The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 53 No 2, October 7, 1999

Page 1

r ,~ aarir1..-J:

1flc fk(t,i1i,y,.u1.111f111r 0.u, Shed.let, ASNIC ptt,~k'M -..1 .:h.UrnlDII ul 121( FJr<11vn• c,,mmiutt in11d,,rt,nll) •Cll(<lulcd

II ni..cll t~ 11nc1iJ. 1he ticu.d ·"IHN(CI 111ttUn.i

ti«w.lie C-\(1')' C;il'lduJ..IC! llid the Amt )lffllt.lhol\. He "'11J Jue lJ tl'lc (11'1.Uffl.•Lu:k:O, lt -.u.r1·1 blf to dlC' ,r1,1dc11 1 -·ho -·anted 10 ,·01e: at 1lul hmr •nd \; 'IUldn't \h,:,.;kkr "1d ,d,eJullni rlJ{ 11P1 111 1 boi>.h"- h.a, b«n i,lunr, }'IJ' lbc .-rc1.11ry in lhe Jlllll ,\SSI(' t. bc:l"II wh!1uu111')' due' to l'n"'clb Pi.,ne1ua·1 rrnmotwn tu ltlC' dtretto,

ii t-1,r 111'1111u,1 cln"Hun." \h«.Utr ,..i,J l ht c"tlcr (¥JldhJo11('\ 'llot'lt' AagCU May«. o\oho n.·,,n,·.cJ 11t \'l.llln, J11rdm P.po, 1tt11I, 6U W Chill Yoch1.11n \lillh 11h11ul \r> A\'.'.,;1•rdin1 to Sbcc\lcr, the 11)111 nttmber of re:u,plt 0 \VJ\"U by Scpl. 29 - 2X9, whid1 ~•m, 7 J'lrl«!U of •lmkl\1 11 -.~rJ Sh«llcr 10ml


1111, wa lolrll) "r;bcly wi.i~ r,csll~< S!.tkkn~ tJt 1111,ull ,:n-iop cumm1s:•1k11hoa., ,LP.,.

.alw cu111rl~i11cd d~)' 1,ccdcd rno,c ln(orm4Uu11 ,ia IJ,c ul'ldid.aar,. Of,e \ll.JII • D.tnt1) o~lfitld. l 1. ilQ cdUOl1(l.1J m.1)0,. Hid ompo.lJll pcnl~n 1111 t.1ht 1ht • .1n1t lhnig •rtiiry IW't'd 10 ,c1 our tticn •nd u1, '" p:optc, t,c u,d Frr,hm;a-n ,c-11..1t,,n Ire pot n«e:,,'4111)' rifll•)Or 1llllkno CanWJaln fut · 1r~1mcn~ rir,1.11~ 111c "'' nJlcd bec•loe tbt~ 11~ a(H 1nu.1mlttn1t, Tbc •inn.:f• crm •111 lal-l

mrtlhc: Mlllllnr"l &,,.J ._,u hryirt ldUlftJCirlklt'llt1ol lOC'lll.

a.n1, q1«11wr1c Jncubct • «wltmllm<"l\l lO 111.-.>ll.abonUH ")'\lem ftJf the r,l11nn1ni •nJ Jdhn) of h1J.hcr eJ111.Jlinr1 1n the mmhun Id.tho reslont ik.'CIINlnc 10 ltfc 'lK1il; .1,rrctrpcn1 In f'llha •UN, NIC thc Ur1•,·cmr,, nl ld.lho.

"'""'' ulld ~, ~t,IIC Ct1ll1t,:t: Ind 1,1.a!io l/lU\'t'.Nt) 11ft' \lo11t\Jng tl'lp:lba ID ollcrhcurrtJllcatt,clC!l•,rth.:t.10,,k,sb.

-rh1, l11111i.iu, li,ill(!l"\ lti.::- ~\f;i,,;IJC.U l'"lnll 01'1 tk.'le '°' .. u,d ~-=bac:1 lh1rk. SIC p1Nhict11. We )tnl ho~ 1..- ~•ntphfy the rnxn, ~ad m.akc It t lnllt'IJQICnl b\ dlC' t,,ltt ·

\:K' Ju, tl«Ti ti.imt 10 Cf •d 1,·s;c LU.C"llltt mmru1n ,~ m.,.i1y >c:"" Each ~o!frn•c,.,tkt:Wrrirllf' ~m,1nti..-.,.roidkM•a 11.ilbt1t1t"t•'ull hll.htb.,cw lffhln"• ikjtff w;lhoul k.i,,n,: ("oturd' Alffit'

SICftll'• J'l'rpotC' i1 t,1 .S.,,c""' cull11bor,i,ica1 lhul P,11\i.dt, po,.t wcondal)

ClfJl'O'lun111r.. 111 lht'fJ \he e ,l, t.;,1:11(111,,l lla:cb ul I.IIC rn,Jotu ol nonhct11 I~

Thu ·11dll 111chadc- unJcr,radw,uc: an.:S e.r.a~tu..11c dcartn. 1c:nrr11I cJ""•uon. pt('lt'~l1011nl 1Jc:,('lur1,,c:,u. 1rchcu,.11 I a,ut .,.,.rUou:C" Utlln1n1 1Ju.l ..:ultur:al


~11.kkHI• w1ll l1C .allt>,""ktj ~I.I'< U,c 1•ri>J:ram .- 111 .1llow 1htm «> ffi:(l\'C' •

hiKhek•"t Jcoi,m "•UtuUt tu,·,n.,t t,.1 k.r\'C' 1k lff• ,'J I{" ~111 alu\ ,row pl'ly,i,.:.tll!-'

tu lh«'i lhc dtml111h l•f lht ,:nwdn, puJ•ul•Ucm. If J , 11kka1 i, ,ain1 fn s,:1 • ~tf'IC fmm 1)(1(' of tbe 1ehoc\l, ,., .,·,1 n1ru'- iN'l>in-J fo, fll'lll°'-i.J ,11d ,, ""di u ..tmh1tlltl ""111 ht OW.'f ln,icad ut tt111n, lit.II Ml forms fo, three v.bool,. 1~ 10tu,Jt,n1 '4illhcatrlelOflllOUl1"('.

1'hl1 ""'111 n:uui1i)· ht! hrtth.11 IO lliaknho\\hoain nol ka~C"ot11t d'Altncdiat kll.un1l,n.and ta.1<J8url.(

\I(" •,II e<1111i;iuo kl vlft1 the fin1 '"o )'t:4ln of ~uorc C11u~t1011 at \l.t'U-. ~int cnhooloJ, ffld ILotli..,.,..:: tridruoit;. UI .tbJ LCSC "'tll .,;\lltJI~ a,, ulfct l\kbcl,Jr , da::JJ-«1 .ukJ ISU 11olll p.trla.:1~h· in otrm•J cdu..-.11t1oou in lbr

kath pnlC'uiun Seed •nd 1111ctt:\l ,uli help 1niuit1~ new iiro,• for uch


An olt.lv11'111}' 1,.'0lm,;.11 pl1JU 10 TJffl IUOll llli..l I• ('b.ftfnl h~ Uu,\t-

Tlit, ,!· twrf)l'111 lflltJI\Q llflh (CM! M.NIJWnt IJahct w.·hnlll l~U, !;.JI (llhtf' ',t,t'Jt u1,1k'd 1,, p.1rtio.:rp,llt' l\oi..t S4~c l nn~11I) l'IU) J0111 aillil1.•rrC'f \fflfquc rro,,1rn1.,

tu 8SU b ~,~drt& t!ll*I tru-th .u'iJ. fotl, dMt ri£.ht flo,.. i, not tho bN IIIUt r,i,J""'"ll, -.a:,,dm, 1 8~

Titanic discoverer to speak tonig ht 0. Ruhi;n 8.ill.nd. ,~ ·...:~ :11J t ,\ ho ,ti. tu\"t.ttd tbc- T1&.11nc., \llill ti'I'('. .1 fttt: "'1.halr al ; ·:1(J 1n1w,ti1 11,11 th Hi 1'11. •II H1tll

The loclun, v.ti,di h ,t.iathl'lf\-db)' ti~ ldlhnSc ncciTCIKtic'I""

Board hears classroom, enrollment statistics, will vote on tuition grants

orcn for~ (alfll.'''" d111)1; IO nl('('t. t,uc 111 1hc l\lt1.1rt clv..ia tn.l) 11,nr to~" l~Jimn1 ltlrldl 111 ma,1mltt er.• '*'''""" tJ,r, AJ!.11Cl('ln of mott ciaffe,, ,uch A' 11/1 A.1m:ni; n (Qduin lUChlUI(

1.:I&\',. •111111~ pn.opt a nw,\t ""'.I) fl\Vlt tta.h1lun.i.l ,dll:lNll.lrt,. Cl«

..tlJ ftt ah:u 11:noou11~·eJ 1ti11 Ill" li<•p:1 Nit" "'11 hA\C • phy,.1cal

rrc-c_rn 1n SanJpotnl b)- ltk a,iJ \JS tbr tdtuul )Q

l>IMd Lmdyy, \'ICC" prr,Mkm oJ "uJ,·11.1 ~f\1«1. rcp:lfUJ

1,1ulua!hlft ac,d <molllllC'nl \ (1111\lli,:"I Vot:IC' •mUtlJ lhc

,J.i'M:U•lltl.l .it thf Sqit. :,H) bu111d of OU\ltct mttttn(,'. durm.i; lwx:h ho..11'1., ,J.eurtJOffl u..e .Jms111 h• • I""' .i, 'l! rr,ttfll (itt

l.2.IJ Uli\ 11 h.,(,iv,c lht cullct< hb lf.1dll1uri.,.l1) ldl lhe lunc;h l,.,w


IU:hlle' lhat 1, bil):t't .attJ t,c,11-:1 •c:td t,,1•11 IIWIIC ,u11u,a ,_... (lthn ,t.-n• •16 lht- bi.lllru'1 a,:rmtJ "'l.'n: ii ndtwol dhrn.1f)' intliillWG

11M ,\f'l)l("tl\:an lnJ.un

Amelican ...... ...... iMll&i.. •I • 11 11 • 111 I '•I l I ( I Scheduling problem delays election resul ts Voting session no1 open during requin.'<.I time. Janel f"alk appeab by \lartia Btd,h:11 St'ffmwllfr{'!"1rr ~hl:Ji• ~"°""Nb)-"'"' \Ol("I; arrea-li:<ltb..· ckd•on ,·1,hlfJ r 1~ fu:,bmcn ~,w1.-.n doc1iun ...,.,, n1rr1,k,t 111 1h1:hult b.nolh~f 1."\trth1i• ~'"'o" OctTiw C'anJNi¥1c. f1111el hit. coni,ulntJ 1.b.11 baJIOI ~n •Cit ntll optlt llx' 1•14 d11)' nl Jllc dt..-lmn d1uu11 t\(rung ciao dmet .i• rqulttd ti)' 11\t' \SNIC' h>I••~ r nil"• runr11ni:mo11t t..J.w1a Tcnrw-lCIII. •hn r..-.;on·c,J lh~ 1t111
ltftJ •Nk ~r die w,u111 OOCMh 11'1 1hr !;t:b M 1ttt- ,.,unr unit on Sepe JQ Sll«kltt 11.·4• lk't ebk to Jltld it rc-phct"mefll fru lhC' hl."M.•lh 1u11I kh d ""'' tnarc11'11~1 for him k> l'f1!'Nftt the'"•• thr.: ~mttlh15. Thi:' w1nn«or1 J\~K-J on 11Jc Stpl :!ti t111ly wc:tt l.11111• hnnt.MJSI. Erle \mi1h ,IIJ 8t)rlC \\-IIC'f'lr1 •·11h IZl ll~al'II IOI ffllnfC'\llttli'rly. rall:. wic.b 9.l \!Jltj, fc,h If tht pa.1ple 'lhc !l,W t1111td 10 d1¢1n,. &rt h.,d t,«n iahk' W W.i!! 1.1...i ll.l~ht ,tic,,.wlJ h:I,.: -.'Clfl C.1111,hd,11,f Erk .\mnh. ""•la~ m platt, '*il.1 -v1n.c 1hr dcl11y ·t1 I ~·1 p:aln'ttJ, I 1u11,11Jn'1 ux,,pl•in.• 1&14 ~'.Unilh Ut u id lhcrt'• flo ooc- in lhe Sl'R 1n lllt ('\Cuiap. "'hJUM JI\('\~. l.Jt'le t,.1 chmi:e tu hli,C" lhc11 fn«'l\l\ io OOWfl ud ,·,u foe 1hcm.·· l:,\('R lhc,ullb ht JON V.ld) UIII)' 9 1 \1 o!C", \;IU!lfot.'lfe l>umwun AmolJ ...._, K'D:JlbllJi CJ( ttic- St('t 29 1.111)
oP ldahO schools work togethel'; sbldentS may be abl e to ear n B.A.s and M.A.s here b) Juch ~ludor ~ittitlR,rtt,,1tff Juur fflll!ur 111,hc1·k\d tJu..;wJo.ll'l 1.J, cx~ ut IJ.Ji, )01.ik"dtfJRIN mhc'f'(" lo ,r.ri.21111 hot '"Cl ~M1on Mid npand lht P't•pam, 1tw1 they ufrc,, The '4Mb IJ.aho Ccnttt for lfl~IC1' EdUC*it1ft tNJCHl::l ~1 "'ili \i,ntd
Colleges collaborate for higher edu cation l
\.'.l1ulrt AU.S1t1'num.
of 1hr Al•1n11I A\.~C:IIIOlWI Ai:cotdlllj: tu Shed.let, II u II JJlh.;vh U111t1 10 \chcdu lc 11nJ ,l)m.e .\S'.".ifC offl«r• h~ 10 ,\ip cfa.1...a1oron~rboollh "The tn,rc,,unt thinr ti. llwit •'(!'ft' Wll t<lil!ll lu h.1.,l.
111u,iht b) S11nJ, Hra.i.hun • .i,k.cJ 100 ,1~Jr1111 duri.n1 Ille ck,;.110,0 whAI v.oolJ na..ic 11 caw« for ttic-111 fc> \'lll<'. C••IIUntlft tt'il''Wl ~ 'll(t( l&\111 h!WI aind krn;cr h<11.1n for \Olllllf klOCh, \~,-
utiUI ,\JlCl\ of
•hea I~) •IR
F1naJ rt..ulc, Cl'( ,bl: c la'IJO!t •'Cnl tM-1( .iw,1~ • pre.\. lltnt ...,.,...,,...
A.l.kX""1. 11 1>pt"n&n lfk p.ihhc. Tkli!b lotthlH\<111.itc•\All.lbk Clfl .I fin.l,WIUC, nr.t-llft"t N,h al the hrH otnci- r~ a,1~11J,11u111 Jonn vdlt t,p:-n •I ,. .a.S p.m IUl,.j "'Y 11~\Ca!,ai 7 lDrm vrr1llbc <,rctitonrtari--tklt1hi1ltkn. When puah oomes to shoYf!, HIC'1 Jennette Well,, ten, tights for the ball during a game a;,1n1t Selle.,ue Commw,oy Colloge. For delall1, - Sport, poge 5.
h) \1t·phut,,
,i,,·,.,. f;.Jm,r C'l,UUO(IIM
A( m,htlJ:
d.1wnnffl 111iltr.Uloo ..r:a1,,u~, pttwntcd 1n the bu.1J by Jc:rtY Ort. \"" j.'l'f-,Wtnl ,f u,,1f1.Cbi,n. lhctt arc.1111~ 1klm11 ta;I\ 11o«t. ,.hen 100 p,:-1wnr 1,r 1hc IC'flcritl cb.1.'1.1'1,,n1, ale IA 11~.
Utiliza1ion results ,how need for more clas~es scheduled during lunch hour
1n 1bc
tu Iii< bo,uJ lhc .,,,•.uh hi ~011,ll,ncnt 1h11 luU h:i1 c.,,r1)(' Imm K1.·101c1u1 (O\lllly "°''h •,n pcTOmC of 11!.: ,..fl.14eait¢Tlnlllcd t,dn, IIP{fl IJ..ho ,.he kill, of cht' 111.11.k'nu •it' frui •\ill C\11.1111,, Un&Ua) "'1iol '"Wt ;we• N,,nh, rl.a:c Minr,nt} t'1\/'1•llmc111 hat 111.lo 1nctt.:t.""'d c,r«iiill> .1llnl.ll'lf #\menc;,11 lnJu,u a,,.l ltup.1.11li., I r,1,... ,tuJcn1, ~hU °'11·!1lil'llh:rt!l.lle '\hkk-ltl11. Things heat 11p m the Chili Coak-,,ff InsideA&FJPage 10 SCI j)Cn."t'nl tu "I pi!'r.;:('IIL II rlllio UY! lo., rcru.wncd ucaJy for i nc fhc )-Oll"olndn• tnaJ11mni,,1 '-I\ QiCltU'Jin,,,,11~)· Monie T•IIL t.U:ltutal lliwn1f)' ,a, lc»IJ IJIC bN,d Ula 11\c V.1.'CLkwi• ~t1.1rt. tttln ~bout lht C11t"u, J·Altnr fribfo \lo,h wt) 1ixun111 I, ,11nd be hi:tpC"I k> m:;ili.t ii atl llll1IM1tl C\Clll He w..S "" f'f\\'iU,J,k'\I
11'rr hi>unf ,01C'.(J
C'lllioNI the C'µl11,n:
hi111aa1,'C' h.l.,;h n JW1 ut ihc S11•J\1r1tt f" ,111 1.., Cu:'ur d'Alene Tnb(o The~ -.111 \flll: nn °'-1. :7 'flhr•hcr OI nOI 10 lklor,1 a p(\l,y cti..1 •·ill Jhc i11..flll1~ ,buu; 1,, 41J An"'nQII lnJJ11m lnim 1nbn uniinaU)' J,JL"..itd ill IJ.aho. AJ
n1111~ 1r,1111ol.
the le01•es die this fall so do some of the summer:\' fashion trends
Life/page 3

ht Kim D••t~ S('flllNI Hf',m1f't

T.hc c,pponua,ty atu.t to nucnJ i.n) ,,.;hool I.a ti\( Vnht'J Sll&n. MIJ Oidn Dc.hchtv chtht Coeu, ~'J\Jffl< OchM (DldoJ t.klt,.hcv wa born m • amall h1\\·n l.n BuJfatt.J. !lOOUC 100 mlln

DtltcbC'\- eamt" to COt'ut d'Akl'I<' 10 1ake adYantaae of • tuah ,choul .c-bollr,hlp •v.1U'lkd t0 him for k0t1n1 1hlN pl.tee ht the Arnrrla,i Res,onal N111IONI F..11,:li~ icq, The~ n gradat M EnaUW pror.ckncy IMld .JminN.cmJ b)' !he CC'flict fClf C'ullut:31 lntm:hancc.

