4 minute read

State champions head up wrestling recruiting list



1 Chns Molsan


J. Nick Floland

4 Stephan Horuy lntormedUtle

1 Mt1rty COIJ,er

2 Phil Olonno

3 Coclyl,"'°"1

4.0.J Wfll!\h


1 Du\1m FranQ

2 Na1han Bnkor

3 M11Ch Turner

• Naman Rolen


1 Trnvls[)i(:kir-,

2 Gideon Toololtl JCosoyAtnos

4 lan Hunl

Cta~~ lfk·htJl.!J bt'Jttnt1Cr. 1n1crmtJu1~• .a,hiatk:cd •nd ,pnn~-.rcJ nda,. Cl,.._,. -.lru~n r«chcJ ,t..11:bowJ, h.ib ~bed, Ina.I T,,tun a.

Jutl~ 10d luc;al ,liltcbl.',lnkt 1it'1Jfl (>hen pit<' lh(' 1,."on1t•.1,1 "h,n

11'ami op"' and ~anl be plam t•n i01tl<"lhmi1, titp lot ~I )<'.W"1 ,,·cnt

"'h'3, tw.iJ lot.I)' v.h.it lbc h.ude'll In.:._ pulln.t "' ,..ukl \l.u-l S.Jc .t .s\Jlrr 111.S't~w,.- "'lllt-~,.,cn:a lot of1.1,l 1ru:k.,

H.a}'IJcn \.o1lt ~nJ\ C.'h11rcb Jnovtdtd • blue! hu, -.,lh rrJ lbm,ct to bdp 'lhln•n lbc •li1kl', -1111 c.:uld walft, ~iacl, and IIUJ•k duttnp tho ht.at of the <U)

Adrinking club with a running problem

'Hashing' provides alternative workout b> Jant-l /UbttU ~MmrlHrp.•Nl't·

A fun iltN""'-IUJ~ "'•1tl.1111~ C\ a\;IIIDbJC" 111 NIC -Mu..knlt ,tnd w..Jf

Thth1l,llldl.mpitctllllhlfo11~fhmicnnv:cc1~1~110101Ull I h c

~l<if<lO '°' Uic lnLiftl.l Empjrie 1f.t..J1 lluu,r ll&rrir1' *' "A ili11tk-ini: duh

\\ellh • ronn1n1 piutilcm lnkm11ht1fUIII)· 1hr f.fl04I Jr.a•• tctn, tu

~.nio, CJli/('.n.\ •nto II~ C:S~lc:

Jii.,fte,, ,kp,a,t (ro111 I mccttni: pla(r. 11ntlt11Jntt'd in &hr "PWU

'"'hon Clr tlK- Sfk,l.Ct.ntim ·Rnic:w Ft1<Lly1 When t'1e de"i)'.11.11cJ

"'ll,1J<''"' ~«• W II pre: bk! lr.tll u( Ouur biol, nonn:t.ll~ luut!NI in th< w,uh, 11'i up 10 tbc runrn.-1-J 1,1 !,!*1.:h 1,p w1lh 1hc: h.,it 1..:1\'llc htu \he uulc. ta to lhc end of the 111111 h '14)111-.h it.i,)'. titu 1ti,: llillc h 1tlt 011r: •ho Nh l,a)J 1~ nu1l .11~

\Ill'!-.\ v..hc'tc' IO au Runllt'r,,,, ('If houflli, r111,1,t (OIi~ lht' 1aiJ, Ythk11 Ii ftwi:t'J v.·nb tine Wllttnlf 11wl,. A tnu1 lttMI. i11dato .a hclUnd ,~ on

1h,: h.ire·, tr•il .i i:bed 1nd1c111c, 1hr tr.iii l'-un.:ho 1n diUC"rc:nl d11tct1on1. 11-tilJ a f.t.l~ m.11L 1n1batt\., tbe b1,11nit h....1 hilk,.,..·oi a lal-.c br•nch HounJ\ m11~ end ,1r ,cua"'"I dmr ,1cr, 11hc1 hn1hng lhcnu,ch~" oo 1k,1J Clkl tn11h., ut the)' m.a) hod a~ 1don11hc tr.iii or ~,,,.,,.,nJ

1hC" Un!I, llrt ..wally 1u111p~1; •ml 1\·ru.:c 1hrtc bl fPlrt n,il<,. 10 length. J-"QliJ an1f fun ._,,11. 11 Lhc en PcnJh~ Jnblt.. rdrn~ ll) II\ tk1\lofH.lu,i,f1, al'e a,'C'\ClJ • lhc n,J of Jhc l"lkt' Ptn.1l(art 111c Jl\"C:n l(IC N'aitlftntt, obnl.l\1oi.1, kh.r\tc,r. iuld ""'~,u, uchct '""' fl.I\. l'rn.1frh:'li &rt" alloO SJ\'r-11 fotnc1i1. 11.mnJn,& ~M "Ynu'tc)l.lpp.,K'dlo lool. l1kc o1 ,1~;u1<I one hm»n

