The North Idaho College Sentinel Vol 53 No 1, September 23, 1999

Page 8

.ttn,,11,,IRrri,No 1:.rtrl.lllmrotu\Jl'l ll pcr1X11t thiJ 1-lllt. M lllt'n'.:bt m .u, "udcnu Imm I;,~ ~e:;w

Ille h1uJ cnroUmc-t'lt M11h,l1t• ,.('rt rt.klbCd Stpl. :lie. '"holl>lnJ * 1~ -,.1tJ 1,'IA.\ pt"tlf'IC frfi\lC'.h'd for c:Ll1.~ O.,·iil I ,nJ-...y, "i1,"C ptct1Je-n1 M ,.11,,Clc,u ~et\lCU,, ,,.,,,u,but"• thh t~te-J.t.C tu fou, m;Jor 111tlui:n,,:o luc:.1111,r,. h'('Ut1111an. pm:c .1111d du.i i cmullm.:nl

Gcnct,1~iJcJ lrllljnn 0Pllltl111M!' lll m~ up tht bu ll of ,tullc•h. •• du ldah11 rc\tJcnh li.l11ho

fbidcnu m:i\c op ?l pcm:nt ~If 11)c- ,1udct11

populJ.U(ll'I Eftrullmcti( OI ,tu,kfl_f OO~•JJc of .?rrri«th ld:iho,.. 1hn ,n11CUt'1 I~ pcu.1.,11

Wlll1 d,i, )-eJ/\ Jr.un.i1ii. inoer<"a. m lbc ,c.idcnt bod)', 11Clffllllhtfill(Jf, lttlC' kll.ll:1111 •I a pcvl,kn1 -

""hcK co p.11 lbc 1,1,ldtnu.. The 41 ac:tt \'.4111Jllf'I h.t1 n, limits. "''lth lbt lkAnnood S••milL tht

Yap- Kcchn·l'in 11nd rc:1;1Jtn11al .a,u1o

ll-.c ~11rrsr', nt(ll.'C' ft11 1tit 11'11,.TC,l.>,( 111 1t..Jto11,, 111 t.hinr uic:~.11>a.1 ~,lfklu.l. lottnm rc,,,uc l:J.ai11C Cau~risbt wd 1h1111hinJ:' •"<ff l'iu.\)' in an '"11ltcalt ~yoffKe."'

f'anwrl1hr1 Juli« •• 1c1l•!hlr 1nchtlk rutung atucktl4 ti.hrdultl i1M'°' 1M comruu:.r, bdrtnit

Board revises policy for disruptive behavior

8he1:kler 111'118d revlslen for 1tmpler pl• b) ·\nnk \\'oockR S1,1t;h l'd1,,., of ltUt.leM 11pp,u,cd rt.'f'i,i::d polic) for dn1upii<11·"·

b:11.IJk ut ~loktit bel\llYtor .at the Allt, 2.5 nitttlni!,

Vkc- PreuJcm fu1 S11.1Jc11t Se1vKc:.1i D.1v1d I.ind~)' de'4'nbcl,j 1hc

nN Pf1~, :.1, 1 ba,;ch.ll.l dl.mlolld. In lhc ptoot")A. tlfl m)trudrll' tnc,

taf1lftl1Ultc,f\ uo • Ju,upch·t' \luJto1$1 Cl1 Ulllhly. UnJ ,.ay h rt,t 1.kc11.lcw1

a:lld .111;1,i,n ,&t"p or 1hc f'IOI,~, al)d ;111 dc<-idc v.ht1hr.r or """ m l«p the

'!udc'.111 In d4".'I ~ttakr'II .!Pfl(;lt, fot be'"' 1-lkC'n Out D.I '"'"' fl' to 11 JuJ,cl.ay ~-:uun~il. -.hkh w.dl bnld a hcar1n1 fiW a fin.111 d~t,•c,ri Ir tu1d,.1) dtt1J~·• ;1 11.1dcnl 1.hauld 1, m1in c:1•" ;ind 1ht t-rh.0101

rc,\l\lt., the imtrucloc uho

nc Mw p1ll9 "'"' 'ht ,IOI 1h't AS1'1f ~"IJrnl O..n Shc.:kkr qlbQnncJ the nlcl, rpcal )'1•11.~ Shcd:kr .•:mt dic nc"'· pohcy a

r1111t('\."1. \1.11hot Rtihct1 Sut.j;lc:1.try t,.J1J he c,~h hi 1h( f!l"\.I dr.i.J1 ul 11i,e b,.11il '"""" by dlt' end af 1l1t rr~ir •n•I llaYC 1be our h) t~ ~lfll) t.~·,11t )i:'4" S1n,:k~ t:.nJ rhcboM. '110111 bt' orpoizi'J lo)" pra1Jctlh11,I 1lllnur111.l1;11lni1ho, hn~('>hl· ,-,1t11 znfmm.&.l11111 .ti..u, lhe h1~ ~·• 11\Cntl~ 11CC1('CJW4fcd1ot.'OfUai:tSlftS!I..-WI'), FJ1$fuh Ch.\tn,1t·t.or Fran 8.ftbr, v,hn I, t1n L:1bh;1t1"'11 ka\C tbl1 )'Cl>J. N<f''lil>

into oohnc: ~tralic.11J fo, dW: fall 2000 -CtllhtC'I lo dccrt-..b(tht 1 Thc: ancru r of ~tu dctm hb c1c:;1ttd p.1rkiaJ pn>b1CIU\ l)CI c;:11 1111"11•. Stvtt:il d 1ffrttnl npciOll\ In help redl>t'c: lhc coo~tan ar~ bc:tnr: in,·c,u1•tcd. ll((ordirlJ to IJ•sd.,..y, ;l;1Udl:nh c:,n now par1t in t1sc

Cit)' p; lol 11unJ1 <r11ht ~iu'("Umof Suet.b fdoiho

Otbc, plan\ hr-In, con.,.Jcrtd nlwi:- rer11&04 11n or,.

1oltc rork1ri1 loc from 1hc t:H) .and f\,mng lludc.nn

tu.11;~ •od fouh ,niJ cte:1111nr • c.ltpoal program

Aoolhtropi.ton II tet "'111..l• rci,k1P, r.n,c 11obm: me part.Ina kit bdllnJ the: library , J,OW. n.,, -~JJ bc-

'lft)' c:U1-t l)', Und1A> uill. co-.lin1 btlwttn S.8.000

$11tll"IOf'r'f' r-,kit1J <f'lila


/ fr/1 lik< / MUJ ,Joi11g murr lhm, I wcu irmnR p,,11d fur.

-Dt>ris 1,:mHt lla funner Copy C,wtrr Opuator

N W "'u to., 1htte fft1t1k1)·e:t, 1.11~ lbe mWdlt or ,\\1c1,1.11 IJ.1111 ~r1m.1:ll,q,1!1 lttr p,ba.,, the cor,-c;ma ipc:natOf ar~r IIIOff \l'llut 12 )' of s,e,~ 1tT SIM" ah•• ~!'C'UI lhn."C' )'CM!' 1n • \Ullkat at ,he cal~ ~Ith ~l ~,w, H"' l.nt cmpa,,,..uicn, da) w.a•Aur. 2b Kan•ell• •alJ ,h" ijUII h:cau~ ot a wtg,c d"puie. ~lie' t~t.t:h'tJ I UJt,e 1hu )C.a(, bt.11 lobe a,w ror mott thi11l •he"'· ,,,.,cr1 To.1~~11llltet.lu11hc't t•nC', ,be nce..1,kd a Job rotla,\\Jlt<iltlC111 thu requued .a dti,l .t\lJH. wtuch flt11n1 her pc>t.1Uon 'W.n U1t.c"~\CJ 1he rcct.u,ihcaauon commilll!'C Jc..:fdcd .'lhc v,·oulil not iif!I thcna1-.c,hc...-it.N KOMClli& tl!Ud 1t1111 IM:'C uf Ilic. IJIC'Jlltim 1tf Che Cl1'tlffl'1t« didn I hn jc,h eiilCIUkd. 11N &hey didn'I IM far rtt'OIT!ltlNxbl;M)I» by 1ht ftlt\ilt)'. 'ihc llllJ 11 ln:.t)· ,f«idcd that ,be would qt.Il l 11 •ht ilido'lt,icll bo~i.dnll'C'. Au.'ClfJu11 M KC11"'1tll&. tht ''1M' CC:,n trr !~ II ,in1Jr-~AOfl .-.rr1ce, tuch ran She al1c> ttlic:\'td LhC' '"" 11d'1bo11r.d opc,110,r fur bn:4U Jiu))', (1nl lJVU: Wtt1.I hefott jhc, lt'lfll'\lf'l ,tMtaJ. \b,. m.1111(' 2JO.t11>CClp('t. Wit ~id l fch Iv.» do.:n11 flllft 1J1111 I wA1 tntiftC Jlllad fclr,· >.:111\\t'Ua l.olld. 'l lC ha.\ \(\tl'lll tt,·tl1 c~ nnflkl)'cn. Kc,m.c:1111 wimled: her- Ji:oh 10 be ffiO\·t.J up 1v.o loe l,. S"he .a.ikl thf- Jl,hiop k:.\'tetuue, ,etc mtl'tCd 11p1r, ~tl,.itnd the1tinu1h1hc.t.iub•hould11..l 1ht fflO\cJur. Shit <l.u.J 1h11t , h,c Joe,o' t thini. lhlll bc:t de~ lllldlt wa~ handlcJ .,;orrcal)' b)· 1ht •®uru\lraJJQ11111>d ''They d1,n·1 t.11«,w 'l'tl:tl 1,nd or JtJCI into m~ job "'"vrdtng 10 k('ln.«:lla, qo f'C"ftl1 ot hc-1 ,.,b workmg foe &he f.culty. u,IJ t i~ of ll,c (1Ktull) laoM hc:,v, t11U1:h wotll ,hc doc,.. I v..:n tlain1 a lc>t p( 1'o{lfk 11n1I tna\Jni IC'll-,k Hnqtlc."' "l.d JqnnQC" G.lfdt,n. from ll un~h. P<'OCMUII Scni«i. ....,.otlcd 11'1 tbt ~op)' tcnlcr v. tule the a·tioo1 l•c\l fut a rq•La«.mc:01 11 ha, l'«n horrendous," W said. "She", IOori•> Mtii'k,J • Ju,,e t:'h(h1t111n. rtt\lctu\ ly \111tc1or ,1f Hiim:in kc,our-c:('•, dc:dincd comment Lindy Turne:, and Gayle- Hujlbb, "''th 11u11uchonal meJhl '9('(1Jh~ quh oo Au1 19 Both dothntJ oon1fbC11t