OcH,heY wu required to pan a mimbcc' ot twri,., 1tw:lu1,h"1 Eft1lhh an&t

Fall Fashion

Say 1oodllye to sa•• 11111 llello ta 1111 ll'llldt

btK•nMOlllt ~nt11N'IR.rpur,rr

Ju"l •ht'n ,hoppc:n ~Jl'II Ilk)

bad lht n(\1,(:\1 look, lbc: (-.h:IOll lnJu.,u)' aaJ ."lo,1hw~d rtt•U 1lOlt'" come MJ) w11h 111:w l1ne1 of ck,thr, '°' 1ti1, r11r, f•)ltio,i ttcnd,. s~ \1,1,11 dll'W$,h ll'le nulb- in ltlt ,uu. nC11icing 1tu11 aJI M the t.Umtne'f ttltru.. ,ucb II &ub, lhorb, a11J ,w11lHu11-. ore iont. In 1bcu pl.ic" h~n, • •idc sdcc1lon or '"'·c•k"- r,uit,. j.W:b:t1. 1ml \1:.\11 in prcp..-11ion rw IM' <lun·, de:p1&Jt11rc ud the tllbt'l ot •tnJ.. mo MCI 1oov. Winu~r ,, on u, ,.,.)' and (aJI 1, alrnd) here Pod;cct,oqh ar,c tipcn1ns ("11' 11'1ie puc'"haw P.I cloi~ 10 w,1 ra-hlcwl trmds in tbc (all and WlJIICI~ Employcc:<li IQ W:\"l:ral iC«n\ 11.ld ,hat ,hh f•U't \l)h arr '\ii..._,,. and '\':omfmtafilr - Grunse h f'ltll anJ t.ll•lll t, bxl'lflfflll. more •I) Uih mi, hll. tccord ,111 10 t'mplO)'t'c, ln tc,mlara*~ Emrl..,yen in "'°" afttt u~ t*ld lh t" Hfflt" lbiftl \'t'•l1. Aft A Vt"t) popul.r 1km dli, ..::11.\0CI \.la,rl)' n:U11I ,tort'!> h.11,c a diffic:ult li-n,c keeping up •ith lht hla,h tk:1nand for \Oil. Polar llc«c; aDd ~•-quilled "w... UC' ~lhn& q1ud:I)'- Employee-, a1 1v,o d1trc:1cn1 Gap 11on:1 n.1d ttlt')'


'I rail)' ,-.anlal Id the Amc:1')('1111 l.i\J;Uolp! arrJ ('tlllffl',• Dc:lkhrt .;;ikl Ht a1tctu,h:~ Coeur d'l'\fenc: Htsh S...h0ol '"' the- •c~l.tohlp ••arJc1.I b)' the llAIIClnal lt:ll AHCI h11h t.cbool ar.iJunhnl\, Odt,hcv wa., f&'Cd '*llh )C'I •nMhct d<cb1on 1c1uu1 '10,cic lo

qu~y ,old ow o( the,, tin,. ookt t1' vcsu and were wo,kin1 on their ......,..,, Efflpfo)'CCI Ill (iitp ~id &bcJr VCMJ. 1Ue \Ct)' iood Qull.lil)' Hov.C:\-C'f. cQOJ quality doc~ noc ah\'lys. mean toodpfoc AIIOlher fa.U fl!thion tttftll CCIUtf'I 1mund 'llomct1', ,mcrCfl In boot<..i1. and low-rln ,ll)' lc:d Je•1t,1 1ncJuJ1n& Ulok •l.)'lo iii khaki.~ Men '.Seem to ptdet 1hc *ldc•lcg Jell\J. cuao,, and nrpc:n:cc-, panl,. accOnhn, 10 rce.11 ,,Clf'C (Jnplo)ut Abo, conh capri pan1J1 and floppy tw, ucm co be poput:a, Thrtt•(IU.wtl:f aod half~1 \l«ve;t are popu.l11r ""lth 11.•omc.n. ~pttiaUy with ~iM ~&AA Wamca an: auo lc:uuna 10 Ilic "'c: 111,.y~ 1ick whb I ¥arlety or s.wotcr u11. Hd 1111, dunkyahoc1.. The 81,1ck-le', rop •cllcr• *Crc l,nu.«b ,uch a, Dot. M1n11. Lucky and Polo. Surpri,in1ly enough. Tomm) Is llilJ atU!nJ 11t:m, Ille mad.

Pcopk- wlO buy a~ 1111y1but1 ,-,•Uh lhc Tonuny lOJO Ofl i1., 11iocord.u11 IO 1 8uddit rtprc:~I.IIO\t..

M1t1y or 1bc other 1eoro 1411, carry Tomm)' uld practl-c1tll)' tbc Iha,_ 'The 8lN:'kle Wltd lhDC lhe)' ..ell • 101 of c ual 1por1..1wcnr ,nd 1wc:atcr-. d1,1ring lhb ,couon They abo aid 1M many people: -.·fll bl.i)' • loni·d«.\'Cd ,h1n 10 ,o undrr 1htir pcil&r O«n and C'vcn • pur or ~h~, denim\ ro lop otr their falJ ,hopplffa

An1cricu lilcle mcauoru~d Uu11 d1cy wlJ l(.)ii~ or vunasc cloc.h1nJ

TIK'y ..c:11 many )hm, lhll1 loot hk.c lht.y arc from old collc:ic, ud uah-cru1ic1. IPd coMfONibk ~-11

OJI' thiil loofrr. like lbc)' hll~C llrudy ~ti btoUfl in, Tif!POd 1'Wdll.CN all(I thO\e .,ht, • ,ripe ac~, the chc,1,1 ~m fO OOIOOOUi among the mm .M for lhc \lo"OIIICfl. IIIC)' \Cl!tn 10 go f<N' a ,•·ca.I.Cr w-1 Qt a ,htn ~llh an Atitri dcs,111 Hd • p.tir or clul\ky s11oet.. At,o. wru Jwt 1o p.t)t 1tie elbow. ha.<dall Je~) ,hin, sind l&)'ned dochitlg Ille all lilcly to be 11ttn amund campu, 1hb fall \illAypol)Ular \torts ht\'C r,«t)ct'tl rncn1~.,1:11th1PAmhl'ttnlfflbJc:&

A1cb (C'CffliDl 10 tht Rwcrpatl Mall In lhc ,prins of 2000. acc<""dins: 10 reulldochtn,slOff\CIUrtt"I)..


Noah Harbour wears Nt cargo pants and zJp 1wut1,.

Ji;isi tt:mcmber lhc.<M: thn:c llln"lYlll tip, lo:r t.bopplo&: ~IWt)'I ('()mP,,c pdc-cs look (or ,core~ 1h11 carry luting brand, a11d never u1e 1hr: public: ttsJroom unJc, , llbwlulcl)' """"") Do not fArl VICttnl IO the-. ml!ll()ll) of nxrdwh 1500 arc too ..,,tnrn1 in I.Ike: ,bupptn,· fT\OftC:) Moil impom111d>, lcc-p the rcctlflill It lS noi ~no•n 'tl.·h;aa 1JtwluffiijU'tlllUlllldthcC'Offler

If, 111 ht't.uJ1ful &n:I aoJ lhe. c611crc tlilillnn 111 d1e.ap. 1.- '4kl Wlulc •Ucndln,. SIC, he ha, uJ 1hc oppon1,1n1ty 10 npo'><' olber collcac •u.dcnl, w,lh bn c:ullutt: Md • \'arid)' ol u1hcr 1.uhu1c1 'Vltlllc he livu 1hc An~cuhurc

He 1, r,e:• 1 I'll 1hc ln1cna11o(l.1I

foculd on (mn1liari-i1n1 1ludct111 W1tb a \'UICI)' ol di((cn:nt cultures Qnc of 1hc c1tib·1 "'°'' lmpc,n~1 ac1iv1tl~1 &l bc>,,tll:ll aa 10Len'WIJOGIIJ buJk\. ~h,cb often 1 "kk a:s.sonmm1 or 1ntm1.111onttJ (ooich.

u~n ~crlrtna • dcs,ce. ., NIC. be ,aid be .,., 40 COCllln'-" bl~ cdt.tatlOD In Unhnl Slllln al 'Yale Unhffl1I)', tn.1je'lnJqi en poUucal tctctli."t: Dclu:hcv uld hl1 ,,.,.1 11 10 hccon,e .tn 1Atmt,11iomt,I prowx\lCiDI il«flftlt':}

limes Change

Different. yet still the same byJ.lil'qwHuum $,tt1'1titf Rrr,,m,r

'flM:, S31' Dao41n com,ncDl:nS wu1hin1 0116

tp1111C!fiftJ II du do.

:;t::w:: r,:: h::: ...

and 1omo,hcrc in the m1ddfr of Moou1A1. 11 .., clearly nctlbcr the lime or chc pbc:e for IUIOWOlhc (a.llurc

Limp••• orr 1hc highway II the •c•1

1v11laMc 10\lo'n, I roulld

1ny«lt In Livinguon


I had round m)-.clr 1Q 1hc tl10t•r1c r1UroW

to\ltn or Livinrton acvcral 1lmc:• J11 1hC' mMJ·

1$0, 1 rtm(mb(r rcniina I room an 1he old Murr.a)' Hotel lll tbc ccftlef or do.,..'U:10.,..11. Tbc

M1urt)' was • cavtrnou\. four•IIOt) bnct:

bmklln, down th,: ,tm:t trocn SC\'l'r,I ''drmk.111, cs1ablbbmct1b We 11rwld rent a l'POfft kl.

lhc:B(orS17aalghl. Al\"1)',. \\-cM'l.fli lht \.atl~ w.,L. ltwitl\ il\J

Uc, 1bc ..n&;ic-nl. boay ~). ckrk would 4lffi,c (rot11.t(ICl)t'fl'bt'tellltb:~d.otUk' \lumyw

~bf'/vdtTl.Nh Hanson of thl ASNIC Ev•nts Bol,d and Jar~ Hammond, tront-t,descend olf oho pookol Sllv•IWOO<l's T...,,,_during NIC dly. unea tor thl rol1*r coa•tara...,. ahorl WMn the pal1t opened an hour ea,ty lo< NIC ltucSenla Sopt. 18.

Massaging stress away

b,-AnnlC! \\uod(n Spt,ruEd11t1r For ,11,1de11h who nud hdp iwldlw£ tbt l{rt:!,,S 0, I nt"W ,Clneql'J, S1iaclen1 Hc..1111 Scnic<i1 11 bf,ntinl nlthllfC 1h~r11p,,11 t~ NJC ScuJ,tnt mat.Ml( thtraphi. (mm die Ammcan 111.rulule' of CHninl M.t'-\J'° ,n P,1-.i Fi.II• ftlllhenntht:M"l."Cllll1flturvf~ sue u a.m. 10 :\ rm. r'flda)1. ~IC ~Jc,~, 11. 10 ha,e IW. l*pptwttm!t)'

k)p:in-b.t~ ISmll~c, OfM.v41$t'fo• nw .t,,1u,,. ,.hkh ,,~ 16 ., ,1ucknt ~dulonhip fund ramil) nun.e pr•clllh•nu p,. Ot:Sn,c:t 1ahl 1be manaic ,1uJC"t111. •·tll ,can co-m1111 e,c,y friJ.a)', •nd <k:pcnd1nc on 1bc rt~po1hc , ffll} be. bcrc every da)' J11rin& lhc- 11u~, of m11S letm \ anJ tin.ii, '"flt, 11 ftlffl heh(.\Cf' Ii, lhC" hr-1,tlh ~ndil, of nw~..._.a:c:,'" OtSl'Dcl ,_.jd, 4'1C 11odtan 111.J fa;oh} !k"'f\'( an oppununuy 10 111k.~ ~art: of d,ern1Ch1:.1."' fc,c infonri..tnia. P.:lllJ S4\11Jc:Cll H,"1,t1 Scr\'11:n 111 769~7kU!.

11(1(:ompany u, 10 wr room \llid1ou1 q)IIIJ • 'Aotd, led tn 10 the: boccl·• Ct"t'.lk:ln1 elevator, pullln1 lht' mtllll cage dO\>NI ..,.,1h 111 eerie fiuliiy, Our room had no winJ()\j. Kt«tts ind 1hr .ouDCI o( tbe Jtloom Ir.Std Mluna.Uy tll!O our R)Offl, The balhn>om d<w.11 &he hall lftd ;u lhllttd b)· w:,·mJ ochcr room, lllld thc:tt wa,. no TV,o(.....,. ()nc:, nt&M \lie' \lt"ctC bclticd up ltl cbc: bot JU\I dbwn tht iUttt from llM: Murray. Thu L'O\ltbo)'aoe up _, a buncb N Nell Youos 'IOQI' \l.ti"d all bcanh hut'ldt'Cd ll mt,, bcfon: 'lc.~t a woman -ctppcd 11f1 oo lD,C. Noac ot Ult other li.t p~ttoai, in lht' Mloon tbiu n1£h1 ibou1h1 1111>,hln& nf 11 whdl lhir bcpn W:lns bctcWll"a ott No 011C IO noucc:. ttw ii. tlttpe u~ Living,.1<Yn ha~ c'hongcJ 'IOtllt' The Murra)' has btta. tdtubbhtd 11M ru.ttnt. llff' "°'"" S60 Iii nt&hL Ekh room, hall it b.dbtwm amt IICnxN on the *•ndow'.\. R•lph \\1111e, lhc old, ir,1mP)' dc,k dcrt ~bed and "°"'. a ,;mibng.. c:hatkrlna ~>' Ille,. )'OI.I up 1hc oik4. p&ciJ ckv11or Thie Neil Youaa 1itrtp JOI.Ill. 1, cbd.. A local

J)Otltt\llA I tllktd 10 t,1,cl the ~C)' had IOC'kltc the bar~' dwltt'I \,,-tw Jw,w tO "pld .uld


f01tWU1trl)', 11,1tnc: 1bll,1t •lxlu.l Uvmpton

hl\'ai't cha.npd 11.1m Mtl1 rc,cn

Ocie Old rte.\.gp I NW .sakl "8ack. Off - f'•n

Rdo111Ung..• A pc)\kf cinhlkd "Way 1-0 Spc,1 a Real a line ol ccw.~ Al a bar Cli(J1 with • prcuy gir1 bc-iidc him The lone-