HJ,hcn U\C 111<,:k.no1111e,. r,nen 11hcr(l.m1rron11n lwc"" MA h,1,lio

Tbr) an' ~nnt.1,n, Ill t>«h l•d1cr !lfll~ ti)' lbnr 1111.~n.mi«o n11d 1~ t,> lhe1t riKht no1i1·, I 'K·,111/il pul U.\ /tUtJ,fll('t'iflt/1,• tu11w,1 m1d wr'/1 Jtr how hunl w.- <tt.-vrt. ·•

-Pat Whitcomb, llrmling coach

!IJ•y fnjut)' lrrt- "" liU .a.1. Jhc' 1c11ori J(ld. we'll be: rig.hi bl..." Oft tl'lf) •• Wblkomb • tit be Joined hy J1Ccond-yt~, a,,0,1101 t(l.t(b Kc-.1n Robcn1-, , c~o--umc 01\b1on J All• Amcrirnq >Arc,tkr (nt 1bc Um\·cn1t)· uf Otcion Ponncr Caci.I Juu1n Sprinrn-, .in NJCAA AIJ Amnb11, 1, in hi\ r101 ,ca,111, h ltl ,11\i\la(lt (UOC:b.

,uu,~ Wi·i~. hul v.c ~Id be up d1ctc if 11o·c do a1Jr joti 1r "" Whildic.11.11197~ Crntcr. OtC',, !\nd) Wn" ( i,nl I lt\rtcd, Ou1ng1on, w., trt ni.1 M.-11 \jm,th ~uni} Po.t Fall~. Jun11cke Sm11b of Johannc\t,ura, Su111h Africa. ',\'ill Jc;)III lbC n)(' C'..inl• 1111 ntric&al Pf,11."tt.."C 1hc M":<ond wc<!1' ol Octobct, hul o,c ,tclllni: read)' for lht' up.:om111g ,ck1on to1rl)' Fourtu11-milc. mn1., •·d1h.1 lnlln1n1 anJ t,;prl1

Intense fall schedule prepares

Assistants, players join NIC baseball lineup ti, AnnW \\oodctt V""m,:J;1o1r Tl itnC' ul yuo •11mng for "rting CCI bc:11 uu1 II tct1J1t1011 o:I 1a\c mt wt tu I~ hall i.am~ hlVc :111 l)l)f'()nun1t)' rtt r,rooi,c th11 1~11 with th~ fall b~11cb11.II 11! ,luk'-IC ,1.,.rkJ tho foll "to:heJult- b)' J,u,111,ir rt'Ulurc \.alley (rwnmun 1t) ('1:illc!,'C" Sepe lr1 and iht (.:i,t"'-'c tW.,~h I rl'll\·rl Taru 'cf' II llcail ,.u,d1 r-o111l \11lnt,ddo fiillJ llt,11 fall h.ucl,.1tl I\ l'ltulec lnr IC'o1m1 h, un,lknk-Pt dcrtruiv bA,c runnint ,111.1 bH1inJ pbJl(,q,hlC\.. Uc:. u1,d 111,my oJ the i;lllll'"i 11t\" 1,d1e,tuk'd b.:\:.il.i'IC II IC""!m h.l11p:111 10 tit- 111 the lltQ ut 1h.1111mc. ~bn.r.ll'JoJ wl.d thh, )l".ir·, I.all 1i1::hcd1,1t,: t,. nu'" ln 11W 1t1;in l"ft'\'111t1, yctn. l!IC: f11II 11.Cht1hJlf ,lo)CI ncif cum1~ 01 orgu.l\lnJ nine i11nin 11.'1, l'UI M-,nLJnk, '-lid ICIUIL'\ v.:111 pfay u 1 11 Uity run oua or 1111~tlN'i.. Jl..111 ol t!,c 1.111 1.heduk luf t',uJ., ,on,t.b vl SI ntr: h U.ln al II .ml 11nu11 111'1d l.t,\1 ,n...., '\\can t;c 111·h1:t(' ·,.t •11'° mmf',ltL.,J tu t'II.IICf 11!':lltn. \11111/.lfJo qriJ, 11Jkf Ylt'C l,'.;IJI :.~,,..\:::~~~'.:,::';:,::~~i:.t~l-1:.:;:i,~: p.; m, 1r, ht- m nulnl

