Winter 2021 Active Retirees New Zealand Magazine

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I S S U E 3 1 W I N T E R 2 0 2 1 | YO U R O F F I C I A L N E W Z E A L A N D P R O BU S M AGA Z I N E | $ 5 . 5 0 | T H E V I S I O N O F P R O BU S








in fashion PAGE 14

ON THE COVER Cemetery of second world war german paratroopers who were killed in the battle of Crete, Maleme, Crete, Greece.

Publisher / Editor Colin and Joan Gestro E. E. P. 027 256 8014 Postal: Affinity Ads Box 13257 Tauranga 3141


Editors at Large Travel and Wine Dennis and Rosamund Knill Advertising John Emmanuel P. 021 055 4635 E. Graphic Design iMedia Corp E. W. Print & Distribution Inkwise E. W. This publication is published on behalf of Probus South Pacific Limited ACN 152 374 395 PSPL Administration PO Box 1294 Parramatta NSW 2124 AUS P. +61 2 9689 0200 F. +61 2 9633 4799 New Zealand 0800 14776 287 Australia 1300 630 488 E. W. Probus South Pacific Ltd Directors 2020-2021 Chairman: David Simpson Immediate Past Chairman: Margaret Drake Vice-Chairman: Judith Maestracci AM Treasurer: Douglas Newman Directors: Tony Blaber, Bruce Morley, Peter Turner, Arie Geerlofs, Bill Killinger AM and Graeme Brown Disclaimer: Every care is taken to ensure pricing, offers and content is correct at time of publishing. Please check with advertisers when making a purchase as the publisher cannot be held responsible for inaccuracies’ in this publication. Please note that some content is advertiser supplied. This is viewed and edited to ensure it is of value to most readers.

The battle of Crete. Part 1: An inside look into the 23rd SouthIsland Battalion in Crete


RVA launches a comprehensive blueprint


Find a renewed favour with the 60 plus age group


While our borders are closed you can still travel the world in the Hamilton Gardens


Living it up in the lap of luxury at Northlands newest winery


• Probus Social Bowls Gala • Visual Arts Trip • The laughing police man • Trip to the Temple Plus many more...

CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE Probus Clubs embrace cultural diversity

I AM PROUD of the cultural diversity of our membership. Amongst the 14,000 members from over 150 Probus Clubs in New Zealand, men and women from across the world have found a welcoming, inclusive way to meet new friends and to discover new interests. Most Clubs have a sizable proportion of their members who have migrated to New Zealand, their contribution to the vibrancy and variety of Club programs and activities is appreciated by their fellow members. As our Clubs (and members) get older it is paramount that each year we introduce new members in our Clubs. One of the ways to achieve this is to have vibrant and fun meetings and then potential members will want to join the fun. We should also set a goal for the number of new members we want to have join each year and plan for this. It needs to be a focus in each Club and often the best place to start is to appoint a small membership committee. Statistically, most new members are introduced by a friend, so the membership committee could encourage a “bring a friend” day to help with this focus. Probus South Pacific have a range of complimentary promotional material available and are happy to supply this to your Club. The more I visit Clubs the more I realise what a great organisation we have. Let’s work together and make Probus a leading organisation for retirees in New Zealand. In April this year we celebrated Anzac Day and it was an emotional time to remember the sacrifices of the soldiers, sailors, airman and support personnel of Australia & New Zealand during the first World War. It was also a time to remember the close ties we have between Australia & New Zealand. We were brothers in arms so never let us forget our friendship. I have recently returned from five days with 32 Glenelg Bay Probus members in Kangaroo Island. Apart from fun and friendship, one of the reasons we went there was to help the Island economy which was devastated by bushfires. Happily, they are recovering well and I encourage Probus Clubs to consider planning a trip and supporting tour operators around the country. Travelling together as Probus members is a great way to build camaraderie and friendship with other members. Whilst on the island we visited a bird sanctuary and I was proud to have an eagle rest on my arm. So, for this month this is my photo. Remember fun and friendship is Probus.

David Simpson Chairman Probus South Pacific Ltd



issue 31 • winter 2021





MAY 20

reveals itself as a keynote date in aviation history. On this date in 1927 Charles Lindbergh spanned the Atlantic on his epic solo flight. On May 20 1932, Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic. On this date in 1941 the Battle of Crete began, with the-then largest airborne invasion in history. . . issue 31 • winter 2021

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The infantrymen of the South Island 23rd Battalion were finishing their breakfast in their slit trenches on the periphery of the Maleme aerodrome in north-west Crete. Then came the thunderous roar, as they gazed skywards at the mass paratroop drop of the German invaders. Junkers aircraft hauled gliders packed with troops. Stuka dive-bombers screamed as they attacked the Allied positions. Gliders smashed onto the rocky ground, and among the olive groves. The scene suddenly became that of duck-shooting season back home, as our soldiers endeavoured to gun down the descending Germans before they hit the ground. But due to poor communications and lack of equipment our men faced an early defeat. Forty years on, in 1981, the 23rd Battalion decided to make a journey of remembrance to honour their mates who had fallen - in North Africa, Greece, Crete, and at the battle of Monte Cassino, Italy. One of my most satisfying experiences in my 40 years, in the employ of Thomas Cook Travel (Auckland), was the organising of the travel arrangements of a sixweek world tour for the Battalion. I certainly recall the significant events that played out. I got a call from our Christchurch Office. In



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very short order could I provide a quote for this extensive tour? Such an 11th hour request was often a ploy to prove that prices provided by any competitors, were sharp. To my delight, I landed the business. I spent time in Christchurch planning the tour, with members of the 23rd. Having a keen interest in military history I found putting the pieces together of the itinerary a very engaging one. We poured over detailed maps, with the view to locating the cemeteries that were to be visited. There was the arranging of a Papal audience. And an evening with their former foe, in a beer hall in Munich. The previous year I happened to be in Athens. I took the opportunity to fly to Cairo, to ensure everything was in order for the visit of the group, which included a visit to El

Alamein cemetery. To my horror the Hotel in Cairo turned out to be a disappointment. Not a great state of repair with not much room to move. Also a very noisy part of the City. I promptly contacted the local agent who was responsible for all arrangements during the four night stay. In the face of probably losing the business, the local manager chauffeured me around Cairo looking at hotels. I finally decided on a lovely Swiss-operated hotel, in view of the Pyramids. But I insisted that there be no increase in price, because I had already quoted the cost of the tour. I am pleased to advise that I won that battle. The Cairo manager even provided me a complimentary evening Nile cruise, in the company of belly-dancers!




In view of the fact that the Cairo stopover could have been disastrous, I was very keen to ensure that the six-night stay for the 23rd in Greece went smoothly. So who should I choose as the travel coordinator? Who could I trust? Here, I got lucky. On a previous visit to Athens, with a group of travel agents, I had met up with a man I clearly remember. Effusive, with a sparkling personality. His name: Teris Tafos, a Greek inbound operator. In his forties, with tight, black curly hair, and a neat moustache to match. He was our host for our group of travel agents for our time in Greece. He would light up anyone’s life. A visit to his splendid yacht in the Piraeus basin. A yacht with four cabins, all furnished with a certain theme. One cabin done out with an American theme, with a wagonwheel as the bed-head. A dance floor with winking strobe lighting, which was made use of as the early hours of the morning arrived. Our travel agent group was due to fly from Athens to Salzburg. Teris quickly pointed out that there was a casino located there, and

announced: “I will get my wife, Maria, to pack some shirts, and underwear, have them delivered, and I will fly with you to Salzburg.” And so he joined our group, and while at the gambling tables he came out a winner of a very different kind: I was sitting opposite him as he answered his phone. An animated conversation. Then a gleam in his eyes. Then a loud “hooray” as he put the phone

down. He loudly proclaimed. “That was a call from Toronto. A group of Greek-Canadians, and they want to visit Greece, and I have the business.” Here was a “go-to” kind of an inbound operator. I had confidence in him. And so after some discussions I placed the Greece and Crete arrangements for the 23rd in his hands. PART TWO: in the next issue.


