Sen. Craig shares congressional issues with students
\i, dC'.;lrlc ('.In ~J lutC'iJtt pi.,ll~)' ;tll had
1he1r rl11ee u, • dhc.:u"1on w. ,1 h U s St'll t...,n">
Cni1CR- li.l.1hoH\Q, It
Cr~g. 1a·ho lkv. in from Wa,hmgtun. U.C .• h1
wi-U'IJ oo l\llv1n5 ConJI-~""~ illlJ~>!Jffl h)' 111ft c:n..l '4
10J1) He cited the tt'f;\IUJ for lhc )C';11•·, tale
aJ)lJl,lmnxru a., 11, ~,ic, htt•ccn 1hc J'f'C'lik111 lllld
ConaR"~ .oboul 1hr t,uJtrt
rn11.-~ ,p,cc~h and the q11c\th111-.and· period h.1d IQ be fl'l()\td in lhc SUB (u11i, lhC'
Ot1h'<'ood 8ay RM(t'I to Uk Coeur d'Atcnc
RQCJffl v.hcn cN lo .?On \ludcrtti .111d commu,111~
J"'t U1e ," '''"'er, tn, 11.a1e WllfUIJVllJ., lltt Pl't'n ~torill 11 ', tune for ·~..oa,1dc.ntion" of tanhC'r MC ""°"Id bl:Comc ['M I' lhc YIC ') *'" ll[ "&her t'ch,u11nt1, tarhu 1h•1t '"iodcpcnden1 1.chlml .,., b,cl\ rcqu,,o doohk !41111,on ~,f tl\ ((lll"lifllcnh • N'lf I.he IW9-::!IKJO IChoal )~•. 1', l~ mdlllQClh.ncomc fmm cc,u,-y~iderlt:,._ PUcbncr pP'ntcd 111JC lh.s& lil.1NI Sto1lt' l.'nm:nil) t'iudl ,1 (OmmuRit) cvUr~ in cbtml. ld.iboaltet l«11b 'l.,Jiled l'flllll'(' fl) 111Mfu1.S11 thc1n"1Chc.\ Why 11hould 'lludcnb in bu.1crn t-c vf(cr~ • "'-'(' funded t"••lkr" v,·hto my f'il'Wk: 11ft. nNf° Pi!r!chact t.Jid t'br f'C'Oblt1n b, Iha ti w.·uulJ be h.ud to f\:I') • ~1U l hill Ml)' bct1d111. ll11t'C cullllCIC'l .md a, ~,lektil Ml,h.icl Burk ~·, '( IUClhlllJ tn t,c WJ (1lf eot1tml. tlu.(le ''tld. ~--.~,011" 1.t1 NIC' bt1"*
• fully \llllt' huldcd in\1111.11~n l,c(-~u'-t'
U1111 h1tppcn1o lhNI ll bc:11 1hc ~tlktl1. 1(1 1ib.ll (11¢ftl t)(1 )'l<U n«J a k,caJ bo.ud ot u,,..~,c,e,:r Loc:4.1 <'Oatml'" 1• d,c fe'\UII ut tacill rtw'1c:rlb cle..-ung bolll\l mrmhc:111. 8urkc. Hid 1hc bo:irJ pn.1v-tdn ·f~cdbiKk that I\C hnd, u,dul \lrhr11
C,,-1ii, 10 '"OU"I· 1bt a.1Ucgc."' ·\CcotJ1n,: ID Burle~ thc,.t: arc le "ho h.11~ \fl)' dow1K'•tod'lc((lrl'1JWCllt)·
Sen Llny Cnlg
~l('t pn.,,ca.1,,and U) 111 fmdaa:,n\Cn,11., Cuur '*"' cridc:i1 ()( the Clintc,n ttdmmhtrabO«I and ic, drar11 ao rcdun: the lune~ or u mber H.:1aiJ diat oot OOI) arc die \ lowed li.n~u.
,u11ar Cltde Bu1U1Jhl. • Rtpuh lican fr,)m Dutrict 2 .,,.h , ch lodudc~ ur t·uunl)', •sreaJ, ~)'1111 U,C, 11)(\f'C mooc:y 1ht- M.l, t •''""· tht' m:ort: 1ccaun1abthtt 1t tltmand, Hur\e. bn\\CVV. \IIJJ he undcNJnd, Pj,,.,:hnrc',~k~ "1'ht, f«Ur11 i'\.• w:,d Burtc,. '1hM an """n,:-t ,·oo·rc piiy,n, roe die ri1111 ._.., )CIIR orh1S,.C-t cJ~(lfl l\lt IIX "'"C:t'• ,oh111on 1, 11 bill m.:,l;c ntottc)' pill.I IP lh~ cnlkJt tfrnm pn,rcn> 1•,e,) dc:dueait,lc from ,cato lau~,. The ,..._, cnJ11 •u11hl be mon 11':.,iblt: a11J all~w. lkllrunutr.1fol, tu \ttp 1htlr local control "'""bnn tlil' bed! tlllia1 •1lh 4"0!ffl1j"ic,Q nrr"tal, a,oclC 1he •ct.a \.nu,,. 1t'U '*Clfl," ht '-lid. , got IIClfflt ~1ti\'C c:omlJl('l11l." With 111 the In the fu1ur~ rM tbt lll tullnn the ~"' Nltl1f1ill u1d II m.,.y be tl<1JC'r thal couuty IAIC-pa)en 10 tlllll h.a\C ht lovt the hUJ U Ph,d1na-·, rtan -.vrl1,- 1hc.) ma) gt1 lu11,cr t.un c,t'A •ithoot the vote that 1he P1tu c,1h tor. ahbous;b Uur',c pu,n1, l~l 1h•t lhc 11.mou111 pn,ple Pl'Y 111,.,. i,'·ni,mul;l1• "'' It'\, IN& SaJ:J •nJ I« halt or me \(JffllllUIIIIY U's k\.\ lh:i.n. S50 a )TV, ht .:aid. A11d 1hc amount each iftd1\idu11 rat, I" Cdlinf '-lllalkt v C«ur d'Akftc ..,... With u, v.i1hou1 co11n11 IJ• u1ppnn, Bwke Yid bo f(~I• mo\, l'C\idcn1, art a.lad to h1\e • c:onimumty collicsc here dl,H ha\ lht tuwe,.1 lb111"'1 1n the , andUltht"rt'glOS\ "'Wh,a1 I 1h1nl I\ h1lere'\tin1 rh.ll thl\ c,,,llei;t wttt r,N't\Jcd 1n tl!,e beat\ o( the JcpcCt,t,l••"·" \.:Ud 81111..r •And rtt>rtk llh 'a) h11lt •~> dcC';dcd to r111
1,,. hJ ,uppora 1t comrnunU) college kno~ m.a th111 lt1n1 1cnn the ceot10tll1c StO'll>th of 1be Cllll'UIIIJJllt)' '11omlJ b(' tk'J m h11btr cducllbtm'"
to SJ\'C' 1.he tut1rtlf} n10•1 f1H•rt'J n.a1tu11
rtunt;< thev p.-.lic,o.," 111.1,I CrJ1g •ri•lc. brlt'ny :at-,1 1tic 1n.1r:m proprn for h1\ ulhce o.11J b.iJ qplka1!11itn, a\11dfllle tn, •n)'Of'r •hn •M 11\l.l"l\'ll<d He r11,I.MtJ Iha 1ldeffll Ill Im. ,,f(.a:
people' 11c 1hr cam:t ctntcr C\Cr)' )t'.11 incfuchnJ l..ilfcmm- pol m ll ~gr,,.1 •u Roll> Jursc:n, ¥no. ta 1bc aohv,arc Jt\l1lt1('d 10 "11arro11r d11•11 tht ~uJcm, 1ft n c l.a 'IC'• ~uircJ ..,~..,I) 1~ ~li)('Jj1 ul ..,.1m1nhtr,.11.,n., r•., S.<\",CDI to p1mhla~ ~,iti4hut:\o" .IIC«'fdmJ: k\ 1 ,1..,,1rc1!
Compu1cr Seo icu Coordinaior N.in1;) ,~,, ocw '-'Offll'\l'C" lnr UK m-u Km<"\fl'f, hut 1t,o 11)e1('•, o\Ct 20 oou J ,e,. 0111 JJ~rt' \he: 1.11d.
NDt fllndl tor updates : ':1!:;~:!·:: ~ruord,, aboul 7,000 =:~=~·!':1t~·;~:~:tf tlwffl II M un:,;,,:}~«.;~I;:=~~ .-~~-:i;:: b) \lm,· lk.'<'ktt ll Sn.11'k'IRtpmut Oiut t..1tmt:rc M1t1 v.lxn JIIC fin1 hr-ant ul Y2K •hr Ju~1lhnu11h1 C'\tf)1h1n, ,,uiuld 111111'\ '1111, 00\lli lhc COffiplll C'f
p-otik.m boll h11 d~ 1u home ll'l.&0 "1c
Clltttt dctt: l,,pinen1 ~pa:1alnl mIC'l' •ll tc11,11
lhc au-cc1 cc:otr1 '• ((Mllpufl'O.. l.1\ed for ,1..,Jcn1
,u duJ •lier lbt' date rt1 lb U\t'l • I fflldn11hutu,l)cc; 11. 1..a.ftmerc wiiJ 1,1, llll \ht ht.c', bc\l .otiti.Jt bet )(ll'! n "w.1i,1 f'"'flk llriJ bc,pc- ,i,s.l linJ \MW'l'11nJ tkal '1. fijlfift1n,: re, 1/11(111.• ~l ,iri,;;c 90 rrt""' ,,f l.'iltcr, <t lHtt u •en """"'._ utt tht «;.omru1 c-u. ,tudt'n 1 loc- m11 foe I hdfilh1t.1:. fo.iltM' llf1er till' ric- )al •Ill 'Dogma' "dogged 011" in movie review
!~;1~~ffl.ll~:C~J~tn/:1,:?i'i":~i~l,:;\; ~~1~'!:!~~1~·t:i::':~-:~::
l:li..binS...t.ool-t,, W(11't JC1 •n.iJ'rl)Ullmmt <w1d1 la!cmctt h.anlwarc Vl K (Vfflpliaa.')';· Rape,Un,cr......i All a rm nitltt k'1,.cn arc ltcc for uuJrnh 0,.; ftllln~ c:of £ "'lt'ttf 1~ rn °"1:•• bic:fCff Snmt ut 1hc raH1ns ('.n 111p\11tn t1tcdtd u, bt" :\:PfflU'lal rC'C, ch1tt,:('J ,,,. nun·~1t.1tkn1-. rn.,,u lht .tr t.ull:II M< "'"'";"('r cn1l<'t m l~M Ullcrri~. ~pl.:i.:cd Jft)''fll,1,)' ,1~e 1hct) u•uld t11tl) "urc,<Wt the CQII.I of ll1J1ter1•h- M)nl.11 R,ut'm11.1ri, *f'C'l.111} lnt ••, t1111t1111,1itJ II.If N,111on,1I ( ltJrtf Ck\dOJlmt'tll W 11kl,,:1v., , I oper.10111 •)'\-I.rm wh1(h b !\ill VZ~ ltc"'flk'f. ,,1ht ool) l'llhrtcmpl,,uC' J'1&'11IJIOOC't1,l 1hr "lit• Inside... Ans & 6-laimnca1 9 , 10 Comics -·.. pqe II urc ,,__.......................pose 4.5 Opialocl. __ 8 Nc,ws. ,, ••poge 2.J SpelftL - .,..gc 6 7 Check out the online edition and an:hives at -w.nludu/senllnel The begil111i11g of a succtss/111 seaso 11 Sports/Page 6
senti:OE!l Climbing to 11 ew le vels Back Pag e (,r1 ud \/,11, /du/11, \:11h'lllll1\l/ll(11\ff1,I \n/11111, '){, \:1111h11;
Environm cn1, fo reign po licy key pan of studen t discuss ion b) Kalt Eba ai, inwiroolllll quncaonc. IIC' de11.nticd • f'h'l~d pllln l h.i>I \l<ou llJ CfC'.:IIC I uJffllllittec10Jc,ilv. 1thh°ft"I hcilhh C11'"m11&tt mcniben. ._t,o 'A'OUW be norn!n..tcd b} .:11Untt ~mnm1u.iantn anJ appxmcJ h}' ,~ S,c,,m:1,11,y of A.Jnctiltutc-, \l.tiulJ d,flcrcrn ,~,, oJ mlcrc\l In Ilk forc~I lndud1ni water qu•l•tt anJ lhlltfr Tht ~rttmrl~Jtrlrlrr Fllrt\l
1111rmtw:h cati11: In 11r,,11ch hi, prc\.fnhmon lhe f«N i"&ln were • I.C) p;art o(Cftlf• pm,:r!Ltbl:>II. &tll.1 m•IJ~ 11111JltO(C' ltltlUb<U iulcJ 1rl111i:J The ~s
1....-cd itihou1 lilfJ 1t1ln~1""
depe,u.tcnl on umhc.,, but al\n
1hn11.1gh 1tiic !.S pt":ittm rt.n
pill.rt.. v.•hich J,1tC', hikk: 1(t 1«)8, r ,\('1 riv tiet,rd 2S """'" of the- ~.umra~('
Burke reluctant to give up local control of NIC
b) M a r l.) fkckh•H Srn,i1t<rlRr110rt" NIC offco. the. l! 1111110n 1n lhC' ,t.,IC'alldiJrrllni,1n1t~1b.:flcJ1.l'1lld)t1( • l,;tellll) tundcd Khnctl U111 A1 St~ one W it n.-~~1,,: 11nd ,1 Cn(11f d·AJcne Pn:u cdflartal •nk"r think t.n p,l)t'i"\ An: JC'IWlf. b.1..1 B;, Rcprt\truau,c 0011 Pih hntf CR · (.'ocut 1f Alcnt") 11ud 1h "'unfau~ 1h•1 tt.,l&nh at j,N thrte f)I d1t" 44 couaum lh Jd.lhta ra.J rrop:.ff) \.1111~·· to M.IM"'l)ll ·"' '" Iii ,dif,~ to rcJ'"' u,ci.,mc t.AAn
tee ru, c1u:h trei: ,ut Jo~n. Wltll 1110 prrc;cnt ft,lu,.;110R 1t1 the .amourtr ci,t 111nhc:i- he:1ns 1.'.UC 11\cn: ha\ bc:C'n I SO pcr~ent Jcchnc an tht- amuunt ul n:l'nsucf1._.,.ldk'hi.Jt1ll..:Qlfdittj11nCr,ug Crail 1'4 lhech.ain!\411 cl( 1t1t C~·,ubi,:u111nu1&cc. UtU.t(J Suk• 4hJ ·~ ilk:fcnt!lf: JC~) ofl ro,nin ,111 v.·a, anolhc.r 1npK or d1Kuu1cin C"r•it. wt.) .,1,ipp.,n, c.J 1Jlort tbllhnc. •role of 1~ ~,,.c:or,ul.1w Ii,"'" <ounlr). v.·(' dun·t h.1\C: «iuy) liO\\. fw ult.I •rhe R.taJ.O, Dcuh an.I C'linlun aJm1Rhh"llu.Wl~ hMc ~u I.ii~ let p.;lU C'f'IOll!Y , Jll,.J I •rn 4."tUaul of iJ,r-m for tlut."' lff' M1t.l 1h.iit 1hr s-ntr&) '°l#tlC' ,,4 the: h11~ "'rucl ,cll1. Thi:: ltJlbc- N.1111.10•1 Lnrinccrin, 1111d F.e\'uunmrnria! Utkntury tft ~thC'ffl IJ.iM li.u tun fO(lltthma tlru f11"-\tbthlin. "t'rn ut lA)\)I.U' iifc:ti.lncaikl mmc ,.,u IN lh,.-,u in t11.1r~._,,, v.11J1 P-".Mk.l clt\11'1;,. Cr.~, \ollkJ f(orC' 1Jn pohq Y.llh ChtnJ, ~Jot 1,1call) lhC'
UAl'U,, wq, the topu; (>I a lcv. au1h,nu
mc:r1Jscr',"~ll'lt\. Tb: C'hlntw, •htl d1m11~kJ ,\\la PflOI' 1(1 Wcw-lJ W.u II, 1,1,,11! Jo 1.lltlhh,,: to get lh•t ro•t:t b.ek apin. ("nui t"\pb1ncd lk v.1J 1h...r lhc) <w•nt lo be -111C hilt ._,J ewt 1hc ',"1111 hlo.::k "' <"i.a.lJ. wtM, •Ill lli1\"C'l t1• !,,hn\11k'llil ffll1mh Ill, p-.111 11f • ltt.,Jt Jet,·a-111,n, n • ,uppmtct ct( 1h,c m•),1 f•\mcJ natl<tJI 1r,1,l,n1 '11.llUi.., C'\t'fl tbou,:h {'h•rw r1 «imlri,ul h; n hu ,bl!,,, Ht d ttt..1 dlt' t:"ut'd OC,:bt~ '""'"' h .,,w r,,.- 1,iR111tncC" fl Olttu h) 10111s 1bt (~ ll'le llAC\I\ lhc) ~anc. bu1ch:,1 thc (1,_Volft1')'11actkmi -.nulJ IH.11. bC' ISft('lml 'Wt'II UIH ha,,e tu '-haililC Wm .n.l pu!b l.bcm 111
tiJ\'C IIIIO)' 1oh1 1a.:h1d1pa "•)Jlh11 o-n Jc,:Hl111vc p,aJc.:,,, 1c,c,11,h1•1 i11uc1 1Ucal1111 n1cc1u11• ud doilJ *1all11iw11nc -~"~ •IIC'II SI ••mq 1hr f'b·n.t anJ -~ Eoglllll m1l0t J unghoon Kaogdlthes up Mo.scow 1tyle Rus1l1n boraheh mode by Slil p Kuol<. Th e bora hch w._. on • of m1 ny food , 1v1i1 1ble 11 oho ln tornallon1I Buffet Nov 8 w••
Fo reig n flavm:~
do;,ih111v.-ouJd The:
A&E/Page 10
Y2K problem will affect career center
Rtppl111J:('r. •t~H.) C'f~ .-lnunhcnk1t'u:utnpu1-cn. 1.'.C>ll cge', BuJjCI OpruJ~n, Cmnmuuc, whh.h "•itlfl!ll"IO pt'Of'IC • blJn~ fhmJI bee~ thta ,.ut,1. '"There, .,• ., a •h,,lt 11"'1 \If compule-l'lt t>n dt"dJct ,.,ht~ tlllC' QWICI(')· v,10 SU-•• ni•I i.t,k hl f'1C'Qo.U 1~.;idl(1t~lnu1 tbcit p.ll'l'IIUl.lliJlbl:m IO." c.iwnpu•lhll faded.. ,nu,11111 eqo1pmrns ""'1lt("l1Df lhocNffl ~!er' Tbc: ,fl•.lff •bkh •'«\.\Ct ibt- J.l.1Jio <.'attu A Y2K «pLlont 0\Cf Omwnlt.1 bn:ak lll.."')Cllt Llftmt'ft' t.liJ 1""11 di( C'l•lllpltl'J ttt!CC'f. ~idJ!ll'I IDlurtnllih(lflS\,kffl.aftlo'Wl"Oqun.hom r*"1"1 from h)' ~IICf .u"l(.IC\ lt\·ultJ 11\aa Ill ~"'4 ll<I ,., '""' SON ,~, "'hen MHII\! ,,, lhc l\.•h .i.rC' uk'J un 1tx, •• ,u, II> Cntplm n.enl OU Ifoul lo tratotac adt1nnl\i.ri1on' rcunpu1cr, •·ould faU 1h( d,ltle 1.'1>tnpu1tt11.'.lhh .-1 m,1i:h a-. s,.ono, 'lit "-lll II) ttqu,t~ w~ 'lllhal sch.-.ll, oCftr lhc trainlBJ
I nr cw 11\Chn1, 11<tli~h ln\ohn ,uiJ1n11 pa>plc (lf ti«(t)fl'J'IIIIC'"INll v.'Cftc~ NIC' Fo1;1nd.tl10t1 •nd an,-<11\c 1hc c.:irecr ,tn1c, lt11uu,:bw h•atf, h "") ~,a1,lnt1.i:b\l~ •«Pto ·We acu1tl1)' to C\'el)' PC 4nJ chcd: cd lot p.1nncnvn1h.
