Art Matters - November 2011

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“The Buccaneer Was a Picturesque Fellow,” 1905. Howard Pyle (1853-1911). Oil on canvas, 30 1/2 x 19 1/2 inches. Delaware Art Museum, Museum Purchase, 1912. On display in the exhibition “Howard Pyle: American Master Rediscovered” at Delaware Art Museum from Nov. 12, 2011, to March 4, 2012.

Page 2 • Art Matters November 2011

gallery happenings

The James Oliver Gallery (JOG) is pleased to announce The Indulgencies, an exhibition of computer-cut vinyl drawings by Nick Cassway. This show’s opening reception will be Friday, November 4th, 6pm to 9pm and, and will be running through January 13th, 2012. Nick Cassway’s new body of work uses computer-cut vinyl on plexiglass to display graphically bold portraits of his friends at play. The subjects in The Indulgencies are derived from unposed and candid snapshots depicting scenes of revelry, camaraderie and goofing for the camera. Through these images, we are given an opportunity to unabashedly stare at others, ourselves, and reflect on what it means to be a social human. Cassway is drawn to computer-cut vinyl, a medium typically used by the sign-making industry; because of its ability to precisely mimic quick, loose and unrefined ink drawings. The medium offers a limited palette of rich colors and novel surfaces such as gold, chrome and glitter that are used in unorthodox and experimental ways. Paired

with flat, sumptuous and unadorned backgrounds, these images turn the focus on the action and gesture. The exhibition is broken into discrete bodies of work including The Photographers, Girlfriends, The Indulgencies, Sleepers and finally The Dinner Party. The Photographers presents our public selves acting out, mugging for the camera and at the same time editing our own action, knowing that most everything we do these days is for public consumption. Girlfriends portray camaraderie, love and compassion among peers. The Indulgencies witnesses our uninhibited selves doing what we do best - laughing, drinking and gallivanting. With The Sleepers, we are portrayed as alone, vulnerable and at peace. Finally, The Dinner Party finds us as part of a larger community breaking bread together. These images have been described as depicting “the edge of banality,” a phrase that the artist has chosen to embrace. If banality is to be understood as commonplace, then these images indeed

express what is common and typical among most people - the pursuit of happiness, a yearning for freedom, and the desire to be social.

James Oliver Gallery (JOG), which opened its doors in late 2006, aims to be a leader in the presentation of contemporary art in the Philadelphia area. James Oliver, an established painter and musician, oversees all aspects of the gallery. His style synthesizes the modern and the minimal, creating a clean yet unpretentious aesthetic in his works. The gallery itself, an appealing and lively forum in Philadelphia's Center City, looks to shatter rigid notions of artistic presentation. Featuring exciting modernist furniture and beautiful views through towering fourth floor windows, JOG creates a relaxing environment where viewers and potential buyers are encouraged to convene, socialize, and discuss art. JOG is located at 723 Chestnut Street, 4th Floor, in Philadelphia.

Art Matters

and frequently challenging narratives. New to Philadelphians is Len Upin, an artist who was an educator in a suburban Chicago school system until a series of medical issues brought an early end to his teaching

career. During the recuperation process, Len found himself returning to the studio, making a series of expressive and arresting images that, though based on a photographic reference, plunge the viewer into

The Community Arts Center & The Potters Guild




December 3 – 10, 2011. opens daily at 10 a.m. • closes weekends at 5 p.m., weekdays at 8 p.m

at the COMMUNITY ARTS CENTER 414 Plush Mill Road, Wallingford, Pennsylvania


the torment and angst of the human spirit as the body and mind wrestle with sickness and a neardeath experience. The force of these powerful works, in the simple language of black and white in the tradition of Rembrandt and Lucian Freud etchings, engages the viewer in the artist's unrelenting struggle with mortality. This confrontation brings the artist's emotions into the empathetic core of his audience, allowing us all to ponder this mythic plane. His subjects are himself, family and friends; his results are arresting glimpses into our deep-

est felt desires. One does not feel pity for the struggling artist but rather anguish for mankind itself and the fleeting nature that is life and the torment of the unknown, which is its inevitable conclusion. In Two Brothers Two Profiles these siblings, who were reared in suburban Chicago but who have lived separate and very different lives, come together under the same roof to speak about one of life's most compelling moments - its conclusion. These two brothers, who have lived full lives of work, mar-





PROSPECTUS available on line at or by calling 610-566-1713

Projects Gallery is pleased to present Two Brothers - Two Profiles, featuring Ira and Len Upin. Ira, a Philadelphiabased artist, is known for his provocative figurative juxtapositions rendered with awe-inspiring skill

November 2011 • Page 3

riage, parenthood, success and challenge, are asking similar questions in markedly different ways. It is no coincidence that each is fascinated with the portrait as an artistic device. Two Brothers - Two Profiles brings to the forefront two commanding perspectives on the nature of human existence and the artist's need to discuss the uncomfortable in a frank and compelling manner. The Upin brothers engage, invigorate, enlighten and remind us that we all have an opportunity to give life meaning.

Two Brothers - Two Profiles will run November 4 - 29, 2011 with a First Friday reception November 4th from 6-9. The reception is free and open to the public. Projects Gallery is located at 629 N. 2nd St. in Philadelphia's Northern Liberties section. A preview of works may be viewed on the gallery's website at For more information and images, please contact Projects Gallery at 267-303-9652 or

Page 4 • Art Matters

November 2011

Art Matters


November 2011 • Page 5

opportunities for artists

Call For Artists & Entries Call for Entries “Real and Imagined” December 4th - 29th Art work in any medium including Photography

GoggleWorks 2012 Juried Show Vanity Fare: an offering of Art, Fashion and Creativity.

$$$CASH PRIZES$$$ Jurer to be announced

Jurors: Lyn Godley, pioneer in transforming designs into everyday products, and Pam Ptak of Season 7 of Project Runway.

For Prospectus down load from or send SASE to Plastic Club 247 S. Carmac St. Phila. PA 19107

Grand Prize Award for Best in Show. This award winner will be featured in a solo show in the Cohen Gallery at GoggleWorks Center for the Arts, the country’s largest, most comprehensive interactive arts center. Cash prizes will be awarded for first, second and third place. Exhibition runs May 4 - June 3, 2012. Each artist may submit up to three works for $35.

Center for the Arts in Southern New Jersey

For a prospectus, please visit Entry deadline: January 13, 2012.

CFA Annual Open Juried Photography Exhibition November 7 - 28, 2011 Reception: Thursday, November 10 from 7pm to 9pm

GoggleWorks Center for the Arts, 201 Washington Street, Reading, PA 19601, 610.374.4600.

CFA Theme Exhibition “ Fins, Feathers & Fur ” December 5-19, 2011 Delivery of Artwork November 29 & 30 For prospectus send SASE to CFA/SNJ, 123 S. Elmwood Rd., Marlton, NJ 08053

To advertise in

ART MATTERS Call Joe at 215-628-9300, ext. 226

Optimize your response with art opps Your resource for finding artists, soliciting entries, renting art studios and for promoting your service. For more information call 215-628-9300, ext. 226

Page 6 • Art Matters

November 2011

Zoning code changes proposed By Diane M. Fiske bout two years ago, a young woman opened a boutique food store in lower Chestnut Hill. The store was located in a desert of residential single and multi family housing where no milk, bread or eggs could be purchased without driving to a grocery store or waiting for the weekend, when a farmers’ market was open. The store sold the basics, plus some gourmet items and homemade bakery products. Most of the people in the neighborhood were happy to avoid driving to a supermarket to buy a gallon of milk or a loaf of bread. Well, almost everyone. Unhappy were the other half of the neighbors who pointed out that the store was not zoned to have takeout service and the fact that the store’s offering coffee by the cup and eventually sandwiches violated zoning regulations. The unhappy neighbors who were worried about takeout patrons clogging the neighborhood with their cars complained and went to zoning authorities and hired lawyers. The storeowner was told she violated zoning regulations by not obtaining a permit for her store. The store became a nonconvenience for the owner and she closed it less than a year after it opened, leaving her customers driving to the nearest supermarket for even the smallest purchase. Well, thanks to a proposed overhaul to the Philadelphia zoning code, the little market would still be able to exist, offering takeout coffee and sandwiches to its customers.


