJ •111 te-vi,e~ I~
""" htu
i,, N,pjlanl,St""" =::,~·r~:
rrom :\SMC
Pn:udc,n lk• Toc•·•tltl,)t( Y01Jn1onthc wa.:rnnt
il,c: rrc"'<'MN k1 the Menton let>
l('!;~'r..:~~:.:~ ~~~1';::~:~,Q~:~ aJ'4!i,,tlOM
NIC settles with Smith
ot tainrcw,,: •1th sni,ks. rcadk'J • wuknwn1"' 1h •ho! coll rc-
c(l1J1n1 h 'tlllf1t1en1 1,:,ccrnc111 ft 11'4 ti)' 1bc, lie.ft nd :\htrofl Smntl • at1 me)' kn') Cat1•r• ·ht Srruu, v.ill r«ch-c
c iollc'Jt ,n t tld aU u,tmuJ irc,JtW pH'll:ri.luta 111d IIK1.11, lef11ru1.1lc ha pt'IJ.IIIOfl 1n ti:IUlfl. ltw roll~ will IJ\'t' htr •JI ba:l p:ay lrurn 1h( da)' nf her ""pca11on In 1hc dty of thr tcnkmt11t. UJl.lflg "'1th ll' ntr.1 $~, OIi() ffrt
Truth &Tears
J,v,h.11'11.1 \\.ho u U1 &he ~Ir Forte aaaJ \bl: did'* "'am to b"' Chr Oron\. t,u1 her nk!Wf 10lcl her ft hat 10 be ~·hac h«
1li hh ptOftlC ~II r114ff)"!UU ,11J t>llr,t1Q NC;q¥'111n1h. She ultJ ,he nc'l'C'f k.11c• 11171hu1g abot11 ~Jf.11.11CC-.irttl1"1e 10 Spokane The fo11 hr.nt hci werlt UJ ~pply (ur • Job O I uln,1i,;1ft'YIL -.11.1 e1~1'ff1Utbcc. 'lbc,rn.1,1,11d\MWM flUlJl\ffla,JPt,lh:"'1111b.'IJ hocatlllolbrr~.
Tbt- t1,n11T1 luh 1htuu11h i\pril /cawnng ·~ktn 1~1\,tlfflOll,t~(romhbulry. In cileh day I\( the foNm. 41 dlflt't1!11t bml lllllOdui:a • nn.~prcllldc.~111<1•~1,e~I The f·mwt'nQt u( Ckntou.a. y. a lwm.n 11gil.1 l'lai,qun. ...-di t,(' ho.lJ 7 p,m Ap,11 H :ti thr C«IU d'AJtM 11111 t1d;e1, itC' ll'l'ILllablc ti) callin,: 764 JJ2S \fofl()" Min~ at 1bc ~nquc-1 bc11ellh ~t,t.W~ll uJ m•fWJrlC)' 1o1:hol.v,.hip, lll NIC 1'bc fofUm will be in Sctmlct Aud1t1n111111., \\ Ith A('C{'bOn cl
Fr.llcJtll"Ul& tt. # chrdu b the" Pc,p:mi Fcirvm 9
• Mood•)'. Ap,11 S UcJtlllliftl hh a mutcai prelude and v.dc, me frvrn Ptn. MiC'hac1 Burke •nJ
1~1 f fmkncl A... Kftk u Oahk\ ktdl\ '1111111 •ddtC$.1 lbt dA) 't cc,pic: of Thr WC'lid or SclcDCC &nJ f«-tsnolo1)' Oh,ottri.C'i tor 01ti,n 10 &dd 0n 1111 Q a.m 0,11llc<t will re,poad to • p.anc1 1Dc:luJ1n1 Su- b,ac N(,""'"'· On-dlC' Wnghr llliJ Ben fnltllilll •• I r I'll a Tt!C1>d.a1. Apnl 6 The WortJ o( F.collm\lO..: The: Ri\C ofE..~ ~•n-m\htWNffltWlM'tJ, krid!i:du.kd., bi.' dl~t1>1Cd b)' tnWWC<lr Oak Ma u Jura Wau 11 Q ,un follo11,11\1#13AS l.m. m~~I luJc,tt.('Q$\C ranirl al l p.ffl. .,;hM9"k",. ,.n.;IIJl.k Mil 'i•t., Hc:nry fOfJ and Q1.1ccn Eh1.o1bt1h J. wi1h Ja~, W111
A _...., Cl'ler-- 1h. MC c:.ampa
Bookstore's been around the block

'""''c "otec1 ••• s,1 clah rC"q11C11, aa


,nc,, Su<1tthtn.t1'ffdall a4 HI \l,t.COaUotlat 11) i\\M( for Udl duh )Hft), the f(•jli(\I IIU\ coa~l,krc,J ~~,1111111111o1I acwrd11111111 \\',ill PrnWrnc fka Tuc••

Ille tddi1.aaw (IPlib •ett rcquat:J a& d:ic IOter n.t, C-~ - t,y ,l, Ool> V,tt

Br.Id-. BU I.lid '\\i ( un off,cm, 4td a.x \.,. aboot lbc p;,t.c) rcptdi:q die olf"' • Wlltf.. Fall tffllNltt lo'lfll •• f•~ I.UIIC' lihNkM. •tic• ltc •n clc<1ed ICC Jffudttll. SJciGlc .wd

A\'\:otd1n 1<1 It"<'"'• Dhcr A!'INIC ,,,ccd ~"" lbc ICqlfUl I Juoi: 1\ttCd d ,t, I \II( pttiJtnl WHlll"41U&i4fll

Tont Uid 1k c!Db • ah J.uoa l.ala

Two 'Cups' on campus

TIie fducated c..Tlll Cqt Toe serve stlldentl In SUB, Boswen

SPl(:t t, 1m11ti.1 To tl''-et''f • w I c;all Tol'IJ \ I ••n. lt1¥ HU

Human services info night

A 1111:.J ll p '\Pf'61•Nt,..S

2'Jl. p 1' •"I(; ti t' ~F"'OI,."'

ftumtll ~"•«• 1111dcr111 ua •pc,1al1u r• dcvdotrnr 111al

1h11t,1 h 1Jf1,, c11"1u1al J11~11,..c, mcnlJII hul1h, tir nu.iil Ckpttldfn,cy,

4°/fVIUMI lflJ bt-111\'lllf d iMNw fnr«-ff. a,111, toe-la! W(lf u,f

rnhkn1u.l 1,;.;arc

Sentinel on-line earns award

Tbc S01u1d ,.DD h1.1000

h ,.,., ncic J 1111 ti 1,clh. ,t •• ~lu ( h1h '-'1111:i II.If maaq lh~ htm, \tt:'1t1\c utd JJ>WII U IIO looser die- 'IU prbidnll f\J/1 die dub,.


Ton., &aid 1he far:1 dldit 11.s,tc "*" .,_. lht•t> • rcqMtll M, aotlu•.s to d..) • 1h tou I aal b( UIPtf.:a'll«OI\J1fllloC'h."1cot1 ljl~IOO !\\MC JhC'I $1.600 IIW.\lfl:Wln ~· rah ,t.h f,,.. 111a1 ,,t,o., Ton~-iu.s

i\fXonllq to \lffll\t' lhc Ska {.1i,h ttque:skJ GI --.is1.JOO .........,. ....,.1ars1C...,._

Du,'"' !hc.-.«mic )'C'af \\1t 1U,.W IO"""'df;N uf•l«fi•rtlr.llhtkal !Jf'tllffl~-Schv.t'IIU.ff. ,.,.. ,......, ,190..,... ""' ""'"""""' ,-.1a-..aa H.IIL V.,'Atiu&lff BC. lbtcM> 11.:ul 2"P'Cf'k'.., 111r • IMUIIS e.c ,,_.

~taclt wd c~ lbaq)l lbt waoe b O'lft', d:it <1uto" • •'-MIS• hied rann far dlt nc~, Ttw duh Iii pl111111ma 1o• Wanw Milla·, 1IU'II '11 l,lrnlll'l,:at'l,WJ1o.~ic.111lf'NIJ

Afl)'ulll• IIUCfC\ltd 10 Sl.l ("lub'• flUI )Of a.1J'tlt0 «*IJ. llkaJ i;bd, • aate Apnl IJ TN ilxalJiOtl i,af~ ,.OIIIJ be' poMcJ oa cw. ....i .,...-,,


'11' t,n,lt II I Ji&.)· tn 'fhe C,,r 111,1 Jwrlhl hu11,;h fbt

C1141Tw• IJ(DOIJmckJ "ctdieU1111:cm.

1k~(..ap- dfall".l.~f¢Ul;,..."t~ aidChan ~tllldl-,lw.n)p.alt•til br affcml.,. .. tda :\l kuj fllc,Cup'foo• t,copc11trcc6'.t0&.ffl-110$p.rn.

Alumni Association asks ASMC for office space in SUB

Jh•II) Jurs~a,, "U-.c f'l(1idr111 fut .Jm1m1,tutuc f'<ill.CI J1w:DnN II r )UJblc • pcti;Ud "" liac:l"CMl'bdlc 19119~1) _,..

ldrf:f'O'.., 1hr WTl'&W •"'uM tictiC"ru •11L.kft1 ti)' Nn111 1111ff cmplQ),'ft "nil 1mrrn.-,n, 1~h11ol'->JY 111

f1v c,ffkc 11.P«c ht 1hr sue y, ,,,, &11 ""I(.(' lhe Ahamal .\n0<1at10• h .t,lc to co•••a note more btllf'r •nb tbl


81lh h) I ~n,a Sct•Mt f ill1t l.Nll aod 200 l't,) Frt,hnu• Sc~lor ()fl .i• Dclh:bc'I ~fC11itc,lht0n1blllr-

B11I 199 1, 10 appropr1ttc 'U ,oo from ftf'k'flC' ,.\('(°t)Ulill fot • ••"c '""'' lhUf(I Id be plai.'C'J tn tht Sl H fhl, b,11 t()uht bdp 11.Jcno •till ~w:-.K' Bal lOO

ASNIC seekin g candidates A.SNIC K k,ok •J tot • t, 1ood IM• or .._.. N SICp ap • NlC klda1 a, M far Illod~ • be 10 a.111,. ID• p_. Apil"' U.

