Audrey Flack’s “Queen” is one of the provocative works on view in the exhibition “DoubleTake: Series, Multiples and Prints,” at the Arthur Ross Gallery through Jan. 15, 2012.
gallery happenings
Page 2 • Art Matters December 2011
The next Nichols Berg Gallery show which opens on December 2nd, features several local artists as well as new work from our represented artists. In the main level of the gallery is: "Out of Our Hands"; collaborative portraits by Meri Adelman and Laura Pritchard. (The image for the card is titled Birds and the image size is 38" x 24". It is watercolor, gouache, ink, and crayon.) This collaboration friends and artists is unique in that it marries two very distinctive styles and mediums and the result is art that is refreshing and evocative. In the mezzanine we will welcome back top of the hill artists, Melissa Lomax and Christian Patchell who are known for their intricate and distinctive styles of drawing and painting. The gallery will also be featuring Christian's book created from his sketchbook; "I Put the Can in Cancer, a journey through pictures" Throughout the gallery we will have on
display, the playful and innovative assemblage sculptures of Eric Schultz who creates charming and incredible robotic art pieces from found objects. Eric is known for his Herbula Love Bug sculpture, fashioned from an old VW Beetle for the Garden State Discovery Museum in Cherry Hill, NJ. Artists reception is Friday, December 2nd from 69pm. Show runs until December 31st. December Workshops: Children's Christmas Craft Workshop on Saturday, Dec 10th 9am-12pm This workshop is for all ages. Manuscript Illumination Workshop Sunday, December 11th, 9am-5pm. Instructor: Clarissa Shanahan Schirmer Visit our website for more information on these and other events and workshops.
Nichols Berg Gallery 8611 Germantown Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19118 206-380-4070
Art Matters
New growth at the Curtis
Artists’ conceptions of the exterior (left) and interior (above) of the Curtis Institute of Music’s new Lenfest Hall.
By Diane M. Fiske
Philadelphia architects. The original two architects are transferring their he renowned Curtis highly regarded firm to two Institute of Music at young partners, Daniel 17th and Locust has always been at the center of McCoubrey and Nancy Trainer. This fall, the new building opened with an entrance away from the stone majesty of the original Curtis Center. The result is a reminder that the Curtis Institute is a living, breathing institution of learning and change. As such, an addiArtists’ renderings by VSBA tion would have to be contemporary. It would have to recognize the fact tasteful Philadelphia’s that students, not history architecture. When it was constructed in the mid-19th buffs, will use the addition and prepare for their life as century, its heavy stone artists in the world of serisent out messages of ous music. strength and beauty in a Regarding the addition, mixture of historic styles it is praiseworthy that the from Jacobean to Regency. designers’ 119-foot-tall Its mission has always high-rise does not dominate been to prepare the top the low-rise, townhouse contenders for positions playing their instruments in block by being placed back on its site after the fourth orchestras and concerts floor. throughout the world. Named Lenfest Hall These music students, who after the famed benefactor travel to Philadelphia from of many of the arts prohomes around the globe, grams in Philadelphia, the also need dormitories, new building is a generous study facilities and dining 105,000-square-foot glassy facilities, as well as presstructure with whimsical tige. slanted patterns of walls It is these more munand a wonderful lightdane needs that had to be filled when the well-known filled, glass-roofed practice and respected Venturi Scott area. One could not expect Brown & Associates firm was asked to build an addi- VSBA to design a retro museum as a student space tion to the original that would look back Rittenhouse Square icon. instead of forward. The design is the first But the design incorpomajor project built under rates elements of the origithe brand of Venturi, Scott nal design of the Curtis Brown and Associates that Institute in a 21st century did not include the particitongue-in-cheek manner. pation of Denise Scott Where the original building Brown and Robert Venturi, has paned glass, the Venturi the two best-known
December 2011 • Page 3 building has varied size panes from the first floor to the fifth; where the original had a portico, the Venturi version exhibits a contemporary covered entrance. And to enhance the exterior wall, the Venturi version shows a V-shaped protrusion over the entrance. Lenfest Hall will provide practice, rehearsal and teaching space for students and teachers, as well as a dining hall and a place for parties. In addition, there will be technical facilities for the students to record and listen to their work. In addition, there will be video equipment. Double walls and barrier ceilings will facilitate sound reproduction. Thick window assemblies will also help sound transfer between music spaces. Regarding the fact that the five-story residential tower for students is set back so that it will not dominate the view from St. Mark’s Church across the street, there have been expressions of appreciation. “The building design honors the historic streetscape, yet successfully incorporates every modern programmatic element the school has long desired,” Elizabeth Warshawer, executive vice president of the Curtis Institute, said. She added, “The architects understood the need for the building to be a home for learning, practicing, inventing, collaborating, recording and relaxing and designed not just a building, but space to house a vibrant musical community.” — This is a monthly column about architecture, city planning and design. Comments and questions would be welcome. Diane Fiske can be contacted at
Page 4 • Art Matters
December 2011
Tom Brady’s By Marisa Gillen
large color palette
om Brady and his wife, Anne, are preparing for an was a jock. I was extended visit to his home in Virginia before the open- interested in hocking of his new gallery show ey, golf, football and girls.” in December at the Dalet He continues, “I Gallery in Philadelphia. His took an art class in wife, an art teacher, is on a college for an easy well-deserved sabbatical grade. I wasn’t at from the Miquon School, all good.” and Brady has been workHis instructor, ing for months on his however, turned out newly released book of art to be renowned “Tom Brady: A Life in painter and art critPaint.” It has been a time ic Fairfield Porte, of hard work but great who believed that accomplishment for this Brady had a talent thoughtful man. He is a to nurture and serious painter who has devoted his entire adult life offered great encouragement. to the pursuit of his craft, and his work hangs in both After a year of field study in art school in private and corporate colEngland learning to paint lections. figures, Brady returned for Beginning with college his final year at Amherst. at Amherst, followed by a By this time, art had master’s degree from Tyler become not only a passion School of Art, but a vocaand postgradtion. After a uate studies in brief period New York and “Tom Brady: studying in A Life in Paint” Europe, it has New York, he runs at the Dalet Gallery, been many 141 N. 2nd St., married Anne decades since Philadelphia, PA 19106, Dowd, his Brady has Dec. 2 - Jan. 14, 2012. college sweetever considInfo: 215-923-2424 or heart. They ered a life for moved to himself other Plymouth, than as an Mass., where his wife artist. taught and Brady continued He recalls, “I never to paint, sell his art and intended to paint. During work part-time as a baker high school and college I for Dunkin’ Donuts. He
If You Go
Left, is artist Tom Brady. Above, is one of his most striking works, titled “The Acme Ladies.”
spent periods of the day painting black-and-white line drawings of the people and places around him. He used these drawings as the basis for his oil paintings. In 1978, their first child was born with a rare neuromuscular disorder called spinal muscular atrophy, which required ongoing medical treatment and the use of a wheelchair. Brady spares no time for expressions of sympathy or for self-pity. He only acknowledges, “It became a different life than we had envisioned for ourselves. It was not necessarily hard, just challenging.”