Fort Sherman Chapel to begin restoration, eliminate parking

Chapel wi ll r ec eive m a ke- o v e r in clud in g new grass sidewalk ,

North Idaho College S the • }en.b11.e Sept 23, 1998 ( Ol'rtl d' \It 111 /d.ilto \\ \\ \\ '\ I t I I> I / "' I ·, I ! I I \ /111111 \11111/>1 I / 7l vo in srrucrors build home s and fri endships in Fiji Club try in g to reac h va rsi ty s ta tu ~ 'Laughing Wild,' wha r they neve r wamed you ro hear Back Page Sports/ Page 7 A&E/Page JO Enrollment reaches all-time high Dual enrollmcn1 increases more 1han HJO ,wdcm, from las1year hti:.h ,ctia.,)l ,n1lun lnt.nmU ih NICckoc•, Crcdih, QffltlJ t'I) 1heo \tl.kkl' IOt.1.~hl lbtu htah k.t'iiwl lktr«. • v.·dl .&\ regular Cl~kgc ~Jf"' L,\M yr.1r, jr, ,tuJcah ..,c,~ llu.JII) cruulltd. fhh, )Ut, lht fk1.mbcd~,,p1n lb" tr,t1h\Ji)nJ1n1 ii J.ln,1'1.1) ,,ud lh-ll •u\.lliAr), <:.ampu~ ,lies •~ t-::,11,: lot1\cJ inu, u, rla.:c, ,I.Id! 4"\ P(h.1 fall,, 80,u,c:r,, hrrr ~.-ndpoint, Kellon and C~n•rit:hl waHt lbc tcJl1tt1r'1 tiffKc h tvalcia1
ia:uJ()' adv1~,,,.. l:cct1111i; or cnruUtttc:nt cCK11ua nlkt ..-vrl.[nJ •11.h Jn1\.loa ,h.1!r,.anJ Y..~I h,h. D11.1I cnr11llmo1 •• in 1h 1«w1d )or h 11ll<1'11f~ "'\\·(' 0 \'c: j1,1,1 ll'ltlf.._cd • lltllc banter, been • hlllcmt\fc t-lrc•\c:d, ,ind m.a1bc been a hnlc mon• 11ndc:oi.:tnd111t:, brc.twJ,t of 1lwi1.· 'lhc: wd. " Co nce rt in the Pa rk" lflllD~N4tT..,... MarUyn llonlgomery plays •lolln al the NIC S ymphony OroheSlra's "Popo In lhe l'lrtc• Sept 12. See ,. lated s to,y page 7
h;a, 1hc:. ri•I\I cu
l'J'l("•I hi\
ft'Qlanl I bc:IWU!1 h~· the ;.lit.IN)' (tlllrl('i)
dtu,lon •nJ
.u,,.nJrJ • 111,1ti,.1>;il lt~.t_...hlr H•t1ff'r-«n<f' (or ,,,.(lffl"" a, cunw1uniC)' culkJCCt,. Daihr t:ud :die Jc.ulltlt 1h.a1 k.iJt•f\tu,1 ,., t1ot w m111;h l!rnikt ~•,cn,ll<d. hut IYh~"uhl) cue11MlrJ. 8.:ihr alw, 1,1kt he fourt,1 1h.: ~IC' ,,m,pu, I\ far ahnJ In m,111)· •.a)'\, 01chldln3 lc~hn< Ive~ .intJ ;t1\ernmcnt 11trudurt'
J~mphficd IOI I l}~dlld ltl'lth tv •,u.-,L.
"ihc:1111, WuQd 11pdli1~·d du~ tio.rd {1(1 lbt rroc~ cir 1hc NIC
employees quit , Konsella unhappy with pay College, 1lll8r, HUghes decline comment b) f 'rik• l}oncpa \(11f'IO.(l'l.f&l1tor
paint h) \ c,pbnk- s c~~ Nr,>t P,,tkinr l"o• ,1 ri a11J 11n1Jc:fth ..,,II b«o11W11 • linlc 111htcr v. !w:n lbu \l11'ltllm ul N11nh I..W.o rf'r~d"\ct the r ~lmr 1,1'1 •• the f(,n Shcrm.111 Ch11i,,e l a, po1n •'Jt • rc:,tUJ11.110 11 ,rm TM 1rt1&tl 1t1l\ d p.uktl!I Jut in hunt o l 1hr th:1 rt l ha, Jc>n1 bcc-Q uud h)' 4 1U(k 11t11o, , ,atr and p .1uoM a• (').~C"'-, pllt illJ In t('.;:('nl )'Un. drh·tn have cro\iltdcd 14 n r IS co10 .tl " lime 111 111 Al\ Jtn b111!1 fur orll)' rout or ""C', c-11cm11ch 1nr on 1t1c l11wn an d C"vc:a ftu: c lh 1p r l ,l<'p,, ;te(Ofd1n11,10..,.1tth; b4.hlrttfl, tttu~um dir"o. 1, 11, • Roto,~llrm ph1n\. which 1ue 1,chcdu lcd 10 he-s in 1n 01.·1ubcr im;ludl! t1:pl•dnJ lhc r.ul1ns Jul ·,th ,,au. b1.1l1Jlt1J.'I a \IJnraH arn11111t lhC" ~hnp~1. rcrl.irinJ thr iH'llm ...,,ntlnt4\, J\olilltlng an.J put11ni In •n •11igalhll1 \ ('ffl A,i.-ordln, IQ U.ihlltJl'Cl lhc n-•tonlklft anil re,110, .ti uf the p;ir l.. 111g .area ,.,,11 1h..- the 1."h.apC'I a ,uuch uwh.' plt>lhlUC luol I t1<tpc lhf) II un.Sn1~d wl111 t v.c re dtltn1.,." l).ibl1rcn 11•1iJ. "'ilnd ftjpet,11 11111 llrtl! don' t wwt ,,r, 1,.,1k111s; thrtT"' tile f1)1I ShC"1m•n (."h.ircl. c.,n,u11 1cd 1n IIUW, "'•• ad1kd 1111hrt N.1111.1n1I Rqu• lct of ll l•h•ri, Pa.«,, •M 19~) Ov,·l)Cld ,m1J upt1,1~J h)' tl1a· \tuvu111 (lif S1mh h l.iho, 11 ii QftW a~4iJ11,IJk: IIJ 1~111 f111 111¢l11*f:1 11111 WrdJ('IJ:" l"Jm\C 1n1c1C')lcd 1ta htlptn£ l h tht t <'' l" t•l i ot1 c,i1 con 1.a,1 lh{ 1111.1"4.•um II 4JO!S) t,t,.-4 )l l iit Pf M1.ur 11 111 of Sor 1h ld:ihn, PO Ho1 !,IJ l 001, d \lfn~. U) 11JIUhCPI I 2. Partclng wtll no tonger be ollowedot lh6 Fort Sherman Chapel. l.fflclocoplng la due to beolnln October.

A lomado loucht>d down in Kansas ilw day Judy Garland died.


Shy Sheckler begins term as A SNIC president

New pres ident has lull agenda

b) Mart)'.ll 5r1111nrtRr1,or,rr

Ktd,1n,Nd, 1n u ,v.1\l('h,;1'l1u, lu htiou1ol(kron

1ht \C'•,ie>fll.J n_.,._.., ,,1 lhc:' Ed1111n.CC'r 'itudc:nl ll11hlfl 1

O..n "b«;Un, l'I. •• cnJdy1ag Ju; fir11 W<nwucr 1, ASSIC" prC",lt.l<'nt. 1hC" s11·~\llJC' tll tht p..111t11m. h11...,,:'t'('f, ,, ""(,.ti) be likn i.1udcfllJO\ct11nw111

1 hlet 1.hc JJ.:,1 uf 11.-ili, belltJt ut dJ.11i..- «f lhtu

l'l hOO:k:omct,. hr\ \'1cc Prt-,.1Jct11 for Admtnhlflllkin Roat)' Jurccm.

u,J Shcc~kf 1, "t,;tttmcl:, vocal v.het1 ii (,•me-\ In ,1uikn1 necJ, ." At • hc111fJ ,,1 1n11ttt', 1ncc1111s, Shrd,lcf <41it'd ru, lhc rC""'rHins nf ;I polii.·y

~,Q:nflrlf the qc..:on, ,,( Ji~rupll\'t' ,htdrlUI lfvlff d.t~\C:.\

"He .:,Pf(', <d h1mlrtlf •ell." Jur#C'fl" uW. "'11nd hc(.1u~c nf II the rtrh1 dc\:r1111C1 \Ulrtl.kk iltiJ,hc pi1lkywu p111Uil"' ShC'l:'LIC'r ttC:f,UI hi" pt'l•11 1cal~ct11t\tQk.--u~ lf11h School ~uh lht' Jun1etr S1.1.1C",111tn c,r Amerac.i. ,t non 1•,Uth•n fl'l)Up. whii..h "'1,n~J anJ ur,:c1uuJ 1.lcb.t!C', 11nJ convt'nlioo, for 11ud-cnu lfl" \.lld he 1,1,·.n \'(ty fuf1m.WI( to he rf""tnlcd kl (R,hm.i.n l('Qll1of Int~ WfflOU'l'

lkf"tiit°", """''u <,tfff ulooa w11hW111hc;f ii("¥, rc~111.111,c"tunt11~1ayof2000.

lur&rni and ntbn\ ~r,·e lhal S~;,;.kh-r J\ \ffl bcM 111 ti~ p.•htat&I rt~h11 J tl'ltllilsh MXlally. Sh«kict wldhct\l!Ot

J'm JU~l lh.) • Shcd:l"-r :i..i1d l.:iustun1- ·'lltlnp hl.c hl•Utj:.l•b.lf}.almutn,c.11c.t1.lydrc:ad.." S:hcd.Jl"r 1:, ain adiwc fl(l'ICIC\ '11,11h m~ny 1M~tt. 11. 1n..::lvd1nr ,,J..ih111. ckb.-cc.d~,.) 11111d ,o,lling Heb\ a ll-(1•11i ~> wllbo.lccaJINa 1Malp1.&iu,upi,11 i1nn1c,p11fhi11ciu anJ hrini i1 dn\¥11 rmm Lah,~ OocUc, v.htre lit' afc~ up •fk V.,l,\'eol -."'Olllt' DJIJ l:t'il.~ .u,d \f)l;.,\b )Wf fllCC )lld \-1111'1,e ,nine f(".111,. r..i,1. ~bC'(lltt 01.J o( -,..nini. Sb<, ktcr'1 job ini:ludo lnOuenc111a lb(' WI)' ,111iJt'J1l 11111111n b, ,f'Cnl and v.Clfkfog whh bUdJ<:l rc1101u '"" Hr bia"' ltc:rn 1ucnJintt boord af 1ru11;1c,n

mcc11ns, pcnod ,cally 1hrou1ho1.11 1ht ,.u ,ruriie, and QiJ humbly lhlll he "hope,."' 10 ram lhc ""biJ P'('lutt"' of .,,ha, i, S()ln, 11n .a Nonh Idaho COitec~ Sheckler wUI OOI M'eJ. rc-c..l«ooo UI April bccllu.-.c thl, 1., h1, llL." )·cat at NIC In rr1a1d, 10 -..h.j l, M).I ilnd • hDC of wl'lf1c., ShccUtr ~id he hi.\ not really dcddcJ th111 )"..:L He said it b a wuab d1oltt betv.t'en public pollcy. c:duc:111,on. ll'N, 1e.hool. JoUJn;llbm anJ becommg I a.U lmcructor. ()n SbN:.klcr', Ii" uf thlnp 10 aa:umrlhh ibl, )Uf lltl! Pm.idecl1 Chnton't. Cftt.11 ,,C! for Onr Amrric-11 a ~cd, 0 1 diaJl)guc In Ouobtt on racial hwe., that ii1Cllade,, • of dob3rcs on p(J«nicAI iN1e, whC"rc ,tudcnu can pilfticipilt.c:. 1-ic v.iiru to woA on n.n ,~ut he: campa1,n·cd on. a tt111tr'IChC•~t11p ldicnufauoca earl.I -")).Ccm. •bkh the college 11Jrtady purch111oed The \)'$lC:m 11rill ••~e •bouT • )'('at 1a in.uall

Lamb named chair of Social Science division

Minkl er resi gns. l8kes position at S FCC: Lamb to continu e focus on quality education

b,t JO\h S tuda r Ymutt"IR~Pf't'ttr

A• of bc.'a:-1.omn}! ottht~ fall 'ffllC' AtMI Lamb, llbtrUC'1or. '1,1,a tltttc:d 10 W.C u,c::r a, dit O.u"'I()" Oi.a1t ol Soc~I 11\d lkh.noral Sc~ncc-,. 'nte rrcvklll, ch,umun. Jim MmkkT. R'C("Dll) 11(':ppcJ dc,"1,.n 10 I.Jilt a! l"O'Ufan Ill Spok•IX' C'omlfflilll1Y Col Iese. Tbc po,itJon. acc~nHnr to Lamb. h a 1rca1 w11.y to ,crYc 1bc dl\·1\Kln h I.M~h-e,. "'quhe a bh of p.,f)Cf pu,h,ns, c :i1u.a11r11 t(.Chfn. and lwgtbQI 1hc dh il'ion.··The rc,iition is flOI • :a ·"t>o.1. ~u:,nli~ to Lltnb. bc4 ll tt:nlltll IO the ICJIC'htn Md -.rlilkft4., and lhcJUJJ "'~ th.iJ qullhl)' cd1.1C".1t10n -.-anlUWJIC'~ "I k,,'C' te.xtrfnJ. Lamb ~id, I nt'\'Ct I v.,)Uld do 1hi11, but I ~--1~ hf:«u,c I am able IO ,1ill 1tf\-o lhc wudcnt.~ ll-00 m.lkc a dJfferetlC"C Ul l.bc: ,1,a)· they~ l1Wih1 •• He- .Slill tt.-:hn \t.m:a,c aud F:anul) :tad lmnxlucuoa kl ~klk)J.)'. 001 h.MJ 10 gt\'t' up 1tac:h1111 ch( rw or thtm• , beh!!,e" l,'(NJd &r-~hi:f ""'u rtW.C me~ odminnuuor be Nid. 'h rully two ,,vin111ri ,httt ct.\\Co, lbr Socbl iloOO fkhl,iClfill dcporl1nt1u ~-.,tl\l\l'l ol h1,hwy. l"l,huloSf, .mhmpa!OJY. rfU'°"'l'I'>• "'<iOloJJ-, ,hUJ <i<-ck>pM\I. r.«i.ol "'"'"· ,\nlitricun Iowan 1'tl>dK':l,. edUC'JiitotJ aOO poh1K'1I tcltntt''• IOCAI ul lO different -.ubjic'(u by abwl 40 fu.U and pan-mnr 1n1i1nK1rn. LAMB cont>m/Od on Pag,, 9


Mary Cheevers whlp.s up en "Amerfcano"' et lhe Boswell Bistro. The cotfeo 1hop formeny known u 1iw Educated Cup, la ope.n from 6:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. weekdays..