According to Eva Gladstein, the executive director of the Zoning Code Commission, a revision of the Philadelphia zoning code is about to be sent to the Philadelphia City Council after months of discussion and debate. One of the changes is that a shop like the Chestnut Hill grocery store would automatically be allowed to sell takeout coffee and sandwiches. “No permit would have been needed,” Gladstein said. The new zoning regulations would allow for creative and simplified zoning regulations that would encourage mixed use. There would be groupings of permitted uses, many of which would not need permits. In some cases, it might be possible for a small retail or commercial use to exist alongside residential use, where this would not have been permitted previously. Some residents have voiced doubt by saying that the new zoning code might diminish neighborhood input. For years, Philadelphia’s neighborhood civic associations have had negotiating power with developers who want to build in their communities. For one thing, the zoning code required permits for use that differed from the written standards. Any deviation had to be included in a permit that neighbors could often eliminate through objections. This included many of the proposals brought forward by developers. These uses often require exceptions or

Images courtesy of Zoning Code Commission

These are two examples of the way new zoning would work. At left is a park illustration. If the zoning changes are approved, new private land will be able to be dedicated as parks. Above shows how mixed use will be encouraged.

zoning variances. Under the current code, most developments need permits, as the code does not allow for all the variations in building. And in order for developers to get a variance, they need approval from the Zoning Board of Adjustment, which takes community input into account when deciding whether to grant a variance. Under the reformed code, however, far more development will be by right, which means variances will be scarcer. Some citizens feel the power of civic associations could be diminished. Others have felt, in citizen hearings throughout the city, that the new code would mean that the uses permitted in the city would be more understandable and in line with

actual use. Gladstein said another of the many changes would include recognition of parks that are located on private property with the owners’ permission. The change in eliminating the need for variances in many developments and the use of preserving parks on private property are just a tiny percent of the proposed modernization of the 60year-old zoning code that would help make the path to city improvement easier for developers and residents. And it may make some citizens feel they have less input. It is hoped that the council hearings will end in December and the new zoning code will go into effect next year. Residents who think the change is a good idea, those who don’t and those who have no idea what it is all about can keep up with the

proposed changes by attending council hearings or reading about all the changes on the web at, the official website of the zoning code commission. Here is a brief list of the 10 changes to the zoning code. 1. New organization. The new code will be easier to understand. 2. Online version and the use of graphics available on the web. 3. A new community role in the review process. 4. The current districts will be maintained or renamed with redundant ones eliminated. 5. The “overlays” or rules for specific districts have been reorganized. 6. Uses are organized by categories and subcategories to make them easier to understand, and new categories for technical innova-

tions have been added. 7. Most of the lot areas and setbacks haven’t changed. 8. The new code would improve design standards. 9. Parking spaces for new development would be reduced, encouraging the use of public transit, walking and cycling. 10. The code encourages mixed use, fresh food stores and incentives for mixed-use housing and green development. This is a very brief summary of the proposed new zoning changes. The details, including illustrations, are available at — This is a monthly column about architecture, urban planning and city design. Comments and questions would be welcome. Diane Fiske can be contacted at

Art Matters

November 2011 • Page 7

The pinnacle of American illustration etween 1880 and 1930, the practice of commercial illustration in the Western world underwent extraordinary expansion. This was especially pronounced in the areas of periodical and book output. The growth of mass production in the fields



By Burton Wasserman


of printing and the graphic arts generated a huge increase in the need for accompanying pictures to be used in the worlds of advertising and editorial publication. Thanks to remarkable breakthroughs in pictorial reproduction technology and the phenomenal growth of public taste for easily accessi-

ble representational images, an idiom emerged with a distinctive character all its own. Its roots were deeply embedded in the mannerisms of 19th century British and French classical academism and the pre-Raphaelite style, championed by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, John Everett Millais and William Holman Hunt.

Howard Pyle came along just as all these events were taking shape. Exercising a keen facility for inventing fanciful and romantic narratives in visual form, he achieved an eminent reputation as a successful illustrator of books and magazine stories and as an influential teacher. At

first, he held classes at the Drexel sional disciples he had mentored. Institute of Technology in Now, to honor Pyle’s memory Philadelphia. Later, and celebrate the he provided instruc100th anniversary of tion at his own art the founding of the “Howard Pyle: school in Delaware Art American Master Wilmington. In due Museum, an exhibiRediscovered ” will be on display at course, such welltion will be on disDelaware Art Museum, known talents as play at the museum 2301 Kentmere Parkway, Elizabeth Shippen from Nov. 12, 2011, Wilmington, DE 19806, Green, Frank to March 4, 2012. Nov. 12, 2011 – March 4, 2010. Schoonover and The title is “Howard Info: 302-571-9590 or Newell Convers Pyle: American Wyeth became Master famous as profesRediscovered.” It provides visitors with an opportuTop: “Marooned,” 1909. Howard Pyle nity to examine notable selections (1853-1911). Oil on canvas, 40 x 60 inchof the master’s oeuvre alongside es. related samples by European and Left: “The Flying Dutchman,” Dec. 8, American painters who were his 1900. Howard Pyle. Oil on canvas, 71 3/8

If You Go

x 47 1/2 inches. Both, Delaware Art Museum, Museum Purchase, 1912.

Continued on page 12

Page 8 • Art Matters

November 2011

November 2011 Listings Artists’ Web Directory Sandy Askey-Adams Marlene Baron Summers www.marlenebaron

John Maxwell Bob Richey

Montgomery County Guild of Professional Artists

Mary Styer Holton

Lauren Daddona

Nicholas P. Santoleri

Feature your name and website in our new Artists’ Web Directory for less than $9 per month! Call Joe at 215-628-9300, ext 226

DELAWARE NEW CASTLE COUNTY ■ BLUE STREAK GALLERY 1721 Delaware Ave. Wilmington DE, 19806. P: 302-429-0506. Extended Hours: Tues-Fri 10-5, Sat 10-4. Become a Fan of the Blue Street Gallery on Facebook: “The Art of Giving, The Giving of Art” CHECK US OUT ON FACEBOOK! Nov 4-30: “Living in Color”, Lois Borgenicht, oil and pastels, and Timmerman Dougherty, mosaic sculptures Opening Reception: Fri, Nov 4, 5-8 pm ■ DELAWARE ART MUSEUM 2301 Kentmere Pkwy., Wilmington, DE 19806.P: 302-571-9590. Wed-Sat 10am4pm, Sun 12pm-4pm. Free Admission Sun. Through Jan 8, 2012: Anne Truitt: Luminosities. Drawn primarily from the Museum’s permanent collection, this exhibition features sculpture and works on paper by the Artist Anne Truitt. Truitt’s work explores the subtleties of light and color through abstract two- and threedimensional forms and the artist’s desire to make light “visible for its own sake”. Nov 12, 2011-Mar 4, 2012: Howard Pyle: American Master Rediscovered. In celebration of the centenary of the death of the American artist and illustrator Howard Pyle, the Delaware Art Museum is presenting a comprehensive retrospective exhibition. Nov 19, 2011-Jan 8, 2012: Masterpieces in Miniature: Howard Pyle, the signature holiday exhibition of the Delaware Art Museum. Dec 2, 2011-Jan 15, 2011: Outlooks: Artists of the Studio Group. This exhibitors will present a variety of works by members of the Studio Group, Inc., an association of artists founded in Wilmington in 1935.


