8 minute read

Free Fallin' at the Gorge

Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers make a stop at the Gorge during "Echo" Tour b) lbrmofl)' Ta)ior Stttlln(IRt('(Vfcr

At1 C\ll~tcd 20..01.10 pc,oplc g.uhercd t the r\mphithelltn In Wash,. to watch Tom Pdty and lhc Heart~ i,n:rnrm oo Stpc ,. <korse w;u. J.41\1 CW1C of 1hc nw t coneen;. "'~loJ t>n theu'


A Jr(IUp from Al.abmw. op:"DCd lbt OlfflC1.'tt and pU)'Cd jn.uy, j,."OSp:1 mthtt The opco,n, bad. pttformcd lor m1~es btforc Pett)' and htt g.,n, came 0Clc40 the \Cll;&e, A wtdt \'ariee,t ul d,rrm:m typn c,( people- umc tu ICC Wt' c:o.,c,:n, all thrown togethc, oa d,c '11-"i)' h11l 1h111 (ICNI 1hc

1hc huge lt>dictKc, and they all had one thing m C'OlflffiOQ - they amc 10 a ltgcnd prrform to bb. tulle,;;~ poccnll.al. and Tom Pest)' A1'IJ dx' Ht:.nbN:llt:f"I ·oold nail kt

1hcir fon.)doYr'11

OI\C or ,be fiNI ~""' pcrfOO'l>cd by Ptll)' Ilic fllrlOUl Ruomn'

Oown II Dream -Ttl,t; madc I.he crowd grow wild w,lh cffllCmcnL He finally lnuoduccd hhtuc:lf Ind bli ~nd aru:t d,c firM rl)l.lt wtJ~ Afia

~~:~!o· 1l,c)' p1.1)·~ ··Swinain' a jOftg fraffl their Mw albQm

To'4.vd the middle; (,(cbe,<:OCICl::11, It.ad gwmrut M•k.c Cumpcll Willi

"'Hello S\1g.v Doll -..htk Pc,t_y pla)'Cd bd suaw. The 1,oup pha)a:i

Married to a Stranger

'Tile Aatronaur, WIie' II CIUIY tllrlller y JosbS1uc1o, SNllmd Rl/>tlrlN

W,W CWJd hl\ 'C bcc.n t ccntble bom>r Rid, Cumcd OUl IU be UM of chc nMHt cruh,e a!W intri1u1nc n'O,,.lc!lt of 1he .wnmct. '1'hc A"'cronw.d-. w,te·· (***' wa., .o)' but noc lluey.dlrillln.a,..a.odM~ Youoc-,-unov,.bowltua:om,wtad hllttdon The 'lOI')' soc:, like 1hl\: NASA lo\t ClOl\1..-ct w,lh t¥•0

IReview ;=~t~;:~;;1~';'oh~~ iJfUW-,"' btwllld Susorhmlh J rewrut w Ean.l) and re..:rl',,tn Jlut rinr The 01bcr u 1ronu1 male• " bl!Ck "' c,rl11cel condition but rt('(),crm. Afta both or then, are ah·ot a dC1111 bill of hu1h, they art aUov.td k> tdt.im bomit ro 1here f•m•l)'

Thins, Ko-m 10 be' goina Ju,t r,M uo.Ul the other ult'otllut bu ,1 bun a 1udt and cUe! Durlna 1bc funimJ tht v.'ifc or lhc. deacl u:110n1W1 i" tound dcM **** Top ~oech t.n1heb,lh11,1b.A~1 lyh.a,1nJ,bUed *** Wonhd,eS hffi<lr 1'1' Video Spc,:ial

Slowly the ,r,ory dc:\'t"lopc as Spt:tK"tt * ·StKw;airb' and h1, wife: Cbarlfce ThcrO"fl 1"1lc

Oo,·i.l', Ad,«.ace'1 mo,·e to New Yott

Cuy we~ Sp:DCC:r takcl • Job ,a • radc1 cnglnircutiJ conip,Uly a..nd qudly bec'omcl • hl&h qnkln.i Cl«UU,·e. He v.'U dc,'Clopuq: pl11A• to bulJJ .11~ lhatcan ~ai ,J,naJ ~~n&ll cl«tmn.k::\orMtbc say\. Spt11te.r·, w,lWdc c~ •lonJ Yt'lth lhc fflO\'C.