SM bc-gan bet u, 19.11, at I.he it.llltt ot die:: ,.. ., Udtt lK •nd 111.Jikmcd daDCC:r II( 1hc JOJ.,.
Llckr Sc~ o(O.lD>:e in Eagllllld. She "''u home on \19Catloo whro 1ht Ck\lapi, c.imc 10 the l10aie ~r her faintly, The Oe:J~po 11t·m k>oking rflf' bet p;irent._ who "-'ert. tri\•oh·cd III the Poh~ v~rid lbc)' •ttt na1 .11 home. Ml the)' tool the rt,1 of lhc: ranuly ut. l.Cad.
For mc,nths htforc lhnl the Arm) haJ tun
w.ini; }ooog pccplc rram lhc lilt'ttU 10 ll1lx,r camp\. "'II happened C\'¢1') nlJht. Lilkr ,.J.d "We \\UC afniid to ,o out d1mng lhc day Al mgb,.1hcrc w.·ac k11ocb At 1hc doc. and lbc Ccm,a.:n:, put pe~lnuwb"
She ,pcn11wo mon1h1 p11d:td ,1111 tO()!n wttb 40 other \l,'Olt'Jm. l11cluJ1ng bn ,nndmolhcr and aunt. at 11 liticll pn'°n. Aftt:r n month of impri400mcru thl:I)' calla! her uuu lmd gr1:Ddmo1btr It "'as 1hc
lbt 1in11C. \he C\·er \.11,\1.- tbcJn A month l.ut.r I~)' called ht:r name.
l.lJtt rtlC";illcJ bow they we« p1d,cd tnto a auk i:a:r-ol rre,pc 1,au1 l i te '"'d11~~ °lbe)' "°fre kxk.cJ 1n die at fl• five d.1) \ w,lhout food cw v..icr E,'(t)d:ty more people dacd .\I the- end"' 1bcir jwrtlc)'¥III\AU'.l;hV.117 'Wr.hlJheardol A111t:hwl1.rand \I,(' \li'C'~'"Y
" There are 1hree weeks ofmy life T don ' t remember w hc11 T was sick. 8111 I /mow 1hose women sa11ed my life. I don't even know 1heir 11 ames·.
To this day I wfalt T co11/,l find 1/tem."
- Isabella Lider Holoca11st survivor
by Melisa Carper
arr,ld,"" \M ~Id ·when -.c J(JI on,tic. tmn 11>c
("""" 4Pl> bc-pn thr wlcct11lff, 11'e ;111;1ng ti •l thc olJ
•cte inuncdu~I) rakcn l(> tflt ,,. ch:unbuL-
T'bc: JC\I Y,l'f( lit\trt hl his ludJ bwnl,c.h V..htTC
thcirht.a11h "'"'"' tha,-n.t. ;um, taunacd •nd they
'A'('S'e g:t"CII wdfCWtJ1• l.Wcr b«~mc ('fiJQQ« S"'.
2.44TI, All\Ch\\- 11/ \O/;l'IOIIJ)' lhrct llt.'(!t.hCtlJ , ,ht lime~ ha .rn,·111
·Wbcu I flDllookrd 111tbeamp. I thdo' l lhlla.
~ll)'OOC MiJJ wrvf\c hm:. E,'Cl)"lo~ pcclflk
lk.\ anJ dy.n.£. al dit)' ""'ttt immcd"1tdy &lllc,1Ill
1~r.a,eh.lrnt:.::1, htt)d1y, lv.\inJcrNlfhv.nukl be mr." udc:f uid ,~idc )°'111y '° <,rbc nc1 ~y.
'YOUan:flOla:olnvlOJClnlC':trc:.i.llybdic"CdJt I
wou.Jd Jool 1111hcm CC"JCM;ipo) .,.1th lUCh bntrtd ioJ
1hink. "Yo11 fK'lt Jt1b1, ,.., me,'" Tht prl"-1nct'\ wcre~J l\1.,..t11~ c,-cr)J.t)' v.ho 1,1,-cre too ,ict. 11,ith 1ypb1P,, lM1nga (If
nblW~lwct v,ttt uumtdi..ttly W..Co .., d,e p chnmbcn.
"'E\'a)\M)' '1l1C W#dled the Crfffl.lll""IJ"'f\·Cf)dA)', 1hc '""~ he\ir,f '*'ilf!S)CJ
The priM.'!ncr.cM 1111 bod of wot'k, rno,nJy 0.11 '"
l.bcftdJj. "'We \l,·uuld t.l1.t- 11U she .o,I from 1he 1.wamr-, 1'11Cn m.iyt,c, Cc.',\ d.&)', J IO' we ,.,tJUJd ,-,1n 111 t.:t.. II •·1.1; p!'J lh,,. -.·;i> ,u m.;,J,t' u-..1:nt.1), .11nd or~milU)didJ(lm,,•
At\rr•iiA> ofwt'llbfttl: ltlthc~they '\lq,tlft.lottt: ~b n tiunllto.1, w ,h n nc ar HhVICf "'l"IO~ At ni•ht >·uu could reel "On'IC'thliis 11c-_.vy on )'QUI the)' Vien r•U ,kicpi.nJt oo u-.. w,ieon >'-"• mc,, lbey 9.'0Uld1CaUct away, lxtl w,.. olway, .:~bad:.'"
Ouoni her UtlflOIOOUk'QI U Au.iC'h11t.·111 , CIWSht l)'phiK Shcdc'it't'ibcd ho""' 1~'1 W001W wouM hide ha uDlkt it. lxJ 111,hcn the SS ..amt 1t1 lu<lk lur lbc ,kl. Whc11 ,1 guc I llldc bcu" 1hc 111,'f'men Y.'llUW d~ brr 111 11t.·orl hnr, 111,lth them
Don't wait! See your assigned advisor now.
01t'-.:uupk ha., i"et.l In O~vh. C1hl ,1,ooe 1950.
I..1dct aaiJ lhc hid been .able fO find jo)' In htr hfe ditw;h 1~hin1 )VU"J d.11~ vudc:nt>. m~tit1g
111:itltd 1la\ :wJ her riuml,:
Sbtc,rl.~1.11cd lbc ldJ"'111lC1M '111'4,\ft•c tU)':
'"For m:m)' y~n I \lt,,ukt •10, 1Jm,uih 1.hc:
1,;hc:clt-cll11 ,11hc pOC'Cr)' ud '"1ffleit u.1.'tlU ltnc ,rl 1.1uoocd Ill)' phone
n11inbN "'" m)· ~nn
•ttc n:kmng 10 the cnuoo CM1 her arm thlll
1cknh(k'l1 her..- a pnitlncr or Au~hwitt.. Se\"t"ral
111,.-0 \he hiil.l 1, ttJl)l)\bJ,
tNbeUa Lldef'1 mugshol taken b y Nazi 0N'°lll1 ahortty a fter het ln'fval at AutchWftz.. 111rftarrthrttv.ocht•f •U)' life I don·• ttmc-nil,c, \lihc1II 'A'.tOJCl. Aul I L,ov, 1bo~ V,ff!ll'l'I ~nod I'll) M,· I don't r"!cn ~no""' thto CIIUflct. To 1hi\ Ju.) I Wl\h l C011lc.J fi11<l thcm. tbl: ..a.lJ, tbbbmg 11~ Y tton. Udcr', pnrenisWbt'C'AkJ tn t-<l10:-1cd1Clr d.iugtuadi.e.dol1yp1u• iri /\11":h"',1,. twu1hr1 r111bcr ttlu-.cJ tn bc'lle~c thiL A dQtlCC m«una N-l"''ten hl'1f•thcJa..Samn"pcio.111ga11<Jrrmnoc•H1«t e'lc:n11J.11l) led to t,n R"lebe'. rh<' l•Hie-c", wau-.:.111 I 10:nrh 1nJ v.u ,t,Je h1 plC.:C' un Ille' cml),1 ,~u• t,.i C''~" lt11,( Au'4hw1t1 l.ider 'A;J.\ rr1.mt1cd 1ti·llh lier rlUTilt. and 'f'C"lll d~ fP11,r lht' 111,,ir 1n I Lil'w',:iunr, v,,,in, Gcm,1111 ttnlC!Jffl\',. She •D of1eb 1:11 twublt boeuu\l' \be Y.nulcl m:1U. l1nl t "' 1 ,1 11111 1(1 lhcclottl Duriojt Chnuma, of 1~4S Udcf vlir.1tc:J Jl(r pwc:n1, y,hn C'rC' won.w-iu lhe rrc:namr tn Nu~ftw the Nvi .,.,;ss crimcni.1l t.. 1, v.hc-ie lhc: nld fi,n luhttt' hu~N,uJ• .:i. )i'li,11¥
The: pr.-cw:IUl..lon w UIC' humanllie\ da\, v,·uoo ly 1ti~~ t111JC l.i«tWbcenablct0tpcll pll)llcl} h<r <,pm,:,o«. 11', olrnl"'1 1mf!0»1hlc IIC'I bclte\t th,, could e,'Cn hopptfl ..,.. ooukl Jo lhi>," Wee ~1·,n here tot.alkbc:Qu,c 11', 1nip;,n&ii,1 forpoopklO lflrw, the H,lln.:J11.,1 h.ipptned. I'm tht proo(."
Isabella~ mo<ethlnllll yoarsafter bolng
lmp,tln aHlzl concentration c-.
G et in shape before the holidays. 24-Hour Fttness is now offering no eorolfmenl or processing fees ror NIC studenlS.
Checli .,_ 111klfflm grade ropo,tfor,..,. odvlsor', ...,,. or ""'lad Sivclont Sffilan 1769-3370~ Only $29 per month
Early registration for continuing studentl is November 30 and December 1 & 2.
Yo• will recoiw a regbhatlon "P..P".......,. in the mat If YOII have ool reaiYed noi,llcatioc, by No\', 22 <""'°" the Rtgl,l,ar', Office (7~320).
a Early advising means a smoother registration.
Save S400!
Come find out what NI C has done for you Includes one session w,th a certified fitness professional. c;.,,.. _.....,,._.,, tX)8) M7,50t0
Page 3 The NI C Senti nel Campus News Thursday, Nov 18, 1999 Sundays
story of survival
were the A
Svnd.a)'l they~ I~ '11100 llll lltttnlll'IO All d.a) v.ltbow. food ut Y..ittt, •I'll llfl)Ofte "'homo\"td 10<>1huch~ klldown ,..ill 1n,n~1~\cly l.lkcn tu d*C ~chambcn Afltor lhal. 11-c h11J m tra1 hclv.ff'.11 1wo l1nc,.ofSSo1fw:tt11 AnyoftOwtlo Mt l.b,r,'fl -ILnd many, m10)' did"'t'l'll Rl'lliah• 10 1bt C"-'" d1.1mtcn IYbellu Lkkr', ,·otee v..u 1!1h1 Y.llh crnocion a, .aie~nl,cd lttrri.Cl('riirncc,atAu,c:h._1,•11N111i (OftC(nfflltiM tamp in Pol•hd) clun:o;g WMI.I Wu, II. IO• humanittt'l cl:,~ IIIU,:hl by btf ll.:.11,hkNn·llt-.
© FITNEss · www.2'1Hourf'ttn
Wom ens' ba sketball team dominates in Coeur d'Alene Classic, home
NIC defeats Okanogan. alumni in seaso n ope ning 1ournamen1
by S.rn C•muon Sf'Jttmrt Rtporir,A
hcr C1pcn1n1 the '-Ol:'lXI Wdh IWO WU'IJ, s:ac the Coeur d'Alene: Cluslc 1ourmmcn1.
lht l..i.d)' Cllnfluh dd~1C1.1 the Al•"bi
sPr,hmi•n gu;anl Ann.1 Gtc, ff\'lffl Che.My, WadL led 1hc Catd( w11h l7 poinll, JI
l'cbou:IJlb and dtt'C<' 8'3-1\b. C'.kll >tur-10 from 1hc 1,pohn tttlilt Am)' l.c.wu. 1 fn:slun.n frorn kffco,dn Cit)'. Mont.• M."CWrd 17 poiftb rh-c .11,M> I NIC (:OOhnYCd their uO<lck-.ikJ ,ca.ion \wt. 11ic •e:sm u-.ed O\ I Jclmh111ntt ,~, wuan chcir <>ppoocnll by 6.S poin1, in 1bc Coeur d'A.k'M R~son ctn.~ Ntn 4--6. la the fin.I a.-imc Nov. $. NIC u~ ut oo fiol ·b.ilf 1urno\·c,, 10 out"ore Oktinogan U111\cnh) b)" 1.t pulnh Frc!ibmJn He.iibtr Co.'( nr Tc.koa. Wo.\h.., \COteJ lhe Jlr,.1 ,evc.n
poml.J fOf lhc Carduull She- enckd up 1(':t<hn, lhc. 1c11m wi1t1 14 polnh Ouu,dc i.hooUng pruvc.J \-ey •11 lh(' Card., hil K\'Cn ftm ha.Ir
1htC'C•po,n1cr~ •&am•I lhc. OkllllQ£1111 tOlle
In 1bc w:cond h11 lf, 1ht Car'dmal, chHJtd their fe'lt.u) tu the miiJe to rer jo1ne ea~)' hitd.cts.. They coot:d Ufl Yt1tltlmf lhe SWtlt'.' 7tl
•U. out 11::bol.i!WinJ;. OU! pnssintr :ancl uut pl;t.)'lnt! the Latc:n
Lcadinc 1h e team • lung wHh Co" wc.rc.
rn-! Kirn Scll¥1'en~ of M,,i.oula whh JO poinu,..and Amy Lc:-11i, (Jd(eDOn CJi}, M\lM .) Atid L«rich.l 8ro.tl00 (Wiuhingtol\, 0.CJ 'llilb nl~. The !'(1'" Lcwt\ .tl'.iO kt.I D,d., with S f('bo11od.11. In lhc game. all IS Udy Cud" pb}t"i.l and lJ o( IMm )C«N) In'.ir final 1outn.11tncll1 1an1e Nov. 6, the Canllnals 1oot ~" 1hc NIC Atumnt. Lc'l\11 led whh 17 point,- Sch"""CI\~ 16, ,111(1 AngW L,c\1,1.,
I l. led NIC in uorin1 Am1mdll Edlund, a ire,bm11n from .\tl11,011h1, led the team in Rboulllh v.-lch d,¥,M, 1wMc Ocil" rucbc:d an cu, A{t,lin the Udy Card\, l.k>fnlruitcd In al~I
cvny Wlllll.)licul t.ilca«)-. ttwh111111r alwnni i.n
Shc11y bmcr~On kJ 1hr Alumni v,uh 2Q polttb ._.hJk Al'lSliC D~l-.4:m pi&i.:IIC'J In l2 In armchcr Nov. $ cantt'II, Moatamt T«h. from 8uoe. Mom... dcfc.altd the NIC: Ah.l:mni (lg. 55 1{r,,.1J John!IOo l«hbc Cll,\b 111th IZ point, MontalUI T«b l:11.m(! 1hi., S11u1J,1y 01 dcfc-ai c»:&1Kll(Alt' 70.31.