CENTER FOR THE ARTS IN SOUTHERN NEW JERSEY 123 South Elmwood Rd. Marlton, NJ 08053 Mon - Fri 10am-3pm • Wed 7-9pm Phone 856-985-1009 Fax 856-985-7555

November 7-28, 2011: Annual Open Juried Photography Exhibition Opening Reception: Thursday, November 10, 7-9pm

CAMDEN COUNTY ■ CAMDEN COUNTY COLLEGE ART GALLERY 200 College Drive, Blackwood Gallery Hours: Tues & Thurs 10am-1pm and Wed 4-7pm or by appt. Email: for more information. Marlin Gallery, Lincoln Hall, Blackwood Campus (adjacent to the theatre): Nov 14-Dec 16: “Visual Arts Faculty Show” Artist’s Reception: Mon, Nov 14, 5pm7:30pm. ■ MARKEIM ART CENTER Classes, Exhibitions and Performances, 104 Walnut St., Haddonfield, NJ 08033 P: 856-429-8585. Oct 28: Club MAC - Dance Party and

Fundraiser, Fri, 8pm, in support of the performance and educational programs at Markeim Arts Center. Join us and enjoy the music, the food and an old school social networking event. Cost $75 per couple / $40 per person. Nov 2-Dec 3: Juried Exhibition - New Works on Paper, open to all artists in our region. The exhibition will be juried by Lisa Hanover, Director of The Berman Museum of Art at Ursinus College. Opening Reception: Fri, Nov 4, 6:30pm8:30pm. Dec 14: County Reflections Exhibition. beginning with a reception, as part of the National PTA Arts Program, to present student work from schools in Camden County. Dec 15-Jan 1: “Deck the Walls – Selections of Work from Local Artists”


WILLIAM RIS GALLERY 9400 Second Ave., Stone Harbor, NJ April Hours: Daily, 11am-5pm Ph: 609-368-6361 Introduces

Marlene Rye Easthampton, Mass. Oils and Pastels and Jeff Gola Moorestown, NJ Egg Tempera For further information, call or email We are now on Facebook and Twitter ■ OCEAN CITY ARTS CENTER 1735 Simpson Ave., Ocean City. P: 609-399-7628. F: 609-399-6145. Mon-Fri 9am-9pm, Sat 9am- 3pm. Gallery admission is free. Free parking is available in the adjacent lot. Nov 11: Juried Art Show Awards Awards Reception: Fri, Nov 11, 7pm-8:30pm. FREE and open to the public Dec 2: “With Love for Our Children”, featuring works from local schools. Artists’ Reception: Fri, Dec 2, 7pm-8:30pm.

CUMBERLAND COUNTY ■ CLAY COLLEGE CERAMIC ARTS STUDIO Cumberland County College 108 High Street, Millville, NJ 08332 856-765-0988 Exhibit Beginning Nov 18: Celebrating the Oyster, and exhibit of oyster plates from past and present

Opening Reception: Nov 18, 6-9pm Classes Fri, Nov 11: Fridays, 7-8:pm, Clay Ornament Workshop, some materials included, $20 Sat, Nov 12: Saturdays, 2-4pm, Clay Ornament Workshop, some materials included, $20 Third Friday Nov 18: Browse the Millville Arts District. ■ WHEATON ARTS AND CULTURAL CENTER 1501 Glasstown Rd., Millville, NJ 08332. 1800-998-4552. Open Tue-Sun 10am-5pm. In the Museum of American Glass Through Dec 31: New Harmonies: Celebrating American Roots Music. Exhibit tells the story of a nation through the music of its people. The exhibit is part of Museum on Main Street, a collaboration between the Smithsonian Institution and the New Jersey Council for the Humanities. In The Gallery of Fine Craft Through Dec 24: The Handcrafted Gift: Annual Holiday Exhibition. The show features a variety of unique, handcrafted items just in time for the gift giving season. Explore the variety of handcrafted whimsical and functional items in metal, glass, ceramics and wood.

GLOUCESTER COUNTY ■ GLOUCESTER COUNTY COLLEGE ART GALLERY 1400 Tanyard Rd., Sewell. 856-415-2236. Mon-Fri 8am-10pm, Sat 8am-3pm. At the Dr. Ross Beitzel Art Gallery College Center: Oct 28-Nov 28: Gloucester County Juried Photography Exhibition.. Opening Reception: Fri, Oct 28, 6:30pm8:30pm

OCEAN COUNTY ■ LONG BEACH ISLAND FOUNDATION OF THE ARTS & SCIENCES 120 Long Beach Blvd., Loveladies. 609-4941241. Mon-Sat 9am-5pm, Sat & Sun 9am3pm. Nov 4-Dec 19: Annual Small Works Exhibition. The Long Beach Island Foundation of the Arts and Sciences welcomes you to view their annual Small Works Exhibition. The LBIF encourages both emerging artists as well as artists with established reputations to participate in the exhibition. The purpose of the exhibition is to showcase small works that reflect personal vision. Reception: Sat, Nov 12, 5-7pm.

MERCER COUNTY ■ EDUCATIONAL TESTING SERVICE 660 Rosedale Rd., Princeton. All exhibits free & open to public. Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-4pm P: 609-921-9000 Chauncey Conference Center, Brodsky Gallery Call for information on exhibits. Conant Hall, Lounge B Gallery Call for information on exhibits. Conant Hall, Lounge C Gallery Call for information on exhibits


GOGGLEWORKS CENTER FOR THE ARTS 201 Washington St. Reading, PA 19601

P: 610-374-4600. Mon-Sat 9am-9pm, Sun 11am7pm. First Thurs 5pm-8pm. Second Sun 11am-4pm. Email: Cohen Gallery: Through Nov. 6: Collision Cross Section. The show features the work of Bill Abdale, Michael Berube, Brent Collins, Kristen Egan, Maya Kramer, and Myriam Mechita, Petros Pappalas and KT Tierney Nov 12-Dec 31: GoggleWorks 7th Annual Artist Exhibition, which features new works by more than 30 juried studio artists that call GoggleWorks home and will include a variety of mediums including watercolor, oil, acrylic, photography, ceramic, fiber, drawing and sculpture. Schmidt Gallery: Nov: dick boak: A Retrospective: Illustrations, Woodworking, Guitar. dick boak conceived of more than 130 signature guitar collaborations with the top musical personalties of our times. His drawings are primary to this exhibit, supplemented with several of his unique guitar and woodworking designs. VIST Financial Gallery: The Willson History Project. This permanent exhibit at the GoggleWorks showcases the 130-year history of Willson Goggles. Call for any questions: 610-374.4600 or visit the website: ■ FREEDMAN GALLERY Albright College 13th & Bern Streets, Reading. P: 610-921-7541. F: 610-921-7768. Hours: Tues 12-8pm, Wed-Fri 12-6pm, Sat & Sun 12-4pm. Through Nov 13: Off Road: the Regional Landscape Photography of Greta Brubaker. Greta takes us “off road” to view the ravages of industralization across Pennsylvania as she captures landscapes

Art Matters struggling to recover in the aftermath of strip mining and deforestation in pursuit of coal and oil. Through Nov 13: New York, September 11th by Magnum Photographers™ On the tragic morning of September 11, 2001, the photographers of Magnum Photography set out from their offices in New York to capture some of the most surreal, haunting and breathtaking images in U.S. history. Art Market for Families and Kids, Sat, Nov 12, 10:30am-Noon, $5 per child. Afterschool Art Program: Mondays, 4 pm, $5 per child. ■ READING PUBLIC MUSEUM 500 Museum Rd., Reading. P: 610-371-5850. F: 610-375-5632. Tues, Wed, Thurs, Sat 11 am-5 pm, Fri 11 am8 pm, Sun noon-5 pm. Through Jan 22, 2012: Andrew Orth: Directing Hollywood – This photo exhibition is a collection of more than twenty internationally renowned television, photography and film directors taken over the last 15 years. Includes: Steven Zaillian (Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Schindler’s List), Darren Aronofsky (Black Swan, The Fighter), John Dahl (Shameless, Californication) and others. Through Jan 29, 2012: American Impressionism: The Lure of the Artists’ Colony – Features, for the first time, one of The Museum’s greatest strengths from its permanent collection - 75 oil paintings and nearly 30 works on paper dating from the 1880s through the 1940s. Artists include William Merritt Chase, Childe Hassam, Ernest Lawson, Julian Alden Weir, John Twachtman, Chauncey Ryder, Frank W. Benson, William Paxton, Abbott Thayer, Guy Wiggins, Charles Webster Hawthorne, Colin Campbell Cooper, Daniel Garber and Edward Redfield, among others.




