1 minute read

Dug &Jon

All 1999 NIC Students

Freshman Senator Elections

September 27, 28, 29

BosweU Hall, SUB, Lee Hall, Hedl und, and in the library lobbies

Outdoor Pursuits 769-7809 1

Lower-Le>el or tho New Stud<nt Union BuiW lng

Three Day Wh i tewater Rafting Expedition Lower Salmon Ri ver Cotton Wood t o Hellers Bar, I dah o October 1..3, 1999 (Friday · Sunday}

Th<!re are few people who have had the Cfll'Oltunlty to lloat on an extended rafting expedition. This trip will be en excellent experiooee for those now to mulli-<lay rahing lloats. Ralt rigging, food preparation equipment needs and raJ1 maneuver>ng are Just a lc-w ol the topics presented during this reinote excursion. No pri or rafting experience necessary!

Cos1: $60 00 Students $75.00 Non-Student Includes three d i nner s , lunches, breakfasts, ratting equlpment, transporta1Jon and three days ol whitewater rafting Instruction.

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•Com.m.unlcations •Nuning •Social Work •Juot!ce Studies •Ge n e ral Studle s - ln1erdl1c!plinary Qr Explurt 011r muny u11-/Jne cours11s 01.·ailoblt! through ,1,,. Ctnter for ludl\ltdualf:ttd Stmllt1

Cttt.ur d 1Al11u Oflk~: 7/S R lt-•er Avttnue 666-6707 hrtp:llwww.lcsc.tdu

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