5 minute read
Life Shy Sheckler begins term as A SNIC president
New pres ident has lull agenda b) Mart) lkd.tl'.ll 5r1111nrtRr1,or,rr
Ktd,1n,Nd, 1n u ,v.1\l('h,;1'l1u, lu htiou1ol(kron
1ht \C'•,ie>fll.J n_.,._.., ,,1 lhc:' Ed1111n.CC'r 'itudc:nl ll11hlfl 1
O..n "b«;Un, l'I. •• cnJdy1ag Ju; fir11 W<nwucr 1, ASSIC" prC",lt.l<'nt. 1hC" s11·~\llJC' tll tht p..111t11m. h11...,,:'t'('f, ,, ""(,.ti) be likn i.1udcfllJO\ct11nw111
1 hlet 1.hc JJ.:,1 uf 11.-ili, belltJt ut dJ.11i..- «f lhtu l'l hOO:k:omct,. hr\11.id. \'1cc Prt-,.1Jct11 for Admtnhlflllkin Roat)' Jurccm. u,J Shcc~kf 1, "t,;tttmcl:, vocal v.het1 ii (,•me-\ In ,1uikn1 necJ, ." At • hc111fJ ,,1 1n11ttt', 1ncc1111s, Shrd,lcf <41it'd ru, lhc rC""'rHins nf ;I polii.·y
~,Q:nflrlf the qc..:on, ,,( Ji~rupll\'t' ,htdrlUI lfvlff d.t~\C:.\
"He .:,Pf(', <d h1mlrtlf •ell." Jur#C'fl" uW. "'11nd hc(.1u~c nf II the rtrh1 dc\:r1111C1 \Ulrtl.kk iltiJ,hc pi1lkywu p111Uil"' ShC'l:'LIC'r ttC:f,UI hi" pt'l•11 1cal~ct11t\tQk.--u~ lf11h School ~uh lht' Jun1etr S1.1.1C",111tn c,r Amerac.i. ,t non 1•,Uth•n fl'l)Up. whii..h "'1,n~J anJ ur,:c1uuJ 1.lcb.t!C', 11nJ convt'nlioo, for 11ud-cnu lfl" \.lld he 1,1,·.n \'(ty fuf1m.WI( to he rf""tnlcd kl (R,hm.i.n l('Qll1of Int~ WfflOU'l' lkf"tiit°", """''u <,tfff ulooa w11hW111hc;f ii("¥, rc~111.111,c"tunt11~1ayof2000. lur&rni and ntbn\ ~r,·e lhal S~;,;.kh-r J\ \ffl bcM 111 ti~ p.•htat&I rt~h11 J tl'ltllilsh MXlally. Sh«kict wldhct\l!Ot
J'm JU~l lh.) • Shcd:l"-r :i..i1d l.:iustun1- ·'lltlnp hl.c hl•Utj:.l•b.lf}.almutn,c.11c.t1.lydrc:ad.." S:hcd.Jl"r 1:, ain adiwc fl(l'ICIC\ '11,11h m~ny 1M~tt. 11. 1n..::lvd1nr ,,J..ih111. ckb.-cc.d~,.) 11111d ,o,lling Heb\ a ll-(1•11i ~> wllbo.lccaJINa L..na 1Malp1.&iu,upi,11 i1nn1c,p11fhi11ciu anJ hrini i1 dn\¥11 rmm Lah,~ OocUc, v.htre lit' afc~ up •fk V.,l,\'eol -."'Olllt' DJIJ l:t'il.~ .u,d \f)l;.,\b )Wf fllCC )lld \-1111'1,e ,nine f(".111,. r..i,1. ~bC'(lltt 01.J o( -,..nini. Sb<, ktcr'1 job ini:ludo lnOuenc111a lb(' WI)' ,111iJt'J1l 11111111n b, ,f'Cnl and v.Clfkfog whh bUdJ<:l rc1101u '"" Hr bia"' ltc:rn 1ucnJintt boord af 1ru11;1c,n mcc11ns, pcnod ,cally 1hrou1ho1.11 1ht ,.u ,ruriie, and QiJ humbly lhlll he "hope,."' 10 ram lhc ""biJ P'('lutt"' of .,,ha, i, S()ln, 11n .a Nonh Idaho COitec~ Sheckler wUI OOI M'eJ. rc-c..l«ooo UI April bccllu.-.c thl, 1., h1, llL." )·cat at NIC In rr1a1d, 10 -..h.j l, M).I ilnd • hDC of wl'lf1c., ShccUtr ~id he hi.