PHONE: 215-348-2166 FAX: 215-230-1799 MEMBERSHIP: 215-997-9573 CLASSES: 215-257-7190

■ JAMES A. MICHENER ART MUSEUM 138 S Pine St. Doylestown. P: 215-340-9800. Hours: Tues-Fri 10am4:30pm, Sat 10am-5pm, Sun Noon-5pm. Paton, Smith, Della Penna-Ferberger Galleries: Through Apr 1, 2012: “The Painterly Voice: Bucks County’s Fertile Ground” Fall is the best time to see more than 200 of the finest works in Pennsylvania Impressionism, many from private collections gathered here for the first time. Sponsored by Maureen and Gregory Church, with major support from Carol & Louis Della Penna and Kathy & Ted Fernberger. Lecture Series Tuesdays, 1:00pm to 2:30pm. Series fee: $70 members or $100 non-members. Single Lecture fee: $10 member or $20 non-members. Please call 215-340-9800 for single tickets. Nov 1: Human Nature: A Brief History of Landscape Painting Nov 8: Is There an “Ism” in Pennsylvania Impressionism? Nov 15: Intimate Vistas: The Poetic Landscapes of William L. Lathrop Nov 29: The Cities, The Towns, The Crowds: The Paintings of Robert Spencer Dec 6: Form Radiating Life: The Paintings of Charles Rosen Dec 13: The Wise Silence of Daniel Garber Fred Beans Gallery: Through Dec 31: “Quilt Art: International Expressions” Pfundt Gallery: Through Feb 26, 2012: “Learning to See: Photographs by Nancy Hellebrand”, abstract meditations of contemporary photographer Nancy Hellebrand.

November 3-6 3rd Floor Rotunda, Bucks County Courthouse Dolyestown Network of Victim Assistance




5-8 pm Wine & Cheese Reception (tickets: $35) Free admission to show & sale Friday through Sunday and special events Saturday & Sunday




FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 10am-7pm Show & Sale 10am-7pm Show & Sale 12-2pm Beading Workshop with Galaxy artist Nora Lewis (ages 4 and up) 2pm “The Healing Power of Art” with Alix von Auenmueller, MA, ATR-BC

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 10am-4pm Show & Sale 11:30am-1:30pm Jazz & Mimosas with Delaware Valley Saxophone Quartet 2-3:30pm Afternoon Tea with featured artist Christopher McCall

For tickets or information, contact Angela at 215.343.6543 or

CHESTER COUNTY ■ BRANDYWINE RIVER MUSEUM U.S. Rte. 1 & Creek Rd., Chadds Ford. 610388-2700. Hours: Daily 9:30 am-4:30 pm. 40th Anniversary of the Brandywine River Museum Through Nov 20: Celebrating Four Decades of Collecting Through Nov 17: Honoring Howard Pyle: Major Works from the Collections Through Nov 17: Inspiring Minds: Howard Pyle as Teacher Through Nov 20: N.C. Wyeth’s Treasure Island, Classic Illustrations for a Classic Tale Through Jan 29, 2012: Masterpieces by Andrew Wyeth from the Collections ■ CHESTER COUNTY ART ASSOC. 100 North Bradford Ave., West Chester P: 610-696-5600, F: 610-918-1327. Hours: Tues-Sat 9:30am-4pm. West Chester: Gallery Hours: Tue-Sat, 9:30am-4pm. FREE Through Nov 11: 23rd Annual Invitational Exhibition from the Pennsylvania Watercolor Society Nov 18-Dec 16: The 5 Agents: Wu Xing & Asian Elegance: Paintings by Luo Hong. Opening Reception: Thurs, Nov 17, 5-8 pm. FREE. Exton Square Studio: Exton Holiday Show! Gallery and Shop Hours: Wed, Thu, Sat, 11am-7pm. Holiday Hours starting Fri, Nov 25: Mon-Sat 11am-7pm & Sun, 11am-5pm. ■ PHOENIX VILLAGE ART CENTER 207 Bridge St., Phoenixville. 610-983-9430. Fax: 610-983-9431. New Gallery Hrs: Mon Closed, Tues-Thurs 10am6pm, Fri Noon-10pm, Sat 10am-10pm, Sun Closed. Nov 1-30: The 8th Annual Upstairs Studio Artist Exhibit features a dedicated group of local artists that work here in our art studios. Artists Christine Annette, Carmen Blike, Valerie Carrol, Rebecca Coile, Carol Collins, Roseanne D’Andre, Neil Dreibelbis, Kathleen Farnsworth, Annalie Hudson, Brian Hunsberger, Janice LaBarge, Janice LaPorte, Robert Libby, Brian Mengini, Sally Ritter, Denise Romano Bright, Victoria Smith, Evan Thomas, and Veronica Tronoski will provide for a great eclectic exhibit.

DELAWARE COUNTY ■ COMMUNITY ARTS CENTER 414 Plush Mill Rd., Wallingford. 610-566-1713. Mon-Thu 10am-8pm, Fri 10am-3pm, Sat 10am-noon. Closed Sun. and from Aug 27 to Sep 5. Winter Adult Classes: Register for classes in painting, drawing, ceramics, sculpture, jewelry, mixed media, printmaking, photography, music, and yoga online at or call the office at 610-566-1713. Duke Gallery Through Nov 19: Philadelphia Watercolor Society International Exhibition Artists’ Talk: Nov 19, 1-3pm BEAdazzle Gallery Wall Nov 1: Olga Nielsen Fay Freedman Gallery Nov 1: Amanda Giordano Lounge Gallery Through Nov 23: FEATURED TEACHERS: An exhibition of the work of CAC faculty members

Nancy Barch, mixed media and Brian DeFrees, ceramics. Special Events: Nov 6: Tri-State Jazz Society Concert, 2pm-4:30pm, Tom Lawton, Solo Piano. Nov 16: Mad Poets Society, featuring Veronica Gledhill. Nov 25: Friday Night Live: where music and art collide, 7pm-10pm. Band: Drew Nugent and the Midnight Society - old time speakeasy style jazz. Artist: Juan Dimida and TBA. Special “Try Art” Workshops: Nov 6: Glazing for the Electric Kiln Workshop, 10am-3pm Nov 12: 2-D Presentation – Matting Workshop, 10am-1pm Nov 12: Printmaking: Wearable Art Workshop, 10am-2pm Nov 18: Clay Fun on Friday, 7pm-9pm Nov 19: Printmaking: Wearable Art Workshop, 10am-2pm In the Rose Tree Gardener’s Sculpture Garden Through April 2012: Sculptor James Fuhrman plans to transform the space into a Zen garden. CAC Board Meeting Nov 17: 7:30pm ■ DARLINGTON ARTS CENTER 977 Shavertown Rd., Boothwyn. P: 610-358-3632. F: 610-358-2018. Gallery Hours: Mon-Fri 9pm-9pm, Sat 9am-4pm, Closed Sundays. E-mail: Nov 5-28: Rick Phillips Exhibition of New Paintings. Artist’s Reception: Sat, Nov 5, 3-5pm. Meet this talented artist and enjoy light refreshments. Nov 6: Widener Theatre for Young Audiences Fall Performance Nov 10: Art, Dance, Fitness & Drama Classes Begin Nov 19: Holiday Portraits Session Nov 20: Sally Paxson Davis Memorial Vocal Scholarship Auditions Nov 20: Louisa May Alcott: History, Alive! One-Woman Show Dec 3: Sarah Paoletti Gallery Opening Dec 9: Chris Despo Acoustic Rock Concert Teen & Adult Workshops ART: Life Drawing, Wheel-Thrown Dip Bowls & Ladies, Knitting / Crochet Circle, Mural Painting, Self-Portrait in Pastel Children’s Workshops & Camps DANCE: Dancing with Disney (ages 3-6). ART: Art All In-Service Day (ages 7-12); Art Intensive Mini-Camp (ages 7-12). MUSIC: Kindergarten Music Experience (ages 4-6) ■ DELAWARE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE 901 S. Media Line Rd, Media (between Media and Newtown Square) 610-359-5014. Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Through-Dec 1: “I Speak American” Internationally and nationally recognized artists selected for “I Speak American” will examine the visual culture of America and how it is represented and perceived as a global force. The exhibition will include various media, such as painting, photography, sculpture, installation, and video. This exhibit will offer different perspectives and experiences of how American ideals are shaping the global culture of politics, money, sex, race, class, gender, and family. Jaime Treadwell is the curator. Participants are Terry Adkins, Sarah Knouse, Leah Bailis, Kikuko Tanaka, Julie Weitz, Jaime Diamond, Hamdi Attia, Celeste Rapone, caraballo-farman, Caleb Weintraub.