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THE CHANGING FACE OF CANNABIS THE reputation of the cannabis plant is quickly changing with significant potential as a medicine. Its new human face is also very different. Elizabeth Plant, with a successful career in pharmacy, is a Chief Medical Officer for Eqalis Pharmaceuticals, a Bay of Plenty company and one of the new emerging medical cannabis pharmaceutical companies. Her career in pharmacy has included President of the New Zealand Pharmaceutical Society, Chief Pharmacist of Taranaki DHB and a consultant pharmacist for organizations such as Corrections, Southern Cross health Insurance and a member of all the national medical safety committees. “Cannabis is a very complex plant with more than 120 cannabinoid, 200 terpenes (compounds that smell such as limonene), and flavonoids 8


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(flavours), all these compounds have therapeutic potential” said Elizabeth. Elizabeth was attracted to the role of chief medical officer because of the enormous potential cannabis presents as a medicine. “As a pharmacist it was an irresistible challenge to develop safe and

effective medical formulations for a number of medical conditions” she said. Medical conditions for which the cannabis plant could hold potential, include treating chronic pain, anxiety, sleep disorders, epilepsy, nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy and spascity caused by Multiple Sclerosis or spinal cord damage. “The components of cannabis (THC and CBD) mimic the natural endocannabinoids in our body. These are responsible for keeping the body system in balance. Many current mainstream medicines prescribed today were derived from plants and cannabis presents us with a treasure chest of opportunity for a variety of treatments. However, as with any medicine there are possible drug interactions and adverse effects such as the psychoactive effects of THC (which give you a high). So, it’s very important that any new medicines are formulated to achieve the best outcome for each specific condition being treated. It’s an exciting new field of medicine” says Elizabeth. Eqalis was established in early 2019, with founding shareholders resolved to build an industry, from the ground up, in the horticultural heart of Bay of Plenty. Business Manager of Eqalis, Brendon Ogilvy, said that since the earliest days of this emerging category, tenacity, agility and innovative thinking would be needed to discover and bring the medicinal qualities of the cannabis plant to people. “We are at the very forefront of New Zealand medical cannabis research and it is a fascinating journey of discovery already” says Brendon. Please consult with your doctor to ensure both access and supply of the Medicinal Cannabis is right for the treatment of your condition. 


At Eqalis we’re proud of the vision we share We’re a New Zealand company growing what we believe to be the best medicinal cannabis in the world. Now, we’d like to share our vision with you. So you can see where we’re heading and perhaps come to understand why the journey we’re on could mean so much to so many

We’re here for good Find out more at issue 31 • winter 2021

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RVA LAUNCHES A COMPREHENSIVE BLUEPRINT Words. John Collyns, Executive Director

YOU may have seen some media coverage of the Commission for Financial Capability’s (CFFC) White Paper that proposes a review of the retirement village legislation. In our view this proposal is misplaced, as the legislative framework protecting residents’ interests in the village is both robust and world-leading. The beauty of the regime is that it allows a huge range of commercial terms that allow residents genuine choice about their village. Looking for somewhere that shares capital gain? There are villages that do that. Want the certainty of a fixed weekly fees? 60% of villages offer that. And so on. However, we also recognize that there are aspects of the commercial terms, which are the focus of the CFFC’s White Paper, that can create problems for residents, especially if units take longer to re-licence than expected and families have to wait longer than desirable for the repayment of the capital sum. On 25 May 2021, at our Conference, the RVA launched a comprehensive blueprint to introduce a range of improvements in the industry. In particular, the blueprint includes providing residents with a stronger voice, 10


issue 31 • winter 2021

strengthening the complaints process and working with the CFFC to monitor re-licensing times so best practice standards can be developed. The RVA will also explore establishing an Ombudsman to hear and resolve complaints and invite an independent member of the public to sit on its Executive to represent residents’ interests. Retired High Court Judge Hon. Dr John Priestly QC is already the independent chair of the RVA’s separate Disciplinary Authority to look at complaints about egregious operator behaviour. “The growth of our sector, the fact more than 100 Kiwis are choosing

to move into a retirement village every week and the overwhelming satisfaction levels among residents clearly demonstrates that we have struck the right balance between robust regulatory oversight and effective self-governance,” says RVA President Graham Wilkinson. “However, we accept there is always room for improvement and refinement around certain practices as our sector and our offering evolves. This blueprint sets out the tangible and definitive steps we will be taking to achieve that goal.” As part of the blueprint, the RVA has agreed with the CFFC to survey all members annually


to examine emerging trends and work with members, residents and the Retirement Commissioner to design a best practice approach to re-licensing that reflects the reality of the local real estate market, yet ensures residents’ estates do not wait an unreasonable period of time for a refund. “We agree there is a role for continuously educating operators and residents about the re-licensing process and to encourage best practice including dealing with potential drawn-out re-licensing times,” said Mr Wilkinson. The blueprint also sets out plans to review Occupation Rights Agreements (ORAs) to address any perceived unfair terms or confusing clauses and ensure clarity around what the resident and operator are responsible for, in particular, repairs, maintenance and replacement of operator-owned chattels. “We will work with our members,

residents and the Retirement Commissioner to identify best practice for future ORAs which define each party’s responsibilities, so that residents are not responsible for usual maintenance and replacement of operator-owned chattels, whilst protecting operators from bearing the cost of making good resident abuse or damage to chattels. “Already some operators have moved towards this position and we anticipate the majority of operators will follow quickly.” The RVA has worked with the CFFC to develop best practice standards around the disclosure of information about residents’ transfer to care and have called for these to be incorporated into the Retirement Villages Code of Practice. “We also agree that the retirement sector can encourage best practice standards, as is illustrated by the sector actively

encouraging operators to stop charging all fees when a resident moves out,” says Mr Wilkinson. “This is an example of education and market pressure. The practice was extremely rare 20 years ago, but today the majority of villages have adopted this practice and we expect more to follow, although this will always be a challenge for smaller and not-for-profit villages.” Last year, the RVA signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Retirement Village Residents Association of New Zealand to work together on issues. These include guidelines on dealing with the media, ensuring complaints raised via either organisation are dealt with expeditiously and fairly, implementing a comprehensive village manager training programme, and regular meetings between both the RVA and the RVRA’s Executive Committees. 

Active Senors-Special AS120

Many Seniors in New Zealand beneet from taking ENZO Brain Assist!

All our products contain ENZOGENOL® - New Zealand Pine Bark Extract a powerful and 100% natural an�oxidant brain and cardiovascular support. Exclusively available from ENZO Nutraceuticals Ltd, Paeroa. Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist see your healthcare professional.

issue 31 • winter 2021





Hearing, New Zealand’s trusted name in hearing healthcare for more than three decades, has just released the latest edition of the popular Consumer’s Guide to Hearing Aids. Independently researched and produced, the Consumer’s Guide to Hearing Aids provides a comprehensive review of the latest hearing technology and how much it costs. A must-read for anyone considering a new pair of hearing aids, the Consumer’s Guide covers the whole process, from frequently asked questions about hearing loss, to what to expect from a new pair of hearing aids. It also offers a simple guide to the hearing aid terminology you may need to know when considering a new device. Featuring a comparison of more than 350 of the latest hearing aids, the guide breaks down the key details for each model – comparing what they offer in terms of sound, fit and additional features. The full 12


issue 31 • winter 2021

range of hearing aid shells is also covered, highlighting the advantages of the available options, from behind-the-ear and receiver-in-canal styles, to custom-fitted shells designed to go completely in the ear canal. The guide also looks at how these custom hearing aids are made and fitted. Using modern computer-aided design and manufacturing technology, hearing aids can now be created for an individual wearer – providing a perfect, comfortable fit for their unique inner-ear canal. The latest invisible hearing aid options are also highlighted, with the 2021 guide offering a detailed comparison of the devices available for New Zealanders. These hearing aids are small enough to fit within the ear canal, making them nearly invisible when worn. In reviewing the latest available models, the guide looks at not only how the devices are fitted and how long batteries last, but also a range of additional features, like feedback

cancellation, noise control and remote control. The new invisible range of hearing aids are just one example of the advancements made in hearing aid technology over the last few years. The Consumer’s Guide examines how the use of new technology in the development of the latest hearing devices is significantly enhancing the wearer’s experience. This includes the use of the latest smartphone applications, which offer everything from the ability to turn your phone into a personal microphone to using it to locate a lost hearing aid – there’s even an app to reduce the perception of tinnitus. Using the latest digital streaming technology, TVs, mobile phones, music players, and laptops can also be linked to your hearing aids. This process allows people with difficulty hearing to enjoy clearer audio at any time, even when you’re with others. The 2021 Consumer’s Guide to Hearing Aids is part of the expert hearing healthcare provider’s commitment to providing the best, independent advice for local people thinking about hearing aids – for themselves or someone close to them. 

The FREE 2021 Consumer’s Guide to Hearing Aids can be ordered online at www. and will be dispatched to you at no cost within 14 days of your order. For more information about the latest hearing solutions and what options may be right for you, you can also visit your local Triton Hearing clinic – there’s 70 locations nationwide – or call 0800 45 45 49.


issue 31 • winter 2021






an older generation of travellers, hotels and motels are now less favoured and caravans, recreational vehicles and flats in holiday parks are in. Some traditional destinations like Queenstown, Fiordland, Wanaka, Dunedin and even Auckland have lost their lustre as Kiwis, including the over 60s, have sought places they haven’t been to for a while and places that they have never been to. Places less visited like Stewart Island and the Chatham Islands have been hot destinations for all ages in the past summer, and that has continued into autumn, while holiday parks in New Zealand’s more scenically attractive places have steadily climbed in popularity. The numbers tell the story. In 2021 domestic tourism figures show holiday nights in Fiordland were down 67% in February 2021, by 72% in Wanaka, and 77% in Queenstown compared to two years ago (well before covid was even known about).



issue 31 • winter 2021

By contrast over the same period, nights in Clutha district (which includes the Catlins) were up 108%, 48% in Hurunui (North Canterbury) and a whopping 164% in Tairawhiti district (Gisborne and up the East Coast.) Stays in hotels and motels are down by over 40% in two years while stays in holiday parks are up by a third or more, some areas by massive amount: Northland by 95%, Taupo by 186% and the Bay of Plenty by 139%. Operators are seeing the trend on the ground. At the Himitangi Holiday Park, operators Reuben and Alice Emery have noticed an increase in demand for fixed or “roofed” accommodation. In Whanganui, Ben Kay and Jeanie Marshall are seeing a trend to self-contained flats and their onsite motel units. Likewise in the Bay of Plenty. In March I visited several Holiday Parks along this lovely coast from Waihi to

Opotiki in a camper van. Mine was only a two berth but looking around the campsites there were plenty of the bigger, full motorhome variety, mostly driven by middle aged and retired people. Discussions with the operators confirmed the trend. The call for people to get out and see their own country has worked. Until the Australian bubble opened in April, there was no other travel option for most – unless you were willing to quarantine on your return from overseas and to pay for it as well – and assuming you could get an MIQ place. New Zealand rapidly became an attractive option for people of all ages. At the Holiday Park at Lake Rotoiti, co-manager Kelsi Hira told me caravan visits were down, stays in their ten motels were up and “powered tent sites are the first sites we run out of.”