""'-~ Ill thtw:f)'Hdof1bcbarlw hi,cyooo

otl><,,p. A

Page3 The NIC Senttnet Thursday, Ocl 7. 1999 ...... Americans Life 3: c::, .s2 ~pend $300 :::, million on c::, >- clothes every -c i:5 day. Alittle bit or Bulgaria around campus Coeur d'Alene H.S. wa,~ Dido's first choice school lr0111 lhc KtllO\O bonkr OdtdlC'f' le.fl hi, hl,me .nJ riwndy IV.U )'can •IO Vld JC'f off on hi, jciumcy IO aonhcm lcbho. mah.11.f~ c.umpl,r;iinf mi,,Uc ~IIOOI. IO aain c:mlf) mh1 lt1111Cu.1,e ul11111I, L11oau.1st' 1<hl'IC}I mu~, be ~flmplc1ed bc(ort ilD tlldMJu.J 4.'atl t4lc ~he ri;iU~ 81.1ttNU1 ur «M\11J1uc hit cdu(:atioft ,n &be \ltu~Stlltt, Dthdtie,· u,d ti( liked Coniir6'Alt:nc and do:Jdtd to uumJ NJC Stt.*fll Club M N IC. -.,hlcb
taddk,"-'" :md tuld-1111:J ua,·(lcr-ran ,ull C(I D ~Alflll t l cak •nd CIS\ ill .t P.t\l 'flmt Bat NJd c.Jc flit $4 29• the c.c 1tt 1tlll triOft: llwi happ) CO iall to the IClllllgtn. I.ft tu•'O Lh10,:~l)rt. I'll be bet How has the enrollment increase affected you? •••••••••••••••• ·Pitli111 k- tlw -Pns1dn1- "'l1h.a,n'1 bol.hr1\'\l ''h rcaJly hAl\'I If, nwnthing."' Llllld.'K'af)l?IS 1,pu, m<." 11bouJ tame NIC ol Ille pml,l<m lo lotMkJ WIUKliq loob fll'Cl'Y. but. " ADdrn Morrk. ft Jamo Primmrl', io 1""'8radk),li loalpc,lflc " KrlMLa.Moi-19 Kdll Col•dl. 19 f:J11t.Pt1 f."lcJ(1Hrrn,., Attilw1#t.GW c..-,..-,111 UJ,rcrtwt --.u,,1111 Ru1liJ111•11 Ro.1tit/,,u,,t J•,-rJ-.u ""'"""'· C"'cat,,rd'Atrn,- F.ng1;w'llti 1/nd,d,k,/ RM,I.MU C01J'urd'Alr11r

Hawn Is d·around leader for Cardinal cross country team

11C,coJu1g I..MAc C.i; HtJh School.~

11,j_., en lhc ,an,t)' ~u.J .1nJ haJ IM."I Jclttminatldn <Ulll pli.Atnctl) i.,w.nrd Uk.I.. She ..,._, m:ruUtd b)' NlC CUKh

Lewi• Watkul.'I (ot Ultd,. hut 1o¥elhcrthry thwsh111•WIii be• good ilk• for her co nm ,n cros1.c°"t1tr)' aolhc

eoukl \ti)' ,n "upr ,nJ tflltn for 1hc ,r,r,n~ O'lltl. scu,a


Al<111g 1hr rhY~ll.l kl'lrlih <'f tunnm1 fflll\\ cwmt) Hxwn ali0t:nJ0>' 1hc M'ltUI 111mo-.pbcrc lluit tome" wtth tbc

·we due\u)th1111 ILIJ't'll'let, Hlt.\ll!iitokl WtC',11,,lt:tln MXiah,t. i11'1dC\'Cfl&C) lhrou$blbc-wmc.,-tnanJ

~11ffr11n1 d11rnl,lf •he liM..r"' •

.\lthoojdl f.Tl.l'.)CWntl') l.J lhougfll a~ an tnd1'11d1.1JI 1ptwt. the- trllfn .1,pca ll ,·cry tmponant. Hewn ti.Id. 8dffl! f'\CI') 1;i.;t', I~ lc••n U\Uilll) Jet\ so~ .vwl • ka,n d11\11C'r. tilk-J with cllddlydntt.t (Of 1bc out ~t Tht k'...-n ~ho h-1' 'A'h11t 1ht) call a ''bl rilbL ror )'Ollt blOOd lyj)C" ~;r1 th;II Watkin.~ gh·c.11 coeoeh b1di\idual oo the. t,eJ10.,,Jratr a, d1<","' arc, the nJ. Jmm fb,.·n ,t ,be doc.'in·, drl11k cnwgh "'a1r, mcmbcn. on lbc 4"llffl are drit1Un• Ml..'lfcthun II tlllk:m of w1111., a J,1y h> nlttl 1hc.r p-l'IKWI.J nocth ror ibtmJhydmcJ (ortht: praeticd :u1J

MCI:{. \\'111,mvuc lini\eNt), 111 !Salem. Or( OO'IAC'd III track 1occ1W.1 )'Cit •ncl It~., hctc •heft H.lwn c:1111 ca.,ily docrtbc at htt ffll..ll,t mcmunat,leo ni..,,:, The- COClnt' Y..a) dt!\l.."ribtd a., rtally ta'-1 uJ c,vcrall Ju.11 halud.lul Accon:11nJ ta Ha n, C\C1)'1J1.C (\II tbc: ~11m \C'Cmcd 10 ll'C"flnnJ f\'COf'ds.

"'It wn, ju I CWlt' ul tho..c ptrfcct f'lll.:iag Ja)',, 'Nhm: c,'el)'Wn1 came tu,c:lhtt and wcm ricbL" Haw11 lldJ

1111""" ,aid,~, v.ltit11o1t,c f'C'rwnal JcWI '1.., thh )"' •• 1oqin11r, for a.11t.lonal1.

··1 )'U'I' ,two tf,am jV\.I hmlr ttlr, 11111~1~ 1h11c au toUc:g,c. lc:.,·d athJaeJ dream for.'" ,he wikl 1'hc m«'t ti 1111 1t1C1n1. ~heh rlw )e&1,11\dhoptl11ll~ •Uh hmt •,,.rk.,Nlltanm:IU1k1t1.tht lc.18\etlnm.aUlt'w: lnp.

-ftac tMlm 1, l~bc-N 11',dit~ tc.:1111 j',-.:_cver bet.nor, for•ny 'PO'l." H11Yi:1A.IJ °7ht)'afc Mlp.l\dJ,c. so fun

1,11djtn4 u1trtJihlc111h~ I ha~-cmiitktllnw:,u,1f~hlc ftif:n;;b. lltlo.J bctn llJ\llft in IOlnlil)' ""undetfuj


She '-ild she \Oillt n'\1.\1 lhtm rtc:XI 'fCM tfard;lrnt1111'!ti.irtlllll W..!-·mgfoaballll IJ~lll..4. ~fl.indlft,.,,lfflt'nflhr tlunp Haw11 («-l\\he ncah IU

•orl. C11t her ind"' 1,lu.,1 ~" CW! the ttam St.; -..aid. ~'t'"· th:at 1bc 001aldn't do any of 11 'A l1hou1 the 1eam, ''\\ 1tht1'll d1~llc0j.c. lhctt ,., oo -..::hk,emc,11,"' ~wll ..aid ll.tw11 t, ~" eol thr In.Ill}' lwd\l..ud.#'IJ alhlc:1n U11 the SIC c:t(lh.\'CIINl,Y 1nm M""'C\·t'f, hr:rdcdlcarlon •nd li.ut ,.,:if\ f11r ti~ IC,un t, ~hmu1g IO\\atd iU'I 1nv1~lion 10 lbt 1111t1CC!al

Carlson iqoys challenge of coDege-level runnilg

bt Ctwtk Ldumu, Sl1rr111,I RqMrur

Dctmnu,cJ Tht OOC' wm1 thnt dc~bN ll&bcl Tttf.'Ol"CICl'boo an Dlld ""'hkhbc ~)• he h~C:l b}' C\'('f)i;b)".

C.rlllOQ 1) • M1phumorc r.tudyi11g clcl.-ual trllllX'ertlll ''I l1U 11 hoi:1111,t 1r \--hllllcoge\ me," he ,aid

He: Nl!l)ftom ~.Slllld xl"ldu.attd fmm &moo blgh 1ic.ilool. CJ1rbun ouM 10 NIC beca1rw fri1, £id friend ""·o.• here a1,chhc SCH lllm J11 w«h --ith the COlkh Ii> (IQl':WC' hh 1,a:l. and cl'(l,,,,· 11,ki.lh •h• U:lll',i. lortk him to "1Ltc hk INltOf )'C.V ln high i.chool ',\ h1IC! ~ti:n.i 11 umr o(~~)5 in the j(lK) 1(1(1Cf"'\ lk Ii><> ,.y, he lti<LI dto II her,; llll<i il<"'d"""' dun~ about the Khum

From the:: tq:mntnJ. Carkon·, ''™ )'taf of coll~,: P'U"'tJ he wu • pmer He posltd a 4.00PA 1nh11 OM 1-C~c,-aodplaccd 11th II in tnd; dw-,n., the •pnn1 At lllll"1™!h! he po\~ hi.s CSCC"r bw tn the lot ac32:J9. Catl\On s.idhc prtfmtl'IClu,'t'r ~C:OUISU)' duic JtlO'ldy In thcr quicw.,., of NOllinJ on a tnd;_ Heuld he (Wl,ilkn:

d 11Jly run1.

blntitlfII. "'4moodl runtlC'I"' and e~rtiun.~ bi\ st)'lc ""'Orb bctkr oci tbc 1111Ck 11\nn on the gno, \ Vbct,C.h.oo i,n·1 tt:ann, Upd!C: tnc-k o, kcePII\& luc not,t ,n 1hc boob, he hka rn time pl.a:)'•nt othn sport•. Soc«r. '4hd1 bt plA)cJ ,n hlirh 1ehool. and ut1una1t fri~btt IOIIIC: OI ht!t (•\Ullk'I. Carbon NII .i couple i;tf tc'.1.~iu fot hi,.

WC'C'C'\' .._., a ,1rona 11llllkul·.11hlelo. He comrllmcoh mlc n1add, , hl, pa,tt1• und fonnc.-r uxl ,w S1t'vi:- Prdontaine. I le: l..c.ys hl;c: rl.n.: wMI hc:tng rfficitnl • v1w.J IO 011 tQp. He aptii:rt, rhl,.t 1hJn11, lilt v.-.Ak'.hing rv can llC' rcrlaad v;hh lll(ltC unpon.r,1 th111g, lb.t aced 10 donr '"If eu1 ~t thing, hkf.1h.-. )'vu •oulJ t'IC" anu7.e1lofbo\\ tnt.:hmott 1irnc youha:,'e.-

M1, srcal t,t,'Clfl ctllk" and in,pirint n11• tla"t'ledh1111 ioru1UR'itqJ1l'llk>m;11~f'-'lb'i~ly ,oil'IJ Ntl ru l'tlf11:illd 1111J utllnJinJ lhf Umvd"hyull'cw1!Jlrtl.l lle"11y1hc""''OUld Ctlntinuc bil edut.iliOD tnele...rnal t1ti1ntcn1~.u:. '1'hc:mo,.llmport1Lt1tthin.1ln~h(,olli gcltln,: }nt1tdc:t1ttc,'" ht: wid tk al:-.o u~ be 'Vo"OtlJd rh>C«'d io running true~ amJ m,,.,\ cotibl.f)'", 8c:u~ I m:ro,:t.llblc c1udc"H1.d1IC1e I\ l,(itncduf1$ he: liwli by and i• cktcrmlnc1I IC1 COftUn~IObe

Cardi nals st ill go ing strong , record per sonal b e s t time s

Marer T111111 llld NIC CPOII COlll!ry Ila In Wlllmltll lnvita

b) AMM' Wood<n S111m~ l:ditvr

II wu • d.,>' Pl pcnomi.J t-tsu lot lhc NIC tro'J1 00\Utl,Y ICltO al the Wdl.\mt"Ut l n, 1e 0..1. 2 Jn Slllcm. Ore It w11.i Lhc firu 1cme we had C\ff)bod)' n,nnina In II. heolthy ,c.LC Watiut, whl. "'.I.Od ,, r,11;d 0 1r in b11 Wll}'i.

t.t.llu Carp04'. tron1 1eammatH Jo O.ra:kfy, Mike Dodge, team Clptaln Mike Pe torson =~~Twa

Marti n SIJlcey bring the boat thro ugh

•nd -·1t1ch 1hc SUit

(Oll)C ap.~ ,.al\l MAt Ptlehlill,. lhird )e!lt f'() <, for NIC Pt1m.on JIO'illt"' ~, ap11ui, oo lbc rowbiti '"'"'

.an,I pion, 10 lflllt~kr tu Oolltlfa llntvcr<sll)' n<\I

~ITlC' lcr

i;all O.)tmn.ffld\ IJwou,.h ,1 ·~Q,l•bol • n11crnpbottc: Craolfflih throoJII ,ptllth in tbe ~. N IC , , ~~ IWI,) fouMnM and a.n drh1·m:1n bolt "('rc_t,t, llll:Cl ILi\ orpn,«J and d1..c1ph11Cd mu,il,'" "Md M.1n,n ~. now lu hb, Uth )al k.i.Jm~ lhe C.111.lulll.l rmring crcv. I'm VC'f) 1mprt,:,ed v..1rh ctic C11llbc1 <1( rnwcr, tld, }e.1r, I c,*,y n1ttt11,1 fll'\I, 11Uikn111,., 'They tull)' II'< I 11TJII s;mup n( kid<o and,, Ullnu I Inc about 1ticm l,."tttm1 up c,ery 1nomii11, 10 tu* NI(' new h rt1~ I.I p nt r.oc:n fttwcr,., but .anyone mten-,1<!d m an car1)' marmna 1111,,rkout. 01pnixin1 thdt dJ)' end compctkls: tt. <hCU!lfa~cd lo con,e WI iuld U)

The lop rl\'c N IC \troc11e.n Onuhcd lO ~i. llplltl Orcbcnh Moyer. • ttmman from Coe:w U'Almc. Ired tbc women v,Jth ll pc:non11.l·be,t l9.S6. 11bavin1 1J mm,uu <>fr htt '""~'' t in,~ In hith .c.honl. Sorbo""* J11111lc Hcmw, f&iw-) 11111 1ht COlll'IIC 1n 20:06, ILDd fttWIDn J.a1W<l fall (Mo•eowJ tu• l)c!honll.l-bcu 20: 14 Frc.1-hmcn M1chcHt PQittcr fKoclid,. A1asb} ,ruJ A,hlt) W1\Cb.t.n CMinu11la. M 11a1.) \\ett lounh 100 nrrh re.'lopccthclt Wa tlmJf AU.Id tie a, h.appy •,•11th the rac1 th:d P...-1.o •nd Wi<aeb.u-1arr:tl'IM'1n111r OCl l tt;un,., NIC \lr.n 15 PtAuml be:~ oo C.lll'»C frfl«n Ille NI, ...... "' h WA.\ the bc\1 ,bowing v.-c·,·c ever had, Wtiklm~Jd Sopholl)l,rt Alc-ki.ando., flllll.a~ 'iii.\ the tor NIC hnnhct In 22nd pLu.:i:. 'l'omu fin"htf.l lhc fh~-m1lr co11~ in lS.O). 11 ~n<mal bc-u fot lum h) I;20 T<,n iu ·, lrmc i1 the lhitd f4'tctl ((It NI(.', ~ma tu WJ11\ift'\ ho n:iccnll > com~k:d thr 1-1ip 100 lfmct, by N IC run1:1CN ,n SK 1-.z1 ...._11111·, the fa•tt'~t 11me ~, .any athlete I .,chldachancc:1.;.co.:h."' W:ukin~ ._1JJ Trc.,'OI" C'arl\tlll mildc 11 to No H (1ft 1hc

NIC bt1C 11'\l. finl~hll'II the t.UUll4.' m :!S:?l W11l.11u aid ,1 wa\ • ~,,.t,nal bot from la.~ )'Calf (o, Carl..on b)' 1..5 lllUIUla. "1De)' t TOina llt"'1 C".arhon) bach r:.n I'll.II ul I.heir hcaf.l~•· Watltn, rhird for NIC v.H ,opbomorc: Erle C"all11.0C1 o,I lllll1nn, Al.ukn,. wub a Im.IC' (IC 26,IO Nert S111111l, .t. ~litllafe from Chc\Oiclal\,. \\uh. •·11..1 founh in 26·19 aod frc\btllllJI Clu1rlk MiJkr. Cotur ll Aknc. ,.,,." fifth ((If 1b, lc:am in 26.10 WJHki11, t.o11J be v.-u huppy \\hh Mllkt', ~rf"Mnaoc.c .u he "'IIJ, b:ls111nahh"ter11

-j f OOC pc:DOn a DOC lhm I00 percent. e t Clll ttJm thlnp arwnJ..'" Wotlun, wid Tbc NIC mea placed I Ith ou1 or~() tC':1lffh w.1i..1n) ~ud chcy will flO\j, uy 10 c!O\C lhl" ,1tp 1n lhc mcn't omc, to put ttilnv 1,-,,clbcr for 1'1c PiklllC Lu1bcran lfni,~"1ry lnvl1c S,tunl:l)' ia Tacoma. Wa1lln\ ,alJ .inoihr't huge- ;.u1ndoo1 for NIC 'll.11\ ~c>phnmort Sh.i'tl.n lidgt"tl )' o( Spoko( \\ h() btokc: 21 mlntu.t"\ ar lt.d9 Waalm, -..wd 11 wa,: ffl(lff lhan o Cv;I) mit1u1iC ~MnJll ~d for&l~rty. "'A\ COIIChb 'iltC ,.1'flr,c,d tt•~}' Wllh OW be.lid• 1puuaht1: Warl.m, u1d Wt'. G\1Uldn"1 bt bappk,r"' WOJC1:m, said NIC 'Aol, ek,\l'lbmJ b)' CSI. hw 1h,11 IQfll'I udtc11on 111 i,\Ulllly pla:l' In ll'lck,pfht'llln.11rkJn.tJ) "'Wc'R;lll,hldu•,r Ille 111pi111 1htm: Wottl ii,.atd. W,11lu1, !o.lld the c1.1.1t for I.he tnco nih' n\w. I" to pl.-::c , n rhc top"""