His wife went on to complete a master’s program at Rhode Island School of Design, entailing a family move to Providence, but Brady never stopped painting. He developed a routine that took him on long walks through his neighborhood. He created dozens of oil pastels of everyday people living their lives and places that he found interesting. In the cooler weather he would go through the drawings, choosing the ones he wanted to paint in oil. “Painting so many Continued on next page
Art Matters
“Landscape by the Power Lines” by Tom Brady Continued from previous page
sketches and then setting them aside for a time was a great way to help me gain objectivity. Artists love everything they do, but I couldn’t afford to paint everything I created. This made me really decide which of my sketches were better than others.” In the ’80s, Brady and his family moved to Philadelphia so that he could obtain an MFA from Tyler School of Art. During that period, he and Anne had two more children, a son and a daughter; his son was also born with the same genetic disease as his oldest sister. Life revolved around family, nurses, work and art. Brady continued to paint and sell art, but like most artists, he supported himself through a series of part-time jobs. He again went to work as a baker and later as a truck driver
for the Philadelphia Inquirer. It was an enormously busy life encompassing family, art and work. It is a testament to the closeness and fortitude of this family that all of the Brady children have now graduated from college. Through his part-time work, Brady’s artistic vision began to reflect the images of a life outside the neighborhoods that he typically painted and expanded to include the grittier visions of lives and places in Philadelphia. Though Brady’s images ideally evoke deep feelings in the viewer, they are never rendered in an overtly emotional style and certainly his intent is not to force the viewer to feel one way or another. Rather, he creates paintings that are both subtle and honest. He captures figures deep in their own thought by opening little windows for the
viewer to peek in. Brady’s paintings seem to capture the essence of the emotion his subjects are feeling at the moment he paints them. Sometimes that emotion is caught in a simple curve of a spine against a wellused chair, as in the painting “Uncle Ed,” and sometimes it is the expression on a face, reduced to its most simplistic forms that stops the viewer in his tracks. Yet there is always a sense of wonderful familiarity in the soft curves on the fender of a truck, or telephone wires drooping across a rundown street. In an oil titled “The Acme Ladies,” owned by Peter and Estella Graeffe, Brady paints two elderly women sitting on a wooden bench waiting for a ride. One wears large opaque black sunglasses, suggestive of a recent trip to an eye doctor, the other’s bright orange hair a bril-
December 2011 • Page 5 liant homage to Lucille Ball. Peter Graeffe comments on Brady’s work: “It is impossible not to be delighted by Brady’s painstaking technique and the dazzling image which radiates from his swirling gobs of color.” Brady uses a large color palette — at least 50 colors of paint are painstakingly mixed in tuna cans on painting day, at the ready for Brady to attack a masonite board with his brushes. He applies it in thick viscous paint strokes with dozens of brushes. In his book he describes his painting process this way: “I use thick gooey paint, mix colors into colors, create the image and emotion through the paint and find the final image in the process of making it.” His bold strokes create movement within the painting that brings each work of art to life. Though he paints smaller paintings as well as large ones, he finds a freedom in painting big canvases. “I paint in large strokes, and it’s harder to complete a thought in a small space.” Whether he uses a large or small canvas, the process remains the same. The paintings are started and finished all in a day. The pastel studies are detailed preparation for what will eventually appear as the painting evolves. There is a point where the original pastel acts as merely a reference point and what emerges is a wholly new, gloriously rendered painting.
Page 6 • Art Matters
December 2011
‘DoubleTake’: Riches for the Eyes enerally speaking, original artworks exist in one of two forms. The first and probably most familiar type is the oneof-a-kind, unique object. An oil painting on canvas is an example of this category. The second type, called multiples, consists of many impressions that echo the visual arrangement in a master format. An edition of etchings, taken from an inked metal plate, provides an example of this latter variety. In either case, the decision to acquire one type or the other is entirely up to the judgment of the individual art patron. So far as price is concerned, unique works frequently cost much more than multiples. However, multiples represent an opportunity for dealers and collectors to secure fine acquisitions they might otherwise not be able to afford. Thus, the democratic ideal of placing qualitative selections in the hands of a wide audience becomes more and more of a practical possibility, thanks to the quantitative basis implicit in the nature of multiples. Currently, celebrating the concept of aesthetic multiplicity, the Arthur Ross Gallery in the Furness Library Building at 34th Street and Locust Walk, on the campus of the University of Pennsylvania, is
By Burton Wasserman
offering an excellent show titled “DoubleTake: Series, Multiples and Prints.” It is scheduled to remain on public view until Jan. 15, 2012. The practice of making two-dimensional multiple artworks in the Western world had its origins when woodcuts were printed from handcarved wooden blocks during the period of the Renaissance. Their surfaces were coated with ink and paper was pressed
Above is Robert Rauschenberg’s “Goat Chow.” At left is William Hogarth’s “The Rake’s Progress.”
Art Matters
December 2011 • Page 7
“Royal Flush” by Audrey Flack
to them. When the paper was peeled away from the sensitivity, extraordinary finesse and sheer strength of block, the layer of ink, offset onto the paper, became a humanistic expression Dürer brought to the practice of printed image. In time, various other techniques were his craft. developed and used for creating editions of printed From 18th century England, there are two selections images. The making of multiples in 3D, for example, by from “The Rake’s Progress” by William Hogarth. As casting sculpture from molds, also underwent considerrichly detailed narrative compositions, they were to the able growth with the passage of the years. life of their time what serious family drama is to presThe installation in the Arthur Ross ent-day television. Gallery features more than 50 drawings, Two original prints by Joseph Pennell “DoubleTake: Series, reflect the look and feel of early 20th cenprints, photographs and sculpture. The exhiMultiples and Prints” tury architecture in downtown center-city bition focuses on issues of seriality and its will be on display relationship to artistic issues. They take Philadelphia. With considerable precision, at the Arthur Ross Gallery, 220 S. 34th St., shape in works by such highly regarded they provide a slice-of-life, frozen-time Philadelphia, PA 19104, individuals as Josef Albers, Salvador Dali, vision for students of urban geography and Nov. 18 – Jan. 15. Henry Moore and Louise Nevelson. civic documentation. Info: 215-898-2083 or There is also an especially rewarding The multiples devised by the contempogroup of engravings on view by Albrecht rary artist Audrey Flack call attention to Dürer, the eminent 16th century German master. the fascination many people have for playing card Together, they illuminate events from the religious games and to middle-class values that are pertinent to series “The Passion of Christ.” Few artists in the entire the role of women in American society. Her designs history of Western art can compare with the incredible titled “Royal Flush” and “Queen” are exceptionally
If You Go
slick and colorful pictures, rather like the advertising illustrations one sees in many of today’s popular periodical publications. Robert Rauschenberg’s screenprinted collages focus on the shape and design of animal food packages from the 1970s. As examples of the pop-art style, they are reminiscent of artworks by Andy Warhol and also some of the early abstract accomplishments based on letter-forms and flat patterns found in post-cubist compositions by Stuart Davis. The concept of multiplicity for making art objects has an interesting parallel in the contemporary industrial practice of assembly-line manufacture in the fields of airplane and automobile production as well as the mass processing of foods, beverages and pharmaceutical chemicals. Another parallel that comes to mind is the invention of the camera and various types of film that made it possible to prepare a matrix (the photo negative) from which countless positive prints, if desired, could be made and distributed. The many different examples included in the show bear the touch of remarkably creative men and women. Endowed with rare gifts of artistic invention and personal powers of individual expression, their ability to transform perceptions observed into unusual artworks with a life of their own is a precious blessing. Its significance for the rest of us consists of a potential for enriching everyone who comes to see what they have to offer. Working with passion drawn from the center of their resources, the artists represented in the exhibition join each other in a bold romp through many centuries. Together, they lend coherence and continuity to opportunities for thoughtful insight and profound self-renewal.