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accommodation but don’t need luxury, and who would rather spend money on a good meal or on a glamourous experience. “Holiday Parks are also good places for families to gather. They can all be in one place but aren’t living on top of each other. They can come and go as they please. Some are in tents; others are in motor homes and the older group take the flats/motels,” Mr Brown said.


“We are getting more older people and more motorhomes. Young people come and then they tell their parents and they come, either by themselves or with the rest of the family. We are very family oriented. This is not party central.” A sensible policy. It’s a beautiful spot with great facilities including a hot tub. At Ohiwa Beach, the other side of the harbour from Ohope, Todd and Nola Morgan have just completed their 21st summer. “We are seeing people who have never been in a holiday park before,” says Nola. “we are getting 60% occupancy at weekends, less during the week but business is ok.” 16


issue 31 • winter 2021

Sam Finnerty, who manages the Holiday Park at Ohope Beach outside Whakatane says park owners are building more roofed accommodation because that is where the demand is. Nationally Holiday Parks offer 31,000 places for tents and caravans says their trade association’s chief executive Fergus Brown. Plus 2500 cabins and 2000 self-contained flats and motel units. “It’s often difficult to tell the difference between a flat and a motel: all have kitchen and bathroom facilities in the unit. “We have found there is a growing market for people who want a reasonable standard of


The Ultimate New Zealand Train Journey


Auckland to Invercargill Exclusive Charter Train 21 October - 02 November 2021 INCLUDES: • Travel on chartered train • 12 nights in comfortable accommodation • Daily cooked breakfasts, 10 Dinners & 7 lunches • Morning & afternoon teas & lunch served on board the train • Luggage handling • Flight home from Christchurch to main centres

Highlights: • A well-paced, hassle free experience • Northern Explorer Train from Auckland to Wellington • Coastal Pacific Train from Blenheim to Christchurch • Tranz Alpine traverse of the Southern Alps twice • Banks Peninsular and Akaroa • Exclusive Train travel between Christchurch, Oamaru, Dunedin and Invercargill •Oamaru Experience Tour • Dunedin City Sights Tour • Three nights in Christchurch and two nights in Oamaru, Dunedin and Invercargill Phone: 0800 785 386 Email:

PUKEKOHE T R AV E L issue 31 • winter 2021






inter is coming … with crisp mornings and later sunrises, having a warm cup of coffee in your hand as you depart on your next adventure is a welcome addition.

The must-see season To give you an idea of magic you can experience along the way if you travel in winter – think changing landscapes - mountains sprinkled with snow, full rivers and waterfalls, beautiful sunsets and a more relaxing stay at your destination. And whether you’re wanting to stop and explore, or you’d rather enjoy the sights from the warmth of the train, this journey has something for everyone.

A comfortable journey As soon as you board one of our scenic trains, you’ll be impressed with spacious seats, panoramic windows, glass shelves and skylights. These details bathe our carriages in light and bring the

famous landscapes of Aotearoa to your seat. Quite simply, we have done everything we can to ensure you feel at peace as you sink back in your seat and soak up the scenery.

Where to next? This, of course, if the most difficult part. The Great Journeys of New Zealand is proud to offer three unique scenic train journeys – two of them, Coastal Pacific and TranzAlpine take approximately 5 hours one way, whereas Northern Explorer is an 11 hour journey with some wonderful stop over options like National Park and Ohakune along the way. Travelling between Christchurch and Picton, the Coastal Pacific hugs the coast, passing breathtakingly close to the sea, where the Pacific Ocean meets the Kaikõura mountains. TranzAlpine crosses the Canterbury Plains and traverses along the thrilling viaducts of New Zealand’s Southern Alps. Your train climbs up to Arthurs Pass National

Park, before descending through lush beech rainforest to the West Coast town of Greymouth – a great base for visits to Punakaiki and the popular glaciers. And then there is the Northern Explorer, travelling between Auckland and Wellington where you can experience the extremes of New Zealand’s scenery, from the fertile farmlands of Waikato to the volcanic peaks of the Central Plateau and the sparkling Kapiti coast.

Delicious food on the go Our journeys are all about relaxing, so perhaps you’ll care to indulge in a freshly brewed speciality tea or barista coffee married with a sumptuous cake? Or perhaps toast your special journey with a bottle of bubbles or an award-winning local wine? Or keep it simple with a cold beer? Whatever it is that makes you smile inside; you are likely to find it in our licensed café carriage.

New weekend timetable If you have been thinking of giving Coastal Pacific a go, this season, it operates throughout winter, much to the delight of our customers. From the 3rd of May until 17th of October, Coastal Pacific will depart Christchurch on Saturday and Sunday. TranzAlpine will operate on Thursdays and Fridays also departing Christchurch, with additional services running over the school holidays. There will be no changes to Northern Explorer, travelling from Auckland on Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays, with return journeys from Wellington on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. Our premium Scenic Plus service is in hibernation until next year with some really exiting changes to be revealed in the due course. Find out more at 



issue 31 • winter 2021


Here’s an exceptional opportunity to see the snow-capped mountains of Kaikōura alongside the frozen beaches of the Pacific Ocean, previously not available in winter! The Coastal Pacific scenic train now operates a limited timetable over the cooler months. Travel all the way from Christchurch to Picton, or stopover in Kaikōura or Blenheim and visit two of New Zealand’s most famous destinations. Our special winter fares start from just $79 one-way for travel until 17 October 2021. *Terms and Conditions apply. Subject to availability, book before 15 October 2021.

Book online at issue 31 • winter 2021




HAMILTON GARDENS While our borders are closed you can still travel the world in the Hamilton Gardens. Charmian Smith explores gardens from the Italian Renaissance, Mogul India, late 1700s Europe and pre-Pakeha New Zealand in one of the most inspiring of New Zealand’s civic gardens.

I LOVE walking through the shady bamboo forest in the Chinese Scholar’s garden in Hamilton Gardens. The thick bamboo trunks make a soft, hollow clunk brushing against each other in the breeze, and the sunlit pagoda and bronze turtle at the end overlook the bushclad Waikato river. You’ll already have wound through the exotic Moon Gate, Ting Pavilion and wisteria-clad zigzag bridge over the goldfish pond. Hamilton’s themed Paradise, Fantasy and Productive gardens are one of the wonders of New Zealand, a place I visit every time I’m anywhere near that part of the country. Cross the Cloud court, one of several from which enclosed gardens branch off, and enter the plain passage to emerge in the Indian Char Bagh garden. The riot of golds, reds, oranges and purples in the four flowerbeds suggests a Persian carpet, the soft tinkle of the central fountain, the cool canals extending in each direction and the backdrop of the pavilion evoke the heat, colour and lush decoration of the Mughal empire. 20


issue 31 • winter 2021

During our visit an Indian visitor was so inspired he sang a Hindi chant which topped off our experience. Walking into the Modernist garden past a bright teal blue wall and spiky succulents, you feel you could be in California. The pool with a curvy sculpture, pavilion, wooden chairs for sunbathing and mural of Marilyn Monroe evokes something from a 1960s film. In hot weather children splash in the pool. But to escape the Sunday afternoon crowds, relax in the summerhouse overlooking the neat lawn and charming herbaceous borders with doves cooing in the dovecote behind. You feel a genteel afternoon tea might be served in this late 19th century English flower garden inspired by Gertrude Jekyll. Afternoon tea is served in the Katherine Mansfield garden - all is ready for the guests to arrive. This early 20th century New Zealand garden is based on Mansfield’s short story, The Garden Party. There’s even a vintage car parked in the drive and food (carefully researched by culinary historian Helen Leach of Otago University)

laid on the table under a marquee on the tennis court. Piano and chairs stand ready for the trio that is to provide the music. A favourite of mine, where a wedding was taking place last time we visited, is the Italian Renaissance garden. Enter beneath a long pergola and come across the grotto depicting Romulus and Remus (twin founders of Rome) being suckled by a she-wolf as the legend goes. Below, a parterre with neat geometric pools and a central fountain leads to a loggia overlooking the river. It’s like something from Romeo and Juliet with a balcony on one side where the wedding guests were dining. On the far side of Juliet’s balcony is an outdoor theatre. Since I visited last, Picturesque and a Surrealist gardens have opened. The former, inspired by the late 18th century Romantic movement, blurs the line between art and nature. There’s a craggy gorge to negotiate




at one end and a Gothick ruin at the other, a Greek temple, caves and symbols representing Mozart’s opera The Magic Flute such as trombones, Papageno the bird catcher, and winged lions. But the wild views of nature, the river and forests provide views to stir the Romantic imagination - Wordsworth might have been inspired to write write a poem here. Walking into the Surrealist Garden is - well - surreal, rather like disappearing down Alice’s rabbit hole. You’ll already have passed statues of Alice, the Mad Hatter and the Rabbit in the court outside. Tiles on the floor seem to surge, there’s an unexpected fireplace in the wall and you encounter huge, ivy-covered tree forms, jagged branches at the top move slowly, creaking as they go. To make you feel even tinier, a giant wheelbarrow and fork flanked by a giant door in a tall hedge, is like something in a weird dream.