Page4 Thursday, Oct 7, 1999 3: 0 :::, §?... -= c5 The N IC Seolinel The average l i fespan o f a major league baseba ll is 5-7 pitches. Sports Keeping the pace
b) Jerry \bnlt1" StmutrlR11~u,,, A1c.m kadN r~ • "'pon •• one <•f 1hc hy lngn:Wcnu h> die 1c.1m'1 u-.·miU ,11tt."Cn. f11r NI(."","°'' courirl') team. K:iuc tbv.11 b.i\ ,ll(Wm !he k-ldmhipJJnd in ri.mtl(lo for etch member of lbc k-tm to trth't fot hl,t11 h<t""' H11.v.11rw. VftllilheNllilll UJWttor l'"t'11 lkl"\llr Va tiutw•• ranod,nC«urd'Akno. Shi: bcpn w1m11i, "°"'l'lt'l111\·cl) 1n ,oc\tnlh grade '¥rhea .he btgan p.u,1clp1dng Ira ttacL ~1,llc
l ho &arty momlr,g tog on Fernan I.Ilea during etow p,actl.., Crew
Ear ly morn in g, routine for Nl C club b)' h nnron T. brundrnbur,r S,.n1m.-lR.-f"V1,1 lfl fll<MI proplc~ 11,c thtflJJbl of ,i,.lk11t1 up '4 '4 ·1(> n m .ahll m'*lnt lllf l..S mile. D cby ,, <nul.qth rn m:llc 11,tm 1;:nnitt t1tt W N I.C m""'"IC dub i(f'C'w.l. th1\ h an C\Cl)d.t} lkl !\'11),•It ••• chlllkr1t(' •«k•na up a, 4·2fli,e,y ri,c,minJ. t,i,t II h Ilic< ICl be ui, hc:!Ott t"\C')'OI\C
club prepares to compete
An a,cng(' "«l f~ h,m and oihitt dctJK'Jired ruv..n,. cvc1,i"1 l)f tn'A>1l1J: tiw tw hoon t\-Cl)' n~1n, ,ltkl '"f"l'll,,hnJ up In IV1 1 llbl1n m • ru•1:rrg madt1t1c h i, &he n~ tc.1m 11"1:titcd l'Ol'1 I hia\t c-~n bc.-~n 1n m,J I Cfll.'UU1111J:l"~\C!f)~ fo 1.'0nlC' e1111,• Pd~ ..atd C'tt9r co1\~fll ol hiur cigbl CW\mttl. dc11enditt.s ec1 1tK- \flc oJ boa.t. NK' t'rtw n,-., • f<tut man boat 11h a 011\w.rin A ~·"""'llll totl\ In 1hc "cm of dlC bc»I anJ
1 All k,th .art v.-.:lcivn-.: Sim NIC t.Tt"• i.\ c(lf)Jitdctcd • dub .i $3'J I« ,, rTqui.l\'J fut a 1.:1...:11r 1.llo-n&~hi11 a11d o1hrr~u1r mai1nttd1o. We. hl\'t' • new ci,:h t ·ma11 hew tu ril l ..nlJ nu" «juipmcnl thl, toe.1,tt11, 11.,J cn~OUfll$t' c,tt)·t,uc. 1n,1~ •Dd (c-malc. 10 come OIi( llll.l t,y die" wurid"• 11100.1 placw. 11Ml.1\j111t,pon." Slllol:y \;SiJ C'rt'\lo mrcu c\.tr)' Wtd.lJA)' 111 5: lj t1 1tt 01 Fc1n.1n 1tutk1: lo J'ft"Pln.' lot 1111 up.oml11,: con1pclitkln agalmt ('N)n,a,:• llf11\·t1J1I)· •nd 04hcr \"t'IUcgt, 4rouml the Nt,nhv.C"W pt-,0,111-Jfl~ Clrdlnal runners Ket le Hewn e nd Trevo, C&t1son after one of lhefr
.a, n.auonal5 '"11·1 not Ju,1 abuul running ra,1," \\ ;1 l l tt1 'lid '7h(, NRncn i11C (Mltljit •ell ,ind ~1na 1hcar lldcdub Ski club to sponsor equipment swap 01.1kil'Mlf l\ar-.Ull\ anJ di. \kl t: h1h -.111 ~port\dt ;m l::4u1pmcnt Swap Sll1uri1o) .md SuriJ;JI)'. Oct 16-17, II\ Wnllll) IC'r S1uck 111 Unmn B11lld1ng. Equ,pmro1 clitd ,·ln \lo ill 11 am.? p in. O..t IS v..,th lhc 11up S..turrJ:->' 8 i. m S run aDl,1 Suud:i.)" a.m·J 11.m f'\i\~w ond tl\t'(I clodihiM .ar!J •Id bta\ il.1Mc 1-oe mt\•m:isJoo, cun l.-;t J hOn t..uler • I 769 ·71W'Jn, &K (>'Hnt1111l TI.1·~71l


The p-cntmcm «1t1-.1~" 11[ K\en L."t~I mn1itlt:r" Ql:b 111n11h.:-1 h

,·(ltt'd 111 and tirt\•~ • 1h.rtt-)·c:1, J('mt M1c1 1h~ 1h1cc yco11t 1hq· aic

aJk,11'CJ 10 tun 11µh1 ""uh no h,1111 tu~ UlUIIY IJlbC'<i • f'l('rwtl Coltl nm.

E.i.:.h )\".#ho'O('Olfl'~:11 tlk'rflhrn ~r\" IJP ,Cir dc1o.'fmn tinJ ,·\l'"f) 1hint )\.'.U

du.- mcmbt11 are up for cl.('\.'lulft

Unc member.-.~ a, lhe ~Cll.ltk:JI ch.l11f'CJ\nn an! rt'J"l'titflh Uc ~nt-- an

• regional bot\11 '#1111 dlC Aftiliolll.'11\ rril'lo nl 1hc N, 11h•t'II ni;, l'tjlofl;oJ \:Ullt11o.·d CQIIJu,:I\ ,quanrrl)· mcc11n&,1 t.11m1tr 1hr )ri'!lt, "'-llh

Wa~h1n1c()ft. 1\!Aho.


lived before first Eu

11'1.11:11 )Uf,rl) nf r,1111 Sum1.a Pc-1,r1.:- v. ilh the Cot~r d'",\lcoe Tt1hr De l:.Ji.:.rtwa. t".JltJ them Ult l •.il.C' ~\ao..•11k-" \1,/11.:11 l.c't'11 ~nJ rl111l. ~•me 1hrough 1hc .u-c C'flllm.-1~"d tti.l lhn-c """re J.IIIJOCocu, d'Alene lnJ1 I 11(' 1il.tAtt.i lo lhiUlt:'" 1,1t 1h,c Co,,.111' d'Ak~, "fl" 1hc \\thuu.111 M.1M111.-10 m IM' Orqo,, Tcm lhe li S iu\.tm11.-r11 •l4nt-J u:ndill)C 1nutt ,i,1, cn1101(l1 hl·1v.·ttn mbc, .-nd 1hc ,orHCtm11n

Dancers or all ages pll'llclpate; merchants sen tndmonal ,eas11e11 Jewelry r1,, Uo1t11INR~t"' \.'f11JIW'"J KtWN(T

A11ni;k do.1111 flO',•tidc:d on:,- iuld n,'\'f I.Cillll Jc;orrun, • 1m·rk ,cc.tch· bn1 S1r1~.or 1n the tllttt\f t.111gu.1,:..- c•! Crtt. ,1~ 1mtc:n. ...,.l'llf In ~'fl'!Mt' tn the di\um, anil 11r,,1ng 1 .,, .1trioc ,:.,,nc 10 d,uk·c:1111: 11 eul .,nnu,:d \·,,,-~ttflc. l!m Pl).,,·,m" w~, hrM 111 Chn~,,111'°-II (i)fflolUdll!A SC'f'* 17°18 n1C' IH•W\\-(1\11 ~., fllltd ilh h1,1ory. dan~c a11d ·n1rr1,11nmcn1 W11.IU11,: .1ruu111J. one n,uld f«I lt1c: old ,\1~..u, l1uh.:t1 ;t,.1y of hlC' tc,·,,,c..t,

Class awake• ancient

10 frod °"' •kiia 1hc. f'N~lt •·m1111n ""h.tr11".1tn " thrn tn~ \ n,cinbc-f\ Mn,- VJg:&n-u~t11t tu 1t,c, l.'Ollllc:11 11t htJJIC' ol mak1n1'w:', tht \lil11:,lc "1mffllltlll) v, 111 hmdlllrllffl 111 ucic i;.t.1.C. • Cucurd'Alc-ne nib.ii fl.'lmlb.:r bfwJN J,,it~ o1 ~1tkll\ lrucn I~ p:ios'k \IIM1t1J t.blll Ibey v.-.n1cd rrmn; u( thr fot11,h tu go 1'1.,.,M\I d~)'OUlbc,f1bcUtbt ,\,atn1,11l ll1CCO('C.itd'AJc,nc,Tnbt-h1~ a)'Wlh ,nra:wr l>J'Al'fk .,...,tJ, lilt' l1~MJ i, \lolflln,t l)t1Uthcrn1.tr1nPh11111ntt Smi:c 1ht- Coc:1,11 d' A.lcnc Tribe h ,l 1cl11i\oc l) 1111111.II 1n lx•, 11 t, lkf't:tklcRI urc,.1 "4tc help In c;.ftf,w"Cin; L.v.. The u,1~ ,kr,.:t1J, oo ,r~ ~l rrw,ilk p,lu 'lllrd.rTV,1,1il M1h1AJ1, 111 I~ dc-p.n:mcnl n'\11.l \li'Of\; m,o_ M<N hi~ 0..1 Upt)a • irc-.1ty,

rrlh1· ml.'mhrrs, collqe 1Codn 11 • •u· opporlu lanauax• •• ••• Coeu r d' Alonr

.. Pages The NIC Sen ti ne l I -b,MO(T Symbolia:lng tho homecoming of• wanlo, afler , war or hunl, David Mathison of 1he Coeur d'Alene tribe comes ovor • hut e:nlering the Julyumsh Powwow groun<t.t during the fndlan Horse Parade et lhe Greyhouod Partc.. Tribal government similar to U.S. by S1arv S1hnak Srntinrl Reportu "f beCOl'ffl d"Aktlo Tnl'ic iatti.ldc upol t,,.!\'fflll ,ltll~nl m1t1,. Orio pf 1hc vmt, tbit1 btlp the tntic Ju-11,111111 lh llX.111 rmcnrmc:ot fo •nme ff,prc:H ch( f1.1\'\.'f1'1111trM h di< anJ \utd 4,( I lhht; II da-klt, ""*'"c lunch v.ilf be, rt1 c,I. Y.l\,it A'fl\lhet, "4-'td 111 pbnncJ, how1,• 1mpkmmc1nt¥1,..intJ 11J{'(, 1h.-l11v.1 f•lflhe
\foe1IJ1.n.t aad Or.c:ion 1rrre""11td hum hclt' 111 c,iu"'il mr-mliet J• c00ol('11 IO rcp"°"ll"nf c~ re11,on u,e, ,1 M1<.JCl,llJ tuu.. fhc Nahnna.1 c,11111rc-.'I or \l'lk'rican lnJ.1i1ra n M.('111."d M ,ht 1! S 1~u11111l ,0\'Cttlffll'tlt Th,, COlllkll 1.""°,c,s a ltlc'ni.ht1 t1.1 hr Uie -.-:tal1t11J,11l. "ho In rtM11 hctr" prm •he tnlltt ,~11i1.,n 1 tKally c•.:h tounc:1l 111cmbe1 h paid ~nJ U"'t\c, 11 lhffC'lt'l'U i.lC'pat1n1en, btJJ, 11f 1hc lribc One couocll mtmb..-t 111.1) UOC' ct1c: educuti~ dcpi111.111e•n1. v.lhlc 4lll<'lher t'l'll t1dl IM"ml'<-r ,:,"er, 111 lhe .,,hmh.iog fut 1ho Ulbr n~ ,·uulk.·il nwm~ 11ft" e'f*'C'd
bu1 lhc C'utur J'Aleo~ fnt11.• •1.1tl1 out vJ &ii C\.e ulhc: tH\kf. Thh. 1vtkr JlfTI"ldc:1 mbc- mc:mf'I(,, 11\1111 on re-ctvo11100 tk!l.llb catT. hewn.ins ,111J • b!atbmtth. \\'hen llti (1.'\C(Uli~C' onJc:r 'W:111 ('l\".)trJ. bJa:.bmlUl'I Y,fft i ll hJ1h Jrr11an.l S.0.., 1111, 11r111 In lht w;k"f h n( M """ io 1ht tn~ Coun.:d fflC1n~r"' nu,nl d«:idc v,.l11:1c to,14~ a.uJ ('.ftrfS) 1J1oulJ 1t.f!Cr1t llw= Cc'l:Ur d'Alene Tobe 11,~,rb <lnwl> "hh thf' i,:ity or ('otlll J' r\kr1< 11'1 ookr ID e 1.1hli"- .1 •'OOCI rtll.Uo1nb!r .111J l\mcnc.111 h-.l.1.m IW,U'Cl'JCU. lbc Tn~ ,fo,i.att, t p«•nk,11 or 1:1\ OIUIIC)' h1 l'(flCfl1 mhll tnl."mb<-tt 1h.a1 am:nJ :,..:1c o1od 10 liclp .iudcno b<c:11mr 11v111n:: or lhc hi,tnr) {•f 1hc (\>cu1 d'Alene a.rea. W11h 1h, help or l.'~•llt:ft h(,,ud 111emhrrii, dK Ct'll'UI d' Aknc fnbr: ti.a\ m-11~1 an l\m<'rit'ian 1a1h.1J'Mi ,1µJ)' CVUl.'<'ll,IICJIC\'ICUffJ'J\kne IM'l!\1.1#'~• ~·bh ,uppl)w, ,c,\"ml bJi..1b kJ 1hc' .about Amcnca" lnifl.lln\ The CIJC'Qr d'Alirne rn~ lia, al~ -<'1 gp rtw:1 t"".all •·u"'ns lu,r.1r,,,• '¥1hi._:b l, J"pla)', lhlal 1111,• Id ,ap llfocmd c.1111~ ative Peo
Government took tribal lands, forced members to move on to servation b)' K111 ···"'• \,11111,dH,.J,,•rlf't T he C",'C'ur J'Alc'nc r,Hk't oriJtinal I L'O\'C'rtd fm11 n11lbn11-.:1C\ il111111htttltilln., fh 1Jw h,c111tlit)',1hett ~r\j1 I' ,1, dtplttcd ,,1 '.\8,000 .K."Tt.i. hi 1!~ 1600 and J70lk. the CO('Uf J"Alit'oc ftibt ._:ua •IC'J ut 27 \'1ILic-n.. Jn,.~,l 110 11-.: Jiv4c,., ul t.;;i~c Cocu, J' Ak11('. d....- C<1cl11 d' t\knc R1\ct. I ,\.c 1\-nd Ottdk dd lhc St Jue Rhcr. Ilic tnl,c "-.K Jc-t,cn,k•111,1111hr h:11.!ICI u; v.·.drr ru, dlcir

188) tc- lrilic' I l'n<l'\ii!li.>n '4'~f(du,.:c,J zn kft',W. \l(ll't md 111n,-.1 ,oo,mg: mtu 1.bc C«ur 1.1' Alene\' lilnd and die Mn·1 uwltt 1bc -.cul~ k•\·e. Tl1.: 111tic ):•'t up 1hC'I, Wlkr IN v.c1..- anlttlJcJ tn tk9J Id *'11 h1duJc lhc

"'ten: ro·"ptt•I\I~ IUC,1!it1i v.~, tMXumng

Ac:l ,..a, cnat·tcd In I IJO.i. 11 g-11\C' e,1.:h

Ulht 1'10 a,.rn elf 411i.l ixt lllcfr l~.M:n;ijhoet Tht

1J111icd l.1nd wa, \,ptDcd up for baoltllk.JJfili Stw.•t f'lll~, ll~hwn S1o11c Plld, ";t' m•..Je out"' I.and 111 U\t" ~1,111111 '4'Uha)Ut 1hcC'ccnr1J'Akrl<-\" 1,"l)l'l~nt. 11\or tt1.,n1 I.Ill\ tcunboN'Otc'nl

Mnpl.1m It> 1bc .,;um1 the- ~linlni: •\I ~J:;~~.'tr~1t.1td t1'"1, aOO 1hc- Cociu, d',\lc,fte'I wctt clann1 11~> U\\n pll r-f l.Ale Coeur d' Altftt.