Juhl&JI bc\.-omts pregnant with Sprnttt 1 tw,ns and t.t,: n, 10 re-AlbA! 1.hllc t0mcthin1 ~c happened dUMI 1hc 1v.v mamrtc, Ill.Ii

NASA IO,t CODI.ICC with her hUJb.lnd. "JbiJ ti.10£$ 1a 10 the dunKtic c:Dd1n1-

~~=~·= ~J:~~,~~::=1=~:1 !

little too ,low movin& and the \\'OIXW'.I thl, rla)uJ 1bc Su.tc:1 \l,Aj not a ,uy good actf'C!j.i. Tht cn1R)J.$i1t1 1.t0ry line 111d good actinJ c:omt t0at,:th¢t•ellrnr.tcl,u.iy1hnllct

Senor Fro22Y

ffllft w,ci•, ,,,,m lhtit IW"- ,tlbu.ai.. •·S.,..111.g:in·.• •fm:- hick ID lhc Clloll'lpgrollllJ "l',-c .a:n Ptity m C:Uf'h.".:n bdure, bu4 tJ11 \\1$ ha, t.bt be-,1 he.·) dnae, ont n'"1ttJa-.:cn-J.'(Kr u~

IInstant Movies

ChlJlt-·lk'ICH' *** C"uba Cinollln1 Jr. artJ SLtet tlln..:h t.t.ar ,n lhu hi1h ,pecJ, ~pe...1.t clT«t O\I.Wk. Al\c:r bdng thnnu, mro .i lllllJnr pwctnncna mlUtllfl opcr.ticm. the 1wo fanJ 1he,rhelve, u lo1hht, .a.nu .110111 wi1h • le.ad commandt-r tl>ttcr Anh1 t!lcy J«idt to ww 1ht \fl·orl11 r·ull 1 ,pc,.:i•I cUcch am.I &.lb kt'"fK"1.. d1l1 lrlO\IIC i, \\'\11\httt,n,.

Tb( 1.llh \\&m(lf

Cn,v.c,.. old Rolling 54,..., and Soo V9h. ~blch •-en: rMJOr lnnucn.."n for the IOf.lnd 1bc b;aad wanl<!d 10 crc-.. The anic:k wld l.lw lhe t~h (If Jone iiIReview howl ot •wd>ins. «111npos.1iaa ud p,11CUCin1 "'•• \·C'r)' hont~t. hunJch l'C'tOitJ -«0rd1.11a to a ~nd mtmbc.r W11h Wlng> ,.,c Alwa,-, Lo,ed You," '"Can't Take The P11ln and '"NcYcf Bow Oowft,- c.\'en ~ic1 t;irtht band watt 10 ~tie 1.hcir umt. Tbitd 04y it. a band 1h11 ru1;h« JCK die heart nnil •oul.

M•c Powtll. the band', Iced

=f:·~.:.:1~;h~,h~~~~~t • 4'lt

main ObJC'CU\C' ll 10 affc~l peopte·, lin, am.I thdr tcli1tkw11h,p Wtt.h Qod, ICC'QrdinJ tolbe aroc:te. The: ,nn11 tbcy ,ing c:~rr)' a t.m>ns n1eua.ac or hope.

lk.~C Ind '°'"t dlrou&h lh(b God Ahhough I.he band i, known •~ a Chn~11an ,rour, dt~ir 1iOftP anU \t)kl •lmilu w ~wnd CWfflll popular bud) A billboiHd rcv,rw ••id Th,rd Oa)' thoold not onl)' be t-;1.,bliwJ .1.., 1)1'1C ol thc bimJt of the 90< bu1 • ooc of che t,e.r rock band, period • lbw 0.y tw IW() pcevtouS ia.Qi.1ms.. ''Coc,tp.r.cy Tbcort No,. anJ 1etr-utJoJ "ThnJ O.y."' 8om ~<" )·uu to la,,<" life 10 1he follc.,.1 Third 0.1y ;, • line band •nd a pnmc uomplC' or •·by Clt1n1l a.n nhJ,ac i1 1nctt.i.,insJ)' drn• lns • youn, nJtenuu,·e rock

