Skizza 3 exhibitions | Jerusalem Rainbow

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Music of the Sawgrass 27.11.13 – 10.12.13

Reflected Worlds 11.12.13 – 20.12.13

To Reach Beyond the Light 13.01.14 – 20.01.14

‫קהילות‬ ‫קולטות‬

‫משרד העלייה והקליטה‬ ‫המרכז לקליטת אמנים עולים‬ ‫ותושבים חוזרים‬

Supported by the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption, Center for Absorption of Immigrant Artists and returning residents

Exhibition Hall of Jerusalem House of Quality | ‫גלריית בית אות המוצר הירושלמי‬



‫סדרת אירועים ש‬ ‫ל יצ‬ se rie s

‫קשת ירושלמית‬ Jerusalem Rainbow

‫נבל העשב‬

gs eetin tm ar of


‫יר‬ ‫הו‬

‫עולמות משתקפים‬

‫ל ָעּוף אַחֲֵרי הֶַקֶּרן‬

Music of the Sawgrass

Reflected Worlds

To reach Beyond the Light

27.11.2013 - 10.12.2013

11.12.2013 – 20.12.2013

13.01.2014 – 20.01.2014

The Festival organized by Skizze Gallery in association with Non-profit organization “Kegilot Koltot“ "‫הפסטיבל ביוזמת גלריית סקיצה ומלכ”ר “קהילות קולטות‬ ‫ מרינה שלסט‬,‫ מרינה גנקין‬:‫אוצרות‬ ‫ מרינה שלסט‬:‫מאמר‬ ‫ מרינה גנקין‬:‫ביוגרפיות‬ ‫ אלי רטנר‬:‫עיצוב גרפי‬ ‫צילומי העבודות באדיבותם של האמנים‬ ‫המיוצגים בקטלוג‬ ‫ חיים דולגופולסקי‬:‫תרגום לעברית‬ ‫ אלכסנדר שרף‬:‫תרגום לאנגלית‬ ‫כל הזכויות שמורות‬

Curators: Marina Genkina, Marina Schelest Article: Marina Schelest Biographies: Marina Genkina Design: Eli Ratner All illustrations have been provided by the artists represented in catalogue Hebrew translation: Haim Dolgopolsky English translation: Alexander Sharf © all rights reserved 2014

Skizza Gallery

‫גלריית אמנות סקיצה‬

Non-profit organization “Kehilot Koltot”

”‫מלכ”ר “קהילות קולטות‬

Jerusalem House of Quality

‫בית אות המוצר הירושלמי‬

‫ גובה * רוחב * עומק‬,‫המידות מובאות בסנטימטרים‬

Measurements are given in centimeters, height x width x depth

Иерусалимская радуга


же не первый год столичная галерея «Скицца», расположенная в Арт-центре «Бейт от а-Муцар», совместно с НКО «Кегилот кольтот» и при поддержке Министерства Абсорбции, проводит фестиваль «Иерусалимская радуга». Цель нашего фестиваля познакомить иерусалимцев и многочисленных гостей столицы с творчеством как новых репатриантов, так и уже хорошо известных израильских художников. Любой такой фестиваль – это всегда серия тематических выставок, объединенных общей концепцией.

Вторая выставка называлась «Отраженные миры». Ей была предпослана цитата из фантастической повести Нила Геймана «Books of Magic»: «Желаешь увидеть иные миры? Хорошо. Но знай: места, которые ты посетишь, которые ты увидишь, не существуют. Есть только два мира – твой мир, который реален, и другие миры, фантазия» Космические пейзажи, похожие на земные, и земные пейзажи, которые выглядят совершенной фантастикой, мистические мотивы и мифические существа – каждый художник воплотил в своих работах свою индивидуальную реальность, какой бы фантастичной она ни казалась!

При подготовке фестиваля «Иерусалимская радуга – 2013» художникам была предложена несколько необычная для выставок изобразительного искусства форма: каждой выставке была предпослана цитата из известного литературного произведения, которая определяла тему экспозиции и ее настрой.

Эпиграфом к третьей выставке стали строчки из стихотворения О.Мандельштама: «О, как же я хочу, Нечуемый никем, Лететь вослед лучу, Где нет меня совсем!»

Первая выставка фестиваля носила название одноименной повести Трумана Капоте «Голоса травы».

Птицы и ангелы, плывущие по небу корабли и летящие в потоке музыки фигуры, молитва у Стены Плача… во всех работах, представленных на этой выставке - ощущение ничем не ограниченной свободы полета.

Общий настрой выставки лучше всего отражает цитата из любимой многими замечательной книги о детстве, о памяти, о нежелании взрослеть : «...Звенит луговaя aрфa, день и ночь рaсскaзывaет трaвa одну из своих историй - ей известны истории всех людей тaм, нa горке, всех людей, когдa-либо живших нa свете, и когдa мы умрем, онa тaк же вот стaнет рaсскaзывaть нaши истории…» Каждый художник «рассказал» свою историю: в стекле и живописи, керамике и фотографии, инсталляции, фотографии и музыкальном перформансе.

Литературный подтекст не сделал эти выставки иллюстративными, но придал им лирический настрой с легкой нотой иронии, без которой не обходится ни одна выставка современного искусства. «арфой звенит трава, она собирает наши истории и, вспоминая, рассказывает их, — луговая арфа, звучащая на разные голоса. Мы стояли и слушали». Марина Шелест

Jerusalem Rainbow


every painter embodied in the works his or her own reality, however imaginary it may seem!”

The purpose of our festival is to introduce Jerusalemites and visitors of the capital to the works of new immigrants, as well as already well-known and established Israeli artists. As any such festival - it is characterized by a series of thematic exhibitions that are united by a common concept. In preparation for the festival, “The Jerusalem Rainbow – 2013,» the artists were offered a subject matter that was unusual for most exhibitions. A citation from a famous literary piece was attributed to each one of the exhibitions that would define the theme and mood of the exposition itself.

The epigraph of the third exhibition came to be described by the lines from the poem of O. Mandelshtam: “Oh, how strongly do I long for reaching to the ray of light, where I do not exist and perceived by no one!” Birds and angels, ships floating in the sky and figures in the stream of music, prayer at the Wailing Wall.. in all of the works exhibited, there was a sense of limitless freedom of flight. Literary subtext did not make these exhibitions illustrative, but gave them a lyrical mood with a light note of irony, without which no part of the contemporary art exhibition may have come into being. «grass rings harp, it collects our history and reckoning them, tells them - meadow harp, sounding in different voices. We stood and listened.”

t is not the first year that “Skizza”, a metropolitan gallery located in the Art Center “Beit-Ha Mutsar”, has held the “Jerusalem Rainbow” festival in collaboration with the NGO “Kegilot Koltot” and supported by the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption.

The first festival exhibition was named after Truman Capote’s novel “The Grass Harp.» The following citation, found in a novel loved by many, about childhood, memory, and unwillingness to grow up reflects the overall mood of the exhibition: ”the meadow arphe is ringing, day and night it tells one of its stories – it knows the stories of all its people there, on the hill, all the people who’ve ever lived and when we die, it will again tell our stories...” Every painter “told” his story: through glass and paintings, ceramics and photography, installations or a music performance. The second exhibition was called “Reflection worlds.» The quotation that was attributed to the exhibition had been taken from Niel Geyman “Books of Magic”: “So you’d like to see other worlds? OK. But you should know: the places you will see do not exist. There are only two worlds – your world, which is real and other worlds, which are imaginary. Cosmic landscapes, resembling of earthly and earth landscapes looking out of this world, mystical motives and mythical creatures ;

Marina Schelest

01 Music of the Sawgrass (“The Grass Harp”)

Голоса травы

«...grass harp, gathering, telling,

a harp of voices

remembering a story...» Truman Capote

«... арфой


трава, она собирает наши истории и, вспоминая, рассказывает

их, — луговая

звучащая на разные голоса» Трумэн Капоте “Голоса травы”

,‫נבל של העשב הוא‬...«

‫נבל העשב‬ 27.11.13 10.12.13

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‫ נבל‬,‫ דובב‬,‫מתלקט‬ ‫של קולות המשנן‬ »‫ הקשבנו‬.‫סיפור‬ ‫טרומן קפוטה‬

Vladimir Bokser

Miriam. Photography.

‫ צילום‬.‫מרים‬


Sasha Borisov

Untitled. 2011. Glass.

.‫ זכוכית‬.2011 .‫ללא כותרת‬


Shlomo Bronshtein

Untitled. 2013. Photography, mixed media.

.‫ טכניקה מעורבת‬,‫ צילום‬.2013 .‫ללא כותרת‬


Alexander Ganelin

White Roses. 2013. Oil on canvas, 70x70. 70x70 ,‫ שמן על בד‬.2013 .‫ורדים לבנים‬


Igor Kaplunovich

White Box. 2013. Wood, glass, polystyrene, old amateur photos, 50x60x8 50x60x8 ,‫ תמונות ישנות‬,‫ קלקר‬,‫ זכוכית‬,‫ עץ‬.2013 .‫קופסא לבנה‬


Tanya Karavan

Double portrait. Archival Pigment Print.

.‫ הדפסת פיגמנט ארכיונית‬.‫דיוקן כפול‬


Boris Karavanov

Samaria. 2012. Oil on canvas, 60х70. .60х70 ,‫ שמן על בד‬.2012 .‫שומרון‬


Tania Kornfeld

Park at Night. 1986. Watercolor on paper, 33x54 33x54 ,‫ צבעי מים על נייר‬.1986 .‫פארק בלילה‬


Tatyana Levitin

Song of Songs. 2009. Watercolor on paper, 51x36 51x36 ,‫ צבעי מים על נייר‬.2009 .‫שיר השירים‬


Theodor Levitin

Grasshopper. 2004. Watercolor on paper, 31x60 31x60 ,‫ צבעי מים על נייר‬.2004 .‫צרצר‬


Anna Leytman-Palanker

“Wild Flowers” Vase. 2009. Shamot.

.‫ שמוט‬.2009 ."‫אגרטל "פרחי בר‬


Dasha Reznistky

The Past. 2013. Dry crayons on paper, 50x70

.‫ גרים יבשים על נייר‬.2013 .‫עבר‬


Anatoly Shmuel Schelest

Breathing-out. 1997. From the “Breathing” triptych. 56,5x140 56,5x140 .1997 .”‫ מתוך הטריפטיכון “נשימה‬.‫נשיפה‬


Marie Selissky

Over the River and Through the Woods. 2013. Digital Photo

‫ צִילּום ִדיג ִיטָל ִי‬.2013 .‫מעל הנהר דרך היער‬


Josef Shelest

Reminiscence. 2011. Video art

.2011 .‫זיכרונות‬


Irena Sorochinsky

And you hear the music? From the series “Pollen”. 2013 Watercolor, Indian ink on paper, 76x56

‫ צבעי טוש על נייר‬,‫ צבעי מים‬."‫האם אתה שומע מוסיקה? מתוך הסדרה "אבקת פרחים‬


02 Reflected Worlds Отраженные Миры ‫עולמות‬ ‫משתקפים‬

“So you’d like to see other worlds? OK. But you should know: the places you will see

do not exist. There

are only two worlds – your world, which is real and other worlds, which are

imaginary». Niel Geyman “Books of Magic”

увидеть иные



Хорошо. Но знай: места,

которые ты посетишь, которые ты

увидишь, не существуют. Есть два мира – твой мир, который , и другие миры, фантазия» только


Нил Гейман «Books of Magic»

?‫רוצה לראות עולמות אחרים‬ ‫ המקומות שבהם‬:‫ אבל דע לך‬.‫בסדר‬

11.12.13 20.12.13

.‫ אינם קיימים‬,‫ שאותם תראה‬,‫תבקר‬ ‫ שהוא‬,‫ העולם שלך‬:‫ישנם רק שני עולמות‬


,‫ והעולמות האחרים‬, .‫בדיון‬


"‫ "ספר הקסמים‬,‫ניל גיימן‬

Aleksey Adonin

Vaporous World. 2011. Acrylic on canvas, 80x80 80x80 ,‫ אקריליק על בד‬.2011 .‫עולם מתאדה‬


Alexander Adonin

Negev Desert. 1995. Acrylic on cardboard, 70x33

.‫ אקריליק על קרטון‬.‫מדבר בנגב‬


Irena Aizen

Summer – Pastorale. 2012. Acrylic on canvas, 64x51

.‫ אקריליק על בד‬.2012 .‫קיץ — פסטוראלה‬


Zwia Aziz

Palm. 2012. Oil on canvas, 120x90

.‫ שמן על בד‬.‫דקל‬


Galina Bleikh

From the series “Aggressive Periphery”. 2010. Jerusalem Hills soil and basalt from Golan Heights on canvas, 80x80

