Universidad Mariano Galvéz Facultad de Humanidades Escuela de Idiomas Profesorado de Enseñanza Media en Inglés Desarrollo Humano Licda. Wendy Velasquez
Portafolio 2016
Mónica Reyes Castillo Carnet 50761513864
Introduction This is a complete presentation of all the works, made up during a semestre in my class of “Desarrollo Humano”, in which I had to included all the homeworks. The portfolio is showing a complete journey from the different chapters of the book “Why Some Positive Thinkers Get Powerful Results” that I read, summarize and analyze. Also, it represented a complete analysis of each single lesson, using different kind of reading strategies, such as reading comprehension questions, glossaries, and a simple example of how I applied the content in my daily routines as an English teacher.
Autobiografía Mi nombre es Mónica Concepción Reyes Castillo, nací en la bella ciudad de Guatemala un treinta de Junio de 1972, en la maternidad del IGSS de la zona 9 a las 23: 50 pm.Soy la mayor de tres hermanos, soy hija de David Eugenio Reyes y de María Antonieta Alejandra Castillo. Mis hermanos son David Alejandro Reyes Castillo ingeniero civil y Sergio Benjamín Reyes Castillo ingeniero ambiental con dos maestrías en el extranjero, quien actualmente vive en Paris Francia. Mis primeros años de estudio los realice en el colegio católico Monte Carmelo, ubicado en la zona 7 capitalina, iniciando mi pre-primaria y primaria como una alumna aplicada y dedicada. Los estudios básicos los ralize en el Liceo La Juventud, y los estudios superiores en el colegio Santa Infancia donde obtuve el titulo de Magisterio pre-primaria en 1991. Mis estudios universitarios los inicien en la Universidad del Valle de Guatemala en la carrera de tecnico en problemas del aprendizaje (tercer año) paralelo a la carrera estudie Inglés en el CIAV. En el 2010 inicie cursos de Frances en CALUSAC (nivel seis aprobado), y actualmente estudio la profesionalización en
Inglés en la Universidad Mariano Galvez (ultimo año). Los primeros años de mi infancia transcurrieron en un ambiente normal y familiar, el cual se vio afectado un 3 de junio de 1977 con la muerte de mi señor padre; fue un golpe duro para la familia, pero que nos hizo más fuertes y que forzo a mi mamá a salir en busca de trabajo y luchar por sus hijos. Esto nos hizo ser autosuficientes e independientes al tener que hacernos cargo de muchas obligaciones en el hogar desde muy jovenes. Pero a pesar de quedar sin un padre tuvimos grandes padrinos que nos brindaron cariño, apoyo y alegrias hasta el día de hoy, y que continuan brindandome su ayuda incondicional en todo aspecto de mi vida. Cada momento vivido en el ámbito laboral, académico y personal han marcado de una forma positiva mi vida y han formado parte di mi personalidad como persona, docente y estudiante; luchando siempre por ser mejor y dar siempre el 100% en todo lo que me propongo. La actividad que más satisfaciones me ha dado es el magisterio. Durante estos 25 años como docente he aprendido de muchas personas, colegas, y de mis propios alumnos a los que he tenido la gran oportunidad de ver crecer y desempeñarse en el ambito profesional y
académico. Cada día como docente ha sido una maravillosa aventura, que me sigue encantando con forme pasan los años, y que me han marcado de una forma positiva al punto de seguir estudiando y preparandome para ser un buen ejemplo para futuras generaciones de educandos a los que tenga la oportunidad de guiar. El redactar mi autobiografía me ha permitido reflexionar de lo vivido, aprendido y de lo que aún me falta por aprender y crecer como persona, y profesional. No podria decir que este proceso de autoaprendizaje haya terminado, porque el ser humano nunca termina de aprender; pero si puedo decir que algunos malos habitos los he podido dejar atrás y otros sigo trabajando en ellos y se que con mayor constancia los lograre cambiar en algo positivo.
Esta autobiografía fue un bello recordatorio de momentos y personas muy especiales en mi vida y que me acompañaran siempre hasta el final de la misma.
Misión y Visión Introduccíon En el presente trabajo hago una pequeña descripción de mi misión y visión como persona, docente, y profesional; a traves de un analisis de mis valores, metas y proyectos a corto, mediano y largo plazo, los cuales unidos dan una pincelada de mis objetivos y propositos a alcanzar en un futuro. Visión Utilizar todos mis talentos y abilidades aprendidas como docente del idioma Inglés, en los distintos ámbitos en los que me desembuelvo; a traves del ejemplo como persona responsable, dedicada, y comprometida con su enseñanza. Comprometida en formar integralmente a mis educandos.
Misión Llegar a desempeñarme eficazmente en el uso del idioma Inglés a traves de una enseñanza efectiva, y dinámica de las distintas actividades lúdicas y asertivas que lleven al estudiante al dominio de una segunda lengua, logrando comunicarse efectivamente en su ambito social.