Page 8 • Art Matters
December 2011
December 2011 Listings DELAWARE NEW CASTLE COUNTY THE BLUE STREAK GALLERY 1721 Delaware Ave. Wilmington DE, 19806 p: 302-429-0506. Extended Holiday Hours: Mon-Fri. 10am-6pm; Sat 10am-5pm; Sun noon-4pm. Email: Exhibit Info: Through Jan 7, 2012 – Two Exhibitions: ANNUAL HOLIDAY JEWELRY SHOW, featuring Sasha Lickle, Pam Levin, and Maxine Rosenthal A DRAWING SHOW – “KRISTINA”: featuring Lisa Bartolozzi, Kory Berrett, Mark Bockrath, Yolanda Chetwynd, J. Richie Garrison, Kristina Marie Elllura Goverts, Katrina Greene, Clair Haik, Grace Isabel, Daniel Jackson, Maureen Kamerick, Emelie Keim, Claire Kincade, Kurt Knobelsdorf, Meinrad Leckie, Geraldine McKeown, Cynthia McGrellis, Pal Metrinko, E.M. Saniga, Bill Shimek, Steve Tanis, and Greg Watson. Opening reception, Dec 2nd 5pm-8pm Refreshments served DELAWARE ART MUSEUM – 2301 Kentmere Pkwy., Wilmington, DE 19806 p: 302-571-9590. Wed-Sat 10am4pm, Sun 12pm-4pm. Free admission Sundays. Exhibit Info: Through Jan 8, 2012: Anne Trutt – Luminosities. Drawn from the Museum’s permanent collection, this exhibit features sculpture and works on paper by Anne Truitt. Through Mar 4th, 2012: Howard Pyle – American Master Rediscovered. In celebration of the centenary of the death of the American artist and illustrator, Howard Pyle, the Delaware Art Museum presents a comprehensive retrospective exhibition. Through Jan 8th, 2012: . This exhibit presents various works by members of the Studio Group, Inc., and association of artists founded in Wilmington in 1935.
NEW JERSEY BURLINGT0N COUNTY CENTER FOR THE ARTS IN SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY 123 South Elmwood Rd. Marlton, NJ 08053 Mon-Fri 10am-3pm Wed 7-9pm p: 856-985-1009 Fx: 856-985-7555 Exhibit Info: Fins, Feathers, and Fur Exhibition. Dec 5th-19th, 2011. Reception: Thurs, Dec 8th, 7pm 9pm.
CAMDEN COUNTY CAMDEN COUNTY COLLEGE ART GALLERY 200 College Drive, Blackwood, NJ Gallery hrs: Tues & Thurs 10am-1pm & Wed. 4pm-7pm, or by appointment. Email: Exhibit Info: Marlin Gallery, Lincoln Hall, Blackwood Campus (adjacent to the theatre): Through Dec 16th – “Visual Arts Faculty Show” MARKEIM ART CENTER 104 Walnut Street, Haddonfield, NJ 08033 p: 856-429-8585 Call or email us for info on classes, exhibits & performances. Exhibit Info: Through Dec 3rd, Juried Exhibition – New Works on Paper Dec 14th: County Reflections Exhibition. Beginning with a Reception, as part of the National PTA Arts Program, to present student work from schools in Camden County. Dec 15th-Jan 1st: “Deck the Walls – Selections of Work from Local Artists”
CAPE MAY COUNTY OCEAN CITY ARTS CENTER – 1735 Simpson Ave. Ocean City, NJ p: 609-399-7628 fx: 609-399-6145 MonFri 9am-9pm, Sat 9am-3pm admiss Free; parking available in adjacent lot.
Exhibit Info: Dec 2nd – School Art Program (2nd grade to High School): “With Love For Our Children”, featuring works from local schools. Artists’ Reception Fri., Dec 2nd, 7pm-8:30pm 1971 - 2011
William Ris Gallery 9400 2nd Ave,. Stone Harbor, NJ p: 609-368-6361 Celebrating our Fortieth Holiday Season! Something for everyone...... Fine American craft including: pottery - functional, fanciful, fun judaica - traditional, colorful jewelry - unique, one of a kind wearable art - silky, woolly, warm hand drums , bongos, wooden and rhyhmic “Always the finest of fine original art”
108 High Street, Millville, NJ 08332 phone: 856-765-0988 Exhibit Info: Student Show Reception: Dec 16, 6-9 pm Classes: Pottery Wheel Workshop, Dec. 2, Friday, 6-8 pm, $25 Polymer Clay Jewelry Workshop, Dec. 3, Saturday 2-4 pm, $20 Third Friday: December 16: Browse the Millville Arts District WHEATON ARTS & CULTURAL CENTER – 1501 Glasstown Rd., Millville, NJ 08332 p: 800-998-4554 Open Tues-Sun 10am-5pm. Exhibit Info: Through December 31, 2011 in the Museum of American Glass: New Harmonies: Celebrating American Roots Music. Exhibit tells the story of a nation through the music of its people. The exhibit is part of Museum on Main Street, a collaboration between the Smithsonian Institution and the New Jersey Council for the Humanities. Through December 24, 2011 in The Gallery of Fine Craft: The Handcrafted Gift: Annual Holiday Exhibition. The show features a variety of unique, handcrafted items just in time for the gift giving season. Explore the variety of handcrafted whimsical and functional items in metal, glass, ceramics and wood.
GLOUCESTER COUNTY GLOUCESTER COUNTY COLLEGE ART GALLERY 1400 Tanyard Rd, Sewell, p: 856415-2236 Mon-Fri 8am-10pm, Sat 8am-3pm Exhibit Info: Annual Gloucester County College Student Art Exhibit, featuring Drawings, paintings, photgraphs, pottery, digital art. Opening Reception: Wed., Dec 7th, 11:30am-1:30pm – Live Entertainment Show runs through January 18, 2012
OCEAN COUNTY LONG BEACH ISLAND FOUNDATION OF THE ARTS AND SCIENCES – 120 Long Beach Blvd., Loveladies, NJ p: 609-494-1241 Hrs: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, SatSun, 9am-3pm, Exhibit Info: The Long Beach Island Foundation of the Arts and Sciences’Annual Small Works Exhibition; Through- December 19
The LBIF encourages both emerging artists as well as those with established reputations to participate in the Small Works Exhibition. The purpose of the exhibition is to showcase small works that reflect personal vision. Looking for a holiday gift? This is the perfect show!