lbtirUftll'IIIPMllt ll'lllll:ul lO die de mn commn111, widaill ""' d.a)"I of die

1um retched

Page 3 The NIC Sentinel Cam pu s News Th ursday March 18 1999 I News Briefs I Human Equality Club plans free homophobia se minar pc4 4~ H ~ l:.qlUI II (l11t,· 1111r I! • 1*1Dhu Onlina•ltlih,,,. 1~i.a,,11ro11c,c,,niri,, w >·, c-,~1 h.a1.1umen1 aniJ l.111t 11 mln1tion b.1~J on 11hi,al o,jr1u 11 t'ln* h ~llC>J11ttdf11r91m 1u\pnl Apnl IOu11~S\' B 'il(pl\afltC ("a111,.1h,111 hum &he Ue1vcu1t)' of tdlAu. O"nt SH,h r,om t•c ~tNbu l csnla1•1c ao.l \ hr;; .\d.arcu. • lMIOb lAuw) A•llf'd f.ealid for~ Pfacbn·a S...• ..,.,11 1pralac12te...or\...., The wm,aar II hcc kJI ,olk.rc l_..h ""' t« ..Smtu1M 1 "'""" •11.1Jtnt IO 1111n1 he ~hull.ft
,1 tht- A 1•01ttd Colle&l•t• ("Q11lttt11Cc u, H1.111rn,,,., llr•h. C11ht I ct- 13. ('u1upct1ag u.g n\l ,11i1Ju1t pre~, ILllk•fl,.klt. 1~ Sc ntlc,f'f llll lillC C•v.111o •tc tJuhcnUDtl) lnol M:,;nt1J place hdm14 \ 1',,J1111n Sr.ate l11ntt\.U} Oic ll'anmd}' olOrqaa~ 'J"k-..luw Nd«, do< S<otla<lb,.._,... 11 I• 1k Boe-of \bcN (tllllpC(.IUOO '·°'~tOUC',-. ~11bacl tOlA dt. rd r,lai;co t,ch ad Sant.I Au Culkf< ICah( J MIi M t.1 ("p1n111aH)' (' ,lk-Jt {At )
turns down Ski Club request for additional funds Sk, Club VP who reque\tcd money not eligible 10 be VP foe l..owll /\i.C'Ol'Jt111 to rhc 'tub ffltlrlllOOn, "h,h I lh er, 1na tic- c-l'lnillfd in •11111 or n,ou• crcdtu llo\lic,c-r l.o\'-CJI 'All tt1hlllld onl\ llt11• h''U daun. llut L,A lCN i. Voa lht onJ, ,.- I i.nTII •1~nin·llcd1ndl11•ook'r racls and lllbsidatm, \tW' u1rs,. ~lnnk ...a l>t \lurad kWtw, crcJJI Wt I 11 roe• Mid • Ski ('hat, f'reMdtld
.,...._,-- ... ,.,._.......
··-""..,... --
by l)i; n Shf-1:kkr .\nf;11rf Rtp,wr1., 11w Sl 8 •iD bomc • _.. ""'• tllc,p ---1 1k £4iac cd l'•p aJ>d lc'I •• 1d CO.f1t1t0a the CWUHI Cvp • I Ua!I •ill be ttaamcd ID "lllol'llpT"" The l:dtac:atrd<
R11thtrlohl 11id the' h,mi, 11111.y 1"1 t1.lcndcJ 1f 1hr1C' 11 111•1t1dt l
Tht (lip Too '- Ill '-•"~ mv,c of • Hn •h •r ~:~~::~~,on.Ut1J tu 1h11 kuthttfor,I 11111"1,lftf for
upw.dl be opM fr'IJlflltr-.:'01nlrm
10, 111 -'11111 111 ,,\Ul'l(1M.IOO au,nJN 1M '"''" H ,\\~IC moec111.s 1ccl1111 om~c "PKI' •• 1hc oc• Hb TIie Alsn1111 Anocuuoa .-oald hh t be mott a,,,oh--cJ•'iltllbc!~·....,. \tilt l'att a l'tiJ7 1radw.a1c aad •1111,t:, of the Ah.111,111 \• •>c1tt,~u1 •!¥Jc • Mt'.a 01 aht 111C"tl1111
ator suys office space would increase invohement. intcreM l>1•1t
IO dmp the 1111tord1•1 ol ~1oa ,. Tho-c ta1natl:d •• 1'Vftlttq for otru "'"" Mlf'lld all ml 111m a1 ot111I 11 i:c 11n1 M,ucb .::.Sa 110!.'fl J*lffl •• dM' A pnl 6 brf'IIN ' p.-. --~ ........... , Aj,nl91all><AS.''1C ~mlilJ~NtimrelkaliUOoa
(11.tltffllll lhli 1117 amdldl
1111<:0S ll-c 1.ntrcv
I I._
tbt awr~$C
aaJ ,aq-a:in:d left fort• )'CS~ CIHN J.. Nwmhtr J ••d J of the A''-lt' h)l•wr.., 1 1•111Je4 10 I•"• 1tu111;icJ.l'l\ll''ll lhi:~ 1,.i11i1)1o>t~ a..lJMkllllal 1-ir)Olllllll.lO> Ile Jani AS:\K: C¥'D mtt1UrC bt~it2"•• 8-()eri. a.,. Tt> hccomt • C1llldiJ • l t1, r kk lap all Gl l!>l. hftfl ,-:1 I (m,n die ASN I<' on U. ICCoad llonl ofll>e 5 8 <W do< SLB llll........, dcu P'acl.;t& WC Abo al. madai: tcmtft. 8 191...S 191"""" Rc.-a*:\UII How about a little NIC trivia? Rllllbll' lndlntbl IDOlll 111 l1ltlsli:s byJ•mil'C r,,o~ Srnlti,rl lltJ••fltr 1hi: 1'1.IC l "~It' Re~ CH'tk"C h:i:u1.cfilaJ • MW br ·-~ r..,..-. OIi C'WOJlmc ~.JI.a: la tk fall 194• VMC' tr-I SlO aadcaU cmuba! Ul' t6.l S pmltllll" r 11 IJIDC' lludcot Pd I ,., I •t , p:ttr'tll) a, 1°"'1 lnla:: 'Wllknh Oi 1hc'se :t,\20 ~h Jtflh 1,.4711 (,U r,c:,\ ,,,, "' " ,n..ik anJ.,O,Jll~ 1'<'h.'Cll'l)ft l ,
1a,11t111ioHI t,uppott. rflJliaJ pbal. ibdnt WOl<tt, fdU -r,tucwnl«aln;>d>IThc lll&f( "it(° ,01111 I pf l'l,.lt rcupk The ,ltldttll ti>fM1111)'('9Dh 17-1 .....,w.-,_.... fnoweton KIi_ and Ftty W rlghl d\81 ""11Moxlne 5c:...._, _, .,.. ,...-p1an1 01 an- _..., l:1M t,O I pntffl) al lff cauhN II ·-•,aJ7(,0.0- -~..., HS I irtadawf'ttd lhct i.1Jt"f,I)~ .a~·1 h .1N" IQ cc )111~ '1(1 t36S 1,.:ntl\tl Mid a nine I h pcnm mitt fn&cJ &1 t>t..., ttlaa uol..o.a.qt flic hroct.ft •• IIO Ill~ 8Mdram (1ft k abu1Kd by coaiXl&q t.n.i ~-169-J''' 1111 cllly • U. H1C bull,,... o ffice. Food --ot .. ,..., ....., ~ . wnlpo up 1 Jatteln TheCup Too lo_.,_· ,_ Perrault Ireceives 1sentence ===,,, ,.... ........ ~,.,,,.,, ,\ bmcs me.di W.W.. ••• 1er1tr1kt'cf 10 !1 rr-,,111lh• "' 1mr""'""'t-,n ht u. \ Dnlnt l J!ldtt ~-.rd Lodie t11C'1XarJ'Alcoe \ t.,,(b l I« ..,.-,hold~) oa •h olhcc comp•l«'f, .:,,cc,dlaf to, lhe 'PCJl tunn 1rca1 tk othc.c or V S All,C'M'10.,.U,.."1of~ lh\-t,I Pfl 1tab.h 1• tdd111nn 10 1hc S'fh•"•
SI.J(llfo.oealSI0:1 Spe(ul ~MIi II n,11•
for M\U'
lo, 11
...,,.,., ...... lolltlf'
th, M •,~h 15
or P1uouh'1
•he M< umptJ.- 'Ill ~llft.,-WahoNIC' ,.__._..;.o;a.;_. ._..,.,.....,.,, .,._,• tt h.a• ~NlQI 1h11 Ullllr,ll~f fQ Jl(,a ••I _ .... _""__
1 197 arJ 191 for dlC'
NI{ 11u11Jr1, ~h,~h
' ,te --klilblN'~· f'IICOerll So.Sit foll,,.QS b)' C-alioll I~) Nw,.111~ N""'n, (286 - 1Bu•*"' (l'A• lhc- (uadu'IJ fu III NIC 101ah, $lO,V7UO~ fhc,.t fund, 11« •Pflll oa d1rtc1 111-lf•cu~. 1111,tllJ,h •1>al ppou
)'Uf ,irpcrv11cJ
dC\IH') •hcfl
fn•m pnM)a
and fcdnal
fwnJ tiundrtdt u( w,11&1 1~ f'1pllc11pktcuoof diUrca"'-Rdca.~• collcr;c coap4'lt:t .ud ,1 ,
1hc dt.iti••
,u ,,h
hbru~ omu

The average woman

...S2 uses c, pounds of lip~tick in her lifetime

Tyler Bush builds clay models using 011/y his hands. His works show what he likes. plates he :r

1ra1 •e /ed and hisro,y.


TinyTow n

b) l.arl• ttoin.,, Sl'ft111KI Rtp,.t11,•r

The 1de~ r1nc tame h> l)'kr Bu.•b Vlhcn II('.

\Ir.Ill Ul d~ lh1rJ gr:tf.k ffj\ ~hc,)(11

h)\'lfljt 111 11H COOtC'I nlkl •II ot 111, t.l ,~

m11tc, 'Attt crtcrm~ e11h« p.,uui11r, t1r """"

11111-1 lie 1n.adi., ,.,\") da) 1rn1m+11cd pcurlc.

•n,111oot1 dw: c:..>tll<",t. 1111ot1\~Uu1 4lud

l"iptrin11 t11m I" ~L"C:f' rla)IIII "'llh ,lo)'

t hJUttd Ill v.a)' tu

Wltl l'llll. l<)i:U((WlnC'lhUIJ

d 1ffcmu. 8y,h •,.nd

~IC ,1uJc111 T;lcr Hmh.

ZO, flJ" liu:J uld 111tctkkd

'»'"°61 ht\ •hnle ll!e tn l:..tt1



1ro11r1J ln tm.uhn, cila)' a,

IOitl II• he 04n n:tnl.'mhcr

In ftM ff'Mk. Jurin.I,? Indoor

,cce,,. be u,d to pab l~

ct1n111,11er flf «:by iinJ rool

11toor1J wn.h it

In 1tic l 1(1h fn1dc-, 81.uh

dccukd 1t1•t ti, (l,1y peopll." t1ttd ed • hvu.s,t' h' .\lc:'Cp In, \It tic till1h

Ct1lc:: ou1 uf cl;i! (()(" 1hem Du the~·

111\0 flct'dcd 11 ,1111.c (O \lo'Ufl • .0

B1.hh hutlt the,n ,1 lmle hu,1iw Auer lli, hcfc ~pie h!MI thc,r ,bt,u11c

.tlkl h.1\lnc" ~tllhli"b,rJ, Ou,h dc,,J~J 1h.-11bey

nuckd a twltd -.,, Jhe:ir lnc1'd, ,ou1d ,.,_11 1 h11

8u•P1',1 "Clia)to"'·n" ht~n

Ou,b·, 14'-..·n h11, 11'""'" co ~,up)" four IO·f1"'"1C

Ions •hrlH\ H(' JCl.1 hn 1dc111\ fmm h11 '"1.1,:J

tu.1l on. pu:turn. U1.1Jl1.1nc.1,, und pl...:<', h,r'1 cru\l

~ltd. 8u~h Ill,~ 01\JM:)', J11pl•> mg 1hetr "hat«~

1er, i1 ll 1hro11g•1)1,1J hi• 10 n. 11,ing un i)

Plu,lulnui ,hi( lnC'l.lchnt i:la), hc: t<t'An '-Im, 11, ,1h 1hc 81nh r ,1111<' Tyler•, riome 0,11 1hc ttr ~heir Th~ r1,.1.J to 1~ Ou.,h

fot~le l "~Un, ,,-mhnhrutt tht' ncttu ft,.1\«I

Jtlj:1\kl St>:);111:> Tyler'1, boi1-.t I, tht" Titiuu" • 00111

Ing t~uiut.1.nt 1tial lm,1, cantNta c~1ac-1ct

0.arl.'I\,,,. Dik:i Wc "'C:lll lO the bott,,m c,r !he t1111nd dn,al her ur.' 011ih JohJ 111 thCl T,1 ..inir: lfo mc,111 ho1111C '" 11C',t to the Tiunk Hu ln,a\C' I\• 11.·rll,.it of ,1 doll hOIJ'it r)'lcr"ap1u!dm:ay,,a-m11l;in.11,. l,ut wdl no• IC!l 1),lt'r lrn· r•h beau~ 1'bc c:in'1 k'Ct1>1kl lhc hlllc

J.e~Jh,1'111 ll'l)'mOrt' ~My 1m1dma • ~ho I rccirn·W fll)' •Nl'\.IIC 1111cm from.• Bu,ti u1lJ

S"t.l(.t !&Jiu, mother-'• hou'IC n the lka11t) an,f IM

O.C..,,, t,,.tle ithd1t" ,111~.:0M:h fn'l1ll lhc

11,o~it out fron1 on the


n,u,h hA• tine SQ\'ctn· me nl hu1IJ11,,. C11y HJ.II h hu lbc onl)· cl1>tl ill tile to• n, kl to th(' tlm,e 1h.i.1 Hu~ ,,o, hom. CU)' Hall Ole, U\U 11.iJ, the 1'1n('n,;..w R;aJ ,mJ I~ '1011"' O•g-rtd. bl!JC •riJ )CIIO"' Whb • "'hh(' ,

I "'•' li\'tO 1h111 fllclmamc· hcl\ I Wat :t llll k kid." Bu,h ,alt!.

II'• liu" I u~d to fl«!flOUncc and 1.pdl my

n,arnc. ffu\h h M11l1 the filmou, Tllf Abh,al m h 1J1 a llfl(' ur1bt IIO('ft \\\.111~""' the Wo,ld. h'" Oft\"

<1f Ilk' old.,,, tivllJsn-,.~ ht tu, and 11 d"f1l:t)~ .an cl.thouJe l"llbtdc 11111h cll."ph•nb mill• ,:lln1 u.too.nd 11\el.aptJ tic (i(':'(tJftl."d l,11 l)V.-ft hjr:hlh°"\(' \lllfltg fl\"XI 10

lbe S1111t1.c nf l1bc.n)' 'fhc, Whitt Hau.t.C v.-11h die \\-.,.h\ng1e1n !t.h,n11nw:111 •nd the Al~ddu1 PIIJoc alJ COl'lf)klc hl\ 1."lilC J:rollp. On the -o:pn,d lnc:1. Othh l\lU btt1h the \huJc

('.n.i 1,o, • cu,n.- m l.11.1 Vt"tu. 1lK ,cco,ld I C\tl

of t,;11 lt,wn h, "-b&-tt Ille H,,11, WO(.J "'C IA)IC>v.-n'

, , ttn ,, d1•pl11teJ H,r invented tbc Roll, C11\1no-• R~II~ fh))gc c,,r tocnina OIII or 1tie

'°'"uu.ain He b111h 1be y,., Die Compo Go1C Cour..e CO\ltnry Clutt wjch a flo;iluit; green. bu1 1f1 11 lluJt d1ffctt"l\l lh:in lhpJ\»soc'A ''l\1~ nw 11t11 j~n h:u, Wt\.\ in i.bc. -. ,w:,. IJll'th uid Thtrt'~ M,it't1ln1 l''"'fh.111 '*1. PJu1. I h..\c hlf'f'OP"Un,u,,,n 1.nd f101n1np on my ('(11'.I~ In (111,;1 rui1MC\. h1ppa. hnµ1n.,- Ind HU.lllat1ltt d11101.1.Un nin lltmk:k all 1btoi.,l.h lhe '""11

