The Breezeway

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Volume 1 Issue 2

Winter 2016

St. Augustine is old. Like, really really old. 450 years old, to be exact. So we had a birthday party, and a lot happened. There were concerts and contests and food, 450 minutes of art walk, and — wait for it — running of the bulls (not real bulls though; people just dressed up as bulls). And last but most definitely not least, the King and Queen of Spain visited. That was pretty cool. Point is, we had one heck of a celebration, which we deserve for being the oldest city in the nation.

photo by Kyle Cummings

What do graphic designers know about cancer research? Not a whole lot, but that’s changed for some of them. Students in Interactive Design (this class is all about apps and such) teamed up to create an app called Proton U. This app helps kids feel better and more comfortable with cancer treatment. There were a lot of aspects that the designers had to take into consideration. And they did so well, in fact, that they have been nominated for numerous awards. That’s one heck of a project!

Our girls volleyball team are the Peach Belt Conference champions, placing them at No. 2 in the NCAA Division II Southeast Regional! One player, Tara Savisky was selected as the AVCA Division II Southeast Region Freshman of the Year. A couple of the girls also earned PBC All-American honors. They are making Flagler College very proud.

Have some extra time on your hands to be outside to explore this sweet city? Then you gotta do the kayak tours. They’re a great way to see St. Augustine from a different perspective, plus let’s not forget the cool breeze and additional exercise. Grab a couple of buddies and sign up at

photo courtesy of iDive

So, Flagler has a pool, because we live in Florida and that’s something that we use practically year around (except for maybe like, a month). Soak up some sun between classes with friends, play marco polo, or even take scuba lessons with iDive. Also, it’s really pretty. Just a couple of perks about having an on-campus pool.

The whole month of November is dedicated to making Flagler College as similar to Hogwarts as possible. Great Hall Banquet, Quidditch, sortings, wand making, movie viewings, trivia nights... we do everything, and everyone has a lot of fun with it. It’s the best month of the year, hands (or wands) down.

Check out these awesome photos that Flagler students took on their Study Abroad explorations! Elaina Grumblatt | China

Kimberly Gosline | China

Alicia Castle | Bermuda

Yasmeen Abou El Seoud | Spain

Anna Artemyeva | California

Tiffany Townsley | Scotland

Garrett Lemery | China

Thomas Kosenski | Island of Capri

Madeline Musante | Bermuda

Elaina Grumblatt | China

Meghan Mohon | Inis Mor

Maria Rodas | Australia

The Flagler theatre department is really great because you learn so much stuff so that you can go into almost any part of the industry. You don’t just get to act (which you can do immediately

as a freshman). But you’ll learn everything that goes into theatre production: stagecraft, sound, light, costumes, props, and also the business end. You’ll probably get hired right off the stage!

photo courtesy of Florida’s Historic Coast

photo by Zach Thomas

photo courtesy of the Lightner Museum

We know it’s a bit early to be thinking about college, and we don’t want to stress you out. But it’s really great here, and we think you’d like it (it is as amazing as we make it seem).

cover photo by Zach Thomas


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