MERCER COUNTY EDUCATIONAL TESTING SERVICE – 660 Rosedale Rd., Princeton, NJ, All exhibits are Free to the public. Hrs: Mon-Fri 9am-4pm p: 609-921-9000 Exhibit Info: Brodsky Gallery, Chauncey Conference Center – Mixed Media with Pastel through Dec. 16th. Lounge B Gallery, Conant Hall – “call for information”
GoggleWorks Center for the Arts 201 Washington St. Reading, PA 19601 610.374.4600 Hrs: Mon-Sat 9am-9pm, Sun 11am-7pm. First Thurs 5pm-8pm. Second Sun 11am-4pm email: Cohen Gallery GoggleWorks 7th Annual Artist Exhibition Through Dec. 31, 2011 Opening Reception: Fri, December 2, 5:30-7:30pm Schmidt Gallery Berks Photographic Society December 2 – 28, 2011 The Berks Photographic Society Members work in the mediums of slide, print, color, black and white and digital photography. VIST Financial Gallery The Willson History Project This permanent exhibit at the GoggleWorks showcases the 130-year history of Willson Goggles.
FREEDMAN GALLERY – Albright College 13th & Bern Streets, Reading, PA p: 610-921-7541 fx; 610-921-7768 Hours: Tues 12-8pm, Wed-Fri 12-6pm, Sat & Sun 12-4pm Exhibit Info:Dec 1st-Jan 8th, 2012: Richard Hamwi: Journey: Solo Exhibition of Dr. Hamwi’s work. Thurs, Dec 1st, 4pm-5pm, Panel Discussion, Klein Hall
Opening Reception, Freedman Gallery, Thurs., Dec 1st, 5pm-6:30pm Mondays, 4pm, Afterschool Art Program, $5 per child Sat, Jan 7th, 10:30am-Noon, Art Market for families and Kids, $5 per child READING PUBLIC MUSEUM 500 Museum Rd., Reading, PA p: 610-3715850 fx: 610-375-5632 Wed, Thurs, Sat 11am5pm; Fri 11am-8pm; Sun noon-5pm www. Exhibit Info: Through January 22, 2012 – Andrew Orth: Directing Hollywood – This photo exhibition is a collection of more than twenty internationally renowned television, photography and film directors taken over the last 15 years. Includes: Steven Zaillian (Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Schindler’s List), Darren Aronofsky (Black Swan, The Fighter), John Dahl (Shameless, Californication) and others. September 24, 2011 – January 29, 2012 – American Impressionism: The Lure of the Artists’ Colony – Features, for the first time, one of The Museum’s greatest strengths from its permanent collectio. Includes 75 oil paintings and nearly 30 works on paper dating from the 1880s through the 1940s. Artists include William Merritt Chase, Childe Hassam, Ernest Lawson, Julian Alden Weir, John Twachtman, Chauncey Ryder, Frank W. Benson, William Paxton, Abbott Thayer, Guy Wiggins, Charles Webster Hawthorne, Colin Campbell Cooper, Daniel Garber and Edward Redfield, among others.
BUCKS COUNTY DOYLESTOWN ART LEAGUE p: 215-348-2166 fx: 215-2301799 Membership: 215-997-9573 Classes: 215-257-7190 DAL’s covered dish HOLIDAY DINNER will be held on December 1st, at the James Lorah house in Doylestown. Doors will open at 5:30pm for people to set up the tables. dinner will be promptly at 7;00pm. JAMES A. MICHENER ART MUSEUM 138 S. Pine Street, Doylestown, PA p: 215340-9800 Hrs: Tues-Fri 10am-4:30pm, Sat 10am-5pm, Sun. noon-5pm Exhibit Info: The Painterly Voice: Bucks County’s Fertile Ground, Through April 1, 2012, brings together more than 200 of Bucks County’s finest works. Paintings by Daniel Garber, Edward Redfield, Fern Coppedge, Robert Spencer and other Bucks County painters. Spotlight gallery talk, Daniel Garber’s The Wooded Watershed by Dana Applestein Garber, artist and granddaughter of Daniel Garber, and Brian H. Peterson, Gerry and Marguerite Lenfest
Art Matters
December 2011 • Page 9
December 2011 Listings Chief Curator Friday, December 2, 1 to 2 pm Fee: $10 per member/$20 per non-member, includes Museum admission. Registration limited; advance registration required Fred Beans Gallery – Through Dec. 31st. “Quilt Art: International Expressions”
CHESTER COUNTY BRANDYWINE RIVER MUSEUMU.S. Rte. 1 & Creek Rd., Chadds Ford, PA p: 610-388-2700 Hrs: Daily 9:30am-4:30pm Exhibit Info: A Brandywine Christmas Through January 8, 2012. The museum celebrates the season with fabulous holiday displays including an extensive O-gauge model railroad, antique dolls from the collection of Ann Wyeth McCoy, an elaborate Victorian dollhouse, and thousands of whimsical “critter” ornaments on holiday trees. New this year is a display featuring Ann Wyeth McCoy’s adult-sized (8 x 10 x 9 ½) dollhouse. (Note: The museum is closed Christmas Day. The museum will remain open until 6 p.m. December 26-30.) CHESTER CO. ART ASSOCIATION100 North Bradford Ave. West Chester, PA p: 610-696-5600 fx: 610-918-1327 Hrs: Tues-Sat 9:30am-4pm Free Please note the schedule of exhibitions on our website Exhibit Info: West Chester: The 5 Agents: Wu Xing & Asian Elegance: Solo Show by Luo Hong -Through December 16, 2011 Exton Square Studio: Exton Holiday Show: Chester County Artists Holiday Gallery and Shop Hours: Monday – Saturday, 10am - 7pm& Sunday 10am – 5pm PHOENIX VILLAGE ART CENTER – 207 Bridge Street, Phoenixville, PA p: 610983-9430 fx: 610-983-9431 Gallery Hrs: Mon & Sun closed; Tues.-Thurs 10am-6pm; Fri noon-10pm, Sat 10am-10pm www. Exhibit Info: December 2nd through Dec 30th, Juried Craft Show highlighting work by local artisans. Featuring assemblages, ceramics, fiber, mosaic, glass, jewelry, paper, photography, sculptuire and wood. Opening reception, Fri Dec 2nd, 6pm-9pm
DELAWARE COUNTY COMMUNITY ARTS CENTER – 414 Plush Mill Rd., Wallingford, PA : 610566-1713 Mon-Thurs 10am-8pm, Fri 10am3pm, Sat 10am-noon. Closed Sun
Exhibit Info: Winter Adult Classes: Painting, drawing, ceramics, sculpture, jewelry, mixed media, printmaking, photography, music, and yoga. Register online at or call office for information: 610-566-1713. Duke Gallery: December 1st- Abstract Studio; BEAdazzle Gallery Wall Small Works of the Artist of 2011, Dec.1 Lounge Gallery John Benigno & Carol Seymour Exhibit December 12 through February 28 Regular office & gallery hours Special Events The Best Holiday Sale Ever Duke Gallery, December 2 –10; Preview: December 2, 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. Open daily at 10 a.m., closes weekends at 5 p.m., weekdays at 8 p.m. Special “Try Art” Workshops Precious Metal Clay for Holiday Gift Workshop Saturday and Sunday, December 4 and 5, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. In the Rose Tree Gardener’s Sculpture Garden Through – April 2012; Sculptor James Fuhrman transforms the space into a Zen garden. DARLINGTON ARTS CENTER – 977 Shavertown Rd., Boothwyn, PA p: 610-358-3632 fx: 610-358-2018 Gallery Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-9pm, Sat 9am-4pm, Clsd Sun Exhibit Info: “Peace of [my] mind” by Sarah Paoletti Sarah Paoletti is a senior at West Chester University whose photographic entry in Darlington’s 2011 Intercollegiate Art Competition won her first place and her first solo show. t. Meet this talented artist light refreshments at the opening reception:. Saturday, December 3rd, 3-5pm. The art will be on exhibit through Dec 24th. Dec 2 & 9, Teen Mural Painting Workshop; Dec 3 & 10, Self-Portrait in Pastel Workshop; Dec 9, Chris Despo Acoustic Rock Coffee House Concert; Dec 12-Jan 9, Kindergarten Visual Art Experience; Dec 17, Tips for Photographing Your Family Workshop DELAWARE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE – 901 S. Media Line Rd., Media (Media & Newtown Sq.) p: 610-3595014 Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Exhibit Info: Through Dec 6th, Foundtions Student Exhibition – Artwork created by students in the Foundations classes of the AFA Program. All pieces are juried by selected AFA faculty; an outside juror chooses the award winning pieces. Dec 15-Jan 10, 2012: Photography Student Exhibit. Photograph Student work created in the Fall of 2010 through Fall 2011 in the classes; B/W Photo1, 11, and 111, Digital Negative, Medium and Large “Frormat, and Color Digital.