November 2011 • Page 9

LANCASTER COUNTY ■ LANCASTER COUNTY ART ASSOCIATION 149 Precision Ave., Strasburg, PA 17579. 717687-7061. Wed-Sun 1-5 pm. All exhibits are free, open to the public & handicapped accessible. In the Kauffman and Steinmetz Galleries: Through Nov 10: “Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow” - The LCAA’s 75th Anniversary Exhibit features work by current members and anyone who has been a member at anytime in the LCAA’s history. There is a special memorial section that honors members who are no longer with us. The 75th Anniversary Book and artworks donated for the Time Capsule are also displayed in the exhibit. When the exhibit ends, they will be placed in a Time Capsule where they will remain until the 100th Anniversary Celebration. The public is invited. Admission is free. Nov 20, 2011-Jan 5, 2012: Two exhibits: “Happy Memories” in the Kauffman Gallery. A membership exhibit featuring artwork on the theme of holidays past. In the Steinmetz Gallery, there will be a solo exhibit of the work of Kate Mylin. The public is invited. Admission is free. ■ PENNSYLVANIA COLLEGE OF ART & DESIGN 204 N. Prince St., Lancaster. P: 717-396-7833. Hours: Mon-Fri 8am4:30pm on weekends, every First Friday, and during Fall/Spring ArtWalk. All exhibits are free and open to the public, and the PCA&D Main Gallery is handicapped accessible. Nov 1: Artist’s talk by photographer Elinor Carucci. Details at Nov 4-12: “The Mosaic Project: Raul Colon and Amy Sherald”, 5pm-9pm. Luminous illustrations by Colon and provocative portraits by Sherald. Both artists explor themes of individual discovery, and ethnic and cultural identity. Details at Nov 18, 2011-Jan 20, 2012: “Kyle Staver, a Survey of Paintings and Prints” Meet the Artist Reception: Dec 2, 5pm.

MAIN LINE ■ EPISCOPAL ACADEMY Crawford Campus Center Gallery 1785 Bishop White Dr., Newtown Square, PA. P: 484-424-1400 Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30am4:00pm. Nov 2-Dec 15: “Never Meant to Last”. Organizer, Peter Hay Halpert, Episcopal Academy ’76, has assembled a group of top curators to assist him in the selection of the photographs to be exhibited, including Peter Barberie, of the Philadelphia Museum of Art; Martin McNamara, of Gallery 339; Stephen Perloff, of the Photo Review; and Sarah Stolfa, of the Philadelphia Photographic Arts Center. For more information, call Michael Letts, director of communications, at 484-424-1484. Opening Reception: Wed, Nov 2, 2011, 5:30pm-7:30pm ■ THE GREAT FRAME UP 302 West Lancaster Ave., Wayne, PA 19087. P: 610-687-3060; F: 610-995-2215. Mon-Fri 10-6, Wed 10-9, First Fridays 10-8, Sat 10-5. Nov 4-30: Our November First Friday Show will feature the artwork of Sara Steele. Sara will be showing her watercolors of florals and will have calendars with her images availble for purchase. Opening Reception: Fri, Nov 4, 5-8pm. Come meet the artists and enjoy some good conversation.

Page 10 • Art Matters

November 2011

■ LAWRENCE GALLERY Rosemont College 1400 Montgomery Ave., Rosemont, PA 19010. 610-527-0200 x 2310. Fax: 610-5270341. Mon-Fri 9 am- 8 pm. Weekends by app’t. (Lawrence Gallery link) Email: Nov 3-30: “Wally Adler & Gerry Givnish, Fifty Years Later . . . ”. Opening Reception: Thu, Nov 3, 4-6:30pm, with the artist’s talk at 4:30pm. Founded in 1921 by the Society of the Holy Child Jesus, Rosemont College is an independent liberal arts institution in the Catholic tradition located on the Main Line. For more information, visit our website.

■ MAIN LINE UNITARIAN CHURCH 816 S. Valley Forge Rd., Devon. Mon-Fri 9am-4:30pm. Sun 9am-2pm. Call 484341-8014 or visit for info/directions. Public is welcome! Through Nov 27: Wyndmoor artist Laura Pritchard is exhibiting batik paintings at the Main Line Unitarian Church. She is known for her mastery of the ancient Indonesian process of batik, yet her work does not resemble traditional batik. Her works combine fantasy with powerful tribal patterns and vibrantly colored symbols and motifs from many cultures. Included in the show will be the debut exhibition of “The Diaries”, a triptych.

■ MAIN LINE ART CENTER 746 Panmure Rd., Haverford, P: 610-5250272 F: 610-525-5036. Mon-Thurs 10am8pm, Sat 10am-4pm, Closed Sun. Call for info on lectures, trips and special events. Visit website for info, Plenty of free parking! Nov 4-23: Betsy Meyer Memorial Exhibition: PAINT! Emerging Philadelphia Artists Selected by Bill Scott. The exhibition features 18 artists age 24 to 39 from throughout the United States and now living in Philadelphia whose artwork was selected by Bill Scott for this exhibition. Reception: Fri, Nov 4, 6pm-9 pm. Thurs, Nov 17: Artini: Canvas & Cocktails (Young Friends Event), 6-9pm. Join us for an evening of art and entertainment and an exclusive viewing of PAINT! Reservations required. Call Stean Wilborn, 610-525-0272 x 12. Young Friends Members FREE / General Public $15. Adult Workshops Fri, Nov 18: Arcylic Painting on Untraditional Surfaces, 1pm-4pm Sun, Nov 6 & 13: Autumn Landscape Photography, 9:30am-4:30pm on Nov 6 and 10am-1pm on Nov 13 Fri, Nov 4, 11, 18, 25 & Dec 2, 9: Beginner Jewelry, 9:30am-12:30pm Tues, Nov 1: Community Raku Firing, 6pm9pm Tues, Nov 29: Creating Digital Files of Your Artwork, 7pm-9pm Sat, Nov 19: Critique Opportunity for Rising Artists with Bill Scott, 9:30am-3:30pm Sat, Nov 12 & Sun, Nov 13: Enameling: Color on Metal, 9:30am-3:30pm Tues, Nov 8, 15, 22, 29: Focus on Form, 1pm-4pm Tues, Nov 8, 15, 22: Glazing Techniques, 6:30pm-9:30pm Wed, Nov 16, 23, 30 & Dec 7: Holiday Cards: Prints without a Press, 6:30pm-9:30pm Sun, Nov 20: Holiday Gift Workshops: Create Your Own Silk Scarf, Register for time-slot between 10am-3pm Sun, Nov 6 & 13: Messages in Motion: Film Workshop, 1pm-5pm Sun, Nov 6 & 13: Mosaic Mirror or Picture Frame, 10am-1pm Sun, Nov 6, 13, 20, 27 & Dec 4, 11: Oil Painting for Beginners, 9:30am-12:30pm Tues, Nov 1, 8, 15, 22, 29: Painting Over the Line, 10am-3pm Sun, Nov 6, 13, 20, 27 & Dec 4: Saggar Firing Workshop, 9:30am-12:30pm Tues, Nov 1, 8, 15, 22: Sketchbook Basics, 6:30pm-9:30pm Sat, Nov 5, 12, 19: The Expressive Figure, 1:30pm-4:30pm Fri, Nov 29: The Flash Workshop (Photo), 6:30pm-9:30pm For more info, visit or call 610.525.0272.

■ ST. JOSEPH’S UNIVERSITY GALLERY Merion Hall, Maguire Campus, 376 N. Latches Lane, Merion Station, PA. P: 610-660-1845. Hours: Mon-Fri 9am7pm, Sat 10am-1pm. Closed for Thanksgiving Break, Nov. 23-27. Nov 14-Dec 16: India – A Light Within, a photographic installation by Charlee Brodsky, with writers Zilka Joseph and Neema Bipin Avashia. ■ SWEET MABEL FOLK ART 41 N. Narberth Ave., Narberth. P: 610667-3041. Tue-Sat 11am - 6pm, Sun 125pm. Featuring folk, outsider & found object art and craft from regional and national artists. Nov 4-Dec 1: Sharon Bartmann, “Out of the Nest” In her latest series, Sharon examines her experiences in the past few years and the new perspective on life that she didn’t have before. This deeply personal collection incorporates significant words, numbers, mantras and notes with painting, mixed media and assemblage. Opening Reception: First Fri, Nov 4, 6-9pm.