Instructor Leroy retires aner 19 years

Plan, II.I ~pend time ut home with family by Rtw:h•tl Gka~


An .ar11,lc: v.nUC'n l',\o )C-.)tl

IIJO b) u,.kr1t M1.1raJ l\lw.lho \laltd lhal an NIC 1t1\1tuc1111

\:.UmxJ b< c;anH: h> t,.;.i.nb Imm

M,10, lo1nikd •tor the Air"- t.lld

clo"n 1nJ f'CJ«1cd hil lffl('nn.s\

fo1•1e&b1."f'•uP. Som< woulJ .11;1ic cht• l,;n::1. but In ral1l) Cicuc- l.cruy ..:-11.1rtc co ldA10 froru hi~ .,..,,hpli11.."C ,JJ

M,vuhey. Sv,1t1rtl,rn'1. f:.dur.:.IC'J

1,11 t:.ur,,,pc and UW l"n,wJ he tw:i.:an 1c.achJn,: •nJ a.hi,inJ tn lclAllo tn AU8'*"'' l 1HII n,u~ tlcpn hb l'l·)all tal\."C'r ;,11 NIC

•fl~ i;~ tu a '-k"'< tfln '14'W'll\• the lM•n of hi\ 1rhrt'niirn,

A tiulJUllf a11d 111111h Je.ahtt, l.L'N)' ,Jr.,.nhl',J NI( ,111 Mk(\ 111,lrl) utt,,11 .,,,hunl "1hc-11 hr nimd1tte1n 19111 •j Wi\b It Wt,I I \ tlO\C' .l\ Ii u,c-,J 111 ~t'. wi1b ,nurt" tc,stthcrnus." I.era) u:u.l Ut'

111d he wun·1 mt"'~ ht, ""Ollc4gu,c.. 11tc>'tc- 111 t Jo"111hc ro.iJ trnm me (lr 11 ,-pit ••a) hl.1: th(, Y in Te u-. ti<- 1111J. "'I "'Ill ,1411 tCt' 1htrU • Ht' v.ill nor miu 1,csi.,.·hmg. buc he ._,;II m11-, 111~C•n111oith ht, uo·nh "ud IIJV1-oc"' Hi· would 111\C' fo, lhou to tk1,p b)· .inJ t,J) 'hel~ .,.n,J •'"""'J Of lcrtn At 1hl, im~. tie,11; ('l u, u, gc1 IUIII!,' WC.If~ ckinc ,11'1.IUnll lhc

l'M.u< I le- 11riJ" "' clc.-n tl\11 iU

\'l'.U'I O( h·.u..h1n, P\Mct1:J,. llt•

t.t1d hC' pbn1 w 11~-c: h,~ kllmtt

huPti.M tu ,1uJcf'tl11 •he> riced dk"'tn. (rec- (If ,-twse, Alttt 1bat. he .,tel he \\otdJ n110) :,cnint ,pffl(' hme In ""•tcrc;olor. imprm u1g Iii• um, «-1 1bt pt.i,i.• .u,d hurefull)' rite dll ilhN1a1c o, book, r11r ,·h11Jrrft. tit \il1d h,1 hN rnornl " m 4r<'nd 111n~ W11h hi, wik 1uul J•u.111ht<'f. When hu lloilc rcu her de,re< frnn, the l'ni-.el'il) ot hl•bo 1hc family 'I' Ill ,..-k~ ,.,,h • tnr tu fllrnr,t l~tu)' ,-a,J 'A'anb them"-' -oe (n'( h,uid !lti:" dun»" he l(n:"" up an,und ,u1J o'IPf'fC..::liltcd Ltto) ~, b,1,r, h~ "' ,..,.h,~h ti'( bci;lruwlJ "' rooJ "'M) "'1IC ,a); IIWI l 1f1tc.k-d Ill ffl) •nlc""4' fl)f II COY.ho)'

11.a,· Ltflt) uh.I. lie w1JI

.;:()ric;.:mnal( • 1ot o( h, 11mc- 011

New registrar sought

Street,,. ,1111n1 111, r llltt11n 1 wttll b11 lt b IIIWlal; Qllgl ..U... ta ra 11111111111

byJ•ntl 11,.nl Sr11#,11IRr{J(Jrtu

lhJl•e,,ufhithlC' ''lllh.a.n t\ 1ht 1110\.I bcauuful, C'\tn more 1b11n Ftcnch,• he "-lid I ~roy ,unrt 10 rnn11n11c: wl1!) bh qua lit)' uf lift, ~HI IUI" ht\ Eumpcmn ~ 11c.~.s.~ -.ud collrqUC' •nd rncnd Vhg1ni,1 Juhntun "'He it • Jl'ffllc:man (rc,m .i 1t11ciJn ~aunuy -.ho l.nu1u ,.:. m•n)',u.ij!U auJ culu.110 He o \'C')' v.cll R'llndcd


ch•nttJ The ol ttlltcme,u w.1, n111 ll ,udden Jcc1 i,.01 1h11 ~<' t"l'llcte-d 1n10 h_phll)· He eii:phunc:J thi• ..:hilnj;CpC'fftXU)', ··Thu11~ luiM"'n 111 IHe th,t,• cell )'ll\l ll h umc. Thc hanJ , rnns: on 1hr wall, uiJ, 'H() ttabt, )f1U dlJ i1.'"' he t,11111

A.her 11 )cm or k:fYICt' n rc&i 1,1rar at NIC. Slttelc,·, rcl.i~i..m,i.11~fuuJ&pl I, Oct Chtl\1:11111( a,·, o( luc yur. Sltcotef', OOC10f eonfinMd lbt had titt~ und kidney (ana'r. Jun I u( dm )tW, her kidocy v.., n:-mo,'Cd Thttt "'ccb later ,be an emboli,m in hc:r bc:.lld and undmt.en1 lltlOChtt opcn,cion. A-,. ;.a m1,1h, 1,bc 1'1J p(Clbl('mt. ,penkin~ ind •'ricint Soon •lier, \he btgan chc.mocht'rapy lrc.&lmcnu. for brc~, Cffll:Cf S1r«1u bepn w«~11,1 piU1 lime in tt,¢ R:'Jti'1nar'J off,cca in 1982 She then tor a .\CCt.111ll Job u a a«n1ary for Nie•, fortntt Prcsl!k:nt Bcnncu When the (1,1 ll 1inw: ~rcto111rial 1)0\IUOn opened. ~ho mo,·cd mto th111 and -'loppc:d v.orking h, lk re1-uu11C't o(hc:e. When 1bc opponu.n1ty came. ,be .:applied ro, and ff'C('i1rcd ,tic JOb 4.\ rc111<1'1l1

Sltff-~('t tu, aJao ,crt'\'.d on the cl1y f."OU.ftl:il lo ~1 F.t11,i (o, ),(V\":nll irn Jul>, ,1m ,uffffln1 rrom tf)(!C'Ch utld '*n11na 11np.11m1tnl"', S1rttkf 1111neJ i-n hct n:\i,na1kin. She Ut,\ 9W 1, doin1 mU1.h bc-uc, oow and <'RI)· ba~ hvc ar 1u; wct'k.1. l dt ar r11diluoo uc11rn(n l "I Jtnl Vtattl to !cl yt'lu IN ICJ lcoow hn 11.u.1ch I li kt-d my ,IOb Stl'tCW'rMld. '°£._""}'d;aywufl)jl-)'able"'

NuiONl advcnhi11g for a nc 1t•1-..it111 "'hope," to net ill k.1\l Sil appllcaiu wld 0..vid Llnd\11)', -.,ke pre\tdcnl for \luJcnl 'ICt\'J«, LifkNi)' '*tll ~tld OlJ1 m~r1 to all 1.1r hi• .itt the, oonts..-c,.i l..oc;llly. ~""'"p.lflC'n Will t:at'f)' lhr REGISTRAR

What did you do thi s summer? .. . .... .................. . ..... .

Page 3 The NI C Sen1,ne1 Thursday SepL 23. 1999
He "-'U ct~1cJ f!~<,ldrn1
hr • U-vocc 111ar1 1n in hill run 11ain•1
1,c.11111e1r Oi1a
"''hen• funuo ~IWl\11 to:i,ntt) .:i, NIC"
,n Ar,,,
conunuod on Paga
I~ -p.u ,dc,t 1ud, h,r Wm• 111 fooJ,., I plfl)'td rc11lf 11r h 11~1\h.tlt t,reu1Uof'I~ al 14,hol'.' I did ~wut D. llt. utW 11\tlt •·eus '" hin:h,kl AMS rrr.ti,1u-1er .111J 1>11m11W", lo("t,.-io.,I Jeer ICl 11-J,,ni,. Ocnt •:11 • 1M1I~ JS Sn,ncf \i,11,J,.,,,111 tutt.-n P uk, lS l:Jrua1io,1 \f,,,,ow Annk hr,:u.\l•o. J8 f,Jt,1,111,, ('1.1rn,,/'Mr~ ··11n1ttnl'd,11hcS1.11t\fc11ta.l llo\f)iLllm(}ftifmu mdl.11 fl.:.\11.11-.:" J.ric: knk1,.'tt, \J """"''''..;,.,.,·... , 1411/lat,. \i) t'irothcr, fA1hcr ,i11dt "pcn1rv.,1 d..p ratung A1-Cl<wr< Sarah t'oad, IK ,\'u,.u·,1;,:, t·a1t1fth> "JCAJ')Cfl!UCl) 11h !oWoJ." l'.hrk t;ra), lA \11Jt1N-11111110 Cflnl,cl'AJ,~ f \\Cfll lOfllA:ing tchool h> rtqwl! for llU10mllbile nacing ntU!\41tnm1;r " R(li(k> Oora:rnt. 18 AUf~itwtT«lt CM1u.J'l.frn,.

Card harriers win at home

(;amtrgn :(rn11n,IJtr1.,•rt.rr Lu,lcn .:h•"'I)'. •11d )'itu hea, 11 Ynu c:cn hear 1hc: lc.i\1,."'l torpioJ for Cllll, tbt tcrnpi.-rmun:, dn.-ippittJ :o frtt1m~ .1nJ "1l-KI trl'lpon.tnll)'. 11'11! IOOb1ep. butin, &Jit r.1,ie1tl.(U1. l11it NIC cn,-.,1.-uunlt)' 1C;a.'4:W11i. ut'IJcr •a7. Cc.:h Lc\\'n \\',uk1n, anJ hit n11m1ns t'a1Jtr1,d wumtn ;nd mm r1nNICJ with thc-h J"C w:'•.an "fardri,'-'• "rr1nling imcrtw1ncd lruo A pxod rw, '" Lbr) hcpn hlOtpcuuon tlu, ,_h

The Cardin.& nmnt"I'\ bc:ill 1bt hc•I S<>pe, I~ tn die 81r C',ou n~, tn Pak:u, Wa,.tt, lhe nldl', tc.:an pl.ktn1 third "h """~• t1uC~)" ,md111:h,1llc:t1ai11l¥Cuunc.·W;11~1n111,.UJ

A~\andcr fClffl.U v..n eighth O\·tnll. llkl frnvr (",11J,..,,n "-'" 1-c,cmd mlin in for SIC W11,1l.in1 1.1id ltt1n111 at11J c 1wo nw \Ollltt nicc•. Ollliht' Mitkf ,...,., ,turll ,,., ,,c

Watliill\ ,~d w.,pbutttrlfC Wtnttt 8.twkn tan .1 lfflU IJkC

·'H1Mng him up htrt m.ale, ,1 • gntlU ,,1&1.11111" f.,, the t.e.un. W41kfM .uld. "We ,huulJ if!rt'.ll r"' flJ.i•t•n,1.h u, M,,e,obtr'" Drtl v.~n Mkhcllc P.11tcr A~1L'1 Wnch.vl Mid J4mJC Hc:m,.an d~ nl'C C'Oll!JlCtt' Ju(" lo 1nJttti..-, Watl1m 1rolllJ he eip:ch them tu be~ in coinpc1t.1jot1 hy <:k1obc-r

''WhC'n ~c ,:ti lhtm l'l• l. "'-c'rc gc>1oa 10 ti ~C' a £t""'1

@""'"'·· W1i1l1n\ "ud. Deburab ~1uycr 11111.l J,and Fwl. •t-tC' NI("'~ 1np l"'·o h01,btf\lll~ The tc.un rolttJ)l'tcd In the no11 D•\111W'ln I r,onioo t.r 1Jic lnl1u111I l:mr,ur Cn,1, Coo.1llry Clb.,li: 'iq,I j "1 tht t'°"ut d'Alcoc Senk.: N"ut'tt't)'.


Soccer team excels as a club

Bun dy leads way as NIC team ent er s fi r st seaso n b,Jcrt1\lan1rr S(nl11t"IRr1"''lr'

!\ Ila• "K,'.'ldt)' al blttilC 11M one nn 1he ~. the men'• •O.:<'et 1r-,m ln t h.1 the G11n1.1g.a rc1,cnc •qwwl a1 h nme \rp1 lt>, 4 ?. bt-h•rcdclaatm; l·Lahc'QJ V.aUC:) J.I S<,p1 lh Phaltmrm (udof lllld \tilt B)'tn flil,"Otnl NI(' giltill'< N.1J &he (.'unf1m1!, (4 I} h,IJ ...C\·e,t t.hof• 10 l-'VCC',?I , The HulldcJjt- ~tittJ f11u, gllilh, ,n 1hc Ji,1.1 h11lf ,1c fi,-.1 ID41 hy Chrh, \'indctford. • ft'l:':\Jllflall lii..111 s.u,Jjiolnl. utlk" lllh" In the: Ont

b.tU C:lm11nc l ~-..::1.:mC1..1lrt)hm.inb~(\1}

111gb Scoot~ ,ndl.llllc, ":Ott'd the:: •<,aic,J Nil'

Ji•,11 m tl,c 10:,,nd h:iU Cud gri.alit Ur.1.ftl.11:>11

lkm1" 1•t rocur J'>\k'nc ti.Id wvt·n .O\cs

rhe ,1,rccd the t,11 \t,uon ..,,uh t¥oo

\'JClm1(\ P\(t ~oulb ru~I SPund O•ll ,ind

Wolla \hll.1 ("om.m.11n1t) ('.,,Ucgt 17-2)

Tht fiN 11.i11te 1•f ,~ )'~' flw 1ht Cardhrnl,

'i!t;a\ • l I \loin n1 tw,m,r O\Cf Sulllh Pugn.S()l;nd of Sc.&itlc Aui 28, Ill< uot ,.low, hlll v.dh lhc lldp ,~ li:111n le.-b R.N•m Uu11d)', a wphomnc( from Coc\1f d'AlenC'. 111kl h1i two

,:;llflC·V.UIIUIIJI r""1<1. che Cunh QJllC flUI Pll top with tbc t.llbfo,.:11('.lll uf $lllf1Ulf Ilk" ~'C',11 OU1 Ufl a

h1~hflll~C Nil" dcfcalcd Wi1ll.1 \\ 1111 Comruunilt

l',)llcre ,.2 1>0 I.he: ntllJ Sc-pt. s. l->i11t11ri.ul1in lllW

fOIJ K(ltllijC (nlffl I ¥4ilc-l)' C>r fllJi)'C'f'.) ..,'ff(' the

M') ra "' '" eht 'A'm.

l'lK' Cit,.h ha\C I bdu11,;cJ IQ.In 1t11, )Cl&f """~

Jdcn~. ronmu1mc11L • ~uhd bcixh .ulJ pl~)'m

>Ah" hu~11c BunJy, ~tnUr m1J-fu~ld ru, lhc (°.llt1h, 11nneo(1flc 1c;u1', k.-ling ~rtf'll.