Reading Comprehension Student name: Monica Concepción Reyes Castillo Date: August 6th. Chapter number: 1 Chapter title: I’ve got it made Directions for each chapter How to read “Why the positive thinkers get powerful results” book 1. Underline the main concepts 2. Identify the main ideas 3. Identify the main topic 4. Underline the unknown words 5. Do an analysis for each chapter 6. Choose three proverbs from the wisdom book How to do the analysis of each chapter 1. Title of the chapter 2. Main ideas (rules, techniques, secrets, formulas, assets, thoughts) 3. Secondary ideas and details 4. Conclusion a. message you learned from the reading 5. Glossary 6. Proverbs I’ve got it made Main idea: The principal idea is that you never stop; you should have to move forward and reach new goals, and maintain your enthusiasm in every time. The author presents some thoughts as: 1) having achieved one goal, you have set another and repeat the old tried and tried success pattern. They come up with fresh achievements. 2) Happiness at last comes to those who never lose the excitement of going after new goals, who forever want to achieve something better. 3) Tell yourself that the splendid things you have accomplished are just indications of what you can do. 4) Believe, and never doubt that your future lies entrancingly out there ahead of you. Formula: One technique that the author suggests is to write a goal on a card and keep it in your pocket over your heart. Secondary details: If you have old dreams move onto fresh dreams, for bigger challenges, and try more exciting objectives. No matter where you born if you feel motivated and focus on your goals you can reach them. Exercise 1. Write down the nine rules to be effective and how you practice each one of them Rules: 1) Think about where you want to get in life. This is related with my goals, more specific my degree as an English teacher. 2) Come to a firm decision about your basic objective. Always focus on my projects and keep it on mind. 3) Formulate and write your goal in a sharp, clear statement, and eliminate all fuzziness of
thought. Since the last year I keep my goal, and I still working on it now. 4) Study and learn all that you can about your goal and how to get there. Yes, actually I am practicing my English skills on line, with a program that help me to be preparing for a TOEFL. 5) Fix a time for achieving your goal. I try to adapt my schedule with my courses from the university. 6) Pray about your decision to be sure that it is right. If it is not right, it is wrong, and nothing wrong turns out right. Every single night I pray and ask for good advises, most of the time these are related with my job, and family. 7) Give your goal complete and unremitting effort, and never give up trying. That is my principle purpose, work on it and never quit, because I don’t have time to waist. 8) Apply positive thinking. Yes, I always repeat to myself “you can do it”. 9) Never assume you have it made. One goal attained leads to another and on and on. I have to keep my goals on mind and when I complete one I start to look for another one. Questions 1. What is the negative aspect and which the positive aspect of say "I already have it all”. The negative aspect will be that people stop to think about another and stay in the same situation or place because they feel comfortable or unmotivated. 2. Explain the technique of the card in your pocket. What goal would you like to write on it. It means that if you put near your heart you start to love it and want to reach that goal as soon as possible. I would like to put “build my own family soon” 3. Explain the importance to know clearly where you are going and why you should set a time to achieve what you want. If you have a clear vision of what really you want, you can reach that goal soon, because you keep it on your mind and work for it. 4. Explain how you can apply to your life, according to Norman Vincent Peale one of the 4 basic factors that give happily results. He mentioned to keep close friends who constantly were pushing you, and in my case I have the same. My mother is the person who encourages me all the time and pushes me to be better. It is for this reason that I ‘m searching new opportunities to be better, by doing the job that became in my passion. 5. How do you see yourself "as if" had already reached the goal that was proposed and what statements of positive thinking motivates you to achieve them? I felt a big satisfaction with myself, because I reached my dream. The positive thinking that motivates me to achieve this goal is: I image this New Year as my best year.
Conclusion This chapter bring me a lot of positive thinking and strategies, that I can use to keep my goal in my mind and reach them as soon as I can change some bad habits and start to apply the corrects thought, believing on myself and supported by my family or friends that are constantly motivated me to reach my goals.” Trust in God.” Glossary 1. Jackpot: prizes rewards and medals. 2. Dimmed: not giving or having much light. 3. Latch: A device for keeping a doctor or gate closed, consisting of a metal bar that fit into a whole bar that fits into a hole and is little by pushing down on another bar. 4. Zestful: Full of energy and enthusiasm. 5. Stuttered: to speak or say something, especially the first part of a word, difficulty. 6. Beaut: something that, or someone who, is very good or noticeable. 7. Halting: Stopping often while you are saying or doing something, especially because you are nervous. 8. Bulge: to stick out in a round shape. 9. Toss: to throw something easily. 10. Ruthless: Not thinking or worrying about any pain caused to others. Proverbs
Commit your work to the Lord, and then it will succeed. 16.3 A wise man´s words express deep streams of thought. 18.4 Sometimes mere words are not enough- discipline is needed. For the words may not be heeded. 29.19
Student name: Mónica Reyes Castillo Date:August 20th. 2016 Chapter number: II Chapter title: Belief Power Gets Powerful Results Directions for each chapter How to read “Why the positive thinkers get powerful results” book 1. Underline the main concepts 2. Identify the main ideas 3. Identify the main topic 4. Underline the unknown words 5. Do an analysis for each chapter 6. Choose three proverbs from the wisdom book How to do the analysis of each chapter 3) Title of the chapter 4) Main ideas (rules, techniques, secrets, formulas, assets, thoughts) 5) Secondary ideas and details 6) Conclusion 1. message you learned from the reading 7) Glossary 8) Proverbs Belief Power Gets Powerful Results This chapter describes the negative thoughts of failure, holding the wrong idea that we are actually incapable to do something, and how we can change those ideas with positive thoughts such as develop the ability to believe in ourselves, and became in believers. Main idea: Belief in God, in life in the future, in our couple, in our kids, our jobs, contry and in most important in belief in ourselves. Belive in these things can guarantee our success in any aspect of our life. Another name for belief is positive thinking, it is a fact that some positive thinkers get positive results. Secondary ideas and details: Believers are a terrific breed of men and women, who nothing daunts or afraid them. They become persons of power, they are doers, achievers, winners who use the magic wordbelief in their vocabulary. The person of belief never goes crawling through life on his hands and knees, instead such a person looks adversity straight on and then affirms “As a child of the good God, Iam greater than anything that can happen to me”. Conclusion Everything is possible if we work on it and keep a positive thoughts in our minds, because if we believe in God everything will be possible. We have the abilities to do it and became in a success person if we really want it. The message from this chapter is that old things have passed away, behold, all things have become new.