WAYNE ART CENTER 413 Maplewood Ave., Wayne. P: 610-688-3553. F: 610-995-0478. Mon-Sat 10am-5pm. E-mail: In Davenport Gallery: November 5-29: A Bounty of Farms, A collaboration between the Wayne Art Center and Willistown Conservation Trust bringing together a body of recent works that showcase the beauty of rural Willistown. For ticket information, or 610-688-3553 Preview Party: Saturday, November 5, 5-9pm ■ VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY ART GALLERY Connelly Center, 2nd Flr., 800 Lancaster Ave., Villanova. P: 610-519-4612. Fax: 610-519-6046. Open Daily 9am-5pm. For weekend and extended hours call 610-519-4612 or visit Through Dec 5: “Visions Four: Elsa Johnson, Kristine Marx, Diane Pepe, Karen Saler”

featuring a tea tasting, pastry pairing and art. This month at Tea Break, meet Joseph Leroux and Sarah Becktel, two of the featured artists in the AAC Galleries. $5 per person/AAC Members FREE. Tea Break has two “seatings” 9:30am & 11am. For more info: 215-8874882 ext 215. Nov 20: Sweet Beats Starring Music Monkey Jungle, 1pm. Join us for music making in the galleries during Sweet Beats. Lori Turner, music educator, singer-songwriter and family entertainer engages both children and parents with lively, interactive, family music! Sweet Beats costs $5 per person / AAC Members and infants FREE. For more info: 215-887-4882.


Celebrating Our 70th Year

■ GERMANTOWN ACADEMY 340 Morris Road, Fort Washington, PA. P: 215-646-3300. Gallery Hours: Mon-Fri, 8am5pm. Nov 9-Dec 20: New Works in Print: Zea Mays Printmaking Studio Artists.

Welcomes New and Experienced Artists Art and Crafts Show and Sales

■ JOHN JAMES AUDUBON CENTER AT MILL GROVE 1201 Pawlings Rd., Audubon, P: 610-666-5593 x 101, F: 484-831-5305 Hours: Tues-Sat 10am-4pm, Sun 1-4pm, closed Mon & major holidays. grove.html.

November 5, 9am to 5pm Demonstrations, Entertainment, Nelson’s Bar-be-que, Affordable art work and crafts including pottery, sculpture and artisan jewelry. 1 block west of GNAL at Tall Cedars.

■ MONTGOMERY COUNTY GUILD OF PROFESSIONAL ARTISTS (MCGOPA) At SPP Galleries The Inquirer Building. 800 Schuylkill River Road (Rt. 23), between Rts. 202 & 320, Conshohocken, PA. 610-803-3248 (Maria Solomon - Gallery Director). FREE - OPEN DAILY (Representative: 11am-1pm Mondays & Fridays). MCGOPA is a 501c3 non-profit organization. FRIENDS WELCOME! MCGOPA is now on Facebook. Join our network . . . JOIN MCGOPA A gallery for artists to exhibit their work. We try to support each other in achieving our individual goals. As a group, we provide opportunity for critiques, lectures, demonstrations and communication among working artists. For more info, send e-mail to and “LIKE” MOGOPA on Facebook: for timely art happenings. Gallery A Through Oct 28: The Conflict Zone. MCGOPA is proud to present the ground-breaking look at war through the lenses of some of the world’s best combat photographers. A unique multimedia exhibit to raise proceeds and awareness for troops and journalists injured in Iraq and Afghanistan after 9/11/2001. For more info, go to

20th Annual Theme Show & Sale “Parts of Things” November 5 and 6 Gallery Hours: 12 noon to 5pm Reception: Sun., Nov. 6, 2 to 5pm

Monthly Meeting Sunday, November 13, 2pm “Painting Murals and Set Design” Concept, Design, and Pricing Michael Adams Free and open to the public.

Workshops “Working with Gouache” Exploring the Opaque Side of Watercolor Jim McFarlane November 12, 10am to 3pm $55 Members / $65 Non-Members



■ ABINGTON ART CENTER 515 Meetinghouse Rd., Jenkintown. 215-887-4882. Fax: 215-887-5789. Wed-Fri 10 am- 5 pm, Thurs to 7 pm, Sat & Sun 10 am - 3 pm Nov 6: EUREKA!, drop-in anytime between 11am & 3pm. Each month Abington Art Center hosts EUREKA!, a fun workshop for families of any size, shape and artistic ability to play and make art together. This month’s art activity will be inspired by the artwork of one of the current featured artists in AAC’s galleries. EUREKA! costs $5 per project. (AAC members free.) No reservations are required. Nov 19: Tea Break, 9:30am & 11am. Tea Break is a relaxed “waking-up-to-art” morning

■ NORTH PENN ART ALLIANCE The NPAA is a 200-member nonprofit group of artists and lovers of art who meet regularly in the basement of the Univest building, located at 521 W. Main Street in Lansdale. P: 215393-9110. Nov 2: Meeting at the Univest Building, 521 W. Main St., Lansdale, at 7 pm. The Gallery presentor is Mark Darra, who will be offering a seminar on the techiques used to create some of his award-winning HDR photographs. Inspired by Ansel Adams and many other great photographers, he has developed a vision that, along with a set of techniques, allows him to create amazing landscape images. Members will meet downstiars in the Community Room. Doors will open at 6:30pm, and the presentation will start at 7pm.

Nov 18-26: The North Penn Alliance wihe 24th Anniversary Show at North Penn Art and Custom Framing. Drop off of art will be on November 17, 4pm to 7pm. Prospectus will be available at the November 2nd meeting. ■ ORCHARD ARTWORKS 520 Tomlinson Rd, Bryn Athyn 19009. P: 215-947-9882. Gallery Hours: Fri & Sat 10am-4pm; Sun 1-4pm. Nov 6-27: Earth’s Bounty - Works in Clay for the Holiday Table, featuring Handcrafted Pottery by Louise Sussman and Ellen Pine Litwin. Opening Reception: Sun, Nov 6, 1-4pm ■ ORELAND ART CENTER SAUDC- Upper Level. 100 Wischman Ave. & Twining Rd., Oreland, PA 19075. For Adult and Children’s Classes- 215-572-6855. Call for Brochure. Watercolor and Drawing with Gwen S. Kovach, Thursdays, 9:30am-12:30pm. Landscapes with Barbara Ostrander, Wednesdays, 9:30am-12:30pm. Back to the Basics with Diane Maurer, Wednesdays, 6:30pm-8:30pm. Call or check the website for details.

NORTHAMPTON COUNTY ■ LEHIGH UNIVERSITY ART GALLERIES 420 E. Packer Ave., Bethlehem. 610-758-3615. Girdler Gallery: Mon-Fri 8am-10pm; DuBois Gallery: Mon-Fri 9am-10pm; Siegel: MonThurs 9am-10pm, Fri 9am-5pm; Rauch: MonFri 8am-5pm; Virtual Gallery at Zoellner: WedSun 11am-4pm. Siegel Gallery, Iacocca Hall: Through Dec 10: Lehigh Art Alliance, mixed media by regional artists. Girdler Gallery University Center: Through Dec 16: Show and Tell: Queer Artists in the LUAG Collection. Zoellner Arts Center, Lobby: Through Dec 11: Gary Graves: Just Words, video projections. Zoellner Arts Center, Lower Gallery: Through Fall 2012: This Was Then, This Is Now, Selections from the LUAG Collection of 19th and 20th Century paintings, photography and video works. Zoellner Arts Center, Main Gallery: Through Dec 11: Andy in the Valley, Warhol Polaroid from three collections: Lafayette College, Muhlenberg College and Lehigh University. Made possible by Andy Warhol Legacy Program, Warhol Foundation, NY. DuBois Gallery, Maginnes Hall: Through Dec 16: Women Photographers: Selections from the LUAG Teaching Collection - celebrating 40 years of women at Lehigh. Curated by Ricardo Viera. Gallery at Rauch Business Center: Through Dec 2: Lissie Hobie: Photography, The Memorial Album (1954-2008), gift of The New Roots Foundation, works by the noted Guatemalan photographer.