\t1 1i~r:::11t:..: In,:,would !ill! t11 go had. 1.1, ("11lln llk'r v( I.ale COt'ur J' ,\lent •Akflt!I. h.1\'C' lnnu<:1.1 die Lo.le',rn1enl tk·•,l.11.I the polll.:m& of lbc W..C Tbc. Suuc. ol WA.ho, ·nh

the)' "~ locruaJ 1n 111< 1r,uwJ..:m

lrlht hil.l applkJ \\Ith lbc Eil\irnnmcnlnl 1~ •• • ~k' If the mbe i, irw,ucJ .ui1e ~th.; the)' ,,r,1 1~ p.i,t,1,tt 4i.> res:11l.1te l•~lnp, i11Q:ln11: fflllh anJ t 1tk1t13 th

e annual powwow come to life

Wlicn 41.,l,.cd bo>A wdl hn --11~ · • ..ic .ii JI0"'"\>11"' UJ)'wll y1J. '"'h depcN1' up c111 v.h\ lht'r pc,:;pk .itt ll.nt.1Mt ln11 al d,e wlc-" fk u.l~ 1111.J »It, 1,11-., "'-·t1e1 11)1;._ 1:.1ht bC"~11u"" more peurk lt"l',\ ~l'l\tUI dlC' bi~IXY Ilic Jc-nr..hum je\liclr) O.inccr Willi,1111 81,Jb, 1?. h.11 ttt,:11 d,u'ICtna fflf h1 yr-,.n. He h.i~ i, 1w ,,, ,-.~~,In le,.o 1!lJ C'.D1ifom11111n,f My, all 1bc ~,v.11".,..~ 11n: !)ltlt) mu1.h 1hc '""1,UII(' lie 1, ,1ln:-.1d) il'I the pn.-.:cu ul kamm; lit> ,a;aU\C Lilll,'Wl~c of lbc Culvilk l"nbc S1ucknh ll,•n'i lft'ru ht mmJ h.tutl d'( ,:1,mru, 1.1l;cn mn m 1hr n..m~ r,f l-illlllSl' ('bnt fil;"'k 1,n,I JalOn Jiupr boch ,w;.ill 1~) ruj,11)"('ll 1he po-....v., ,w 'II , p. \lll\.:' I .Jun·, tee hm1, ii ,11ULI n,•guuvr- Ala.:._ ,aid

Casino profit s improve life

M1tbesoa Hid c111no represents tradlllon11 11mln1

Powwow traditional gathering , celebration time for many tribes

Thlf' m.:b U a t)·pc uf bradpl~ tb.t ,,·mhPlill"I &he ,unny, c('Umag lhrl)uaih the cloud,. tr >·ou ,ec 1wo

aohlrn eJtlr fe.atbtrt "1i.o11)·it11t hn • bie.11dpic,,;c, tbc)

,:,1uhofm tv.o lto'lllTIClf1: fiJhlm1.

\f•n)' danc«. arC' u~inJ rn111e 1n,1.t..-l o( IC'•dkn

b«aulo( (castrt, a le llM:ll'll\iln!fl) d.Hlkuh 1u pol'C\"- T~

IIC'q\llf'l: • JOl(k.ri c.agk fc.alhcfo tbt J,ll)Cct; ptClt fill Oill 11 form ror die a:cnent11M:11t. •nd i, u.allt 1httt •, 4 rhrtt·

four·}c.:t1 waiting li•t wilh 1111 rue \·c-.nmuJirlr~~

thctt J.\ • kllhet Nid: nuitke1

Clnc..'c lhr doooct h.J, d1e ~ialia ,n ricrfa;s or1kr, 1, i.

urnc: 10 p:rhirnt lor lbc Judso and the \pe1.W.ion The'

Jud«t:C tit cht~I\ tt1(l<k,ct11y (min 11,t: tmv.d hy 1N11J •

lll'I ,\mcrkim h,dinn Cul1t111J D•IIIH Sp«1,1,., r,orn 1h, N.-,jo

1mprc:suon, &. "fbc 1udhional u"r or ~11oo"" \Ii.II hui:c cclcbuuon diaDCC •fltr I •IJCC:t!l,(1,11 hunt Vt" r,:rtutp\ lo P")'(hc VIU11Uh ur R,)c;h.wl GINSOO '':i"~:~w& ;u,: d1fktcn1 dtpci,d1ns o,q chc llibc, bul 1hc)' all rm,ludc 1.u1glng. do11)tlo~ and l bc teocw.l i,f rricnd1hip'.\. Tbroushout

~,,,rmionl) J»ffic1p 1.: 111 • ,lttale~ I·~ d.c rnilJOrJIT• 1hc m.1.10 un~hon ,1 • p.>v..w(l• 1• the '"orapl'tl'th~ &t1,cini: ,1~ wmpc:th"" hll\tdan«'J ltU of1hdr 11,-c., fh'\'1) d.11nc<t: i• diffc.rt.nt •ud i, «1e10tr i7.c\l by ..e,: a nd •,e 1roup. At the b1,scr pc,ww'-',u 800 l.bnceri un cn1.tttd 1ntn • i1n gh: CIW!ti')t)' The n'lll"l pt'lpQ1a an: mctt'!I .and won,en'" 1radt11on;al The:) foc:'U.I on tdhas o11 , 11Jf)' wllh lht ,1.e,,.. O:ht:r roru111r w.ncn ilR' 1hc mcG'~ co111cmp.w.a,y. \l;hkl1 b, f•l)('irr lhao the 1mdlll(t1to1l. the OAUmen', fancy. In which 1hr •01nett ifllita1c lhc ft\O\c:,nc-nli nr hu1tttlll t". 1bc mti,', v,ns dll.llce. "bJch bu u. mute !> pin tuiil qulU)'. and the ~l"lt"n'•j1nJtc. Ahbou11b ltk dance 'IICP, and cu.tuhon ahcmil~hn ""'\·cty imp(lllilOI. another hoporu111l oomponcnt 10 1bc d.uxt l.\ lt1c r.:i11.lia. or clollUnt flrum &lie hrtd\ l w1ll'IC'-~ al 1bt ~nnn•. It "'ould be an undcmi1c:mr ,n to ~it} the resn ll111 are ~,1ruorJ1n1.1.r)' ·rt,ey CM t<l)l a1,)·14bc~ (tottl S,,100 to $8UO They arc compowd of almo., 1 full bod)' coH:r. im:i l1,1dlng a headpiece ;and a lillpiecc. 11101.:ther \I/Cljhin$ Ill i.e.,,,.. 40 Jl(llltl,h £,tty dancc, 11 ttg~lla 1c.1J, ;1 dctrerem Mory: 1hc cokn ll1ki I.he bc.ul ort. all bi.\·c: ll mcanin.s. Tb(, clolluns lor 1he "'"n:w;"'• ln»d1.1iM.1I dal'll.'C un: rnainly «>n)fl(~ or ttTU1C11le bc.iJwork: 'Oic womcn '11lnglc. ho...,~,'Cr, 1\llsan ,1,"C'lllhl y nf COOC:-\ and t.,11;f'i rtpnrnt., A f1t.\)'(I',

hot,i,1 Aptrm. If ,1 JUJ~ h.t\ n l;1mtl) mernbtr 11.1

the ~oimJtetdlOQ he l, C'tp!Xtcd lo IC',ign from Judr,nr IR mkf &o be rau lo au p;anicip.ut1,

The •·umc,(lf the l.'UlnJ)("tiUDf'l'i ii lhc d..i1'Cl hit,

1hc tic\.l 31"111)' In ttJ.r \10 b(-~ 10 a 11nrn-.c 1do.."1100 or 10 lnlC'lt'fd lie ~, ~l«ti:11, ltt hQt\h C'Ul.11y on

11me anii IP ponn,y 11g.ib1y, Ocx1hilit) and ouhu~i"I

(00111«\. HcY'irw 1b, trl,!;ali.i mu, t11 \lj·ith tbc J,u111,:cr' 1 \lt"p•

11,&bO\"n)' ~nl Tiie hc:11 J111cc, <iAtJ eXp«I to lo\'UI anywli,ctc Ct1Jm

$1.000 h) SIO.O:Cl for hit°' bet pcrform.i1"1Q:.t\l I lltrJc

po111 ,,w bdi.l ID COl\l'l«lk.'lll, dw 'o\'1nt>CI ..,( itie mcn''I

Ulid&~ aa,a mn up Id J.l!J ntOli~n. h, e-;ulsrr timn

111111 '11.1:-n:' ..,,,:n rt'llafd llf l11111,a, I.Ill •c:1.cpc<:• ra1

tfllJr Cffom. n1e. ~,e,.1nmc,, euaio lruc11 1bc cam1n;;, •tlW;m.nypnwbAllo Somt irtbt• arC' l•vol..,- "Jlh cnllC'tr• irnJ

11111w~1,an .nruoncl lb\: 1.-..ri1ry 10 11R'IPib:r 11 11 ,wdcnt•

IO 1hoe po¥rWOw "f'hit.:.14-t 1n1n11.luce1 t1.,th<1 ,..ruJ,rnc,. to many 111dw1uh. The Jctlartmeni hc;11h ~r the ,. hc"11 work "'rllb &hr OISJJ,ittrt ,o •U.Pf':O!I d~ C\tcn, :.;, touch p.mlf,lci \1ud, ot die- 11iu11e1 &'affiN 111 1.miJlJ h..tll\ l\-

li"c n 10 univcuillea .3nd collccc\ io the ,p1ri1 uf c:ummun1t)' When .irw111hnj a ~t,w. a pcnoa rrc.i~ ii ,111 d1t)'

'o\·uul.J a.11)' fOffll,il e\ent. hi111cnr , .1.l)d • re.\l'lt"[l rot other• 11 uppr~Cllllt"d .nd upccccd. IC :,-ou h:nC'

qtM: lkln'lt plcasc a\L~ t-111 tc.,11,~ rl\.11 t1.'lli1e r,c.,pl.: n )

ncM an, ·cr)our quc:-..1M d11'(\.,I) The) l''IW )IIQ h) Jind


PowwtM"• cie hclJ anywhcu from ,._,11001 ¥)'111\ 1'*

hu,C, .,.-,,.,t1 tt1wkr1.-J (acih11e~ lh111 nm "~""'1un,.~lc 1t110 dw 1J1uusan1I, P('Of)k' u1n conun,1 thtit •hclk. l,\'c.,, to 1hr pllYi"o<luw, ~otonJ)'lall.1~NJf'l~ll~lhi~i)Cluft~prilt IIJOII<")', hut t, rc«iv~ • lfC~ of fl:~I

Pd•·wow, pre"ene: 1he a1J hft11,11c, .1..1,d v.hcct J..oclng, lht' role e>f human, in ,he n•1ur:1I \\orl!J It edcbn 1cd Tbc danccn Art in 1hc1t own 11.rne, a',l·altt'nin11on:al11'.t, Yoo i:411 "'"'r•~ d.lDCcn. tCt Mtc:.hacl JOl\, \\bl.'11 he i, m hl4 '"'""~tit-,,. d!C'" ool)' pcnun !"la)"1nf 1uJ lw1

Raymond Flnley oflhe Kall1pell Tribe and AHnCIOfl RedThundet oltl,e Clff Tribe donce during lhe Yap-KUm

-·AUdlence memlM<$ were also given the chenco lo dance along during 1h11 portion of lhepoSept.18.

M.11hc,L111 \l1iJ \111ny ptt,rk *ho ct1111Jn't c,cp .af(MI ,c.ho11l •l1:,itl'", f'- d 1dr \ hildffa llf't nc,.,,. ,Ne: 1,1 m.ilc: p.t)n'lctU• .and ('l<wtl 1hru o'o\·n (.U!i. c,·cn hY) hnn"CS..A'(.wdll11t 111 Mo11l""1n OIC' CiJtUr ·..i Alene ui.,um tllk~ J'"lk lfl ih!kh!(',cnicnt"- M,,tb.:1011 ,a11.l \\ nh otir rrnht~ .,,c,: '"'cTtt m 1he tn'Hrunmrn1, o.or .:-htldm:i, lhc- c-lilcrh aoJ ,tic con~nu,1d)i

ncf~n Heritage Thursday. Oct. 7, 1999 orth Idaho e centuries an settlers P'W"'7f,,,..,_ A young glrl exam ines IOme of lhe Amerk:an Indian tewelry betnQ aold outskle Chriatllnaon Qymnntum afltr 1he Yap-t(Nhn•Um Powwow. tri:frlt'i,,k,l II JfOIJr pf C..11.holl, ~um v.t.> cr•mt J1l :he IR'">,, 1l1ie C<x'.u, d'Alc.1111 chld Ill lhl: lime. 01id cc a ~Utt iO ate C"o11h1)11~,· vtfJliC' In WNifJgJon llt'., hlll 1hr: lrihc be r,IIICC'J nn II f't'1,Cf\;t1 i('ln Mitt u, I .Ac r~ the Jcltt'r ,.~ i1tcn 10 l~i.ldem CJnanl 1,..t. 111 OClll .r \'ctlt·\ \\CIC J,'fllll.lC"d dl(lf' fC"f\'ati(ICI ("'ongl't'\I ='\'I\ICJnlO
ftit l bt p.atk. ,>\kont fohe fiM u,eJ 1nr 1hc l11lr;c Ill I~ ntc: Marc ihtir ~'<. da1min,. wm:rel~n lmmuully. n1ie 1nen1 f1h-J ,1u1 1111 lhf 1ribc :tflr-t th11. wl1h l~c 1bc 1,1lc 11li.1.1lc. "Ilk IIWI v..:·d,,
~1~:;~:!~ ~~.~~1~fi"i,;.t~t
1:00lldf"\ •H bn,·c ,w juri\dkllon \'I\ ct 1bc ti a.Le. fht 111t-ie 1tii11 N,c 11' u,.,.n ~1
1\lii:rt11e1i,,1J1Ll\"~\'C'"n,J I\,-.,· le 111tJ puM,d)' o'l\·l'lt'J •111 II f« he mhc, ,r
bl.cJuc N,r,rlC · -t,i,,• Two gonera llont ol cta11Cers pmJclpale In third annual Vap,Keehn-Um powwow.
"l'lll("(I fiUcJ v..1d1w,p.~1 f(JC" h,,1..-, 1111d JJ.lll'.:t't n 11rriot, wa1 .1 )~ltn o ld bcrl }CJ • wr,,t" ol rn.Jc of fU'I hrn~(. H, c11np;u-.abk lo die a...hlh ~t'rL Tht brlh 1fC'C't lltlk' ""uh the dru,m. Thi,,, r11ucJ 11.c llh,1k cro•d'• a1tcn1100 onJ '1Jl.lor 111 11\t, c,·cnl. h,1, ht-en 'A'Ofkmg IU l'.00 lk b.o ltn\cl,cJ .ill U\OJ IJ~ !lliliOO trJJO)a C\ Cl.)' f'O'A' WO\li 8,yunl ,~ lh C\\Ch) ....,h 1d 1 "''" the ontlrul \l;.lmpJ I< h\11 lfltl:h ~\h(!l ,ftXIO&hcd i.)ov,n 10 Jl ,ti '"~ dt,ltaltmn ~h,11 ~ooh SI
e1nJ 1,li11; ,.,..,
-•bits by Jt'nn,- Schuklt.tb7 'in w,,I/U'f'.-,nt'r Thc t"«vr J' Akf\f' Tttbt t\4, ttu:lu~J • 1.h1~ "'!11t 'htr, at,,rk r.: l'I)' \lM1in,z: 11 own i:J.11no-.>01b of u1vnt. lt((\(JJnJ In l•.a\"1: \t;JCl11:""°", CU> (>I l.PC1U d.Aknc TMC'1.1mmi:. Mill~ u.ld l$.tmM111g11huulJ11"1 he (01\Udtmt ii 0~'1{.U1\'C 11in1c: rhc t;:atl)· lndl3n'I h"torh11II) ,pc11t lhc1r kuu1c 11mt' J~lll ln lf. II v.a, 11 furn, nf n,tert;l,~IL-nl wlJ • l"'*"'=C IQ1>r 1.all,c. '1.11hct1..1tl s.i..S... f«',icr\·11doi1 1.·,h111<'t, ho1\C a..:quircd u N&l 1rp1"'11i(\lt f1)· cn1o1111 m,ll\"i1Ju11h Jhto1, th.: }Can.. bul d11e tlll(J\~1 luol .;1t their .lllhk\ntljo MU Nc:s.,1~ ,~1r the l"oo:Uf d',1\lttic rntic. Mlllhtll!(ln t.aid 1'hc ~i.flO h.l, ti'Yl:'tl t!Of rc-'lf'lc Mn m1pnwtd q1L:1!11, 1,r Ille.."
M~hc:wf:1 waul M\\c cw,·1 be'• buna.h oJ u11, 1u1>1 uu1 to uuicia bu.:.t. ~,~cl~~:. r~~"';o1~~·,::ac~!~~'~! '~:~=~ :~1~:! !\~'\~~~! r n-111 nl.UTll,er tlll pcc,p c., Mllllhc~ r..i1J lhc tmr'P)'CC\ uft •1111 .a minimum •ii;(' ,,t :.'!5 n IM•W' Jcpni.Jin11 (Ill thcJOh dc..cnphoQ, M.ithc~ 11 :ud, r'.JM.'b f:lnr,l~\"'C fl'i:('n\', \,C.ilHIII 11100. '" tc ilnJ k'lflr. ,~lcl:f' ~udmt, "''"" obwn heir -. idt iultiun. M..1th('(lft ~1,.l. Wr 1~ at 1am11,11" • >A1.1y tn heir 1hc '•'"11n1111il) 111111n bc-ui-t out 011,n h,'C,.~ \1.ithc:sou ~(I ··w~ 1iu:nl to i.ta~ loJ!.dllet ma 111 hc .1t1,I he .lhk tl.J rcm.aln tlft out R"<J\,",lll(atl"'
MllllrR IIIWWIWI PIVIVI HCIIDI ll'llmm;IIIIICftdll ........... b) Rarhatt Glra'IOn StrtJir,t/ R~ponu Slnee ;1 <r1ct'y yovn.i 11;.c, I ho\c httn &aught 1h111 i. fll1wwov. "''-"•mere phcring around a N>l'lfiro to dn,.:-u,, 11 c;cn.au1 Cl,)()J(; I wouhl overbeu propk f>oi)', Wc'U ha\C toh:ln: a pow'II,~ .-haut 1har" Aflet .1Uendh1J • ,cmitu1r on Ju.- whu 1 O:\•Ctl)' • JlllV. "'1'"" h, I dh~-,.wem.11 1tio ptMly mb:W..a1, ~ll T,o.