Glossary Awe: feeling of great respect sometimes mixed with fear or surprise. Daunted: to make someone feel slightly frightened or worried about their ability to achieved something. Despondency: unhappy d with no hope or enthusiasm. Drain: If you drain something, you remove the liwuid from it, usually by pouring it away or allowing it to flow away, and if something drains, liquid flows away or out of it. Faltered: to lose strength or purpose and stop, or almost stop. Fazed: to surprise or worry someone. Flop: to fall or drope heavily. Forsaken: to leave someone for ever, especially when they need you. Galled: rudeness and the quality of being unable to understand that your behaviour or what you say is not acceptable to other people. Moaned: to make a long, low sound of pain, suffering, or another strong emotion. Queves: a lot of people wanting something. Rid: to remove or throw away something unwanted. Tramp: a person with no home, job, or money who travels around and asks for money from other people. Twitching: (to cause) to make a sudden small movement with a part of the body, usually without intending to. Proverbs * Pleasant sights and good reports five happiness and health. 15:30 * A curse on those who lead astray the godly. But men who encourage the upright to do good shall be given a worthwhile reward. 28:10 * The Lord is a strong fortress. The godly run to Him and are safe. 18:10
Student name: Mónica Reyes Castillo Date: August 27th. 2016 Chapter number: III Chapter title: Success in Dealing with Problems Directions for each chapter How to read “Why the positive thinkers get powerful results” book 7. Underline the main concepts 8. Identify the main ideas 9. Identify the main topic 10. Underline the unknown words 11. Do an analysis for each chapter 12. Choose three proverbs from the wisdom book How to do the analysis of each chapter 9) Title of the chapter 10)Main ideas (rules, techniques, secrets, formulas, assets, thoughts) 11) Secondary ideas and details 12)Conclusion 1. message you learned from the reading 13)Glossary 14)Proverbs Success in Dealing with Problems Main idea: The positive thinker is an achiever who gets powerful results for several reasons. * A positive thinker is alive, alive mentally and spiritually. * They have the quality of healthy-mindedness that enables to bring positive results out of even the most difficult problems. Secondary ideas and details: Faith is the greatest of all therapies, barring none. Faith in God, in people, in your job, and in yourself. That person becomes thoroughly changed in his mental and spiritual nature. Some Phrase: “I know I can´t get away much longer with inability to deal with problems”. I believe that God is guiding me, “Always get up a winner. Conclusion In this chapter we can read about positive people who achieved their goals, people that became in powerful person with values and strong feelings, because they really believe in themselves. And one of the most important thing is be motivated and accepted themselves taking a positive ideas and share it.
Glossary: glint: When someone's eyes glint, they look and bright, expressing a strong emotions. Suffused: to spread through or over something completely. Counseling: the job or process of listening to someone and giving that person advise about their problems. Sturdy: physically stong and solid or thick and therfore unlikely to break or be hurt. Held: Past participle of held kept or mantained . Dealt: Past tense form of deal. Besets: having a lot of trouble with something, or having to deal with a lot of something that problems. Seized: to take something quickly and Keep it or holdit . Chiseled: clearly market with firm lines depicting: to represent or show something in a picture or story. Cope: to deal successfully with a difficult stations. Former: of or in an early time, before the present time or in the past verve: surmounts: deal successfully with a dificulties or problem. Sneering: rude and not showing respect. Mere: used to emphasize that something is not large or important stammer: to speak or say something with unusual pauses or repaired sounkd either because of speech promessis or because of fearand anxitye. Pious: stongly, in religion, and living in a way that shows this belief. Exercise 7. Discuss and write out how you practice the daily affirmations written on pages 65 and 66 Every morning when I waked up I prey, and looking our class to develop good strategies to work with our students. 8. Write down at least three problems you face every passing day to achieve your vision and three strategies to attain your goals. Problems: * Wake up early every single night. *Have enough time to complete our task. *Start to work in a new School. Strategies: * Sleep my 8 hours every single day. *Organize my duties. * Adapt to the new environment. Proverbs Hard work means prospertity; only a fool idles away his time. 12:11 Work brings profit; talk brings poverty! 14:23 the good man asks advice from friends; the wicked plunge ahead and fall. 12:26
Student name: Mónica Reyes Castillo Date: August 29th. 2016 Chapter number: IV Chapter title: The Positive Thinker as an Achiever Directions for each chapter How to read “Why the positive thinkers get powerful results” book 13. Underline the main concepts 14. Identify the main ideas 15. Identify the main topic 16. Underline the unknown words 17. Do an analysis for each chapter 18. Choose three proverbs from the wisdom book How to do the analysis of each chapter
15)Title of the chapter 16)Main ideas (rules, techniques, secrets, formulas, assets, thoughts) 17)Secondary ideas and details 18)Conclusion 1. message you learned from the reading 19)Glossary 20)Proverbs The Positive Thinker as an Achiever Main idea: With an intensity of desire, a definite goal, a worthy purpose; that shows perseverance, good mind, working at faith with God´s help, there is no doubt that I can be what I want to be. The secrets are belief and a positive thought, with hard work, determination, and imaging a goal I can reache my goals. Know what I want and go for that goal with focuses dethusiasm, a burning, glowing enthusiasm, are positive quialities that a positive thinker has; who never doubted, they were never negative thinkers, with positivism that got powerful results. Secondary idea: The basic formula to achieve a goal is an intensity desire, is to have a strong motivating force as well as an intense desire and the belief that it can be done. To reach a dream, is necessary climb a ladder on which there are four rungs, that I need to mark well; 1 determination, 2 dedication, 3 discipline, and 4 attitude. Conclusion If I want to reach my goal I need to focus in four important things, repeated constantly every single day, and maintain a determination, dedication, be discipline and have a positive attitude all the time.
