5 minute read
Soccer team excels as a club
Bun dy leads way as NIC team ent er s fi r st seaso n b,Jcrt1\lan1rr S(nl11t"IRr1"''lr'
!\ Ila• "K,'.'ldt)' al blttilC 11M one nn 1he ~. the men'• •O.:<'et 1r-,m ln t h.1 the G11n1.1g.a rc1,cnc •qwwl a1 h nme \rp1 lt>, 4 ?. bt-h•rcdclaatm; l·Lahc'QJ V.aUC:) J.I S<,p1 lh Phaltmrm (udof lllld \tilt B)'tn flil,"Otnl NI(' giltill'< N.1J &he (.'unf1m1!, (4 I} h,IJ ...C\·e,t t.hof• 10 l-'VCC',?I , The HulldcJjt- ~tittJ f11u, gllilh, ,n 1hc Ji,1.1 h11lf ,1c fi,-.1 ID41 hy Chrh, \'indctford. • ft'l:':\Jllflall lii..111 s.u,Jjiolnl. utlk" lllh" In the: Ont b.tU C:lm11nc l ~-..::1.:mC1..1lrt)hm.inb~(\1}
111gb Scoot~ ,ndl.llllc, ":Ott'd the:: •<,aic,J Nil'
Ji•,11 m tl,c 10:,,nd h:iU Cud gri.alit Ur.1.ftl.11:>11 lkm1" 1•t rocur J'>\k'nc ti.Id wvt·n .O\cs rhe ce.mt ,1,rccd the t,11 \t,uon ..,,uh t¥oo
\'JClm1(\ P\(t ~oulb ru~I SPund O•ll ,ind
Wolla \hll.1 ("om.m.11n1t) ('.,,Ucgt 17-2)
Tht fiN 11.i11te 1•f ,~ )'~' flw 1ht Cardhrnl,
'i!t;a\ • l I \loin n1 tw,m,r O\Cf Sulllh Pugn.S()l;nd of Sc.&itlc Aui 28, Ill< t.um tol..lt1.cd uot ,.low, hlll v.dh lhc lldp ,~ li:111n le.-b R.N•m Uu11d)', a wphomnc( from Coc\1f d'AlenC'. 111kl h1i two
,:;llflC·V.UIIUIIJI r""1<1. che Cunh QJllC flUI Pll top with tbc t.llbfo,.:11('.lll uf $lllf1Ulf Ilk" ~'C',11 OU1 Ufl a h1~hflll~C Nil" dcfcalcd Wi1ll.1 \\ 1111 Comruunilt l',)llcre ,.2 1>0 I.he: ntllJ Sc-pt. s. l->i11t11ri.ul1in lllW fOIJ K(ltllijC (nlffl I ¥4ilc-l)' C>r fllJi)'C'f'.) ..,'ff(' the l'lK' Cit,.h ha\C I bdu11,;cJ IQ.In 1t11, )Cl&f """~
M') ra "' '" eht 'A'm.
Jdcn~. ronmu1mc11L • ~uhd bcixh .ulJ pl~)'m
>Ah" hu~11c BunJy, ~tnUr m1J-fu~ld ru, lhc (°.llt1h, 11nneo(1flc 1c;u1', k.-ling ~rtf'll.
"011r 'A'Of\. anJ rrw:il("C' tl)lk-. It.I\" cu:~t. Ind
1hc 1c1m ,hnul;J hopdull) sec ~ut, ,l'l 1h c
"C.a..c.'ln pr,,,:rc,"""-" Awl.I)' tWJ lie qtcJ ht fixl, th;111hc team f1l<"ah to \\1,r\. on a lC'I> tc, l\\1,a.
NW'" m:·cd 10 rinl,h th~ b,11 .1f1c:1 \itc ba,c
.UJc:n1rtc:J lo ~~lifC'. !'nd llUf n,g.anJ1.1Jinn t.1.lll, i;uuJJ th( \,QlllC htlp"lwi,"'hc Uid tJnt1lc: l'IICII~ t..pm,, tk' men·, M-9'.:cr phlJr.ll'll
,, ,u~ rl.a)mf lrit A m1rtor d1;1111p1on,h1p Pf .1n
,n~u,11nn III a major 1oum11nu~nt Thr 1c:.1n1.