PHILADELPHIA CENTER CITY ■ CENTER FOR EMERGING VISUAL ARTISTS 237 S. 18th St., The Barclay, 3rd Floor, Philadelphia, Pa 19103 P: 215-546-7775; F: 215-546-7802. Hours:

Call or Email for Home Delivery! 215-628-8330 x229 or

Art Matters Mon-Fri 11am-5pm when exhibition is on view. Exhibition #1 Through Nov 22: “Modulate”, a Spotlight Exhibition featuring Career Development Fellows, Ana B. Hernandez & Allison Kaufman. Exhibition #2 Nov 30-Dec 20: “Recent Works”, a Spotlight Exhibition featuring Career Development Fellows, Ana B. Hernandez & Allison Kaufman. Artists’ Talk & Reception: Thurs, Dec 1, 5pm7pm Exhibition #3 Through Nov 19: “Staged”, an Exhibition of Career Development Fellows, Tim Portlock, Kimberly Witham, Allison Kaufman, and Jennifer Williams. All four artists share an interest in exploring aspects of the human condition, through habitats, personal relationships or histories. Open Saturdays, 1pm4pm, or by appointment at Mount Airy Contemporary Artists Space, 25 West Mt. Airy Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19119. Exhibition #4 Through Nov 19: “Crossing Jordan”, featuring Alison Stigora. The Center for Emerging Visual Artists, Philadelphia Open Studio Tours, and Curator Eileen Tognini are pleased to present the solo exhibition by Alison Stigora. Open Tue-Sat, Noon-6pm and by appointment at The Skybox at 2424 Studios, 2424 East York Street, Philadelphia, Pa 19125.


■ THE PHILADELPHIA FOUNDATION The Community Art Gallery 1234 Market St., Suite 1800, Phila, PA. 215-563-6417. Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Through Jan 20, 2012: “MYXing It Up: 2001-2011” An exhibition featuring more than 50 collaborative youth art works that traces the 10-year evolution of the educational youth non-profit, MYX: Multicultural Youth eXchange, from its post 9/11 beginnings to its ongoing diverse work in Philadelphia and abroad. MYX uses the creative, collaborative nature of art to equip young people with the knowledge, skills and values necessary to be empathetic, engaged and socially responsible citizens at home and around the world.

PHILADELPHIA SKETCH CLUB 235 S. Camac St., between 12th & 13th Sts. Locust & Spruce Sts. Mon., Wed., Fri.-Sun 1-5pm or call 215.545.9298. Where Artists Grow.

OCT. 28 TO NOV. 12, 2011: PHOTOgraphy 2011 Juried Exhibition – Traditional & Digital Reception: Sun, Nov. 6, 2-4pm NOVEMBER 4 TO 27, 2011: WORKS BY SHARON SHAW NOV. 18 TO DEC. 10, 2011: LEGACY ART SHOW & SALE Show & Sale of Modestly Priced Artworks by Members Reception: Sun, Nov. 20, 2-5pm

enthusiastically announces its

Annual Members Exhibition, November 6-27, 2011 at the historic Plastic Club, 247 S. Camac Street, Philadelphia, between 12th and 13th Streets.

Visit above website for life, clothed model and print workshop schedules.

Opening Reception: Sunday, November 6, 2pm-5pm. The viewing public is invited!!!

■ THE PLASTIC CLUB 247 S. Camac St. 215-545-9324. Art Workshop Hours: Tues & Wed 9:30 am - 12:30 pm, Thurs 9:45 am - 12:45 pm, Thurs evenings 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm; Fri 6:30-9:30pm, Sat 1-4 pm. Moving Model Workshop Sat 9:30am-12:30pm. Printmaking Workshop Sat 10am-2pm. Workshops with life models on Wed, Thurs & Fri evenings and Sat. Tues workshop with clothed models 9:30am-12:30pm. Nov 6-27: American Color Print Society Members Show. Opening Reception Sun, Nov 6, 2pm-5pm.


215-972-7600 Tue-Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 11am-5pm Closed Mondays and legal holidays. Through Dec 31: “here” Nov 5-Jan 29: “Alumni Sales Gallery: Small Works” Nov 5-Feb 5: “Hennessey Youngman & Nathaniel Snerpus Present: The Grand Mariner” Nov 19-Ongoing: “Bill Viola: Ocean Without a Shore” Ongoing: “George Tooker’s Highway” Ongoing: “American Art Starts Here: PAFA Refreshed, Reloaded”


Call for more information.


■ NICHOLS BERG GALLERY 8611 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19118. 206-380-4070. Gallery Hours: Tue-Sat 10 am-5 pm. Nov 4-26: “Wax Poetic”. This special exhibition of works in wax by encaustic artists can utilize the encaustic medium to create beautiful and evocative works. Opening Reception: Fri, Nov 6, 6-9pm. Book Release and Signing Sat, Nov 19: “I Put the Can in Cancer; A Journey Through Pictures”, by local car-

toonist/designer/illustrator Christian “Patch” Patchell, 6pm-9pm. Studio Classes Sat, Nov 5: Introduction to Encaustic Monoprint, Sat, 9:00am-1:00pm. $65.00 (materials fee: $15.00) Scott Nichols leads this workshop. Sun, Nov 6 & Sun, Dec 11: Cartooning and Illustration Series by Harry Hasheian, a Chestnut Hill artist, Sun, Nov 6 at 1pm & Sun, Dec 11 at 3pm. $225.00 Sat, Nov 12: Egg Tempera Workshop, by Philadelphia artist Anthony Ciambella. Sat, 9:00am-12:00pm. $60.00 (materials fee: $15.00) Sat, Nov 19 & Sun, Nov 20: Gliding and Gold Leaf Workshop, by Philadelphia artist Chrissa Shanahan-Schirmer. Sat, Nov 19 at 9:00am & Sun, Nov 20 at 5:00pm. $225.00 (materials fee: $25.00) Sun, Dec 11: Manuscript Illumination Workshop, by Philadelphia artist Chrissa Shanahan-Schirmer. 9:00pm-5:00pm. $130.00 (materials fee: $20.00) ■ WOODMERE ART MUSEUM 9201 Germantown Ave, corner of Germantown Ave. and Bells Mill Rd. 215247-0476. Tue-Thurs 10am-5pm, Fri 10am-8:45pm, Sat 10-6pm, Sun 10-5pm. Visit our website for info about exhibits, lectures, tours & classes: Woodmere Art Museum celebrates Philadelphia’s artistic legacy through its collections, exhibitions, and educational initiatives. Through Nov 6: Violet Oakley: The Building of the House of Wisdom. In 1910-11, Violet Oakley collaborated with architect Frank Miles Day on a monumental mural cycle for the entrance hall of a townhouse designed for Charlton Yarnall at 17th and Locust Streets in Philadelphia. Select Fridays in November: Family Events. Story Time in the Parlor. 6pm-7pm, ages 4-8. Stil Life Stew (Nov 4), Sheep on a Ship (Nov 11), and Everyday Life: Join a Party (Nov 18). Sundays through Dec 18: Classic Sundays: Opera, Choral and Classical. 3pm-4:30pm. Featured artists in November include Emiliano Pardo-Tristan, Lisamarie McGarth, and Paul Arnold with pianist Osana Haro Fridays through Dec 23: Friday Night Jazz. 6pm-8pm. Featured artists in November include David Postmontier, Tony Wyatt Swing Band, and Ragtime with Drew Nugent and the Midnight Society. Through Jan 8, 2012: Flirting with Abstraction: Modernist and Contemporary Art of Philadelphia and the Promised Gift of Karen Segal and Woodmere’s Collection. Through Jan 8, 2012: Mary G. L. Hood and Philadelphia Modernism. Ongoing: Selections from the Charles Knox Smith Collection

MANAYUNK ■ MANAYUNK-ROXBOROUGH ART CENTER 419 Green Lane (rear), between Mitchell & Pechin Streets, Philadelphia, PA 19128. Beginning Painting & Children’s Classes. For Info: (215) 482-3363. Hours: Sat & Sun, 10am-4pm. Admission is free but donations are encouraged. Nov 6-27: “Reflections” will feature Eric Sauermelch and Danielle Maisey and new work by members of the Manayunk Artists’ Co-Op in a wide range of styles and media. Opening Reception: Sun, Nov 6, Noon to 3pm.