"011r 'A'Of\. anJ rrw:il("C' tl)lk-. It.I\" cu:~t. Ind

1hc 1c1m ,hnul;J hopdull) sec ~ut, ,l'l 1h c

"C.a..c.'ln pr,,,:rc,"""-" Awl.I)' tWJ lie qtcJ ht fixl, th;111hc team f1l<"ah to \\1,r\. on a lC'I> tc, l\\1,a.

NW'" m:·cd 10 rinl,h th~ b,11 .1f1c:1 \itc ba,c

.UJc:n1rtc:J lo ~~lifC'. !'nd llUf n,g.anJ1.1Jinn t.1.lll,

i;uuJJ th( \,QlllC htlp"lwi,"'hc Uid

tJnt1lc: l'IICII~,, tk' men·, M-9'.:cr phlJr.ll'll

,, ,u~ rl.a)mf lrit A m1rtor d1;1111p1on,h1p Pf .1n

,n~u,11nn III a major 1oum11nu~nt Thr 1c:.1n1.

"h•rh Iii• (llll'I, 1, tf)'II·& 10 Jr'l lht1r n&1ni: n1h1

lhc: communU) 11nd 1kc ,chool to h11pdull)

bt•l,'.nlh( a \ U,.11) ~(lllll.

0,11 r,~n...,inl~ctllk.·hcl 1hC'-«:lub uMI has betn

1,.'Ukht11t: foreJfh )C!III",._ Ue uJ Ilk' IC.Ult

h,n. afh•I m,J1HJ11al ,till, ,nd 1h.i.t onto \'Cl)'

lmpra\.i~c- llk1lW h 1hc', $n'il1 "l.k."\lC'U 1n

lllt 1oC1.v111gdrpilnmrm "Ten s;a"'h tt1 Ont fllfllN. 111. • Fill i.t.11i1,tlc." fhcn..,,in1cr l.ll.t ('on,h1co1 play .ihJ "di• lhl{J(IIUJt .1rt l\lo1t lttinp he v.uuW hk hh tcillD

II• tit"WI: (ll1f11r,,,-er,U ,:rv.d ~IIC\'\"11\ 811nJ)· ,;11d 1ca,w1 1h111 1:.·~M p('lt-\thl) 1 b( thit )tar' Sb,..,cltl'lt. Ootttq• .Alli.I S11ol;,a11c C"oc11-1u,1111I)°, Be!: i:JJd all lht 1(.\111, h,ii\( prmr11 to be • i;lulknft' m dlC' year, pm.I, ti.ii "'11h h.u.,I 11,orl iJ dclenn1na111•n l~>, ~tmuli.l tl('lltlull)' be :.bk tO(t,tnt' uut ,on the l1)J' ~llhi•urti chr ,oe,!', ~"''"~, p,11,rarn " i,i,t • V.anll) \f'(:-rl. lb~ rlll)('N Jt(' t.llll rn:)Ull l,;, tic pJ ),rt,C few R"t\d~· '41iJ, .tn(I Mpr d~)' fd MIJIPW1 ltom lht !k:hool llflJ rl'lmmurut). The 1nm rra:ti« ft\~' litrin ll ti\(tl ft11 l"-1• hoof'\ tn ~i&hnn f11t 1he1r 1n•cl.l)' ¥.amt We 'A'OUld lll\t fof ~'et)\ln( to come HUI ,mJ \lo-1tch tn p1a,: BµnJ) u.J b1~n.,1mcr ,., c1kKh rof Ilic mer,·, •md \11\)~n·• M.'IIXt't tc;am,. IJCN-'C'·cr. fl(' 1, 11<1drin,: t..11 h.tfp)' M t1C' Jm;n lhc Lhl .,I .un \'Cry r,oocJ ,inJ l:Jt(lscd IU be the l\c:;td ro,,ch Jor tht mrn', iind "'''""'"." ~fl. lh , Vt:51 ftO(l(lf 10 be rtp,Ck.1t1111g the !IChcd •ml the rnmnWJ:11ity; br ,..uJ l-:,/11,,, '1 .\1111r. t\ (11mplr1r •H•mrn I UK, r, U111" it Jl/11n"r./j;,1 M d i.lUtr

Lady Cardinals lack chemistry

"Thrti- ate- 11 lo! of ~imp1 llh(.\ ll'lc.n 11iih1 11<1w MM.I .,.,c·rt wuglusg ,.,;· Ctanf\ w"' "\\oc "'-c-c rei.Jty ur .acid dl1wn dunut:b1'11II tfJc:- 10.111:1:1,ocut the- CarJu,al, ""cte lrtl h) \nphomrt~ t,nd-.11)" P1rn'lc,, clgh1 l.ilh 11nd four t,11-..h, ,mJ t,) tht' r10:1,H1n ~n1n1 c,I '6111,(ICn,)IC Mali,w lti.11 Nit cnckJ lhe ltJ11mtitrr111 w11b ;1 1.7 rcrnnJ •nJ :a k-c ol

an Nt{" 1to1i.luo1~ in tier 1buJ )c:.M :h 1bt tum·, l«lt11ll Mic, (01tt ~1nrlrJi1 ~-c, N l f dduitd ~..,.., Cl\llcgc ,n r1,·c gumt"1 ~rt Iii ,n Ephr~lm. tf1-ll1 A.fief dh)f'lfhRII lhl· r.,,1 ,,..,, to1m~ Nit~ 1i1.11tt 1hc lb:ld•n1 r•uPC 1$-IJ Sert '7 • NIC' ltu,I In four g,1111~, to Dl\n• C1.1lk~ "" lhc n'lad, 1mJ Sert I~ the tom 1111,Mn 1,...-. 11t f01•1 10 the U•lle.,'< 11,f f..Jlkm ll&i1h ~.JS• .l-1', IS-1, I I-IS

··wiJc-t)'CJ fthhmco C'11rtt\ 1.11ct lh:,H .a Jut of 1ht hnhmm \\dt! N" 11:11,ni tlrrcrir'll "''"'" 111 ,ompC'lll1\'e" cullcgc \olk\b,111. Th( f'Mr\h Ill~)' ba\'C' h11d ,1 ,lutt,1"h

1t.;att but C'uu.:h Cutth I, Jlill \'try ~)nfic:knt IM the' rC'ot ~1 lhc .:.a.on Sile

1.1.J tbC' ,tta\11:1.b (tr team 1, tbr mC"tll.11 1ak'n1 .aotJ 1hc f(lllll11nr c-,perncc- of 1hic ol~ plit~'crc. She' praiM", 'llkh mumms ,11hltlt• ~ph~mo"' J.ln,l•J) na,M<> rn1m U1c1nl'non. Wn\h !\:hli""ll Hall, \1U'ld l..1lt, W11,h fok« <.'hm1opbl',, 'ii VU'll.tftl \\ lnihr .an.I Kimi l,,~cn ln11n l'orur d ·Aknc', C"wth ,, ,ho cM;i~ h) lh(" pl1)" nl tict ~,rnnttr tcnulh Jcruufct WaUia« •nJ letu1<U Jcn\t' Thclcam lk•'>led • lJ,b,1 rn:urJ &,~ ><-' MIi.i pc,a""'110,mpa.,.,d1i1111h1\)Cllf 01.! tuni', ,..rl)' -up,, ianJ JuOAn.1· ur lh( "~\UCI tolJIJ1tJ l'id), \tflll, II.: lfVu di Jr~~11.:• Jcnl.r ln)ln the tam .enl.t-


a«oudt lo pbcc- uh The ,11ocn rl.lced third ,D a lr;lirll NJC lil"1..uinr rooch 11nJ .ruikn1 Jennifer Reil "oo !ht nk"(1 .ion Uftlllllk:bcd f\lMCf • IS:07. 1lic mrn'~ te•111 ,uf)MtW!J •II t"•~iCll'I\ h)'41nnin11hc ltliffl C\'Clll TPm.l\.;) ream lrJt.l,.'T l&\t )-C-.&t, Sr.ii d11t \\,I) fc• dlie' ('~ t)y '*jt!MIOJ the C\ent ._,Jffl a lltlit u( 18:50 "'ro,ro.n ,~ 1n bh, bt\1 ~h..- e\('t, • W.ttldn, 1.dJ Aho plKln1 1n lhc fop 20 roll th~ mrn'• ••de ""ctt · C'.arl..rin. l: Milkr, 5; Ndl Snt:1IJ. 12.; Eric C-..illuon. Iii i;nJ

DAAl<n. lH, h,1, tucb h11pc-, f1•r b,,1h 11."ilmt Md ,,,,J he "1..'0UIJo'1 be ll.tppid' wu.b LIit' lkptb the "''OC!lrtl ~Si. Hi: 111nic1f1111N WU1Ch.irt \fo)cr f,dk H.-nn.u\. and Pial'lrf 11, 1tll coa«ributt' "'On( 1htn~ forget tt duil 11t tbi, lnrl •i4 1u1m1ni the runnru .,<' coa1lwn1i)' ,IC 100 r,C"rt:col of lbeH pain thrc,bi>&J,• W:aii11-. ll.l.lJ •·A lo1 or tirt'IC'i or, Jwwc t,, -.J}, ·1c-1·\ do 11\11, I.OCC'hn' Uc .._id k,im lc.i..lm Kcll, Ue.ul'• .ibJ K11t1C' Jh,"'11'& c:rubu,tu~lb 11houll.l 1w.ru1t\ f 1ea111 ctlcm1"'1), r'UI tbc 1nc:n. W1111iin. ""-1..J 1·u11u, t, k.adint the "'..a)' ..-,i1h • p.l.;'._ ,,( 1un11m, ~l.1v.1ni lur rmh"-.n l,chnnl hun. H( on11c!pi.1c• Miller. C'a,hoa, 11nd \1111i on will he ~lid Oiurc" for the. tl"ant, W11,1k111, ._,l\l Sm.all ._.,,11,.upplv 1hc n111,1i"•"''" \\ ith h1, '"'Wtld m1111- MUluJc. 'I f1l.1t1 111 kt lhhlf' IP 41,nJ "C'C h•w. dle)o unfoM for 1hc: ocal l\\o \\'C'C'h."" Watkin\ .,.,.i He ,.:u,t the kcgtoa IX Chant)'lion.J\ip.. 'i!thicb \lilll he In C"t'll:'I.U d'Alt'nt 0,.-1 JO, .,..ill t,e: a '"pl:luJe to fl40tlfloll\-,'" Both ton,, bi•pt "'' 'f'Mlil) r Ille C\'ntl Ne!\' Jl m l.Jan\i:llJ. \11"tt W41tkini. uiJ 11• \\,itch (or Utt to be rockm· me !ol'"OU• lftl.t'O'ab:" th1, ,a1.1

I On Deck ~~:l~-r-"""""''·"""'·

Fridoy onds..wd,).Sq,c. 2$.

r-v.a., <:.t, ...,. n,..,...,,

7p.m ef SoullNIII ....._ • bomre. S.wda,. Oi.'t l, 117p.a c--c.c o1Pao«>. w..i..s... 1.o.:, J.• ,p w•w C' C' aaW&1t.WaUo1.\fo11dil)',Utt '*·•


•w-·,Soottr 5llanllnt C.C.. I fnda), Sept. 2,1. al,& p ffl.

c:-iu,.,.c.c.. 11.Sllunla}'.s.i,t 2.1.11-.

t:-c.c. l'nday.(><t 1•• ~pa,




lkb c.aoae. • Jtnburr.-f. r.1<1. 2. *' MO


• er. ceuncr, --·•Salan.Ore.Sawda).O.:t :I.

• Flll llueball ~~.!:""9'C"-a1bo11,c. Su,ud,y, Sepe


S,--P ('.(' M hnmr, 5.llunb.}. !, •1 11 .....

• lnCramural Spor1o



• Oa"'-' l'lanulb

Satu.dtr...i 'iw.J.y

Pages-cs 0 The NIC Sen1ine1 U rah J~7.z star Karl M.ilone gre" up on a ranch in Louisiana and wrestled 200 pound hogs. Sports P,-,CIWM!lt'fJoet Davis, left, Coeur d'Alene, and Jeromlah Beckett, Rathdrun\ battle lor the ball during a acrlmmage al NIC Sept. 12.
to work together b)(.:hlfrlirl.ctrmi,n ·''"""··'hwn~, Chtml~I)' h J ~l::nfficanl Jl-lt1 ot Ill\)' COftlpt1111\'C lt"affl \run Ju~1 lht Wlffl(' In \'Ullc)l:i.Jl.,·,,1) t1ll'mhc-t1111thtk,11nl1..1 1 ,,. rtt trtgnhcr 10 be ,~~rut ~u1n101 the <oCa\OII oil• hnlc ~to,,,.. dlC NIC l.ldy ,ulle)NII tc-am h "" chC'lrlhU)' -.Id hrll.41 ~1•t1ch C'a,ly Coni,.
, SIC l,hl the Scpl f\ Mme. npe"cr -i11rn,. 8111, [knit t'1PIIJ1Jn111il) l'olle.,'( U· I! lh-U, 1-1~. ~-15 S~r't' Jolene Chr1~ophtt lrJ lhl' C4rd, wsth l7 kdh and 11 dip. l.and1<; B.i.1fk• h..s 12 lnll• i.1vJ\liah, ,H.allh.-l 1Sd11i. llacir lu,1 !.(tot "'"•' al t~ l 11•h V.iUt, TQU11i.,1.1111C'na SC'fll l..:1 fbc L~d)' (.',tfd, lun,~J hu"" ,,,m.pc111i,c the fc,guC' an tN.-.: lwm lhC bcir,ruuo~ of the toW1Y1l"1CIII. Jrursno~ the hhl 1hr, ,: tnill4"1'-!t <>I the,orl Ahn h1,111ti:: to S11h l .11\c: IS·f, 1$..f, Uc.ah V',1Uc-)' l~l. l<-K anJ l:.Nt!l'! U1;1h l~-1. IS- I, NIC \\,11.\ k1C•k11\,1: r11t 1101o\\"Cfl,;
VOleyball tam stuggle8
•~ UII.I wdh ;;1 bJc,wti A{"I lcfli.llll, 1Jc.1dc1 cununl11n,: unr ul the b1ttHta; f'l'1'lflOCK.C11m iaullt-n\c ,h'\Apot,11nc "ikkt and umtmllln~ fun.t' I« the- (:t,rth '411id ~he b,i\ h.lJ lo JUJ?p:lc I lat ol lun'.UP'\ anl.l ~J t11 TIIO\C pl,1)•ch oot ,,i t-,1tnJfl lo iUI lhc ,,tid C'..:tal't'N'0;1,.. NIC's unc1 y B1k>et mom the bump re1um during 1 geme 191inst Big Bend 5ept 13. Thursday. Sept 23. 1999
b)' Sun
T_.,_ ...._ W_
~=::..~.=.~11nl,.Rinv. '