Men are s,x times : more likely to be : struck by lighlning : lhanwomen

More than art available at new gallery

TIie SBvar Beacll Art Gallery to offer more OIIIIOl'tllllil to art lllldlm, local artists

1dl 1,,g_t1"-·r h11\ t,ce11 "Cl) intc-rc,tin,i She 1.&jd ,be b~ tbuJ wmc: ,t rhe r!«e1 lm111 tJ1h s.ho"' anll from she),.,, t1• t.:mnc wtll form • pcmt.lnCJ'll Cf'l!r. tir"l tn 1hc: :.l'H Hc1t,c:f1 ,-aHI lMt "1le WIIOl\ the 1n 10

l'C,nn,c ,,,111 uf ui.:h uu.Jr1\h · cnvu'lk'lmcnl

1'11B Slt!er 8-I, GM,y,.,.,.,,l'llu,s. t.'30 •. m.- 8p m Frltlayll:/Jlla.m•230pm.

Ille' Pte-~1Jcn1'" C'huitr Sb,"'

TIM° '"huv, Ol)(lll 0(1 14 'A·llb • 1t,cpllon at j und 1un1o

1hn'll.l11:h Nov~ h w,11 fC1M11n:. du~ r•«"' 1h111 pn,ldcmh ff(,nt N(C: liA'<' cl)Q',C:tl 1Ju1h1tt the 1U1t1mer ft"1i1,al. ,\n ua 11,c Crttll.

At1 c,111br Or«n 1, ;m 11n1n1~f C\'t'Dl lull of an, CTDh bQolh,, ln<ll.l

ind cnttn.1it1niet11 r(lf the 111.,l 20 )C.tB. ch( p1c1'11Jcn1 (I( thl' 1.Yillcic lt lbtl tm~ v.oulJ pkl ou.l • '3\oritc an rlr~e. Allct ,he )·CAI -..·a, u1, 1111d anuchc, r1«c cbl'.Ken. 1he P'C"•l'IU 'J 1rt Wdfk v.~nl 10 -ll "••iou, ulfi«' on the c11mp1u.

K.un1tri Hdtll:fl. Art In lhc Um~ "'JIC'l"• 1r ..ruJ,hc:ti.u llCC"nh11vmg

atooi;hdn'( lt)i1t1t 1n l~111eall the an '4'blk. ~lid 1,1,hcl'l '\licOOMllnJ lhr

ptet.T•, atuo,t. thne!fin~lin,:1h(-.u1iu'I whot'ft':dtd•h A

"Ne• unc li;tpc II runnm& tnwt cor the •n)."' He1bC'r1 "aid ..;hr ,aid ,hr·, hoping 10 ti.1,·c all the lnlorm,11lt>rt po,"blc oo ClllCb piece, ,u.:h

dllk, and 1~ anl\l"\ n~mi; llt'iht'rt ,aid th1u 1bc An on 11lc- nrrw

dirc..:torwill he lcndin,; 1,a~ to heir ou 1\\IJb 1hr dfon

lle-1bcn uh1 1lm aa1tic-nn1 lhl' plt'~t', nd bfiin1 1111ft' Ill""' 1h ·rn

be oo "1udenb,. ia.h,n111i. "lltfr ood lactil arthl'-"' lk•brrt u.lJ.'"S111J.en11 will h,a\'t ll'lnn- lfllP(W't&aollio ln "hr""llltr..,..,or1o • 'ihe ~,,I d1.1, rniul) 1rudn111 don•1 ha.\"C 11 \,c tn Coc:urd'AleBC

.1u. ) he ~fhu Rcad1 GaJIC') h.n,. t1c1 c;onru:~1101:1 w11h 4hc Carner

n111to) In Bi»"'·rll llall :tnd i, Jtl indrpcndciu .iudrnt plkry

At1rr tht: Ptt,hhinr Cl1au:e Award,. Hcibt-n h hap,na 1n

ha\·t 1 ,.111<1r111 gt1ph1c

Music from the soul

Healing of the heart

American [nclian concert shares songs of peace, pride

bJ Ki!JJ't\ipfl'C'r J\rtJ. (,ml F.11ftr1QllllrN'tlf £t/1t(IT

J~m Bll)·d 11t1d R.c:, lk'lllld bi.nd filkd Sc-hula Al.ld1torium v. Ith i.onp ur ..an11g.ks. hope a:nJ p-~ Tbwwbycvet111\g.Sl.'C'l. l6. Thcbiindpla)«l ntan)

§00811 [mm 1hc Unity 1Dd R~\'llion Bound"

albums a\ "'-<II•, '\OON: ncv.- They 1,ptflN ur wi1h

Mules Mc Proud:· an upbear wng fillod w11h bea111iful

imd pU.\loomt.c lync,._

'the :,,ong "'Old Fr,cnd., u1il11cd 1hc •ound11; nl 1hc hatm:;laic'a. aod bell\ co CT~t • historkl IUlJ. vi:,·ld ll'C:hng of thr Amcrkat1 lndlan c1.1llute. 01hcr ,c,np <,u1;h a, "'Ciood b)'t, Oo /l,."Vt1,y"' 11;11d"'My Hc:irr Oropi Whtn re~ P,oud.'" wctc fuJl of cmo1h.111 uJ • crtatl"c rtlO\<Cmtnh. 111 IWSchng 10 1hc:

111hm11tcJ b)' dulllrcn ()ll tt'.\C.'"rnoo10, .1mJ tbo- h.i11d pu1 the uc,c. tht)' litc-J ix-~110 1nudc, llM: b.ind pi,ckt-J the Jyrln tl1111 a lml e 1lrl ""·rott'. whkh ,polt \,r hnw II lc;h a, if lht) W('rc on., mt'try·ao-mut1J, 11oinJ round 11n!J tu11ri(I d1.rou.j1b life Aoothcr rlccc ""'" wnuca ahout Wa.,hin,10" \tntr Sea. Slade GMol.'I He had .1prutt.nt1,, 11N111I.IOOW !,h mor.ah. a~·cc,rdlnJ' It• Bo)'t.l thr ,ong ",.,cd "'\fr Oonon·· where hh hl'lnt'H w11, ThJ, ,onr "'"' c.i.pc(il).11) pownful bcctuK' uf lhe l)ut11 ud. "Wb.u h•, h11pJl('t1t'd lo your bean r Uayd 111ar1; rt1c •01111 with lync.-. or canf1hi11n aoJ l\1Ke q.a1n I b1ttl tumcJ. lftipcfull) Mt Gurh'" ~Ill h\1C-11 fhc COftCCfl WIL'i • ;ttn·At k.1mi111 upcncocc a, .,.,tll ,u • mu.,lcal PT!< MJl'IV •hlr!C'>. drcllltlJ. oJid IU'U"~' 'lfctc l(•ld 1ht®&h M>n(I All 1hr l)TlCI or the \Cm&~ \\ttc 1tioug,t1r•rrovoki1tg and rrally itiuc:h<d dctc, hut;, 1hc \01tl. I he fl.uni tlruugh1 1hHcro1 lttliAt~ 1u the 11uJ1t.D1.'C' thrwlth 1he ('\·cnln,, They y,·crc -void rcclin,i,

IRevi ew tlRRg lh of lhc- 1tt.nJtJc5 t:IM:b \.Off$ held, J1rn Boyd. 1rnd voc;:~h: and Jttltat. 5-rev. up Of• lbe CoMllc Rc-ta\lllOl'I ..itw w~lk1

""'"'' •bi.lu1 man,- b1, c-ii.pcncocc, H ara Amtr,011

11,1,h&1i. l:Soyd b111J a uo1quc ruld am111-ing voicc hill or pauioa mo1kin1 the ccwittn ocie or emnc11'1l alt!J gttal cntcru.inmrn1. He •ddcd u Ihde humot in bt1v,ccn

IIOtlfl, c,p«l11ly when bk, d.NlllmCt do.a~ dunni cu:ic 80yd w11t ver,· likable a.nJ hnd aru1 u11,:c

J'f't'IC:not, hrlping lhe audM!llC( to draw in Al1,1na wld1 ,uh.air. b,;u..\, anlJ i.ttunu,, the balld utdlav.S

1hc 1101.1nd of• •1t11hc\htr, •hid1 helped ta 1hiC'tcn IIO(IJ~ 11 1l mtll When Boyd rluyc:d Ute h111mook11.. Jitpul hi, all lnso ii •IJJ n:.illy rocked the aud,~ h WM

11.1tW111g bow mucb lltlC'llt and cmbusia\m came ft()m

1.bc band during tbc ""cnlng

Some of the IOtlJJ ruformcd ""ere Iron, 1bc ··sni<•lc S1gn11,· movie ,.ovns,11r11d. and othcn pOC't Sbcm1ari Alnic: wtolc A plC"« 1hc: b~nd p layed 1hl\l Alcxit w,~c. " l nd,o.n l:loy Lo\'C Soog." WM roman1k ul\d bca111if1d. The h.u,d ,utUully u\td n1u\l( 10 c,rre"" r«ling\ or lo,-c 11.00 l~rtging One piC'cC', "'~ktt)·•C'fl)-Round,'" ..-ii. I.he H~,uit 01 • N>ll11borat ion with H.:ahhy Natioth Lyrtn wc,c

"'f'mm1/,N/im111t<m fwmri

ll/N>/Ol:(i:t /<Jr ,hat -J/111 BoJd

th,.t." l'hc"c l)rkc were luundng

Only 11 ,m,dl nnm11n1 uf proplc umc cu 1h" ftct cnnccn whi,b 1u" Jh11pp1Hnu11i '1.any pcorlc. cam plain du11 Cot'ttr d. Aktie it l1cl1na cu hurt 11nd thi\ conarr ""•' • rrot c:h11ftce tu luc,, ln1c> and t"<pC'11c111:e American l111h11n cuh1uc The 11c11nll audience m11dt tnt v,ondcr ju,t •·here •II lbt'.\e JIC"i•rle V.f'rt'. Thh c:1i111c111ponu)' cc•ncC"tl wu one ot 1hc tie,1 1h11 f h.tvc 1111cnJcd yet Por .111 1hu~ ..-h,) n1b1c:J ii, 1hry Qul) mu.~C'il PIU ••11 1111 ,a,i .1 1nr imd powtrlul mutii:al c,pcrum«

uf p.1\•lc,rt. gnrt. ('(Klfu,ton. unit). r , 1 1.1 c • Khit'Ycnu!nl anJ m:i.nyin(W('. 01,1tlnt one ,,nip. OuyJ 'J•ns ··1·m 1u1 Jolllu min I "111t'1 a.polo,:,ic for EH~t1 1la1~h cqu111i1y .and fr«dnm h, 11uwci,.cdl:, ¥, lltlt Amcma M4tHl, rm, II \Cellt'4 lh•I Amc.,i.:a \Jill b:h • l11nr w•y tu im. UnyJ m11,1k ii ut1vlo11, w.Hh 1ht1\C \lo'Old~ stc,lr1A-~lJ lm Boyd o f lhe Calvillo, Wall!., ,....,,•lion sings In Schul•t Audllorlum. "The audltnc•••• grNt, It waa a lOt of tun," Boyd ukl 1herlheSep1 us "lhow.

A celebration for the changing of seasons

'J1w1 11111 S1w1'

'(htnu1c 10 ,\ \11d,ummct Ni;ti,·~ 011!11111,!'a HS)'tnptmtJlt' ~har11:h1t411C'. mn•cmcno. 4&S and A..1..:l11t1:1111nofl

rl"')' tu'l r11-1,c-lhr cad;htitt ol ht'II. Heit )OU c:an fO(tk. forward fo an tnt.:n1001, ,o,und (ombtn.ilion of p,u1d p1aM, jlont:, 1111J .:hirilC', llt:it 111gc1hn- fllilU ur the ,h kll 'J'bt' la~I fltCl.'C', R:ll:ht111nic>tr, Piano Conn111 No.2,"' I\• pl«c- ot ~ute mu,K, pla,,tJ fo. 11, bc'au1y and 1,,1-und Sn)i.krcxplaini, 1h1 It ,"'"' m,m\t~,, wid, lhc c;,indocuir cuugbt i111bc tn,ddk Orie mon\ta tbcb1nJ htm) i, 9-(ritt l11nx. tui. hlJ1ll. ,1nd ha\ ISK lt)\ (1r 1eclh <inydct •u1d. I h1~ 111on,1('r°" -., ill tie plii)c-d h.)l'ollod, In lrnn1 pf Sn:,,dt'l" llnntbt'r hui:c orc:hc~1t• mllll\le, lu,._, bi,t lbh. OJlt o lunnui 'i11)'sk1, 1n lhc t1Hddk