fou,~Hlttt all-,t111r ,l10t11.1,,p lut H1·i4nJ from E111le. (."uht., Tavu Yura,bn\ ol SC11Hk anJ Andrew. I~ 11,J-, pl.i11)-td hit 1he t"1mb IQ 1hc sprin1 at 19111) .ind ju,t rclurncd hllllt • \formun mn,iu11, "'ill l'\Wl'lpc!( lc,r hort ~up Buh P1c1tad., 4hn huni Eait~~ '¥111 ,~m~tc- lot f1M t't:a\C' w1dt Jeff B)td al Rf':itdlan. W.a~h .• and ,\nu.into S1,ritt,,o, Sulllc C'lifl(l«I V 11n(.'lc."t' r(:('f'Uatcd tlt.11 u( J\1heM, fcH,, rn rl.ill)' 1tlmJ ba\c_ Jatt1<)' McHu~h. Mh1i(M.1f•. wiU dlher rl.ay tbiuJ. c.111.·tlt'tOl'OUlhcJJ flWlhC'Cutd-., four i,l.aycn 'l\·111 h;rhe ti..- lhc: wnind l\1\C' po1ti1ion in(h1dln1 s~ n Murli, 1m l..;1\.\" t'll)' lll1h Schonl s:r.adu11c amt \,111."d.iorurwa !ht' ~1111 pen h_. the- C'.trd, will 1--.~ 11rooe, "'ilh lophomn,"" Ad1111 Fuu, Jcru1)' Sicb(,11.. R)~l Lurul C,1-.c) •lt,otttbrlir frh.lO'lmg, Nt"WCClfflt.'fl ,IC"M'lllJ: Up lu the ni~1und v.111 tfk.luJc Sn•u John.on, lduh1, Falh. ,1~n Km-.c:, <>mu.tu ~~-h .• K)kr Lou. 0 1M:llo, Coln T,.1,. 1 '1.u1jnd, , T.1.c01tlo! J;bO!t Spt.in, Cc•h m~·. lnfut Sutlicrl&nd and k11n S..11.w,.l). t·anoid!I ,\nd)' \11\.k,.., Pl.)olt f·.111, IUIJ lcvi Mut1ll))'a at Cirtttt Rhr,, Wyo Rob Sumft,l'r i, b.a..:ll tOf JJlolht!f K HP!t t.&h:hln&, l·rc. hmtJl 1\ndtC'~ R~1ft'r, 01 Snvhc>MitJt, Wath. ,1ntJ Dnn,•n Ha\\lum,, Wall.a Wall~ Kt'ltll O...,o i, 1he onlt C.:.ttl ft1Uffl1or for 111 1hc oullidd l'cntathc ot11hcld ph1yt.-.

111Cl1iik ~)'k C00t,10.:~ al Eoptinna. WMtt. Roh Cr11ln. a C«ur d'Alc~ Hig:h Schu..11 J;"tidli.1k', Oi.n, H1!Qhcck. Sri,1ka~. Kelk) Md.Jllllllh or T'*"ill 1-'itlh. who ni:tv 11!'"1 bit Jn the uif,tld .ind f11}'ln \\e,,t. :.· Rod8:Cf'I (Wa1oh) High School imrJ11.1tc.

Tell C.ard, frnm l.;ua ""'*""n hll\C' mtn-cJ on 10 ph,y II bil!g;C'f '!,Chooh, Ou1fu:IJtf ('krh: Horko nov.- rla)i 01 <.ionl',•t• llnhcnily 11.nJ will bcJoinc:d hy rirch'1 1\:,-,n U1111Ji whC1 wlll 11.ir1 1tr nc,1 ~ntf.lff• .kn:m) lbonu.1 uho ,hl)'oJ ,kho:

In M111('. 1r11n,rcmn3 1n Wh1rw~,nh ~hl"1 '\ll1p Jc.rcn,) hhcnu,ull 111 al 0 1H1nJ IMkhi111n) UniHr~h)', N11h.in Uohncs 1r,n\ftm:J to A,ht11nd {()hin• Uni\'cr,,.tl)o' .tnJ ph,hcn. Ucn t:11m\. an.J Tra\'a P,l01

WCJII to Albtmon'" <:ollc:fe and E.:Hl(ffl Oregon Unhcru1y n: pci:11\"tl) Si:oil '10111 wdl ti1t.1U, <t111h" t.CU)QJU

Llo)d Ou.nh,11n: ((IUIII\ , JII\ a1.,o.tJ1 1U i;;Ur,11,;h fot \tiin,~•tdo. Shell>}- Haw..in, DJld Jtrcmy Mflr1, h<1th furmer C'a,J b:t\,d11JII pl.a)t'O. 11o·III Nul'd lkll the- co..w:hm1 ~wu Tho. h Manzudo'1 1h1rd ,c.-w11 n hc:od CO!Kh 1ltr: l;1IJ -chalult •Ill 1,,."\mlmuc th,,. \lo«l \1d1h s.a,ne, •11.un~1 the Unl\<f'ilt) Collt'fC C11.rlbP11 '11 Ko.mlooft', ("ianadii f'oilC will then hl1,1 SpoL nc Fnll11 C'omtt1u1UI) Colics< 0.:1. 2 ~nd 1hc Albena (Cun:-J.al rr..utruc1 Athk1k~ O;:t ) t1dl'ltt linhhln,I the 1•11 l>o:hcJ.islc cm the rt1t.ul Ck1, H> 111:1111'1~1 ~po&...tnc fulh Corrtmwu1y Cof~t

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