Local skaters show off tricks at park

Aug. 27 competition gets 'two bums up'

b) \\'h1tn,;ona Un.den


Loe.a.I , lllltJ tbc

CwurJ'A~ ,l,lk pwk Au,

~7. U11..·;lf U.Nb&:i;lld ,ti..-ip 11N:

Shied Shed •pun urc~ lhC' ocnt

Ownc, fom lim•·rt 11.nd cmplO)'tc

Or)an Wo11d 11r1a.111-,cJ the


Fvr Wood , H -.,n ,1 chUcC' for rcor,lc ht 't<'C lllha.1 be b1h

ll(~offl'J'h,h!'J iU>J wNI Odlctl h~\C

11:ccomph•hcd "' Jcivotiu11 10

\k~bnJJ.. Sludr,oo.itduial H vnlrl;c h1j1h

\thO(ll ,p1,th 1n th.11 hunduJ., ul

rt'"f!ll'" 10 I~ •Uppoti hlJh K"hQol

1.':H~ntt Slwtcbo..u\h11.,; ban LnJivJJu:al

,1~11. '11i..l ~•uc taks11 Jtlf:t unnvtkcd

Al 1hc .'\UR, 27 COIIICU\, ,c1,('ntl p rc,nh, fru;nd,-, NIC 11udcnl\ and ld1h ,upnoucd 1hc ,h1cn c,-imnutm..-:1,1

Won.i ,.ud lht ~11Me"t "'• 'ff)

COfnpcillWt, l'iu:I lhil pci,s,k "Ct'I:' 111,1 hl\'1ar fun

-rht- ,-k..ict' ~k II lllll JU\C for 1111\c

ltJ, 011 "k11tcbo.,rd, Wood uJd Partli.:ip~i:11-. rai:1,:cd form .ire ?I mol'IUlt. 10 Ql!o,IC lhl.n 10 )('JU nld

State champions head up wrestling recruiting list



1 Chns Molsan


J. Nick Floland

4 Stephan Horuy lntormedUtle

1 Mt1rty COIJ,er

2 Phil Olonno

3 Coclyl,"'°"1

4.0.J Wfll!\h


1 Du\1m FranQ

2 Na1han Bnkor

3 M11Ch Turner

• Naman Rolen


1 Trnvls[)i(:kir-,

2 Gideon Toololtl JCosoyAtnos

4 lan Hunl

Cta~~ lfk·htJl.!J bt'Jttnt1Cr. 1n1crmtJu1~• .a,hiatk:cd •nd ,pnn~-.rcJ

nda,. Cl,.._,. -.lru~n r«chcJ ,t..11:bowJ, h.ib ~bed, Ina.I T,,tun a.

Jutl~ 10d luc;al ,liltcbl.',lnkt 1it'1Jfl (>hen pit<' lh(' 1,."on1t•.1,1 "h,n

11'ami op"' and ~anl be plam t•n i01tl<"lhmi1, titp lot ~I )<'.W"1 ,,·cnt

"'h'3, tw.iJ lot.I)' lbc h.ude'll In.:._ pulln.t "' ,..ukl \l.u-l S.Jc .t .s\Jlrr 111.S't~w,.- "'lllt-~,.,cn:a lot of1.1,l 1ru:k.,

H.a}'IJcn \.o1lt ~nJ\ C.'h11rcb Jnovtdtd • blue! hu, -.,lh rrJ lbm,ct to bdp 'lhln•n lbc •li1kl', -1111 c.:uld walft, ~iacl, and IIUJ•k duttnp tho of the <U)

Adrinking club with a running problem

'Hashing' provides alternative workout

b> Jant-l /UbttU ~MmrlHrp.•Nl't·

A fun iltN""'-IUJ~ "'•1tl.1111~ C\ a\;IIIDbJC" 111 NIC -Mu..knlt ,tnd w..Jf

Thth1l,llldl.mpitctllllhlfo11~fhmicnnv:cc1~1~110101Ull I h c

~l<if<lO '°' Uic lnLiftl.l Empjrie 1f.t..J1 lluu,r ll&rrir1' *' "A ili11tk-ini: duh

\\ellh • ronn1n1 piutilcm lnkm11ht1fUIII)· 1hr f.fl04I Jr.a•• tctn, tu

~.nio, CJli/('.n.\ •nto II~ C:S~lc:

Jii.,fte,, ,kp,a,t (ro111 I mccttni: pla(r. 11ntlt11Jntt'd in &hr "PWU

'"'hon Clr tlK- Sfk,l.Ct.ntim ·Rnic:w Ft1<Lly1 When t'1e de"i)'.11.11cJ

"'ll,1J<''"' ~«• W II pre: bk! lr.tll u( Ouur biol, nonn:t.ll~ luut!NI in th< w,uh, 11'i up 10 tbc runrn.-1-J 1,1 !,!*1.:h 1,p w1lh 1hc: h.,it 1..:1\'llc htu \he uulc. ta to lhc end of the 111111

h '14)111-.h it.i,)'. titu 1ti,: llillc h 1tlt 011r: •ho Nh l,a)J 1~ nu1l .11~

\Ill'!-.\ v..hc'tc' IO au Runllt'r,,,, ('If houflli, r111,1,t (OIi~ lht' 1aiJ, Ythk11 Ii

ftwi:t'J v.·nb tine Wllttnlf 11wl,. A tnu1 lttMI. i11dato .a hclUnd ,~ on

1h,: h.ire·, tr•il .i i:bed 1nd1c111c, 1hr tr.iii l'-un.:ho 1n diUC"rc:nl d11tct1on1. 11-tilJ a f.t.l~ m.11L 1n1batt\., tbe b1,11nit h....1 hilk,.,..·oi a lal-.c br•nch HounJ\ m11~ end ,1r ,cua"'"I dmr ,1cr, 11hc1 hn1hng lhcnu,ch~" oo 1k,1J Clkl tn11h., ut the)' m.a) hod a~ 1don11hc tr.iii or ~,,,.,,.,nJ

1hC" Un!I, llrt ..wally 1u111p~1; •ml 1\·ru.:c 1hrtc bl fPlrt n,il<,. 10 length. J-"QliJ an1f fun ._,,11. 11 Lhc en PcnJh~ Jnblt.. rdrn~ ll) II\ tk1\,i,f1, al'e a,'C'\ClJ • lhc n,J of Jhc l"lkt' Ptn.1l(art 111c Jl\"C:n l(IC N'aitlftntt, obnl.l\1oi.1, kh.r\tc,r. iuld ""'~,u, uchct '""' fl.I\. l'rn.1frh:'li &rt" alloO SJ\'r-11 fotnc1i1. 11.mnJn,& ~M "Ynu'tc)l.lpp.,K'dlo lool. l1kc o1 ,1~;u1<I one hm»n

HJ,hcn U\C 111<,:k.no1111e,. r,nen 11hcr(l.m1rron11n lwc"" MA h,1,lio

Tbr) an' ~nnt.1,n, Ill t>«h l•d1cr !lfll~ ti)' lbnr 1111.~n.mi«o n11d 1~ t,>


riKht no1i1·, I 'K·,111/il pul U.\ /tUtJ,fll('t'iflt/1,• tu11w,1 m1d wr'/1 Jtr how hunl w.- <tt.-vrt. ·•

-Pat Whitcomb, llrmling coach

!IJ•y fnjut)' lrrt- "" liU .a.1. Jhc' 1c11ori J(ld. we'll be: rig.hi bl..." Oft tl'lf) •• Wblkomb • tit be Joined hy J1Ccond-yt~, a,,0,1101 t(l.t(b Kc-.1n Robcn1-, , c~o--umc 01\b1on J All• Amcrirnq >Arc,tkr (nt 1bc Um\·cn1t)· uf Otcion Ponncr Caci.I Juu1n Sprinrn-, .in NJCAA AIJ Amnb11, 1, in hi\ r101 ,ca,111, h ltl ,11\i\la(lt (UOC:b.

,uu,~ Wi·i~. hul v.c ~Id be up d1ctc if 11o·c do a1Jr joti 1r "" Whildic.11.11197~ Crntcr. OtC',, !\nd) Wn" ( i,nl I lt\rtcd, Ou1ng1on, w., trt ni.1 M.-11 \jm,th ~uni} Po.t Fall~. Jun11cke Sm11b of Johannc\t,ura, Su111h Africa. ',\'ill Jc;)III lbC

n)(' C'..inl• 1111 ntric&al Pf,11."tt.."C 1hc M":<ond wc<!1' ol Octobct, hul o,c ,tclllni: read)' for lht' up.:om111g ,ck1on to1rl)' Fourtu11-milc. mn1., •·d1h.1 lnlln1n1 anJ t,;prl1

Intense fall schedule prepares

Assistants, players join NIC baseball lineup ti, AnnW \\oodctt V""m,:J;1o1r Tl itnC' ul yuo •11mng for "rting CCI bc:11 uu1 II tct1J1t1011 o:I 1a\c mt wt tu I~ hall hlVc :111 l)l)f'()nun1t)' rtt r,rooi,c th11 1~11 with th~ fall b~11cb11.II 11! ,luk'-IC ,1.,.rkJ tho foll "to:heJult- b)' J,u,111,ir rt'Ulurc \.alley (rwnmun 1t) ('1:illc!,'C" Sepe lr1 and iht (.:i,t"'-'c tW.,~h I rl'll\·rl Taru 'cf' II llcail ,.u,d1 r-o111l \11lnt,ddo fiillJ llt,11 fall h.ucl,.1tl I\ l'ltulec lnr IC'o1m1 h, un,lknk-Pt dcrtruiv bA,c runnint ,111.1 bH1inJ pbJl(,q,hlC\.. Uc:. u1,d 111,my oJ the i;lllll'"i 11t\" 1,d1e,tuk'd b.:\'IC II IC""!m h.l11p:111 10 tit- 111 the lltQ ut 1h.1111mc. ~bn.r.ll'JoJ wl.d thh, )l".ir·, I.all 1i1::hcd1,1t,: t,. nu'" ln 11W 1t1;in l"ft'\'111t1, yctn. l!IC: f11II 11.Cht1hJlf ,lo)CI ncif cum1~ 01 orgu.l\lnJ nine i11nin 11.'1, l'UI M-,nLJnk, '-lid ICIUIL'\ v.:111 pfay u 1 11 Uity run oua or 1111~tlN'i.. Jl..111 ol t!,c 1.111 1.heduk luf t',uJ., ,on,t.b vl SI ntr: h U.ln al II .ml 11nu11 111'1d l.t,\1 ,n...., '\\can t;c 111·h1:t(' ·,.t •11'° mmf',ltL.,J tu t'II.IICf 11!':lltn. \11111/.lfJo qriJ, 11Jkf Ylt'C l,'.;IJI :.~,,..\:::~~~'.:,::';:,::~~i:.t~l-1:.:;:i,~: p.; m, 1r, ht- m nulnl

fou,~Hlttt all-,t111r ,l10t11.1,,p lut H1·i4nJ from E111le. (."uht., Tavu Yura,bn\ ol SC11Hk anJ Andrew. I~ 11,J-, pl.i11)-td hit 1he t"1mb IQ 1hc sprin1 at 19111) .ind ju,t rclurncd hllllt • \formun mn,iu11, "'ill l'\Wl'lpc!( lc,r hort ~up Buh P1c1tad., 4hn huni Eait~~ '¥111 ,~m~tc- lot f1M t't:a\C' w1dt Jeff B)td al Rf':itdlan. W.a~h .• and ,\nu.into S1,ritt,,o, Sulllc C'lifl(l«I V 11n(.'lc."t' r(:('f'Uatcd tlt.11 u( J\1heM, fcH,, rn rl.ill)' 1tlmJ ba\c_ Jatt1<)' McHu~h. Mh1i(M.1f•. wiU dlher rl.ay tbiuJ. c.111.·tlt'tOl'OUlhcJJ flWlhC'Cutd-., four i,l.aycn 'l\·111 h;rhe ti..- lhc: wnind l\1\C' po1ti1ion in(h1dln1 s~ n Murli, 1m l..;1\.\" t'll)' lll1h Schonl s:r.adu11c amt \,111."d.iorurwa !ht' ~1111 pen h_. the- C'.trd, will 1--.~ 11rooe, "'ilh lophomn,"" Ad1111 Fuu, Jcru1)' Sicb(,11.. R)~l Lurul C,1-.c) •lt,otttbrlir frh.lO'lmg, Nt"WCClfflt.'fl ,IC"M'lllJ: Up lu the ni~1und v.111 tfk.luJc Sn•u John.on, lduh1, Falh. ,1~n Km-.c:, <>mu.tu ~~-h .• K)kr Lou. 0 1M:llo, Coln T,.1,. 1 '1.u1jnd, , T.1.c01tlo! J;bO!t, Cc•h m~·. lnfut Sutlicrl&nd and k11n S..11.w,.l). t·anoid!I ,\nd)' \11\.k,.., Pl.)olt f·.111, IUIJ lcvi Mut1ll))'a at Cirtttt Rhr,, Wyo Rob Sumft,l'r i, b.a..:ll tOf JJlolht!f K HP!t t.&h:hln&, l·rc. hmtJl 1\ndtC'~ R~1ft'r, 01 Snvhc>MitJt, Wath. ,1ntJ Dnn,•n Ha\\lum,, Wall.a Wall~ Kt'ltll O...,o i, 1he onlt C.:.ttl ft1Uffl1or for 111 1hc oullidd l'cntathc ot11hcld ph1yt.-.