.2010 ."‫מסידרה "פריפריה אגרסיבית‬ 80x80 ,‫אדמת הרי ירושלים ובזלת מרמת הגולן על בד‬ 26

Max Epstein

Behind the Window. 2004. Digital color print on photo paper

‫ הדפסת צבע דיגיטאלית על נייר צילום‬.2004 .‫מאחורי החלון‬


Lena Fisher

Round. 2006. Digital Photo, 120x80

‫ תמונה דיגיטלית‬.2006 .‫סיבוב‬


Tanya Karavan

Triptych. 1998. Photogram, silver print

‫ הדפסת כסף‬,‫ פוטוגראמה‬.1998 .‫טריפטיכון‬


Margarita Levin

Spatial metamorphoses. 2009. Oil on canvas, 100x100 100x100 ,‫ שמן על בד‬.2009 .‫מטמורפוזות מרחב‬


Anatoly Shmuel Schelest

Reflections. 2013. Mixed media on oil-cloth, 280x160

‫ טכניקה מעורבת על שעוונית‬.2013 .‫השתקפויות‬


Ruslan Sergeev

Bodyguard. 2010. Metallic construction, concrete, coloured mirrors, mosaic, rock-crystal, 30x25x15

,‫ מראות צבעוניות‬,‫ בטון‬,‫ קונסטרוקציית מתכת‬.2010 .‫שומר סף‬ 30x25x15 ,‫ בדולח הרים‬,‫פסיפס‬ 32

Josef Shelest

Night. Reflection of the Day. 2013. Photography on canvas

‫ צילום על בד‬.2013 .‫ כהשתקפות של יום‬.‫לילה‬


Kaska Sikora

Dune. Color photography

‫ צילום בצבע‬.‫דיונה‬


Zely Smekhov

Shadows. 2011. Acrylic on canvas, 41x50

‫ אקריליק על בד‬.2011 .‫צללים‬


03 To reach Beyond the Light

Лететь вослед лучу ‫אחֲֵרי‬ ַ ‫ל ָעּוף‬ ‫הֶַקֶּרן‬ 13.01.14 20.01.14

This is what I most want

alone to reach beyond the light un-pursued,

that I am furthest from O. Mandelstam

«О, как же

я хочу,

Нечуемый никем,


вослед лучу,


нет меня

совсем!» О.Мандельштам

Anatoly Baratynsky

The Ship sails. 2013. Mixed media on canvas, 70x120

‫ טכניקה מעורבת על בד‬.2013 .‫הספינה שטה‬


Lera (Liora) Barstein

The Fligt. 1996. Oil on canvas, mixed media, 85х95 85X95 ,‫ טכניקה מעורבת‬,‫ שמן על בד‬.1996 .‫מעוף‬


Shlomo Bronshtein

Untitled. 2013. Photography on canvas

‫ צילום על בד‬.‫ללא שם‬


Nathan Brusovani (Bar)

Angel on the Edge. 2013. Photography & Digital Manipulation

‫ צילום ועיבוד דיגיטאלי‬.2013 .‫מלאך בקצה‬


Joel Steven Dzodin

Untitled. Photography

‫ צילום‬.‫ללא שם‬


Gregory Goltsov

Sukkot Timelessness. 2008. Sony A700, Sony Carl Zeiss 16-80mm f/3.5-4.5 1/30s f/22 at iso100. Effect created by zooming lens as photo is taken. No digital manipulation. 1/30 ‫ מהירות‬,3.5-4.5 ‫ פתיחה‬,Carl Zeiss 16-80 ‫ עדשת זום של‬,Sony A700 ‫ מצלמת‬.2008 .‫נצחיות של סוכות‬ iso100 ‫ רגישות‬,22 ‫ צמצם‬,‫שנייה‬


Bella Grodinsky

Soaring. China-ink on paper, 50x52 50x52 ,‫ טוש סיני ע"ג נייר‬.‫המראה‬


Вoris Karafelov

Mozart in Karlovy Vary. 2010. Oil on canvas, 100x81

‫ שמן על בד‬.2010 .‫מוצרט בקרלסבאד‬


Benjamin Kletzel

Goldfish. 2013. Acrylic on canvas, 70x50

‫ אקריליק על בד‬.2013 .‫דג זהב‬


Nataly Kulikova

Phoenix. 2014. Acrylic on desk

‫ אקריליק על לוח‬.‫פניקס‬


Julia Lagus

Between Heaven and Earth. 2012. Oil on canvas, 80x60

‫ שמן על בד‬.2012 .‫בין שמים לארץ‬


Anna Leytman-Palanker

Blue Bird. 2013

2013 .‫צפור כחולה‬


Tania Pogorelsky

Composition. 1997. Watercolor on paper, 70x50 70x50 ,‫ צבעי מים על נייר‬.1997 .‫קומפוזיציה‬


Anatoly Shmuel Schelest

Angel. 1995. Oil on canvas, 84x59

‫ שמן על בד‬.1995 .‫מלאך‬


Julia Segal

The Boy and the Sky. Bronze, 72x38x20

‫ ארד‬.‫ילד והמרום‬


Marie Selissky

At Everywhere. 2009. Digital photography

‫ צילום דיגיטלי‬.2009 .‫בכל מקום‬


Josef Shelest

Untitled. 2013. Photography on canvas, 45x60

‫ צילום על בד‬.2013 .‫ללא שם‬


Vladimir Shraga

Light and Shade. Jerusalem, 2013. Photography

‫ צילום‬.2013 ,‫ ירושלים‬.‫אור וצל‬


Kaska Sikora

Fury. 2009. Photography

‫ צילום‬.2009 .‫זעם‬


Zely Smekhov

Dance with a Flower. 2009. Oil on canvas, 70x70 70x70 ,‫ שמן על בד‬.2009 .‫ריקוד עם פרח‬


Alexander Adonin

Born 1949, Novoaidar, Lugansk Region, Ukraine, USSR. 1975 – graduated from the State Art-Theater College, Krasnodar, Russia.1977 – initiated the Children Art School opening, Slutsk, Belarus. Worked there until 1991.Since 1991 in Israel, lives in Jerusalem. Since 2007 – cooperates with Benjamin Dvora Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel. Solo Exhibitions: 1974 – Palace of Sailors, Novorossiysk, Russia// 1987 – Troizky Suburb, Minsk, Belarus// 1988 – Mir Cinema, Minsk, Belarus// Krupskaya Library, Slutsk, Belarus// 2002 – Teena Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// 2007 – Jerusalem House of Quality, Jerusalem, Israel Selected Group Exhibitions: 1988-89 – “Three Artists”Traveling Exhibition, Tallinn, Pskov, Moscow, and Leningrad// 1991 – French House, Jerusalem, Israel// 1993 – Bank Leumi, Jerusalem, Israel// 1996 – Han Theatre, Jerusalem, Israel// Kovcheg Theatre, Jerusalem, Israel// Underground Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// 2000 – Binyanei Ha’Uma, Jerusalem, Israel// CoArt Center, Jerusalem, Israel// 2000-01 – The Jerusalem Theatre, Jerusalem, Israel// 2001 – Jerusalem Culture Center, Israel// 2006 – Scartet, Central Synagogue, New York, USA// 2007, 2010 – 2013 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Israel// 2012 – Naima House Art, Jerusalem, Israel Awards: 2007 –“Artist of the Year” Prize Nominate, 9th TV channel, Israel Collections: Private collections in Russia, Canada, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Israel and USA Alexey Adonin

Born 1973, Slutsk, Belarus, USSR. 1991 – graduated from Glebov Art College, Minsk, Belarus. Since 1991 in Israel, lives in Jerusalem. Solo Exhibitions in Israel: 2009 – Cultural Center, Jerusalem// 2011 – Hadassah Hospital Ein Karem, Jerusalem// Jerusalem Theater, Balcony Gallery Group Exhibitions in Israel: 2002 – Teena Cultural Center, Jerusalem// 2004 – Arts Festival, Pargod Theatre, Jerusalem// Russian City Library, Jerusalem (Auction Sale)//2008 – Rosenfeld Gallery, Tel Aviv// 2013 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Jerusalem, Israel Collections: Private collections in EU countries and in Australia Irena Aizen

Born in Russia, USSR. Grown up in a family of artists, she is the third generation of artists in her family. 1981 – graduated in arts from Yaroslavl Art College, Russia. In Russia she worked as an illustrator in a Book Publishing House. Since 1990 – in Israel, lives and works in Tiberias. Group Exhibitions: 1989 – The Tula Cultural Center of Trade Unions, Tula, USSR// 1992 – The Tiberias Cultural Center, Israel// 2007 – Castra Cultural Centre, Haifa, Israel// 2008 – Kiryat Ono Public Library, Israel// Bank HaPoalim, Tel Aviv,

Israel// 2009 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Israel Collections: Hanan Milner Art Gallery, Israel// Museum of Russian Art, Jersey City, USA// Naive Art Museum of Latvia, Riga// Tula Museum of Fine Arts, Russia// Galerie Natalie Boldyreff, Paris, France// Tribes Fine Art Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel// Art Gallery “Sarah 7”, Haifa, Israel Private collections in the USA, Canada, Australia, Germany, Russia, Israel, Great Britain, and China. Zwia Aziz

Born 1945, Israel Zwia started her artistic journey in Israel, studying graphics, and painting on porcelain utensils in the “Karnat” factory in Netanya. In her twenties Zwia moves to Hamburg, Germany, where she formulates her artistic route for the next 40 years, before returning to in 2005. 2005 – returned to Israel, lives and works in Ramat-Gan. Solo Exhibitions: 1989 – Plaza Hotel, Hamburg, Germany// 1995 – AMSA Gallery, Hamburg, Germany// 1998 – Immobilien VDM Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany// City Hall Norderstedt, Norderstedt, Germany// 2001 – Solitaire Hotel, Elsdorf, Germany// 2002 – Radisson Hotel, Hamburg, Germany// 2004 – History Museum Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany// Spectrum, Hamburg (Bergedorf), Germany// 2008 – Efrat Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel// Sasson Carpets, Tel Aviv, Israel// 2011 – Eshkol Ha Pais Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel// 2012-2013 – Gam Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel Selected Group Exhibitions: 1971 – Plaza Hotel, Israeli Artist’s Exhibition, Hamburg, Germany// 1990 – St. George Gallery, Hamburg, Germany// 2009, 2012 – Yad Lebanim Museum, Ramat Gan, Israel//2010, 2011 – Shoham Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel// 2010 – Eshkol Ha Pais Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel// Eshkol Ha Pais Gallery, Jaffa, Israel// 2011 – Junes Israel, Ramat-Gan, Israel// 2013 – Givatayim Municipality, Israel// Givatayim Theater, Israel// 2014 – Migdalor Gallery, Tel-Aviv-Jaffa Anatoly Baratynsky

Born 1962, Ufa, Russia, USSR. 1988 – graduated from the Magnitogorsk Pedagogical Institute, Art Department. Became member of the Artists Union of the former USSR. Since 1991 lives and works in Israel. 1992 – became member of the Israeli Branch of the International Artists Association. Solo Exhibitions: 1989 – Academy of Sciences Exhibition Hall, Ufa, Russia// 1990 – “Chelyuskinsky” Creative House, Moscow, Russia// 1991 – Safrai Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel// 1992 – The Artists’ House, Jerusalem, Israel// 1997, 1999 – Albin Upp Gallery, Oslo, Norway// 2000 – Municipal Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// WEINkunst Gallery, Bonn, Germany// 2001 – BaProzdor Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel// 2002, 2005 – Teena Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// 2003 – Nora Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// 2004 – ArtTest Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel// 2006 -”A Heart of the World” Art Gallery, Charlotte, NC, and Naples,