Tbc c~ "'" ~cd <>ubkk V)OO(ln, JW')Y.'C,... and !tiah ~till<' (ktttbe m tbc1t fifb:t 1t.>«l ('I,. ..c1lon Tbc:ir Abilil) hi ndju,, Ill.Id thtir depth Y.ctt: IIPJUl"n"d
NIC"sO.n Franlclln ol Juaquah Wash.blttln Jeremy Luypenof ~Unl-lltylor a two polnlM, NICwon the Nov.6game 10S-71
Petty led .-ill \l.'.(ltfr wi1h J2. 1ni;:luJ1ni ,u. l, potntft\ .and t:,HIC·bigb four'-ltah,. Scon1'1¥ rrnm 01hc, Cud1nnl~ lndu1JcJ Jue.II Hc1drl~1j 11") IU~ RUt\CII
lhr-1e;11n ,11,11-n:br.llltbJ &be AIS. S(un,1211.119 NIC', \·1._t~1t} 1hc- over O~nno1.1ri Un1"cr,t1) t:,HnC' hdon;: ;i crowd ol mu~ 1h.m ~t'.in,11111.tti!lldanrcc l'hc C;111J, fook itJ\'llnl11!lC or 20 riui h11111 uunu ('n, rt,ullint. 11,10 r:l\1 hrcal. up1)ort1111 ,1t c1 10 lid,C' the (:Omm.anJu,g Jc.aJ DI h.lJfti:mcb.t _.S O,e w~nnd h11U trm,unccl ('\(:ti IOIUI ti~"'< tiu..acd OUI Pn •l'I 1x.n flll'I Ill J!UI lhc !lolMIC 1'1,11 of ro,c;h Le4d1og lht" 14.'.am 'I\ Uh poinu \\'H W1tl'C'., 22 f1etln1, m,i.,in1 ,11 n111 or ,c",e" lhnx-p;lirttcn. Kc:nJJll 1K K. , ft.1)"J;S
v.llh lhe "''"~ "Wc-'n- ,:,•rng III hr ablo: ,., M;1"1:Je 'lftltl <'. P,IUlh~ \\>'.ahVlt 1.a1J He i,,IJll trrit,u•IJ 1h,11I thc1,:. arc ,1111 1h1ht1 lhc tr.un n«J~ ,.., wort. 1111
··wc IIC('J ,umt" IM1Jr ,ucnrlh • "illd W111uin "Wuw-t~) ncc4.l'\ 111 11p llltll.k!
O,t'rall \\'ut""l'I "•Jd he,, ,nnlu.Jcnt w.11h hi• cc,1111~1
•billu.c,. lie ,.:ud 1l1.i111 1, • feJI •tll·rn1mdcJ J1:,1m.
It• lht soc 11-11.Jc, ~t\
Page6 0 -c:, i:S The NIC Sentinel The world record for push up~ in ., day is
46,001 Sports
Thursday. Nov. 18, 1999
Colics~ ,11t.·l) frnm bolh f'ir,1 pl.k,>( ,.1nJmp m 1hr mm t nd \llomat 1'3Cd. ln i,ccoDd platt w <"()tic-re ot Scx11tinn Id.ah!,. u,..i, v1111cy in 1hirt1. "'t \t.anl rn\' 11•(•1tnc tn lhcJ&llrt tlif:nk:('~..t h'fl ll'I: 1ti.,a the) 1ntJ thnr hank\l, .,ir.J J1J rv~.r,llu~ lhc, r,o-.,ibl~ '"""'JUltJ hil\"\' dunt gi\-ing ltX,... Thill\ •ha v.wlJ m:ih """ pn,uJ. \\ 11~111" w1c,J
m til.llb &,llll('\. The Cal\h will be: on di,.pfu) for th,. home (u11 NU\' 1) Ag_;11n,1 1be Whlt\\C111h JUIIIUr ,mi,.lt; 1c:un The k•m 1h<n IF!l,·e1, ta Pnco, W~.• 10 pl..ty In 1hc Columbia lla\ln Cblk~c Tuumamc.111 fridayanJ 8:Mu.Nily NO\'. ?6·27. Hom(' u:c1mn ruumc, ...,,1h fo1,r or.11ah1 g,amci' Nov.19 alld J011nd 0c._. 211..S-I The Canh Fln,11 f'lonic 1•mc tn:f~rc th< Chri"t1n.11, b1tak. wUI be S111., Dtc.. 11. with Ri<bColJcioe NIC '1 Lonicha Broxt~hlngtoo, o.C .• s.lloo;'; ;... free-throw during I game og1lnst NIC AlumnJ. Men open up season with two strong wins Petty, War, NIC .........._. by C'h•rllf' lam , ~ntmr/Hrp,,ffl'rTht nlc-M· ha,kc:thall 1cam opened Uft lbe 1,Ctl\lJU Wilh Ii rau· t1( Win\ dd~ang 111t Nonlw,,:" All-Stan 95~1'12 ad OlanoS,.ui Um\·c.t,n)' ICJ$-71 during chc Coeu, J' Alcric. <.11'1,.~k lla\l.e1hall Twrney NI(' "t.irtcd lf'lt ~e•~on No\. -I IU 1hc Coeur d' Ak1ic: Cb.o,, wilh 11 11·1n U\C't lhC' Nm1hwt\.l All·St11r. 'i~-H:t Jc-rr)'
W11R(llJ Rtts~JuhJN\f'\O helped wuh ti pacna .ind lat 11llp&.,Yef,'AltblOlrl.'«il~M OUl I J .i1.•t,r, IO go wuh bu nme p.1111" 1u11.t O~r'.\ Hulm<.'\ conltthu1cJ Wilt! 1, 1•t•lnh ,Hid 1un,: n·hl,w..J, "-llh lbt' \l~h'I"\ c·u,1d1 Uu,gh W.ihon t..1.1th·J Ill.ii b,c '.c,,1\ 111,,,.,,"('J
v.11httut o1 f\1) ~Jm llln <~111,hlenlJ) pu1 U'fl .!5 pn1na, a n1rh1. hul .& te.uu ~••J',Jbfc Ill l""l h\'f ur rtlr1ft' I")' ,utti d,,uh.ldil!W"l:"-'C>nttS. ·rh:.1·, 1nu,.'" wa11,,i:i &,11d H ~e ~H keep h\'e l{ll)'' 1n J11c1bk lit1m.~ 11<''SI ht' tllf\.1t1'1,,h.i("lt' Alln a l'lfrd SI(" rl ,,(d
R,~lh 1'4 1hr 1:11nc~ •ttt lll.'C;1,,11fMctllC~<co1U11C'
NIC squad blanks Tacoma in playoff
1,,d d ut lht' \ICU\f )', J ww, cotihdt'nl 1h.a1 ,.,t' cou ld \\in ind Uuu,51h1 lhtt pl.t)C'd well'' NIC mt\el, tu J\111hell, W.i,h" Sa1uft.l11) to lat c- dn
1hc- C'm11munil) C11llt"ri:- or
!:iJ)(;lk.tnt IXpcndm~ 11n lht'
Wrestlers start successful
No. 2 Cards win first matches at home. lose in Montana
b) Rra.,ton T. Hn1ncl~nhu11: S<t1h1,rl k<por/n rhc NJ(' V.tC',.ll1111 1c:,n1,rJ l""o hotnt •un .1g.un,., P~ific: l.u1h«:,n 1!1ti\·tNl)' \).'\
*':u\ I:! 1md Scivtt\1Ac,1cm OrC'soc1 CooutWJUI)" (.°l~lr~e .?tt-1 S Sn\· 1 '\!IC.,..,., llll\..;Jn~ five regular WfC')tlcn No\. I! ~41rN f>LLI. hut r;J,il)' \lo,1n the nr.n-lc.lgUC' 11uh.:h lhc e>o ly C.ud1n.11I 10~1 w1..: 11 1-40 p,,unch Tom Oro"'' etJgcJ :-,..1c· ,\nd)'
Rtffth J·l SIC" lt"l 1ke h(t.1 thr~e nucchc~ .111;1 1n,,
"'••-'Olhl\'CSl('ffl 01't'g'(tll bc(QI\" :II '·2 J«-j,.j,'11'1 b)'
RuhctU cnn ~fare 011)11 Thr Catd1nah, "-OO
1hc rnl nt 1hc: mlllrflt,._ finJ,hln.t: "Y,llh .1 run .u
br:nr\j,rigl1~ h) J,,hn POk'y
SJ{;,\,\ 'l\J. l,rianlt.cJ CuJJn.h \llltlr.J !he _t<,1111111<1.u,111 with u 2b·l.l \ltin a1 h4,mc ''o\ .! •r.i.,n,, BUJnJb)' cue 1 h1cn ,..llh .i ,olid l<'dm ..-,c10:ry ag1un,1
But1t.1b)', tbe t!Cll) r•n """" pmducnt hy 12$•
~n,J N.ith"a:n l>ckon
Ocl<'t•11 ,p;itl.eJ tbc C"..11td<t w,1h • pin :?Sl
rn111 the mnti;h a;i11n\l Burn.ahy /l\1d.
C:h.:a.1cue Other 1n1o l)f thr. ni1tu tnc:lutkJ
Dcrd. Kt'.1\'t'M)' (l)J) '11111h ii fMftil ''"'' r.m
Smllh rl 11, <l jZ it IR t. I Dw,q1nC' \l.1gnuo,cn1 With a 11orc n~d. ;1ml
C(lfl.llW\l llV'loC bk'Cd\.Sm.ldl ci1mc n1,11 on tup 9·'.\, T t Ii-. I, Lcnrrnnun,
",.,(I,\ Q/t'{IIIJ ///,in{ wr lookt'd pre/I)· ruugh nur Jint mm,:h." -Rs Stunt. WTCJlltr
ft1.1m lfonncr,.- Ft:rr). dmntn•t~J l).inn)
Einhorn a1 tM fl'HJnd1o Yo ith a,. cSe<i\1011
L.t,1 ~t'.ir',, NJC'AA runt1eM,p k)' ~tl'IIIC' IIM>
11,ul c;,u11rol ,,r l.m1, ~l.ilnCo t'arl)' lliUd ,.111'1 b)·
• 2'1•71t1.1Jvr dei:t1ok111 Spok.anc n.111\c l>;1ij.1
~ridbcfJ b1lkt1nJt rrottla b.W 11nkle., ¥..u~Mc
co dis \101,.,n deer lllkl ho1~1i~11 ur & wllcr
\."CJ;l\lcr m •.i h jjt1un\t J.unc, '.\11\~1n~ff '41lb dn
84 ,le:'°')' tt• \ 1lia:C4rJ -.,n.
And)' \\:ti.t ""'' unubk to proJuee • Y.111 'lllllh I du~. t,,.u:k~nd ICJ1'1h lo» 11,g-11111~ Tc,J
Stmth. 5-1 Y.. c<Q v.,, 1n chc J!oU11? 1tllll 1ht'
la•I rc:nv~ ¥111cn Smllh ~o~d st t,~o-puinl
ti:\·m,.,1J In 1hc: ln\l f.:1,1, !laOOJ,t1f 1ht n"1&.h
We Kna 1mrn1\(' a wbolt lot u1d
,u.1cb P.11 Wbu~on,t, •bu1.11 1he r11t11uel!
C'urdwAI ll"llltl "'We bu,c .i lot of •,'111. to do. but I \ii •.11 r1cu, h,11pp; 1i1,11h f.01: S1111tb and Ir~,,~ U'umllllB. llfJJ R) l~!l'IBCI \ro".a1o '(ll1d a
a.1 ) • 1 thlnl fu1 111c-, It "'·" • i1~1u fm,I m1dc..h, nn.f •- 1 l<:Jlm I lhint.. we l«•lcJ S'(CH) 1a1.1p hit oor Im.I nr.1111..:h, S,t.c-,ne '8ki "Sunc,n fl:lurn.ih) Wm.din,: C'luhl t., ,1 ll"'Ut:h 1eam. h 1e..1lly h:h ~ood 111 ,l!t'I 111.11 1h~rt ll•rt the mm, nJ~r.1•·h1le." The Cnnh c~,ekd lll M1d,1 (.'ol~e fl,\)\'. -' 1nd *ffll hr11nt Y>rth.1il2-lt11 \·k:11") S1onc 111•11.;J 1he 111st11 off w.11h • ~-2 ck\',
Card volleyball team ends season at Regional
record ~,r u,.1r. Tbdr cttnkrcnlt' r.:i:urJ
ru!l',bcd ., .'4. IJ, hed for tt,:hth pl,1.._'( !ti the SWAC Ntc· 11,,1 tnR~h 17 i,, ll ·fS. 111\-6, l~·t
UI lbc 1.11..,1 Sl.-'.Ctlk Wt.,1 Athlt't1, ("lmfc1t1Kt "nlk)'NIII rno1tth. Jolene Chri,1nfll,ct h.a.t !S )j!I, a11d 11 dls1. ,,.,1lik I.ind~,· llllil'IC'l rr,Mt'J
1, l. u. 7 ;11 tbC' Re,1un Ix 'inr1h
Ps-ttlCI 1oumamcn1 IU !lit \ulleJc vf Sl.'IUlhi:·m
hJ:1b11 In F.111~ Nuv. l I C•nlinahl
v.r;J)f'IN up rcgu!J1r .e.alo()l'I pl:i)' ,n '"'llcybull
<u.tth .i lu\ , tf.l Rid,-. Colltgc Nu\ ti Nie
tuu\hcJ ih ~JIUl11..t r,eil\(1n wllh a iln o,c,,111
Tyin g flie s a n alternative for NIC students
Orvis class available to help pass winter montlls for fishermen
b) \nnl4' \\c1nckn Spr,111 F:,l,tm
w,u, Ille: \\-uHcr moml'I, o1ppro....:bm~ p:.1rtr
"''"' ti\h !in:! lw,1 tinh, lht') h,;.nk-1hr ciJIJ iuiJ
01i.e- 1.ttcrn.Jme I\ IJ)-t)'ing <h.l\'CJ (>r, i 'flPtP1c>n. • n, cou,-.c for bc11nr11ng or 1n1crrncd1111c rt)' 11th. l'lu110 .He htld
\\'tdnc\d.J) t-.c::nm3 .rt 1ti(i On-h <'Unfllkl un
C.111fidJ Aw,ur. 11" ~\·Y.ttk,,1UOC1.-,i,1\$1S 1-:nt Si."hubcrt of ruc.111 ~'l\knc-1.tahc\ ,ht
Cl')lJnic., He Im hee:n ruthi"J lly·l)ing h"lf IS
)"till\ .,.J \Al~ he lied ffk'.., lfW fl1ot' )C'lll"li bdott ht \Inned 11) fi,hing. ln 1hc Onh l"IC"J1111rlln!! d.a"• Schuht-11 h·..K:lte\ 16 i.litft'rcfll p,1Utrn, lt)'flt"' 01 n,~ , omd n,tuni cdni;.1, f·.u.h Y.·o:L the d.a.,"'
2.J Lill, llbd 22 J:11~ S(i,· I :il+.11 '"'°"'JlnJ t11 ll hnme km to ColumlYla UJ,ui 11 ·1!'. l!S-1 IS10. IS-0 8.i1ne1o k'd ,n biucl"l 11nd Mi....-kcn with It, l,1lh ,1nd .a tdo\ L, K1m1 f11v,,ety ct111111bu1c.\l ZI illp Nit' r~ckcd 11p 14 :.en. but \I, Joomc-J 1A·1th 12 """kc mon
U!l H,,Uu\1.1."C'n f.,"C' iltsJ dc(QtcJ d1t Cud\ 1,. .#. 1-t-4 l'l'i> s1r.w.i,hunh) 111"4:"\CN1t'<' crml'II .an..1 1-1 ~,-c-rccc1\e cm1ri_ e,une,
~" Lill, v.·tul~ C11tr.1.t-.s,ht'r h.atJ Ill 1,h1, tJlah
Vollr)' SI 1,: C4)1!Cft ahn "dtu.!Cd SIC 1$,7.