Four productive gardens are intriguingly different. Te Parapara demonstrates a traditional Mãori garden that might have flourished in the Waikato a couple of hundred years ago. A carved pãtaka (storehouse) stands in the middle, surrounded by small mounds in which kumara are grown encircled by a palisade. Then there are Western food gardens. The large herb garden is divided into culinary, medicinal, cosmetic and perfume sections, and plants for dye and herbal teas. Next to it is a walled kitchen garden such as might have been found on estates to supply stately homes in Britain and France in the 17th to 19th centuries. In summer it’s flush with vegetables with fruit trees espaliered along the walls. But perhaps the most fascinating of the productive gardens is the sustainable backyard garden, a small plot full of vegetables, flowers,

chickens, bees, compost bins and places to sit, that demonstrates how an urban family can more or less feed itself sustainably. There are many other gardens but to exit, pass through the Tropical garden, cleverly designed with warm colours and lush plantings of tropical-looking temperate plants. I’m looking forward to visiting again when I’m next up north to see the Baroque garden, Medieval garden, an ancient Egyptian garden and a Pacifica garden which are under construction. To top off a visit, take a leisurely river cruise on the Waikato Explorer from the jetty below the carpark. It passes under the city’s many bridges old and new and parks and domains.  issue 31 • winter 2021



Staying safe on the roads HAMILTON GARDENS

Senior drivers have great experience and knowledge of the roads, so overall they are very safe drivers. However, senior drivers are more likely to experience serious injuries in crashes, as the body can be more easily injured. You can get a driving knowledge refresher by attending one of our friendly Staying Safe courses, which are provided by Age Concern, or you might want to do an online ‘Self-rating assessment’. Both are available via the ‘How’s your driving?’ link at

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency believes that it’s vital that everyone has the freedom to get around easily in a form of transport that works for them, so that we can all enjoy the benefits of senior living. From the age of 65 onwards, you need to renew your driving licence more frequently because bodily and sensory changes are more common. From the age of 75, these more frequent licence renewals involve a medical check. This gives you peace of mind that you are still safe to drive.

You may have also heard that we now have a child restraints video library, which will be particularly relevant to you if you care for tamariki, or if you transport your precious mokopuna around. Additionally, we also have some useful information regarding the effects of medication on driving. Did you know that it’s illegal to drive if you feel impaired by medication? This work helps achieve Road to Zero, New Zealand’s road safety strategy. Happy driving and stay safe on the roads!

Visit or contact Waka Kotahi on 0800 822 422 for free printed copies of our new booklets 22


issue 31 • winter 2021

Road safety resources


New booklets and webpage for senior drivers Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency has just released five new booklets, a new pamphlet and a new set of webpages for seniors: The road ahea d for seniors Helpful advice

Driving safely as a senior

A refresher on

Useful informa

core road code knowledge

tion to help kee

for senior driv ers

The road ahead This pamphlet discusses ‘six good things to know’

Road rules refresher An overview of key road code information Getting arou as a senior nd

Supporting senior drivers Discussing driv

Road rules re for seniors fresher

ing and transpo

rt options

Supporting senior drivers How to have helpful conversations around safe driving

Knowing your tran

sport options

Getting around as a senior An exploration of varied transport options

p you safe

Driving safely as a senior How to check out yourself and your car Renewing your driver licence as a se nior

The process from

age 65 onward


Renewing your driver licence An explanation of the processes around renewal

issue 31 • winter 2021




VINE ROMANCE Amid the splendour of the Far North DENNIS & ROSAMUND KNILL visit a winery of grand proportions with luxurious accommodation to share a bounty of fine wine and gourmet delights.


on’t worry about packing an alarm clock. You only need to listen for the Kiwis that routinely punctuate the morning. And if you sleep through the dawn then there’s the chorus of the native birds as they warm up for the day ahead. While nature and eco themes imbue all of The Landing’s features you will begin to feel a million miles from the nearest town. With only four luxury villas delicately located



issue 31 • winter 2021

around the property the designer’s instinct with an eye for characterrich heritage architecture lends itself to contemporary makeovers that have been built around mother-nature. The feel here is eco cool with enough mod cons to put it in the luxury class. Fringed by six beaches The Landing is a sanction of peace and tranquillity combined with privacy and discretion. And in a land that is not short of competition in terms of sumptuous multi-million dollar winery

developments this commodious 1000 acre span of elegance with breath-taking views over islands and the sea has an immediate impact the moment you drive through the security gates. After entering the grandest of gates we are right in the middle of Northlands most coveted stretch of exclusive beachside real estate that has established itself as one of the world’s most front ranking wineries. You can sense the imposing atmosphere from the very beginning. As the anticipation grows you pass vast fields of grapevines, manicured rolling hills as far as the eye can see, millions of native trees that are indigenous to the area with endless bushwalks of sheer beauty that will give you


One less thing to worry about. Right dose. Right time. Right medication.

Available at your local pharmacy. issue 31 • winter 2021




muscles that you never knew you had. It’s not often that we are speechless but as we drop our bags in the living room of The Boathouse we don’t know whether to turn left or right or just stare straight ahead at the spectacular coastline. There is something impossibly romantic about a place that changes with the wind or hour of the day. During a sudden storm one afternoon the sun fled, the trees shook before a gusting wind sent waves crashing over the coastal wall and soon a torrent of rain enveloped the property. Then just as abruptly the storm ended the sun reappeared, the turquoise was restored to the sea and the terraced lawns were greener than ever. This is such a special place where you want for nothing except perhaps for a handful of your closest friends to share the experience with. The food is the responsibility of Head Chef Jackie Smith who pursues a predominantly modern yet classic French approach with menu combinations of tastes and 26


issue 31 • winter 2021

“AFTER ENTERING THE GRANDEST OF GATES WE ARE RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF NORTHLANDS MOST COVETED STRETCH OF EXCLUSIVE BEACHSIDE REAL ESTATE THAT HAS ESTABLISHED ITSELF AS ONE OF THE WORLD’S MOST FRONT RANKING WINERIES” textures supplemented with their own outstanding in-house garden and farm produce. From fresh fruit and vegetables to free-range eggs and locally caught fish and farmed meats the daily menu offers a taste of magic that lingers on. The freshness and balance of flavours is a document of her passions captured in highly worked plates united with a rare finesse that will keep your taste buds alive. Her smarts are well showcased with imaginative and enduring food

over breakfast lunch and dinner. Alternatively for those that want self-catering you have the option of bringing in your own ingredients. Either way this is an engaging feature and part of the of the overall package. And then there’s the wine. As winemaking gets more and more sophisticated it has never been more important for a new winery to be able to stand out from the crowd. Northland is one of our newest wine growing regions and


has come a long way since wines were first nurtured back in the eighties. Forty years on and the industry today has grown from three wineries to over sixty producing some exceptional value for money award winning wines. The diversity of Northlands unique climate and coastal soils allows for a wide range of grapes grown with chardonnay, sauvignon blanc, syrah, pinot gris, viognier, rose and chambourcin making a presence. Whilst New Zealand’s wine trail has a wealth of wine riches there has been a dramatic expansion of vineyard holdings throughout Northland who are pushing the boundaries and stealing the march on their southern competitors. Peter Cooper born and bred in Kaitaia and a lover of wine is the latest entrant to join Northlands growing wine trail. Prior to choosing The Landing’s site on the Purerua Peninsular Peter was a corporate


lawyer in Auckland before moving to the USA as a property developer. His enthusiasm for fine wine resulted in the initial planting of pinot gris, chardonnay and syrah and with the assistance of Rod McIvor of Marsden Estate fame and Ben Byrne and Warren Gibson

winemakers extraordinaire the winery today is producing some of the country’s finest wines. But what makes The Landing’s wines really different is Ben’s combinations of grape varieties the most notable being Vino Rosso a common wine throughout

Feeling breathless? Dizzy? Fatigued?1 You may think it is a normal sign of ageing and put up with it, but it could be a valve in your heart.1 Aortic valve disease affects 1 in 8 people over 75 years.2 If detected promptly, your doctor can help you find the best treatment option. It is a short and simple check. Just ask your doctor to listen to your heart.