LANCASTER COUNTY LANCASTER CO. ART ASSOCIATION149 Precision Ave., Strasburg, PA 17579 p: 717-687-7061 Hrs: WedSun 1pm-5pm All exhibits are Free, open to the public & handicapped accessible. Exhibit Info: Through January 5: Two exhibits: “Kate Mylin” and “Holiday Memories”. Kate will be exhibiting her oil paintings, pottery and jewelry in the Steinmetz Gallery while LCAA members will be exhibiting artwork inspired by memories of holidays long past in the Kauffman Gallery. The public is invited. Admission is free. The LCAA will be closed for the holidays from December 24 through January 3. PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE OF ART & DESIGN 204 North Prince Street, Lancaster, PA p: 717-396-7833 Hrs: Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm, on Saturdays, every First Fri, and during Fall/ Spring Art Walks. All exhibits are Free and open to the public; and the PCA&D Main Gallery is handicapped accessible. Exhibit Info: Dec. 1- Jan. 20: Paintings and prints by Kyle Staver. There is a hint of “Wallace and Gromit” in Staver’s slightly rubbery figures and an exuberant freedom to her brushy, line-free forms. Meet the artist reception: Dec. 2 from 5-9 p.m. during First Friday. Dec. 9: Artist talk by Philadelphia painter Deirdre Murphy at 10 a.m. Coming up in 2012: PCA&D, central PA’s only professional arts college, celebrates its 30th anniversary. Details at
MAIN LINE EPISCOPAL ACADEMY – Crawford Campus Center Gallery 1785 Bishop White Dr., Newtown Square, p: 484-424-1400 Hrs: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4pm Exhibit Info: Through Dec 15th: “Never Meant to Last” – Organizer, Peter Hay Halpert, Episcopal Academy. Assisting Mr. Halpert in selecting artwork are; Peter Barbarie of the Phila Art Museum, Martin McNamara of Gallery 339; Stepen Perloff of the Photo Review; and Sarah Stolfa of the Phila Photographic Arts Center. For more information, call Michael Letts, 484-424-1484. THE GREAT FRAME UP302 West Lancaster Ave. Wayne, PA 19087 p: 610-687-3060 fx: 610-995-2215 Hrs: MonFri 10am-6pm, Wed. 10am-9pm,
1st Fridays 10am-8pm, Sat 10am-5pm Exhibit Info: Our December First Friday Show will feature Small Works and Miniatures. Artists who will be showing include Joan Bromley, John Pompeo, Josephine Winsor, Kate Garchinsky, and Alida Haslett. We will also be featuring our American-made crafts, including Jewelry, Art Glass and Holidays Eggs. Lots of small, affordable artworks will be available to purchase. The opening reception is from 5pm to 8pm on Friday December 2nd, 2011 and will feature refreshments and light fare. The artwork will be shown for the entire month of December. Come meet the artists, enjoy some good conservation, and get some holiday shopping done at the same time. LAWRENCE GALLERY – Rosemont College 1400 Montgomery Ave, Rosemont PA 19010 p: 610-527-0341 Mon-Fri 9am-8pm; wknds appt. email: Exhibit Info: December 4, 2011 to January 14, 2012 “Cross Country on 18 Wheels” Senior B.A. show by Regina M. Reppert
season. Call 610.525.0272 or visit to register or for more information. Gift Wrapped with heart: Sat., Dec. 3, 1:30-3 pm; Clay Menorah: Sun., Dec. 4 & Dec. 11, 1-3 pm; Funny Family Ornaments: Sat., Dec. 10, 1:30-3 pm; Gingerbread House: Sun., Dec. 11, 10:30 am-12 pm MAIN LINE UNITARIAN CHURCH – 816 s. Valley Forge Rd, Devon, PA phone: 484-341-8014 or visit for info/directions Hrs: Mon-Fri 9am-4:30pm; Sun 9am-2pm The Public is Welcome! Exhibit Info: “Beneath The Surface” Deborah Leavy -. Leavy’s solo show, awarded to her by Artists’ Equity, will be in the Fireside Gallery at MLUC from December 1 through January 8, 2012. The artist’s reception on Sunday, December 4 from 2 pm to 4 pm is open to the public. She describes her work as “abstract, a translation of what she sees into form, space, color, and movement. Some of her colorful paintings show the influence of Mark Rothko, but her work is eclectic, and includes paintings collaged with paper and fabric, inspired by contemporary quilts. ST JOSEPH’S UNIVERSITY GALLERY
MAIN LINE ART CENTER – 746 Panmure Rd, Haverford, PA phone: 610-525-0272 fx: 610-525-5036 Hrs: Mon-Thurs 10am-8pm; Sat 10am-4pm, Clsd Sun. For information on lectures, trips & events, visit Lots of Free pkg. Exhibit Info: Holiday Fine Craft Sale -Dec. 2-11, Admission Free: Supporting Sponsor: Bank of America Unique, affordable holiday gifts! Sale features an amazing assortment of one-of-akind fine crafts including handmade jewelry, ceramics, glass, wood, fabric and more... all handcrafted by professional artists from the region. Sale Hours: Thurs., Dec. 1, 5-7 pm (Members’ Early Shopping); Dec. 2: 10 am-9 pm; Dec. 3 & 4: 10 am-5 pm; Dec. 5-8: 10 am-7 pm; Dec. 9-10: 10 am-5 pm; Dec. 11: 10 am-3 pm. Visit for a list of participating artists and images of their work. Play: Toying with Art - Dec. 16-Jan. 11 Opening Reception: December 16, 6-8 pm It’s time to have fun at this whimsical exhibition featuring all mediums inspired by toys and play! The Art Center will donate 10% of proceeds from sales to the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation. We are pleased to have Tracy Tumolo, owner of Sweet Mabel, as the exhibition juror. Holiday Family Workshops Throughout December - Register for a family workshop and create works of art and memories with your child this holiday
Merion Hall, Maguire Campus, 376 N. Latches Lane, Merion Station p: 610-660-1845 Hrs: Mon-Fri 9am7pm, Sat 10am-1pm Exhibit Info: India – A Light Within Through December 16, 2011 A photographic installation by Charlee Brodsky, with writers Zilka Joseph and Neema Bipin Avashia. Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 7 PM, Saturday: 10 AM - 1 PM Closed for Winter Break, December 17 January 12, 2012. SWEET MABEL FOLK ART – 41 N. Narberth Ave., Narberth, PA p: 610-667-3041. Hrs: Tues-Sat 11am6pm, Sun noon-5pm Feature folk, outsider & found object art & craft from regional and national artists. Exhibit Info: Featuring Brad Litwin, creator of Mechanicards, miniature hand-operated kinetic sculptures, each hand-built in limited edition. Also showing, an exceptional group of artists from the Lower Merion Vocational Training Center with a lively collection of intuitive works. Plus a variety of affordable works from our local community of artists. Join us for live music by Brad Litwin, refreshments and holiday fun.