"h•rh Iii• (llll'I, 1, tf)'II·& 10 Jr'l lht1r n&1ni: n1h1 lhc: communU) 11nd 1kc ,chool to h11pdull) bt•l,'.nlh( a \ U,.11) ~(lllll.
0,11 r,~n...,inl~ctllk.·hcl 1hC'-«:lub uMI has betn
1,.'Ukht11t: foreJfh )C!III",._ Ue uJ Ilk' IC.Ult h,n. afh•I m,J1HJ11al ,till, ,nd 1h.i.t onto \'Cl)' lmpra\.i~c- llk1lW h 1hc le.am', $n'il1 "l.k."\lC'U 1n lllt 1oC1.v111gdrpilnmrm "Ten s;a"'h tt1 Ont fllfllN. 111. • Fill i.t.11i1,tlc." fhcn..,,in1cr l.ll.t ('on,h1co1 play .ihJ "di• lhl{J(IIUJt .1rt l\lo1t lttinp he v.uuW hk hh tcillD
II• tit"WI: (ll1f11r,,,-er,U ,:rv.d ~IIC\'\"11\ 811nJ)· ,;11d 1ca,w1 1h111 1:.·~M p('lt-\thl) 1 b(l1...kn thit )tar .1.tt' Sb,..,cltl'lt. Ootttq• .Alli.I S11ol;,a11c C"oc11-1u,1111I)°, Be!: i:JJd all lht 1(.\111, h,ii\( prmr11 to be • i;lulknft' m dlC' year, pm.I, ti.ii "'11h h.u.,I 11,orl iJ dclenn1na111•n l~>, ~tmuli.l tl('lltlull)' be :.bk tO(t,tnt' uut ,on the l1)J' ~llhi•urti chr ,oe,!', ~"''"~, p,11,rarn " i,i,t • V.anll) \f'(:-rl. lb~ rlll)('N Jt(' t.llll rn:)Ull l,;, tic pJ ),rt,C few 1ehoi.il. R"t\d~· '41iJ, .tn(I Mpr d~)' fd MIJIPW1 ltom lht !k:hool llflJ rl'lmmurut). The 1nm rra:ti« ft\~' litrin ll ti\(tl ft11 l"-1• hoof'\ tn ~i&hnn f11t 1he1r 1n•cl.l)' ¥.amt We 'A'OUld lll\t fof ~'et)\ln( to come HUI ,mJ \lo-1tch tn p1a,: BµnJ) u.J b1~n.,1mcr ,., c1kKh rof Ilic mer,·, •md \11\)~n·• M.'IIXt't tc;am,. IJCN-'C'·cr. fl(' 1, 11<1drin,: t..11 h.tfp)' M t1C' Jm;n lhc Lhl .,I .un \'Cry r,oocJ ,inJ l:Jt(lscd IU be the l\c:;td ro,,ch Jor tht mrn', iind "'''""'"." ~fl. lh , Vt:51 ftO(l(lf 10 be rtp,Ck.1t1111g the !IChcd •ml the rnmnWJ:11ity; br ,..uJ l-:,/11,,, '1 .\1111r. t\ (11mplr1r •H•mrn I UK, r, U111" it Jl/11n"r./j;,1 M d i.lUtr
Lady Cardinals lack chemistry
"Thrti- ate- 11 lo! of ~imp1 llh(. Ir.am\ ll'lc.n 11iih1 11<1w MM.I .,.,c·rt wuglusg ,.,;· Ctanf\ w"' "\\oc "'-c-c rei.Jty ur .acid dl1wn dunut:b1'11II tfJc:- 10.111:1:1,ocut the- CarJu,al, ""cte lrtl h) \nphomrt~ t,nd-.11)" P1rn'lc,, clgh1 l.ilh 11nd four t,11-..h, ,mJ t,) tht' r10:1,H1n ~n1n1 c,I '6111,(ICn,)IC Mali,w lti.11 Nit cnckJ lhe ltJ11mtitrr111 w11b ;1 1.7 rcrnnJ •nJ :a k-c ol an Nt{" 1to1i.luo1~ in tier 1buJ )c:.M :h 1bt tum·, l«lt11ll Mic, (01tt ~1nrlrJi1 ~-c, N l f dduitd ~..,.., Cl\llcgc ,n r1,·c gumt"1 ~rt Iii ,n Ephr~lm. tf1-ll1 A.fief dh)f'lfhRII lhl· r.,,1 ,,..,, to1m~ Nit~ 1i1.11tt 1hc lb:ld•n1 r•uPC 1$-IJ Sert '7 • NIC' ltu,I In four g,1111~, to Dl\n• C1.1lk~ "" lhc n'lad, 1mJ Sert I~ the tom 1111,Mn 1,...-. 11t f01•1 10 the U•lle.,'< 11,f f..Jlkm ll&i1h ~.JS• .l-1', IS-1, I I-IS