Ask your doctor to listen to your heart 1. Mayo Clinic Staff. Accessed December 7, 2020. 2. Nkomo VT, Gardin JM, Skelton TN et al. Burden of valvular heart diseases: a population– based study. Lancet 2006;368:1005–11. and NewHeartValve logo are trademarks of Edwards Lifesciences Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ©2021 Edwards Lifesciences Corporation. NZ-2021-190 All rights reserved. Edwards Lifesciences (New Zealand) Ltd. PO Box 28654 Remuera New Zealand. P: 0800 222 601

issue 31 • winter 2021





Italy. Dominated with sangiovese and montepulciano grapes this adventurous wine is blended with cabinet franc and merlot that makes this a food friendly wine. We meet up with Keith Barker at the cellar door to taste our way through barrels of chardonnay. The savoury style of Ben’s wines are evident. The new oak is kept from a minimum to the underlying and for those that like their chardonnay they were fresh, vibrant and finely balanced showing great richness with instant appeal. Making our way into the rammed earth tasting room we get to sample the syrah, pinot gris and rose and get into lively discussion about various wines styles. So many wines all with loads of character that all taste so different. It’s almost time to return to the real world but not before we meet with Laura Moreno Guest Service Manager for a personal tour of the villas. 28


issue 31 • winter 2021


COOPER RESIDENCE Perched on the headlands with 360-degree views of the ocean and countryside this is the largest of the four residences with five bedrooms, intimate corners and spacious living. and entertainment areas, floor to ceiling windows complete with inside and el fresco dining enhanced with one of New

Zealand’s largest collection of Maori artefacts. Once inside we’re immediately impressed with the natural architectural elements with each room leading to another perhaps more rewarding than the last.

GABRIEL RESIDENCE Situated above the tranquil waters


“WHAT MAKES THE LANDING’S WINES REALLY DIFFERENT IS BEN’S COMBINATIONS OF GRAPE VARIETIES THE MOST NOTABLE BEING VINO ROSSO A COMMON WINE THROUGHOUT ITALY. of the bay below the residence features four equal status king bedrooms all with spectacular views. Also included are four selfcontained indoor living areas including a full size billiard table for the boys, a library and an enormous dining area ideally suited for entertaining or hosting corporate events.

VINEYARD VILLA Built quietly alongside the vineyards with a more rural feel the villa boasts magnificent vistas across the property and out to sea. With two equal status king bedrooms and a spacious master on-suite the living quarters are open yet intimate with spacious outdoor entertainment where guests can

enjoy al fresco dining alongside the infinity swimming pool.

THE BOATHOUSE Inspired by the original woolshed on the water’s edge with two gorgeous bedrooms with one in the loft. The earthy scent of the macrocarpa pervades, vaulted ceilings, flagstone tiles and floor to ceiling sliding cedar doors that open from all sides to three separate outdoor living areas. The open fire place, pizza oven and large BBQ make this a fitting place to entertaining a crowd. If this is all too much to absorb on offer are two wine tasting tours departing daily by a private boatfrom Russell, Paihia and Waitangi. 

TASTE OF THE LANDING $250PP A two-and-a-half hour tour with a tour of the vineyard with wine tasting and a gourmet platter.

CELLAR DOOR LUNCH $450PP A four-and-a-half hour tour with a tour of the vineyard with barrel tasting and a two course lunch served with two glasses of wine. We say our goodbyes and board Iti Rangi for our 20 minute journey back to Waitangi. In true style The Landing influence reached its highest levels with great wine, great food and a sense of deep relaxation of doing nothing!


One less thing to worry about. Available at your local pharmacy.

Right dose. Right time. Right medication.

improving lives

issue 31 • winter 2021




Freedom to enjoy your retirement Heartland is New Zealand’s leading reverse mortgage provider. A reverse mortgage is similar to a normal home loan that has been designed for the needs of people aged 60 and over. Since 2004, Heartland Reverse Mortgages have helped over 18,000 Kiwis enjoy more freedom in retirement. A Reverse Mortgage can be used for a number of purposes including home improvements, assisting family, medical and healthcare, purchasing a new car, day to day living expenses or unexpected costs. Enjoy considerable flexibility and protection including: • Maintain ownership of your home • Flexible drawdown options • No regular payments required • No negative equity guarantee For more information visit or call our friendly dedicated team today on 0800 488 740.

Heartland Bank Limited’s lending criteria, fees and charges apply. 30


issue 31 • winter 2021



is no secret that times have changed – and so has the cost of living. Kiwi retirees may be facing some or all of the below financial challenges. • Housing and food price increases: Between 2008 and 2020, the cost of housing for the average NZ Super recipient increased from around $67.50 to $105 per week – and the average weekly price of food increased from around $63 to $103, according to data from Statistics NZ. The overall cost of living has also increased in all but one quarter since June 2015. • Council and insurance rate

increases: Cities like Auckland, Christchurch, Wellington and Hastings have made news recently for their exorbitant proposed rate increases. Council rates are expected to increase by over 5% per annum in many areas, while insurance costs are forecast to rise 3-5% per annum. • Savings interest rate decreases: Many retirees rely on the interest their savings are earning them, but we are living in an extremely low interest rate environment. With inflation currently at 1.4%, as measured by the Consumer Price Index (CPI), and most interest rates below 1.0%, those

savings might actually be eroding rather than increasing in value.

New Zealand Super is not enough to cover these costs Considering these costs, and the fact that many retirees no longer have salaried income, it can be incredibly challenging to live a comfortable retirement on NZ Super alone. As of 1 April 2021, a retiree living alone receives $873.88 fortnightly (after tax) from NZ Super, while a couple receives $672.22 each according to Work and Income. According to the New Zealand issue 31 • winter 2021




“NEW ZEALAND SUPER IS NOT ENOUGH TO COVER THESE COSTS CONSIDERING THESE COSTS, AND THE FACT THAT MANY RETIREES NO LONGER HAVE SALARIED INCOME, IT CAN BE INCREDIBLY CHALLENGING TO LIVE A COMFORTABLE RETIREMENT ON NZ SUPER ALONE” Retirement Expenditure Guidelines, a couple wanting to live a ‘no frills’ lifestyle in a major city would need $898.73 per week. This results in a shortfall of almost $250 a week. For a couple wanting the freedom to live more comfortably with some luxuries, they would need $1,436.00 a week. 32


issue 31 • winter 2021

Funding a dream retirement lifestyle is no longer possible on NZ Super alone.

Unlock an unexpected source of wealth When it comes to managing these financial concerns, the good news is that many Kiwi retirees are lucky

enough to be homeowners. They often have considerable equity tied up in their home, and with it, a certain degree of wealth – unfortunately, these funds are not easily accessible without selling the home. This is where equity release options, such as a reverse mortgage, can be helpful. A reverse mortgage allows people over 60 to access some of the equity in their home, giving them the freedom to relieve financial pressure and fund a more comfortable retirement. Importantly, with a reverse mortgage you continue to own and live in your home and community for as long as you choose. Unlike a regular mortgage, you’re not required to make repayments, as the total loan amount (including


“BY UNLOCKING SOME OF THE EQUITY IN YOUR HOME WITHOUT NEEDING TO MAKE REGULAR REPAYMENTS, YOU COULD ACCESS THE FUNDS YOU NEED TO COVER DAY-TO-DAY EXPENSES, CONSOLIDATE DEBT, COMPLETE HOME IMPROVEMENTS, OR EVEN JUST GO ON A ONCE IN A LIFETIME TRIP YOU DIDN’T THINK YOU COULD AFFORD” accumulated interest) is repayable when you move permanently from your home. By unlocking some of the equity in your home without needing to make regular repayments, you could access the funds you need to cover day-to-day expenses, consolidate debt, complete home improvements, or even just go on a once in a lifetime trip you didn’t think you could afford. Heartland has helped over 18,000


Kiwis fund a more comfortable retirement. To find out more about how a Heartland Reverse Mortgage could help you take the stress out of increased living costs, get in touch with our customer care team on 0800 488 740 or to discuss your options. Applications are subject to loan approval criteria. Terms, conditions, fees and charges apply 

Fr dr pic ee h op k- o -o up me ff s a er nd vic Seemore Tours is a family run business who operate group guided travel e! around New Zealand for mature travellers. We put a lot of effort into building

Book one of these great tours and go in the draw to win!

memorable itineraries & ensuring all the details are taken care of. Congratulations to our last winner Mary from Tauranga!




7-12 Sept 2021 | 6 days / 5 nights

26 Sept - 2 Oct 2021 | 7 days / 6 nights

29 Oct - 2 Nov 2021 | 5 days / 4 nights

Twin share $2,995pp

Twin share $3,495pp

Twin share $1,995pp

Single $3,195pp

Single $3,995pp

Single $2,495pp

What a great way to swing into spring! Enjoy 6-days visiting the remarkable old homesteads of Rangitikei and the famous Art Deco town of Napier. Amongst the nostalgia, we visit the coast of Cape Kidnappers and head home on the Northern Explorer train.