Glossary bounding: certain or extremly likely to happen. Dolefully: very sad. Humble: not proud or not believing that you are important. liking: a feeling that you like someone or something; the fact of liking someone or something. lousy: very bad. prowes: tingly: When you tingle with an emotion, such as excitement, or fear, you feel it very strongly. unremitting: never stopping, becoming weaker, or failing. Willingness: to be happy to do something if it is needed. Wrest: to get something with effort or difficulty.
Proverbs * The lord blesses good men and condemns the wicked. 12:2 * The man who tries to be good, loving and kind finds life, righteousness and honor. 21:21 * The intelligent man is always open to new ideas. In fact, he looks for them. 18:15. Exercise On pages 84 and 85 you will find 10 “of course you can” principles. Write how you practice each of these principles every single day. 1. I keep on my mind that I want to obtain my proffesional degree as an English teacher. 2. I always ask God for his help and I visualized my goal and the opportunities that I would have, when I get it. 3. When a negative thought comes to my mind I repeate to myself “ I can do it”, keep working hard. 4. Mentally I repeat “ I almost there I can do it” 5. I work hard every single day and night to achieve my goal, and prey for help because sometimes I felt stress and anxious. 6. I repeat to myself “I can do it, I can finish my studies”. 7. I am very friendly and always I try to help others, motivated them to continue in this major. 8. I keep learning and studying, this is the reason to be here in the university. 9. I build my ladder in my mind and my heart, each step of the ladder is represented with my family, my work, my personal success, and my future. 10. Every single day I prey to God and recognizes that without his help I can't do anything. He is my guide and my shelter.
Student name: Mónica Reyes Castillo Date: September 10th. Chapter number: V Chapter title: You can make things go better. Directions for each chapter How to read “Why the positive thinkers get powerful results” book 19. Underline the main concepts 20. Identify the main ideas 21. Identify the main topic 22. Underline the unknown words 23. Do an analysis for each chapter 24. Choose three proverbs from the wisdom book How to do the analysis of each chapter 21)Title of the chapter 22)Main ideas (rules, techniques, secrets, formulas, assets, thoughts) 23)Secondary ideas and details 24)Conclusion 1. message you learned from the reading 25)Glossary 26)Proverbs You can make things go better First, several times each day stand tall, reaching for the sky with the crown of your head, when a person maintains this erect stature, whatever his height, he has a commanding power over life and circumstances. We have to believe in ourselves and be able to visualized successful achievements. Second, think tall. Think winning thoughts, stand tall mentally. According to the law of supply,our own good seeks to como to us and will continue to flow abundantly toward us if we do not block the flow by negative thought and action. Certainly! Let's say it together. “It can be done and I can do it”. Third, think of ourserlves as an undefeatable child of God, and repeat by ourserlves “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. Conclusion Every outside situation is a reflection of the internal condition, get changed on the inside, become a changed person, become a new man or woman, and we can handle and improve any situation, and that is a fact, a big, certain fact.
Glossary: Attained: to reach or succeed in getting something. Assets: a useful or valuable quality, skill, or person. Commencement: the beginning of something. Endorse: to make a public statement of your approval or support for something or someone. Flop: to fall or drop heavily. Gain: to get something that is useful, that gives you an advantage, or that is in some way positive, especially over a period of time. Hosts: someone who has guests. Mindedness: willing to accept other people's behaviour and beliefs, especialy sexual behaviour. Layoff: a period when someone is not working or playing sport. Subtlest: not loud, bright, noticeable, or obvious in any way. Stumbled: to walk in a way that does not seem controlled. Stoutly: in a firm and determined way. Self-appraisal: an employee's own judgment about the quality of their work, or the process of judging your own work. Sickly: weak, unhealty, and often sick. Straits: a narrow area of sea that connects two larger areas of sea. Tithes: a tenth part of someone's produce or income that they give or pay as a tax to the Church. Proverbs * The purity of silver and gold can be tested in a crucible, but a man is tested by his reaction to men's praise. 27:21 * The wise man is known by his common sense, and a pleasant teacher is the best. 16:21 * The advice of a wise man refreshes like water from a mountain spring. Those accepting it become aware of the pitfalls on ahead. 13:14. Exercise Write out a list of your assets of personality, intelligence, experience, natural abilities. Write about the formula to defeat any adversity. Iam a serious woman, but at the same time I have a great personality, who like share time with friends, and spent time with my family. I have 26 years working as a english teacher, but I steel learning right now, I had the opportunity to work with students of preschool, elementary and highschool, during all this journey I learned from all my students who motivated me to continue learning. I have the ability to draw, create different types of decorations and communicaty skills, that I use in my work. My formula to defeat any adversity is stay calm and think about the different strategies that I could use to avoid any situation; but always share them with my family who is my rock. They have been there for me every single time.