··wiJc-t)'CJ fthhmco C'11rtt\ 1.11ct lh:,H .a Jut of 1ht hnhmm \\dt! N" 11:11,ni tlrrcrir'll "''"'" 111 ,ompC'lll1\'e" cullcgc \olk\b,111. Th( f'Mr\h Ill~)' ba\'C' h11d ,1 ,lutt,1"h
1t.;att but C'uu.:h Cutth I, Jlill \'try ~)nfic:knt IM the' rC'ot ~1 lhc .:.a.on Sile
1.1.J tbC' ,tta\11:1.b (tr t.ht team 1, tbr mC"tll.11 1ak'n1 .aotJ 1hc f(lllll11nr c-,perncc- of 1hic ol~ plit~'crc. She' praiM", 'llkh mumms ,11hltlt• ~ph~mo"' J.ln,l•J) na,M<> rn1m U1c1nl'non. Wn\h !\:hli""ll Hall, \1U'ld l..1lt, W11,h fok« <.'hm1opbl',, 'ii VU'll.tftl \\ lnihr .an.I Kimi l,,~cn ln11n l'orur d ·Aknc', C"wth ,, ,ho cM;i~ h) lh(" pl1)" nl tict ~,rnnttr tcnulh Jcruufct WaUia« •nJ letu1<U Jcn\t' Thclcam lk•'>led • lJ,b,1 rn:urJ &,~ ><-' MIi.i pc,a""'110,mpa.,.,d1i1111h1\)Cllf 01.! tuni', ,..rl)' -up,, ianJ JuOAn.1· ur lh( "~\UCI tolJIJ1tJ l'id), \tflll, II.: lfVu di Jr~~11.:• Jcnl.r ln)ln the tam .enl.t-
a«oudt lo pbcc- uh The ,11ocn rl.lced third ,D a lr;lirll NJC lil"1..uinr rooch 11nJ .ruikn1 Jennifer Reil "oo !ht nk"(1 .ion Uftlllllk:bcd f\lMCf • IS:07. 1lic Cardin.al mrn'~ te•111 ,uf)MtW!J •II t"•~iCll'I\ h)'41nnin11hc ltliffl C\'Clll TPm.l\.;) ream lrJt.l,.'T l&\t )-C-.&t, Sr.ii d11t \\,I) fc• dlie' ('~ t)y '*jt!MIOJ the C\ent ._,Jffl a lltlit u( 18:50 "'ro,ro.n ,~ 1n bh, bt\1 ~h..- e\('t, • W.ttldn, 1.dJ Aho plKln1 1n lhc fop 20 roll th~ mrn'• ••de ""ctt · C'.arl..rin. l: Milkr, 5; Ndl Snt:1IJ. 12.; Eric C-..illuon. Iii i;nJ
DAAl<n. lH
Y.:1111.in, h,1, tucb h11pc-, f1•r b,,1h 11."ilmt Md ,,,,J he "1..'0UIJo'1 be ll.tppid' wu.b LIit' lkptb the "''OC!lrtl ~Si. Hi: 111nic1f1111N WU1Ch.irt \fo)cr f,dk H.-nn.u\. and Pial'lrf 11, 1tll coa«ributt' "'On( 1htn~ forget tt duil 11t tbi, lnrl •i4 1u1m1ni the runnru .,<' coa1lwn1i)' ,IC 100 r,C"rt:col of lbeH pain thrc,bi>&J,• W:aii11-. ll.l.lJ •·A lo1 or tirt'IC'i or, Jwwc t,, -.J}, ·1c-1·\ do 11\11, I.OCC'hn' Uc .._id k,im lc.i..lm Kcll, Ue.ul'• .ibJ K11t1C' Jh,"'11'& c:rubu,tu~lb 11houll.l 1w.ru1t\ f 1ea111 ctlcm1"'1), r'UI tbc 1nc:n. W1111iin. ""-1..J 1·u11u, t, k.adint the "'..a)' ..