Ot.1\h e'l:n has a rill) lltt"!I for 11.11 ortu, ~ngk

fncfh.b 1h41 to Ii\(' h) tbtmM'fW..'1. U" d.-S-. holik 1\ 1t11tu, ara, nloog v.ilh • rev, ,'If b,, friend,.. I J!il\'C my lncnd1;11.Srtlamball 1hr1ro\\n l,mlJliC" 1n my IP'\\JL," Hu~ uld. 8mh buila d>c 11(1p Mian·· ~;1,g_c ICH,p Chill coukf Ot'llrbc!oeel\ h,~ot In Ul', Popoomp.a..1 da,\ I v.e1u ldlhc«iri«rtafld l'marul V? hin, "° t hlld ID pvc If 11'1." (lf.1ll) t«fd lk tu., Mattk·" Cote from tht ldcH.J.ln \ho,11; Seinfeld He cu.II•• k.Clioo wnh Planet Ho11y111'00d, a zoo, lllYWtemcflt pc;uL ;1,nd • Hitd Rod. C.aloT)'lat,J Sotnt Of ti,,. UWTI cksip tn.:luck I.tic:: Addam', F.urulr hrlu,e. lhc Honie Alooe bou'loe' und T)'ltt'• Stud'°' v.tud1 1.n,:I\Jlki ,he Luc~ w11h o,,...,d J..rt1ttnun. HchM..L..itltetort, Mt11hc:r~-'hoe,Fch, the C.1 d"" U111moli,k attd 8Mm1tt1'1. h<,QI,(", an a1, P')ll. TV ~lit.Oil. «1llllos. Mdlon.Jkf, ud ah he JICCI, IQi,,. Ufl fkHh u~ dcoc11J 10\ll) 10 do ,ric- 6nc lktaik t1ke poL,n !,! bole, in 111, ndo.,.·•, lbr te\i i JIN h11 Bu,h ha,. bcn g(lf.n.& to a«mbh~ ror the Jm-1 four)"C:QN, 111 Stlticc: Pdcldcttu Elcm1:,,....,. ,choo,I 101.AlLw the fifth anJcn.a1'c>utc:la) 111nima11on

• 1 C:Q/0) 11t.p1nn1the-bck101(1 111w the 11th," B!Alh ~d Some c.>I chem twi,·c: C\'Ctl he.I. m) ~:u p, turn." At the dnldrco·,. 'itggc-.1,on. 8uM adckd .a 1brdk, fl~ 11nd pol;,x w..Jioe. lllon1 Vio Ith o .:hurd, 1h31 claim,1mrdtp11P 'Tni !)QI ,·cry 1T.Ugaou,." Ou.,h uld "81111 1,e U:J:. 1hu11,bt thllt I ~Id ~•c •church.."° I i,u1 one .,,. 61.1"' ha-.tt1k'ftd M'lmeot hl , pie«-, 1ltl0 tbr

Nooh ldnho F.11.1r, (1'1:L"l\<IAI f1•111 1,,,1-rl::tiX Wll'IQ~f\

iuiJ • \(!«I.ii prcnUum lk J,-ic,.n'1 likc t-1 enter 1n

1bc f•h \(I)· 1111d1 tie.; he h11-c 111 lnhl \PfflCllltt::

d'o(' "'"Ith h1, ,nil n,111.l IIJ11t1. ~Jiff rti-lPk ,~n' t

,11,.:.a11.·fol 111heb... ""S'1ITIIC' ffl) rtCCn h,1~c t1een ('lufk'd m lftr'

f111r:· llinh uiJ Tl1e) .ill h.1.\,r 10 he ttSNlrC'd. iiDIJ


1-tu•h d,,c,11'1 h•.11Jc11 htacbr lit lrt'pt ii 1,0fl

11.1idrll Mc lc1n1n utoll"t rnl I hl toJr uuc


b.:h dc•lt;M 'ltb I'll ,l 'l•IUuJ'C re«( Pl 1,.";11 J \.o htan rull •tl.l he \lo.,1.111, 1,, ~1101

hi" 1u11r1~ m..t tu, nr n: 1rrnni:c II

Bui.h ~ul he lu {t•ottc,1 ~Utr .,1 bu1l1lt11a:1 llnd

I)~ .anl\llC ,ll.'1;a1l 1h,11 J:IICI lnl \ b111l,lini;:, ~nrTIC'

"'h" ol.Jt-r r •~,c, "'Clt ,1.1m.a_gcd t1t l\lll'ltJ

ltrown b)' du,t T~l· r"fiC h!ld tu ti< 1-ed,.1nr

Hi, rlt«t lh.\.l h.:nc mrirl" i.ku1I in 1hi;rn

Junrcr 1n ,n.1tc 011\h·~ St.11.u,c C>I htv~

GJo.Minddwl'e M ruur houn lltC rn;~ ..,..o,-L-, •hklt

tic 11.1~1 q&Vl('d a.bol11 four )l",11, •ro. l'4ft 11Lc houn

kl MIi all the cl,1_), Intel lm!,e h.alh f« 11n.1luJ,4tc


Bu\h :ind ho, lntn\l 11"1:J 1,1 J1L1> .,,,th hh ''"""

1tw,llrooro:tJ~11 1tk) dottcw Wh(o" 11"' 'A·M

)"'lllaJC'f. t11: arkl h11 fr1c1"b v.~,IJ ,rcnJ boun pl.&)

1ny ,n the m1nli1turc; '""'" dnu11r tllCU' ,.zn tl.l b(her lncad, boutn 1w c:~111,-..

When I •,i• ywn:( 1 l\t 1.:1 ttud ,u my tncl'lll, and I'd Lill or ch•1t1C•t tttt'1r ,,1neor. Hu\h

•.iid ~C'K\ 1f,;,1J,,li: \\ticn I i'" ot\111. m) luen,ch \oOUkl I.OPIC UJ\ IIIC ,n1J a 1 af 1hr) ,,;1111"9


Af1e, Pnn,ieu DI', Jai1h, n,uJ, '"'•• ln"r•reJ 1, b1ulJ a mun1111lt'itl 1 , ,ill di( llllfU'IJnt pc,lfllc JllAr IWl\'I." ch:.lflg<"J lht Y.i&) ~< liw(' 0.1 dH." 1mmurtJrrll lie' nlct.t:\Cf)' llllf o(t\'°~C'UUdU) hct. ""ll

HJ, to\\-n ha •llfff 1h•" 1.000 p111,;, p.altn n.nJ

C\ctp1"11 ll'tlrl. IJu h'1. f.:.1tem.1ll0111 \lol1h \1/•tt lc.iJ Ill 1411" ,1r t1u1ltc, 1,f WI IH "rrea.J thtou,;hoi11 ht' (n~n 80"1 pl11n~ 1111 a ,-e11\·1al ca 1hc An lt1,u!Uk ol l.m: l\11j:ckt,. 1111\cn: he'll fO intu cum puler ,ll'IJ1m11tt,11 .and

Clll~1l 11".M! ll P"t Int • pl*Ol' IO •aL ~lllt1nn8olli~lr.l /1.,,tfa/i\ U\n &"lf

"1 lh,nL it'\ptayooof ll't.t11Cttdwllt.tpo.1, <el" ,s,,,,,......,...,., Ccni, d'Ak1Jt' IJ1tWl(:U

''l1h i nli.

Page4 The NIC Sentinel Thur,;day, Marllh 18. 1999
RIJll1; 1')ter Busb tlsplaya tu 'Claytown.' Balow; Dllney ca'!OGII chlrlcta, Dll'll1ldn9 Duck Above; 1111 fgypllln Splllnx. photos by Mau Jonnson
bore i.1 hr uble 1• w>I! ti!, I0\\11 for iM>J1•1f •n illUm.itrd C.lll.OOR What do you think about the new SUB? M<lhl.")'v.cll'lfl'C'IC. I l1~ctw,11'J31pllli.~ loJ:"~t-.m1d.1 "'-" ·Joo<-... ,,,,., P,wlwJnt..., Jf,.111..:CloJhJ\'C ~11hcn10C1C)\lil.'. f'l81.Mllbc:")l,'H coulJh.i,ctiJ11,1_rhl bo."lttfa:iocalttJ1ul .,_\bstC.l'\'icq,r;y, Iii Ccni,J ll<II, ""'"'' f1h1"1.11·,r.t!ft'l'C, t.ha610lniltl.)dJ!Tts~
1t' 1a,1\'11l 11 ,fOl"lffl)',Wrnfcirt· oblo and h:n n nl« ldtm•'flk~. ,Llnc14t • '11.dtr.,ll MuU,m Sark,/ ij-i,rt •·t thi'n~ Che)' dtd I v. ondc:rful I • .o ~urpn,,cJ \l,·hcri I .-11 11.i;J ln l'tn,1ho,g1 dooc•,th 1i,d1oi..i1w1 -.·1\11 I.I ~\1'IIJ h.l,t ht-en dc.~C.llhtt -~Ub l.indq111,,. 22. Pm1lnll1 Plrn/(l;/1,Jlikwu,n h' t re.II)' nl,t- h, 1111~~· gn·~ 111 l:alnJou1 l"'rr 111 h.'1•~n•I ·\l,·h ..,.c,;1rd.,i, l'I 1/1111/0,1.ui l'hrmr,1<1 fr lm1ol,.t,

Alumni presents Saturday classes

Jle said be did noc leach thc-clb-J ec, lld c-ro-.e- Mt'mll L)llth

A~ ,.a~• tiric:r '>C-»k>11 1ha1 n.1~ '""'" hh chc11u in 011rorni.1

uikd "'PotioiclOll101 Your Portfolio (Qf' 1~ MUkim11,m 1'hls JCS.S.ioa 1i1i'tnt

1hrou,;h 11ft d11'tclfflt bpcd• ol lhle .1tuc;k martcc. ..-nb ~" movt'lng lhc

1'10Ck matl.c,' .1 0"'1UIIUOIU O\tt

Tht" 111. 1pm o( the wn 11.ql)ei,,tlCWI 1md .ai,i;1Jt·cr lime

lnwt1 Atwilttt, •lurool '°oc,rd1n11t11r, ,a.JI) ,he bore- t1t ((lflliDuc moft"

,l;a~scs lot the co,om11ni() 'rbc Alumni Ai~iaAtOO ,.,,11 put oo a wr t, •hletJ ''Tht Rlael tfpfc

SeriCl." Thi• ~e'" will be 1:1bou1 mrn,ual 1h11,r J!COtle 1~,·e nevt'r k,rnc,d

Atwil.t'r said lite hopt' 10 litvc, dw nbout lnltlloom)' tlfl tJic- beac:t1 11nl.l


She Yid Ui.a1 U,csc d•~~ good bccmi<&e Ilic) bn"$ the colJe,rc: Md w11. busi.riet.So<t, Alw, I.he comn111TIU)' b 11l)lc- In u11e the ci•mp1n

fllC'illU~ to k~ nl(l(c. AtWllk.'t crw:our•~11 cOrnmu:nlt)' 1ncnlhc-r. 11nl.f '-Wdffll1o le) '\lr,1tch the uu nc -.pc,.. (or infOtmlllOfl on mcn cJit»a

Holl' low ca11 you go?

Mricn OriJ-in11Jly

1hou1bi to be J0,000 )U" oltJ, I~ lf'lk'L, h.1,·e bcell datC'J to

U>0.000 )t":ln by 0.J,c Rohm\, • g('4)10f••11t1 CIIP( Tl,WII 1lle

ptinu .t.rc •bcMl111nd~~ 1ont, h.1\'(' 11,·t" tot.1 o..nd • v.·cll4

tle\'Ch•pC'J .ltth.

• AprrOl.llU.IIC'I)' M m1III"'" }UM agd I.he Yuo~o Pc111,naL, v.u 1mp11Jcd b) 11 hua,c 00Jc;;:t fr.:tm ,p-.:c. l'be fUCIJI of lhh

Imp.act w,u1 300--fooi ud,d 11t.i1..,.C', • ••U t\f fltt lnc;111rratcd

mo,1 c,·cr,1h1n1 b1i1m11M~ \lG lhc Nc>r,h Amcrk.;p,ll cm11inc1u and a cloud or dll.u d1.11 Julcncd Eanh ro, m(it1tJ1, 'flth 1mpikt b

t<it.Ue,cd to be .,..h.11 cau!o<d 1h( duth cif,0 pcn:cru otlud

a,11m11I, •I lhc time. 111C'l11d1~ the l111101o.1u1111 WhJit 1hc obJ«t

111,,·u bu ~ei, .a nuu,r of drb.atc hit \ttlnc Umc Rc..:cntly, Fnm.L

Ky11:, a gcochen11,111 UC"I .\, found c,1Jcn« th.ti ,1:1gce1,U. 1hiu

0l' culpri1 v..a, 1111 &ltc:roid K)'lt' ittid, ··wo~I'll)' b:t.\ c i.

pk" nf1heobJttt ,upon.11lbk (u,01.c ol th~ won, 4h,)'• u1 the Jib1wyofEi.anb"'

a $1011d1cngc. t• r,o1 • l1111d11\g 11..idc for :t.licn )h1p,i II i~ 1n

~lrollo,ideaJ tlb,t'(\lllt"} Th«< 11.a~e hcen lfUllc • (c\lf UJ1i,tcnr

cw1Hi:a11on11, 1h11i tuvc, llM:d alisnmcnu of rod , 10 ,itn.t,\'C die

n,c:,\cmenl or bln>Mum,.il 11b1o;u. fbe MtJicu1e Whc-cl u11be

U•n«I StAtc, h.u Zif ~l)()~Ct , nd a., p1(lb.1bly u.v:d 10 irxt i:ind

prC'dkt d1it n)l'l\l('n)(!11t uf 1hc ,noon Aeo:cotl) JJ nt1w SLUod~nJe

h:" hecit dllCO\·tffd Ill f.,s,>·rt It w,1, cn:'7tcd 10 110 .i10c1cnl lai:C' bed an>und 7.10'> 1n 6.8()0 )C.111\ .1so Thi\ rrcd111c, tht"

StOllitht'Pft' Ill E.rit.htnd by m0tt 1ho1n l.000 )'C..t"'

ph:111'( ,""""

L.oah Hanson 1trotc:hcs her way to lhe fin.aft of the limbo COf'ltett during the Hawaiian dance at the ChrfsUaMOn Gymnasium. The dance took place on March 12. The s 1udont ovent1 board ors,anltad t.1'141 evanl About 40 aludents attondod.