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December 2011
December 2011 Listings Wayne Art Center 413 Maplewood Ave, Wayne, PA P: 610-688-3553 F: 610-995-0478 Davenport Gallery and Ethel Sergeant Clark Smith Gallery: Craft Forms 2011 An International Juried Exhibition of Fine Contemporary Crafts Juried by: Elizabeth Agro, the Nancy M. McNeil Associate Curator of American Modern and Contemporary Crafts and Decorative Arts. Dec 2 – Jan 21, 2012 Preview Party: Fri, Dec 1st, 6pm-10pm Call or check website for Ticket information. VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY ART GALLERY – Connelly Center, 2nd Flr., 800 Lancaster Ave, Villanova p: 610-519-4612 fx: 610-519-6046. Open daily 9am-5pm. Call for weekend and extended hrs., or visit website: Exhibit Info: “Visions Four”: Elsa Johnson, Kristine Marx, Diane Pepe and Karen Saler Exhibit continues through December 5th
Celebrating our 70th Year GNAL Welcomes New and Experienced Artists to our Classes, Trips, Shows, Workshops and Monthly Meetings Registration Now Open for January day and evening classesFor more information Call 610-539-3393 For More Information Call 610-539-3393 or visit 800 West Germantown Pike E. Norriston, PA 19403
ABINGTON ART CENTER – 515 Meetinghouse Rd., Jenkintown, PA p: 215-887-4882 fx: 215-8875789 Hrs: Wed-Fri 10am-5pm, Thurs to 7pm, Sat & Sun 10am-3pm Exhibit Info: ANNUAL JURIED SHOW – Opens December 3rd and ends on January 29, 2012 December 10 – Annual Juried Show Party & Award Ceremony 3-5pm. Juror, Lee Stoetzel. The 4pm award ceremony will recognize outstanding works including Best in Show, Ceramics, Jewelry and Works on Paper. December 11 – EUREKA! • drop-in anytime between 11am & 3pm Each month Abington Art Center hosts EUREKA! a fun workshop for families. $10 per family. (AAC members free); no reservations are required. December 17 – Coffee Break • 9:30 & 11am $5/AAC Members FREE. Coffee Break has two “seatings” 9:30am & 11am. For more info: 215-887-4882 ext 215 December 18 – Sweet Beats Starring Music Monkey Jungle • 1pm Sweet Beats - $10 per family/AAC members free. JOHN JAMES AUDUBON CENTER AT MILL GROVE 1201 Pawlings Rd, Audubon p: 610-666-5593; ext 101 Hrs: Tues-Sat 10am-4pm; Sun 1pm-4pm Clsd Mon & major holidays Exhibit Info: Original Audubon prints & art; Changing Exhibit Gallery featuring regional artists; nature sanctuary w/trails, and more. Call for current shows. Admission, $3/adults, $2/seniors, $1/youth. MONTGOMERY COUNTY GUILD OF PROFESSIONAL ARTISTS (MCGOPA) At SPP Galleries, The Inquire Bldg. 800 Schuylkill River Rd (Rte 23) between Rts. 202 & 320, Conshohocken, PA p: 610-803-3248 Maria Solomon, Gallery Director Free & Open to Public Hrs: Representative: 11am-1pm Mondays & Fridays; Open Daily. MCGOPA is on facebook - www.facebook. com/mcgopa Join MCGOPA, a gallery for artists to exhibit their work; opportunities
for lectures, demonstrations and interact with other artists. For more information: NORTH PENN ART ALLIANCE – A 200 member nonprofit artists group and art lovers who meet regularly in the basement of the Univest Bldg., located at 521 W. Main Street, Lansdale p: 215-3939110 Exhibit Info: Wednesday, January 4th, 2012, the North Penn Arts Alliance will hold their monthly Members’ Meeting in the Community Room of the Univest Building at 521 W. Main Street, Lansdale PA. Join us for a Gallery presentation followed by a business meeting that highlights upcoming art events and artists’ opportunitues. Refreshments are available and the doors open at 6:30 p.m., and the meeting gets underway at 7:00p.m. ORCHARD ARTWORKS 520 Tomlinson Rd, Bryn Athyn, PA 19009 p: 215-947-9882 Gallery Hours: Fri & Sat 10am-4pm; Sun 1pm-4pm Exhibit Info: Ornaments & Adornments, Group show featuring handcrafted, Holiday Decorations by our member artists. Dec.4 thru 31. Opening Reception, Sun.Dec.4th 1-4 PM Gallery Hours, Fri. and Sat. 10AM4PM, Sun. 1-4PM. Special additional hours Friday Dec.2,9,15,23 5-8PM Information and directions: p: 215-947-9882 ORELAND ART CENTER – SAUDC-Upper Level. 100 Wischman Ave. & Twining Rd., Oreland PA 19075. For adult and Children’s classes – 215-572-6855 Call for Brochure. Exhibit Info:New classes, demos and workshops for the year, 2012, will be published soon. Call or check the website fro updates.
NORTHAMPTON COUNTY LEHIGH UNIVERSITY ART GALLERIES 420 E. Packer Ave., Bethlehem, PA p: 610-758-3615 Girdler Gallery; Mon-Fri 8am-10pm; DuBois Gallery; Mon-Fri 9am10pm; Siegel; Mon-Thurs 9am-10pm, Fri 9am-5pm; Rauch; Mon-Fri 8am-5pm; Virtual Gallery at Zoellner; Wed-Sun 11am-4pm Exhibit Info: Through Dec 2nd: Lissie Hobie – Photography, The Memorial Album Gallery at Rauch Business Center Through Dec 10th: Lehigh Art Alliance, mixed media, regional artists Through Dec 11th: Gary Graves: Just Words, video projections – Zoellner Arts Center Lobby Through
Dec 11th: Andy in the Valley, Warhol Polaroid from three collections: Zoellner Arts Center, Main Gallery Through Dec 16th: Show and Tell –Queer artists in the LUGA Collection Girdler Gallery University Center Through Dec 2nd: Women Photographers: Selections from the LUAG Teaching Collection.