Florida, USA// 2007 – Jerusalem Cultural Center, Israel// 2008, 2012, 2013 – Jerusalem House of Quality, Jerusalem, Israel// 2009 – Cultural Center of London, Ontario, Canada// 2010 – Artists’ House, Jerusalem, Israel// Russian Cultural Center, Tel-Aviv, Israel// 2013 – Tyumen State University, Russia Selected Group Exhibitions: 1988 – The Central Exhibition Hall (Manege), Moscow, Russia// 1990 – The Central Artist House, Moscow, Russia// 1991 – Auction-Exhibition, Meridian Hotel, Nice, France// 1997 – Tova Osman Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel// Efrat Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel// 2000 – The Artists’ House, Jerusalem, Israel// Andrew Weiss Gallery, Beverly Hills, Los-Angeles, USA// Zetlin Museum of Russian Art, Ramat-Gan, Israel// CoArt Center, Jerusalem, Israel// 2001 – The New Manege, Moscow, Russia// 2002 – The Central Artist House, St. Petersburg, Russia// International Art Auction-Exhibition, Tiroche Auction House, Herzliya, Israel// 2003 – International Art Auction-Exhibition, Drouot Auction House, Paris, France// Stern Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel// International Art Exhibition, Tatra Art Museum, Proprad, Slovakia// 2004 – Knesset (Israel’s Parliament), Jerusalem, Israel// 2005 – Armored Corps Museum, Latrun, Israel// Tel-Aviv Museum of Art, Meyerhof Art Education Center, Tel-Aviv, Israel// 2006 – The Artists’ House, Tel-Aviv, Israel// Third International Biennial of Graphics, St. Petersburg, Russia// Regional Art Museum, Kurgan, Russia// 2007 – International Design Center, Naples, Florida, USA// Hanita Contemporary Art Museum, Kibbutz Hanita, Israel// 2008 – Art Club 40, Dover street, Royal Academy of Art, London, UK// Fourth International Biennial of Graphics, St, Petersburg, Russia// Art Jerusalem Fair, Underground Prisoners Museum, Israel// International Art Auction, MatsArt Auction House in Hotel King David, Jerusalem, Israel// 2009 – Baker Street Art Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel// Jerusalem House of Quality, Jerusalem, Israel// 2010 – Light House Gallery, Old Jaffa, Israel// 9th Lessedra World Art Print Annual – Mini Print, Sofia, Bulgaria// 2011 – Migdalor Art Gallery. Tel-Aviv, Israel// Jaffa Museum, Old Jaffa, Israel// Kulturbunker Cologne-Muelheim, Cologne, Germany// New Synagogue, Mainz, Germany// New Synagogue, Chemnitz, Germany// Art Marathon, Jaffa Museum, Old Jaffa, Israel// 2012 – ARTWEEKEND, project of Tel-Aviv Museum of Art, Israel// “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine” Museum, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine// Lavra Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine// Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality, Jerusalem, Israel// 2012 – Naima Art House, Jerusalem, Israel// 2013 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality, Jerusalem, Israel// 2013, 2014 – “Imagination” Israeli Art Exhibition, Bank HaPoalim, Tel-Aviv, Israel Awards: 1996 – Shoshanna Ish-Shalom Scholarship, Jerusalem, Israel; 1997 – “Certificate of Merit” Art Addiction International Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden; 1998 – Diploma 1st

International Art Annual ,,Masks in Venice”, Italy; 2003 – Medal and Diploma, Tatra Art Museum of Proprad, Slovakia; 2006 – Diploma ,,Third International Biennial of Graphics”, St. Petersburg, Russia; Diploma “Second Russian Water-color Exhibition” , Kurgan, Russia// The Charlotte Chapter of the Interior Design Society’s, NC, USA (Third place award)// 2013 – Award of Yuri Stern in the field of plastic arts, for a contribution to culture of Israel (Award Ceremony: 2014 February 19th, Tel Aviv Museum, Israel) Collections: Museum Contemporary Russian Art, Jersey City, USA; Museum Contemporary Russian Art, Paris, France; Tatra Art Museum, Proprad, Slovakia; Nesterov Art Museum, Geological Museum, Ural Art Gallery, Ufa, Russia; The Museum of Modern Graphics, St. Petersburg, Russia; The Design Center, Chelyabinsk, Russia; Natural History Museum, Jerusalem, Israel; Art Gallery of the Bank Leumi, Tel-Aviv, Israel// The Art Museum, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, Israel// Alla Bulyanskaya Art Gallery, London, UK// Alla Bulyanskaya Art Gallery, Moscow, Russia// Regional Art Museum, Kurgan, Russia// Roerich Art Museum, Odessa, Ukraine Lera (Liora) Barstein

Born 1961 in Moscow, Russia, USSR. 1981 – graduated from Moscow Art College. Member of Moscow Artists Union since 1983. Repatriated to Israel in 1990, lives in Ma’ale Adumim. Member of Israeli and International Artists Association since 1992. Solo Exhibitions: 1994, 1997 – Melnikov Gallery, Heidelberg, Germany// 1996 – IKB-Bank, Berlin, Germany Selected Group Exhibitions: 1983-90 – All-Union and International Exhibitions of Young Artists, Moscow, Russia// 1991 – David Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// Amalia Arbel Gallery, Rishon LeZion, Israel// Gallery 30, Tel-Aviv, Israel// Artists’ House, Tel-Aviv, Israel// Jewish Cultural Center, Heidelberg, Germany// Jewish Cultural Center, Mannheim, Germany// 1992, 1993, 1999 – Melnikov Gallery, Heidelberg, Germany// 1993 – Ein-Harod Museum, Ein-Harod, Israel// Artists House, Jerusalem, Israel// 1994 – Jewish Cultural Center, Frankfurt, Germany// 1994, 1995, 2000, 2001, 2006 – Jewish Gallery, Berlin, Germany// 1995 – Museum of Camerino University, Italy// 1996 – Exodus Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel; 1997 – Sapir Center, Jerusalem, Israel// 1999 – Art Expo Madrid, Spain// Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies, Jerusalem, Israel// 2000 – Jerusalem Theater, Jerusalem, Israel// 2000, 2001 – CoArt Center, Jerusalem, Israel// Jerusalem Culture Center, Israel// 2002 – Museum of Culture Heritage, Kyiv, Ukraine// Beit Shmuel, Jerusalem, Israel// “Nevsky Avenue, 64” Gallery, St-Petersburg, Russia// 2004 – Hillel Auction, Jerusalem, Israel// 2007 – Gerard Behar Center, Jerusalem// Hanita Museum, The Modern Art Wing, Kibbutz near Nahariya, Israel// 2007, 2010-2012 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality, Jerusalem, Israel// 57

2009 – Auction, Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality, Jerusalem, Israel// Baker Street Art Gallery, Tel-Aviv-Jaffa, Israel// 2010 – Melnikov Gallery, Heidelberg, Germany// Begin Center, Jerusalem, Israel// 2012 – Butik-Cinema Hotel, Tel-Aviv, Israel// 2013 – Harmony Cultural Center, Jerusalem, Israel// Archeological Museum, Old Jaffa, Israel Award: 1983 – The First Prize of Yanush Korchak International Picture Competition Collections: Private collections in Israel, Russia and other countries Galina Bleikh

Born in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), Russia, USSR. 1981 – graduated from Leningrad Higher School of Industrial Art named V. Mukhina, Leningrad, Russia (now Stieglitz St. Petersburg State Academy of Art and Industry, St. Petersburg). 1982-1987 – regularly participated in the non-conformist exhibitions of Non-conformist Fellowship for Experimental Art (TEII), Leningrad. 1988-1993 – worked in body-art performance genre. Since 1993 lives in Jerusalem, Israel. 1996-2004 – showed her works under name Antro Aum, together with Julia Lagus, works in fine arts, video-art, installation, performance and computer art. 2002 – founded her design studio, GalaStudio for art projects and design. 2009 – Galina Bleikh and Lilia Chak introduced into international lexicon a new term – Ferror (Female Terror) – a phenomenon of XXI century, acts of terrorism perpetrated by women. The term Ferror was first performed at the cancelled exhibition by Galina Bleikh and Lilia Chak in Tel Aviv Journalists Center Beit Sokolov. Since 2011 – started “Virtual Pop Art” project (together with the artist Elena Serebryakova). Member of the Jerusalem Artist’s Union and of the UNESCO Association of Artists. Solo Exhibitions: 1991 – Leleco Art Gallery, London, England// 2009 – Beit Sokolov Journalists Center (together with Lilia Chak), Tel Aviv, Israel// Efrat Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel// 2010 – Beit Gabriel on Kinneret, Israel// 2012 – Artco Gallery (together with Elena Serebryakova), Paris, France Under name Antro Aum, together with Julia Lagus: 1996 – Cite Internationale des Arts, Paris, France// 1997 – Gross Gallery, Dizengoff Centre, Tel Aviv, Israel (installation/performance)// 1999 – The Artists’ House, Jerusalem, Israel (Installation/performance)// 2003 – Binyan Merkazim Performance Art Center, Tel-Aviv, Israel (Performance/video)// 2004 – The New Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel (Video installation) Selected Group Exhibitions: 1983-1991 – a number of TEII Group Exhibitions, Borey Gallery Exhibitions, Leningrad, Russia// “Da-Net” (Yes-No) Performances Theatre, Leningrad, Russia// 1988 – Route One Gallery, California, USA// 1992 – International Performance Art Festival, “H” Gallery, Kostelec, Czech Republic// 1998, 2009 – Central Exhibition Hall (Manege), St.-Petersburg, Russia// 1999 – Ashdod Museum of Arts, Israel (Installation/performance/video)// 58

2006 – The New Exhibition Hall, City Sculpture Museum, St-Petersburg, Russia// 2007 – 1st Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, Russia// 2nd Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, INO, Centre for the Art of RGGU, Moscow, Russia// Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery, Shrewsbury, England// 2008 – Ramat-Gan Art Museum, Israel// Borey Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia// 2009 – ApartArt Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel// Center for Digital Art, Holon, Israel// 2010 – Cultural Center (Heichal Tarbut), Rishon Le-Zion, Israel// 2011 – Harmony Center, Jerusalem, Israel// Gallery G-77, Chicago and Miami, USA// Gallery G-77, Basel, Switzerland// 2011 – Kulturbunker Cologne-Muelheim, Cologne, Germany// New Synagogue, Mainz, Germany//New Synagogue, Chemnitz, Germany// 2012 – “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine” Museum, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine// Lavra Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine// Naima Art House, Jerusalem, Israel// 2012, 2013 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Jerusalem, Israel// Under the name Antro Aum, together with Julia Lagus 1997 – International Festival of Arts “Stone in Galilee”, Ma’alot, Israel// Ashdod Museum of Arts, Israel (Installation/performance)// 1998 – Open Video Festival, Tel-Aviv–Jerusalem Cinematheques, Israel (Installation/performance)// The Opera House, Tel-Aviv, Israel; Jerusalem Theatre Festival, Israel (Performance)// 1999 – Ashdod Museum of Arts, Israel// Sadna Leamanut Gallery, Yavne, Israel// Arad Museum of Arts, Arad, Israel (Installation/performance/ video)// Bat-Yam Museum, Israel (Installation/ performance/video)// 2000 – The Artists’ House, Jerusalem, Israel// 2001 – CoArt Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// 2002 – Osaka Triennial of Arts, Japan// 2003 – Performance-Art Center Biniyan Merkazim, Tel-Aviv, Israel (Performance/video)// The New Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel Awards & Grants: 1995 – Diploma of Video-art Festival “Actual video”// // 1996 – Grant of Israel Ministry of Culture for half-year residence in Cite International Art Center, Paris, France; 2008 – First prize at the Art Competition “” organized by Cellcom Company in Israel// 2009 – Diploma “Art of Book – 2009” by Association of Publishers of Russia Collections: Museum of Non-Conformist Art, St-Petersburg, Russia; Aushra Museum, Vilnius, Lithuania; private collections in over ten countries Vladimir Bokser

Born 1950, Ulan-Ude, Buryatia, Russia, USSR. 1974 – graduated from Irkutsk Polytechnic Institute. 2010 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Ashdod. Before and after the war my mother worked in photography, so I grew up “in the light of a red lantern.” Hence my interest in photography. Before leaving for Israel, I scanned old photos of my ancestors exiled to Siberian. Looking at these pictures and remembering the work of old masters photographers who taught me a lot, I realized that modern digital “soapbox” and the laboratory “Kodak”“killed” many of the traditions of artistic

photography. Since then, I took photography seriously up. A major role in my creative work played Israel and its people.

Born 1962, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, USSR. Graduated from the Journalism Faculty of Tashkent State University. Immigrated to Israel in 1992. Lives in Hadera. Group Exhibitions: 2013 – Artists’ Forum of the Hadera city, Israel// Journalists’ House, Tel Aviv, Israel Works are in private collections in Israel, France, Germany, Russia, and Uzbekistan

In the US, Dzodin conducted many Historic American Building Survey/Historic American Engineering Record (HABS/HAER) photographic documentations of historic structures for the US National Park Service. These images are part of the permanent HABS/HAER collection in the US Library of Congress, Washington DC. In Israel, he has worked as photographer on various excavations, including Beer Shema (Negev), Rahavat Kotel (Jerusalem), the Byzantine Synagogue at Ein Gedi, Caesarea Maritima, the Hasmonaean Necropolis at Karantal (Jericho), Tel Dan, and Byzantine Halutza (Negev). Since making Aliyah, he has photographed the activities of the non-profit organization “PeacePlayers International – Middle East”, documenting the activities of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim youth who learn about leadership and cooperation through athletic teamwork. His work has appeared in several exhibitions, including “Israeli Artists from the USA” (2007), “Third Exhibition Cycle on the Theme “To Reach Beyond the Light” (2014), and the “Festival of Contemporary Arts” (2014), at the Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem.