Swing into spring with a healthy heart

byJM"qtM: l-leo:nuu


U dnak111a: 111n1~ l"f)Ol;l.:1 for ""h1locru.i~,ng lltOOrld compu, 'lt'allmn1 for• parl,nit, J.l)ilCC ~1Wk:s • morn,n, MUlflUUQ

And (itl'M:,s prognm, II m.1y he lure to f.1'111. 1hml,n1t abou1 • hc.thhitttneaOI ol bean Cart

The 1i,lc. o( nulntcon llllt.l e:,tttue '" hcall1 health ,mll PfC\·ClltlCIID (If heart ducl':4C "~C' lhc copa of lbc Fcb. lS Wdltle'I.I Oro.a). he.kl l.11 tbC' HaJJ11nd Ov1ld1nf I.J:wl;ir.,,,:ht. Ml'Cn~lhrn1RR 11Yb.llo'IG. lt1•1n1 h11, f'WL1l·m3 tbolcfttc~. f<rwcnn~ blood ptt"l,.,utt •ncl dttf'Ca'l.lnt ttip,i In 1he doctor

11"! all bc'ncGt, ol pcw.J eJ.m:i."' t.riJ ('a11n,,t d1~ by WtUno.\ C01111"'-IU, W(fid)' M111t1.#do, •tlo111Ufh fat Uhtafil, • fimiet$ afld i'lutnhan «n~ loc.lic.t 1t1 Pl:l\l F~U, and H11ydc11 l..ole Reµrdutjt the ltOW pt,S!UJllf' '19'Jh pu!<11i lJ1tf' ;111J lli Cffllltdtt>n lo ,oc,~ ptolt.111, lov.c:r ~holt•dcrol le\'ds 11111J tt,tisht bi. MMUilldo aaiJ. • fhc ·h•lh pn,tctn diet 00., f'ol llk'l"ebe pt(!Cd11 h1111olnL'h C'.11rhohydni~ and c.tlonits. Ju a wcip1 los,~ mdf k,\\-en, (tiokfltrol •ndt11gl)«ridtt.'"

lnjua,;1111,11 Khiiol.v.,W\, (11ml1) ,md (OCl'ld"- .omc u\,1Jce1&J may ~lire tbC'y'rr nc-. co.110,: osflt. ,ibc Will. "'A ttaOl.lbly p.-M:tJ n111h1·Y11:unln '\Upply \ll.lmln, 10 rcoPk ,.,h,.1 \11(lW 1bC'}' arctfl n1n1g • 11t.dl b:llat11o.'td i.111:1:· ~kl Num f'ral:llUlMIC'f l.1n1.l.1 M1,;;hllh,

Senor Fro22Y

Speciali'i.i11g in fresh delicious Mexica11/ood

69 cents


All day. every day

r--------------------, ! 10 % off !

·11a1r-· "Bat-' p,.,.,f4' 'lf«mJ< Pt-6 ·~Bte~ttl9

: for NJC Students : I I : & Faculty wiLh college I.D. : I I ... ~=~-= :L--------------------~ 71b and Shennon Downtown Coeur d'Alene 765-8522

one More Thilg owner Jan &arr talks about this sprlnll's trends


SnWMI R,pon11

Tiwow oot Ole tleffi&hir111.0d flcnl Jan )\JU ~1 l:1o1 )'Gt Senna: t'! hct't *Id lh,w (Nilan cm:.c9' •• ltlu1a t:,( 11,cpo,t NCofditla IOCmc Mm, Thi~Ol"olX'I JJfl C.,-, ¥ohitc b lhrci.~for,pnnc 1999 t.rWlnlil mtmJ11100noo v.nat Is ..ew ,n t'.a...t11UC1 tor 1999 ot • the Aklrmi ~r,orfl &IM S..W.yclwM,u,1113 A'°"J 11h ba.Wv,hllt, Can'"4id l111::lwllnadcll4) nw. Watt ycf!Qw IIQd &.ige a,ttn~ nW.ingall appc.nooc ill spnns fa'\l'lll.llll3. She t4ld CVCl')'Oflc llhoulJ hl,"'C'bb:k, lthal.t and di:aimcloch1n, lvmi• wld1 lhcJflnnsc:ok,r,.. - 1fsatv.-uy111ri~whlleltecrm.bwlllbeWl'f(2." Oan'it111d MOfn(llR'io:to~lotpll,ftlllibatc """'"'1dy"'"'i",;.

C.,. '3 11C:W £11bnc ti,,i, lbroughoot 1hc Wc)ltd i,:'l'cocd. The fohric 1u liablL'flmn ofdMsrn dMl k rnadiailt'u.~alddrocsn'1 Tlrik.Jc

Skffl •C!Onllt!IJ: m twoknglhs ltin. $fltlft$. kxlgand iihon.UUTAidattCWJUN-btl(Jw IJ»kntesc}'41IJbr: roPW• wilhlo 1hr ne~t Ci( year,.. Top.w,ch--~-""JlOl"'lrlh~ year,(.'aasad.AJ(',)tflltd<J1rlC'.kV·ltld~f!C\'burc Mand die bot.I,. anJ 11-nat >l)'b are m M.lbfll I CQl1.lCbx:k lhll )'Cillr, c.rJ.llld. m Ibo Q!Pi• 'il)'le.~fpwufroml9'Mlil.. For~C'mT~C\Cf1V.\ffl:IGWIWdJt.n,e1'40tliaslc painof ~I.O go"'tlh Ol'J} auudalllrt; 11.p111rof lfflllit shoo DI a5implc $Utlt NIida.i Cllrrffllfm'ii.add,e~of~11.•:i wllldrobc. Hol aea-~:nics for IWJ'illl'ludt fithmfl::1'1 Md w:iw '*8. f.mntl tcrchid~CS. andw11111J hlirdlp,.. She ..a lhl:ll 11Cdllclt"l WC !('11111Jl limpfcr. lhc MOal popular d1o .,...,,,,,, •i,q,lc bol.--.l lllu,lon .<tyb. TheJlOl"'larto~d1o) hoYCoolattd- ---ond bloeo, )'dklw w,c1..,., c,r,.,.,J. Carr ~Id ,. riobe !t)IC't tor IJIC! new,, millcllnlum ac bco:imi:n:gmuch~ample.

8dore openi"lt Ole M«r Thl:nt: 11t 20SShr.nM1 tll Corur'd'A.Jcnt,C..""M.l!JN1M:dc\t'k't)I•~ She Y,mcd wad\ !ht da.ig,l leam, prociuc.1,oD tOfllJIMica 11111,1 rctllilmforb! OOil"'lffY- t-llct,00 v.1~NJKEg;i\-e hct lhe~ty11>tm,eJ.wlldtlr wostd.C.vr al-o'<''Orkd r~ the. 8~ f'lijmbcfott oorr.n, IIUCc>:urd'Alcnc..

• EAi rJlh Uw-oc lul'ICI • week • A,l'>idprOL'OS,i,cdlooJa:

• Cl,coat l'nt1111nJ \"qCCl&blu tn'tf h1;h,, HlkU

• St1«1olr.'C'«'*"°110tl reor('Ol1\uls.

• Ur.e~mctar11;'11,ilb.hqwd,ct<"tAhleo.ilor

\li1IIN' lli 1tw: ru,1 tngnxbcnt

• Ea1 kw. tcd wac Try 'CllCW bc.itn,, p(ll.1..1100 knlJIL

• CliooK l., 1111 UU)' produ~ such a flM fa yogun.

• Gmh t'h )'CM._, to nn fflCf': ~" fo11r f'lle'"'*«l i111ct!M,finJ dlOlle incd ,a .:oo&Jng.

• Eli bread. «ml. nee f111o1A or pouho •i1h ~h meal.

• Eutcuot' lh"" 10 fiff limn• -.'Cid. tor 20.30 111m1,ra In )'OOr witct hetr\ t&l.c lOOC

EASTERN Inspiration Creac/v/cy.




Art "-bll ll'ldlan Stud",o

A.ttHk(o,y Con!1111nkMtlo11Stsid1H «<.athitwnt1no Cn111WMIJIIMiclt ·(lcC0011k~lt&lit111 tngUsh (n9lbh11.tSocondung~ "°'"phy ..__

Hist°')' Humtnf!.in fntmsmo~ AN,ln lntt-tdil(:iplii,,ryStudln ,.,._ .......... Mll,1u.ty~ ....,..._.llapl&~i (FIWll(;h, GifA1M.1,p,,tif1A)


"'"'""" P1yrtdoty SotwllScientt[d11udo111 Sod•IWOtt

...... W,)llllf'll{(St:udld


•.• UllttbyltoSIX'(ffl1nU.filll' M>.AI...U,l,y1$1deg,,tlntht """"''"'Coll,gtoflot""""''*'lodaiSdoxu,; w1tmW>l>int1 Uni""11Y, H~•MllllltwUtrllkatis 1Ull;log•m1tkinlhtWOfldot ftfdfonk ll'fd1,1 fiia; St!'Vt Glints.• 1999 t •1c1u1tt ---Sl/f,ltSi1o>tN;,t,~'"__.J?tl""91"'N.ioonll.SllltN,t fts:tfl'.Jtf0ffllll.V"4to "1CIHt,,Holl, Oenhe Bennett .,. , ~• ttllAMtt.-.~-n•rm.tktlltchl'lft1IN1l'Mti.hcr ..... a,.,Danele Dncbume, att1 g~wlio;e-it'WO.[/lfff "'o\dmall•uhonoetdbrytht

•ndSclen<lfl.. ltt us h,ij> you d,ytlop you, uienb for calftQ in the Arts! (ont.ut t~Dtpl , f lltnronit Mtdl• rnm111d 111,w t htt,rn W,11Jrltt9t11• lMhtn!ty (l,Oi) JS "61'!.

Page 5 The NIC Sentinel Life Thursday, Mamh 18, 1999
'Four Saturdays in Winter· linish with classes on siock market, fashion by t:rlklt Oo,wen_11 Ll/t EJ,14,lltc Nc1t1h lihho C"ull~ Alumni A.,10C111hon pm.cmtd the 1hlfd pr11n q( lh · J-1)ur S11urda), hi W1n1c:,·· t.enN un S1nur\10.y. M•rch 6. The t l,1ss 111let.1 "l:Jull u, Bear eoa ~~u°", wt1h ;1 SIQl:1.broh-r"' 11111i11h'Cfl by f'JCI' cpt~cr J~pt, AndnWfl. vi« (l('elldcnt or Mcrri11 l.ync:h. 11 Coeur d'Aknt fitwk."W CC;)Q\IIIUJIJ( r.rm. A"°'1t "' .incn,Jrcd CWIIL ""*"'°" dbl".,~ JdYerct11 t)'~ l>f l11\·t:,&Nlfflt1 aod 1ht JlfOI ulld c.-clllJ ;i»0c1okd "'ilh He m-1~\'d ,1ock'l, bcind, lllllJ m111W1I fun.:k 'Skleb over tlft~ '" tJit \l-l)' l o l...:oCW'IIIJLdt loli'Uhb,'" Antk~ ~id He ,uJI.I if p.ogpk ~\'C • pliln ot 11111111.:..._ 1h..:y will do N:tlt!f 1n 1hc '®C\ ""™'' ~~JOlltT---. Momu Lynch Vlco Ptesfden1 Joseph Anderson explains lnvntment ri,kl and ret1.1m 1. A1nfcnon 111 a braku, he C"apl1intd the bencr,,~ ol UMtll • hrotct Science Facts • A lk:,... bttalthrnuil, 111 II tqlfl.11.l+it·tivn h.ti u.:.:lmcd Rt'st-M\!br:r, 111 lhe Unhtf\Jl)' tlf Tue, •od Ceron Corponulon tt..,.., (Qund a v.·;1> to (!:11('111.1 r;cll llfe Addilll 111clh'>tDc allcd klomtl'UO 10 h•m110 celb enablci. the ttll, IQ J,.,.fdc aftu 1bcy ate u,111111)' lOQ •~Id 10 do t.0. ThiJ \:OU Id p<eut11 it1dJ\'1duaJ cells r,um .111ng.. N\1 ~nc )Cl l.410.,..¥ 1r1h11 wdl lead 10 ltiinjtt( hllmlJI lift' • ·n.c olde5l hurn1tt1 rwtpr111h e\·CT fo11nd h,1.,.t t,c,,:n diw.'O,·ct~ in N~hooa, Sa\rth
11,, Pim .f'-f, 210 .fJ-., ,1,.
""dtor"-·""'ldht •, her 11o·ay up,~,• te4m

1hi, )'C• 'hie tcttl\cd bonot1Nt' ,nc.nJ,on



l&t, lnOditr ti II ll&'.a..1wt•.S L'8dht 1DJ tbll tllc•oukl .J•a)\ ID)' allrrpncticito,,otorbr SJffiCle ClOalplftd~alllll:\imir,bcu.v•'••1..~T •cd.:'lllhusa:ckrnaba.111.cJ kapt alld •·, • Yc"p from tup ldloul .umnn, LaaAe t. al.-a)'t •.med 10 t'C at p.'CI • hn rfa)"tR to illJIWO\< dlt-i, ~L,1111 •nJ ere fflo"'ft P'•~inJ QlolC"I 8t1Ulft) l..l .., plotcJh&-.Lc1l,.all ""'' tJIC" llll"lt'. t,ni,·ctwt)tlf ~,nlun,1""'0 "\I, e sc:1 re.all) ,ood .WJ'll'IC)l1 lm,u !he 1:ocw1n1111ty." "'Shc'to "'" t.(t.1 lrif"lkl .i11,I ffl) iJua: l.tndlit ~IJ Qf UoJbe"*'1J • Wc"u•f...:itJ lk•nicWWn,r. uu-. htt,kln She YMU'llll •bcli die')' -.aclr.icN. dllC w..111bl,illir.hlohiicl>'kn-tliitt \l'lll:nJ*'1pby-.hl,cin,.I~