This 7-day tour takes us to the rustic high country where we explore Molesworth Station, Hanmer Springs, Erewhon Station and everything in between. The vast landscapes seen contain scree-scarred mountains, wide river valleys and tussock slopes.

This 5-day tour showcases some of New Zealand’s most stunning private and public gardens. It’s a fusion of some of the greater pleasures of life: gardens, art, food and events combined to make up a delectable serving of enjoyment for everyone.

We have a great suite of tours on offer, to view an itinerary and learn more, visit our website or contact Nikki for more information: Call 0800 SEEMORE (733667) Email Visit Prize is x1 $500 tour credit for one of these advertised tours. Entry will be validated upon booking form & deposit received. Competition drawn 7/08/31.

issue 31 • winter 2021




The Wine Rack Words. Dennis Knill, wine writer

THE Giesen Group is a family enterprise and powerhouse winemakers with over three decades of winemaking experience. Giesen’s were also one of the first converts to plant sauvignon blanc in Marlborough the engine room of New Zealand’s wine industry. Founded by three brothers Theo, Marcel and Alex in 1981 Giesen’s have become an industry leader with an uncompromising drive for quality, innovation and expertise resulting in highly awarded



issue 31 • winter 2021

premium wines that fuel the fire. Giesen’s newly appointed chief winemaker Duncan Shouler aims and aspirations is to produce exceptional wines that wine lovers can drink and enjoy. The Clayvin label is the latest innovation in setting the standard for premium wines grown throughout Marlborough. The handpicked grapes used to produce chardonnay, pinot noir and syrah come from vines planted 24 years ago in the Southern Valleys sub region. The Southern Valley was the

first hillside vineyard in the region and is the cornerstone for Giesen’s premium wine program. And if you’re a hungry visitor wanting to sample their wines matched with some great food the tasting room that opens out onto an airy courtyard will make you feel like lucky benefactors. On offer is friendly food served on a platter with one of their many wines. Alternatively you can settle for tasting the entire range or buy wine at cellar door prices. Otherwise the winery is worth visiting just for the view! 


$55 ’17 Giesen Clayvin Southern Valleys single vineyard Marlborough chardonnay This upfront skilfully crafted fullbodied fruity wine is fresh, ripe and finely balanced. Matured in German Fuder oak barrels long enough to give instant appeal. Plenty of pleasure for the price.

$57 ’19 Giesen Southern Valleys single vineyard Marlborough syrah An elegant and aromatic classy wine that belies the quality with its consistency and fruit flavours. Displaying great texture structure and balance that carries all the way across the palate. Will cellar well.

$57 ’16 Giesen Clayvin Southern Valleys single vineyard Marlborough pinot noir An easy drinking seriously good wine. Deep in colour with concentrated depths of flavour that is fresh and pure on the palate. An excellent example of pinot’s coming out of Marlborough.

issue 31 • winter 2021




NEW ZEALAND MADE FURNITURE – COMFORT AND STYLE YOUR WAY Furnishing your home is no small decision. The pieces that you invest in need to not only be practical but should also match the vision you have for your space. A way to tick both of these boxes is to buy New Zealand made furniture. One of the major benefits of buying furniture made in New Zealand is that you can customise it to make it work for you – here’s how.



issue 31 • winter 2021

ALTHOUGH you’ve no doubt heard about New Zealand made before and seen the little Kiwi symbol, what many people don’t realise about Harvey Normans New Zealand made furniture is that it’s completely customisable. • You can select the fabric colour, pattern, print or texture that works best for your interior style – make a statement with a bold coloured suite or keep your colour palette neutral and let the accessories do the talking. • You can choose your leg type and timber stain to match your décor - whether your style is traditional or more contemporary. • You can also select the size and configuration of your furniture so that you have a dining or lounge suite that perfectly fits your space – whether you need a dining setting big enough to fit the extended family or a small table and a couple chairs for your cosy unit, we can make it happen. As well as being able to choose exactly what you want, buying New Zealand made means you are also contributing to our national economy and supporting New Zealanders in business. So next time you decide to update your living spaces, why not support local and shop New Zealand made. Shop in store at one of our 27 Furniture and Bedding stores nationwide or head online to 


Features and Benefits

ADJUSTABLE BEDS – EASE AND COMFORT AT THE TOUCH OF A BUTTON Buying a new bed is an important decision to ensure you get a great night’s sleep. These days there are so many options so it’s a great idea to talk to a bedding specialist who can help you select the right bed. An adjustable bed is a great solution that gives you the ability to adjust the bed to different positions as well as also having a range of additional features. When you buy an adjustable bed, you’re purchasing a bed that can be adjusted so it’s perfect for you.

• Adjustable bed bases allow you to raise and lower the head and foot of your bed to different heights. These adjustments can help with things like poor circulation, heart burn, snoring and breathing problems. • Harvey Norman stocks adjustable bases and mattresses from trusted bed brands like Tempur’s Nova mattress that features exclusive Cool Touch technology. • If you and your partner prefer to sleep in different positions, you can choose a split model. With a split bed base, each side of the bed can be independently moved – one person can have the bed laid flat to sleep while the other can lift the back up and read in bed at the same time. • Another advantage of a split bed is that you and your partner can each select the mattress comfort you desire – even if one person prefers super firm and the other likes their mattress soft, there’s no compromise needed. • The base can be paired with different customisable headboard styles to suit your bedroom décor. Select from upholstered headboards or beautifully crafted timber designs. Adjustable bases also come with interchangeable leg options, meaning you can adjust the bed to your desired height. As well as having movement features, upgraded models have additional functions such as vibrating massage settings, alarms, speakers, Bluetooth capability and under bed lighting. You deserve a rejuvenating, restful sleep every night, so head into your local Harvey Norman and let our sleep experts help find the perfect bed for you - an adjustable bed might be just what you’re looking for. Shop in store at one of our 27 Furniture and Bedding stores nationwide or head online to  issue 31 • winter 2021




TARANAKI RHODODENDRON GARDEN FESTIVAL Coach tour from Auckand/Hamilton to Taranaki’s Garden Spectacular. A variety of private gardens are visited from small town sections to large country estates. Includes Pukeiti, Crosshills Garden and a night at the Chateau. 6 days. Departs 2nd November 2021

WORLD OF WEARABLE ART Travel from Auckland/Hamilton via Chateau Tongariro, tour through the beautiful Wairarapa and enjoy two nights in Wellington with an evening at the Wearable Art show before flying home. 6 days. Departs 3rd October 2021

CHATHAM ISLANDS Getaway on an adventure to the Chatham’s. Staying 7 nights at Awarakau Lodge, explore the diverse landscape and discover the history, heritage and culture of these peaceful and unique islands with your Chatham Island hosts. Departures: Ex Auckland 14th October 2021, 10th February 2022 Ex Wellington 26th January 2022 All tours are escorted from Auckland, options from other centres available. Phone Shavourn for further information:


Freephone 0800 999 887

A member of Travel Managers Group – IATA Accredited

Travel & Tours



ESCORTED TOURS Scenic Southern Splendour

Featuring Catlins & Stewart Island Departs 27 Sept / 12 Oct / 16 Nov 2021 9 days | $4149pp share twin Fly to Dunedin (3 nights) – Chinese Gardens, Royal Albatross Colony, Larnach Castle. Coach through scenic Catlins (Nugget Point) to Invercargill (1 night). Fly to Stewart Island (2 nights) – cruise Paterson Inlet to Ulva Island – spectacular bird life. Dinners at the South Sea Hotel. Return to Invercargill and coach to Queenstown (2 nights) – Arrowtown, TSS Earnslaw to Walter Peak for farewell dinner. All breakfasts/dinners and sights. Flights from Auckland/Wellington/Christchurch/ Tauranga (ask about other centers).

Proudly New Zealand owned and operated

Southern Explorer

Featuring overnight Doubtful Sound cruise Departs 24 Oct 2021 8 days | $4099pp share twin Queenstown (2 nights) including sights, TSS Earnslaw & Walter Peak dinner cruise, coach to Manapouri and through Wilmot Pass to join our overnight cruise to the unspoiled and unforgettable Doubtful Sound. Twin share cabins with private bathrooms, stunning scenery, onboard nature guide. Coach via Riverton, visit Te Hikoi Museum featuring life size displays and engaging stories of how our Maori and European ancestors adapted to survive on natures edge. Invercargill (2 nights) including visit to Bluff, enjoy a visit with lunch at Bill Richardson Transport World, (optional day trip to Stewart Island). Travel through spectacular Catlins to Dunedin (2 nights) including sights and guided visit to Olverston House. Includes return airfares Auckland/Tauranga/Wellington and Christchurch. Quality accommodation, sightseeing, full size touring coach, overnight cruise Doubtful Sound, all breakfasts, most dinners and some lunches. FREE home pickup and return within a 25km radius Auckland/Tauranga, Wellington or Christchurch Airport.

