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From the Code of Ethics RadiciGroup and Local Communities: a single entity
The identity of RadiciGroup has been profoundly shaped by its local roots.
Our companies are a guarantee of employment , professional development and innovation in the territories.
The Group promotes a wide-ranging health and safety culture that has a positive impact on local communities.
We establish and nurture an ongoing dialogue with local educational institutions to create a positive cross-fertilisation between the world of education and the world of work
As we consider local communities to be one of our most important stakeholders, in 2022 we approached a number of representatives of territories (local authorities, schools, associations) around the world to make them an active part of the review of our materiality matrix.
From RadiciGroup to Local Communities
Production culture with high health and safety standards in all the world.
Promotion of local social sustainability through welfare policies in the various countries.
Development in emerging countries and a solid employment opportunity for the younger generation in mountain areas.
From Local Communities to RadiciGroup
Support and closeness , seen also by their excellent attendance at public events organised by the Group.
A unique and special know how, a vocation that local schools have cultivated.
An inclination for organisational and production flexibility typical of local communities.
Local suppliers , with whom RadiciGroup has established a relationship of trust and loyalty.