Ocean Pollution Submitted by Poppy Flynn Written by
Logan Age 13 Each year tons of trash and other pollutants enter the Ocean. Where does this pollution come from? Where does it go? Some of the debris ends up on our beaches, washed in with the waves. Some debris sinks, some is eaten by marine animals that mistake it for food. Plastic pollution is becoming the biggest threat to the oceans. By 2025 there is estimated to be one ton of plastic for every three tons of fish. Plastic already makes up 80% of marine debris.
1970s have not yet fulfilled their goals and purposes. The Clean Water act has yet to prohibit discharges and produce clean water because it allows pollution under permitting systems. Plastic waste is littering our oceans and threatening the lives of many of marine animals. Dolphins, whales, seals, fish, birds of the sea and many other ocean animals are dying because of the plastic in the waters. They don’t just get tangled in it or mistake it for food. Studies have
The inability of environmental law to address growing threat of plastic pollution shows the need for shift in attitude. The environmental laws of the
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