Quick Hit s ___

Only the name bas changed

The ~ffte tllap m &t,-..-cU Hall ti., been •n important ,1op 111 Q\IIJi) Uodcnb 1hroopo!,11 the )'C#I-, Now. "-ilh a ntw t'ilffle.. chc '*"'dl 8,,.,ro i, te11nnu\l ''' llnt '(ffi¢:,.t.cr un c:u.mpi, The cofftt !,hop •a.~ oooe e.llcd I.he EJuc;11CJ C.up. The f.ducatod Cup n!IOYCd JDIO ,c., DC'W kic.atfln m die Edmlostcr Srudct» Uninn when tbc bulldlnJt c,:liebrt&.cd lls 0pcnin1 ii\ Arlnl o( 1999.

11le Uo,\111:II Bt\11'0 II loclllCd un &he ,.crond floor ol Bo\.-cll Hau Tbc: lk\,wcll tl&Aro offcn. t».ked goocb, tunctwkhc,. "Iliad,. i00p, land• •iJic vanctyof cl)(f'ct. C\Cft"~ moc,ha, ud lbun. MIit)' Ctic:c,'ffi 1rlil Mym.a Nott**" o,,trati" 1ht 8i~ro. v,,bich 1, Ofk.ll (rum 6~.w Utt. to l:JO p...m. Wttldt)r. ~'"'"-tC'.n C0,0)' f'inl11hlo111 p,n:Jwc •iJh lhcir favome quoit: f\lwt)·s happy lt'.I ~cyouwithavnile."'

Book club begins meeting

The fml Nonh Ida.ho College Book Club mce1ln1 wai, Wtdne\du.,>, 5tp1 22. 1a 8'1,.,..--cll Hall. room 2.20. Boob under d.iWUJ,iOrl ""ill dQico by "'Opnab'a'' BclOk of the' Mocilh Club."' 1hc fin& +tCl«ltd book wllt be "' \1endrl or a Gc:IUII" by Artbw Golden All booh mi,'I be reod bdorc: lhc ducus.~ion

The oc..,1 m«UOJ wlll b,o bdd 41 noon on the third W~)' of Oaobcr, 1nd b~i\t for 1ht mon,hc of No,e.mbcr and Dc«:mbC'r Tbc club w,,JII chanJc )CJ~uled mee.11n,1 to the third T1Jes.day bcJIMint: •rtfrtl \C:t1K1Ccr 1'hcrc. wdl he mott dtmll bier in the )Clf All ,t,lUdel:'ILt an.! f«ull)' trf \\d,.'QfflC to )om 1( )'OIi would lile .tdutooaJ 1nforma1Jun COOlacl Annie Mc.Kinb1y ti 169-342'.

Play reading club for the spian s

A new p)~)' rcad.UI& club w1U be bold monlhl)' lat B-41fle1 •nd Nutlk. at the Spobnt Valley M11.II Tbc hl,1 111CcCmg v..u Al 7:'30 p.m. WNllC'ld.l)-.Stpl 22 htb will be chosen and tt.-l in •4: in:tc =~on: CON.Cl Michael 8o•-c11 in the EncJ11.b Ocp.v1mcn111

IComing Attractions

• Thn,uttJ> l><pt. 24 Palnun~"' ~11.l»bh b) Purid, 1amm,a. 8()\wcll Comer 011lkl} tOatll --4 p.m. wctkd.ay, a S.pl. 2.;.24 NIC Theater Oep,uuncn1 p,c.~au."'l.Auth•n., Wtld" Todd l..«IUfC H.iJI 7:30 p rt, ft1~) S~tunhy. S1,1n".ty 2 p.m Fttt

• S<pc. 25 ,,n fan11n1 ol o~~ic:al Ou11ar," St Thoma, Ollbc,ltc ('ltun:h., 7·10p m. S0.1urJ.ay. fra, ao«.6 NIC Sym~ny Orc:hc:,ua

• foairic;, ;iAIJ Ooblfo.,; An Amumn Nr"l("1tmi,1I.·· Sthukf Audlttltium. 1:l() p.m.