Nathan Brusovani (Bar)

Max Epstein

Borisov Sasha

Born 1960, Artyomovskoe, Sverdlovsky Region, Russia, USSR. 1984-1985 – studied at Leningrad Higher School of Industrial Art named V. Mukhina, Leningrad, Russia (now Stieglitz St. Petersburg State Academy of Art and Industry, St. Petersburg). 1993 – repatriated to Israel. Artist of Glass Art, lives and works in Jerusalem, Israel. Works are in private collections in many countries around the world. Shlomo Bronstein

Born 1956, Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), Russia, USSR. Graduated from Leningrad State University, Geology Faculty, Nuclear Geophysics Department. Then, in the years of study at the university, he graduated from the course of applied photography. In the next years he became engaged in artistic photography, continued self-study of analog and digital photos. Nathan took part in many an underground exhibition in Moscow and Leningrad. 1987 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Ma’ale Adumim. Solo Exhibitions: 2007, 2009 – Jerusalem Theater, Israel// 2008 – Al HaAgam Gallery, Raanana, Israel (with the artist Ori Raz)// 2010 – Beit Weil, Kfar Shmaryahu, Israel// 2011 – Art Molbert Gallery, St. Petersburg, Russia Selected Group Exhibitions: 2007 – Sixth Annual International Festival of Photography presented by ARTROM Gallery, Rome, Italy// 2008 – PrimoPiano Gallery, Lecce, Italy// 2011 – Art Hotel Rachmaninov, St. Petersburg, Russia// ARTROM Gallery, Roma, Italia// 2012 – Art Molbert Gallery, S. Petersburg, Russia// Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Jerusalem, Israel Awards: 2008 – “Revealed” International Art Competition, Third Place, ARTROM Gallery, Italy. Joel Dzodin

Born 1950, Detroit, Michigan, USA. Studies: 1969-73 – B.A. Anthropology/Archaeology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor// 1977-80 – M.A. Anthropology/Archaeology, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan// Doctoral Studies (Anthropology), State University of New York at Binghamton (1980 -1992, no degree). 2005 – repatriated to Israel, lives and works in Jerusalem.

Born 1974 in Pskov, Russia, USSR. Since 1990 lives and works in Jerusalem, Israel. 1997 – graduated from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem, Israel, BFA. 1999-2000 – studied at the Open Seminar of Photography, Ramat-Gan, Israel. 2009-2011 – University of Haifa, Fine Arts Department, MFA. Since 2009 – member of the Artists Union of Jerusalem and of the International Association for Professional Artists, Jerusalem, Israel. 2010 – one of the founders of the WILD KIDS Animation Studio, Jerusalem, Israel. Since 2012 – Member of Agripas12 Gallery Cooperative, Jerusalem, Israel. Solo Exhibitions: 1997 – Kad Cafe, Kfar Khess, Israel // 1998 – Erde (Earth) Gallery, Munich, Germany// 1999 – Modern Art Center, BadenBaden, Germany// 2009 – Artists’ House, Tel-Aviv, Israel // The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, The Edmond J. Safra Campus Givat Ram,Israel// 2012 – Wilfrid Israel Museum, Kibbutz Hazorea, Israel// 2012, 2014 – Agripas12 Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// 2013 – Ticho House, Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Israel// Artist’s House, Jerusalem, Israel Selected Group Exhibitions: 1997 – Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem, Israel// 2000 – Modern Art Center, Sansa Group, Baden-Baden, Germany// 2001 – Co-Art Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// 2002, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2010 – The New Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// 2002 – Second Biennale for Ceramic Artists, LOS Group, Haarets Museum, Tel-Aviv, Israel // Jerusalem House of Quality, Jerusalem, Israel// 2005 – Clipa Theatre, Jaffa, Israel // Video Salon “The New Jerusalem Scene”, Jerusalem, Israel// Nina Timofeeva Ballet Studio, Jerusalem, Israel// 2006, 2008 – Dwek Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel // 2006 – Ha’Hava Gallery, Holon, Israel // Pskov Gubernian Museum, Pskov, Russia // 2009 – Rothschild Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel // Artists’ House,

Jerusalem, Israel // 2010 – Kishon Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel // Pyramida, Haifa, Israel // 2011 – Salame 45 Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel// Final Project, Haifa University, Israel// Kulturbunker Cologne-Muelheim, Cologne, Germany// New Synagogue, Mainz, Germany// New Synagogue, Chemnitz, Germany// 2012 – Agripas12 Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// Eye Lounge Gallery, Arizona, USA// “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine” Museum, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine// Lavra Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine// 2012, 2013 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Israel// 2013, 2014 – Modi’in Artist House, Israel// 2013 – AL haZuk gallery, Netania, Israel// Fresh Paint Art & Design Fair, Tel Aviv, Israel// 2014 – The Russian Museum of Ethnography, St. Petersburg, Russia// Hansen Center, Jerusalem// Borohov House, Meshmar Ha Negev Kibbutz, Israel Festivals: 2004 – KOLNOA DOROM, Sderot, Israel// 2005 – ASIF, Sderot, Israel // Animation Festival, Tel Aviv, Israel // 2006 – Documentary Film Festival, Paris, France // MIFF, Festival of Animation, Melbourne, Australia// 2008, 2009 – Summer Festival of the City Theatre, Jerusalem, Israel // 2011, 2013 – VAFI, International Children and Youth Animation Film Festival, Warasdin, Croatia Director’s Work in Israel, SANSA Group: 2005 – “It was never”, experimental animation film // 2008 – “Mar Lir”, experimental animated mini-stage play, mime and live entertainment, City Theatre, Jerusalem // 2009 – “Jerusalem’s tapestry”, experimental animated performance, City Theatre, Jerusalem // 2010 – “Home at Anna Ticho,” experimental animated performance, The Israel Museum, Anna Ticho House, Jerusalem Awards and Scholarships: 1994 – Revital Terry Gill Scholarship Fund // 2005 – Third Prize of the Asif Festival// 2004 – Scholarship of the Rabinovich Fund// 2007, 2013 – Scholarship for animation artists, Mifal HaPais Works in Israeli collections: Jerusalem Cinematheque, Rabinovich Fund, Sapir Academic College Works in private collections – in Israel, Russia, USA, Japan, Ukraine, France, Canada, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, and Great Britain Lena Fisher

Born in Riga, Latvia, USSR. 1974 – emigrated to Israel in 1974. 1981 – went to study in Paris. From 1990 – member of Art House of France. 2014 – returned to Jerusalem. Study: 1967-1974 Art School, Riga, Latvia// 1981 – graduated from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Graphic Design Department, Jerusalem, Israel // 1982 -1984 University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne, Applied Arts Bachelors Solo Exhibitions: 2007 – “Un seul jour” Paris, France// 2009 – MAPRA Gallery, Lyon, France// 2010 – Municipality Lyon 04, France// 2011 – Municipality Lyon 01, France// 2011, 2013 – Solaris Gallery, Lyon, France// Group exhibitions: 1981 – Artists’ House, Jerusalem Israel// 1983 Art-Cloche/FIAC off,

Paris France// 1983 – Art-Cloche/FIAC off, Paris, France// 2006 – Saline Royal, France// 2007 – “Le Deuxieme Regard”, Besançon, France// 2009 – Soma Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea// University of Mississippi Museum, Oxford, USA// East Hawaii‘i Cultural Center, Hilo, Hawaii, USA// University of Hawaii‘i Art Gallery, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA// 2010 Expo Paris -Tel Aviv, Paris, Atelier 511, France// Sarah Spurgeon Gallery, Central Washington University, USA// LACDA (Los Angeles Center For Digital Art), USA// Womb Gallery, New York, USA// Global Village, Globalization Exhibition, Alkmaar, Holland// 2010 – University Art Galleries, Myers School of Art, Akron, Ohio, USA// Downtown Gallery, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA// 2011 – Centre for Contemporary Art, “L’école des Filles”, Huelgoat, Bretagne, France// 2011, 2013 – Solaris Gallery, Lyon, France// 2012 – Salon d’Automne, Jaffa, Israel// Jerusalem House of Quality, Jerusalem, Israel// 2013 – Collaboration, Gabo Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel Award: 2010 – Laureate “Top 10”, LACDA (Los Angeles Center for Digital Art), USA Permanent Collection LACDA Los Angeles Center For Digital Art Alexander Ganelin

Born 1957, Moscow, Russia, USSR. 1980 – graduated from All-Russia State Institute of Cinematography (VGIK), Moscow, Russia. Since 1991 lives in Israel. 1992 – Course of Computer Graphic Designs, Tel Aviv. 1993 – graduated from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Jerusalem, Israel. Selected Group Exhibitions: 1980 – National Diplomas Exhibition, Kiev, Ukraine;1982 – Central Exhibition Hall (Manege), Moscow, Russia; Annual Permanent Exhibitions, Moscow, Russia; 1985 – Russian Art, Warsaw, Poland; 1986 – Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow; Russian Art Exhibition, Morocco; 1987-1988 – Russian Art Exhibition, India; 1989 – The Arts Club, London; 1990 – Ludlow, Dinham House, London, England; Jewish Art Exhibition in private gallery, New York, USA; 1990-1991 – Russian Art Exhibition, Germany; 1999 – Caesarea Gallery, Boca Raton, Florida, USA; 2001 – Tevel Art Gallery, Montreal, Canada; Since 2003 – Permanent exposition in Manson House Gallery, Jaffa Old City, Israel; 2004 – Merkaz Duna”, Ashdod, Israel; Horace Richter Gallery, Jaffa Old City, Israel; 2005 – Gerard Bachar Centre, Jerusalem, Israel; 2006 – Sovcom Gallery, Moscow, Russia; 2006-2007 – Basha Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel Collections: Art Academy, Moscow, Russia; Museum of the Revolution (now Museum of Contemporary History of Russia), Moscow, Russia; Association of Russian Artists, Moscow; Municipal Museum, Marinovka, Kazakhstan; Municipal Museum, Norylsk, Russia; Collection of Angelika and Uwe Eller, Germany; Collection of Mr. Albert Hakim, Canada; Russian Cultural Centre, Tel Aviv, Israel; Collection of Mr. Morris Kahn, Israel

Gregory Goltsov

Born 1977, Moldova, USSR. 1999 – graduated from Brandeis University, Waltham/Boston, MA, USA. 2003 – repatriated to Israel. Bella Grodinsky

Born 1947, in Valga, Estonia. 1972 – Graduated from the State Institute of Arts Estonian SSR (now Estonian Arts Academy), Graphic Art Department, specialty – books’ design. Worked as Art Editor at a Book Publishing House in Tallinn, Estonia, repeatedly awarded with diplomas of the annual competitions of the best books. Took more than a dozen solo exhibitions of her drawings and watercolors. Since 1991 – in Israel, lives in Jerusalem. In Israel worked as a computer graphic designer and illustrator, designed and illustrated many books and other publications, worked in advertising, too. Drawings and watercolors of Grodinsky are in private collections in different countries. Igor Kaplunovich

Born 1964, Kherson, Ukraine, USSR. 1989 – graduated from Vitebsk Technological Institute of Light Industry, Design and Technology Department. 1989-1991 – designer, Belarusian Fashion Center, Minsk, Belarus. 1991-1993 – Animators artist, “ABC” Studio, Minsk, Belarus; 1993-1997 – books’ designer. Since 1997 – in Israel. Since 2003 – member of “TRAMWAY” Art-Group, Haifa, Israel Solo Exhibitions: 1996 – Gallery of Modern Art, “AV”Theatre Freestyle Scene, Minsk, Belarus; 2001 – Yad Lebanim House, Haifa, Israel; Beth Zion America, Tel Aviv, Israel (together with R.Rozenberg); 2003 – French Culture Center, Haifa, Israel (together with poets M.Braeshter and B.Finkelstein); 2004 – TRAMWAY Art-Group Gallery, Kastra Center, Haifa; 2005, 2007 – Auditorium Gallery, Haifa, Israel; 2008 – ArtShop Gallery, Zichron Yaakov, Israel Selected Group Exhibitions: 1993 – Palace of Arts, Minsk, Belarus; 1998 – Russian Drama Theatre, Minsk, Belarus; Arta Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel; Exhibition Hall, Safed, Israel; 2003 – Coliseum Gallery, Haifa, Israel; 2005 – Jerusalem Culture Center, Jerusalem, Israel; Castle (Architectural Museum of Ljubljana), Ljubljana, Slovenia; SoUn International Art , Zofingen, Switzerland; 2006 – Basis Art School, Beit Yanai, Israel; 2007 – Givatayim Theatre, Givatayim, Israel; 2010 – Beth Zion America, Tel Aviv, Israel// Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem// Tiberias15 Club, Haifa, Israel// Chagall House, Haifa, Israel Collections: Moscow Ethnographic Museum, private collections in Israel, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Canada, Belgium Boris Karafelov