1234 Market St., Suite 1800, Phila. PA p: 215-563-6417. Hrs: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Exhibit Info: Through Jan 20, 2012: “MYXing It Up: 2001-2011”, An exhibition featuring more than 50 collaborative youth art works that traces the 10 year evolution of the educational yourth non-profit, MYX: Multicultural Youth eXchange, from its post 9/11 beginings to its ongoing diverse work in Philadelphia and abroad.
CENTER FOR EMERGING VISUAL ARTISTS 237 S 18th Street, The Barclay, 3rd Fl., Phila. PA 19103 p: 215-546-7775 fx: 215-546-7802 Hrs: Mon-Fri 11am-5pm and by appointment. Exhibit Info: Exhibition #1: November 30 – December 20, 2011 “Recent Works” Artists: A Spotlight Exhibition featuring Jordan Griska and Tim Portlock Artist Talks & Reception: Thursday, December 1st 5 – 7pm Description: CFEVA is pleased to present a Spotlight Exhibition of Career Development Fellows Jordan Griska and Tim Portlock. Spotlight Exhibitions feature CFEVA’s Career Development Program Fellows in two-person exhibitions to highlight significant works in the second year of the fellowship. Location: Center for Emerging Visual Artists
235 S. Camac St. between 12th & 13th, Locust & Spruce Sts. Mon., Wed., Fri - Sun 1 - 5pm call 215-545-9298 Where artists grow. Through December 10, 2011 LEGACY ART SHOW & SALE SHOW & SALE OF MODESTLY PRICED ARTWORKS BY MEMBERS December 1 to December 30, 2011 WORKS BY JOAN FEISS January 6 to January 21, 2012 WORKS ON PAPER 2012 JURIED WORKS ON PAPER EXHIBITON Visit above website for life, clothed model and print workshop schedules.
PENNSYLVANIA Academy of Fine Arts 118-128 N. Broad Street 215-972-7600 Tues-Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 11am-5pm Closed Mon & legal holidays Exhibits: “Here” Oct-22–Dec31,2011 Alumni Sales Gallery: Small Works through - Jan 29, 2012 Hennessy Youngman & Nathaniel Snerpus Present: The Grand Manner – through Feb 5, 2012 Bill Viola: Ocean Without a Shore – Ongoing George Tooker’s Highway, ongoing American Art Starts Here: PAFA Refreshed, Reloaded - Ongoing THE PHILADELPHIA FOUNDATION – The Community Art Gallery
THE PLASTIC CLUB 247 Camac St. Phila. p: 215-545-9324 Art Workshop Hrs: Tues & Wed 9:30am12:30pm; Thurs 9:45am-12:45pm; Thurs evenings 6:30pm-9:30pm; Fri 6:30pm-9:30pm; Sat 1pm-4pm. Moving Model Workshop Sat 9:30am-12:30pm. Printmaking Workshop Sat 10am-2pm. Workshops with life models on Wed, Thurs & Fri evenings, and Sat. Tues workshop with clothed models 9:30am-12:30pm Exhibit Info: “Real and Imagined” Dec 4th-Dec 31st; Opening Reception, Dec 4th, 2pm-5pm
CHESTNUT COUNTY NICHOLS BERG GALLERY – 8611 Germantown Ave., Phila., PA 19118 p: 206-380-4070 Gallery Hrs: Tues-Sat 10am5pm Exhibit Info: December 2nd, features several local artists as well as new work from our represented artists. In the main level of the gallery is: “Out of Our Hands” collaborative portraits by Meri Adelman and Laura Pritchard. In the mezzanine: Melissa Lomax and Christian Patchell. The gallery will also be featuring Christian’s book created from his sketchbook; “I Put the Can in Cancer, a journey through pictures”
Art Matters
December 2011 • Page11
December 2011 Listings Throughout the gallery we will have on display, the playful and innovative assemblage sculptures of Eric Schultz who creates charming and incredible robotic art pieces from found objects. Artists reception is Friday, December 2nd from 6-9pm. Show runs until December 31st. December Workshops: Children’s Christmas Craft Workshop (for all ages) on Saturday, Dec 10th 9am-12pm Manuscript Illumination Workshop: Sunday, December 11th, 9am-5pm. Instructor: Clarissa Shanahan Schirmer Special events: Dec 10th, 1pm-4pm, Santa will be in the gallery to meet children of all ages, Refreshments will be available. WOODMERE ART MUSEUM – 9201 Germantown Ave. Corner of Germantown Ave. and Bells Mill Rd. p: 215-247-0476 Hrs: Tues-Thurs 10am-5pm; Fri 10am-8:45pm; Sat 10am-6pm; Sun 10am-5pm Visit website for information on exhibits, lectures, tours & classes: Woodmere Art Museum celebrates Philadelphia’s artistic legacy through its collections, exhibitions and educational initiatives. Exhibit Info: Woodmere Art Museum 9201 Germantown Ave, corner of Germantown Ave. and Bells Mill Rd. 215-247-0476. Tue-Thurs 10am-5pm, Fri 10am-8:45pm, Sat 10am-6pm, Sun 10am-5pm. Visit our website for info about exhibits, lectures, tours & classes: Woodmere Art Museum celebrates Philadelphia’s artistic legacy through its collections, exhibitions, and educational initiatives. December 2: Family Events. Faces, Places, and Inner Spaces. 6:00pm-7:00pm, ages 8-11. Join Museum educators in lively discussions about art. An art activity will follow. December 3: Tree Lighting Celebration with the Philadelphia Girls Choir. Holiday House Tour begins at 1:30pm, tree lighting at 4:30pm Sundays through December 18: Classic Sundays: Opera, Choral, and Classical. 3:00pm4:30pm. Featured artists in December include Holiday Fare with Philadelphia Brass, Cellist Clancy Newman and pianist Noreen Cassidy-Polera, and Celtic harp music by Ellen Tepper.
Fridays through Dec 23: Friday Night Jazz. 6:00pm-8:00pm. Featured artists in December include Billie Holiday Night with Arpeggio Jazz Ensemble and Mic’al Beckham, Edgardo Cintron and Latin Jazz, and Holiday Classics with the Arpeggio Jazz Trio. Through Jan 8, 2012: Flirting with Abstraction: Modernist and Contemporary Art of Philadelphia and the Promised Gift of Karen Segal and Woodmere’s Collection.