Student name: Mónica Reyes Castillo Date: September 20th. Chapter number: VI Chapter title: Today is yours, Seize it. Directions for each chapter How to read “Why the positive thinkers get powerful results” book 25. Underline the main concepts 26. Identify the main ideas 27. Identify the main topic 28. Underline the unknown words 29. Do an analysis for each chapter 30. Choose three proverbs from the wisdom book How to do the analysis of each chapter 27)Title of the chapter 28)Main ideas (rules, techniques, secrets, formulas, assets, thoughts) 29)Secondary ideas and details 30)Conclusion 1. message you learned from the reading 31)Glossary 32)Proverbs Today is yours, Seize it. Positive thinkers get positive results, they know that today was made for them and for everyone who will go for it positively. Acording to Max Cleland cites three principles: the first, strive for acceptance of the problem. Second, find another door that opens and third, let God help us. A positive person will see clearly the resources and opportunities available; thinks that enthusiasm is contagious, and it´s transmitted from one to another. No matter where you are, you can use positive attitudes, as be enthusiastic, see the good, expect the best, learn that “I can make the difference” and believe. Conclusion I can say that be a positive person is not complicated, and it´s possible if I focus on my goals and how I can reach it. It is important to live with a positive attitud, and demostrate enthusiasm that has to be contagious to the people that surround me. Motivating them to become in a positive thinkers, who share their positive results with the world; specialy with our students, because as teacher I am their guide an a clear example of their young life.
Glossary avowed: stated. azure: having the bright blue colour of the sky on a clear day. bagged: to reach the top of a mountain. bog: soft great ground,or an area of this brisk: quick energetic, and active. burly: A burly man is large and strong. dabbling: to take a slight and not very serious interest in a subject or try a particualr activity for a short period. drab: boring, especially in appearance having little colour and excitement. defeat: to win against someone in a fight war or competition. ebb: When the sea or tide ebbs, it moves away from the coast and falls to a lower level. fleeting: short or quick: frittered: to wasted money, time or an opportunity. grabbed: to take hold of something or someone suddenly, and roughly. glumly: disappointed or unhappy, and quiet. hitherto: until now or until a particular time. impelled: to make someone feel that they must do something laced: a decorative cloth made by twisting thin treahd in delicate patterns with holes in them. lackluster: lacking energy and effort. lieutenant: an officer of middle rank in the armed forces. midst: he middle of a group of or things. penknife: a small knife that folds in to a case and is usually carried in a pocket. riot: a very funny or entertaining occasion or person. sagged: to drop down to a lower level in the middle. shabby: looking old and in bad condition because of being used for a long time. wrecked: very badly damaged. Proverbs * Trust in your money and down you go! Trust in God and flourish as a tree! 11:28 * As for the one who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God. 3:12 * Hard work brings prosperity; playing around brings poverty.
Student name: MĂłnica Reyes Castillo Date:October 6th. Chapter number: 7tn. Chapter title: The positive thinker wins over discouragement Directions for each chapter How to read “Why the positive thinkers get powerful resultsâ€? book 31. Underline the main concepts 32. Identify the main ideas 33. Identify the main topic 34. Underline the unknown words 35. Do an analysis for each chapter 36. Choose three proverbs from the wisdom book How to do the analysis of each chapter 33)Title of the chapter 34)Main ideas (rules, techniques, secrets, formulas, assets, thoughts) 35)Secondary ideas and details 36)Conclusion 1. message you learned from the reading 37)Glossary 38)Proverbs The positive thinker wins over discouragement Positive thinker learns how to deal with discouragement, avoiding the negative thoughts. Disappointment is a normal part of life that everyone experiences. However, we do not have to feel discouraged in the face of setbacks. Developing a positive attitude, and reacting proactively when we face a challenge, could help to avoid negative thoughts, and see disappointment as an opportunity to recharge and refocus instead of a reason to feel bad. With some hard work and self awareness, we can have a healthy, positive mentality. First, we can take responsibility for our attitude. Next, It's important to identify triggers for discouragement, think about times in our life where we frequently feel discouraged, and try saying positive things about yourself instead. List your best qualities and things you're grateful for. This will make you a happier person. Finally, feeling like you are in control of your environment and that you can change the outcome of your situation may help you to stay positive. Conclusion Disappointment is normal and happens to everyone at times. If we can't see beyond the present moment, we may be inclined to become discouraged. However, we don't have to get stuck in disappointment. Instead, pause and look at the big picture.
