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Case Study Logit and the territory a winning combination.

There are numerous initiatives that Logit organises each year in cooperation with its community and the city of Podbořany in the Czech Republic. Special attention is given to the world of education. In 2022, Logit agreed to allow a local agricultural college to use land owned by the company. The students were able to learn how to use the machines for ploughing, sowing and harvesting, literally in the field. This initiative is part of an agreement signed by Logit in 2006 to enable young people to gain practical experience in the world of work

The development of the territory is another priority for Logit.

In 2022, the company granted permission for a municipal cycle track to run on its land, linking Podbořany with Buškovice, the nearest village. The aim is to promote green and slow mobility, to travel without producing emissions and with respect for nature. In addition, the company has been actively involved in the development of the Podbořany micro-region for several years together with the “Ústecká Komunitní Nadace” foundation. As part of this partnership, it financially supported six projects, including the installation of a covered lay-by and signage to boost tourism in the area around Podbořany. aim is the local cultural heritage.

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