S1outdi1y. AJulh S7. acmor chw:n.• $5 and 1tudtn1, $3 a Ott. 28,JO, No, • .._, NIC tk11.1c, Oero1tunc"1 pt('1'C'RI\ "()cJjpul IC Colon111.," Si:.hukr Aud11M1um. 7;30 pm. Adult, $S, •cniot c1111a1s $3 ind ,11:1dcn1, $1

8 S'ov.12

NI(' 8.u>d pmcnli "O:w.:ring o(lhe 81mb 0on WcJ,t," Stbulcr A001torium 7_J0p m Ftid4.) Free CODIXft. 769•


• Nov, tJ

Ju~ Co. and NIC Jo.t..t EnM!mhlc. Schu l er AuJi1(11f111m 7:lO p.m. Free cooecn. 7697151).

, s NlC S,>mphoay Ord1C11tr111lld

Chorll..11:.nw::nlblc, pm,c:nJ

'"Sou.ndi <>f C'hr'n&mu from Anxtnd 1bc World."' Sthukr

Auditorium S.a1utd.ly 7:JQ p.rn 111WSund:aylp1n Mull,$7, R"nK>r C:ih~n S,S 1tid ,,u«ntl SJ 76~-7711ll a o.c.11,12

NIC' S)m1,hon) On::hc~tra prt'',t"Db -u11.11ikt Mt'\stAh

Set,ul.c:r AudltN'lum 7;10 pm

S..tu,d•)' and 2 p.m Su!Wly Ad.uh,.S7, 11c.n1Clfc:-iu~n, S$ andu\Xk.nbS3. 769.nso

Budget: No1 a simple proce,s Continu ed hom Page 2

Tbc :aJmmi"tnJuon trll!C!l' \lo1l'h C!.11'11!)0) grwp,t 10 il«kk wh:u 1$ 1,1 r.mr a.rnowtl fo, tu1~" Qrc u td hC°

1tunl:, tmp1oyce) ""Cft J1vcn ra1r ~11.c., 1hh )t.1f IJtld lli.at lbc IIC)()l lu, flill 1r,1Ncrm.l funds., lil.c lh~, 1n1e.an The hud~c 1,. o i~·month ~. Rc~ni,lnc ln J;in1.1111)·. 1hc cl,)Ut: V,C ha, 10 r,cJ11:t th(' amo1.1n1 or revenue for l hc yc:a.r, 1hc amount or upcnr.C) (pc.n.OnMI, inti ni111ntcnancc 1md e>ptraiiclfl"J and

GAS: Suspect not yet charged COrttfnued from page 2 The c!Ulfegt." R'JilUl.''l.ted foJI P"MrUl foft (or I.ht off~. The Ubpcct tu.,"°' )ct be-en d1;argc:d wilh lbr crime and die c:,.,,e h Ctllfflltl)' IIM('r coo~•r:u ,Ol'I ai, !ht''') auc,rnc:)"i orn« SuK.'IC thdL d 1~ C'OIIC!t'C ,:n~ pums- lltt J),ICil()c~d and more 1>lnctl)' ~)flifl'rtd and 1hr only key holde'N are tbt U'lllt\l)CIMliOn t>upet\' .wc' and lti'I


Lamb: Few changes i n store

~ntlnUld lrom page 3 budt:et 1na:, 11.11d OO()k.•t.lott ,elated p,oblcnu.

Tbc di\'irn.'ln tut\ oho h.1, had ll'l <hnrc of Jifflcu h)'. A t? pttce1111m" 1h ill cnmlln~ll t hu contribu1ed io ,chcduHnJ, s laffina.