\ not really dcddcJ th111 )"..:L He said it b a wuab d1oltt betv.t'en public pollcy. c:duc:111,on. ll'N, n1ed1t.il 1e.hool. JoUJn;llbm anJ becommg I a.U lmcructor. ()n SbN:.klcr', Ii" uf thlnp 10 aa:umrlhh ibl, )Uf lltl! Pm.idecl1 Chnton't. Cftt.11 ,,C! for Onr Amrric-11 a ~cd, 0 1 diaJl)guc In Ouobtt on racial hwe., that ii1Cllade,, • of dob3rcs on p(J«nicAI iN1e, whC"rc ,tudcnu can pilfticipilt.c:. 1-ic v.iiru to woA on n.n ,~ut he: campa1,n·cd on. a tt111tr'IChC•~t11p ldicnufauoca earl.I -")).Ccm. •bkh the college 11Jrtady purch111oed The \)'$lC:m 11rill ••~e •bouT • )'('at 1a in.uall
Lamb named chair of Social Science division
Minkl er resi gns. l8kes position at S FCC: Lamb to continu e focus on quality education b,t JO\h S tuda r Ymutt"IR~Pf't'ttr
A• of I.ht bc.'a:-1.omn}! ottht~ fall 'ffllC'i.la AtMI Lamb, llbtrUC'1or. '1,1,a tltttc:d 10 W.C u,c::r a, dit O.u"'I()" Oi.a1t ol Soc~I 11\d lkh.noral Sc~ncc-,. 'nte rrcvklll, ch,umun. Jim MmkkT. R'C("Dll) 11(':ppcJ dc,"1,.n 10 I.Jilt a de.tr! l"O'Ufan Ill Spok•IX' C'omlfflilll1Y Col Iese. Tbc po,itJon. acc~nHnr to Lamb. h a 1rca1 w11.y to ,crYc 1bc dl\·1\Kln h I.M~h-e,. "'quhe a bh of p.,f)Cf pu,h,ns, c :i1u.a11r11 t(.Chfn. and lwgtbQI 1hc dh il'ion.··The rc,iition is flOI • :a ·"t>o.1. ~u:,nli~ to Lltnb. bc4 ll tt:nlltll IO the ICJIC'htn Md -.rlilkft4., and lhcJUJJ "'~ th.iJ qullhl)' cd1.1C".1t10n -.-anlUWJIC'~ "I k,,'C' te.xtrfnJ. Lamb ~id, I nt'\'Ct l.houf.ht I v.,)Uld do 1hi11, but I ~--1~ hf:«u,c I am able IO ,1ill 1tf\-o lhc wudcnt.~ ll-00 m.lkc a dJfferetlC"C Ul l.bc: ,1,a)· they~ l1Wih1 •• He- .Slill tt.-:hn \t.m:a,c aud F:anul) :tad lmnxlucuoa kl ~klk)J.)'. 001 h.MJ 10 gt\'t' up 1tac:h1111 ch( rw or thtm• , beh!!,e th.at" l,'(NJd &r-~hi:f ""'u rtW.C me~ odminnuuor be Nid. 'h rully two ,,vin111ri ,httt ct.\\Co, lbr Socbl iloOO fkhl,iClfill Sde.ntt dcporl1nt1u ~-.,tl\l\l'l ol h1,hwy. l"l,huloSf, .mhmpa!OJY. rfU'°"'l'I'>• "'<iOloJJ-, ,hUJ <i<-ck>pM\I. r.«i.ol "'"'"· ,\nlitricun Iowan 1'tl>dK':l,. edUC'JiitotJ aOO poh1K'1I tcltntt''• IOCAI ul lO different -.ubjic'(u by abwl 40 fu.U and pan-mnr 1n1i1nK1rn. LAMB cont>m/Od on Pag,, 9
Mary Cheevers whlp.s up en "Amerfcano"' et lhe Boswell Bistro. The cotfeo 1hop formeny known u 1iw Educated Cup, la ope.n from 6:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. weekdays..