Born 1946 near Tashkent, Uzbekistan, USSR. 1969 – graduated from Simferopol Art College. 1969-76 – teacher of Fine Arts, Children’s Art School, Vinnitsa, Ukraine. 1970-80 – Stage and

costume designer, Taganka Theater, Moscow. 1977-89 – teacher of Fine Arts, Children’s Art School, Moscow. 1990 – repatriated to Israel. Solo Exhibitions: 1991 – Zionist Confederation House, Jerusalem, Israel// 1993 – Gusfield & Glimer Galleries, Northbrook, IL, USA// 2000 – Jerusalem Theatre, Jerusalem, Israel; 2004 – Salt Lake City Cultural Centre, USA// 2011 – Art Center, Vinnitsa, Ukraine Selected Group Exhibitions: 1978-1981 – Exhibitions of Young Artists, Moscow, USSR// 1979 – Exhibitions of the Artists Union of Russia, Moscow, USSR// “Through a Country”, Moscow, USSR// 1980 – “My Contemporaries”, Moscow, USSR// “The Olympic Games”, Moscow, USSR;//1991 – Action Exhibition, Nice, France// Mannheim Gallery, Mannheim, Germany// Raab Gallery, London, UK// Urban Gallery, Paris, France; 1992 – Toronto, Canada// Israel Center, Jerusalem, Israel// 1995 – Urbino University, Italy// “Artists of the World”, Germany// Exodus Gallery, Jerusalem// 1996 – Knesset (Israel Parliament), Jerusalem, Israel// 1998 – Tova Osman Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel// Efrat Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel// Prozdor Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel// 1999 – Centre for the Study of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel// 2000 – The Zetlin Museum of Russian Art, Ramat Gan// 2001 – New Manege, Moscow, Russia// 2002 – Manege Gallery, St.-Petersburg, Russia// Israel Artists’ Union Exhibition, St.-Petersburg, Russia// Russian Artists’ Union Exhibition, Moscow, Russia// 2003 – “Vagrius” Painters’ Exhibition, Moscow, Russia// 2006 – Russian Cultural Center, Jerusalem, Israel// 2008 – The State Museum of Oriental Art, Moscow, Russia// 2009 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Israel// 2010, 2011 – Culture Center, Jerusalem, Israel// 2012 – Naima Art House, Jerusalem, Israel// 2013 – Skizze Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Jerusalem, Israel Awards: 1991 – Ish Shalom Prize, Jerusalem// 1992 – Laureate Prize Exhibition, Jerusalem, Israel// 1995 – Ministry of Immigrant Absorption Prize, Jerusalem Collections: Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Russia// State Museum of Oriental Art, Moscow, Russia; Art Museum, Bratislava, Slovakia// Galleries and Private Collections in Israel, Russia, USA, Canada, Holland, Spain, Germany, France, Belgium and others Tanya Karavan

Born 1976, Minsk, Belarus, USSR. Since 1992 in Israel, lives in Ariel. 1995 – studied at the ART College, Fine Arts Department, Mitzpe-Ramon, Israel. 2002 – graduated from Bezalel Academy of Arts, Industrial Design Department, Jerusalem, Israel. 1997-2002 – studied drawing at the Studio of Sasha Okun, and photography at the studio of landscape master Yosef Cohen. 2002-2004 opened a professional photography studio, worked with a big format camera, experimented with macroscopic photogram. 59

2001-2003 – actress and designer at the ”Clipa” Theatre, ”Fantasy SET” Performing Group and ”Orkhestra”Theatre. Since 2004 – member of the Israel Painters and Sculptors Association. Since 2004 – cooperates with Swiss Publishing House. 2010 – joined the Professional Artists Association of Israel. Solo Exhibitions: 2002 – “ZAMZA”, Jerusalem, Israel// 2005 – Jerusalem Theatre, Israel// 2008 – Russian Cultural Center, Tel-Aviv, Israel// 2008 – ”Untitled”, Matusevich & Kravitz Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel// The Museum of Israeli Art, Ramat Gan, Israel// 2011 – “Oi Va Voi Studio” Gallery, Venice, Italy// 2012 – “Double Nature” , Innovation Warehouse, London// 2013- Enav Cultural Center, Tel Aviv, Israel Selected Group Exhibitions: 1997 – Young Artists Exhibition, Gerard Bachar Center, Jerusalem, Israel// 2000 –Trade and Business Center, BadenBaden, Germany// 2001 –CoArt Center, Jerusalem, Israel// 2004 – TEENA Cultural and Education Society, Jerusalem, Israel// 2007 – ArtToGet Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel// 2008 – The Museum of Israeli Art, Ramat-Gan, Israel// 2009 – Leumi Bank, Tel-Aviv, Israel// 2010, 2012, 2013 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Israel// 2013 – Russian Culture Center, Tel Aviv, Israel Awards: 1997 – 1st Prize, “Color Paintings” Exhibition-Competition, Gerard Bachar, Jerusalem, Israel Boris Karavanov

Born 1950, Belarus, USSR. Graduated from the Polytechnic Academy in Minsk, Architecture Department, studied painting in the studio of Professor A.Baranovsky. Taught architecture and drawing at the Polytechnic Academy, Minsk, and was a teacher of painting at the Minsk Art College. 1994 – Member of the Belarusian Artists’ Union. 1994 – immigrated to Israel. Since 1998 – Member of Israel Painters and Sculptors Association. Since 2003 – Member of the Israel Association of Professional Artists. Solo Exhibitions, Israel: 1996 – Matusevich Gallery, Tel-Aviv; 1996, 1999 – Beit Daniel, Tel-Aviv; 1997 – Beit Canada, Ramat-Gan; 1998 – Arts Center, Rishon-LeZion; 2002 – Beit Yad LeBanim, Tel-Aviv; 2003 – “Tzavta”Theatre, Tel-Aviv; Eshkol Ha-Pais Gallery, Ariel; 2005 – Jerusalem Theatre, Jerusalem; Eshkol Ha-Pais Gallery, Ramle; 2008 – Russian Cultural Center, Tel-Aviv; Matusevich Gallery, Tel-Aviv// 2010 – Mamilla Gallery, Jerusalem// 2012 – Russian Cultural Center, Tel-Aviv// 2013 – Gejhal-Ha-Tarbut Gallery, Modiin// 2014 – Eshkol Ha-Pais Gallery, Ariel Selected Group Exhibitions: 1975-1995 – 12 exhibitions in various Galleries and Artists’ Houses, Minsk, Belarus; 1999-2008 – 21 exhibitions in various Galleries and Culture Centers, Israel; 2009 – Baker Street Russian Art Gallery, Tel Aviv-Jaffa; 2010 – Museum of Fine Arts, Mogilev, Belarus; Horas Richter Gallery, Old Jaffa. Israel 60

Collections: Nature Museum, Jerusalem, Israel// Art Museum, Mogilev, Belarus// Private collections in Russia, Belarus, Italy, France, USA, Israel Benjamin Kletzel

Born 1932, Pervomaisk, near Odessa, Ukraine, USSR. Since 1941 lived in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. 1967 – graduated from Tashkent Theater and Art Institute, Art Department, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. 1967 – moved to Samara, Russia. Since 1976 – member of USSR Artists’ Union. 1990 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Jerusalem. Solo Exhibitions: 1968, 1982, 1998, 2004 – Samara Museum of Fine Arts, Samara, Russia// 1983 – Culture Palace, Togliatti, Russia// 1985 – Art Centre, Novo-Kuibyshevsk, Russia// 1993 – Immigrant Communities House, Jerusalem, Israel// 1994 – Talpiot Mizrach Community Centre, Jerusalem, Israel// Rehavia Community Centre, Jerusalem, Israel// 1995 – Jewish Community Centre, Chicago, USA// 1996 – Aviv Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel// 1999 – Jerusalem Municipality Hall, Jerusalem, Israel// 2000 – Nina Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// CoArt Center, Jerusalem, Israel// 2002 – Immigrant Cultural Centre, Jerusalem, Israel// Teena Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// 2005 – Teena Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// 2009 – Jerusalem Cultural Centre, Jerusalem, Israel// 2012 – Naima Art House, Jerusalem, Israel// 2013 – Skizze Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Jerusalem, Israel Selected Group Exhibitions: 1966 – Artists’ Union Hall, Tashkent, Uzbekistan// 1975 – Volgograd Municipal Museum, Volgograd, Russia// 1976 – Museum of Fine Arts, Gorky, Russia; Art Museum, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria// 1987 – The Central Exhibition Hall (Manege), Moscow, Russia// 1997 – Immigrant Cultural Centre, Jerusalem, Israel// 1999 – Machon Yerushalaim, Jerusalem, Israel// 2000 – Binyanei HaUma, Jerusalem, Israel// CoArt Center, Jerusalem, Israel// 2000-01 – Jerusalem Theater, Jerusalem, Israel// 2009, 2012// – Skizze Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Jerusalem, Israel// 2012 – Naima Art House, Jerusalem, Israel Awards: 1995 – Ish Shalom Prize, Jerusalem; 2007 – Jerusalem Olive Prize Collections: Art Museum, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria; Samara Museum of Fine Arts, Samara, Russia; galleries and private collections of Israel, Russia, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Hungary, South Africa, USA Nataly Kulikova

Born 1984, Tolyatti (also known in English as Togliatti), Russia, USSR. 1999-2003 – studied at the College of Art (jewelry). 2003-2005 – studied at Togliatti State University, Jewelry Department, Russia. 2005 – Member of Russian Artists Union Since 2005 moved to Israel, lives and works in Jerusalem. 2009 – graduated from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem, Department of Visual Communication, Israel Solo Exhibitions: 1996 – Art School, Togliatti, Russia// 2000 – Art Studio of Lyudmila

Kostotchka, Togliatti, Russia// 2010 – Bass Club, Jerusalem, Israel Group Exhibitions: 1999-2005 – participation in students exhibitions “Artistic metal (jewelry design) of the School Sharonov”, Togliatti, Russia// 2007 – Tel-Aviv University, Israel// 2010 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Jerusalem, Israel// 2013 – Alma de Nura Group ( modern Jewish Art in the area of Biblical texts illustrations), Peredelkino, Moscow Region, Russia Collections: Private collections in Russia, Ukraine, Canada, Israel Tania Kornfeld

Born 1950, Moscow, Russia, USSR. Since 1957 lived in Leningrad (now St.Petersburg). Graduated from The State Academy of Art, Leningrad (now St.Petersburg), Russia. 1974–1976 – was a participant of the non-conformist movement in Russia and took part in its exhibitions in Leningrad and Moscow. 1975-1976 – was a member of the ALEPH Group (Jewish Artists movement). 1976 –repatriated to Israel. Lives and works in Jerusalem. Member of Artists Equity (U.S.A.)// Israel Artists Association. Medium: Oils, Watercolors, and Graphics. Solo Exhibitions: 1977 – Nathan Gallery, San Francisco, CA, USA// 1983 – Egrets Gallery, Pasadena, CA, USA// Museum of Jewish History, Philadelphia, Pa, USA// 1984 – Scribal Museum, Los Angeles, CA, USA// 1986 – Lizardi/Harp Gallery, Pasadena, CA, USA// 1987, 1989 – Jewish Confederation House, Jerusalem, Israel// 1988 – Sarah Kishon Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel// 1996 – Hillel Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA// 1999 – Binyanei HaUma, ICC, Jerusalem, Israel// 2000 – CoArt Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// 2008 – Jerusalem House of Quality, Jerusalem, Israel Selected Group Exhibitions: 1977 – Klutznick Museum, Washington, D.C., USA// Kiplinger Editors Building Gallery, Washington, D.C., USA// Scribal Museum, Los Angeles, CA,USA// 1984 – Cardo Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// Debel Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// 1986 – Kibbutz Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel// 1987 – Knesset (Israel’s Parliament), Jerusalem, Israel// 1989 – Art Festival, Louisville, KY, USA// Basel Art Festival, Basel, Switzerland// 1995 – R.Arfstein Gallery, Milwaukee, WI, USA// 1996 – Artists’ House, Jerusalem, Israel// 1997 – Center for Contemporary Arts, Haifa, Israel// 2001 – CoArt Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// 2004 – Manege, St. Petersburg, Russia// 2006 – Jerusalem House of Quality, Jerusalem, Israel// 2007 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality, Jerusalem, Israel// 2008 – Culture Center, Jerusalem, Israel// 2011 – Kulturbunker Cologne-Muelheim, Cologne, Germany// New Synagogue, Mainz, Germany// New Synagogue, Chemnitz, Germany// 2012 – Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine Museum, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine Collection: Norton Dodge, Washington D.C.; private collections in Israel, U.S.A., Russia and others countries