lh·I"· J~.1 Oi.t 28. In lhill mati:h foY.CI)
~1~-d• n\lltd1-hil:h t-l d1p1 and Baine., led the C'ut1l1n,1I, "''lb 11 k1ll4,,, St~ k...-k:n IOf lht C"o\rdtn.1h in 1hr rtJt1br u·.a,un l11cl1,1Jt~I Chrhtvpher and B,,in," Ju111bu,, Willi J lS .od .t.,"11 L,11, tt,~11\C!I)'
Tcw,n) r11'l1,l\cJ
h=i1u.ted T.Kt•nu Cum1numl) CuUcl!t BUut\. 111( NIC wnme11', ,o...-i.:cr IC'.am ba ~pnn lcd ptl'\.I .111 of thetr ~"ilJI\ lltld iffl,• chc Nt'illh\loc-1 Alhklk ,\.1,.~,00 o, t'unununu,- Cull l!'f!tll qu.anctf1,wl._ 'ftJUI J.t. lht' l.t)' \I.OfJ .i, cwtt'Wh(htunp ttall~·on, trol .1nJ i:u:1 111 by Ka rin C'htt,t111n\Cn, S1ar.1h \!eyer ;,1n\l tt'ah Ucl'lim.111 gllv<' NIC 11·, IS1h win or 1hc 1,c:1,;on Goall.:tcprr TJlum Rtilingcr had lhrct 11111tu .ind -~pcnl more tntrv· run, tung 10 (nft!!,rUIU).JIC jO.ll ,cnrlna; u:i:u1,m;i1c., 1hnn tclldlnt: lhC' IICI. '"Th,, b ~~e1oc1n.c.· \.lid forw111J. Corrncn Zobe l l'ni glta.d 11,·c one Te:.h tlccl.rnun \a1d. "'Th i\ gi1tes u,- D linlc tonliJeni:e Co.ich u,11 b'-ttlWlnlCf
fc,ull of lluu 1a1ne, the
CJtr.h. v. 111 play foe c:ill1v fu,t or third c,n S 1mdt)', I n prcp.a.1.,1 111111 tnr the
t\t11r11111mcru h 1'-t'ftY. l1th·r ;1id
1hn1 NIC" ,ico;S!,, to d<11n up llllfc 1hln,-11. re..., ufl at1d ft)"
10 hu1 ld confidence
f<inhhinJ \t\nnd In lhc tonrercncc:. the Ci1tdin11I
\lrt.llflt'R t lHl cJ lhf' 1-t~Ubl
,t.i~nn v.i 1h 111 1.-.: ..J
l.t.1d1nr lh(' I Cil!'l"I
I ltd tO JU.11!,,. The JO.ti• r l iiy of Tamm R~lin1c1 ~tpt NIC In nc.ul)' ncr)· ,11mc. Sh(' 1"K».t1n1 5CJ 11.1\·C\ nnJ 1 1ving i,p 20 ~u,1h,
Soccer club defeat s Ricks in season end
Bundy, Bemis lead ~fllMIDQtilfl by JtrT1 Mcanr«Sr11111J,I Rtpo,trr Nie•., mt'n•s. llUCcer team ended I" firn ~o.~n wi1h • win .al hom.t' Nov. 6 i.gain~t 11>c Ri<k> Collc£<2-0. After a lO-minu1e delay from rc(tt"ttS tl(lt >btwr-Jna UJ', it w,lh ob,'1'400\ t.bal lhc llttflt Wl'Ot:ild. Sc!l ph)iltal bl:l~un 1t>c l\\o'O ICAn~ AJltr II (&Ult JohOI r°' II go11I (rocn Ricih. go.tll:ccpcr Brandon 8cmi, lhrcw tbt ball co ccnkf mid· r,clder Robin Bundy Bundy' dribbled lhc ball ,tratJbt into 1ht' Vikings' dcre,Hc: onJ kicked • hl'l<' dri,e shoe tnto the ngh1 band wmeror1hc i,ct. Thc:~ba1fol' 1hegllffle bfoughl C:\'Cl'I more fruslJ'alion to 111.t' field and phy11ical pt,)' fl\lCn UX' ,,..o le&nll. The 1,«0(td ol the game came
rrom fre,hman Phillmon
Tudor hue hi :1.ttOnd h11tr from obou1 12 yiant, 001
Bcmh, comple ted tiu fin1
\.hutou1 of 1bc year .ag111n,1
Ricks, A 1h01 '1am Rieb came 10 the "t'ty cdse of the aoa11c hoi and Btm1.1 out at1t.l punched the bnU
•~:o· lrom H)' ch.anc.f nl • &i)ll foCOrcd NIC. wtnc.h rinuihcd w1lh a
12.-3 rcoord. pln)'td the. c.cni~ 'lt'lt,',)n ""llho,11 1he vau:t1y
1111\1\, flO•<"'°CJ. ilJII com pclt'd with some: onttc le~aue·~ bc-i1.
Ha,,(ng: 111 12-3 record for• fil"'t )-Cat IC~ IS \'tr)' good, DWK1ywd. S und)' lilnd 8cff..118 t,c,th that 1hc h1ghllgb 1 or 1hc
Id*' wu be-:at1ng 1hc- No. I r1nked Spobne Communuy Collcgcl-2 With /IIICh ll \UCceurul seawn in the boob, Bundy 11nd 1hc lelUn Q.IC' Mpln.g In, the \'IUSU)'$WUS neu year.
Cardinal baseball team fund-raising for travel
Tbc NIC ba\c:b.1 11 tl':am h, K"llu1g <:nngc!,, :md gr.apr(ruiu 11. • fund-ra i\cr d ur1r11 tht' mon 1h or No ,c:inbcr. A 2.0 pound box or Sunkilit oran,:n cost• S13 llllll o 2()......, bo• or ftio Star Cinlpc(rui L1 i\ $ IA. ()rdc,r:,,; need co be pl<'. kcd up Sacunlu.y. Dec. 1J from 9 un.
IOn deck
•W-'I 8ualW -IV·•-
S:lOp.m. ~.- 21 ~-cc.
w -,_.
s..doy Nov lWf, ..-C£..•S:J0 p.m. Moallly Nov 2' ~-cc. -·-5:.lO
p.a,.. T-, Nov.30. ~c.c...-.,:JO,-.
Tlauray Dor 2.
... llfolraa , c.c... st,c,uw. S:30 - 7 aMta's
to 1 p n\ In t h e Runge', F'urniuuc plllking loc. Nonh F ounh S1 .tnd Spohne Aven11t" in Coc:ur d' Aknt Money'd will belp v.lth 1um na"el t:Oth ,and other c.\ pc'n'-t'~. For informndon Of 10 pla« ,n O<d<T. call 769-llS-I "''"""""IUl)'bo,cl,oll pla)et.
Sport s
NIC's Ry Stone of Trout Creek , Idaho, attempts to pin Luigi Bianco of the Burnaby Wresmng Club. Stone won
ll.CJ 11\l"J tb,• \I.L.1nr· 811·01 l>uJa Orrd. tk.n-tny "M"' b)· 1SN:i:-1M. ! 2 oVtt J•W'ln 8h.c ,.,. 1hc ue.1.1 m urh Other win, fur ch,e CuJd• "<'tc t,.,. c»('r Jdflrtl,m.1 ,-t. Trt:•l"lt H1'1'\_'hlll{.'C'f t1\\'t'BrJa1k.11 R~. ll-6..-1 lh\·kl~tl'l('tJ\ettlfkw.1"*',.!•l, NU' ftJI lo ,1nn1i&n11 Norlhcm 10-6 in 11.ivtt '°o"· ,. Hle' n&nk 1.1\;c on f'.ac:1hc I !1mcNl)" rrid.a) m foi"-"-1 Gro,t' (kc
NIC loiie!i to Rick., in Region 18 tournament, final home match by0..rU1' 1..thllUln .'i,1tllt1 IH,Jw>ttrr The {~rJtnAI H)flcyh;ill tc;1m c:n,ld ll1o '-t'a"'"' \\lib a I,~ 10 Ric._, C(•lkgc IS·-4,, ftC\I. ,nc, 1,, n 1i:,. k\:hnll4U1:1o, ffl.lllt"nal1 MW ho.,., to h\h 1ht n~ 1hr, He .S~l,utll"rt "auJ be: h11, h.ill bu111o1:wh·e.. ,u,J ckmei""">· 1,1;ti,oi,l 1.,k( she i.'OON.'. ":'kJ Uu1 -u111r11 .;re hc'IIM' 111,~n Ill c, 1ni: n,o l'Q:ap'( 1hey h,n( m11llcr h.Mld\ ~Id p.l)" m«C .itttntklflt11ln.trk-!M!')'. Sthubc-n uid 1h~rc u'>l'd 10 be • 11)' h1ob1t1i; d1'li., .it (' \C'\"C'ftil )t'~i'tt'• No t,I IC' ,1111.k•nh
C"C1mm1m1l)' C"ollert L..lmc- In MC are lll\111, 1hc " ~,°" ,.h1d11'rg:11n in 01.1ob:r but be woolJJJl.eto "-'t' 1WJ.:11t'!.m!Md:M. Sehuhi:ff f.ud p..·uplc! 1;,111 hu) 11 R) trc- 'i1 ~1 h> S2 .5CJ. bu1 1,..ut tk their n,. ,, r,,, .il\i.1111 20 ~ctU\ :.h.:r lhc 1nmal u.J"HJJ1 (n,t My I) Ing '2111Wlgl.ll(~SS(}10SIOO. Yoti'tt hooL~-J fpt life uu1,.c )HII llt' H•l.lf (1\\n 11; .inJ ci4,h a fi,11.- ~hubrn \.UJ y(ol1 kl mu,htJ hn l Y1t11U. fl) t)lftf 1, •n .1.rt
\ti-lib 1.1:11 ;1\,1,1,
11t> .J,p \l.·tuk Chr;)t,,phn leJ NlC wu.h
dl1'and .a lil'"n( p!'Jn:n1.a:-c nt ~.?I 1nm111'1tht'tr 1 )lnJ tilt'!,, 1;11..n r.1 11cnc:"t ~dd llwe. ~unlu>a "1 'M:hullc-n Sr.:hubt:ct,l 1!1e 1,\i;ra~"t! fl}' W.e~ IIOOIIM 10 mumtn 11' li-n lo lie-, .and thµ man)· fhllCtttlieo 1111he \loUlctt '*"•ttt., oe 11ll 1t1cu n,c lllf 1bc !1t\th\J1itai:te1-.on lhc nl·•1 tly l)inc_: ~!Oil tl.!~·1rw m l·clwat) F-of 1Jtf•1flt'l.lb1Jl1. ca0 (Jr, h JI 7Jl J,&'17 Thursday, Nov. 18, 1999
Cllrd women cruise into post seaaan by S:ti m C11 mtro n ~.11t111,f R..,,,.,,,., W ll h a dom 1na1 , n.c ,.o \-i(IOf) U\'CI 1he ~h<ttl
1111 )'C.;H v-., , the ilh•n,t ,hlM111n1 QI Tc;ih 8td,m1111 .ant.I C..1rmtn ?..obc l 'fhc)I '4tt< th" Ulp 1-.c, ,:cMl•,c:(lrtf" rm 1he IC.i.rn With ,1 nnd 11 re,~cm d) Col'i) Me!Ut fed 1hc team wilh 11 r,"1tt. l hJ
~.,-~ .-.,,JO,-. ~
The average American marriage Id~~ 9.4 years.
C o mmunity center fail s; o pportunities s ti11 a vail able
F..atll.:.r 1ti1• n1CXl4t1, 01 pcn:cnl ,~1,·,11tn wmcd d J•'tl 1hr
\'.arnn,~nil) (lt'nWt.•$6 Jtntlli(ltl f'I'~ f,11,;lhl) f~lheC\11ffln1111my
A 111,1h1y lb,e •,,,11.1Jd h.t\c 1lto0 b:DCfitcd N1C uU00,111
S1utk11b J1Uw ,n iJ•..cuunh m mrmhrr,b1fl' •l I ftmcr.) c-1-ubt. for ,o1qc ~uc:knc., l>.UJ"f)OrtmJ 11\ctmd,n al'ld J'Q)'iltJ: few Kfl004. rcn1
~rid c-cbf:,r C"",p:.11"°"• thC' !cc. t'\~ lbeJI.K"*mtd I«. h mocb Cblttto
~AIJ on ~nc• ~lf' ltlt l~Bt h ill
Sonx htihh dvborTtd.ll~\,xaUy np~ Ulm oppuskloo w
cormnllflll)' cc-mu. ~~•1'i 1 "''"'Id bu~ fhcou bQ\lt\C'-> \bybc lhc)'
,imJ a htOc compc1iuon
The ienrmmm1I) CtAltT ("fOPll\.lJ d 1dn '1 pau. b111 thli ,boulr.l mobVi\lC
NIC' ,.u.,dct10 f\'<"n mo~ l<> rlnJ .-.'1 1v1lln to.,.,.,. the lm'lt bcev.ttn
l;.'i.1\IC'- .tlhktil' C\(11(\•llli "(W~ The c,,m bJ.i II aKlc wciglu roocn cha b prinwil)' &twd by 11lhlcl<'~
h.11111,~m.,.1,llablcioall ).luJcnu Al°"' wuh lht•clgbtRkllli.
•tiaknlli tan w.c the JD ID lo, b:i"=C'ball and 11~ lefitu, (!WtU llelll to
,tic- Utiw) The b:1~11 fidJ n ;t)'° c,pcn ,1.> ~lkbt,
One Jl('Ogram ,llldtnt, 11J more n.;I"~ o f ii OU!doot
Pw,1.111\. Outllocw Puru111, 1JfTm u,qru,.tionf.lftJU~t :lhnul llft)'toiltL!oor
ll(ll\-l1) .)'Ol.la11, lhmi: of lflbcJ don't ha\C mfomuli<Jn. they"ill
tkd, )'OU up wuit prc,pa ~n:ir,.
Al,,• ~...-..,1t.aNC" .ire lhc C01,1n1k,1r, ,nu11.mur1I ,;pcw1" f,om pt"J pona -,i,d p,.d tuUIIMtDC.'bU to J--0n.J buk.ctboll. lhttt h, ~'"'' for
II 1u.dc11lJ•tcnut 1ntt'tt'.ttd In ,porb, 1hrn;, 1ttJ1 \·M1c:t) ardut,..10
partJclfllltc 1n ii.I Nil' Alona v.J1h chc nurnaoiK ~1,,M)Uli club\. chcrc-
.tN: VAnOl,I, du,h1 r()r J.peclrl( n..;ot,.
St1 maitcr "'hat ywr lt1tm-..u..1bcn: arc "P'IJOOwiloo for \.llldmu 114
ctlc .NIC'camru-\ YwJUM~.,·cwt,e .,.,.lllinJtOtout1111'1d flod I.hem
AnrtleWoodrn Sporu Edl tfN"
Y2K problem nothing more than marketing tactic, mon eymake r
1krchd 1h.11 w1ll cu1111e ....,,1h1hc dav.n()fthe11C"11r )'C'ilf "-1U niOII only
ht the: i ac.1 dul I.he mm 1,. , un b(tt. but Yl k bypc '*'111 ml
~lfl'11'.' "'1nke11 •1 d11u:tN \(l,lnC''4'hc1c 111 1hu cou.nir>· num h•11c
l\>11."I\ hulJU\ I.VJ'C' C'l11)UJb IO b-J)' It \null i}Aw,J V. Ith b)' ilit.mtiDC Up
lld~~Jti1ng; "'-bcmn ~~iblc: from «11•, 1111r.1n,: proplc 1h;i.1 ""'Ol'kl
•ill cnJ '¥ohrn die." ,._,dcnd..,it h1h '2000.
the t:'(ln:mc:, I.hat r,cnpft m- tp1n,: co'° l~t lhe) MC YlK rrcparcd
t.cC"m riJkulum• 'rbey utC' ,1ocl pUini food. JbOlinc-. gcncr11tooi.
m1mcJ and t<od)'thJnx cl..c ,nu,:ln.,hk Wh1111 will h.ippc:n 1<1-111 c,f thi,
,u.rpl~ ti there I\ OOC'riU,'!
R1.11not, of hlln._ f•llutCJU\l litl.Jd u, lhc: pcobkm The bltnl.civ.illi111ly
t.ail If there WI"( ~bc'f to Uilit: OUI IIIODC)' Hll\lnf lllq;C IIJlklUDll or tn&lfle)' l.ay1n1 around wipu1«ttd w,crn, 11~ IPllft i.lJ.A&,Cr 1hon b"tng
ahf- money In the t,nnt. Computer rrobk1n, cov.Jd be fh,ed tr fX'Olltc::
ltt-p parer rcecm.h ut 1Pll"lt ilCroUIII• tic1ng, hll,·c been Pll tfflh ''"' 1hou\11n1h c,f )·c.tu11 Onl y tt\:C'llll~· h,1,c ""~ dept-l*'J ('In tl!~hlll'Jlc')J) 10 rct U\ tbroup oor dal.l)
Im::, Wnh the m;\jol'il)' of cc)mpulC" Y1K cmnrif&.1111. mm4 ftihun
wuulJ be minlm::il E.'"t'l'I 11 po"'c.t .h lo~t. 11 wi11 llli:t l )· uni) be
ft'mfl'Or.&ll rtic nui1or \OUrtt of p(IWt'r for lhc Nc,nhwe-.4 - Grand
c 01,11c(, """' bw1t 1<> be l'\ln 11U.1)111111y anct ~w1 be tixby.