-,i1h • p.l.;'._ ,,( 1un11m, ~l.1v.1ni lur rmh"-.n l,chnnl hun. H( on11c!pi.1c• Miller. C'a,hoa, 11nd \1111i on will he ~lid Oiurc" for the. tl"ant, W11,1k111, ._,l\l Sm.all ._.,,11,.upplv 1hc n111,1i"•"''" \\ ith h1, '"'Wtld m1111- MUluJc. 'I f1l.1t1 111 kt lhhlf' IP 41,nJ "C'C h•w. dle)o unfoM for 1hc: ocal l\\o \\'C'C'h."" Watkin\ .,.,.i He ,.:u,t the kcgtoa IX Chant)'lion.J\ip.. 'i!thicb \lilll he In C"t'll:'I.U d'Alt'nt 0,.-1 JO, .,..ill t,e: a '"pl:luJe to fl40tlfloll\-,'" Both ton,, bi•pt "'' 'f'Mlil) r Ille C\'ntl Ne!\' Jl m l.Jan\i:llJ. \11"tt W41tkini. uiJ 11• \\,itch (or Utt tr.um to be rockm· me !ol'"OU• lftl.t'O'ab:" th1, ,a1.1
I On Deck ~~:l~-r-"""""''·"""'·
Fridoy onds..wd,).Sq,c. 2$.
r-v.a., <:.t, ...,. n,..,...,,
7p.m ef SoullNIII ....._ • bomre. S.wda,. Oi.'t l, 117p.a c--c.c o1Pao«>. w..i..s... 1.o.:, J.• ,p w•w C' C' aaW&1t.WaUo1.\fo11dil)',Utt '*·• c:-iu,.,.c.c.. 11.Sllunla}'.s.i,t 2.1.11-. t:-c.c. l'nday.(><t 1•• ~pa,
•w-·,Soottr 5llanllnt C.C.. I fnda), Sept. 2,1. al,& p ffl.
m.2:lOp.m lkb c.aoae. • Jtnburr.-f. r.1<1. 2. *' MO
• er. ceuncr, --·•Salan.Ore.Sawda).O.:t :I.
• Flll llueball ~~.!:""9'C"-a1bo11,c. Su,ud,y, Sepe
S,--P ('.(' M hnmr, 5.llunb.}. !, •1 11 .....
• lnCramural Spor1o lo
• Oa"'-' l'lanulb
Satu.dtr...i 'iw.J.y
Local skaters show off tricks at park
Aug. 27 competition gets 'two bums up' b) \\'h1tn,;ona Un.den
Loe.a.I ,t.lt.tbo:1rd(of1. lllltJ tbc
CwurJ'A~ ,l,lk pwk Au,
~7. U11..·;lf U.Nb&:i;lld ,ti..-ip 11N:
Shied Shed •pun urc~ lhC' ocnt
Ownc, fom lim•·rt 11.nd cmplO)'tc
Or)an Wo11d 11r1a.111-,cJ the
Fvr Wood , H -.,n ,1 chUcC' for rcor,lc ht 't<'C lllha.1 be b1h ll(~offl'J'h,h!'J iU>J wNI Odlctl h~\C
11:ccomph•hcd "'I.th Jcivotiu11 10
\k~bnJJ.. Sludr,oo.itduial H vnlrl;c h1j1h
\thO(ll ,p1,th 1n th.11 hunduJ., ul rt'"f!ll'" 10 I~ •Uppoti hlJh K"hQol
1.':H~ntt Slwtcbo..u\h11.,; ban LnJivJJu:al
,1~11. '11i..l ~•uc taks11 Jtlf:t unnvtkcd
Al 1hc .'\UR, 27 COIIICU\, ,c1,('ntl p rc,nh, fru;nd,-, NIC 11udcnl\ and ld1h ,upnoucd 1hc ,h1cn c,-imnutm..-:1,1
Won.i ,.ud lht ~11Me"t "'• n..tt 'ff)
COfnpcillWt, l'iu:I lhil pci,s,k "Ct'I:' 111,1 hl\'1ar fun
-rht- ,-k..ict' ~k II lllll JU\C for 1111\c ltJ, 011 "k11tcbo.,rd, Wood uJd Partli.:ip~i:11-. rai:1,:cd form .ire ?I mol'IUlt. 10 Ql!o,IC lhl.n 10 )('JU nld