Page9 ..l;2 -= i:S The NIC Sentinel
Thursday. Oct. 7, 1999 Ar Is and Ente rt a nm en t
by K•Jl'l'uppl'r A,t1.'t
ud P.11,~nalnmrld EdilDr
nc.•¥oc:\I 111.l<l!uun 10 Ille' l:.dmmqrr Stlldcnt lJntf'ln Hu1IJm1 ha·,
11f JICIII cuo~11\K'llon. 001 ,OfflC'1hiflJt builr ru,n, mm1Yi1y •1•1t
h h II plat'c for
In bill• l~h a,1 weir._ wuh
\ludenh w)d staff
new addhtora i1ti t he ~U"cr
C.illlcry and v. ill be opmiBj!: in the up-.11IN lohby or the SUB
wbt111hey AJl' in SUR sti a..ld 1,,bc l,clar~~ 1ti.,i1 dte S:1h·.cr .lkah Oalkry v.-111 hr .a rlu« 1111>1 uvdc:111, will fttl ~1mfor1.ihlc lookioJ .a 11.n and f l~ 1.iid •he l.c.•pc't 10 lll\1M.1l"• die 11ff\'iJlb.OCl duct pcopk #t .-hen tftlerini ru1 •n "'"''>Hc-J.ldM the l~itck.m't C11"1.1i" Show. Hc1bcrt Ill tu:1tcd •bc.lut 1bt: 'lf'l>f>'llmdl·t:> Ill(' J411it•)· will be gh111& '>h11lcm.• 1lir m.un 11ocu, lol tbt Ja110')') will
for thdr v., 111 !IC' cihlh!lcd Ai.-nm.lllf'J ~1 Htihcr1. ihc gillkfy v.111 gjvc ,1v1kri1t l11t' ,h1n..:t 10 J:n 1h1uvgh lh4.' ptueei,, o( a1 rul ,how in• ..:uinlt111.ihl,c! i;ullc~C' i&.lml}t.phc,,. 1-kihtn ~Id &he btbc.,,o 1h.l1 !hi\ 'Vfilt t1dr 10 t,,uld l'lWlf11l~·1M.--c iA ~"1.'J lk,bcn i, 110 "lnrn~ct h> 1ht world ur 11t1. P4tt o( tbe"nl 11, t • 1111 \n 111 thc lnlon 11,1pc:rvlwr n U> be a• 11udt.nt "\l,1ih tis.hi 111 Uiotc crcd11, Hcibtrl b•• \f)Clll 1hrct. )'CO.rl bct-c- a~ a 1u11iphic t.Jc,.lpn i.1u,ki11. wlnruns 1111n1,ttfkl\ Mt an.J Ku lp1urc awai,h W11h 1hc J.;llrt) , ,he i, hop11,, 10 bring together g,..phic «~ i tn •ad fie~
J.c.\ill.n por1fotio ibow ·1t uhe i.illrr)') I\ run by 11u1Jtinl!I'. fot ,hnlentt, 1-fc1bcn 1ahl kunn1nr ;,i t>1llcry 11 40mt 1h111i Uu11 tlcib<rt q1d ,he bu ahva>·• "''ulllcd 10 do. e\f'IC(illll y h.Avill1; a p:u..tion (Of an. ind for Helbert. 1h,e J.:!llr,.., h.t1 ht: 011, uwtr •J',b, It ha~ t,«om,c: 11 l•bor o-1 lcr,c. Pf-~~'"'** Art In lhe Union aupervloor Kormen Helbef1 ls In charge ol loc:etlng 20 art ple«o tor lhe "Presld<lnt'a Choice Show,• the finJI ll1 exhibit lo be held In Tho SllvH Buch G<lllol')',
.,.111111, ll'Clllltl'I W11c11te1 hll lllltll - 111111 !llllilt b)' S.n1 ."ir11JWIRr1w,nu 0..1oh« 1J here. 11.t-.1 'lfl'h.JI hdtcr \lo'a)' ca IIIW1 ii vff but \\ith a h11k 1t.uun -'PU"it. Ntc· S~ntphony Olcholra "ill pn'form "'hlf1c, 111\d Oobluw An Aurumn Ntictumt." 11.1 7-'.\tJ Jl.m Oc1 16 ,n Sc:l1uk1 AuJ1toourn O;in1t'I Poltoi:k:. • ""'Oriel ttilll•'nC'41 pifmi1.1, wtll 11(' 1lw: que.t performer (111' tM t\aung Old ~t11lr 1.-.ipc1t1-cd fat 11 ?0th C~lhlr) .AuJl<flCt'..'"' 1-tid TQCl,I S11~Ji;1 tJ1ie utd~,tr•', cool.Ju~ 1or .uu.1 tnqiuc.:tor, o( tl'C f"l('lfotmJ.111:c... Ht" ~.11 J'li1l II f1,gc1i.ct 1!1 al i.c.a~n, 11tt1mi COOU'ltl ,o tn'i{lltt ,ht v.cl1,."QIIIIOJ nf r1dl and the «oc: f•~) hl•IW..y. HitUowttn lhc )IO·pc:"1111 cocnmuml)' ;10J mtdrnt ori:.he11tr1 Crrfrnc,I •4 lhc"'IQ.,..n 1tnd ,:oY..n" or..:bc,tra by Sn)dtrt 1\.,h b«tl tchtM,ll'IS {nr I.heir ll11cc·plt1:e p.:ttorm11.11cr 1h111 rndutlt• Mcf\Jch,nl1,i'1
·, • Piuo Coact'flD Nu •"In ·A \l1d1ummcf N11t11·~ Ortam," \Ul.mJ, ul l.11111tl11s 1.nlr!C', \\;Ill hue II\ICflf"h Ir> tllmC h"vc (1,111 .u \\('U •• illll\H,110,g • d1:1r.1,1c,·1, bud ti,e og WnwJ UliOI\(')'·, l11e;aJ. YJ/d miff <"•ptuml for a 20th ctntury aJtdi,nre. •• •Todd $nydtr Hr,11o, "S)'mphr,ni~· l>tlanl&loliquc. 11)(1\CntCfl( 4."' pby" l bc IIOf)' ,~ 1 b,;1y 1'h11·1 lt1H fur une h IIOII rt"111mtd 1111d llfl:cr Cl(lltflfflen1h,J •1111 11r1111n 1lrc=•m- 11J UJ11n1111(1 He 1hcn find, h1m,cl l boina ,n.;m:hciJ U11nu,-l1 the 1h11:k nf people to his pun,,hmcint uf J«i:arll~tit"II n,,111 tirto,c lht' hl.idr ce>mn dnwo, 1hc clannr, pla:,• a rnnc ,1,1111~1n, U1c 1boup:h1 ol hi~ lo,·e full by., b t "'CHUNK! rl•>td h) 1t1c v.lllllt: or~hc-tta. Tik:tl lhc p1d:l1t1 flf ,.,rlntt• play, bl• held 1olllnt "Mt>\,:mcnt S,"' the y,ooJ "ilk 4'1 lht \llltlg\ hnw
Y.ill hnns 1hc 1.,.t; mttn•rc:o, 1<11,'.clhtt F.1IJl.'IY the i.ou11iJ, of chc: ~rmplt0n!' u1cbc,tra. ltl;(:C"lnlf'.in,C"d b)' .,~c:l~I guco f'(,lloc:k .iqd_ gcu ,mo lhc '-pitil ol H•~ it.r•,on! T1el,tb 11 lhl." box. otracc 1n 80\Wcll lt111t. Adulh 17, •cntor dU1t1h S5 •1111 ~lu\1"'11,11 'S, 1 tiN' con,·c-n I\ f1« for NI(' ~lndcua anJ liKuhy

'Laughing Wild' hold s important message

bJ ~lacy .SJl.lnAk ~n1111rl R,.,.,,,,_

'"I h,,1ot fho11 lht ~,111tJitt,t i.ft m., hh)4/ f/d/J.J Ami I Jwpr 1/iat ,.,,,,.,, )l'fli tlrlf irir ,,,. ''" OJ J'i'U llmff In ,,.,. JfrHt And I "'"Pt

1},.µ 14...-(,..t,' 1,U, ,t:l\,r Ilk 11,14)1,_ A'W I htJf«llldt Ihm,,,,.,,~ ,ra;.,..J

,Jan ti<11.t1ltad'*'.ir. T1,;,iJ/mm IQ ta\ tlrrKlatr.ltltotl/"41I.J1l11H11

1,alf ,tN,v., • Fw,n th, plt1.1 •t.a1,1Jchmt WUd·· by Cltmtoplrn

O,,,r.m,: The ...,um.i11.• pl11Jaf by~ 01.nnpr~. up;naf lllC.

pl11; li)' !!.hlltint 1n ifk'idcnl d1ai to her while ,liopping in

)oo 1n (od i;n.i1 ,,mv.. G111npfC'Ch1 \hlt\\t'iJ 11n ;1m,l.(111J!_ aulfltllli of 1,t,k'nt :.11 1t1C' lh.wC\I U," d\.tr.:rct'i Ille 10 th~ MJCft<"IK'e \\'lh actll4.lly tth hl:r- i.hc -.·.L, 1he t1111 Jmt ,.l'lt'(lrlt" 11)·1~ m pl:i:)'ar.vt

11D Clallt:II, ll8ctrlc BIiie

bt J..i,S1udor ~nt1MI Rrponrr New from lbe fndu~l'WI roe._ baod. Nine Inch Nail$, come, ""1lit Ft.1Jilc ttlu'il'J Se))l. 21 NIN"\ 14th halo fo, album) h: a Porftte .t.yt11he,i• of hatd ,ock •nd c:Jcctrol\k::L '1'he F~Jilc:'" l.t. NIN', tirs.1 lull alburn , ii-cc "1lic

IReview ~;;:~::•:,: ~:'~1 1

--- * 1c:r11U\. TtttU Aunor. lllis b nas a ne-v, tbuig for ft,,:,1r,or,it1Ct ftlO\I or1hc ptt,vtOU• luk>\ were hJ, doing. Other rtd l.1b(1n10n include Kini Crtm\On°1. Belew ud Da\.-iJ Sowie·., keybolltdi\l. Mike °"™>I• Unbkc pre., ,O\I~ h:ilix, "The fragile uxt a "Ct'/ l2ric YIUi~I)' of ln\~rurnc:ot11 iricluJm& c:ell0t,, \11oha.,. u.,uk.k.,. an vJ)rigbt N.\S., 11Qd uc-•ltd $1fi111n1, Thi\ !ngclUOUil- bknd t,I\CC ,1 cb.-s.iical and \'tfy n.u•iclf 'Wnd HJ 11'1h fl(lffl'l.all yc:ki.:Lnc bind The lyric:.~. likr.prc::"'°°' h:al01. arc \'ll'tQU<;. aod rrof•oc 8y r_. 1ht Mt Mlfil on the albwn i, "'S14f'f _ert. Inc.'" in v. Rei.'* Ma(c1, "'I'll be dictt for )'Otl long .u ii works fr,r me, J pla)'" gan1e, ifs tallcd imlnc-eri1y," Otbct g_rcai lido indude '1be Wtc:4Clltd," °1'be' Day tlk' Worfd Wrnl A~Jy'" ,11i,d "'Plca-1<:· h would !oCCffl th.M 1hnc d.i,m111 lyrk11 Y.Vltld bec.11.halu\tiag. t,111 I.tie IIM-lt MU'.c.:s ror • a:re.1 nw 10114eotrel.uto. Many ~g, oo lh1-. cwo,,d1~ l.(f arc cam~ly '1ncFn111l." •·Ju.lit Ukt Yoo fmll&tOt'd"° •nd "PdJrima,:.e 11tt VO)' crt41J~ a..S ».y 1}i;an 1he tut o( the \OIII\ wtlh lyrii;:.~ r-or !how dial do m,t: kt,o\\ wtud lad11strial R0ct b,. It fl typo of muJ1C thit lltpkh 1.htitorttd gull•rs. drum m1th100. voc11II, ll)'nl hc,itrcn aDCS t1ui1)' 0 1hc1 c.JccuooiC foOllDds. Ckhcr h11l0i inc lude "i>R:Hy H111t MAChirte," "Broten·· and "'The f)o,\1,,-n,..,•ard Spiral. v.hlch ttrouahl NlN full)' in:14 dit m.tiiln-uam of 1'111»1¢.

Allt:'f unc •cc.L "TM Fragile'" hi1 nurnbtr ont' on 1.he blllboard cbaru, an accomplhhnu~ar that many cwo-dt\C: Ct) ,ttt ncH.t e,pct1enc:t-

Wanted: Entertainment

............ 1r ........... C-lfAlla bl Anrilt- Woodt'ft Sfl(lrtt&lttnr Wc'\'C sol pknl)" of am. when:-'" lhf c.n1ctt11nmcn1? NIC n a grHl commuuil) -oric.n1C'<:I colkgc. Nvmcrou1; 11rc )bo,u. pl:ays and ,ymphony concc.n, ~tc held bttt 11.nd Attract mrmbera of 1he ,urrou:ndins commun 111t) Th( problem, howc.~ct, '" 1h.i11 tbctc 11rr: limlkll.l thirtt:) 1hal inkf'ttlt the ,1udcnb, rhc Nil· c:hec.rlc:111kn, rccc:ntl)

• kul IO'l)C.'<f) ~,on:· lhe "'""" 1fay Shr Jharc-d fflllfl)' or her life problt1n~ and !,C(TcfL

IReview !~c;~r,:: ~~.= ;~~1:;;·i~


rt..1~k ,..,oolJ ,t.u1 to e1.,1111111e llwn~h·a eJ rcali,~ Uw die)'

"''ffi: no ,hO(rt-1111 (11.'lf11 lhi, tmy womnn. 11,e 0111,. diffctl'n« w.H

ll1.1t 11'11\ 'llnmJ..;11J bed the gun lO 1paik bc'r mlnJ '*then • :1-11u~jon


\bny 1110(1, through the pLa) the dllflfactct 1Nd( )tJ\I bush ¥0

~Ill dull )'-'U thc.ou.rht )llU ,,.l,l C'-'rloJ~ •bJ qdltt lilt,o UUW'J

The ~11J 91:C of u,,.. J.ha\111· \to'.H dc'vr>fcJ tn lfK •·«um. ·"'ho wa., plt1)td by Jucl.1h \\.'C!i.lOn TI1h ..:huactc1 !.l111t.t'J oH Ith, t.ll)f) b) idling 1he nuJu::fl(c hi, ,11.":i:nunl nl ., haprc-ncd n lbc local po."rcy 1,1,,rc Ju"1 11 re day, t'Jlt'litt Thit mllll .,., '" known eo be • 1.-.nnplNc ~,'tltll\l He al\1.1 ,hided 111• hfc llury wath the 1111.i1C1KC' oclly &ld.111,g. bud brtal, 1.<1tryto m11l.cf11tnklf l~I N,pfl). \\'Non 11l;o"'1-ikbfull) llft&t U,l'l\lfl(ingl)' f'C"ltll:,(J lhh dl.lrM:tM.' U111l'"' II "«lllcd u.., ifht 'A'.lS ,:nint tu lt'l.iie hl,~·oll'lf'(lflllt'C, but hr n~'"' 1.hJ B01h ch11roi:1cu w:cmcJ lo h.a\'e nnc thins u1 Mmn"'n Thty t,ott; hikl • 'lltt!J ln 1bc,r h,n. Tlu,iuJh 1ht! rl.1y t11:ieh c~r«tm, ft.It 111 ir thry were wan:l'ling for m,"'cl'I IO quot•~"' tl'llll cocald not be 1111,v.crtJ tb.:y c:1.111W not rmJ a y to h"c ~-i.lhout btitaJI holk, mll\ln,: lhcm v,n.1-c:rwy Thi• ••" 1t1c q'llll in the rl.iy .,.bcrc ocry •udicocc 10C.111bt.1 ,;ouh.J ttbtc. A, b< .icton t.f't'kt. the 111Wl.cr1a lMv. ttln 1,1,.u 1h.11n fl-1•1 di(' O\'UIISC' rt.a, Ye, tl)ttt \\'flt 1111111)' 1•bnl.lxi~n (lno ;rnd t."lllU w('IJ,. ll11I all that ~I\ tiud 111dd011~-.a,tui;.1.tUc: ~utl tu111.1t.:c' Ilic mc,,,.tc,(h'.f ,nc1te1 li.11;h•1ldl) In 1hc tn1d:.t11f)"011T~f!(:\(rc,11oc.

Wbere's tbetaa?

A100, oc>t ju)t the tbtcrk-mkB. We: oould h11V"t Jlffll't's, then1e p.,nld ot e\·c-11 br,nl ';..._ 1""''"7,'

,., Coeur

'C:)' d' Ale DC, it'• h:ird 10 ftnJ lhing~ io do Mnny <ludcn!, arc or le1cl drink.1111 a;c andluw Ilic ~n,"° t(t#() loc.alhm _. ;\ntilt"Woodl•,,

Soul in the SUB bft"' ling. roller .,kiting, l 1~c-r t•& ,utd roovtt-i; Coeur d' /.lc:nc S1udc:n1.1 not from 1he: Nonhwcst t.hould 111lo time bcfol'( ,no"'· llic:1 to e.1,pcricn« 1bc: hi.Ung. ft'iilu11J al)J c11.1nrlt11 ~ili~ of 1hc lltt'&. When the $DOW OQnit;;, take tdvw~ u( tbc art'A .rewcu ind W.c up a htW 11e1IV1t)' tlk.c: ~now bucmg.

,01, l;.ny Ult_\: Uif~dtJ,,,.,, I/It ~-~,c 10 .,i:o /IN 1.<""1 ,111i>nrunm11r1 Ill 11tr Crot'#rd'.Alniroret1 ' l.'maillrml"rlSp<tm F.d1wr.A11m, W(l(tl],al unth1tl<tl11(c..r~tu wllh a""1l'Vtln 111ttfHu»u.