\1iach n~ c,,,.Nn1C11"c, 1hin~,'I ht: dcltlc ¥11th d,c 11,nc pot>pk: arc,: m ¥1·M) huu1 nK. If,, ttallt 1ht end. mllhc,n:, of pc.oplc t,pmd1q thctr b.,1 d.l:) tix.11ng up oo '\ l-cmt can, of c-rc1mcd rom
•nJ t,o,.c, or po dcttd mill
More art needed on dull campus
tnd ),.'¥o1\.J,e""'.ub "'•tbno C'rcat:i,...: ar, dc:,1 r,u. The Hedlund Buddina ~s •ith its butt op:ntmp.y ~. tml") of COiar, tmr,cy With flOlh1ns 1.:, .aup Jtt)J pi,: -1 U1 adm1r:a:lto0. Art hclpi b)' M! and C'<p;tnd1n1 the ntlnd T•lcftt h ahundiln1 •I NIC. I W\"lllhl hke k> )CC 11 n:achl) di\llla~ (c,r \fudc:nt~to,Jew cla'\..uoom L"tt& ion,;
S1,.ph11.ttlt'S:lol:t:1 'lr•!i f.dltur
I Chokecherries
• \\Mc ill IIK' rc,llt1;1•1< Pie\\
COft\('llhon in Atlani. Oob.cCo·
••"'"" "8un1ry1, \cn1l1JCI \ptc\
U\\ 11 h1llbo1uJ ""ith ont \11ulboru mllfl uyhag lo hh
p1111ncr, ··ooti. l' 'tt 1<>1 cmph)"•CIUII.. Aod the All11nla
nt'lo·•p.1JK'f hr.iJhne (ulh,...,lnJ
Nicw Ynrlt,. ,,.·ccp ,,r the Boa,-es
lirm.:nk'J •o.tmaYllllloel!'"
• \\'en· th(' m"''"I r11111111111.~ horn 1hc Pte,idcnn' Choi«
1,;c,lh:c1uin ,,er luo 1rdf Uld
•n)',•nci e,cr the P.l•i prc,ldcob l\l.b1.,1 t.dC'( l tJ 1ht
m, 111ni p1c-<i::1o) it lhc, l..110
Y..htr(' they wcr,:·: fta\e thcat
pte1oe, bttn R"pontd 1 1hr roli.:r a, mh,ini? Hty, 'Ylc'u: 1al}una \4JUJblt pt&blk prt,pm)' ht-re!
• \1 1b.: Oc1 27 ba.ard or tn1~ftk.'CbnJ.1tOCIICOIX'f~eo br,ng 1ht C"00\1<t. T<>O bi!d. free 11c the onl) re11~nn Scntmcl rqn1cn \\'ill •p IO So w 1he long mrx1ln•. • Ox \Uln' mrrmcr h.n fll.lfJccd \4.l\·ct111 pc:bfllC' hium, thc:lr hNch on 1hc flw bnlp'> "'°'"c 1hc tlbln lathc.SliB
• A \IMltl11i'11:h (Ill \PCL'iid " the S\J8 c1)th SJ. NI eura rtc..:.c- of tb«,.c i\ 7.S ecn,,., Hnv.ew:r, tbc 1o1me m1dwich iwM on ,pccial blll "-11.ltcbctii: (\~\ SJ.lJ. (lo n,l,ltt a Tolhcw11fftir bcohy mctnbcr whP h•, '4>riurn jhr Scruintl Ull'IJDCd kttrn: If )'\Ill tU 10 ~)'Pll~)·.li:gfl)«IUfn.&111(
I Letters Po lic y____
rhe SrmiMI Vri\'kt>mq t.·ucn to lb<' cJnor 111,o~ who 1-ub11111
tcui::o mu\l hMU them 10 100 v.,ortl.,. •1Jn 1bcm 1rr1bl)' .anti
Pfll" 'dt ;1 r hPnc p11t11bc-r 1n Prdcr If' vent,· .,111hcn11t:il)
A;. cnJ <>f the. mUlcnruum aW,O..hc,. many people an. fo,.""'CJ ""'ilh ..arnediJna11t Jedsioftt.. Wh~ IO"'"·,., Whftl!
1ogo? Andol1."0Unc: lu tu c
Y:?K thutJ f«• rca.11
WJlb atl 1hc: t~hnotog) V."'C
h.lvc 1od.ty, )OU "''ould think
1ha1 1hl, Y2K problrm 'AWld be Ob\Okcc-. Yct ,r \ noc Ft.W tl1,lll)' btllincsiot!t, Y:?K b a tcrfoo., probk:t11 h 1n1tk ('f )OU wonder Ir torncOt.c•, trying to Jllllui,urpl11tt For 1()fflC bcuuic~ llw..igh.
Y2.K wa thoo&h1ld be::.
bbi1ma tn di,smse Fnt. they
U1l1lc mlUium: up:btlriJ'
pbotov,,phy cl•\i.e.,oould o.biblt h.114.1 Oair with framed blllck:111'1.d to\hilc cnlari,cmcnt\ Ancar,t,cin'romtL Tcchooloc dcpanmtM.\ al..o tta,-e,nhu · c::rut,OM.
11.bc-.oulifoldi'lpill)· of brfcbtt)' r('•m11 tml,1!;:, IUld u~Ulln. Bc.¥1·ell H11.1lha.lt1,'(f)'ttta11,-cpu.u.lcof
are u\U&lly proud uf OID • fl W1rworta11d11,ooJd ' ltke othm tOi.CC 1belr l'ICalmpl1ihmc.ol,. ":;i;a AfcwpL,u<a,NIC h.a\lC 1n1en:,t11)!1; an JJ~play«J. H.All wd ..,oo Job or doconu,ns w,th phc,toi of many planca and Wlnter~ng Hr.1den 11in1mal~ the tibmy ba., Ow!Wlg. l'\Wtlllf)' aru DJ ca,pcnuy eta.,~ ~d 1r,h(,..,. ol( chclt tequlrcd ~kill ,_ Stl.liknlA
rolorl'ul tltfiW)·, Arct.'i of NIC comp<l'(Cd orcrucwe clec;ign, do nut~dull111oll ;d1C)':tn: ao1ina and lsilttn4inJ for \ludcnb 10 gll!ICc al dllnng
COO\ tNl.104"1 lulllh~ I "'®~ hkC' 10 iCC th.ti ~l'l'IC
C:rulJ\IC del.:I.UilMlll lD
C\Cf)' hl,alldlPj'. IT 9."0Uld i.kS U> the ntm°'9hC't"C'at NIC. W11urrroni Bradm is o HtmMI Rl'/f(Jl'lu llix'1ptl'll11,uu1,1tu tffllll Tn l"('sp,a1ul tn hi.s colffl'JJ"IJ, flfflUlt him rtt ~rnt1nrl@nlc.1'.du
Reporter tired of Y2K predictions , hype
co1npulc:Bf« Y2K; 1bcn ir :,in)·thln, J(>C) 1tdong, tlw:ygcl mon: money In fli 1hcm 1' mslnd 10 ytbotdl<IJpw, bockllr<d 18t,1. Ddl aodO<hn a,nipanict',u>c:-h af'C' dn>ppin.a ihnwn lly
ILetter to the editor
I dM•1 rl)' COOlptt11n
l&b<llic Aa)'thu,g. lMK I red lhi-s \ub)«I nei::d, In~ DJdm.>,c.J 1'bc ,.Cf). ~wrwble pricin,S af row 1en1-. m the SUB t.'(lmc., u, at1:rcc:chin1-hnJt,.bcny0$! hi! ,i,., 1ao11Mr
Tocby I pun:ha~d 10CnC:
the Sentinel
comin& to III u.bfup1 c-nd. Then youhll."t' yovrNFtA cnthu.\.l.a.'U), who .irt i.rockpWna gum lilc they're goinJ OUI Of 'l.t)'le. I 1hink 1h<M: UC: pc,opk 1oC:Ut rue 1be mo~,. II j1bl goe~ 10 11how bc:cMhC ooboi41>· wan\<1 lO ipcnd n,oncy Clft • computet tlw migh1 not work In cwo moruh"Thc ~I pain of !hit whole \h~lion Im lhe pCOf!IC blayin.J rn10 all !he h)pt , You b&Ow, the a~ lh.11 dtink lbc world ht
problt!fll\ bu1 I d1.x1hl
The l!mptrc Swc OuHdinJ: wiU cometfil3rungJown And if you wani 10 be tC1:'hrucal, the mliknnlum doe\n't 11t1Uj}ly ~•n until Jan. I. ZOCH PetMld11lly. I'm glad lhe aew 1c:urtulm0,\1 he.rt: bcc;nmc I am ;(>\K:l: OfbcarinallOO\lt'o\hllf:
)'OU how un '-lllblc: l,M millc:nnium h)'pc, c•n make people. Unfortunitel)', thc\oC af"C': the :111itudc'I. of :i lh&O:\t ha.Ir nf A.mcrkall!I I( fOO thutl abwl ii log1cnlly, ti's ju~ ano1her d:ay. Pt:-rtuif)\ lhttc WIii be. S001C mln0<
tniJhl h.ipp::n How aboot v.cbvc it up to me pa'¥.en tlw be h)dccklc the OUIICOIUC O( fateful nipc
KriJfu1~ Jdk~ iJ a ~nt1ttrl
Rcpo,r(r, 1/u op;nforu itrt' hrr '"'·rt. fQ rapo,ul to lru nJttamvt.. rnv11lhrra11rmmt't'*""·M'-
Student Union needs cheap, healthy foods
,.p,1..-:II. oh,·c,,. a ludc chec~. IOIU~. oild JoOnle ,un~Vri'Cf .cab. Co, S.. 18. Tha,·, nuit. A large bo\o.-1 of cfUll b only Sl.$0. You CIUl ~•hamburg« fcir at IC)\!,, a, S1..'1S. Why b dx ''Ct)' healthy utlnd bar tbc mQt'II eApC'lt\.he thins in thC' SUB h
would be d1ffettol ifthttc ""'ere ~hrimp. t"rab, (1r chkkb ffiCll4 lha1 htl<d up1bcpncc. Or. lfchc 1u:m rc,qulrcd41 la1or prcri.1N11ton IJft:IC. But nchhcr ot tbo!t,C. \(CIW'fol uhL for 1ho,c (l(u~'o\hoflt'ro 1oci11rnon: hcal1hlly th: ulaol bot pri<ini
~boW&c• our Cttblc: att.cmrio. Pltaj,('1 i:-.r, Food ~rviccJ• We( anocbet Joo&; Ill the- prlCCI ltt\l(tt,111!'! f'fflliUl'CffllJtl'Cpco(lk ~-oold or tbc mntt hwlhy cho,cu Loraitt H rr English. ffayckn
Pages The NIC Sen tinel
Saru(' lctle r I mia)l l'lot bc: rtiNC'IJ bcuuw: of •patt' limi1,11on,. or bc,;.ouw: lht) 11 .,... ' '"'ILt.r M • ,ium~r pf lcllC'" .11 lt1:lld) fC\.'fl.,..~ nn the Ul'llC whJC(:I, 2) II.IC pc.,,.,.1bly llbc:IOU !I., 111~1:lblc, The \c,nl1ntl tC.l,,(n<', Ilk' fljlhl Ut cdll lCUt'"-. Ldt~n tn.11)' be, m.i.lle;J ICI 1hic SC'rwilttl. c·uWkJ ra~cJ u, b(\Mltth• tu Room ,J or 1he Sieben 8uit1h111 I he Sc1111!,cl", .Wdrt \ , I\ 1000 \\- Gudcn Ah~•• COC":1ff" d. 1,.,., 1t>. ~,g., P""'1<: 1?0ll)76v-3,ss ru, (;?08176Q,3J89 l'.-nt.111 \t'l'IUncltrn11.·..t"u Thursday, Nov 18 1999 Opinion
The h.lll~--;a)'l',•I N ICtiffill ~II. I ""'11tl do-An Lee Hllll
4--r......, ~-::.r:=::::e:.1:.'-...::-~......,,...................... ..., aa_.
Classy Ceramics in the Corner Gallery
Former NIC art teacher brln~, unique ceramic, to o.,_,,..11 Hall
Review 10 ct1.!>~.a1 tii, c:..t111.t11 ··sn11 Olitcd and \;c,,t"i,.,· Cl.&rk 11.1, bt< 11 " fu11-lirtu~
'i\k!•1 pc.111c, ..;,ia lw,<J Chu\ tu, (l.h!hiJl"t1
hi'- \\NL 1n 11~t:b pbtn a, C11nn1m 8<.11:h,
()rc: ,Uferk),C"lo. ;tnd fcmpc,Am Cla,lr. hll., a m.i,tcr'• deircc ir, tine au fto1n the Un1H101y ~r K"""""· He boh uuJhl 1m cl11,,h •u the Uni.,.ct,_t) uf
11n MC" n 11111c.a1 pl.u:1 lil ltll
••ht>I by La,ry Clan< 11 an difplly ""1v 81<>0.C. ,,.,
Nu,thcm C'olm;1Jn 11n.d Ille lit1 i'tet•U) n l
K1n"1, ·ni.c c11h,t,11 l'I f11II UI dtflCl'C"l'II ~III J'llllrc, p1a'e1o ;th." ltJ r.11., ;1,nil C'llk-"tr, .ft unktue"
tlO"\lo h V ,h<" JIii(! J11n ah,, ~tc,-..r111c~ th<'
\tan) or •he p1c~c, ~r,c ,p1a,~J w,1h
ltlUOOCbrolllllbc.: 1.:PIOR anJ Ulrltl'ti-1111~ H>lura.
Some p1eitit1 ¥•Cto ,: l~.ccd wtuk- od!<'n hall-\
111utcd. mct.llbc. r,nbh
Sc,mr of Cl~,._·, rnf1ucncc, 11,c 1nul
Soldnc, w,J fobn Ghcl, both tiJ whom 1t1c
~·1o1lr1u,, 1111d dJtfcr 1n 1he1r \l)'k ltc fc,d,
1h-*t 1r a pcnot1 h ~wing h.1 cnkr 1hr hdJ uf
JtC' fot :utlc
pl'IQIOO,~ I.Arry Clarf<'s Hhlbh leaturu many dlfflfWfll sculpluru. Hls exhibit opened Nos 8.
An evening lull of jazz
E xc itin g concert features so lohts, variety O) l\ 111 Topptr Art, and Rlflrr1ai"mc111 F..dU.IH'
Tlw SIC Jan C,in,p.iay and 1bc: N IC Jw EII_\C'mMt save a c.,tulanlung pcrfMlll&DCc No,• 13 11 the ·Jubilaltl)l1 or,~, ,,......., Sdlukr Aud1tonum w,,,. 00\t tn d C\C1(111~ i;oncet1 roll of \"lll'iCl)'
w1d1 ~ht,h1n1
Th,: Ja11 Comp.10} ,,pc:nod IM' (onctn "'uh 1\,,edn Joncuon."
Tilt t.i,nu w,11, upbt-1 1 atul fun. lt.dplns to "'u 1hc mood for tht ~~m. Tht t.QnlC ft.11ufl'J \Ok,i,t SMnh V•nt"k. v.bcm- \"Oicc wa1 \lruttlt .1nJ anir.d lht i\00:I '4dl. Tbc l2,mo•t c.:balr dld • g,ul job v.i1h d)n.:amic.\and W1t'o bktklcd ~-c,y wc.lJ Outing tbc \nng ·Rahr lr,. CQJl.1 Ou1,,1de, f Review
, 0
0 ; 1
c:ame~ lbc 11~ng ~ell uJ the ...,oinco blcndtd
b\." 11.alifllll)· The' c._nir -.irn1 without Johll Lc1ukc, 11'1c 1.l1rcc10,, c:1.)1\dv(Ung 1hrm Thh 1,.J~wcJ die ~c:r.o;,ona lvn the d101t had fie~ \Llmbo ,uit II fun tolllC; ili.u IClilum:1 low mcmben from 1h\:: JIU.I <n\.("mt;iJc A Uetmhonc. • 1nt'lphtmc and ~'A'O tr'llmptb juti:ted lbc l ht,,r tu ad1l .i 1rc-,1t M11JnJ 10 1~ 111~hea1 \Of\Jt All 1hc- h,arm.•nt,('1, ;anJ JIii ll)'ling of 1hc .Mll'lf1 \\ert light and wlll'llkJ s1<.1I. Tbc J,1,u Cooip.,n) h.u been gont a )'Colf w,d die)' pc 11 ..u.rprhing e,;ccllcn1 comr.hado. lbt choir d id a nk(' job with "'l',c Goe Yw Ul'lckt My Slun" al)IJ A1n·1 \1 1~h,1v1n· "'Thr \(lkJJ•l, "-"CK 1min~'li,·c and cnJP)'&.
ot lhe The "GalhMlng ol lhe Bands" concert. The N1C Sympt,onlc Band welcomed the e~htt,..gradcts Nov 12 for• Westem styte evenlno of rnustc.
A country style gathering of bands
Elgblb graders Join NIC IY•Phonlc Band for lnfor1111 1veat1111 of music
b) Josh Mudor
Jolt11 Wilw•f~ '1'ht C\w bo)\.,' hljhliihitJ
1hc nltln '11 mi1•1e 1h.11 w11\ ,·cl')' murh ,1n
Wumwll ~vll:ib(iol•wi u! nllNC'. "A CblhcMJ ut
13.Aod"' ·<,r,e,i W'°"t"· "'""' MIJ in the ~h11k-t Aa.lltenuru Fnda~. r..o,. 12.