Instructor Leroy retires aner 19 years
Plan, II.I ~pend time ut home with family by Rtw:h•tl Gka~
An .ar11,lc: v.nUC'n l',\o )C-.)tl
IIJO b) u,.kr1t M1.1raJ l\lw.lho \laltd lhal an NIC 1t1\1tuc1111
\:.UmxJ b< c;anH: h> t,.;.i.nb Imm
M,10, lo1nikd •tor the Air"- t.lld clo"n 1nJ f'CJ«1cd hil lffl('nn.s\ fo1•1e&b1."f'•uP. Som< woulJ .11;1ic cht• l,;n::1. but In ral1l) Cicuc- l.cruy ..:-11.1rtc co ldA10 froru hi~ .,..,,hpli11.."C ,JJ
M,vuhey. Sv,1t1rtl,rn'1. f:.dur.:.IC'J
1,11 t:.ur,,,pc and UW l"n,wJ he tw:i.:an 1c.achJn,: •nJ a.hi,inJ tn lclAllo tn AU8'*"'' l 1HII n,u~ tlcpn hb l'l·)all tal\."C'r ;,11 NIC
•fl~ i;~ tu a '-k"'< tfln '14'W'll\• the lM•n of hi\ 1rhrt'niirn,
A tiulJUllf a11d 111111h Je.ahtt, l.L'N)' ,Jr.,.nhl',J NI( ,111 Mk(\ 111,lrl) utt,,11 .,,,hunl "1hc-11 hr nimd1tte1n 19111 •j Wi\b It Wt,I I \ tlO\C' .l\ Ii u,c-,J 111 ~t'. wi1b ,nurt" tc,stthcrnus." I.era) u:u.l Ut'
111d he wun·1 mt"'~ ht, ""Ollc4gu,c.. 11tc>'tc- 111 t Jo"111hc ro.iJ trnm me (lr 11 ,-pit ••a) hl.1: th(, Y in Te u-. ti<- 1111J. "'I "'Ill ,1411 tCt' 1htrU • Ht' v.ill nor miu 1,csi.,.·hmg. buc he ._,;II m11-, 111~C•n111oith ht, uo·nh "ud IIJV1-oc"' Hi· would 111\C' fo, lhou to tk1,p b)· .inJ t,J) 'hel~ .,.n,J •'"""'J Of lcrtn At 1hl, im~. tie,11; ('l u, u, gc1 IUIII!,' WC.If~ ckinc ,11'1.IUnll lhc l'M.u< I le- 11riJ" "' clc.-n tl\11 iU
\'l'.U'I O( h·.u..h1n, P\Mct1:J,. llt• t.t1d hC' pbn1 w 11~-c: h,~ kllmtt huPti.M tu ,1uJcf'tl11 •he> riced dk"'tn. (rec- (If ,-twse, Alttt 1bat. he .,tel he \\otdJ n110) :,cnint ,pffl(' hme In ""•tcrc;olor. imprm u1g Iii• um, «-1 1bt pt.i,i.• .u,d hurefull)' rite dll ilhN1a1c o,ulli-lingu.al book, r11r ,·h11Jrrft. tit \il1d h,1 hN rnornl " m 4r<'nd 111n~ W11h hi, wik 1uul J•u.111ht<'f. When hu lloilc rcu her de,re< frnn, the l'ni-.el'il) ot hl•bo 1hc family 'I' Ill ,..-k~ ,.,,h • tnr tu fllrnr,t l~tu)' ,-a,J 'A'anb them"-' -oe (n'( h,uid !lti:" dun»" he l(n:"" up an,und ,u1J o'IPf'fC..::liltcd Ltto) ~, b,1,r, h~ "' ,..,.h,~h ti'( bci;lruwlJ "' rooJ "'M) "'1IC ,a); IIWI l 1f1tc.k-d Ill ffl) •nlc""4' fl)f II COY.ho)'
11.a,· Ltflt) uh.I. lie w1JI
.;:()ric;.:mnal( • 1ot o( h, 11mc- 011
New registrar sought
