CALENDAR OF EVENTS & PERFORMANCES AND COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS • DECEMBER 2021 York University’s Institute of Fine Arts in 1955. Following positions at the Ringling Museum, Brandeis University, Queens College, Harvard University, and Cornell University, he joined the faculty of Yale University in 1981. In addition to his work mentoring students—many of whom went on to achieve acclaim as art historians and curators in their own right—Gilbert served as editor-in-chief of the leading art history ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT journal Art Bulletin between 1980 and 1985 and published extensiveFRED JONES JR. MUSEUM OF ART ly. He penned numerous books and 555 Elm Avenue, Norman, OK articles on Caravaggio, realism in 405-325-3272 The University of Oklahoma’s Renaissance art, and the Northern Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art is one Baroque, as well as two seminal of the finest university art museums works: Michelangelo: On and Off in the United States. Strengths of the Sistine Ceiling (1994) and Carthe more than 20,000 object per- avaggio and His Two Cardinals manent collection (including the ap- (1995). prox. 3,300-object Eugene B. AdGilbert also collected, taking parkins Collection and the more than 4,500-object James T. Bialac Native ticular delight in discovering works American Art Collection) are the by major artists hidden away in ItalWeitzenhoffer Collection of French ian print shops and especially in his Impressionism, 20th century Amer- acquisition of a jewel-like Madonican painting and sculpture, tradi- na and Child by the Renaissance tional and contemporary Native master Romanino. In 2005, Dr. Eric American art, art of the Southwest, Lee, a former student of Gilbert’s ceramics, photography, contempo- and then-director of the Fred Jones rary art, Asian art and graphics from Jr. Museum of Art, encouraged his the 16th century to the present. mentor to leave his private collecTemporary exhibitions are mounted tion to the museum. The bequest, throughout the year that explore the 272 objects, spans the fourteenth art of various periods and cultures. to twentieth centuries with an emEXHIBITIONS phasis on Old Master prints and A Life in Looking drawings from the Renaissance, Dr. Creighton Gilbert Baroque, and Rococo periods. GilThrough December 31 The renowned art historian Dr. bert’s wide-ranging interests are Creighton Eddy Gilbert (1924–2011), evident in this exhibition, guest cua scholar of Italian Renaissance art rated by University of Oklahoma art and one of the foremost authorities history faculty members Dr. Allison on Michelangelo, spent nearly sev- Palmer and Dr. Erin Duncan-O’Neill. en decades dedicated to scholar- Through themes of religion, architecture, allegory, portraiture, and huship, collecting, and teaching. mor, A Life in Looking: The CreighAn academic prodigy, Gilbert en- ton Gilbert Collection explores a tered college at age 14, became collection built on seven decades of a professor at 21, and eventually expertise by this influential scholar, completed a doctorate from New educator, and connoisseur. Due to positive tests for the coronavirus across the area and the constant changes still taking place as of our press deadline, please confirm the events and services listed in this calendar are still in place before making your plans to attend or participate. It’s especially important to ensure the safety of your family, loved ones and yourself by practicing safe COVID-19 recommendations.
BREAKFAST WITH SANTA Saturday, December 4, 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. FRESH START COMMUNITY CHURCH at The Station Recreation Center, FOOD PANTRY 700 S. Broadway Avenue. Breakopen the third Thursday of each fast, holiday crafts, and a visit with month, 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Santa Claus. What a great way to 309 N Eastern Avenue, West Cam- enjoy the most wonderful time of pus-Family Life Center. Canned and the year. Open to all ages. Fee: dry goods available. Must be a res- $8 for each person. Each person ident of Moore (please bring an ID). must have a ticket to enter the facility. Children must be accomCELEBRATE RECOVERY panied by an adult. TICKETS Monday nights from 6:30 p.m. to ONLINE: 8:30 p.m. For more information, call Moore Faith Crossing Baptist Church, Parks & Recreation at (405) 79313701 S. Pennsylvania. For more 5090 information, contact Nancy at 405514-9990. NORMAN ROCKWELL’S OLD TOWN CHRISTMAS PARADE OF LIGHTS CITY MEETINGS & EVENTS Saturday, December 4, 6:00 p.m. Old Town Moore. Come join us as MOORE SANTA’S MAILBOX we kick off the Christmas season through Friday, December 17 with A Norman Rockwell's Old The Station lobby during hours of Town Christmas Parade of Lights. operation, 700 S. Broadway Ave- December 4th @ 6pm. Watch the nue. For 4th grade and younger. parade, watch the tree lighting When writing letters, children ceremony, see Santa and other must include their first and last fun characters, check out the name, age, mailing address, and stores of Old Town and enjoy holiday wish list. Parents are some Christmas goodies! If you encouraged to glance over the would like to have an entry in the letters before bringing them to parade, please call Kelly Johnson The Station for mailing. Santa at (405) 799-9898 especially enjoys hand-drawn holiday pictures on the letters! CHRISTMAS SPECTACULAR Place your letter and self-adSaturday, December 4, 7:00 p.m. dressed stamped envelope inside Santa’s Mailbox. Make sure a Re- to 8:30 p.m. turn Address is included so Santa Central Park Multi-purpose Pavilion and Amphitheater, 700 S. can answer your letter. For more information please call (405) 793- Broadway Avenue. A free event with a special appearance by 5090. Santa Claus & Mrs. Claus, Christmas carolers, shopping at the CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING Mini Merry Market, and Holiday CEREMONY fireworks sponsored by local Friday, December 3 at 6:00 p.m. businesses. A perfect way to Central Park Multi-purpose Pabegin the Holiday Season! Food vilion and Amphitheater, 700 Trucks: Chef Rays Street Eats; S. Broadway Avenue. Kickoff Yum Pig; Pops Pockets; Dos Grinthe Holiday Season with at the gos Cabana; Some Like It Tot and Tree Lighting Ceremony. Special City Ice Truck. Breweries: The Big appearance by Santa, Christmas Friendly and 405 Brewing. music, and hot chocolate! Come help the City celebrate. ...................continued on Page 32 CHURCH & SPIRITUAL CONNECTION