Julia Lagus

Born in Leningrad (now St-Petersburg), Russia, USSR. 1974-1976 – studied in School of Arts, Leningrad. 1981 – graduated from Mukhina Academy of Arts and Design, Leningrad. Since 1988 – in Israel, lives and works in Jerusalem. Since 1989 – a member of Artists’ Union, Israel. 1989 – taught Arts in Universita Ha-Amamit (University for Adults), Jerusalem. 1993 – Foundation of Double Space Studio in Jerusalem (DSS) – the laboratory of Experimental Searches toward Syntheses of Paintings, Installations, Performance and Video-art as well as activity show (under name Antro Aum together with Galina Bleikh). Solo exhibitions: 2004 – The New Gallery, Teddy Stadium, Jerusalem, Israel; 2006 – Beit Harel, Jerusalem// 2010 – Бэйт Gabriel, Kinneret, Israel Under name Antro Aum, together with Galina Bleikh: 1996 – Cite Internationale des Arts, Paris, France// 1999 –Artists’ House, Jerusalem, Israel (Installation/performance)// 2004 – The New Gallery, Jerusalem, Teddy Stadium, Israel (Video installation) Selected Group Exhibitions: Since 1982 exhibited her works in number of Fellowship of Experimental Arts Exhibitions (TEII, a group of avant-garde artists) and of Ostrov Artist’s Group in Leningrad// 1989-1993 – a number of group and solo exhibitions in The Artists’ House and different galleries, Jerusalem// 1995 – Art’54 Gallery, New York, USA// 2005 – Art Center, House of Quality, Jerusalem// 2013 – Skizze Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Jerusalem, Israel Under name Antro Aum, together with Galina Bleikh: 1997 – “Stone in Galilee” International Festival of Arts, Ma’alot, Israel// Ashdod Museum of Arts, Israel (Installation/performance)// Gross Gallery, Dizengoff Centre, Tel-Aviv, Israel (Installation/ performance)// 1998 – “Open Video” Festival, Tel-Aviv/Jerusalem Cinematheques, Israel (Installation/performance)// The Opera House, Tel-Aviv, Israel// Jerusalem Theatre Festival, Israel (Performance)// Manege Exhibition Hall, St.-Petersburg, Russia (Installation)// 1999 – Sadna Leamanut Gallery, Yavne, Israel// Arad Museum of Arts, Israel ((Installation/performance/ video)// Bat-Yam Museum, Israel (Installation/ performance/video); Ashdod Museum of Arts, Israel (Installation/performance/video)// 2000 – The Artists’ House, Jerusalem, Israel// 2001 – CoArt Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// Osaka Triennial of Arts, Japan// 2003 – Performance-Art Center Biniyan Merkazim, Tel-Aviv, Israel (Performance/ video)// 2009 – International Art Festival, Manege Exhibition Hall, St.-Petersburg, Russia// Jaffa-Paris Autumn Salon, Angar-1 Exhibitions Hall, Jaffa, Israel Award: 1996 – Grant of Israel Ministry of Culture for half-year residence in Cite Internationale des Arts, Paris, France

Margarita Levin

Born in USSR, lived in Moscow. Graduated from Moscow Polygraphic Institute, of Graphic Arts Department. Studied painting in the studio of Vladimir Weisberg. Worked in “Art” Publishing House in Moscow. Member of Moscow Union of Graphic Artists. 1990 – moved to Israel. 1991 – Member of the Union of Artists, Tel-Aviv, Israel Since 2004 lives and works in Jerusalem. Selected Personal Exhibitions: 1991 – Kedem Gallery, Art District, Jaffa, Israel// 1992, 1996 – Gordon-30 Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel// 1994 – “8 rue de Bazar” Gallery, Paris, France// 1997 – Studio 44 Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden// 1998 – Mobstor Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden// Intercolor Gallery, Moscow, Russia// 2009 – King David Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel// 2011 – Marina Tsvetaeva Museum, Moscow, Russia// 2011, 2013 – Harmony Cultural Center, Jerusalem, Israel// Jewish Community Center, Moscow, Russia// 2014 – Spanish Cultural Center, Moscow, Russia Selected Group Exhibitions: 1988 – Spring Exhibition of the Soviet Artists’ Union, Moscow, USSR// 1992 – Rozalie Gallery, New York City, USA// 1993 – “Russian artists in Israel”, Toronto and Montreal, Canada// 1995 “The Theater” Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland// 1997 – Paila, Brussels, Belgium// 2009 – Williamsburg Art & Historical Centre, Brooklyn, NY,USA// 2010 – Carousel de Louvre Gallery, Paris, France// Pierre Cardin, Paris, France// 2011 – National Museum Grand Pala’s, Paris, France// Gallery of the Russian Academy of Arts. Moscow, Russia// 2013, 2014 – Central Artists’ House, Moscow, Russia// Spanish Cultural Center, Moscow, Russia// 2014 – “Art & About. Israeli art exhibition in the world”, Munich, Germany Collections: Marina Tsvetaeva Museum, Moscow, Russia// Nicolas Roerich House-Museum, Odessa, Ukraine// The Moscow Bolshaya Bronnaya Synagogue, Russia// The House of Russian Communities Abroad, Moscow, Russia// The International Institute of Spiritual Therapy, Jerusalem, Israel// The Russian Municipal Library, Jerusalem, Israel Private collections in Israel, Russia, USA, Canada, Sweden, Belgium, France, Holland, England, Austria. Tatiana Levitin

Born 1952, Leningrad, USSR (now St. Petersburg, Russia). 1977 – graduated from the Mukhina High School of Industrial Art as a clothes designer. Afterwards worked as a footwear designer and taught arts in children’s Art studios in St. Petersburg. She also specialized in painting on porcelain and watercolor techniques. 2003 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Ma’ale Adumim. Solo Exhibition: 2004 – Jerusalem Cultural Center of the Israel Ministry of Absorption (with Theodor Levitin) Selected Group Exhibitions: 1998 – Central Exhibition Hall, St. Petersburg, Russia// 1999 – St.

Petersburg UA Gallery// Summer Garden, St. Petersburg, Russia// 2005 – Gerard Behar Centre, Jerusalem, Israel// “Open Water” Exhibition, Toronto, Canada// 2006 – Menachem Begin Heritage Center, Jerusalem, Israel// 2007 – Jaffa, Israel// 2011 – Cinematheque, Jerusalem, Israel// 2013 – Skizze Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Jerusalem, Israel Award: First price in technique for the work “Breams”, “Open Water” Exhibition, Toronto, Canada (with Theodor Levitin) Collections: Private collections in Russia, Finland, Sweden Theodor Levitin

Born 1948, Leningrad, USSR (now St. Petersburg, Russia). 1966 – entered of the Leningrad State Institute of Music, Theatre & Cinematography, Scenery Faculty (the studio Nikolay Akimov). Served in military in 1967-1969. 1975 – graduated from the Mukhina High School of Industrial Art in Leningrad as a designer. After that Theodor Levitin started working as a designer, and also specialized in oil painting, painting on porcelain, bust most of all in watercolor techniques. 2003 – repatriated to Israel with his family. Solo Exhibition: 2004 – Jerusalem Cultural Centre of the Israel Ministry of Absorption (with Tatiana Levitin) Selected Group Exhibitions: 1978 – Exhibition Hall of the of Soviet Artists’ Union// 1998 – Central Exhibition Hall, St. Petersburg, Russia// 1999 – St. Petersburg UA Gallery// “Russia & Finland” Art Exhibition, Summer Garden, St. Petersburg, Russia// 2002 – Manege Exhibition Hall, St. Petersburg, Russia// Bukovsky Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden// 2005 – Gerard Behar Centre, Jerusalem, Israel// “Open Water” Exhibition, Toronto, Canada// 2006 – Menachem Begin Heritage Center, Jerusalem, Israel// 2007 – Jaffa, Israel// 2011 – Cinematheque, Jerusalem, Israel// 2013 – Skizze Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Jerusalem, Israel Award: First price in technique for the work “Breams”, “Open Water” Exhibition, Toronto, Canada (with Tatiana Levitin) Collections: Private collections in Russia, Finland, Sweden Anna Leytman-Palanker

Born 1960, Moscow, Russia, USSR. 1981 – graduated from the Moscow 1905 Memorial Arts Academy. Since 1982 – taught at the Art School, participated in the annual exhibitions of Moscow Art Teachers. 1990-91 – taught at the St. Petersburg Open Jewish University. 1991 – repatriated to Israel. Since 1992 – started to work with etching and ceramics. She participated in numerous exhibitions in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and other cities. Solo Exhibitions: 1994 – Boston, USA// 2010 – Jerusalem, Israel Selected Group Exhibitions: 1989 – XIX Youth Art Exhibition, Central Exhibition Hall (Manege), Moscow, Russia// 1990 – Exhibition of “Beth” Jewish Art, St. Petersburg, Russia// 1993 – Israeli

Artist Exhibition, Heidelberg, Germany// 2000 – CoArt Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// 2004 – Jerusalem Artists Exhibition, Jerusalem, Israel// Book of Psalms Illustration Project, Jerusalem, Israel// 2013 – Skizze Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Jerusalem, Israel Collections: Arts Galleries in Germany and Israel Tania Pogorelsky

Born 1946, Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), Russia, USSR. 1969 – graduated from the Leningrad State Institute of Theatre, Music and Cinematography (now St. Petersburg State Theatre Arts Academy), Scenography Department. Worked as a set designer in many a Russian Dramatic Theatre. Since 1980 – book graphics. Since 1991 – led “The motives of “Judaica” Studio at the Jewish Center of the Arts and Crafts, St. Petersburg. In the 80s – 90s participated in exhibitions of the “Experimental Art Association”, St. Petersburg, and in International workshops, plain-air in Russia and Israel. Solo Exhibitions: 2001, 2003 – St. Petersburg Judaica Center, Russia Participated in many a Group Exhibition in the USA, Germany, England, and Lithuania. Since 2008 in Israel, lives and works in Ma’aleAdumim. Collections: Museum of Fine Arts, Vilnius, Lithuania// Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow, Russia// Museum of Oriental Art, Moscow, Russia// private collections in USA, Russia, Germany, Holland, England and Israel. Dasha Reznitsky

Born 1990, Jerusalem, Israel. Studied painting with artists Simon Adjiashvili (Tel-Aviv) and Anatoly Shmuel Schelest (Jerusalem). 2008 – studied panting at Ruth Youth Wing for Art Education, Israel Museum, Jerusalem. 2009-2010 – service in the IDF (Israel Defense Forces – Tzahal). 2011 – graduated with honors from “Concept” College of Design, Tel-Aviv. Solo Exhibition: 2010 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Jerusalem, Israel (with Ariella Keinan) Anatoly Shmuel Schelest

Born 1957 in Kiev, Ukraine, USSR.1983 – studied at the Kiev Institute of Fine Arts, Graphics Department. 1986 – after Chernobyl catastrophe moved with his family to Tashkent, Uzbekistan. 1989 – graduated from The Tashkent National Institute of Theater and Fine Arts, Graphics Department. 2000 – moved to Koblenz, Germany. 2006 – moved to Israel. Lives in Ma’ale-Adumim, works in Jerusalem. Solo Exhibitions: 1990 – TheArt Gallery, Tashkent, Uzbekistan; 1992, 1993, 1998 – “Tortoise and Violin” Gallery, Tashkent, Uzbekistan; 1994 – Tokashimaya Gallery, Japan; Singapore; Kuala–Lumpur, Malaysia; 1999 – German Embassy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan; Mission of the United Nations in Republic Uzbekistan, Tashkent; Alpha Gallery, Freiburg, Germany; 2000 – Alte