Street,,. ,1111n1 111, r llltt11n 1 wttll b11 lt b IIIWlal; Qllgl ..U... ta ra 11111111111 byJ•ntl 11,.nl Sr11#,11IRr{J(Jrtu lhJl•e,,ufhithlC' ''lllh.a.n t\ 1ht 1110\.I bcauuful, C'\tn more 1b11n Ftcnch,• he "-lid I ~roy ,unrt 10 rnn11n11c: wl1!) bh qua lit)' uf lift, ~HI IUI" ht\ Eumpcmn ~ 11c.~.s.~ -.ud collrqUC' •nd rncnd Vhg1ni,1 Juhntun "'He it • Jl'ffllc:man (rc,m .i 1t11ciJn ~aunuy -.ho l.nu1u ,.:. m•n)' l.an,u.ij!U auJ culu.110 He o \'C')' v.cll R'llndcd
ch•nttJ The pl.in ol ttlltcme,u w.1, n111 ll ,udden Jcc1 i,.01 1h11 ~<' t"l'llcte-d 1n10 h_phll)· He eii:phunc:J thi• ..:hilnj;CpC'fftXU)', ··Thu11~ luiM"'n 111 IHe th,t,• cell )'ll\l ll h umc. Thc hanJ , rnns: on 1hr wall, uiJ, 'H() ttabt, )f1U dlJ i1.'"' he t,11111
A.her 11 )cm or k:fYICt' n rc&i 1,1rar at NIC. Ko.ren Slttelc,·, rcl.i~i..m,i.11~fuuJ&pl I, Oct Chtl\1:11111( a,·, o( luc yur. Sltcotef', OOC10f eonfinMd lbt had titt~ und kidney (ana'r. Jun I u( dm )tW, her kidocy v.., n:-mo,'Cd Thttt "'ccb later ,be fl.ad an emboli,m in hc:r bc:.lld and undmt.en1 lltlOChtt opcn,cion. A-,. ;.a m1,1h, 1,bc 1'1J p(Clbl('mt. ,penkin~ ind •'ricint Soon •lier, \he btgan chc.mocht'rapy lrc.&lmcnu. for brc~, Cffll:Cf S1r«1u bepn w«~11,1 piU1 lime in tt,¢ R:'Jti'1nar'J off,cca in 1982 She then tor a .\CCt.111ll Job u a a«n1ary for Nie•, fortntt Prcsl!k:nt Bcnncu When the (1,1 ll 1inw: ~rcto111rial 1)0\IUOn opened. ~ho mo,·cd mto th111 and -'loppc:d v.orking h, lk re1-uu11C't o(hc:e. When 1bc opponu.n1ty came. ,be .:applied ro, and ff'C('i1rcd ,tic JOb 4.\ rc111<1'1l1
Sltff-~('t tu, aJao ,crt'\'.d on the cl1y f."OU.ftl:il lo ~1 F.t11,i (o, ),(V\":nll irn Jul>, ,1m ,uffffln1 rrom tf)(!C'Ch utld '*n11na 11np.11m1tnl"', S1rttkf 1111neJ i-n hct n:\i,na1kin. She Ut,\ 9W 1, doin1 mU1.h bc-uc, oow and <'RI)· ba~ hvc ar 1u; wct'k.1. l dt ar r11diluoo uc11rn(n l "I Jtnl Vtattl to !cl yt'lu IN ICJ lcoow hn 11.u.1ch I li kt-d my ,IOb Stl'tCW'rMld. '°£._""}'d;aywufl)jl-)'able"'
NuiONl advcnhi11g for a nc 1t•1-..it111 "'hope," to net ill k.1\l Sil appllcaiu wld 0..vid Llnd\11)', -.,ke pre\tdcnl for \luJcnl 'ICt\'J«, LifkNi)' '*tll ~tld OlJ1 m~r1 to all 1.1r hi• eoun1c:rp.vu .itt the, oonts..-c,.i l..oc;llly. ~""'"p.lflC'n Will t:at'f)' lhr REGISTRAR
What did you do thi s summer? .. . .... .................. . ..... .