1·,rn,w,11anttdt,, ~~Bnnm,waal•~lwtp.,

en,(ill.,1kd Chai tbr • .,, '"' t tJHdtt"i OJ '"t"OINIIS ,~ ;a 'ffll!l t,,.fl '11,( didn°1

8lid 1n her lo\'t' of N IC """'h m f hm (' }"' 1/1(' 1'11•-C n111, h le) do," UNl!w NiiJ, ""ll1-..1''d bb.\t1ball NfC,,Jcwlr;t. • 11l".i)1r,1c11r1•"4~111lhrWtk"

·t'""l'ICwt"~'°Wlflft'lf A,1aru1111htrtll0Solti!~1!'<1K"

COlll.bnm ffllllhm llw,"< forlbt -.\randy IJ11d}r, LIO.lbc Aat.ot 111tt. Sbc t.Wllw•ouid

'IC"cm.. •' l ..e,1 lil.c-lOri,I)' Wl•alarJUIIIIIWNl),buc

lol:of~f~lhca- 11tia,c1111uoablcdo:tdml:•ktt S!arn

At T01Wle111,Jh Sch.'d. an '*"*'1dtd aujr.,t npl .,.,.., bl4

L,!lJhc .Hu.Zl·kQ!ucllt',L~11rt.rnfrwt,'14" a1ft'1ackgrtta11,mnt'l"Qtyllflld~•l..ll1ttrW

)'(W\ .~ meN \.1luab~ rl;a)1'r r1,1 d11tt" ~,

LlAllw wlJ ht1 pam.c,hlw 1-«n \t'f') M1f!P011nr ··Jt,1,o1U 111rtr, •htwd.

otbtr\:ollrlf: bbkablll catffl.lmC'hllS IOContr L.Jadtx liliJ JlcC'Pto)"'la~,b&!Jm~lnd ,1 ,n rtl[~ llQIIOn f.,u..,..·m, cbt R.cpon IS ~tbt fit'-1 ~l~ill \birch~ -~ nalcdlfllbc:Sttnic\\N -\~CGlfc.rc~cT• U•,a,ru,c.~,...i-_,,.,._

d"Alrac b t,ff) home ~1 pine 4ihc: Mid kl Qfflh •A tiff aa lbc di te.1k111 c:ap))mad t111iat' _..._.,,._ .....

c.tG M 11w 11M pabtJ k!"'!Clf R~

AuAmerican Goodman

Goodllla llndl matlv1tlall In 2-Plc pictlN of bis 2-ylll'-tlll nn JellllY Jr.

bJ IJorrirJ..., \t-1111rtrlNt/.,tnf'r

J11" 'Al"1d ot cntk'ft 11d1kt,c1 I'\ ''C'I')' c:ompc,,h~t It\ wrn~uh '"

ahlc'\e f.Ulllluut •t.dl.l,; 1f, C\tfl 110ttd1(ra.:ul1111bt • All·Alhn"'"all


IDlliucd ro, "CM .\ti·~keen• t.idball. OuudmM

.,u,pi 20 J p.Ub. rriloul!llh 2 '4f»I pn pmc. He rtahhtd

t«•ind In lhe 5.xnliC Y.. NI Arhk:1k Canl~ ln 1ot'(W'ltlf .and tr\'fhlh

111 l'il,.h 1-tc:.i, ~d rcti.-iunJ

Ooodn1.t.11 fttJ, "''Y ho111.r('(! t0 nornim11cJ for lhc All·Affltfldll

,retal~~ ,.,_..,,.,pu)« flc''i.liJ ·l'lliim' • •louaf'

~illcwrqi.Ja...Sic.',a~IIICalJ • l..oolffllbai.:.L.cmWICIIIOll.hclilidtwf«bNClbttcaa11111p'C"C'III

tc>w.Mdt~~ H«".,.i,Jir"'"'1pb)'ffli.htuuchtMdlc:~J:id,t"1hrlp

'""\lie~ hcuaa.1he ).-ar1i11t'ncoo Mlil M l' l•)"C"d thc:bcM V.C('IIUkl \\>1th "'ho 'Ac h;iJ." Ouodrn.u'l .\.llkl

I be C.anb ffllkJ wp 7•11 In conf('fcnf.< rl.,1y ;and 12-1.t O\Thll j(,bnQ) 1,1,d 1w J«k 1tc·, tmp,.wl'd a SrNI diral 111'a,X b..\l 1taaor:i Ht b.Jl01111110ttofa~rvkrolr-.l-,,pc.JtplJllspaltDI lbdr\idml. Ht-._,,.. ••, w- - DI war••~ impdnllllll lO htlj,lho: ~.,1y111thl'~of1hc'u uhdiOC'\, ·nur 1am unit)' ......,_

Jirftfl lel) fCX kl.ta II lhe

ICbte •dll Oil.-

OoodlaM wid. ""l\'ff)QGC'

•Ol\oJ barJ ..s (nll(1\•!<"de&bachn"

Wl1tn G00Jn1•1t t n·1 '"


J)'lll ,hoolit18 I~



Undhe WU ¥OUld elk9Qtorl hOnc>f'alM -bySWAC_lor_plr;

Top-seeded CSI halt women's season 88-44

Undhe NCOIIIDdlereltGl'IJ b,,.... \\ .... StwlA,w, •...,, R r Jhe t...d, r.,d,u.h. (lo~ftl ,nro 1hc Nt"11oa lJl 1u1ro.amcn1 11i,11h • <OO ft,rn« ft'tttfll pl q •J MIQbl 111)1.Nn,adJ~ "\\c •tal do•• tlllcre •1th coofidnkc• C..ta littt Cnti::p uld Tl1e C.ardtHI, IMI IOp·~C'd(,d C'oJIC'J~ ol \ou1Mnt 1.111111) tn lhc f1t,1 ,011nJ of lhC' I0111m.1nr11L fl.lhn1 66-,U Crimp i.;ud "Ir .c,nc,1111 Ille smie vntil lulllune. i.hc11 c·~t ·*' , ltJ ,tu'II ,h po4.u. nc <..W..Eqlnu,cJa......S. halfratolC\."\ftdlt •• •·0111 dtftiuc- rt.,cd .-C'lt cno11i:h 10 wui.'" Cr1111p wkl. "but C\l',,,l(m~ Lcrt1111 t11111hu1. ··~c playc.'J hard. b1 th1ap J•,t J1da·1 ,a o,u •o.

ttu..W.le, •ho ba,c t,c>1h ltd la ,e\·t'ul a,pc,tt, uf lhl' tram 1tt,, !tit'a.i.111 h\t NI< u·O,flCJ ai lht' ttf•~n•I 11."'18. ~ f\.l•t"'ft'' iftlht~


Jollrw,y Ooocl""'" driva.., R1eu Cotleve Fob. 21. Goodman eco~ a team·h1gh 25 potnta for thl 73-65 wtn.

C\a') &,,,IN fohnn:1 lindl lhlll\i!II ~brr" 1nlh1';a.1'..f I ... _, .. ,,..,

He L«'P';aJ!inurclJI JUUII' 1alahto.Uf andhch,l, ill lhl1 pholv hdvrc r11d1 pmc. (i1..,.iman', fn,t•OIC' pan 11' b,l\l,1;"11'1:ttl .\ JC1MJ II ,uc frum die m,..,.J Jurln• the pw,r

RetiounJias , , per pmc 1•"·c fD 1ttdla,1..,u,.J ll'f ,, not• nai.n 11r .,..."llar,,kr.-htual

Scorms :!OJ .,.,..... per pmc Stub 2per Ht I ~kn \%11, IO,b,. W.tR'ft'( J.mnspnoh) ~allt;b·fi\C~••l,·ra 1oll.-r•Junl.

i:an be foutld 1111iit tl'l.lll .hopping or bu.,t111J • tM\t' II kk..d iJan,..(' ....

Alall-"""'-""Poad•S-"'""'On>apl~ kJU114,lhtODaCr)'IO,K:" ilu. al1n~accct"'9tofie1

•-...t llldupcnttitt 111r• ~Jolllli) ~.a,thishlyDI ISC.11\JM

ti.,lcdull JW'05.ran1 HI" u.J the coa:h,q •llllf ha, tulty hc.lprd h,m

1.1111ht ~,iur1 ,mJ ,n1lc e;l1,~IOffl

't11)·tn Jl,n·t r••ri All 1'onenc;111 \.I, hit 11i,111'1n11I v.11rb1c h.ard <k•'lkual1 rt,,,, tti~\nhall ''"f)JJ) l&IJ

lith•llhb lnbu,IJ ~h Jdma) , tiielflhdl Qttd Jona*l.aJP lflrf 'IC' ~I 111)' Di•tMOD t ~9"........,,.WPffkim•~ ,~C,c:orp. 'i\aihatp;,o 1111d Go11utp. JIN IP_.• kvi kihftb) UICI ht', notmf'C'..t,ne le •~tnJ-• Ht JU~,bc•antt l&>f'l.n

\tin) alhll'rn tw,·c r,uwl, lhcy roUow 10 Fl 1hcm n:..t) bcfort h ', thii\<"lb,.lhmy t1rc.•ht iaiJ "An..lhup:foflt. If mt 1L1Jh W.C mc.1" 11 SCI k1,,.il) ht 1tic- SBA \IW1,t·,I.&)',.

Baseball suffers handful of road losses

181111, wnh,1 <,! 11111,, 1,•1

I t l'i \ &llc, 1n 1bc ~1flftal lit • 7" bl W(h,Ct OWi' S..IJ t.t .... cu-, utplu.uuJ •a..• !'!c IC'am C'akd Utr '"'°" J. Eld be •a.. rleatied •1th d'lt' I .Id)' l"•lh perlou11Jifll.'l" fl •I' 111 1n1lt1 1 C, 1trtt,u11,. (nnl()_..,I x, •tm&,..•lnlkl!lU).De Nltfrt' (',ll!W *" to•• r,,-c ,,. ... _.. ltitdJlt Hcl L ••be ,~ ht>Dt red b) 1hc Sn1tt1.. \Ii" 1 A1hlC'111. t ·or1fC'1cnc:e llluJdJt 1>.-1r1, n11mc1J KC1111d,l1 1n all rca10t1 aoJ L.ns.Jhe '" ,u inf bocorablr tlif'L..t1 <."'anhMl•r reJ•lar eea,oa •• h f '" pla,,n rult'd 111 tk "\\ A Tup,IS. IJiftdhe rritd founh •,l11IJ11PIJ'ff"Cfl1 c,Jhtt»ill "°''"I an\l I l1h 1n htt 1h,.,.. ~111ot,r, lfuJJ5o ,.~, nifllh i.s uot fl• •• ) po1s1 • al pcttC'ata$:C' ·~ • • and 1Sm•1C'11U11 Kae:C rultd 1hlrd la fltlJ 11,11 rthC'll••rr lhnd'i ,I.ff f.1 • d h•II•. 111 11,a R)I" ..,,..,., ~,,nJ "'.,..,t, tnJ. l~lh Pl \&Cab amt ACIJ' l tmca raaUJ tiJhlh 10).

Men's finish 'disappointing'

N I C loses to Sncrn 92-70 in fi r.,t round


,, Co.adl HuJft Yo lhNI dn,rnt,tJ 1hr 19f1,c.,y •ra\Ull 111 \h\4JlS!lli1W1at; tbc C.ud,n"I tt,,L,1~11 lum cndrJ tlr11 1C2llOll \tJtL'tl l M Ille' RtJtoa 18 u,v.rumnt la T••• hlh The (..'°aiftllll1 •«"tr pul UUI IO tlcl1NnJIIJIJuflhC'klUffl&JIJC'III 11h • 92,70 Ion h• 'inow (\1lk-Jl'l' Soov,.r,mL.ccl ,1,1ti tn lhe ~11Ufll'Ol"lllll1ll~t,~ ••J•"1 •~kt n sn~• '•rthu _.,lho:Collq<of-.0 W..•dlc!iftlll.fmll-'11 ""Jobtm\ cC.-..otllnan) p.k:J Pit I rot h1rb f'Ull',• <"o•,h tfu1h

W11,on u,d. 1clrt11n1 rn (11•.Jriµn', 30 p{ltflh 1n the- hn11I pine tbc tenJa V. M"111 uld 1k 1itaa di,la"1 lbc bah 111d • cw DdltbCIII and ••,cawhun • 11h oeain Juoa Keep 1tn, OUI c.if luut0td',ko

In 1hc r1n1 !Qll l>l dtC'oflc:rc-'Aun1lwltl'i111t)