Burg, Koblenz, Germany; 2003 – Kugnus Gallery, Arnheim, Holland; 2006 – The Jewish University, Jerusalem, Israel; 2008, 2010-2012 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality, Jerusalem, Israel Exhibitions together with Marina Schelest: 2002 – Alte Burg Koblenz, Germany; 2003 – “Haus Mitternich” Exhibitions Hall, Koblenz, Germany; 2004 – National Museum of Ukraine, Kiev; Beit Jacob Synagogue, Kiev, Ukraine; 2006 – Cultural Center Ma’ale Shimon, Ma’ale-Adumim, Israel; 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality, Jerusalem, Israel Selected Group Exhibitions: 1984 – Exhibition Hall of the Ukrainian Artists Union, Kiev, Ukraine; 1985 – Alexander Green Museum, Feodosia, Ukraine; 1990 – Academy of Fine Arts, Leningrad (now St. Petersburg); 1991 – House Movie, Tashkent, Uzbekistan; 1994 – “Tortoise and Violin” Gallery, Tashkent, Uzbekistan; 1995 – Central Exhibitions Hall of the Uzbekistan Artists Union, Tashkent, Uzbekistan; 1996 – International Art-Exhibition “Asia-Art”, Tashkent, Uzbekistan; 2006, 2011 – Menachem Begin Heritage Center, Jerusalem, Israel// 2007-2010, 2012, 2013 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality, Jerusalem, Israel// 2008 – Fourth International Graphic Arts Biennale, Central Exhibition Hall, St. Petersburg, Russia; 2009, 2010 – Jaffa Gallery, Jaffa Old City, Israel// 2010 – Contemporary Israeli Art, Drouot Montaigne, Paris, France// “Magen David”, Rishon LeZion, Israel// 2011 – Knesset (Israel Parliament), Jerusalem, Israel; Lighthouse Gallery, Jaffa Old City, Israel// Jaffa Museum, Jaffa Old City, Israel// Germany: Kulturbunker, Cologne// New Synagogue, Mainz// New Synagogue, Chemnitz // 2012 – Manege Central Exhibition Hall, Moscow, Russia// “Jewish Memory and Holocaust in Ukraine” Museum, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine// Lavra Gallery, Kyiv, Ukraine// Lighthouse Gallery, Jaffa Old City, Israel// Naima Art House, Jerusalem, Israel// 2013 – Skizze Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Jerusalem, Israel Julia Segal

Born 1938, Kharkov, Ukraine, USSR. 1955–1960 – studied in Kharkov Art College, Ukraine. 1971 – graduated from Surikov State Art Institute, Moscow, USSR. 1994 – repatriated to Israel, lives and works in Jerusalem. Solo Exhibitions: 1972, 1987 – Artists’ House, Moscow, USSR// 2000 – Georgy Gallery, Berkeley, California, USA// Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA// Artists’ House, Jerusalem, Israel// New Cultural Center, Jerusalem// 2002 – The American Cultural Center, Jerusalem, Israel// 2003 – Ma’ale Adumim 1970- 1989 – annual group exhibitions at the galleries of the Moscow Artists’ Union// Selected Group Exhibitions in Israel : 2001 – The Jerusalem Theater// 2002 – Binyanei – ha Uma, Jerusalem// 2004 – Gerard Behar, Jerusalem// 2007 – Begin Heritage Center, Jerusalem// 2008 – Knesset, Jerusalem// 2009 – Hadassa Gallery, Jerusalem// 2011 Agripas 12 Gallery, Jerusalem 61

Collections: State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia// State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia// Private collections in Russia, Germany, USA Marie Selissky

Born in Russia, USSR. 1997 – graduated from Sholokhov Moscow State University for Humanities, Moscow, Russia. 2001-2003 – studied at the Lomonosov Moscow State University. Since 2009 in Israel, lives in Jerusalem. Solo Exhibition: 2011 – Hyperion Club, Moscow, Russia Group Exhibitions: 2005 – The Island Studio, Moscow, Russia// The Museum of Russian Culture, Houston, USA// EquiRos, AREC (All Russia Expo Centre), VDNKH, Moscow, Russia// Silver Camera, Central Exhibition Hall, Moscow, Russia// 2008 – Goethe Institute, Moscow, Russia// 2013 – Skizze Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Jerusalem, Israel Collections: Private collections in Russia and USA Ruslan Sergeev

Born 1954 in Russia, USSR. 1981 – graduated from Belarusian State Theatre and Art Institute (now – Belarus Academy of Arts), Design Department, Minsk, USSR. Since 1992 in Israel, lives in Jerusalem Sculptures: 1996-2010 – 85 large-scale environmental sculptures in Israel, England, Germany, USA, Russia; 6 Special Thematic Environmental Parks 1982-1991 – 6 exhibitions in Russia, Germany, Belarus, Georgia; 1992-2003 – 5 exhibitions in Israel; 1992-2004 – 6 exhibitions in England, France, Switzerland, Russia, USA; 2003 – “The Jerusalem Lion”, gift from the City of Jerusalem to City of St. Petersburg celebrating its 300 Year Anniversary, Russian Ethnography Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia Solo Exhibitions: 1997 – Jerusalem Theater, Jerusalem, Israel// 2001 – Tel Aviv Museum, Israel // 2003 – Russian Ethnography Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia// 2004 Museum of Art, Ashdod, Israel// 2008 – Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Jerusalem, Israel// 2011 – Ein Hod Gallery, Israel Selected Group Exhibitions: 2002 – “Europe Art”, Paris, France// 2003 – “Europe Art” Geneva, Switzerland// “Who is Who in International Art”, Paris, France// “The Jerusalem Lions”, Miami, USA// 2004 – High Tuch Gallery, Herzliya Pituah, Israel// Museum of Art , Ashdod, Israel; Exhibition and Auction, “ Sotheby’s”, Tel Aviv, Israel// “The Jerusalem Lions”, Tel Aviv, Israel// 2005 – Open “Ruslan Sergeev Gallery”, Jerusalem, Israel// Alternative Gallery, Jaffa, Israel// 2006 – Open Gallery, Bat Yam, Israel// 2007 – Gebo Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel// “Buddy Bears”, International Culture Project, UNESCO, Berlin, Germany// 2008-2011 – House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Jerusalem, Israel// 2008 – “Buddy Bears”, International Culture Project, UNESCO, Warsaw, Poland// “Art Jerusalem”, International Art Fair, Jerusalem, Israel// 2009 – Mamilla Open Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// Shalom Tower Gallery, Tel Aviv, Israel// 62

First International Contemporary Mosaic Festival, Ravenna, Italy// 2010 – Beit Gabriel Gallery, Tiberias, Israel// Mormon University, Jerusalem// 2011 – “Mosaic in the Park”, Park Gallery, Raanana, Israel// International Contemporary Mosaic Festival, Ravenna, Italy// “One Design Center” Gallery, Rishon LeZion, Israel// 2012 – Beer Sheva Gallery, Beer Sheva, Israel Awards: 1998-2004 – 4 times Winner of First Prize, National Lottery Competition in Environmental, Israel Josef Shelest

Born 1982, Kiev, Ukraine, USSR. 2004 – repatriated to Israel. Lives and works in Tel-Aviv. 2010 – graduated from the Ma’aleh School of Television, Film & the Arts, Jerusalem, Israel. Award for the Best Cinematography, “The 48 Hour Film”, 2010 Vladimir Shraga

Born 1981, Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), Russia, USSR. 2004 – graduated from the St.Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation. 2006-2008 – studied at A. Halperin Photography Faculty attached to the Union of Journalists. 2011 – repatriated to Israel, lives in Jerusalem. Solo Exhibitions: 2009 – F. Abramov Library, Carpogory, Russia// 2011 – Saint-Jean Library, Quebec, Canada// Jewish Community Center, St. Petersburg, Russia Group Exhibitions in St.Petersburg, Russia: 2006 – Lensovet Palace of Culture, // 2007 – Blinkom// St.Petersburg State University, Journalism Department// 2008 – Museum of Political History of Russia// 2010 – Navy Museum// LENEXPO Central Exhibition Complex// 2011 – Petropavlovsk Fortress, the Atrium// “Floor” Loft// 2012 – Manege Central Exhibitions Hall// C.Bulla Foundation for Historical Photographs// Group Exhibition in Israel: 2012, 2013 – Skizza Gallery, 2013 – Skizze Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Jerusalem, Israel Awards: Maritime Council of the Government of St. Petersburg Photo Competition, 1st place Katarzyna Sikora (Kaśka Sikora)

Born in Warsaw, Poland. Education in Poland: Warsaw School of Advertising// Pultusk Academy of Humanities, Pultusk (Political Science, BA)// Warsaw University (Administrative Law, MA)// Warsaw University, Post graduate studies (European Union Integration)// Lazarski University, Post graduate studies, Warsaw (Real Estate) Since 2001 – in Israel, lives in Tel Aviv. Since 2012 – Member of Israel Photographic Art Society. Solo Exhibitions in Poland: 2007, 2008 – Traffic Club, Warsaw// 2007 – Indo-Polish Cultural Committee, Warsaw// 2008 – Garrison Headquarter Club, Warsaw// India Culture Centre, Gora Kalwaria// ‘Women of India’; ‘Warsaw Without Borders’ Day, Warsaw// 2009 – Women Culture Centre in Gora Kalwaria// The Bielanski Cultural Center, Warsaw// Academy of Economics, Radom// Faces of India, Warsaw//

2010 – Tower of Babel, Warsaw// Mandragon Adventure Festival, Lowicka Cultural Center, Warsaw// Museum Ziemi Garwolinskiej, Mietne// 2013 – Festival of Indian Culture, Leszno Selected Group Exhibitions: 2007 – Nusantara Gallery, Asia and Pacific Museum, Warsaw, Poland// Donating of photograph from India cycle to Anna Dymna foundation ‘Against the Odds’, auction during gala ‘Annas for Anna Dymna’, Warsaw, Poland// 2008 – Galearnia The Two of Us, Warsaw, Poland// 2012, 2013, 2014 – Migdalor Gallery, Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Israel// 2013 – Jaffa Museum of Antiques; Tel Aviv – Jaffa, Israel// Journalists’ House, Tel Aviv, Israel// Estonian Jewish Museum, Tallinn, Estonia// Skizze Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Jerusalem, Israel// 2014 – - “To the land I will show you”, Ariel, Israel// Festival of Arts EILAT GOT TALENT; Hotel Dan and Ben Gurion University, Eilat, Israel Publication: 2012 – Photographic illustrations for the book ‘Israel Oswojony’ by Ela Sidi, MUZA SA Published Zely Smekhov

Born 1939, Moscow, Russia, USSR. Smekhov was born in the family of Lev Smekhov – a well-known Russian graphic artist. At an early age, observing his father’s work, Zely began transferring his earliest impressions of life onto paper with the aid of pencils and brushes. 1950-1957 – studies at Moscow Artistic Middle School. 1964 – graduated from the Surikov Arts Institute in Moscow, receiving a graphic artist’s diploma. 1966-1968 – works at the Master’s Graphic Arts Studio at the Academy of Arts of the USSR, under the direction Y. A. Kibrik, a fellow of the Academy. 1971 – became a member of the Artists’ Union of the USSR. Since 1991 –in Israel, lives and works in Jerusalem Became a member of the International Association of Art, UNESCO. Solo Exhibitions: 1991, 1992 – Zionist Confederation House, Jerusalem// 1992, 1994, 1995 – YMCA, Jerusalem// 1994-1995 –HaBustan Gallery, Jerusalem Selected Group Exhibitions: In Moscow, USSR: 1965, 1968, 1969 – All-Union Art Exhibition, Central Exhibitions Hall (Manege) // Graduate’s Exhibition of the USSR Art Colleges// 1967 – The First Moscow Exhibition of Young Artists// 1973 – Group Exhibition of the Russian Federation Artists’ Union// 1975 – All-Union Exhibition of Graphic Arts// 1976 – Spring Exhibition of Moscow Artists// 1979 – All-Union Exhibition of Posters// 1980 – “Olympics ‘80”. The International Exhibition of Posters// 1983 – All-Union Exhibition of Books and Posters// 1987 – Exhibition of the USSR Artists’ Union// 1991 – Regional Exhibition of the Russian Federation Artists’ Union// 2005 – Central Artist’s House, Moscow, Russia In Israel: 1992 – Ein-Karem, Jerusalem// Exhibition of the New Members of Jerusalem Artists’ Union, Jerusalem// Exhibition of New Immigrants, Tel

