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Flowers and plants from our world
Common Daisy ITALY
The Common Daisy, synonymous with purity and whiteness, is a flower that grows wild in many parts of Italy.
Prickly pear MEXICO
For a long time, the prickly pear was a symbol of Aztec tradition: the importance of this plant and fruit to Mexicans is such that it has become a symbol of the country.
Asian Lotus Flower INDIA
The Lotus Flower is an aquatic plant native to Asia. Considered a sacred flower, it represents the integrity of the body and the spiritual elevation of the virtuous person.
Laelia purpurata BRAZIL
Many orchids are native to Brazil, perhaps Laelia purpurata in all its forms being the most representative. In the language of flowers it is often used as a message of love.
Edelweiss, known as the Queen of the Alps, is a perennial plant that grows on sunny limestone soils. A symbol of resilience and eternal youth, this flower has antioxidant properties developed through its adaptation to the Alpine environment.
Cornflower GERMANY
Cornflower grows mainly in fields but can also be found in meadows and by the roadside. In the language of flowers, it is a symbol of lightness and sweetness.
Peach blossom CHINA
Peach blossoms represent abundance, long life and are a symbol of feminine beauty. During the Chinese New Year, it is traditional for those looking for love to buy a peach tree to keep at home.
Peony Romania
It blooms only three months of the year, producing flowers with numerous petals, symbolising prosperity, good luck and love. In general, the Peony is a flower admired for its beauty and its variety of colours.
Erythrina crista-galli ARGENTINA
This small tree is native to South America and its flower is the national emblem of Argentina. Legend has it that it represents the indomitable soul of a race that refuses to die.
White lily FRANCE
In general, the White Lily is a symbol of purity, innocence, candour, but also pride. The flower has a tall stem that stands straight, and this characteristic makes it a symbol of pride and nobility.