I Review ;~~":;~~:d~':!1c;;~:
Nor1h Jd11bn Symrlm111c
l.l4l..l ~h nut the J.1ult ul lb: t11UA0110. d'lC
lnud t:')•ng b.\hk', .and pcurlc m 1hc: IJl.klian
a;c1t1n1 up (r(IDJ the o'>'ctll.ll
ThC' 'lit'\'Ulw.l lwdfof the "-in.xn fr.1tt,rcd the Nm1h Idaho S)·mrhonu:- 811111.l 111 Jc, 1hc duccttUlluf l myJc,rin. '"11\e Cowt>c,y,.• fc.111111;:J hrn, •·,u pin
l"f' th! · 'Cf) "'i.:11 ;and 11htt1iu1h II I~,~ II dldn't ..«m ~1 to"" !KIin• inlo'.ludin1 tub.:t."'
.u,J barilut'ln,, nri:noJ tht rffl nh low.
.1;1mnJ 1md w,fid \,Ound Cl.urlOCL, and lluLe• foUu\\'CJ. Sooa t~ rc•I 1if die h;111J c111tie In \\llh 11 ~C'II\C OI power nt>I lt.1l&lfclJ b)'
P'C"tPU,b;inth. 0.,11nJ lht1o plCCC'. lhe Mi '1tum l'ttott, bui 1mp,eu.,-.el)' thC' ,!,1,11nmcr l..cp1 hh ('Ontpxtit'C' i1nd f1n1,l'\cd t,1, '«'lion. A unc:il o4·drum, htl,l 1ht' NlnJ tOJl'lhct and rflun~oJ tl,c cand1i1c10, 11,•11b t>\4uh1Lr- pttc:i,ion I\ u>lling -.;ymb,I d1mucd the r•rcc nd hn,u,-h1 ian end 10 lhc f'i,'\;C' Cc,wbt•)'• b)' \fonon Goulil
\,X)ff1binc:d fcai} C\i:t) PIJ WNcm Iheme~ The J)namk.~ ul t.hc pur-4.'.<' "'1,n ramoJl•II> bc.aulifvt. lbe h1:,m ..cclHm. "'·hkh i~ludcd 1111.11~'lltni111p.v. ~·,11., wtU .11d t.1o"C"llw1thlht:-1i.,p. Tht thitJ rk--"'C .,°ShcJ~"' V,~ \l,,.lW ml:\null:,11>f\'..1U,l'··W\ Thck.tfJ!M: p."f'fctmtdl,y \)it1J"h:ne h.lft.l W'll'laiOcd lhC' \lis><u>"'-Jc" nic: pl(\'C" Wi!Ji bldl)' ,UT,1ngtd 'A"hcn N I(' 1n,truttor Cn111J \1.1lhc't rl,)ct.l hl't fi.lcJlc 11 "'°""aded lll:.e b: ,D otl d~ ~lx lc f*"-'C. To a1J 10 dll! dnarxdon. 11,.c« rC'ah&1i:ll Mt1rlt pl~>tri 'A'CII: Jl'C'6altd .i~ h1Ubillir'I. TI,¢ ;1tJd1,:J~ ,1.i111N clilr,"1111J, ""hidi thro ~,tr ffl)1J11,"· ftY,fl,;il(pic«"4<JUmc-.,\ Eitblh att Jcr, hum loul '4hUOh rerranncd line. whicih 1hrr~ 011 tht tnlln: untn '\\1th lnkm\UII) lhey "'m' IHl~V\'t'~ c,pcci1111,· tht lWm, .nnd 0111t ~U~fh. The •d«nc:r l'l\moJ 1hr: p.'rldffl\.1fU wtU 1bnut;h ttr (OO(CII h.iJ "" d1',,lr&'tton\. 11 V.,-, ti 1rl,1tm:l) ltlfkJ ctptrlffll.:f. Tllc thlcc l:iah1h "'ere good. tiu1 1hc nu1\lc: 1.dc,111,n lcn l(ll:11e1hJn,: t41 lk...rc lo top It iall ,~1. d~ bt'.IJ cara.: ,t)· .auJ,cincc tlll) h,1,·c mott probkm., then lbt.) l,ct~'CJ
The: S IC'" Jvt En~mbl( opi::~d the: ~cooJ hi!Jr of 1ht. C'OIXffl w1d1 the "'"' ,\ Unit Minor Roon: ·· Tbt \Ollf. v.,a,; full ot 11ft" ,..,lb £11.111:y ow,,emcntt and 1IK'.ttd1NI.' trumpet w:,lol. h t "'Ocorgja Oo My Mi11J.· a lte:y!Qlrd \\.U ut.etJ, wh1tb .-Jdcd • n.:c:.1uucl'l 10 thr "°"' Run Kc:ip:r rta)cJ .11 ..-ultly aJto WJic,phOoc. '10lo.
1'lir c.n.\C'mhlr. lhmugh - 11 '" The O<,,pct Trulh ,- hc1pcd to !kid \Om<' ,11.nt1)' 10 thC' ci0nt'C1t It h.ll.l g1e:~1 •01011 am.I u nice tempo du1nJt' \er• 1he ,un,: q,u,·ang. Al Pne polnl the r,h1nh1 p1.1;ed lhc pilvm 'Allb hh 1ct1 b.1nd and the: kcybc>ltd wt1h bu n,h1 h,i,J h ,.,.,. .u, lmprt",~1\'e "rtflg Ip man) wa)'!o..
''C'.:u1dy"' 11nJ "A Sia.tuinaak Song , n 8c1kley Squatt'" fca1urod le1nl.e t1t1 ,«.aih Thi\ iih,o aJJtd • nh:c ,·.arlct) 10 1be eoncqt. The ril:.c<' -s1umpin· Al The Sa"'·oy- w;u: a ,.~ ing ins p iece di.Al bJtJ "nkc: h11rngc- rC'dlng to JI The cn.,cmblc'• p iam~I wa, rnmral In the p 1c:¢t All o r Mc ." 11 .,_,a., a Jlut.J eh.1t111,C w be.lit 1hc mc:IOIJ)' or .s iac1g lhffltlih the ~ind Ill Ur 11no. fhc J.a11- Compan)' jc,ined 1he J•t..t cn1icmb lt once 11•1n for 1l1C" """' ,u,c Fr cnd, · flmh t1,l'Qt.1p1 nu:cl) 11nd the ,-ounJ ••• •m1u1n;. The: en,c:mblt clo,cJ with Lo,cr." o. wn, 1h1u frouw rtd 1he u;:ophnnc •«-Uon Thi, ,ong cloJ<:d du! l.C1n1:e:tl *ell o.nJ the u cmbfc uecutcd d)namica. And harmonic, "~fJ'I)'. fen) Joou, JilC'c:tor ol the JaLZ £n.\c,mblt~ lbanlcJ the "'ll"(lll('odou,'" <Llldil(lifUIIH \.lnJf fN 11.U 1hc hard "'·fl4'k 1h.111hcy had ptit Into thc.' conrc:rt"- UC' ab~-, Yid th.II be feh "Cr) fol\u.nlle to "''Qrl w11h the Jat7 c:m,cmhk. Tbl" .;.in'-c-rt w,n .111J.3.~.»li! and impte1;,i,e. The- 111ud11ori 111u wo.11 tull of taltni die whole: ('\cnu1¥ Thc Jan C,' onJ the Jan F.t1,c-mbtc pll l un «n 1n.:1c-Jlbll:" lrte .:onccrt. "'htch ,~ve the 11wdn:·~c mud! more 1h,m dM:") baJ cxpcc11:d
Take a step into the Golden Age
N IC Theater Department·~ firs1 pluy of seme~tcr success by ~.,.. DalC'bcml SnumrlNrpvffrt
1 \\.JI\ ,I~._ in,tdr Sch11 lr1 Au..htnmm1 CJ\.1 ;?X. c-~ f11t 1h<' ,wee gk'l.._.m, hhae ,< 1f ti "l'Jt lliJ!hl '4tlh • (uJI
J,100hy 11nJ th<' c.a~ brou1ht
,-1udalb..pnfonnm.nnJ..-i»u" J111..." h 1h II ct...ikngc. '° porn)' ,h~, umc. and pl.tct' i,~rllli.'IV.111)'." t J'll.'tfnrn•rf'. lb(' &!Uc.dut,. 1hc: ~enc dC•iJntn, 1hr con,1ruc1ion 1et1m , the ~ho'1:0f1~r,, :uiJ l~ CO\l'*ltl( ffl'W all did a tam..i4Uc job with fflnmi,t chc play. TI,t d1rcc1ot d1J 1nent1(1n u unfonunatc: 10,Q°" that hn~ntd j~t two d:l)" before ll)'('nlnJI niab1 An itnportan1 pan of the t:•11hinw\ h,1J tiecn ,u,lcm from thr thuter drp1mmen1 Tht 1n1d" 11 ,rndcn1 to() tn1rit:41teJ)· Jblincd 11ntl mo.Je t,11.J been \fllktl ·An t'lf he, hllN wol1. Ttic pl11y t,,cl/11n a1 llw' ,11111w: 11r <"11lonu• 1J1Jhhk t.d Athn", 20 ~u" 11rt<'t Ocdtpu,• c-,ilr-trom l ht·bc., In 11K' hc'••um,nr:. OC'dlpu-. ploi)'Cll by Jon,111 W'"'tnn. cnlcrc-J .itJth II t.a~ lll'kl "'"" kJ b~ lll'K' of t,1, '1.augtlfl'n ,JnJ l1111l 1t,( \Uljtt'. \\bn1
II win h idt·nt h) 11-=- J.r.10111 t1d ('11\llli1•fl 11,c.J h}' ,11 1hc r,trtMmrrt 111.11 1h1, wa\ J \Cnl>ll'I prrform,~nct".
The e11\.I (If ''Ocdtpu\ (olc,ntB~ '' Jouh WC"ltlfl. Amurctte d' Au,cra:IJC, Tifh;n)' "11 Hcrrhokb 'L)·,~ ~nm\00. Lu~e S. l>onaJd P4.lompo, Ocrd. K ~fohk:r. Phillip Carhon. Ht'n,am,n A lbmn, 8111 Cnnr~. McgJin Jord.i11•n M)'C-1"1'. Juhe Rc»e , Uom Shc-lllcr CC'd) M Slcunm, Da n ThNY1p)t1n. T.111.1 Moticrly Amelia Phillip, itiJ. At11her Stttkd. Au'9rgne, guldH Oedplua ( Jonah Wu ton), who Is blind, lo I piece to r"t eftet" their a"lv1111 COlonua.. I 'W4~ prooJ 1t1 w(ltl. ~·11h tbh cwt.1 r of
Page9 C: -:::I -cs c5 The NIC Senlinel C oca-cola wa, o riginall y green. Thursday, Nov 18, 1999 Arts and Entertainment
b) J11\0n FJllou Xn1mtlf.l,,.,.,,,Tt', ·f rn- niJt 1 Ju- nn ,w,i and i.lru1 I 1&1r
rtr.\ ,,urA. lm1 urwu,lr, hJU ;,·,
II·, ,,,.,,r """"·'''•' 1"' J.u/1,rl.ttJ br
1h,m ,,, utbmt 1h.1t 1t'• 1•01 arl l.mrr
In 1~tk111g to <;;rnJpu1n1 1111,,1 t..uJ)· t1,nl,
abo\'C' \l.11r-nll'ffl 1 true. C'L1tl" 11 fortnrl in~ at NIC atw h ti,:,n:,
cnd. Clark -..1id he r«b the 1c.uhtt1 ate lhc ~l w:,J cnv11onmen1 •1>rround1na 1hc ~chool •• The 1alkry 11t:iw, lht' \ mlo lhC' 4fl 1h~t ('Jul hin on J11pl•)' The d11\'~IIIC\\ etf die t.\h1b11 'A'iU illnlllll je aud .rnv1.J of We p 1«n loolc:d .a., tf I.bey could f11 com lOi tabl)' m II hcmic C lo,). ct1uh111·1 det:uk whjcl'I p1e~c of lb(: CJ1.hth 11 WII' IHI hl\Q.II C b,c~QijJ.(' ur .&II rht' 111c.,1 wc1tt.,; 1h:it 14·c1c 1n, uh·c.i ill the c-thll'111 Hur hC' ,n,d th•1 ,r 1ft' tt11.1 10 dcctdc. "'No. 2M ~·ould be thc unc Clark 1,aJJ dial be: t,n~, to mal.r 1hcv k,nd ot Jhpl.a)'to. cwn th(.)uih hc c,"1IJ m"lc tnOft monc:)'"'11,herc. lk ,~,J be •C1t.1Jdn'1 •J\llllf:'C wh11,1be doc-I Mv. <ctr ai1ythini; Clar~ , C'~hlhtl 1\ OQ di~pla) UIIIII [)C'I;. 17 In the R~\\WCII Cu1t1(r o~llcry .Ul\d h open h• 11,c roblk ,1n:1:lJ.a)·1o IO am h• -I p m All lbC! Clthil,it ri<'c.:c,
;::~!:: ::c'~
studenls pertorm
muun m('rtk-dd, '4."1.'.nt~ ,,.moc:d1ht 'l.l!IJC· ,ni.114,.llna 4 , 1onc ilcd1e: rcJ)IHCnlhtg Colom.1 1 sand ,1 tt....ldt,'fl «)I mOU11Ll1n, mlkk mi: \,\j\llf~t 'WhiM he ~)nl'ld thc,n IRevie~
thr 41ildlC'cn t,;...~ )Cilf'I, 111 Atlrn, r,.1"1.-n
Propi, Otct·k chMktd c1Htllm(, 11ml
naJ.,cun\()o.l 1h1't1t11r
''/ IHh" J'friUJ lfl U'tlfk •fllJr //II\ Jthlll/J of uudruJ.t. Jwrformt·n muluni.\l.\ ' ·}otJ Jacob.-;, dir~ctor he bepn 111 ,peak I W".l\ mscrt~· l-oilht""1 Wu, thl,,l)Ulll1C\llliktll4.'l!lltptth.j1,41tab('f' l C'\C-M r.1ed fl'I)' frirf'IJ, '*flal'(ll,l)iht'I IIMYIC'r l"lth,-f Otdipu~· \'oll,cc W,U dc,:r and nbP)', hut ,rruna..-.de1.Jltt"'l,.f\C. N\!I 1111til I tftdtt hed the- 11amc (ron, 1ht' pviµ;un lo t!ir p1e.11.11c,. 1n lk,\v.ell lLII di~ I fin.I C111C d1i11 ii \lo.l\ a,1u..knl .._.,,1t Ma,.LI Jl, l(Uhe!J '"" f11.1:t1, ul all 1hc: p-11~w:n.. m.;ll..1111 chc 1<-..11\ ,w1 1bc '-'•*'" of lhe pb)' t.Uhct 1h.;i1111oht•'A'.l.\·\lrhu ,1ntt 111.1\.111!,c hC"ICll'ltlflkdhli.t. \\'11., not !Ible to be ..«n 1,t f'l,11 un \l11t,-c.• J11el)by .aid. phplotir,-r-,.~ Oedipus· Doughier Anllgone, pit~ by M>oreuo
KHin Smith's fourth flick pokes fun nt organized religion
hy \tan, UKktci1
Vm,~I ht•t1'1N
··flviltna. 1hc foun b 11k•~~ fn,1rn Duttwr
.._nm Smuh IC'ktk.~ Ch,11,,1\$ Amy), ptO\<cd
tu he 1n cun1(l1\·er 1al for D1\ney ~(re, C'a lhohc• Jll1 1 hold "' a k~k.tJ cop) o( 1bc ,cnpc 0 11
I Review '"";;:": C'-:1,ttotic Lt~ur. W1th n\'C1 m,000 mefflb:-,._
I~ nu:1 ad,1n1tK-N~w York T ime, l!'lpwlc;.l
ll• ttkA><, Tbe IX~ney o-.·ncv ~o
\f l~fnll\ dlJn'1 l tll 1hc 1n(l\•lc. tiu• w ld it 10
IJlln~ Gnt< Film,
·r.>..111-mo~ i, 11 cnmctl )' ubo1.1t two ru1.ie1,.
11.inlc~) • '"'"1" pl•ycd bJ Oen A(OccL
110d l.ak1 the 11.n1k or dr.ath p layed b) Mon
P.tinl'ft A,. ..,.c alt' 10IJ, lhcy·,e been fallen
cn~r ,u1i:c BArdcby con, 1nce,d Loli during •
~·Cl.' lkte1dltl Le,aer (afte r he UUed nil du:
fmt·b~rt1 ,c1o1h 11r Earpn 1h11.1 k illlna 1n
Ood'a wunc l''Al'.tfl cool M)'nM>~ Loki J1,1 t
1avc Ood t h e- hagcr ,nd q 111t , ,o Ood
hani'fhcd 1bc 1wo di'lgrun1lcd nngk\ 10
Wl,;tOfhi.ft urui.l the C'nd o( the '11.'otld
Rt-,1lidng lhC'ir ncx1 \(OJ)" bell. 1hc 1¥>0
'(heme 10 get b:,ck ln10 hc11,·cn by ca~tng
.td,,1n1a1c of , 11 lndu lgeocc proc.l.n.unc.d by
• flamboy.an1 Catholic pricu io New
Jetst)'. If )'OU p.a,s undet I~ IUCh'll,I)' Qf
h1, church. your fM1~ "' 'II be (orgivcn
Ag.ain dOii,J lhC' c:onn ncin1,1. 8 11n ll'b)' 1clh, l.okl v, hy (ac:cord1n1 10 church dogma 'llcmminr from Mo11hc\lo 16 19 ) the
lndu.l,cn1:e w1l1 •·orl : "Wh:u, )OU bo1d
,rue Qcl'I c:.arth, rn hold 1ruc hi tieiven."