Page9 The NIC Sentinel Thursday. March 18, 11199 1 Kres ,mor Cosk is rhe only non· player -c:, on the NBA t-t.111 of i:5 Fame. Sports Lindhe
passion S he finished Top-15 scoring, 3- pointers , rree throw s ,'\ \\oocka .\1,,.', •.,tlfrpottu S1'11'1hi•mort" Mlll'd) UnJhc ,111• dwl llJ be a ruCJd hla,M:1h;atJ f)lil)'C'r, .an alhlc't~ ba., 10 be Jc,hc 1NI 11111~.., v.ort ~~•r1,-.. Mu11J lt1 1.ollc h.a ult'L \'oa"~ l'(ll IO hh'C' tw,,, _, -a 'Jlftd ~. •M ••ft'\\Mt~ rll)"Ol k'll'l•\•tlJ"qUt)b.lll ,a hish "ooi,1, h;,.J.c1™'U cunltd oot 10 be Unrh:'~ IMUIOO. t imlht- "'oiS il'i )u\.l lOl'tiflhln& ,be'• dont (ort\'C't , J.x•t kDP• .,.bac l'tJ .t., ""uhou& t1 cNll!,~thoJI~ ,hr""'1 <Jnpml) fnaTocmlct. v.-...u.aww11w 11r.- In ,c..,,.... lhn ,a,. •'""'181 14' p,ma. pn 1,aff1t \\ hdt \lMkd ti.II vi the garnet, m lhr tW".I 1,i,; "<,,11~.
fulfills her
..... ""ll;bc,r... ,.....
llaa Ill
.... tllric C~J.;.u.a! b.J.•<'.~ 111,A b Ml n.r1)' W-1 at the f'alll \)f the S..:(IIIC "e,1 \ll'Jrh::C"oclcnn"""el'or•il lllt (#Cl, 1-7 in lta,«, o1 10 cncndl b.,c hc..-1'1 •uUcring un UICI h,!u.l 1111d h•\ I' )'Cl tu pl.i~ • hum p,ne 'lilt" •di pby bcA4 to 1ht IOll(Jwr,, J, i,u•·• ('1,l«.J..> nb•·t,1nn ti I l..JJFnd:t,• IPIIL <'olorado ._. \ii(" t, ,c;,,u111e1p.11 1111 IC'aOll.fmhhtntt.&•lt\da'fl'Km, a T~ C.atJ~ fdl h11J t•• (.a1omn l,i.k S.i urd •)' 1.1 I 14 q, ,.1, 1n 4 l,,11,j11l' 1nplchcllk• Ntc· ,1•m1J111k'd lhc m ,• In Ult rlf'I pee amid low •• die- ICCffll1 fllc .acln _.,...i..,,., .,1capc.--,11n1 ~lC' ,cn1okd ••"''*~ 1bc Cotlr,c of Scuhcm IJ.tho \f.t.11.h fl. ""''"I ,.. l. 19-1 The Guf"c" b1~k11 n1.1th1I 1hr Canh l! t I CSI •• ntnl<d 21th In the .NJ('AA 111'·tl(Wl 1 po41 N<11b 131Yln •ttl" cut tbon t,ecaa.collM•l'\:ynak • s.,i,.-,,. ,_fl,...... p..t •• dw: fdltl .,.... lnitt--(.lai 'SUit College- \t,.,,._" 111 • 11-10 \:I(' •1• SIC 1r11 1lt'd ~-0 "'"11~ F1,-rL1\ 11111111 ,l,u11 Jl,n Rurr. hum t t>C'UI "'" .1 o1t,,kJ IV.Cl nam iGtht IIUICb. la;hc( \K • loot lbrUof pth;IMln t•rc-• l•O IHlllft 'Iii htl,t '1.a1I. ~at.odc"'cx::rd·,1tat r-;:twd•lbe _.........Colonok>N\\' 1,1.u,;h 19, I p.m Colonl<l> !>.'V.' \C...h :!O. 11 un. Pnirie A,adcmy MMd> ll, noon
NI: 111-7111
Guards Huddle ,
.....-.~u...,.,... ~_,,..,. __
~,!!:.c;~~ ~1~~,"'!1:!:1:;~
Tilr•u1•~'*f1;W \\ 1ho• 1-11d k' •a, c111Nac-cd ..,111. rm11 bu8 tlTJIII ~«1· atit, tl\t pnK It ""ob dw liN waon h~ ti11d hnlt.btd 1to11h,wt fdllni -."'L.N ~,fl or ""l'f1IJN 111 ID lhi: ..... ,IC t'irtNKd Ow rcpla IOllCG •Mt. ICKDI IDt1Dhcn r lnl Ml lht" \(1'111( V.t1I A1hl.clK (~~Tnp-1~ h-.1 follb8) O,IOdl:mD ,... IC'(llnc:a6 • tch:"*1lq and llm ).poifl( pc'hfflt J.J,1,1a Kfff' ,. , j,~PIIJ Ill f tJ pl rt•.:tht"f".' I '1h "' hl,,.;Lc~ ,h(!tl flt.I t.ich In MtlllNf I') hlh -·- IC'COCld I'll al ftll •• uuh ••J l~th 111 p, •• -"'"". nimtltn8\.ll\l ~t re JOdll iD 11,,a,t it 1,c.11nl pa,J llt.l1 )('Jlf \\ ,t,I n ,iil,I rdi:mns 10 1111. r111a1.1c 111 1nJ11rtC'I :,ii(° r,,11111 IJ..a h .,,, y. e •PF'<"&I~ the ppou Irle sdlb:' ~~\\111,(11\,1

Keith throws tor national title; all nine athletes earn medals

Wallin,, 1.1kt. ·S11e w:i~



head u.w:h ~-1, \\;, tilUJ \\c 1<M 17 t.ot )C',lr .:ind,.,, d1 I bcllt'f th,1n them wi1h Th•• l'I Ju.,1 •

Thr 1n..·d ,,.. (.'hul,~1a11. Ill lidded 'M'Jll)('

JO r;t:ma,. SIC.-1 wamet1 lini..i,cd 10.b Yobi.k

thittt~hiol12'h ftt~h,nan ~·J"'l111JJ N~c ~chh c:imnl

tlic l11nc title for 11-w: Cltib in 1.hc p11

ktlth·, 1m, Ji-1111u;cJ $4 feet,~ mdtc

l1u1Jinr 1-.n 111dt('1 bt1hc, 1h11n the


\\110.IM 1.tld l,;'.c,th h.s, Ila..! a II.Md thl'IC' with l!h n<'nau~nc1,,\ .al th-c bric "'cct,,

t.kt.l"kl'lhNn lnai,kmi. ll!''t. leuu1111i In J('t.u._ t.occ thc , om1•c111u1t1 ,nJ fo<u-. m • btJ meet '"

V.litl.i,11. &.1id "lb,,,.,., h>· ht!li, tic,t ....., J-rohc11iMI Jc~,,,.-.. I·.mt"r l'>Pl thinl In the tu,h ,.,mp. lc.apift.1 5 7 1/,1 •,c:mnJ: • NIC'" ""ml

V.•1i.m '-lid h1: ti , lice~ ~U-ff'O\Cd "'lib

I llNet • abihlic~ S111"'c Nil' dl:1C,11·1 bo,\c

ln&h JlUUptflJ f,adhtia, lite Uftl)' umr f tam"t fffl, 10 J"'IIC'11.:t a, ,be mcc1, No,, 1t1in,,111cJ_tQl11g l\lhitrP:ftWlth bt'r:·

~'O!llpclltl £ \or11h WOl'l'IIC'tl whu pr...:ticc:d thrc:c,u, fOllf Umt11 ix• vrttk l1tt month." Sht 00 • V)t.,t Ill ,wnpinab-fOOI 11.llJ ,11c·• onlyS.7

~!;,n,.,a,lf8urh •P~~f,hon~=n~r i::..:• n...i.o11,.::...,•• .,.._.._

performed "'en bt)11ncl From loft. Julio Freeman Teresa VJtbrotk. Jemie ea.JIC(.1J1Uoei,. Herman and Katie Hawn placed third In thl nation In th• Allen improHtJ hh distance meclley and the-3,~metar Mlay rcrwnaJ l.n lhc:

~b)Abtl!Mll fi>Ulk>ti.llM1lu11tdt r11.lo1n, All·AmctlClm ~) l't,O "f'\'I" A1kll addctJ a ,co,'l'alh pl.kc. ti11hl1 In the l.S--frl,wsJ '*Cigb1 d, SC1pht>m1J«:. Juhr I·rcetmn1 1u1ncd w11b (Kdsmen TC"re,. \'u·br«k. Jamie Urfmlln and KA1te tt.t n W lliii\h d1l,J ID lbe t,ll\l~c Jnedk)' And lbc 3.200 ftlClet trll}' W•lk,ru. ,wld mJn_y thlni, c.1n hllflpen in 1tw: medley anJ Ir iln 11lhlctC" Jac,n·, ,un Wl'l&lt 11 can JWp:atdJ.1c: lhe Y<hole rllCT He u1~ V1cb1o(k'1 IK mile w•~ \.Cl) tn.irumcn&al Inf 1hc '""""• to rUc:e aa h11ti

1n ~he medley.

'1'h,u '\\1u hurc,'" WuL1tt\ 1o.11d. "Wt1c."t1

•be am lht hAIOl'.l wt 'wt(( m 1-111.lh Sht f»',,1c>g:,r1li,101l1ird"'

Tht fuut M:1 .a wb.."''' rct,tt\l m 1br rtl.t), tinnJung w1 9 mhw&N.. SJ r.t'("OOoJ'-

Jo,: WOothke imprtwcd h111 s,cr11on;d bc:,t IRltiC'""c!Jtitthm\W~ahl.t111fourfoct11:.l,flJ

t0nuh1htn.l fflf1hc.On.ft.

M.lf,cln. Gwint(' fi11hhC'd founh. 106<iift1 tbc


.$1:\Cfl uf lbc N(C", n-mc w-ctt ~h~n ~• i,,-.sco._icl)tl)' AIJ·~ Tffltu Viebrock recotwie lhe baton '111c & •·ill roncmw 1h t1111Jo,-. w:~..uri from 19-yNr-okf Kit Hawn. lit the Spnli.onc fall• Opci1 S.utJ.a)

Students get chest deep

Students learn Ice-Age-old metllodl of travel, sheller

b) \tau JohMOR

V,i111wlRtrt'rlt·t ~hn)' people 1bro1.11h1,01 hh,1or)' hoc t'lttdcd ,u ., IL a«1 MIO• Oflc.'n '!''hen 1MI ,no• 1, •bo\'C kntt> lc,d , u can l'IC mO\l d1ffKufl k>\·c:n,c any gJwn !'ltrc«fl ol 1hc

""hik' ~,urt In ,>Niu lo foll11w Jllffl< 1u1J

\C3T~b ror rood. cad)' h11mu.n.s Medcd to lOC:tCJ1"4.' .J.Wf111.-ie iU'CI of their f«I IO I&

QOI 1(1 plliC-hol~ 10 1mmotulll) The •oo,uh1,c'J a~lY "'"' probabl) ootbin,g llmrl' llllll a l.arac- bundle ol i,,tna• "-flipped ,irouoo cai;h (Qt.'11 Fo.1r NIC ,11.1dcnh and omr: •1r.,1£lctt -.c:rc far mtlf'C forhmiUC than an)' lee-Age

d'!'·c:1k:D SwldJ), M..udl 7 TiwiiJuU)' die \lt1r.l("11h "''Ctt cqtuppcd •11!1 lt,p'(lr·thdJne aaw,boc, for lllcir trek up tbc Bouhlcr ("red, Onullllgc: DOflJi l)f \1ullolll. ldabo

The "'1'1Jl •ppro~dDlltd)' thr«: mlla

1hrou1h the: ,-cenic dr,,aaac Led by 01111,k'll.lf' P\ir,u11~ dilcl.:M and lrip orp11itcr l.u\ct. lhO}' rt'lll.'..bcd !he.Cf cksfiMllOft

11.11d ,topped t« lu.oeh. Follo.,...JA; Im"-"·

Lul<'1 a:1,c an 1111,~ucll(ln rn •nOw~k\el an11.ly1t1L

l.uln 1pokc CC 1k vifrctm1 bnch al MIO*

1t1111 c.11n be found 1t,rou1hou1 1bc ...cflt1r,ea1ton ot d1c ,M,. '""'P 'l\'11' il,ow·n how fo dit a hole JKOpCrl_y 10 atlll.1pr the \now. h ,.., rull~ 111c-c: 10 ,ct ou1 •nd do liillfUH:duog Wilb 'IOCQt l,llKknh." S.tid hmc. H.1nn, 1ti.: '-!IC CA.R~ uncn11.1ut Hiioer and bl\ 1tru1t11:r•hd•"-' \11kc. \ cclc:bnllcd o. trJJrtloa lhlll tbry lt.~c buJ for a 11mc. 1ky co)oftJ a cigar 1t1r:r 1bc poop fe~bcd their dc\titl:abon. Jo1 \1~n rtltll)" pu1 (sn • ah:~ one." H•rn:t '4id.1hi1 w•~ •rally run llip •• Al'IOthier 11vup ~·Ill be ttllll'ftlrtJ; tu Boul«t Crtck M.&n:ti 14 Wlt.h Lu~. Snnw aim1MnJ aod "" lnuuduc:110f1 10 mc1Unt11lnccnn1 111

un oppo,wrut)

Puraull• coordfnator Juon t..uffl lnt1ruct.1 elude"nll on how to buJld 10 t,c:, ('\"'~J 10 • Utile tli~1t1nU11MC"nnr,

tt,elto,, The gro&ip 1t1owlh04MJ 8ould« Crtitk Or1lnago nOf'th ol Multan Luker 1.11..d

MAR:b27 ,11 IILm Di a Htnd c.c 111 h1.11nc

M.on:11 :o • l:30

Sno• Colfc1~. ti home.

Apri] !. MI p-m.

• harrir S,uur,ta.t, Apol

1,111 l2pm

t't'Utral \\uflln11un t nhtnfly. ar homio. Tuc:'tda)

Ar,il (1, i,~ 1 ('111

Rlclu ColltJe. a1 home. l'douy. Ajx119. 11 I p.m.

Ir m.