111Cl1iik ~)'k C00t,10.:~ al Eoptinna. WMtt. Roh Cr11ln. a C«ur d'Alc~ Hig:h Schu..11 J;"tidli.1k', Oi.n, H1!Qhcck. Sri,1ka~. Kelk) Md.Jllllllh or T'*"ill 1-'itlh. who ni:tv 11!'"1 bit Jn the uif,tld .ind f11}'ln \\e,,t. :.· Rod8:Cf'I (Wa1oh) High School imrJ11.1tc.

Tell C.ard, frnm l.;ua ""'*""n hll\C' mtn-cJ on 10 ph,y II bil!g;C'f '!,Chooh, Ou1fu:IJtf ('krh: Horko nov.- rla)i 01 <.ionl',•t• llnhcnily 11.nJ will bcJoinc:d hy rirch'1 1\:,-,n U1111Ji whC1 wlll 11.ir1 1tr nc,1 ~ntf.lff• .kn:m) lbonu.1 uho ,hl)'oJ ,kho:

In M111('. 1r11n,rcmn3 1n Wh1rw~,nh ~hl"1 '\ll1p Jc.rcn,) hhcnu,ull 111 al 0 1H1nJ IMkhi111n) UniHr~h)', Uohncs 1r,n\ftm:J to A,ht11nd {()hin• Uni\'cr,,.tl)o' .tnJ ph,hcn. Ucn t:11m\. an.J Tra\'a P,l01

WCJII to Albtmon'" <:ollc:fe and E.:Hl(ffl Oregon Unhcru1y n: pci:11\"tl) Si:oil '10111 wdl ti1t.1U, <t111h" t.CU)QJU

Llo)d Ou.nh,11n: ((IUIII\ , JII\ a1.,o.tJ1 1U i;;Ur,11,;h fot \tiin,~•tdo. Shell>}-, DJld Jtrcmy Mflr1, h<1th furmer C'a,J b:t\,d11JII pl.a)t'O. 11o·III Nul'd lkll the- co..w:hm1 ~wu Tho. h Manzudo'1 1h1rd ,c.-w11 n hc:od CO!Kh 1ltr: l;1IJ -chalult •Ill 1,,."\mlmuc th,,. \lo«l \1d1h s.a,ne, •11.un~1 the Unl\<f'ilt) Collt'fC C11.rlbP11 '11 Ko.mlooft', ("ianadii f'oilC will then hl1,1 SpoL nc Fnll11 C'omtt1u1UI) Colics< 0.:1. 2 ~nd 1hc Albena ( rr..utruc1 Athk1k~ O;:t ) t1dl'ltt linhhln,I the 1•11 l>o:hcJ.islc cm the rt1t.ul Ck1, H> 111:1111'1~1 ~po&...tnc fulh Corrtmwu1y Cof~t

Page 6 The NIC Senlinel
Chris Cape, Coeur d'Alene, whips cxrt I hand planl Aug. 27,
1n·rn name CJnC" 1v1tr1cr he uld he li>.ct h,,h1nr hl.""CauH" hr .,_..u ,.,,J of tr-.d1oon;1l v.(lf\oi1h. " II", pia}lul, un'4ru.:tulf'd runnln;." he w1d. Uc Je,.c,ibnt thi: ,,,.,., .a.1..-hJJJtt1;,, Ind, dt1wn 1nhihn,oa., ILl~ing r, OJ'll'o r,1 lht ,-iN1t illicl ,··mh.).h.1und S.\ per r«(' ~ports Thursday. Sep! 23. 1999
Shaun Williams
by Dnnl•ln "I" 8nuw1c-nbur1 \.-,uur,flRr{"'th•r llun.;• .i.1~ i:011111t11rnc to k1uk uv fof the 'llrrt1olliri11 rcup11t11. ,, m1t1t 011 "\\innlnt IQ','J.99 M.t~•o pl11C1t11 ~o ! in 1b(- n.11aon bcb.J11J Colb) ! ~.111 ~,, C,,.~C". W uh nwmtrou, ,.uc anJ oMmn•I i;h:Ullf!IOI) lloH'llkn QC\\ tc,tUlh ind rC"lurnc:-1 .;oad~~· •mi 'NJ(\llcr-1 •tr 01'11:imitlio: bt1'lt Ille up:(11111n3 -c.iwa Rcwrnan& the Catd n AttJ) Roben.\ I ·!'I puuuJ1i., ,r d1m."-lunt tlillC ch.&11i.pi°" rtnn1 ~ruL11nr R)t' S1u11e • .a NJC-\A rwintr upl.i,t)"l'l!l, i1ba,.:kia1 IS., ft,c,,tm""C ,,1 ""1c.1lkh Curth o~t,i, t,ow w.1t1 Artroo.1 Stat...· U111,<'NI)', Sh.1un WIiiiam,. reJ ,..t,um1g fot the Cnrdlnal.., °"hlle munint lnr 1ht Sauth Alnt·an 2()00 Ol)rupU lC'am and Jercm)' W)'tt'4. with ~,1.11:bcrn llieCl'll, ka\'r.ti 111.&B)' i...1'1'1 hi( tle")l.' r«ru1h to till the' line,. up. t.;,cy rnrurts d111 )<,n 111 tnd~d,· ,.,,uc , llamr1un wrcdlcn '°•nh.ul DtJ..con C12,, lmtn S.ltl Lale ("II), R•v1I Mu\huull!Jln 0 11. Ddlin)ham. w.,ti, C'ory lkctm1,1in 11-''H Se'ilo' U111mp1on, loV1-·11, ff.1,·h I 1ermo,m1 Clb~I Honner• l·cn)' , 8hJil Aldcn11.,n 11841 ~pokllJIC', Mike "If I would prrdlrt u, 1 1 pl.-:CI in 1hc 11.,tton i&IIJ 1,1,c'II ',,:(I hn..., hard v.~ ~·(I'll. anJ wo,l. (l,IJf W.1)' 10 1bc top.• hc.i.J Pat Whitcomb uld. Cllfl\lOS IMO h,, lhlnl )Ca! lcad1nJ1 rl)c ('.lllm, •·Coacho J.on'1 hkc to prcdtct n)1hln1
prepares for South
IC':un ~• Ill•~• l\\'O tui'le All-African du1m 1l1vn 1u)d l.t.'\Cf\·tlmc 'i:oulh Afnc.11n i;;hampibn. fr.11'1\(C'rtini from P,M"HiC l.111her.:in Univ<ri.Hy h Nkl. Bh " •t I.S7 aod fro11'I St;,u1h St~tc. N• P11.\C'O C17.SJ, 1,ri1ln,1lly rton1 RathdrumCwdlnal Y•rt)fltl"\ lf"C et1minlt' afl c,.r 11 aA.llo.)l:lat tc,Ult ch11mpu.10 hJj.h i.ind r1n1 plat,na OlltoC 1he rc,p 1hr«~fl'IIX IIJl'II ·ff I "'oold fl('Cdil.'1 nrh1 now. I \li'Wld rui l)'m• 41ft ,If ft'A nl l~ .ill,'.IIYIUC\ lht Ca1Jjn1b 1irc dotnJ 10 Pf'(p.lrt" 1hemliil'h O lot Ubth<"t If)' •' the Nu J ,put In tht rq,i:wi~mll'lli..lJOfl wtt,dcn. begin chclr ~.uuo iu borne 11~in,1 the- Oumab) Wrc.~111n, (" lut1 1'1 2. Treo1u1e Volley's John Camp Nlely dives b6d< lo fir.I baao Un®t lhe lag ol NIC lretl1man Jell Byrd'.'i6%= d'Alene. NlC's !all baaeball sehttdule runs through Oct. 16
Card team for spring season

Free Fallin' at the Gorge

Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers make a stop at the Gorge during "Echo" Tour

b) lbrmofl)' Ta)ior Stttlln(IRt('(Vfcr

At1 C\ll~tcd 20..01.10 pc,oplc g.uhercd t the r\mphithelltn In Wash,. to watch Tom Pdty and lhc Heart~ i,n:rnrm oo Stpc ,. <korse w;u. J.41\1 CW1C of 1hc nw t coneen;. "'~loJ t>n theu'


A Jr(IUp from Al.abmw. op:"DCd lbt OlfflC1.'tt and pU)'Cd, j,."OSp:1 mthtt The opco,n, bad. pttformcd lor m1~es btforc Pett)' and htt g.,n, came 0Clc40 the \Cll;&e, A wtdt \'ariee,t ul d,rrm:m typn c,( people- umc tu ICC Wt' c:o.,c,:n, all thrown togethc, oa d,c '11-"i)' h11l 1h111 (ICNI 1hc

1hc huge lt>dictKc, and they all had one thing m C'OlflffiOQ - they amc 10 a ltgcnd prrform to bb. tulle,;;~ and Tom Pest)' A1'IJ dx' Ht:.nbN:llt:f"I ·oold nail kt

1hcir fon.)doYr'11

OI\C or ,be fiNI ~""' pcrfOO'l>cd by Ptll)' Ilic fllrlOUl Ruomn'

Oown II Dream -Ttl,t; madc I.he crowd grow wild w,lh cffllCmcnL He finally lnuoduccd hhtuc:lf Ind bli ~nd aru:t d,c firM rl) wtJ~ Afia

~~:~!o· 1l,c)' p1.1)·~ ··Swinain' a jOftg fraffl their Mw albQm

To'4.vd the middle; (,(cbe,<:OCICl::11, gwmrut M•k.c Cumpcll Willi

"'Hello S\1g.v Doll -..htk Pc,t_y pla)'Cd bd suaw. The 1,oup pha)a:i

Married to a Stranger

'Tile Aatronaur, WIie' II CIUIY tllrlller y JosbS1uc1o, SNllmd Rl/>tlrlN

W,W CWJd hl\ 'C bcc.n t ccntble bom>r Rid, Cumcd OUl IU be UM of chc nMHt cruh,e a!W intri1u1nc n'O,,.lc!lt of 1he .wnmct. '1'hc A"'cronw.d-. w,te·· (***' wa., .o)' but noc lluey.dlrillln.a,..a.odM~ Youoc-,-unov,.bowltua:om,wtad hllttdon The 'lOI')' soc:, like 1hl\: NASA lo\t ClOl\1..-ct w,lh t¥•0

IReview ;=~t~;:~;;1~';'oh~~

iJfUW-,"' btwllld Susorhmlh J rewrut w Ean.l) and re..:rl',,tn Jlut rinr The 01bcr u 1ronu1 male• " bl!Ck "' c,rl11cel condition but rt('(),crm. Afta both or then, are ah·ot a dC1111 bill of hu1h, they art k> bomit ro 1here f•m•l)'

Thins, Ko-m 10 be' goina Ju,t r,M uo.Ul the other ult'otllut bu ,1 bun a 1udt and cUe! Durlna 1bc funimJ tht

v.'ifc or lhc. deacl u:110n1W1 i" tound dcM **** Top ~oech t.n1heb,lh11,1b.A~1 lyh.a,1nJ,bUed *** Wonhd,eS hffi<lr 1'1' Video Spc,:ial

Slowly the ,r,ory dc:\'t"lopc as Spt:tK"tt * ·StKw;airb' and h1, wife: Cbarlfce ThcrO"fl 1"1lc

Oo,·i.l', Ad,«.ace'1 mo,·e to New Yott

Cuy we~ Sp:DCC:r takcl • Job ,a • radc1 cnglnircutiJ conip,Uly a..nd qudly bec'omcl • hl&h qnkln.i Cl«UU,·e. He v.'U dc,'Clopuq: pl11A• to bulJJ .11~ lhatcan ~ai ,J,naJ ~~n&ll cl«tmn.k::\orMtbc say\. Spt11te.r·, w,lWdc c~ •lonJ Yt'lth lhc fflO\'C.

Juhl&JI bc\.-omts pregnant with Sprnttt 1 tw,ns and t.t,: n, 10 re-AlbA! 1.hllc t0mcthin1 ~c happened dUMI 1hc 1v.v mamrtc, Ill.Ii

NASA IO,t CODI.ICC with her hUJb.lnd. "JbiJ ti.10£$ 1a 10 the dunKtic c:Dd1n1-

~~=~·= ~J:~~,~~::=1=~:1 !

little too ,low movin& and the \\'OIXW'.I thl, rla)uJ 1bc \l,Aj not a ,uy good actf'C!j.i. Tht cn1R)J.$i1t1 1.t0ry line 111d good actinJ c:omt t0at,:th¢t•ellrnr.tcl,u.iy1hnllct

Senor Fro22Y

ffllft w,ci•, ,,,,m lhtit IW"- , •·S.,..111.g:in·.• •fm:-

hick ID lhc Clloll'lpgrollllJ "l',-c .a:n Ptity m C:Uf'h.".:n bdure, bu4 tJ11 \\1$ ha, be-,1 he.·) dnae, ont n'"1ttJa-.:cn-J.'(Kr u~

IInstant Movies

ChlJlt-·lk'ICH' *** C"uba Cinollln1 Jr. artJ SLtet tlln..:h ,n lhu hi1h ,pecJ, ~pe...1.t clT«t O\I.Wk. Al\c:r bdng thnnu, mro .i lllllJnr pwctnncna mlUtllfl opcr.ticm. the 1wo fanJ 1he,rhelve, u lo1hht, .110111 wi1h • commandt-r tl>ttcr Anh1 t!lcy J«idt to ww 1ht \fl·orl11 r·ull 1 ,pc,.:i•I cUcch am.I &.lb kt'"fK"1.. d1l1 lrlO\IIC i, \\'\11\httt,n,.