Taranaki Garden Festival

East Cape Panorama Tour

Southern Circle

Featuring Tranz Alpine & Coastal Pacific Trains & Abel Tasman National Park Departs 27 Oct 2021, 9 Feb, 23 Feb, 16 Mar, 6 Apr 2022 8 days | $3999pp share twin from Auckland/Tauranga/Wellington Christchurch (2 nights) with sightseeing and dinner onboard the Christchurch Tramway Restaurant. World famous Tranz Alpine train from Christchurch to Greymouth and coach to overnight at Punakaiki. Visit Pancake Rocks and Blowholes before coaching through to Charleston to join the fabulous Nile River Rainforest Train. Via Wesport and onto Nelson for 2 nights. Enjoy a cruise to the spectacular Abel Tasman National Park. Travel to Blenheim for 2 nights. Visit Omaka Aviation Heritage Centre as well as lunch at Wither Hills Winery with a glass of sauvignon blanc. Take the scenic Coastal Pacific train along the coastline via Kaikoura to Christchurch for overnight stay before flying home. Including quality accommodation, all breakfasts and dinners, sightseeing, full size touring coach. FREE home pick up and return greater Auckland/Tauranga/Wellington areas (25km radius from airport). Price available from other centres.

Southern Vista

Departs 28/29 October 5 days | $1899 from Auckland, $1919 from Tauranga 6 days | $2198 from Wellington or Christchurch Single room supplement only $150pp

Departs 15 Nov 2021, 7 Feb, 8 Mar, 4 Apr 2022 6 days | $2399 from Auckland 7 days | $2690 from Wellington & Christchurch No extra cost for single room

Featuring Dark Sky experience at Aoraki/Mt Cook Departs 3 December 8 days | $3875pp share twin from Auckland/Wellington or Tauranga 6 days | $3240pp share twin from Christchurch

Wellington/Christchurch passengers fly to Auckland and overnight with breakfast before joining tour. Tauranga passengers transferred to and from Hamilton. Coach to New Plymouth (3 nights) Novotel Hobson – all breakfasts and dinners. Visit to a variety of fabulous Festival Gardens, Len Lye Gallery. Travel Forgotten Highway via Whangamomona. Chateau Tongariro for overnight before home via Hamilton Gardens. Includes return airfares from Christchurch or Wellington (ask about other centres), full size touring coach, all breakfasts, dinners and some lunches, entrance to Festival gardens, quality accommodation. FREE home pick up and return from Wellington/Christchurch/Tauranga/Auckland within 25k radius of airport.

Coach via Tauranga through to Whakatane. Pacific Coast Highway – an epic stretch of road with picture postcard views via Opotiki, Te Kaha, Whanarua Bay, to renowned Hicks Bay Motor Lodge for overnight. Follow the rugged coastline through Te Araroa, Ruatoria, Tokomaru Bay and the Wharf at Tologa Bay. Enjoy a picnic lunch here. Then on to Gisborne, Wainui Beach, Botanical Gardens and the famous Eastwoodhill Arboretum. Coach to Rotorua for overnight before back to Auckland via Hamilton. Includes coach travel, accommodation, all breakfasts and dinners, some lunches, all sightseeing.

Christchurch (2 nights), visit French township of Akaroa, Giants Garden and dinner on the Tramcar Restaurant. Scenic Aoraki/Mt Cook, Hermitage (2 nights). Enjoy the International Night Sky Reserve, voted world’s largest (weather dependent). Take a turn at the telescope and enjoy a 3D presentation in the Dome. Head to Wanaka before on to Queenstown (3 nights). Day trip to Glenorchy with lunch cruise on the TSS Earnslaw and gourmet BBQ dinner at Walter Peak. Includes return airfares from Auckland/Wellington/Tauranga (Christchurch visitors join on day 3 and fly back from home Queenstown). Quality accommodation, all breakfasts and dinners, some lunches. Full size touring coach and experienced driver. All sightseeing including Dark Sky Experience and Dome Presentation. FREE home pick up & return Auckland/Wellington/Tauranga or Christchurch.

SUPREME TOURS & TRAVEL LTD 54 Wellesley St, Auckland City Freephone: 0800 809 300 • Email: • TAANZ bonded for your protection and member of Iata



issue 27 • autumn 2020

Fun trips and tours around New Zealand for the “Young at Heart”

Some of our upcoming Tours WOW in Wellington 13-15 Oct ....................... $1595pp Great Barrier Island 16-20 Oct...................... $2695pp Chatham Islands 28 Oct-4 Nov ...........from $4600pp South Island Highlights 10-23 Nov ....from $4995pp Christmas on Waiheke 22-28 Dec ................ $2595pp Stewart Island 14-20 Jan 2022 ..................... $3895pp Warbirds at Wanaka 13-20 Apr 2022 ........... $tbc

Call to book or browse our website to learn more and/or details of all our tours

Phone: 07 282 7663


EXPO Baypark Bay of Plenty 19-20 March 2022

WHAT TO SEE: OVER 40 EXHIBITS on health and comfort care plus mobility matters. Home sale and purchase plus retirement villages, trusts, wills, reverse mortgages and more. New vehicles, RVs and Caravans.

WHERE TO TRAVEL: Group and independent options New Zealand and future overseas bookings.



BAY OF PLENTY 2022 issue 27 • autumn 2020





‘INSIDER ADVICE’ TO VILLAGE LIFE WHETHER you’re already living in a retirement / lifestyle village OR thinking it might be time to consider moving into one - you will have questions. Starting July, the Retirement Village Residents Association (RVRANZ) along with experienced advisors running back-to-back 60-90 min workshops for getting the most out of either moving into or living in a retirement village. • “Insider Advice to Choosing a Retirement Village” is a 60-90 minute workshop for those thinking about moving into a village. Ever wondered what retirement village living is all about but didn’t want to ask because you might get ‘sold’ to? At these events you’ll get to hear about the pros and cons of moving into a village, the differences between village providers, as well as the key questions to ask when looking around. Plus, some insider tips that could help you save thousands!

Admission Cost: $25 single (or $40 with single take home magazine - Save $5). $35 couple (or $50 with single take home magazine - Save $5). • “Show Me the Money” is a 60-90 minute workshop for existing residents in retirement or lifestyle villages. It looks at sharing capital gain vs getting your money back quicker. If you’re a member of the RVRANZ, then this workshop is free. For non-members it’s a $5 donation - with the full amount refunded if you become a member on the day. Tea / Coffee is included and both seminars will have a time for Q&A. Peter Carr, National President of the RVRANZ says “If you’re interested in a resident-led perspective on moving into or living in a retirement / lifestyle village then you will not want to miss these.” For a list of all North & South Island locations, along with dates & times, please visit; or or phone 0800 787 699. Seminar Promise: These seminars have been specifically designed to help Kiwi’s interested in or living in a retirement village. It’s a big financial decision. So, if at the end of the seminar you believe you are no better informed – we will refund your admission fee in full. 

GOVERNMENT PETITION The RVRANZ has launched a government petition calling for an urgent review of the Retirement Villages Act and Code, as well as a guaranteed return of residents capital within 28 days of exit. In response to the Retirement Commissioners latest report on Retirement Villages, Peter Carr, President of the RVRANZ says “It is a sensible and professional approach for a long overdue opinion with regard to the need for a level playing field.” “This petition (initiated prior to the report) supports that call for an urgent review.” You can find out more at;



issue 31 • winter 2021





Representatives from 5 Probus Clubs across Kapiti participated in the 2021 Probus Social Bowls Gala at the Paraparaumu Beach Bowling Club and enjoyed a day of bowls, great food and good company. The day was hotter than expected, and that was not just the competition, but an afternoon breeze helped make the end of the tournament a bit more comfortable. Combined Probus Club of Paraparaumu won the trophy and Waikanae Central won the other

(team with most potential) prize. Many participants said they would like to come again next year. Thanks to the organising committee Vanessa, Gill, Richard

and John and to all those volunteers who helped make it such a success. A special thanks to Richard and Gill for managing the event on the day.

VISUAL ARTS TRIP TO PARNELL GALLERY Nine members of the Newmarket Probus Club visited the Parnell Gallery. It was very interesting hearing about the process involved in creating some of the lovely works they viewed. They then visited three galleries and finished with lunch together at Biskit Cafe.

issue 31 • winter 2021




TRIP TO MT LINTON STATION Members of the Invercargill East Probus Club headed out to Mt Linton Station and Aulds Farm Distillery. They were educated on how the distillery produces Whiskey and Gin. The day was surely filled with fun and laughter and ended with all the members enjoying a nice lunch together.

ROLLESTON COMBINED PROBUS CLUB OUTING A bus load of Probus members from the Rolleston Combined Probus Club recently took a day trip to Geraldine. It was a glorious autumn day and after a coffee at the new Barkers Coffee House, they had the opportunity to do a little retail therapy and walk among the autumn leaves along the river bank. They all enjoyed a superb roast lunch at the Stonebridge Function Centre before travelling home again. A lovely day out enjoying friendship fellowship and fun among stunning scenery.