Some n,c11,, on\ were adJcd rC11hc d,vi,,on, 1hu 5tmt\lcr i nc ludinl,' on Amcrk• n Indian

,tud)' COUhe" l..llmb (orek"d few tbangei rl.lf tbe Social

S c:luc:e 01\h lo 11 \1orc c ulluMll d l vehh)' couuc, ,.., 111 be otfcrcd, , cction , will be

•ddt.d llnd a IMJ: hou,c fM the e1tp41tdn'I I

American lnduin 11udic1 prngr.anu i• phuu,cd

The 1on, hQ1,1,e will be II pltce to lc4ftl 1he h111ory of , he Amcnc:an lnJ1.1n cultutt T he dcpQ/tn>e-nl Is "" orking wilh the arc::bitC'Ct th~, Ju i gncd lht Amcrtc an Indian Hunory MuJCum fo, cbo Smithwoian ,n Wuhln:gtoD

O C (or it', dnign

Lamb OtiJ1 n, lly fl'Qm Northen, CaUfom 1a. bas t.11ut1,hl to,

11.ha pttdicl 11 thtre win ht•'> l'lt* f'""tllon'i a 1bt

He Uld 1hat mast amp1i. dcpamncnb \*hl..-h illfC' p.1r1 or 1h" m111 n1cn11m;c a.nd opcn.tion" budgdl

~i\'cd I Cl.I in their bot.f;tll Pot' C.'Ul DpJC, the nurnng dq,artmc:111 ~a C\ll 'S,2,'10, I~ l"'1'JC'II on c.11mpu'\. wl 1he- h1Jm11niliQ: dtp.mmcn1 w:a, C'l{I

$?9(), the 111.illCU Cl,rl \)fl Qmp.l!I.

Gee s.akt C\''C'I)' )'tilt' dep~llh pu1 In ff!ql.tN1, r« r1.1nck. :llld thm: t11n·1 aJwny,. cnoul,h mMCy fo,

C\'Cf)'lh1ns cvcrylxld)' ""MIii The ,choo1 ti , a bodgc:t ltJ liL'I)' wnbln

Registrar: No hurry to hire registrar

~nllnUld lrom page 3

A ,crccnlng com mince .,, Ill rnakt rc1.-ommud111t.0ru and 1uarrow tbe e.ndhlu1c, co

\.s. The On:.I J«hlon wlll be vp co Llnd\•f ihc 1.argc-1.c:d uan ingd:a.1c for die ~rc-gi,tr•r h No, I, bu 1 thll "onno1 l\c &uarnn tccd Ll n d111y said "' If I fll\d someone I 1hi1'11( h pc:cfcct for 1hc poslhon. butt~)' e11.n'1 ,U,-t untU No" JS o r something, I'm ao, Sll ltllf ,o !ell them lhc)' can t bu.,e d ie Job. ThU periwn "'ill hopefully be-arou nd for a, lc;hl 10 ;rc~'l" Undl.lly .aid he did noc forc-k~ nn) problem, ht hclna withou t I tcghmit for • lilllc longer due 10 lhc competent au.ff In the office.

Bookstore: Wants another chance

COnUnued from pege 2

'A,; c,f now I think h'1 er11p." sa i d In, cnforccme111 major Chri'"dan Nead, I'I, Po.F_.U, "I 11'1Jnk once ii acu or13nl1.td ii will be rcill yn.eac" The incoovta icn« h> uul.lccu, aod inuructou hHl'l I ione 11nno1it: cd b) th~ B00l11ntc emplo)'oc, a \tllff, 1,a~c. worked more ~ura bouh than any o t her yc r.- Scmmkr u 1d -rhu ab"ltiud.t w1un·l cnouah, .anJ ~e a puto1u e

G PeAware~ess Education Seminar

Come learn how you can prevent Aqu aintance Rape

More rapes occ ur on college campuses than any ot her place

Tuesday, SepL 28 7-8:30p.m.

Edminster Student Union Bu il ding 2nd floor, Lake Cd'A Room

Speake rs:

~- Donna Runge, Counse lor. NIC

,:. Rob Robinson, Attorney

,:. Sgt. Bob Pha rris, Cd'A Police Dept.

,;. Pat Kuku ruza. Vi cti m Witness Admin

Chris Everts, The Women's Cent er

,:, Student-Athletes addressing communicatio n in re lationships

<• Everyone is invited to auend!




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