Aviv// 1993 – Discount Bank, Jerusalem// Leumi Bank, Tel Aviv// 1999 – Autumn Exhibition of Jerusalem Artists, Institute for Israel Studies, Jerusalem // 2000 – “The Turn of the Millennium. Discordance”. Jerusalem Municipal Gallery// 2003 – “St. Petersburg: 300 Years Jubilee”, Haifa// Group Exhibition of Self-Portraits, Pardess Hanna// 2013, 2014 – Skizza Gallery, Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall// 2014 – Jerusalem Russian Library, Jerusalem Since 1996 Smekhov collaborates with the Temple Institute in Jerusalem. Produces a series of paintings devoted to the First and Second Temple periods, which have been exhibited at the Institute Museum. Many of the paintings have been reproduced in the Institute’s publications – prayer books and works on the history of the Temple. Selected Publication: “Song of Songs”, Beit-Alpha Publishing House, Hebrew-language Edition (100 numbered copies, the calligraphic type and design have been created by David Moss, an American calligrapher and artist)// Illustrations for a series of books on Jewish history, Machanaim Publishing House, Jerusalem// “Torah for Children”, Pitspopany Press, New York – Jerusalem Collections: Museums in Russia, private collections in Russia, Canada, UK, USA, Israel Irina Sorochinsky

Born in Moscow, USSR. 1988 – graduated from Moscow Pedagogical Institute, Art Department. 1989 – repatriated to Israel. Lives and works in Rishon-Le-Zion. Member of Association of Professional Artists in Israel// Rishon-Le-Zion Artists’ Union, Israel// “Author’s Manuscript Book” Association, Moscow, Russia Solo Exhibitions: 1988 – Cinema Hall, St.-Petersburg, Russia// 1996 – Beit Frankfurt, Jerusalem, Israel// 2001 – Beit Daniel, Tel-Aviv, Israel// Center of Arts, Rishon-Le-Zion, Israel// 2006 – Hilton Hotel, Tel-Aviv, Israel// 2007 – Gallery 36, Kiyv, Ukraine// 2008 – Ha-Rishonim Gallery, Rishon –Le-Zion, Israel// Jerusalem House of Quality Exhibition Hall, Jerusalem, Israel// 2009 – Uri Zvi Grinberg House, Jerusalem, Israel// 2012 – State Literary Museum, Moscow, Russia Selected Group Exhibitions: 1986 – Pedagogical Institute, Moscow, Russia// 1991 – Jerusalem Theatre, Jerusalem, Israel// Maccabiah Village, Ramat-Gan, Israel// 1992 – Exodus Gallery, Jerusalem, Israel// 1992–1997 – Art Fair, Kiryat Arba, Israel// 1993–1994 – Binyanei HaUma, Jerusalem, Israel// 1998 – Efrat Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel// Tova Osman Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel// Be-Prozdor Gallery, Tel-Aviv, Israel// 2001–2004 – Yekev Gallery, Rishon-Le-Zion, Israel// 2002 – Center of Arts, Rishon-Le-Zion, Israel// 2004 – Eshkol HaPais Gallery, Rishon-Le-Zion, Israel// Meirov Center of Arts, Holon, Israel// 2005 – Holon Theatre, Yad LeBanim, Holon, Israel// Sharet Hall, Petah Tikva, Israel// 2007 – III International Festival of Graphic Arts, St.Petersburg, Russia// 2008 – IV International

‫קשת ירושלמית‬


‫ין זו כבר הפעם הראשונה שגלריית 'סקיצה'‪,‬‬ ‫הממוקמת במרכז האמנויות 'בית אות המוצר'‪,‬‬ ‫בשיתוף עם עמותת קהילות קולטות ובתמיכת‬ ‫עיריית ירושלים‪ ,‬מקיימת את הפסטיבל "קשת‬ ‫ירושלמית"‪.‬‬ ‫מטרת הפסטיבל — להכיר לירושלמים ולאורחים‬ ‫הרבים המגיעים לבירה‪ ,‬את יצירתם של האמנים‬ ‫העולים לצד אמנים ישראלים שכבר זכו להכרה‬ ‫רחבה‪.‬‬ ‫כל פסטיבל כזה הוא סדרה של תערוכות תמאטיות‬ ‫המאוחדות ע"י קונספט משותף‪.‬‬ ‫בעת הכנתו של הפסטיבל "קשת ירושלמית — ‪"2013‬‬ ‫הוצעה לאמנים צורה לא כל כך שגרתית להציג‬ ‫אמנות חזותית‪ :‬לכל תערוכה הוקדשה מראש‬ ‫מובאה מתוך יצירה ספרותית ידועה‪ ,‬מובאה אשר‬ ‫קבעה הן את נושא התערוכה והן הלך רוחה‪.‬‬ ‫התערוכה הראשונה במסגרת הפסטיבל נשאה את‬ ‫שם ספרו של טרומן קפוטה — "נבל העשב"‪ .‬הרוח‬ ‫הכללית של התערוכה משתקפת היטב במובאה‬ ‫מתוך ספר נפלא זה אודות הילדות‪ ,‬הזיכרונות‬ ‫ואי‪-‬הרצון להתבגר‪" :‬מצלצל נבל העשב‪ ,‬יום ולילה‬ ‫מספר העשב אחד מבין מסיפוריו — ידועים לו‬ ‫סיפוריהם של כל האנשים שם‪ ,‬על הגבעה‪ ,‬של כל‬ ‫האנשים שחיו מתישהו עלי אדמות‪ ,‬וכאשר נמות‬ ‫יספר הוא גם את סיפורינו‪"...‬‬ ‫כל אחד מהיוצרים "סיפר" את סיפורו — על גבי‬ ‫זכוכית או בציור‪ ,‬בקרמיקה או בצילום‪ ,‬במיצב או‬ ‫בפרפורמנס מוסיקאלי‪.‬‬ ‫התערוכה השנייה נקראה "עולמות משתקפים"‪.‬‬ ‫הציטטה שאליה נקשרה התערוכה נלקחה מתוך‬ ‫סיפור המדע הבדיוני של ניל היימן‪Books of ,‬‬ ‫‪" :Magic‬ברצונך לראות עולמות אחרים? בסדר‪.‬‬ ‫אבל דע לך‪ :‬המקומות שבהם תבקר‪ ,‬שאותם תראה‪,‬‬ ‫אינם קיימים‪ .‬יש רק שני עולמות‪ :‬עולמך שלך‪ ,‬שהוא‬ ‫ממשי‪ ,‬והעולמות האחרים — הפנטזיה"‪.‬‬ ‫נופים קוסמיים‪ ,‬דומים לאלה של כדור הארץ‪ ,‬ונופי‬ ‫ארץ שנראים פנטסטיים לחלוטין‪ ,‬מוטיבים מיסטיים‬ ‫ובריות מיתיות — כל צייר גילם בעבודותיו את‬ ‫מציאותו האישית‪ ,‬תיראה הזויה ככל שתיראה‪.‬‬


‫את המימרה אל התערוכה השלישית סיפקו שורות‬ ‫משירו של אוסיפ מנדלשטם‪:‬‬ ‫מָה ְרצֹונִי נ ֵעֹור‬ ‫אֵין אִיׁש ב ִּי חָש וְחָל —‬ ‫ל ָעּוף עִם ֶקֶרן אֹור‬ ‫לִמְקֹום‪-‬אֵינִי‪-‬ב ִּכְל ָל *‬ ‫ציפורים ומלאכים‪ ,‬אוניות המפליגות בשמיים‬ ‫ותמונות העפות בזרם של מוסיקה‪ ,‬תפילה הנישאת‬ ‫ליד הכותל המערבי‪ ...‬בכל העבודות שהוצגו‬ ‫בתערוכה זו ישנה תחושה של חופש מעוף בלא‬ ‫מצרים‪.‬‬ ‫הסאבטקסט הספרותי לא הפך את התערוכות‬ ‫הללו לאיוריות אבל הקנה להם הלך‪-‬רוח לירי עם‬ ‫מינון‪-‬מה של אירוניה שבלעדיו לא מסתדרת אף‬ ‫תערוכה של אמנות עכשווית‪.‬‬ ‫"העשב משמיע צלילי נבל‪ ,‬הוא אוסף את סיפורינו‬ ‫ומספר אותם — זהו נבל העשב הנשמע בקולות‬ ‫שונים‪ .‬אנחנו עמדנו והקשבנו"‬ ‫מרינה שלסט‬

‫‪Festival of Graphic Arts, St.Petersburg, Russia//‬‬ ‫‪2008, 2012 – Artists’ House, Tel-Aviv, Israel//‬‬ ‫‪2008, 2011 – Jerusalem House of Quality, Israel//‬‬ ‫‪2009 – N.Targakov & S.Volkov Gallery, Munich,‬‬ ‫‪Germany// 2010 – Tetovo Museum, Macedonia//‬‬ ‫‪2012 – Tel-Aviv-Jaffa, Israel – Hangar 1, Paris,‬‬ ‫‪France// Library For Foreign Literature, Moscow,‬‬ ‫‪Russia// Dilon Gallery, Tel-Aviv-Jaffa, Israel//‬‬ ‫‪Nature Museum, Jerusalem, Israel// Palais des‬‬ ‫‪Congrès de Paris, France‬‬ ‫‪Collections Gallery 36, Kiyv, Ukraine// Mordechai‬‬ ‫‪Gitaot Art Center, Rishon-Le-Zion, Israel// Russian‬‬ ‫‪Culture Center, Tel-Aviv, Israel// Rishon-Le-Zion‬‬ ‫‪Municipality, Israel// Daria Razumichina Gallery,‬‬ ‫‪Moscow, Russia// Jerusalem Russian Library,‬‬ ‫‪Israel// Shlomo Karle Bach Synagogue, Jerusalem,‬‬ ‫‪Israel// Tetovo Museum, Macedonia// State‬‬ ‫‪Literary Museum, Moscow, Russia// Roerich Art‬‬ ‫‪Museum, Odessa, Ukraine‬‬ ‫‪Privet collections in Israel, Russia, Ukraine,‬‬ ‫‪Germany, France, England, USA‬‬

‫קהילות‬ ‫קולטות‬

‫משרד העלייה והקליטה‬ ‫המרכז לקליטת אמנים עולים‬ ‫ותושבים חוזרים‬

Supported by the Ministry of Immigration and Absorption, Center for Absorption of Immigrant Artists and returning residents

Exhibition Hall of Jerusalem House of Quality | ‫גלריית בית אות המוצר הירושלמי‬



‫סדרת אירועים ש‬ ‫ל יצ‬ se rie s

‫קשת ירושלמית‬ Jerusalem Rainbow

‫נבל העשב‬

gs eetin tm ar of


‫יר‬ ‫הו‬

‫עולמות משתקפים‬

‫ל ָעּוף אַחֲֵרי הֶַקֶּרן‬

Music of the Sawgrass

Reflected Worlds

To reach Beyond the Light

27.11.2013 - 10.12.2013

11.12.2013 – 20.12.2013

13.01.2014 – 20.01.2014

The Festival organized by Skizze Gallery in association with Non-profit organization “Kegilot Koltot“ "‫הפסטיבל ביוזמת גלריית סקיצה ומלכ”ר “קהילות קולטות‬ ‫ מרינה שלסט‬,‫ מרינה גנקין‬:‫אוצרות‬ ‫ מרינה שלסט‬:‫מאמר‬ ‫ מרינה גנקין‬:‫ביוגרפיות‬ ‫ אלי רטנר‬:‫עיצוב גרפי‬ ‫צילומי העבודות באדיבותם של האמנים‬ ‫המיוצגים בקטלוג‬ ‫ חיים דולגופולסקי‬:‫תרגום לעברית‬ ‫ אלכסנדר שרף‬:‫תרגום לאנגלית‬ ‫כל הזכויות שמורות‬

Curators: Marina Genkina, Marina Schelest Article: Marina Schelest Biographies: Marina Genkina Design: Eli Ratner All illustrations have been provided by the artists represented in catalogue Hebrew translation: Haim Dolgopolsky English translation: Alexander Sharf © all rights reserved 2014

Skizza Gallery

‫גלריית אמנות סקיצה‬

Non-profit organization “Kehilot Koltot”

”‫מלכ”ר “קהילות קולטות‬

Jerusalem House of Quality

‫בית אות המוצר הירושלמי‬

‫ גובה * רוחב * עומק‬,‫המידות מובאות בסנטימטרים‬

Measurements are given in centimeters, height x width x depth

ª£ ¡ 27.11.13 – 10.12.13

¥¨«ª « £ 11.12.13 – 20.12.13

5w+} 4 } ¤y£| 13.01.14 – 20.01.14

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