The only dr.11A i,.,._1.; b lbtt11! lheu s1Dt IIR fo,g.s,m, (J(ld will h1wc tun pro,"Cn (alhblc -and lhr "' bole IUUCtllrc o r the unl\·cn;c. wi 11
I\ good llllid (Abt!. RICtman) IJleJ l(t ,op th,t .chemc hy cnh~hDJ the herom,e CUriCU
llh*tODl,ll*t' 0....~ff Malt Damon and Ben Affleck as fallen angelt humanity In the airport
l:tOR1uino), 'Aho wori.) at 1t1 •banjoo clinic
It I'\ up 10 btr lO u,·e the v.·1•r1J hc1.'.nu-.c <1hc duccnded ftotn Ju1ocph .tnJ ~ary.
A• 1( lba.. \loCf"C ncit ~jh. ,Jie l!.- aldrd by ,he foul mouthed Th1r1ctn 1h Apoi,llc lChti, Rtid. ), v..ho tclb what really harrcncd ln all 1hntt Blbk ,tnrlc!i mclud1og tbit 'k.\ lh-c, "' 1hc APQ"dei He 11 1"-t' 0 1(en nu\U'Uffl" hlc. HL1r<• ,ba,uli.l bl! cnalle:&bfe .and progtt\~r,,t '" eHI All. II rcmnle, C.od b r lt1.)Cd by rod. ,t•r Al1ni1
The: tiJm bc:.r.'omc~ lli(M'C and uM>rc prcathy 1hruu1;hau1, 11·, about good Y\ bad, r0\1M1,detn rtlaw,l,m and B:1mc,, &. Sc,l)lc pop·' bcit1J s•>nJ ,nd "'dogma..__bt1ng Nd Dc-sp11c alJ ,,1 1be Jw• offendin1 m,1.lcrlal, chut(:fl·Jocr Kev1t1 Smhh clalnn
1h,u "TIie tQCIYio o caht,ra1lun ol lallh 11'1 gc1~roJ o.nd Clllholicwn io pnntcular Wh.a1 he mcnm to "'A)',, 1h.11 1bt mm ,c h
Suburbia dreams
'Alllll'kan Beauty' Intl Ille boundll'ln of fglly mm, hy llannony T1t.) ICtr
A~.)· romtdy uf 10s.. "' Be.auc)', U11(old\ In• '.e""1 <1' red w\t pdah. crcicpy neiAhhor-c and c.hcn11na 1.p(Kl'i.t:fl With 11n unpmtlcl.lbk c,khng the vitl"4'ff ts t.Ornnimi:l> c,iui:h1 'M'll'lllcnng "' the 1n1in j'IDIJII of' tbb movie WtlJ
' Review ::::~~~~:~::,'C"rtalcd w11h I 1n,g1c, la.wr Bumhllm tpb~,: 't~~:• :.
n) .andc.hcrtkciul~ otht~ death lltt' \ kw.,iy ~-e:i.led,i~" the film
SJ*C)' pla)·" lht rl'llc i>f a 1ypic:al Amcrl(an fa1btr. h1hb:u.d Atu1
'Af'lr~Utf nwi 'lll'bo Mic• l'li1i. jtlb, The famil)' p.'lfflil) it wc~ul 1i(('
st)'k. hue it n imy1hlllf bu• pc-tfcct
.St>I nnl) doc.l l.c\lrf h.lic hJ-.~ 1.1nd be'>\.,. ht t:.111·1 'l'tm lo Jet
1h~ah let hh ~c-ml11gly ,mcmoooftll) ll'!C~gt dn.oglna, l!UJt
Buih\ 111 , ire, C"ISl)l)o tpl.a)'«i b)' AnneUc &c:nning) bl a llilrd t1nr whh brr rc.t..l c1o1a tc: J,ott J1tld «fu,t) to \t)C',dc lo ha hu,Nnd abm11 anythuw that hold." imporuncc.
11 oc.lchnui.on of bl\ nwn p:~rutl frutb, DOI th:it ,,f 1hc ni.u•y C•thuUct. ot ChriUl.ltt\ he oftcnJ-\ "I'm bc'1ng I.he tlllhoUc lMI I thi nk GOd
1\ cotl'llonahlc wuh mt bcln; Sm 11h uid.
Hr m~)' be.• lin lc p,oud, of lhc prOte.u. he cttal.t'\ A ottwt" •~ 1b,1t rao In M.lme ~t> read ··~,·c ',OIJ read 1hc harc lcucr of the "°cd;?'' pu1rit1nJ reader,; 10 1hc ml)vi~'i
•-cb, 11c 111 w\\w doti111J1 100,,,c com A~ V.C lltt' tultJ by II Wi\ot !ilnppe1, Ill)() .in
.anJcl tS:;lm• H.ayrk ), h doe-u1' 1 ,n111cr whal )OU be-lit'f'f 111 juu 1h1 1 you
bcltcY'C' •• Ke.,1n )mllh ,a,d he bl:llcvt'-c 1hc l)eq v.ord )'!JU: cou ld lr ,l(b )nut S.l!.11" 1hc- F" ..,,ud, ncu d• da·· or "'ma ma." 10 be prcparcJ foe ii lt1t of Hllg.ilrity, Bui if )OU tilt.< t,(lns 1.:h,ll,cnttd ti)' it tMVle <whh I ltlC of ln1ctt,1nt; rcli,,Ola, di11lo1~ (bcl¥1'Cct'l "f;- lft•onl ) ll'Jd iUI l~c l'DUnWg, &O chttk lfOI.II
Thursday. Nov 18, 1999
Shakespeare' s 'tamable' tale
I.Ille CltY Pla¥ft0uae presentatlOII hlllnl romantic b> Sc..:y Sllnua.lC S11tt1ntl Ntf'(lrt,r
I( )VU ute 1e.uty l et l.sugh iO h.nrd lh,11)'W fttl hle you ,my ba,~ an accident and a,c 11n:d of wa.~mg )'OUr n,onty 00 sc:concJ rnte ,no'rlt.,, I would tu.ghJy rcc:,omt11cnd •nctndlng the play, ""The rammg c,r dx M1rcw"' 111 1hc Lake City Via)' Hou,.c. In 1hr C)'Q or lht dinx'WI' 0,111 Gookin. the: pll.y l\ about di~gmk1. lellfflin.g lltld 1.1nt1llt.,ttt1S 1hc.N- JJ,guh,c." Tbt pl.i)' Of)Ctl.11 ,.,,,1h Luetl\110., a Y.'Cl11lh)' man from P1...a, glOJng roaJJy upoo Bi.Inca, ®uchter W B nptii,tu Mloola ~noo l.tlow~ 11man1ly 1b.11 he i, , n kJ.,.c wilh 8i1LOC&, bu1 1Q on1cr 10 ml&IT)' her. her older )b.ler mu,1 fio.1 be
I Review ,;.-cJ fhc older ~,ta. KJllhMIM h I n1JbUn.ut. Of\ 1wo leg,., She i olwnys yelling and brci king 1h1nis. In llcropcmog '«tleW hib.:i ,ilndowso fwd th,11 11 lt.houcr11 Tl,c i, .tS hn:Y.d Che)' come. ell(I C\'Ct')' n1:an talct a,, ~wu w .t\·Otd her In ..a:ing 1lw1 ob"11de. Lucc:n110 dccicb lh.11 lhc onl y wa)· he win bt •blic 10 get clO:Kt to 811U\ell I, by ptttcmbna lb.iii he •~ • school 1n.1 ~1cr Jn bccomln1 • t.ehool mll~tct he 1, able In ,1.pcnl.l rnant boor,: wuuurtt O\ct·~ 1.enJerbtilrt In the meandm,c. Pcttudllt> iDIO Wlli'ft wilb onJy ooe Coll, I le l-t hoping to (ind a w1(c. any wdc, lozia: as hb • larg,c d()Vtty. Thi" if she HY he mec1~ cbe lbrc-w. Kiuharina. Amarlnt l)' cnoogh. be. QJnvfnc:c:s R-llpht.ta Minola lhnt ht 10\'t• KlthllriM 1h:u llhc lb'rti him.. so the)' arc. wtd, At lbc play (Ollbnocs., )'OU see the Wit)' Ptu'VCl1Jo c:h...nit') hi~ wife'~ " ")' tl lhitlkinJ.8)' the COO of 1hc pla)', you lite Ill! un~rAble Y..omAn become• woman or ll'lt't: Mil Je,'Otloo to htr h1bb.1nd 'Ole pity eont!rruc..-. on •h!lflog tbe ~tJUU~ Luccn11omust face in ordc:r1oclalm8l.t1~'lhcart. • The play glvei viev.oN • ch.mce lO rc-aamux. mc>1.1vet of their own ticAr1.J1Dd t,d11g lough&er111> moo1h~ The 11.lJIY 3 dcl 1vctt!d by oul\landing actor,. wbt, keep )OU Al 1h c ,edge 4>f your u,1;1 lhrt'IU&bt;iut 1hr>\\-. In one sceoe, we sec \.C,en l men 1ogc1bcr uling ac a loc-al r~aun1n1. During lhcu dinn« 1hcy titled like uncOWI hum:u~ who l'O rt,ctVnc1nn, ahooi t,urr,in1 anlJ .tlowmg (ood IO oomc. OUI f lhrir moulht iJ Ibey \\ffl caong, In ,tlOlhict ..«nc. wbcrt' Pictm:.blo ~I meet( K11tbM1rut. we~ :in all ou1 Ogtu 1M1 included bhgbling. kkkin,. and wrc:S'lhog between the CQl.lptc. durin~ the lft·cddln, or Pctruc,o anti J<athuin.a. OflC ,1r the )('l'v.-nl btoughc I real dookcy lffl to 1he .,s.agc:. 1bc fwsny pan oc"UMd wheo 1bcy tclQldo't seem to gt:I 1hc dollk.t.y fl{( of Lhr lit.age: .viJ lull 10 litc"11)' <fnl.g 1be donkey off. A., fon '" the&t ~f'IC\. ""'CtC. the~ lll'O brou&:hl forth a ~troog meliage lhmL l"OellUttl$cd auJicnce mt~ co bonor mid cbcrivt 211 (If the people 11\+d Alt 1n o,,r IIVti. "'The T•ming of chc Shrew·· runt throuah Nov. 20. Fu, infonn111k>n call Lake Cit)' PJ..yhoult(' al b67·U2J. Allult, S JO, 1'Cnior c;i1i1,e;Ml~udcn1~ SS ,111d childrrn ulkict 12 $6 Croup nll(;J 11'1:'IIUIW>lc
Christmas performances planned
Holiday conceru. co fca1ure symphony, c hoirs
LeslA!r Burnham, played by Kevin Spacy, llnds his \\1tth: Jmco. l.lltinJ.mloYc,.,,,lh • ncwneJ.tdi!Ol'CICijthllor, Rd)'.tWec
lkndc)'J and C.irutyn tlilvfog a,i affair \\1lh "re:il t"iUIIC • Rudd)·
K,,ntt ll>cttr OJJJ~). Lt"'ier lioo, tu~lf us lhc ,nWJe or~ mid•hfr•
('IN.1,, He •lnck up "1'1Jtdng h11 Job .ond a,ot"" (JtlC 111 .i f!IM food rt"ll!W~tll
~let bt1t1n, fan1a,u;1og aboul Jnnc ' beautiful b lond bc\l rricnd
Antcl.1 (Me":i Su\11n~
Rid,').• coc.kull \O"iCr fo,- a patf)' rl\li1 J..e..,,.e, 0.11d C.i,~yn at~nd. ntttti the prot~iont~ ind lhe two hif ii off L1uJc doc.1, he knnw th..t Rkk)' hi!-\ bren ,i,y1ng: oo ht1 daugh1rr amt 1,,;dctHapi n,g hie; r,unUy,
daughler'o be,il friend Angelo (Meno Suvori) l nlrlgulng
Altet 1mot1ng o quid, Joint.. \\.hii:h wa\ pmYidcJ by Ricky, ¥1·c ll·un lhill 1.e, ict itJR~e, hb rc•I mqoer ,e lUn« dru,\. Riety·,. homorhobu:. c:a: ,ma, if'IC' , d111,: h1111n11 l.1tbcr {Chri• Cooper)
:ipp,u.:ruly ha\ l111uo of hh own. Wh<n he lli'l(ovto. his Mm•,. "'•dcul•pc. hr. gm, 1bc 1m1•re,fl!Ptt th.:it Rid.) h, , ,. A11 hell u broken loo«" whc11 Rtcky i• bc:lttn by hi"- Huhcr for the une:,i:plain;ibte rindinr- Th.e t1-u1h of ~,let's lk11th I• c.'lic:irly lt'Yt"-t1le:tl di 1hc end. 11n.d )'t>U f111J )llllr<1cll w1\h1n11 1berc ~•" 1 Hilk 111\Jre 10 1bc ending. Oi(('l:IN S11m Mcndet. dot~ .in elC('llent jCJb or re"rc11hn1 • perrecl hfc t. ahnorm111t1lc1t 1n 1hc dutath>rt of 1hi, mm h:
World-class ideas
At Easttm W.shlngton Unlwrstl(s Colltgo ol i..tters. Arts ond Sodil Sd-.,, "" /IOI OOb'c/ftl p,og,om, ID /lf/p you tDp you, a'"'™' '""Y"" but also ID l""Y"" tlwsolidfoundt,tionyounttdinUJdrJ(sfa,t-,,-Jwond. Omstftom-25diffe,t,,t _...,..,t/!lnV,,~
You con d!oo,. from the lollowlng P"'9r>ms ol Study within the C,,ll09e:
Creative Writi ng
f nglh,h Engllsh as a Second
t.ang~ge Hum.1niti'e.\.
Modem lengu"ge and
TIM: NIC Sympbc.>ny O,chci.rru. M1dl1g•I Sini;cn. Cua<:cr1 Choir, Se lect Women·~ Choir :ind Cantorcs v.dl prcicn1 ··Sut,-n,ch of Cbri 111111, ff\141"1 Af';I ti~ World," Saturda.y Dec 11fld 0cc. $. The. l'ooen1 *Ill be (ull c,f m1;1,ui: fM old and young lo c.ajn)' The ,)'nlj'lhQny 14·111 perform p1cee1. rrom Vf\.'1tld1. Bach and lnln• Berlin. S0n11, ,uch n "'I'm o,c:,,niln" nr II W-h,lt' Chri\1t11a1." aQd '"JC'W, Jo) o l Miln•.\ ~1nnl('" a:tC"JlHI Ii rG"" 1h11 U)( the 'ljympb(ln)· tia, p]:ulUC'd s~· -Jingle Beth Pc111:i"aw11l belt.ark b)' popul:trdcm.and Somc pi.c«i. 1tui1 the Madnt:111 Sinae" w,11 perform u,cludc "Mow Utuo Bethlehem. "C'brbt Wa. Oom on Chrhunu 011)' .and •·You•rc the New D.ty" by tbe king Singe~ '1'bt F-ir,1 NQCI," '1'hl, Ll 11lc Rube and '°Cbe~1nut:t Ro\l-~tlns
On An Optn fire ;uc M>nK ot the \t>OJt th.t U,c Concert Ch~, '\\'ill pctf\\nn. The. Sclcx, W<•mc.rt·~ EnKmblo • nd Can1orc,. WIii abo lldd to tht pttfonniantt. Pc-rforml'UI«• begin al 7:30 p.m. S1uurduy and 2 pm Adull:s $'7, acnior c-11lunsSS and tcudcnt.$ $3. Admi~MOfl b rrtc for N IC .audcnb and \laff with 10. For,ulnn, Cilll thc- Dox om~ " 769,7780
!Quick Hits
In the 0d 28 t»uc of the Senti.ncl. Mtchacl M-cGh'Cnt)''• 1,1k UICOm:Ct. Mc.Cii\:(O()' is lhc: hou~ lnlUUIJttt o( Schu lu Auditonum 11W' lighling i.llft!~tor for Sichultr AudhMum ,, 1wdi1orium AJ:,i)JAnt Tcx:hr1ie:iil Diteet0r John C..UtgO'I.
j Coming Attractions
Hold on to your dreams, make it happen at Lewis-Clark State College. loca1cd al. 715 River Avcouc,
,,,. i..w-c., Pla)'m'IU,ie prt'il'.nt.\ ''Tom11i1 of lhc SJwc..,. Lake Cit)' Playhou.,;e.
a No,, .S.'7, tJ~J4. 17-:10 l p.m Ad,du f,1, IC'11ku ("ltiun1 S5 11W1 •tl.kk:nt\\\ NIC 101.ktu; mJ f11CU1t)' r 1M.11so. • 0tt.11~11
Page 10 The NIC Sentinel Arts and Entertainment
\'llm:n~wJcnt., S8 mid cl11JJn'n !2 arid utWCI' $6. Cin>up 1a1es a,11.1.Lablt 667-1123 • New. 1--Utt, 10 CC"tawlcs c~b1l'i.1 by L&ttyt'l11rl.CioJlcl') ••lk I rm NO\ JO Oprn 11)1 n-ccpuun 4-6 p &Nov JO NIC 5ympoony Otc:hesua Pft"C'nt1 H..uidcl· Moliill.h• &huJcr Al>J,tuflWn 7; p .m. Sn.uucby and.? p.m. Sunday Adul1, S7 1ot11iot d1i,cn~ S.S11'11J lludellh $3 ~IC IWCknl, a11d fkUltJ ,,.. 769-nso Just east of the NIC liCCUOty P"OOllg Office. Invest in yourself. l~rLEWIS •CLAR I( I • 0 f (. I C.U for Information today! 666-6707 wwu,lcsc.«lu • O.C.4-5 NIC Symp>oa) Ottheur• ilnd Chnrll f:n,croblC',ptc-,enl ~su.,nd,. af C'hri~m.a• fro111 NOIIQJ lbl" We.Id, Scb11k:f Auditonum s..i1u1tby 7:30 (I •n ar,d ~1md1,7 • Oet.J-tf The LakeCJtf Playhou\C pre cau "h'1 Chn1n11~, ud 11'1 Lav(':· Lv.c Cit)' Pla)'bou\C'" J-llh •""1 0.vdffl. Aduh• $10. tt'IUOt'4;Jt.iz.nw'l.wdtJUJ S'l c:hlldmt U and undu S6. Group ra.ies •~all•hk, 66,1 l)1'
by Josh Montreuil and Chns Black
Senor Froggy
Have extra time on your hands?