Glossary: latter: near or towards the end of something. rid: to not now have an unwanted or unpleasant task, object, or person. soothe: to make someone feel calm or less worried. moods: the way you feel at a particular time. hence: that is the reason or explanation for healed: If a bad situations or painful emotions, heals, it ends, or improves, and if something heals it, it makes it end or improve. crevice: a deep line in an old person's face, or a deep fold in someone's body. deck: a wooden floor built outside, where people can sit and relax faint: used to emphasize that you do not know something. glow: to look attractive because you are happy or healthy, especially with eyes that are shining. lurking: to wait or move in a secret way so that you cannot be seen, especially because you are about to attack someone or do something wrong. licking: a defeat in a competition. nook: a small space that is hidden or partly sheltered. scampered: When small children and animals scamper, they run with small quick steps. jauntiness: showing that you are happy and confident. onslaughts: a very powerful attack. exultantly: very happy, especially at someone else's defeat or failure. dogged: very determined to do something, even if it is very difficult. utterly: to say something or to make a sound with your voice. baffling: to cause someone to be completely unable to understand or explain something. emcee: a person whose job is to introduce performers in a television, radio, or stage show. elated: extremely happy and excited, often because something has happened or been achieved. Proverbs * A happy face means a glad heart; a sad face means a breaking heart. 15:13 * Rich and poor are alike in this: each depends on God for light. 29:13 * When a man is gloomy, everything seems to go wrong, when he is cheerful, everything seems right. 15:15
Student name: Mónica Reyes Castillo Date: October 7th. Chapter number: 8th. Chapter title: Drop the Negative Word Habit Directions for each chapter How to read “Why the positive thinkers get powerful results” book 37. Underline the main concepts 38. Identify the main ideas 39. Identify the main topic 40. Underline the unknown words 41. Do an analysis for each chapter 42. Choose three proverbs from the wisdom book How to do the analysis of each chapter 39)Title of the chapter 40)Main ideas (rules, techniques, secrets, formulas, assets, thoughts) 41)Secondary ideas and details 42)Conclusion 1. message you learned from the reading 43)Glossary 44)Proverbs Drop the Negative Word Habit A negative word is a symbol of a negative concept that can be harmful, in fact, it is good to go so far as to bury such failure-generating words. The positive thinker is a believer, who believes that nothing is too good to be true, so he believes in miracles. Most of the time, bad habits are simply a way of dealing with stress, but it doesn’t have to be that way. We can teach ourselves new and healthy ways to deal with stress. All of the habits that we have right now good or bad are in our life for a reason. In some way, these behaviors provide a benefit, even if they are bad in other ways. Because bad habits provide some type of benefit in our life, it’s very difficult to simply eliminate them instead, we need to replace a bad habit with a new habit that provides a similar benefit. Conclusion Recognizing the causes of our bad habits is crucial to overcoming them, for that reason, it’s better to replace our bad habits with a healthier behavior.” If you have faith as a mustard seed, nothing will be impossible for you” Matthew 17:20 Positive thinking brings the best values to those who are dedicated to do the best.
Glossary: attain: to reach or succeed in getting something. assets: a useful, or valuable, quality, skill, or person. baffled: to cause someone to be complety unable to understand or explain something. bury: to put a dead body into the ground. dashed: : extremely. droned: a low continuous noise that does not change its note. glumly: disappointed, or unhappy, and quiet. hitherto:until now or until a particular time. healing: to make or become well again, especially after a cut or other injury. ingrained: (of beliefs) so firmly held that they are not likely to change. fades: lose colour, brigthness, or strength, gradually. flunked: to fail an exam or course of study. futile: (of actions) having no effect or achieving nothing. moan: to make a long, low sound of pain, suffering, or another strong emotion. pernicious: having a very harmful effect or influence. poke: the act of poking someone or something. rooted: having developed from something. steadily: gradually. shoved: to push someone or something forcefully. sturdily: strong and solid or thick, and therefore unlockelyto beak or be hurt physically lousy: very bad. unwinding: to relax and allow your mind to be free from worry after a period of work or some other activity that has made you worried. unwittingly: without knowing or planning. widely: to be very different. wreckage: what is left of something that has been spoiled or that has failed. woolens: clothes made from wool. Proverbs * A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. 17:22 * I can do all things through him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 * So we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?� 13:6 Exercies 9. Write down the definition of a positive thinker according to peale’s book. Believe in yourself and in everything you do. 10. Set your mission, focused on this chapter. Improve my personal and professional relationships, assuming the control of my own decitions.
11. Write out three healthy thoughts to drop your negative word habits Focus on this day and plan for tomorrow. Learn from my mystakes and change them into a positive actions. Believe in my self and work in my goals.
