Technology /6 Gadgets to Help You with Your Sleep
Gadgets to help with your sleep
A restful night’s sleep is one of the foundational pillars of maintaining a healthy body and mind, as it increases your longevity, recharges your youthfulness and aligns your metabolism when done in moderation. However, as some people start crossing their 60’s, they begin experiencing difficultly trying to fall asleep or remain asleep.
s we age, our bodies are designed to create a shift in our internal circadian clocks and sleep-wake cycles, in turn these changes are what affect how long and how deep we sleep. Given that 10-30% of adults live with insomnia and a lot of them don’t want to take allopathic medications, let’s take a dive into some of the new and noninvasive technology that has emerged to help you catch some better zzz’s.
Dodow Sleep Machine
The Dodow is a metronomelight designed to break the thought patterns of an overactive mind and ease you into a deep and peacefull sleep. This is especially for those who can’t switch off quickly before bed or after waking up halfway through the night. It is a small disc that sits on the bedside table and emits a 8-20 second rhythmically flashing mesmerising light, supposed to slow your breathing rate down to 6bpm and give you more control over your breathing, allowing your mind to quieten and fall asleep. Purchase Here: $80AUD