Quick Hits

Emery's Restaurant now open Emery·, Rct1.ou.rwu, 11udcn1,tun and opcllltc.d, opened ():1. S At..:'l'lt\11"1 to CuUIIJI') AIU 11'1\Ulllttur R.ictwd Sdw.ltt, 1hc ~;11ur;1111 n I opcct '° \l.udt-n~ ~•« w r.:uh> En11rey'~ whl(:h 1• Joc,111.Cd up!,r.a11.,, iA the U«IJunJ 81uldJng. <a\'C'\ J'*.'W. Wldwkhtc and Allldi, A.\ dw: '>t:lnC.\lC:r c:(lllllooc:!1. En)CI')''' -,u

1,(C'Ve, moce complc:i 100(.k in,-ulvlng ..autc und dl.\rt,n:,ilin.,, 11k' mlol.au12nt b II pla«: '°' aal111.'II)' Mb ,u.dc:nt1 ta rccct,e

b:ickgiwnd tnformatioa aa 1hc:. rood Kt"il:c 1ndu1try end Wti(llion. e~·a»open II l p.m, T11Nb)'tolt1Thu1111Jat" Roc:rvMlillfl' .ue v.--cl,comcd. 769-776~

Spokane Symphony to perform al NlC

The- Spob11e S>mphony ,u prdnrm .11 SchuJ~r Auditorium ()Cl Soiu,r,,tay Ort 9 at I p.m. 1~ work, or B«chQ'llcn wdl futured Tht g1JCS1 arttt-1 for the e,'cnlng will bi: pillllhl tc~ Wit,.c,n. Tltd;rt, .tte m tur aelc:cccd \Wing, Sib f(lr ~~rat IM!nu.\.Ul,n imd »f0t1'wdcnc.\1mclcr 18. ll'lfomlAl ioci:769 -7780

IComing Attractions******

a Scpl. 24-Zi,

Page 10 The NIC Sen1Jnel
Arts and Entertainment pt'C*lbyl><>OylAe1umlng Clllmplon Sandy Turne, or 1111 work Fo,.. Training Ceflter serves Tent:0ee Ward ol Coeur d'Alene tome "Hol ROd Chfll." t,lnt c,,cil)' ¥..· · lbc dull i.-'UW."1.•U hill ,., h111. "•.t• J.lkl iJ furllJ rai\O' Mpney rahed .il 1hc rook-off Soei ia l!n11td w~> A ,1lco1 ul>l.:tloo ""·•• hcu.tJ hdJ lu help 111i•c 1n.oncy. h<'m!I ,~~rd m the lllK'liOD ltK luJc:J d«onti\'C J11CtU~ an,J H.1UO't\'Nn ,ta;or,111111\" T1-.,phlr1 \\"Cft' 11,w.,dcd f!Xtbc !'1cM lllr,&1qg duh •c,d 1c, lhc JIJIJ~~ The P.dm1nl1N' Sh1iJ.rn1 Un.Jon ..Wt w·fln nn.t ri-"' r.i, ~ir cl\lli •lid Cetm("'ltt Scrvii.c-1 ,on• ~cund pl.11.'t Third pl.Kc M.1,1 10 Wuttlutcc Tru,ntn~ .nnJ th..- PraplN' Ch~« A\li·lltd wttll 10 the M~inftnatR l)q».rtnrM Thursday, Oct 7, 1999 New
Nini n:11 NIii
Chili Cook-off
release, new sound
-~--·--·-•-u•~ ,.....,....~.._
Oct. l.J.l-lt, 14-16, a,1 Pia,,__.,.,-,™"'"-""*w.., .... _. Lalc0,, ,_.1.............. f'rido7ond5-day7p.a. _,......, uod 2 p.lll. s.ouni,y 11111 S-, Mm 110. Dil.mayed By· e ansas o r:.<1ucalion 's Stand on E•olution? Yuu .i~ wcku1 1'1C' .11 d,c Nonh Idaho· l: ni\Cfl.Jli l Chun:h when: Darwin (and 04her unp,.-~mbr 1hinkt~) .arc alive Md well. Ser,11.et1 ILi IOJO a..m. al the Harding hnuty Cen1u1 15th :md W-1lJAce A\•c. In Coeur ll"Ak11t kc~al:tir..en+iC!e, ,sn the fr"t .mi.I third Sundap l>iKlJ~ion groups on 1he s.c~c,nd Mc.I lnurth Sunday, CtUI far lnf,,nnu.11,,11. 76$,0716 ---$8Dlddklrallad -S6. SaodeouS6n.ndoJ1.661-I~ aOd.w, "AIIU-~~NolTo .....,--blt--,........a 0.-Golio,y 10 -,._ • Gel. 14-Nff,5 ""·---.,,.-·, Qolco--..-. Tloo SihftOollol)o.Tllon4Q, 6:lO LIL•) p.a. -,._ •o.c.1, NIC~-'1'mliooud OoWlm: ""- Noclaul." - ,...._ 1:30p.a.-..,,AdolllS7, ..,..._t.,aod-$S.NIC __ _,_

JddcJ w!1cn ydu.r bill 1, not p11.ld 1n full 1tc1tin1 .t nc'III' job.

6. KOO\\' )'Our Cft'dH end tnhHCl l r11 tc. \latrmut due nnd 1:ttdh limit

LEACH: People need 10 be occouniablc

IC> Bcrof't you move. nnhfy 1hc utd 1$\UCr, in wtilinJ, Of )'OUt MW addrtH

"'WIim peopk! litid Olhet circutmt.m;:o M oanmt for thfir ~W-41f>';- l..Q(:11 wd. -11·1 JU'-1 11(11 g®d forlhc Jndividwil ( 1111,,..," 26"' l'b;w H0.00 OFF 1111 l<.1 l,Ul AP PR1CL 0 1 /1.rn '16" l o u mus P 1a11 685· 1400 now l'a!Ht'" ~",,!!!"::.:'.~t:-:,:..;~~f..!MIJ'?!

or hl11 tc1,1,;blng, Loch hopc:.s he h•~ Schweitzer College Student Season Pass Final Offer ~3~2mf you've finally arrived ... where are you headed next? As >'7U t'dnsldu t/11 ,ttx.t s11p In )\'Ur rdu,:ntlo,1alJmrmry. /qok to LEWI S-CLARK STATE COLLEGE Complete >0 11r 11pper-Jfrfslo,i courst work a11J ttarn u degrte In one of the follow Ing wlfl,0111 ltuwng Cotur d'Alrne •Buaineaa -Communicatioru, •Nun Ing •Social Work •Justice Studies •Genoral Studi es · Interduclpllna.ry '" Exp/tJre uut' many CJfl~JJnt coi;rses m•ullubJe throu,:h 1ht Crmar for /nd/l'lduolbed Studies Coeur d 'Altnt Offe~: 1/S Riv~, ,frtnut 66U1h1 hffp:llwtn••,lc.ft.~du

NIC Snowriders Equipment Swap Pregnant? B Birthright ca n help you. -fi·ee pregnancy tests -community referrals -infom & maternity clothing 923 She nnan Ave. Coe ur d'Alene 664- 1390 1-800-550-4900 24 hour Hotline Micro SoftTM Office 97 Professional - Full Version Oon'I miss oul on this mosl sought after Business Suite at 1his Below Whol~ale price Mlrnl,on Olf1<< 97 ProfouioMI FULL C'O DNI y l'hi, product COOIIUU no rdall box or prwcd nwtual!I Bnand n,rw factQt )' ~cd in 1b qwn Jewel CD C4SIC Conuuns its own unJquc CD Kc)' & Online: M-inual, FUU Mlciwoft Onh;ic Rcgistnition FUI.I. CD Vcn,on w,ill Uruquc CD Key numb<r Includes llook,Jiclf!J2S1<> & Office Volue P••k. Retailed for $579.00 - Now on ly $99.00 Call (619)-646-1480 Ex1. 13 for Re<orded Mcsuft• • ndlor Fax-On-Demand

Thursday. Oct. 7 1999 Continued Ten ways to be credit wise I Crut e~ bud£cC \O you'll know \lohJ11 you un al ford l Ptiy your li1lh nn 11me, every mon1h 7. Fett; a1c ch11i,:cd If you pay la te lll'ldlor ucctd )·our crcdJ1 lim11 8. T,oublc p,iying? Seek. uoi,t1,1nc;c before debt ftl\ c>1H t1r hand Dug&Jon Toe NIC Sentinel Page11 3. Simple r1,1lc: I( )Uu c11n•1 11(fo,J II, don't d,.ugc It 4 /\Jw.a) Jl<l)' more 1ha11 1hc 1111n1mu 1n due or pay aff 1.bc b.nh1ncc c 1ui,cly. 9. A poor crcdh h i 1.1or)' can hurl yo11r c:h1ncc1o ul gcu 1n111n ap1n1urnt, • 1:u lc;.an aod in ,omc ~,ci (an even 1ffcc1 vour clwncc, of by Josh Monlreull and Chris Black 5. Jntrrc~t chl'll&l'• Mc alwa~.1.
l.'lr&OCicty." From Leai:h', paint o( \+IC'"', the problem in wdcC)I I0011y. other Lbo.n drh1l1g fikc i,ffls" I, :a l.telr. i1r coonl.llbU,t)'< pt'(lpfc nol lllktns Throu1b the d(cm\.
made 1hi1 world, a r al leu1 Koolenal Countt, 11. bettc, plarc Jor the ind1\'idU11) aBd "4lClc::1y.
Continued from page 1 rcsp(lll»bLhl)' furtbtu'O'Wfl..C.itll'll. people cimsc pl'(lbJcm1, (or Cl\ lhwn anJ ,oeiety." Leach wid O ct. 16-17 / Sat.-Sun. Edminster Student Union Building * Friday: Equipment check-in/ 11 a.m. - 7p.m. * Saturday: Open 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. * Sunday: Open 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. Check out all the new and used clothing, gear, etc.! For more infonnmion. contac1 Jason Luker (769-7809) or Eric o·Brien (773·7878; Senor Froi!i!Y Specializing i11 fresh delicious Mexica11food 69 cent Tacos All day, every day r--------------------, 10 % off ! for NIC Students I I & Facu !Ly wiLh co llege l.D. I I M~/~!= : --------------------~ 71h nnd Sherman Oown1own Coeur d" Alene 765-8522 Call 1!'iP1na1'lpcllnc' Hotline For These Great NIC Specials! 665-1400 Any 16' or1e Item Pizza 56.00 oQ~'\I~ 885- 1400 flOWKafHN,, ~~!·:~~~=..!~~':

S imple P lan

Alternative A

FacUitJes Master Plan gives NIC three atternauves for maximum enroument

b) Erih Oonqan M«MRUIM f':,d1wr

Tl,c P.c,li h u Ma.11tcr Plw1 ong1na1cd in Scpccmbcr 1998 The Slate Ocp:lnment ot Publk Wock1 1•\te the e<>Uea.c SI.SO.OOOtc, ruNJ lbh proJm. AklnJ w11h ch.: PfOJe<I CJimt a commillec. A...e01ding 10 Jim Hc.#dley, heOO of tbc. plan commiuce •nd Mhltti< 4il'C(tor · A major pontoo nf 1hl, 11.11!)' " " 10 t•kc I IOC\k •™' 11c:1u.1Uy doc::umenl and 1.1ruchm:~01ttamJK1~,·· he wd. '1llcn we tine adoc.umcnt wtth all 1tu1 Ul/orma.tion lo u • \tcoadty. I.he a.nm1tt« 11'drJ the rl•nom1 fum 'l''hlu t \ the ftlllunumc:ipcK"tt)' o r

ll'if(uff(III ~ITipt.11 A«on!UII ctt • 11uJy di.VI( by Unh ai.H y ar IJMMJ at\ll W.nhl.ft&toca Suite Unl\'ffl1ty, the NIC A.ludt:n1bl,dymaycrow10 10,000\n IO)'W'\.. ThBt, v.lthNIC. LCSC. UI 111d the NICHE R&'ffn'll:AC. The ('Um:N ,llmml i, 3.943 \ludenh Walker \iac:y or Ponllnd 1~ the rtannint firm 1N1 SM tOJtlhC"T lhc ICtual pl.:an, ~If t'mplo)'tt'l came ffll c amp.1 ) II.Id ln1er.1ev."CJ all tkparunratJ, COIKI.IUK.DC)' p~ d1e For1 Grwnd humcov.'ocn, NJCH. ASMC lllllmn.1 tioatd 1,)1' CIV.."\JC't"MudC°nb 1Dd r.acully The pluMerl a~c4 d~-grou~ •Ii.I ,heir l\iora of I.he campu-. v.·-c.rc. and 1hen 1he planncn dttv. it They came. up w,tb 1hrc:c altffll.llU\'C> I<' I.he CaMpv\ IUXI one alJmliltivt for 1hr: Po.a f,1)(> 1.'M'll)Ut..

Dltll Shrcltltt.ASN"K"~wd. '"I commtnJ 1bccollcrero, its ,111l~\ IO ~tudtnt mpw (In iuuc, «"i,no, art ooc cut lo ~lollC'." laid Ht'adley '1'bey ate ~IJUet.iJl)ffl thu can brr mod,rltd:

Alternative A

Ahc1tW1ve A P. die mMt hLc 1be campus now. HC'.adle)' ...W h \l, oadd lncludr tc&no1 do•n lhe currcm W1nt0n ~ Building and liddi ng 11'",po.,c<l he:iiltb CCUltr wtikh WC>Wd combine tbl: DtlA1nJ d,:p311fflent.1 lnd thr IJJc Sc..icnco. Thi, aJtdJ be mllde mkl 1hn'c hcnldto,:• at,; d,ro'A'Q oo the. plu,1 or one or '""'O m1111i~o,y buildin~ Thit,; 'A'Wld vtcllllt Seiltr Hllll. v..itich could be n:1oodded lDd ngde anto clwroom, Tbc: &cnnJ,; courh would NvC" 10 be re~. and 1ta1 1tre.a cou l\l bt made. urto p,rtmg 11m plan di,)(,,, DOI tnc:li.dc ll ocw dorrn , WU,h lhit pl.ul. the ~11)' of 1ht collcs;c could 1T..u:h..f ~I011udcn1,. about l ,()(X) moR than 1odl) 'J cnt0Umcr1t.

Alternative B\c B Mkb a. 200-bed dorm. tbe Atncncao Inclan Lon.a HOl.lie (C\lltunil Cmtrr oa nLAp). die hc.!lh ,cl,enca «ota and rcloc.i4c:1 lht tmnl• coon., h llddt. a new edtru-'Sioo;.cc.otcr llil Lbc Crunt of ampu, 1tld n new ac*n1ic bttlkho, Thb piaa af~ miu,~1htpwd1.11w or I.Ind northor Ri\ct A\enut The M>Ct'Cftnd ha.t(balJ mu" &ho be ft~Alcd, "'llSI ml)t !hill n~ be f.ccd. ac~onh~ co Hl:lkllcy. Siebert H..U imd the: malrtlffi:ltlOC' bulldulJ would be W:«sn out ud there v.wtd be a nt'W mDJl'lltlWN.'C b1uJduig buih The ctpl(il)' of 1hb plAn i S. l8S ttodcou.

Alternallve C

Altcnwh<t. C ii 11o hx Headley call, "'rUll ing a buddmg o n n·C't)' bladci of pus. '" Tbii. plan •wld add cia)n buddi4&1t, 1uthc the CM\J)'"~ and would CO!il 1he 1t1c,t.1 or tht lbc lhtt(t. Thl( .i,ou1d u1ell>de a parl;in1dec.k. whlch~,uldrotl arwndS IO,CXXJa tu na, t,p11cc:. 1'be nw.tmum eap.,cj1y 'l'"OOJd W'-"lld bi: S.77' wudcntS. Thi~~ lhc ab.olutc Umlr of\ on lhb c.amput.. M tor Y. hA h,pptn, oo...-. Headley Mid that lhecomm111tt t\ mlkiB,S dtti\i0fl1 on priont1c,. He uid c~ none ol t~ ITUJ>' h • Rn~ Jntt. lhr lint pnorit) ,, 1hc Winlan·Po\l 8 tsildin1. Sctood.l)' the dcci!IKHI on whcdu~r (I l')QC co build a dPm,. 1bc C'acurd Aknc Tnbc h.h 1 n:lldy nl.llk • conuniul"IC'nl to b 111ld lhe t..oa, Hou,e. "luch _,, pan orthc: Nl~·Poin1 AgrttmC1t1btru.ttn thr Tribe, &Dd NIC The Tn bc 111 111rond 1hiJ pro,;tw:. duvug.h gtllQU, privi\lc funds • nd lb,: Tab: iuclr Uldm;11t ly, tbh it• boml o( t"11.lffl dttis:ioo." he ,1&.ld. Ht- hope, 1h1Lt people 1Jndtn1:WS lb.ii bolh 1hc comn1um1y 11Dd Mudcn c, 1,1,·m- ac:1hel)' U,voh 't'.d in thl~

·r dunL 1hh l'l • 1C1Cld 111.1J1 Ia• put proJC(!I.. Headley Mid • 1t·t 1ht only hklS· rugc- ptnn I tu,,,c \1,-otf.t'd 011lhu I \CC t lir,ht a11hc CM o(thc umnt l l loC'I good llhool ,t· Hc..Jlcy 1:1.1d 1b111 1tlc oolk$C" 1, 'f\'OC la og on lhc pMtun, •nd f)f(lblcw Cum.n1Jy, the: "boot anJ the cit)" are •""OC'ktnit on• fll'W t'1ur:uw.c- chal will rcltnc ur the tr.iffic r ~i-11~. w here will noc be -.o muc:b

C'OCl4,.-e11uon in the rt»dc11ti11l ,1.1:~i.,. 1'bc school b irytnJ rd tc, acrom~ Mudt'nt\."' he \&.J

Committee's Priorities

(In no pMlcular order)

a ~Poa Buildioa

• a.., ....

• Donn

• ~'lililliDIC.......

Page 12 The NIC Sentinel I I A not so Back Page Spokane Riter
Spokane Rh cr Coeur d'A tent Lakt
Spok ant Rh t r \VASl t Wkttr Cowrd ' Alone Lake Alternative C • l'ropostd !, MaJn Ent.-.n«: •'.. •'•' •: :,"' Propostd Entranc,, (} Cl l'on Ground Ntlghhorbood Thursday, Ocl 7, 1999 t>
Alternative B

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