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RadiciGroup and the territory 2022
In a logic of active corporate citizenship , Group companies support local communities in different ways, according to the different needs they identify.
“On-site” training
Radici Chemiefaser GmbH (Germany) opens its doors to students from the local textile university for the preparation of their theses and the development of practical knowledge.
Youth competitive sport
Radici Partecipazioni Spa (Italy) supports the RadiciGroup Ski Club, a long-standing association with more than 100 local athletes between the ages of 6 and 18.
Quality public green spaces
Cordonsed Argentina SA (Argentina) works with the municipality for street furniture and supplies materials to municipal gardeners for the maintenance of flowerbeds and public gardens.
Health of employees and their families
Yarnea SRL (Romania), through the Gianni and Luciana Radici Foundation, supports employees and local residents undergoing treatment for serious illnesses.
Sport as a vehicle for growth
RadiciFil SpA (Italy) supports the Gianni Radici Juvenes Sports Academy, whose sports development project goes hand in hand with an innovative educational development project.
Scientific and cultural popularisation
For many years Radici Partecipazioni SpA (Italy) has been a partner of the BergamoScienza Festival, a science popularisation event founded in 2003, which every year involves the city and province of Bergamo with an increasingly international outlook.
Open doors for local schools
Radici Plastics Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V. (Mexico) opens its doors to high school and university students to promote the link between the world of work and the world of education.
Strengthening tourism resources
Logit Sro (Czech Republic) is working with the municipality to restore signage and create parking spaces for responsible tourism.
Discovering green energy
RadiciGroup and Geogreen (Italy), both part of the Radici Family, open the doors of the Campignano hydroelectric power plant in Valle Seriana to host schools and local residents.
Cultural integration and social cohesion
Radici Chimica SpA (Italy), through the Cassiopea association, supports integration school initiatives in the multi-ethnic district of S. Agabio in Novara, where the company is based.
Fighting cancer
Radici Partecipazioni SpA (Italy) supports the Oncological Association of Bergamo (A.O.B.), which works to facilitate the treatment and quality of life of cancer patients and their families.