Tb( 1.llh \\&m(lf

Cn,v.c,.. old Rolling 54,..., and Soo V9h. ~blch •-en: rMJOr lnnucn.."n for the IOf.lnd 1bc b;aad wanl<!d 10 crc-.. The anic:k wld l.lw lhe t~h (If Jone

iiIReview howl ot •wd>ins. «111npos.1iaa ud p,11CUCin1 "'•• \·C'r)' hont~t. hunJch l'C'tOitJ -«0rd1.11a to a ~nd mtmbc.r W11h Wlng> ,.,c Alwa,-, Lo,ed You," '"Can't Take The P11ln and '"NcYcf Bow Oowft,- c.\'en ~ic1 t;irtht band watt 10 ~tie 1.hcir umt. Tbitd 04y it. a band 1h11 ru1;h« JCK die heart nnil •oul.

M•c Powtll. the band', Iced

=f:·~.:.:1~;h~,h~~~~~t • 4'lt

main ObJC'CU\C' ll 10 affc~l peopte·, lin, am.I thdr tcli1tkw11h,p Wtt.h Qod, ICC'QrdinJ tolbe aroc:te. The: ,nn11 tbcy ,ing c:~rr)' a t.m>ns or hope.

lk.~C Ind '°'"t dlrou&h lh(b God Ahhough I.he band i, known •~ a Chn~11an ,rour, dt~ir 1iOftP anU \t)kl •lmilu w ~wnd CWfflll popular bud) A billboiHd rcv,rw ••id Th,rd Oa)' thoold not onl)' be t-;1.,bliwJ .1.., 1)1'1C ol thc bimJt of the 90< bu1 • ooc of che t,e.r rock band, period • lbw 0.y tw IW() pcevtouS ia.Qi.1ms.. ''Coc, Tbcort No,. anJ 1etr-utJoJ "ThnJ O.y."' 8om ~<" )·uu to la,,<" life 10 1he follc.,.1 Third 0.1y ;, • line band •nd a pnmc uomplC' or •·by Clt1n1l a.n nhJ,ac i1 1nctt.i.,insJ)' drn• lns • youn, nJtenuu,·e rock

Quick Hit s ___

Only the name bas changed

The ~ffte tllap m &t,-..-cU Hall ti., been •n important ,1op 111 Q\IIJi) Uodcnb 1hroopo!,11 the )'C#I-, Now. "-ilh a ntw t'ilffle.. chc '*"'dl 8,,.,ro i, te11nnu\l ''' llnt '(ffi¢:, un c:u.mpi, The cofftt !,hop •a.~ oooe e.llcd I.he EJuc;11CJ C.up. The f.ducatod Cup n!IOYCd JDIO ,c., DC'W kic.atfln m die Edmlostcr Srudct» Uninn when tbc bulldlnJt c,:liebrt&.cd lls 0pcnin1 ii\ Arlnl o( 1999.

11le Uo,\111:II Bt\11'0 II loclllCd un &he ,.crond floor ol Bo\.-cll Hau Tbc: lk\,wcll tl&Aro offcn. t».ked goocb, tunctwkhc,. "Iliad,. i00p, land• •iJic vanctyof cl)(f'ct. C\Cft"~ moc,ha, ud lbun. MIit)' Ctic:c,'ffi 1rlil Mym.a Nott**" o,,trati" 1ht 8i~ro. v,,bich 1, Ofk.ll (rum 6~.w Utt. to l:JO p...m. Wttldt)r. ~'"'"-tC'.n C0,0)' f'inl11hlo111 p,n:Jwc •iJh lhcir favome quoit: f\lwt)·s happy lt'.I ~cyouwithavnile."'

Book club begins meeting

The fml Nonh Ida.ho College Book Club mce1ln1 wai, Wtdne\du.,>, 5tp1 22. 1a 8'1,.,..--cll Hall. room 2.20. Boob under d.iWUJ,iOrl ""ill dQico by "'Opnab'a'' BclOk of the' Mocilh Club."' 1hc fin& +tCl«ltd book wllt be "' \1endrl or a Gc:IUII" by Artbw Golden All booh mi,'I be reod bdorc: lhc ducus.~ion

The oc..,1 m«UOJ wlll b,o bdd 41 noon on the third W~)' of Oaobcr, 1nd b~i\t for 1ht mon,hc of No,e.mbcr and Dc«:mbC'r Tbc club w,,JII chanJc )CJ~uled mee.11n,1 to the third bcJIMint: •rtfrtl \C:t1K1Ccr 1'hcrc. wdl he mott dtmll bier in the )Clf All ,t,lUdel:'ILt an.! f«ull)' trf \\d,.'QfflC to )om 1( )'OIi would lile .tdutooaJ 1nforma1Jun COOlacl Annie Mc.Kinb1y ti 169-342'.

Play reading club for the spian s

A new p)~)' rcad.UI& club w1U be bold monlhl)' lat B-41fle1 •nd Nutlk. at the Spobnt Valley M11.II Tbc hl,1 111CcCmg v..u Al 7:'30 p.m. WNllC'ld.l)-.Stpl 22 htb will be chosen and tt.-l in •4: in:tc =~on: CON.Cl Michael 8o•-c11 in the EncJ11.b Ocp.v1mcn111

IComing Attractions

• Thn,uttJ> l><pt. 24 Palnun~"' ~11.l»bh b) Purid, 1amm,a. 8()\wcll Comer 011lkl} tOatll --4 p.m. wctkd.ay,

a 2.;.24 NIC Theater Oep,uuncn1 p,c.~au."'l.Auth•n., Wtld" Todd l..«IUfC H.iJI 7:30 p rt, ft1~) S~tunhy. S1,1n".ty 2 p.m Fttt

• S<pc. 25 ,,n fan11n1 ol o~~ic:al Ou11ar," St Thoma, Ollbc,ltc ('ltun:h., 7·10p m. S0.1urJ.ay. fra, ao«.6 NIC Sym~ny Orc:hc:,ua

• foairic;, ;iAIJ Ooblfo.,; An Amumn Nr"l("1tmi,1I.·· Sthukf Audlttltium. 1:l() p.m.

S1outdi1y. AJulh S7. acmor chw:n.• $5 and 1tudtn1, $3

a Ott. 28,JO, No, • .._, NIC tk11.1c, Oero1tunc"1 pt('1'C'RI\ "()cJjpul IC Colon111.," Si:.hukr Aud11M1um. 7;30 pm. Adult, $S, •cniot

c1111a1s $3 ind ,11:1dcn1, $1

8 S'ov.12

NI(' 8.u>d pmcnli "O:w.:ring

o(lhe 81mb 0on WcJ,t," Stbulcr A001torium 7_J0p m Ftid4.) Free CODIXft. 769•


• Nov, tJ

Ju~ Co. and NIC Jo.t..t EnM!mhlc. Schu l er AuJi1(11f111m 7:lO p.m. Free cooecn. 7697151).

, s NlC S,>mphoay Ord1C11tr111lld

Chorll..11:.nw::nlblc, pm,c:nJ

'"Sou.ndi <>f C'hr'n&mu from Anxtnd 1bc World."' Sthukr

Auditorium 7:JQ p.rn 111WSund:aylp1n Mull,$7, R"nK>r C:ih~n S,S 1tid ,,u«ntl SJ 76~-7711ll

a o.c.11,12

NIC' S)m1,hon) On::hc~tra prt'',t"Db -u11.11ikt Mt'\stAh

Set,ul.c:r AudltN'lum 7;10 pm

S..tu,d•)' and 2 p.m Su!Wly Ad.uh,.S7, 11c.n1Clfc:-iu~n, S$ andu\Xk.nbS3. 769.nso

Page8 The NIC SenUnel Arts and Entertainment
IReview ::2.:nt;:•~:~ :'::~(~~c=r~h:':=•:;
in fresh, delicious Mexican food
day, every day r--------------------, ! 10 % off : I I I for NIC Students l l & Faculty with college l.D. ! : I f 1:11~ · L---------------M,,.",...""'•·j 71h and Sherman Down1own Coeur d'Alene 765-8522
Tacos All
Olrl Nc,w" ....t "'ft.oom a11hc rQP. Sdmc of tht lad couple 'MJll\p perfonncJ were •ft« F,lho ILlld "Giana. Tbc fiAII via, f)CrformtJ \\Jtc; "Atneucan Girt." Thr clJUn: m.w.d nikd ;1h bil ,m11e-, oo lhctr tkci:t 1n the)' 1a111 An.erkan out• and y,,ill;td
0~ M~ ~=JO.~~ a..,--....c-.,.......,. ,_....,n,a..__ ..... ...... _ ......"'_..__ ,\Altllll-• , •• "" ..... ....,.. =·-·· -···
** In 1h.r IJA1.hllur1 ,,I "'"muh R,1mb11.· Toucb1,,wi,c ~1~, maJc. 4 tJI0\1( 1b111cc11 v.1rrit1n 'fli·ho b111tle cwo1.·ll\,e- cruuue, from ht:11. Thi, ittll\'ic _,._. ln1udc'd fcir dfUDLtn lC'\(O\(C' rOII(' ruted m;adm men roo b,.J A1uoo1n 811ndcr.- ~1Jd11'1 1um Imo 7J:rnu 11t11.l U\C the mD\olC II rl'la Delt•, ..,.in-.t 1..._ '"'••• r i,,1•,kl1t' 11&.TIN.I.L ........ :...:......-:~- AMlll(AI. HV!• " ...........,........_ ---~ , ,r., ., ....,.,,. ___ ,.,_....., .....,,..._._ __ ........... ,,.,._... .,....._., ....._.........__ "-·---~ to,...................... -,--0.-.------~.... __ __,_. __ ...,. ~-____ ,...., -.--_ Thursday, Sap1. 23, 1999
Day delivers a timeless message CIIPlllla 1111111 BIN IIIY IWllll 1111N .. by S1ac7 S1lmKk ,W111m1/ R~('Mf,r Thud OK), u fhc•ll'lffllbcr bwl Crom \land&&. in 1hc: ,poUlgtM ...,.,lh 1t.acir1bird :dbum ""Time The llibum 1, a C01.nbiru111Qft rtfrucL. rock.Ahilll )"Md.ppcl nAAic. A«anli"Ji co 1 •rticlc 1n the Sep! 1999 •~ of ''Co1ncmpca,.-y C't,rl\lllin M~,l(." m11i11.1i:~. NA\.b'ftUe'• prod~et Mt,nroe Jone, "'" qn lhcJPb for the' ll.lbuu'I. To hcia undc:r,&and Third Oa)'. JOclcJ , rudicJ lhc.r ptic".OU' .albums along w1lb &n)Upt like 81.w:I.

Budget: No1 a simple proce,s Continu ed hom Page 2

Tbc :aJmmi"tnJuon trll!C!l' \lo1l'h C!.11'11!)0) grwp,t 10 il«kk wh:u 1$ 1,1 a.rnowtl fo, tu1~" Qrc u td hC°

1tunl:, tmp1oyce) ""Cft J1vcn ra1r ~11.c., 1hh )t.1f IJtld lbc IIC)()l lu, flill 1r,1Ncrm.l funds., lil.c lh~, The hud~c 1,. o i~·month ~. Rc~ni,lnc ln J;in1.1111)·. 1hc cl,)Ut: V,C ha, 10 r,cJ11:t th(' amo1.1n1 or revenue for l hc yc:a.r, 1hc amount or upcnr.C) (pc.n.OnMI, inti ni111ntcnancc 1md e>ptraiiclfl"J and

GAS: Suspect not yet charged COrttfnued from page 2 The c!Ulfegt." R'JilUl.''l.ted foJI P"MrUl foft (or off~. The Ubpcct tu.,"°' )ct be-en d1;argc:d wilh lbr crime and die c:,.,,e h Ctllfflltl)' IIM('r coo~•r:u ,Ol'I ai, !ht''') auc,rnc:)"i orn« SuK.'IC thdL d 1~ C'OIIC!t'C ,:n~ pums- lltt J),ICil()c~d and more 1>lnctl)' ~)flifl'rtd and 1hr only key holde'N are tbt U'lllt\l)CIMliOn t>upet\' .wc' and lti'I


Lamb: Few changes i n store

~ntlnUld lrom page 3

Tbc di\'irn.'ln tut\ oho h.1, had ll'l <hnrc of Jifflcu h)'. A t? pttce1111m" 1h ill cnmlln~ll t hu contribu1ed io ,chcduHnJ, s laffina.

budt:et 1na:, 11.11d OO()k.•t.lott ,elated p,oblcnu.