Student name: Mónica Reyes Castillo Date: November 2nd. Chapter number:9 Chapter title: Positive Secrets of Health and Energy Directions for each chapter How to read “Why the positive thinkers get powerful results” book 43. Underline the main concepts 44. Identify the main ideas 45. Identify the main topic 46. Underline the unknown words 47. Do an analysis for each chapter 48. Choose three proverbs from the wisdom book How to do the analysis of each chapter 7. Title of the chapter Positive Secrets of Health and Energy 8. Main ideas (rules, techniques, secrets, formulas, assets, thoughts) 9. Secondary ideas and details 10. Conclusion 1. message you learned from the reading 11. Glossary 12. Proverbs Positive Secrets of Health and Energy This chapter explores the nature of the Universe, according to Byrne cites a roll call of experts who agree that the Universe is composed of energy. John Assaraf explains, “Everything is made up of the exact same thing, whether it's your hand, the ocean, or a star.” Byrne points out that this theory is backed by quantum physics. Since people are made up of energy, they also have a frequency, which is determined by their thoughts and emotions. Byrne then talks about the spiritual side of The Secret. She argues that since we are made of energy and energy cannot be destroyed (it only changes form), it makes sense to believe our true essence “has always been and always will be. You can never not be.” Byrne also points out that every possible invention, idea or knowledge is already out in the Universe, waiting for somebody to draw from it. Byrne expands on the spiritual connection by saying we are all “God in a physical body.” Each one of us has the power to create because we’re all cosmic beings. To end the chapter, Byrne talks again about loving oneself and how difficult that is for many people. She says the key to loving yourself is looking at the presence inside you. “Those who focus on loving that presence will realize that everything else falls into place.”
Conclusion Being healthy is feeling the same way as little children feel. Little children are bursting with energy every day. Their bodies feel light and flexible; moving is effortless. They're light on their feet. Their minds are clear; they're happy, and free of worry and stress. They sleep deeply and peacefully every night, and they wake up feeling completely refreshed, as if with a brand-new body. They feel passionate and excited about every new day. Look at little children and you will see what being healthy really means. It is the way you used to feel, and it is the way you should still feel. Glossary: acknowledgment: the fact of accepting that something is true or right. akin: having some of the same qualities. apex: the highest point or top of a shape or object. almighty: having the power to do everything. attested: to show something or to say or prove that something is true. bluntly: saying what you think without trying to be polite or considering other people's feelings. dull: not interesting or exciting in any way. faint: not strong or clear, slight. frail: weak or unhealthy, or easily damaged, broken, or harmed. heaping: containing as much as possible. humbly: in a way that shows that you do not think you are important. lackluster: lacking energy and effort. lengthy: continuing for a long time. lofty: Lofty ideas, etc. are of a high moral standards. opts: to make a choice especially of one thing or possibility instead of others. sinful: against the rules of a religion or morally wrong. sins: the offfence of breaking or the breaking of, a religiuos or moral law. sort: a group of things that are of the same type or that share similar qualities. strengthened: to make something stronger or more effective, or to become stronger or more effective. strive: to try very hard to do something or to make something happen, especially for a long time or against difficulties. weary: very tired, especially after working hard for a long time. weighing: to have a heaviness of a stated amount, or to measure the heaviness of an object. worshiping: to have or show a strong feeling of respect and admiration for God or a god. Proverbs * I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. (John 10:10) * The soul who sins shall die. (Esek 18:4) * Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. (3 Jhon 2)
Exercise: Explain why God wants us to enjoy the best of life He wants you to feel a glorious aliveness-physically, mentally, and spiritually. According to the reading, explain what area of your life. God has acted mightily God has acted mightily in my job, he helped me to find a new place to work that gave the oppotunity to successed and solve my situation.
Explain what are the basic elements that are needed to keep harmony and balance in order to have a total integrity. We have to follow the God´s laws to function perfectly in harmnony.
“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength back as eagles shall run and not be weary to walk and not faint” What could be the meaning according to Norman Vincent Peale According to Norman Vincent Peale, we get hope into our mind, and change all negative thoughts into positive thoughts.
Describe the benefits to appropriating the positive statements mentioned in this chapter Those benefits are stay healthy, have happiness, and God´s peace be with us always.
Student name: Mónica Reyes Castillo Date:November 2nd. Chapter number: 10th. Chapter title: How to be a Positive thinker Directions for each chapter How to read “Why the positive thinkers get powerful results” book Underline the main concepts Identify the main ideas Identify the main topic Underline the unknown words Do an analysis for each chapter Choose three proverbs from the wisdom book How to do the analysis of each chapter 13. Title of the chapter How to be a Positive thinker 14. Main ideas (rules, techniques, secrets, formulas, assets, thoughts) 15. Secondary ideas and details 16. Conclusion 1. message you learned from the reading 17. Glossary 18. Proverbs How to be a Positive thinker We are all born positive thinkers, infants are highly sensitive to their atmosphere and tend to take on and absorb the prevailing mental and emotional characteristics of the family. Negative emotions can spiral. If you want to stop letting yourself sink down into bad feelings, you can train yourself to let the light in. You can learn to find the bright side and stay positive, avoiding negativity in your life, and going about the process of improving yourself for the better. You must want to be a positive person so intently that you determine to start at once the process of change in yourself. To the positive thinker, there is always a way, always an answer. For a positive thinker these are the motivation words: Think positive, speak positive, listen positive, and see positive. Conclusion The Lord God is always there to help if you ask for that help.Inherent in positive thinking is the positive image. This is an important ability that we have to develop to be motivated and successed in every single activity or in any aspect of our life.