MANAYUNK COUNTY Through Jan 8, 2012: Mary G. L. Hood and Philadelphia Modernism. Mary G. L. Hood (1886-1967) was a modern painter who worked and exhibited in Philadelphia and later in New Hope, PA, from the 1930’s through the 1960’s. Her art is characterized by brilliant color, a lyrical sense of line, a playful willingness to distort spatial relations, and a flirtation with “primitivism”. Ongoing: Selections from the Charles Knox Smith Collection. MANAYUNK –ROXBOROUGH ART CENTER 419 Green Lane(rear), between Mitchell & Pechin Sts., Phila PA, 19128 Beginning Painting and Children’s Classes. For info: 215-482-3363; hrs: Sat & Sun 10am-4pm http://www. Admission is free –donations encouraged. Exhibit Info: “Holiday Show – Local Scenes” will feature artwork with Philadelphia area subjects, ideal for holiday shoppers, in various styles and media by members of the Manayunk Artists’ Co-Op. presented in the gallery at the Manayunk-Roxborough Art Center (MRAC) “Holiday Show – Local Scenes” will run through Sunday, January 29, 2012. Opening reception: Sunday December 4, 2011, Noon to 3:00 PM. The public is invited to meet the artists and partake of light refreshments. Gallery closed December 24th and 25th , December 31st and January 1st, 2012.THE
OLD CITY MUSE GALLERY – 52 N. 2nd Street, Phila., PA 19106 p: 215-627-5310 Hrs: Wed-Sun, noon5pm
Exhibit Info: 34th ANNIVERSARY exhibit of paintings and sculptures from 18 different artists. DECEMBER 2nd through JANUARY 1st 2011 Opening Reception: First Friday, December 2nd, 5-9 pm Artists’ Reception: Sunday, December 4th, 1-3 pm THIRD STREET GALLERY – 58 N. 2nd Street p: 215-6250933 Hrs: Wed-Sun, noon-5pm Exhibit Info: November 30 thru December 30, 2011 (closed Dec 24, 25) First Friday: December 2, 5-9 pm M M Weisberg Reception: First Friday 6-7 pm; K Kurtz Reception: Sunday Dec.11, 12-2 pm “Journey” Acrylic abstract landscape paintings by Michelle Malkasian Weisberg. “Recent Painting” Katherine Kurtz experiments with figure, landscape and abstract forms.
UNIVERSITY CITY ARTHUR ROSS GALLERY – University of Pennsylvania 220 S. 34th Street, p: 215-898-2083 fx: 215-573-2045 Tues-Fri 10am-5pm; Sat & Sun noon-5pm www.upenn. edu/ARG Exhibit Info: Through Jan 15th, 2012: Double Take: Series, Multiples and Prints. This Exhibit features over 50 drawings, prints and sculptures drawn from the University of Pennsylvania’s art collection. Earliest works include Albrecht Durer’s “The Small Passion Series (1508-13) and 3 William Hogarth’s prints from the Rake’s Progress (1735). Improtant series by 20th century masters such as Joseph Albers, Salvador Dali, Donald Judd, R.Tait McKenzie, Henry Moore, Robert Motherwell, Louise Nevelson, Robert Rauschenberg, James Rosenquist, and Edward Steichen are included. INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY ART – University of Pennsylvania 118 S. 36th Street(at Sansom) 215898-5911 Hrs: Wed-Fri, noon-8pm, Sat & Sun 11am-5pm Exhibit Info: Through Dec 4th – Bill Walton’s Studio; and Blowing on a Hairy Shoulder / Grief Hunters Through Feb 19th – Charline von Heyl;
OPENINGS THATMATTER Thursday, December 1 Freedman Gallery, Albright College, Reading PA 5pm – 6;30PM Center for Emerging Visual Artists, Phila., 5pm – 7pm
First Friday, December 2 Blue Streak Gallery, Wilmington DE, 5pm – 8pm Ocean City Arts Center, Ocean City, 7pm – 8:30 pm Phoenix Village Village Art Center, Chadds Ford, PA, 6pm – 9pm Pennsylvania College of Art & Design, Lancaster, PA 5pm – 9pm The Great Frame Up, Wayne, PA 5pm – 8pm Nichols Berg Gallery, Chestnut Hill, Phila., 6pm – 9pm Third Street Gallery Old City, Phila., 6pm – 7pm
Saturday, December 3 Darlington Arts Center, Boothwyn, PA 3pm – 5pm
December 4 The Muse Gallery, Old City, Phila., 1pm – 3pm Orchard Art Works, Bryn Athyn, PA, 1pm – 4pm
Wenesday, December 7 Gloucester Co. College Art Gallery, Sewell, NJ 11:30am – 1:30PM
Thursday, December 8 Center for the Arts in Southern New Jersey,
Sunday, December 10 Abington Art Center, Jenkintown, PA 3pm – 5pm
Sunday, December 11 The Third Street Gallery, Old City, Phila., 12pm – 2pm
Friday, December 16 Main Line Art Center, Haverford, PA, 6pm – 8pm
Page 12 • Art Matters
December 2011
opportunities for artists
Call For Artists & Entries A CALL FOR ENTRIES Philadelphia Sketch Club WORKS ON PAPER 2012 A juried exhibition and sale of watercolors, gouache, prints, collage, pastels, mixed media, computer generated non-photo art, etc. Jan. 6 to Jan. 21, 2012 at the PSC’s historic location in center city Philadelphia.
GoggleWorks 2012 Juried Show Vanity Fare: an offering of Art, Fashion and Creativity. Jurors: Lyn Godley, pioneer in transforming designs into everyday products, and Pam Ptak of Season 7 of Project Runway.
Jurors: Joe Sweeney & Ron Wyffels Works, wired for hanging, will be gathered at the PSC on Friday, Dec. 16 and Saturday, Dec. 17, from 1 to 5 PM. Conflicts with delivery times can be resolved by calling 267-664-2434. Maximum of 2 works per artist. Maximum framed size 40” x 40”. Entry fee of $15 for one work and $25 for two works. A prospectus can be downloaded from or send S.A.S.E. to:
Grand Prize Award for Best in Show. This award winner will be featured in a solo show in the Cohen Gallery at GoggleWorks Center for the Arts, the country’s largest, most comprehensive interactive arts center. Cash prizes will be awarded for first, second and third place. Exhibition runs May 4 - June 3, 2012. Each artist may submit up to three works for $35.
or send S.A. S. E. to: Philadelphia Sketch Club 235 S. Camac Street Philadelphia PA 19107
OPEN CALL: ARTISTS NEEDED for our new, larger gallery space
Saint Joseph's University Gallery 2012-2013 exhibition schedule Please send the following by January 31, 2012:
For a prospectus, please visit Entry deadline: January 13, 2012. GoggleWorks Center for the Arts, 201 Washington Street, Reading, PA 19601, 610.374.4600.
Twenty JPEGS. No more than five detail shots. Title each file with your last name followed by the number in which you wish you images to be viewed. For example: Smith1, Smith2, Smith3, etc. No powerpoint presentations. Image list with numbers that correspond with your JPEGS. Include title, size, medium and year. Include this on the disc and a hard copy as well. Resume with mailing address, email address and phone number. Include this on the disc and a hard copy as well.
To advertise in
ART MATTERS Call Joe at 215-628-9300, ext. 226
Artist's statement. Include this on the disc and a hard copy as well. Self-addressed stamped envelope only if you would like your disc returned. Mail to: Saint Joseph's University University Gallery, Boland Hall 5600 City Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19131-1395Attn: Open Call
Optimize your response with art opps Your resource for finding artists, soliciting entries, renting art studios and for promoting your service. For more information call 215-628-9300, ext. 226