Some n,c11,, on\ were adJcd rC11hc d,vi,,on, 1hu 5tmt\lcr i nc ludinl,' on Amcrk• n Indian

,tud)' COUhe"

l..llmb (orek"d few tbangei rl.lf tbe Social


c:luc:e 01\h lo 11 \1orc c ulluMll d l vehh)'

couuc, ,.., 111 be otfcrcd, , cction , will be

•ddt.d llnd a IMJ: hou,c fM the e1tp41tdn'I I

American lnduin 11udic1 prngr.anu i• phuu,cd

The 1on, hQ1,1,e will be II pltce to lc4ftl 1he h111ory of , he Amcnc:an lnJ1.1n cultutt T he dcpQ/tn>e-nl Is "" orking wilh the arc::bitC'Ct th~, Ju i gncd lht Amcrtc an Indian Hunory MuJCum fo, cbo Smithwoian ,n Wuhln:gtoD

O C (or it', dnign

Lamb OtiJ1 n, lly fl'Qm Northen, CaUfom 1a. bas t.11ut1,hl to,

11.ha pttdicl 11 thtre win ht•'> l'lt* f'""tllon'i

a 1bt

He Uld 1hat mast amp1i. dcpamncnb \*hl..-h illfC' p.1r1 or 1h" m111 n1cn11m;c a.nd opcn.tion" budgdl

~i\'cd I Cl.I in their bot.f;tll Pot' C.'Ul DpJC, the nurnng dq,artmc:111 ~a C\ll 'S,2,'10, I~ l"'1'JC'II on c.11mpu'\. wl 1he- h1Jm11niliQ: dtp.mmcn1 w:a, C'l{I

$?9(), the 111.illCU Cl,rl \)fl Qmp.l!I.

Gee s.akt C\''C'I)' )'tilt' dep~llh pu1 In ff!ql.tN1,

r« r1.1nck. :llld thm: t11n·1 aJwny,. cnoul,h mMCy fo,

C\'Cf)'lh1ns cvcrylxld)' ""MIii The ,choo1 ti , a bodgc:t ltJ liL'I)' wnbln

Registrar: No hurry to hire registrar

~nllnUld lrom page 3

A ,crccnlng com mince .,, Ill rnakt

rc1.-ommud111t.0ru and 1uarrow tbe e.ndhlu1c, co

\.s. The On:.I J«hlon wlll be vp co Llnd\•f

ihc 1.argc-1.c:d uan ingd:a.1c for die ~rc-gi,tr•r h No, I, bu 1 thll "onno1 l\c &uarnn tccd Ll n d111y said "' If I fll\d someone I 1hi1'11( h pc:cfcct for 1hc poslhon. butt~)' e11.n'1 ,U,-t untU No" JS o r something, I'm ao, Sll ltllf ,o !ell them lhc)' can t bu.,e d ie Job. ThU periwn "'ill hopefully be-arou nd for a, lc;hl 10 ;rc~'l" Undl.lly .aid he did noc forc-k~ nn) problem, ht hclna withou t I tcghmit for • lilllc longer due 10 lhc competent au.ff In the office.

Bookstore: Wants another chance

COnUnued from pege 2

'A,; c,f now I think h'1 er11p." sa i d In, cnforccme111 major Chri'"dan Nead, I'I, Po.F_.U, "I 11'1Jnk once ii acu ii will be rcill yn.eac" The incoovta icn« h> uul.lccu, aod inuructou hHl'l I ione 11nno1it: cd b) th~ B00l11ntc emplo)'oc,

a \tllff, 1,a~c. worked more ~ura bouh than any o t her yc r.- Scmmkr u 1d -rhu ab"ltiud.t w1un·l cnouah, .anJ ~e a puto1u e

G PeAware~ess Education Seminar

Come learn how you can prevent Aqu aintance Rape

More rapes occ ur on college campuses than any ot her place

Tuesday, SepL 28 7-8:30p.m.

Edminster Student Union Bu il ding 2nd floor, Lake Cd'A Room

Speake rs:

~- Donna Runge, Counse lor. NIC

,:. Rob Robinson, Attorney

,:. Sgt. Bob Pha rris, Cd'A Police Dept.

,;. Pat Kuku ruza. Vi cti m Witness Admin

Chris Everts, The Women's Cent er

,:, Student-Athletes addressing communicatio n in re lationships

<• Everyone is invited to auend!




Dug &Jon

All 1999 NIC Students

Freshman Senator Elections

September 27, 28, 29

BosweU Hall, SUB, Lee Hall, Hedl und, and in the library lobbies

Outdoor Pursuits 769-7809 1

Lower-Le>el or tho New Stud<nt Union BuiW lng

Three Day Wh i tewater Rafting Expedition Lower Salmon Ri ver Cotton Wood t o Hellers Bar, I dah o October 1..3, 1999 (Friday · Sunday}

Th<!re are few people who have had the Cfll'Oltunlty to lloat on an extended rafting expedition. This trip will be en excellent experiooee for those now to mulli-<lay rahing lloats. Ralt rigging, food preparation equipment needs and raJ1 maneuver>ng are Just a lc-w ol the topics presented during this reinote excursion. No pri or rafting experience necessary!

Cos1: $60 00 Students $75.00 Non-Student Includes three d i nner s , lunches, breakfasts, ratting equlpment, transporta1Jon and three days ol whitewater rafting Instruction.

Make your banking fast and easy with a Bank of America checking account.

Gel e,,O<)'lhlng yoo need ro, managing yow money. Access your accounts when end where- you want -

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Cttt.ur d 1Al11u Oflk~: 7/S R lt-•er Avttnue 666-6707 hrtp:llwww.lcsc.tdu

Page 9 Tho NIC Sem"1ol
Thurlday. Sepe 23. 1999
l2 ) Can. fi"e at NtC -My (ocui, LILmb lij!Jd, "' Ii. 10 m ke ,u,e: 1hat the 1udcnt1 h11, e chc be\f po,s iblc «lut"Jldon '"A\
to ,i1mJy that t.h.e wont Js o,·cr and lbc ~t tJ yet 14> ,on,c We wouhl JU'4 bkc IQ iu.k lht people 10 a.iw u, 1JJ01bc:tch110..:c ro6tJ 11n1h1..'" '"1,••• .,,,_ , ••••• llh ""'" b ff)IIN" l• \ft(i (.,\ 1> ~11i-,n,pnAI ..1n,,1u-. 11w ""' °"' ' , rJ·, 1ii -bl1J·•..,, ....
ud luteo for 1omc,h1n1 spc.cinl
at the blWlkiog ...,te,, onllno, by phono, o,,d ttvoogh our ATMs Open e Baok ol Amence c:lle<klng acx:oont end wol wsiw the monthly service charges ror one year • You'll even gal a coupon for S5 off on your tirlt ordor of chocks Plus , you11 get a Cheek card lhai d<ll,bles as your ATM ca,d and gives you"&Ccesstocwer- 13,000ATM.s nationwide And Wyoo open e 8anl< of Amerb chacloog !l(X)Ol#ll and apply for a Senk of Amenca crechl card, wo~I g,vc you a Hollywood \lidoo coupon ror one free new l'eJeaM> movie ""''... Open fou, e<JditiOnaf services sueh at. a toan, • savings acx.ounl. CfOdll card or oerubcato or deposd by December 31. 2000, Md we'U waivo the ITl()(lthly servlc& charges rot an llddlUon,t yeart Stop by or cell us today. Coet.rd'AJene Banking center. 40 1 FrontAven~ 208 667 :1566 mBank of America you've finally arrived ... As )'VII '"nsld,r lite nat Jllp flt 'JV'" ,Juatthmalj(lunu y, /dole to L EWI S- CLARK STATE COLLEGE Cumpfrtt )'Qur upper-dn1f.tfon h'Ork
a,,d ,, ar,, a de,:ree 111 01't o/1hejollowl11J!. wl1ho111 fom ,fng Co1Jur d 'Alen~ •Buaine11
Pick up your Book Swap checks in Siebert 53

Friends in

Story by S1acy Zeltm--

MQt>I vaeab(llkr' wtio, Kil F'iJI ,i.ay Jn 1t10n lk)tl"h iulJ erijo)' die pc~~M ,~I.and TI)r)>Jonutoottrul; npencn« Fiji The Khnt:er f11mdy dMI Klm&ct, Enilbh ln~nictor, tu, \II 1fo. Mt1n,1. ,'OUW'JUllk:lltioru. in~C1Uf. al'IIJ lhtlf .J.~ lrt\ Holl)', 20,

.,,J Bmi:t',12, wnic In Fiji u, hui.e .i.- \'nluntccn with fbt,u.u: for H1m111n1()'

Tiic Khnsm ,r,o,t t'NIJ "~' '" 1:u1 01u11tttrirl1 ft.II' the 0-k>NI \ 1lbgc Pr1Jl'l,lrtt. whidl ~,n)\·tJn

.allclf'd.l~lc hl~\1111 in 64 di.ffm:1111 l'O&llllrit"! tlu111.1ibout the • ortd Vnluoc«n m1h1 w,,I)' 10 u,R p;1n "' projtnNYl iUIJ if ~pteJ..Uic;· b,l't(' whachc.a.tkd :I "Vtorklni ,~1.111iohi Hi Y.hkh Olrf41rt, roc,dcnd \odiJl:IIJ i, pith.I fo, by I.he ,,~u11tcc1-.1in,J 1,l):mfi...,.l'lt JllftiltJon h made to H.aaltld for Humnltj

Ilic Klin,:rr. p.1n1iC1r11.1..-d Id• wwk:u,_g VIIOllioD jn Bclfil~t. ln:t.111W. It fow )'C'Mll afl) llnd C11!0)00 the M.Jk'tffl~ ''To truly upcncn1."(' :a culltll'(, l bt'hc,·c ttut: ,nc nnl.\,· v.11y to tn,·d," Mona ~id

The KflllJt'n MJ I l J'IIIIC'r \1'hmlttf\. lA ti¥- ',\otl ,:r,'l,p .1rrmed In Fili .ind lra\'C.lcd one .11nd :. h.all hl'IUf' by \l.K un • din road 10 11,c .,,ltngc "'ht:tr 1hel' v.,,ukt he~~ I kit fill' 'Ilic -...>err 30iJIJ 11tld tllE MllT co( ~lnc,, • \Ion W d 'II w• wh..i ,..e fAP:

~'l·~:::1~:~=:::::."l' t:: ~!Z,'~~1 Afd~~.::':~

clN-lrK"ll)'Ofplwnbtng_ l'hc~()(~Ajianpn,p rc~ll)o:u:wc:1~1hc_pll lmft#~IUM\inthevill~.~mgcn

Mocia Titt fo1Jllll'' ;uc • a,Uc'1M: '«"'"'> 111 'o\a,.1lh e vcry1hin¥; u; •ed lhtougbo\11 1hr \ 1llllge, i11c:h.J1ng • ro111111um1y,.l'k1Y..C't fo,::ll1t)'.111,1thuo~. m d 116.1\C llOO ~w n~ Ftji.:tn11 hnve ,rrooa fa:rz1i1,· "1tun M&l .irc \-Cl)" ~ncrou, and hilfd "'od.:mg. Mona '-111d.

T1lt: mc·m~ of the \inll,#C'.1rc Abo,uy ~'"f111,u1hwh~1 lhe)' ba\·c. Monanot.tJthcbri1hLunl.lllllcil v.-bsk o{lhc,,U.icm' chun:h,k,Jhc., \\h1i:.htlff \lo'Mhcdbyt,c,l11£~tcn •1d1 "-'thud met, in 1hrri"Vt:t

"'If yuu di1nk )'OU h;a,·c il bod. ,a hutnc llnd ko, )'our,111." Mon:a ,,.id

0-anng 1hc1r 'lf.4) m I ,11.1hc -.mi. g:rnµp romrktcd fh,,c ooc·room. cm-,1JN lulu~ w,lb f'loon aod ln~1dt-

•·11.II, hou~ v.crt ,1 ~~tufioil'lt 1tnpru•,cn'iC'nt from Die '"el~c fwu-. •hdl hid* •unglc, outskk

Nmhao 11, ~nd mud fl'1CW"- 1'hc llahitl<t for HU1D.inl)' arc '-Qld roc opproxunaccly S?,JOO.

··Whh 1)1..bc:r ,·11¢iu:Joo,. )~1 Lile: 11wiay from lltt ca1.1ntry:· "'Here W<' '4'C'tt able 10 ~l\'t! to the

"'"'"'TY ~nJ lcit\'l' .,.,n1Ctb1111 ,nci,1nmgfol "

ValuahlC',, '4·crc Oltained dutuip ~t,;pcnenC:C', 1U1d mAtl) of tbc \'OlWlkd\ m1unta.1n1111

l'OOl.k1 Wtlh the f'l)l,1,R\ die:)' b\C!J \l,,1~h

;\n C\(nl th.11 occ:umdind,c tm.ald.l)'>oftlx mpnude1~cxpcncnccc,ct1 more vAfllilblr 1ntt,e Klinger,.

Top, Yllllagera wave good-bye as the voJuntetrs def>ilr1 on a bus. A Jetter Mona KJlnger r~lved from a member ot 11\eir host famuy read, "To depart thel day felt like someone d~ In our f1mlly." Above, the ho11 home whoro ltt. Klingen, lived for IWO-'<I wtth a family of seven.

Afll'r Ille hau~ were complete. IJIIC' Klit1i't'n1 \111)'1:J ,ll .i rcvict (oi M",·eni.l do~ bclort 1-ctumin$ hl1,i)C'_ Tht fnrully ntltnJ«i 11,11 i'\.1:nl IN lbt t\'"""1 lhnl ~nttd 'tNdit1oru1I Fijian Jiu,c:ing,:'' The c~'Ctll l11ffle,l 1'1UI 10 t'C Ja1IO:fll 1n M;Klrr. JU111P'Ult~ ric,l't'lnnin~ di..- M.C-"C~ The~ v..:.rc not c,·e.n iutnil.l, to tbt true FlJw ~iot" lh.11 the mc1u~1,r lhc ..-.Mimu,, v.c-n.- h<-inorcJ ""hi• b)- 1hc \IIJ~ \lnn;a 1r,;aid.. A ""°'W&n mil): •·Olt grouP.'t)td. '1 l«l M)IT} fot cht propltltll)ll\llt lbc rc"'1t1 ~u'\C'thc)'lhink tbtf .,.., b«tl 10 fiJ&. , Mo,111 qiJ. "rhc) h11\\'n'1 hcto 10 Fi1i - We h.tYC"

Page 10 The NIC Sen11nel Deslinalions _____Thursday, Sept 23,_ 1~

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