Glossary: hence: that is the reason or explanation for. astounding: very surprising of schok. revamp: to change or arrange something again, in order to improve it reared: at the back of something sophomore: a student studying in the second year of a course at a US college or high school deadening: to make something less painfulor less strong endowed: to give a large amount of money to pay for creating a college, hospital, etc. or to provide an income for it whatsoever: used after a negative phrase to add emphasis to the idea that is being expressed fulfillment: a feeling of happiness because you are doing what you intended to do in life conceivable: possible to imagine or to believe humbly: in a way that shows that you do not think you are important quibble: to argue about, or say you disapprove of, something that is not important barnacles: a small sea creature with a shell, that sticks, very tightly and in large numbers to rocks and the bottom of boats thirties: A person's thirties are the period in which they are aged between 30 and 39 lingering: lasting a long time flickering: to shine with a light that is sometimes bright and sometimes weak unravel: If a piece of knitted or woven cloth, a knot, or a mass of thread unravels, it separates into a single thread, and if you unravel it, you separate it into a single thread distraught: extremely worried, nervous, or upset faded: less bright in colour than before balmy: (of weather) pleasantly warm Proverbs * The things which are impossible with men are possible with God. (Luke 18:27) * I can do all things through Chirst wo strengthens me. (Phil. 4:13) * If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. (2 Cor. 5:17)
Exercise 49. Explain the characteristics that presents a negative thinker Negative thinker feels inferiority and self-doubt, as a result of always being on the edge of poverty, conversation around home was always negative. 50. Explain the characteristics that presents a positive thinker He or she is a person who is strong, tough, and rugged mentally, one who sees every difficulty but sees it straight. 51. Do you consider yourself a positive thinker, why? Yes I do, because I always try to focus on my goals and on the good things that God gave me, and I constantly repeat to myself “I can do it better�. 52. Explain why the mind, ear and mouth are powerful tools to change a positive thinker into a negative thinker Those are aspects that can influence a positive thinker and affected them, but if you are near people that constantly motivated and push you it is possible avoid those things. 53. With which history of this chapter you were most identified and why? I most identified with the story of the irritate man who demand an apoitment with the doctor, because three years ago I had a similar situation with a parent that wanted to talked with me during an parents' meting in the school, and I had to calm him cuz he was very mad with his son and with me because the score of the class. Finally I controled the situation and change his negativism and he acepted the results.
Student name: Mónica Reyes Castillo Date:November 3rd. Chapter number:11 Chapter title: Happines at Last. Directions for each chapter How to read “Why the positive thinkers get powerful results” book 54. Underline the main concepts 55. Identify the main ideas 56. Identify the main topic 57. Underline the unknown words 58. Do an analysis for each chapter 59. Choose three proverbs from the wisdom book How to do the analysis of each chapter 19. Title of the chapter 20. Main ideas (rules, techniques, secrets, formulas, assets, thoughts) 21. Secondary ideas and details 22. Conclusion 1. message you learned from the reading 23. Glossary 24. Proverbs Happines at Last. Happiness is when your life fulfills your needs. In other words, happiness comes when you feel satisfied and fulfilled. Happiness is a feeling of contentment, that life is just as it should be. Perfect happiness, enlightenment, comes when you have all of your needs satisfied. While the perfect happiness of enlightenment may be hard to achieve, and even harder to maintain, happiness is not an either /or case. There are nearly limitless degrees of happiness between the bliss of enlightenment and the despair of depression. Most of us fall somewhere between, closer to the middle than the edge. But to understand the causes and effects of happiness, researchers first need to define it. Many of them use the term interchangeably with “subjective well-being,” which they measure by simply asking people to report how satisfied they feel with their own lives and how much positive and negative emotion they’re experiencing. Conclusion Happiness is the art of never holding in your mind the memory of any unpleasant thing that has passed. It is to be good and feel a lot of satisfactions for all the great things you have in your life.
Glossary: endeavor: an effort or attempt to do something embarked: to go on a ship frugally: careful when using money or food, or (of a meal) cheap or small in amount timing: the time when something happens grumbled: to complain about someone or something in an annoyed way scrimped: to save money by spending less than is necessary to reach an acceptable standard Proverbs * I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears (Ps. 34:4) * If you have faith as a mustard seed, nothing will be impossible for you. (Matt. 17:20) Exercise
Explain the five statement suggested by the author as explain how you apply them personally I am in the process of creative change, we have to work on it every single day and repeat this statement several times to our selves and believe on it. I am becoming better every day in every day in every way. In this aspect I am studying to obtain my proffesional degree and improve my knowledge in English. I am firmly on the success beam, in my case I focus on the things that I want and I am working to search them. My own is coming to me now, I am working hard during all this year to successed in my major, by studying and searching a new job opportunities. God is guiding and helping me daily, every single day I pray to my Lord for his blessing and help, he is the only one who can help me.
Explain how it is possible for you to reach a higher level of accomplishment when everything you do is wrong I step back and start again, I focus on my goal and how to reach them and made a new plan that I can follow. Sometimes is necessary stop and start again to obtain the results.
What you are studying right now and the work that dream Do they correspond to the child dreams or plans made by your parents or others? Explain I am studying the major I really wanted and liked, nobody pushed me, because it was my dream since I was a child, and finally I am very close to complete this dream.
What results has obtained to experience the basic factors of happiness referring to chapter? Examples Have a positive attitude. Learn and appreciate every single aspect of life. Share and enjoy time with others that have a positive attitude.
 How can you achieve true happiness and success? Exemplify When I saw my students reached their dreams and when they told me that they enjoyed my classes I felt happy and satisfy because I noticed that I made a good job.