Need some extra $Cash$
Senor Froggy's wants you!
There are now openings for lunch shifts, 3-5 shifts per week. Monday· Friday for 2-to 3-hour shifts!
II you're lntereSled, come In and see Bonnie, Monday • Friday 1o,30 a m. to 4 p.m.
7th and Sherman Downtown Coeur d'Alene 765-8522
The folJowing ha ve Bookswap checks at Siebert 53.
l);uci 1\munro.on
1)-k:r Boncbon
C"hcl Ou.:i.)O
Jtt. minc C;in:linalc
C..a.~yF.:lnnl Wend) Ftrcicr Jc:M1fc:rOr«n OonnaHaoc.>
Mk'h.acl Higgin\ Crcg Langi<} Jonathon Lc-.1c,
tion of his Ski Mounta1neenng Journey along the Patarmigan Traverse located In the North Cascades.
December 2. 7:00 pm Loloi! Coeur d 'Alene Room Ecinirlster Student~ on North Idaho Colege An
Kcn1 Lewi~
Charise Mey
Mcbm~ R«d
Andrew Rufer.
Mindy Singer
OwcnJoly11 Smith
Eric Vt>n Bchn:n
Page 11 The NIC Sentinel Thursday, Nov 18, 1999 Dug&Joo
3&\Jrund ,0 I.NI through ··onBook45Wlnfar• •H-a <&"l'hol,,_,.ncoals.rng--49:Secur• SOAo,kl 51~ 53TNl!I 53Son &I Royll 11'11iln lady seNCO 57~se-.od Quqtabl1 AMQla -~-
vou interested in becoming more involved in the poUlicaJ process?
vou like to become Involved in the 2000 elecuon? College Republican mc-eting in tbe lobby of the Student Union Builuing on Tuesday, Dec. 7 at 7 p.m. Pl"35c mend if interested. Th3nk you Sen. Larry Cm,g for speaking Nov. I 1 at NIC. \Vie apprc-cmtc it! I, \llf,E 16.. Pl:u:n 0 Birthright can help you. -free pregnancy tests -community referrals -infant & maternity clothing 923 Sherman Ave. Coeur d'A lene 664-1390 1-800-SS0-4900 24 hour Hotline Above it on Ski Mour,taineering the Ptarmigan Traverse Peter Williams, Director of Student Activities at Whitman College will be your guide at this slide presenta-
C A R N 0 S SW S E WR 0 S R D
Student not looking Ill' EV81'81t
b) !\ nnk- \\ ucldm
Sp,,oEJit,,, W C'konµ.-t.,d1un.h t;,r TtdJ H, , ~-. r l 1.hmbmr ,, • h.·li5tu1.1, upt'flcnec '"W)icn )11UfC'I M 1 np:mJ .,.._ 111 the v,u,ld. 11'1 !ll'II the ,·irtv.." He"~ SillJ.
,1· C'm."Ck'lft.ll J lh..11 ,x-k d,m1M111i,.noc
aa:c.,Wl'1t) • ph),M:ill ch.tllc-nt,:e. bUl • rntnlJII c..h.tllcnltC~
If" JU'>I ;111d the md ht- u d
Hc,~ i,n-.r tbo QIII}' ooc: lhac dliok1 of <'; Hill A
,r,t1gl,1'j_, C''(ptdo:na. Ue-1.1.ld 11\.U on Hone•• RiJ i:~
lol>rncmc ~uh .in ~" fo,,'lf 1hm11c dial v..1"'n you tj11n n .,,·ctloc,l,;,1. l>ri,acWit.
Jkw. • llkk11c .ai l .n.1'1--(·J.rl Swe Collt'Jrllkl .u
'\I<' h-11 bctn wnr\hlji V.rlh lh,: Ouldoo, PUl'Uil
pqr,1m 111 July He 1.1:rc.,,_, up In \t1..:hlJ_t11n•nd mo,NS
1ol'u.=urd'Alcne t\l.P )",1".,J!C1ffl•u~ uf 1hc
.ic,1hc11<, 11r l h<" .ut11
Wilh Ould,q f\u,1111•. ltcuc h h, -.:haq!c o f the
~hn~nll' "''IJ. muna..·1~.iniSbt'QIJbt hllx
Uo\l;". 11..i1J hrdol'~n·t h11\ t: a,n~j(lt. 1M 11•
fW\llc,1.iunal lo4uJrnt and hm v.t-doJ fo,r"1'k'ta f~
tl"U'flll , Al NJ(' lie hn ,,.., in 1hc SVB t1:W,.1ntc
~nJ•icbeJ.. (Ill lhC' int0nJ , l·rt"w Uk.1-.«Unt)' bl!(ott
p:lhn,; iuH1ihoJ Yl ith 0utJoo,r l\irv.ilt HC'\'K" tcaJd the
Ou1doo( l'uh~lb pn"IJ ;itu jt n J('OOd I.Iii<' arnJ .i
watth\\ h,1< ~n x<' ~!t1~~~ ~i'~79J;;:i;;:1,;1~~:;':if1!nisv ,ti1 r-::1.11Nr tk$ M ,hmt,, .u1J '4n:1.J.eJ 1n1n11 lht 11,,·1c
i.:hrnhlnt""·-'' Jft:~rdll 1 n),1t11: ha, 'fl"C.'OIJl'I\ rar 11
W'illil'lgl'lieu n, kllrn. tu.· ...,ill tcxl'I UIC'nl He ""•L• 14..""fld)'
"C'1tlJ k'J lb .:a lop t'Of'."' tf'OUIA1"t tbtuJth "'ncnc:1111 .\1QJ11U&n(~A,-«:1~1inn Wool)·r«lnt'CO#d. \ lcac.
Kn~ h,n ~I tliniN11g ~'OR.\&&1111~ \II~ c1i1nung IO NIC Son,, uC h11 ti'°"l ennn~l\lC" t:l,m~ il'ldude ttieCir,1nd lttorh. On·II • Tl)wcr(1n Yii), ,m, n,:)and t.un,tghl m ttlc Sch 11\ RJm;eo. tk Wlid lhlll they d id
uci11,u1tlfn1I OWGl'ilnd 'fc1ni1, t fc,1:p1,hi:d1tfTti-x,11t-.c P l htih &lutlJdc Clpo!IUl'C Wct hmbcJ IS mllain 2.& OOUrund,..lncd 11 .0011 tel:4 t1rek\iaU°" he 1iald II C$kwclhc'~nt\'tl'~IOltil:~h1oocot2$,0;;()f«1 .)'Cl On.."t • ~>ti ,Jimt.-,bo, e l.h;1 t hctghL ltC1,.\C \.awl chffi: l11 11Rly.1 t'tttllin MMUlll r,f llfflC! .i boJycun wnl\'C Hc,.<oe", pc"""'•' chmhi fll pl n Gai.bc:ml\lm IV io I.ho H,nw.l)'~"- Ir , UfJC. of «\·t11 •"'1 p:rfcct fot H~-.c nic mwnuin u, ,ysnmttnc:al M (OW' t.idn llicr1,·1,me-. tu a~ Hcwud hc:h1111l'IO(k,irc 1~climbMl E\'C,t'III bet4U,ci1',a,.t«p ,~i&lk. ltc ~hC'~n·1 ll\c1he Mka n( r>Junna di(' rnounl.'btl llnd "'" * I l"llthcr dlmho,nc or 1J1o: ~rroollding "Tbete~\00'1('1••)'tOti:-Ui."hclm~IIIJI."' ltl"\o<"1ld "'E!'t(l')'bod)' ti.t, Jifftrtftt , 1)kl • tk llilid 1bat "''""'" 1cl"ld 10 ciccl bct1ct iill clirnbin1• thlin 1111.·11. Wlu~ lfl('n U')' to rt,'11:h tbr w mmll riaht •~n). He~ wd ~OO'ldl daD."t' Hr,-.c 1o11J thilil c,Cf)·ht,d)' h.n 1bc1rdwn larof bcqthi., He ..;aid 11 1; 1 '""'111 lit)· 1h,n1t o.nd )'1,u 1r.,\~ 10 ronfroftt)-uwk;m 'Yw citn·11n )our fcancmm\J )t'4i,• be wud fle.._..c ldtrt'1C l ( b ~ l\oJ V\!JICtlCNCUll1. He 1a11dlbe: ""un.1IRJUI")' b! h~n!\."thcd•tulcclnnblr1i .,.:o ....,hrfl l'N'lt of h,, ffic \11, lcll CH'I G111~111h1 H11 ,-111nh11•a parmetwlt(ilbo\'chlrnll.l'ld,.tancdcn fltl~ hll'll. lie,.~ rt"Cbcrd Ii_. lhc! btto1' f 1QC' .1nJ •hen he ._..._,uldn"t fmJ 11 1raM>cd 1hc: lint of bl, frln,,J In ii "hitJtJ pai.1 tum HC\",C lllb ~hlit lot.lop hh fricl'd. tlll.CI\C'd (h1t!,I JC"Jlft"C bum, 0 11 tu\ ti,,.nch frnm ~11,: CUI~ the: "'f'C I do m, hl'\I fl(lC In JM'." Hc:,,,..t wiJ. I-IC°'"'"-'i.1 bc.lus I Jt..11011ncnd,, In l'ocurd Almethat he d1mh wttb. 1llJ !bill cbmbcn ~c 11 coonn.,1on He \lil.lJ dil'lll'om ,1tc 11hny1 wlktU121 O'ot:t h .:,t-"r"1i ,h ,uldcn llllJ '6ol.Jn,1C out {Qlf och ...Ui.:1. anJ liq lot.uq to ~mcmtnnt~ rcilll y \\-CU He ti.aid l)C.' i.:.,n wll a fncnd', n,o,.-e, \\idlPOI C'\'('tl '<C'll'I.,: lhc'1U, l'i,t h) judpn, the W.t) lbr ropt IIIO\~
Climbers compete against the rock and themselves
tm1hlna: , li.itknp.."' lhr 11'-"(i)' 1111nd
IN\ftoJ f(Utfflll.jUC"C)Onirl
A passion for cli m b in g b) \\ lnrerwnK BOMlto k111ut~/Hrpt1rtrr C
\lllh,..h1.Ull!p."'UUlll'lti.tltno.n.l dll1\m;t1L,J,. ('limhi.-r,, ut c:l1111hu 111 r•hcr io •lilk'.11 ,1 (r.&1 ul 111.Q.l1tlpl11l11ncn1.
"'" ""l'ln:tcr an r,,punrnl. l'limMnt brirtr,! l be t\Ci1cmrnl. olJ\·cri&UI'\' ;11\1J pl'l).\k' P.,"'lTofothn ~port, hut" Uc.1C' ,1m~ ~VN1hlhcmd. C11mtw.irrwl
Wt,h h,, tl(lttlCIICC Hc -.c d(l(t, m;it !;~11\ldCt bim..clf .1 1ood clinibc.t tit" w,f.l th;,,l the d11) be gtK', ou1 on a c:l 1mh ~nd Joe,n'1 lc:am o1n)lh111g h du~ d.iy he will , 1op c lunbmic, So'"' fk'IW. be -....111 '-rep clnnbinJ h>.., .uJ 1he hca\·cw, Top ten, student and Outdoor Pu raut1a Instructor Todd Hesse c11mbs Oevll'a Towar Above., student Josh Es.ury l riot not to tall oft a ctfrt near Bonner , Ferry
,ott baaJe 4 ficom: b.ude -whett !!IL'~ .,.iffl 01.mbc:n do noi-.... ,n" ul fuc; cl imbin,. di(')' complclc • dinib.
..,..mning- bl.II 11 111 ol..m au:umplitlulml i:limtcn!J \lotld. lnftJj ilnd hJfd 10 ochlt\'C. So "'h)' de., people decide M chmb11'o l"I dic,hody 1lw,1Jbim<cw,,y. jll,j"o<lll
Jtay, • ,11 cltmbtt imo chn~ni t«llllltJWM)' bigger l l,nlbl. bardet IOOCC\, "lnf'Odlfr,i;uJ1pb • I ot 'tl,J}'I
Where to climb
t,y Win1CTMJC1 Bmdcn a o..p~ A Jllrt:lk ot NLuh ptCCC'\ e,r c>1 S"""""" n""dy inlh<hard S.12 .,.<tc po,1 dimblns ntn~ Climho. i.rc ti..rJ .inJ loog ,r,on tfll.lte\ ll's k.ltllllOn ;, 1 1~"1\ 1hild), MJ I W.t)' to t:,c!o1t the 111immc:rhcat n-..mmer. 1~cmck btJ dtlc,, lc:avini:. .oft MUlll 11rm,undm, prrfcd bohldcnt1,: At'(n, a Ml,-1,alui l..o.:;lkd on Upri\'a Drht 11.looi: lhe '>rc.1UIIC' Rl\'ct, lhh, I• 1 he.nil)· ,limbed aod u'<'IJ .ind "-'ill U\W.ll~ be \'Cf)' i.'t~Jed fl)()\' c¥f the u,nc. Sl'k'lrt n)Uk, un vral'flti-l.'Cl;1tcd 11ypoorroct1. GooJ bouldcn.,. c«<cllcnt ,poc 10 ft.IP fl)pt:. J11t, ot eaq, h.M;lte'1, • t.ake K~IOIIC!UW U11hml1C'd M1f'l"I) (ti roek(l)ptJ Mo.,tJy .,i:Rftl~ pi1cll n>ule1 wuh 1 1'111),C( ut dilff"-Ult), Bc-4lllifuJ oa nonh.,.'t\C Monwi.•, Kuautu"-. Linle eJCf!'i iUld tnme 1ec:-hm,;:a.t rt1t11•'0fk m.akt chnitMn1 ch.allcnfutir Md run
C"'hlnlDl'yRoctt f.~Ll.:n1. IOOCf d1111blt1,: ntlt' Priclll' 0n 111,r dme )·1,ur M1w ndcf, 1hc ttJCld i, \'C') t.,mp) !\houJ 2.S p1cclir1 or ,:Qdc" 5.4.S tl. <kb L"'-'hl f411, 1l almid)' IIIO\l,"«I h ,, b,e,.l co dfmh Oimncy m rhe ,ummcr moathl .uiJ Ning plrrlC)' ofwannc-llXhn
• BIQdcdt C.D)OO
N<":u' Mlw,lUI, Moot Bk.Jfffl ~lmbia •.1llchmbmao1 and5 gr.ldc,.. S\lfflC' afe.11, ~(er up tu> ttct1,Ccl1ml'itn1
TIii: W11,,.!una,tan we, J)feknll
• \'lnCly of'?'ffthmh111i,t·n~tt1 lhl5afCo1 i\ tr<\Crw.lfttt•lll&ftdilltt c;oh11niu JOmt up w 100 fC'd hiJ:h
...... .....
C"lc* tu NI('. )'OIi CM !ti) climb""
In bt'tWttn d4,"" (or dwtn1J. 1n the ,1~.c:k"'Cwlhrn'tffalld~ IIJlC'~lnf clim~ ~hal moft'(ould )U•uU. f11( CocJunh'
Page 12 The NI C Sentinel Ba c k Pa_cgc_e_______
Nov 18 1999
Climbing lnalfuetO< G,wg Rou "'YI lhe hardest thing lo, begl11Mf8 when f'l!)pt Hng It the 111'11 st.p oll the odge. llelonle Baldwin 1:i.':'11 ~,l:;i Slep during the IHt ol cllmblng closs lhlt HmHttr Among others, A°""" will tnch whli.wote< rafting ond mountain biking this '!'ring