November 2011 • Page11

openings that matter

RIVER’S EDGE ARTISANS Annual Craft Show of the Philadelphia Guild of Hand Weavers November 5 & 6 11:00 am to 5:00 pm 3705 Main Street Manayunk, PA 19127 Wendy Anderson, Printed Scarves Sandi Chierci, Fused Glass Kate O’Hara, Kites of Glass Kara Moscara, Clothing Pam Pawl, Woven Shawls Marilynn Shaffer, Hats Faith Varrone, Pins Mike Zerbe, Pottery Hats, Pottery, Shawls, Jewelry, Kites of Glass


OLD CITY ■ THE MUSE GALLERY 52 N. 2nd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106. Phone: 215-627-5310 Gallery Hours: Wed-Sun, 12-5pm Nov 2-30: “Now and Then”, an exhibition of paintings by George Shinn. First Friday Opening: Fri, Nov 4, 5-8pm. ■ THIRD STREET GALLERY 58 N. 2nd St. 215-625-0993. Hours: Wed-Sun 12-5 pm. Nov 2-27: “A Stone’s Throw”, Conny Parsons includes natural stone textures and images in her recent oil paintings. “Ancient New Codes II”, Recent paintings by Jacqueline Unanue. First Friday Reception: Nov 4, 5-9pm. Artists’ Reception: Sun, Nov 13,1-5pm.

UNIVERSITY CITY ■ ARTHUR ROSS GALLERY University of Pennsylvania 220 S. 34th St. 215-898-2083. F: 215-5732045. Tue-Fri 10 am-5 pm, Sat & Sun 12-5 pm. Nov 18, 2011-Jan 15, 2012: Double Take: Series, Multiples and Prints. This exhibition features more than 50 drawings, prints and sculptures drawn from the University of Pennsylvania’s art collection. Double Take examines issues of seriality and artistic process. The earliest works included in the show are Albrecht Durer’s The Small Passion Series (1508-13) and three of William Hogarth’s prints from The Rake’s Progress (1735). Important series by 20th Century masters such as Joseph Albers, Salvador Dali, Donald Judd, R. Tait McKenzie, Henry Moore, Robert Motherwell, Louise Nevelson, Robert Rauschenberg, James Rosenquist, and Edward Steichen are included. ■ INSTITUTE OF CONTEMPORARY ART University of Pennsylvania 118 S. 36th St. (at Sansom). 215-8985911. Wed-Fri noon - 8pm, Sat & Sun 11am - 5pm Through Feb 19, 2012: Charline von Heyl Through Dec 4: Blowing on a Hairy Shoulder / Grief Hunters Through Dec 4: Bill Walton’s Studio

Friday, October 28 The Dr. Ron Beitzel Art Gallery, Gloucester County College, Sewell, NJ, 6:30PM-8:30PM Markheim Arts Center, Haddonfield, NJ, 8:00PM Wednesday, November 2 Episcopal Academy, Newtown Square, PA, 5:30PM-7:30PM Thursday, November 3 Lawrence Gallery of Rosemont College, Rosemont, PA, 4:00PM-6:30PM Friday, November 4 Blue Streak Gallery, Wilmington, DE, 5:00PM-8:00PM The Great Frame-Up, Wayne, PA, 5:00PM-8:00PM Markheim Arts Center, Haddonfield, NJ, 6:30PM-8:30PM Main Line Art Center, Haverford, PA, 6:00PM-9:00PM The Muse Gallery, Old City, PA, 5:00PM-8:00PM Sweet Mabel Fork Art, Narberth, PA, 6:00PM-9:00PM Third Street Gallery, Old City, PA, 5:00PM-9:00PM Saturday, November 5 Darlington Arts Center, Boothwyn, PA, 3:00PM-5:00PM Wayne Art Center, Wayne, PA, 5:00PM-9:00PM Sunday, November 6 Doylestown Art League, Warrington, PA, 2:00PM-4:00PM Greater Norristown Art League, East Norriton, PA, 2:00PM-5:00PM Manayunk-Roxborough Art Center, Philadelphia, PA, Noon-3:00PM Orchard Artworks Gallery, Bryn Athyn, PA, 1:00PM-4:00PM Nichols Berg Gallery, Chestnut Hill, PA, 6:00PM-9:00PM The Philadelphia Sketch Club, Center City, PA, 2:00PM-4:00PM The Plastic Club, Center City, PA, 2:00PM-5:00PM Thursday, November 10 The Center for the Arts in Southern New Jersey, Marlton, NJ, 7:00PM-9:00PM Friday, November 11 Ocean City Arts Center, Ocean City, NJ, 7:00PM-8:30PM Saturday, November 12 Long Beach Island Foundation, Loveladies, NJ, 5:00PM-7:00PM Sunday, November 13 Third Street Gallery, Old City, PA, 1:00PM-5:00PM Monday, November 14 Camden County College Art Gallery, Blackwood, NJ, 5:00PM-7:30PM Thursday, November 17 Chester County Art Association, West Chester, PA, 1:00PM-4:00PM Friday, November 18 Clay College Ceramic Arts Studio, Millville, NJ, 6:00PM-9:00PM Saturday, November 19 Community Arts Center, Wallingford, PA, 1:00PM-3:00PM Nichols Berg Gallery, Chestnut Hill, PA, 6:00PM-9:00PM Sunday, November 20 The Philadelphia Sketch Club, Center City, PA, 2:00PM-5:00PM Enjoy “First Friday” opening receptions in Philadelphia’s Old City galleries on the first Friday evening of each month.

Page 12 • Art Matters

November 2011

Howard Pyle: No longer ‘Marooned’ Continued from page 7

contemporaries. They include visions from the past, fairytales and fantasy and pictures focused on themes from American history and events coincidental with his lifetime. My choice for the single most emotionally powerful work in the exhibition is titled “Marooned.” It offers a scene of bleak despair and drab emptiness. A solitary figure is seen sitting on a dark tan-colored beach. From the upper edge of the painting to the horizon below, a pale yellow sky suggests a setting bathed in hot sunlight. Beyond these few details, there is nothing — no hope, no future, no relief! The silence of the scene is morbidly shattering. The overall impact of the composition is a convincing demonstration of the old aesthetic maxim that less is more. Looking at the picture, you can’t help but wonder how did this figure get into the situation. Was he abandoned? Was it the outcome of some unfortunate incident? Was he condemned by some superior opponent who had the power to impose such harsh punishment? No matter how

much we may conjecture, we will never really know why this poor soul has been left by fate to eventually die alone, horribly doomed to be eaten by birds of prey or drowned by the rising tide. Among several themes that fascinated Pyle, he was especially taken with the notion of the buccaneer. Pyle painted him as a nasty villain, completely self-centered and smug. Loyal to no land or system of law, he was arrogant and anxious to acquire treasure by theft from weaker beings unable to protect themselves from his demands. Without a moral compass or concern for anyone beside himself, Pyle’s pirate is the epitome of vanity, greed, cruelty and contempt for the rights and feelings of anyone besides himself. In a curious way, these criminals of the sea serve as remarkable prototypes for the vicious crime lords who would, in due course, become dashing gangsters in films like “Little Caesar” and “The Godfather.” In my opinion, Pyle’s legacy for the contemporary art world is supported by several significant pillars. Before his emergence as a versatile picture-maker, illustrations tended to be structured as static events unfolding on a stage. Pyle introduced a dynamic, spatial naturalness to the practice of

representation. This brought a greater measure of believability to his working style than was the rule earlier. In turn, it became the basis for what has come to be called the Brandywine River School Approach, which continues to be utilized by many different artists, whether or not they live in the vicinity between Wilmington, Del., and Chadds Ford, Pa. Furthermore, Pyle warmly welcomed women to the ranks of professional illustration. His willingness to provide instruction for women helped make gender discrimination increasingly become an outmoded, unfair and stupid habit, perpetuated only by narrow and reactionary dunderheads in the past. Finally, there is the surviving body of pictures he left to posterity for study after his demise. They proclaim his status as one of the truly brilliant exemplars from the golden age of American illustration. Above all, they are alive with the presence of a pictorial imagination that continues to provide inspiration and a model to be emulated by students of the craft.


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