\ICC at btime, S11urday,

It.Id,,, •t homir, Saicuda), Arni I0. ,i tlOOB

Utab \'alle, sw1c Cun,....- al 0rt1'1'1. Ftiday, Arcil lb. al I p,o

U\"SC, .1t Orcnt Snrnrday Apnl l7 .11111)on

• M•n\ Baseball c..·"lnndo 1'\\ c·.r at J\l>mt Fnd,y, Mu~h IIJ, ••Ip n1 NVt C.(:.. at hDSPS. SanmLI)', Mm:b~O. :w 11.a.m.

l'ralrlt Aud~m,.

TotS<lly, Feb. 23. "'Euell)' (IO ,1udcttb aucodcd 1bt11 1rip. 11ccording 10 Brady S&tinke. ptt1oidcnt of the NIC Sl..i Club Sktnkc aa1d th.II 1n fldd11t0n co beirtll dlti tua,ot NJC kl trip. It wa.~ o,,c t'II 1hc l»p ~ps 1ba1 baa twJ. II wa, nlc:c 1h11 \\'e hall thAI muy people up lht:re on W, trip." Stttnk.cM.ld Tbt: NmOU1 C,Olnf"ICmcrllcd tbt eooclitioM..

an .t\'liJ ,nuwbotrd"cr and 11 wr"°nkm IU N IC ~bo ' w., , gcntffll \&UWC',.

"We bll'4Jd a." off 1hM tOnllCt :1111.1 tr111de uur •.iy tbrnuah 11\c: trccl! Wdk: ~ut "1"1lC PQ'Wdcr wu ;teal. and \lfC" had a n1c:c <;e~j;ll(mlOO Welk uid 1ba1 b;,ek.>1dc \lfJU , 1n-. 1n the mcirn1n1 l>tcauii: Sthwcl1l.Cf cn,plo1ec• wc,c bl;;a.-.ui1e for h,n,;ho. After lbe ct11in: back11dc WA\ opened, Well."' ho bn)lhcr Cy .itld • feta· ol lhcir lnci,J:,; hc;i,kd bad rur lhc fll!\',1)' apeni:d run~. .M90fdlft.1 IO Joe. lhc)' "\(@u1cd the nll:c powlkt," anJ !hen made -, M:COlld nmlluw,h "Tb11t .,..~, one fine rua. I tell ).a.N Well,. \oJ.IJ aluirhl,jcxunc)'

L ad y Card s sweep homeopener, lose in Arizona

IIC *"'' to 4-6-1 b> £, ari R(Jl)m.son &1tliMI Jt~ponr-r Thr Catdlul ~nhall 1.e.i.m ,wep1 Wal~ Walla 7-$. '2· I itt 1heh hon1e _.Mm6 Frc1hm1n ou tficliJcr Kriua ('lc:menn wu U1CCCMf11I in all S Qf bet .\.tolu buc: auempu :ind k--ottd 1hc "''""Ins run, In both a•mn Sophinorc AJ1,it: f.,.,.ccdy ltlpleiJ In. l'A'O f\l,rl~ In lbt IICC<llld lnail'IJ lO dcddr: tbr ONI ,...... Frc-hm.111 ('ard Ch«>I Aod"nl 'i1~ck 6111 ftlnc Walla WaU11. bAutti

il'llhc"Wi/\ '======-=====-""

The Ciudln.ah ,.._..-tu11.-....on

u:iileJ by one 111 th«" Krista Ctemonll of Bolae fa I dominant bouom of the: part o1 the NIC otfenae with her speed.

founh. when And1iui hit a 1rip1e dc,v..11 1hc: tbinl ba.'iC' liae to 1tore.l'WIO Wille Wallo homered In the litth, 1:M.11 lbc: Cardi' matched wuh three run,. In 1he 1h:1tl, Wallu Wall• 111a, IKOtelc.._s, hut C-1rd•

M11Ddy Lllw,oo antJ 1v.-(!cdy hit 1ntW,\ln&I)\, Walla Wall.I S(.'Orcd f\l,O 1n Ille loC\'Cnth but v.·u unable 10 h lc_b tbc:Canla. Sophamo.c Sar•h Cole~·• bll1 •cored l\ltU runl'! In 1hc 1hlrd umina. or lhe s«'Oftd came 10 v. in NIC t.plh ...-llh Bit 8c:ad

C~nu,rnnlt)' Collesc March 9 a1 Mos,c1 L.taJce, The Canb won ""' 111mc S..l bcfOR IOiina 7-6. Andriui", pitching aJJowc::d 81g Bcod only one htt TbC' l.11dy Ci r d1 con1inueij

w111n1n5 u 1hc)' defeated Chanlder-Oilbcn (Ariz.) Communh) Callese +.l. i\ndrim

g11,·ic ur only one 11oc11tncd Ch.indlcr run NIC "oml l\lf1, run, in 1hc:: four1h 111\d diuh lni,iu,t•

Sa1u,da)", NIC ""' S·2 10 HO\\#td C'.olktc or Bis Spnna,. Tua• ud 9,1 10 Ccnmil Tix Cardi. .,.,.t't't': ,hut dcn,.·n 10,0 by St. Loo~ Ccimmimity Colkgc ut \fcn1um: Sunday. The 1011 chm,nincd MC" from the finaJ rounlf of 1in1tc-dltnitl!l1ion IOIWrulmtsll pl,1)", NIC will lra'rr:I 10 e.~1crn Orc1on, Walla W11J1 and Wtna(Cbcc V•Ucy d111 v.«t. lhCtl athon'C for thn:-c "'ed.,. s p ASNIC Ou tdoor Pursuits R I N

Outd oor

'!!ii!~ A<i.11:nina:n.\!,1; vJ' YvlJ.r 1-i,1:s, ~'!l'U!JDIEM':1' 1Um1!Di1 .fi'UUJL.DJW Q. Pool Tubles, Air HO(~ey, Tele;-;;ion Lounge, Intramural Sports, Pmg-Pong, Video Games, Out door Equ ipm ent Rental, and More!

IC·-n>ll.ll~ yo\30'.l llhH~ 1. t n ~1!'-1.n 9~

Page 10 The NIC Senllnel Campus sports
r ig h t for track team h) JtNln Ruf\K ~('(Ht,f".dd,,r
imate is just
Il1 t1tt1U.a•I IO 1h p1o,;1it."t'\ in N1-inh IJ,1ha, ehw m11,: a1wi (iclJ tum dkhl't 11:a\,c h) l1fJ} .ilvlut r;i..l.1111 ('lllJI dtll~ for lbt ..,_,e;llbcr at tht' NJC.AA ln,IOOf Traci. 11»1J FirJJ C'b.11nptcinJl1J'h, 'l'hc tc,11n did, hil\\t11-cr. put the otr.a luv,:,1.i:I" ,('lh:t tu JOOl.l u.-.c, roJJa:un,t 11i.u< mtd.1h anJ \11,t flf\.l pl.fCt' hdt 111" " by r I.he bc-'-1 \\(' '( \k>IIC Ill n if)(l1)Qt' lllccc,• tiM )'MIJ
.... ..-----~ ~tr~::::~,udC'l~J
D eck • Womtn'sSoRball t.:a..ltrn
11 uOcviJe. hl.1.2)'.
IIJ, • !pm \\a.Ila w.11. c.c .at w.u. W,Sla, S;i.tun1,ay M~ lll, •' I p.m \\tnalebH Vafle:J C4111C'Ct, 411 Wen.itc!,ef. ~untf.;i), Mllf~·ll 21.111
1 snow
O n
Otftqn 1Jnh~Nlly,
akhn1 V•tft) t·.r. .,1 hP111e. flthlay, March 2b. 111 +I pm
SunJay. Apt1I
S110• •• l:pl11a11n Sa1u,Jay. ApnJ 10..•• hQOII. U1•b \ '• llr) s.C., •1 home I IWll)',AFfll 16,.'11 I rm U\l S( 11 •(ltni:, S11u11Ja1 ,...,111,.M nooo. Soulhe:ra Nru1b C'.c.• 41 homft. Mol'ldo.y, Apnl 19. al I pm Rieb C'oll<te 111 ham<. lod,1, ....... • Outdoor Pur,;ulb Rl.-.-1" R•OJn1 ~dYt.nllu<e • S11.nd Ju•• lthn, U1ab S.U.uni.l\ • !\atur'-1,), \bn:" l7 Al"'l l. A Sl$O r ""'"'"" ffl(l•I (OM, u.1.n,pona1ior1 , C'IWpcDl"f\l lllltJ ln\lnlnlOIL B1ekpackl11 AdYta11u•t Crond Cukh. l 1•b. S..onlAy Sil.Cl.ll'dty , M.ud1 l7•t\{lnl l A SIOO tu 1nddu U.111parhd1(1(1. ~uipiri,mt 11nJ pcmlll f«I Thursday. March 18, 1999
"' ,,om,.
4. at ul.x'lrl
Co11flt< 11 6phraln1,
I pm.
IIn the stands NIC Ski club sends 60 to Schweitzer: breaks record ' The fl!« w.w,·1 Wen up ""1 8tullentl YCOllldanl mu,b. and 1b.c ,00 1h buwl hid by Mll11 John,on r;~mc gn:aJ pl"-dcr m 1M ll'ttl, S111/lltrl Rtp(>ft#f .ittOCd,ng co Joe- Welt. :U Wcl1 SchwcHtcr Moun••in 11 • pmJ1nc .ind cnjuy.lblt &kt hUL A moh o r NIC ,.,udc:nn un.d "omc .ttriUatc, p.anook In an o uuns 1huc •rhh lJ)Oft'IOf'hip rron, ASN IC Thr bigg"CM tnp thnlb l.'\'Cf bcm r.po!U(l(ed by NlC woli pl:.."'e
G 1999
Activities ~-Schedul e -'>~F Ava il ab le ":/',
Marc h 26 Moving March 17

Tllursday. March 18, 1999

Popcorn Forum: Jefferson, Rooscvch, Linculn 1<1 ,peak

Contlnu1'd lrom Page 1

• Wcd,~1o1l;1y, Apnl 7 \t11tt111

Luther. pMrily('J b)' Dr- w,111.a,n Get\(J.( Chr).\l~J. ,rc:1.l1ti "'' 11 111. ar1cr .a 10:4.S musicl l pR'llkk. llit' Worlll Rc!1p!.,n. Phil1J"1,flh)' nit An; The flrol~,u,nt Rcfor1n111io1• .ind 1ht Frai:111nng cif Cht1, 1cfldnm wdl t,cc~nmirr.d ~"<' p-.uic'-'ure pl.anMJ (~lalld7pm Joh,um Sc:Nt.W1t11 8.\Ch. Oet'lrJ;m O' ~«k ""1...,,. John XXIII <Atll he lffltlf'IS lht c-h.lnlc'"" uf the fiN ~Ml. Al 7 p.m., )1grmmJ Frucd. Jo1IJIM 0111(11~ •M Sm-.ocic de

Black History: Thomas cries 1ears or joy ar1er daughter·~ ,graduation

C4nllnued lrom Page 1 111:

I ll'dlC llJ u..l), U1 her Ind

.,ht (;aid 'I fig;urtd )VU wen: a ;-1":..r-oon. J'd 11kt 10 hire

ThomilS.. a mother(\( lh't. said

tmpJO)'« in 1hc '-«)ft.

Rc.'l1mor -will be' p11r1 or1t.ic pat,cl

to v.h,,,:b ).1i,, 1111 La1hct and Dr

Cby Jcnl1i\.'QQ will tt"pond a Th""4,y ,\J><i l 8 Al 10. 1$

,.nl rnu"u.-al pttl11Jc: l;.,cls c,,ff

1hf.Jay',dnc"'"'Ot1of'l'hc W~ld l" Dcm«roc:y: llll'

l..m.i.11.:IP11.ioa or the

Oi,f:'lrfru~MiCJ.. A.I 10,JOa.m..

lhl't( ll)c"~tttt. wdl dl~~ lhc

1~. Dr. C~)' knlinMlll

pon~;-,. l'homlb kff"'°'1.


Roo,c,'tlt and Dr. H.arry foo: a)

Atnh:lm LiDt01n

Qlxc:n V1ct0ti1t, ~n- ~be

G1t:11, So.,01,nncrTnich .1nd

Sul'K.Jlt 1k1h\.-&re, rcwordlt

j'll•nd rntmbm;. 1'bc dl)'°1 earltn

i,ptakll, "'jlf rc~.\C. Tht pc1~I


A, 7 p.rn. The r:loWCf'lns or lkmotf'IC)'. a hu11~" ripio. luacbcoa, will hr ht.lJ It the

Co nt inu ed

COC\11 d'Alrnc Inn. with th!: dly',"JIC*le~~U'It 7f>9.3J2.5 a Friday.Aprjl9: Thie cop, for1hl!nn:illbyar1tk' IQ99 Popcorn Fon.tu ,,. Whr:re Art' Wo ~O* u, Sciicocc, Ph1lo,i,ophy. R~hlim lltttJ I\Jhtnir.;«1&l(l\:.\('l"llfllCt1t't Jcn:k1n_li.Oo will I'"' a kcyn<lk' lf'C"C(b followfnJ 9.45 Ln1 mulifcal prelude, A I p n ~f!dtllbk dlsctNll)II ftltlUt't 11pt.>kcn frl'Jcn tbc fow ptn,°'" ~)':i. ortbt fonim, ~d bv JriibQ)('f\ •

A 1 p.m t(IUndlolbJt dut'Ubiotl foUo"'·'· with• ~pccl,11 arp:;n1t« b) Dr Vutiobi JohMOfl ai M111) Wol~OCl«ff11 W111,,b for I ln.-dc:pth t~He"' af a.JI five da.y1 or the ~pcom r'<IIV#l whh 1hc nut it.we~ lbc Sc1t11MI. Apnt 2l.

lc(ll'Sof""""'-" s:!:f!:~~t::!,~~;t:P!nbil:;~~-

ll W1.~ m~ohcd inao v,00:ing fo, ~hty and JU\tict foe 1111.shc f..\ct since. 'Omma.i has worked for human rigtws 811d fought pn:JIJW'I' She"'"'°' u , c:oountuiancr for I.he Spokane llumara R1Jl,ht'(Comtnit-.ion l10d clwr5 lhc affirm.w,,·t o1t1ioo con11nlt1«. or Spot11,c Count)' Thama., wa." 1t11o'ilcd NIC b)' L-UIIUrAI cb\'Cf'\lly Id\'~ M(.IQ:IC ThiB. Twinuidhc~tht, CII hunal CV(RIJ "MIi hclp ~uJt:nl\ tole.tfflff'D\'::1blit11dilferen1 CllhUT<> heir ih<b\ IO rctpllte lbcm.~1,·~ for m11h11:uhural ~od:. (Cln:<' Tony S1cwan. p:,litkal 'IOcnct 111.Uructor1od the frurn:i.n


10 o.11 Ml.1JCOU. "'hcreat~:iwonderf'ul

Jim Boyd and Rez Bound - aconc111-

"\I-.- .-.