DINING OUT A group of members from Wellington Combined Probus Club enjoyed an outing and dining out visit to Penthouse Cinema to see ‘Nomadland’.



issue 31 • winter 2021


CELEBRATING 30TH ANNIVERSARY The Ladies Probus Club of Manurewa, celebrated their 30th Birthday with a chocolate cake especially baked and iced by the Speaker and organiser, Sandra and it was scrumptious. 90 members attended the meeting and the cutting of the cake was done by the Foundation & Life Member, Irene, assisted by the President Paulla. A wonderful day was had by all.


In our recent issue of Staying Connected, we did a callout for Probians to send through their favourite recipes they wanted to share. Margaret Westgate from Onerahi Combined Probus Club submitted one of her delicious recipes. Congratulations to Margaret who has won a $50 gift voucher.

Ingredients • • • •

BOAT CRUISE ON THE KAIAPOI BOAT Members of the Roydvale Probus Club enjoyed a lovely cruise on the Kaiapoi Boat. The day was filled with laughter and joy by all who attended.

• • • •

1/2 cup self-raising flour 3 eggs Salt and pepper 1 medium potato, cooked and chopped up 1 cup milk 1 cup grated cheese 1 chopped onion 1 cup cooked and chopped silver beet

Method 1. Beat all 3 eggs together 2. Add the other ingredients on top of the egg mixture and mix all the ingredients together 3. Put in dish and cook 35min at 180 degrees 4. Plate up and enjoy Recipe by: Margaret Westgate Probus Club: Onerahi Combined Probus Club issue 31 • winter 2021





THE LAUGHING POLICE MAN The Ladies Probus Club of Te Atatu were delighted to start the 2021 year off with a hilarious and interesting speaker, John Hartley, aka The Laughing Policeman. John served in the UK Police Force for many years, and also with the N.Z. Police, and recounted some of his experiences as well as commenting on, and comparing the practicality of, the equipment of the times.

TRIP TO THE TEMPLE Members from Hornby Combined Probus Club took a trip to the Buddhist Temple in Christchurch. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the outing with scrumptious lunch to follow. Some members even rang the 'happiness bell'.



issue 31 • winter 2021

ONERAHI PROBUS WAIKATO EXCURSION Following an early morning start, 35 intrepid Onerahi, Whangarei New Zealand Probus travellers embarked on an adventure of sights, scenes and flavours. Though the Hobbiton movie set and New Zealand’s only tea plantation ‘Zealong’ were the formal tourist destinations, both provided intriguing tales underpinning their journey (conceptual designs and achievements) all the while the members were entertained and feasted. However, the journey is often the best part of the experience. Enroute, the coach was constantly abuzz with excitement, conversation and laughter. This overnight trip was most affordable for the members as a result of gaining two grants; Community Organisation Grant Scheme (COGS) and Lottery, in 2020.


Will you leave 1% to give them a life worth living? Your legacy is important to them. With just 1%, you can make a world of difference. Scan the QR code for more information

issue 31 • winter 2021





Fun In Retirement

What are you waiting for? Come and join PROBUS!

What is Probus? Probus provides you with the opportunity to meet with fellow retirees on a regular basis, listen to interesting speakers and join together in activities, all in the company of new friends. There are over 150 Probus Clubs with more than 14,000 Probus Club members all over New Zealand. You can join a mixed Probus Club or Clubs for Ladies or Men, the choice is yours. Membership is open to any member of the community who is retired or semi-retired and is looking for friendship, fellowship and fun.

Great reasons to join PROBUS • Enjoy the fellowship of retirees in your community • Listen to interesting guest speakers • Attend monthly meetings in your local area • Participate in a wide range of activities with fellow Club members • Travel locally or around the world • Stay in the loop with Active Retirees™ publications • Develop new interests and stay active

How do I join PROBUS? Find your local Probus Club by visiting the Probus website – www.probussouthpacific. org and select a location that is suitable for you. Once you have selected the Club you are interested in, we will 46


issue 31 • winter 2021

"THERE ARE OVER 150 PROBUS CLUBS WITH MORE THAN 14,000 PROBUS CLUB MEMBERS ALL OVER NEW ZEALAND" provide you with further information about how you can join that Club. Alternatively you can contact one of our friendly team who will find a Club that suits you. Join thousands of Probus Club Members across Australia and New Zealand, enhance your retirement and join Probus today.

Contact Us • • • Toll free NZ 0800 1477 6287


issue 31 • winter 2021






15 Days - $5499


13 Days - $4999 (start day 3)

10 Days - $4299 (start day 5, finish day 14)

Home Pickup & Dropoff + Return Flight(s)* from: Auckland, Warkworth, Whangarei, Hamilton, Thames, Cambridge, Tauranga, Waihi, Te Awamutu, Rotorua, Whakatane, New Plymouth, Palmerston North, Napier, Hastings, Whanganui, Levin, Kapiti, Wellington, Nelson, Blenheim, Christchurch + MORE! TOO MANY TO LIST! (call or email for details, inlcuded flight options may vary based on selected tour duration and home/hotel address)


CRUISE & WALTER PEAK DINNER, MILFORD SOUND, BLUFF, CATLINS, OLVESTON HOUSE, LARNACH CASTLE DINNER, MT COOK 2021: 9 Oct, 11 Oct, 23 Oct, 25 Oct, 20 Nov, 22 Nov. 2022: 5 Feb, 12 Feb, 14 Feb, 19 Feb, 21 Feb, 26 Feb, 28 Feb, 5 Mar, 7 Mar, 12 Mar, 14 Mar, 19 Mar, 21 Mar, 26 Mar, 28 Mar, 2 Apr, 18 Apr, 23 Apr, 25 Apr. Day 1: Home/Hotel pickup, join luxury touring coach for journey to Wellington via Taupo. (optional: Northern Explorer Train - $178), Wellington (2 nts Rydges Hotel). 2: Te Papa “Galipoli - The Scale of War” Exhibit. 3: 13 Day Start Cruise Queen Charlotte Sounds to Picton, then continue along South Island’s east coast via Kaikoura to Christchurch (optional: Coastal Pacific Train - $138). (2 nts Pavilions Hotel). 4: CHC at Leisure. 5: 10 Day Start Arthurs Pass, (optional: Tranz Alpine Train - $196), Greymouth, Shanty Town - pan for gold, ride Steam Train (1 nt Ashley Hotel). 6: Fox & Franz Josef Glacier (1 nt Bella Vista Fox Glacier). 7: via Haast Pass, Wanaka to Queenstown (2 nts Heritage Hotel). 8: Tour Arrowtown. Evening cruise Lake Wakatipu on TSS Earnslaw, Dinner & Show Walter Peak. 9: Scenic Cruise Milford Sound, Te Anau. (1 nt Distinction Luxmore). 10: Invercargill, Bluff, Optional: Stewart Island. (1 nt Ascot Park Hotel) 11: The Catlins, Dunedin. (2 nts Distinction Hotel). 12: Olveston House, Larnach Castle & Dinner (Exclusive to Gold Club Tours only!) 13: Mt Cook, Lake Tekapo (1 nt Peppers Bluewater Resort - Deluxe Rooms). 14: To Christchurch 10 Day Finish (1 nt Pavilions Hotel). 15: Day at leisure until transfer to return flight (inc), met & returned home. * Please note, optional trains not yet confirmed by on all dates.


3 & 4 Star Hotels, 2 Nt Opononi, 2 Nt Doubtless Bay, 2 Nt Bay of Islands - Stay in Russell at iconic DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH HOTEL! HIGHLIGHTS: OPONONI / HOKIANGA, NINETY MILE BEACH, CAPE REINGA, KERIKERI, PAIHIA, RUSSELL, KAWITI GLOW WORM CAVES DOOR TO DOOR SERVICE! EX: Auckland, Hamilton, Tauranga, Rotorua + MORE. EX: Welington & Christchurch + MORE add $199pp Day 1: Home Pickup, Fly Auckland. Day 7: Fly home, return. 21 Aug 2021, 18 Sep 2021, 23 Oct 2021 HALF FULL! 11 Nov 2021 HALF FULL! 21 Dec 2021, 12 Feb 2022, 12 Mar 2022, 02 Apr 2022

Day 1: Home Pickup, Matakohe Kauri Museum, Lamb on Spit Dinner (+ non-lamb / vege options), Opononi (2 nt Opononi Hotel). 2: Tane Mahuta Giant Kauri & Footprints Waipoua Experience. 3: Rawene, Clendon House & Old Jail, Taipa (2 nts). 4: Tour Ninety Mile Beach on the beach inc Te Paki Stream & Giant Sand Dunes, Cape Reigna. 5: Kerikeri, Stone Store & Kemp House, Makana Chocolates, Te Waimate Mission House, Haruru Falls, Paihia (2 nt Duke of Marlborough Hotel) 6: Kawiti Glow Worm Caves. 7: Kawakawa, Hundertwasser Toilets, Returned Home from Auckland.

For Free Full Brochures & Bookings Call: 09 930 7682



issue 31 • winter 2021

Prices per person sharetwin. Optional tours at additional cost. Airfare & Hotel addons/extensions subject to availability of seats/rooms & fares. Solo Traveller? Guaranteed Matched Twin - No Extra Cost.

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