Book store: Un i v~r«i1y of ldnho books1ore helps ou1 in mC1ve 1<1 SUB

Continued from Page t

lt''I.-QitdmuJ ScrMlkr ,lli!I. ·At,,.....ti.1.-1, fanU>be. l""lt •I"""' ror-«~1,~rk)I, .mJ ptOdtK:t ~'f'lil)11,, wiJ 11KWe ~pplin lwivc ~ctl t>fl;ta-cd Atlmit .(() pm;1.'tlC or rn,dl)CI ~'"'"'"J ,. ... 1"bt:IC ~-1&.,. WIIIC' «.IOffl.P(lllioll (~'It 1hr "r~ "°tic,n 1ht. l'i«ilo,1~ p(IK.'td the rcquru

Gouner (Thief)

• Jof)C("111J (tc- 1.11

.:hugt:µClhr n,,c. Sptc:i.ale1n,h1"t:~l'iullt

to 1ncwc .Jtch-c• and a 111vvm1 ,·an .,.. iJI IIIMJ)(lfl

l(Qlbo( TIIC l.11n\'er,fl) uf d.iht.l BoPL"~'ltC h~ ul'rm:d UI help wllh lht IUO\ itig: piOC(<, 1llC) v.wld )(ftd

C\"Cra r,c.,,rk10NICCk'hd:t.y 10hclf1plll,:l Uld

1Qn'f'0(1 bool...:


"....,' ror1hcpnnd«Jl)C"111naof1hc ~SUD® \1w~h 2.&



can help you.

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~d • ,..,,.hm~hi:v.cnlmSPQbM ,be '1lid ,he felt pn'JUdM>: ,.,..whcl $he !IO.ld t.-kf\s ;afW!l) ,- 111\ltd lleno ptt''-Cnl ID v,hi;n W 11.'mcc c:hcd:~. v.·hcre a. noo-col1«d ~~~rc.°'at:,~c:!,\~1~;,
lk:r wh11e fnc,ki~ abou1 &tit 1,,;uc ur PNJud~i: and JnjtbCM'.l',. •hcy
bet th:ll lht)' f'C\'d' lhou.ttftl
how 1111i W be I wtutc ~Mn1n.iv,t111c\u1,:le:t)'
a Closer look at yo u r future!
ay, Ap ri l 16 10 a. m.- 1 p.m . Christia nson Gym Job opportun ities with 56 co mp ani es
AttOC"din~ 10 SC'mmt~r.1t l.vic 'l.f*C'r\~ 1oll)l11'N 101 d~
Jltl'•Hh ot 1k bot,L,1or" ·•we )1.1..a 1uld 1hcm v.tu.1 v.·c. necJcJ and '11th)' \i,:.1111nktw.1d ·n.- ttWM<llll"" dqllan:mcnc h.n
The NIC Sen1rnel Page 11
• ••• •••••••••••.•• TOoN s
& tl,,e Gn.a1r.dato~
/lp,.il 1, M CO!lt}
Cffl.;~ac 19 C/)/agl'll9 live 410-tcfo,ft erHNef
11 .t/ Ch,gtlit» 'l?t9gat 'BIY>lf 71iu~da9,
eve19 Ttwp9da9
75 (/qj,,IJ'l,c pdcJ,,µ 6~,;,opilclqg ~1.75 •tit tl}MII: q,., <{)«,1 -infant & maternity clothing ~K!M-9.<D~Pl"'f,f• 6674858
-community referrals College Chtgld
at North Idaho College just east of the security/parking office Transfer your credits from NIC ro LCSC and pursue a d<!gree in arry or the rotlowing programs olfered through our Coeur d'Alene Ou!feach Center: • Business Ad.mfnls-trntion • • Soclal Work Jus1ice S1udles • Communkation Arts • General S1udles Call for details 666-6707 923 Sherman Ave. Coeur d'Alene 664-1390 J-800-550-4900 24 hour Hotline .~,tc II •TU -llll'U ,.,. i, TJu•n wlll Ii• • ••• •-roff.,,. •••'-"' o• C11r,..n1 ••111lor•ct•t fu •n Ullro•eJu,•• •h• d• r• , 191' ••. i,..t••o:it·'l W,t,t,,ontl'1115i.:'13 ~'99 ,,..., c, .,.di •• If • 10 • •. • • ~!i::\...1
COLLEGE located

Capturing the

an Journey

Student trave l s w ith n o destination, but a d e sire to see

by KeH1 Otot:d llm,,i-:mr EJu.11 Saan,blmp t.., re•t1,.1 Jllllll"""{id rn.x:t:.u<d fc. crnel, he dJJ ,.hid 111.1n) 1Jrcrunah".lt -1ita,inS lboC"&re1,tndbunlcn1ofli(c ln thl' l!nucJ S1.t1~s 1n l<lt~ll.h 11(th1:1 v.orlJ\ ltttitlft'I abN,oJ ,\lmaS .,.1th UJ-.,o. a plan~ lickc110 Fnn..ldiln, Gctttiany. Md a 1:\111J,p:11d,. i,,: •·:i.., •ll~Jnt bl, 10 ll, him. Andrew u1.11.11prt...l1J..::..C4A,l.a-.11n11lk:fllllJ..lhc.faU

1"ttllOllkf 1.>r 199i,11ffiri seinhoff1nd11\gh11mC1f Ill Europe Hcr,11n,~1n f't11.nHunJu11t ft Md IOiOk D1n11n

1,.1 ~m1L«h. &'tlltia, Gcrmillly. where ht """uld. m.t1c hn h.M111t rnr 1ti nt\l ll:\ ITWW!th\ \\ot\111g Ill • n:Klfl golf cwt,c. 10¢k in the bt';!h1I tl.n1111an Air' fk',tlc!J Ja hi, ti.: Jard C:"C,Y liffl.:! hr tqlpl'J ci,u1\ldt Gurnprtthl 1-1wJ G.mniteh·Pam:tll.~h,c19 d I ptlk'clul. oJJ f•,.b1<w1cd ti.1\\11 "'Ith mra ill ~a "'ho mn,;i lhc (mt,• home f(\ltn d11; mw11U111~ C'\'CI)' day rt'opk ~*''JI dunns ru.Jt.00!1r1r2rf;c Md widdl thC' co~~ t4tr 1hc-1tt11lW.',-rn,;,1r111hc""IU'CC'l.,.<iurTlp't'l:'l11saK1 'Jk h.t}.cey .ind hut.:hcr lho.lpare \'\Sited by 1hc t~c ~II> f1•mc1llllprti,c,,.. lk..::.loo.i115 him l.l.ill) WC'~ tbt B1uri1111 Alp.. ~lch he.said ,ick.o,«t G1,1n,rvr,.hl.wdt~,wu1Jmal.c 1hc IO.min111.c ~·•lkto chc hl\lC'ofche c,.uoc, t-.h'lffl!Ain and d i1nb 1111 Che pral, the. Z1J1C1>Jl!Ul' :it lij()O 111t.1d\. To nt.d Ilk ,umndt. CfO.'~ m pc'Altd 111•he 1op 4ll 1hc moonu1n, Gun~lrt ulJ 1hr. ""«li:ly bett fe.c.b ""~ like American Od,iobcrk h He sa,d he 1Kq,11rcd • Wtc. for ftn,c: Ocnruu, beer, wh1.;h he- dnalllr.. llt C'\'tfl me.a.I 'tluni 1hr Alp, -.,u • tu\ut) for Gvmptttht '-On 1bc "'ilY ur dx muut111Un. lht~ v.m liule huts v,hctt }utl cuald Jri11L a hccr ~nJ tw,-e >01nc (ood,"' Gumpm:hl v,,111n1 l lC01111rf'k"" m it. month, w~ 1111 lld\'CAIU1t W1ih no rut dc,rm..tlor1, fit" u,J fl(' tet rht wind cllkc him on• J('t1tnty lie w•J he n1.11don1J~ n11."<'I up \lollh M low cnnclm. tttqu,tnd) Atnch~n11, INWJ:}lclul h11 lr:ip 'A'h1c h ""Id dktak •hcttht"-.oold tra,'C'I t1c ,1 Tbt hl11hllf:hh fll the jOVfl'lt'), aceonhft,I IQ Qumrrccbr. were 1un111ri3 w11J, l.bC" buJI\ Jn Sf"lln hi, \\cd.1y hll.c~ up the C111.1lWr


In Ganni!Jcll+Pllr1(!1tl.m:hen Wld a lhrtt-nl.Jhl •LI~ 11, &n.-tlo.u rcr,Phllhronc.-cn. a Pnill,UC, C1«h Rtpub{I(:. ~\lei\ ;1 thri\'ht~ dt)' whh pNI (;»I.JCS IYIJ •

IQ\\·n1111111r~G~ill\.lli\llu11r..,1, o/Pncuc~•tbc C"UhutC"&lldlo,-eulthell!N di'Pll>cJh)dat&o\\l\ Oulttp"«hl.autndrda d!UNUI ~"" acs 10tt and IJJl(' Altt'llhc-t tinm1"l l:(1 unt:Uni: lh Pt?11uc .,., \h4 1f1 dlcap;,. good mcnl i, about$).

• P.tmplOll.i. Spam Thou,,nd, oJ pct-pie \I. 1th n..J ICIU'f11 anJ \\hrlcc 'Jlhc:t-dlt' ·+Runnu)g<1I the- UuJh'" ,Utru •'• •.rn r« (1\'0dllY\. Gmtlptdw. 1,;;ad he haJ hQrJ 1100c"~ of f't'(lf'k gcuift• sorC'd b)" 1'111.U;.. ·n.c fln1 cby he ukl hC' wa, iw:nou.1 at.iut n1mm11 ~J riu1 along tht- ,IJt of 1hc IU'cct ri boprs o f bcins: r,ullcd up en• hilkony in dKC' lhc: t'l1.1U, 1. mc IOO<"* By ~e md or wtt!, Cw11f"\'.~ uacl be '4,h t11tu1i111 In thc:mml of1he(;(tJ'it.J

• c""""·""'m

Ou.mpre(:bl uid ht h• bec:u fa!IC'ln~ cd \\'Ith UIC" l'.ll&crnU!Qc', .,hlllt)· tl)lffltild 1t\C.U ahct)c.rr1of war, <1vl11111rcsc and t1e11,'hhonng Ct•iWtt.c'\ ~Ut:fllll lht: Laud. wJ.I Pol.ahll wa, lbucntd 11flc'1 w,,rtd WM II and" ,ziU t('l'luddlng WilbOUI a>d ftom iJ)C M>Cl.1l '4 ,0,.Cfflftlcllt. Wbrn arrivmg by tnm •• C'nk'O'\\, he Aid 1h¢dc-.41n.U10fl ..igru hat been 1om dow.1'J b) \',. IUld he co rtl)· on the \lo1w llllk o( the Pull\l't l•11~ge he lmc.11, 1A onk1" fO Hncl ht'I

• ,\""4Cf,jam, NcUlcrlllndt: Thi \ 1, • crm:,-. tn ~l'IC t:U) \lthl'tt Ounlf)rtcltl 5-11~, 4 IMJe \'ilticl)' o,f drug.'i Wetc 11,\'lllbble Gumptteh111md he had• Hi.ill wilh one le.;: off'cr him herain He- J the \1hc:, lh-ll an.at11t1C' from 1hc CU)'tll'll,lthn, He l'NIOffllncftdcJ HoUAJ'ld a." tlll'! pC11o.;c 1,, tn,u) ~oil nlibt'u1m, 1111 IJ.llci1e, dJ 11rdU1octntt:,

Page 12 The NIC Se ntinel Destina t ions Thursday Marc~ 25 1999
lj.faod o, Hvar that Hes on the Adt11Uc See
Outs ide 1 market In Cracow, Poland.
Gumprecht (lower rtght k>okfng blck) r11n with t he buUe in Pamplona 1or flv• days Runnera s1art at the town aquar e end tho flt'lt gun1ho1 a1gnel1 the people 10 run. The second shot tree, 1ht bulls to run. The balconln along lhe road provkle N toty tor thOte who get too c ose to
buUs. Above : A Hun garian woman iat< ea b tak from feedi ng tho pigeons ton g enough for Gump('OCtlt to • nap thl1 lhot In Budapeot Hunga,y. BeiOW: TM croau,.n
c u lture, art,
""" •

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